Subject: Eastern United States
Period: 1844 (circa)
Publication: Some Account of the Conduct of the Religious Society of Friends...
Color: Hand Color
4.3 x 6.2 inches
10.9 x 15.7 cm
This small map shows the United States to the Mississippi River and names the known tribes and locations, with a color key at right that identifies the Algonquin, Dahcota, Huron-Iroquois, Catawba, Cherokee, Uchee, Natchez, and Mobilian Indians. Originally published by the Religious Society of Friends, or Quakers, this is an uncommon later edition engraved by Morse & Tuttle. It originally served as the frontispiece in Some Account of the Conduct of the Religious Society of Friends Towards the Indian Tribes..., published by the Aborigines' Committee of the Meetings of Sufferings in London, 1844. The Quakers held these meetings every year, in which they focused on the wrongs suffered by aboriginal peoples all over the world.
Condition: A
Near fine.