Subject: Greece
Period: 1575 (circa)
Publication: Cosmographia
Color: Hand Color
13.5 x 10.3 inches
34.3 x 26.2 cm
An early double-page woodblock map of Greece, the Aegean Sea and western Turkey, focused on the Dardanelles (Hellespont), which separates Europe from Asia. It locates Athens, Constantinople, Arcadia, Crete, Rhodes, Bursa (Byrsa), and more, extending to show part of the Black Sea. Troy (Troia) is on the coast near Lesbos Island. Major rivers are named and mountains are shown in typical Ptolemaic fashion. Latin text on verso.
References: Zacharakis, Christos #1579.
Condition: B+
Good margins with one tiny worm hole at bottom of map near centerfold and a tiny crack along the neatline, only visible when held to light.