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Showing results for:Auction 136
Catalog Archive
16 lots

Auction 136, Lot 752

Subject: Pacific Ocean

Ortelius, Abraham

Maris Pacifici, (quod vulgo Mar del Zur), 1589

Size: 19.3 x 13.4 inches (49 x 34 cm)
Estimate: $9,000 - $12,000
The first printed map devoted to the Pacific
Sold for: $7,500
Closed on 6/1/2011

Auction 136, Lot 753

Subject: Pacific Ocean

Coronelli, Vincenzo Maria

Mare del Sud, detto altrimenti Mare Pacifico…, 1691

Size: 23.7 x 17.8 inches (60.2 x 45.2 cm)
Estimate: $2,200 - $2,750
Superb map of the Pacific showing the Island of California
Sold for: $1,800
Closed on 6/1/2011

Auction 136, Lot 754

Subject: North Pacific, Northern Asia and Northwestern North America


Tartariae sive Magni Chami Regni Tipus, 1598

Size: 4 x 2.8 inches (10.2 x 7.1 cm)
Estimate: $180 - $230
Closed on 6/1/2011

Auction 136, Lot 755

Subject: North Pacific, Northern Asia and Northwestern North America

Ortelius, Abraham

Tartariae sive Magni Chami Regni Typus, 1598

Size: 18.5 x 13.8 inches (47 x 35.1 cm)
Estimate: $1,600 - $2,000
The earliest printed map to focus on the North Pacific
Sold for: $1,200
Closed on 6/1/2011

Auction 136, Lot 756

Subject: North Pacific, Northern Asia and Northwestern North America


Carte des Nouvelles Decouvertes au Nord de la Mer du Sud, Tant a l'Est de la Siberie et du Kamchatka, qu'a l'Ouest de la Nouvelle France, 1752

Size: 25 x 18 inches (63.5 x 45.7 cm)
Estimate: $3,000 - $4,000
A Cornerstone Map of the Pacific Northwest with a Huge Sea of the West
Closed on 6/1/2011

Auction 136, Lot 757

Subject: North Pacific Ocean

Jefferys, Thomas

A Map of the Discoveries made by the Russians on the North West Coast of America. Published by the Royal Academy of Sciences at Petersburg, 1761

Size: 24.5 x 17.8 inches (62.2 x 45.2 cm)
Estimate: $600 - $800
Sold for: $550
Closed on 6/1/2011

Auction 136, Lot 758

Subject: North Pacific, Northern Asia and Northwestern North America

[Lot of 2] The Northern Archipelago or New Discovered Islands in the seas of Kamtschatka & Anadir [and] A Chart of the Nth West Coast of America & the Nth East Coast of Asia…, 1775-1795

Size: 9.3 x 6.8 inches (23.6 x 17.3 cm)
Estimate: $250 - $350
Sold for: $180
Closed on 6/1/2011

Auction 136, Lot 759

Subject: North Pacific, Northern Asia and Northwestern North America

[Lot of 2 - Bering Strait] Charte von der Behringsstrasse… [and] Carte de l'Entree de Norton, et du Detroit de Bhering…, 1785-1816

Size: See Description
Estimate: $1,000 - $1,400
Kotzebue's important map of the Bering Strait
Sold for: $750
Closed on 6/1/2011

Auction 136, Lot 760

Subject: North Pacific, Northern Asia and Northwestern North America

Schraembl, Franz Anton

Karte von den N.W. Amerikanischen und N.OE. Asiatischen Kusten…, 1788

Size: 26.5 x 15.4 inches (67.3 x 39.1 cm)
Estimate: $300 - $375
Sold for: $220
Closed on 6/1/2011

Auction 136, Lot 761

Subject: South Pacific Ocean

Anson, George

[A Chart of the Pacific Ocean from the Equinoctial to the Latitude of 39 1/2 D No.], 1748

Size: 12.6 x 10.6 inches (32 x 26.9 cm)
Estimate: $150 - $200
Closed on 6/1/2011

Auction 136, Lot 762

Subject: South Pacific Ocean

Brue, Adrien Hubert

Carte Generale de l'Oceanie ou Cinquieme partie de Monde, 1834

Size: 20.5 x 14.5 inches (52.1 x 36.8 cm)
Estimate: $250 - $325
Sold for: $180
Closed on 6/1/2011

Auction 136, Lot 763

Subject: South Pacific Ocean

Levasseur, Victor

Oceanie, 1850

Size: 16.7 x 11.3 inches (42.4 x 28.7 cm)
Estimate: $140 - $180
Sold for: $250
Closed on 6/1/2011

Auction 136, Lot 764

Subject: Pacific Islands, Pitcairn Island

Benard, Jacques Francois

Carte et Vues de l'Isle Pitcairn, 1774

Size: 9.8 x 7 inches (24.9 x 17.8 cm)
Estimate: $140 - $180
Sold for: $100
Closed on 6/1/2011

Auction 136, Lot 765

Subject: Pacific Islands, Tonga

Dumont d'Urville, Jules Sebasian Cesar

Plan de l'Ile Tonga-Tabou Leve et dresse par M.E. Paris, Enseigne de Vaisseau. Expedition de la Corvette de S.M. l'Astrolabe, 1835

Size: 23 x 16.7 inches (58.4 x 42.4 cm)
Estimate: $200 - $250
Sold for: $150
Closed on 6/1/2011

Auction 136, Lot 766

Subject: Pacific Islands

Tallis, John

Polynesia, or Islands in the Pacific Ocean, 1851

Size: 13.5 x 10 inches (34.3 x 25.4 cm)
Estimate: $140 - $170
Sold for: $300
Closed on 6/1/2011

Auction 136, Lot 767

Subject: New Zealand

Cook, James (Capt.)

Plan de la Baye Dusky (Obscure) a la Nouve. Zelande, 1773

Size: 14.8 x 8 inches (37.6 x 20.3 cm)
Estimate: $200 - $250
Sold for: $150
Closed on 6/1/2011
16 lots