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Catalog Archive
27 lots

Auction 161, Lot 56

Subject: Western Hemisphere - America

Munster, Sebastian

Die Neuwe Inselen / so zu Unsern Zeiten Durch die Kunig von Hispania im Grossen Oceano Gefunden Sindt, 1548

Size: 13.4 x 10.1 inches (34 x 25.7 cm)
Estimate: $4,750 - $6,000
Rare Early State of One of the Most Important 16th Century Maps of the New World
Sold for: $2,750
Closed on 2/8/2017

Auction 161, Lot 57

Subject: Western Hemisphere - America

Hondius, Jodocus

America, 1619

Size: 19.8 x 14.8 inches (50.3 x 37.6 cm)
Estimate: $3,000 - $3,750
Hondius' Important Map of the Americas in Full Original Color
Sold for: $2,500
Closed on 2/8/2017

Auction 161, Lot 58

Subject: Western Hemisphere - America


America sive India Nova, ad Magnae Gerardi Mercatoris aui Universalis Imitationem, in Compendium Redacta, 1623

Size: 18.2 x 14.6 inches (46.2 x 37.1 cm)
Estimate: $2,750 - $3,500
Mercator's Foundation Map for the Americas
Sold for: $1,800
Closed on 2/8/2017

Auction 161, Lot 59

Subject: Western Hemisphere - America

Speed, John

America with Those Known Parts in That Unknowne Worlde Both People and Manner of Buildings Discribed and Inlarged, 1626

Size: 19.9 x 15.3 inches (50.5 x 38.9 cm)
Estimate: $7,000 - $8,500
Speed's Popular Carte-a-Figures Map of the Americas - First State
Sold for: $6,000
Closed on 2/8/2017

Auction 161, Lot 60

Subject: Western Hemisphere - America

Merian, Matthaus

America Noviter Delineata, 1638

Size: 14.3 x 11 inches (36.3 x 27.9 cm)
Estimate: $800 - $950
Sold for: $500
Closed on 2/8/2017

Auction 161, Lot 61

Subject: Western Hemisphere - America

Seile, Anae

Americae Nova Descriptio , 1663

Size: 16.4 x 13.3 inches (41.7 x 33.8 cm)
Estimate: $1,200 - $1,500
Closed on 2/8/2017

Auction 161, Lot 62

Subject: Western Hemisphere - America

Mallet, Alain Manesson

Nouveau Continent avec Plusieurs Isles et Mers, 1683

Size: 4.1 x 5.8 inches (10.4 x 14.7 cm)
Estimate: $160 - $190
Closed on 2/8/2017

Auction 161, Lot 63

Subject: Western Hemisphere - America

Heylin, Peter

America, 1703

Size: 16.6 x 14.1 inches (42.2 x 35.8 cm)
Estimate: $900 - $1,100
Closed on 2/8/2017

Auction 161, Lot 64

Subject: Western Hemisphere - America

Delisle, Guillaume

Hemisphere Occidental Dresse en 1720 pour l'Usage Particulier du Roy sur les Observations Astronomiques et Geographiques..., 1724

Size: 18.9 x 19.1 inches (48 x 48.5 cm)
Estimate: $400 - $475
Sold for: $220
Closed on 2/8/2017

Auction 161, Lot 65

Subject: Western Hemisphere - America

Herrera y Tordesillas, Antonio de

Descripcion de las Yndias Ocidentales, 1726

Size: 12.8 x 8.9 inches (32.5 x 22.6 cm)
Estimate: $1,200 - $1,500
Sold for: $600
Closed on 2/8/2017

Auction 161, Lot 66

Subject: Western Hemisphere - America

Homann, Johann Baptist

Totius Americae Septentrionalis et Meridionalis Novissima Repraesentatio quam ex Singulis Recentium Geographorum Tabulis Collecta Luci Publicae Accommodavit, 1740

Size: 22.7 x 19 inches (57.7 x 48.3 cm)
Estimate: $700 - $850
Closed on 2/8/2017

Auction 161, Lot 67

Subject: Western Hemisphere - America

Cloppenburg, Johannes

America Noviter Delineata, 1738

Size: 9.9 x 7.2 inches (25.1 x 18.3 cm)
Estimate: $700 - $850
Sold for: $400
Closed on 2/8/2017

Auction 161, Lot 68

Subject: Western Hemisphere - America

Seutter, Matthias

Novus Orbis sive America Meridionalis et Septentrionalis, per sua Regna, Provincias et Insulas Iuxta Observationes et Descriptiones Recentiss..., 1740

Size: 22.7 x 19.7 inches (57.7 x 50 cm)
Estimate: $1,400 - $1,700
Closed on 2/8/2017

Auction 161, Lot 69

Subject: Western Hemisphere - America

Bowen, Emanuel

A New and Accurate Map of America. Drawn from the Most Approved Modern Maps and Charts, and Adjusted by Astronomical Observations..., 1744

Size: 17.6 x 13.9 inches (44.7 x 35.3 cm)
Estimate: $240 - $300
Sold for: $120
Closed on 2/8/2017

Auction 161, Lot 70

Subject: Western Hemisphere - America

Haas/Homann Heirs

Americae Mappa Generalis Secundum Legitimas Projectionis Stereographicae Regulas..., 1746

Size: 21.3 x 18.4 inches (54.1 x 46.7 cm)
Estimate: $600 - $750
Sold for: $350
Closed on 2/8/2017

Auction 161, Lot 71

Subject: Western Hemisphere - America

Brion de la Tour/Desnos

L'Amerique Dressee pour l'Etude de la Geographie..., 1764

Size: 20.6 x 14.8 inches (52.3 x 37.6 cm)
Estimate: $200 - $230
Sold for: $150
Closed on 2/8/2017

Auction 161, Lot 72

Subject: Western Hemisphere - America

Brion de la Tour/Desnos

Hemisphere Occidental, 1768

Size: 12.4 x 11.2 inches (31.5 x 28.4 cm)
Estimate: $140 - $170
Sold for: $100
Closed on 2/8/2017

Auction 161, Lot 73

Subject: Western Hemisphere - America

Robert de Vaugondy/Delamarche

Amerique ou Indes Occidentales, 1778

Size: 25.4 x 19.5 inches (64.5 x 49.5 cm)
Estimate: $500 - $650
Sold for: $300
Closed on 2/8/2017

Auction 161, Lot 74

Subject: Western Hemisphere - America

Sayer, Robert

A New Map of the Whole Continent of America, Divided Into North and South and West Indies ... Wherein Are Exactly Described the United States of North America..., 1786

Size: 46.5 x 40.7 inches (118.1 x 103.4 cm)
Estimate: $2,000 - $2,400
Impressive Four-Sheet Map Featuring the New United States and Two Possible Locations for a River of the West
Sold for: $1,000
Closed on 2/8/2017

Auction 161, Lot 75

Subject: Western Hemisphere - America


Carte d'Amerique, Dressee pour l'Instruction, par Guil. Delisle et Phil. Buache..., 1790

Size: 23.9 x 19 inches (60.7 x 48.3 cm)
Estimate: $475 - $600
Sold for: $300
Closed on 2/8/2017

Auction 161, Lot 76

Subject: Western Hemisphere - America

Walch, Johannes

[On 2 Sheets] L'Amerique Selon l'Etendue de ses Principales Parties et dont les Points Principaux sont Placez sur les Dernieres Observations des Geographes..., 1790

Size: 22.4 x 17.8 inches (56.9 x 45.2 cm)
Estimate: $700 - $850
Sold for: $450
Closed on 2/8/2017

Auction 161, Lot 77

Subject: Western Hemisphere - America

Laurie & Whittle

America Divided into North and South with Their Several Subdivisions annd the Newest Discoveries, 1794

Size: 21.3 x 19.6 inches (54.1 x 49.8 cm)
Estimate: $400 - $475
Closed on 2/8/2017

Auction 161, Lot 79

Subject: Western Hemisphere - America

Cary, John

A New Map of America, from the Latest Authorities, 1806

Size: 20.5 x 18.2 inches (52.1 x 46.2 cm)
Estimate: $325 - $400
Sold for: $200
Closed on 2/8/2017

Auction 161, Lot 80

Subject: Western Hemisphere - America

Thomson, John

America, 1817

Size: 23.4 x 19.7 inches (59.4 x 50 cm)
Estimate: $160 - $200
Closed on 2/8/2017

Auction 161, Lot 81

Subject: Western Hemisphere - America

Poirson, Jean Baptiste

Carte de l'Amerique, Divisee en ses Principaux Etats, 1833

Size: 27.2 x 20.3 inches (69.1 x 51.6 cm)
Estimate: $350 - $425
Closed on 2/8/2017

Auction 161, Lot 82

Subject: Western Hemisphere - America

Wyld, James

Map of America, 1855

Size: 23.4 x 20.4 inches (59.4 x 51.8 cm)
Estimate: $180 - $220
Closed on 2/8/2017
27 lots