Subject: Eastern Canada
Period: 1780 (circa)
Publication: La Harpe's Histoire Generale des Voyages
Color: Black & White
A. Carte de la Baye de Hudson, pour Servir a l'Histoire Generale des Voyages, dated 1757 (12.0 x 8.8"). A handsome chart of the Hudson Bay and Labrador, depicting the mountains and coastal features and including numerous forts. There is a note in French in the far northwest corner of the map explaining that the English had searched for a Northwest Passage in that region, but it did not exist. Embellished with a decorative title cartouche. References: Kershaw #461; Protinaro & Knirsch, p. 242; Sellers & Van Ee #304.
B. Carte de l'Acadie, Isle Royale, et Pais Voisins. Pour Servir a l'Histoire Generale des Voyages, dated 1757 (13.0 x 8.3"). This strongly engraved map covers all of Nova Scotia including Cape Breton. Prince Edward Island, here called Isle Saint Jean, is shown in good detail, and Nova Scotia is in part named as Acadie. South of Nova Scotia numerous banks are noted where 'la Pesche est tres bonne' (the fish are very good). The Micmac tribe is named near Shelburne. This map was published shortly after the 1755 expulsion of Acadians from this region. Although the Acadians were able to come back in 1764, many had settled in Louisiana and did not return. Reference: Kershaw #783.
C. Carte du Golphe de St. Laurent et Pays Voisins pour Servir a l'Histoire Generale des Voyages, (14.2 x 8.8"). This attractive, copper engraved map shows St. Lawrence Bay with Anticosti Island, Prince Edward Island (I. St Jean), Cape Breton Island (Isle Royale), Newfoundland and the adjacent mainland. The map is adorned with a decorative rococo-style cartouche. This is the second state, with "Tome 14. In 8o. Page 263" engraved at bottom right, outside of neatline. Reference: Kershaw #590.
Condition: B+
Issued folding on bright sheets with light offsetting.