Subject: World
Period: 1748 (dated)
Color: Hand Color
27.1 x 19.7 inches
68.8 x 50 cm
A very large world chart on Mercator's projection. North America is shown with a Fl. de l' Ouest connecting through a series of rivers and lakes from Lake Superior to the Pacific. The Russian discoveries in the North Pacific show Alaska as an island, I. Unamak. Australia is shown as Nouvelle Hollande with Terre de Diemen linked to the mainland. New Zealand and the Solomon Islands appear in the Pacific. Large, decorative title cartouche and two fine compass roses with rhumb lines make this a very attractive chart. While dated 1748, there is a notation dated 1760 in Alaska, and the geography indicates a publish date of circa 1770. Printed on bluish French paper, which is common for the period.
Condition: A
Binding trim and tiny tear repaired, else fine.