Subject: Title Pages
Period: 1693 (dated)
Color: Hand Color
11 x 7.5 inches
27.9 x 19.1 cm
Nicolas de Fer's epic eight-volume treatise on the fortifications of Europe contained nearly 200 plans and several different frontispieces. This one is presented in the more traditional allegorical format; many of the other ones stressed military warfare and fortification design. The central figure is a personification of Europe. She is being presented with tributes and the spoils of war and shown fortification plans. The figure in Roman armor holds a staff with the symbols of Louis XIV, the sun-king of France (whose bust appears to the right of Europa). Engraved by Adrian Schoonebeek, a follower of Romeyn de Hooghe.
References: Shirley (TP) #68B.
Condition: A
Remnants of mounting hinges on verso.