Subject: Asia - Eastern
Period: 1937 (dated)
Publication: Osaka Daily News
Color: Printed Color
41.7 x 29.8 inches
105.9 x 75.7 cm
This rare, ephemeral map depicts East Asia at the outbreak of the Second Sino-Japanese War (1937-45), known in Japan as the North China Incident. The region is color-coded to show the areas controlled by the Japanese, Chinese, and Soviets. In the northeast, Soviet and Japanese soldiers face one another along the Soviet-Manchukuo border. A tank-shaped explanation box in the upper left provides data on the numbers of Chinese and Russian troops, fighter planes, and submarines. In the lower right corner, extensive information is provided on the resistance against Japan, the establishment of Manchukuo, etc. An inset map shows the region in relation to the world. The map is presented in the pictorial style with cartoonish depictions of plants, animals, and natural resources that are a rather bizarre addition to the map. The map, published by the Osaka Daily News is entirely in Japanese text with the title given here a translation.
Condition: C+
Folding as issued with some separation at fold intersections and in the margins, a couple with cello tape on verso. There is some minor foxing in the margins.