Subject: Africa
Period: 1578 (circa)
Publication: Cosmographia
Color: Hand Color
13.5 x 10 inches
34.3 x 25.4 cm
This is one of the first modern maps of the whole African continent. The Ptolemaic geography, with large rivers and convoluted mountains, is augmented from Portuguese and Arabic sources. From the Portuguese come Caput Bonespei (Cape of Good Hope) and a small group of islands off the eastern coast named Zaphala Aurifodina that were supposedly the region from which King Solomon imported gold and silver. The Arab kingdoms of Quiola and Melinde appear in eastern Africa and Hamarich, the capital of the mythical Christian king Pester John, is shown at the confluence of the twin sources of the Nile. The map is illustrated with crowns and scepters, forests, parrots, an elephant, a Cyclops (Monoculi) and a large galleon under full sail. The strapwork cartouche contains a text description of the continent. The German title is above the map.
References: Betz #3; Tooley (AF) #9; Norwich #2.
Condition: A
Good impression with minor soil in wide blank margins.