Subject: North America
Period: 1823 (published)
Color: Hand Color
9 x 10.7 inches
22.9 x 27.2 cm
Very handsome map with lovely wide outline coloring in pastel. Very cleanly engraved with good detail. In the area of the Great Salt Lake is L. Trinpanogos and a little south is either Utah Lake or maybe Sevier Lake "whose western Limits are Unknown." The Strait of Juan de Fuca is labeled as Supposed. The Great Basin region is here called Plains of Nuestra Senora and Luz. Locates many Indian tribes, forts and good detail of watershed. The correct shape of the Rocky Mountains is being approached here. A very nice example of this map that is rarely offered today.
References: Phillips (A) No. 724-47 ; Wheat (TMW) No. 354.
Condition: A
Beautiful color and bright, strong impression on fine paper with full margins. One insignificant spot in ocean.