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Catalog Archive
34 lots

Auction 169, Lot 715

Subject: Africa

Delisle, Guillaume

L'Afrique, Dressee sur les Observations de Mrs. de l'Academie Royale des Sciences..., 1700

Size: 22.9 x 17.6 inches (58.2 x 44.7 cm)
Estimate: $400 - $500
First Map to Correctly Show Source of Nile River
Sold for: $300
Closed on 9/12/2018

Auction 169, Lot 716

Subject: Africa

Weigel, Christopher

Africa Vetus, 1724

Size: 16.1 x 12.9 inches (40.9 x 32.8 cm)
Estimate: $400 - $475
Sold for: $400
Closed on 9/12/2018

Auction 169, Lot 717

Subject: Africa

Bowen, Emanuel

A New and Correct Map of Africa. Drawn from the Most Approved Modern Maps and Charts, and Adjusted by Astronomical Observations..., 1748

Size: 17.6 x 14.4 inches (44.7 x 36.6 cm)
Estimate: $350 - $425
Sold for: $250
Closed on 9/12/2018

Auction 169, Lot 718

Subject: Africa

Brion de la Tour/Desnos

L'Afrique Dressee pour l'Etude de la Geographie..., 1766

Size: 12.3 x 11 inches (31.2 x 27.9 cm)
Estimate: $160 - $190
Sold for: $120
Closed on 9/12/2018

Auction 169, Lot 719

Subject: Africa, World War II

The Pre-War Colonies.... Which Herr Hitler Declares Must Be Returned to the Reich....... or Else!, 1938

Size: 8.9 x 11.4 inches (22.6 x 29 cm)
Estimate: $120 - $160
Sold for: $220
Closed on 9/12/2018

Auction 169, Lot 720

Subject: Central & Southern Africa

Kircher, Athanasius

Chorographia Originis Nili... [on sheet with] Chorographia Originis Nilise Ufontium Ipsius... [and] Vera et Genvina Fontium Nili Topographia..., 1652

Size: 14.1 x 18.7 inches (35.8 x 47.5 cm)
Estimate: $800 - $1,000
Sold for: $450
Closed on 9/12/2018

Auction 169, Lot 721

Subject: Northern Africa

Ortelius, Abraham

Africae Propriae Tabula, in qua, Punica Regna Vides; Tyrios, et Agenoris Urbem, 1590

Size: 19.3 x 13.2 inches (49 x 33.5 cm)
Estimate: $275 - $350
Sold for: $200
Closed on 9/12/2018

Auction 169, Lot 722

Subject: Northern Africa


Carthaginis Celiberimi Sinus Tipus, 1667

Size: 3.9 x 2.8 inches (9.9 x 7.1 cm)
Estimate: $100 - $130
Sold for: $75
Closed on 9/12/2018

Auction 169, Lot 723

Subject: Northern Africa

Chatelain, Henry Abraham

Vue de Tunis d'Alger & de Gigeri avec Quelques Particularitez Curieuses Touchant les Moeurs..., 1719

Size: 17 x 14.4 inches (43.2 x 36.6 cm)
Estimate: $140 - $180
Sold for: $100
Closed on 9/12/2018

Auction 169, Lot 724

Subject: Egypt & Libya

Tavernier, Melchior

Patriarchatus Alexandrini Geographica Descriptio, 1640

Size: 19.7 x 14.1 inches (50 x 35.8 cm)
Estimate: $220 - $250
Sold for: $130
Closed on 9/12/2018

Auction 169, Lot 725

Subject: Tunis, Tunisia

Braun & Hogenberg

Tunes Urbs - Tunetis Urbis, ac Novae eius Arcis, et Guletae, quae Philippo Hispan: Regi Parent..., 1620

Size: 16.4 x 12.7 inches (41.7 x 32.3 cm)
Estimate: $400 - $500
Sold for: $250
Closed on 9/12/2018

Auction 169, Lot 726

Subject: Northwestern Africa

Braun & Hogenberg

Tunes, Oppidum Barbarie & Regia Sedes... [on sheet with] Africa, olim Aphrodisium [and] Penon de Veles, 1575

Size: 18.6 x 13.1 inches (47.2 x 33.3 cm)
Estimate: $400 - $475
Closed on 9/12/2018

Auction 169, Lot 727

Subject: Northwestern Africa


Fessae Regnum, 1610

Size: 7.4 x 6.1 inches (18.8 x 15.5 cm)
Estimate: $140 - $170
Sold for: $100
Closed on 9/12/2018

Auction 169, Lot 728

Subject: Northwestern Africa, Morocco


Marocchi Regnum, 1610

Size: 7.4 x 6 inches (18.8 x 15.2 cm)
Estimate: $140 - $170
Sold for: $100
Closed on 9/12/2018

Auction 169, Lot 729

Subject: Northwestern Africa


Africae I. Tab:, 1618

Size: 18.3 x 12.8 inches (46.5 x 32.5 cm)
Estimate: $240 - $300
Sold for: $180
Closed on 9/12/2018

Auction 169, Lot 730

Subject: Egypt

Ortelius, Abraham

Aegyptus Antiqua, 1584

Size: 19.3 x 31.3 inches (49 x 79.5 cm)
Estimate: $2,200 - $2,750
Ortelius' Rare Two-Sheet Map of Egypt
Sold for: $1,900
Closed on 9/12/2018

Auction 169, Lot 731

Subject: Egypt

Munster, Sebastian

Aegyptus, 1588

Size: 6.4 x 6.9 inches (16.3 x 17.5 cm)
Estimate: $110 - $140
Sold for: $80
Closed on 9/12/2018

Auction 169, Lot 732

Subject: Egypt

Delahaye, Guillaume Nicolas

Carte de l'Egypte pour Servir a l'Intelligence de l Histoire Reomaine..., 1735

Size: 11.6 x 17.4 inches (29.5 x 44.2 cm)
Estimate: $80 - $100
Sold for: $60
Closed on 9/12/2018

Auction 169, Lot 733

Subject: Egypt

Delarochette, Louis Stanislas d'Arcy

Lower Egypt and the Adjacent Deserts, with a Part of Palestine; to Which Has Been Added the Nomenclature of the Roman Age, 1814

Size: 29.6 x 21.3 inches (75.2 x 54.1 cm)
Estimate: $140 - $170
Closed on 9/12/2018

Auction 169, Lot 734

Subject: Alexandria, Egypt

Jansson, Jan

Alexandria Vetustissimum Aegypti Emporium Amplissima Civitas..., 1657

Size: 14.5 x 11 inches (36.8 x 27.9 cm)
Estimate: $475 - $600
Rare Edition of Braun & Hogenberg's Alexandria
Sold for: $350
Closed on 9/12/2018

Auction 169, Lot 735

Subject: Northeastern Africa & Arabia

Delisle/Covens & Mortier

Carte de l'Egypte de la Nubie de l'Abissinie &c., 1730

Size: 22.9 x 19.4 inches (58.2 x 49.3 cm)
Estimate: $250 - $325
Sold for: $180
Closed on 9/12/2018

Auction 169, Lot 736

Subject: Eastern Africa

Bellin, Jacques Nicolas

Carte de la Coste Orientale d'Afrique Depuis le XIIIe Degre de Latitude Meridionale Jusqu'au XVIe Degre de Latitude Septentrionale..., 1740

Size: 7.8 x 9.7 inches (19.8 x 24.6 cm)
Estimate: $70 - $95
Sold for: $50
Closed on 9/12/2018

Auction 169, Lot 737

Subject: Eastern Africa

Royal Geographical Society

A Map of the Albert N'yanza and of the Routes Leading to Its Discovery in 1864, 1866

Size: 13.1 x 19.1 inches (33.3 x 48.5 cm)
Estimate: $150 - $180
Sold for: $140
Closed on 9/12/2018

Auction 169, Lot 738

Subject: Western Africa

Sanson, Nicolas

Guinee, en de Omleggende Landen, Getrokken uit Marcator, Blommert, enz., 1705

Size: 12.1 x 6.5 inches (30.7 x 16.5 cm)
Estimate: $140 - $170
Sold for: $100
Closed on 9/12/2018

Auction 169, Lot 739

Subject: Western Africa, Cape Verde Islands

Sanson, Nicolas

D'Eilanden van Capo Verde, de Kust en 't Landt der Negeren. Ontrent Capo Verde, 1705

Size: 11.1 x 7.8 inches (28.2 x 19.8 cm)
Estimate: $160 - $190
Sold for: $120
Closed on 9/12/2018

Auction 169, Lot 740

Subject: Western Africa

Chatelain, Henry Abraham

Vue et Description des Forts que les Hollandois, Anglois et Danois ont sur la Cote de Guinee pour l'Intelligence du Commerce que ces Nations Font en ce Pais-la, 1719

Size: 16.9 x 14.5 inches (42.9 x 36.8 cm)
Estimate: $160 - $190
Sold for: $170
Closed on 9/12/2018

Auction 169, Lot 741

Subject: Western Africa

Aa, Pieter van der

Guinee, Grand Pays de l'Afrique, avec Toutes ses Cotes, Havres et Rivieres, Suivant les Memoires les Plus Recens des Voyageurs..., 1729

Size: 14.4 x 10.4 inches (36.6 x 26.4 cm)
Estimate: $240 - $300
Sold for: $220
Closed on 9/12/2018

Auction 169, Lot 742

Subject: Central Africa

Bry, Theodore de

[Petits Voyages, Part I - Warhaffte und Eigentliche Beschreibung Desz des Konigreichs Congo in Africa], 1597

Size: 7.9 x 11.8 inches (20.1 x 30 cm)
Estimate: $300 - $400
Sold for: $140
Closed on 9/12/2018

Auction 169, Lot 743

Subject: Central Africa


Abissinorum Regnu, 1610

Size: 7.1 x 5.4 inches (18 x 13.7 cm)
Estimate: $140 - $170
Sold for: $110
Closed on 9/12/2018

Auction 169, Lot 744

Subject: Central Africa

Royal Geographical Society

Map of the Routes in Eastern Africa Between Zanzibar, the Great Lakes and the Nile Explored and Surveyed by Captn. J.H. Speke 1857-1863, 1864

Size: 23.3 x 29.5 inches (59.2 x 74.9 cm)
Estimate: $200 - $230
Sold for: $350
Closed on 9/12/2018

Auction 169, Lot 745

Subject: Southern Africa

[Lot of 2] Cafrerie et Monomotapa [and] Congo, Cafrerie, 1663-1762

Size: See Description
Estimate: $160 - $190
Sold for: $100
Closed on 9/12/2018

Auction 169, Lot 746

Subject: Southern Africa, Madagascar

Delisle, Guillaume

Carte du Congo et du Pays des Cafres, 1708

Size: 24.4 x 19.2 inches (62 x 48.8 cm)
Estimate: $200 - $230
Sold for: $150
Closed on 9/12/2018

Auction 169, Lot 748

Subject: Southern Africa, Explorations

Petermann, Augustus Herman

Karte von Sud-Afrika zur Ubersicht der Neuesten Entdeckungen von Livingstone, Moffat, Galton, Anderson, Bain's Geol. Aufnahme, Forschungen in Benguela &&&, 1858

Size: 17.3 x 20.8 inches (43.9 x 52.8 cm)
Estimate: $140 - $170
Sold for: $90
Closed on 9/12/2018
34 lots