Subject: Western Hemisphere
Period: 1746 (dated)
Color: Hand Color
24.5 x 19.5 inches
62.2 x 49.5 cm
This is the first state of this map showing the recent discoveries in North and South America. The entire northwest coast of North America is completely blank with the bold Riv. de l' Ouest (River of the West) stretching from Lake Superior to the Pacific, based on the reports of the Jesuit missionary, Pierre de Charlevoix. In South America the Amazon River is detailed according to Charles Marie de la Condamine's expedition. This is a very early record of Condamine's incredible 10-year adventure from 1735-45; his journal of the expedition was not published until 1751. A text table details the colonial possessions.
References: McGuirk #15.
Condition: B+
Watermarked paper with a printer's crease at top near centerfold and some chips in the bottom margin, one of which affects a thumbnail size part of the border, with the neatlines drawn in facsimile. There are two tiny worm holes in unengraved areas of map that have been closed with old paper.