Subject: World
Period: 1596 (published)
Publication: Geographicae Universae tum veteris tum novae…
Color: Hand Color
6.7 x 5.2 inches
17 x 13.2 cm
The distinguished Italian geographer Giovanni Magini published a quarto edition of Ptolemy that also included this reduced version of Mercator's Atlas. Included were four world maps all engraved by Girolamo Porro. This is from the first edition with Latin text that was printed for the heirs of Giovanni Galignani. This map used the oval projection popularized by Abraham Ortelius, and follows that model very closely. Most notable are the large landmasses at both poles. Six wind-heads are arranged above and below the map.
References: Shirley #195.
Condition: A+
Attractive later color.