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Showing results for:Auction 197
Catalog Archive
13 lots

Auction 197, Lot 392

Subject: Atlantic Ocean


Carte de la Partie de l'Ocean Vers l'Equateur Entre les Cotes d'Afrique et d'Amerique... [on sheet with] Plan de l'Isle de Fernand de Noronha…, 1780

Size: 25.1 x 19.1 inches (63.8 x 48.5 cm)
Estimate: $350 - $425
Map Promoting Theory of Undersea Mountains
Sold for: $300
Closed on 4/24/2024

Auction 197, Lot 393

Subject: Atlantic Islands

Tallis, John

Islands in the Atlantic, 1851

Size: 9.9 x 13.9 inches (25.1 x 35.3 cm)
Estimate: $75 - $95
Sold for: $55
Closed on 4/24/2024

Auction 197, Lot 394

Subject: Bermuda

Speed, John

Mappa Aestivarum Insularum Alias Bermudas Dictarum... / A Mapp of the Sommer Islands Once Called the Bermudas..., 1626

Size: 20.4 x 15.7 inches (51.8 x 39.9 cm)
Estimate: $1,400 - $1,700
Speed's Foundation Map of Bermuda
Closed on 4/24/2024

Auction 197, Lot 395

Subject: Bermuda

Blaeu, Willem

Mappa Aestivarum Insularum, Alias Barmudas Dictarum, ad Ostia Mexicani Aestuary..., 1642

Size: 21 x 15.9 inches (53.3 x 40.4 cm)
Estimate: $1,600 - $1,900
Map of Bermuda Based on Richard Norwood's Famous Survey in Full Contemporary Color
Sold for: $900
Closed on 4/24/2024

Auction 197, Lot 397

Subject: North Atlantic

Bry, Johann Theodore de

Tabula Nautica, qua Repraesentatur Orae Maritimae Meatus, ac Freta, Noviter a H Hudsono Anglo ad Caurum Supra Novam Franciam Indagata Anno 1612, 1613

Size: 13.1 x 5.9 inches (33.3 x 15 cm)
Estimate: $1,400 - $1,700
De Bry's Scarce and Decorative Chart Showing Hudson's Search for a Northwest Passage
Sold for: $1,900
Closed on 4/24/2024

Auction 197, Lot 399

Subject: North Atlantic

Wilkes, Charles

Chart of Georges Shoal & Bank, Surveyed by Charles Wilkes, Lieut. Commandant..., 1837

Size: 43.9 x 39 inches (111.5 x 99.1 cm)
Estimate: $550 - $700
Sold for: $400
Closed on 4/24/2024

Auction 197, Lot 400

Subject: North Atlantic

Robiquet, Aime

Carte Generale l'Ocean Atlantique Septentrional Dressee d'Apres les Documents les Plus Recents, 1855

Size: 39.5 x 27.2 inches (100.3 x 69.1 cm)
Estimate: $300 - $375
Sold for: $170
Closed on 4/24/2024

Auction 197, Lot 401

Subject: North Atlantic

Direccion de Hidrografia

Carta General del Oceano Atlantico Septentrional, 1872

Size: 36.6 x 23.8 inches (93 x 60.5 cm)
Estimate: $240 - $300
Closed on 4/24/2024

Auction 197, Lot 402

Subject: Bay of Biscay

Bry, Theodore de

[Untitled - John Smith Is Caught by the French], 1631

Size: 6.8 x 5.4 inches (17.3 x 13.7 cm)
Estimate: $110 - $140
Sold for: $70
Closed on 4/24/2024

Auction 197, Lot 403

Subject: Arctic & Scandinavia

Ruscelli, Girolamo

Septenirionalium Partium Nova Tabula, 1599

Size: 9.4 x 6.9 inches (23.9 x 17.5 cm)
Estimate: $600 - $750
Sold for: $325
Closed on 4/24/2024

Auction 197, Lot 404

Subject: Arctic

Bernard, Jean Frederic

Carte du Nord Est & du Nord West du Pole, 1717

Size: 22.8 x 13.1 inches (57.9 x 33.3 cm)
Estimate: $550 - $700
Sold for: $400
Closed on 4/24/2024
13 lots