Index of Lots for Auction 129

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Lot #TitleSubjectCreatorPeriodConditionSold For
1[Lot of 2] Americae Tertia Pars [and] Das Vierdte Buch von der Neuwen WeltTitle PagesBry, Theodore de1593-94B+350.00
2Gerardus Mercator … Iudocus Hondius …Title PagesHondius1620Aunsold
3[Lot of 2 - Title Page and Frontispiece] The Theatre of the Empire of Great Britaine…Title PagesSpeed, John1627B+600.00
4Novus Atlas, das ist Welt-Beschreibung…Title PagesBlaeu, (Family)1642Aunsold
5De Bello Belgico Decas il Famiani Stradae Rom. Soc. IesuTitle Pages - Low CountriesStrada, Famiamo, S.J.1648B+700.00
6Cosmographie in Foure Bookes Caontayning the Chorographie & Historie of the Whole World…Title PagesHeylin, Peter1652A220.00
7Le Theatre Du Monde, ou Nouvel Atlas, Mis en lumiere par Guillaume et Jean Blaeu. Quatriesme PartieTitle PagesBlaeu, (Family)1662A230.00
8The Sea-Atlas or the Watter-World, Wherein are Described all the Sea Coasts of the Knowne WorldTitle PagesGoos, Pieter1667A600.00
9AmericaTitle PagesMeurs, Jacob van1671B+400.00
10The English AtlasTitle PagesPitt, Moses1680A325.00
11[Lot of 2]Title Pages1680-1714B+unsold
12Partie des Forces de l'Europe…Title PagesFer, Nicolas de1693A150.00
13[Lot of 7]Title Pages1700-78unsold
14Nieuw-Jaars GeschenkTitle PagesAnon.1720A+140.00
15Tytel-Print der Actie-Kraam of Voor-hof van QuinquenpoixTitle Pages1720A120.00
16Atlas Novus, sive Theatrum Orbis Terrarum: in quo Hispaniae, Italiae, Asiae, Africae, nec-non Americae Tabulae… Tomus TertiusTitle PagesJansson, Jan1747A180.00
17The Illustrated Atlas, and Modern History of the World Geographical, Political, Commercial & StatisticalTitle PagesTallis, John1851A275.00
18Mre. Jean Law coner. du roy en tous ces conils. controleur gnal des finances en 1720Portrait, Mississippi BubbleSchenk, Leonard1720A170.00
19[Lot of 5] Typus Orbis Terrarum [and] America [and] Asia Antiqua et Nova [and] Africa, Antiqua et Nova [and] Summa Europae Antiquae DescriptioWorld & ContinentsCluver, Philipp1697A1200.00
20[Lot of 8 - World and Continents]World & ContinentsMitchell, Samuel Augustus1865A300.00
21Les Tables de Geographie, Reduites en un Iev de CartesContinentsDuval, Pierre1669A600.00
22Europa Poly Glotta… [together with] Asia Poly-Glotta… [and] America cum Supplementis Poly-Glottis [and] Africa Poly-GlottaContinentsHomann Heirs1741B+850.00
23Typus Orbis TerrarumWorldOrtelius, Abraham1575B+5500.00
24Typus Orbis TerrarumWorldJansson, Jan1631A+unsold
25Orbis Terrarum Typus de Integroin Plurimis Emendatus Auctus et Icunculis IllustratusWorldVisscher, Nicolas1665A1600.00
26Nova Orbis Tabula, in Lucem EditaWorldWit, Frederick de1680A6000.00
27Nova Totius Terrarum Orbis Geographica ac Hydrographica TabulaWorldPitt, Moses1680A12000.00
28Typus Orbis TerrarumWorldDuval/Beer1681B+unsold
29Orbis Terrarum Tabula Recens Emendata et in Lucem EditaWorldStoopendaal, Bastiaan1682A+2000.00
30Den Aardkloot nade Zondvloed, in haar gebroken stand, met Bergen en dalen, groote Zee-Boesem, en der selver Eilanden en Ondiepten vertoondWorldGoeree, Willelm & Jan1690A+375.00
31Plan de l'Histoire universelle, oul'on voit les quatre Monarchies du Monde, et tous les Anciens Etats aussi bien que ceux qui subsistent aujourdhuyWorldChatelain, Henry Abraham1705B+unsold
32Nova Delineatio Totius Orbis Terrarum Per Petrum Vander AaWorldAa, Pieter van der1720A1300.00
33Planiglobium Terrestre Minus in hanc Formam Reductam…WorldWeigel, Christopher1730A1500.00
34Planiglobii Terrestris Mappa Universalis…WorldHomann Heirs1746B+1300.00
35Globus Terrestris ex Probatissimis Recentiorum Geographorum Observationibus…WorldSchreiber, Johann Georg1750A+unsold
36[Lot of 2] Nieuwe Kaart van het Westelykste Deel der Weereld…naar Westindie [and] Nieuwe Kaart van het Oostelykste Deel de Weereld… naar Oostindie…WorldTirion, Isaac1753-4A+400.00
37Plan von der Ganzen ErdkugelWorldReinhold, C.L.1786B+unsold
38Generalkarte Soemmtlicher Entdeckungen auf den drei Grossen Weltreisen des Kapit. Jakob Cook. Verflast von Herrn Heinrich Roberts…WorldSchraembl, Franz Anton1789A1800.00
39Mappe Monde ou Description du Globe TerrestreWorldLattre, Jean1790B+unsold
40De Werelt CaartWorldDanckerts/Elwe1791B1400.00
41A New Chart of the World, on Mercator's Projection: Exhibiting the Tracks & Discoveries of the Most Eminent Navigators, to the Present PeriodWorldCary, John1801B+425.00
42PlanisphereWorldLevasseur, Victor1852A160.00
43The WorldWorldEnsign, Bridgman & Fanning1861C+300.00
44Scientia Terrarum et Coelorum: Or the Heavens and Earth Astronomically and Geographically Delineated and Display'd…World & CelestialDunn, Samuel1781C1400.00
45Universalis CosmographiaAncient WorldHonter, Jon Coronensis1548A+1600.00
46Orbis Terrarum Veteribus Cogniti Typus GeographicusAncient WorldCluver/Jansson1661A75.00
47Orbis Veteribus Notus Auspiciis Serenissimi Principls Ludovici Philippi Aurelianorum Ducis Publici Juris FactusAncient WorldAnville, Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d'1763B+250.00
48[Ancient World]Ancient World1830Aunsold
49Polus Arcticus [on sheet with] Polus AntarcticusPolarAa, Pieter van der1700A+475.00
50Carte Magnetique des Deux HemispheresPolarBuffon, Comte de1780C+unsold
51Nova et Accurata Poli Arctici et Terrarum Circum Iacentium DescriptioNorth PoleJansson, Jan1650A850.00
52Facies Poli Antarctici ex recentissimis itinerariis descriptaSouth PoleWeigel, Christopher1724A230.00
53[Lot of 3]Cartographic MiscellanyApianus, Peter Bienewitz1560B+unsold
54[Monsters] Norewunder und Seltzame thier wiedie un Mitnachtigen landern gefunden werdenCartographic MiscellanyMunster, Sebastian1578Aunsold
55[Volvelle] Tabula Segunda de las Oras de Planetas, que llaman desiguales, a la latitud de 50 gradosCartographic MiscellanyGalluci, Giovanni Paolo1657A+unsold
56La Sphere ArtificielleCartographic MiscellanyFer, Nicolas de1705B130.00
57[Lot of 2] Afbeeldinge van 't zeer vermaarde Eiland Geks-Kop [and] Nieuwe Volkplanting om windCartographic MiscellanyAnon.1720A550.00
58Germaniae Aliorumque Quorundam Locorum Europae Poliometria. Richtige Anzeige wie weit die Hampt - Orte in Aeutschland und andere beruhmte Staedte in Europa…Cartographic MiscellanyLotter, Tobias Conrad1760B+100.00
59Plan of the Lengths of the Principal Rivers throughout the WorldCartographic MiscellanyThomson, John1815B+275.00
60V [Creation]Celestial - Solar SystemSchedel, Hartmann1493B+900.00
61[Lot of 2] Imagines Coeli Septentrionales cum Duodecim Imaginibus Zodiaci [and] Imagines Coeli MeridionalesCelestialAnon.1600Aunsold
62Systema Mundi Tychonicum…Solar SystemDoppelmayr/Homann1712Aunsold
63Globi Coelestis in Tabulas Planas Redacti Pars IVCelestialDoppelmayr/Homann1716B+800.00
64Phaenomena Motuum Irregularium quos Planetae inferiores Venus et Mercurius ad annum Salutis MDCCXSolar SystemDoppelmayr/Homann1742B+300.00
65Ephemerides Motuum Coelestium GeometricaeSolar SystemDoppelmayr/Homann1742B+unsold
66Theoria Eclipsium…Celestial - EclipsesDoppelmayr/Homann1742B+300.00
67[Lot of 6] The Stars, in six maps, on the Gnomonic ProjectionCelestialSDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge1844A+220.00
68Descripcion de las Yndias OcidentalesWestern HemisphereHerrera y Tordesillas, Antonio de1601B1700.00
69Descriptio AmericaeWestern HemisphereBertius/Claesz1602A350.00
70America sive India Nova ad magnae Gerardi Mercatoris aui Universalis imitationem in compendium redactaWestern HemisphereMercator, Michael1607-12A+4500.00
71Carte de l'Amerique Corrigee et Augmentee, dessus Toutes les Aultres cy devant Faictes par P. BertiusWestern HemisphereBertius/Tavernier1627B+1400.00
72America Noviter DelineataWestern HemisphereHondius/Jansson1660A1800.00
73AmericaWestern HemisphereDuval/Beer1681Aunsold
74L'Amerique Septentrionale & Meridionale Divisee en ses Principales Parties…Western HemisphereValck, Gerard1695B+1300.00
75A General and Particular Description of AmericaWestern HemisphereMoll, Herman1700B230.00
76America Aurea Pars Altera MundiWestern HemisphereValck, Gerard and Leonard1708B+unsold
77L'Amerique, Meridionale et Septentrionale dressee selon les Dernieres Relations…Western HemisphereFer, Nicolas de1717B+600.00
78Totius Americae Septentrionalis et Meridionalis Novissima Repraesentatio…Western HemisphereHomann Heirs1740Bunsold
79Carte d'Amerique, Dressee pour l'Usage du Roy…Western HemisphereDelisle/Covens & Mortier1739B+750.00
80Les Colonies des Europeens en AmeriqueWestern HemisphereBourgoin, P.1740Aunsold
81L'Amerique Suivant le R.P. Charlevoix Jte. Mr. de la Condamine et Plusieurs autres Nouvle. ObservationsWestern HemisphereLe Rouge, George Louis1746Bunsold
82Americae Mappa generalis…Western HemisphereHaas/Homann Heirs1746A500.00
83L'Amerique divisee Par Grands EtatsWestern HemisphereJanvier/Lattre1762B+200.00
84A New Map of the Whole Continent of America, Divided into North and South and West Indies…Western HemisphereSayer & Bennett1777C+800.00
85Amerique Septentrionale et MeridionaleWestern HemisphereExpilly, Jean Joseph Georges, Abbe d'1777B+unsold
86L'Amerique divisee en ses principaux Etats Assujettie aux Observations AstronomiqesWestern HemisphereJanvier/Santini1784B+300.00
87Carte d'Amerique, Dressee pour l'Usage du Roi…Western HemisphereDelisle/Dezauche1785A450.00
88America North and South and the West Indies; with the Atlantic, Aethiopic and Pacific Oceans: wherein are Distinguished, All the Discoveries lately made by the English and the SpaniardsWestern HemisphereDunn, Samuel1786B+150.00
89Carte d'Amerique, Dressee pour l'Instruction…Western HemisphereDelisle/Dezauche1790A375.00
90Amerique ou Nouveau Continent Dressee sur les Nouvelles Relations…Western HemisphereNolin, Jean Batiste1811Aunsold
91Charte von America nach Astronomischen Bestimmungen…Western HemisphereGussefeld/Homann Heirs1813B+unsold
92Carte Geographique, Statistique et Historique de l'AmeriqueWestern HemisphereBuchon, Jean Alexandre1825B+unsold
93L'America Settentrionale e Meridionale Incisa dalla Fratelli BordigaWestern HemisphereBordiga, F.1826B+180.00
94L'America Settentrionale. Nuovamente Corretta et Accresciuta Secondo le Relationi Piu Moderne da Guglielmo Sansone Geografo di S.M. ChristianisaNorth AmericaRossi, Giamcomo Giovanni1677B1700.00
95L'Amerique Septentrionale Dressee sur les Observations de Mrs. de l'Academie Royale des Sciences…North AmericaDelisle, Guillaume1700B+1200.00
96L'Amerique Septentrionale Suivant les Nouvelles Observations…North AmericaAa, Pieter van der1705A+650.00
97L'Amerique Septentrionale Dressee sur les Observations de Mrs. de l'Academie Royale des Sciences…North AmericaDelisle/Covens & Mortier1730B+1100.00
98Nova Orbis sive America Septentrionalis, divisa per sua Regna Provinc: et InsulNorth AmericaSeutter/Lotter1744B+unsold
99Amerique Septentrionale, dressee sur les Relations plus modernes des Voyageurs et Navigateurs…North AmericaRobert de Vaugondy, Didier1750B400.00
100Amerique SeptentrionaleNorth AmericaRobert de Vaugondy1750A+unsold
101[Lot of 4 North America]North America1770-1850100.00
102Amerique SeptentrionaleNorth AmericaBonne, Rigobert1775A+110.00
103A New & Accurate Map of North America; with the New Discovered Islands on the North East Coast of AsiaNorth AmericaBowen, Thomas1787B110.00
104A New Map of North America from the Latest AuthoritiesNorth AmericaCary, John1806A500.00
105America SettentrionaleNorth AmericaBorghi, Bartolomeo1819A180.00
106Carte de l'Amerique Septentrionale Dressee pour l'Intelligence de l'Histoire Generale des Voyages de LaharpeNorth AmericaTardieu, Ambroise1821B+unsold
107Carte d'Assemblage de l'Amerique Septenle.North AmericaVandermaelen, Philippe Marie Guillaume1825A140.00
108Amerique SeptentrionaleNorth America, TexasDuvotenay, Thunot1840B+140.00
109Amerique SeptentrionaleNorth AmericaLevasseur, Victor1845A190.00
110Carte Generale de l'Amerique du Nord et des Iles qui en DependentNorth AmericaDufour, Guillaume Henri1850B+120.00
111North America [manuscript map]North America, Texas1850A95.00
112North AmericaNorth AmericaEttling, Theodor1863A120.00
113Amerique du NordNorth AmericaDufour/Andriveau-Goujon1865Aunsold
114Amerique SeptentrionaleNorth AmericaMeissas, Achille Pr. De1870B+unsold
115Map Illustrating the Extermination of the American Bison Prepared by W.T. HornadayNorth AmericaSmithsonian Institute1889B+150.00
116Regni Mexicani seu Novae Hispaniae, Ludovicianae, N. Angliae, Carolinae, Virginiae, et Pensylvaniae nec non Insularum Archipelagi Mexicani in America Septentrionali Accurata Tabula…Colonial North America and West IndiesHomann, Johann Baptist1720B1100.00
117A Map of the British Empire in America with the French and Spanish Settlements Adjacent TheretoColonial North America and West IndiesPopple, Henry1734B+52500.00
118Amerique Septentrionale Publiee sous les Auspices de Monseigneur le Duc d'Orleans … [on two sheets]Colonial North America and West IndiesAnville, Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d'1746B1500.00
119Carte Generale des Colonies Angloises, dans l'Amerique Septentrionale, par M. Phelippeaux…Colonial North America and West IndiesPhelipeaux/Brion de la Tour1778Bunsold
120Nova Mappa Geographica Americae Septentrionalis in suas praecipuas Partes divisaColonial North America and West IndiesProbst, Johann Michael1782A+1700.00
121Charte von Westindien den Vereinigten Staaten und einem Theile von Sudamerica…Eastern North America and West IndiesKipferling, Karl Joseph1806A150.00
122Extrema Americae Versus Boream, ubi Terra Nova Nova Francia, AdjacentiaqCanadaBlaeu, Johannes1670B+unsold
123Karte von der Hudsons BayCanadaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1744A90.00
124A Chart of Part of the Coast of Labradore, from the Straights of Bell Isle, to Cape BluffCanadaJefferys, Thomas1770B150.00
125Carte qui represente les differentes connoissances que l'on a eues des Terres Arctiques depuis 1650, jusqu ' en 1747…CanadaRobert de Vaugondy, Didier1770Bunsold
126[Lot of 2] Canada West formerly Upper Canada [together with] Canada East formerly Lower CanadaCanadaThomas, Cowperthwait & Co.1850B+unsold
127Map of Newfoundland Compiled from the Most Recent Surveys Drawn by Geo. E. TurnerCanada1925A150.00
128Nova Anglia Novum Belgium et VirginiaColonial New England and Mid-AtlanticJansson, Jan1637A1400.00
129Carte de la Nouvelle France, ou se voit le cours des Grandes Rivieres de S. Laurens & de Mississipi Aujour d'hui S. Louis, Aux Environs des-quelles se trouvent les Etats, Pais, Nations, Peuples &c.Colonial United States and CanadaChatelain, Henry Abraham1719B1900.00
130Carte du Canada ou de la Nouvelle France, & des Decouvertes qui y ont ete Faites, Dressee sur les observations les plus Nouvelles, & sur divers Memoires tant Manuscrits qu' imprimezColonial United States & CanadaChatelain, Henry Abraham1719B+unsold
131Amplissimae Regionis Mississipi Seu Provinciae Ludovicianae…Colonial United States and CanadaHomann, Johann Baptist1730A1400.00
132Dominia Anglorum in America SeptentrionaliColonial United States and CanadaHomann Heirs1740A700.00
133A New Chart of the Coast of New England, Nova Scotia, New France or Canada, with the Islands of Newfoundld. Cape Breton St. John's &c…Colonial New England and CanadaJefferys, Thomas1746B210.00
134Charte von dem Engellaendischen u. Franzoesischen Besitzungen in Nord AmericaColonial United States and CanadaSchreiber, Johann Georg1753B+350.00
135Partie Occidentale de la Nouvelle France ou du CanadaGreat LakesBellin/Homann Heirs1755A1300.00
136Carte des Lacs du Canada Pour servir a l'Histoire Generale des VoyagesGreat LakesBellin, Jacques Nicolas1757A350.00
137Map of the British and French Settlements in North AmericaColonial United States and CanadaRidge, John1758A+475.00
138A Particular Map, to Illustrate Gen. Amherst's Expedition, to Montreal; with a Plan of the Town & Draught of ye IslandColonial United States and CanadaGibson, John1760A140.00
139Carte Mineralogique, ou l'on voit la Nature des Terreins de Canada et de la Louisiane, Dressee par Philippe Buache…1752 [and] Carte Mineralogique de la Suisse par Philippe Buache pour servir aux recherches et pour un Memoire de Mr. Guettard en 1572Colonial United States and Canada - Switzerland and GeologyGuettard, Jean Etienne1761B+2100.00
140A New Map of North America from the Latest DiscoveriesColonial United States and CanadaSpilsbury, J.1761B+230.00
141An Accurate Map of the British Empire in Nth. America as settled by the Preliminaries in 1762Colonial United States and CanadaGibson, John1762A275.00
142[2 sheets] Partie de l'Amerique Septentrionale, qui comprend le Canada, la Louisiane, le Labrador, le Groenland, la Nouvelle Angleterre, la Florida &c.Colonial United States and CanadaBonne/Lattre1771B+unsold
143Carte Nouvelle de l'Amerique Angloise contenant tout ce que Anglois possedent sur le Continent de l'Amerique Septentrionale Savoir le Canada, la Nouvelle Ecosse ou Acadie, les treize Provinces Unies…Colonial United States and CanadaLotter, Mathias Albrecht1776C+700.00
144America Septentrionalis a Domino d'Anville in Galliis edita nunc in Anglia Coloniis in Interiorem Virginiam deductis nec non Fluvii Ohio cursu…Colonial United States and CanadaHomann Heirs1777A550.00
145Etats-Unis de l'Amerique Septentrionale avec les Isles Royale, de Terre Neuve, de St. Jean, l'Acadie &c.Colonial United States & CanadaDelamarche, Charles Francois1785B+800.00
146Carte d'une Partie de l'Amerique Septentrionale, pour servir a l'Histoire de la derniere GuerreCanada & United StatesLe Rouge, George Louis1787Aunsold
147Voyages chez Differentes Nations Sauvages de l'Amerique Septentrionale [with] Carte des Pays Situes a l'Ouest du Canada 1791Canada & United StatesLong, John1794A350.00
148Charte der neuen Niederlassungen in Ober Canada nach der Smythschen CharteGreat LakesI.C.M.R.1800A210.00
149Carte des Etats-Unis d'Amerique, du Canada, du Nouveau Brunswick et d'une partie de la Nouvelle BretagneCanada & United StatesLapie, Alexander Emile & Pierre1832A300.00
150British Possessions in North America with Part of the United States Compiled from Official SourcesEastern Canada & United StatesHarper Bros.1843B+130.00
151Imperial Map of Canada and Arctic Regions of North AmericaArctic, Canada & AlaskaCaldwell, Robert1849B+unsold
152Map of the Oregon Territory from the Best AuthoritiesWestern Canada and United StatesWilkes, Charles1854A300.00
153Hunter & Pickup's Panoramic Guide from Niagara Falls to QuebecCanada & New York, Niagara FallsHunter, William S.1866B120.00
154Carte Speciale, Historique et Geographique de la Republique des Etats-Unis de l'Amerique du NordUnited StatesRenouard, Jules1825B+200.00
155[Lot of 2] [Untitled - U.S. Railroads] [and] Map of the Railroads in Whole or Part West, North, or South of the Missouri River in Which the United States Have Granted Any Loan or Credit or Subsidy in Bonds or Lands. June 30, 1883United States1846-83A160.00
156No. 5 Map of the United States Engraved to Illustrate Mitchell's School and Family GeographyUnited StatesMitchell, Samuel Augustus1852B+unsold
157The United States of AmericaUnited StatesColton, Joseph Hutchins1855A400.00
158Etats-Unis de l'Amerique du Nord et Mexique pour Suivre les Operations des Etats Belligerants et de l'Expedition CombineeUnited StatesLe Chevalier, Armand1861B+650.00
159Statistical Map of the United States of AmericaUnited StatesU.S. Government1864B+40.00
160[Lot of 5] Carte Physique et Politique des Etats-Unis Canada et Partie du Mexique (2) [and] Etats-Unis [and] Carte de la Partie Orientale de l'Amerique du Nord et des Antilles… [and] Etats-UnisUnited StatesDrioux & Leroy1862-1898unsold
161Map of the United States Exhibiting the Present Status of Knowledge Relating to the Areal Distribution of Geologic GroupsUnited StatesU.S. Geological Survey (USGS)1884B+300.00
162Geological Map of the United States and Part of Canada Compiled by C.H. Hitchcock for the American Institute of Mining Engineers to Illustrate the Schemes of Coloration and Nomenclature Recommended by the International Geological CongressUnited StatesHitchcock, Charles Henry1886A+425.00
163Northern Pacific Railroad. Report of the Board of Directors to the Stockholders at their Annual Meeting, October 16th, 1890. [with Untitled - Map of the Western U.S.]United StatesRailroad Companies, (Various)1890A50.00
164[Lot of 3 U.S. Puzzles]United States1890-1915190.00
165United Air Lines A Gay Geography of the Main Line ArteryUnited States1937A+170.00
166Novissima Tabula Regionis Ludovicianae Gallice dicta la Louisiane…Colonial United StatesWeigel, Christopher1734A+1300.00
167Carte de la Louisiane Cours du Mississipi et Pais Voisins…Colonial United StatesBellin, Jacques Nicolas1744A800.00
168A Map of the British American Plantations extending from Boston in New England to Georgia; including all the back Settlements in the respective Provinces, as far as the MississipiColonial United StatesBowen, Emanuel1754A375.00
169[Louisiana and British Colonies in North America]Colonial United StatesGibson, John1763B+180.00
170Carte des Etats-Unis d'Amerique et du Cours du Mississipi…Eastern United StatesBrion de la Tour, Louis1784B+1800.00
171Carte Generale des Etats-Unis de l'Amerique Septentrionale, Renfermant Aussi quelques Provinces Angloises adjacentes…Eastern United StatesTardieu, Pierre Francois1787B+230.00
172The United States of AmericaEastern United StatesPayne, John1791A950.00
173[Lot of 2] The United States of America, according to the Treaty of Peace of 1784 [and] United States of AmericaEastern United States, Texas1795-1838230.00
174Carte Generale des Etats-Unis de l'Amerique Septentrionale Divisee en ses 17 ProvincesEastern United StatesRochefoucald Liancourt, Francois Alexander1800B+425.00
175Vereinigte Staaten in Nord America nach den Besten Hulfsmittel VerfastEastern United StatesMollo, Tranquillo1800B+250.00
176The United States of North AmericaEastern United StatesLaurie & Whittle1801A+300.00
177Map of the Northern Parts of the United States of America by Abraham Bradley Jr. Corrected by the AuthorEastern United StatesBradley, Abraham Jr.1802B150.00
178Neue Charte von den Mittleren, Westlichen und Sudlichen Landern der Nord-Americanischen FreistaatenEastern United StatesDupuis, John1805B+350.00
179A New Map of the United States of America, from the Latest AuthoritiesEastern United StatesCary, John1806A600.00
180[Lot of 2] Le Provincie Settentrionali degli Stati Uniti [with] Le Provincie Meridionali degli Stati UnitiEastern United StatesAnon.1822Aunsold
181United States of AmericaEastern United StatesNeele & Son1823B+190.00
182Der Nordliche Theil der Vereinigten Staaten von Nord America…Eastern United StatesStieler, Adolph1831B+unsold
183[Lot of 2] Canaux et Chemins de Fer (Etats Unis d'Amerique) [and] Canaux. Plan du Canal ErieEastern United States1837B+50.00
184[Lot of 10 - American Views]Eastern United StatesBartlett, W. H.1839A80.00
185United States and TexasEastern United States and TexasJohnston, Alexander K.1843A1100.00
186Map of the United States, and TexasEastern United States and TexasHarper Bros.1844B210.00
187[Lot of 7 - University Prints]Eastern United States, Universities1850Aunsold
188Battles for the Union and the Union Forces Engaged Therein Together with a Record of Casualties / Map of Illinois Central Railroad SystemEastern United States - Civil WarMatthews-Northrup Co1887A100.00
189A Map of New England and New YorkColonial New England and New YorkSpeed/Lamb1676B+3600.00
190Belgii Novi, Angliae Novae, et Partis Virginiae Novissima DelineatioColonial New England and Mid AtlanticJansson/Valck & Schenk1694B+2000.00
191Nova Anglia Septentrionali Americae implantata Anglorumque coloniis florentissimaColonial New England and Mid-AtlanticHomann, Johann Baptist1724Bunsold
192A Map of Connecticut and Rhode Island, with Long Island Sound, &c.Colonial New EnglandAnon.1776B+140.00
193A New and Accurate Map of the Province of New York and Part of the Jerseys, New England and Canada, Shewing the Scenes of our Military Operations during the present War. Also the New Erected State of VermontNew England and Mid-AtlanticLodge, John1780B550.00
194Carte de la Nouvelle Angleterre, Nouvelle York, Nouvelle Jersey, et PensilvanieNew England and Mid-AtlanticLaporte, Joseph de1783B+unsold
195[Lot of 2] A Map of Part of Rhode Island, Shewing the Position of the American & British Armies at the Siege of Newport… [and] Pays Situe entre Frog's Point et Croton River…Rhode Island & New YorkMarshall, John1806B+110.00
196The New York Central & Hudson River RR and Connections / The Health and Pleasure Resorts of New York and New England…New England and New YorkRailroad Companies, (Various)1893B+unsold
197[Lot of 2] Trolley Pathfinder. Birds Eye Map of Interurban Trolley Lines [and] Tri-State Trolley MapNew England1905-07140.00
198Nova Virginiae TabulaColonial Mid-AtlanticHondius/Blaeu1662B+1800.00
199Virginia Marylandia et Carolina in America Septentrionali Britannorum industria excultaeColonial Mid-AtlanticHomann, Johann Baptist1720B+1400.00
200Carte de la Baye de Chesapeack et Pays VoisinsColonial Mid-AtlanticBellin, Jacques Nicolas1757Aunsold
201Porti della Nuova York e PerthamboyColonial Mid-Atlantic, New York & New JerseyAnon.1763A+220.00
202Carte de la Virginie et du MarilandColonial Mid-AtlanticLaporte, Joseph de1768A325.00
203A Map of the Country round Philadelphia including Part of New Jersey, New York, Staten Island & Long IslandColonial Mid-AtlanticScots Magazine1776A210.00
204Mappa Geographica Provinciae Novae Eboraci ab Anglis New-York …Nova Jersey…Colonial Mid-AtlanticHomann Heirs1778B1100.00
205Carte de la Virginie, de la Baye Chesapeack, et Pays VoisinsMid-Atlantic StatesBellin, Jacques Nicolas1780A300.00
206Map of the Country Twenty Five Miles Round the City of New YorkMid-Atlantic StatesGreenleaf, Jeremiah1843B+180.00
207C. No. 3 Sea Coast of Delaware, Maryland and Part of Virginia…Mid-Atlantic StatesU.S. Coast Survey1852A+unsold
208La FlorideColonial SouthSanson, Nicolas1682A+850.00
209Carte de la Floride, de la Louisiane, et Pays VoisinsColonial United StatesBellin, Jacques Nicolas1757A325.00
210A Map of Part of West Florida, from Pensacola to the Mouth of the Iberville River, with a View to shew the proper Spot for a Settlement on the MississipiColonial SouthLodge, John1772B140.00
211Map of the State of Kentucky; with the Adjoining TerritoriesSouthern United States - Kentucky and TennesseeReid, John1795A750.00
212A Map of the State of Kentucky and the Tennessee Government compiled from the Best Authorities by Cyrus HarrisSouthern United States - Tennessee and KentuckyMorse, Jedidiah (Rev.)1797B+425.00
213A Map of Georgia, also the Two Floridas, from the best AuthoritiesSouthern United States - GeorgiaMorse, Jedidiah (Rev.)1796B+650.00
214Gli Stati Uniti dell'America Delineati sulle ultime Osservazioni - Quinto Foglio che comprende la Georgia, a Parte della Carolina con, la FloridaSoutheastern United StatesCassini, Giovanni Maria1797A950.00
215Map of the Southern Parts of the United States of AmericaSouthern United StatesBradley, Abraham Jr.1804B+550.00
216Mississippi TerritorySouthern United States - Mississippi and AlabamaCarey, Mathew1814B800.00
217[Lot of 3 - Civil War Campaign] Military Map of the Marches of the United States Forces under Command of Maj. Gen. W.T. Sherman, U.S.A. during the Years 1863, 1864, 1865 [and] … Army of the Cumberland … [and] Army of West MississippiSouthern United StatesU.S. Government1865A+65.00
218Virginiae Item et Floridae Americae Provinciarum, nova DescriptioColonial SoutheastHondius, Jodocus1619B1800.00
219Virginiae partis australis, et Floridae partis orientalis, interjacentiumq regionum Nova DescriptioColonial SoutheastBlaeu, Willem1645A1200.00
220Karte von Carolina und Georgien Zur allgemeinen Geschichte der ReisenColonial SoutheastBellin, Jacques Nicolas1757A170.00
221A New Map of Part of the United States of North America, containing the Carolinas and Georgia, also the Floridas and Part of the Bahama Islands &c. from the Latest AuthoritiesSoutheastern United StatesCary, John1811B+750.00
222Gli Stati Uniti dell'America Delineati sulle ultime Osservazioni - Terzo Foglio che comprende Parte Della Virginia e della CarolinaMidwestern United StatesCassini, Giovanni Maria1797B+unsold
223Amer. Sep. Partie des Etats Unis. No. 41Midwestern United States - Wisconsin, MinnesotaVandermaelen, Philippe Marie Guillaume1827B+450.00
224Political Map of the Northern Division of the United StatesUnited States - Central & EasternWoodbridge, William Channing1843A+70.00
225A New Map of Nebraska, Kansas, New Mexico, and Indian TerritoriesUnited States - Central and SouthwestDesilver, Charles1856B+425.00
226Colton's Kansas and NebraskaCentral United States - Kansas and NebraskaColton, Joseph Hutchins1857C+unsold
227Map of the La Crosse & Milwaukee Railroad and ConnectionsUnited States - MidwestColton, Joseph Hutchins1857B+375.00
228Panorama of the Mississippi Valley and its FortificationsCentral United States - Mississippi RiverMagnus, Charles1863Cunsold
229Cote Nord-Ouest de l'Amerique Reconnue par le Cap.e Vancouver. 2e. PartieWestern United StatesVancouver, George (Capt)1799A+unsold
230No. 15 Map of Oregon and Upper CaliforniaWestern United StatesMitchell, Samuel Augustus1846B+120.00
231Map to Illustrate Capt. Bonneville's Adventures among the Rocky MountainsWestern United StatesColton, Joseph Hutchins1854A+350.00
232United States of North America (Western States)Western United StatesJohnston, Keith1860A180.00
233[Lot of 6 - Western Views]Western United StatesWheeler, George (Lt)1871-73A100.00
234Route from Fort Ellis Montana to Fort Hope, British Columbia Traveled by General Sherman July and August 1883…Northwestern United StatesU.S. Government1883A+unsold
235Territory of New MexicoSouthwestern United StatesRogers & Johnston1857A1100.00
236Johnson's California Territories of New Mexico and UtahSouthwestern United StatesJohnson & Browning1861B+275.00
237[Lot of 2] Outline Map of Parts of Southern California & South-Western Nevada, Showing the Relative Areas of Drainage… [and] Map of Parts of California, Nevada, Arizona and Utah Traversed in 1891 by the Death Valley ExpeditionSouthwestern United States1876-92B+unsold
238[Lot of 2] Map Showing the Location of the Pueblos of Arizona and New Mexico [and] Map Showing Indian Reservations in the United States West of the 84th Meridian and Number of Indians Belonging thereto 1881Southwestern United States1881B+100.00
239Map Showing the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad System with its ConnectionsSouthwestern United StatesColton, G.W. & C.B.1889A150.00
240Panoramic Perspective Map of Boulder Dam and Adjacent Area Including Lake Mead, Valley of Fire, Zion and Bryce Canyon National Parks, and the Grand Canyon of the ColoradoSouthwestern United StatesRailroad Companies, (Various)1938A+150.00
241Map of the State of AlabamaAlabamaGreenleaf, Jeremiah1842A+140.00
242Plan du Port des Francais sur la Cote du Nord-Ouest d el'Amerique…AlaskaLa Perouse, Comte Jean F. Galoup, de1797B+300.00
243Map Showing Routes of the River and Land Parties Engaged in Exploring the Grand Canon of the ColoradoGrand Canyon, ArizonaWheeler, George (Lt)1871B+375.00
244[Lot of 2] Territory of ArizonaArizonaGeneral Land Office1896-1903A+170.00
245[Lot of 2] Territory of Arizona [and] Clason's Guide Map of ArizonaArizona1907-20150.00
246Sketch of General Riley's Route Through the Mining Districts July and Aug. 1849CaliforniaDerby, George Horatio (Lt)1849A400.00
247Sketch of the Route of Capt. Warner's Exploring Party in the Sacramento Valley and Sierra NevadaCaliforniaWilliamson, R. S. (Lt.)1849B+90.00
248Panorama of San FranciscoSan Francisco, CaliforniaMagnus, Charles1860A120.00
249County Map of CaliforniaCaliforniaMitchell, Samuel Augustus1867A110.00
250Pacific Coast Guide and Programme of the Knights Templar Triennial Conclave at San FranciscoSan Francisco, CaliforniaBancroft, A.L. & Company1883A170.00
251Map of the Mother Lode and Principal Quartz Mines in the Counties of Toulumne and Calaveras…CaliforniaBritton & Rey1896Aunsold
252Map of the City of Los Angeles Showing Railway SystemsLos Angeles, CaliforniaRailroad Companies, (Various)1903A375.00
253[Lot of 28 - Early Road Maps]CaliforniaAutomobile Club of Southern California1915-30A150.00
254Soil Map Napa Area CaliforniaNapa, CaliforniaU.S. Government1933A+275.00
255Clason's Guide Map of ColoradoColoradoClason Map Company1914B90.00
256Colton's Connecticut with Portions of New York & Rhode IslandConnecticutColton, G.W. & C.B.1869B+50.00
257Defenses of Washington. Extract of Military Map of N. E. Virginia Showing Forts and RoadsDistrict of ColumbiaU.S. Government1865-95A+275.00
258[Lot of 3] Map of Washington and GeorgetownDistrict of ColumbiaU.S. Government1880A160.00
259[Lot of 2] Topographical Map of the District of Columbia Showing the Location of the Work Now in Progress for Harbor Improvement… [and] Maryland - District of Columbia - Virginia Washington QuadrangleDistrict of Columbia1883-97A+140.00
260The "Standard Guide" Ready Reference Map of Washington…District of ColumbiaMatthews-Northrup Co1907A+210.00
261Washington - The Beautiful Capital of the NationDistrict of ColumbiaRailroad Companies, (Various)1923B+475.00
262Map of the Country Embraced in the Recent Campaign against the Hostile Sioux Indians of Dakota Showing the Different Positions of Troops from the Beginning to the Surrender in January, 1891Dakota TerritoryU.S. Army1891A275.00
263Expugnatio Civitatis S. Augustini in America SitaeSt. Augustine, Colonial FloridaBry, Theodore de1599A+400.00
264Piano del Porto, e degli Stabilimenti di PensacolaPensacola, Colonial FloridaGazzettiere Americano1763A+unsold
265Gezigt van 't Spaansche Vlek Pensacola, aan de Baay van dien Naam, in de Golf van Mexiko, Beoosten den Uitloop van de Rivier MissisippiPensacola, Colonial FloridaTirion, Isaac1769A110.00
266A Map of the Coast of East Florida, from the River St. John, Southward to near Cape CanaveralFloridaAnon.1800B550.00
267A Plat Exhibiting the State of the Surveys in the State of FloridaFloridaU.S. State Surveys1853B+75.00
268Key West Harbor and its ApproachesFloridaU.S. Coast Survey1855A475.00
269[Lot of 2] General Chart of the Coast No. X Straits of Florida [and] Atlantic Coast of the United States… Sheet No. IV Mosquito Inlet to Key WestFlorida and BahamasU.S. Coast Survey1863-68C+150.00
270Rand, McNally & Co.'s New Sectional Map of FloridaFloridaRand McNally & Co.1910B+230.00
271Chickamauga Battlefield Sketched by J.C. McElroy of the Ohio Commission Late Captain 18th Ohio InfantryGeorgia1895A110.00
272[Lot of 3] The Hawaiian Islands [and] General Map of the Island of Maui [and] Oahu Hawaiian IslandsHawaiiU.S. Geological Survey (USGS)1883A180.00
273Topographic Map of the Island of KauaiHawaiiU.S. Geological Survey (USGS)1912B+unsold
274Illinois One Hundred Years Ago A direct reproduction of a map of Illinois published in 1834. The panels portray important events and developments of the periodIllinoisMitchell/Young1934B+425.00
275IowaIowaTanner, Henry Schenck1843A250.00
276A Map of the Tennassee Government formerly Part of North Carolina from the latest SurveysTennesseeReid, John1795B+1000.00
277Plan de la Nouvelle Orleans. Sur les manuscrits du Depot des Cartes de la MarineLouisianaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1757A+275.00
278Plan de la Nouvelle Orleans. Sur les Manuscrits du Depot des Cartes de la MarineNew Orleans, LouisianaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1757A250.00
279New OrleansNew Orleans, LouisianaHammond, C.S.1908A+50.00
280Kennebec and Sheepscot Rivers MaineMaineU.S. Coast Survey1862B+unsold
281Map Showing the General Location of the Natural Oyster Grounds of Maryland…MarylandU.S. Government1893A+220.00
282Carte Rappresentante il Porto di BostonBoston, MassachusettsGazzettiere Americano1757A+190.00
283Plan de la Ville de Boston et ses Environs…Boston, MassachusettsBellin, Jacques Nicolas1770A+unsold
284Carte de l'Ile de Martha's Vineyard avec ses dependances…MassachusettsTardieu, Pierre Francois1787B+1200.00
285A Map of the Seat of the Late War at Boston in the State of MassachusettsBoston, Massachusetts1789A190.00
286[Lot of 5 - Boston]Boston, Massachusetts1840A210.00
287Boston with Charlestown and RoxburyBoston, MassachusettsSDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge1845A+200.00
288(A. No. 3) A Preliminary Chart of Ipswich and Annisquam Harbors MassachusettsMassachusettsU.S. Coast Survey1855B+unsold
289Boston Harbor, Massachusetts From a Trigonometrical Survey…Boston, MassachusettsU.S. Coast Survey1863C+unsold
290Boston HarborBoston, MassachusettsWalker Lithograpic & Publishing Co.1910A75.00
291Map of Cape Cod and VicinityMassachusettsWalker Lithograpic & Publishing Co.1928A150.00
292MichiganMichiganBurr, David H.1836B750.00
293Report on the Geological and Mineralogical Survey of the Mineral Lands of the United States in the State of Michigan…MichiganU.S. Government1849B+100.00
294Rand, McNally & Co.'s MinnesotaMinnesotaRand McNally & Co.1883Aunsold
295MissouriMissouriColton, Joseph Hutchins1857C+100.00
296Map Showing the System of Rebel Fortifications on the Mississippi River at Island No. 10 and New Madrid, Also the Operations of the U. S. Forces under General John Pope Against These PositionsMissouriU.S. War Department1866B+unsold
297Territory of MontanaMontanaGeneral Land Office1876B+120.00
298Map of Public Surveys in Nevada TerritoryNevadaGeneral Land Office1862B80.00
299Map of the U.S. Patent and Location Surveys in the Goldfield Mining District Esmeralda and Nye Counties NevadaNevada1907B+375.00
300Geographical, Statistical, and Historical Map of New HampshireNew HampshireCarey & Lea1822B+325.00
301A Geological Map, of New-HampshireNew HampshireJackson, Charles T.1844B+unsold
302Eastman's Map of the White MountainsNew HampshireEastman, Edson C.1872B+unsold
303Bird's Eye View from Summit of Mt. Washington, White Mountains, New HampshireNew HampshireWalker, George H. & Co.1902A+325.00
304[Lot of 2] Sunapee Lake, New Hampshire [and] Lake Winnepesaukee New HampshireNew HampshireWalker, George H. & Co.1923-25120.00
305Carte Geographique, Statistique et Historique du New-JerseyNew JerseyBuchon, Jean Alexandre1825Aunsold
306Map of Jersey City and Hoboken, Hudson County, N.J.New JerseyDripps, Matthew1895C150.00
307Visitor's Handy Map of Atlantic City, N.J. Margate City, Ventnor and LongportNew JerseySanborn Map Company1921A+80.00
308Territory of New MexicoNew MexicoGeneral Land Office1876B+140.00
309La Destruction de la Statue Royale a Nouvelle YorckNew York CityHaberman, F. X.1780A200.00
310Map of the State of New York with Parts AdjacentNew YorkWilletts, Jacob1815B+unsold
311Position of the American Army at New York and the Battle of Long Island August 27th 1776New YorkBoynton, George W.1834A95.00
312The Traveller's Companion. Morrison's North River Traveller's Companion: Containing a Map of the Hudson or North River, with a Description of the adjoining Country…New York1834Bunsold
313[Lot of 2] New York [and] A New Map of New York with its Canals, Roads & Distances from Place to Place along the Stage & Steam-Boat RoutesNew York1838-39A+unsold
314[Lot of 5 - New York City]New York City1840Aunsold
315To His Excellency William Tryon Esqr. Captain General & Governor in Chief of the Province of New York & This Map of the Country of the VI Nations Proper, with Part of the Adjacent Colonies…New York1850B+75.00
316Map of the State of New YorkNew YorkMagnus, Charles1854Aunsold
317Map Showing Location of Yonkers on the Hudson, Adjoining New York City [and] Map of Land in the City of Yonkers Known as Fairview Westchester County New YorkNew York1896Aunsold
318[Lot of 3 New York City Pocket Maps]New York CityRand McNally & Co.1899-1913100.00
319Birds Eye View of New York and VicinityNew York CityHammond, C. S.1912A250.00
320Sketch of Roanoke Island, N.C.North CarolinaBowen & Co., John T.1866B+unsold
321Esquisse du Muskinghum [on sheet with] Esquisse du Sioto [and] Esquisse de la Riviere du Grand CastorOhio RiverCrevecoeur, Michel Guillaume De1787B375.00
322Indian TerritoryOklahomaGeneral Land Office1887B+250.00
323[Lot of 5 - Government reports, surveys in Oregon]OregonU.S. Corps of Engineers1880-190060.00
324Map of OregonOregonRailroad Companies, (Various)1910B+85.00
325A Map of Pensylvania, with Part of the Adjacent States from the Latest SurveysPennsylvaniaMorse, Jedidiah (Rev.)1793B+100.00
327[Lot of 2] Pennsylvania's Boundaries How Pennsylvania Acquired Its Present Boundaries [and] Original Boundary Line between Pennsylvania and OhioPennsylvania1883-196665.00
328The Siege of Rhode Island, taken from Mr. Brindley's House, on the 25th of August, 1778Rhode IslandAnon.1779A+110.00
329A Plan of Port Royal Harbour in Carolina With the Proposed Forts, Depth of Water &c. Latitude 32° - 6' NorthHilton Head, South CarolinaMoll, Herman1735Aunsold
330The History of the Revolution of South Carolina, from a British Province to an Independent State… in Two VolumesSouth Carolina1785C+2500.00
331[Lot of 3] Chart of the Coast of South Carolina Showing the Location of the Natural Oyster Beds V. From Otter Id. to Pritchard's Id. [and] VI. Capers Id. to Hilton Head Id. [and] VII. From Hilton Head Id. to Jones Id.South Carolina1891160.00
332[Lot of 3 - Civil War in South Carolina]South CarolinaU.S. Government1892-95A+100.00
333Map of Texas, compiled from Surveys recorded in the Land Office of Texas, and other Official SurveysTexasArrowsmith, John1843A+18000.00
334No. 13 Map of the State of TexasTexasMitchell, Samuel Augustus1846B+200.00
335Map of the Country Adjacent to the Left Bank of the Rio Grande below MatamorosTexasU.S. War Department1847B+300.00
336County Map of TexasTexasMitchell, Samuel Augustus1860A+150.00
337Coast Chart No. 107 - Matagorda Bay TexasTexasU.S. Coast Survey1872C+90.00
338Hammond's Complete Railroad and County Map of TexasTexasHammond Publishing Co.1910B+110.00
339Gallup's Map of TexasTexasGallup, F.E.1920B+450.00
340Soil Map Galveston County TexasTexasU.S. Government1930A+85.00
341Map of the South-Western Railway System. Missouri Pacific. Mo. Kansas & Texas. Cent. Brnch U.P.R.R. St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern Texas and Pacific RailwaysTexas and OklahomaRailroad Companies, (Various)1883A50.00
342Geological Map of Texas and Oklahoma Showing the Location and Approximate Area of the Oil and Gas FieldsTexas and OklahomaClason Map Company1919A375.00
343Sketch of the Country between South Pass & the Great Salt LakeUtah and WyomingU.S. Government1858B+95.00
344Map of the Great Salt Lake and Adjacent Country in the Territory of Utah [on sheet with] The Great Salt Lake (Mormon) City and Surrounding Country (on an Enlarged Scale)Salt Lake City, UtahWeller, Edward1858A150.00
345The Matthews-Northrup Up-to-Date Map of UtahUtahMatthews-Northrup Co1893A+90.00
346A New and Accurate Map of the Province of Virginia, in North AmericaColonial VirginiaAnon.1779B+375.00
347FredericksburgVirginia - Civil WarU.S. War Department1867A140.00
348Bermuda HundredVirginia - Civil WarU.S. War Dept.1867Bunsold
349Spottsylvania Court HouseVirginia - Civil WarU.S. War Department1867A140.00
350[Lot of 13 Civil War Campaign Maps]Virginia - Civil WarU.S. Government1892A300.00
351Strait of Juan de Fuca Surveyed by Captain Henry Kellett 1847 … Haro & Rosario Straits… Admiralty Inlet and Puget SoundWashingtonU.S. Hydrographic Office1858B+275.00
352Map of the Surveyed part of Wisconsin Territory Compiled from Public Surveys…WisconsinU.S. State Surveys1835A100.00
353Map of the Yellowstone National Park Compiled from different official explorations and our personal survey, 1882Wyoming, Yellowstone National ParkWingate, George Wood1886B+200.00
354Nova MexicoSouthwestern United States, California and MexicoDuval/Beer1681A+unsold
355A Passage by Land to California Discover'd by the Rev. Father Eusebius Francis Kino Jesuite between ye years 1698 and 1701Southwestern United States, California and MexicoKino, Eusebio Francisco, SJ17211200.00
356Carte de la Californie, Levee par la Societe des JesuitesSouthwestern United States, California and MexicoVenegas, Miguel (Padre)1757Aunsold
357Le Nouveau Mexique, avec la Partie Septentrionale de l'Ancien, ou de la Nouvelle EspagneSouthern United States and MexicoBonne, Rigobert1780Aunsold
358La Parte Occidentale dell'Antico e Nuovo Messico con la Florida e la Bassa Luigiana…Southwestern United States, California and MexicoCassini, Giovanni Maria1798B+unsold
359[Lot of 2] Carte du Mexique [and] MexicoSouthwestern United States, Texas and Mexico1821-43A230.00
360No. 4 Map of the United States and Texas / No. 5 Map of Mexico and GuatimalaUnited States, Texas & MexicoMitchell, Samuel Augustus1839B+150.00
361MexicoUnited States, Texas & MexicoHall, Sidney1840A240.00
362Central America II. Including Texas, California and the Northern States of MexicoSouthwestern United States, Texas and MexicoSDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge1842A+600.00
363Mexico & GuatemalaSouthwestern United States, Texas, Mexico & Central AmericaTanner, Henry Schenck1845A230.00
364Mexico, California & TexasUnited States, Texas & MexicoBlack, Adam & Charles1849B+100.00
365California Utah, Lr. California and New MexicoSouthwestern United States & MexicoEttling, Theodor1858A110.00
366Mexico, Mittel-America, TexasUnited States, Texas & MexicoFlemming, Carl1858B+unsold
367Carte de la Cote Occidentale d'Amerique Comprise Entre le Port de San Diego et le Golfe de Tehuantepec…Mexico, California and TexasDepot de la Marine1863A+300.00
368[Lot of 2] [Untitled - Carte Generale des Etats-Unis et du Mexique...] [and] Carte Militaire des Etats- Unis (Partie Occidentale)Western United States & Mexico1868-70B+unsold
369Hispaniae Novae Sivae Magnae, Recens et vera DescriptioMexicoOrtelius, Abraham1579A550.00
370Description de Mexico et des Lagunes de ses EnvironsMexicoGemelli Careri, John Frances1727B+120.00
371Sketch of the Battle of Sacramento. Feb. 28th 1847MexicoU.S. Government1847Aunsold
372Partie Meridionale, de l'Ancien Mexique ou de la Nouvle. EspagneMexico and Central AmericaBonne, Rigobert1783A+unsold
373An Exact Draught of the Gulf of Darien & the Coast to Porto Bello with Panama In the South Sea & the Scotch Settlement in CalledoniaPanamaMount & Page1745B+450.00
374Piano di Porto BelloPortobello, PanamaGazzettiere Americano1763A130.00
375Nuevo Mapa del Salvador…Central America, El SalvadorBarberena and Alcaine1905B+200.00
376Insulae Americanae in Oceano Septentrionali ac Regiones Adiacentes, a C. de May usque ad Lineam AequinoctialemGulf of Mexico and CaribbeanVisscher, Nicolas1682B550.00
377Le Golfe de Mexique, et les Provinces et Isles qui l'Environe comme sont la Floride au Nord, le Mexique ou Nouvelle Espagne a l'Ouest, la Terre-Ferme au Sud, les Is. Antilles, Lucayes, St. Domingue et Jamaique a l'Est…Gulf of Mexico and CaribbeanFer, Nicolas de1717B+1300.00
378A Map of the West Indies and Middle Continent of America from the latest ObservationsGulf of Mexico and CaribbeanBlair, Rev. John1768B+unsold
379A Compleat Map of the West Indies, Containing the Coasts of Florida, Louisiana, New Spain, and Terra Firma; with all the IslandsGulf of Mexico and CaribbeanDunn, Samuel1774Aunsold
380Les Isles Antilles &c. entre lesquelles sont les Lucayes, et les CaribesCaribbeanSanson, Nicolas1679Bunsold
381Isole Antili, la Cuba, e la Spagnuola…CaribbeanCoronelli, Vincenzo Maria1690A700.00
382Les Isles de l'Amerique Connues Sous le Nom d'Antilles, ou sont les Isles de Cuba, St. Domingue et Jamaique les Lucayes, les Caribes, et celles du VentCaribbeanFer, Nicolas de1705Aunsold
383The West Indies Exhibiting the English French Spanish Dutch & Danish Settlements with the Adjacent Parts of North & South America from the Best AuthoritiesCaribbeanMiddleton, Charles T.1779Aunsold
384A Plan of Cumberland Harbour on ye So. Side of Cuba Formerly call'd Walltenam Bay…Cuba, Guantanamo BayDurell, Philip1741Aunsold
385Carte Reduite de l'Isle de Cube Dressee au Depot des Cartes et Plans de la Marine, pour le Service des Vaisseaux du Roy par Ordre de Mle. Duc de Choiseul…CubaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1762B+1200.00
386A New & Correct Chart of Cuba, Streights of Bahama, Windward Passage, the Current through the Gulf of Florida, with the Soundings, &c.Cuba and BahamasMount & Page1763B+700.00
387Carta Esferica de una Parte de la Costa Setentrional y Meridional de la Isla de Cuba desde Punta Icacos y Cayo de Piedras hasta el Cabo San Antonio, con la Isla de Pinos y Cayos Adyacentea…CubaDireccion de Hidrografia1854B+300.00
388[Lot of 5 - Spanish - American War, Battle of San Juan Hill]Cuba - Spanish-American War1898100.00
389Novissima et Accuratissima Jamaicae DescriptioJamaicaOgilby, John1671A1100.00
390La GiammaicaJamaicaZatta, Antonio1778B+150.00
391Isle de la JamaiqueJamaicaLaporte, Joseph de1780B+50.00
392Carte de l'Ile de la Jamaique Extraite des Cartes Topographiques Angloises…JamaicaDepot de la Marine1786A800.00
393A Chart of the Iland of Hispaniola, with the Windward Passage from Iamaica between ye East End of Cuba & the West End of HispaniolaHispaniolaThornton & Seller1700A750.00
394Isles de Saint Domingue ou Hispaniola, et da la MartiniqueHispaniola and MartiniqueRobert de Vaugondy, Gilles1750Aunsold
395Hayti ou Ile St Domingue. Carte Geographique, Statistique et Historique de HaityHispaniolaBuchon, Jean Alexandre1825Aunsold
396Carte des Antilles Francoises et des Isles Voisines Dresse sur le memoires manuscrits…Lesser AntillesDelisle, Guillaume1717A250.00
397A Correct Chart of the Caribbee IslandsLesser AntillesMount & Page1758B+unsold
398Les Petites Antilles ou les Isles du Vent, avec celles de sous le VentLesser AntillesBonne, Rigobert1775B+100.00
399Isles de la Guadeloupe, de Marie Galante, de la Desirade et celles des Saintes [on sheet with] Isle de la MartiniqueGuadeloupe and MartiniqueBonne, Rigobert1774B+unsold
400To Major Hare of the 12th Light Dragoon. This view of the Bay & Town of St. Pierre is inscribed by his sincere & obliged Friend, Cooper WillyamsMartiniqueWillyams, Rev. Cooper1796A375.00
401Curacao EylandtCuracaode Laet, Joannes1644A1400.00
402The Island of Barbadoes Divided into its Parishes, with the Roads, Paths, &c.BarbadosMoll, Herman1732A+150.00
403Tabago Dresse sur des Arpentages nouveaux Par Jeffreys an 1775…TobagoLe Rouge, George Louis1779A+500.00
404A Map of the Island of Tobago, Drawn from an Actual SurveyTobagoBowen, Thomas1779B+50.00
405Antigue, Levee par Robert Baker, Arpenteur General de l'Isle Traduit de l'AnglaisAntiguaLe Rouge, George Louis1779A500.00
406A Survey of the Island of Trinidad by Capt. E. H. Columbine R.N. 1803TrinidadBritish Admiralty1816A750.00
407GuadeloupeGuadeloupeLe Vasseur, A.1870A+unsold
408America MeridionalisSouth AmericaMercator/Jansson1628B+130.00
409Amerique MeridionaleSouth AmericaSanson/Mariette1650A750.00
410A Map of South America Containing Tierra-Firma, Guayana, New Granada, Amazonia, Brasil, Peru, Paraguay, Chaco, Tucuman, Chili and PatagoniaSouth AmericaSayer & Bennett1779C+300.00
411Carte de l'Amerique Meridionale, Pour l'Histoire Generale des Voyages in 8oSouth AmericaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1780A100.00
412South America agreeable to the most approved Maps and ChartsSouth AmericaKitchin, Thomas1782B+160.00
413L'Amerique Meridionale Divisee en ses Principales PartiesSouth AmericaElwe, Jan Barend1792A700.00
414Terre Ferme, Nouveau Royme de Grenade, &c.Northern South America, PanamaSanson, Nicolas1695B+140.00
415Tabula Americae Specialis Geographica Regni Peru, Brasiliae, Terrae Firmae et Reg. Amazonum…Northern South AmericaHomann Heirs1748B+375.00
416[Lot of 5] Carte du Bresil Prem Partie [and] Suite du Bresil [and] Suite de Bresil depuis la Baye de Tous les Saints jusqu a St. Paul [and] Carte de la Guyane [and] Plan de la Ville de St. SalvadorNorthern South AmericaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1757B+110.00
417Carte des Provinces de Caracas, Comana, et Paria, Situees dans l'Amerique MeridionaleVenezuela and TrinidadBellin/Van Schley1770A75.00
418Guiana sive Amazonum RegioGuyana, Suriname, French GuianaHondius, Henricus1650B275.00
419Vue de la Riviere et d l'Isle de CayenneFrench Guiana1775Aunsold
420Brasil Nuova TavolaBrazilRuscelli, Girolamo1564A300.00
421P. Franciscus Pintus vande Societey t Iesu, wort vande Brasilianen met pylen doorschoten, op den 11 Ianuary des iaers 1608Brazil1667A100.00
422Pas-Kaart, van de Zee-Kusten van Brazilia, Tusschen Punto de Lucena en Cabo S. AugustinoBrazilKeulen, Johannes van1683A950.00
423[Itamaraca, Brazil]BrazilHoratius, Andreas Antonius1698A1900.00
424Le Bresil, dont la Coste est possedee par les Portugais et divisee en Quatorze CapitaineriesBrazilSanson, Nicolas1700A+180.00
425Abbildung der Statt und Vestung Parayba in der Landschaft BrasiliaBrazilMerian, Matthaus1730A250.00
426Pianta della Citta di S. Salvadore Capitale del BresileSan Salvador, BrazilGazzettiere Americano1763A+120.00
427[Lot of 2] Carte du Bresil Prem. Partie Depuis la Riviere des Amazones jus qua la Bay de Tous les Saints [and] Carte du Paraguay et des Pays VoisinsBrazil and ParaguayBellin, Jacques Nicolas1756-1760A130.00
428Paraguay, o Prov. de Rio de la Plata cum Regionibus Adiacentibus Tucuman et Sta. Cruz de la SierraCentral South America, ParaguayJansson, Jan1640A+275.00
429Paraquariae Provinciae Soc. Iesu cum Adjacentibus Novissima Descriptio…Central South America, ParaguaySeutter, Matthias1730B+250.00
430Carte du Cours du Maragnon ou de la Grande Riviere des Amazones…Amazon RiverBellin, Jacques Nicolas1780A100.00
431Le Perou et le cours de la Riviere AmazonePeru and Amazon RiverSanson/Mariette1656Bunsold
432Il Cuscho Citta Principale della Provincia del PeruCusco, Peru & Mexico City, MexicoMunster, Sebastian1578C+70.00
433Piano Scenografico della Citta dei Re, o sia do Lima Capitale del Regno del Peru…Lima, PeruGazzettiere Americano1763A120.00
434Plan de la Ville de Buenos-AyresBuenos Aires, ArgentinaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1754A180.00
435Plano Topografico de la Ciudad de Buenos-Ayres Capital de las Provincias Unidas del Rio de la Plata…Buenos Aires, ArgentinaCervino, Pedro Antonio1817B1200.00
436ChiliChileBlaeu, Willem1640B+unsold
437Exquisita & Magno aliquot mensium Periculo Lustrata etiam Retecta Freti Magellanica Facies…Southern South AmericaMercator, Gerard1613B+650.00
438Freti Magellanici ac novi Freti vulgo Le Maire exactissima delineatioSouthern South AmericaMercator/Jansson1628A110.00
439Tabula Magellanica, qua Tierrae del Fuego, cum Celeberrimis Fretis a F. Magellano et I. Le Maire…Southern South AmericaMontanus, Arnoldus1671B+400.00
440Le Detroit de MagellanSouthern South AmericaFer, Nicolas de1700A+200.00
441De Straat van Magellaen…Southern South AmericaAa, Pieter van der1710B+150.00
442Carte Reduite du Detroit de Magellan…Southern South AmericaBellin/Van Schley1753A+95.00
443Carte de l'Ocean Meridional…South Atlantic OceanBellin, Jacques Nicolas1746B+unsold
444Isles Maidenland, de Hawkins, et le Detroit de Fakland…South Atlantic OceanBonne, Rigobert1780B+60.00
445Insula D. Helenae…Atlantic Ocean, St. HelenaLinschoten, Jan Juygen van1600B+550.00
446A New & Accurate Chart of the Western or Atlantic Ocean, Drawn from Surveys and Most Approved Maps & Charts…Atlantic OceanBowen, Emanuel1744A+300.00
447Mappa Aestivarum Insularum, alias Barmudas Dictarum…BermudaHondius, Henricus1633B+1000.00
448Les BarmudesBermudaChatelain, Henry Abraham1705B+unsold
449Mare del Nord…North Atlantic OceanCoronelli, Vincenzo Maria1692A1100.00
450Carte Reduite des Mers du Nord…North Atlantic OceanBellin, Jacques Nicolas1758A+110.00
451IslandiaIcelandKaerius, Petrus1598B+220.00
452Tabula Islandiae Auctore Georgio Carolo FlandroIcelandHondius/Blaeu1644A+900.00
453Carte du GroenlandGreenland and IcelandLaurent, J.1770A75.00
454Arctic Sea. The Discoveries North of Smith Sound. By the U.S. Ship Polaris. Under Command of C.F. HallGreenlandU.S. Navy Dept.1873A120.00
455Hemisphaerium Orbis Antiqui, Cumzonis, circulis et situ Populorum DiversoEastern HemisphereCellarius/Schenk & Valck1708B+unsold
456Nieuwe Kaart van het Oostelykste Deel der Weereld, diendende tot aanwyzing van de Scheepstogten der Nederlanderen Naar Oostindie…Eastern HemisphereTirion, Isaac1755A+150.00
457Europ, and the Cheife Cities Contayned therein Described; with the Habits of Most Kingdoms Now in UseEuropeSpeed, John1626B+3750.00
458Europae Nova TabulaEuropeJansson, Jan1631A+unsold
459Europa Vetus…EuropeSanson/Mariette1668B+300.00
460Europe, Composee par G. de l'Isle, et Corriggee Selon le plus Nouvelle ObservationsEuropeElwe, Jan Barend1792Aunsold
461[Lot of 21- Europe Regions]EuropeErsten, Franz Josef Dem1870A240.00
462[Lot of 7 - Battle and City Plans]Europe & EnglandTindal, Nicholas1745A250.00
463Magnae Britanniae et Hiberniae Tabulae, Die Britannischen InsulenBritainMerian, Matthaus1641A+475.00
464Britannicarum Insularum TypusBritainCluver/Jansson1661Aunsold
465Isles BritanniquesBritainMallet, Alain Manesson1683Aunsold
466Regnorum Magnae Britanniae et Hiberniae Mappa Geographica…BritainHomann Heirs1749B+200.00
467A Compleat Map of the British Isles, or Great Britain and Ireland with their Respective Roads and DivisionsBritainSayer, Robert1788B150.00
468Carte des Isles Britanniques qui renferment les Royaumes d'Angleterre d'Ecosse & d'Irlande…BritainRobert de Vaugondy/Delamarche1789A+unsold
469Les Isles Britanniques qui contiennent les Royaumes d'Angleterre, Escosse, et Irlande…BritainJaillot/Elwe1792B+550.00
470Holy Iland [on sheet with] Garnsey [and] Farne [and] IarseyBritish IslandsSpeed, John1610B+275.00
471[Lot of 4 - County Maps]EnglandBlome, Richard1673Bunsold
472[Lot of 4 - County Maps]EnglandBlome, Richard1673C+230.00
473The Roads from Chelmsford in Essex to Maldon, Raleigh in Essex Gravesend in KentEnglandOgilby, John1675A325.00
474Tractus Regni Angliae Septentrion. in quo Ducatus Eboracensis, Episcopatus Dunelmensis, Comitatus Northumbriae, Cumbriae, Westmoriae, et Lancastriae cum Mona InsulaEnglandWit, Frederick de1680A+unsold
475Comitatus Rotelandiae Tabula Nova & AuctaEnglandMorden, Robert1695Aunsold
476Afbeelding van de Stad en Revier van Rochester, Chattam…1667EnglandStoopendaal, Daniel1700A+200.00
477Scholae Publicae Universitatis OxonOxford University, EnglandLoggan, David1675A190.00
478Bibliotheca Publica Bodleiana & Scholae sive Auditoria Artum Liberalium, ut ad Austrum SpectanturOxford University, EnglandLoggan, David1675A190.00
479La Tour de Londres [on sheet with] Profil de la Tour de LondeLondon, EnglandMallet, Alain Manesson1683A+50.00
480Londinum Celeberrima Metropolis, Splendidissima, Regia et Opulentissimum Angliae Emporium…London, EnglandSeutter, Matthias1720A2500.00
481Septum Regium Sancti Jacobi in Londino 40e. Vue d'Optique Representant Le Parc Royal de St. James a LondresLondon, EnglandDaumont Co.1780Aunsold
482[Lot of 2] Vue de la Maison Royale de Somerset avec l'Eglise de Ste. Marie dans le Strand [and] Palatii quo Conveniunt Negotiatores... La Bourse Royale a LondresLondon, England1800A120.00
483The Metropolitan Boroughs as Defined by the Reform BillLondon, EnglandAnon.1832B600.00
484[Lot of 4] Environs of LondonLondon, EnglandBritish Ordnance Survey1850A300.00
485Englalond Anglia Anglosaxonum Heptarchia Terra Armis Animisque PotensEngland & WalesHole, William1610B+220.00
486[Lot of 4 - County Maps]England & WalesBlome, Richard1673C+150.00
487Accuratissima Angliae Regni et Walliae Principatus Descriptio…England & WalesWit, Frederick de1690A300.00
488Magnae Britanniae Pars Meridionalis, in qua Regnum Angliae Tam In Septem Antiqua Anglo-Saxonum Regna…England & WalesHomann, Johann Baptist1730Bunsold
489Provinces Meridionales de l'Angleterre ou Cotes Septentrionales de la Manche…England & WalesLe Rouge, George Louis1760B190.00
490A New and Accurate Map of the Post Roads of England and Wales, with the Distances by the Mile StonesEngland & WalesAnon.1765B+unsold
491Scotia Regnum divisum in Partem Septentrionalem et Meridionalem…ScotlandWit, Frederick de1690A400.00
492Carte Nouvelle d'EcosseScotlandLa Feuille, Paul de1710B+120.00
493Magnae Britanniae Pars Septentrionalis qua Regnum Scotiae in Suas Partes et subjacentes Insulas divisum…ScotlandHomann, Johann Baptist1720A+325.00
494Ultoniae Orientalis ParsIrelandMercator/Hondius1606Aunsold
495Ultonia Conatia et MediaIrelandMercator/Jansson1628A+100.00
496Provincia Connachtiae - The Province of ConnaughtIrelandJansson, Jan1642A+375.00
497A Map of the Kingdom of Ireland from ye Latest & Best ObservationsIrelandSeale, Richard William1732B300.00
498A Pocket Companion of Ireland, Containing all the Cities, Market-towns, Boroughs, All ye Great Roads, and Principal Cross Roads, with the Computed Miles from Town to TownIrelandMoll, Herman1732A+200.00
499A Map of the Kingdom of Ireland, Divided into Provinces Counties and Baronies…IrelandRocque, John1782B450.00
500Pas-caert van de Canael Tusschen Engelandt en Vranckryck, van Pleymuyen tot aen de Sorlinges, al Mede van Portbimel tot aen HeyssantEnglish ChannelKeulen, Johannes van1700A220.00
501Dania Svecia et NorvegiaScandinaviaCluver/Jansson1661A+unsold
502Scandinavie ou sont les Estats de Danemark de Suede &c.ScandinaviaSanson, Nicolas Fils1700A+unsold
503Les Isles du SpitsbergNorway - SpitsbergenLe Rouge, George Louis1744B+110.00
504Carte du Spits-Berg Suivant les Hollandois Pour servir a l'Histoire Generale des VoyagesNorway - SpitsbergenBellin, Jacques Nicolas1758A110.00
505[2 Sheets] Carte des Courones du Nord Dediee Autres Puissant et Tres Invincible Prince Charles XII Roy de Suede, des Gots et des Vandales Grande Duc de Finlande &c.&c.&c.Scandinavia and BalticElwe, Jan Barend1792Aunsold
506La LivonieBalticLa Feuille, Daniel de1710B+300.00
507Praelium Navale inter Suecos et Danos…Baltic - ShipsMerian, Matthaus1680A160.00
508See Treffen Zwischen den Schweditchen, und Hollandischen Flootten…Baltic - ShipsMerian, Matthaus1730A+150.00
510The Kingdome of Denmarke…DenmarkSpeed, John1626B+1200.00
511Lalandiae et Falstriae Accurata DescriptioDenmarkJansson, Jan1645A250.00
512Royaume de Danemarck qui comprend le Nort-Jutland divise en ses quatre Dioceses, le Sud-Jutland divise en ses deux Duches de Sleswick et de Holstein et les Isles de Fionie, Selande, Laland, &c.DenmarkRobert de Vaugondy1750B+unsold
513Le Royaume de DannemarkDenmarkBossuet, Jacques Benigne1755A+80.00
514General Charte vom Konigreich Daenemark nebst dem Herzogthum HolsteinDenmarkHomann Heirs1789Bunsold
515Belgii sive Germaniae InferiorisLow CountriesCluver/Jansson1661A+100.00
516Duche de BrabantLow CountriesLa Feuille, Daniel de1710B+80.00
517Naauwkeurige Kaart der Vereenigde Nederlanden tot Opheldering der Vaderlansche Historie in de Zestiende EeuweLow CountriesTirion, Isaac1752A+150.00
518Les Dix-Sept Provinces des Pays-Bas…Low CountriesElwe, Jan Barend1792B+unsold
519L'Union fait la ForceTitle Pages, Belgium and Netherlands1815Aunsold
520Stagnu Meridionale…NetherlandsMunster, Sebastian1578B+90.00
521Groeninga M.D. LXXIIIGroningen, NetherlandsMunster/Petri1578B+unsold
522Typus Frisiae Orientalis. Auctore Vbbone EmmioNetherlandsJansson, Jan1630A375.00
523Leodiensis Dioecesis TypusBelgiumOrtelius, Abraham1584B+210.00
524Namurcum Comitatus Auctore Iohann SurhonioBelgiumBlaeu, (Family)1654A160.00
525Belgii Veteris Typus Abrahami OrteliiLow CountriesCluver/Jansson1661A+80.00
526Comitatus Flandriae in omnes ejusdem subjacentes DitioesBelgiumHomann, Johann Baptist1716Aunsold
527Carte pour Servir a l'Intelligence de l'Histoire Eclessiastique & a Faire Connoitre les Persecutions de l'EgliseEurope and MediterraneanChatelain, Henry Abraham1720A+150.00
528Imperium Caroli Magni Occidentis Imperatoris…Western EuropeRobert de Vaugondy, Didier1752Bunsold
529CCLXXXVIII - FranciaFranceSchedel, Hartmann1493A150.00
530Lutezia Citta de Parigini Celebratissima per Tutto, 'l Mondo, & Notissima, Capo del Regno di FranciaParis, FranceMunster, Sebastian1550A+475.00
531Nobilis Hannoniae Comitatus Descrip. Auctore Iacobo Surhonio MontanoFranceOrtelius, Abraham1572B+unsold
532Orleans [on sheet with] BourgesFranceBraun & Hogenberg1581A275.00
533Argentoratum StrassburgStrasbourg, FranceBraun & Hogenberg1600B+250.00
534AulneawFranceAitsinger, Michael1600B+unsold
535L'Isle de France Parisiensis AgerFranceMercator/Hondius1623A+unsold
536Dioecesis Sarlatensis, Vernacule le Dioecese de Sarlat. Ioannes TardoFranceBlaeu, Willem1635A+unsold
537Cadurcium Vernacule QuerciFranceBlaeu, Johannes1635A275.00
538Galliae Antiquae Descriptio GeographicaFranceSanson, Nicolas1641B+180.00
539Archiepiscopatus Cameracensis. Archevesche de CambrayFranceBlaeu, (Family)1654Aunsold
540ArtesiaFranceBucelin, Gabriel1658Aunsold
541La Bretagne Divisee en ses Neuf Evesches qui Font Aussi l'Esiendue des Receptes Generalite de NantesFranceSanson, Nicolas1660B+250.00
542[Lot of 3] Plan general de Versailles son Parc, son Louvre, ses Iardins, ses Fontaines, ses Bosquests, et la Ville [and] Plan du Palais de Trianon [and] Maison et Iardins de St. Cir: Pres VersaillesVersailles, FranceFer, Nicolas de1705A230.00
543Plan General des Chateaux et Ville de St. Germain en LayeParis, FranceFer, Nicolas de1705A85.00
544Environs de ParisParis, FranceFer, Nicolas de1705A100.00
545Le Royaume de France…FranceSeutter, Matthias1730A170.00
546Dauphine sive Delphinatus Superior et Inferior nec non Ducatus Sabaudiae…FranceSeutter, Matthias1730B+110.00
547Carte de Provence et des Terres AdjacentesFranceDelisle/Covens & Mortier1745B+250.00
548Tabula Geographica CampaniaeFranceHomann, Johann Baptist1750Aunsold
549Alsatia tam Superior, quam Inferior una cum Sundgovia…France and GermanyHomann Heirs1750Cunsold
550Gouvernement General de Bretagne Divise en ses Dioceses ou ReceptesFranceRobert de Vaugondy, Gilles1751B+150.00
551[Lot of 2] Vue particulierie de Paris. Prise du Pont Royal regardant vers le Pont Neuf… [and] Fontana in loco ad dextram Labyrinthis. Fontana nella Loggia a destra del Laberinto…Paris, France1760B+unsold
552Carte de France Dressee pour l'Usage du RoyFranceDelisle/Covens & Mortier1765B+220.00
553The Republic of France Divided According to its 103 DepartmentsFranceBlair, Rev. John1793A+150.00
554A New Map of France Divided into Eighty Three Departments According to the Decree of the National Assembly in 1790FranceLaurie & Whittle1794Bunsold
555Hispaniae Veteris DescriptioSpain & PortugalJansson, Jan1640Aunsold
556Hispaniae Veteris Des.Spain & PortugalCluver/Jansson1661Aunsold
557Accuratissima Totius Regni Hispaniae TabulaSpain & PortugalDanckerts, Justus1690Aunsold
558Le Royaume d'Espagne avec ses ConfinsSpain & PortugalLa Feuille, Daniel de1710B+unsold
559EspagneSpain & PortugalBossuet, Jacques Benigne1755A+unsold
560Les Royaumes d'Espagne et du PortugalSpain & PortugalElwe, Jan Barend1792B+250.00
561SantanderSpainBraun & Hogenberg1575A475.00
562La Sierra de Sant Adrian en Biscaia…SpainBraun & Hogenberg1585B250.00
563ToletumToledo, SpainBraun & Hogenberg1598A+1100.00
564Sevilla, HispalisSeville, SpainBraun & Hogenberg1598B+900.00
565GranataGranada, SpainBraun & Hogenberg1598B+800.00
566Sant Juan del Foratche [on sheet with] JerennaSpainBraun & Hogenberg1598A550.00
567Regni Valentiae TypusSpainMercator/Hondius1613B+190.00
568Aragonia et CataloniaSpainMercator/Jansson1628A100.00
569CataloniaSpainJansson, Jan1645B+325.00
570Principaute de Catalogne et Partie du RoussilonSpainLa Feuille, Daniel de1710B+140.00
571Royaume d'Andalousie et de GrenadeSpainLa Feuille, Daniel de1710B+120.00
572Accurata Designatio Celebris Freti prope Andalusiae Castellum Gibraltar, inter in Europam et Africam…SpainSeutter, Matthias1740B+375.00
573[Lot of 3] Provincia de Granada [and] Provincia de Cadiz [and] Provincia de ValladolidSpainBoronat y Satorre, Francisco1879275.00
574Scenographia Totius Fabricae S. Laurentii in EscorialiSpain, El EscorialBraun & Hogenberg1617A400.00
575Vista en Prespectiva de la Principal Fachada del Espcurial, por la Parte MeridionalSpain, El Escorial1780A80.00
576Portugallia et Algarbia quae olim LusitaniaPortugalJansson, Jan1647A375.00
577GermaniaCentral EuropeCluver/Jansson1661A80.00
578S. Imperium Romano-Germanicum oder Teutschland mit Seinen Angratzenden Konigreichen un Provincien…Central EuropeSchenk, Pieter1700B+110.00
579L'Allemagne avec ses Confins et ses DependancesCentral Europe, GermanyLa Feuille, Daniel de1710B+unsold
580Mappa Geographica Regnum Bohemiae cum Adiunctis Ducatu Silesiae et Marchionatib, Moraviae et Lusatiae…Central EuropeSeutter, Matthias1720B200.00
581LXXX [Jena]GermanySchedel, Hartmann1493B+150.00
582LuneburgGermanyMunster, Sebastian1560B110.00
583Hassia LandgraviatusGermanyMercator/Jansson1628A40.00
584Wirtenberg DucatusGermanyMercator/Jansson1628A+85.00
585Francfurt am MaynGermanyKoppmayer, Jakob1690B+unsold
586Le Cercle de la Basse Saxe subdivise en tous Les Estats, et Principautes qui le composentGermanySanson/Jaillot1708Aunsold
587Palatinat Eslectoral du RheinGermanyLa Feuille, Daniel de1710B+unsold
588Duche de BaviereGermanyLa Feuille, Daniel de1710B+95.00
589Circuli Franconiae Pars Orientalis et Potior novissime delineata…GermanyHomann, Johann Baptist1716B+95.00
590Landgraviatus Hassiae InferiorisGermanyHomann, Johann Baptist1716Aunsold
591S.R.I. Circulus Rhenanus Inferior sive Electorum Rheni…GermanyHomann, Johann Baptist1716A+180.00
592Neue Sachsische Post-Charte mit denen Post-Wegen und Strassen…GermanySchenk, Pieter1734C+110.00
593Intervalla Viaeque Publicae Electoratus Saxoniae…GermanySeutter, Albercht Karl1756B+unsold
594Plan de la Bataille de Jaegerndorf, Entre l'Armee Prussienne, sorte d'environ cinquante Escadrons & de seize Bataillons, commandee par le Feld Marechal de Lehwald, & l'Armee Russe, estimee de 80-000. Hommes, sous les ordres du Prince Apraxin.GermanyHondt, Pierre de1758Aunsold
595Plan de la Ville d'Erford, Capitale de la Thuringe: avec ses deux Citadelles St. Petersberg & CyriacusbergGermanyHondt, Pierre de1758B110.00
596[Lot of 3] Bataille de Bergen, pres Francfort… [and] Plan de la Bataille de Jaegerndorf, Entre l'Armee Prussienne... [and] Plan de la Bataille, gagne par l'Armee des Allies…GermanyHondt, Pierre de1758-59Aunsold
597Plan de la Bataille, gagnee par l'Armee des Allies, aux Ordres de S.A.S. Mr. le Prince Ferdinand de Brunswic, sur celle de France, commandee par Mr. le Prince de Clermont, pres d'Anrad, le 23 Juin 1758GermanyHondt, Pierre de1760Aunsold
598[Lot of 2] Cercles de Haute et Basse Saxe… [and] Lower SaxonyGermany1766-1828B+unsold
599Die Grafschaft Mark gezeichnet von Friederich Christoph Muller…GermanyMueller, Friederich Christoph1791B+unsold
600Polonia et SilesiaPolandMercator/Hondius1608B+110.00
601PrussiaPoland and LithuaniaMercator/Hondius1608B+110.00
602Ducatus Silesiae Glogani Vera DelineatioPolandJansson, Jan1640A325.00
603Plan de la Bataille, gagnee par Sa Majeste le Roi de Prusse, sue l'Armee Autrichienne, aux ordres de S.A.R. le Duc Charles de Lorraine, pres de Leuthen, ou Lissa, en Silesie; le 5 Decembre 1757.PolandHondt, Pierre de1760A110.00
604Praga, Bohemiae Metropolis Accuratissime Expressa [on sheet with] Egra urbs a fluvio…Czech RepublicBraun & Hogenberg1583B500.00
605Regni Bohemiae DescriptioCzech RepublicOrtelius, Abraham1592A+500.00
606MoraviaCzech RepublicMercator/Jansson1628Aunsold
607Marchionatus Moraviae Auct. I. ComenioCzech RepublicHondius/Jansson1638A200.00
608Moravia Marchionatus Auctore I.A. ComenioCzech RepublicBlaeu, Willem1644A190.00
609Le Royaume de Boheme Divisee en ses Douze Cercles…Czech RepublicVisscher/Schenk1750A300.00
610Plan de l'Action de Reichenberg, ganee par les Troupes de S.M. le Roi de Prusse, sous les Ordresde S.A.S. le Prince de Bevern, contre les Troupes Autrichiennes, sous le Commandement de Mr. le Comte de Koenig segg; Le 21 Avril 1757Czech RepublicHondt, Pierre de1758Aunsold
611Nieuwe Kaart van 't Koninkryk Bohemen Thertogdom Silesien Markgraafschap Moravien en LusatienCzech RepublicTirion, Isaac1770A+120.00
612Marchionatus Moraviae Circulus Hradistiensis quem Mandato Caesareo…Czech RepublicHomann, Johann Baptist1804Aunsold
613La dipintura della citta de Basilea adombrata secondo 'l natural sito, il quale quellahaueua l'anno 1549Basel, SwitzerlandMunster/Petri1588B+110.00
614Chorographica Tabula Lacus Lemanni Locorumque Circumiacentium Autore Iac. G. GenevensiSwitzerlandMercator/Hondius1640A550.00
615Le Canton de Ury. Les Ligues Grise et de la Maison-Dieu, la Valteline, les Comtes de Chiavene et de Bormio…Switzerland and ItalyJaillot, Alexis-Hubert1690B200.00
616Helvetia Conterminarumq. Terrarum AntiquaSwitzerlandCluver, Philipp1697A70.00
617[Lot of 2] Carte de la Principaute de Neufchatel et Valangin [and] La SuisseSwitzerland1710-43unsold
618La SuisseSwitzerlandSanson, Nicolas Fils1743A+unsold
619CLIII - SalczburgaSalzburg, AustriaSchedel, Hartmann1493B+unsold
620Strigonium. GranHungaryBraun & Hogenberg1598B425.00
621Nouvelle Carte du Royaume de Hongrie avec ses ForteressesHungaryLa Feuille, Daniel de1710B+120.00
622Tabula VIII Europ.Eastern EuropePtolemy/Fries1535A850.00
623LithuaniaEastern Europe, LithuaniaMercator/Hondius1608A+190.00
624Tabula Russiae ... alias dicta MoscoviaEastern Europe, RussiaMerian, Matthaus1638B+1100.00
625Tab. VIII. Europae, in qua Sarmatia, Maeotis palus, ac Germaniae, Daciae parsEastern EuropePtolemy/Mercator1695A180.00
626Le Royaume de Pologne avec ses ConfinsEastern Europe, PolandLa Feuille, Daniel de1710B+150.00
627La Pologne Dressee sur ce qu'en ont donne Starovolsk, Beauplan, Hartnoch, et autres Auteurs…Eastern Europe, PolandDelisle/Covens & Mortier1730A450.00
628[Lot of 2] Pologne [and] Estats de la Courinne de PologneEastern Europe, PolandSanson, Nicolas Fils1743A+150.00
629Partie Septentrionale de la Russie Europeenne ou sont Distingues Exactement toutes les Provinces d'apres le Detail de l'Atlas RussienEastern Europe, RussiaRobert de Vaugondy1753A140.00
630A Map of the Kingdom of Poland and Grand Dutchy of Lithuania Including Samogitia and Curland…PrussiaEastern Europe, PolandFaden, William1799A+425.00
631MoscvaMoscow, RussiaMerian, Matthaus1650A+2300.00
632Russia cum ConfinijsRussiaCluver/Jansson1661A+90.00
633Paskaart van de Rivier de Dwina of Archangel…RussiaKeulen, Johannes van1720B500.00
634Conspectus recens et Accuratus magnaei partis Lacus Ladogae et Sinus Finnici…RussiaSeutter, Matthias1750A1500.00
635The European Part of the Russian Empire with Several Countries that are the Theatre of the Present War between the Turks and the Russians, from D'Anville's Maps / The Asiatic Part of the Russian Empire with the adjacent Coast of North America…RussiaSayer, Robert1772B1000.00
636The European Part of the Russian Empire... [joined with] The Asiatic Part of the Russian Empire…RussiaLaurie & Whittle1794A1100.00
637[Lot of 2] Carte Nouvelle de Moscovie Represente la Partie Septentrionale [and] Partie Meridionale de MoscovieRussiaDelisle/Elwe1792A500.00
638Carte Nouvelle de Transilvanie avec les ConfinsRomaniaLa Feuille, Daniel de1710B+unsold
639Mer Noire ou Mer MaievreBlack SeaSanson, Nicolas Fils1700A+100.00
640Nieuwe Kaart van Europisch Turkyen na de Alderlaaste Ondekking int Licht GebrachtBlack Sea, Balkans and TurkeyTirion, Isaac1733A150.00
641Nouvelle Carte de la Petite Tartarie ou Tarie, Montrant les Frontieres de l'Imperatrice de Russie, et l'Empereur des Turcs, tant en Europe qu'en AsieBlack SeaElwe, Jan Barend1792A190.00
642Exactissima Tabula, qua tam Danubii Fluvii Pars Media, ab Urbe Lentiae ad Bydenam Urbem et Minores in eum influentes Fluvii quam Regiones AdjacentesBalkansVisscher, Nicolas1690B+unsold
643Exactissima Tabula, qua tam Danubii Fluvii Pars Superior…Southern EuropeVisscher, Nicolas1690A425.00
644Le Cours du Danube depuis sa Source iusq'a a ses Empouchures…Danube RiverJaillot, Alexis-Hubert1693B1600.00
645Vindeliciae et Norici Conterminarumque terrarum antiqua descriptioSouthern EuropeCluver, Philipp1697Aunsold
646Le Royaume de Hongrie et les Estats qui ont este Unis a sa CouronneSoutheastern Europe, HungaryElwe, Jan Barend1792Aunsold
647Tabula Europae IXBalkansGastaldi, Giacomo1548C+140.00
648Schlavoniae, Croatiae, Carniae, Istriae, Bosniae, Finitimarumque Regionum Nova Descriptio, Auctore Augustino HirsvogelioBalkansOrtelius, Abraham1574A250.00
649HistriaBalkansLangenes, Barent1598B+unsold
650Veteris et Nova Pannoniae et Illyrici DescriptioBalkansCluver, Philipp1697A100.00
651Neuw Griechenlandt mit andern anstossenden Landern wie es zu unsern zeiten beschriben istGreeceMunster, Sebastian1550A400.00
652Graeciae Universae Secundum Hodiernum Situm Neoterical DescriptioGreeceOrtelius, Abraham1574A800.00
653Modon, sive Modona, quondam Methone, Civitas est Sittoralis Pelopponesi, in MoreaGreeceBraun & Hogenberg1580B100.00
654Epirus, hodie vulgo Albania. Autore I. LaurenbergioGreece and AlbaniaJansson, Jan1650B+400.00
655Peloponnesus nunc MoreaGreeceCluver, Philipp1697A80.00
656Achaia quae et Hellas hodie LivadiaGreeceCluver, Philipp1711A+50.00
657Plan de l'Fortee de Chalcis [manuscript map]Greece1800B+100.00
658Candia [on sheet with] La Cita de CorphuCreteBraun & Hogenberg1575C+300.00
659Candia, olim CretaCreteBlaeu, Johannes1645A325.00
660Tavola Nuova di PiemonteItalyRuscelli, Girolamo1574B110.00
661Territorio di RomaItalyRuscelli, Girolamo1574Aunsold
662Italie…ItalyMunster, Sebastian1578A65.00
663[Solfatara] Mirabilium Sulphureorum Montium Apud Puteolos CamposItalyBraun & Hogenberg1593A400.00
664Forum IuliiItalyLangenes, Barent1598B+130.00
665Puglia Piana Terra di Barri Otranto etc.ItalyMercator/Jansson1628A+unsold
666Principato Citra olim PicentiaItalyBlaeu, Willem1645A230.00
667Stato della Chiesa con la ToscanaItalyHondius/Jansson1653B+475.00
668Tabula Italiae Corsicae, Sardiniae, et Adjacentium RegnorumItalyCluver/Jansson1661A+200.00
669Italiae Veteris SpecimenItalyCluver/Jansson1661A+95.00
670A Mapp of Italy Whose Cheife Estates & Isles are ye Dukedome of Toscania…ItalyBlome, Richard1669A600.00
671Italiae Gallicae sive Galliae CisalpinaeItalyCluver, Philipp1697Aunsold
672Toscana Inferiore; detta Anticament Tuscia SuburbicariaItalyJansson/Valck & Schenk1700A700.00
673L'Italie Divisee en ses Estats Dressee et Dediee A Monseigneur le Dauphin…ItalyFer, Nicolas de1700A450.00
674L'Italie Distinguee Suivant tous les Estats, Royaumes, Republiques…ItalyJaillot/Mortier1700B+650.00
675Nouvelle Carte du Piemont avec ses ForteresseItalyLa Feuille, Daniel de1710B+120.00
676Italy as Divided into Regions by C. AugustusItaly1744B+75.00
677Cony, a strong City of Piedmont in the States of SavoyItalyTindal, Nicholas1745B+unsold
678Etats de Savoie et de PiemontItalyBossuet, Jacques Benigne1755Aunsold
679Postkarte von Calabrien und SicilienItalyReilly, Franz Johann Joseph von1790B+unsold
680L'Italie Dressee sur les Observations de Mrs. de l'Academie Royale des Sciences…ItalyElwe, Jan Barend1792A450.00
681Contrafehtung der Furnemen Statt Venedig sampt den Umbligenden InselnVenice, ItalyMunster, Sebastian1578B+375.00
682Venise Ville Capitale de la plus Celebre et Illustre Republique de l'EuropeVenice, ItalyFer, Nicolas de1700A+300.00
683Piazzetta di S. Marco vista venende dall' OrologioVenice, Italy1831A120.00
684St. Marks Church. Facade de Basilique de s. Marc. Die S. Markuskirche. Faciata della Basilica di S. MarcoVenice, Italy1850A+80.00
685NaplesNaples, ItalyFer, Nicolas de1701A250.00
686[Lot of 3] Les Environs de Milan [and] Frontieres du Milanez du Cremonese et du Lodesan au Roy d'Espagne. Le Bergamas, Le Bressan et Le Cremas… [and] Les Estats du Duche de MilanMilan, ItalyFer, Nicolas de1705Aunsold
687Plan de la Ville de RomeRome, ItalyFer, Nicolas de1705A250.00
688Pianta Topografica di Roma Antica con I Principali Monumenti…Rome, ItalyCanina, Luigi1850B+450.00
689Siciliae Veteris TypusSicily, ItalyCluver/Jansson1661A100.00
690The Island and Kingdom of Sicily According to the Best Observations, & Improved from the Map of the Baron de Schmettau…Sicily, ItalyMylne, Robert1799B+unsold
691Romani Imperii ImagoRoman EmpireOrtelius, Abraham1579B+750.00
692Het Noordelykste deel van Afrika, behelzende Barbarie, Egypte enz. Als mede de geheele Middellandschee Zee…Mediterranean and Northern AfricaTirion, Isaac1762A+190.00
693Niew en seer Nawkeurig Corecte Plan van Gibraltar met alle syne Fortificatiens en Verbeteringe en de Nuttigheeden van dien Plaats…Gibraltar, Panama, ColombiaLeth, Andries & Hendrik de1745C+unsold
694Caerte van de Baey en Stadt van Gibralter…GibraltarWill, Johan Martin1790B+75.00
695ArgonauticaEastern Mediterranean and Black SeaJansson, Jan1653B+unsold
696De Beschryvingh van de Reysen Pauli en van de Andere Apostelen…Eastern MediterraneanStoopendaal, Bastiaan1682B+275.00
697De Reysen Christi des Heyland en Pauli inet andere syne BloedgetuygenEastern MediterraneanHooghe, Romain de1704A+375.00
698Descriptio Peregrinationis D. Pauli, Apostoli, Exhibens Loca sere omnia tam in Novo Testamento quam in Actis Apostolorum memorata: Opera Abrahami OrteliiEastern MediterraneanJansson, Jan1741A350.00
699Estats de l'Empire du Grand Seigneur des Turcs, en Europe, en Asie, et en Afrique…Eastern Mediterranean, Turkish EmpireElwe, Jan Barend1792A+240.00
700Turcici Imperii DescriptioTurkish EmpireOrtelius, Abraham1574B+1400.00
701Nova Persiae, Armeniae, Natoliae et Arabiae DescriptioMiddle East and ArabiaWit, Frederick de1666-80A+425.00
702Armenia Syria, Mesopotamia etc.Middle EastCluver/Jansson1661A+180.00
703De Gelegentheyt van 't Paradys en 't Landt Canaan, Mitsgaders d' eerst Bewoonde Landen der Patriarchen uyt de H. Schrifture…Middle EastStoopendaal, Daniel1682A350.00
704A New Map of the Eastern Parts of Asia Minor…Middle EastWells, Edward1700B+150.00
705La Perse, la Georgie et la Turquie d'Asie, avec la Partie Septentrionale de l'ArabieMiddle EastFer, Nicolas de1705A120.00
706Persarum Imperium In Viginti Satrapias Vectigales distibutum, ut Eas Ordinaverat Darius Histaspis silius tertius Persarum Rex, Cujus Monarchia, ab India usque ad Aethiopiam, In Centum et viginti Septem divisa Provincias…Middle EastMoullart-Sanson, Pierre1721B+180.00
707De Gelegentheyt van 't Paradys en 't Landt Canaan, Mitsgaders d' eerst Bewoonde Landen der Patriarchen uyt de H. Schrifture…Middle EastDanckerts/Wetstein1728Aunsold
708Tab. IV. Asiae, in qua Mesopotamia, Syria, Arabia Petrea, ac DesertaMiddle EastPtolemy/Mercator1730B120.00
709Theatrum Historicum ad annum Christi quadring ente simu in quo tu Imperii Romani tu Barbarorum…pars Orientalis…Middle EastDelisle/Buache1745A130.00
710Beschryvinge van den Oorsprong der Volkeren, Uit de drie Sonen van Noah na den Sondvloed, en voorts vande Reysen der cerste Vaderen in CanaanMiddle EastAvelen, Jan van den1787A+475.00
711Natolia, quae olim Asia MinorTurkeyCluver/Jansson1661A80.00
712Tab. I. Asiae, in qua Galatia, Cappadocia, Pontus, Bithynia, Asia Minor, Pamphylia, Lycia, ac CiliciaTurkeyPtolemy/Mercator1730Bunsold
713CXXX - ConstantinopolisIstanbul, TurkeySchedel, Hartmann1493B+1200.00
714Constantinopel des Griechischen Lenserchumbs Hauptstattim Land Thracia am moere gelegenIstanbul, TurkeyMunster, Sebastian1550B+200.00
715ConstantinopelIstanbul, TurkeyMeisner, Daniel1624A220.00
716ConstantinopolisIstanbul, TurkeyMerian, Matthaus1640A1300.00
717Plan de la Ville de ConstantinopleIstanbul, TurkeyBellin, Jacques Nicolas1764A+200.00
718A Plan of Constantinople, Places adjacent and Canal of the Black SeaIstanbul, TurkeyLodge, John1770A120.00
719[Holy Land]Holy LandMunster, Sebastian1560B70.00
720Soria et Terra Santa Nuova TavolaHoly LandRuscelli, Girolamo1574Aunsold
721Abrahami Patriarchae Peregrinatio, et VitaHoly LandOrtelius, Abraham1595A3250.00
722Tabula Geographica, in Qua Iisraelitarum, ab Aegypto ad Kenahanaeam usque profectiones omnes, et stationes describuntur...Holy LandPlancius/Cloppenburg1604B1200.00
723Tabula Itineraria Patriarcharum Abrahami, Isaaci et IacobiHoly LandJansson, Jan1652B180.00
724Tabula Geographica Terrae Sanctae Auctore J. Bonfrerio Societat JesuHoly LandHalma, Francois1710B+250.00
725Perigrinatie ofte Veertich-Iarige Reyse der Kinderen Israels…Holy LandStoopendaal, Bastiaan1714A400.00
726Perigrinatie ofte Veertich-iarige Reyse der Kinderen Israels uyt Egipten, door de Roode-zee…Holy LandSchoonwald, Samuel1725B+120.00
727Geographische Beschryvinge van Het Ioodtsche landt, doorwandelt van onsen Heere ende Salichmaecker Iesu Christo neffens syne ApostelenHoly LandSchoonwald, Samuel1725A100.00
728Het Beloofde Landt Canaan door Wandelt van onsen Salichmaecker Iesu Christo, neffens syne ApostelenHoly LandStoopendaal, Daniel1729A150.00
729Afbeeldinge van 't Land Kanaan…Holy LandBachiene, Willem Albert1748B+unsold
730Generaale Kaart van het Beloofde Land tot Verlichting voor de Geschiedenisse; Vervat in des Bybel…Holy LandElwe, Jan Barend1792A375.00
731BethlehemBethlehem, Holy LandBruyn, Cornelius de1698A180.00
732Die Heylige und Weltberuhmpte Statt Jerusalem, erstlich genant Salem Genesis 14 vers. 13Jerusalem, Holy LandAnon.1693A375.00
733Jerusalem Niewlicks uyte de Schriften IosephusJerusalem, Holy LandCovens & Mortier1700A120.00
734IerusalemJerusalem, Holy LandLasor a Varea, Alphonsus1713A+180.00
735IerusalemJerusalem, Holy LandSenex, John1716A650.00
736De Heylige en Wytvermaerde Stadt Ierusalem, Eerst Genaemt SalemJerusalem, Holy LandSchoonwald, Samuel1725A120.00
737de Bouwgestalte van Salomons Tempel, in Doorfigtkundige stand van BeschouwingSolomon's Temple, Holy LandGoeree, Willelm & Jan1700B+100.00
738Temple de JerusalemSolomon's Temple, Holy LandHooghe, Romain de1721A325.00
739Carte de la Coste d'Arabie, Mer Rouge, et Golfe de PerseArabiaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1740A150.00
740ArabiaArabiaPinkerton, John1818A200.00
741Persicum RegnumPersia - IranMercator/Hondius1608B+unsold
742Tab. V. Asiae, Repraesentans Mediam Hyrcaniam, Assyriam, Susianam, ac PersidemIran, Iraq and ArmeniaPtolemy/Mercator1730Bunsold
743XXIIII - Babilonia seu BabilonIraqSchedel, Hartmann1493B+150.00
744Tab. VIII. Asiae Scythiam extra imaum, ac Sericam comprehendensCentral AsiaPtolemy/Mercator1730B+unsold
745[Tabula III Asiae]CaucasusPtolemy/Fries1535A400.00
746Colchis, Iberia, Albania, Quaeq; Caucaslae Gentes, Istmum quod Pontum Euxinum Caspiumq; Mare Interjacet IncoluntCaucasusSanson/Mariette1667B+unsold
747Paskaert vande Caspise ZeeCaspian SeaDapper, Olivier1672B+250.00
748Asiae Nova DescriptioAsiaOrtelius, Abraham1601B1400.00
749Asiae Nova DescriptioAsiaHondius/Le Clerc1602B1800.00
750A New Mapp of Asia Divided into Kingdoms & Provinces…AsiaLea & Overton1690B650.00
751L'Asie Dressee sur les observations de l'Academie Royale des SciencesAsiaDelisle, Guillaume1700A500.00
752Recentissima Asiae Delineatio, Qua Imperia, ejus Regna et Status…AsiaHomann, Johann Christoph1730A400.00
753Asia According to the Sieur D'Anville, Divided into its Empires, Kingdoms & StatesAsiaSayer, Robert1772B+450.00
754L'Asie dressee pour l'etude de la GeographieAsiaBrion de la Tour/Desnos1786A110.00
755L'Asie Divisee en ses Empires, Royaumes, et Etats…AsiaElwe, Jan Barend1792A400.00
756TartariaNorthern AsiaHondius, Jodocus1606A+1200.00
757Tab. II. Asiae Sarmatiam Asiaticam repraesentansCaucasusPtolemy/Mercator1730B120.00
758Xansi, e Xensi, Provincie della China…ChinaCoronelli, Vincenzo Maria1690B+375.00
759Province de Chen-SiChinaAnville, Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d'1737A200.00
760Province de Ho-NanChinaAnville, Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d'1737Aunsold
761Province de Kiang-SiChinaAnville, Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d'1737A+200.00
762[Lot of 3] Plan de la Baie d'Yu-Lin-Kan et du Mouillage de Sanghia [with] Plan de la Baie de Gaalong en l'Ile d'Hainan [and] Plan de la Baie de Lyeoung-Soy en l'Ile d'HainanChinaDepot de la Marine1817Aunsold
763ChinaChina, Korea & JapanMercator/Jansson1628A+400.00
764China Veteribus Sinarum Regio nunc Incolis Tame DictaChina, Korea & JapanBlaeu, (Family)1640B+1400.00
765La Partie Orientale de l'Asie ou se Trouvent le Grand Empire des Tartares Chinois et Celuy du IaponChina, Korea & JapanFer, Nicolas de1705A220.00
766A Map of China, Drawn from those of the particular Provinces made on the Spot by the Jesuit Missionaries…China, KoreaBowen, Emanuel1738B+1300.00
767Carte de l'Empire de la Chine, de la Tartarie Chinoise, et du Royaume de Coree: avec les Isles du JaponChina, Korea & JapanBonne, Rigobert1788Aunsold
768[North China Incident Map]China, Korea & Japan1937B+550.00
769IaponiaJapan and KoreaMercator/Jansson1631Aunsold
770IedoTokyo, JapanMontanus, Arnoldus1680B250.00
771La Ville d'Osacco De Stadt OsaccoOsaka, JapanMontanus, Arnoldus1680B+300.00
772MiakoKyoto, JapanMontanus, Arnoldus1680A250.00
774Particuliere Reis Kaart van Japan strekkende van Khurissima tot OsakaJapanKaempfer/Scheuchzer1740Aunsold
775Plan de JedoTokyo, JapanBellin, Jacques Nicolas1752A140.00
776CambaiaPakistan, Northern IndiaLangenes, Barent1598Bunsold
777Description de la Partie des Indes Orientales qui est sousl a Domination du Grand MogolIndiaThevenot, Melchisedech1663Aunsold
778Tab. X. Asiae, Complectens Indiam intra GangemIndiaPtolemy/Mercator1730B+unsold
779Carte des Cotes de Malabar et de Coromandel…IndiaDelisle/Schenk1733Aunsold
780[2 Sheets] A Map of Bengal, Bahar, Oude & Allahabad with Part of Agra and Delhi Exhibiting the Course of the Ganges from Hurdwar to the SeaIndiaRennell, James (Major)1838A325.00
781Narsinga et CeylonIndia and Sri LankaLangenes, Barent1598B130.00
782Sumatra ein grosse Insel so von den alten Geographen Taprobana ist genennt wordenSri LankaMunster, Sebastian1570B+unsold
783Asiae XII TabSri LankaPtolemy/Mercator1605B180.00
784Ins. Ceilan quae incolis Tenarisin diciturSri LankaMercator/Hondius1606A475.00
785Insula Ceilan quae incolis Tenarisin diciturSri LankaMercator/Jansson1628A+unsold
786AracamMyanmar - BurmaKaerius, Petrus1598B+unsold
787Isole MoluccheSoutheast AsiaPorcacchi, Tomaso1572A+180.00
788Indiae Orientalis, Insularumque Adiacientium TypusSoutheast AsiaOrtelius, Abraham1601A2750.00
789India OrientalisSoutheast AsiaMercator/Jansson1628A+325.00
790India Extra GangemSoutheast AsiaDuval/Beer1678A+210.00
791Royaume de Siam avec les Royaumes qui luy sont Tributaires et les Isles de Sumatra, Andemaon, etc.South East AsiaCoronelli/Nolin1687Bunsold
792Le Royaume de Siam avec les Royaumes qui luy sont Tributaires et les Isles de Sumatra Andemaon etc…Southeast AsiaChatelain, Henry Abraham1719A+800.00
793Nieuwe Kaart van de Filippynsche, Ladrones, Moluccos of Specery Eilanden als mede Celebes etc.Philippines and IndonesiaTirion, Isaac1769A+200.00
794Les Isles Philippines [on sheet with] Islas de los Ladrones ou Isle des LarronsPhilippines, MarianasSanson, Nicolas1700Aunsold
795Moluccae Insulae CeleberrimaeEast Indies - IndonesiaHondius/Blaeu1640A475.00
796Carte des Isles de Java, Sumatra Borneo &c. Les Detroits de la Sunde, Malaca, et Banca, Golfe de Siam &c.East Indies - IndonesiaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1780A110.00
797De Stadt Palembang met haer 3 FortressenEast Indies - SumatraNieuhoff, Johann1682B+70.00
798Karte von dem Eylande SumatraEast Indies - SumatraBellin, Jacques Nicolas1752B+250.00
799A Plan of the City and Castle of BataviaJakarta, IndonesiaMoll, Herman1724-38A275.00
800BataviaJakarta, IndonesiaBellin/Van Schley1780A150.00
801La Description d'Affricque selon les Divers Pais. Animaux & Monstres HorriblesAfricaMunster, Sebastian1550A180.00
802Africa Lybia Moerenlandt mit allen Konigreichen…AfricaMunster, Sebastian1578B+unsold
803Africae Tabula NovaAfricaOrtelius, Abraham1570B1500.00
804Africae Descriptio Nova ImpensisAfricaSeile, Henry1652B+1100.00
805L'Afrique Divisee Suivant l'Estendue de ses Principales Parties…AfricaSanson/Jaillot1674B+1900.00
806Africae, described, the manners of their habits, and buildings…AfricaSpeed, John1676A4250.00
807[Lot of 10 - Africa]Africa1695-1882150.00
808Carte d'Afrique dressee pour l'usage du Roy…AfricaDelisle/Covens & Mortier1730B+400.00
809A New and Accurate Map of Africa, Drawn from the best AuthoritiesAfricaBowen, Thomas1787B100.00
810L'Afrique Divisee en ses Empires, Royaumes, et Etats…AfricaElwe, Jan Barend1792A375.00
811[Lot of 2] Africa [and] North-Western Africa, Comprising Marocco, Algeria & Tunis / Southern Africa Comprising Cape Colony, Natal, &c.Africa1866-82B+unsold
812Tab. III. Africae, in qua Cyrenaica, Marmarica, ac Lybia ExteriorNorthern AfricaPtolemy/Mercator1730A220.00
813Carte Detailee ... de l'Afrique et des Iles qui en DependentNorthern AfricaBrue, Adrien Hubert1828A160.00
814Fessae RegnumNorthwestern AfricaMercator/Hondius1620B+unsold
815Royaume de Maroc divise en sept Provinces &c.Northwestern AfricaLa Feuille, Daniel de1710Aunsold
816Cairus, quae olim Babylon; Aegypti Maxima urbsCairo, EgyptBraun & Hogenberg1572Aunsold
817Aegyptus AntiquaEgyptFuller, Thomas1650A210.00
818Carte Physique et Politique de l'EgypteEgyptMentelle, Edme1790A+150.00
819Compagnie Universelle du Canal Maritime de Suez - Carte de l'IsthmeEgyptAndriveau-Goujon, E.1866B200.00
820Carte de l'Egypte de la Nubie de l'Abissinie &c.Northeastern Africa and ArabiaDelisle/Elwe1792A250.00
821A Description of Aegypt from Cair downewardEastern AfricaPigafetta, Filippo1597C+unsold
822La Guinee et Pays Circomvoisins; Tires de Mercator, de Blommart &c.Western AfricaSanson, Nicolas1700Aunsold
823Partie Occidentale d'Afrique ou se Trouve les Isles Canaries, et du Cap Verd…Western AfricaFer, Nicolas de1705Aunsold
824Carte de la Barbarie, Nigritie et de la Guinee avec les Pays Voisins, Dressee sur les Memoires les Plus Nouveaux & les Observations les Plus ExactesWestern AfricaChatelain, Henry Abraham1710B+170.00
825Abissinorum sive Pretiosi Ioannis ImperiuCentral AfricaMercator/Hondius1609B+550.00
826Pays, et Coste des Caffres: Empires de Monomotapa Monoemugi, &c.Southern AfricaSanson, Nicolas1700A+110.00
827Partie Meridionale d'Afrique ou se trouvent la Basse Guinee, la Cafrerie, le Monomotapa, le Monoemugi, le Zanguebar et l'Isle de MadagascarSouthern AfricaFer, Nicolas de1705A130.00
828Carte de l'Afrique Meridionale ou Pays entre la Ligne & le Cap de Bonne Esperance, et l'Isle de MadagascarSouthern AfricaElwe, Jan Barend1792A240.00
829Isle de Madagascar ou de St. LaurensMadagascarSanson, Nicolas1700A+200.00
830Isles des MaldivesIndian Ocean, MaldivesMallet, Alain Manesson1683Aunsold
831[Globe Gore - Arabian Sea]Indian OceanCoronelli, Vincenzo Maria1690A+240.00
832Pascaert vande Zuyd Zee en een Gedeelte van Brasil van Ilhas de Ladrones tot R. de la Plata…Pacific OceanKeulen, Johannes van1680C+unsold
833Partie de la Mer du Sud Comprise Entre les Philippines et la Californie [on sheet with] Partie de la Mer du Sud Comprise Entre les Philippines et la CaliforniePacific OceanLa Perouse, Comte Jean F. Galoup, de1797B140.00
834Pacific OceanPacific OceanArrowsmith, John1851B+unsold
835Mappe van der Sud See…South Pacific Ocean - OceanieBry, Theodore de1619B+650.00
836Carte des Decouvertes faites dans la Mer Pacifique sur la Vaisseau de Roi, La Resolution, Commande par le Capitaine Cook en 1774South Pacific OceanCook/Benard1778A+unsold
837Carte de l'Oceanie Contenant l'Australie, la Polynesie et les Iles AsiatiquesSouth Pacific OceanLapie, Alexander Emile & Pierre1829B+80.00
838[Lot of 9 - Pacific Islands]Pacific Islands1772-1840220.00
839[Lot of 2] Carte de l'Isle de Taiti, par le Lieutenant J. Cook [and] Kaart van de Societeit Eilanden outdekt door Lui. J. CookFrench PolynesiaCook, James (Capt.)1780A300.00
840Plan de l'Ile de Paque [on sheet with] Plan de la Baie de Cook [and] Vues de l'Ile de PaqueEaster IslandLa Perouse, Comte Jean F. Galoup, de1797B210.00
841[Lot of 11 - Australia]Australia1886A+unsold
842Das Their Rhinoceros genanntAnimalsMunster, Sebastian1578A110.00
843[Lot of 6 - Animals]AnimalsBuffon, Comte de1766B+unsold
844[Lot of 16 - Birds]BirdsBuffon, Comte de1766B+unsold
845[Lot of 12 - Moths & Butterflies]Butterflies and Moths1889A60.00
846[Lot of 9 - Flowers]BotanicalCurtis, William1791-1822A150.00
847[Lot of 35 - Flowers]Botanical1860-90B+80.00
848[Lot of 30 - Ferns]BotanicalCassell & Galpin1880Aunsold
849[Lot of 5 Engravings]Native Americans, South AmericaMallet, Alain Manesson1683B+100.00
850[Lot of 9 - Native Americans]Native AmericansVarious1894A75.00
851[Lot of 8 - French Fashion Plates]FashionLa Mode Illustree1862-78A100.00
852[Lot of 6 - Napoleonic War]Military1819325.00
853[Lot of 5 - Bible]ReligionWit, Frederick de1730B+110.00
854Plegtigheden by het houden van 't Conclave en het verkiezen van eenen niewen Paus in gebruikReligionTirion, Isaac1758A+70.00
855[Lot of 10 - Old Testament]Religion1791B+80.00
856Vaisseaux de l'Asie et de l'AfriqShipsMallet, Alain Manesson1683B+unsold
857Zee-Slagh Tusschen de Hr. Admiraal Michiel de Ruiter en de Hr. Prins Robbert en Graaf de Eftree…1673ShipsStoopendaal, Daniel1700A+250.00
858[Lot of 2] Marine, Pavillons Pl. XIX [and] Pl. XXShips - FlagsDiderot, Denis1730Aunsold
859Flaggen Aller Seefahrenden Potenzen und Nationen in der Gantzen WeldtShips - FlagsHomann, Johann Baptist1730A475.00
860[Lot of 3 - Calligraphy]CalligraphyBickham, George1735A110.00
861[Illuminated Koran Leaf]Medieval ManuscriptsAnon.1350B180.00
862[Illuminated Leaf]Medieval ManuscriptsAnon.1430B+unsold
863[Illuminated Leaf]Medieval ManuscriptsAnon.1430B+240.00
864[Illuminated Leaf]Medieval ManuscriptsAnon.1450Bunsold
865[Book of Hours Leaf]Medieval ManuscriptsAnon.1470B+unsold
866[Illuminated Leaf]Medieval ManuscriptsAnon.1470B+110.00
867[Illuminated Leaf]Medieval ManuscriptsAnon.1470A75.00
868[Illuminated Leaf]Medieval ManuscriptsAnon.1475A+325.00
869[Book of Hours Leaf]ManuscriptsAnon.1525Bunsold
870[Lot of 3 - Koran Leaves]ManuscriptsAnon.1830Aunsold
871[Lot of 2 - Koran Leaves]ManuscriptsAnon.1860A75.00
872XXI [and] XXII [Biblical Story of Abraham]Incunabula, ReligionSchedel, Hartmann1493B+unsold
873[Lot of 3] CXI [and] CXLIX [and] CCXIIIIncunabulaSchedel, Hartmann1493B+220.00
874[Lot of 3] CCII [and] CCXIX [and] CCLXXXVIIIncunabulaSchedel, Hartmann1493B+unsold
875[Lot of 4 - Missale Leaves]Early Printing1507A150.00
876[Book of Hours Leaf]Early PrintingKerver, Thielman1507B90.00
877[Book of Hours Leaf]Early PrintingKerver, Thielman1507Aunsold
878[Missale Leaf]Early Printing1507A110.00
879[Illuminated Leaf]Early PrintingHardouin, Gilles1526A+110.00
880[Illuminated Leaf]Early PrintingHardouin, Gilles1526B+95.00
881[Illuminated Leaf]Early PrintingHardouin, Gilles1526A95.00
882[Antiphonal Leaf]MusicAnon.1390B+210.00
883[Manuscript Music]MusicAnon.1700A200.00
884[Vellum Music Sheet]MusicAnon.1750A150.00
885Atlas Selectus von allen Konigreichen und Landern der welt…und in kawffer geftochenAtlasesSchreiber, Johann Christoph1749A2750.00
886Atlas Geographicus portatilis XXIX mappis orbis habitabilis regna exhibens…AtlasesLotter/Lobeck1755B+unsold
887Recueil des Principaux Plans des Ports et Rades de la Mer Mediterranee, Estraits, de ma Carte en Douze FeuillesAtlases - MediterraneanRoux, Joseph1779A1400.00
888Atlas Elementaire, Compose de 31 Cartes ... Nouvelle Edition a l'Usage d'un Jeune EleveAtlasesDelamarche/Fortin1800B200.00
889Atlas Universel de Geographie Physique, Politique, Statistique et Mineralogique...Quatrienne Partie - Amer. Sept.Atlases - North AmericaVandermaelen, Philippe Marie Guillaume1827A11000.00
890Atlas, Designed to Illustrate the Geography of the Heavens…Celestial AtlasBurritt, Elijah H.1835B300.00
891Mitchell's New General Atlas, containing Maps of the Various Counties of the World, Plans of Cities, Etc…AtlasesMitchell, Samuel Augustus1866A1100.00
892E. von Sydow's Schul-Atlas in Zwei und Vierzig KartenAtlasesPerthes, Justus1873130.00
893The Miniature Atlas of the WorldAtlases1880A190.00
894New Popular Family Atlas of the WorldAtlases1892A200.00
895A Descriptive Review of the Commercial Industrial Agricultural Historical Development of the State of New York…Atlases - New YorkCram, George F. & Company1912A60.00
896Berta and Elmer Hader's Picture Book of the StatesAtlases - United StatesHarper Bros.1932A350.00
897School Atlas to Cummings' Ancient & Modern GeographySchool AtlasesCummings & Hilliard1825B140.00
898Smith's Quarto, or Second Book in Geography. A Concise and Practical System of Geography, for Common Schools, Academies and FamiliesGeography BooksSmith, Roswell C.1848B110.00
899System of Geography, for the Use of Schools. Illustrated with More Than Fifty Cerographic Maps, and Numerous Wood-Cut EngravingsGeography BooksMorse, Sidney Edwards1863B+150.00
900Grammar-School Geography Physical, Political, and CommercialGeography BooksSwinton, William1896A+80.00
901Histoire Generale des Voiages, ou Nouvelle Collection…Complet d'Histoire et de Geographie Modern...Tome Quatorzieme (Volume 14)Exploration and SurveysPrevost, Anton Francois1757A2200.00
902The American Lawyer, and Business-Man's Form Book…Miscellaneous BooksBeadle, D. W.1852B140.00
903Picturesque America; or, the Land we Live in… Volume IPlate Books - North AmericaBryant, William C.1872-74B+325.00
904Public Health Reports and Papers Presented at the Meetings of the American Public Health Association in the Year 1873Miscellaneous Books1875A150.00
905[Lot of 6] Annual Report of the Bureau of American EthnologyAmerican EthnologyU.S. Gov't Printing Office1886-1927A750.00
906Twenty-First Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology ...1899-1900American EthnologyU.S. Bureau of Ethnology1903A650.00
907The Making of the Nuremberg ChronicleReference BooksWilson, Adrian1978A+110.00
908The Mapping of North America - Three Centuries of Map-Making 1500-1860Reference BooksGoss, John1990A+55.00
909[Lot of 4 - California] The Maps of San Francisco Bay [and] The Mapping of California as an Island [and] The Mapping of California, 1769-1873 [and] …List of Printed Maps of California Berkeley, 1887Reference Books1992-96180.00
910[Lot of 3] Phillips' Maps & Views of Washington DC [and] Thompson's Maps of Connecticut [and] Virginia CartographyReference Books1995A+200.00
911[Lot of 42] Mercator's World - The Magazine of Maps, Geography, and DiscoveryReference Books1996-2003A+300.00
912[Lot of 18] Philip Lee Phillips Society Newsletter, Vol. 1, No.1 (1996) thru Vol. 9, No. 1 (2006)Reference BooksPhillips, P. Lee1996-2006A+110.00
913Norwich's Maps of Africa an Illustrated and Annotated Carto-bibliographyReference BooksNorwich, Oscar I.1997A+110.00
914[Lot of 12 map catalogues]Map CataloguesA50.00
915The Mapping of the Great Lakes in the Seventeenth Century Twenty-Two Maps from the George S. & Nancy B. Parker CollectionCartographic Reference1989A+160.00