Subject: Western Hemisphere
Period: 1747 (circa)
Color: Hand Color
16.8 x 13.8 inches
42.7 x 35.1 cm
This is an early state of this map of the Americas. In North America, the Pacific Northwest ends at Cape Mendocino and is labeled Parts Undiscovered. The British colonies are shown east of the Appalachian Mountains, with French Louisiana sandwiched between them and the Spanish possession of New Mexico. The only settlements named in the West are Cenis in Texas, Santa Fe and Alamillo in New Mexico, and Casa Grande in Arizona. A very large Lake Superior is shown to contain several islands. A decorative cartouche covers the North Pacific and the map shows a number of islands in the South Pacific.
Condition: A
Issued folded, now flattened with some archival tape closing some short fold separations and minor tears in the blank margins