Subject: World
Period: 1651-1801
Color: Hand Color
1) Mappe-Monde, ou Carte Generale du Monde; Dessignee en deux plan - Hemispheres Par le Sr. Sanson d'Abbeville, Geographe Ordinaire de sa Majeste, Nicolas Sanson, 1651, (20.8 x 13.8"). Important double hemisphere world map showing California as an Island. It is one of the first maps to distinguish the Great Lakes and name Lac Superior and Lake Michigan, here called Lac des puans (lake of evil smells). All five of the Great Lakes were not named until Sanson's 1656 map of New France. The faint outline of Terra Magellanica appears in the south. Australia is only partially shown, and labeled simply Beach, with place names on the south and west coasts reflecting Dutch discoveries. Neither Tasmania or New Zealand is shown. The map is typical of Sanson's "scientific" style of cartography with no decorative elements. It was published in conjunction with Pierre Mariette (father and son), who published many of Sanson's works after 1645. Original outline color that is faded. The paper is toned and there is a stain at top . There is manuscript brown ink notation on the verso. (B)
2) Map of the World, Shewing the Tracks & Discoveries of Capt. Cook Drawn from the Best Authorities, John Russell, from Guthries's New System of Geography, 1801, (27 x 13.8"). Attractive double-hemisphere world map depicting the discoveries of Captain Cook. Alaska is depicted in a fairly accurate shape and the Hawaiian Islands are prominently shown. The South Pacific is filled with islands and New Zealand is fully formed. Tasmania is still attached to Australia, but the eastern coastline reflects Cooks discoveries. There are numerous notations throughout concerning the sighting of the three Cook voyages. Original outline color with faint toning and a couple repaired fold separations in the bottom margin. (A)
References: 1) Shirley #390.
See descriptions.