Subject: Texas
Period: 1919 (dated)
Publication: University of Texas
Color: Printed Color
33.6 x 32.3 inches
85.3 x 82 cm
This is a great example of this large, detailed and highly colorful geological map of Texas. The legend names and locates seventeen different geological units through the use of color and pattern. The map is likely a compilation of earlier publications on the geology of Texas. Prepared by J.A. Udden, C.L. Baker and Emil Bose of the University of Texas. Very interesting vertical sections show in detail the geological composition beneath the surface at four locations: Northern Trans-Pecos, Southern Trans-Pecos, Llano Estacado, and Central and Coastal Plains. This updated 1919 edition shows a redefinition of the Cretaceous rocks in some areas when compared to the 1916 first issue. This map should show the 1917 addition of Hudspeth county from part of El Paso, but it does not.
Condition: A
Issued folding with a few tiny splits at fold intersections and a hint of toning along several folds.