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Catalog Archive
18 lots

Auction 138, Lot 838

Subject: Pacific Ocean

Mount & Page

A Generall Chart of the South Sea from the River of Plate to Dampiers Streights on ye Coast of New Guinea, 1721

Size: 22.8 x 17.3 inches (57.9 x 43.9 cm)
Estimate: $10,000 - $12,000
Scarce Chart of the Pacific Ocean with the Island of California
Closed on 12/7/2011

Auction 138, Lot 839

Subject: Pacific Ocean

La Perouse, Comte Jean F. Galoup, de

Carte du Grand Ocean ou Mer du Sud Dressee pour la Relation du Voyage de Decouvertes faites par les Fregates Francaises la Boussole et l'Astrolabe dans les Annees 1785, 86, 87 et 88, 1797

Size: 27.5 x 20 inches (69.9 x 50.8 cm)
Estimate: $550 - $700
Sold for: $400
Closed on 12/7/2011

Auction 138, Lot 840

Subject: North Pacific, Northern Asia and Northwestern North America


Carte des Nouvelles Decouvertes au Nord de la Mer du Sud, Tant a l'Est de la Siberie et du Kamchatka, qu'a l'Ouest de la Nouvelle France, 1752

Size: 25 x 18 inches (63.5 x 45.7 cm)
Estimate: $3,000 - $4,000
A Cornerstone Map of the Pacific Northwest with a Huge Sea of the West
Sold for: $2,200
Closed on 12/7/2011

Auction 138, Lot 841

Subject: North Pacific Ocean

Cook, James (Capt.)

Chart of the NW Coast of America and NE Coast of Asia explored in the Years 1778 & 1779…, 1784

Size: 26.5 x 15.5 inches (67.3 x 39.4 cm)
Estimate: $220 - $250
Sold for: $110
Closed on 12/7/2011

Auction 138, Lot 842

Subject: South Pacific Ocean

Dudley, Robert (Sir)

Isole nel Mare di Sur Scoperte nel 1617…, 1646

Size: 29.5 x 19 inches (74.9 x 48.3 cm)
Estimate: $550 - $700
Sold for: $425
Closed on 12/7/2011

Auction 138, Lot 843

Subject: South Pacific Ocean

Bellin, Jacques Nicolas

Carte Reduite de la Mer du Sud pour Servir a l'Histoire Generale des Voyages, 1753

Size: 14.3 x 8.3 inches (36.3 x 21.1 cm)
Estimate: $300 - $375
Sold for: $240
Closed on 12/7/2011

Auction 138, Lot 845

Subject: South Pacific Ocean

Wilson, James

Sketch of the Duff's Groupe, Discovered September 25, 1797 by Capt. James Wilson, 1799

Size: 14.8 x 9.3 inches (37.6 x 23.6 cm)
Estimate: $75 - $100
Closed on 12/7/2011

Auction 138, Lot 846

Subject: South Pacific Ocean

Delamarche, Francois Alexander

Carte de l'Oceanie Contenant L'Australie La Polynesie et Les Isle Asiatiques, 1838

Size: 15.5 x 11.5 inches (39.4 x 29.2 cm)
Estimate: $140 - $180
Sold for: $100
Closed on 12/7/2011

Auction 138, Lot 847

Subject: South Pacific Ocean

Levasseur, Victor

Oceanie, 1850

Size: 16.8 x 12 inches (42.7 x 30.5 cm)
Estimate: $140 - $180
Sold for: $130
Closed on 12/7/2011

Auction 138, Lot 849

Subject: South Pacific Ocean, Tonga

Chart of the Island and Harbour of Tongataboo, 1799

Size: 15 x 11 inches (38.1 x 27.9 cm)
Estimate: $100 - $130
Sold for: $75
Closed on 12/7/2011

Auction 138, Lot 850

Subject: Australia, New Zealand, New Guinea

Morse, Jedidiah (Rev.)

Chart of the New Discoveries East of New Holland and New Guinea, 1797

Size: 9.8 x 6.5 inches (24.9 x 16.5 cm)
Estimate: $100 - $130
Sold for: $70
Closed on 12/7/2011

Auction 138, Lot 851

Subject: Pacific Islands

Brue, Adrien Hubert

Carte Particuliere de la Polynesie…, 1827

Size: 20.3 x 14.3 inches (51.6 x 36.3 cm)
Estimate: $150 - $200
Closed on 12/7/2011

Auction 138, Lot 852

Subject: Pacific Islands

Tallis, John

Polynesia, or Islands in the Pacific Ocean, 1851

Size: 13.5 x 10 inches (34.3 x 25.4 cm)
Estimate: $180 - $220
Sold for: $130
Closed on 12/7/2011

Auction 138, Lot 853

Subject: Eastern Australia

Cook, James (Capt.)

Entree de La Riviere Endeavour… [On Sheet With] Baye de Botanique…, 1774

Size: 13 x 5.5 inches (33 x 14 cm)
Estimate: $350 - $500
Sold for: $250
Closed on 12/7/2011

Auction 138, Lot 854

Subject: New South Wales, Australia

Perthes, Justus

Das Innere von Neu-Sud-Wales nach John Oxley 1822, 1828

Size: 14.5 x 11.3 inches (36.8 x 28.7 cm)
Estimate: $200 - $275
Sold for: $100
Closed on 12/7/2011

Auction 138, Lot 855

Subject: Tasmania

Tallis, John

Van Diemen's Island or Tasmania, 1851

Size: 10 x 13.5 inches (25.4 x 34.3 cm)
Estimate: $160 - $200
Sold for: $120
Closed on 12/7/2011
18 lots