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73 lots
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Auction 168, Lot 4

Subject: Title Pages, Explorers

Bry, Theodore de

[Lot of 4] Americae Retectio [and] [Amerigo Vespucci] [and] Columbus Primus Inventor Indiae Occidentalis [and] Inventio Maris Magallanici, 1594

Size: 7.6 x 5.5 inches (19.3 x 14 cm)
Estimate: $1,400 - $1,700
Rare Set of Stradanus' Title Page and Celebrated Explorers of the New World
Sold for: $700
Closed on 6/6/2018

Auction 168, Lot 5

Subject: World & Continents


[Lot of 5] Typus Orbis Terrarum [and] Americae Descrip. [and] Africae Descriptio [and] Asia [and] Europa, 1610

Size: 7.8 x 5.3 inches (19.8 x 13.5 cm)
Estimate: $2,750 - $3,500
Matching Set from 2nd Latin Edition of the Atlas Minor
Sold for: $3,000
Closed on 6/6/2018

Auction 168, Lot 6

Subject: World

Fine, Oronce

Nova, et Integra Universi Orbis Descriptio, 1540

Size: 16.5 x 11.4 inches (41.9 x 29 cm)
Estimate: $28,000 - $35,000
Rare Double-Cordiform World Map with First Reference to Magellan's Voyage
Sold for: $21,000
Closed on 6/6/2018

Auction 168, Lot 8

Subject: World

Ortelius, Abraham

Typus Orbis Terrarum, 1581

Size: 19.9 x 13.4 inches (50.5 x 34 cm)
Estimate: $7,000 - $8,500
Ortelius' Famous World Map - First Plate
Sold for: $6,500
Closed on 6/6/2018

Auction 168, Lot 13

Subject: World

Tavernier, Melchior

Carte de l'Amerique Nouvellement Dressee Suivant les Nouvelles Descouvertes & Mise en Fransois [and] Carte Nouvelle de l'Europe Asie & Afrique Nouvellement Dressee & Misse en Francois [bound in] Le Monde..., 1660

Size: 11.7 x 11.6 inches (29.7 x 29.5 cm)
Estimate: $2,750 - $3,750
Elegant World Map in Two Separate Hemispheres Bound in Pierre D'Avity's Book on History
Sold for: $1,600
Closed on 6/6/2018

Auction 168, Lot 18

Subject: World

Duval, Pierre

Carte Universelle du Commerce, c'est a dire Carte Hidrographique, ou sont Exactement Decrites, les Costes des 4 Parties du Monde..., 1677

Size: 21.1 x 14.4 inches (53.6 x 36.6 cm)
Estimate: $1,900 - $2,300
Duval's Scarce Commerce Map Showing Trade Routes
Sold for: $950
Closed on 6/6/2018

Auction 168, Lot 33

Subject: Ancient World

Ortelius, Abraham

[On 4 Sheets] Tabula Itineraria ex Illustri Peutingerorum Bibliotheca…Nobilissimo Viro Marco Velsero..., 1598

Size: 20.3 x 16.2 inches (51.6 x 41.1 cm)
Estimate: $7,000 - $8,500
Ortelius' Scarce Peutinger Table
Sold for: $4,500
Closed on 6/6/2018

Auction 168, Lot 37

Subject: Ancient World


Universalis Tabula Iuxta Ptolemaeum, 1730

Size: 18.7 x 13.4 inches (47.5 x 34 cm)
Estimate: $1,800 - $2,100
Map of the Ancient World with Depictions of the Four Elements
Sold for: $1,300
Closed on 6/6/2018

Auction 168, Lot 43

Subject: North Pole

Pitt, Moses

A Map of the North-Pole and the Parts Adioining, 1680

Size: 23.1 x 18 inches (58.7 x 45.7 cm)
Estimate: $3,500 - $4,250
Beautiful English Map of the North Pole
Sold for: $2,500
Closed on 6/6/2018

Auction 168, Lot 52

Subject: Globes

[Miniature Globe] The Earth and Itz Inhabitants, 1840

Size: 2.3 x 2 inches (5.8 x 5.1 cm)
Estimate: $2,750 - $3,500
A Globe and Its Populace in Miniature
Sold for: $2,000
Closed on 6/6/2018

Auction 168, Lot 54

Subject: Cartographic Miscellany - Earth

Kircher, Athanasius

Systema Ideale Pyrophylaciorum Subterraneorum, Quorum Montes Vulcanii, Veluti Spiracula Quaedam Existant, 1682

Size: 16.2 x 13.1 inches (41.1 x 33.3 cm)
Estimate: $1,600 - $1,900
Fascinating Cross-Section of the Earth's Interior
Sold for: $1,600
Closed on 6/6/2018

Auction 168, Lot 58

Subject: Cartographic Miscellany

Yaggy, Levi W.

Yaggy's Geographical Portfolio, 1893

Size: 39.7 x 26.6 inches (100.8 x 67.6 cm)
Estimate: $2,000 - $3,000
A Rare Piece of Americana in Stunning Multi-Color Lithography
Sold for: $8,500
Closed on 6/6/2018

Auction 168, Lot 59

Subject: Western Hemisphere - America

Ortelius, Abraham

Americae sive Novi Orbis, Nova Descriptio, 1581

Size: 19.8 x 14.3 inches (50.3 x 36.3 cm)
Estimate: $5,500 - $7,000
Ortelius' Influential Map of the New World - Second Plate
Sold for: $4,000
Closed on 6/6/2018

Auction 168, Lot 60

Subject: Western Hemisphere - America

Blaeu, Willem

Americae Nova Tabula, 1631

Size: 21.6 x 16.1 inches (54.9 x 40.9 cm)
Estimate: $5,500 - $6,500
Early Edition of Blaeu's Stunning Carte-a-Figures Map of the Americas in Full Contemporary Color
Sold for: $3,750
Closed on 6/6/2018

Auction 168, Lot 62

Subject: Western Hemisphere - America

Berey, Nicolas I

Carte de l'Amerique Corrigee, et Augmentee, Dessus Toutes les Aultres cy Devant, 1658

Size: 20.1 x 15.6 inches (51.1 x 39.6 cm)
Estimate: $1,400 - $1,700
First State of Berey's Rare, Separately Issued Map of the Americas
Sold for: $1,900
Closed on 6/6/2018

Auction 168, Lot 63

Subject: Western Hemisphere - America


America Noviter Delineata, 1659

Size: 21.7 x 16.2 inches (55.1 x 41.1 cm)
Estimate: $3,500 - $4,500
Very Rare Derivative of Hondius' Map of the Americas
Sold for: $2,500
Closed on 6/6/2018

Auction 168, Lot 66

Subject: Western Hemisphere - America

Wit, Frederick de

Nova Totius Americae Descriptio, 1666

Size: 21.8 x 17.3 inches (55.4 x 43.9 cm)
Estimate: $3,250 - $4,000
De Wit's Uncommon Carte-a-Figures Map of the Americas
Sold for: $1,750
Closed on 6/6/2018

Auction 168, Lot 69

Subject: Western Hemisphere - America

Coronelli, Vincenzo Maria

Planisfero del Mondo Nuovo..., 1691

Size: 23.9 x 17.8 inches (60.7 x 45.2 cm)
Estimate: $2,000 - $2,400
Coronelli's Map of the New World with Interesting Cartography
Sold for: $1,200
Closed on 6/6/2018

Auction 168, Lot 79

Subject: Western Hemisphere - America

America Septentrionalis et Meridionalis, 1774

Size: 17.8 x 12 inches (45.2 x 30.5 cm)
Estimate: $600 - $800
Scarce Map with Large Sea of the West
Sold for: $550
Closed on 6/6/2018

Auction 168, Lot 82

Subject: Western Hemisphere - America

Laurie & Whittle

A New Map of the Whole Continent of America, Divided into North and South and West Indies. Wherein Are Exactly Described the United States of North America..., 1794

Size: 46.8 x 40.6 inches (118.9 x 103.1 cm)
Estimate: $1,400 - $1,700
Impressive Four-Sheet Map Featuring Two Possible Locations for a River of the West
Closed on 6/6/2018

Auction 168, Lot 89

Subject: Colonial North America


Amerique Septentrionale par N. Sanson..., 1669

Size: 21.9 x 15.6 inches (55.6 x 39.6 cm)
Estimate: $2,400 - $3,000
Important Map for Great Lakes Collectors
Sold for: $1,600
Closed on 6/6/2018

Auction 168, Lot 90

Subject: Colonial North America


Amerique Septentrionale Divisee en ses Principales Parties, ou sont Distingues les uns des Autres les Estats..., 1692

Size: 34.1 x 21.2 inches (86.6 x 53.8 cm)
Estimate: $2,400 - $3,000
Two-Sheet Map Showing the Island of California - First State
Sold for: $1,800
Closed on 6/6/2018

Auction 168, Lot 111

Subject: Colonial Eastern North America & West Indies

Probst, Johann Michael

Nova Mappa Geographica Americae Septentrionalis in Suas Praecipuas Partes Divisa, 1782

Size: 19.2 x 19.6 inches (48.8 x 49.8 cm)
Estimate: $1,400 - $1,700
Rare Variant of Popple's Key Map
Sold for: $750
Closed on 6/6/2018

Auction 168, Lot 126

Subject: Colonial Northeastern United States & Canada, Great Lakes

Delisle, Guillaume

Carte du Canada ou de la Nouvelle France et des Decouvertes qui y ont ete faites…, 1718

Size: 25.5 x 19.7 inches (64.8 x 50 cm)
Estimate: $2,200 - $2,500
Delisle's Seminal Map of Canada and the Great Lakes
Sold for: $1,600
Closed on 6/6/2018

Auction 168, Lot 129

Subject: Colonial Eastern United States & Canada

Senex, John

A New Map of the English Empire in America viz Virginia New York Maryland New Iarsey Carolina New England Pennsylvania Newfoundland New France &c, 1719

Size: 23.6 x 19.9 inches (59.9 x 50.5 cm)
Estimate: $2,400 - $3,000
Important Map of the American Colonies
Sold for: $3,500
Closed on 6/6/2018

Auction 168, Lot 130

Subject: Colonial Eastern United States & Canada

Chatelain, Henry Abraham

Carte de la Nouvelle France, ou se Voit le Cours des Grandes Rivieres de S. Laurens & de Mississipi Aujour d'hui S. Louis, aux Environs des-quelles se Trouvent les Etats, Pais, Nations, Peuples &c..., 1720

Size: 19.4 x 16.6 inches (49.3 x 42.2 cm)
Estimate: $3,000 - $3,750
One of the Most Informative 18th Century Maps of the French Possessions in North America
Sold for: $2,200
Closed on 6/6/2018

Auction 168, Lot 134

Subject: Colonial Eastern United States & Canada

Mitchell/Le Rouge

[On 8 Sheets] Amerique Septentrionale avec les Routes, Distances en Miles, Villages et Etablissements... / North America..., 1777

Size: 19 x 53 inches (48.3 x 134.6 cm)
Estimate: $10,000 - $13,000
Third French Edition of Mitchell's Monumental Map
Sold for: $7,500
Closed on 6/6/2018

Auction 168, Lot 135

Subject: Colonial Eastern United States & Canada

Sotzmann, Daniel Friedrich

Die Vereinigten Staaten von Nord-America. Nach der von Wm. Faden 1783 herausgegebenen Charte / Les Etats Unis de l'Amerique Septentrionale d'Apres la Carte de Wm. Faden Publiee a Londres en 1783..., 1785

Size: 10 x 7.6 inches (25.4 x 19.3 cm)
Estimate: $600 - $800
Rare, Multi-Lingual Reduced Version of Faden's Map of 1783
Closed on 6/6/2018

Auction 168, Lot 149

Subject: Colonial Eastern United States, Louisiana Territory

Delisle/Covens & Mortier

Carte de la Louisiane et du Cours du Mississipi Dressee sur un Grand Nombre de Memoires Entr'autres sur ceux de Mr. le Maire, 1733

Size: 23.5 x 17.2 inches (59.7 x 43.7 cm)
Estimate: $1,900 - $2,200
Delisle's Influential Map of the Louisiana Territory
Sold for: $1,400
Closed on 6/6/2018

Auction 168, Lot 157

Subject: Eastern United States

Blunt, Edmund

Coast of North America, from Point Judith to Cape St. Antonio, (Island of Cuba) Including the Bahama Banks, 1853

Size: 132.7 x 30.7 inches (337.1 x 78 cm)
Estimate: $4,750 - $6,000
Impressive Blueback Chart of the Eastern Seaboard
Closed on 6/6/2018

Auction 168, Lot 162

Subject: Colonial Mid-Atlantic United States

Hondius, Henricus

Nova Virginiae Tabula, 1645

Size: 19.6 x 15.1 inches (49.8 x 38.4 cm)
Estimate: $2,000 - $2,300
One of the Most Important 17th Century Maps of the Chesapeake Bay
Sold for: $1,200
Closed on 6/6/2018

Auction 168, Lot 164

Subject: Colonial Mid-Atlantic United States

Aa, Pieter van der

Virginie, Grande Region de l'Amerique Septentrionale, avec tous Ses Bourgs, Hameaux, Rivieres et Bayes..., 1729

Size: 14.1 x 11.4 inches (35.8 x 29 cm)
Estimate: $1,600 - $1,900
Rare Derivative of John Smith's Map of the Chesapeake Bay
Sold for: $1,100
Closed on 6/6/2018

Auction 168, Lot 165

Subject: Colonial Mid-Atlantic United States

Homann, Johann Baptist

Virginia Marylandia et Carolina in America Septentrionali Britannorum Industria Excultae Repraesentatae, 1730

Size: 22.9 x 19.2 inches (58.2 x 48.8 cm)
Estimate: $1,600 - $2,000
Map Created to Promote German Immigration to the New World
Closed on 6/6/2018

Auction 168, Lot 167

Subject: Colonial Mid-Atlantic United States

Sayer & Bennett

A General Map of the Middle British Colonies, in America. Containing Virginia, Maryland, the Delaware Counties, Pennsylvania and New Jersey. With the Addition of New York..., 1776

Size: 26.1 x 19.2 inches (66.3 x 48.8 cm)
Estimate: $4,000 - $4,750
Important British Map at the Outbreak of the American Revolution
Closed on 6/6/2018

Auction 168, Lot 169

Subject: Colonial Mid-Atlantic United States

Lotter, Mathias Albrecht

[On 2 Sheets] A Map of the Provinces of New-York and New-Jersey, with a Part of Pennsylvania and the Province of Quebec. From the Topographical Observations of C.J. Sauthier, 1777

Size: 22.4 x 15 inches (56.9 x 38.1 cm)
Estimate: $2,200 - $2,500
Important Revolutionary War Map
Closed on 6/6/2018

Auction 168, Lot 170

Subject: Colonial Mid-Atlantic United States, Delaware Bay

Le Rouge, George Louis

Baye de la Delaware avec les Ports, Sondes, Dangers, Bancs, &c. Depuis les Caps Jusqu'a Philadelphie..., 1777

Size: 25.1 x 18.4 inches (63.8 x 46.7 cm)
Estimate: $1,900 - $2,200
The Most Accurate Chart of Delaware Bay in the 18th Century
Closed on 6/6/2018

Auction 168, Lot 173

Subject: Colonial Southeastern United States

Hondius, Jodocus

Virginiae Item et Floridae Americae Provinciarum, Nova Descriptio, 1623

Size: 19.1 x 13.5 inches (48.5 x 34.3 cm)
Estimate: $1,900 - $2,300
A Seminal Map of the Southeast and Early American Cartography
Sold for: $1,400
Closed on 6/6/2018

Auction 168, Lot 176

Subject: Colonial Southeastern United States

Covens & Mortier

Carte General de la Caroline. Dressee sur les Memoires le Plus Nouveaux par le Sieua S..., 1730

Size: 18.4 x 22.3 inches (46.7 x 56.6 cm)
Estimate: $2,750 - $3,500
The First Map of the Carolinas Published Outside of England
Sold for: $1,700
Closed on 6/6/2018

Auction 168, Lot 178

Subject: Colonial Southeastern United States

Bowen, Emanuel

A New Map of Georgia, with Part of Carolina, Florida and Louisiana. Drawn from Original Draughts, Assisted by the Most Approved Maps and Charts, 1748

Size: 18.8 x 14.3 inches (47.8 x 36.3 cm)
Estimate: $2,400 - $3,000
Important Map of the Georgia Colony
Sold for: $1,800
Closed on 6/6/2018

Auction 168, Lot 179

Subject: Colonial Southeastern United States

Keulen, Johannes van

Pas Kaart van de Kust van Carolina Tusschen C de Canaveral en C Henry, 1780

Size: 23 x 20.3 inches (58.4 x 51.6 cm)
Estimate: $1,800 - $2,200
Dutch Chart of the Carolinas
Sold for: $1,000
Closed on 6/6/2018

Auction 168, Lot 187

Subject: Colonial Central United States, Louisiana Territory

Delisle, Guillaume

Carte de la Louisiane et du Cours du Mississipi Dressee sur un Grand Nombre de Memoires Entrau Tres sur Ceux de Mr. le Maire, 1720

Size: 16.1 x 14 inches (40.9 x 35.6 cm)
Estimate: $1,100 - $1,400
Reduced-Size Edition of Delisle's Influential Map of the Louisiana Territory
Sold for: $1,000
Closed on 6/6/2018

Auction 168, Lot 223

Subject: Northern California, Yolo County

The Illustrated Atlas and History of Yolo County, Cal. Containing a History of California from 1513 to 1850, A History of Yolo County from 1825 to 1880..., 1879

Size: 15 x 18.9 inches (38.1 x 48 cm)
Estimate: $2,000 - $2,500
A Fascinating Snapshot of the Sacramento Valley
Sold for: $1,500
Closed on 6/6/2018

Auction 168, Lot 258

Subject: Boston, Massachusetts, Revolutionary War

Almon, John

Map of the Environs of Boston. Drawn at Boston in June 1775; and Published in London, 1775

Size: 10 x 7.4 inches (25.4 x 18.8 cm)
Estimate: $800 - $1,000
One of the Earliest Maps Relating to the American Revolution
Sold for: $650
Closed on 6/6/2018

Auction 168, Lot 290

Subject: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Scull and Heap/Lotter

A Plan of the City and Environs of Philadelphia, 1777

Size: 17.8 x 23.2 inches (45.2 x 58.9 cm)
Estimate: $2,750 - $3,500
The "Most Famous Delineation of the Philadelphia Area in the Colonial Period"
Sold for: $1,700
Closed on 6/6/2018

Auction 168, Lot 298

Subject: Virginia

Lloyd, James T.

Lloyd's Official Map of the State of Virginia From Actual Surveys by Order of the Executive 1828 & 1859..., 1862

Size: 47.3 x 30.4 inches (120.1 x 77.2 cm)
Estimate: $2,400 - $3,000
Extremely Rare Promotional Map with Railroad Overprint
Closed on 6/6/2018

Auction 168, Lot 309

Subject: Rocky Mountains, Wyoming

The Rocky Mountains, 1866

Size: 27.8 x 18 inches (70.6 x 45.7 cm)
Estimate: $3,000 - $4,000
Stunning View of the Rocky Mountains and Native Indians by Albert Bierstadt
Closed on 6/6/2018

Auction 168, Lot 349

Subject: Gulf of Mexico

Keulen, Johannes van

Pas Kaart van de Golff van Mexico, 1687

Size: 23.2 x 20.3 inches (58.9 x 51.6 cm)
Estimate: $1,600 - $1,900
The First Sea Chart of the Western Portion of the Gulf of Mexico
Closed on 6/6/2018

Auction 168, Lot 374

Subject: Curacao

Keulen, Gerard van

Nieuwe Afteekening van het Eyland Curacao..., 1751

Size: 23.4 x 20.2 inches (59.4 x 51.3 cm)
Estimate: $3,500 - $4,500
One of the Earliest Detailed Maps of Curacao
Sold for: $1,800
Closed on 6/6/2018

Auction 168, Lot 389

Subject: Venezuela


Pas-kaart vande Zee Kusten van Venecuela met de Byleggende Eylanden, 1700

Size: 22.9 x 20.2 inches (58.2 x 51.3 cm)
Estimate: $900 - $1,100
Superb Early Chart of the Venezuelan Coastline Including the ABC Islands
Closed on 6/6/2018

Auction 168, Lot 399

Subject: Salvador, Brazil


La Ciudadde S. Salvador Capital del Brasil, 1770

Size: 18.5 x 12.9 inches (47 x 32.8 cm)
Estimate: $1,100 - $1,400
Rare Spanish Bird's-Eye View of Salvador de Bahia
Sold for: $550
Closed on 6/6/2018
73 lots
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