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Showing results for:Auction 193
Catalog Archive
19 lots

Auction 193, Lot 59

Subject: Cartographic Miscellany, Astrology

Zahn, Johannes

Pro Crisibus Morborum et Aspectibus Planetarum, 1696

Size: 16.5 x 14 inches (41.9 x 35.6 cm)
Estimate: $400 - $475
Sold for: $300
Closed on 6/21/2023

Auction 193, Lot 364

Subject: Recife, Brazil

Bry, Theodore de

[The Portuguese Fight the French Near Recife] V. Capittel. Wie wir ausz Prannenbucte Fuhren nach Einer Landtschafft Buttugaris Genannt..., 1592

Size: 7.7 x 6.3 inches (19.6 x 16 cm)
Estimate: $150 - $180
Sold for: $75
Closed on 6/21/2023

Auction 193, Lot 379

Subject: Cape Verde Islands

Bry, Theodore de

[The Dutch Attacks the Fortress at Praia] Praia, 1655

Size: 7.4 x 5.9 inches (18.8 x 15 cm)
Estimate: $120 - $150
Sold for: $55
Closed on 6/21/2023

Auction 193, Lot 449

Subject: Nyborg, Denmark

Stoopendaal, Daniel

De Stadt Nyborg Veroverdt door de Hr. Michiel de Ruiter, en't Slaan der Zweeden..., 1732

Size: 13.6 x 10 inches (34.5 x 25.4 cm)
Estimate: $160 - $190
Sold for: $150
Closed on 6/21/2023

Auction 193, Lot 478

Subject: Eastern France, Mining

Munster, Sebastian

[Lot of 2] Namen der Gruben im Furtelbach... [and] [Silver Mining & Smelting], 1556

Size: 6.1 x 8.6 inches (15.5 x 21.8 cm)
Estimate: $140 - $170
Sold for: $80
Closed on 6/21/2023

Auction 193, Lot 601

Subject: Turkey - Heraldry

Albizzi, Antonio

Paleologi Imperatores Constantinopolitani, et Marchiones Montisferrati..., 1612

Size: 14.9 x 20.9 inches (37.8 x 53.1 cm)
Estimate: $275 - $350
Sold for: $400
Closed on 6/21/2023

Auction 193, Lot 640

Subject: Japan

Chatelain, Henry Abraham

Succession des Empereurs du Japon avec une Description du Meurtre de l'Empereur Cubo et la Reception des Ambassadeurs Hollandois..., 1720

Size: 17.3 x 14.4 inches (43.9 x 36.6 cm)
Estimate: $200 - $230
Closed on 6/21/2023

Auction 193, Lot 653

Subject: India, Natives

Aa, Pieter van der

Lieu de Combats pour le Divertissement du Grand Mogol [on sheet with] Habit des Hommes et Femmes Maures dans les Indes [and] Carosses a Suratte Tirez par des Boeufs, 1729

Size: 16.2 x 13.2 inches (41.1 x 33.5 cm)
Estimate: $90 - $110
Sold for: $130
Closed on 6/21/2023

Auction 193, Lot 682

Subject: Edfu, Egypt

Roberts, David

Temple of Edfou. Ancient Appolinopolis. Upper Egypt, 1847

Size: 19.7 x 13.3 inches (50 x 33.8 cm)
Estimate: $550 - $700
Sold for: $400
Closed on 6/21/2023

Auction 193, Lot 683

Subject: Karnak, Egypt

Roberts, David

Part of the Hall of Columns at Karnak, Seen from Without, 1847

Size: 9.9 x 14 inches (25.1 x 35.6 cm)
Estimate: $160 - $190
Sold for: $120
Closed on 6/21/2023

Auction 193, Lot 712

Subject: Prints - Native American

Mallet, Alain Manesson

Tabacs, 1683

Size: 3.9 x 5.6 inches (9.9 x 14.2 cm)
Estimate: $80 - $95
Closed on 6/21/2023

Auction 193, Lot 713

Subject: Prints - Native American


Koning en Koningin van de Missisippi, 1720

Size: 6.7 x 9.7 inches (17 x 24.6 cm)
Estimate: $110 - $140
Sold for: $80
Closed on 6/21/2023

Auction 193, Lot 714

Subject: Prints - Ships

Stoopendaal, Daniel

Zee-Slagh Tusschen de Hr. Admiraal Michiel de Ruiter, en de Hr. Prins Robbert en Graaf de Estree... 1673, 1687

Size: 19.9 x 10.3 inches (50.5 x 26.2 cm)
Estimate: $275 - $350
Sold for: $200
Closed on 6/21/2023

Auction 193, Lot 715

Subject: Prints - Religion

Buy de Mornas, Claude

[Lot of 2] Deluge [and] Definitions et Divisions de l'Histoire, 1761

Size: 21.3 x 15.2 inches (54.1 x 38.6 cm)
Estimate: $140 - $170
Sold for: $50
Closed on 6/21/2023

Auction 193, Lot 716

Subject: Portrait, Mississippi Bubble


Madame Law, 1720

Size: 7 x 11.6 inches (17.8 x 29.5 cm)
Estimate: $80 - $95
Sold for: $110
Closed on 6/21/2023

Auction 193, Lot 717

Subject: Satire - Stock Trading, Portrait


Een Schoone Lofkrans Deese onse Actie Winkel Cierd met Planten, Meubilen en Veelerly Gediert, 1720

Size: 7.3 x 11.6 inches (18.5 x 29.5 cm)
Estimate: $80 - $100
Sold for: $60
Closed on 6/21/2023

Auction 193, Lot 718

Subject: Satire - Stock Trading


Stryd Tuszen de Smullende Bubbel Heeren, en de Aanstaande Armoede, 1720

Size: 15.7 x 10.8 inches (39.9 x 27.4 cm)
Estimate: $80 - $100
Sold for: $60
Closed on 6/21/2023

Auction 193, Lot 719

Subject: Satire - Stock Trading


Het Uitgeteerde en Stervende Actie Boomtje, 1720

Size: 3.8 x 5.9 inches (9.7 x 15 cm)
Estimate: $80 - $95
Sold for: $65
Closed on 6/21/2023
19 lots