Catalog Archive
Auction 199, Lot 679

"[Petits Voyages, Part VI] Sechster Theil der Orientalischen Indien / Warhafftige Historische Beschreibung desz Gewaltigen Goltreichen Konigreichs Guinea...", Bry, Johann Theodore de

Subject: Western Africa, Natives

Period: 1603 (published)


Color: Black & White

7.9 x 11.8 inches
20.1 x 30 cm
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This copper engraving is from a remarkable series of publications, illustrating voyages of discovery and travels of exploration to various parts of the world. The project was begun by Theodore de Bry of Frankfurt, in 1590 and was to continue for another 54 years. They became known collectively as the Grands Voyages (to America and the West Indies) and the Petits Voyages (to the Orient and the East Indies). De Bry died after the first six parts of the Grands Voyages were completed. The project was completed initially by his widow and two sons, Johann Theodore de Bry and Johann Israel de Bry, then by his son-in-law, Matthaus Merian in 1644.

This is a complete, disbound example of Part VI of De Bry's Petits Voyages consisting of all 154 pages of German text, two title pages, and 26 plates. This part contains the expeditions of the Dutch to parts of Africa, including Guinea, the Canary Islands, and Gabon. The plates depict their religious beliefs, customs, clothing, methods of fishing, and ceremonies, and each have printed text at the bottom with blank versos. The plates are:

I) Male Inhabitants of the Gold Coast (Gold Coast)
II) How the Men of the Gold Coast Dress (Gold Coast)
III) How the Women of the Gold Coast Dress (Gold Coast)
IV) The Market at Cabo Corsso (Gold Coast)
V) Certain Ceremonies Used in Worship (Africa in general)
VI) How the Natives Fight Each Other (Africa in general)
VII) The Natives' Court of Justice (Africa in general)
VIII) How the Natives Trade in Boats with the Dutch (Gold Coast)
IX) The Way They Fish by Day (Africa in general)
X) The Way They Fish by Night (Africa in general)
XI) Harmless Animals Found in Guinea (Guinea)
XII) How Hunters Catch Animals (Africa in general)
XIII) Wild Animals Found in Guinea (Guinea)
XIV) Agriculture and Several Plants (Africa in general)
XV) The Natives' Homes and Way of Life (Africa in general)
XVI) A Nobleman Is Elected (Africa in general)
XVII) The Natives' Clothing and How They Adorn Themselves (Africa in general)
XVIII) How a Funeral Ceremony Is Carried Out (Africa in general)
XIX) How the Chief of Cabo Lopo Gonsalues Presents Himself (Gabon)
XX) More Inhabitants of Cabo Lopo Gonsalues (Gabon)
XXI) Natives Battle Against Each Other (Africa in general)
XXII) The Burial of the Chief (Africa in general)
XXIII) How the Noblemen of Benin Ride at Court (Benin)
XXIV) The Portuguese Fortress of Mina, in Guinea (Guinea)
XXV) The Island of St. Thome (Equatorial African islands)
XXVI) Men's Heads in Benin (Benin)


Condition: B+

The plates are in very good condition with light toning and soiling, and a dampstain along the bottom edge of the sheets. Several plates are loose, and a number of plates were trimmed to the edge at right by the bookbinder, with plates XI, XIII and XXIII missing about 1/8" of the image at right. Plate I has an old manuscript ink notation in the image. Plates XIV-XXVI also have light dampstaining that enters the image at top right. The text is lightly foxed with occasional toning, soiling, and old manuscript ink notations. The title page has light soiling. Although the majority of the pages are still bound together, some pages and signatures are loose.

Estimate: $600 - $750

Sold for: $375

Closed on 9/11/2024
