Subject: Arizona
Period: 1910 (dated)
Color: Printed Color
16.8 x 20.4 inches
42.7 x 51.8 cm
A very colorful map that provides a detailed look at the territory less than two years before statehood. The plate for this map has been completely re-engraved from earlier maps. It now features city plans in insets for Phoenix and Tucson, and an inset showing the roads and railroads connecting Arizona with the Mexican port of Guaymas. The map details the extent of the National Forests in green (not Forest Reserves as on previous maps) and Indian Reservations in yellow. It also includes the new categories of National Monuments and National Game Preserves. There is good detail of a large number of railroads serving the mining communities. Private land claims are now shown, without mention of confirmed and unconfirmed, and are outlined in red. Other details include watersheds, mountains, railroads, wagon roads, private claims, unsurveyed townships, and more. A great territorial period map that was produced under the direction of I.P. Berthrong, Chief of Drafting Division.
Condition: A
Issued folding with a hint of toning along the fold lines.