90 articles
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No Man's Land: The Cartographic Evolution of the Oklahoma Panhandle headline image

No Man's Land: The Cartographic Evolution of the Oklahoma Panhandle

This March 2025 article explains the term "No Man's Land," which was used in the mid-1880s to describe the Oklahoma Panhandle. The article explains the origins of the region and its boundaries, as well as how the region evolved cartographically to become part of the state of Oklahoma.
The Life and Works of John Speed headline image

The Life and Works of John Speed

This January 2025 article gives a brief overview of John Speed, one of the most important and famous figures of all English mapmakers. The article explains how he became involved in the map trade and the history behind his two influential atlases, "The Theater of the Empire of Great Britaine" and "A Prospect of the Most Famous Parts of the World."
Auction Trends in 2024 headline image

Auction Trends in 2024

This December 2024 article reviews the trends in the auction market for maps in 2024. We share great insights about what's selling and what's not, as well as some interesting facts and figures about Old World Auctions.
Norumbega: The Dream Behind New England headline image

Norumbega: The Dream Behind New England

This August 2024 article explores the cartographic myth of Norumbega, a region that appeared in the vicinity of present-day New England on maps of the New World in the 16th and 17th centuries. It discusses the roots of Norumbega as a place name, geographical region, and colonial concept, starting with the voyage of Giovanni da Verrazzano and culminating in the exploration and establishment of New England.
Establishing the U.S. Coast Survey headline image

Establishing the U.S. Coast Survey

This May 2024 article examines the origins of the U.S. Coast Survey and its first 60 years of operation. It provides an overview of the first two Superintendents of the Survey, Ferdinand Hassler and Alexander Bache, and how their leadership shaped the functions and output of the Coast Survey.
Jefferson and Maps headline image

Jefferson and Maps

This March 2024 article gives an overview of the cartographic endeavors of Thomas Jefferson, with an in-depth discussion of his only published map, "A map of the Country Between Albemarle Sound, and Lake Erie."
The Maps & Editions of Ptolemy headline image

The Maps & Editions of Ptolemy

This January 2024 article reviews the major Ptolemaic works published between 1477 to 1730. Based on the work of the 2nd-century geographer Claudius Ptolemy, they provide a glimpse into an ancient understanding of the world. This primer provides clarity about Ptolemy, his ideas, and the most notable editions of his "Geographia."
Auction Trends in 2023 headline image

Auction Trends in 2023

This December 2023 article reviews the trends in the auction market for maps in 2023. We share great insights about what's selling and what's not, as well as some interesting facts and figures about Old World Auctions.
Cataloging Maps at Old World Auctions headline image

Cataloging Maps at Old World Auctions

This October 2023 article offers a brief overview on our approach to cataloging maps for auction. The article is divided into three key areas including how we describe a map’s physical condition, develop a catalog description, and determine an auction estimate
Mapping Cook headline image

Mapping Cook

This August 2023 article offers a brief overview of Captain James Cook’s vast explorations and the maps that resulted. Captain Cook was an explorer, surveyor, and chartmaker who commanded three voyages. On these voyages he was able to make significant contributions to the mapping of New Zealand, Australia, Hawaii, and the South Pacific.
Mapping Cortés headline image

Mapping Cortés

This July 2023 article gives an overview of the explorations and conquests of Hernán Cortés through Mexico, with an emphasis on the maps and related engravings that documented and mythologized his exploits.
Lewis & Clark: Mapping the West headline image

Lewis & Clark: Mapping the West

This May 2023 article gives an overview of the Lewis & Clark expedition through the western United States, with particular attention to the maps and cartographic tools they used on their journey.
Mapping Drake headline image

Mapping Drake

This March 2023 article tells the tale of Sir Francis Drake’s journey around the world, with an emphasis on how his circumnavigation voyage was reflected on maps over the centuries.
Mapping Magellan headline image

Mapping Magellan

This January 2023 article retraces the route of Ferdinand Magellan’s extraordinary circumnavigation of the world, identifying maps that showcase the places that were discovered along the way.
Auction Trends in 2022 headline image

Auction Trends in 2022

This December 2022 article reviews the trends in the auction market for maps in 2022. We share great insights about what's selling and what's not, as well as some interesting facts and figures about Old World Auctions.
A Pictorial Glossary of Allegorical & Mythological Figures on Maps headline image

A Pictorial Glossary of Allegorical & Mythological Figures on Maps

This October 2022 article offers a pictorial glossary of the most common mythological and allegorical figures that are found on maps and title pages. Along with images of each, the glossary includes the Roman and Greek name for the deity or muse, a description of their physical characteristics and symbols, and their meaning on maps.
Frisland and the (Not So True) Adventures of the Zeno Brothers headline image

Frisland and the (Not So True) Adventures of the Zeno Brothers

This August 2022 article explains the story behind the mythical island of Frisland, which was purported to be located in the North Atlantic Ocean south of Iceland. The island was reportedly discovered by the Zeno brothers in the 14th century, and was first introduced to Europeans through a fantastical account published by a Zeno ancestor in the mid-sixteenth century. The account was accompanied by a map of Frisland and adjacent fictitious islands, which enabled these fabled islands to make their way onto some of the most famous maps of the 16th and 17th centuries.
Blaeu vs. Hondius/Jansson: The Battle for Cartographic Supremacy headline image

Blaeu vs. Hondius/Jansson: The Battle for Cartographic Supremacy

This July 2022 article gives a brief history of the publishing houses of Willem Blaeu and Jan Jansson, and explains how the rivalry between these two firms unfolded. As two of the best-known figures during the Golden Age of Dutch cartography, Blaeu and Jansson were prolific publishers of maps and atlases, and their works are highly prized among collectors. But who won in the battle for cartographic supremacy? This article shines a light on several factors that should be considered when crowning the cartographic king.
Duncan MacRae Payne: A Father, a Collector and a Legacy headline image

Duncan MacRae Payne: A Father, a Collector and a Legacy

This May 2022 article tells the story of the life, accomplishments and legacy of Duncan MacRae Payne. Over his lifetime he curated an impressive collection of maps, atlases and historical documents. His passion for cartography was infectious, even convincing his daughter and son-in-law, Eliane & Jon Dotson, to get into the map business themselves with Old World Auctions.
The Heart of Ukraine in Early Maps headline image

The Heart of Ukraine in Early Maps

This March 2022 article gives a brief history of the geography, people, and political boundaries of Ukraine, and demonstrates how the mapping of the region has changed over the centuries.
90 articles
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