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Showing results for:Auction 182
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Auction 182, Lot 650

Subject: Jerusalem, Holy Land

Adrichom, Christian van

Ierusalem I., et Suburbia eius, Sicut Tempore Christi Floruit, cum Locis, in Quibus Christus Passus est…, 1584

Size: 29.1 x 19.7 inches (73.9 x 50 cm)
Estimate: $2,000 - $2,400
First Edition of Adrichom's Influential Bird's-Eye Plan of Jerusalem
Sold for: $1,500
Closed on 4/28/2021

Auction 182, Lot 667

Subject: Asia

Mazza, Giovanni Battista

Asiae Nova Descriptio, 1590

Size: 18.4 x 14.2 inches (46.7 x 36.1 cm)
Estimate: $6,000 - $7,500
First Map to Accurately Show Luzon in Philippines
Sold for: $6,000
Closed on 4/28/2021

Auction 182, Lot 681

Subject: Taiwan

Valentyn, Francois

Kaart van het Eyland Formosa en de Eylanden van Piscadores, 1726

Size: 18.1 x 11.9 inches (46 x 30.2 cm)
Estimate: $3,750 - $4,500
Rare and Desirable Early Map of Taiwan
Sold for: $2,750
Closed on 4/28/2021

Auction 182, Lot 682

Subject: Shanghai, China

Map of Shanghai Published by the North-China Daily News & Herald, Limited..., 1918

Size: 58.3 x 28 inches (148.1 x 71.1 cm)
Estimate: $7,000 - $9,000
Rare Map of Shanghai International Settlement
Closed on 4/28/2021

Auction 182, Lot 685

Subject: Japan & Korea

Ortelius, Abraham

Iaponiae Insulae Descriptio. Ludoico Teisera Auctore, 1595

Size: 19 x 14 inches (48.3 x 35.6 cm)
Estimate: $2,000 - $2,300
Ortelius' Influential Map of Japan
Sold for: $1,500
Closed on 4/28/2021

Auction 182, Lot 691

Subject: Chao Phraya River, Thailand

Valentyn, Francois

De Groote Siamse Rievier Me-Nam ofte Moeder der Wateren in Haren Loop met de in Vallende Spruyten Verbeeld, 1726

Size: 29.3 x 11.6 inches (74.4 x 29.5 cm)
Estimate: $800 - $950
Rare Map of Thailand Featuring Bangkok
Sold for: $2,750
Closed on 4/28/2021

Auction 182, Lot 693

Subject: East Indies - Indonesia


Insulae Indiae Orientalis Praecipuae, in Quibus Moluccae Celeberrimae Sunt, 1613

Size: 18.8 x 13.5 inches (47.8 x 34.3 cm)
Estimate: $2,200 - $2,500
Hondius' Decorative Map of the Spice Islands in Full Contemporary Color
Closed on 4/28/2021

Auction 182, Lot 695

Subject: Bali, Indonesia

Valentyn, Francois

Kaart van het Eyland Bali, 1726

Size: 22.1 x 17.7 inches (56.1 x 45 cm)
Estimate: $1,100 - $1,400
Striking Early Map of Bali
Sold for: $800
Closed on 4/28/2021

Auction 182, Lot 701

Subject: Southern & Southeast Asia

Ortelius, Abraham

Indiae Orientalis, Insularumque Adiacientium Typus, 1592

Size: 19.6 x 13.7 inches (49.8 x 34.8 cm)
Estimate: $2,750 - $3,500
Ortelius' Important Map of Southeast Asia
Sold for: $2,000
Closed on 4/28/2021