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18 lots

Auction 199, Lot 55

Subject: Western Hemisphere - America

Munster, Sebastian

Novae Insulae XXVI Nova Tabula, 1545

Size: 13.6 x 10.1 inches (34.5 x 25.7 cm)
Estimate: $6,000 - $7,500
Early Edition of One of the Most Important 16th Century Maps of the New World
Sold for: $4,500
Closed on 9/11/2024

Auction 199, Lot 56

Subject: Western Hemisphere - America

Ortelius, Abraham

Americae sive Novi Orbis, Nova Descriptio, 1587

Size: 19 x 13.9 inches (48.3 x 35.3 cm)
Estimate: $4,750 - $6,000
Ortelius' Influential Map of the New World
Sold for: $3,500
Closed on 9/11/2024

Auction 199, Lot 57

Subject: Western Hemisphere - America

Blaeu, Willem

Americae Nova Tabula, 1634

Size: 22 x 16.3 inches (55.9 x 41.4 cm)
Estimate: $4,500 - $5,500
Blaeu's Stunning Carte-a-Figures Map of the Americas
Closed on 9/11/2024

Auction 199, Lot 58

Subject: Western Hemisphere - America

Kircher, Athanasius

Mappa Fluxus et Refluxus Rationes in Isthmo Americano, in Freto Magellanico, Caeterisque Americae Litoribus Exhibens, 1665

Size: 16.1 x 13.4 inches (40.9 x 34 cm)
Estimate: $450 - $550
Sold for: $325
Closed on 9/11/2024

Auction 199, Lot 59

Subject: Western Hemisphere - America

Mallet, Alain Manesson

Nouveau Continent avec Plusieurs Isles et Mers, 1684

Size: 4.1 x 5.6 inches (10.4 x 14.2 cm)
Estimate: $160 - $190
Sold for: $120
Closed on 9/11/2024

Auction 199, Lot 60

Subject: Western Hemisphere - America

Danckerts, Justus

Recentissima Novi Orbis sive Americae Septentrionalis et Meridionalis Tabula, 1696

Size: 22.7 x 19.4 inches (57.7 x 49.3 cm)
Estimate: $1,000 - $1,300
Attractive Map of the Americas with Land Bridge to Asia
Sold for: $750
Closed on 9/11/2024

Auction 199, Lot 61

Subject: Western Hemisphere - America

Aa, Pieter van der

Amerika, of de Nieuwe Weerld Aller Eerst door C. Kolumbus Ondekt, en Bevaren, int Jaar 1492, 1707

Size: 8.9 x 6 inches (22.6 x 15.2 cm)
Estimate: $550 - $700
Closed on 9/11/2024

Auction 199, Lot 62

Subject: Western Hemisphere - America

Cluver, Philipp

America, 1729

Size: 10.3 x 8.2 inches (26.2 x 20.8 cm)
Estimate: $350 - $425
Sold for: $250
Closed on 9/11/2024

Auction 199, Lot 63

Subject: Western Hemisphere - America

Homann, Johann Baptist

Totius Americae Septentrionalis et Meridionalis Novissima Repraesentatio quam ex Singulis Recentium Geographorum Tabulis Collecta Luci Publicae Accommodavit, 1730

Size: 22.5 x 19.3 inches (57.2 x 49 cm)
Estimate: $700 - $850
Sold for: $500
Closed on 9/11/2024

Auction 199, Lot 64

Subject: Western Hemisphere - America

Haas/Homann Heirs

Americae Mappa Generalis Secundum Legitimas Projectionis Stereographicae Regulas Relationesque Recentissimas et Observationes..., 1746

Size: 21.4 x 18.5 inches (54.4 x 47 cm)
Estimate: $375 - $450
Sold for: $275
Closed on 9/11/2024

Auction 199, Lot 65

Subject: Western Hemisphere - America

Bowen, Emanuel

A New General Map of America. Drawn from Several Accurate Particular Maps and Charts, and Regulated by Astronomical Observations, 1747

Size: 17.1 x 13.9 inches (43.4 x 35.3 cm)
Estimate: $200 - $230
Sold for: $210
Closed on 9/11/2024

Auction 199, Lot 66

Subject: Western Hemisphere - America

Faden, William

A Map of America, or the New World, Wherein Are Introduced All the Known Parts of the Western Hemisphere, from the Map of D'Anville..., 1797

Size: 22.9 x 20.7 inches (58.2 x 52.6 cm)
Estimate: $400 - $475
Closed on 9/11/2024

Auction 199, Lot 67

Subject: Western Hemisphere - America

Schmidt, Johann Marias Friedrich

America, 1820

Size: 18.4 x 23.8 inches (46.7 x 60.5 cm)
Estimate: $450 - $550
Sold for: $325
Closed on 9/11/2024

Auction 199, Lot 68

Subject: Western Hemisphere - America

Buchon, Jean Alexandre

Carte Geographique, Statistique et Historique de l'Amerique, 1825

Size: 15 x 8.6 inches (38.1 x 21.8 cm)
Estimate: $140 - $170
Sold for: $33
Closed on 9/11/2024

Auction 199, Lot 69

Subject: Western Hemisphere - America

Marmocchi, Francesco

Il Nuovo Mondo Diviso Nelle sue Principali Contrade, 1838

Size: 20.1 x 19.8 inches (51.1 x 50.3 cm)
Estimate: $350 - $425
Sold for: $180
Closed on 9/11/2024

Auction 199, Lot 70

Subject: Western Hemisphere - America

Wyld, James

Map of America, 1846

Size: 23.2 x 20.9 inches (58.9 x 53.1 cm)
Estimate: $200 - $230
Sold for: $125
Closed on 9/11/2024

Auction 199, Lot 71

Subject: Western Hemisphere - America

Tallis, John

[Lot of 2] North America [and] South America, 1850

Size: 9.5 x 14.1 inches (24.1 x 35.8 cm)
Estimate: $275 - $350
Sold for: $150
Closed on 9/11/2024

Auction 199, Lot 72

Subject: Western Hemisphere - America

Pictorial Map of the American Continent Featuring the Pan American Highway and Showing Some of the Natural Resources, Scenic Wonders, and Points of Interest, 1945

Size: 17.3 x 23.7 inches (43.9 x 60.2 cm)
Estimate: $140 - $170
Sold for: $100
Closed on 9/11/2024
18 lots