Index of Lots for Auction 148

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Lot #TitleSubjectCreatorPeriodConditionSold For
1Spectandum Dedit Ortelius Mortalib. Orbem, Orbi Spectandum Galleus OrteliumFrontispiece, PortraitOrtelius/Galle1579B+300.00
2[Portrait of Linschoten] Hugonis A. Linschoten HaerlemensisFrontispiece, PortraitLinschoten, Jan Juygen van1614A450.00
3Willhelm Schouten Abfarth in die SudseeFrontispieceBry, Theodore de1630B+275.00
4Guil. et Ioannis Blaeu Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, sive Atlas Novus. Partis Primae pars AlteraTitle PagesBlaeu, (Family)1640A+230.00
5De Bello Belgico Decas I. Famiani Stradae Rom. Soc. IesuTitle Pages, Low CountriesStrada, Famiamo, S.J.1649A600.00
6D'Onder-Aardse WeereldTitle PagesKircher, Athanasius1682B+150.00
7Historia General de los Hechos de los Castellanos en las Islas y Tierra Firme del Mar Oceano...Title PagesHerrera y Tordesillas, Antonio de1726B+120.00
8Atlas Mapparum Geographicarum Generalium & Specialium Centum Foliis Compositum et Quotidianis Usibus Accomodatum Accedit Introductio in Geographiam Mathematicam, Naturalem & HistoricanTitle PagesHomann Heirs1760B+100.00
9[Lot of 4] Amerique [and] Afrique [and] Asie [and] EuropeContinentsDesnos, Louis Charles1770B+unsold
10[Untitled - World]WorldSylvanus, Bernard1511B27500.00
11Das Erst General Inhaltend die Beschreibung und den Circkel des Gantzen Erdtrichs und MoresWorldMunster, Sebastian1553B+1800.00
12Typus Orbis TerrarumWorldOrtelius, Abraham1587B+5500.00
13Orbis Terrae Compendiosa Descriptio…WorldMercator, Rumold1587Bunsold
14Typus Orbis Terrarum, ad Imitationem Universalis Gerhardi Mercatoris...WorldQuad, Matthias von Kinckelbach1597B+1300.00
15[Untitled - World and Horological Diagrams]WorldRitter, Franz1607B+2000.00
16Orbis Terrae Novissima DescriptioWorldHondius/Le Clerc1633A3500.00
17Nova Totius Terrarum Orbis Geographica ac Hydrographica TabulaWorldBlaeu, Willem1640A12500.00
18Nova Totius Terrarum Orbis Geographica ac Hydpographica TabulaWorldHondius/Mariette1642B+3000.00
19Orbis Terrarum Nova et Accuratissima TabulaWorldVisscher, Nicolas1658B+3000.00
20Typus Orbis TerrarumWorldCluver, Philipp1661B+unsold
21Orbis Terrarum Tabula Recens Emendata et in Lucem Edita per N. VisscherWorldVisscher, Nicolas1663B+1400.00
22Mappe-Monde pour Connoitre les Progres & les Conquestes les Plus Remarquables des Prouinces-Unies, Ainsy que Celles des Compagnies d'Orient et d'Occident, et les Pais Quelles Possedent dans l'un et dans Lautre HemisphereWorldAnon.1670B+375.00
23Nova Orbis Tabula, in Lucem EditaWorldWit, Frederick de1670B3250.00
24Nova Totius Terrarum Orbis Geographica ac Hydrographica TabulaWorldPitt, Moses1680B6500.00
25Le Monde en PlanisphereWorldDuval, Pierre1682B+unsold
26Orbis Vetus, et Orbis Veteris Utraque Continens, Terrarumque Tractus Arcticus, et Antarcticus...WorldSanson, Nicolas1694Aunsold
27Planisphaerium Terrestre cum Utroque Coelesti Hemisphaerio, sive Diversa Orbis Terraquei... / Vlakke Aard-Kloot met het Beide Hemelsch Half-Rond, of de Onderscheidene Verbeelding van de Land-Water-Waereld…WorldZurner/Schenk1700A3250.00
28Carte Generale de Toutes les Costes du Monde, et les Pays Nouvellement Decouvert, Dressee sur les Relations les Plus Nouvelles...WorldMortier, Pierre1700B+2500.00
29Mappe-Monde ou Carte Generale de la Terre, Dressee sur les Observations de Mrs. de l'Academie Royale des SciencesWorldFer, Nicolas de1705B+350.00
30De Werelt CaartWorldDanckerts, Cornelius1710B+800.00
31Werreldt KaertWorldVan de Putte1715Bunsold
32Mappe-Monde, Suivant les Nouvelles Observations de Messrs. de l'Academie Royale des Sciences, etc. Augmentees de NouveauWorldAa, Pieter van der1720A1300.00
33A New Map of the Whole World with the Tradewinds According to ye Latest and Most Exact ObservationsWorldMoll, Herman1736A450.00
34Essay d'une Carte Reduite Contenant les Parties Connues du Globe Terrestre...WorldBellin, Jacques Nicolas1748B+600.00
35Mappe-MondeWorldBuffier, Claude1749B+unsold
36Mappemonde a l'Usage du RoyWorldDelisle/Covens & Mortier1770B+900.00
37Mappe-Mondes sur Diverses ProjectionsWorldChamouin, Jean Baptiste Marie1812B+unsold
38Mappe-Monde en Deux HemispheresWorldLapie/Tardieu1842B+unsold
39[Lot of 2] Western Hemisphere [and] Eastern HemisphereWorldTallis, John1850B+325.00
40Map of the World on the Mercator Projection, Exhibiting the American Continent as Its CentreWorldMitchell, Samuel Augustus1860B+46.00
41La Terre Connue Lorsque l'Evangile sut PublieAncient WorldAnon.1720A160.00
42Universalis Tabula Iuxta PtolemaeumAncient WorldPtolemy/Mercator1730Aunsold
43Polus Arcticus cum Vicinis RegionibusNorth PoleMercator/Hondius1609A300.00
44La Description des HyperboreesNorth PoleHondius/Bertius1618A350.00
45Hemisphere Septentrional pour Voir Plus Distinctement les Terres ArctiquesNorth PoleDelisle, Guillaume1714B225.00
46A Correct Draught of the North Pole and of All the Countries Hitherto Discovered, Intercepted Between the Pole and the Parallel of 50 Degrees...North PoleBowen, Emanuel1744B+325.00
47Emisfero Terrestre Settentrionale Tagliato su l'EquatoreNorth PoleZatta, Antonio1779B+135.00
48A Map of the Countries Situate About the North Pole as Far as the 50th Degree of North LatitudeNorth PoleCarey, Mathew1795B+100.00
49Description de la Terre Soubs-AustraleSouth PoleHondius/Bertius1618A1000.00
50Atlas, Designed to Illustrate the Geography of the Heavens, Comprising the Following Maps or Plates.CelestialBurritt, Elijah H.1835B750.00
51[Untitled - Moon]MoonKircher, Athanasius1682B+1500.00
52Schema Corporis Solaris, Prout ab Auctore et P. Scheinero. Romae Anno 1635 Observatum SuitSunKircher, Athanasius1682B+1700.00
53[12 Inch Globe] Cary’s New Terrestrial Globe Delineated from the Best Authorities…GlobesCary, John1800B6000.00
54[12-Inch Globe] Loring's Terrestrial Globe Containing All the Late Discoveries and Geographical Improvements…GlobesJoslin, Gilman1846Bunsold
55Systema Ideale Pyrophylaciorum Subterraneorum, Quorum Montes Vulcanii, Veluti Spiracula Quaedam ExistantCartographic MiscellanyKircher, Athanasius1682A3000.00
56[Untitled - Napoleon Bonaparte Portrait]Cartographic Miscellany, Napoleon, Germany1814B+350.00
57Journal de la Belgique. Pieces Officielles. Nouvelles DiversesCartographic Miscellany, Low Countries1815B+80.00
58The United States at One ViewCartographic MiscellanyPhelps, Humphrey1845B500.00
59Table of the Comparative of the Principal Mountains in the World [on sheet with] Table of the Comparative Lengths of the Principal Rivers in the WorldCartographic MiscellanyWyld, James1850Aunsold
60Puzzle Map of the United StatesCartographic Miscellany, United StatesMilton Bradley Co.1880B210.00
61Tabula Novarum Insularum, quas Diversis Respectibus Occidentales & Indianas VocantWestern HemisphereMunster, Sebastian1559A5000.00
62Americae Sive Novi Orbis, Nova DescriptioWestern HemisphereOrtelius, Abraham1579A5000.00
63Americae Nova TabulaWestern HemisphereBlaeu, Willem1647B+3800.00
64L'Amerique Autrement le Nouveau Monde et Indes OccidentalesWestern HemisphereDuval, Pierre1664A850.00
65Mappa Fluxus et Reflxus Rationes in Isthmo Americano in Freto Magellanico, Caeterisque Americae Littoribus ExhibensWestern HemisphereKircher, Athanasius1665A550.00
66Novissima et Accuratissima Totius Americae DescriptioWestern Hemisphere - AmericaMeurs, Jacob van1673Bunsold
67Carte d'Amerique Dressee pour l'Usage du RoyWestern HemisphereDelisle, Guillaume1722A1200.00
68Totius Americae Septentrionalis et Meridionalis Novissima Repraesentatio quam ex Singulis Recentium Geographorum Tabulis Collecta Luci Publicae AccommodavitWestern HemisphereHomann, Johann Baptist1740B450.00
69Americae Mappa Generalis Secundum Legitimas Projectionis Stereographicae Regulas Relationes que Recentissimas...Western HemisphereHaas/Homann Heirs1746B+450.00
70Tab: Geogr: Americae ad Emendatiora quae Adhuc Prodierunt Exempla Jussu Acad: Reg: Scient: et Eleglitt Boruss DescriptaWestern HemisphereVon Euler, Leonhard1753B+unsold
71L'Amerique Divisee par Grands EtatsWestern HemisphereJanvier/Lattre1762B+210.00
72L'America Divisa ne Suoi Principali Stati di Nuova ProjezioneWestern HemisphereZatta, Antonio1776B+250.00
73L'AmeriqueWestern HemisphereRobert de Vaugondy, Didier1778A130.00
74L'Amerique Divisee en Ses Principaux Etats Assujettie aux Observations Astronomiqes...Western HemisphereJanvier/Santini1784Aunsold
75A New Map of the Whole Continent of America, Divided into North and South and West Indies wherein are Exactly Described the United States of North America...Western HemisphereLaurie & Whittle1794B+1100.00
76North & South America; For the Elucidation of the Abbe Gaultier's Geographical GamesWestern Hemisphere, FrankliniaAspin, Jehoshaphat1845A425.00
77Amerique Septentrionale par N. Sanson d'Abbeville…North AmericaSanson/Mariette1650B1900.00
78Amerique SeptentrionaleNorth AmericaMallet, Alain Manesson1685B+unsold
79L'Amerique Septentrionale Noord AmericaNorth AmericaLa Feuille, Daniel de1706A+unsold
80L'Amerique SeptentrionaleNorth AmericaSanson, Nicolas1720B280.00
81Carte des Parties Nord et Ouest de l'Amerique Dressee d'Apres les Relations les Plus Authentiques...North AmericaRobert de Vaugondy, Didier1772B+130.00
82North America Agreeable to the Most Approved Maps and ChartsNorth AmericaConder, Thomas1779A450.00
83Carte Generale de l'Amerique SeptentrionaleNorth AmericaBonne, Rigobert1781B+180.00
84L'Amerique Septentrionale, ou se Remarquent les Etats UnisNorth AmericaBrion de la Tour, Louis1783B+1400.00
85[On 4 Sheets] Generalkarte von Nordamerica samt den Westindischen InselnNorth AmericaSchraembl, Franz Anton1788A900.00
86An Accurate Map of North America with the New DiscoveriesNorth AmericaNeele, Samuel John1793A75.00
87A New Map of North America Shewing All the New DiscoveriesNorth AmericaMorse, Jedidiah (Rev.)1797A90.00
88Amerique SeptentrionaleNorth AmericaBlondeau, Alexandre1800A110.00
89North America from the Latest AuthoritiesNorth AmericaDarton, William1812A90.00
90Nord America Entworfen u. GezeichnetNorth America, TexasStuelpnagel, Fr. Von1836B200.00
91[Lot of 2] Carte de l'Amerique Septentrionale et des Antilles [and] Carte de l'Amerique Septentrionale…North AmericaDelamarche1838-44B+170.00
92Amerique SeptentrionaleNorth AmericaLorrain, N. Pere1839B+120.00
93Carte de l'Amerique SeptentrionaleNorth America, TexasLapie/Tardieu1841B+140.00
94North AmericaNorth America, TexasGreenleaf, Jeremiah1842B+230.00
95North AmericaNorth America, TexasSDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge1843A120.00
96Amerique SeptentrionaleNorth America, TexasLevasseur, Victor1843A170.00
97NordamerikaNorth AmericaBrockhaus, F. A.1863B+100.00
98The English Empire in America, Newfound-Land, Canada, Hudson's Bay. &c. in PlanoColonial North America & West IndiesMoll, Herman1701B+225.00
99Carte Contenant le Royaume du Mexique et la Floride, Dressez sur les Meilleures Observations & sur les Memoires les plus NouveauxColonial North America & CaribbeanChatelain, Henry Abraham1719A+650.00
100Carte du Mexique et de la Floride des Terres Angloises et des Isles Antilles…Colonial North America & CaribbeanDelisle/Covens & Mortier1722B+unsold
101Mappa Geographica Regionem Mexicanam et Floridam Terrasque Adjacentes, ut et Anteriores Americae Insulas, Cursus Itidem et Reditus Navigantium Versus Flumen Missisipi...Colonial North America & CaribbeanSeutter/Lotter1770A900.00
102The Isle of California. New Mexico. Louisiane. The River Misisipi. And the Lake's of Canada.Western North America, CaliforniaMoll, Herman1701B+425.00
103Carte de la Californie et des Pays Nord-Ouest separes de l'Asie par le Detroit d'Anian, extraite de deux cartes publiees au commencement du 17e siecleWestern North AmericaRobert de Vaugondy, Didier1772A100.00
104Amerique Boreale pour Servir a l'Histoire des Dernieres DecouvertesNorthwestern North America, Bering StraitMonin, Charles V.1837A75.00
105Voyages from Montreal, on the River St. Laurence, Through the Continent of North America, to the Frozen and Pacific Oceans; in the Years 1789 and 1793...CanadaMackenzie, Alexander1801Bunsold
106A Chart of the Banks of Newfoundland, Drawn from a Great Number of Hydrographical Surveys, Chiefly from Those of Chabert, Cook and Fleurieu, Connected and Ascertained by Astronomical ObservationsEastern CanadaJefferys/Sayer & Bennett1775B150.00
107[Lot of 2] New and Accurate Chart of Hudson's Bay, in North America [and] Halifax HarborEastern Canada1782-1865unsold
108The Island of Newfoundland, Laid Down from Surveys Taken by Order of the Right Honorable the Lords Commissioners of Admiralty, by Lieut. Michael Lane...Eastern CanadaFaden, William1790Bunsold
109Karte von dem Eylande Terre-Neuve...Newfoundland, CanadaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1744B+170.00
110Carte Reduite du Golphe de St. Laurent Contenant l'Isle de Terre-Neuve et Partie de la Coste des Esquimaux...Gulf of St. Lawrence, CanadaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1754B180.00
111A Chart of the Gulf of St. Laurence, Composed from a Great Number of Actual Surveys and Other Materials, Regulated and Connected by Astronomical ObservationsGulf of St. Lawrence, CanadaJefferys/Sayer & Bennett1775B+unsold
112Karte von dem Laufe des Flusses St. Laurenz...St. Lawrence River, CanadaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1757A90.00
113Plan du Port et Ville de Louisbourg dans l'Isle RoyaleCape Breton Island, CanadaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1756A+110.00
114Carte de l'Acadie, Isle Royale, et Pais Voisins. Pour Servir a l'Histoire Generale des VoyagesNova Scotia, CanadaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1757A150.00
115A Plan of the City of QuebecQuebec City, CanadaWeld, Isaac1798B+unsold
116Carte des Etats-Unis d'Amerique, du Canada, du Nouveau Brunswick et d'une Partie de la Nouvelle BretagneUnited States & Canada, TexasLapie/Tardieu1841B+220.00
117New Map of the Dominion of CanadaUnited States & CanadaBartholomew, John1870B+60.00
118Tierra NuevaEastern United States & CanadaRuscelli, Girolamo1574B+500.00
119CanadaColonial United States & CanadaDuval, Pierre1682B+300.00
120Carte Nouvelle de l'Amerique Angloise Contenant la Virginie, Mary-Land, Caroline, Pensylvania, Nouvelle Iorck, N: Iarsey N: France, et les Terres Nouvellement Decouerte...Colonial United States & CanadaMortier, Pierre1700Aunsold
121Carte du Canada ou de la Nouvelle France et des Decouvertes qui y ont ete Faites...Colonial United States & CanadaDelisle/Covens & Mortier1730A1100.00
122Dominia Anglorum in America Septentrionali... / Die Gros-Britannische Colonie-Laender, in Nord-America...Colonial United States & CanadaHomann Heirs1740A350.00
123A Map of the British & French Plantations in North AmericaColonial United States & CanadaAnon.1755A180.00
124A New and Accurate Map of the Present War in North AmericaColonial United States & CanadaHinton, John1757B+375.00
125A Particular Map, to Illustrate Gen. Amherst's Expedition, to Montreal; with a Plan of the Town & Draught of ye IslandColonial United States & CanadaGibson, John1760B+80.00
126A New Map of North America from the Latest DiscoveriesColonial United States & CanadaSpilsbury, J.1761B+275.00
127An Accurate Map of the British Empire in Nth. America as Settled by the Preliminaries in 1762Colonial United States & CanadaGibson, John1762B+180.00
128Partie du Nord de l'Amerique Septentrionale, pour Servir a l'Histoire Philosophique et Politique…Colonial United States & CanadaBonne, Rigobert1774B110.00
129Map of the United States in North America: with the British, French and Spanish Dominions Adjoining, According to the Treaty of 1783Eastern United States & CanadaKitchin, Thomas1783B2100.00
130L'Acadia, le Provincie di Sagadahook e Main, la Nuova Hampshire, la Rhode Island, e Parte di Massachusset e ConnecticutEastern United States & CanadaZatta, Antonio1785B+160.00
131Carte Generale des Etats-Unis de l'Amerique Septentrionale, Renfermant Aussi Quelques Provinces Angloises Adjacentes...Eastern United States & CanadaCrevecoeur, Michel Guillaume De1787B+1000.00
132[Map with Report] Map of the Various Lines between the United States and the British ProvincesEastern United States & CanadaGraham, James D.1846B300.00
133A Geological Map of the United States and CanadaEastern United States & CanadaHitchcock, Edward1853B+350.00
134British Possessions in North AmericaNorthern United States & CanadaArrowsmith, Aaron, Sr.1809A140.00
135Journal of an Exploring Tour Beyond the Rocky Mountains … [with] Map of Oregon TerritoryWestern United States & CanadaParker, Samuel (Rev.)1844Bunsold
136Voyages Aux Montagnes Rocheuses, et une Annee de Sejour Chez les Tribus Indiennes du Vaste Territoire de l'Oregon, Defendant des Etats-Unis d'AmeriqueWestern United States & CanadaDe Smet, Father Pierre-Jean1844B+350.00
137Das Oregon-GebietWestern United States & CanadaFlemming, Carl1848Aunsold
138A Map Shewing the Communication of the Lakes and the Rivers Between Lake Superior and Slave Lake in North AmericaWestern Canada & AlaskaAnon.1790A180.00
139Partie de la Carte du Capitaine Cluny Auteur d'un Ouvrage Anglois Intitule American Traveller Publie a ' Londres en 1769Arctic, Canada & AlaskaRobert de Vaugondy, Didier1769B+90.00
140United States of America Compiled from the Latest & Best AuthoritiesUnited StatesMelish, John1821B500.00
141United StatesUnited StatesMorse, Sidney Edwards1822B250.00
142A Geological Map of the United StatesUnited StatesHinton, Simpkin & Marshall1832B+250.00
143United StatesUnited StatesBradford, Thomas Gamaliel1835A70.00
144No. 5 Map of the United States Engraved to Illustrate Mitchell's School and Family GeographyUnited States, Texas, MexicoMitchell, Samuel Augustus1839B+120.00
145Etats-UnisUnited States, TexasDuvotenay, Thunot1846B+100.00
146The United States & The Relative Position of the Oregon & TexasUnited States, TexasWyld, James1846B+650.00
147Vereinigte Staaten von NordamerikaUnited StatesFlemming, Carl1852Aunsold
148[Map in Book] The United States of America [in] A Comprehensive Geography and History Ancient and ModernUnited StatesColton, Joseph Hutchins1855B+325.00
149Map of the United States, and Territories. Together with Canada &c.United StatesMitchell, Samuel Augustus1860A350.00
150[Lot of 3 - Unused Civil War Envelopes]United States, Civil War1861B+110.00
151[Untitled - Map of United States with The Army of Liberty Song]United States, Civil WarMagnus, Charles1863A180.00
152Map of the United States, Showing the Territory in Possession of the Federal UnionUnited States, Civil WarBacon, G. W. & Company1864B+400.00
153General Map of the United StatesUnited StatesBartholomew, John1875A220.00
154[Lot of 3] Map of the United States Exhibiting the Progress Made in the Geographic Survey [and] Map of the United States Showing Progress in Preparation and Engraving of Topographic Maps [and] Map Showing Condition and Progress of Topographic SurveysUnited StatesU.S. Geological Survey (USGS)1884-99210.00
155Governors, Coats of Arms and Interesting Features of the States and Territories of Our CountryUnited States1889B+250.00
156The Rand-McNally Railway Guide Map of the United States with Portions of the Dominion of Canada, the Republic of Mexico, and the West IndiesUnited States, RailroadsRand McNally & Co.1893B+350.00
157Map Showing the Lines of the Bell Telephone Companies in the United States and CanadaUnited States1904B+130.00
158Carte de la Louisiane et du Cours du Mississipi Dressee sur un Grand Nombre de Memoires entr'autres sur ceux de Mr. le MaireColonial United States, Louisiana TerritoryDelisle/Covens & Mortier1733A1500.00
159Various Plans and Draughts of Cities, Towns, Harbours &c. Drawn from the Latest AuthoritiesColonial United States, CubaConder, Thomas1780A100.00
160Carte des Etats-Unis d'Amerique et du Cours du Mississipi…Eastern United StatesBrion de la Tour, Louis1784B+1500.00
161Part of North America, Comprehending the Course of the Ohio, New England, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, Carolina & GeorgiaEastern United StatesCary, John1795B+unsold
162The United States of AmericaEastern United StatesScott, Joseph1800B300.00
163Carta delle Provincie Settentrionli. degli Stati UnitiEastern United StatesRochefoucald Liancourt, Francois Alexander1800A120.00
164Carte Generale des Etats-UnisEastern United StatesTardieu, Antonie Francois1806B+130.00
165The United StatesEastern United StatesCummings & Hilliard1822B+400.00
166Amer. Sep. Partie des Etats Unis. No. 51Eastern United StatesVandermaelen, Philippe Marie Guillaume1825B+100.00
167United StatesEastern United StatesHall, Sidney1829B+100.00
168United StatesEastern United StatesTallis, John1851B+250.00
169United States of North America (Eastern & Central)Eastern United States, Civil WarEttling, Theodor1862B+160.00
170Novi Belgii, quod nunc Novi Jorck Vocatur, Novae qz. Angliae & Partis Virginiae Accuratissima et Novissima DelineatioColonial New England & Mid-Atlantic United StatesMontanus, Arnoldus1671B400.00
171Nova Belgica et Anglia NovaColonial New England & Mid-Atlantic United StatesJansson/Valck & Schenk1694B+unsold
172Nova Anglia Septentrionali Americae Implantata Anglorumque Coloniis Florentissima...Colonial New England & Mid-Atlantic United StatesHomann, Johann Baptist1730B+unsold
173Nouvelle Angleterre Nlle. York Nlle. Jersey Pensilvanie Mariland et VirginieColonial New England & Mid-Atlantic United StatesRobert de Vaugondy, Didier1748A+200.00
174Carte de la Nouvelle Angleterre Nouvelle Yorck et PensilvanieColonial New England & Mid-Atlantic United StatesBellin, Jacques Nicolas1757A150.00
175New England New York New Jersey and PensilvaniaColonial New England & Mid-Atlantic United StatesSalmon, Thomas1767B275.00
176Nieuwe en Nauwkeurige Kaart van een gedeelte van Noord Amerika, behelzende Nieuw Engeland, New York, Pensylvania, New Jersey, Connecticut, Rhode Island, een Stuk van Virginia, Kanada en HalifaxColonial New England & Mid-Atlantic United StatesKalm, Peter1772B+unsold
177Carte de la Partie Nord, des Etats Unis, de l'Amerique SeptentrionaleColonial New England & Mid-Atlantic United StatesBonne/Raynal1780Aunsold
178[Three Volumes] Lettres d'un Cultivateur Americain Addressees a Wm. S... on Esqr. Depuis l'Annee 1770 Jusqu'en 1786...New England United StatesCrevecoeur, Michel Guillaume De1787A3000.00
179Rhode-Island and ConnecticutNew England United StatesMorse, Jedidiah (Rev.)1796B+130.00
180Map of the Northern Provinces of the United StatesNortheastern United StatesPhillips, Richard (Sir)1799B+250.00
181A Map of the Country Which Was the Scene of Operations of the Northern Army Including the Wilderness Through Which General Arnold Marched to Attack QuebecNew England United States, Revolutionary WarPhillips, Richard (Sir)1806Aunsold
182[Map in Report] Notes on an Early Chart of Long Island Sound [with] A Portion of a Map of New England in the Public Record Office…New England United StatesU.S. Coast & Geodetic Survey1890B+110.00
183Nova Virginiae TabulaColonial Mid-Atlantic United StatesHondius/Blaeu1663A2100.00
184Map of the Middle States, of America. Comprehends New-York, New-Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, and the Territory N:W: of OhioMid-Atlantic United StatesRussell, John C.1794B+300.00
185A Map of the Country from Rariton River in East Jersey, to Elk Head in Maryland, Shewing the Several Operations of the American & British Armies, in 1776 & 1777Mid-Atlantic United StatesPhillips, Richard (Sir)1806A90.00
186[Lot of 2] Johnson's Map of the Vicinity of Richmond, and Peninsular Campaign in Virginia… [and] Johnson's Virginia, Delaware, Maryland & West VirginiaMid-Atlantic United StatesJohnson, A. J.1862-6475.00
187One Hundred and Fifty Miles Around Richmond. Eastern Army GuideMid-Atlantic United States, Virginia, Civil WarMagnus, Charles1863B600.00
188Chesapeake Bay Maryland and VirginiaMid-Atlantic United StatesU.S. Coast & Geodetic Survey1904B+160.00
189Air Navigation Map No. 46 (Experimental) Washington, D.C. to Middletown, PA.Mid-Atlantic United StatesU.S. Corps of Engineers1925A80.00
190The Bay of Chesapeake, from Its Entrance to BaltimoreChesapeake BayBlunt, Edmund1815B110.00
191Map and Profile of the Route of the Wilmington and Susquehanna Railroad...Delaware, MarylandRailroad Companies, (Various)1835B+150.00
192Virginiae Item et Floridae Americae Provinciarum, Nova DescriptioColonial Southeast United StatesHondius, Jodocus1619B+2200.00
193A New Discription of Carolina by Order of the Lords ProprietorsColonial Southeast United StatesMoxon/Ogilby1673B+unsold
194D. Carolina nebst Einem Theil von FloridaColonia Southeast United StatesHomann Heirs1740B+160.00
195Carte de la Partie Sud des Etats Unis de l'Amerique SeptentrionaleColonia Southeast United StatesBonne, Rigobert1780B60.00
196A New and Accurate Map of North Carolina, and Part of South Carolina, with the Field of Battle between Earl Cornwallis and General GatesColonia Southeast United StatesLodge, John1780B+400.00
197Carte de la Caroline Meridionale et Septentrionale et de la VirginieSoutheast United StatesTardieu, Pierre Francois1797B+unsold
198Carta delle Provincie Meridionali degli Stati-UnitiSoutheast United StatesRochefoucald Liancourt, Francois Alexander1800A170.00
199Map of the Southern Provinces of the United StatesSoutheast United StatesPhillips, Richard (Sir)1800B+140.00
200Theatre des Operations les Plus Importantes de l'Armee du Sud, dans la Virginie, dans les Deux Carolines, et dans la GeorgieSoutheast United StatesMarshall, John1807B+140.00
201La FlorideColonial Southern United StatesDuval, Pierre1682B+275.00
202La Floride, Suivant les Nouvelles Observations…Colonial Southern United StatesAa, Pieter van der1729A1200.00
203A Map of the New Governments, of East & West FloridaColonial Southern United States, FloridaGibson, John1763A275.00
204Map of Louisiana from D'Anville's AtlasSouthern United StatesHarrison, John1788C+170.00
205GeorgiaSouthern United States, GeorgiaScott, Joseph1799B+150.00
206Map of the State of Kentucky; with the Adjoining TerritoriesTennessee, KentuckyRussell, John C.1794B+425.00
207[Lot of 3] Section of Map of the States of Kansas and Texas and Indian Territory, with Parts of the Territories of Colorado and New Mexico... [and] General Topographical Map. Sheet XXIV [and] General Topographical Map. Sheet XXVSouth Central United StatesU.S. War Department1867A110.00
208Carte de la Louisiane et Pays Voisins pour Servir a l'Histoire Generale des VoyagesColonial Central United StatesBellin, Jacques Nicolas1757B110.00
209Carte de la Louisiane Colonie Francaise avec le Cours du Fleuve St. Louis, les Rivieres Adjacentes, les Nations des Naturels, les Stablissems. Franciase et les MinesColonial Central United States, LouisanaLe Page du Pratz1757B+850.00
210Gli Stati Uniti dell'America Delineati sulle ultime Osservazioni - Terzo Foglio che comprende Parte Della Virginia e della CarolinaCentral United StatesCassini, Giovanni Maria1797B+unsold
211Geographical, Statistical, and Historical Map of Arkansa Territory / Map of Arkansa and other Territories of the United StatesCentral United StatesCarey & Lea1823B+650.00
212[Lot of 2] Amer. Sep. Partie des Etats-Unis. No. 49 [and] Amer. Sep. Partie des Etats-Unis. No. 55Central United StatesVandermaelen, Philippe Marie Guillaume1825Aunsold
213Map Illustrating the Plan of the Defences of the Western & North-Western Frontier, as proposed by Charles Gratiot, in his report of Oct. 31, 1837Central United StatesGratiot, Charles1837B+135.00
214[Maps with Report] Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, Transmitting the annual report of the Commissioner of the General Land Office. December 27, 1841Central, Southern United StatesGeneral Land Office1841B100.00
215North America Sheet VIII Ohio, with Parts of Kentucky, Virginia and IndianaCentral United StatesSDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge1852A60.00
216[Lot of 3] Johnson's Missouri and Kansas [and] Kansas and Nebraska [and] [Untitled - Daily Illinois State Journal ... Volume X. - Number 183]Central United States1857-60unsold
217[Lot of 3] States of Illinois, Missouri, and Arkansas [and] Illinois, Missouri, Iowa, Nebraska and Kansas [and] County Map of the States of Iowa and MissouriCentral United States1857-61unsold
218[Lot of 2] Johnson's Nebraska, Dakota, Colorado, & Kansas [and] Johnson's Nebraska Dakota, Colorado Idaho & KansasCentral United States1861-6495.00
219Maps of the New and Popular St. Louis and Texas Short Line! Composed of the St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern, Texas & Pacific and International & Great Northern RailwaysCentral United States, TexasRailroad Companies, (Various)1878C+unsold
220Dell's Electric Railway Map. Showing the Various Electric Systems in Operation and Under Construction…Central United States1907A130.00
221Air Navigation Map No. 47 (Experimental) Dayton, Ohio to Mt. Clemens, Mich.Central United StatesU.S. Corps of Engineers1925A80.00
222Airway Map No. 105 Kansas City, MO., to Moline, Ill.Central United StatesU.S. Coast & Geodetic Survey1928A80.00
223A Map of the Sources of the Colorado & Big Salt Lake, Platte, Yellow-Stone, Muscle-Shell, Missouri; & Salmon & Snake Rivers, branches of the Columbia RiverWestern United StatesBonneville, Benjamin L. E. de1837B+unsold
224Map of the Route Pursued by the Late Expedition under the Command of Col. S.W. Kearney, U.S. 1st Dragoons [with report]Western United StatesFranklin, William Buell [Lt.]1845B+275.00
225Map of an Exploring Expedition to the Rocky Mountains in the Year 1842 and to Oregon & North California in the Years 1843-44 [with] Report of The Exploring Expedition to the Rocky Mountains…Western United StatesFremont/Preuss1845C+425.00
226No. 15 Map of Oregon and Upper CaliforniaWestern United StatesMitchell, Samuel Augustus1846B+80.00
227[Lot of 2] Map of the Territories & Pacific States to Accompany "Across the Continent" [and] Map to Illustrate Capt. Bonneville's Adventures Among the Rocky Mountains, Compiled by J. H. ColtonWestern United States1852-65B+160.00
228A New Map of the State of California and Nevada Territory...California, NevadaRansom & Doolittle1863B+2000.00
229Map of the Territory West of the Rocky MountainsNorthwestern United StatesBonneville, Benjamin L. E. de1837B375.00
230Milk R. to the Crossing of the Columbia R…Northwestern United StatesU.S. Railroad Surveys1853-55B+120.00
231Map of Oregon, Washington, and Part of British ColumbiaNorthwestern United StatesMitchell, Samuel Augustus1860A110.00
232[Lot of 2] Johnson's New Map of the State of Texas [and] Johnson's California Territories of New Mexico and UtahSouthwestern United StatesJohnson & Ward1862B+325.00
233Colton's Map of California, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Arizona & New MexicoSouthwestern United StatesColton, G.W. & C.B.1865B+160.00
234The Gold and Coal Fields of Alaska Together with the Principle Steamer Routes and TrailsAlaskaU.S. Geological Survey (USGS)1898B+90.00
235[Lot of 4] Clason's Guide Map of Arizona [and] Territory of Arizona [and] Arizona [and] Arizona. Sketch Map of Irrigated Areas and Main Topographic FeaturesArizona1901-19160.00
236The Sacramento Valley from the American River to Butte Creek…California, Gold MiningDerby, George Horatio (Lt)1849B+220.00
237Geological Reconnoissances in CaliforniaCaliforniaTyson, Philip1850B90.00
238Map No. 1 From San Francisco Bay to the Plains of Los Angeles...CaliforniaParke, John G. (Lt.)1854-55B+160.00
239Amer. Sep. Partie de la Nouvle. Californie. No. 52Central CaliforniaVandermaelen, Philippe Marie Guillaume1825B150.00
240[Lot of 4] Sketch of the Battle of Los Angeles Upper California... [and] Sketch of the Passage of the Rio San Gabriel... [and] Sketch of the Actions Fought at San Pascal... [and] [Untitled - Map of the California Coast]Southern CaliforniaU.S. Government1847B+220.00
241[Lot of 5] Los Angeles Times Annual Midwinter Number Parts I-VSouthern California1923B+450.00
242Map of the City of Los AngelesLos Angeles, California1903A+200.00
243Engineer's Preliminary Map of Monterey Peninsula Country Club Subdivisions No. 1 and No. 2Monterey, California1925B+50.00
244[Lot of 3] [Untitled - Map of Avalon Bay] [and] [Untitled - Map of Catalina Island] [and] Avalon TownCatalina Island, California1925-48150.00
245Map of Colorado Territory to Accompany Hollister's 'Mines of Colorado' Corrected from the Public Surveys of 1866 [with book] Mines of ColoradoColoradoHollister, Ovando J.1867B+550.00
246Plan of the City of WashingtonWashington, D.C.Weld, Isaac1798A300.00
247Geographical, Statistical, and Historical Map of the District of ColumbiaWashington, D.C.Carey & Lea1822A250.00
248City of WashingtonWashington, D.C.Thomas, Cowperthwait & Co.1850A150.00
249[Lot of 2] Johnson's Georgetown and the City of Washington The Capital of the United States of America [and] Plan of the City of Washington. The Capitol of the United States of AmericaWashington, D.C.1861-62B+200.00
250United States CapitolWashington, D.C.Johnson, A. J.1866B+50.00
251Cartes Particulieres des Concessions Faites par l'Angleterre a la France et a l’Espagne par la Traite de 1783Florida1784B+140.00
252Map of the State of FloridaFloridaHinton, John Howard1832B+140.00
253Map of the Peninsula of Florida and Adjacent Islands. Florida East Coast RailwayFloridaMatthews-Northrup Co1926B+180.00
254A Plat Exhibiting the State of the Surveys in the Territory of FloridaNorthern FloridaU.S. Government1837B+80.00
255Military Map of the Peninsula of Florida South of Tampa Bay Compiled from the Latest and Most Reliable AuthoritiesSouthern FloridaIves, Joseph C. (Lt.)1911B+210.00
256A View of the Town and Castle of St. Augustine, and the English Camp Before It June 20, 1740St. Augustine, FloridaSilver, Thomas1740B+unsold
257Plan von Neu Ebenezer [on sheet with] [Untitled - Map of Southeast]GeorgiaSeutter, Matthias1747B+unsold
258[Lot of 4 - Island Maps]HawaiiWhite, Ruth Taylor1935A220.00
259Carte Plate de l'Ile Necker…Necker Island & French Frigate ShoalsLa Perouse, Comte Jean F. Galoup, de1797Aunsold
260Scenes in ChicagoChicago, IllinoisWaud, Alfred R.1874A35.00
261[Lot of 3] Karte von Iowa [and] A New Map of the State of Iowa [and] IowaIowa1852-56130.00
262Harper's Weekly. A Journal of Civilization. Vol. XI. - No. 552...KansasHarper Bros.1867B+40.00
263Map Showing Location of Pottawattamie Reserve; Lands in Kansas Belonging to Atchison Topeka & Santa Fe R.R. Co.Eastern Kansas1869B+180.00
264[Lot of 7 - Engineering Maps of the Ohio River]Louisville, Kentucky1852-56B+40.00
265Plan of the Front Part of the City of New Orleans, in 1818New Orleans, LouisianaU.S. Government1827B+110.00
266[Lot of 2] Map of the Northern Part of the State of Maine and the Adjacent British Provinces… [and] Extract from a Map of the British and French Dominions in the North America by Jn O. MitchellMaineU.S. Government1838B100.00
267Colton's MaineMaineColton, G.W. & C.B.1885Bunsold
268MarylandMarylandFinley, Anthony1824A+120.00
269[Map with Report] Map Showing the General Location of the Natural Oyster Grounds of Maryland… [in] Bulletin of the United States Fish Commission. Vol. XII, for 1892MarylandU.S. Government1894B+150.00
270F. Klemm's Map of Baltimore and the Proposed Extension of the City Limits, Compiled from Actual Surveys…Baltimore, Maryland1872B800.00
271Plan de la Ville de Boston et Ses Environs...Boston, MassachusettsBellin, Jacques Nicolas1757B+200.00
272John MalcomBoston, Massachusetts, Revolutionary War1784Aunsold
273A Plan of the Action at Breeds Hill*, on the 17th of June 1775. Between the American Forces, and the British Troops. *Erroneously Called Bunkers HillBoston, MassachusettsSmith, Charles1796B+2000.00
274Journee de LexingtonLexington, Massachusetts, Revolutionary War1784Aunsold
275[Lot of 4] Provincetown Harbor Massachusetts...[and] Physical Survey Cape Cod Mass. Comparison of Surveys Showing Changes in Shore Line... [and] Cross-Sections on the Ocean Shore of Cape Cod, Mass... [and] Map Showing Changes in Cotamy Beach…Cape Cod, Massachusetts1889-96A40.00
276[Lot of 3] Cape Cod [and] [Untitled - Map of Cape Cod] [and] [Untitled - Map of Cape Cod]Cape Cod, Massachusetts1925-3490.00
277Scarborough's Commercial Map of Michigan and Portions of Adjoining States. With Inset Maps of Detroit, Sault Ste. Marie, Panama, and Eastern Asia...MichiganScarborough Company, The1904B+60.00
278[Lot of 4 - Plans of the City of Detroit]Detroit, Michigan1860Bunsold
279Map of the Route Passed over by an Expedition into the Indian Country in 1832 to the Source of the MississippiMinnesotaAllen, James (Lt.)1860B+70.00
280Geographical, Statistical, and Historical Map of Missouri.MissouriCarey & Lea1822B+375.00
281Map of the Theatre of the Indian War, Showing the Location of the Battles of June 17 and 25Montana1876B+unsold
282Map of the State of New-Hampshire [with book] A Gazetteer of the State of New-HampshireNew Hampshire1823B110.00
283Map of the White Mountains New Hampshire from Original SurveysNew HampshireBoardman, Harvey1858B+300.00
284A Plan of the Northern Part of New Jersey, Shewing the Positions of the American & British Armies, After Crossing the North River in 1776New Jersey, New YorkPhillips, Richard (Sir)1806B+85.00
285Sketch of the Country Illustrating the Late Engagement in Long IslandNew YorkAnon.1776B+275.00
286A Plan of New York Island, Part of Long Island &c. Shewing the Position of the American & British Armies, Before, At, and After the Engagement on the Heights Aug. 27th 1776New York, Revolutionary WarPhillips, Richard (Sir)1806A180.00
287[Lot of 2] Map of the State of New York Compiled by the Latest Authorities [and] Geographisch-Statistische und Historische Charte von NeuyorkNew York1824-185290.00
288Map of the State of New York Compiled from the Latest AuthoritiesNew YorkMitchell, Samuel Augustus1832B300.00
289Plan of the Country from Frogs Point to Cotton River Shewing the Positions of the American & British Armies from the 12th of October 1776 Until the Engagement on the White Plains on the 28thSoutheastern New York, Revolutionary WarPhillips, Richard (Sir)1806A75.00
290SarratogaSaratoga, New York, Revolutionary War1784Aunsold
291View of the Bowling-Green, BroadwayNew York City, New YorkDavis, George H.1830B+unsold
292New YorkNew York City, New YorkSDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge1840A200.00
293New-York Winter Scene in Broadway / Scene d'Hiver dans BroadwayNew York City, New YorkSebron, H.1857Bunsold
294The City of New York. A Birdseye View.New York City, New YorkRogers, Peet & Co.1879B+160.00
295[Lot of 3] Sketch of Vicinity of Fort Fisher… [and] Plan and Sections of Fort Fisher… [and Untitled Map of Wilmington]North Carolina, Civil WarU.S. Army1866-1900B+70.00
296[Maps with Report] Eastern Cherokees in North Carolina. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior…Western North CarolinaU.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs1882B+unsold
297Esquisse du Muskinghum [on sheet with] Esquisse du Sioto [and] Esquisse de la Riviere du Grand CastorOhio RiverCrevecoeur, Michel Guillaume De1787B+100.00
298Plan of the Remains of Some Ancient Works on the Muskingum [with magazine] The Columbian Magazine, or Monthly Miscellany, for May, 1787Marietta, OhioColumbian Magazine1787B375.00
299[Lot of 2] Map of Indian Territory Drawn and Engraved on Copper-Plate Expressly for Johnson's Cyclopaedia [and] Indian Territory Compiled Under the Direction of Charles H. Fitch...Oklahoma1887-98120.00
300Oklahoma TerritoryOklahomaGeneral Land Office1907A70.00
301[Untitled - Oklahoma]Oklahoma1907Aunsold
302Railroad Map of OklahomaOklahoma1917B150.00
303[Lot of 3] Chart of the Columbia River for 90 Miles from Its Mouth... [and] Sketch K Preliminary Survey of the Mouth of the Columbia River... [on sheet with] Sketch K No. 2 Cape Hancock... [and] Map of the Oregon Territory from the Best AuthoritiesOregon1838-51210.00
304A Map of Pennsylvania Delaware New Jersey & Maryland, with the Parts Adjacent [with 2 volumes] The History of Pennsylvania, in North America...PennsylvaniaThackara, James1797-98B375.00
305PhiladelphiaPhiladelphia, PennsylvaniaSDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge1844B+85.00
306Map of City of Lancaster Lancaster County, Penna. Showing Manufacturing Establishments, Available Manufacturing Sites Public Buildings &c. &c.Lancaster, PennsylvaniaSmith, J.L.1887B120.00
307A Map of Part of Rhode Island, Shewing the Position of the American & British Armies at the Siege of Newport, & the Subsequent Action on the 29th of August 1778Rhode IslandPhillips, Richard (Sir)1806B+60.00
308A New and Accurate Map of the Province of South Carolina in North AmericaColonial South CarolinaAnon.1779B+350.00
309Charles Town, South Carolina, with a Chart of the Bars & HarbourColonial South CarolinaLodge, John1780B+325.00
310Plan du Havre de Charleston, Montrant la Disposition de la Flotte Britannique, Commandee par le Vice-Amiral Marie Arbuthnot, a l'Attaque du Fort Moultrie dans l'Isle Sullivan, en 1780South Carolina, Revolutionary WarRamsay, David1787B+220.00
311Plan de la Situation et des Stations des Vaisseaux Britanniques, sous le Commandement de Sir Pierre Parker, a l'Attaque du Fort Moultrie, dans l'Isle Sullivan Le 28 Juin 1776South Carolina, Revolutionary WarRamsay, David1787B+220.00
312The Siege of CharlestownCharleston, South Carolina, Revolutionary WarPhillips, Richard (Sir)1806A90.00
313[Lot of 2] Map of Charleston Harbor S.C. [and] Chart of the Eastern Extremity of Fort Reef, Charleston Harbor, S.C. Exhibiting the Location of Fort Sumter... [on sheet with] Plan and Sections Presenting a General View ... Fort SumterSouth CarolinaBowen & Co., John T.1860B+100.00
314TexasTexasMorse & Breese1844A500.00
315Map of Texas from the Most Recent AuthoritiesTexasWilliams, C. S.1845B+650.00
316TexasTexasFlemming, Carl1845B600.00
317No. 13 Map of the State of TexasTexasMitchell, Samuel Augustus1846B+200.00
318[Lot of 2] The Report of the Superintendent of the Coast Survey, Showing the Progress of That WorkTexasU.S. Coast Survey1848-49B100.00
319TexasTexasColton, Joseph Hutchins1855A300.00
320[Lot of 2] County Map of the State of Texas Showing Also Portions of the Adjoining States and Territories [and] County Map of the State of Texas Showing Also Portions of the Adjoining States and TerritoriesTexasMitchell, Samuel Augustus1878-84A180.00
321Colton's "New Medium" Map of the State of Texas from the Latest & Most Authentic SourcesTexasColton, G.W. & C.B.1879C+unsold
322Map of TexasTexasPage, H. R.1886B+275.00
323Iron Mountain Route to All Parts of Texas - The Way to TexasTexas, RailroadsPoole Bros.1909B325.00
324Amarillo District Oil FieldsAmarillo, Texas1920B325.00
325Complete Map of Vermont Showing Highways & Natural Features…VermontNational Publishing Co.1900B+40.00
326York Town, and Gloucester Point. As Besieged by the Allied ArmyYorktown, Virginia, Revolutionary WarConder, Thomas1788B210.00
327Investment and Attack of York, in VirginiaYorktown, Virginia, Revolutionary WarPhillips, Richard (Sir)1806A75.00
328The Cornucopia Map of Norfolk and VicinityNorfolk, Virginia1887B+180.00
329Map of the City of Richmond-VA. Showing Present Corporation Lines as Established Dec. 6, 1906 Also Old Ward Boundaries. And New Precinct LinesRichmond, Virginia1907A75.00
330Milwaukee and Wauwatosa, Showing the Route of the Milwaukee & Wauwatosa Rapid Transit Road, the Location of the West Side Public Park, and Other Points of InterestMilwaukee, Wisconsin1892A650.00
331[Lot of 8] Wyoming Road Map [and] Naval Reserve Oil Leases [and] Oil and Gas Fields of the State of Wyoming [and] Location of Wyoming Oil Fields [and] Pilot Butte Oil Field [and] Oregon Basin Oil Fields [and] Rock Creek Oil Field [and] Mahoney...Wyoming1916-22230.00
332Map of a Reconnaissance from Carroll Montana Ter. to the Yellowstone National Park and ReturnYellowstone, WyomingLudlow, William (Capt.)1875B210.00
333Carte du Mexique ou de la Nlle. Espagne Contenant aussi le Nouveau Mexique, la Californie, avec une Partie des Pays Adjacents …United States & MexicoBonne/Lattre1771A180.00
334MexiqueUnited States & Mexico, TexasTardieu, Jean Baptiste Pierre1808B+110.00
335Mexico, & Guatimala, with the Republic of TexasUnited States & Mexico, TexasLizars, William Home1838B500.00
336Map of the United StatesUnited States & Mexico, Central AmericaCase, Tiffany & Company1855B250.00
337Nouveau MexiqueSouthwestern United States, California & MexicoDuval, Pierre1663B+325.00
338Mexico, or New Spain; in Which the Motions of Cortes May Be TracedSouthwestern United States & MexicoKitchin, Thomas1780B+220.00
339L'Ancien et le Nouveau Mexique, avec la Floride et la Basse Louisiane, Partie OccidentaleSouthwestern United States & MexicoBonne, Rigobert1780B+65.00
340Mexico & GuatemalaSouthwestern United States, Texas, Mexico & Central AmericaTanner, Henry Schenck1834B+300.00
341Carte Generale des Etats-Unis Mexicains de la Republique du Texas et des Etats de l'Amerique CentraleSouthwestern United States, Texas & MexicoBrue, Adrien Hubert1840B240.00
342Central America II. Including Texas, California and the Northern States of Mexico...Southwestern United States & MexicoSDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge1849A450.00
343Mexico, California and TexasSouthwestern United States, Texas & MexicoTallis, John1850B+300.00
344Nova HispaniaMexico & TexasHondius/Bertius1618A200.00
345A Map of Mexico and the Republic of TexasMexico & Texas1838C+250.00
346Carte de la Californie Suivant I. la Carte Manuscrite de l'Amerique de Mathieu Neron Pecci...California & Baja MexicoRobert de Vaugondy, Didier1772A230.00
347Hispaniae Novae Sive Magnae, Recens et Vera DescriptioMexicoBry, Theodore de1595B+450.00
348Hispaniae Novae Nova DescriptioMexicoHondius, Jodocus1619B210.00
349Viztlipuztli Idolum MexicanorumMexico, Native AmericansMontanus, Arnoldus1671A90.00
350Provincia d. S. Diego de Mexico en la Nueba Espana...Central Mexico1682B+unsold
351Mexique ou Nle. EspagneMexico & Central AmericaDuval, Pierre1682B+unsold
352Parte della Nuova Spagna, o' del Mexico doue Sono le Provincie di Guadalaira Xalisco Mecoacan e MexicoMexicoCoronelli, Vincenzo Maria1690A475.00
353A Sketch of the Vice Royalty Exhibiting the Several Provinces and its Aproximation to the Internal Provinces of New SpainMexicoPike, Zebulon1810Bunsold
354Travels in the Interior of Mexico, in 1825, 1826, 1827, & 1828Mexico, ExplorationHardy, Lieut. R.W.H Hardy1829B+400.00
355Nova Hispania Nova Galicia GuatimalaCentral AmericaMontanus/Ogilby1671B210.00
356Plan de la Baye et Ville de Portobelo en 1736PanamaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1750B+60.00
357Culiacanae, Americae Regionis, Descriptio [on sheet with] Hispaniolae, Cubae, Aliarumque Insularum Circumiacientium, DelineatioGulf of Mexico & CaribbeanOrtelius, Abraham1598B+unsold
358Insulae Americanae in Oceano Septentrionali ac Regiones Adiacentes, a C. de May usque ad Lineam AequinoctialemGulf of Mexico & CaribbeanVisscher, Nicolas1682B950.00
359Le Vieux Mexique ou Nouvelle Espagne avec les Costes de la FlorideGulf of Mexico, Mexico & Central AmericaFer, Nicolas de1705B+275.00
360Carte des Isles de l'Amerique et Deplusieurs Pays de Terre Ferme...Gulf of Mexico & CaribbeanAnville, Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d'1731B+125.00
361Mappa Geographica, Complectens I. Indiae Occidentalis Partem Mediam Circum Isthmum Panamensem II. Ipsumq. Isthmum. III. Ichnographiam Praecipuorum Locorum & Portuum ad has Terras Pertinentium...Gulf of Mexico & CaribbeanHomann Heirs1740A550.00
362An Accurate Map of the West Indies. Drawn from the Best Authorities, Assisted by the Most Approved Modern Maps and Charts, and Regulated by Astronomical ObservationsGulf of Mexico & CaribbeanBowen, Emanuel1747B+350.00
363A New General Chart of the West Indies from the Latest Marine Journals and Surveys, Regulated and Ascertained by Astronomical ObservationsGulf of Mexico & CaribbeanSayer & Bennett1779B+1100.00
364L'Ancien et le Nouveau Mexique, avec la Floride et la Basse Louisiane, Partie OrientaleGulf of MexicoBonne, Rigobert1780B+65.00
365Nouvelle Espagne, Nouvelle Mexique, Isles AntillesGulf of Mexico, Central America & CaribbeanRobert de Vaugondy/Delamarche1785A100.00
366A Map of the West-Indies and of the Mexican-Gulph / Carte des Indes Occidentales et du Golfe du MexiqueGulf of Mexico & CaribbeanLapie/Tardieu1806A230.00
367Map of Mexico, Central America, and the West IndiesGulf of Mexico & CaribbeanMitchell, Samuel Augustus1860A50.00
368Isles AntillesCaribbeanDuval, Pierre1682B+120.00
369Les Isles Antilles, &c entre Lesquelles sont les Lucayes, et les CaribesCaribbeanSanson, Nicolas1683B+275.00
370Les Isles de l'Amerique Connues sous le Nom d'Antilles, ou Sont les Isles de Cuba, St. Domingue et Jamaique les Lucayes, les Caribes, et celles du VentCaribbeanFer, Nicolas de1702B+220.00
371The West Indies Exhibiting the English, French, Spanish, Dutch & Danish SettlementsCaribbeanJefferys, Thomas1760B+375.00
372Cuba et IamaicaCuba & JamaicaHondius/Bertius1618B+250.00
373Das Eylandt Cuba mit Deroselben GelegenheitCubaMerian, Matthaus1660B+unsold
374L'Isle de CubaCubaBonne, Rigobert1785B+140.00
375Carta Esferica que Comprehende desde el Rio Guaurabo Hasta Boca-Grande en la Parte Meridional de la Isla de CubaCubaDireccion de Hidrografia1805B+unsold
376Cuba Part of Chart E (Special Edition)CubaU.S. Coast & Geodetic Survey1898A110.00
377La Jamaique aux Anglois dans le Golfe du Mexique [on sheet with] La Bermude aux AngloisJamaica & BermudaLe Rouge, George Louis1746A70.00
379Carte de l'Isle de Saint Domingue Dressee en 1722 pour l'Usage du Roy sur les Memoires de Mr. Frezier…HispaniolaDelisle/Covens & Mortier1730A+250.00
380Geographical, Statistical, and Historical Map of Porto Rico and the Virgin IslandsPuerto Rico, Virgin IslandsCarey & Lea1822B+210.00
381Carte des Antilles Francoises et des Isles Voisines Dressee sur des Memoires ManuscritsLesser AntillesChatelain, Henry Abraham1719B+unsold
382Nieuwe Afteekening van het Eyland Curacao...CuracaoKeulen, Gerard van1728B+unsold
383Isle St. Christophle une des Antilles aux Anglois [on sheet with] La Barbade une des Antilles aux Anglois Divisee par ParoissesSt. Kitts & BarbadosLe Rouge, George Louis1748A120.00
384Carte de de l'Isle St. Christophe pour Servir a l'Histoire Genle. des VoyagesSt. KittsBellin, Jacques Nicolas1757A80.00
385An Accurate Map of the Island of St. Christophers, from an Actual Survey Shewing the Parishes, Churches, and Rivers...St. KittsBew, John1782B+170.00
386West India Islands - St. Christophers [on sheet with] St. Lucia [and] NevisSt. Kitts, St. Lucia & NevisThomson, John1816B150.00
387[Lot of 2] Carta dell' Isola Grenada [and] Plan of the Town & Fort of GrenadaGrenada1762-81B+unsold
388Carte de l'Isle d'Antigue Situee par la Latitude 17 Degres et par la Longitude de 64 Degres a l'Occident de ParisAntiguaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1764Aunsold
389A New and Exact Map of the Island of Antigua in America, According to an Actual and Accurate Survey, with the Different Parishes, the Churches, Divisions, Boundaries; and a Plan of English HarbourAntiguaBew, John1782A180.00
390Plan du Port et du Carenage de Cariacoua Situe dans la Partie du Sud de l'Isle de St. VincentSt. VincentBellin, Jacques Nicolas1764Aunsold
391America MeridionalisSouth AmericaHondius/Bertius1618A120.00
392Descripcion de las Yndias de MediodiaSouth AmericaHerrera y Tordesillas, Antonio de1622B+250.00
393[Lot of 2] Amerique Meridionale [and] Amerique MeridionaleSouth America1662-85B+unsold
394[Lot of 2] La Terre Ferme et le Perou avec le Pays des Amazones et le Bresil dans l'Amerique Meridionale [and] Le Chili et les Provinces qui Composent Celle de Rio de la Plata avec les Terres MagellaniqueSouth AmericaFer, Nicolas de1705A220.00
395L'Amerique Meridionale Dressee sur les Observations de Mrs. de l'Academie Royale des Sciences & Quelques Autres...South AmericaDelisle/Covens & Mortier1730Aunsold
396Carta Geografica della America MeridionaleSouth AmericaAlbrizzi, Girolamo1740A200.00
397Tabula Americae Specialis Geographica Regni Peru, Brasiliae, Terrae Firmae, & Reg: Amazonum...Northern South AmericaHomann Heirs1740B+150.00
398Carta Particolare del' Peru che Comincia con il Capo di Guanapo e Finisce con il' C. S. FrancescoEcuador & Northern PeruDudley, Robert (Sir)1661B550.00
399Venezuela, cum Parte Australi Novae AndalusiaeVenezuelaHondius, Henricus1636B+300.00
400La Province de Venezuela, ou Nouvelle Venise, avec la Partie Meridionale de la Nouvelle Andalousie, en Amerique...VenezuelaAa, Pieter van der1729Aunsold
401Guaiana Sive Provinciae Intra Rio de las Amazonas Atque Rio de Yuiapari Sive OrinoqueGuyana, Suriname, French GuianaGerritsz/De Laet1630Bunsold
402Guiana sive Amazonum RegioGuyana, Suriname, French GuianaBlaeu, Willem1642Aunsold
403A Chart of the Coast of Guayana, from the Entrance of the River Orinoco, (in the Lat. 8.30.' N. Long. 61. W. from London) to the Entrance of the River AmazonesGuyana, Suriname, French GuianaMount & Page1758Bunsold
404Carte de l'Isle de Caienne et des Rivieres Voisines...French GuianaAnville, Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d'1729B+unsold
405Carte de la Guyane Francoise ou France Equinoxiale Grand, Beau et Tres Fertile Pays de l'Amerique Meridionale, Situee, Entre la Riviere de Marauny, et le Cap Nord...French Guiana and Northeastern Brazil1763B+240.00
406Brasil Nuova TavolaBrazilRuscelli, Girolamo1574Bunsold
407Ornatus Foeminae in India ex Pulcherrimis Plumis Concinnatus / Ein Indianische Fraw in irer KlaidungBrazil, Native American1577B+100.00
408Accuratissima Brasiliae TabulaBrazilHondius/Jansson1652Bunsold
409BresilBrazilDuval, Pierre1682B+unsold
410Delineatio Orarum Peru Cujus Metropolis Lima in qua Vicarius Regis Archiepiscopusque Habitant haec Civita ex Varys Nationibus Populosa est las Salinas...Central South AmericaAnon.1725B+unsold
411La PlataParaguay & UruguayDuval, Pierre1682B+80.00
412Carte du Paraguay et des Pays Voisins pour Servir a l'Histoire des Etablissemens EuropeensParaguay & UruguayBellin, Jacques Nicolas1771A40.00
415[Lot of 2] Callao [and] Vertoning van 't Callao de LimaCallao, Peru1645-84B50.00
416Lima, Ciudad de los Reyes, Corte, y Emporio del Imperio Peruano…Lima, Peru1688B+unsold
417[Lot of 2] Plan of the City of Lima Capital of Peru [and] Plan de la Ville du Callao Scituee ala Cote du Perou par 12 7 de Latitude AustraleLima & Callao, Peru1713-70A140.00
418[Lot of 3] Viceroyalty of Peru [and] Charte der Provinz oder Audiencia von Lima oder des Alten Konigreichs Peru [and] Perou et BolivieWestern South America, Peru1806-41B+90.00
419West Coast of South America Including Chili & Part of Bolivia & PeruWestern South AmericaFullarton, Archibald & Co.1860A85.00
420TucumanArgentinaDuval, Pierre1682B+unsold
421MagellaniqueSouthern South AmericaDuval, Pierre1682B+unsold
422Carte du Paraguai, du Chili, du Detroit de Magellan &c. Dressee sur les Memoires les Plus Nouveaux & les Observations les Plus ExactesSouthern South AmericaChatelain, Henry Abraham1719B+220.00
423Typus Geographicus Chili Paraguay Freti Magellanici &c.…Southern South AmericaHomann Heirs1733B+200.00
424Magellanici Freti DelineatioStrait of MagellanHondius/Bertius1618A80.00
425Le Detroit de Magellan...Strait of MagellanFer, Nicolas de1700B+170.00
426A New Mapp of Magellan Straights Discovered by Cap. John Narbrough (Comander Then of His Majesties Ship the Sweepstakes) as He Sayled Through the Sade StraightsStrait of MagellanThornton, Samuel1706A1700.00
427Carte du Detroit de Magellan dans Laquelle on a Insere les Observations et les Decouvertes du Capne. Byron, du Capne. Wallis, et du Capne. CarteretStrait of MagellanBenard, Jacques Francois1789Aunsold
428A. Knivets Zeldzame Reystogt door de Straat Magellaan na de Zuyd Zee tot aan zyn Vlugt in Angola AgtervolgtAtlantic OceanAa, Pieter van der1706B120.00
429Kaart ter Opheldering der Geschiedenis, van de Bezittingen en den Koophandel der Europeaanen in de Beide IndienAtlantic OceanBonne, Rigobert1785B+120.00
430[Lot of 2] Islands in the Atlantic [and] Islands in the Indian OceanAtlantic Ocean, Indian OceanTallis, John1851A250.00
431TerceraTerciera, AzoresHondius/Bertius1618Aunsold
432Isles Terceres dites AcoresAzores IslandsDuval, Pierre1682B+60.00
433Isles CanariesCanary IslandsDuval, Pierre1682B+60.00
434Carte des Isles Canaries, avec l'Isle de Madere, et Celle de Porto SantoCanary Islands, MadeiraBonne, Rigobert1780B+40.00
435Isles du Cap Verd Hispanis Islas de Cabo Verde, Belgis de Soute EylandenCape Verde IslandsCovens & Mortier1733B+unsold
436Carte des Isles du Cap Verd Dressee sur les Journaux et les Remarques des plus Habiles NavigateursCape Verde IslandsBellin, Jacques Nicolas1746A+50.00
437Map of the Island of Saint Helena, Drawn for the Memorial de Sainte Helene, by an Engineer Formerly of Napoleon's Cabinet...St. HelenaHall, Sidney1823A90.00
438A Map of the King of Great Britain's Dominions in Europe, Africa, and AmericaNorth AtlanticBowen, Emanuel1740B750.00
439Carte Reduite des Mers du Nord, pour Servir a l'Histoire Generale des VoyagesNorth AtlanticBellin, Jacques Nicolas1758A90.00
440Carte Reduite de l'Ocean Occidental, Contenant les Cotes Occidentales de l'Europe et de l'Afrique, et les Cotes Orientales de l'Amerique...North AtlanticBuy de Mornas, Claude1761B+unsold
441[On 2 Sheets] Carte des Declinaisons et Inclinaisons de l'Aiguille Aimantee Redigee d'Apres la Table des Observations Magnetiques Faites par les Voyageurs Depuis l'Annee 1775Atlantic OceanBuffon, Comte de1780Bunsold
442Carta General del Oceano Atlantico u Ocidental...North AtlanticDireccion de Hidrografia1804B220.00
443A Plan of the Town and Harbour of Louisbourg [on sheet with] A Plan of the City and Harbour of Havana [and] A Plan of the Town and Harbour of Cartagena [and] A Plan of the Harbour, Town and Forts of PortobelloAtlantic Ocean - Louisbourg, Havana, Cartagena, PortobelloGibson, John1765B+unsold
444L'IslandeIcelandDuval, Pierre1682B+180.00
445Septentrionalium Regionum Descrip.Arctic & ScandinaviaOrtelius, Abraham1573B+3250.00
446Europa Recens DescriptaEuropeBlaeu, Willem1643B1500.00
447EuropeEuropeSanson, Nicolas Fils1683B+100.00
448Scena Historiarum Occidentalis Quinti Seculi P. N. Chr. in qua Imperii Romanorum & Accolarum Barbarorum Status Sistitur AccurateEuropeWeigel, Christopher1720A120.00
449Carte Geographique du Monde Ancien, Suivant le Partage des Enfans de Noe, Apres Leur Dispersion Arrivee a BabelEuropeCalmet, Augustin1721B+unsold
450Carte d'Europe Dressee pour l'Usage du Roy…EuropeDelisle/Covens & Mortier1739A180.00
451Neue Carte von EuropaEurope1782B150.00
452Europe, Describing all the Changes of Territory, Together with Their Deviations in the Boundary Lines of its Several Empires and States Agreed to and Confirmed by the Definitive Treaty of ParisEuropeFaden, William1815B+unsold
453Nouvelle Carte d'Europe Dressee pour 1870 / Carte Drolatique d'Europe pour 1870Europe1870B+unsold
454Anglia Scotia et HiberniaBritainHondius/Bertius1618A100.00
455Tab. I. Europae, Continens Albion, Britanniam, et Hiberniam...BritainPtolemy/Mercator1730A250.00
456Les Isles Britanniques qui comprennent les Royaumes d'Angleterre, d'Ecosse et d'IrlandeBritainRobert de Vaugondy, Gilles1754B150.00
457Les Isles Britanniques ou sont le Rme. d'Angleterre Tire de Sped Celuy d'Ecosse...BritainDelisle/Buache1772A120.00
458[Lot of 2] Ancient Britain I [and] Ancient Britain IIBritainSDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge1834B+70.00
459Holy Iland [on sheet with] Garnsey [and] Farne [and] IarseyBritish IslandsSpeed, John1676B+unsold
460Surria Vernacule SurreySouthern EnglandBlaeu, Johannes1645B450.00
461De Zee Custen Tuschen Dovere en Orfordts Nesse, Daer de Teemse de Vermaerde Rivire va Lonen Gelegens is, met Alle Sanden Ondiepte, Naer Haren Wesen en GhedaenteSoutheastern EnglandWaghenaer, Lucas Jansz1589B+unsold
462Carte de l'Entree de la Tamise avec les Bancs, Passes, Isles et Costes Comprises Entre Sandwich et ClayEastern EnglandBellin, Jacques Nicolas1773B220.00
463Shoreditch, Norton Folgate, and Crepplegate Without, Taken from ye Last Survey with CorrectionsLondon, EnglandStow, John1720B+120.00
464Prospect von der Koniglichen Mauth in London nebst einem Theil des Londners Thurns von der Temse Anzusehen / Vue de la Douane avec une Partie de la Tour de Londres Prise de Dessus la TamiseLondon, England1780A60.00
465Vue du Pont de Westminster du Cote du Nord de LondresLondon, England1780A140.00
466[Lot of 7] Plan of the East and West India Docks [and] Plan of the London Docks [and] Plan of the St. Katharine Docks... [and] [Map of Warehouses...] [and] River Thames with the Docks... [and] Plan of Docks and Warehouses... [and] Plan of Liverpool DocksLondon & Liverpool, England1841-49150.00
467NorfolkNorfolk, EnglandMorden, Robert1695B+180.00
468Rochester Inscrib'd to Sr. Thomas Palmer Bart. & Sr. Ion. Iennings Knt. Memrs. of Parlmt. for ye CityRochester, Kent, EnglandHarris, John1719B+unsold
469Anglia RegnumEngland & WalesMercator/Hondius1595B+450.00
470[Lot of 8] Anglia [and] Northumbr. Cumberlan.... [and] Westmorlad... [and] Cambria [and] Cornub. Devonia... [and] Eboracum Lincolnia... [and] Warwicum Northapton... [and] Anglesey Ins. [on sheet with] Wight ol. Vectis [and] Ins Garnesay [and] Ins. IarsayEngland & WalesHondius/Bertius1618A325.00
471Britannia SaxonicaEngland & WalesMorden, Robert1695B+65.00
472[Lot of 18 - English Strip Road Maps]England & Wales1720B280.00
473The Road from Monmouth to Llanbeder in Cardigansh South WalesSouthern WalesOgilby, John1698B+160.00
474[Lot of 3] Scotia [and] Scotia Septentrion. [and] Scotia AustralisScotlandHondius/Bertius1618A150.00
475[On 2 Sheets] Scotiae RegnumScotlandMercator/Hondius1628B+350.00
476Cantyra Chersonesus, Cantyr a Demie-YlandScotlandBlaeu, Johannes1654Aunsold
477[Lot of 2] Scotland [and] A New & Correct Map of the Counties of Argyle, Bute, and Dumbarton, Drawn from the Latest & Best AuthoritiesScotland1758-90unsold
478[Lot of 2] Geographical and Statistical Map of Scotland [and] ScotlandScotland1820-24unsold
479Fifae Pars Occidentalis, the West Part of FifeEastern ScotlandBlaeu, (Family)1654B150.00
480Mula Insula, Quae ex Aebudarum Numero Una Est, et Lochabriae ad Occasum Praetenditur / The Yle of Mul Whiche Is One of the Westerne Yles, and Lyeth Ovir Against LochabyrWestern ScotlandBlaeu, (Family)1654B+unsold
481Hiberniae Ireland Anglis. Yverdon Britannis Erin Incolis. Ierna Orphaeo & Arist. Iris Diodoro Siculo Ivverna Juvenali Ioyernia Ptol.IrelandHole, William1610B+unsold
482Hiberniae Pars AustralisSouthern IrelandMercator/Jansson1638B+250.00
483Nouvelle Carte des Differents Etats du Roi de Prusse, et de Ceux des Autres Princes de la Maison de BrandebourgNorthern EuropeChatelain, Henry Abraham1720Aunsold
484[On 2 Sheets] Carte des Courones du Nord qui Comprend les Royaumes de Danemark, Suede, & Norwege, &c.Scandinavia & BalticDelisle/Covens & Mortier1730Aunsold
485[Lot of 2] La Scandinavie ou les Royaumes de Danemark de Norvege de Suede et Laponie... [and] Sweden, Denmark, Norway, and FinlandScandinavia1745-50B75.00
486Sweden and NorwayScandinaviaSalmon, Thomas1752Bunsold
487Royaume de Suede Seconde Carte Suede AncienneScandinaviaTardieu, Pierre Francois1797B+unsold
488[Lot of 3] Sweden & Norway [and] Sweden and Norway [and] Sweden Denmark Norway and Finland from the Best AuthoritiesScandinavia1807-54unsold
489Scandinavia, or Sweden, Denmark & NorwayScandinaviaThomson, John1814Bunsold
490Ducatus UplandiaSouthern SwedenBlaeu, (Family)1663B+unsold
491GotlandGotland, SwedenHondius/Bertius1618B+60.00
492Dioecesis Stavangriensis, & Partes Aliquot Vicinae, Opera L. Scavenii, S.S.NorwayBlaeu, (Family)1643B+450.00
493Tractus Norwegiae Danicus Magnam Dioeceseos AggerhusiensisSouthern NorwayHomann, Johann Baptist1729B220.00
494Delineatio SpitsbergiaeSpitsbergen, ArcticHondius/Bertius1618B+120.00
495Europe. Spitsberg. No 1 (Ter)Spitsbergen, NorwayVandermaelen, Philippe Marie Guillaume1825B+100.00
496Magnus Ducatus Finlandiae Auct. Andrea Buraeo SuecoFinlandBlaeu, Johannes1662A1200.00
497Livoniae Descrip.Baltic Sea, Lithuania, Latvia, EstoniaHondius/Bertius1618B+60.00
498Livonia Petrus Kaerius CaelavitBalticMercator/Cloppenburgh1630A180.00
499Dania Regnum in quo sunt Ducatus Holsatia et Slesvcium Insulae Danicae et Provinciae Iutia, Scania, Blekingia et HallandiaDenmarkWit, Frederick de1680B+unsold
500Carte du Royaume de DanemarcDenmarkDelisle/Covens & Mortier1730Aunsold
501Insulae Danicae in Mari Balthico Sitae, Utpote Zeelandia, Fionia, Langelandia, Lalandia, Falstria, Fembria MonaIslands of DenmarkHomann, Johann Baptist1730Aunsold
502Die Belegerung von MiddelburgMiddleburg, NetherlandsHogenberg, Frans1600A180.00
503De Uytrechtze PoortAmsterdam, NetherlandsCommelin, Isaac1690A50.00
504AmsterdamAmsterdam, NetherlandsSDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge1835B+65.00
505Leodiensis Dioec.Eastern BelgiumMercator/Hondius1607A50.00
506Brussels (Bruxelles)Brussels, BelgiumSDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge1837B+60.00
507Lutzenburg DucatusLuxembourgBlaeu, (Family)1640A180.00
508Comitatus Hannoniae in Suas Quasque Castellanias Balliviatus Praefecturas et Territoria Accurate Divisi DescriptioBelgium & FranceHomann, Johann Baptist1692A100.00
509[Lot of 5] Germaniae Populorum... [and] Germaniae Cisrhenanae ut Circa Julii Caesaris... [and] Germaniae Cisrhenanae ut Inter I. Caesaris et Trajani... [and] Scaldis, Mosae, ac Rheni Ostiorum... [and] Germaniae Antiquae Libri Tres…Western Europe, German EmpireCluver, Philipp1631Bunsold
510Carte Nouvelle du Royaume de France Divise en toutes ses Provinces et ses Acquistions...FranceOttens, Reiner and Joshua1730B+70.00
511Nieuwe Kaart van FrankrykFranceTirion, Isaac1740Bunsold
512[Lot of 4] A New Map of the Kingdom of France... [and] A New Map of France... [with] [Title Page and Index Page]FranceLaurie & Whittle1794-98Bunsold
513Nouvelle Carte de la France Indiquant les Routes de Poste, les Routes Imperiales & Departementales, avec les Distances en Kilometres, les Chemins de Fer et les CanauxFranceCharle, J. B. L.1856B+unsold
514Provincia - La ProvenceSouthern France, ProvenceHondius1621B150.00
515La Principaute d'Orange et Comtat de VenaissinSouthern France, VaucluseHondius1627B+150.00
516Carte du LanguedocSouthern FranceLa Feuille, Daniel de1706A60.00
517[On 2 sheets] Le Gouvernement General de Languedoc Divise en Trois Lieutenances Generales Scavoir la Haut Languedoc, la Bas Languedoc et les Sevennes…Southern FranceDelisle/Covens & Mortier1730A100.00
518Folio XXXIX / Parisius [and on verso] MagunciaParis, France - IncunabulaSchedel, Hartmann1493B+350.00
519Paris ParisParis, FranceWerner, Friedrich Bernhard1740B800.00
520HispaniaSpain & PortugalHondius/Bertius1618A60.00
521L'Espagne Dressee sur la Description qui en a ete faite par Rodrigo Mendez Sylvia…Spain & PortugalDelisle/Covens & Mortier1730A180.00
522Legionis Regnum et Asturiarum PrincipatusNorthern SpainBlaeu, (Family)1645B+unsold
523Le Royaume d'Arragon…Eastern SpainFer, Nicolas de1706B150.00
524La Castille Vieiele et Nouvelle l'Estramadura de Castille et de LeonWestern SpainFer, Nicolas de1706B200.00
525Plan of the City and Castle of Alicant, Besieged by the Chevalier d'Asfeldt Nov. 30th 1708 and Surrendered by Capitulation Apr. 19th 1709Alicante, SpainRapin-Thoyras, Paul de1745B+unsold
526Germaniae Veteris, TypusCentral EuropeBlaeu, Willem1640A170.00
527Rhenus Fluviorum Europae Celeberrimus, cum Mosa, Mosella, et Reliquis, in Illum se Exonerantibus, FluminibusCentral Europe, Rhine RiverBlaeu, Willem1643A450.00
528AllemagneCentral Europe, GermanySanson, Nicolas Fils1683B+40.00
529Svevia quae cis Coda num suit sinum Antiqua DescriptioCentral EuropeCluver, Philipp1697Aunsold
530L'Allemagne avec Ses Confins et Ses DependancesCentral Europe, GermanyLa Feuille, Daniel de1706B+50.00
531Carte d'Allemagne pour Servir a l'Intelligence de l'Histoire de la Guerre...Central EuropeBeaurain, Jean Chev. De1765Bunsold
532Oro-Hydrographische und Eisenbahn-Wand-Karte von DeutschlandCentral Europe1870B100.00
533Carte de la Hongrie, de la Transilvanie et des Pays Adjacents Appartenants a la Maison d'AutricheHungary, RomaniaChanlaire & Mentelle1797A60.00
534Wesphalia cum Dioecesi BremensiNorthern GermanyMercator/Hondius1607B+50.00
535Saxonia Inferior et MekleburgNorthern GermanyMercator/Hondius1607B+50.00
536S.R.I. Circulus Rhenanus Inferior sive Electorum Rheni Complectens Tres Archiepiscopatus, Moguntinum Coloniensem et Trevirensem Palatinatum Rheni...Western GermanyHomann, Johann Baptist1720Bunsold
537Polonia Regnum, et Silesia DucatusPolandBlaeu, Willem1640A750.00
538Comitatus Glatz Authore Jona ScultetoSouthern PolandBlaeu, (Family)1643B+100.00
539Silesia Ducatus a Martino Helwigio Nissense DescriptusSouthwestern PolandBlaeu, (Family)1643A120.00
540BohemiaCzech RepublicBlaeu, (Family)1640A180.00
541Argow cum Parte Merid. ZurichgowSwitzerlandBlaeu, (Family)1643B+unsold
542Nova Helvetiae, Foederatarumque cum ea, nec non Subditarum Regionum Tabula, ad Usum Serenissimi Burgundiae Ducis...SwitzerlandDelisle/Covens & Mortier1730A120.00
543Zurichgow et Basiliensis ProvinciaNorthern SwitzerlandBlaeu, (Family)1643A120.00
544Alpina seu Foederatae Rhaetiae Subditarumque ei Terrarum Nova DescriptioEastern SwitzerlandBlaeu, Willem1643A210.00
545Austria Archiducatus Auctore Wolfgango LazioEastern AustriaHondius/Blaeu1640A180.00
546Saltzburg Archiepiscopatus, et Carinthia Ducatus. Auct. Ger. MercatoreWestern AustriaBlaeu, Willem1643A120.00
547Tab. VIII. Europae, in qua Sarmatia, Maeotis Palus, ac Germaniae, Daciaeq. Pars...Eastern EuropePtolemy/Mercator1730A150.00
548Estats de la Couronne de Pologne Subdivises Suivant l'Estendue des Palatinats...Eastern EuropeDelisle/Covens & Mortier1730A375.00
549Mappa Geographica Regni Poloniae ex Novissimis quot quot sunt Mappis Specialibus Composita et ad LL. Stereographica Projectionis Revocata a Tob. MayeroEastern EuropeHomann Heirs1773B+210.00
550PolandEastern Europe, PolandRobinson, G. G.1799B+80.00
551PoloniaEastern Poland, Western Ukraine and BelarusHondius/Bertius1618B+75.00
552[On 2 Sheets] Carte de Moscovie Dressee par Guillaume de l'Isle de l'Academie Royale des Sciences a son Excellence Monseigneur Andre Artemonides de Matueof…RussiaDelisle/Covens & Mortier1730Aunsold
553[Lot of 2] Partie Occidentale de l'Empire de Russie, ou se Trouve Distinguee la Russie Europeenne... [and] Partie Orientale de l'Empire de Russie en Asie...RussiaRobert de Vaugondy1750B+unsold
554Russiae, Vulgo Moscovia, Pars Australis. Auctore Isaaco MassaSouthwestern RussiaBlaeu, (Family)1643B+275.00
555MoscvaMoscow, RussiaMerian, Matthaus1650A900.00
556Taurica Chersonesus Nostra Aetate Przecopsca et Gazara DiciturUkraineMercator/Hondius1628B150.00
557Ukrania quae et Terra Cosaccorum cum Vicinis Walachiae, Moldaviae, Minorisq., Tartariae ProvinciisUkraineHomann, Johann Baptist1716A750.00
558Vindeliciae et Norici, Conterminarumque Terrarum Antiqua DescriptioSouthern EuropeCluver, Philipp1697Aunsold
559Le Cours du Danube des sa Source jusqu'a ses Embouchures…Southern EuropeHomann, Johann Baptist1719B+140.00
560Danubius, Fluvius Europae Maximus, a Fontibus ad Ostia, cum Omnibus Fluminibus, ab Utroque Latere, in Illum DefluentibusSoutheastern Europe, Danube RiverBlaeu, (Family)1640A550.00
561Le Royaume de Hongrie Divise en Haute et Basse Hongrie Transilvanie Esclavonie et CroatieSoutheastern Europe, HungaryJanvier/Lattre1771A85.00
562Hungariae Ampliori Significatu et Veteris vel Methodicae Complexae Regna: Hungariae Propriae, Croatiae Dalmatiae Bosniae Serviae Bulgariae Cumaniae Principatum: Transsylvaniae...Hungary, BalkansHaas/Homann Heirs1744B100.00
563Sclavonia, Croatia, Bosnia cum Dalmatiae Parte. Auct. Ger. MercatoreBalkansBlaeu, Willem1643A120.00
564Walachia Servia, Bulgaria, RomaniaEastern BalkansBlaeu, Willem1643A140.00
565Karstia, Carniola, Histria et Windorum Marchia. Ger. Mercatore AuctoreWestern BalkansBlaeu, Willem1643A120.00
566Tab. X. Europae, Macedoniam, Epirum ac Peloponnesum Repraesentans...Greece & the BalkansPtolemy/Mercator1730A160.00
567Achaia quae et Hellas Hodie LivadiaCentral GreeceCluver, Philipp1697A90.00
568ItaliaItalyQuad, Matthias von Kinckelbach1596B+275.00
569Ducatus Mediolanensis, Finitimarumq Regionu Descriptio, Auctore Ioanne Georgio Septala MediolanenseNorthern ItalyOrtelius, Abraham1598A275.00
570Veronensis AgerNorthern ItalyOrtelius/Marchetti1598A70.00
571Larii Lacus vulgo Comensis Descriptio, Auct. Pavio Jovio [on sheet with] Territorri Romani Descrip [and] Fori Iulii, vulgo Friuli TypusNorthern & Central ItalyOrtelius, Abraham1598A300.00
572Italia Gallica Sive Gallia Cisalpina ex Conatibus GeographicisNorthern ItalyJansson, Jan1662A300.00
573Les Etats de Savoye et de Piemont Dressez sur les Memoires les plus Nouveaux...Northwestern Italy & Southeastern FranceNolin, Jean Batiste1691B+600.00
574Senensis Ditionis, Accurata Descrip. [on sheet with] Corsica [and] Marcha Anconae, Olim PicenumCentral Italy & CorsicaOrtelius, Abraham1572Aunsold
575Perusini Agri; Exactissima Novissimaque Descriptio: Auctore Egnatio DanteCentral ItalyOrtelius, Abraham1584A375.00
576Florentini Dominii, Fidelissima et Nova Descriptio. Auctore D. Stephano Monacho MontisoliuetiCentral ItalyOrtelius, Abraham1598A450.00
577AbruzzoCentral ItalyHondius/Bertius1618B+unsold
578Regni Neapolitani Verissima Secundum...Southern ItalyOrtelius/Marchetti1598Aunsold
579Typus Regni Neapolitani in suas Provincias Diligenter DivisiSouthern ItalyWeigel, Christopher1718B+130.00
580ElbaElba, ItalyHondius/Bertius1618B+80.00
581Ischia InsulaIschia, ItalyHondius/Bertius1618A60.00
582SiciliaSicily, ItalyHondius/Bertius1618A80.00
583SiciliaSicily, ItalyMorden, Robert1700A150.00
584Carte de l'Isle et Royaume de SicileSicily, ItalyDelisle/Covens & Mortier1730A275.00
585Plan de la Ville de Messine dans l'Isle de SicileMessina, Sicily, ItalyBellin, Jacques Nicolas1764A130.00
586Plan de la Ville de Palerme dans l'Isle de SicilePalermo, Sicily, ItalyBellin, Jacques Nicolas1764A+130.00
587Typus Montis Vesuvii...Mount Vesuvius, ItalyKircher, Athanasius1682B+275.00
588NaplesNaples, ItalyFer, Nicolas de1705B+200.00
589Pas-caart van de Middellandsche Zee, Verthoonende Alle de Zee-kusten van Granaden, Catalonien, Provencen Italien...MediterraneanKeulen, Johannes van1728B+700.00
590Chart of the Mediterranean SeaMediterraneanThomson, John1817A150.00
591British Possessions in the MediterraneanMediterraneanTallis, John1851A90.00
592Pas-Caart van de Weder Zytsche Zee-Kusten soo van Italia als Dalmatia en Griecken inde Golff van VenetienNorthern Mediterranean, Italian & Dalmatian CoastsKeulen, Johannes van1710Bunsold
593[Untitled - Baya de Gibraltar]GibraltarMeteren, Emmanuel van1614B450.00
597Natoliae, quae Olim Asia Minor, Nova Descriptio [on sheet with] Aegypti Recentior Descriptio [and] Carthaginis Celeberrimi Sinus TypusEastern MediterraneanOrtelius, Abraham1609B+300.00
598Geographische Beschryvinge, van de Wandeling der Apostelen ende de Reysen Pauli…Eastern Mediterranean & Middle EastSavry, Jacob1648B+275.00
599Turquie en AsieEastern Mediterranean & Middle EastSanson, Nicolas1683A60.00
600Geographische Beschryvinge, van de Wandeling der Apostelen ende Pauli...Eastern Mediterranean & Middle EastVisscher, Claes Janszoon1748B+95.00
601Alexandri Magni ExpeditioNear & Middle EastHondius/Purchas1625Aunsold
602Carte de la Turquie de l'Arabie et de la Perse Dressee sur les Memoires les Plus Recens Rectifiez par les Observations de Mrs. de l'Academie Royle. des SciencesNear & Middle EastDelisle/Covens & Mortier1730A+300.00
603De Gelegentheyt van t' Paradys en t' Landt Canaan, Mitsgaders d'Eerst Bewoonde Landen der Patriarchen...Middle EastStoopendaal, Daniel1729A220.00
604AnatolieTurkey & CyprusSanson, Nicolas Fils1683Aunsold
605Veue de la Ville et du Port de ConstantinopleIstanbul, TurkeyFer, Nicolas de1705A325.00
606[Lot of 6] Tabula Geographica, in qua Paradisus... [and] qua Iisraelitarum... [and] qua Omnes Regiones ... Fluvii Israeliae... [and] Waerachtige Beschryvinge ... Ierusalem [and] qua Regiones Cananaeae [and] qua Omnes Regiones...Holy Land, Eastern Mediterranean & Middle EastPlancius/Cloppenburg1612B4000.00
607Terra Sancta quae in Sacris, Terra Promissionis PalestinaHoly LandMercator/Cloppenburgh1630B+160.00
608Chorographia Terrae Sanctae in Angustiorem Formam Redacta, et ex Variis Auctoribus a Multis Erroribus Expurgata [in book] R. P. Joannis Stephani Menochii Doctoris Theologi Commentarii Totius Sacrae Scripturae…Holy LandTirinus, Jacobus1632Aunsold
609Patriarchatus Hierosolymitani Geographica DescriptioHoly LandTavernier, Melchior1640B+180.00
610Regnum Salomonicum seu Tabula Digesta ad LibrosHoly Landde la Rue, Philippe1651A140.00
611Israels Peregrination, or the Forty Years Travels of the Children of Israel Out of Egypt Through the Red Sea, and the Wilderness into Canaan, or the Land of PromiseHoly LandMoxon, Joseph1671A200.00
612Canaan, or the Land of Promise. Possessed by the Children of Israel and Travelled Through by Our Saviour Jesus Christ; and His ApostlesHoly LandMoxon, Joseph1671B+unsold
613Iudaea, seu Terra Sancta quae Hebraeorum Sive Israelitarum in Suas Duodecim Tribus Divisa...Holy LandSanson/Jaillot1677Aunsold
614[On 6 sheets] Dimida Tribus Manasse ... [and] Tribus Ruben, et Gad ... [and] Pars Maxima Tribus Iuda ... [and] Tribuum Ephraim ... [and] Tribus Aser ... [and] Tribus Simeon …Holy LandJansson, Jan1677A2400.00
615Historie des Nieuwen Testaments, Verrykt met veele Printverbeeldingen…Holy LandMortier, Pierre1700B+unsold
616Geographiae Sacrae ex Veteri, et Novo Testamento Desumptae Tabula in qua Terra Promissa, Sive Iudaea in Suas Tribus Partesq' DistinctaHoly LandSanson, Nicolas1702A180.00
617Iudaea seu Palaestina ob Sacratissima Redemtoris Vestigia Hodie Dicta Terra Sancta Prout Olim in Duodecim Tribus Divisa Separatis ab Invicem Regnis Iuda et Israel...Holy LandHomann, Johann Baptist1707B200.00
618De Veertig-Jaarige Reys-Togten der Kinderen Israels Num. XXXIII…Holy LandAa, Pieter van der1729B+200.00
619Afbeelding van 't Land van Israel, Naar Deszelfs Natuurlyke Gesteltheid…Holy LandBachiene, Willem Albert1749A120.00
620Nouvelle Carte de la Terre Sainte pour Servir a l'Intelligence de l'Ancien, & du Nouveau TestamentHoly LandAnon.1750A120.00
621T' Land Kanaan Benevens Gilead Verdeelt Onder de XII Stammen Israels...Holy LandBachiene, Willem Albert1750B+150.00
622Generaale Kaart van het Beloofde Land tot Verlichting voor de Geschiedenisse; Vervat in des Bybel…Holy LandElwe, Jan Barend1792B+unsold
623MargatHoly Land, SyriaRaignauld, Henry1629B+unsold
624Syriae sive Soriae DescriptioSyriaCluver, Philipp1697Aunsold
625Hierosolyma, Clarissima Totius Orientis Civitas, Judae Metropolis…Jerusalem, Holy LandBraun & Hogenberg1572A500.00
626IerusalemJerusalem, Holy LandBruyn, Cornelius de1698A1000.00
627Nieuwe Plattegrond van het Oude Jeruzalem Volgens den SchryverJerusalem, Holy LandCalmet, Augustin1727B100.00
628Carte des Principales Ports de Mer Bancs de Sable &c.: Qui sont dans la Mer Rouge Levee par Ordre Expres des Roys de Portugal sous qui on en a Fait la DecouverteRed SeaMortier, Pierre1720A230.00
629Tab. VI. Asiae, Arabiam Felicem, Carmaniam ac Sinum Persicum Comprehendens...ArabiaPtolemy/Mercator1730A300.00
630[Title on Verso] Tabula V AsiaePersia - IranPtolemy/Fries1525A350.00
631Persiae Regnum sive Sophoru ImperiumPersia - IranQuad, Matthias von Kinckelbach1600B+unsold
632Persicum RegnumPersia - IranHondius/Purchas1625A+unsold
633PersePersia - IranDuval, Pierre1682A+60.00
634A New & Accurate Map of Persia, with the Adjacent Countries. Drawn from the Most Approved Modern Maps &c. The Whole Being Regulated by Astronl. ObservationsPersia - IranBowen, Emanuel1747B+unsold
635PersiaPersia - IranTallis, John1851A+90.00
636Ormus RegnumPersian GulfHondius/Bertius1618A100.00
637Tabula Asiae IIICaucasusMunster, Sebastian1541A250.00
638Tabula Colchidis Hodie MengrelieCaucasusDapper, Olivier1672A190.00
639Colchis, Iberia, Albania quaeq; Caucasiae Gentes, Isthmum qui Pontum Euxinum Caspiumq; Mare Interjacet, IncoluntCaucasusSanson/Mortier1697A220.00
640Carte des Pays Voisins de la Mer Caspiene Dressee pour l'Usage du Roy...Caucasus & Caspian SeaDelisle/Covens & Mortier1730A+425.00
641Tab. VII. Asiae, Exhibens Scythiam, intra Imaum Sogdianam, Bactrianam, Hircaniam, aliasq. Asiae Regiones…Central AsiaPtolemy/Mercator1730A150.00
642Asia ex Magna Orbis Terre Descriptione Gerardi Mercatoris Desumpta, Studio et IndustriaAsiaMercator, Gerard (the younger)1613B+1600.00
643Asia Noviter DelineataAsiaBlaeu, Willem1642B+2600.00
644L'Asie Divisee en Ses Principales Regions, et ou se Peuvent Voir l'Estendue des Empires, Monarchies, Royaumes, et Estats...AsiaDelisle/Covens & Mortier1730A+500.00
645L'Asie, Suivant les Nouvelles Observations...AsiaAa, Pieter van der1730B+220.00
646L'Asie Dressee sur de Nouveaux Memoires Assujetis aux Observations Astronomiq...AsiaDanet, Guillaume1732B+1200.00
647[On 2 Sheets] Asia and Its Islands According to d'Anville: Divided into Empires, Kingdoms, States, Regions, with The European Possessions and Settlements in the East Indies…AsiaLaurie & Whittle1794C+600.00
648AsiaAsiaTallis, John1851A110.00
649[Lot of 2] Groot Tartaryen [and] TartariaNorthern Asia1635-83Aunsold
650Tartaria Sive Magni Chami ImperiorumNorthern AsiaMerian, Matthaus1646A250.00
651TartarieNorthern AsiaDuval, Pierre1682B+unsold
652Scythia et Tartaria AsiaticaNorthern AsiaCluver, Philipp1697A120.00
653La Grande Tartarie Suivant les Nouvelles Observations de Messrs. de l'Academie Royale des Sciences, etc.Northern AsiaAa, Pieter van der1714A+130.00
654Carte de Tartarie Dressee sur les Relations de Plusieurs Voyageurs de Differentes Nations...Northern AsiaDelisle/Covens & Mortier1730Aunsold
655[Lot of 2] Carte de la Tartarie Occidentale pour Servir a l'Histoire Generale des Voyages Tiree des Auteurs Anglois [and] Carte de la Tartarie Orientale ... Tiree des Cartes Levees par les P.P. JesuitesNorthern AsiaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1749-73unsold
656La Grande Tartarie vers l'Occident… / L'Asie ou sont Exactement Decrites Toutes les Costes de la MerRussia, Caucasus & Central AsiaDuval, Pierre1684B+unsold
657Suite de la Carte de la Siberie et le Pays de Kamtschatka pour l'Histoire Generale des VoyagesNortheastern RussiaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1750A60.00
658Plan de la Baye d'Awatska... [on sheet with] Plan du Typa ou de Macao [and] Partie du Japon ou NiponEastern AsiaBonne, Rigobert1780A75.00
659Map of Korea and Manchuria Prepared by the Second Division, General Staff (Military Information Division)...Eastern AsiaU.S. War Department1904B170.00
660Suchuen, Imperii Sinarum Provincia SextaCentral ChinaBlaeu, Johannes1655B+475.00
661ChinaChina & KoreaHondius/Bertius1618Aunsold
662Imperii Sinarum Nova Descriptio. Auctore Joh van LoonChina & KoreaJansson, Jan1656A1200.00
663L'Empire de la Chine pour Servir a l'Histoire Generale des VoyagesChina & KoreaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1748B+210.00
664Carte Generale de l'Empire Chinois et du JaponChina, Korea & JapanBrue, Adrien Hubert1821B+130.00
665Chine et CoreeChina, Korea & JapanMigeon, J.1892Aunsold
666Et des Rojaumes de Coree et de IapanNortheastern China, Korea & JapanHomann Heirs1750B+375.00
667Iaponiae Insulae DescriptioJapan & KoreaOrtelius, Abraham1595Bunsold
668IapanJapan & KoreaHondius/Bertius1618B+unsold
669Impero del GiapponeJapan & KoreaMarmocchi, Francesco1845A100.00
670Japan & CoreaJapan & KoreaTallis, John1851A120.00
671Isles du IaponJapanDuval, Pierre1682B+180.00
672Carte de l'Empire du JaponJapanBellin/Van Schley1752A+210.00
673L'Impero del Giapon Diviso in Sette Principali Parti…JapanZatta, Antonio1785B350.00
674Plan de JedoTokyo, JapanBellin/Van Schley1752A140.00
675[Japanese Pocket Map] Tsukiji Hacchobori Nihonbashi Minami EzuTokyo, Japan1849Bunsold
676[Japanese Pocket Map - Osaka, Japan]Osaka, JapanAnon.1847B250.00
677[Lot of 3 - Untitled Views of Nikko, Japan]Nikko, JapanAnon.1889-1901A275.00
678[Title on Verso] Tabula XI AsiaeSouthern AsiaPtolemy/Fries1535B+700.00
679MalaccaSoutheast AsiaHondius/Bertius1618A120.00
680Les Isles Philippines Molucques et de la SondeSoutheast AsiaSanson/Mariette1654Bunsold
681Tab. XI. Asiae, Comprehendens Indiam Extra Gangem...Southeast AsiaPtolemy/Mercator1730A300.00
682Carte des Costes de Cochin Chine, Tunquin, et Partie de Celles de la ChineVietnam & ChinaBellin/Van Schley1773A75.00
683Philippinae InsulaePhilippinesHondius/Bertius1618A350.00
684Carte des Isles Philippines Dressee sur la Carte Espagnole du R.P. Murillo de Velarde 2e Feuille...PhilippinesBellin, Jacques Nicolas1752B+130.00
685Plan de la Baye de ManilleManila Bay, PhilippinesAnson, George1749B+120.00
686Sumatra ein Grosse Insel so von den Alten Geographen Taprobana Genennet WordenSumatraMunster/Petri1588B100.00
687Sumatra InsulaSumatraHondius/Bertius1618A120.00
688Carte Plate de la Cote Occidentale de l'Isle Sumatra, Depuis la Riviere de Touroumane Jusqu'a la Pointe d'Indrapour; Destinee pour les Vaisseaux qui Negocient sur Cette CoteSumatraApres de Mannevillette, Jean B. N. D.1775Aunsold
689Carte de la Cote Occidentale de l'Isle Sumatra, Depuis la Pointe d'Indrapour Jusques au Detroit de la SondeSumatraApres de Mannevillette, Jean B. N. D.1775B+100.00
690Borneo InsulaBorneoHondius/Bertius1618A100.00
691Eine Carte von Nova Guinea, Neulich im ihar 1616... / Novae Guineae Tabula... / Description de la Coste Septentrionale de Nova Guinea...New GuineaBry, Theodore de1619Aunsold
692Isles de la SondeEast Indies, Indonesia & MalaysiaDuval, Pierre1682B+100.00
693Carte des Cotes de Malabar et de Coromandel Presentee au RoyIndiaDelisle/Covens & Mortier1730A180.00
694Overland Route to IndiaIndiaTallis, John1851A100.00
695[Lot of 2] A Correct Chart of the Indian Ocean. Engraved for Malham's Naval Gazetteer [and] A Correct Chart of the Coasts of Hindostan. Engraved for Malham's Naval GazetteerIndia & Indian OceanMalham, John (Rev.)1801B+75.00
696Empire du MogolNorthern India & Southern AsiaDuval, Pierre1682Aunsold
697Carte de la Partie Septentrionale de la Presqu'ile de l'Inde en Deca du GangeNorthern IndiaBrion de la Tour, Louis1780A50.00
698Regionum Choromandel, Golconda, et Orixa. Nova et Accurata DescriptioEastern IndiaWaesberger, Johann1672Aunsold
699Plan de GoaGoa, IndiaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1749A170.00
700Ceylon. I.Sri Lanka & MaldivesHondius/Bertius1618A100.00
701Isle de CeilanSri LankaDuval, Pierre1682B+80.00
702Carte de l'Isle de Ceylan Dressee sur les Observations de Mrs. de l'Academie Royale des SciencesSri LankaDelisle/Covens & Mortier1730A325.00
703Tab. XII. Asiae, Taprobanam Repraesentans...Sri LankaPtolemy/Mercator1730A150.00
704Carte de la Baye et du Port de Trinquemalay dans l'Isle de CeylanSri LankaApres de Mannevillette, Jean B. N. D.1775B+90.00
705Tabula Asiae IXSouthern AsiaPtolemy/Ruscelli1562B+unsold
706Partie Meridionale de l'Inde en Deux Presqu'Isles, l'une deca et l'autre dela le Gange…Southern AsiaSanson/Mariette1654B+450.00
707Les Vrays Indes dits Grands Indes ou Indes OrientalesSouthern AsiaFer, Nicolas de1705A135.00
708[Lot of 2] Carte de l'Indoustan, Suivant les Cartes les Plus Recentes... [and] Suite de la Carte de l'Indoustan IIe. Feuille...Southern Asia, IndiaBellin/Van Schley1752Aunsold
709BengalaNortheastern India, Bangladesh & BurmaHondius/Bertius1618Aunsold
710Carte de l'Inde en Deca du Gange Comprenant l'Indoustan &c. Suivant les Cartes les Plus Recentes...Northern India, Pakistan, Afghanistan & NepalBellin, Jacques Nicolas1752B+50.00
711Carte des Declinaisons et Inclinaisons de l'Aiguille Aimantee Redigee d'Apres la Table des Observations Magnetiques Faites par les Voyageurs Depuis l'Annee 1775Indian OceanBuffon, Comte de1780B200.00
712Isle de Madagascar Autrement Isle de St. LaurentMadagascarBellin, Jacques Nicolas1747B+unsold
713Africa XVIII Nova TabulaAfricaMunster, Sebastian1540A1400.00
714Africae Tabula NovaAfricaOrtelius, Abraham1570B+unsold
715AfricaAfricaLangenes, Barent1598B+140.00
716AphricaAfricaQuad, Matthias von Kinckelbach1608A350.00
717Carte de l'Afrique...AfricaBertius/Tavernier1627B+750.00
718Africae Nova TabulaAfricaHondius, Henricus1631Bunsold
719Nova Africa DescriptioAfricaWit, Frederick de1665A2200.00
720AfriqueAfricaDuval, Pierre1682B+120.00
721AfriqueAfricaSanson, Nicolas1683A150.00
722L'Afrique Divisee Suivant l'Estendue de Ses Principales Parties, ou sont Distingues les uns des Autres les Empires, Monarchies, Royaumes, Estats, et Peuples...AfricaSanson/Jaillot1685A700.00
723AfricaAfricaHeylin, Peter1703B300.00
724L'Afrique Selon les Autheurs les plus ModernesAfricaLa Feuille, Daniel de1706B+150.00
725L'Afrique Dressee pour l'Etude de la Geographie...AfricaBrion de la Tour/Desnos1766B+120.00
726North Africa [on sheet with] South AfricaNorthern & Southern AfricaThomson, John1817B+90.00
727Libyae Interioris Pars [Title on Verso: Tabula III Aphricae]Northern AfricaPtolemy/Fries1535B300.00
728Barbariae et Biledulgerid, Nova DescriptioNorthern AfricaOrtelius, Abraham1571B+unsold
729Le Biledulgerid ou Numidie, et le Zaara Autrement le DesertNorthern AfricaDuval, Pierre1682B+unsold
730In Notitiam Ecclesiasticam Africae Tabula GeographicaNorthern AfricaDelisle/Covens & Mortier1730Aunsold
731Fezzae et Marocchi Regna Africae Celeberrima, describebat Abrah: OrteliusNorthwestern AfricaMerian, Matthaus1646B+unsold
732Carte de la Barbarie de la Nigritie et de la GuineeNorthwestern AfricaDelisle/Covens & Mortier1730Aunsold
733Coste Occidentale d'Afrique Depuis le Detroit de Gibraltar…Northwestern AfricaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1738A50.00
734Abissinie ou Haute EthiopieEgyptDuval, Pierre1682A+60.00
735EgypteEgyptDuval, Pierre1682B+80.00
736Egypt [on sheet with] AbyssiniaEgypt & EthiopiaThomson, John1817B+75.00
737The Illustrated London News No. 1529. - Vol. LIV...Suez Canal, Egypt1869A75.00
738Carte de l'Egypte de la Nubie de l'Abissinie &c.Northeastern Africa & ArabiaDelisle/Covens & Mortier1730Aunsold
739Obsidio Urbis et Castelli MozambiquensisFort Sao Sebastiao, Island of MozambiqueBry, Theodore de1612A150.00
740GuineaWestern AfricaLangenes, Barent1598B+75.00
741GuineeWestern AfricaDuval, Pierre1682B+unsold
742A Chart of the Grain Ivory & Quaqua Coasts in Guinea. From Cape St. Anee to Teen PequeneWestern AfricaMount & Page1739B+170.00
743Aethiopia Inferior, vel Exterior...Southern Africa, MadagascarBlaeu, Willem1642B+200.00
744Cafrerie et MonomotapaSouthern AfricaDuval, Pierre1682B+60.00
745Partie Meridionale d'Afrique ou se Trouvent la Basse Guinee, la Cafrerie, le Monomotapa, le Monoemugi, le Zanguebar et l'Isle de MadagascarSouthern Africa, MadagascarFer, Nicolas de1715Bunsold
746Carte du Congo et du Pays des CafresSouthern Africa, MadagascarDelisle/Covens & Mortier1730A200.00
747Das Land der Hottentoten an dem Vorgebirge der Guten HoffnungSouthern AfricaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1754A200.00
748South AfricaSouthern AfricaWyld, James1844Bunsold
749Plan du Fort et de la Ville du Cap de Bonne EsperanceCape of Good HopeBellin, Jacques Nicolas1761A100.00
750[Lot of 2] Carte de l'Oceanie Contenant l'Australie, la Polynesie et les Iles Asiatiques [and] Oceania and Pacific Ocean. From Admiralty SurveysPacific Ocean1829-67unsold
751Pacific OceanPacific OceanArrowsmith, John1842B+140.00
752Tartariae sive Magni Chami Regni TypusNorth Pacific, Northern Asia & Northwestern North AmericaOrtelius, Abraham1580B+850.00
753Carte des Nouvelles Decouvertes dressee par Phil. Bauche… [on sheet with] Extrait d'Une Carte Japonise de l'Univers…North Pacific OceanRobert de Vaugondy, Didier1772A130.00
754A Map of the Discoveries Made by Capts. Cook & Clerke in the Years 1778 & 1779 Between the Eastern Coast of Asia and the Western Coast of North America, When They Attempted to Navigate the North Sea...North Pacific OceanCarey, Mathew1795Bunsold
755[Lot of 2] Chart of the New Discoveries East of New Holland and New Guinea [and] Asiatischer Archipel und Neu HollandAustralia, East Indies1797-184790.00
756New South Wales New Zealand New Hebrides and the Islands Adjacent Comprising the Discoveries of Mendana, Quiros, Carteret, Bougainville, Surville, Cook, Shortland, &c. &c....South Pacific OceanWilkinson, Robert1808Aunsold
757Oceanique. Iles des Amis. No. 47Tonga IslandsVandermaelen, Philippe Marie Guillaume1825A120.00
758Carte et Vues de l'Isle Pitcairn...Pitcairn IslandBenard, Jacques Francois1774A100.00
759[Lot of 2] Le Capitaine Wallis est Attaque dans le Dauphin par les Otahitiens [and] Vue de la Baye de Matavai a Otahiti Appellee Havre du Port-Royal par le Capitaine WallisTahitiCook/Benard1774A100.00
760[Lot of 2] Vue de Huaheine [and] View of the Causeway or Landing Place &c. Near Pelew the Capital of the Pelew IslandsHuahine, PalauCook, James (Capt.)1774-93A90.00
761[Lot of 2] The Island of Otaheite According to the Survey Taken by Cap. Cook 1769, Corrected by His Later Astronomical Observations [and] Carte des Isles Decouvertes aux Environs d'Otahiti, dans Plusieurs Voyages Faits Autour du Monde...Pacific Islands, TahitiCook, James (Capt.)1778-99B+100.00
762Polynesia, or Islands in the Pacific OceanPacific IslandsTallis, John1851B+80.00
763Baye de Matavai a Otahiti [on sheet with] Havre d'Ohamaneno a Ulietea [on sheet with] Havre d'Owharre dans l'Isle d'Huaheine [on sheet with] Havre d'Oopoa a UlieteaFrench PolynesiaCook/Benard1780B+unsold
764[Lot of 3] Habit of a Young Woman of Otaheite Bringing a Present [and] Habit of a Young Woman of Otaheite Dancing [and] Une Femme de EaooTahiti & Tonga NativesCook, James (Capt.)1785-93A110.00
765Carte de l'Australie, (Partie Sud-Ouest de l'Oceanie)AustraliaBrue, Adrien Hubert1826B+240.00
766Part of South AustraliaAustraliaTallis, John1851A140.00
767Victoria, or Port PhillipSoutheastern AustraliaTallis, John1851A100.00
768Van Diemen's Island or TasmaniaTasmaniaTallis, John1854A150.00
769Plan de la Baye Dusky (Obscure) a la Nouve. ZelandeNew ZealandCook/Benard1773Aunsold
770The Islands of New ZealandNew ZealandSDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge1844A170.00
771Curtis's Botanical Magazine; or, Flower-Garden Displayed...Prints - Botanical1805B+200.00
772[Lot of 6 - Fruit]Prints - Botanical1864-65B+70.00
773[Lot of 8 - Fruit]Prints - Botanical1880B+160.00
774Marine Fig 1 Coupe d'un Vaisseau dans Toute sa Longeur Fig 2 Coupe d'une Galere dans Toute sa LongeurPrints - ShipsAnon.1770B+110.00
775Toverkaart of Genees Middel der Wind-breuken vant Zuid West en de Uituaart van CartoucheSatire - Stock TradingAnon.1720A200.00
776Vasten Avonds Vreugde Krans en Tooneel StukSatire - Stock TradingAnon.1720A35.00
777De Zuidze Compagnie Door Wind in Top Gerezen Beklaagt Nu Haar Verlies met een Bekommerd WezenSatire - Stock TradingAnon.1720A+40.00
778[Illuminated Bifolium]Medieval ManuscriptsAnon.1300B325.00
779[Illuminated Leaf]Medieval ManuscriptsAnon.1300B200.00
780[Illuminated Leaf]Medieval ManuscriptsAnon.1430B+120.00
781[Illuminated Leaf]Medieval ManuscriptsAnon.1450A300.00
782[Illuminated Leaf]Medieval ManuscriptsAnon.1460A210.00
783[Illuminated Leaf]Medieval ManuscriptsAnon.1460A120.00
784[Illuminated Leaf]Medieval ManuscriptsAnon.1470A475.00
785[Illuminated Leaf]Medieval ManuscriptsAnon.1480A100.00
786[Illuminated Leaf]Medieval ManuscriptsAnon.1480A80.00
787[Illuminated Leaf]Medieval ManuscriptsAnon.1570A120.00
788Blat CLXXIIIIncunabulaSchedel, Hartmann1493B+unsold
789Blat CLXIIncunabulaSchedel, Hartmann1493B+80.00
790Blat CLVIIIncunabulaSchedel, Hartmann1493B+210.00
791Blat CLIIIIIncunabulaSchedel, Hartmann1493B+150.00
792Blat CXLVIIIIncunabulaSchedel, Hartmann1493B140.00
793[Book of Hours Leaf]Early PrintingKerver, Thielman1505B+210.00
794[Book of Hours Leaf]Early PrintingKerver, Thielman1505B+unsold
795[Illuminated Leaf]Early PrintingHardouin, Gilles1518Aunsold
796[Antiphonal Leaf]MusicAnon.1700B+unsold
797[Lot of 2 - Vellum Manuscript Indentures]Indentures1786-87Aunsold
798[Vellum Manuscript Indenture]Indentures1823A100.00
799[Vellum Manuscript Indenture]Indentures1894A210.00
800[2 Volumes] Introductio in Omnem Geographiam Veterem Aeque…AtlasesCluver, Philipp1694B1400.00
801Atlas de Toutes les Parties Connues du Globe Terrestre, Dresse Pour l'Historie Philosophique & Politique…AtlasesBonne/Raynal1780B+1300.00
802Atlas Geographique, Statistique, Historique et Chronologique des Deux Ameriques et des Iles Adjacentes...AtlasesBuchon, Jean Alexandre1825B+3000.00
803Geographical Annual or Family Cabinet AtlasAtlasesStarling, Thomas1832Aunsold
804The Diamond Atlas with Descriptions of All Countries … The Western HemisphereAtlasesMorse & Gaston1859B+325.00
805Johnson's New Illustrated (Steel Plate) Family Atlas, with Physical Geography, and with Descriptions Geographical, Statistical, and Historical, Including the Latest Federal Census…AtlasesJohnson & Ward1864B+1000.00
806Colton's General Atlas, Containing One Hundred and Eighty Steel Plate Maps and Plans…AtlasesColton, G.W. & C.B.1872B+1800.00
807Black's General Atlas of the World…AtlasesBlack, Adam & Charles1882B210.00
808Mitchell's New General Atlas, Containing Maps of the Various Counties of the World, Plans of Cities, Etc…AtlasesMitchell/Bradley1888Bunsold
809Arbuckles' Illustrated Atlas of the United States of AmericaAtlasesArbuckle Bros. Coffee Co.1889B+375.00
810Iliff's Imperial Atlas of the WorldAtlasesIliff & Co., John W1891B120.00
811Cosmographia Roma 1478Facsimile AtlasesPtolemy1966A400.00
812The American Atlas [Facsimile]Facsimile AtlasesJefferys, Thomas1974A700.00
813A Compendious Geographical Dictionary, Containing, a Concise Description of the Most Remarkable Places, Ancient and Modern, in Europe, Asia, Africa, and America, Interspersed with Historical Anecdotes...Geography BooksPeacock, W.1793B+230.00
814Elements of Geography: Containing a Concise and Comprehensive View of That Useful Science...Geography BooksMorse, Jedidiah (Rev.)1796B150.00
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