Subject: World
Period: 1861 (published)
Publication: Atlas National Illustre
Color: Hand Color
16.1 x 11.4 inches
40.9 x 29 cm
Victor Levasseur's "Atlas National Illustre" and "Atlas Universel Illustre" are among the last decorative atlases published. The maps are all lavishly illustrated with scenes of the countryside, products and activities indigenous to the region.
This lovely steel-engraved map is from one of the last decorative atlases of the nineteenth century. It is drawn on Mercator's classic projection and is surrounded by fine steel engravings including vignettes representing the four seasons, allegorical figures of the continents and several mythical figures, Adam and Eve, and an astrological banner stretching across the night sky at the top. In North America, a very large Oregon Territory appears on the west coast stretching from Mexico and the Baja well into British Columbia, reflecting U.S. claims in the region.
Condition: B+
Contemporary color in the map with later color in the decorative surround on a lightly toned sheet.