Subject: Western Hemisphere - America
Period: 1688 (published)
Publication: La Geographie Universelle
Color: Black & White
4.9 x 3.9 inches
12.4 x 9.9 cm
Charming miniature map of the Americas. California is shown as an island and the D. d'Anien separates California from a huge Terre de Iesso, with a D. de Iesso separating Iesso from Asia. The Spanish colony of Santa Fe is identified, Quebec is shown as the capital of the French possessions, and St. Augustine is depicted in Florida. N. Suede is incorrectly shown, as the Dutch took possession of that colony in 1655. In the Pacific, the recently discovered coastline of New Zealand is depicted as a remnant of the old southern continent. This is the second state, with the addition of Quebec and St. Augustine. Pierre Duval was Nicolas Sanson's nephew and pupil. He published a wide range of atlases and individual maps including a fine miniature world geography with many of the maps based on Sanson. This example is from an edition published by Jean Certe in 1688. Engraved by R.M. Ogier.
References: Burden #645; McLaughlin #26; King (2nd ed) pp. 132-135; Pastoureau, DUVAL XI H [4].
Condition: A
Issued folding with printer's ink residue.