Index of Lots for Auction 133

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Lot #TitleSubjectCreatorPeriodConditionSold For
1Beschryvinge van de Gantsche Custe van Guinea/Manicongo /Angola/Monomotapa…Title PagesLinschoten, Jan Juygen van1644A+180.00
2Le Theatre du Monde, ou Nouvel Atlas, Mis en lumiere par Guillaume & Iean Blaeu. La Seconde partie de la PremiereTitle PagesBlaeu, (Family)1647Aunsold
3Novum ac Magnum Theatrum Urbium Belgicae FoederataeTitle Pages, NetherlandsBlaeu, Johannes1650A250.00
4The Theatre of the Empire of Great Britaine. Presenting an Exact Geography of the Kingdomes of England Scotland and Ireland and the Isles Adjoyning…Title PagesSpeed, John1676A325.00
5Atlas Historique Tome IITitle PagesChatelain, Henry Abraham1720A275.00
6Atlas Universel par Robert GeographeTitle PagesRobert de Vaugondy/Delamarche1792A240.00
7Atlas National Illustre des 86 Departments et des Possessions de la France Divisee par Arrondissments, Cantons en CommunesTitle PagesLevasseur, Victor1847B75.00
8Ferdinand MagellanusPortraitsMontanus/Ogilby1671B+85.00
9[Lot of 2] Gerardus Mercator [and] Petrus PlanciusPortraitsBuys/Vinkeles1790-91A+170.00
10[Lot of 5] Mappe-Monde ou Carte Generale de la Terre [and] L'Amerique, Meridionale et Septentrionale [and] L'Afrique [and] L'Asie [and] L'EuropeWorld & ContinentsFer, Nicolas de1717B+unsold
11Discorso Intorno alla Carta da NavigareWorldPorcacchi, Tomaso1590A+325.00
12Typus Orbis TerrarumWorldMercator/Hondius1607B+unsold
13[World]WorldBry, Theodore de1619A700.00
14Nova Totius Terrarum Orbis Geographica ac Hydrographica TabulaWorldHondius, Henricus1630B4500.00
15Nouvelle et Exacte Description de la Terre UniverselleWorldBoisseau, Jean1646A+4750.00
16Nova Totius Terrarum Orbis Geographica ac Hydrographica TabulaWorldMerian, Matthaus1646A950.00
17Orbis Terrarum Tabula Recens Emendata et in Lucem Edita per N. VisscherWorldVisscher, Nicolas1677B+1200.00
18Nova Totius Terrarum Orbis TabulaWorldDanckerts, Justus1680B+4250.00
19Algemeene Wereldtkaart van den AardklootWorldLuyts, Jans1700A400.00
20Orbis Terrarum Tabula Recens Emendata et in Lucem EditaWorldStoopendaal, Daniel1714A+1100.00
21Nova Delineatio Totius Orbis Terrarum Per Petrum Vander AaWorldAa, Pieter van der1720A1300.00
22Planiglobii Terrestris Cum Utroq Hemisphaerio Caelesti Generalis RepraesentatioWorldHomann, Johann Baptist1730B+1600.00
23Werelt CaertWorldStoopendaal, Daniel1730B+900.00
24Diversi Globi Terr-Aquei Statione Variante et Visu Intercedente per Coluros Tropicorum per Ambos Polos…WorldSeutter, Matthias1735A2300.00
25Basis Geographiae Recentioris AstronomicaWorldDoppelmayr/Homann1742A750.00
26Welt Charten, Worauf die Reife nach IndienWorldHeydt, Johann Wolfgang1744B+475.00
27Essay d'une Carte Reduite, Contenant les Parties Connuees du Globe TerrestreWorldBellin, Jacques Nicolas1748B+650.00
28Globus Terrestris ex Probatissimis Recentiorum Geographorum Observationibus…WorldSchreiber, Johann Georg1750Aunsold
29Neue Welt-Karte Welche auf Zwoo Kugelflaechen die Haupt-Theile der Erde…WorldHomann Heirs1784B650.00
30Carte Reduite des Parties Connues du Globe Terrestre, Dressee au Depost des Cartes Plans et Journaux de la Marine pour le Service des Vaisseaux Francais…WorldBellin, Jacques Nicolas1784A+850.00
31Mappemonde HistoriqueWorldRenouard, Paul1820Aunsold
32[Ancient World - Macrobii Avrelii Theodosii Viri…]Ancient WorldMacrobius, Ambrosius Aurelius Theodo1527A1600.00
33Die Ganze Welt in ein Kleberblat / Welches ist der Stadt Hanover / Meines Lieben Vaterlandes / WapenAncient WorldBunting, Heinrich1581A5000.00
34Ptolemeisch General Tafel die Halbe Kugel der Welt BegreiffendeAncient WorldMunster/Petri1592B+1600.00
35La Terre Connue lorsque l'Evangile sut PublieAncient WorldAnon.1700A110.00
36Orbis Veteribus NotusAncient WorldZatta, Antonio1785A190.00
37Les Deux Poles Arcticque ou Septentrional, et Antarcticque ou Meridional…World - PolarSanson, Nicolas1679Aunsold
38Septentrionalium Terrarum DescriptioNorth PoleMercator, Gerard1606A4000.00
39Septentrionalium Terrarum Descript.North PoleJansson, Jan1630Aunsold
40Nova et Accurata Poli Arctici et Terrarum Circum Iacentium DescriptioNorth PoleJansson, Jan1647A650.00
41A Map of the Icy Sea in Which the Several Communications with the Land Waters and Other New Discoveries are ExhibitedNorth PoleGibson, John1760A+170.00
42Chart of the Antarctic Polar Circle, with the Countries adjoining, according to the New Hypothesis of M. BuacheSouth PoleAnon.1763B+150.00
43Haemisphaerium Stellatum Australe Aequali Sphaerarum ProportioneCelestialCellarius, Andreas1661A+4000.00
44Planisfero del Globo CelesteCelestialPetrini, Paolo1700B+unsold
45Coeli Stellati Christiani Haemisphaerium PriusCelestialCellarius/Schenk & Valck1708B+1600.00
46Planisphærium Coeleste: Secundum Restitutionem Hevelianam et HallejanamCelestialSeutter, Matthias1745B+unsold
47Planisphere Celeste Meridional par Monsr. de la Hire…CelestialLa Hire/De Fer1775Aunsold
48Theoria Trium Superiorum PlanetarumSolar SystemCellarius/Schenk & Valck1708A+unsold
49Haemisphaeria Sphaerarum Rectae et Obliquae Utriusque Motus et Longitudines tam Coelestes Quam Terrestres ac Stellarum Affectiones MonsrantiaSolar SystemCellarius/Schenk & Valck1708Aunsold
50Systema Solare et Planetarium ex hypothesi Copernicana secundum elegantissimas Illustrissimi quondam Hugenii deductiones novissime collectum & exhibitumSolar SystemDoppelmayr/Homann1720A850.00
51Posizione Diversa Degli Abitanti della TerraSolar SystemZatta, Antonio1779B+unsold
52Theoria Lunae, eius Motum per Eccentricum et Epicyclum DemonstransMoonCellarius/Schenk & Valck1708A+750.00
53Tabula Selenographica in qua Lunarium Macularum exacta Descriptio secundum Nomenclaturam Praestantissimorum Astronomorum tam Hevelii quam RiccioliMoonDoppelmayr/Homann1740A800.00
54[Lot of 3 - Astronomic Diagrams]Cartographic MiscellanyGalluci, Giovanni Paolo1657A90.00
55La Sphere ArtificielleCartographic MiscellanyFer, Nicolas de1717Aunsold
56Schematismus Geographiae Mathematicae…Cartographic MiscellanyHomann, Johann Baptist1753B+unsold
57[Volvelle]Cartographic MiscellanyGalluci, Giovanni Paolo1657A+220.00
58[Volvelle]Cartographic MiscellanyKircher, Athanasius1665A300.00
59[Monsters] Les Monstres Marins, et Terrestres, lesquels on Trouve en Beaucoup de Lieux es Parties SeptentrionalesCartographic MiscellanyMunster, Sebastian1578A950.00
60A Map of the Principal Rivers Shewing Their Courses, Countries and Comparative LengthsCartographic MiscellanySDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge1834B+100.00
61[Lot of 3 - Ocean Currents]Cartographic MiscellanyJohnston, Alexander K.1856A150.00
62Descripcion de las Indias OcidentalisWestern HemisphereBry, Johann Theodore de1623B+1600.00
63America noviter delineataWestern HemisphereMerian, Matthaus1631A1600.00
64Americae nova TabulaWestern HemisphereBlaeu, Willem1635B+5000.00
65Americae Descrip.Western HemisphereMercator/Hondius1635A+unsold
66America noviter delineataWestern HemisphereHondius/Jansson1656B+1800.00
67L'Amerique autrement le Nouveau Monde et Indes Occidentales…Western HemisphereDuval, Pierre1676A+unsold
68Novissima et Accuratissima Totius Americae DescriptioWestern HemisphereWit, Frederick de1680B+1100.00
69AmericaWestern HemisphereCluver, Philipp1711A325.00
70Carte du Gouvernement de l'AmeriqueWestern HemisphereChatelain, Henry Abraham1719A150.00
71Totius Americae Septentrionalis et Meridionalis Novissima Repraesentatio…Western HemisphereHomann Heirs1740Aunsold
72Novus Orbis sive America Meridionalis et Septentrionalis, per sua Regna, Provincias, et Insulas iuxta Observationes et Descriptiones RecentissWestern HemisphereSeutter, Matthias1730C+750.00
73Haupt Karte America oder West Indien oder Die Neue WeltWestern HemisphereDesing, P. Anselm1733B+130.00
74L'Amerique ou le Nouveau Continent Dressee sur les Memoires les Plus Nouveaux ... Dediee et Presentee a Monsiegneur Law…Western HemisphereNolin, Jean Batiste1742A+1200.00
75Amerique ou Indes OccidentalesWestern HemisphereRobert de Vaugondy1778A400.00
76Bowles's New Pocket-Map of America, Divided into its Provinces, Colonies, States, Governments, & c. Exhibiting the British & Spanish Empires…Western HemisphereBowles, Carrington1784A600.00
77Carte d'Amerique Divisee en ses Principaux Etats avec les Nouvelles Decouvertes…Western HemisphereNolin, Jean Batiste1792B+900.00
78[Lot of 3 - America]Western HemisphereVarious1800-1856B+75.00
79Carte Generale et Politique de l'AmeriqueWestern HemisphereMentelle, Edme1806Aunsold
80Amerique SeptentrionaleNorth AmericaMallet, Alain Manesson1685Aunsold
81America Borealis multis in locis Dei Matrem colit & honorat…North AmericaScherer, Heinrich1699A+1300.00
82Provinciae Borealis Americae non ita Pridem Detectae aut Magis ab Europaeis ExcultaeNorth AmericaScherer, Heinrich1703A1300.00
83L'Amerique Septentrionale - Noord AmericaNorth AmericaLa Feuille, Daniel de1706B+375.00
84Carta Geografica dell' America SettentrionaleNorth AmericaAlbrizzi, Girolamo1750A650.00
85[4 Sheets] General Karte von Nordamerica samt den West Indischen Inseln…North AmericaSchraembl, Franz Anton1788Bunsold
86L'Amerique Septentrionale, ou se remarquent les Etats UnisNorth AmericaBrion de la Tour, Louis1798B1100.00
87Nord America und West IndienNorth AmericaMeyer, Joseph1825A100.00
88North AmericaNorth America, TexasTanner, Henry Schenck1836A+550.00
89North AmericaNorth America, TexasSDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge1843A100.00
90A Map of North America Denoting the Boundaries of the Yearly Meetings of Friends and the Locations of the Various Indian TribesNorth AmericaReligious Society of Friends1844B+550.00
91Amerique SeptentrionaleNorth America, TexasLevasseur, Victor1845A+170.00
92America SettentrionaleNorth America, TexasPagnoni, Francesco1854B+100.00
93New Map of the Portion of North America, Exhibiting the United States and Territories, The Canadas, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Mexico also Central America, and the West India Islands. Compiled from the Most Recent Surveys and Authentic SourcesNorth AmericaMonk, Jacob1854C+800.00
94[Lot of 2] Colton's North America [and] North AmericaNorth AmericaColton, Joseph Hutchins1856-59A+150.00
95Carte Generale des Etats-Unis et du Mexique Comprenant l'Amerique Centrale et les AntillesUnited States & MexicoAndriveau-Goujon, E.1868B+unsold
96[Lot of 6 - North America]North AmericaMalte-Brun, Conrad1860A+unsold
97Jonathan Dickenson Ramspoedige Reystogt van Jamaika na Pensylvania NagespoordColonial North America and CaribbeanAa, Pieter van der1714A+475.00
98Regni Mexicani seu Novae Hispaniae, Floridae, Nova Angliae, Carolinae, Virginiae, et Pensylvaniae nec non Insularum Archipelagi Mexicani in America Septentrionali Accurata Tabula…Colonial North America and CaribbeanHomann, Johann Baptist1720A+1500.00
99Mappa Geographica Regionem Mexicanam et Floridam Terrasque adjacentes, ut et Anteriores Americae Insulas, Cursus itidem et Reditus Navigantium versus flumen Missisipi et alias Colonias…Colonial North America and CaribbeanSeutter, Matthias1730B+1000.00
100Carte du Mexique et des Etats Unis d'Amerique, Partie Meridionale…Colonial North America and CaribbeanDelisle/Dezauche1783Aunsold
101A New Map of North America, with the West India Islands, Divided According to the Preliminary Articles of Peace Signed at Versailles 20 Jan. 1783, wherein are Particularly Distinguished the United States and the Several Provinces, Governments…North AmericaLaurie & Whittle1794B1500.00
102Eine Neue Charte des Neu Gefundnen Landes, Neu Schottlands…Canada Maritime Provinces and NewfoundlandMoll, Herman1729B+200.00
103A Plan of the Harbour of Chebucto and Town of HalifaxHalifax, CanadaAnon.1750A+800.00
104[Lot of 80 - Canada]CanadaVarious1850-1900550.00
105[Lot of 2] Nova Tabula Geographica Complectens Borealiorem Americae Partem… [and] Carte Nouvelle contenant la Partie d'Amerique la Plus Septentrionale…Colonial United States and CanadaVisscher/Schenk1718A+2200.00
106Carte de la Nouvelle France, ou se voit le cours des Grandes Rivieres de S. Laurens & de Mississipi Aujour d'hui S. Louis, Aux Environs des-quelles se trouvent les Etats, Pais, Nations, Peuples &c.Colonial United States and CanadaChatelain, Henry Abraham1719A+3250.00
107Dominia Anglorum in America SeptentrionaliColonial United States and CanadaHomann Heirs1740B+unsold
108A Map of the British and French Settlements in North AmericaColonial United States and CanadaLodge, John1755A+550.00
109A Map of the British & French Plantations in North AmericaColonial New England and CanadaAnon.1755B+200.00
110America Septentrionalis oder Mitternachtiger Theil von America, Bestehend, in Neu Brittania Canada, Neu Engeland, Neu Schotland, Neu Jorck, Pensylvania, Carolina Florida Georgien. Worinnen der Grosse S. Laurentius und Ohio Fluss Samt…Colonial United States and CanadaKilian, George Christophe1764A230.00
111Carte des Lacs du Canada…Colonial United States and Canada - Great LakesBellin, Jacques Nicolas1777A+400.00
112Carte Reduite des Cotes Orientales de l'Amerique Septentrionale Contenant Celles des Provinces de New-York et de la Nouvelle Angleterre, Celles de l'Acadie ou Nouvelles Ecosse, de L'Ile Royale, de L'Ile St.Jean, avec L'Interieure du Pays…Colonial New England and CanadaSartine1780B+unsold
113The most surprising Cataract of Niagara in CanadaCanada & United States, NiagaraMillar, George H.1783B+90.00
114[Lot of 8]United States and CanadaTanner, Henry Schenck1836-41A+275.00
115Geological Map of the United States and British North America…United States and CanadaRogers, Henry Darwin1855A600.00
116[Maps and Report] A Geological Map of the United States and Canada 1853 [and] Outline of the Geology of the Globe 1853United States and CanadaHitchcock, Edward1856A1100.00
117Lloyd's New Map of the United States, the Canadas and New Brunswick from the Latest Surveys Showing Every Railroad & Station Finished to June 1862 and the Atlantic and Gulf CoastsEastern United States and CanadaLloyd, James T.1862A850.00
118Picturesque America; or, the Land we Live in… Volume ICanada & United StatesBryant, William C.1872-74B+210.00
119Rand McNally & Co.'s New Official Railroad Map of the United States and CanadaCanada & United StatesRand McNally & Co.1885A+140.00
120Chart of Part of the North West Coast of AmericaWestern Canada & United StatesLa Perouse, Comte Jean F. Galoup, de1798B+150.00
121Journal of an Exploring Tour Beyond the Rocky Mountains … with a Map of Oregon TerritoryWestern Canada and United StatesParker, Samuel (Rev.)1846A650.00
122The United States of AmericaUnited StatesColton, Joseph Hutchins1855B+130.00
123Map Drawn to Illustrate the Travels & from the Documents of the Abbe Domenech Showing the Actual Situation of the Indian Tribes of North America and the road described by the authorUnited StatesBineteau, P.1860A+180.00
124[Lot of Approximately 120 - United States]United StatesVarious1870-190047.50
125Map of the American Colonies and Adjacent Country As known in 1776United StatesAsher & Adams1875B+unsold
126Map of the United States Exhibiting the Present Status of Knowledge Relating to the Areal Distribution of Geologic GroupsUnited StatesU.S. Geological Survey (USGS)1884A325.00
127Diagram of the Transcontinental Lines of Road Showing the Original Central Pacific and Union Pacific and their CompetitorsUnited StatesU.S. Government1887B+60.00
128Reconnaissance Map of the United States Showing the Distribution of the Geologic System So Far As KnownUnited StatesU.S. Geological Survey (USGS)1893A325.00
129Relief Map of United StatesUnited StatesCentral School Supply House1899C+210.00
130Outline Map of United StatesUnited States, Puzzle MapMilton Bradley Co.1905A80.00
131Aviation Map of United States Featuring Landing Fields / Official Auto Trails Map of the United States [together with] The Complete Camp Site Guide…With Official Directory of Aeroplane Landing FieldsUnited StatesRand McNally & Co.1923A325.00
132A New and Accurate Map of Part of North America, Comprehending the Provinces of New England, New York, Pensilvania, New Yersey, Connecticut, Rhode Island, & part of Virginia, Canada, and HallifaxColonial United StatesKalm, Peter1771B+unsold
133[Lot of 3] Carte de la Partie Nord, des Etats Unis [and] Carte de la Partie Sud des Etats Unis [and] Carte de la Louisiane, et de la FlorideEastern United StatesBonne, Rigobert1783-85220.00
134Carte Generale des Etats-Unis de l'Amerique Septentrionale, Renfermant Aussi quelques Provinces Angloises adjacentes…Eastern United StatesTardieu, Pierre Francois1787B+200.00
135Carte Generale des Etats de Virginie, Maryland, Delaware, Pensilvanie, Nouveau-Jersey, New-York, Connecticut et Isle de Rhodes Ainsi que des Lacs Erie, Ontario, et Champlain…Eastern United StatesCrevecoeur, Michel Guillaume De1787A550.00
136Etats-Unis de l'Amerique Seple avec le Canada et la FlorideEastern United StatesLattre, Jean1790A150.00
137A Map of the United States of America, with Part of the Adjoining Provinces from the latest AuthoritiesEastern United StatesWilkinson, R1794B+150.00
138Carta delle Provincie Settentrionli degli Stati UnitiEastern United StatesRochefoucald Liancourt, Francois Alexander1800A+unsold
139States of AmericaEastern United StatesNuttall, Fisher & Dixon1814A210.00
140Stati Uniti di ArrowsmithEastern United States1815A+90.00
141United StatesEastern United StatesRussell, John C.1822A190.00
142[Lot of 6 - Revolutionary War Plans]Eastern United StatesMarshall, John1825B+275.00
143United States of AmericaEastern United StatesMelish, John1827B400.00
144Mitchell's Travellers Guide Through the United States. A Map of the Roads, Distances, Steam Boat & Canal Routes & c. by J.H. YoungEastern United StatesMitchell, Samuel Augustus1833B+850.00
145Map of the United StatesEastern United StatesPhelps, Humphrey1836B+unsold
146United StatesEastern United States1842B+95.00
147To the Independent Mariners of America, This Chart of their Coast from Savannah to Boston Is most Respectfully Dedicated…Eastern United StatesNorie, John William1852B+unsold
148[Lot of 3] Illinois [and] Delaware [and] West VirginiaU.S. States - Illinois, Delaware, West VirginiaWhite, Ruth Taylor1932110.00
149A New and accurate Map of the Colony of Massachusets Bay, in North America from a Late SurveyColonial New EnglandAnon.1780B+325.00
150Cram's New Railroad and County Map of Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island, from the Latest Official SurveysNew EnglandCram, George F. & Company1879Aunsold
151A New Map of New England and New YorkColonial New England and Mid-AtlanticMorden, Robert1693A600.00
152Pensylvania Nova Jersey et Nova York cum Regionibus ad Fluvium Delaware in America sitis…Colonial New England and Mid-AtlanticSeutter/Lotter1760A1100.00
153Nova Virginiae TabulaColonial Mid-AtlanticHondius, Henricus1633A1800.00
154Nova Virginiae TabulaColonial Mid-AtlanticMontanus, Arnoldus1671A850.00
155Carte de la Baye de Chesapeack et Pays VoisinsColonial Mid-AtlanticBellin, Jacques Nicolas1757A200.00
156A Map of the Country round Philadelphia including Part of New Jersey, New York, Staten Island & Long IslandColonial Mid-AtlanticAnon.1776A+210.00
157Map of the Middle States of America. Comprehends New-York, New-Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware and the Territory N.W. of OhioMid-AtlanticRussell, John C.1794B+350.00
158Map of the Country embracing the Several Routes examined with a view to a National Road from Washington to Lake OntarioMid-AtlanticU.S. War Department1829B+190.00
159[Lot of 3 - Chesapeake Bay]Mid-AtlanticU.S. Coast Survey1857B+170.00
160Sketch of the Country embracing several Routes from Portsmouth Ohio, to Linville, N.C. and exhibiting the relative positions of the contemplated road…between the Atlantic Ocean and the Northern LakesMid-Atlantic and SoutheastU.S. Corps of Engineers1832-36A120.00
161Virginiae partis australis, et Floridae partis orientalis, interjacentiumq regionum Nova DescriptioColonial SoutheastBlaeu, Willem1640A1100.00
162Carte de la Caroline et GeorgieSoutheastern United StatesBellin, Jacques Nicolas1773A170.00
163Carta delle Provincie Meridionali degli Stati-UnitiSoutheastern United StatesRochefoucald Liancourt, Francois Alexander1800A+230.00
164Map of North and South Carolina and Georgia, Constructed from the Latest AuthoritiesSoutheastern United StatesFinely, Albert1824C650.00
165[Lot of 2] Map Showing the Route of Marches of the Army of Genl. W.T. Sherman… [and] Map Illustrating the Siege of Atlanta, GA… under the Command of Maj. Gen. W. T. ShermanSoutheast - GeorgiaU.S. Army1864B+unsold
166Carte de la Floride, de la Louisiane, et Pays VoisinsColonial United StatesBellin, Jacques Nicolas1757A250.00
167Florida, et Regiones VicinaeColonial SouthGerritsz/De Laet1630A3500.00
168Partie de la Coste de la Louisiane et de La Floride depuis le Missisippi Jusqua St. Marc d'ApalacheColonial SouthBellin, Jacques Nicolas1744A850.00
169Carte Reduite des Costes de la Louisiane et de la Floride…Colonial South - Florida & BahamasBellin, Jacques Nicolas1764A2750.00
170Georgia from the latest AuthoritiesSouthern United States - GeorgiaLow, E.1810B700.00
171Map of the States of Mississippi, Louisiana, and the Arkansas TerritorySouthern United StatesHinton, John1832A110.00
172[Lot of 5 - Civil War Battles]Southern United StatesU.S. War Department1865250.00
173A Map of the Indian Territory Northern Texas and New Mexico Showing the Great Western PrairiesSouth-Central United States, Indian TerritoryGregg, Josiah1844B+550.00
174Upper Territories of the United StatesUnited States - MidwestCarey, Mathew1814B+230.00
175Hydrographical Basin of the Upper Mississippi River from Astronomical and Barometrical Observations Surveys and Information…United States - MidwestU.S. War Department1843B+350.00
176Guide Through Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Wisconsin & Iowa. Showing the Township lines of the United States Surveys, Locations of Cities, Towns, Villages, Post Hamlets. Canals, Rail and Stage Roads.United States - MidwestSmith, J. Calvin1844B+275.00
177Nebraska and KanzasUnited States - MidwestColton, Joseph Hutchins1855A+190.00
178Kansas, Nebraska, Minnesota, Indian Territory, DacotahUnited States - MidwestSmith, Roswell C.1860-62B+160.00
179[Lot of 2] Johnson's Nebraska, Dakota, Colorado, & KansasUnited States - MidwestJohnson & Browning1862A190.00
180Johnson's Nebraska, Dakota, Idaho and MontanaUnited States - MidwestJohnson and Ward1868B+65.00
181Map of Oregon and Upper California from the Surveys of John Charles Fremont and other AuthoritiesWestern United StatesFremont/Preuss1848A850.00
182A New Map of the State of California, the Territories of Oregon, Washington, Utah & New MexicoWestern United StatesThomas, Cowperthwait & Co.1853A375.00
183Californien, Oregon, Utah und Neu-MejicoWestern United StatesFlemming, Carl1855A+100.00
184Map to Illustrate Capt. Bonneville's Adventures among the Rocky MountainsWestern United StatesColton, Joseph Hutchins1856A230.00
185A New Map of the State of California, the Territories of Oregon, Washington, Utah & New MexicoWestern United StatesDesilver, Charles1856A400.00
186Map of the United States and Their Territories Between the Mississippi and the Pacific Ocean and Part of Mexico Compiled from Surveys…Western United States and MexicoEmory, William Hemsley1857-8B+275.00
187[Lot of 4 - Western States]Western United StatesWarner & Beers1875Aunsold
188Progress Map of the U. S. Geographical Surveys West of the 100th Meridian… [together with] Annual Report…Western United StatesWheeler, George (Lt)1875A+150.00
189Picturesque California: The Rocky Mountains and the Pacific Slope... Volume I & Volume IIWestern United StatesMuir, John1888A1000.00
190Map of the Oregon Territory from the Best AuthoritiesNorthwestern United StatesWilkes, Charles1849A+100.00
191[Lot of 2] The Territories of Washington and Oregon [and] Washington and OregonNorthwestern United StatesColton, Joseph Hutchins1856220.00
192Johnson's Washington and OregonNorthwestern United StatesJohnson & Browning1862A85.00
193[Lot of 2] Topographical Sketch of the Southernmost Point of the Port of San Diego… [and] Map of the Military Reservation at Fort Yuma CaliforniaSouthern California and Southern Arizona1849-69110.00
194Reconnaissance of the Tulares Valley Made by order of Brev. Brig. Gen. Riley… [and] Reconnaissance of the Colorado River made by order of Maj. Gen. P.F. Smith…California and ArizonaDerby, George Horatio (Lt)1850A1100.00
195That Part of Disturnell's Treaty MapSouthwestern United StatesU.S. Government1851B+160.00
196Territories of New Mexico and UtahSouthwestern United StatesColton, Joseph Hutchins1856-57A200.00
197[Lot of 2] Map No. 1 [and] Map No. 2 Rio Colorado of the West explored by 1st Lieut. Joseph C. IvesSouthwestern United StatesIves, Joseph C. (Lt.)1858B+350.00
198Preliminary Topographical Map [with report] Preliminary Report Concerning Explorations and Surveys Principally in Nevada and ArizonaSouthwestern United StatesWheeler, George (Lt)1871B+unsold
199[Lot of 2] California and Nevada [and] Asher & Adams' California & Nevada. South PortionCalifornia and NevadaWheeler, Geo.1872-74A140.00
200Topographical Sketch…of a Diversion of the Colorado River for the Purposes of IrrigationSouthwestern United StatesWheeler, George (Lt)1875A110.00
201[Lot of 2] Alaska Compiled from the Official Records of the General Land Office U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey [and] Alaska To Accompany the Annual Report of the GovernorAlaska1906-191590.00
202[Lot of 2] Mission Church of San Xavier del Bac [and] Fort Yuma on the ColoradoArizona1856-6290.00
203Map Showing Routes of the River and Land Parties Engaged in Exploring the Grand Canon of the ColoradoGrand Canyon, ArizonaWheeler, George (Lt)1871A275.00
204Territory of ArizonaArizonaGeneral Land Office1905A+120.00
205State of ArizonaArizonaGeneral Land Office1912A+150.00
206[Lot of 3 - San Diego]San Diego, California1848-1855150.00
207Sketch of General Riley's Route Through the Mining Districts July and Aug. 1849CaliforniaDerby, George Horatio (Lt)1849B+550.00
208[Lot of 2 - California Views]California1850-68A+1100.00
209(J No. 4) Preliminary Surveys of Harbors on the Western Coast of the United StatesSanta Cruz, CaliforniaU.S. Coast Survey1854A210.00
210[Lot of 2] Los Angeles [and] Mission and Plain of San FernandoCaliforniaKoppel, C.1856325.00
211CaliforniaCaliforniaMorse, Charles W.1856A140.00
212[Lot of 2] Avalon Town Santa Catalina Island California [and] Reconnaissance of the S.E. End of San Clemente IslandCalifornia1856-1948190.00
213County Map of CaliforniaCaliforniaMitchell, Samuel Augustus1860A160.00
214State of CaliforniaCaliforniaGeneral Land Office1876B+100.00
215[Lot of 3 - Yosemite]California - Yosemite Park1896-1916275.00
216State of CaliforniaCaliforniaGeneral Land Office1907A350.00
217[Lot of 5 - Los Angeles and Vicinity]Los Angeles, California1915-1923325.00
218Map of the City of La Mesa California and VicinityLa Mesa, California1928B+60.00
219Sketch of Capt. Gunnison's Route to Sept. 20, 1853 Central Pacific Railroad Exploration [together with report].ColoradoU.S. War Department1853B+600.00
220Map of Colorado Territory, Compiled from Government Maps & Actual SurveysColoradoU.S. State Surveys1861B+900.00
221The Leadville Mining DistrictColorado1901A+170.00
222Clason's Guide Map of ColoradoColoradoClason Map Company1915B+60.00
223[Lot of 2] City of Washington [and] Johnson's Georgetown and The City of WashingtonDistrict of Columbia1852-1863A275.00
224Map of the Cities of Washington and Georgetown D.C.District of ColumbiaU.S. Government1876A60.00
225[Lot of 4 - District of Columbia]District of Columbia1901B+75.00
226[Lot of 3 - Dakota Territory]Dakota TerritoryU.S. War Department1874unsold
227[St. Augustine]St. Augustine, FloridaBry, Theodore de1599A550.00
228Carte du Canal de BahamaColonial Florida, BahamasBellin, Jacques Nicolas1768A650.00
229Carte Reduite des Cotes et de l'Interieur de la Presqu'ile de la Floride, avec le Detroit de Cette Presqu'ile et le Canal de BahamaColonial Florida, BahamasSartine1780B+2200.00
230Carte Geographique, Statistique et Historique de la FlorideFloridaBuchon, Jean Alexandre1825Aunsold
231FloridaFloridaBradford, Thomas Gamaliel1835A+130.00
232FloridaFloridaMorse & Breese1842A+170.00
233Map of FloridaFloridaThomas, Cowperthwait & Co.1850A130.00
234Geographically Correct Indexed Township Map of Florida...Showing Complete System of Florida Central and Peninsular R.R.Southeastern United States, FloridaMatthews-Northrup Co1892B+180.00
235Map of Florida and the West Indies Published by the Florida East Coast RailwayFloridaRailroad Companies, (Various)1901A325.00
236Bonner's Map of the State of Georgia with the Addition of its Geological FeaturesGeorgiaBonner, William G.1849B+800.00
237The Environs of SavannahGeorgiaDower, John1865A+unsold
238Maui, Hawaiian IslandsHawaiiHawaii Territorial Surveys1885B190.00
239Hawaii Government Survey - MolokaiHawaiiHawaii Territorial Surveys1897B+unsold
240[Lot of 5 Hawaii Territorial Surveys Maps]HawaiiHawaii Territorial Surveys1901B+190.00
241[Lot of 2] Map of the City of Chicago [and] Atlas of Illinois Counties of Cook, Du Page, Kane Kendall and WillIllinoisWarner & Beers1875A+150.00
242Bird's Eye View of ChicagoChicago, Illinois1893A375.00
243[Facsimile Reproduction] This Map of Kentucke, Drawn from actual Observations, is inscribed with the most perfect respect to the honorable the Congress of the United States of America…KentuckyFilson, John1929B+unsold
244[Lot of 8 - Civil War in Tennessee]TennesseeRuger, Edward1875325.00
245A New Map of the River Mississipi from the Sea to BayagoulasLouisianaAnon.1761A425.00
246Delta of the Mississippi. Surveyed at the Suggestion of the Special Board of Engineers… From the Original Survey of A. Talcott, by Th. J. Lee…LouisianaStone, W. J.1840A100.00
247State of LouisianaLouisianaGeneral Land Office1879A150.00
248View of The Attack on Bunker's Hill, with the Burning of Charles Town, June 17, 1775Boston, MassachusettsLodge, John1783B+190.00
249Geological Map of MassachusettsMassachusettsHitchcock, Edward1832B+425.00
250[Lot of 2 - Boston]Boston, Massachusetts1855-1873A120.00
251Map of the City of Lowell, MassachusettsLowell, MassachusettsSampson, Murdock & Co1888B+unsold
252New Map of Boston giving all points of interest; With Every Railway & Steamboat Terminus, Prominent Hotels, Theaters, and Public Buildings…Boston, MassachusettsWalker, George H. & Co.1897A+300.00
253Geo. W. Eldridge's Chart C Vineyard Sound Lt. Ship to ChathamMassachusettsEldridge, George1908B+unsold
254Colton's MichiganMichiganColton, G.W. & C.B.1870B+100.00
255Carte des Sources du Mississipi tracee d'apres les observations faites en 1832…MinnesotaSchoolcraft, Henry Rowe1836B+190.00
256[Lot of 2] Outline Map of Washoe District Nev. Showing Comstock Lode Etc. [and] City of Reno NevadaNevada1879-1931210.00
257Nevada Rand McNally Indexed Pocket Map Tourists' and Shippers' Guide Main Highways Railraods and Electric Lines Counties, Cities, Towns, Villages…NevadaRand McNally & Co.1920B+60.00
258Official Map of New Mexico. 1890. Prepared Under the Direction of the Bureau of ImmigrationNew Mexico1890A150.00
259Territory of New Mexico [and] New MexicoNew MexicoGeneral Land Office1902-08A+95.00
260Map of the Progress of his Majesty's Armies in New York, During the Late Campaign Illustrating the Accounts Publish'd in the London GazetteColonial New YorkAnon.1776A+325.00
261A Geological Map of New York or Manhattan Island by I. Cozzens Jr.New York City1843B+180.00
262New Map of the Great Metropolis, Including the Cities of New York, Brooklyn, Jersey City, Hoboken, &c.New York CityTaintor Brothers1870B+180.00
263[Lot of 2] Sketch of Vicinity of Fort Fisher… [and] Plan and Sections of Fort Fisher…North CarolinaU.S. Army1865110.00
264Map of the Marietta & Cincinnati R.R. Its Connections and Lands Tributary…Geological Locations & Sections by E.B. AndrewsOhio1860-68A150.00
265Preliminary Geological Map of Ohio Prepared From the notes of the Geological Corps by J.S. Newberry, Chief GeologistOhioNewberry, J.S.1870B+75.00
266[Copper Printing Plate] Ohio. United States Department of the Interior. Geological Survey.OhioU.S. Geographical Survey1890-1920A+160.00
267Indian TerritoryOklahomaGeneral Land Office1879B+150.00
268Indian TerritoryOklahomaGeneral Land Office1883A+200.00
269Map of Indian TerritoryOklahomaBoudinot, E. C.1885A190.00
270Indian TerritoryOklahomaGeneral Land Office1887A180.00
271Map of the Cherokee Strip Compiled from U.S. Surveys by E.W. Wiggins, C.E.OklahomaU.S. War Department1893A+350.00
272Progress of Survey and Subdivision Indian TerritoryOklahomaU.S. Department of Interior1896A300.00
273Map of Indian Territory Showing the Distribution of WoodlandOklahomaU.S. Geological Survey (USGS)1899A+60.00
274[Lot of 2] Map of the Choctaw Nation Indian Territory [and] Creek & Seminole Nations Indian TerritoryOklahoma1902-1904150.00
275Map of the Surveyed Portions of Oregon TerritoryOregonGeneral Land Office1852B+75.00
276State of OregonOregonGeneral Land Office1876B+150.00
277A Map of the Alleghany Monongahela and Yohiogany RiversPennsylvaniaWightman, Thomas1805B+210.00
278General Map of Charleston Harbor South Carolina Showing Rebel Defenses and ObstructionsSouth CarolinaU.S. War Department1865unsold
279Message from the President…Communicating…Proceedings of the Commissioner Appointed to Run the Boundary Line Between the United States and the Republic of TexasTexasU.S. Government18421900.00
280Plan of the Seat of War - Map of the Rio Grande, Matamoros, Brazos Santiago & Point IsabelTexasU.S. War Department1846-47B180.00
281Johnson's New Map of the State of TexasTexasJohnson & Ward1863A210.00
282Map Showing Relative Geographical Position of San Bernard River & Other WaterwaysTexasU.S. Army1899A100.00
283Sketch of the Country between South Pass & the Great Salt LakeUtah and WyomingU.S. Government1858B+75.00
284[Manuscript Mining Claim] Plat of the Florinda and Bute Mining Claims, in Little and Big Cottonwood Mining Districts, Salt Lake County, Utah TerritoryUtah1874A350.00
285Vermont from Actual SurveyVermontDoolittle, Amos1800B+unsold
286A Map of the State of VermontVermontWhitelaw, James1809Aunsold
287[Lot of 5 - Virginia, Civil War]VirginiaBowen & Co., John T.1862B+60.00
288[Lot of 3 - Civil War Maps & Report]VirginiaU.S. War Department1865B+200.00
289[Lot of 3 - Wisconsin]WisconsinU.S. War Department1847275.00
290Map Showing the Location of Sheridan, Wyoming, and Surrounding Reservations…WyomingU.S. Government1898A+unsold
291Mexico or New SpaineSouthern United States, Mexico and Central AmericaMorden, Robert1693Aunsold
292Mexico, or New Spain; in which the Motions of Cortes may be tracedWestern United States & MexicoKitchin, Thomas1777A275.00
293Carte de la Californie Suivant I. La Carte Manuscrite de l'Amerique de Mathieu Neron Pecci Olen Dresse a Florence en 1604, II. Sanson 1656, III. De L'Isle Amerique Sept. 1700, IV. Le Pere Kino Jesuite en 1705, V. La Societe des Jesuites en 1767California and Baja MexicoRobert de Vaugondy, Didier1777A+750.00
294[Lot of 2] Mexico & Guatemala [and] United StatesUnited States & MexicoKelly, Thomas1842A+unsold
295[Lot of 2] Etats-Unis [and] MexiqueUnited States & MexicoDuvotenay, Thunot1850A150.00
296Mexico, California and TexasWestern United States & MexicoTallis, John1850A350.00
297General Map Showing the Countries Explored & Surveyed by the United States & Mexican Boundary Commission in the Years 1850, 51, 52 & 53Western United States & MexicoBartlett, John Russell1855B+275.00
298Mexico, California & TexasSouthwest United States & MexicoBlack, Adam & Charles1856B+unsold
299Audience de MexicoMexicoSanson, Nicolas1683A85.00
300[Lot of 5 - Mexico]Mexico173850.00
301Spanish Dominions in North America Middle PartMexico and Central AmericaPinkerton, John1811Aunsold
302Kaart van de Landengte van Panama, Volgens de Spaansche aftekeninge opgemaaktPanamaTirion, Isaac1769A130.00
303Report of the Isthmian Canal Commission 1899-1901PanamaU.S. Government1899-1901180.00
304Culiacanae, Americae Regionis Descriptio [on sheet with] Hispanoliae, Cubae, Aliarumque Insularum Circumiacientium, DelineatoCaribbean & MexicoOrtelius, Abraham1579-84B+650.00
305Peruviae Auriferae Regionis Typus [on sheet with] La Florida [and] Guastecan Reg.Gulf of Mexico, Florida and PeruOrtelius, Abraham1592Aunsold
306[Lot of 2] A Map of the West-Indies &c. Mexico or New Spain… [and] Indes Occidentales Corrigees et AugmenteesGulf of Mexico and Caribbean1729-1803A240.00
307Insulae Americanae Nempe: Cuba, Hispaniola, Iamaica, Pto. Rico, Lucania, Antillae vulgo Caribae, Barlo-Et Sotto-Vento, etc.Gulf of Mexico and CaribbeanOttens, Reiner and Joshua1740A+1000.00
308An Accurate Map of the West Indies, Exhibiting not only all the Islands possess'd by the English, French, Spaniards & Dutch, but also all the Towns and Settlements on the Continent of America adjacent theretoGulf of Mexico and CaribbeanBowen, Emanuel1740A400.00
309An Accurate Map of the West Indies. Drawn from the Best Authorities, Assisted by the Most Approved Modern Maps and Charts, and Regulated by Astronomical ObservationsGulf of Mexico and CaribbeanBowen, Emanuel1747A+500.00
310A New and Accurate Chart of the West Indies with the Adjacent Coasts of North and South America. Drawn from the Best Authorities assisted by the most approved modern Maps & Charts…Gulf of Mexico and CaribbeanBowen, Emanuel1748B+650.00
311Guayane, Terre Ferme, Isles Antilles, et Nlle. EspagneGulf of Mexico, Caribbean & Northern South AmericaBrion de la Tour/Desnos1766B+unsold
312L'Ancien et le Nouveau Mexique, avec la Floride et la Basse Louisiane, Partie OrientaleGulf of MexicoBonne, Rigobert1780A65.00
313A Map of East and West Florida, Georgia and Louisiana, with the Islands of Cuba, Bahama, and the Countries Surrounding the Gulf of Mexico, with the Tract of the Spanish Galleons, and of our Fleets thro' the Straits of Florida, from the Best AuthoritiesGulf of MexicoLodge, John1781B+170.00
314Descriptio del Destricto del Audiencia de la EspanolaCaribbeanBry, Johann Theodore de1623A650.00
315A New and Accurate Map of Terra Firma and the Caribbe Islands Drawn from the Most Approved Modern Maps & Charts…Caribbean and Northern South AmericaBowen, Emanuel1750B+190.00
316West Indies, agreeable to the most approved Maps and ChartsCaribbeanKitchin, Thomas1782B+150.00
317West IndiesCaribbeanBradford, Thomas Gamaliel1838A+unsold
318Insularum Hispaniolae et Cubae cum Insulis Circumjacentibus Accurata DelineatioBahamas and Greater AntillesJansson, Jan1650C+750.00
319Carte de l'Isle d'Hayti, Aujour d'hui l'Espagnole, ou l'Isle de St. Domingue, avec les Isles Voisines…HispaniolaBellin/Van Schley1773A+210.00
320L'Isle de CubaCubaBonne, Rigobert1785A80.00
321Plan du Port et de la Ville de la HavanneHavana, CubaDepot de la Marine1800A+550.00
322Carta rappresentante l'Isola della GiammaicaJamaica1763A+100.00
323[Hispaniola]HispaniolaBordone, Benedetto1528A+400.00
324Ville de S. Domingue dans l'Isle de Ce NomHispaniolaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1764A120.00
325Porto RicoPuerto RicoAllard, Carel1700A350.00
326Isles d'Amerique dites Caribes et Antilles et de BarloventoLesser AntillesDuval, Pierre1677A+400.00
327Carte des Antilles Francoises et des Isles Voisines Dressee sur des Memoires ManuscritsLesser AntillesChatelain, Henry Abraham1720A130.00
328[Lot of 3] Carte de l'Isle de Sainte Lucie [and] Carte de l'Isle St. Christophe [and] Carte de l'Isle de la BarbadeLesser AntillesBellin, Jacques Nicolas1758A150.00
329A New Mapp of the Island of St. Christophers being an Actuall Survey Taken by Mr. Andrew NorwoodLesser Antilles - St. Kitts, Guadeloupe, MartiniqueThornton, John1698B+1000.00
330A New and Accurate Map of the Island of Antigua or Antego … Containing all the Towns, Parish Churches, Forts, Castles, Windmills, Roads &c.AntiguaBowen, Emanuel1747Aunsold
331Carte de l'Isle de la MartiniqueMartiniqueHomann Heirs1762A240.00
332La Martinique par les Ingenieurs Anglais lorsqu'ils en etoient possesseurs par Jeffreys 1775MartiniqueLe Rouge, George Louis1779A400.00
333L'Isle de la DominiqueDominicaLattre, Jean1779B+900.00
334Charte von den Inseln Trinidad, Tabago und Margaretha, dem Busen von Paria, und einem Theile von CumanaTrinidad & TobagoWeimar Geographisches Institut1814B+220.00
335St. Christophers to BritainSt KittsPhilip, George1853A+130.00
336Americae Meridionales PeriplusSouth AmericaMorisot, Claude Barthelemy1643B+150.00
337Amerique MeridionaleSouth AmericaSanson/Mariette1650B+unsold
338Zuyd America - l'Amerique MeridionaleSouth AmericaLa Feuille, Daniel de1701A230.00
339[Lot of 4] Isthmus of Panama [and] British Guyana (2) [and] Falkland Islands and PatagoniaPanama and Northern South AmericaTallis, John1850-57140.00
340Terre Ferme, Nouveau Royme de Grenade, &c.Panama and Northern South AmericaSanson, Nicolas1683A100.00
341Carte de la Terre Ferme, du Perou, du Bresil, et du Pays des Amazones…Northern South AmericaChatelain, Henry Abraham1720A+300.00
342Carte du Cours du Maragnon ou de la Grande Riviere des Amazones…Northern South America - Amazon RiverBellin, Jacques Nicolas1773A110.00
343Carte du Perou et Bresil sep. de Tierra-Firme, de Guayana, et de le Riviere des Amazones…Northern South AmericaD'Anville/Santini1779A150.00
344A Map of the CaracasNorthern South AmericaCarey, Mathew1814A120.00
345Ville de Cartagene dans l'Amerique MeridionaleColombiaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1764A+150.00
346Venezuela, cum parte Australi Novae AndalusiaeVenezuelaHondius/Schenk & Valck1710A+unsold
347Guiana sive Amazonum RegioGuyana, Suriname, French GuianaMontanus, Arnoldus1671A190.00
348Guajana, ou le Pays des Amazones, dans la partie Meridionale de l'Amerique…Guyana, Suriname, French GuianaAa, Pieter van der1712A450.00
349A Draught of the Coast of Guiana from the River Oronoque to the River AmazonesGuyana, Suriname, French GuianaMount & Page1760B+unsold
350BrasiliaBrazilWytfliet, Cornelis1605A600.00
352Provincia di ParaibaBrazilHoratius, Andreas Antonius1698B+1200.00
353[Lot of 3] Carte du Bresil Prem. Partie Depuis la Riviere des Amazones jus qua la Bay de Tous les Saints [and] Suite du Bresil Depuis la Baye de Tous les Saints jusqu'a St. Paul [and] Suite du BresilBrazilBellin, Jacques Nicolas1760A110.00
354Carte qui Represente la Partie Meridionale du Bresil et du Perou, le Chili Septentrional, et le Paraguay, ce qui Fait la Partie de Milieu de l'Amerique MeridionaleCentral South AmericaD'Anville/Santini1779A160.00
356Freti Magellanici et Freti Marii DelineatioStrait of MagellanMorisot, Claude Barthelemy1643B+325.00
357Tabula Magellanica, qua Tierrae del Fuego, cum Celeberrimis Fretis a F. Magellano et I. Le Maire…Strait of MagellanMontanus/Ogilby1671A+700.00
358[Strait of Magellan]Strait of MagellanNarbrough, John1711B1400.00
359[Lot of 2] Carte Reduite du Detroit de Magellan Dressee sur les Journaux des Navigateurs [and] Carte du Detroit de le Maire Dressee sur les Journaux des NavigateursStrait of MagellanBellin, Jacques Nicolas1753A180.00
360Situs Insulae Atlantidis, a Mari olim absorptae ex mente Aegyptiorum et Platonis descriptioAtlantic Ocean - AtlantisKircher, Athanasius1678A350.00
361A New Map or Chart of the Western or Atlantic Ocean, with part of Europe Africa & America: shewing the Course of the Galleons, Flota & c. to and from the West IndiesAtlantic OceanBowen, Emanuel1740C+140.00
362Nouvelle Carte de l'Ocean Atlantique et Theatre de la Guerre Tant en Europe qu'en AmeriqueAtlantic OceanDenis, Louis1782B+1100.00
363A New General Chart of the Atlantic or Western Ocean with Adjacent Seas Including the Coasts of Europe and Africa from 60 Degrees North Latitude to the Equator and Also the Opposite Coast of North America…Atlantic OceanLaurie & Whittle1794Bunsold
364Chart of North Atlantic Ocean with Tracks of the Shipping to West Indies, North America &c.Atlantic OceanThomson, John1815Bunsold
365Die Capitein Franciscus Drake die Statt Insel S. Jacob…Cape Verde IslandsBry, Theodore de1599A75.00
366Tabula Islandiae Auctore Georgio Carolo FlandroIcelandHondius/Blaeu1644B+unsold
367Septentrionalium Regionum Descrip.Arctic and ScandinaviaOrtelius, Abraham1579A2200.00
368Scandia, sive Regiones SeptentrionalesArctic and ScandinaviaMagini and Porro1713A210.00
369Planisphere du Monde [on sheet with] FranceEastern HemisphereMallet, Alain Manesson1719A+110.00
370Carte du premier periode du Monde depuis Adam Iusqu'a Moise…Ancient WorldChatelain, Henry Abraham1720A+350.00
371Von dem EuropaEuropeMunster, Sebastian1578A+190.00
372EuropaeEuropeOrtelius, Abraham1579B+850.00
373Nova et Accurata Totius Europae DescriptioEuropeWit, Frederick de1690B+750.00
374[Lot of 7 - Seven Years' War]EuropeGrand Magazine of Magazines1758-59Aunsold
375A New Map of Europe, from the Latest AuthoritiesEuropeCary, John1804B+100.00
376Relief Map of EuropeEuropeCentral School Supply House1895B+210.00
377[Wallia Anglia Scotia]BritainMunster, Sebastian1578A+120.00
378Das Under Buch Beschreibung Engellandts und SchottlandtsBritainMunster, Sebastian1588A+250.00
379Britannia Prout Divisa fuit Temporibus Anglo-Saxonum, Praesertim Durante Illorum HeptarchiaBritainBlaeu, Johannes1662A+3000.00
380[Lot of 20 - British Views]BritainAa, Pieter van der1707A100.00
381A New Map of the Brittish Isles, Shewing their Antient People, Cities, and Towns of Note, in the time of the RomansBritainWells, Edward1714Aunsold
382Les Isles Britanniques ou sont le Rme. d'Angleterre…BritainDelisle/Buache1745Aunsold
383Les Isles Britanniques qui comprennent les Royaumes d'Angleterre, d'Ecosse et d'IrlandeBritainRobert de Vaugondy, Gilles1778Aunsold
384Eboracum, Lincolnia, Derbia, Staffordia, Notinghamia, Lecestria, Rutlandia, et NorfolciaEnglandMercator/Hondius1613A+300.00
385The Road from London to Weymouth Com. DorsetEnglandOgilby, John1675A+275.00
386The Roads from Kendal in Westmer. to Cockermouth and Egremond to the City of Carlisle in CumberlandEnglandOgilby, John1675-98A250.00
387The Road from Glocester to Coventrey…EnglandOgilby, John1680A300.00
388Nouvelle Carte du Gouvernement Civil d'Angleterre et de Celuy de la Ville de LondresEngland & WalesChatelain, Henry Abraham1708A+275.00
389Vue de l'Hotel du Lord Maire, qui comprend la Facade, et le Cote Occidental de LondresLondon, England1750B+unsold
390Liverpool and its Environs. Engraved from an actual Survey made by William Swire…Liverpool, EnglandNeele & Son1825B140.00
391[Lot of 3 ] Nottinghamshire [and] Rutlandshire [and] LincolnshireEnglandMoule, Thomas1845A+120.00
392MonmouthshireEnglandMoule, Thomas1850B+60.00
393[Lot of 4] Berkshire [and] Hampshire [and] Isle of Wight [and] SussexEnglandMoule, Thomas1850210.00
394[Lot of 2] Gloucestershire [and] WiltshireEnglandMoule, Thomas1850A100.00
395[Lot of 2] Suffolk [and] EssexEnglandMoule, Thomas1850A+180.00
396[Lot of 2] Cambridgeshire [and] HertfordshireEnglandMoule, Thomas1850A+180.00
397Westmorlandia, Lancastria, Cestria, Caernarvan, Denbigh, Flint, Merionidh, Montgomery, Salopia cum Insulis Mania et AngleseyEngland & WalesMercator, Gerard1613A300.00
398The Continuation of the Road from St. Davids to Holywell…WalesOgilby, John1680A240.00
399The Continuation of the Road from London to St. Davids Comencing at Monmouth & Extending to Burton FerryWalesOgilby, John1675B+200.00
400The Road from Chester to Cardiff Com. GlamorganWalesOgilby, John1675A200.00
401[Chart of the Coast of Wales]WalesCollins, Capt. Greenvile1744A150.00
402Scotia RegnumScotlandJansson, Jan1653B+650.00
403Beschreibung der Koniglichen Statt Edinburg…Edinburgh, ScotlandMunster, Sebastian1578A+180.00
404Plan of Edinburgh, Leith & SuburbsEdinburgh, ScotlandJohnston, W. & A.K.1857B+190.00
405IrlandaIrelandAlbrizzi, Girolamo1743B220.00
406Russia cum ConfinijsNortheastern Europe, RussiaMercator/Hondius1635A+150.00
407Seconde Partie de la Carte d'Europe contenant le Danemark et la Norwege, la Suede, et la Russie (a l'exception de l'Ukraine)Northern EuropeAnville, Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d'1758B+350.00
408Carte Genealogique pour Conduire a l'Histoire des Rois du Nord, la Carte de leurs Etats, leurs armes et des Remarques pour Conduire a l'Intelligence de l'Histoire du NordScandinaviaChatelain, Henry Abraham1720A200.00
409Les Royaumes de Suede et de Norwege, divise en Leurs Provinces ou Gouvernemens…ScandinaviaRobert de Vaugondy1756B+unsold
410GothiaSwedenBlaeu, (Family)1640A+500.00
411SpitsbergaSpitsbergen, NorwayBlaeu, Johannes1662B+550.00
412Pomeraniae Wandalice Regionis TipusBalticOrtelius/Marchetti1598A+130.00
413Magnae Prussiae Ducatus Tabula…BalticVisscher, Nicolas1690A+600.00
414Ducatuum Livoniae et Curlandiae cum vicinis Insulis Nova Exhibitio GeographicaBalticHomann, Johann Baptist1720A300.00
415Daniae Regni TypusDenmarkOrtelius/Marchetti1598A100.00
416Regni Daniae, Novissima et Accuratissima TabulaDenmarkVisscher, Nicolas1670B+unsold
417Copenhague Ville Capitale du Royaume de Dannemarq…Copenhagen, DenmarkFer, Nicolas de1705A150.00
418Tabula Generalis Iutiae, continens Dioeceses Quatuor, Alburgensem, Wiburgensem, Ripensem et Arhusiensem…DenmarkHomann, Johann Baptist1720A180.00
419Contrafehtung der Statt Hertzogen BoschNetherlands and BelgiumMunster, Sebastian1578A80.00
420Belgii Veteris TypusLow CountriesOrtelius, Abraham1584A+550.00
421Gallia BelgicaLow CountriesOrtelius/Marchetti1598A75.00
422Flandria, Brabantia, et Holanda NovaLow CountriesRuscelli, Girolamo1599B+unsold
423Belgii veteris typus: cui adjunximus veterum Belgicoru…Low CountriesKeere, Pieter Van Den1617A450.00
424Belgii Veteris Typus. Ex Conatibus Geographicis Abrahami OrtelijLow CountriesVisscher, Claes Janszoon1624B+375.00
425De Bello Belgico Decas il Famiani Stradae Rom. Soc. IesuTitle Pages - Low CountriesStrada, Famiamo, S.J.1632A5000.00
426Brabantiae pars SeptentrionalisLow CountriesHondius/Jansson1636A275.00
427Patriae Antiquae inter Iuly et Caroli Magni Caesarum Romanorum Tempora DescriptioLow CountriesJansson, Jan1660B+unsold
428[Lot of 2] Kaart van't Graafschap Henegouwen [and] Comitatus Flandriae Accurata Descritio La Comte de FlandreLow Countries1735-50B+60.00
429Typus Frisiae Orientalis. Auctore Vbbone EmmioNetherlandsHondius/Blaeu1642A240.00
430Belgica FoederataNetherlandsBlaeu, Johannes1670B+450.00
431Comitatus Hollandiae Tabula Pluribus Locis Recens EmendataNetherlandsWit, Frederick de1690B+unsold
432An Accurate View of Amsterdam, the Capital of the Dutch NetherlandsAmsterdam, NetherlandsMillar, George H.1782B+unsold
433Brabantiae Recens Descri.Low CountriesOrtelius/Marchetti1598A+unsold
434FlandriaLow CountriesOrtelius/Marchetti1598Aunsold
435FlandriaBelgiumKeere, Pieter Van Den1625B+unsold
436Lutzenburgensis Ducatus Veriss. Descript. Iacobo Surhonio Montano AuctoreLuxembourgOrtelius, Abraham1579B+350.00
437Folium LLLCCIIII [Francia]FranceSchonsperger, Johann1497B+120.00
438Das Gantz Frankreich…FranceMunster, Sebastian1578B+unsold
439Picardiae, Belgicae regionis descriptio. Joanne Surhonio auctoreFranceOrtelius, Abraham1579Aunsold
444Guasconiae DescriptioFranceOrtelius/Marchetti1598A+55.00
448Leodiensis EpiscopatusBelgiumOrtelius/Vrients1609A+unsold
449La Mans Cenomanorum TypusFranceOrtelius/Vrients1609A+unsold
450Gallia Vetus Ad Iulij Caesaris CommentariaFranceJansson, Jan1684B+unsold
451Gouvernement General de Picardie, et Partie de celuy de l'Isle de France ou se trouve les Generalitez d'Amiens et de SoissonsFranceFer, Nicolas de1705Aunsold
452Carte Particuliere des Environs de Dunkerque, Bergues, Furnes, Gravelines, Calais, et AutresFranceFricx, Eugene Henri1707Aunsold
453Dunkirk A strong Seaport Town in the Earldom of Flanders, in the Low Countries subject to the FrenchDunkerque, FranceTindal, Nicholas1744Aunsold
454[Lot of 2] Veue de la Grande Fasade du Louvre, du cote d'Orient [and] Veue du Chateau du Louvre par la CourParis, FranceFer, Nicolas de1705A130.00
455Cinquieme Plan de la Ville de ParisParis, FranceFer, Nicolas de1705B+700.00
456A General View of Paris, the Capital of France, taken from an eminence in the Village of ChaillotParis, FranceMillar, George H.1782B+unsold
457Serrail et Jardins du Grand SeigneurVersailles, FranceLe Rouge, George Louis1777B+unsold
458Hispanie Beschreibung mit seinenSpain & PortugalMunster, Sebastian1578A80.00
459[Lot of 2] Hispania Nova Descript [and] Portugallia et AlgarveSpain & PortugalMercator/Jansson1628A+130.00
460[Lot of 2] EspagneSpain & Portugal1692-1755Aunsold
461Hispaniae Veteris et Novae DescriptioSpain & PortugalCluver, Philipp1697A100.00
462A New and Exact Map of Spain & Portugal Divided into its Kingdoms and Principalities &c.Spain & PortugalMoll, Herman1711B+500.00
463Carte de l'Espagne dressee par Guillaume Delisle sur la description de Rodrigo Mendez SylvaSpain & PortugalDelisle/Buache1745Aunsold
464Hispalensis Conventus DelinatioSpainMetellus, Natalius Sequanus1602B+500.00
465Regni Valentiae TypusSpainMercator/Hondius1606A250.00
466Andaluziae Nova Descript.SpainHondius, Jodocus1606A275.00
467CataloniaSpainBlaeu, Willem1640A475.00
468Plan du Port du PassageSpain and FranceBellin, Jacques Nicolas1764A80.00
469Carta Esferica de las Islas de Iuiza y Formentera…Balearic IslandsTofino de San Miguel, Don Vincent1786B+1300.00
470Portugalliae que olim Lusitania, Novissima & Exactissima Descriptio Auctore Vernando Alvaro SeccoPortugalOrtelius, Abraham1584A+800.00
471Portugallia et Algarbia quae olim LusitaniaPortugalMerian, Matthaus1635A210.00
472Regno di PortogalloPortugalCoronelli, Vincenzo Maria1691B+300.00
473GermaniaCentral EuropeMercator, Gerard1610A275.00
474Le Royaume de Boheme Duche de Silesie Les Marquisat de Moravie et de LusaceCentral EuropeSchenk, Pierre1700Aunsold
475An Accurate Map of the Seat of War in the Kingdom of Prussia as also in Bohemia, Lusatia, Silesia, Saxony, Westphalia &c.Central EuropeKitchin, Thomas1763B+50.00
476Carte de l'Ancienne Germanie Divisee en Quatre Differentes Nations et les Peuples de Chacune [on sheet with] Germania AntiquaCentral Europe, GermanyChatelain, Henry Abraham1720B+120.00
477[Lot of 3] Bavaria [and] Palantinatus Bavariae [and] Sweviae CirculusGermany1609-61Aunsold
478Territorium NorimbergenseGermanyBlaeu, Willem1640A+250.00
479Populorum Germaniae Inter Rhenum et Albium Descriptio…GermanyCluver, Philipp1694Aunsold
480Chorographia Territorii Naumburgo-Citiensis…GermanySchreiber, Johann Georg1732B+unsold
481Comitatum Oldenburg et Delmenhorst…GermanyHomann Heirs1761B+unsold
482Folium LLXVIIII [De Sarmacia regione Europe]PolandSchonsperger, Johann1497A275.00
483Der Koniglichen Republik Polen Woiwodschaften Krakow u Sandomir mit dem untern…PolandVon Reilly, Franz1789A+150.00
484Regni Bohemiae DescriptioCzech RepublicOrtelius, Abraham1579B200.00
485BohemiaCzech RepublicQuad, Matthias von Kinckelbach1600B+190.00
486BohemiaCzech RepublicMercator/Jansson1628A+80.00
487Chorographie du Royaume de Boheme, du Duche de Silesie, des Marquisats de Moravie et de LusaceCzech RepublicPhilippe De Pretot, Etienne Andre1787A+170.00
488Egra urbs a fluvio…Cheb, Czech RepublicBraun & Hogenberg1572B+100.00
489Praga, Bohemiae Metropolis Accuratissime Expressa [on sheet with] Egra urbs a fluvio…Prague, Czech RepublicBraun & Hogenberg1583B+500.00
490Prospect der Mulden-Brucke zu Prag, nebst der StadtPrague, Czech RepublicRichter, Johann Carl August1735A750.00
491Sedunum, Primaria & Metropolitica Valesice Urbs, Germanorum & Gallorum Frequentatione CelebrisSwitzerlandBraun & Hogenberg1572B+85.00
492Helvetiae Descriptio, Aegidio Tschudo Auct.SwitzerlandOrtelius, Abraham1598B+210.00
493[Die Statt Genff]Geneva, SwitzerlandMunster, Sebastian1598B+unsold
495Nova Helvetiae TabulaSwitzerlandHondius/Jansson1632B900.00
496Helvetia Conterminarumq. Terrarum AntiquaSwitzerlandCluver, Philipp1694A+unsold
497CCLXXVII - CarinthiaAustriaSchedel, Hartmann1493Bunsold
498CLIII - SalczburgaSalzburg, AustriaSchedel, Hartmann1493A950.00
499Folium LLLXI [De Austria germanorum celebri provincia]AustriaSchonsperger, Johann1497A140.00
500Austriae DescriptioAustriaOrtelius/Marchetti1598A+90.00
501S.R.I. Principatus et Archiepiscopatus Salisburgensis cum Subjectis, Insertis, ac Finitimis Regionibus…AustriaHomann, Johann Baptist1720A+unsold
502[Lot of 2] Veue Septentrionale de Vienne [on sheet with] Veue Meridionale de Vienne [and] Vienne capitale de l'Archiduche d'Autriche…Vienna, AustriaFer, Nicolas de1705A230.00
503Viennense Territorium Ob Res Bellicas Inter Christianos et Turcas Nuperrime EditumVienna, AustriaVisscher/Schenk1725B+unsold
504Folium LLL [Hungaria]HungarySchonsperger, Johann1497A120.00
505Hungaria RegnumHungaryBlaeu, (Family)1640B+unsold
506Landtafel des Ungerlands, Polands, Reussen, Littaw, Walachen und BulgarenEastern EuropeMunster, Sebastian1578B+210.00
507Estats de la Couronne de PologneEastern Europe - PolandSanson, Nicolas Fils1683A210.00
508Moscovia Urbs Metropolis Totius Russiae AlbaeMoscow, RussiaBraun & Hogenberg1617A2100.00
509Moscva des Grossen Zaars Residentz Stadt in RusslandtMoscow, RussiaOlearius, Adam1647A+1600.00
510Russiae, Vulgo Moscovia Dictae, Partes Septentrionalis et Orientalis. Auctore Isaaco MassaRussiaBlaeu, (Family)1660A275.00
511Tabula Moscoviae Nunc Accuratius Concinnata et edita…RussiaSchenk, Pieter1720B+240.00
512Mappa Generalis Gubernii Asowiensis in Circulos divisiRussiaIslenyev, Ivan1782B+850.00
513Moscowitische Belagerung und Eroberung der Haubt Stadt…Azov, RussiaMerian, Matthaus1720Aunsold
514Taurica Chersonesus, Nostra aetate Przecopsca, et Gazara diciturUkraine and RussiaBlaeu, (Family)1649B+200.00
515Mappa Generalis Gubernii Novae Russiae in Circulos DivisiUkraineIslenyev, Ivan1779B+800.00
516Vetus Descriptio Daciarum Nec non Moesiarum…Romania and BulgariaJansson, Jan1657B+160.00
517Mer Noire ou Mer MaievreBlack SeaSanson, Nicolas Fils1683A90.00
518Pontus Euxinus Aequor Iasonio Pulsatum Remige PrimumBlack SeaRecurti1697A425.00
519Nuova Carta del Europa TurchescaBlack Sea, Balkans, TurkeyTirion, Isaac1734A190.00
520Nouvelle Carte de la Hongrie Divisee Selon ses Differents Etats Avec Une Chronologie de ses Ducs…Southeastern Europe, HungaryChatelain, Henry Abraham1719B+unsold
521A New Map of Turkey in Europe Divided into all its Provinces; with the Adjacent Countries in Europe and AsiaSoutheastern EuropeLaurie & Whittle1794B120.00
522Tavola Nuova di SchiavoniaBalkansRuscelli, Girolamo1574A90.00
523Walachia Servia, Bulgaria, RomaniaBalkansBlaeu, Willem1635A240.00
524Sclavonia, Croatia, Bosnia cum Dalmatiae ParteBalkansBlaeu, Willem1640B+180.00
525RhodusGreeceBraun & Hogenberg1572B+170.00
526[Lot of 2] Graetia Nuova Tavola [and] Tabula Europae XGreeceRuscelli, Girolamo1574A210.00
527Graeciae Universae Secundum Hodiernum Situm Neoterical DescriptioGreeceOrtelius, Abraham1579A650.00
528Candia Insula / Archipelagi Insularum Aliquot Descrip.Crete & Aegean IslandsOrtelius, Abraham1595A500.00
529Ischia, quae olim Aenaria. Ab Aeneae classe hic appussa sic nominataItalyOrtelius, Abraham1590B+unsold
530Italiae TypusItalyOrtelius/Marchetti1598A130.00
531Cremae AgerItalyLangenes, Barent1598Bunsold
532RomaRome, ItalyMerian, Matthaus1642A2750.00
533Italia NovaItalyCluver, Philipp1694B+unsold
534Regnum Siciliae cum Circumjacentibus Regnis et InsulisSicily, ItalyVisscher, Nicolas1698B+unsold
535L'Italie Divisee en ses differents Etats Royaumes et Republiques, Suivant les nouvelles ObservationsItalyNolin, Jean Batiste1700A100.00
536Corscica [on sheet with] SardiniaCorsica, SardiniaMercator, Gerard1606Aunsold
537[Lot of 10 - Roman Empire]Roman EmpireVarious1800-188027.50
538A Map of the Mediterranean Sea with the Adjacent Regions and Seas in Europe, Asia and AfricaWestern MediterraneanFaden, William1785B300.00
539Gibraltar avec les Nouveaux Ouvrages Faites depuis le Dernier Siege. Les Lignes Espagnoles Leve Nouvellment sur les Lieux [on sheet with] Plan du Port et Ville de Mahon, du Fort St. Phillippe et ses FortificationsWestern Mediterranean, Balearic Islands & GibraltarLe Rouge, George Louis1756A600.00
540Vue de la Montagne de Gibraltar et de la Ligne Espagnole avec Algesiras et du Detroit, come aussi de la Cote de l'AfriqueGibraltarProbst, Johann Michael1782Bunsold
541Carte du Detroit de Gibraltar d'apres les Plans leves en 1786 per D. Vincent Tofino…GibraltarDepot de la Marine1800B+unsold
542D'oude Schets van het Eyland Malta, alwaer, Paulus na zyn Schipbreuk AenlanddeMaltaCalmet, Augustin1729A600.00
543FamagustaCyprusBraun & Hogenberg1572A190.00
545Peregrinatio Pauli in qua & Omnia Loca Quorum Fit Mentio in Actis et Epistolis Apostolorum et Apocalypsi, DescribunturEastern MediterraneanHondius/Purchas1625A180.00
546Geographische beschryvinge, van de Wandeling der Apostelen ende de Reysen Pauli…Eastern Mediterranean & Middle EastVisscher, Claes Janszoon1650B+250.00
547Aeneae Troiani Navigatio ad Virgilij Sex Priores AeneidosEastern MediterraneanHollar, Wenceslaus1657B+400.00
548De Beschryvingh van de Reysen Pauli, en van de Andere ApostelenEastern MediterraneanStoopendaal, Daniel1710A180.00
549Carte Particuliere des Pays ou les Apotres ont Preche l'Evangile…Eastern MediterraneanMortier, Pierre1809A120.00
550Carte pour Conduire a l'Inteligence de l'Histoire Sacree, qui Renferme en Abrege … Quatrieme Periode du Monde…Middle East and Eastern MediterraneanChatelain, Henry Abraham1720A190.00
551ParadisusMiddle EastHondius/Purchas1625B+160.00
552Turcicum ImperiumEastern Mediterranean & Middle EastBlaeu, (Family)1635A1700.00
553Tabula Geographica, in Qua Paradisus, nec Non Regiones, Urbes, oppida, et loca describuntur; quorum in Genesi mentio fit: Auct. D.R.M. Mathes…Middle EastPlancius/Cloppenburg1643A+1200.00
554La Turquie en AsieMiddle EastDuval, Pierre1661A+unsold
555Lumen Historiarum per Orientem, Illustrandis Biblijs Sacris, Martyrologio, & alijs Multis a Fran. Hareio ConcinnatumMiddle EastKaerius/Jansson1684B+unsold
556A New Map Shewing the Travels of the Patriarchs. As Also of the Children of Israel, from Egypt through the Wilderness; to the Land of CanaanMiddle EastWells, Edward1714Aunsold
557Euphrat und TigrisMiddle EastAnville, Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d'1786A150.00
558[Lot of 5 - Middle East]Middle EastTallis, John1851-57325.00
559XXXVI [Troy]TurkeySchedel, Hartmann1493A130.00
560CCLXXI [Tracia and Turchis)TurkeySchedel, Hartmann1493A230.00
561Tabula Asiae ITurkeyRuscelli, Girolamo1562A100.00
562Natolia detta Anticamente Asia Minore…TurkeyCantelli da Vignola, Giacomo1686A+375.00
563Asia Minor [Manuscript Map]Turkey1847Aunsold
564CCXLIX [Constantinople]Istanbul, TurkeySchedel, Hartmann1493A350.00
565ConstantinopolisIstanbul, TurkeyMerian, Matthaus1635B+1300.00
566Constantinopoli [and] Stretto de DardanelliIstanbul, TurkeyRossi, Giamcomo Giovanni1684A1800.00
567ConstantinopolisIstanbul, TurkeyBruyn, Cornelius de1698A3000.00
568Palestinae Sive TotiusHoly LandOrtelius/Marchetti1598B+80.00
569Terra Sancta, sive Promissionis, olim Palestina Recens Delineata, et in LucemHoly LandVisscher, Nicolas1659B+500.00
570Perigrinatie ofte Veertich-Iarige Reyse der Kinderen Israels…Holy LandVisscher, Nicolas1661A300.00
571Perigrinatie ofte Veertich-Iarige Reyse der Kinderen Israels…Holy LandStoopendaal, Bastiaan1682A240.00
572Suite de la Genealogie ou Chronologie des Rois Patriarches et Prophetes du Troisieme Periode du MondeHoly LandChatelain, Henry Abraham1720B+170.00
573Carte pour Conduire a l'Inteligence de l'Histoire Sacree, qui Renferme en Abrege … Second Periode du Monde…Holy LandChatelain, Henry Abraham1720A+300.00
574Carte de la Terre SainteHoly LandCovens & Mortier1725A+140.00
575Het Beloofde Landt Canaan door wandelt van onsen Salichmaecker Iesu Christo, neffens syne ApostelenHoly LandStoopendaal, Daniel1730B+180.00
576La Judee ou Terre Sainte, divisee en ses douze Tribus…Holy LandRobert de Vaugondy, Gilles1750A220.00
577Palaestina in XII. Tribus divisa, cum Terris AdiacentibusHoly LandHomann Heirs1750A300.00
5782e. Carte de la Judee, ou Terre Sainte Divisee en ses Douze TribusHoly LandPalairet, Jean1755B+unsold
579Carte d'Etude de la Terre Sainte Pour servir a l'Histoire du Nouveau TestamentHoly LandMortier, Pierre1809A110.00
580LXIIII - Destruccio IherosolimeJerusalem, Holy LandSchedel, Hartmann1493A2100.00
581Hierosolyma, Clarissima Totius Orientis Civitas, Judae Metropolis…Jerusalem, Holy LandBraun & Hogenberg1572A+1200.00
582Ierusalem Niewlicks uyte de Schriften IosephusJerusalem, Holy LandWeigel, Christopher1722A+150.00
583Beschryving van het Oude Jeruzalem volgens VillalpandusJerusalem, Holy LandCalmet, Augustin1728A+130.00
584La Ville de Jerusalem, come les Juifs y tenoient tous les ans la Fete des TabernaclesJerusalem, Holy Land1780B+210.00
585Aden, Arabiae Foelicis Emporium Celeberrimi Nominis, quo ex India, Aethiopia…ArabiaBraun & Hogenberg1572A210.00
586Carte Particuliere de la Mer Rouge &c.Arabia, Red Sea, East AfricaMortier, Pierre1720Aunsold
587Karte von dem Groessten Theil des Landes Jemen Imame, Kaukeban &c.Arabia, YemenSchraembl, Franz Anton1789Aunsold
588Arabia, Egypt, Abyssinia, Red Sea &c.ArabiaThomson, John1814-29A+425.00
589Persici sive Sophorum Regni TypusPersia - IranOrtelius, Abraham1571B275.00
590Persicum RegnumPersia - IranMercator/Hondius1635A100.00
591Persia, sive Sophorum RegnumPersia - IranJansson, Jan1650A250.00
592Asiae Nova DescriptioAsiaOrtelius, Abraham1579B+1100.00
593Asia recens summa cura delineataAsiaHondius/Jansson1632B+2500.00
594Asiae Antiquae Littora cum Insulis aliquotAsiaMorisot, Claude Barthelemy1643B+unsold
595AsieAsiaDuval, Pierre1661Aunsold
596Exactissima Asiae Delineatio in Praecipuas Regiones Caeterasq Partes divisa et denuo in lucem editaAsiaAllard, Carel1700A1200.00
597L'Asie, Selon les nouvelles Observations…AsiaAa, Pieter van der1713B+750.00
598L'Asie Dressee Selon les Observations de Mrs. de l'Academie Royale des SciencesAsiaChiquet, Jacques1719B+150.00
599A Map of Asia from the latest and best ObservationsAsiaSeale, Richard William1736A150.00
600AsieAsiaLevasseur, Victor1845A+100.00
601AsiaAsiaTallis, John1851A+240.00
602Relief Map of AsiaAsiaCentral School Supply House1901B+75.00
603TartariaNorthern AsiaMercator/Cloppenburgh1630A130.00
604La Grande Tartarie Suiuant les Nouvelles Observations de Messrs. de l'Academie Royale des Sciences, etc.Northern AsiaAa, Pieter van der1710A160.00
605Chart of Discoveries made in 1787 In the Seas of China & Tartary Between Manilla and Avatcha By the Boussole & AstrolabeEastern AsiaLa Perouse, Comte Jean F. Galoup, de1798B210.00
606China Regio AsieChinaOrtelius/Marchetti1598B+130.00
607Province de Kiang-SiChinaDu Halde/D'Anville1735A+160.00
608Province de Ho-NanChinaDu Halde/D'Anville1735A+160.00
609[Lot of 10 - Tibet]Tibet1735-1883300.00
610Plans of the Old & New City of Peking ye. Metropolis of ChinaBeijing, ChinaHarris, John1744A+230.00
611La Chine RoyaumeChina and KoreaSanson/Mariette1656A2300.00
612L'Empire de la Chine pour Servir a l'Histoire Generale des VoyagesChina and KoreaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1748B100.00
613ChinaChina, Korea & JapanMercator/Hondius1635A+425.00
614China Veteribus Sinarum Regio nunc Incolis Tame dictaChina, Korea & JapanJansson, Jan1636Bunsold
615't Koninkryk van China met d'Aangrenzende Landen van Siam en BengaleChina, Korea & JapanAa, Pieter van der1720B+300.00
616Les Isles du IaponJapan and KoreaSanson, Nicolas1683Aunsold
617L'Empire du Japon, Tire des Cartes des JaponnoisJapanChatelain, Henry Abraham1719A+1200.00
618Carta Accurata dell'Imperio del GiapponeJapanTirion/Albrizzi1738Aunsold
619Carte de l'Empire du JaponJapanBellin, Jacques Nicolas1752A180.00
620Johnson's Japan Nippon, Kiusiu, Sikok, Yesso and the Japanese KurilesJapanJohnson and Ward1863A75.00
621Nangasaki appelle par les Chinois TchangkiNagasaki, JapanFontaney, Jean de1780B+unsold
622Plan du Port et de la Ville de NangasakiNagasaki, JapanBellin, Jacques Nicolas1763B+unsold
623Plan de JedoTokyo, JapanBellin, Jacques Nicolas1736A140.00
624[A Map of Sumidagawa and Mukojima district of Yedo]Tokyo, Japan1856A375.00
625Tabula Asiae VIIICentral AsiaGastaldi, Giacomo1548B+190.00
626Tabula Asiae VIIICentral AsiaPtolemy/Magini1598A+unsold
627Tabula Asiae IIICaucasusRuscelli, Girolamo1574A+unsold
628GeorgieCaucasus, GeorgiaDuval, Pierre1682A+90.00
629Nona Asiae TabulaPakistan and AfghanistanWaldseemuller, Martin1513A+1600.00
630Tabula nova utriusque IndiaeSouthern AsiaFries, Lorenz1525A3500.00
631Erythraei Sive Rubri Maris Periplus Olim Ab Arriano Descriptus. Nunc Vero Ab Abrah. Ortelio Ex Eodem DelineatusSouthern AsiaJansson, Jan1700A190.00
632Carte de l'Ocean Oriental, ou Mer des Indes…Indian OceanBellin, Jacques Nicolas1760A180.00
633Tabula Indiae XIndiaMunster, Sebastian1540A180.00
634Nieuwe Kaarte van 't Koninckryk Bengale, door last van den Ed. Heer Mattheus van den Broucke…IndiaValentyn, Francois1724Aunsold
635[Lot of 9 - India]India1750-1883220.00
636[Lot of 2] Narsinga et Ceylon [and] MalabarIndia and Sri LankaBertius/Claesz1602A150.00
637TaprobanaSri LankaPorcacchi, Tomaso1572A+220.00
638MalaccaMalaysiaLangenes, Barent1599Aunsold
639India OrientalisSoutheast AsiaHondius/Purchas1635A+200.00
640Asiae pars Australis, Insulae Indicae cum suis Naturae DotibusSoutheast AsiaScherer, Heinrich1710A+1100.00
641Archipel des Indes Orientales, qui comprend les Isles de la Sonde, Moluques et PhilippinesSoutheast AsiaRobert de Vaugondy, Gilles1750A350.00
642An Accurate Map of the East Indies, in which ye European forts, Factories, and Settlements are Inserted & distinguishedSoutheast AsiaBowen, Emanuel1757B+210.00
643Isles PhilippinesPhilippinesLe Rouge, George Louis1748B+120.00
644Atlas de Filipinas / No. 138 Atlas of Philippine IslandsAtlas, PhilippinesAlgue, P. Jose1899A250.00
645Insulae Indiae OrientalisEast Indies - IndonesiaMercator/Hondius1635A200.00
646Insularum Moluccarum Nova descriptioEast Indies - IndonesiaJansson, Jan1640B+300.00
647The Island of Celebes, or Macassar with the Islands of Banda, Amboyna, and the Molucca's, Agreeable to Modern HistoryEast Indies - IndonesiaMoll, Herman1739A150.00
648A New Chart of the Straits to the Westward of New Guinea; comprehending the Straits of New Guinea, Revenge's or Galewo Straits, Pitt's or Sagewin Straits, Dampier's or Gamen Straits, with Bougainville's Passage & ca.East Indies - IndonesiaLaurie & Whittle1798B+unsold
649SumatraSumatra, IndonesiaRamusio, Giovanni Battista1606A+650.00
650Carte de l'Isle de Sumatra, Dressee sur les Journaux des NavigateursSumatra, IndonesiaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1750B+130.00
651Partie. Plan der Edlen Compagnie Ampachts oder Handwercks Quartier von BataviaJakarta, IndonesiaHeydt, Johann Wolfgang1740A+unsold
652Africae Tabula NovaAfricaOrtelius, Abraham1570B+1500.00
653Africae Litora Priscis NavigataAfricaMorisot, Claude Barthelemy1643B+700.00
654Totius Africae Accuratissima TabulaAfricaWit, Frederick de1680A850.00
655Totius Africae Nova Repraesentatio qua praeter diversos in ea Status et Regiones, etiam Origo Nili ex veris RRPP Missionariorum Relationibus ostenditurAfricaHomann, Johann Baptist1715A650.00
656[Lot of 9 - Africa]AfricaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1739-60A300.00
657[Lot of 2] De l'Afrique [and] Isles, Caps et Ports de Mer de l'AfriqueAfricaClouet, Jean Baptiste Louis1767A+80.00
658Tingis, Lusitanis, Tangiaria [on sheet with] Tzaffin [and] Septa [and] Arzilla [and] SalaNorthern AfricaBraun & Hogenberg1572A220.00
659Barbariae et Biledulgerid, Nova DescriptioNorthern AfricaOrtelius, Abraham1584A275.00
660Partie de la Barbarie, ou est Le Royaume d'Alger divisee en ses Provinces. Partie du Biledulgerid, ou sont Tergorarin, Zeb, &c.Northern Africa - AlgeriaSanson/Mariette1655Aunsold
661Africae Propriae Tabula. In qua, Punica Regna Vides, Tyrios, et Agenoris UrbemNorthern AfricaJansson, Jan1655Aunsold
662Royaume et Desert de Barca, et l'Aegypte divisee en ses Principales PartiesNorthern AfricaSanson, Nicolas1683Aunsold
663[Lot of 2] Partie de Barbarie ou Sont les Royaumes de Tunis, et Tripoli… [and]] Partie de Barbarie ou est le Royaume d' Alger divise en ses Provinces…Northern AfricaSanson, Nicolas1683A80.00
664[Lot of 2] Royaume de Fez divise en sept Provinces… [and] Royaume de Maroc divise en sept Provinces &c.MoroccoSanson, Nicolas1683A130.00
665Cairus, quae olim Babylon; Aegypti Maxima urbsEgyptBraun & Hogenberg1572A1200.00
666Vue de la Ville du Grand Caire, et de ses EnvironsEgyptChatelain, Henry Abraham1710A110.00
667[Lot of 16 - Egypt]EgyptVarious1820-1880150.00
668Typus Orarum Maritimarum Guineae, Manicongo, & Angolae ultra Promontorium Bonae Spei…Western AfricaWolfe, John1598A2500.00
669GuineaWestern AfricaHondius/Purchas1625A130.00
670GuineaWestern AfricaJansson, Jan1640B+260.00
671Guineae Nova DescriptioWestern AfricaSwardt, Direk Cornelissen1690A130.00
672Carte Particuliere de la Coste d'Or pour Servir aux Vaisseaux Francais…Western AfricaDepot de la Marine1750B+unsold
673Carte de la Cote d'Afrique, depuis Cap Blanc jusqu'a la Riviere de GambieWestern AfricaApres de Mannevillette, Jean B. N. D.1769A100.00
674Carte de la Barbarie, le la Nigritie et de la GuineeWestern AfricaDelisle/Elwe1792B+190.00
675Presbiteri Iohannis, sive Abissinorum Imperii DescriptioCentral AfricaOrtelius, Abraham1584B+1300.00
676Partie de la Haute Aethiopie ou sont l'Empire des Abissins et la Nubie &c.Central AfricaSanson, Nicolas1683A150.00
677Africa Nuova TavolaSouthern AfricaRuscelli, Girolamo1562B+500.00
678South AfricaSouthern AfricaBartholomew, John1876B+100.00
679Oceana or Pacific OceanPacific OceanTanner, Henry Schenck1835A+75.00
680[Lot of 2 - Captain Cook Explorations]North Pacific OceanBonne, Rigobert1785-88A150.00
681Carte des Iles SalomonPacific - Salomon IslandsVincendon-Dumoulin, Clement Adrian1838Bunsold
682Botany Bay, in New South Wales. Lat: 34° 00' Sth. [on sheet with] Entrance of Endeavour River in New South Wales. Lat: 15° 26' Sth.Sydney, AustraliaCook, James (Capt.)1773A1100.00
683New Holland, and New Zealand.Australia & New ZealandGreenleaf, Jeremiah1848A150.00
684[Lot of 12 - Animals and Birds]Natural History, Animals & BirdsBuffon, Comte de1766A+200.00
685[Lot of 2] The Naturalist's Library. Mammalia. Vol. III Ruminantia. Part I [and] Vol. IV Ruminantia Part IINatural History, AnimalsLizars, William Home1836-39A200.00
686A JonquilleFox HuntingAckerman, Rudolph1851A110.00
687[Lot of 5 - Birds]Natural History, Birds1825B+unsold
688[Lot of 11 - Flowers]Natural History, BotanicalsMaund, Benjamin1845-50A250.00
689Dress of the Inhabitants of California with their manner of Rafts for Fishing, &c.Native Americans, CaliforniaMillar, George H.1782B+unsold
690[Lot of 9 Native American prints]Native AmericansVarious1894A100.00
691Twenty-First Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology ...1899-1900Native AmericansU.S. Bureau of Ethnology1903B+350.00
692[Lot of 16 - Indian Pottery]Native Americans, PotteryFewkes, Jesse Walker1904A+100.00
693[Lot of 3 - Biblical Engravings]ReligionScheuchzer, Johann Jakob1735A60.00
694De Kermis-Kraam, van de Actie-Knaapen, Schaft vreugde, en droefheid, onder 't kaapenSatire - Stock TradingAnon.1720A550.00
695Uystlag der Wind NegotieSatire - Stock TradingAnon.1720A160.00
696[Lot of 4 - William Heath ("Paul Pry") Satirical Prints]Satire1823B+110.00
697[Book of Hours Leaf]Medieval ManuscriptsAnon.1360B+130.00
698[Book of Hours Leaf]Medieval ManuscriptsAnon.1430B+100.00
699[Book of Hours Leaf]Medieval ManuscriptsAnon.1450A200.00
700[Book of Hours Leaf]Medieval ManuscriptsAnon.1470B+130.00
701[Book of Hours Leaf]Medieval ManuscriptsAnon.1480A+325.00
702[Book of Hours Leaf]Medieval ManuscriptsAnon.1480A170.00
703[Book of Hours Leaf]ManuscriptsAnon.1570A160.00
704CCLXV [Last Judgement]IncunabulaSchedel, Hartmann1493B+400.00
705XXXI [Worship of the Golden Calf]IncunabulaSchedel, Hartmann1493B+200.00
706CCI [Crucifixion of William of Norwich]IncunabulaSchedel, Hartmann1493A+350.00
707[Book of Hours Leaf]Early PrintingKerver, Thielman1507B+70.00
708[Antiphonal Leaf]MusicAnon.1700A275.00
709[Antiphonal Leaf]MusicAnon.1720B150.00
710Biblia dat is De gantsche H. Schrifture…BibleKeur, Pieter en Jacob1730B1100.00
711A Geographical Dictionary Representing the Present and Ancient Names of all the Countries, Provinces, Remarkable Cities, Universities, Ports, Towns, Mountains, Seas, Streights, Fountains, and Rivers of the Whole WorldAtlasesBrome, Charles1691B+550.00
712The Chronology and History of the World, from the Creation to the Year of Christ, 1790AtlasesBlair, Rev. John1790A2500.00
713Atlas Historique, Genealogique, Chronologique, et GeographiqueAtlasesLe Sage1810190.00
714Atlas Universel Complet de Geographie Ancienne et Moderne…AtlasesLanglois, H.1830B+550.00
715A New General Atlas, Comprising a Complete Set of Maps, representing the Grand Divisions of the Globe…AtlasesFinley, Anthony1833B+3000.00
716Atlas to Marshall's Life of WashingtonAtlasesMarshall, John1835B425.00
717A New and Improved School Atlas, to Accompany the Practical System of Modern GeographyAtlasesOlney, A. N.1837B+120.00
718Atlas National Illustre des 86 Departments et des Possessions de la France Divisee par Arrondissments, Cantons en CommunesAtlasesLevasseur, Victor1852950.00
719Atlas of the United States of North America, Canada, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, Mexico, Central America, Cuba, and JamaicaAtlasesRogers & Johnston1857B+3000.00
720Mitchell's School Atlas: Comprising the Maps and Tables Designed to Accompany Mitchell's School and Family GeographyAtlasesMitchell, Samuel Augustus1858B+100.00
721Atlas General de Geographie Physique, Politique et HistoriqueAtlasesDussieux, Louis Entienne1860A250.00
722Hand Atlas Uber und Alle Theile der Erde Uber Das WeltgebaudeAtlasesStieler, Adolph1879B+unsold
723Johnson's New Illustrated Family Atlas of the World…AtlasesJohnson, A. J.18831000.00
724The Century Atlas of the WorldAtlasesMatthews-Northrup Co1898A120.00
725Atlas, Designed to Illustrate the Geography of the Heavens…Celestial AtlasBurritt, Elijah H.1835B275.00
726[Lot of 2] Smith's Illustrated Astronomy… [and] The Twentieth Century Atlas of Popular AstronomyCelestial AtlasSmith, Asa1850200.00
727Spieghel der Zeevaerdt [and] The History of Lucas Janszoon WaghenaerFacsimile AtlasWaghenaer, Lucas Jansz1964A+600.00
728Historiae UniversalisGeography, EuropeBucelin, Gabriel1659B+unsold
729Le Geographe Manuel, Contenant la Descriptoin de tous les Pays du Monde…Geography BooksExpilly, Jean Joseph Georges, Abbe d'1769Aunsold
730Histoire Generale des Voyages Vol. XXIExploration and SurveysPrevost, Anton Francois1774A1000.00
731[6 Volumes] Atlantes NeerlandiciReference BooksKoeman, C.1967-1985A1900.00
732Facsimile-Atlas to the Early History of Cartography with Reproductions of the Most Important Maps Printed in the XV and XVI CenturiesReference BooksNordenskiold, Nils Adolf E.1973B+170.00
733The Making of the Nuremberg ChronicleReference BooksWilson, Adrian1978A+210.00
734Views and Viewmakers of Urban AmericaReference BooksReps, John W.1984A+110.00
735Railroad Maps of North America - The First Hundred YearsReference BooksModelski, Andrew M.1987A+60.00
736The Mapping of North America - Three Centuries of Map-Making 1500-1860Reference BooksGoss, John1990A+75.00
737Bel et Utile - The Work of the Robert de Vaugondy Family of MapmakersReference Books1992A+140.00
738Mapping the Transmississippi West...1540-1861Reference BooksWheat, Carl I.1995A+600.00
739The Iconography of Manhattan Island, 1498 to 1909 (Volumes I - VI)Reference Books1998A+300.00
740Early Mapping of Southeast AsiaReference BooksSuarez, Thomas1999A+60.00
741Early Mapping of the Pacific The Epic Story of Seafarers, Adventurers, and Cartographers Who Mapped the Earth's Greatest OceanReference BooksSuarez, Thomas2004A70.00