Subject: Title Pages
Period: 1747 (dated)
Color: Hand Color
12 x 21 inches
30.5 x 53.3 cm
Inset at the bottom of this handsome title page is a map (5.2 x 4") of a northern hemisphere showing the Island of California. The Latin phrase, Nulla dies abeat, quin linea ducta superfit (Let not a day pass without a drawn line remaining) is on a banner above the map. The hemisphere is surrounded by the sun, moon and stars. The attractive sheet is printed in red and black. Similar to McLaughlin's state 2, but this unrecorded example was published in the Homannischer Atlas von Hundert Landkarten rather than Berlegung der Homannifchen Erben…
References: McLaughlin (TP) #15.
Condition: A
Near flawless with fine color to map, full margins, dark impression.