Subject: New Mexico
Period: 1908 (dated)
Color: Printed Color
30.3 x 34.3 inches
77 x 87.1 cm
This scarce pocket map is linen backed and features very nice coloring. It is an early map created for the automobile traveler that uses red over printing to delineate the roads and notes motor travel is "possible for any ordinary machine." The map details the territory in high detail to include counties, land grants, National Forests, Indian Reservations, railroads, wagon roads, private roads, land offices, topography and watershed just four years prior to Statehood. The condition of some roads are noted and Clason used a rubber stamp to update the road near Bernardo as "Soft Sand." Covers are not present.
Condition: B+
Folded, as issued with a couple short splits at edge in linen panels.