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Showing results for:Auction 152
Catalog Archive
19 lots

Auction 152, Lot 701

Subject: Pacific Ocean

Covens & Mortier

Carte Generale de la Polijnesie Australe ou des Iles Eparses de la Mer Pacifique..., 1808

Size: 23.5 x 17.5 inches (59.7 x 44.5 cm)
Estimate: $800 - $950
Sold for: $600
Closed on 2/18/2015

Auction 152, Lot 702

Subject: Pacific Ocean

Mitchell, Samuel Augustus

Map of Oceanica, Exhibiting Its Various Divisions, Island Groups &c., 1860

Size: 13.4 x 10.7 inches (34 x 27.2 cm)
Estimate: $100 - $130
Sold for: $75
Closed on 2/18/2015

Auction 152, Lot 703

Subject: Pacific Ocean

Petermann, Augustus Herman

Tiefenkarte des Grossen Oceans, 1877

Size: 20.9 x 17.2 inches (53.1 x 43.7 cm)
Estimate: $90 - $120
Sold for: $65
Closed on 2/18/2015

Auction 152, Lot 704

Subject: Eastern Pacific Ocean

Depot de la Marine

Ocean Pacifique, Feuille 2e, 1863

Size: 35.5 x 23.8 inches (90.2 x 60.5 cm)
Estimate: $240 - $300
Sold for: $180
Closed on 2/18/2015

Auction 152, Lot 705

Subject: North Pacific Ocean

Muller, Gerard Friedrich

Nouvelle Carte des Decouvertes Faites par des Vaisseaux Russiens aux Cotes Inconnues de l'Amerique Septentrionale avec les Pais Adiacents..., 1758

Size: 25 x 17.9 inches (63.5 x 45.5 cm)
Estimate: $1,000 - $1,300
Sold for: $750
Closed on 2/18/2015

Auction 152, Lot 706

Subject: North Pacific Ocean

Robert de Vaugondy, Didier

Carte des Nouvelles Decouvertes dressee par Phil. Bauche… [on sheet with] Extrait d'Une Carte Japonise de l'Univers…, 1772

Size: 14.9 x 11.7 inches (37.8 x 29.7 cm)
Estimate: $170 - $200
Sold for: $110
Closed on 2/18/2015

Auction 152, Lot 707

Subject: North Pacific Ocean


Carte des Nouvelles Decouvertes au Nord de la Mer du Sud, tant a l'Est de la Siberie et du Kamtchatka, qu'a l'Ouest de la Nouvelle France, 1776

Size: 24.8 x 18 inches (63 x 45.7 cm)
Estimate: $1,100 - $1,400
A Fascinating Map of the Pacific Northwest with a Huge Sea of the West
Sold for: $950
Closed on 2/18/2015

Auction 152, Lot 708

Subject: North Pacific Ocean


Nouvelle Carte des Decouvertes Faites par des Vaisseaux Russiens aux Cotes Inconnues de l'Amerique Septentrionale avec les Pais Adiacents..., 1784

Size: 25.3 x 19.3 inches (64.3 x 49 cm)
Estimate: $550 - $700
Sold for: $400
Closed on 2/18/2015

Auction 152, Lot 709

Subject: North Pacific Ocean


A Chart of the Nth. West Coast of America, & the Nth. East Coast of Asia, Shewing the Discoveries That Have Been Lately Made in Those Parts, 1795

Size: 11.3 x 7.1 inches (28.7 x 18 cm)
Estimate: $140 - $170
Sold for: $70
Closed on 2/18/2015

Auction 152, Lot 710

Subject: South Pacific Ocean

Dudley, Robert (Sir)

Isole nel Mare di Sur Scoperte nel 1617. La Longitudine Comincia da l'Isola di Pico d'Asores d'Asia Carta XXII, 1646

Size: 29.2 x 18.9 inches (74.2 x 48 cm)
Estimate: $550 - $700
Sold for: $450
Closed on 2/18/2015

Auction 152, Lot 711

Subject: South Pacific Ocean

Vuillemin, Alexander A.

Nouvelle Carte Illustree de l'Oceanie Presentant les Grandes Divisions Physiques la Distribution Geographique des Vegetaux et des Mineraux..., 1857

Size: 32.9 x 23.7 inches (83.6 x 60.2 cm)
Estimate: $400 - $550
Sold for: $300
Closed on 2/18/2015

Auction 152, Lot 712

Subject: Pacific Islands

Tallis, John

Polynesia, or Islands in the Pacific Ocean, 1850

Size: 14.2 x 10.3 inches (36.1 x 26.2 cm)
Estimate: $110 - $140
Sold for: $80
Closed on 2/18/2015

Auction 152, Lot 713

Subject: Mariana Islands

Aa, Pieter van der

Figures des Habitans dans l'Ile de Ladrones & Leurs Canoes, 1729

Size: 12.6 x 8.4 inches (32 x 21.3 cm)
Estimate: $80 - $100
Sold for: $110
Closed on 2/18/2015

Auction 152, Lot 714

Subject: Raiatea

Cook, James (Capt.)

Vue de l'Isle d'Ulietea avec une Double Pirogue et un Hangar ou les Insulaires Retirent Leurs Batiments de Mer, 1773

Size: 13.4 x 8.1 inches (34 x 20.6 cm)
Estimate: $70 - $90
Sold for: $46
Closed on 2/18/2015

Auction 152, Lot 715

Subject: Tahiti

Cassini, Giovanni Maria

L'Isola O-Taiti Scoperta dal Cap. Cook. Con le Marchesi di Mendoza, 1798

Size: 19.3 x 13.9 inches (49 x 35.3 cm)
Estimate: $300 - $400
Sold for: $180
Closed on 2/18/2015

Auction 152, Lot 716

Subject: Tahiti

Cook, James (Capt.)

Charte der Insel Otaheite Nach der Messung des Capit. Cook in Jahre 1768..., 1814

Size: 14.9 x 10.9 inches (37.8 x 27.7 cm)
Estimate: $140 - $170
Sold for: $100
Closed on 2/18/2015

Auction 152, Lot 717

Subject: Australia

Tallis, John

Australia, 1850

Size: 12.8 x 9.9 inches (32.5 x 25.1 cm)
Estimate: $240 - $325
Sold for: $180
Closed on 2/18/2015

Auction 152, Lot 718

Subject: Australia, Prints

Graphic, The

The Wool Industry in Australia, 1882

Size: 9.1 x 13.3 inches (23.1 x 33.8 cm)
Estimate: $100 - $130
Sold for: $75
Closed on 2/18/2015

Auction 152, Lot 719

Subject: New Zealand

Bonne, Rigobert

Carte de la Nouvelle Zeelande, 1780

Size: 9.2 x 13.5 inches (23.4 x 34.3 cm)
Estimate: $1,100 - $1,400
Sold for: $1,000
Closed on 2/18/2015
19 lots