Subject: Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
Period: 1696 (published)
Publication: Das Welt-Beruhmten Adami Olearii... Reise-Beschreibungen...Nach Musskau und Persien
Color: Hand Color
10.8 x 9.9 inches
27.4 x 25.1 cm
This view is from the travels of Adam Olearius who was sent by Duke Frederick III to Moscow and Persia to seek treaties favoring the newly-founded city of Friedrichstadt as the terminus for an overland silk road. Although his negotiations with the Shah were not successful, his journey resulted in greatly expanded knowledge of the geography of both empires. In this view, the city of Nizhny Novgorod (Gorky) stretches across the background with the Oka and Volga Rivers meeting in the foreground. The two columns of German text below the view were printed in letterpress from a separate plate.
References: Shirley (BL Atlases) G.OLE-2a #14.
Condition: A
A dark impression with a few insignificant spots.