Index of Lots for Auction 126

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Lot #TitleSubjectCreatorPeriodConditionSold For
1Descrittione di M. Lodovico Guicciardini Patritio Fiorentino; Di Tutti I Paesi Bassi, Altrimenti Detti Germania InferioreTitle PagesGuicciardini, Lodovico1581B+160.00
2Livre Quatriesme des Principales Villes du MondeTitle PagesBraun & Hogenberg1590A275.00
3L'Epitome du Theatre de l'Univers d'Abraham OrteliusTitle PagesOrtelius/Vrients1609C+190.00
4Nouvel Atlas ou Theatre du Monde: Contenant les Regions de l'Asie, Afrique, Amerique. Seconde Partie du Troisiesme TomeTitle PagesJansson, Jan1642B+unsold
5Nouvel Atlas ou Theatre du Monde: Comprennant les Cartes & Descriptions de l'Espagne, Itale, Grece, Asie, Afrique, & Amerique. Troisiesme TomeTitle PagesJansson, Jan1642Aunsold
6AtlasTitle PagesPeeters, Jacques1692A55.00
7De Wytheroemde Voyagien der Engelsen…Title PagesAa, Pieter van der1706B+90.00
8Samuelis Bocharti Opera OmniaTitle PagesBocharti, Samuelis1712A+150.00
9Theatri Europaei Oder Historische Beschreibung…Title PagesMerian, Matthaus1730A150.00
10Theatri Europaei Continuati Tomus VIII.Title PagesMerian, Matthaus1730A150.00
11[Lot of 3] Tegenwoordige Staat van de Westindische Eilanden en Noord America [with] Tegenwoordige Staat van Zuid America [and] Een Amerikaan…Title PagesTirion, Isaac1765-68A+200.00
12Atlas General, Civil, Ecclesiatique et Militaire…Title PagesBrion de la Tour/Desnos1772B+40.00
13Gerardus MercatorPortraitsAnon.1700A120.00
14Mre. Jean Law coner. du roy en tous ces conils. controleur gnal des finances en 1720Portrait, Mississippi BubbleSchenk, Leonard1720A130.00
15Das erst general inhaltend die beschreibung und den circkel des gantzen erdtreichs und moeresWorldMunster, Sebastian1578A1700.00
16Typus Orbis TerrarumWorldOrtelius, Abraham1592B+unsold
17Typus Orbis TerrarumWorldHondius/Langenes1596A700.00
18Situs Partium Praecipuarum Totius Orbis TerrarumWorldTorniello, Augustine1609B+unsold
19Orbis Terrarum Tabula Recens Emendata et in Lucem Edita per N. VisscherWorldVisscher, Nicolas1663A1700.00
20Nova et Accuratissima Totius Terrarum Orbis TabulaWorldBlaeu, Johannes1663A11500.00
21Nova Orbis Tabula, in Lucem EditaWorldWit, Frederick de1670B+5000.00
22[Lot of 2] Nouveau Continent avec Plusieurs Isles [and] Ancien ContinentWorldMallet, Alain Manesson1683A160.00
23Mappe-Monde ou Carte Generale du Globe Terrestre Representee en deux Plan-Hemispheres…WorldSanson, Nicolas1692B+250.00
24Typus Orbis TerrarumWorldCluver, Philipp1697B+400.00
25Beatam Medicent Omnes GenerationesWorldScherer, Heinrich1700A+900.00
26[Lot of 2] Imago Totius Orbis Terraquei cum suo Apparatu ab Auctore Naturae in suas Partes Distributi Geographic Exhibita [and] Proiecto Geometrica Hemisphaerii Occide.WorldScherer, Heinrich1700B+unsold
27Werelt CaertWorldStoopendaal, Daniel1704A+1500.00
28Totius Orbis Terrarum Tabula, Ejusque Post Diluvium Divisio inter Filios NoachiWorldMoxon, Joseph1710A+300.00
29Mappe-Monde ou Carte UniverselleWorldFer, Nicolas de1714B+250.00
30Mappe-Monde ou Carte Generale de la Terre, Dressee sur les Observations de Mrs. de l'Academie Royale des Sciences…WorldFer, Nicolas de1717B+500.00
31Mappe-Monde, ou Carte General du Monde en Deux Plans HemisphereWorldBion, Nicolas1728A120.00
32Planiglobii Terrestris Mappa Universalis…WorldHomann Heirs1746B+unsold
33Essay d'une Carte Reduite, Contenant les Parties Connuees du Globe TerrestreWorldBellin, Jacques Nicolas1748B+600.00
34[Lot of 2] Hemisphere Occidental [together with] Hemisphere OrientalWorld1770Bunsold
35Mappemonde a l'Usage du Roi…WorldDelisle/Dezauche1785B+unsold
36Hydrographical Chart of the World on Wright or Mercators projection with Tracts of the Last CircumnavigatorsWorldThomson, John1814A150.00
37Die Beyden Halbkugeln. Anzeige der Drey Reisen CooksWorldMollo, Tranquillo1818B+220.00
38[Lot of 2] Western Hemisphere [and] Eastern HemisphereWorld, TexasTallis, John1844B+325.00
39PlanisphereWorld, TexasLevasseur, Victor1845A+230.00
40[Lot of 4] Climatic Chart of the World, Showing the Distribution of the Human Race and the Animal Kingdom [with] Arctic Zone [with] Tropical Zone [and] Temperate ZoneWorld1893A850.00
41Nouvelle Carte du Monde (Planisphere) Physique, Politique et Commerciale…World1921A+unsold
42[Lot of 2] Mappemonde ou sont Traccees les Nouvelles Decouvertes [verso] L'Europe / La France [and] L'Amerique Meridionale / L'Amerique Septentrionale [verso] L'Asie / L'AfriqueWorld & ContinentsBrion de la Tour, Louis1770A150.00
43Ptolemaisch General Tafel Begreissend die halbe Rugel der WeldtAncient WorldMunster, Sebastian1545A+650.00
44Tabula Itineraria ex Illustri Peutingerorum Bibliotheca…Nobilissimo Viro Marco VelseroAncient WorldOrtelius, Abraham1598A+6500.00
45Afbeeldinge der Oude Waereld; Benevens Derzelver Verdeling onder de Nakomelingen NoachsAncient WorldBachiene, Willem Albert1749A220.00
46Imago Totius Orbis Terraquei cum suo Apparatu ab Auctore Naturae in suas Partes Distributi Geographic ExhibitaWorldScherer, Heinrich1700A+unsold
47Societas Iesu Per universum mundum diffusa Praedicat Christi EvangeliumWorld - PolarScherer, Heinrich1702A+850.00
48Emisfero Terrestre Settentrionale Tagliato su l'EquatoreNorth PoleZatta, Antonio1779B+unsold
49Chart of the Antarctic Continent Shewing the Icy Barrier Attached to it. Discovered by the U.S.Ex.Ex.South PoleWilkes, Charles1840B230.00
50[Monsters] Norewunder und Seltzame thier wiedie un Mitnachtigen landern gefunden werdenCartographic MiscellanyMunster, Sebastian1550C+650.00
51[Volvelle] Instrumento Astronomico que Contiene Muchos…Cartographic MiscellanyGalluci, Giovanni Paolo1657A110.00
52La Sphere ArtificielleCartographic MiscellanyFer, Nicolas de1717B+unsold
53[Lot of 2] A Comparative View of the Principal Waterfalls, Islands, Lakes, Rivers and Mountains, in the Western Hemisphere [and] A Comparative View of the Principal Waterfalls, Islands, Lakes, Rivers and Mountains, in the Eastern HemisphereCartographic MiscellanyTallis, John1850A170.00
54Mountains & RiversCartographic MiscellanyColton, Joseph Hutchins1855A100.00
55De Schepping der Wereldt Volgens de Beschryving van Mozes. 1. Plaat. / 2. PlaatCartographic MiscellanyGoeree, Willelm & Jan1690Aunsold
56Planisphaerium Caeleste Secundum Restitutionem Hevelianam et HallejanamCelestialEimmart/Homann1720B+750.00
57[Lot of 5 Celestial Charts]CelestialDoppelmayr/Homann1740D1600.00
58Le Globe Celeste en Deux Plans HemispheresCelestialLe Rouge, George Louis1748A220.00
59Augustus - Vorstellung einer Gegend des Gestirnten Himmels von Suden nach WestenCelestialBode, Johann Elert1790A80.00
60Junius - Vorstellung einer Gegend des Gestirnten Himmels von Osten nach SudenCelestialBode, Johann Elert1790A+80.00
61December - Vorstellung einer Gegend des Gestirnten Himmels von Nordwest nach NordostCelestialBode, Johann Elert1790A+80.00
62[12 inch Desk Globe] Joslin's Terrestrial Globe containing all the Late Discoveries and Geographical Improvements also the Tracks of the most celebrated Circumnavigators.GlobeJoslin, Gilman1890B+1100.00
63[French Globe Clock]GlobesDelamarche, Charles Francois1868B+unsold
64Cram's Universal Terrestrial Globe 10 1/2 InchGlobesCram, George F. & Company1920-30Aunsold
65Replogle 12 Inch Reference GlobeGlobesReplogle Globes1950A+90.00
66Sanuta Globe Gores / The Holzheimer Venetian Globe Gores of the Sixteenth CenturyGlobes, FacsimileSanuto, Livio1987A+150.00
67Die Neuwen Inseln…Western HemisphereMunster, Sebastian1550A4500.00
68Carte de l'Amerique Corrigee et augmentee dessus toutes les aultres cy devant FaictesWestern HemisphereBertius, Petrus1646B+1200.00
69Novissima et Accuratissima Totius Americae DescriptioWestern HemisphereSchagen, Gerrit Lucaszoon van1671B+1400.00
70Americae DescriptioWestern HemisphereCluver/Jansson1676A275.00
71Nouveau Continent ou AmeriqueWestern HemisphereMallet, Alain Manesson1683Aunsold
72America noviter delineataWestern HemisphereMerian, Matthaus1695A850.00
73Americae tam Septentrionalis quam Meridionalis in Mappa Geographica Delineatio…Western HemisphereSchenk, Pieter1705B1250.00
74Totius Americae Septentrionalis et Meridionalis Novissima Repraesentatio…Western HemisphereHomann, Johann Baptist1710B850.00
75L'Amerique, Meridionale et Septentrionale dressee selon les Dernieres Relations…Western HemisphereFer, Nicolas de1717B+unsold
76Les Colonies des Europeens en AmeriqueWestern HemisphereBourgoin, P.1740Aunsold
77Carte d'Amerique, Dressee pour l'Usage du Roy…Western HemisphereDelisle/Buache1745B+unsold
78L'Amerique Suivant les Dernieres Observations de l'Academie Royale des SciencesWestern HemisphereMacquart1760A+150.00
79A New Projection of the Western Hemisphere of the Earth on a Plane (shewing the proportions of its several parts nearly as on a Globe)Western HemisphereBowen, Thomas1776B+90.00
80Amerique Septentrionale et MeridionaleWestern HemisphereExpilly, Jean Joseph Georges, Abbe d'1777B+unsold
81A New Map of the Whole Continent of America Divided into North and South and West Indies…Western HemisphereSayer & Bennett1777B1000.00
82Carte d'Amerique, Dressee pour l'Usage du Roi…Western HemisphereDelisle/Dezauche1785Aunsold
83Geographical, Historical, and Statistical Map of AmericaWestern HemisphereCarey, M. & Son1821Aunsold
84AmericaWestern Hemisphere, TexasArrowsmith, John1844B+200.00
85AmericaWestern HemisphereStieler, Adolph1876A50.00
86America SeptentrionalisNorth AmericaHondius/Jansson1647B3000.00
87L'Amerique Septentrionale Dressee sur les Observations de Mrs. de l'Academie Royale des Sciences…North AmericaDelisle, Guillaume1700B2100.00
88A New Map of North America Shewing its Principal Divisions, Chief Cities, Townes, Rivers, Mountains, &c.North AmericaWells, Edward1704A1200.00
89L'Amerique Septentrionale Dressee sur les Observations de Mrs. de l'Academie Royale des Sciences…North AmericaDelisle/Covens & Mortier1730A+unsold
90Amerique SeptentrionaleNorth AmericaRobert de Vaugondy1750A+unsold
91L'Amerique Septentrionale, Dressee sur les Memoires le plus recens des Meilleurs Geographes…North AmericaCovens & Mortier1757Aunsold
92North AmericaNorth AmericaJefferys, Thomas1760B+80.00
93A New & Accurate Map of North America; Drawn from the most Authentic Modern Maps and ChartsNorth AmericaBowen, Thomas1778A300.00
94North America Agreeable to the Most Approved Maps and ChartsNorth AmericaConder, Thomas1779B+210.00
95Carte Generale de l'Amerique SeptentrionaleNorth AmericaBonne, Rigobert1781A275.00
96L'Amerique Septentrionale Divisee en ses Principaux EtatsNorth AmericaLaporte, Joseph de1783A+250.00
97[4 Sheets] General Karte von Nordamerica samt den West Indischen Inseln…North AmericaSchraembl, Franz Anton1788Bunsold
98North AmericaNorth AmericaSmith, Charles1808A+120.00
99Amerique SeptentrionaleNorth AmericaTardieu, Jean Baptiste Pierre1812A+170.00
100Amerique Septentrionale a l'usage des CollegesNorth AmericaHachette, Louis Christophe Francois1827B+100.00
101North AmericaNorth AmericaHall, Sidney1834Aunsold
102Amerique SeptentrionaleNorth America, TexasLevasseur, Victor1840A220.00
103Amerique SeptentrionaleNorth America, TexasDuvotenay, Thunot1840B+unsold
104North AmericaNorth America, TexasTallis, John1844B+200.00
105Mappa Geographica Regionem Mexicanam et Floridam Terrasque adjacentes, ut et Anteriores Americae Insulas, Cursus itidem et Reditus Navigantium versus flumen Missisipi et alias Colonias…Colonial North America and CaribbeanSeutter, Matthias1741A1100.00
106Carte de la Californie et des Pays Nord-Ouest separes de l'Asie par le Detroit d'Anian, extraite de deux cartes publiees au commencement du 17e siecleWestern North AmericaRobert de Vaugondy, Didier1772A150.00
107The North-West-Coast of North America and Adjacent Territories…Western North America, TexasBurr, David H.1840B+190.00
108A Plan of the City & Harbour of Louisburg; shewing that part of Gabarus Bay in which the English landed, also their Encampment during the Siege in 1745CanadaAnon.1758B+70.00
109An Authentic Plan of the River St. Laurence, from Sillery to the Falls of MontmorencyCanadaGibson, John1759B+120.00
110Upper CanadaCanadaBurr/Illman1833A50.00
111[Lot of 2] British America [and] East Canada, and New BrunswickCanadaTallis, John1860150.00
112[Lot of 2] West Canada [and] East Canada, and New BrunswickCanadaTallis, John1860B130.00
113Karte von der Insel Montreal und den Gegenden Umher…Canada, MontrealBellin, Jacques Nicolas1744A+120.00
114[Lot of 2] Karte von dem Eylande Terre-Neuve… [and] Karte von den Bayen, Rheeden und Hafen von Plaisance aus der Insel Terre NeuveCanada, NewfoundlandBellin, Jacques Nicolas1744A180.00
115[Lot of 3] Grundriss von Port Royal in Accadia… [and] Grundriss des Hafens la Haive an der Kuste von Accadien [and] Grundriss von der Bay Chedabuctu heutiges Tages Havre de MilfortCanada, Nova ScotiaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1744A250.00
116A Map of Royal or Cape Breton I. From the Best AuthoritiesCanada, Nova ScotiaKitchin, Thomas1747B+75.00
117A Map of the Island of Orleans with the Environs of QuebecCanada, QuebecAnon.1759Aunsold
118Tierra NuevaColonial United States & CanadaRuscelli, Girolamo1598B900.00
119Canada ou Nouvelle FranceColonial United States and CanadaMallet, Alain Manesson1683A210.00
120A Map of New France Containing Canada, Louisiana &c. in Nth. America According to the Patent granted by the King of France to Monsieur Crozat, dated the 14th of Sep. 1712 N.S. and registered in the Parliament of Paris the 24th of the same MonthColonial United States and CanadaMoll, Herman1717A450.00
121A Map of the French Settlements in North AmericaColonial United States and CanadaKitchin, Thomas1747B+130.00
122Canada et Louisiane…Colonial United States and CanadaLe Rouge, George Louis1755B1000.00
123Part of North America; containing Canada, the North Parts of New England and New York; with Nova Scotia and Newfoundland. From the Sr. Robert with ImprovementsColonial United States and CanadaAnon.1760B+120.00
124A New and Accurate Map of North America, Drawn from the Famous Mr. D'Anville with Improvements…Colonial United States and CanadaSeale, Richard William1768A1100.00
125A Map of North America from the Latest Surveys and MapsColonial United States and CanadaBlair, Rev. John1768A600.00
126A New & Accurate Map of North America; from the Best AuthoritiesColonial United States and CanadaCary, John1770B+120.00
127Carte Nouvelle de l'Amerique Angloise contenant tout ce que Anglois possedent sur le Continent de l'Amerique Septentrionale Savoir le Canada, la Nouvelle Ecosse ou Acadie, les treize Provinces Unies…Colonial United States and CanadaLotter, Mathias Albrecht1776A700.00
128Etats-Unis de l'Amerique Divises en 13 Provinces avec leurs Limites, suivant le Traite de Paix fait le 20 Janvier 1783Canada & United StatesRobert de Vaugondy1785A+120.00
129The United States of America with the British Possessions of Canada, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Newfoundland divided with the French, also the Spanish Territories of Louisiana and Florida…Eastern United States and CanadaLaurie & Whittle1794B+1200.00
130Carte des Etats-Unis d'Amerique, du Canada, du Nouveau Brunswick et d'une partie de la Nouvelle BretagneCanada & United States, TexasLapie, Alexander Emile & Pierre1837B+230.00
131Map of the Oregon Territory from the Best AuthoritiesNorthwestern United States and CanadaWilkes, Charles1849A210.00
132[Lot of 3] Carte Speciale, Historique et Geographique de la Republique Des Etats-Unis de l'Amerique du Nord [and] Verein-Staaten von Nord-America, Mexico, Yucatan u. A. [and] Johnson's United StatesUnited States1825-1875B+220.00
133[Lot of 5 - Indian Reservations]United States, Native AmericansU.S. Government1833-1920100.00
134Etats-UnisUnited States, TexasVuillemin, Alexander A.1843Aunsold
135[U.S. Tables Map]United States, TexasGilman, E.1848A300.00
136No. 5 Map of the United States Engraved to Illustrate Mitchell's School and Family GeographyUnited StatesMitchell, Samuel Augustus1849B+110.00
137Isothermal chart of the Region North of the 36th Parallel &c. &c. between the Atlantic & Pacific OceansUnited StatesStevens, Isaac Ingalls1855B+55.00
138The United States of AmericaUnited StatesColton, Joseph Hutchins1855Aunsold
139United States of North America (Eastern & Central)Eastern United States, Civil WarEttling, Theodor1861A100.00
140Die Vereinigten Staaten von Nord America nebst CanadaUnited StatesGeographisches Institut1865Aunsold
141The Great Railroad Routes to the Pacific, and Their ConnectionsUnited StatesGorlinski, Joseph1869B+190.00
142Map of the United States and Territories Showing the extent of Public Surveys and other details constructed from the Plats and official sources of the General Land Office…United StatesGeneral Land Office1869A425.00
143[United States - Continental Mills, Lewiston, ME]United States1876B+unsold
144Map of the Missouri Pacific Through Line and ConnectionsUnited StatesRailroad Companies, (Various)1878A+100.00
145Map of the United States Showing the Regions Producing the Principal Types of TobaccoUnited StatesU.S. Department of Interior1881A60.00
146Carte de la Louisiane et du Cours du Mississipi Dressee sur un Grand Nombre de Memoires entrautres sur ceux de Mr. le MaireColonial United StatesDelisle/Covens & Mortier1733B+2500.00
147A Map of the British American Plantations extending from Boston in New England to Georgia; including all the back Settlements in the respective Provinces, as far as the MississipiColonial United StatesBowen, Emanuel1754B+425.00
148Nieuwe Kaart van de Grootbrittannische Volkplantingen in Noord America…Colonial United StatesTirion, Isaac1755B+550.00
149Part of North America, comprehending the Course of the Ohio, New England, New York, New Jersey, Pensilvania, Maryland, Virginia, Carolina and GeorgiaColonial United StatesAnon.1760B+275.00
150Charte uber die XIII vereinigte Staaten von Nord-America…Eastern United StatesGussefeld/Homann Heirs1784B+650.00
151Vereinigte Staaten in Nord America nach den Besten Hulfsmittel VerfastEastern United StatesMollo, Tranquillo1800B+unsold
152A New Map of the United States of America, from the Latest AuthoritiesEastern United StatesCary, John1806A450.00
153The United States of America Confirmed by Treaty 1783Eastern United StatesWilkinson, Robert1812B+550.00
154[Lot of 2] Le Provincie Settentrionali degli Stati Uniti [with] Le Provincie Meridionali degli Stati UnitiEastern United StatesAnon.1822Aunsold
155United StatesEastern United StatesLizars, Daniel1827B+120.00
156[Lot of 4 - Regional Maps]Eastern United StatesSDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge1833A150.00
157[Lot of 4 - Regional Maps]Eastern United StatesSDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge1833A150.00
158United StatesEastern United StatesArrowsmith, John1842A+190.00
159Map of the United StatesEastern United States, TexasMurray, John1844B+70.00
160Lloyd's American Railroad Map, Showing the Whole Seat of WarEastern United States, Civil WarLloyd, James T.1861B+600.00
161Colton's United States shewing the Military Stations, Forts &cEastern United StatesColton, Joseph Hutchins1862B+200.00
162Carte pour le Voyage dans les Parties Interieures de l'AmeriqueNortheastern United StatesAnville/Anburey1790B100.00
163Carte de la Nouvelle Angleterre, Nouvelle Yorck et PensilvanieColonial New England and Mid-AtlanticBellin, Jacques Nicolas1757B+275.00
164Carte de la Nouvelle Angleterre, Nouvelle York, Nouvelle Jersey, et PensilvanieNew EnglandLaporte, Joseph de1783A+240.00
165A Map of the New England States, Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island & Connecticut with the Adjacent Parts of New York & Lower CanadaNew EnglandHale, Nathan1826A900.00
166Map of Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island Constructed from the Latest AuthoritiesNew EnglandMitchell, Samuel Augustus1843B+unsold
167Physical & Political Map of the N. Eastern States, adapted to Woodbridge's GeographyNew EnglandWoodbridge, William Channing1843A+110.00
168Map of New EnglandNew EnglandEnsign, Thayer & Co.1847B+200.00
169[Lot of 4] A New Map of Maine [with] Map of New Hampshire & Vermont [with] Map of Massachusetts and Rhode Island [and] Map of ConnecticutNew EnglandDesilver, Charles1856A+120.00
170Trolley Wayfinder Birds Eye View of Trolley Routes in New EnglandNew EnglandWalker, George H. & Co.1908A+110.00
171[Lot of 2] A Map of Part of Rhode Island, Shewing the Position of the American & British Armies at the Siege of Newport… [and] Pays Situe entre Frog's Point et Croton River…Rhode Island & New YorkMarshall, John1806B+unsold
172Nova Virginiae TabulaColonial Mid-AtlanticJansson, Jan1628A+550.00
173Nova Virginiae TabulaColonial Mid-AtlanticHondius/Blaeu1680B+1600.00
174Karte von der Bay Chesapeack und den benachbarten LadenColonial Mid-AtlanticBellin, Jacques Nicolas1747A275.00
175A General Map of the Middle British Colonies in America…Colonial Mid-AtlanticBowles, Carrington1771B+1600.00
176A Map of the Country round Philadelphia including Part of New Jersey, New York, Staten Island & Long IslandColonial Mid-AtlanticAnon.1776B+130.00
177Map of the States of Maryland and DelawareUnited States - Mid-AtlanticDenison, James1797A190.00
178Carte de la Virginie et du MarilandUnited States - Mid-AtlanticBertholon, C.1799B+190.00
179[Lot of 5 - Coal Fields Maps]Mid-Atlantic, Pennsylvania & MarylandSweet, S.H.1865100.00
180Cram's Railroad & Township Map of Virginia, W. Virginia, Maryland & DelawareUnited States - Mid-AtlanticCram, George F. & Company1879A100.00
181Louisiana by de Rivier MissisippiColonial Louisiana, Mississippi RiverAnon.1720A+1300.00
182A Map of Louisiana and of the River Mississipi…Colonial Louisiana, Mississippi RiverSenex, John1721B+2300.00
183La FlorideColonial SouthSanson, Nicolas1682A+450.00
184Carte de la Floride de la Louisiane, et Pays VoisinsColonial SouthBellin, Jacques Nicolas1757A190.00
185[Colonial North America, Louisiana, Virginia & Carolina]Colonial SouthGibson, John1763A150.00
186Carte de la Coste de la Floride depuis la Baye de la Mobile jusqu'aux Cayes de St. MartinColonial Southern United StatesBellin, Jacques Nicolas1764B+220.00
187Map of the Southern Parts of the United States of AmericaSouthern United StatesBradley, Abraham Jr.1797B+375.00
188Colton's Map of the Southern States. Including Maryland, Delaware, Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, Missouri, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, Louisiana, Texa …Southern United StatesColton, Joseph Hutchins1861B500.00
189Map of the Southern States, Including Railroads, County Towns, State Capitals, County Roads, the Southern Coast from Delaware to Texas, Showing the Harbors, Inlets, Forts and Position of Blockading Ships…Southern United StatesHarper's Weekly1863B150.00
190Map of the Former Territorial Limits of the Cherokee Nation of Indians Exhibiting the Boundaries of the Various Cessions of Land…Southern United StatesRoyce, C. C.1884A250.00
191Panorama of the Mississippi Valley and its FortificationsSouthcentral United StatesMagnus, Charles1863C650.00
192Map of the Texas & Pacific Railway and ConnectionsLouisiana and TexasRailroad Companies, (Various)1900A300.00
193Partie Meridionale de la Virginie, et la Partie Orientale de la Floride dans l'Amerique SeptentrionaleColonial SoutheastAa, Pieter van der1729A1100.00
194Carta Geografica della Florida nell' America SettentrionaleColonial SoutheastAlbrizzi, Girolamo1740A1000.00
195Karte von Carolina und Georgien Zur allgemeinen Geschichte der ReisenColonial SoutheastBellin, Jacques Nicolas1757Aunsold
196Partie Meridionale des Possessions Angloise en Amerique, pour Servire d'Intelligence a la Guerre Presente…Colonial SoutheastVerrier & Perrier1778B+1800.00
197Carte de la Partie Sud des Etats Unis de l'Amerique SeptentrionaleSoutheastern United StatesBonne, Rigobert1783A100.00
198Map of North and South CarolinaNorth & South CarolinaDenison, James1797B+140.00
199N.W. TerritoryUnited States - MidwestScott, Joseph1800A+650.00
200North America Sheet IX Parts of Missouri, Illinois and IndianaUnited States - MidwestSDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge1833B+60.00
201[Lot of 2] Map Illustrating the plan of the defences of the Western & North Western Frontier, as proposed by Charles Gratiot, in his report of Oct. 31, 1837 [and] … The Hon. J.R. Poinsett Sec. Of War in his report of Dec. 30, 1837United States - MidwestU.S. Government1837Aunsold
202Map of the Western StatesUnited States - MidwestStiles, Sherman & Smith1839B+80.00
203Political Map of the Northern Division of the United StatesUnited States - Central & EasternWoodbridge, William Channing1843A+unsold
204Map of the Territory of Minnesota Exhibiting the Route of the Expedition to the Red River of the North, in the Summer of 1849MinnesotaPope, John1849A+500.00
205Map of the Fort Ridgely & South Pass Road to Accompany the Report of William H. Nobles, by Samuel A. Medary, Engr.Central United StatesU.S. Department of Interior1858B+unsold
206Johnson's Nebraska, Dakota, Colorado & KansasUnited States - MidwestJohnson & Browning1861A100.00
207Map of the Burlington Route and Connections - Correct Map of the Great WestUnited States - MidwestRailroad Companies, (Various)1890B100.00
208Section of Map of the States of Kansas and Texas and Indian Territory, with Parts of the Territories of Colorado and New MexicoCentral United StatesU.S. Army1892Aunsold
209[Lot of 2] Map of the Cotton Belt Route… St. Louis Southwestern Railway Co. of TexasUnited States - South CentralRailroad Companies, (Various)1900A+60.00
210A Map of the Sources of the Colorado & Big Salt Lake, Platte, Yellow-Stone, Muscle-Shell, Missouri; & Salmon & Snake Rivers, branches of the Columbia RiverWestern United StatesBonneville, Benjamin L. E. de1837B+550.00
211Map of Upper California by the U.S. Ex. Ex. And Best AuthoritiesWestern United StatesWilkes, Charles1841A+210.00
212Map of the Route Pursued by the Late Expedition under the Command of Col. S.W. Kearney, U.S. 1st DragoonsWestern United StatesFranklin, William Buell [Lt.]1845B+170.00
213[Lot of 5] Topographical Map of the Road from Missouri to Oregon… Section III - VIIWestern United StatesFremont, John Charles1846A+800.00
214Oregon and Upper CaliforniaWestern United StatesMitchell, Samuel Augustus1846A600.00
215Map to Illustrate Capt. Bonneville's Adventures among the Rocky MountainsWestern United StatesColton, Joseph Hutchins1855Aunsold
216United States of North America North West SheetWestern United StatesEttling, Theodor1858A140.00
217Oregon, Washington, California, Utah & New MexicoWestern United StatesColton, George Woolworth1858B+100.00
218Johnson's Nebraska, Dakota, Idaho, Montana and WyomingWestern United StatesJohnson, A. J.1865 [70]A80.00
219Nebraska, and the Territories of Dakota, Idaho, Montana and WyomingWestern United StatesWalling & Gray1872A+95.00
220[Lot of 4 - Town Plans]Western United StatesWheeler, George (Lt)1878A+230.00
221[Lot of 2] Geological Map of Portions of Wyoming, Idaho and Utah [and] Economic Map of Portions of Wyoming, Idaho and UtahWestern United StatesU.S. Department of Interior1879B+210.00
222[Lot of 2] Die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika in 6 Blattern…Western United StatesPetermann, Augustus Herman1882-84A+75.00
223[Lot of 12 Photogravures]Western United States1888A+140.00
224Map of the Military Department of UtahWestern United StatesU.S. War Department1892A65.00
225Essayons Topographical Map of California, Nevada, Oregon and Part of IdahoWestern United StatesU.S. War Department1892Aunsold
226Map Showing Great Northern Railway System - Chicago, Burlington & Quincy R.R. System - Spokane, Portland & Seattle Railway - Colorado & Southern Railway SystemWestern United StatesPoole Bros.1910A100.00
227Amer. Sep. Partie des Etats Unis. No. 40Montana, DakotasVandermaelen, Philippe Marie Guillaume1825-27A180.00
228Map of Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and Part of MontanaNorthwestern United StatesMitchell, Samuel Augustus1863A+70.00
229[Lot of 2] Colton's Map of Oregon, Washington, Idaho, British Columbia & Montana [and] County and Township Map Montana Idaho and WyomingNorthwestern United States1866-84220.00
230Geological Map of the Route explored by Lt. A.W. Whipple…From the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean 1853-1854Southwestern United StatesWhipple, Amiel Weekes1859B+160.00
231Territories of New Mexico and UtahSouthwestern United StatesColton, Joseph Hutchins1857A130.00
232Territory of UtahSouthwestern United States, UtahJohnston, W. & A.K.1857A950.00
233California Utah, Lr. California and New MexicoWestern United States & MexicoEttling, Theodor1858A150.00
234Johnson's California Territories of New Mexico and UtahSouthwestern United StatesJohnson & Browning1861B+unsold
235Johnson's California Territories of New Mexico and UtahSouthwestern United StatesJohnson & Ward1862B+750.00
236Map of Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, Kansas, Colorado and Indian TerritorySouthwestern United StatesWarner & Beers1870A90.00
237Johnson's California, Utah, Nevada, Colorado, New Mexico, and ArizonaSouthwestern United StatesJohnson, A. J.1870A120.00
238Outline Map of Parts of Southern California & South-Western Nevada, Showing the Relative Areas of Drainage…Southwestern United StatesU.S. Army1876B+unsold
239Map of the Military Department of New MexicoSouthwestern United StatesU.S. War Department1892A60.00
240Territory and Military Department of UtahSouthwestern United StatesU.S. War Department1892A50.00
241Cram's Railroad & Township Map of AlabamaAlabamaCram, George F. & Company1879A+unsold
242Alaska to Accompany the Annual Report of the GovernorAlaskaGeneral Land Office1912B+unsold
243Cram's Railroad & Township Map of ArizonaArizonaCram, George F. & Company1879A160.00
244Territory of ArizonaArizonaGeneral Land Office1896A+120.00
245Territory of ArizonaArizonaGeneral Land Office1899A+120.00
246Amer. Sep. Nouvelle Californie. No. 46CaliforniaVandermaelen, Philippe Marie Guillaume1825-27B+200.00
247Sketch of General Riley's Route Through the Mining Districts July and Aug. 1849CaliforniaDerby, George Horatio (Lt)1849A350.00
248Geological Map of a Part of the State of California Explored in 1853 by Lieut. R.S. Williamson U.S. Top. Engr.CaliforniaU.S. War Department1855B+110.00
249CaliforniaCaliforniaColton, Joseph Hutchins1858B+100.00
250Map of Public Surveys in California to Accompany Report of Surveyor Gen'l.CaliforniaU.S. State Surveys1860B+210.00
251Cram's Railroad & Township Map of CaliforniaCaliforniaCram, George F. & Company1879A210.00
252[Lot of 4 - Yosemite]California, Yosemite National Park1899-1905A+75.00
253The Kern River Region Portion of Map of the Sierra Nevada Mountains of Central CaliforniaCalifornia1904A+85.00
254[Collection of 68 - California Road Maps]CaliforniaAutomobile Club of Southern California1912-15A+350.00
255San Diego Entrance and Approaches [on sheet with] General Sketch of San Diego Bay and Los CoronadosCalifornia, San DiegoU.S. Coast Survey1853B+100.00
256Mission of San DiegoCalifornia, San DiegoKoppel, Charles1855A75.00
257Preliminary Chart of Entrance to San Francisco Bay CaliforniaCalifornia, San FranciscoU.S. Coast Survey1856B+110.00
258Map of San Francisco [Burned District]California, San Francisco1906A+275.00
259[Lot of 9 - Stereo Views]Colorado1870A50.00
260Map of Colorado Territory, and Northern Portion of New Mexico Showing the System of ParcsColoradoGilpin, William1873A425.00
261Cram's Railroad & Township Map of ColoradoColoradoCram, George F. & Company1879A+450.00
262[Lot of 3] Central Portion of the Elk Mountains Looking West [with] The La Plata Mountains [and] The Quartzite Group -- San Juan MountainsColoradoHayden, Ferdinand Vandeveer1881A170.00
263Gray's ColoradoColoradoGray, Ormando Willis & Son1881A+160.00
264ConnecticutConnecticutFinley, Anthony1824B90.00
265Entwistle's Handy Map of Washington and Vicinity Showing Public Buildings, Churches, Hotels, Places of Amusement, and Lines of Street Rail RoadsDistrict of Columbia1879A+210.00
266Topographical Map of the District of Columbia Showing the Projected Harbor Improvement, System of Main Drainage and County Roads, as Corrected to 1880District of ColumbiaBoschke, A.1880B+150.00
267[Lot of 12] City of Washington Statistical Map Nos.1-12District of ColumbiaU.S. Government1880-81B+375.00
268[Lot of 2] Map of the City of Washington Showing the Main Overhead Lines inside of the Fire Limits [and] … Principal Supply Mains; also the area supplied by PumpingDistrict of Columbia1898A+160.00
269Washington - The Beautiful Capital of the NationDistrict of Columbia1923B+425.00
270Cram's Railroad & Township Map of DakotaDakota Territory & WyomingCram, George F. & Company1879B+unsold
271[Lot of 4 Battle at Wounded Knee Maps]Dakota TerritoryU.S. Army1890-91A+650.00
272Map of the Black Hills From a reconnaissance by Capt. William Ludlow Corps. of Engineers and maps of Warren and RaynoldsSouth DakotaU.S. War Department1874B+unsold
273St. Augus. de FlorideFlorida, St. AugustineMallet, Alain Manesson1683A+150.00
274Map of East Florida, Reduced from the Map compiled by Capt. John Mackay & Lieut. J.E. Blake…FloridaThayer & Co.1840A+275.00
275A Plat Exhibiting the State of the Surveys in the State of FloridaFloridaU.S. State Surveys1849B+160.00
276Survey of a Line between Cedar Keys and Amelia Island … for a Canal across the Isthmus of Florida 1853 &1854FloridaU.S. War Department1855B60.00
277Map of Jacksonville and Atlantic RailroadFlorida1886A3000.00
278Neueste Karte von Georgia mit seinen Strassen, Eisenbahnen und EntfernungenGeorgiaMeyer, Joseph1845A+100.00
279Carte des Iles Hawaii pour servir au Voyage pittoresque autour du MondeHawaiiDumont d'Urville, Jules Sebasian Cesar1834A220.00
280Colton's Hawaiian Group or Sandwich IslandsHawaiiJohnson & Browning1855A75.00
281Jnsel Hawaii Nach BrighamHawaii1870A80.00
282Cram's Railroad & Township Map of IowaIowa1879Aunsold
283Asher & Adams' KansasKansasAsher & Adams1874B+60.00
284Carte Geographique, Statistique et Historique du KentuckyKentuckyBuchon, Jean Alexandre1825A+unsold
285[Lot of 2] Kentucky and TennesseeKentucky and Tennessee1834-56230.00
286Embouchures du Fleuve St. Louis ou MississipiLouisiana, Mississippi DeltaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1763A100.00
287[Lot of 3 - Louisiana]Louisiana1834-38400.00
288Map of Louisiana Showing Tensas Delta District Bounded in RedLouisiana1895B+unsold
289Grundriss von Neu-OrleansLouisiana, New OrleansBellin, Jacques Nicolas1744A220.00
290Section of Hardee's Map of Louisiana, Showing the Three Parts of a Plan for Hydraulic Engineering for the Drainage of the City of New Orleans… and the Prevention of its InundationsLouisiana, New Orleans1879A+275.00
291[Lot of 4 Maine]MaineU.S. Government1838A+65.00
292MarylandMarylandArrowsmith & Lewis1805B+unsold
293[Lot of 4 Battle of Antietam]Maryland, Civil WarU.S. War Department1862A110.00
294A Geological Map of the County of Berkshire Mass. And of a Small Part of the Adjoining StatesMassachusettsDoolittle, Amos1824B+90.00
295Soil Map Dukes and Nantucket Counties MassachusettsMassachusettsU.S. Government1825A240.00
296[Cape Cod]MassachusettsWalling & Gray1871B250.00
297Automobile Map of Massachusetts. Cape CodMassachusettsWalker Lithograpic & Publishing Co.1912-15A130.00
298[Lot of 2] New Map of Boston, Comprising the Whole City, with the New Boundaries of the Wards [and] [6 U.S. City Plans]Boston, Massachusetts and US cities1831-55unsold
299Boston with Charlestown and RoxburyMassachusetts, BostonSDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge1842A+450.00
300Bird's Eye View of Boston Harbor Along the South Shore to ProvincetownMassachusetts, Boston1920A120.00
301La Riviere du Detroit Depuis le Lac Sainte Claire jusqu'an Lac ErieMichigan, DetroitBellin, Jacques Nicolas1764B+950.00
302Cram's Railroad & Township Map of MichiganMichiganCram, George F. & Company1879A+150.00
304[Lot of 3] MississippiMississippi1835-42240.00
305Cram's Railroad & Township Map of MississippiMississippiCram, George F. & Company1879Aunsold
306Cram's Railroad & Township Map of MissouriMissouriCram, George F. & Company1879A100.00
307Sketch of the Yellowstone Lake and the Valley of the Upper Yellowstone River. Route of Capt's J.W. Barlow and D.P. Heap, Corps of Engineers, in the Reconnaissance of that Region during the Summer of 1871.Montana, Wyoming, Yellowstone ParkU.S. War Department1872B+210.00
308Cram's Railroad & Township Map of MontanaMontanaCram, George F. & Company1879A110.00
309Montana TerritoryMontanaGeneral Land Office1887B+190.00
310Map of the State of MontanaMontanaGeneral Land Office1897A+120.00
311Outline Map of Washoe District Nev. Showing Comstock Lode Etc.NevadaU.S. Geographical Survey1879B+75.00
312New JerseyNew JerseyThomas and Andrews1797A50.00
313Carte Geographique, Statistique et Historique du New-JerseyNew JerseyBuchon, Jean Alexandre1825Aunsold
314Map of the Boardwalk and Business Section of Atlantic City, N.J.Atlantic City, New Jersey1903B+100.00
315Map of the Territory of New Mexico, made by order of Brig. Gen. S. W. Kearney…New MexicoAbert & Peck1846-47A+600.00
316A Map of the Country between Crown Point and Fort EdwardNew YorkAnon.1759B+120.00
317Neueste Karte von New York…New YorkMeyer, Joseph1844B+100.00
318Middle Part of the Southern Coast of Long IslandNew York, Long IslandU.S. Coast Survey1857Aunsold
319Map of the Adirondack WildernessNew YorkStoddard, S. R.1884B+150.00
320New YorkNew York CitySDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge1840A200.00
321Map of the City of New YorkNew York CityRogers & Shannon1868B+350.00
322Map of the Upper Part of the Island of Manhattan Above Eighty-Sixth Street Arranged to Illustrate the Battle of Harlem HeightsNew York CityRogers & Shannon1868Bunsold
323Map of New York City 1897 Presented by the Wholesale Merchants of New YorkNew York CityColton, G.W. & C.B.1897A70.00
324North and South CarolinaNorth and South CarolinaBurr/Illman1834A190.00
325[Lot of 2] OhioOhio1831-42100.00
326[Lot of 10 - Ohio]OhioWalling & Gray1872A75.00
327[Lot of 2] Indian TerritoryOklahoma1872-80A170.00
328Cram's Railroad & Township Map of Indian Tery.OklahomaCram, George F. & Company1879A+150.00
329Indian TerritoryOklahomaGeneral Land Office1879B+170.00
330Indian TerritoryOklahomaGeneral Land Office1887B+180.00
331Indian Territory Compiled under the direction of Hon: John H. Oberly, Commissioner of Indian AffairsOklahomaU.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs1889B+190.00
332[Lot of 4 - Oklahoma/Indian Territory]Oklahoma1901-1905unsold
333State of SequoyahOklahomaU.S. Government1905A850.00
334[Lot of 2] PhiladelphiaPennsylvania, Philadelphia1838-40120.00
335Bird's Eye View, Centennial Exhibition Buildings & Grounds, Philad'aPennsylvania, Philadelphia1875B+90.00
336[Lot of 2] Map of the Battle-Field of Gettysburg… [and] Route Map of Gettysburg CampaignPennsylvania, Civil War - GettysburgU.S. Army1891-5A+60.00
337Rhode IslandRhode IslandFinley, Anthony1824B+unsold
338[Lot of 2] Railroad Map of Rhode IslandRhode IslandRand McNally & Co.1902-08Aunsold
339Map of the Water Routes between Charleston Harbor and South Santee PassSouth CarolinaU.S. Government1899B+unsold
340Reconnaissance of Routes from San Antonio de Bexar to El Paso del Norte &c.TexasU.S. War Department1849B+300.00
341Texas d'apres la Carte Publiee par J.H. ColtonTexasLemercier1854B+210.00
342[Lot of 2] Map of Texas and Part of New Mexico [and] TexasTexas1857-1902180.00
343Johnson's New Map of the State of TexasTexasJohnson & Ward1863B+130.00
344Cram's Railroad & Township Map of TexasTexasCram, George F. & Company1879A240.00
345Map of the Great Salt Lake and Adjacent Country in the Territory of Utah [on sheet with] The Great Salt Lake (Mormon) City and Surrounding Country (on an Enlarged Scale)UtahWeller, Edward1860B+unsold
346Cram's Railroad & Township Map of UtahUtahCram, George F. & Company1879A190.00
348Map of the Vicinity of Richmond, and Part of the Peninsula. From Surveys Made by the Order of Maj. Gen. J. F. Gilmer Chief Engineer, C.S.A.Virginia, Civil WarGilmer, Jeremy Francis1862-63B+850.00
349Map of the City of Norfolk, Va.Virginia, Norfolk1872B+210.00
350Map of the City of Richmond, Va.Virginia, Richmond1876B+250.00
351Map of Winchester Virginia Addition Made by the Equity Improvement CompanyVirginia, Winchester1890A140.00
352Map of the City of Staunton Augusta County, Virginia Issued by Staunton Development CompanyVirginia, Staunton1891Aunsold
353[Lot of 2] Map of a Part of Washington Territory Lying East of the Cascade Mountains… [and] Map of that Part of Washington Territory Lying West of the Cascade Mountains…WashingtonGeneral Land Office1857B50.00
354[Lot of 2] Plan of the Settlement at Green Bay from the Report of J. Lee Esqre. Agent &c.WisconsinU.S. Government1821-1860Aunsold
355Plat of Navarino Green Bay, Wisconsin Territory. 1836. Daniel Whitney, Joshua Whitney, Henry Hamilton - ProprietorsWisconsin, Green BayEllis, A.G.1836B+1300.00
356Chart of Green Bay. Surveyed under the Direction of Capt. W.G. Williams… Reduced from the Original Map…Wisconsin, Green BayU.S. War Department1846B+60.00
357WyomingWyomingCram, George F. & Company1891A+55.00
358Map of the State of WyomingWyomingGeneral Land Office1900A190.00
359Report upon the Yellowstone National Park to the Secretary of the Interior, by P.W. Norris, Superintendent, for the Year 1879Wyoming, Yellowstone National ParkU.S. Gov't Printing Office1880A150.00
360[Lot of 3 - Yellowstone National Park]Wyoming, Yellowstone National ParkU.S. Government1900A+70.00
361Audience de Guadalajara, Nouveau Mexique, Californie, &c.California & MexicoSanson, Nicolas1660A+1400.00
362A Map of Mexico or New Spain Florida now called Louisiana and Part of California &c.United States & MexicoMoll, Herman1717B+400.00
363Carte de la Californie Suivant I. La Carte Manuscrite de l'Amerique de Mathieu Neron Pecci Olen Dresse a Florence en 1604, II. Sanson 1656, III. De L'Isle Amerique Sept. 1700, IV. Le Pere Kino Jesuite en 1705, V. La Societe des Jesuites en 1767California and Baja MexicoRobert de Vaugondy, Didier1777A500.00
364Le Nouveau Mexique, avec la Partie Septentrionale de l'Ancien, ou de la Nouvelle EspagneUnited States & MexicoBonne, Rigobert1780A+130.00
365No. 4 Map of the United States and Texas / No. 5 Map of Mexico and GuatimalaUnited States, Texas & MexicoMitchell, Samuel Augustus1839B+unsold
366MexicoUnited States, Texas & MexicoHall, Sidney1840Aunsold
367[Lot of 3] California, Mexico, Guatimala &c. [and] Mexico & Guatimala [and] Mexico & GuatamalaUnited States, Texas & Mexico1840-50Aunsold
368Map of the CaliforniasSouthwestern United States & MexicoFarnham, Thomas J.1845Aunsold
369Mexico & GuatemalaUnited States, Texas & MexicoMitchell, Samuel Augustus1846B1100.00
370Mexico, California & TexasUnited States, Texas & MexicoBlack, Adam & Charles1849B+unsold
371Nova Hispania, Nova Galicia, GuatimalaMexicoGerritsz/De Laet1630B+475.00
372Nova Hispania, et Nova GaliciaMexicoBlaeu, Willem1640A350.00
373Partie Meridionale, de l'Ancien Mexique ou de la Nouvle. EspagneMexico and Central AmericaBonne, Rigobert1783A+unsold
374Culiacanae, Americae Regionis Descriptio [on sheet with] Hispanoliae, Cubae, Aliarumque Insularum Circumiacientium, DelineatoCaribbean, MexicoOrtelius, Abraham1579B+750.00
375Bay et Chateau de Porto BelloPanamaAa, Pieter van der1729A90.00
376Central AmericaCentral AmericaTallis, John1851B55.00
377Carte du Golphe du Mexique et des Isles de l'AmeriqueGulf of Mexico and CaribbeanBellin, Jacques Nicolas1754Aunsold
378Kaart van de Onderkoningschappen van Mexico en Nieuw Granada in de Spaansche West-IndienGulf of Mexico and CaribbeanTirion, Isaac1765A240.00
379Map of the Gulf of Mexico, the Islands and Countries adjacentGulf of Mexico and CaribbeanKitchin, Thomas1777A150.00
380Golfe du Mexique, Assujetti aux Observations AstronomiquesGulf of Mexico and CaribbeanLaporte, Joseph de1783A75.00
381[3 Sheets] Carte des Isles Antilles et du Golfe du Mexique; avec la Majeure partie de la Nouvelle EspagneGulf of Mexico and CaribbeanBonne, Rigobert1786Aunsold
382De Golf van Mexico, de Eilanden en het Omleggende LandGulf of Mexico and CaribbeanElwe, Jan Barend1792Aunsold
383Betts's Family Atlas West IndiesGulf of Mexico, Texas, and CaribbeanBetts, John1840A100.00
384Cuba Insula [on sheet with] Hispaniola Insula [and] Ins. Iamaica [and] Ins. S. Ioannis [and] Is. MargaretaGreater AntillesMercator/Jansson1628Aunsold
385Les Isles Antilles &c. entre lesquelles sont les Lucayes, et les CaribesCaribbeanSanson/Mariette1656B+unsold
386The West Indies Exhibiting the English French Spanish Dutch & Danish Settlements with the Adjacent Parts of North & South America from the Best AuthoritiesCaribbeanMiddleton, Charles T.1779Aunsold
387Archipelago Colombiano cioe le Isole Lucaje le Grandi e Piccole AntilleCaribbeanTasso, G.1834Aunsold
388Map of the West India & Bahama Islands with the Adjacent Coasts of Yucatan, Hunduras, Caracas &c.CaribbeanWyld, James1840Aunsold
389[Lot of 14 - Spanish-American War]Spanish-American War, Cuba Puerto Rico and PhilippinesU.S. War Department1898160.00
390Carte Reduite de l'Isle de Saint Domingue et de ses Debouquements pour servir aux Vaisseaux du Roy…HispaniolaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1750A+unsold
391Cuba Insula et IamaicaCuba and JamaicaWytfliet, Cornelis1605A+950.00
392HavanaHavana, CubaMontanus/Ogilby1671A275.00
393Carte de l'Isle de la JamaiqueJamaicaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1758B+75.00
394JamaicaJamaicaTallis, John1851B+75.00
395[Lot of 12 Hispaniola]HispaniolaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1764B+110.00
396Carte des Antilles Francoises et des Isles Voisines Dressee sur les memoire manuscrits de Mr. Petit Ingenieur du Roy…Lesser AntillesDelisle/Covens & Mortier1733A+200.00
397Carte de l'Isle de Sainte Lucie pour servir a l'Histoire Generale des VoyagesLesser AntillesBellin, Jacques Nicolas1775A+100.00
398A New Map of the Island of Barbadoes wherein Every Parish, Plantation, Watermill, Windmill & Cattlemill, is Described…BarbadosFord, Richard1710Aunsold
399A New Mapp of the Island of St. Christophers being an Actuall Survey Taken by Mr. Andrew NorwoodSt. KittsMount & Page1733B+375.00
400[Lot of 2] Carte de l'Isle de la Guadeloupe [and] Environs du Fort Louis de la GuadeloupeGuadeloupeBellin, Jacques Nicolas1758-64B+unsold
401Carte des Isles des ViergesLesser Antilles - Virgin IslandsBellin, Jacques Nicolas1764B425.00
402Americae pars MeridionalisSouth AmericaHondius/Jansson1647B850.00
403America AustralisSouth AmericaScherer, Heinrich1699Aunsold
404Map of the European Settlements in South America, and on the Western Coast of AfricaSouth America, Western AfricaKitchin, Thomas1776B60.00
405Amerique MeridionaleSouth AmericaLevasseur, Victor1846A110.00
406Maps Herndon's ReportSouth AmericaHerndon, Lt. William Lewis1853A120.00
407[Lot of 3] Chili and La Plata [with] Peru & Bolivia [and] British GuyanaSouth AmericaTallis, John1860130.00
408[Lot of 2] Map of South America, Showing its Political Divisions [and] Map of New Granada Venezuela, and Guiana [on sheet with] Map of Peru, and Ecuador [and] Map of the Argentine ConfederationSouth AmericaMitchell, Samuel Augustus1870B+unsold
409Terre Ferme, Nouveau Royme de Grenade, &c.Northern South America, PanamaSanson, Nicolas1700A+220.00
410Venezuela ende het Westelyckste gedeelte van Nueva AndalusiaVenezuelaGerritsz/De Laet1630A375.00
411Venezuela, cum parte Australi Novae AndalusiaeVenezuelaHondius/Blaeu1635A425.00
412Guiana sive Amazonum RegioGuyana, Suriname, French GuianaBlaeu, Willem1662B325.00
413Carte de la Guiane…Guyana, Suriname, French GuianaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1773A+110.00
415Nieuwe Kaart van Suriname Vertonende de Stromen en Landstreken van Suriname Comowini, Cottica, en Marawini…SurinameOttens, Joachim1710A+450.00
416A Map of the Island Cayenne [on sheet with] Town and Fort St. Lewis… [and] A Mapp of ye Harbour of the Cul de Sac Royal, in ye Island MartinicoFrench GuianaKip, Johannes1744A+unsold
417Vue de la Riviere et d l'Isle de CayenneFrench Guiana1775Aunsold
418Brasil Nuova TavolaBrazilRuscelli, Girolamo1564B+300.00
419BrasiliaBrazilWytfliet, Cornelis1605B+475.00
420Olinda de PhernambucoBrazilMontanus, Arnoldus1671A240.00
421Veroveringe van Rio Grande in Brasil. Anno 1633BrazilAnon.1690A350.00
422Le Bresil, Suivant les Nouvelles Observations…BrazilAa, Pieter van der1729Aunsold
423Kaart van de Aller-Heiligen Baay waar aan de Hoofdstad legt van BrazilBrazilTirion, Isaac1769A150.00
424[Lot of 3] Carte du Bresil Prem. Partie Depuis la Riviere des Amazones… [with] Suite du Bresil [and] Suite du Bresil, Depuis la Baie de Tous les Saints…BrazilBellin, Jacques Nicolas1773A200.00
425Callao de LimaLima, PeruMontanus, Arnoldus1671A230.00
426PeruPeruMontanus, Arnoldus1673B+160.00
427Le Paraguay Subdivise en ses Principales Parties Suivant les Dernieres RelaonsCentral South America, ParaguaySanson, Nicolas1700A+unsold
428Freti Magellanici ac novi Freti vulgo Le Maire exactissima delineatioSouth America - SouthernHondius/Jansson1640A500.00
429Dt. de MagellanSouth America - SouthernMallet, Alain Manesson1683A60.00
430Falkland Islands and PatagoniaSouth America - SouthernTallis, John1851B+55.00
431Carta Particolare che Comincia con il Capo S: Andrea e Finiscie con il Capo Matas d'America…ArgentinaDudley, Robert (Sir)1661A1200.00
432Le Chili Tire de Alf de Oualle de la C. d. I. et divise en treize IurisdictionsChileSanson, Nicolas1700A+110.00
433A Generall Chart for the West Indies According to Mr. Edw: Wrights Projection Commonly Called Mercators ChartAtlantic OceanMount & Page1706B+325.00
434Carte de l'Ocean Occidental Dressee pour Servir a l'Histoire Generale des VoyagesNorth Atlantic OceanBellin/Van Schley1746B+unsold
435Carte de l'Ocean Meridional…South Atlantic OceanBellin, Jacques Nicolas1746B+unsold
436Les BarmudesBermudaMorden1687A375.00
437Cape Verd Ids.Cape Verde IslandsLucas, Fielding1823A60.00
439Isles CanariesCanary IslandsSanson, Nicolas1656B+60.00
440Carte des Isles de Madere et Porto Santo…Madeira and Porto Santo islandsBellin/Van Schley1773A50.00
442Septentrionalium Partium Nova TabulaArctic and ScandinaviaRuscelli, Girolamo1561B+450.00
443Septentrionales Reg.North Atlantic and ArcticOrtelius/Vrients1609A200.00
444A Map of the Icy Sea in Which the Several Communications with the Land Waters and Other New Discoveries are ExhibitedArcticGibson, John1760A+120.00
445A Map of GroenlandGreenlandChurchill, John1804A+100.00
446Europa das ein Drittheil der Erden nach Gelegenheit unsern ZeitenEuropeMunster, Sebastian1578A950.00
447[Europa Regina]EuropeMunster, Sebastian1580B+800.00
448Imperium Caroli MagniEuropeJansson, Jan1670A550.00
449Exhibitio Totius Europae, Cuius Provinciae Fide Catholica…EuropeScherer, Heinrich1703B230.00
450[2 Sheets] A New and Accurate Map of Europe Divided into its EmpiresEuropeKitchin, Thomas1778B375.00
451Europe, Composee par G. de l'Isle, et Corriggee Selon le plus Nouvelle ObservationsEuropeElwe, Jan Barend1792A425.00
452EuropeEuropeTallis, John1851B+95.00
453[Lot of 12 European countries]EuropeSDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge1831-34B+50.00
454[Lot of 3] Warsaw (Warszawa) [and] Dublin [and] Eastern Division of Paris Containing the QuartiersEuropeSDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge1831-40B+160.00
455Anglia et Hibernia NovaBritainRuscelli, Girolamo1561A300.00
456Magnae Britanniae et Hiberniae Tabulae, Die Britannischen InsulenBritainMerian, Matthaus1646B+220.00
457Novissima prae caeteris aliis accuratissima Regnorum Angliae Scotiae Hiberniae…BritainWit, Frederick de1680C275.00
458Isles BritanniquesBritainMallet, Alain Manesson1683Aunsold
459Veteris et Novae Britanniae DescriptioBritainCluver, Philipp1697A+160.00
460CornwallEnglandSpeed, John1610B+2300.00
461The Continuation of the Road from London to Barwick Beginning at Stilton and extending to TuxfordEnglandOgilby, John1680B+250.00
462The County of MonmouthEnglandMorden, Robert1695B60.00
463Somerset ShireEnglandMorden, Robert1695B+140.00
464Afbeelding van de Stad en Revier van Rochester, Chattam…1667EnglandStoopendaal, Daniel1700B+375.00
465[Lot of 3 Road Maps]England1719-30A50.00
466La Partie Meridionale dell'Inghilterra e del Principato di GallesSouthern EnglandCassini, Giovanni Maria1795B+95.00
467Sir Christopher Wren's Design for re-building the City of London after the Great Fire in 1666: from an original Drawn in the Library of All-Soul's College, OxfordEngland, LondonWren, Christopher1800A100.00
468Smith's New Plan of London, Westminster and SouthwarkEngland, LondonSmith, Charles1835A230.00
469Indicator Map of London Divided Into Quarter Mile Squares...England, LondonSmith & Son1888A160.00
470Das Engelland mit dem Anstossenden Reich Schottlandt so vor Zeiten Albion und Britannia haben GeheissenEngland & WalesMunster, Sebastian1578A400.00
471[Lot of 3] Anglia [and] L'Angleterre Suivant les Nouvelles Observations… [and] L'Angleterre Divisee en 5 Grandes PartiesEngland & Wales1625-1766unsold
472[Lot of 7 - Road Maps]England & WalesOwen & Bowen1720A110.00
473Regni Angliae et Principatus Cambriae Tabula Nova…England & WalesHomann Heirs1805A210.00
474Brecknoc Comitatus pars olim SilurumWalesSaxton/Kip1610B+unsold
475Montgomeria Comitatus et Comitatus MerviniaWalesBlaeu, Johannes1645A+150.00
476A New Map of South Wales, Containing the Counties of Radnor, Brecknock, Glamorgan, Carmarthen, Pembroke, & Cardigan…WalesKitchin, Thomas1780B+unsold
477[Scotiae II Tabula on verso]ScotlandMercator/Hondius1630A200.00
478Leogus et Haraia, Insulae ex Aebudarum Numero, quae, Quamquam Isthmo Cohaereant, pro Diversis HabenturScotlandBlaeu, Johannes1662A+200.00
479Le Royaume d'Ecosse divisee en Shires ou ComtesScotlandRobert de Vaugondy, Gilles1751B+160.00
480[Lot of 27 - Scotland]Scotland183890.00
481ScotlandScotlandTallis, John1851B+100.00
482Ultonia OrientalIrelandMercator/Hondius1610A100.00
484Udrone Irlandiae in Catherlagh BaroniaIrelandMercator/Hondius1613B+unsold
486Hibernia Regnum Vulgo IrelandIrelandBlaeu, Willem1647B+650.00
487Le Royaume d'Irlande divise en ses Provinces, Subdivise en Shireries ou Comtes…IrelandSanson/Jaillot1692B+unsold
488Hyberniae Regni in Provincias Ultoniam, Connachiam. Legeniam, MomoniamqIrelandAllard, Carel1733A1100.00
489Carte du Royaume d'IrlandeIrelandLaporte, Joseph de1780A100.00
490IrelandIrelandTallis, John1851A160.00
491Anglesey [on sheet with] Wight ol: Vectis [and] Garnesay [and] IarsayChannel IslandsMercator/Jansson1628A100.00
492Novissima et Accuratissima Canalis inter Angliae et Galliae Tabulacum Omnibus suis Portibus, Arenis et ProfundisEnglish ChannelDanckerts, Justus1695B+unsold
493Le Canal et Partie dela FranceEnglish ChannelMortier/Fricx1706B275.00
494Le Plus Grande Partie de la Manche, qui Contient les Cotes d'Angleterre et Celles de France…English ChannelSeutter, Matthias1740B150.00
495Russia cum ConfinijsNorthern EuropeMercator, Gerard1606A+400.00
496Gemeine Beschreibung Aller Mittnaechtigen Laender, Schweden, Gothen, Norwegien, Denmarck &c.ScandinaviaMunster, Sebastian1578A800.00
497Norvegia et SveciaScandinaviaMercator/Jansson1628A150.00
498La Suede, et la Norwege avec l'Islande…Scandinavia1766Bunsold
499Ducatus UplandiaSwedenBlaeu, (Family)1640B+300.00
500Royaume de Suede. Troisieme Carte. Suede ModerneSwedenChanlaire & Mentelle1800Aunsold
501Stokholmia Orientem versusSweden, StockholmDahlberg, Count Erik Jonsson1693A650.00
502Dioecesis Stavangriensis, & Partes Aliquot Vicinae, Opera L. Scavenii, S.S.NorwayBlaeu, (Family)1635B+425.00
503Regni Norvegiae Accurata Tabula in qua Praefecturae Quinque Generales Aggerhusiensis, Bergensis Nidrosiensis, Wardhusiensis et BahusiensisNorwayHomann, Johann Baptist1720A+300.00
504Tractus Norwegiae Danicus Magnam Dioeceseos AggerhusiensisNorwayHomann, Johann Baptist1729B+450.00
505Die Statt RigaRiga, LatviaMunster, Sebastian1578A90.00
507Pas-caart van de Oost Zee…BalticGoos, Pieter1669B+650.00
508DaniaDenmark and SwedenOrtelius/Vrients1609A+100.00
509Daniae RegnumDenmarkMercator/Jansson1628A120.00
510DenmarkDenmarkTallis, John1860B+75.00
511Konigl. Danemarck Haupt v. Ressi. Statt Coppenhagen, wie Solche von dem Konig in Schweden…Denmark, CopenhagenMerian, Matthaus1667Aunsold
512De Comitatu FlandriaeLow CountriesMunster, Sebastian1598Aunsold
513Arena Martis in Belgio, Qua Provinciae X. Catholicae Inferioris GermaniaeLow CountriesHomann, Johann Baptist1710B+150.00
514Oude Kaart der nu Vereenigde Nederlanden tot Opheldering der Vaderlansche Historie in de MiddeleeuweLow CountriesTirion, Isaac1749A+unsold
515Transisalania Provincia Vulgo Over-YsselNetherlandsWit, Frederick de1700B+325.00
516Bruxella, urbs auficorum frequentia, fontium copia…Belgium, BrusselsBraun & Hogenberg1572B+650.00
517Carte pour l'Intelligence de l'Histoire d'Angleterre ou on Remarque les Conquests de Cette Monarchie…Europe - WesternChatelain, Henry Abraham1708A+unsold
518Carte des Costes de France et d'EspagneEurope - WesternBellin, Jacques Nicolas1765A75.00
519Lyonnois Forest et BeaujoloisFranceMercator/Hondius1610A60.00
521Nova Galliae TabulaeFranceMercator/Jansson1628A100.00
522Bolonia & Guines ComitatusFranceMercator, Gerard1630B+unsold
523[Lot of 11 - France]FranceTassin, Christophe Nicholas1631-44Aunsold
524[Lot of 10 - French Fortification Plans]FranceTassin, Christophe Nicholas1631-44A220.00
525Sabaudia Ducatus la SavoieFranceMercator/Hondius1636A300.00
526Pictaviae Ducatus Descriptio, Vulgo le Pais de PoictouFranceBlaeu, Willem1640A+190.00
527Delphinatus vulgo Dauphine avec ses Confins des Pais et Provinces Voisines, par Jean de BeinsFranceBlaeu, (Family)1640A+180.00
528Nouvelle Carte Geographique de la Partie Meridionale de France, Contenant le Gouvernement de Guienne et Gascogne, le Lyonnois…FranceVisscher, Nicolas1670B+150.00
529Carte de l'Ancienne Ville de LyonFrance, Lyon1696B+unsold
530[Lot of 3] Gouvernement General de l'Isle de France… [with] Comitatus Burgundiae, Vulgo la Franche Comte… [and] Novissima Artesiae Comitatus Tabula in Lucem EditaFrance170075.00
531La France Divisee par Departements de Mrs. Les Secretaires d'EstatFranceJaillot, Alexis-Hubert1724A100.00
532Hispania nach aller seiner gelegenheit in Bergen…Spain & PortugalMunster, Sebastian1578B+240.00
533HispaniaSpain & PortugalOrtelius/Vrients1609A80.00
534Scenographia Totius Fabricae S. Laurentii in EscorialiSpainOrtelius/Vrients1609Aunsold
536Valentiae RegnumSpainOrtelius/Vrients1609A+100.00
537Andalusia et GranadaSpainMercator/Jansson1628A120.00
538SevillaSeville, SpainBraun & Hogenberg1657B+1300.00
539Baeticae Partis Iberion DescriptioSpain, GibraltarBocharti, Samuelis1712A150.00
540[Lot of 3] Provincia de Granada [and] Provincia de Cadiz [and] Provincia de ValladolidSpainBoronat y Satorre, Francisco1879unsold
542Portugallia et Algarbia quae olim LusitaniaPortugalMerian, Matthaus1646B+110.00
543[Lot of 2] Partie Septentrionale du Royaume du Portugal… [together with] Partie Meridionale du Royaume de Portugal…PortugalRobert de Vaugondy, Gilles1751A+unsold
544L'Alemagne Divisee en Tous ses Cercles avec les Pays qui en dependent…Europe - Central1766B+unsold
545[Lot of 2 - Rhine River]GermanyMunster, Sebastian1554A+150.00
546LuneburgGermanyMunster, Sebastian1560Bunsold
547Turingiae Noviss. Descript. per Iohannem Mellinger Halens [on sheet with] Misniae et Lusatiae Tabula Descripta a M. Bartholemeo Sculteto GorlitGermanyOrtelius, Abraham1612B130.00
548[Table Seconde de Westphalie]GermanyMercator/Hondius1627Bunsold
549Fossa Sanctae Mariae, quae Eugeniana Dicitur Vulgo de Nieuwe GriftGermanyBlaeu, Willem1635B+150.00
550Wirtenberg DucatusGermanyMercator/Hondius1636B+unsold
551Totius Sueviae novissima TabulaGermanyJansson, Jan1639A140.00
552Palatinatus BavariaeGermanyBlaeu, Willem1640B130.00
553Territorium Abbatiae Heresfeldensis - 't Stift HirszfeldtGermanyBlaeu, Willem1648B+120.00
554Tabula Geographica Partem Inferioris Rheni…Germany, BelgiumVisscher, Nicolas1690Aunsold
555Svevia quae cis Coda num suit sinumCentral EuropeCluver, Philipp1697A+unsold
556S.R.I. Circulus Rhenanus Superior in quo sunt Landgraviatus Hasso-Casselensis Darmstadiensis et Rhenofeldensis Abbatia Fuldensis…GermanyHomann, Johann Baptist1716Bunsold
557Delineatio Geographica Praefecturarum Wittebergensi et Graefenhaynichen in Cirulo Electorati…GermanySeutter/Lotter1730Aunsold
558Carte des Cercles du Haut et du Bas Rhin ou se trouvent dans le premier…GermanyRobert de Vaugondy, Didier1753Aunsold
559Mines et Forest du HartzGermanyCrepy, Paul1759A60.00
560Duche de Lavembourg a l'Electeur de HanoverGermany1759Aunsold
561Comte de MeursGermany1759A+unsold
562Cercles de Westphalie, Haut et Bas Rhin Divises en toutes leurs Principautes…Germany1766Bunsold
563Der Nordliche Theil des Obersachsischen Kreises oder Mark Brandenburg under das Herzogthum Pommern…GermanyGussefeld, Franz Ludwig1780A+150.00
564DresdenGermany, DresdenSDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge1833A+unsold
565Marchionatus Lusatiae Inferioris Bohemiae Olim Regno…Germany and PolandLotter, Tobias Conrad1760B90.00
566Tavola di Pomerania con tutti i pui degni prencipati, citta terre & rocchePoland and GermanyMunster, Sebastian1560B+150.00
568Oswiecz, et ZatorPolandOrtelius/Vrients1609A+75.00
569Prussiae Nova TabulaPolandCluver, Philipp1697A+275.00
570Carte Genealogique des Princes et Rois de Pologne…PolandChatelain, Henry Abraham1714A+250.00
571Poland subdivided into its several Palatinates &c Agreeable to Modern HistoryPolandMoll, Herman1732A90.00
572Egrana della citta gia fogget al Romani Imperat. Hora del Regno di BoemiaCzech RepublicMunster, Sebastian1560B75.00
573Carte du Royaume de Boheme. La Chronologie de ses Rois. Les Etats de Silesie, Moravie, et LusaceCzech RepublicChatelain, Henry Abraham1708A250.00
574Praga - 1574Czech Republic, PragueMunster, Sebastian1578A+110.00
575Kriegs-Expeditions-Karte in Bohmen…Czech Republic, PragueHomann Heirs1743A375.00
576[Lot of 2] Die Statt Chur [and] Von dem Hoff su ChurSwitzerland, ChurMunster, Sebastian1540A75.00
577Ober BadenSwitzerland, BadenMunster/Petri1588Bunsold
578Die Statt Basel…Switzerland, BaselMunster/Petri1598B+150.00
579Das WiflispurgergouSwitzerlandMercator/Jansson1628A+60.00
580Lacus LemanusSwitzerlandMercator/Jansson1628A120.00
581Les Cantons des Suisses, et Leurs Alliez et Leurs SujetsSwitzerlandSanson, Nicolas1700A+65.00
583Vienna (Wien)Austria, ViennaSDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge1833B+100.00
585La Partie Septentrionale de la Turquie en l'Europe Avec les trois Principautes Electiues de Transylvanie, Moldavie et Valachie…Southeastern EuropeLa Rue, Philippe de1651Aunsold
586A New Map of Turkey in Europe Divided into all its Provinces, with Adjacent Countries in Europe and AsiaSoutheastern EuropeLaurie & Whittle1794B+unsold
587Lithuania Obiter AdumbrataEurope - EasternBucelin, Gabriel1658A180.00
588Sarmatia et Scythia, Russia et Tartaria EuropaeEurope - EasternCluver, Philipp1697A+90.00
589Von den MoscowiternRussiaMunster, Sebastian1578A100.00
590Nieuwe Kaart van Muskovie of Rusland…RussiaTirion, Isaac1734B+unsold
591Territorium Mesenense et Pustoserense cum Adiacentibus Insulis et TerritoriisRussiaDelisle, Joseph Nicholas1745Aunsold
592[Lot of 2] Carte Nouvelle de Moscovie Represente la Partie Septentrionale [and] Partie Meridionale de MoscovieRussiaDelisle/Elwe1792A425.00
593St. PetersburgRussia, St. PetersburgSDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge1834A170.00
594Taurica Chersonesus, Hodie Przecopsca, et Gazara diciturUkraineJansson/Pitt1680A275.00
595A New & Accurate Map of the Krim Tartary, the Sea of Azof, and Parts of the Rivers Dneper, Bog and KubanUkraine & Black SeaLodge, John1769Bunsold
596Vetus Descriptio Daciarum Nec non Moesiarum…Romania and BulgariaJansson, Jan1657B+160.00
597Von Transsylvania, SiebenburgenBalkansMunster, Sebastian1578A90.00
598Schlavoniae, Croatiae, Carniae, Istriae, Bosniae, Finitimarumque Regionum Nova Descriptio, Auctore Augustino HirsvogelioBalkansOrtelius, Abraham1601A275.00
599Romania, Bulgaria, Walachia et SyrfiaBalkansOrtelius/Vrients1609A+80.00
600Walachia Servia, Bulgaria et RomaniaBalkansMercator/Jansson1628A85.00
601Macedonia Epirus et AchaiaBalkansMercator/Jansson1628A100.00
602Forum Iulium, Karstia, Carniola, Histria etc.Balkans, ItalyMercator/Jansson1628A120.00
603Sclavonia Croatia Bosnia cum Dalmatiae parteBalkansMercator/Jansson1628A75.00
604Pannoniae, et Illyrici Veteris TabulaBalkansCluver/Jansson1661B+70.00
605XIX - SpartaGreeceSchedel, Hartmann1493A+90.00
606Griechenland nach Seinen LandtGreeceMunster, Sebastian1578A85.00
607DaphneTurkeyOrtelius, Abraham1612A325.00
608TempeGreeceOrtelius, Abraham1612A325.00
610GreeceGreeceSpeed, John1662B+700.00
611Peloponnesus nunc MoreaGreeceCluver, Philipp1697A+75.00
612Partie de Turquie en EuropeGreeceSanson, Nicolas1700A+unsold
613Achaia quae et Hellas hodie LivadiaGreeceCluver, Philipp1711A+unsold
614La Thessalie…GreeceBarbie du Bocage, Jean Denis1788Aunsold
615[Lot of 2] L'Arcadie… [and] La Thessalie…GreeceBarbie du Bocage, Jean Denis1791Aunsold
616La Laconie et l'Isle de Cythere…GreeceBarbie du Bocage, Jean Denis1795A80.00
617Descrittione dell'Isola di ScioGreece, ChiosPorcacchi, Tomaso1572A190.00
618RhodiGreece, RhodesPorcacchi, Tomaso1590A120.00
619Candia seu Creta insulaCreteMunster, Sebastian1578Aunsold
621LXXXIIII - MantuaItalySchedel, Hartmann1493A110.00
622Italia mit den Dreien Furnemsten Inseln Corsica, Sardinia und SiciliaItalyMunster, Sebastian1578B+250.00
623Nullus in Orbe Locus Baiis Praelucet AmoenisItalyBraun & Hogenberg1580B300.00
624Tirolis Comitat.ItalyOrtelius/Vrients1601A47.50
625Italiae Novissima Descriptio Auctore Iacobo Castaldo PedemontanoItalyOrtelius, Abraham1612B+1300.00
626Romandiola Cum Ducatus ParmensiItalyMercator/Jansson1628A120.00
627Pedemontana Regio cum Genvensium Territorio & Montisferrati MarchionatuItalyMercator/Jansson1628A+unsold
628Verona, Vicentiae, et Pataviae, Dit.ItalyMercator/Jansson1628A+120.00
630Principatus Pedemontii, Ducatus Augustae Praetoriae, Salutii Marchionatus, Astae, Vercellarum et Niceae Comitatus Nova TabulaItalyJansson, Jan1640B130.00
631Mantua DucatusItalyJansson, Jan1642Aunsold
632Territorio di VeronaItalyJansson, Jan1647B+unsold
633Italiae Veteris SpecimenItalyCluver/Jansson1661A+120.00
634Italia AntiquaItalyCluver, Philipp1697A100.00
635Italiae Gallicae sive Galliae CisalpinaeItalyCluver, Philipp1697A+80.00
636Belli Typus in Italia, Victricis Aquilae Progressus in Statu Mediolanensi et Ducatu MantuaeItalyHomann, Johann Baptist1702Bunsold
637Status Ecclesiastici Magnique Ducatus Florentini…ItalyHomann, Johann Baptist1716A+325.00
638Ducatus Mediolani una cum Confinys Accurata Tabula…ItalyHomann, Johann Baptist1720A+240.00
639Nieuwe Kaart van Italie na de Nieuwste waarnemingen van de l'Isle en andereItalyTirion, Isaac1734A200.00
640Gezigt op het Tolhuis en de Kerk della Salute by 't inkomen van 't Groote Kanaal te VenetieVenice, ItalyTirion, Isaac1760A250.00
641Etat de l'Eglise, Grand Duche de Toscane, et Isle de CorseItalyRobert de Vaugondy/Delamarche1785A150.00
642Theatrum Veronense: 1549Verona, ItalyMunster, Sebastian1578Aunsold
643Neapels - NapoliNaples, ItalyMunster, Sebastian1578A150.00
644Der Statt Meyland gestalt…Milan, ItalyMunster, Sebastian1578A120.00
645FlorentzFlorence, ItalyMunster, Sebastian1578B+150.00
646ParmaParma, ItalyMunster, Sebastian1580B+130.00
647Nova & Exacta Chorographia Latii sive Territorii Romani…Italy, RomeWinter, Antony de1690A+275.00
648Urbis Veteris Romae Delineatio Accuratissima, hac facie suit, Septimio SeveroItaly, Rome1743A900.00
649Sicilia, Insula Descripta a Iacobo Castaldo Pedemontano CosmographoItaly, SicilyOrtelius, Abraham1570B110.00
650Siciliae RegnumItaly, SicilyMercator/Jansson1628A130.00
651Siciliae Antiquae DescriptioItaly, SicilyCluver, Philipp1697B+230.00
652La Sicile Divisee en ses trois ValleesItaly, SicilySanson, Nicolas1700A+325.00
653Carte de l'Isle et Royaume de Sicile…Italy, Sicily and MaltaDelisle, Guillaume1717A500.00
654Italiae Pars cum Vicinis Hinc Inde Insulis et Africae Parte OppositaMediterranean, Italy, North AfricaBocharti, Samuelis1712Aunsold
655Nieuwe Kaart van 't Eiland Maltha met Gozo en Comino…MaltaTirion, Isaac1761B+500.00
656CyprusCyprusMunster, Sebastian1578B+200.00
657Corsicae Antiquae Descriptio / Sardiniae Antiquae DescriptioCorsica, SardiniaCluver, Philipp1697A+170.00
658Carte Nouvelle de l'Isle de Cadix & du Detroit de Gibraltar…GibraltarHomann, Johann Baptist1731A+240.00
659Peregrinationis Divi Pauli Typus Corographicus…Eastern MediterraneanOrtelius, Abraham1592B+unsold
660Geographische Beschryvinghe, van de Wandeling der Apostelen ende de Reysen Pauli…Eastern Mediterranean & Middle EastVisscher, Nicolas1657B+275.00
661Die Laender Asie Nach Ihrer Gelegenheit Bisz in Indian Werden in Diser Tafeln VerzeichnetAsiaMunster, Sebastian1550A800.00
662Asiae Nova DescriptioAsiaOrtelius, Abraham1601Bunsold
664L'Asie Suivant les Nouvelles Decouvertes don’t les Point Principaux Sount Placez sur les Obervations de Mrs. de l'Academie Royale des SciencesAsiaFer, Nicolas de1717B+250.00
665Carte d'Asie, Dressee sur les Memoires Envoyez par le Czar…AsiaCovens & Mortier1757A240.00
666L'Asie divisee en ses Principaux EtatsAsia1771Aunsold
667Asia According to the Sieur D'Anville, Divided into its Empires, Kingdoms & StatesAsiaSayer, Robert1772B+unsold
668Kaart van AsieAsiaBonne/Bachiene1785A90.00
669AsiaAsiaTallis, John1851A+130.00
670Turcici Imperii ImagoEastern Mediterranean & Middle EastMercator/Jansson1628A140.00
671Descriptio Paradisi, et Terrae Canaan Regionumque a Patriarchis primum habitatarumMiddle EastHalma, Francois1709B+unsold
672Edenis seu Paradisi Terrestris SitusIraq, Garden of EdenBocharti, Samuelis1712A+275.00
673[Lot of 4 Archibald Murray's Dispatches]Middle East, EgyptBritish Government1920A150.00
674[Asia Minor]TurkeyMunster, Sebastian1578B+120.00
675Natoliae sive Asia MinorTurkeyMercator/Jansson1628A100.00
676Chersonesi quae hodie Natolia DescriptioTurkeyCluver, Philipp1700A55.00
677L'Helles-Pont pour l'Intelligence du Voyage du Jenne Anacharsis…TurkeyBarbie du Bocage, Jean Denis1782A+unsold
678Asia MinorTurkeyTallis, John1845A+130.00
679Die Statt ConstantinopelTurkey, IstanbulAnon.1607B+100.00
680ConstantinopolisTurkey, IstanbulMerian, Matthaus1635B+2000.00
681ConstantinopolenTurkey, IstanbulBruyn, Cornelius de1698A220.00
682[Holy Land]Holy LandMunster, Sebastian1580B+100.00
683Tabula Geographica, in qua Omnes Regiones, Urbes, oppida, loca et Fluvij Israeliae Describuntur…Holy LandPlancius/Cloppenburg1643B+600.00
684Tabula Geographica Terrae Sanctae Auctore J. Bonfrerio Societat JesuHoly LandHalma, Francois1710A240.00
685Ontwerp en Erfdeeling van 't Land Kanaan, Volgens het Gezicht van EzechielHoly LandCalmet, Augustin1728A80.00
686De Beyde Koningryken Juda en Israel…Holy LandBachiene, Willem Albert1750A160.00
687Area Templi, ut suit Tempore ServatorisHoly Land, Solomon's TempleLightfoot, John1686A220.00
688Temple de JerusalemHoly Land, Solomon's TempleHooghe, Romain de1721A325.00
689Vera Hierosolymae Veteris ImagoJerusalem, Holy LandHalma, Francois1709B+unsold
690IerusalemHoly Land, JerusalemStoopendaal, Daniel1729A250.00
691HierusalemHoly Land, JerusalemHooghe, Romain de1730A350.00
692BethlehemHoly Land, BethlehemBruyn, Cornelius de1698A250.00
693Arabia Felice Nuova TavolaArabiaRuscelli, Girolamo1564A350.00
694Aden, Arabiae Foelicis Emporium Celeberrimi Nominis, quo ex India, Aethiopia ... [on sheet with] Mombaza [and] Quiloa [and] CefalaArabiaBraun & Hogenberg1589A450.00
695Tabula Asiae VI [on verso] Tabula Asiae VIIArabia and Central AsiaMagini, Giovanni Antonio1620B+170.00
696Persici sive Sophorum Regni TypusPersia - IranOrtelius, Abraham1574B+180.00
697Persici vel Sophorum Regni TypusPersia - IranHondius, Jodocus1609A325.00
698Sophorum RegnumPersia - IranCluver/Jansson1661A60.00
699Tab. V. Asiae, repraesentans Mediam Hyrcaniam, Assyriam, Susianam, ac PersidemPersia - IranPtolemy/Mercator1695B+unsold
700Independent TartaryCentral AsiaTallis, John1851A75.00
701Tabula Asiae IIICaucasusMunster, Sebastian1542A250.00
702Turcomanie Georgie CommanieCaucasusSanson, Nicolas1700A+90.00
703Territorium Pontum Euxinum et Mare Caspium Interiacens Cubaniae et Georgiae… Partem Fluvii VolgaeRussia, CaucasusDelisle, Joseph Nicholas1745A+750.00
704Siberia and Chinese EmpireNorthern AsiaSDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge1874A45.00
705Tabula Septemtrionalis Russiae, Samoithiae et Tingosiae, Quemadmodum ea ab Universali Russia Separata et ab Isaaco Massa Descripta estRussiaBry, Theodore de1613B+650.00
706Chinae, olim Sinarum regionis, nova descriptio. Auctore Ludouico GeorgioChinaOrtelius, Abraham1592B+3750.00
707[Lot of 3] Kiangsi [with] Tongsiou [and] Siampu [on sheet with] NeynemiaoChinaNieuhoff, Johann1669B50.00
708Carte de l'Entree de la Riviere de Canton Dressee sur les Observations les plus recentesChinaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1760A110.00
709Royaume de la ChineChina and KoreaSanson, Nicolas1700Bunsold
710L'Empire de la Chine pour Servir a l'Histoire des Establissemens EuropeensChina and KoreaBellin/Van Schley1748B+unsold
711Geographical and Historical Map of ChinaChina, Korea & JapanCarey, M. & Son1820B60.00
712Chinese Empire, and JapanChina, Korea & JapanPhilip, George1900A60.00
713Iaponia InsulaJapanOrtelius/Galle1598B+350.00
714IaponiaJapan and KoreaHondius, Jodocus1609B+2000.00
715Les Isles du IaponJapan and KoreaSanson, Nicolas1700A+600.00
716Vue et Description de la Ville de Meaco Capitale du Japon avec d'Autres Particularitez du PaysJapanChatelain, Henry Abraham1705A+475.00
717Particuliere Reis Kaart van Japan strekkende van Khurissima tot OsakaJapanKaempfer/Scheuchzer1740Aunsold
718A Description of East India Conteyning th' Empire of the Great MogolSouthern AsiaPurchas, Samuel1625Bunsold
719Erythraei Sive Rubri Maris Periplus Olim Ab Arriano Descriptus. Nunc Vero Ab Abrah. Ortelio Ex Eodem DelineatusSouthern AsiaJansson, Jan1640A+275.00
720[Lot of 2] Carte de l'Indoustan, Suivant les Cartes les plus Recentes… I e. Feuille [and] Suite de la Carte de l'Indoustan, II e. FeuilleSouthern AsiaBellin/Van Schley1752Aunsold
721Carte des Indes en de ca et au dela du Gange, avec les Isles de la Sonde, Borneo, les Moluques et les Philippines: Partie OccidentaleSouthern AsiaBonne, Rigobert1781A+110.00
722Tabula nona d AsiaPakistan & AfghanistanPtolemy/Berlinghieri1482B1600.00
723Magni Mogolis ImperiumPakistan, Afghanistan and Northern IndiaJansson, Jan1649A300.00
724Le Golfe de Cambaye et la Rade de Suratte…IndiaAa, Pieter van der1707A+90.00
725Plan de Bombay et de ses Environs Tire de Thornton Hyd. Ang.IndiaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1751A140.00
726Sumatra ein grosse Insel so von den alten Geographen Taprobana ist genennt wordenSri LankaMunster, Sebastian1560B+300.00
727Ins. Ceilan quae incolis Tenarisin diciturSri LankaHondius/Jansson1640B+unsold
728Ceylan, et les MaldivesSri LankaSanson, Nicolas1700Aunsold
729Indiae Orientalis, Insularumque Adiacientium TypusSoutheast AsiaOrtelius, Abraham1574A3000.00
730Tabula Asiae XISoutheast AsiaPtolemy/Ruscelli1599A150.00
731Tabula Indiae OrientalisSoutheast AsiaWit, Frederick de1662A950.00
732Indiae Orientalis et Insularum Adiacentium Antiqua et Nova DescriptioSoutheast AsiaCluver, Philipp1697A180.00
733Tab. XI. Asiae, Comprehendens Indiam Extra GangemSoutheast AsiaPtolemy/Mercator1730B250.00
734Les Indes Orientales et Leur ArchipelSoutheast AsiaBonne/Lattre1762A+120.00
735Les Indes Orientales et leur Archipel, Assujetties aux Observations AstronomiquesSoutheast AsiaLaporte, Joseph de1783A+120.00
736Les Isles Molucques; Celebes, Gilolo, &c.East Indies - IndonesiaSanson, Nicolas1700A+220.00
737L'Ile de Sumatra Suivant les plus Nouvelles Observations des Meilleurs GeographesEast Indies - SumatraAa, Pieter van der1700A250.00
738Les Isles de la Sonde, entre lesquelles sont Sumatra, Iava, Borneo, &c.East Indies - IndonesiaSanson, Nicolas1700A+250.00
739L'Ile de Java Selon les Nouvelles Observations des Meilleurs GeographesEast Indies - JavaAa, Pieter van der1700A+325.00
740Particular-See-Charte der Strass Sunda, nebst denen Darinnen Besindlichen Insulen und SandbanckenEast Indies - IndonesiaHeydt, Johann Wolfgang1744A220.00
741Kaart van de Papoasche EilandenEast Indies - IndonesiaTirion, Isaac1753Aunsold
742East IndiesEast Indies - IndonesiaJefferys, Thomas1760B+70.00
743Indes IVe. FeuilleEast Indies - IndonesiaBonne, Rigobert1770A+120.00
744Carte des Isles de Java, Sumatra Borneo &c. Les Detroits de la Sunde, Malaca, et Banca, Golfe de Siam &c.IndonesiaBellin/Van Schley1773A+unsold
745Carte des Environs de BataviaIndonesia, JakartaBellin/Van Schley1773A+120.00
746Carte des Isles de la Sonde, et des Isles MoluquesEast Indies - IndonesiaBonne, Rigobert1780B+60.00
747Africa Lybia Moerenlandt mit allen Konigreichen…AfricaMunster, Sebastian1550B+700.00
748Africae Vera Forma, et SitusAfricaJode, Cornelis de1593A9000.00
749Africae Nova TabulaAfricaHondius, Henricus1631B+1800.00
750L'Afrique Dressee Selon les derniere Relat. et Suivenat les Nouvelles Decouvertes dont les Points Principaux Sont Placez sur les Observations de Mrs. de l'Academie Royale des SciencesAfricaFer, Nicolas de1717A550.00
751AfriqueAfricaBonne, Rigobert1760A+130.00
752Carta dell'AffricaAfricaBordiga, F.1825B+210.00
753AfricaAfricaTallis, John1851B+110.00
754BarbariaNorthern AfricaMercator/Hondius1610A90.00
755Aegyptus et CyreneNorthern AfricaCluver, Philipp1697A60.00
756Partie de Barbarie, ou est Le Royaume d'Alger divisee en ses Provinces. Partie du Biledulgerid, ou sont Tergorarin, Zeb, &c.Northern AfricaSanson, Nicolas1700A+55.00
757Partie de Barbarie ou Sont les Royaumes de Tunis, et Tripoli…Northern AfricaSanson, Nicolas1700A+80.00
758Northern AfricaNorthern AfricaTallis, John1851B+unsold
759Egypte divisee en ses Douze Cassilifs, ou Gouvernemens…EgyptSanson, Nicolas1700A90.00
760Haute Ethiopie, ou sont l'Empire des Abissins, la Nubie, et le Zanguebar…Eastern AfricaSanson/Mariette1655B+unsold
761Marocchi RegnumNorthwestern AfricaMercator/Jansson1628Aunsold
762Partie du Biledulgerid ou sont Tesset, Darha, et SegelmesseNorthwestern AfricaSanson, Nicolas1700A+90.00
763Royaume de Maroc divise en sept Provinces &c.Northwestern AfricaSanson, Nicolas1700A+90.00
764Guineae Nova DescriptioWestern AfricaHondius, Jodocus1606A+550.00
765GuineaWestern AfricaMercator/Jansson1628A100.00
766GuineaWestern AfricaBlaeu, Willem1663-80B+275.00
767Congo by Robt. Morden at ye Atlas in Cornhil LondonWestern AfricaMorden, Robert1688A75.00
768Royaume de Congo, &c.Western AfricaSanson, Nicolas1700A+unsold
769Afrique ou Libie Ulterieure ou sont Le Saara ou Desert, Le Pays des Negres La Guinee, &cWestern AfricaSanson, Nicolas1700A+100.00
770Carte Generale de la Coste de Guinee Depuis la Riviere de Sierra Leona jusqu'au Cap de Lopes Gonsalvo…Western AfricaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1750Aunsold
771Carte Reduite des Costes Occidentales d'Afrique depuis l'Equateur jusqu'au Vingtieme Degre de Latitude Meridionale…Western AfricaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1754A+unsold
772[Lot of 4] Carte des Royaumes de Congo, Angola, et Benguela [and] Carte de la Coste d'Angola… [and] Carte de l'Embouchure de la Riviere de Congo ou de Zayre [and] Cours de la Riviere de SenegalWestern AfricaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1760A90.00
773Kaart van Opper en Neder Guinee, van de Rivier Sierra Leona tot Kaap NegroWestern AfricaBonne/Bachiene1785A80.00
774Abyssinorum sive Magni Regis Davidis, quem Vulgo Presbyterum Joannem Vocant ImperiumCentral AfricaQuad, Matthias von Kinckelbach1600A350.00
775Presbiteri Iohannis sive Abissinorum ImperiumCentral AfricaOrtelius/Vrients1609A+130.00
776Abissinorum sive Pretiosi Ioannis ImperiumCentral AfricaMercator/Jansson1628A120.00
777Carte du Congo et du Pays des CafresSouthern AfricaDelisle/Covens & Mortier1730C+unsold
778Das Land der Hottentoten an dem Vorgebirge der Guten Hoffnung / Le Pays des Hottentots aux Environs du Cap de Bonne EsperanceSouthern AfricaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1754A110.00
779[Lot of 2] Carte de la Coste Orientale d'Afrique depuis le Cap de Bonne Esperence… en 1740 [and] Coste Occidentale d'Afrique depuis le Detroit de Gibraltar… en 1738Africa - Southeastern and NorthwesternBellin, Jacques Nicolas1750A70.00
780Isle d'Auphine, Communement Nommee par les Europeens Madagascar, et St. Laurens…MadagascarSanson, Nicolas Fils1670Aunsold
781Carte de l'Ile de Madagascar Contenant Sa Description & Diverses Particularitez Curieuses de ses Habitans Tant Blancs Que NegresMadagascarChatelain, Henry Abraham1719A200.00
782Isles des MaldivesIndian Ocean, MaldivesMallet, Alain Manesson1683Aunsold
783Maris Pacifici, (quod vulgo Mar del Zur)Pacific OceanOrtelius, Abraham1589B+6000.00
784A New & Accurate Chart of the Discoveries made by the Late Capt. Js. Cook … Exhibiting Botany Bay with the whole Coast of New South Wales in New Holland; also New Zealand…Pacific OceanBowen, Thomas1787B+240.00
785Partie de la Mer du Sud Comprise Entre les Philippines et la Californie [on sheet with] Partie de la Mer du Sud Comprise Entre les Philippines et la CaliforniePacific OceanLa Perouse, Comte Jean F. Galoup, de1797A+375.00
786Nuove Scoperte de' Russi al Nord del Mare del Sud si nell'Asia, che nell' AmericaNorth Pacific OceanZatta, Antonio1776B+unsold
787Carte des Decouvertes faites dans la Mer Pacifique sur la Vaisseau de Roi, La Resolution, Commande par le Capitaine Cook en 1774South Pacific OceanCook, James (Capt.)1778B+100.00
788Polynesia, or Islands in the Pacific OceanSouth Pacific OceanTallis, John1851A130.00
789A Chart of the Islands Discover'd in the Neighbourhood of Otaheite, in the Course of Several Voyages round the World, Made by Capns. Byron, Wallis, Carteret, & Cooke, in the Years, 1765, 1767, 1769Pacific IslandsWhitchurch, William1773B+60.00
790[Lot of 2] Carte des Iles Taiti… [and] Matavia Bay in Otaheite [on sheet with] Ohamaneno Harbour in Ulietea [and] Owharre Harbour in Huaheine [and] Oopoa Harbour in UlieteaPacific Islands, Tahiti1773-1834B+unsold
791Carte des Isles des AmisPacific Islands, TongaBonne, Rigobert1787A75.00
792Carte de la Nle. Galles Merid. ou de la Cote Oriental de la Nle. Hollande Decouverte et Visitee par le Lieutenant J. Cook, Commandant de l'Endeavor, Vaisseau de sa Majeste en 1770AustraliaCook/Benard1774Bunsold
793[Lot of 3 - Arctic Exploration]Exploration1856B+65.00
794Discumbentibus, et Edentibus Discipulis, Dixit Jesus unus ex Vobis me Proditurus estArchitecture1775A375.00
795[Lot of 2 - Astronomy]AstronomyMallet, Alain Manesson1683A55.00
796[Lot of 31 - Astronomy Plates]AstronomyAnon.1700-80A75.00
797De Mandragora met Zyn Bloemen en VruchtenBotanicalsCalmet, Augustin1728A150.00
798[Lot of 20 - Botanicals]BotanicalsAnon.1886B+unsold
799[Lot of 19 - Cactus]Botanicals1920A+unsold
800Chippeway Squaw & ChildNative AmericansMcKenney and Hall1838Aunsold
801Mahsette-Kuiuab. Chief of the Cree - IndiansNative AmericansBodmer, Karl1839-1844Aunsold
802[Lot of 9 - Native Americans]Native Americans1894A+150.00
803[Lot of 21 - Hopi Kachinas]Native AmericansU.S. Gov't Printing Office1903A+unsold
804The Unanimous Declaration of the Thirteen United States of AmericaPoliticsCowperthwait & Co.1846A+210.00
805[Lot of 6 - Old Testament Engravings]Religion1700A110.00
806[Lot of 3 - Old Testament Engravings]Religion1700A40.00
807[Lot of 3] De Arke van Noach… [and] Uitwendige Vertoning des Torens van Babel [and] Plechtigheden van het Feest PurimReligionCalmet, Augustin1722A80.00
808[Lot of 13 - Old Testament Engravings]ReligionLindenberg, Jacob1729B+unsold
809[Lot of 11- Life of Joseph)ReligionProbst, George Balthasar1790Bunsold
810Derniere Page d'un Qoran de la Mosquee de Soultan BarqouqReligionPrisse d'Avennes, Emile1877A+250.00
811Zee-Slagh Tusschen de Hr. Michiel de Ruiter en den Hr. Georg Ascue by Plymuiden op den 26 August 1652ShipsStoopendaal, Daniel1700B+160.00
812Zee-Slagh Vanden Hr. Admiraal Michiel de Ruiter en den Hr. de la Zarda tegens de France Adm. de Hr. du Quesne, by Eylandt Sicilien ontrent der Bergh Aetna op den 22, April, 1676ShipsStoopendaal, Daniel1700B+160.00
813Capture of Le Sparviere, May 3rd 1810ShipsJenkins, James1816A+180.00
814Battle Off Cabareta Point - July 12th, 1801ShipsJenkins, James1816A180.00
815[Lot of 10 Engravings - The Great Eastern]ShipsIllustrated London News1859A+100.00
816[Lot of 8 Caricatures - Mississippi Bubble]MiscellaneousAnon.1720A+230.00
817[Lot of 2 - Dance of Death]MiscellanyHollar, Wenceslaus1816Aunsold
818Gama El-Seydeh ZeynabMiscellaneousPrisse d'Avennes, Emile1877A+95.00
819[Illuminated Leaf]Medieval ManuscriptsAnon.1380B+250.00
820[Iluminated Leaf]Medieval ManuscriptsAnon.1400Aunsold
821[Illuminated Leaf]Medieval ManuscriptsAnon.1450A210.00
822[Illuminated Leaf]Medieval ManuscriptsAnon.1470A+230.00
823[Illuminated Leaf]Medieval ManuscriptsAnon.1470B+130.00
824[Illuminated Leaf]Medieval ManuscriptsAnon.1470B130.00
825[Illuminated Leaf]Medieval ManuscriptsAnon.1470B+100.00
826[Book of Hours Leaf]ManuscriptsAnon.1570A+unsold
827[Book of Hours Leaf]ManuscriptsAnon.1570A+180.00
828[Lot of 2 - Arabic Leaves]ManuscriptsJami, Abu Bakr1780A+100.00
829[Lot of 2 - Arabic Leaves]ManuscriptsOsman Nuri bin el Haj1850A100.00
830[Lot of 4 - Koran Leaves]ManuscriptsAnon.1860Aunsold
831[Book of Hours Leaf]Early PrintingKerver, Thielman1507A+90.00
832[Book of Hours Leaf]Early PrintingKerver, Thielman1507A+110.00
833[Lot of 3 Leaves]Early PrintingLuc Antonio Giunta1520A+50.00
834[Breviary Leaf]Early PrintingAnon.1700A+unsold
835[Manuscript Music]MusicAnon.1350A1100.00
836[Lot of 2 - Music]MusicLuc Antonio Giunta1520A+110.00
837[Lot of 5 - Music]MusicLuc Antonio Giunta1520A+375.00
838The Life of George Washington. Maps and Subscribers' NamesAtlas, Revolutionary WarMarshall, John1807B750.00
839Atlas, Designed to Illustrate the Geography of the Heavens…Celestial AtlasBurritt, Elijah H.1835C+375.00
840A New and Improved School Atlas, to Accompany the Practical System of Modern GeographyAtlasesOlney, Jesse1837A170.00
841A New Universal Atlas Containing Maps of the Various Empires, Kingdoms, States and Republics of the World…AtlasesMitchell, Samuel Augustus1849B+2750.00
842Colton's General Atlas, Containing One Hundred and Seventy Steel Plate Maps and Plans, on One Hundred Imperial Folio SheetsAtlasesColton, Joseph Hutchins1857A2100.00
843Colton's Illustrated Cabinet Atlas and Descriptive GeographyAtlasesColton, Joseph Hutchins1859B+1000.00
844Gray's Atlas of the United States, with General Maps of the World…AtlasesGray, O. W.1873B+850.00
845Mitchell's New General Atlas, containing Maps of the Various Counties of the World, Plans of Cities, Etc…AtlasesMitchell, Samuel Augustus1882Aunsold
846Bradley's Atlas of the World for Commercial and Library ReferenceAtlasesBradley, William M. [& Bros.]1890A700.00
847Atlas de Filipinas / No. 138 Atlas of Philippine IslandsAtlas, PhilippinesAlgue, P. Jose1899A375.00
848Davis' Commercial Encyclopedia of the Pacific Southwest California, Nevada, Utah, ArizonaAtlas, Southwestern United States1911A+140.00
849Berta and Elmer Hader's Picture Book of the StatesAtlas, United StatesHarper Bros.1932A+550.00
850Report of an Expedition Down the Zuni and Colorado RiversExploration and SurveysSitgreaves, Lorenzo (Capt.)1854B+550.00
851Monographs of the United States Geological Survey Volume IV. Comstock Mining and MinersExploration and SurveysU.S. Geological Survey (USGS)1883A+425.00
852Report of the Superintendent of the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Showing the Progress of the Work during the Fiscal Year Ending with June, 1881Exploration and SurveysU.S. Coast & Geodetic Survey1883A75.00
853Report of the Superintendent of the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Showing the Progress of the Work during the Fiscal Year Ending with June, 1882Exploration and SurveysU.S. Coast & Geodetic Survey1883A230.00
854American Scenery Vol. I & Vol. IIMiscellaneous Books - AmericaBartlett, W. H.1840B+550.00
855[Lot of 7 Cartographic Reference Books]Reference Books1938-2001120.00
856[Lot of 28] The Map CollectorReference Books1982-96A275.00
857[Lot of 200+ dealer catalogues]Reference Books1990-1999100.00
858[Lot of 6] Mercator's WorldReference Books1996-2003A+55.00
859Norwich's Maps of Africa an Illustrated and Annotated Carto-bibliographyReference BooksNorwich, Oscar I.1997A+110.00
860Collecting Old MapsReference BooksManasek, F.J.1998A+210.00
861Die Insel Island Nro. 76IcelandReilly, Franz Johann Joseph von1791A+325.00
862"Essayons" Topographical Map of California, Nevada, Oregon and Part of IdahoCalifornia1892Aunsold
863'Essayons' Topographical Map of California, Nevada, Oregon and Part of IdahoCalifornia1892Aunsold
864Essayons" Topographical Map of California, Nevada, Oregon and Part of IdahoCalifornia1892Aunsold
865'"Essayons" Topographical Map of California, Nevada, Oregon and Part of Idaho'California1892Aunsold
866""Essayons"" Topographical Map of California, Nevada, Oregon and Part of IdahoCalifornia1892Aunsold