1 | Americae Retectio | Title Page, America, Italy | Bry, Theodore de | 1600 | B+ | unsold |
2 | [Eilffter Theil der Orientalischen Indien] | Title Pages | Bry, Johann Theodore de | 1618 | A | 425.00 |
3 | Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, sive Atlas Novus; in quo Tabulae et Descriptiones Omnium Regionum | Title Pages | Blaeu, (Family) | 1649 | A | 150.00 |
4 | Toonneel des Aerdrycx, ost Nieuwe Atlas | Title Pages | Blaeu, Johannes | 1654 | B+ | 150.00 |
5 | Studio Geografico di Giovan Batista Nicolosi | Title Pages | Nicolosi, Giovanni Battista | 1660 | A | 350.00 |
6 | Isolario dell' Atlante Veneto | Title Pages | Coronelli, Vincenzo Maria | 1696 | A | unsold |
7 | Atlas Nouveau Contenant Toutes les Parties du Monde, ou sont Exactement Remarques les Empires, Monarchies... | Title Pages | Sanson/Jaillot | 1696 | A | unsold |
8 | Table des Cartes etc. | Title Pages | Sanson, Nicolas | 1700 | A | unsold |
9 | Atlas Homannianus Mathematico-Historice Delineatus | Title Pages | Homann Heirs | 1762 | A | unsold |
10 | Grosser Deutscher Atlas | Title Pages | Reilly, Franz Johann Joseph von | 1794 | A | unsold |
11 | Spectandum Dedit Ortelius Mortalib. Orbem, Orbi Spectandum Galleus Ortelium | Frontispiece, Portrait | Ortelius/Galle | 1579 | B+ | unsold |
12 | The Late David Livingstone, Esqre. LL.D. | Portrait | Pound, D. | 1875 | A+ | unsold |
13 | Tabula Nova Totius Orbis | World | Ptolemy/Fries | 1541 | A | 4250.00 |
14 | Typus Universalis Terrae, Iuxta Modernorum Distinctionem et Extensionem per Regna et Provincias | World | Apianus, Peter Bienewitz | 1583 | B+ | 2750.00 |
15 | Indiarum Orientalium Occidentaliumque Descriptio... | World | Maffei (Maffeius), Peter | 1589 | A | 2750.00 |
16 | Typus Orbis Terrarum | World | Mercator/Hondius | 1609 | B+ | 350.00 |
17 | Typus Orbis Terrarum | World | Hondius/Bertius | 1616 | A | 300.00 |
18 | Discorso Intorno alla Carta da Navigare | World | Porcacchi, Tomaso | 1620 | B+ | 200.00 |
19 | A New and Accurat Map of the World Drawne According to ye Truest Descriptions Latest Discoveries & Best Observations yt Have Beene Made by English or Strangers | World | Speed, John | 1651 | B+ | 10500.00 |
20 | [Lot of 2 - Western Hemisphere and Eastern Hemisphere] | World | Happel, Everard Werner | 1687 | A | 1600.00 |
21 | Nova Orbis Tabula, in Lucem Edita | World | Wit, Frederick de | 1688 | B | 3000.00 |
22 | Mappe-Monde Geo-Hydrographique, ou Description Generale du Globe Terrestre et Aquatique en Deux-Plans-Hemispheres, ou Sont Exactement Remarquees en General Toutes les Parties de la Terre et de l'Eau, Suivant les Relations les Plus Nouvelles | World | Sanson/Jaillot | 1691 | B+ | unsold |
23 | Les Trois Positions de la Sphere Veiies en Convexe Loeil Etant Pose a Distance Infinie du Zenith | World | Moullart-Sanson, Pierre | 1697 | B+ | 180.00 |
24 | Planisfere ou Mapemonde avec les Degrez de Latitude & de Longitude | World | | 1697 | A+ | 625.00 |
25 | Mappe-Monde pour Connoitre les Progres & les Conquestes les Plus Remarquables des Provinces-Unies... | World | Chatelain, Henry Abraham | 1719 | A | 500.00 |
26 | A New Map of the Whole World with the Tradewinds According to ye Latest and Most Exact Observations | World | Moll, Herman | 1735 | B+ | 300.00 |
27 | Planiglobii Terrestris Mappa Universalis Utrumq Hemisphaerium Orient et Occidentale... / Mappe-Monde qui Represente les Deux Hemispheres Savoir Celui de l'Orient et Celui de l'Occident... | World | Haas/Homann Heirs | 1746 | B+ | 720.00 |
28 | [Lot of 2] Die Versinsterte Erdkugel Geographische Vorstellung der Sonnen od Erd Finsternis... / Le Monde Eclipse ou Representation Geographique... [and] Europa Eclipsata... | World, Eclipse | Doppelmayr/Homann | 1747 | B+ | 600.00 |
29 | Diversi Globi Terr-Aquei Statione Variante et Visu Intercedente, per Coluros Tropicorum... | World | Seutter/Lotter | 1770 | B+ | 250.00 |
30 | Mappe Monde Suivant la Projection des Cartes Reduites | World | Robert de Vaugondy, Didier | 1778 | A | 175.00 |
31 | Mappe-Monde Dressee Suivant les Nouvelles Relations et Assujettie aux Observations Astronomiques | World | Robert de Vaugondy/Delamarche | 1778 | B+ | unsold |
32 | Mappamondo o Descrizione Generale del Globo Terraqueo con i Viaggi e Nuove Scoperte del Cap. Cook | World | Cassini, Giovanni Maria | 1788 | B+ | 1000.00 |
33 | Oestliche und Westliche Halbkugel der Erde nach den Neuesten Entdeckungen | World | Weiland, Carl Ferdinand | 1819 | A | unsold |
34 | Mappe-Monde en Deux Hemispheres | World | Lapie/Tardieu | 1842 | A | unsold |
35 | The World, on Mercator's Projection | World | Wyld, James | 1845 | B | 200.00 |
36 | The World on Mercators Projection | World | Wyld, James | 1851 | B+ | 280.00 |
37 | [Manuscript Map] Mappemonde | World | | 1879 | B+ | 300.00 |
38 | Terram Secundum Strabonis Hypothesim Habitatam, et ad Ejus Rationes... [on sheet with] Terram Secundum Strabonis Hypothesim Habitatam, sed ad Genuinam Hodiernae Geographiae Delinationem... | Ancient World | Anville, Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d' | 1776 | B+ | unsold |
39 | Migrations des Peuples | Ancient World | Andriveau-Goujon, J. | 1854 | A | unsold |
40 | Poli Arctici, et Circumiacentium Terrarum Descriptio Novissima | North Pole | Hondius, Henricus | 1639 | B+ | 3000.00 |
41 | La Terre du Nord | North Pole | Aa, Pieter van der | 1714 | B+ | unsold |
42 | [Globe Gore] Fernando Magaglianes Poco Contento del Re di Portogallo suo Signore... | South Pole | Coronelli, Vincenzo Maria | 1690 | B+ | 375.00 |
43 | Hemisphere Boreal [on sheet with] Hemisphere Austral | Celestial | Benard, Robert | 1760 | B+ | 120.00 |
44 | Phaenomena Motuum Irregularium quos Planetae Inferiores Venus et Mercurius ad Annum Salutis MDCCX... | Solar System | Doppelmayr/Homann | 1730 | B+ | unsold |
45 | Vorstellung der Sonnenfinsternis des 8ten Jeners 1750... | Solar System | Lowitz (Lowizio), George Moritz | 1749 | B | 400.00 |
46 | Tabula Selenographica in qua Lunarium Macularum Exacta Descriptio Secundum Nomenclaturam Praestantissimorum Astronomorum tam Hevelii quam Riccioli... | Moon | Doppelmayr/Homann | 1740 | A | 800.00 |
47 | [Untitled - Armillary Sphere with Windheads] | Cartographic Miscellany | Ptolemy/Fries | 1522 | A | 400.00 |
48 | Genealogischer Stamm Baum Aller Marggraf. u. Chur Fursten zu Brandenburg auch des Herzoglichen und Nunmehro Konigl.Huass. Preussen... | Cartographic Miscellany | Seutter, Matthias | 1730 | B+ | unsold |
49 | [Lot of 2] Circolo per Formare la Sfera Armilare [and] Circoli per Formare la Sfera Armillare | Cartographic Miscellany, Armillary Sphere | Cassini, Giovanni Maria | 1795 | B+ | 1600.00 |
50 | Journal de la Belgique. Pieces Officielles. Nouvelles Diverses | Cartographic Miscellany, Low Countries | | 1815 | A | 150.00 |
51 | The American Pope | Cartographic Miscellany, United States | | 1894 | B+ | 500.00 |
52 | [Title on Verso] Tabula Terrae Novae | Western Hemisphere - America, Atlantic Ocean | Waldseemuller/Fries | 1541 | A | 5000.00 |
53 | Die Neuwen Inseln /so Hinder Hispanien Gegen Orient bey dem Land Indie Ligen | Western Hemisphere - America | Munster, Sebastian | 1550 | B+ | 4000.00 |
54 | America | Western Hemisphere - America | Hondius, Jodocus | 1619 | B+ | 3000.00 |
55 | America Noviter Delineata | Western Hemisphere - America | Hondius, Henricus | 1631 | B+ | unsold |
56 | Nova Totius Americae Descriptio | Western Hemisphere - America | Wit, Frederick de | 1660 | A | 3250.00 |
57 | Carte de l'Amerique Corrigee et Augmentee; Dessus Toutes les Aultres cy Devant Faictes par P. Bertius | Western Hemisphere - America | Bertius/Tavernier | 1661 | A | unsold |
58 | Mappa Fluxus et Refluxus Rationes in Isthmo Americano, in Freto Magellanico, Caeterisque Americae Litoribus Exhibens | Western Hemisphere - America | Kircher, Athanasius | 1665 | B | unsold |
59 | Recentissima Novi Orbis sive Americae Septentrionalis et Meridionalis Tabula | Western Hemisphere - America | Allard, Carel | 1700 | A | 1500.00 |
60 | A New and Accurate Map of America. Drawn from the Most Approved Modern Maps and Charts, and Adjusted by Astronomical Observations... | Western Hemisphere - America | Bowen, Emanuel | 1748 | B+ | 250.00 |
61 | L'Amerique Septentrionale et Meridionale Divisee Suivant ses Differens Pays | Western Hemisphere - America | Robert de Vaugondy/Delamarche | 1790 | B+ | unsold |
62 | Bowles's New One-Sheet Map of America, Divided Into Its Kingdoms, States, Governmts. and Other Subdivisions... | Western Hemisphere - America | Bowles & Carver | 1803 | B+ | 300.00 |
63 | America Septentrionalis | Colonial North America | Hondius, Henricus | 1639 | B+ | 2400.00 |
64 | Amerique Septentrionale Divisee en ses Principales Parties, ou sont Distingues les uns des Autres les Estats... | Colonial North America | Sanson/Mortier | 1696 | B | unsold |
65 | Regni Mexicani seu Novae Hispaniae, Ludovicianae, N. Angliae, Carolinae, Virginiae et Pensylvaniae nec non Insularum Archipelagi Mexicani in America Septentrionali Accurata Tabula | Colonial North America & Caribbean | Homann, Johann Baptist | 1720 | A+ | 1300.00 |
66 | L'Amerique Septentrionale Dressee sur les Observations de Mrs. de l'Academie Royale des Sciences ... Par G. de l'Isle … | Colonial North America | Delisle/Covens & Mortier | 1730 | A | unsold |
67 | Carta Geografica dell' America Settentrionale | Colonial North America | Albrizzi, Girolamo | 1740 | B+ | 280.00 |
68 | [On 4 Sheets] A New and Correct Map of North America, with the West India Islands. Divided According to the Last Treaty of Peace... | Colonial North America | Bowen & Gibson | 1777 | A | unsold |
69 | Carte du Continent de l'Amerique Nord pour Servir a l'Intelligence du Systeme des Vents et des Courans... | North America | Volney, C. F. | 1803 | B+ | unsold |
70 | A Map of the English Plantations in America | Colonial Eastern North America & West Indies | Moll, Herman | 1701 | B+ | 180.00 |
71 | A Map of the British Empire in America with the French, Spanish and the Dutch Settlements Adjacent Thereto | Colonial Eastern North America & West Indies | Popple/Covens & Mortier | 1741 | A+ | unsold |
72 | Carte Reduite du Golphe de St. Laurent Contenant l'Isle de Terre-Neuve et Partie de la Coste des Esquimaux... | Gulf of St. Lawrence, Canada | Bellin, Jacques Nicolas | 1754 | B+ | 220.00 |
73 | The Discoveries of the Expedition Under the Command of Captain Franklin R.N. Near the Mouth of the Mackenzie River... | Northern Canada, Arctic Regions | Franklin, John [Rear Admiral Sir] | 1828 | B+ | 300.00 |
74 | Carte Nouvelle de l'Amerique Angloise Contenant la Virginie, Mary-Land, Caroline, Pensylvania Nouvelle Iorck, N: Iarsey N: France, et les Terres Nouvellement Decouerte... | Colonial Eastern United States & Canada | Mortier, Pierre | 1700 | B+ | unsold |
75 | Carte de la Nouvelle France, ou Se Voit le Cours des Grandes Rivieres de S. Laurens & de Mississipi, Aujour d'hui S. Louis… | Colonial Eastern United States & Canada | Fer, Nicolas de | 1719 | A+ | 2100.00 |
76 | Amplissimae Regionis Mississipi seu Provinciae Ludovicianae a R.P. Ludovico Hennepin Francisc Miss in America Septentrionali Anno 1687... | Colonial Eastern United States & Canada | Homann, Johann Baptist | 1720 | A | 2300.00 |
77 | Charte von dem Engellaendischen u. Franzoesischen Besitzungen in Nord America | Colonial Eastern United States & Canada | Schreiber, Johann Georg | 1753 | A | 250.00 |
78 | America Septentrionalis a Domino d'Anville in Galliis Edita nunc in Anglia Coloniis in Interiorem Virginiam Deductis nec non Fluvii Ohio Cursu... | Colonial Eastern United States & Canada | Homann Heirs | 1756 | B+ | unsold |
79 | A New Map of Nova Scotia, and Cape Breton Island with the Adjacent Parts of New England and Canada… | Colonial New England & Canada | Jefferys, Thomas | 1775 | B+ | 350.00 |
80 | Journal of an Exploring Tour Beyond the Rocky Mountains … [with] Map of Oregon Territory | Western United States & Canada | Parker, Samuel (Rev.) | 1846 | B+ | 300.00 |
81 | Carte Generale des Etats-Unis, du Canada et d'une Partie des Pays Adjacents | United States | Brue, Adrien Hubert | 1825 | A | 250.00 |
82 | Mills' Map of the Several Routes Proposed to the Pacific Ocean from the Head Waters of the Missouri, to the Isthmus of Darien [with report] | United States | U.S. Government | 1848 | B+ | 120.00 |
83 | [Untitled - Map of Proposed Routes of Western Railroads] | United States, Railroads | Throop, O. H. | 1848 | B | 170.00 |
84 | Map of the Country Between the Atlantic & Pacific Oceans... | United States | Mills, Robert | 1852 | A | unsold |
85 | A New Map of Louisiana and the River Mississipi [within book] The Memoirs and Secret Negotiations of John Ker | Colonial Eastern United States | Anon. | 1726 | B+ | unsold |
86 | Carte de la Louisiane et du Cours du Mississipi Dressee sur un Grand Nombre de Memoires Entr' Autres sur Ceux de Mr. le Maire... | Colonial Eastern United States, Louisiana Territory | Delisle/Covens & Mortier | 1730 | B+ | 2000.00 |
87 | Karte von dem Vereinten Freistaaten Nordamericas | Eastern United States | Melish, John | 1821 | B+ | unsold |
88 | Nova Belgica et Anglia Nova | Colonial New England & Mid-Atlantic United States | Blaeu, Willem | 1640 | B+ | unsold |
89 | Novi Belgii, quod nunc Novi Jorck Vocatur, Novae qz. Angliae & Partis Virginiae Accuratissima et Novissima Delineatio | Colonial New England & Mid-Atlantic United States | Montanus/Ogilby | 1671 | B+ | unsold |
90 | Partie de l'Amerique Septentrionale, qui Comprend le Cours de l'Ohio, la Nlle. Angleterre, la Nlle York, le New Jersey, la Pensylvanie, le Maryland la Virginie, la Caroline | Colonial New England & Mid-Atlantic United States | Robert de Vaugondy, Didier | 1755 | A | unsold |
91 | Map of the Northern Part of New England Compiled for Prest. Dwights Travels | New England - United States | Gillet, George | 1821 | B | unsold |
92 | Report of the Board of Directors of Internal Improvements of the State of Massachusetts on the Practicability and Expediency of a Rail-Road from Boston to the Hudson River... | New England United States, Railroads | | 1829 | B | unsold |
93 | Nova Virginiae Tabula | Colonial Mid-Atlantic United States | Cloppenburg, Johannes | 1632 | A | 600.00 |
94 | Nova Virginiae Tabula | Colonial Mid-Atlantic United States | Hondius, Henricus | 1636 | B+ | unsold |
95 | A Map of Virginia and Maryland | Colonial Mid-Atlantic United States | Speed/Lamb | 1676 | B+ | unsold |
96 | Carte Particuliere de Virginie, Maryland, Pennsilvanie, la Nouvelle Iarsey. Orient et Occidentale | Colonial Mid-Atlantic United States | Jaillot/Mortier | 1700 | A | unsold |
97 | Virginia and Maryland | Colonial Mid-Atlantic United States | Moll, Herman | 1736 | B+ | 350.00 |
98 | Carte de la Virginie et du Maryland Dressee sur la Grande Carte Angloise de Mrs. Josue Fry et Pierre Jefferson... | Colonial Mid-Atlantic United States | Robert de Vaugondy, Didier | 1755 | A | 2000.00 |
99 | [2 Volumes] The True Travels, Adventures and Observations of Captaine John Smith, in Europe, Asia, Africke, and America... | Mid-Atlantic United States | Smith, John (Capt.) | 1819 | B | 750.00 |
100 | Map of a Reconnaissance Between Baltimore and Philadelphia Exhibiting the Several Routes of the Mail Road Contemplated by the Resolution of Congress Approved on the 4th of May 1826 | Mid-Atlantic United States | U.S. Government | 1828 | B+ | unsold |
101 | A Map of the Principal Canal and Rail Road Improvements Which Will Connect With the Balt. & Susqa. Rail Road at York | Mid-Atlantic United States | Railroad Companies, (Various) | 1835 | B+ | unsold |
102 | Virginia, Maryland and Delaware | Mid-Atlantic United States | Bradford, Thomas Gamaliel | 1835 | B+ | 130.00 |
103 | Geologic Atlas of the United States - St. Marys Folio Maryland-Virginia | Maryland, Virginia | U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) | 1906 | A | 22.00 |
104 | Virginia et Florida | Colonial Southeast United States | Mercator/Hondius | 1609 | A | unsold |
105 | Virginiae Partis Australis, et Floridae Partis Orientalis, Interjacentiumq Regionum Nova Descriptio | Colonial Southeastern United States | Blaeu, Willem | 1643 | A | 1200.00 |
106 | A New Description of Carolina | Colonial Southeastern United States | Speed/Lamb | 1676 | B+ | unsold |
107 | Carte General de la Caroline Dresse sur les Memoires le Plus Nouveaux... | Colonial Southeastern, North Carolina, South Carolina | Mortier, Pierre | 1700 | B+ | 2000.00 |
108 | A New Map of Georgia, with Part of Carolina, Florida and Louisiana. Drawn from Original Draughts, Assisted by the Most Approved Maps and Charts | Colonial Southeastern United States | Bowen, Emanuel | 1748 | A | unsold |
109 | Partie Meridionale de la Louisiane, avec la Floride, la Caroline et la Virginie, par le Sr. d Anville | Colonial Southeast United States | D'Anville/Santini | 1776 | A | unsold |
110 | Florida, et Regiones Vicinae | Colonial Southern United States | Gerritsz/De Laet | 1630 | B+ | unsold |
111 | Carte de la Floride, de la Louisiane, et Pays Voisins. Pour Servir a l'Histoire Generale des Voyages | Colonial Southeastern United States | Bellin, Jacques Nicolas | 1757 | B+ | 120.00 |
112 | Map of the Richmond and Louisville R.R. Connecting the Railroads of Virginia with the Railroads of Kentucky... | Southern United States | Colton, G.W. & C.B. | 1882 | A | unsold |
113 | Il Paese de Cherachesi, con la Parte Occidentale della Carolina Settentrionale, e della Virgina | Colonial South Central United States | Zatta, Antonio | 1778 | A+ | 180.00 |
114 | Karte von Luisiana, dem Laufe des Mississipi und den Benachbarten Laendern… | Colonial Eastern United States | Bellin, Jacques Nicolas | 1744 | B+ | unsold |
115 | Map of the Western Territory &c. [in report] | Central United States | Hood, Washington (Lt.) | 1834 | B | 375.00 |
116 | The States and Territories of the Great West; Including Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Michigan, Wisconsin, Iowa, Minnesota, Kansas, and Nebraska… | Central United States | | 1856 | | unsold |
117 | A Map of the Sources of the Colorado & Big Salt Lake, Platte, Yellow-Stone, Muscle-Shell, Missouri; & Salmon & Snake Rivers, Branches of the Columbia River | Western United States | Bonneville, Benjamin L. E. de | 1837 | B+ | unsold |
118 | Map of an Exploring Expedition to the Rocky Mountains in the Year 1842 and to Oregon & North California in the Years 1843-44 [with] Report of The Exploring Expedition to the Rocky Mountains… | Western United States | Fremont/Preuss | 1845 | | unsold |
119 | [Lot of 6 - Pacific Wagon Roads Maps] [with] Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, Transmitting a Report Upon the Several Wagon Roads… | Western United States | U.S. Government | 1859 | B | 475.00 |
120 | Progress Map of the U.S. Geographical Surveys West of the 100th Meridian... | Western United States | Wheeler, George (Lt) | 1878 | B+ | 100.00 |
121 | The Pacific Northwest and Alaska | Northwestern United States | Railroad Companies, (Various) | 1928 | A | 15.00 |
122 | [7 Maps of the Mexican Boundary Survey] [in report] Executive Documents Printed by Order of the Senate of the United States, During the First Session of the Thirty-Second Congress… | Southwestern United States | U.S. Government | 1852 | B+ | 325.00 |
123 | Preliminary Topographical Map [with report] Preliminary Report Concerning Explorations and Surveys Principally in Nevada and Arizona | Southwestern United States | Wheeler, George (Lt) | 1872 | B+ | 180.00 |
124 | County and Township Map of Utah and Nevada | Southwestern United States | Mitchell, Samuel Augustus | 1880 | B+ | 9.00 |
125 | Survey of Routes from the Valley of the Mississippi to the Pacific Ocean... [with report] | Arkansas, Louisiana | U.S. Corps of Engineers | 1850 | A | 170.00 |
126 | Pulgas Base California | California | U.S. Coast Survey | 1854 | A | 28.00 |
127 | Extract from the U.S. Coast Survey New Haven Harbour | Connecticut | U.S. Coast Survey | 1838 | B | unsold |
128 | Plan of the City of Washington | Washington, D.C. | Thackara, James | 1792 | B | 3750.00 |
129 | Plan of the City of Washington, in the Territory of Columbia, Ceded by the States of Virginia and Maryland to the United States of America, and by Them Established as the Seat of Their Government, After the Year 1800 | Washington, D.C. | Russell, John C. | 1795 | B+ | unsold |
130 | Plan of the City of Washington | Washington, D.C. | | 1805 | B+ | unsold |
131 | Plan von Washington | Washington, D.C. | Meyer, Joseph | 1845 | A | unsold |
132 | Plan of the City of Washington in the Territory of Columbia. Ceded by the States of Virginia and Maryland to the United States of America and by Them Established as the Seat of Their Government, After the Year MDCCC | Washington, D.C. | | 1852 | B+ | unsold |
133 | [Lot of 4] Maryland - District of Columbia Patuxent Quadrangle [and] Virginia - Maryland Mt Vernon Sheet [and] Maryland - Virginia Nomini Sheet [and] Virginia - Maryland Fredericksburg Sheet | Washington, D.C. | U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) | 1894-1905 | B+ | 26.00 |
134 | Washington - The Beautiful Capital of the Nation | Washington, D.C. | Railroad Companies, (Various) | 1923 | B+ | 250.00 |
135 | Geographisch-Statistische und Historische Charte von Illinois | Illinois | Weimar Geographisches Institut | 1826 | A | unsold |
136 | Ohio River between Mound City and Cairo… | Southern Illinois | U.S. Coast Survey | 1864 | B+ | 4.00 |
137 | [Lot of 2] Plan of Franklinville, in Mason County, Kentucky [and] Plan of Lystra, in Nelson-County; Kentucky | Kentucky | Russell, John C. | 1795 | B+ | 5.00 |
138 | Geographisch-Statistische und Historische Charte von Kentucky | Kentucky | Weimar Geographisches Institut | 1826 | A | unsold |
139 | [Lot of 4] Ellicott Sheet [and] Baltimore Quadrangle [and] Laurel Sheet [and] Relay Sheet | Maryland | U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) | 1894-1905 | B+ | 5.00 |
140 | Maryland Geological Survey Volume Two | Maryland | | 1898 | A | unsold |
141 | [Lot of 3] Holyoke South West Section [and] Holyoke North East Section [and] Massachusetts - Connecticut Springfield Sheet | Central Massachusetts | | 1870-90 | | unsold |
142 | Map of the Delta of the St. Clair... | Michigan | U.S. Corps of Engineers | 1842 | B | unsold |
143 | Gallup's Map of Greater Kansas City and Suburbs | Kansas City, Missouri | Gallup, F.E. | 1922 | B+ | 22.00 |
144 | Map of Long Island City Showing the Boundaries of Same Together with the Five Wards | Long Island, New York | Anon. | 1870 | B+ | 36.00 |
145 | La Pensilvanie en Trois Feuilles Traduite des Meilleures Cartes Anglaises / A Map of Pennsylvania Exhibiting Not Only the Improved Parts of That Province, but Also Its Extensive Frontiers... | Pennsylvania, Revolutionary War | Le Rouge, George Louis | 1778 | B+ | 2000.00 |
146 | Alkali Map - Utah Bear River Sheet | Utah | U.S. Department of Interior | 1904 | B+ | 5.00 |
147 | A Correct Map of Virginia | Virginia | Carey, Mathew | 1814 | B+ | 375.00 |
148 | Virginia | Virginia | Finley, Anthony | 1824 | A | 180.00 |
149 | Map of the Routes Examined and Surveyed for the Winchester and Potomac Rail Road State of Virginia... [with report] | Virginia | Graham, James D. | 1831-32 | B+ | 180.00 |
150 | The Tourist's Pocket Map of the State of Virginia Exhibiting Its Internal Improvements Roads Distances &c. | Virginia | Mitchell/Young | 1837 | B | unsold |
151 | Lloyd's Official Map of the State of Virginia From Actual Surveys by Order of the Executive 1828 & 1859... | Virginia | Lloyd, James T. | 1862 | A | unsold |
152 | Reconnaissance Map - Virginia Spotsylvania Sheet | Central Virginia | U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) | 1922 | B+ | unsold |
153 | The Country About Camp Lee, Virginia | Eastern Virginia | | 1918 | B+ | unsold |
154 | Historical Atlas of Augusta County, Virginia... | Western Virginia, Atlases | | 1885 | B+ | unsold |
155 | Gray's New Map of Richmond Henrico County, Virginia Drawn from Official Surveys | Richmond, Virginia | Gray, Ormando Willis & Son | 1877 | B | 100.00 |
156 | Nouveau Mexique | Southwestern United States & Mexico, California | Duval, Pierre | 1663 | A | 475.00 |
157 | Amer. Sep. Partie de la Vieille Californie. No. 53 | Southwestern United States & Mexico | Vandermaelen, Philippe Marie Guillaume | 1825-27 | A | unsold |
158 | Nova Hispania, et Nova Galicia | Mexico | Jansson, Jan | 1639 | B+ | unsold |
159 | Description de l'Isthme de Darien des Proprietez du Pais et de la Ville de Panama... | Panama | Chatelain, Henry Abraham | 1719 | A | 150.00 |
160 | The Scots Settlement in America Calle'd New Caledonia... | New Caledonia, Panama | Moll, Herman | 1729 | B+ | 250.00 |
161 | Dieser Grund Riss von dem Hafen, der Stadt u. Den Forten von Porto Belo... | Portobello, Panama | Homann Heirs | 1740 | B+ | 550.00 |
162 | Spanish North America Southern Part | Central America | Thomson, John | 1816 | B | 150.00 |
163 | Mexico and Guatemala, Shewing the Position of the Mines | Central America | Wyld, James | 1843 | B | unsold |
164 | Insulae Americanae in Oceano Septentrionali, cum Terris Adiacentibus | Gulf of Mexico & Caribbean | Jansson, Jan | 1652 | B+ | 800.00 |
165 | Insulae Americanae in Oceano Septentrionali ac Regiones Adiacentes, a C. de May Usque ad Lineam Aequinoctialem | Gulf of Mexico & Caribbean | Visscher/Schenk | 1720 | B+ | 900.00 |
166 | West Indies | Gulf of Mexico & Caribbean | Thomson, John | 1821 | B+ | unsold |
167 | Carte du Golfe du Mexique Dressee pour l'Intellignce de l'Histoire Generale des Voyages de Laharpe... | Gulf of Mexico & Caribbean | Tardieu, Ambroise | 1821 | B+ | 150.00 |
168 | Les Isles Antilles &c. Entre Lesquelles sont les Lucayes, et les Caribes | Caribbean | Sanson/Mariette | 1656 | A | 300.00 |
169 | Isole Antili, la Cuba, e la Spagnuola... | Caribbean | Coronelli, Vincenzo Maria | 1696 | A | unsold |
170 | West Indies | Caribbean | Rees, Abraham | 1806 | A | 46.00 |
171 | A Map of Jamaica [on sheet with] Barbados | Jamaica & Barbados | Speed/Lamb | 1676 | A | 480.00 |
172 | Porto Rico and the Virgin Isles [on sheet with] St. Domingo Independent | Puerto Rico, Hispaniola, Virgin Islands | Philip, George | 1859 | B+ | unsold |
173 | Isle de la Iamaique Divisee par Paroisses ou sont Exactement Remarques les Ports et les Bayes | Jamaica, Gulf of Mexico & Caribbean | Michault, Rene | 1674 | B+ | unsold |
174 | La Giammaica | Jamaica | Zatta, Antonio | 1785 | A | unsold |
175 | Jamaica | Jamaica | Thomson, John | 1821 | B+ | unsold |
176 | Carte de l'Isle de Saint Domingue Dressee en 1722 pour l'Usage du Roy... | Hispaniola | Delisle/Covens & Mortier | 1722 | A | 150.00 |
177 | Grenada [on sheet with] Tobago [and] Curacao [and] Trinidad | Lesser Antilles | Thomson, John | 1821 | B+ | unsold |
178 | Guadaloupe [on sheet with] Mariegalante &c. [and] Antigua | Guadeloupe, Marie-Galante & Antigua | Thomson, John | 1821 | B+ | unsold |
179 | Martinico [on sheet with] Dominica | Martinique, Dominica | Thomson, John | 1821 | B+ | unsold |
180 | St. Vincent to Britain [on sheet with] Barbadoes to Britain | St. Vincent, Barbados | Philip, George | 1859 | B+ | unsold |
181 | [Lot of 3] A General Map of South America Drawn from the Best Surveys [and] A Map of South America and the Adjacent Islands [and] An Accurate Map of South America, from the Best Modern Maps and Charts | South America | | 1788-97 | | unsold |
182 | Carte Encyprotype, de l'Amerique Meridionale... | South America | Brue, Adrien Hubert | 1816 | B+ | unsold |
183 | Carte Generale de l'Amerique Meridionale | South America | Lapie/Tardieu | 1842 | A | unsold |
184 | A New and Accurate Map of Terra Firma and the Caribbe Islands. Drawn from the Most Approved Modern Maps & Charts, & Adjusted by Astonl. Observatns. | Northern South America & Lesser Antilles | Bowen, Emanuel | 1747 | A | 200.00 |
185 | Carte du Perou et Bresil Sepl. de Tierra-Firme, de Guayana, et de la Riviere des Amazones... | Northern South America | D'Anville/Santini | 1779 | B | unsold |
186 | Colombia, Dedicated to Colonel Belford Hinton Wilson... | Northern South America | Arrowsmith, John | 1834 | A | 100.00 |
187 | Carte de Colombie Contenant les Republiques de la Nle. Grenade, de Venezuela, de l'Equateur et les Guyanes | Northern South America | Lapie/Tardieu | 1842 | A | unsold |
188 | Carta Esferica que Comprehende la Costa Ocidental de America desde Siete Grados de Latitud Sur Hasta Nueve Grados de Latitud Norte... | Northwest South America, Panama | Direccion de Hidrografia | 1800 | B | unsold |
189 | Carta dela Meridiana Medida en el Regno de Quito de Orden del Rey Nuestro Senor... | Ecuador | Ulloa, Antonio de | 1744 | B | 250.00 |
190 | Venezuela, cum Parte Australi Novae Andalusiae | Venezuela | Hondius/Blaeu | 1631 | B+ | 200.00 |
191 | Guiana sive Amazonum Regio | Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana | Blaeu, Willem | 1631 | A | 150.00 |
192 | Brazil | Brazil | Arrowsmith, John | 1832 | B+ | 140.00 |
193 | Praefecturae Paranambucae pars Meridionalis | Eastern Brazil | Blaeu, Johannes | 1647 | B+ | unsold |
194 | Praefectura de Ciriii, vel Seregirppe Delrey cum Itapuama | Eastern Brazil | Blaeu, Johannes | 1647 | B+ | 800.00 |
195 | Peru | Peru, Brazil | Pinkerton, John | 1810 | B+ | 70.00 |
196 | Peru & Bolivia | Western South America | Arrowsmith, John | 1834 | B+ | 120.00 |
197 | Paragua | Argentina, Uruguay | Seller, John | 1678 | B | 60.00 |
198 | A Chart of the S.E. Part of Terra del Fuego Including Strait Le Maire and Part of Staten-Land by Lieutenant J. Cook 1769 [on sheet with] A Plan of Success Bay in Strait Le Maire | Argentina & Tierra del Fuego | Cook, James (Capt.) | 1773 | A | 130.00 |
199 | Atlantique Sud - Cartes de la Direction et de l'Intensite Probables des Vents | South Atlantic | | 1876 | B+ | unsold |
200 | St. Helena - This Island Belongs to ye English East India Company... [on sheet with] The Bay of Agoa de Saldanha - This Bay Is 70 Miles North of ye Cape of Good Hope... | St. Helena & South Africa | Moll, Herman | 1735 | B+ | 80.00 |
201 | Carta Esferica de las Islas de los Azores o Terceras Presentada al Rey Nuestro Senor... | Azores | Tofino de San Miguel, Don Vincent | 1788 | B | unsold |
202 | Mappa Aestivarum Insularum, Alias Barmudas Dictarum, ad Ostia Mexicani Aestuary Jacetium... | Bermuda | Hondius/Jansson | 1652 | B+ | unsold |
203 | Tabula Fluxus et Refluxus, Rationes in Mari Anglico Caeterisq Circumjacentibus Littoribus Exhibens | North Atlantic | Kircher, Athanasius | 1682 | A | 250.00 |
204 | Mare del Nord... | North Atlantic | Coronelli, Vincenzo Maria | 1691 | A | 1400.00 |
205 | Les Cotes de la Virginie, les Detroits de Forbisher et de Hudson | North Atlantic | Aa, Pieter van der | 1715 | A | unsold |
206 | [Untitled - Atlantic Ocean and Position of the Gulf Stream] | North Atlantic | Williams, Jonathan | 1793 | B+ | 700.00 |
207 | [Untitled - A Chart of the Atlantic or Western Ocean] | North Atlantic, Gulf Stream | Williams, Jonathan | 1802 | B | 700.00 |
208 | A Chart of the Atlantic Ocean, Exhibiting the Course of the Gulph Stream, &c. | North Atlantic, Gulf Stream | Franklin, Benjamin | 1808 | B+ | 550.00 |
209 | Chart of North Atlantic Ocean with Tracks of the Shipping to West Indies, North America &cc. | North Atlantic | Thomson, John | 1815 | B+ | 160.00 |
210 | Chart of the Atlantic Ocean. With an Illustration of the Character and Rout of a Storm Which Occured on the American Coast in August 1830 | North Atlantic | Blunt, Edmund | 1831 | B | 110.00 |
211 | Atlantic Ocean &c. Shewing the Communication between Europe, North America and the Pacific | North Atlantic | Black, Adam & Charles | 1881 | A | 33.00 |
212 | United States Coast and Geodetic Survey Appendix No. 10 Report for 1890 - The Gulf Stream Methods of the Investigation and Results of the Research | North Atlantic, Gulf Stream | U.S. Coast & Geodetic Survey | 1890 | B+ | 100.00 |
213 | [Lot of 2] Amer. Sep. Groenland Oriental. No. 20 [and] Amer. Sep. Partie du Groenland. No. 4 | Eastern Greenland | Vandermaelen, Philippe Marie Guillaume | 1825 | B+ | unsold |
214 | Groenland | Greenland, Iceland | Hondius/Bertius | 1616 | B+ | unsold |
215 | Groenland et les Nouvelles Terres Descouvertes vers le Septentrion | Greenland, Iceland | Briet, Philippe | 1648 | A | 300.00 |
216 | Islandia | Iceland | Mercator, Gerard | 1595 | B+ | 375.00 |
217 | Islandia | Iceland | Mercator/Cloppenburgh | 1632 | A | 400.00 |
218 | Danish Islands in the North Atlantic Ocean | Iceland & Faroe Islands | Fullarton, Archibald & Co. | 1860 | B+ | 60.00 |
219 | Septentrionalium Regionum Descrip. | Arctic & Scandinavia | Ortelius, Abraham | 1570 | A | 1600.00 |
220 | Imperium Caroli Magni | Europe | Jansson, Jan | 1652 | A | 350.00 |
221 | Eclipseos Solis Totalis cum Mora, d. 12 Maji 1706, Horis Antem: in Europa Celebratae, Geographica Repraesentatio... | Europe, Solar Eclipse | Schenk, Pieter | 1706 | A | 800.00 |
222 | Nette Koerswysing van Amsterdam naer Moskow en Astrakan, en van daer naer Spahan en Gamron en Weder om naer Amsterdam | Europe | Bruyn, Cornelius de | 1714 | A | unsold |
223 | L'Europe dans son Etat Actuel | Europe | Picquet, Charles | 1810 | B+ | unsold |
224 | Tabula Nova Angliae & Hiberniae | Britain | Ptolemy/Fries | 1541 | A | 1400.00 |
225 | Insularum Britannicarum Acurata Delineatio ex Geographicis Conatibus Abrahami Ortelii | Britain | Kaerius/Jansson | 1646 | A | 320.00 |
226 | Magnae Britanniae et Hiberniae Tabula | Britain | Blaeu, Willem | 1646 | B+ | unsold |
227 | The Kingdome of Great Britaine and Ireland | Britain | Speed, John | 1665 | B+ | 2000.00 |
228 | Les Isles Britanniques; qui Contiennent les-Royaumes, d'Angleterre, Escosse, et Irlande... | Britain | Sanson/Jaillot | 1692 | B+ | unsold |
229 | La Grande Bretagne ou les Royaumes d'Angleterre et d'Ecosse Comme Aussi le Royaume d'Irlande Divisee par Provinces... | Britain | Lotter, Tobias Conrad | 1777 | B+ | unsold |
230 | Lancastria Palatinatus Anglis Lancaster et Lancas Shire | Northern England | Blaeu, Johannes | 1646 | B+ | 275.00 |
231 | The Countie Westmorland and Kendale the Cheif Towne Described with the Armes of Such Nobles as Have Bene Earles of Either of Them | Northern England | Speed, John | 1713 | B+ | unsold |
232 | Warwici Comitatus a Cornauiis olim Inhabitatus | Central England | Saxton/Kip | 1637 | A | 160.00 |
233 | The Road from London to Boston in Lincolnsh:... | Central England | Ogilby, John | 1675 | B+ | 150.00 |
234 | Oxfordshire Described, with ye Citie and the Armes of the Colledges of yt Famous University | Southern England | Speed, John | 1605 | B+ | 900.00 |
235 | Hantonia sive Southantonensis Comitatus Vulgo Hantshire | Southern England | Blaeu, Johannes | 1646 | A | 325.00 |
236 | [Untitled - Map VII and VIII of the Spanish Armada in the English Channel] | Southern England, English Channel | Pine, John | 1739 | B+ | unsold |
237 | The Roads from Chelmsford in Essex to St. Edmonds-Bury in Suffolk & Saffron-Walden in Essex... | Southeastern England | Ogilby, John | 1675 | A | 210.00 |
238 | [Untitled - Map III and IV of the Spanish Armada in the English Channel] | Southwestern England, English Channel | Pine, John | 1739 | B+ | unsold |
239 | Cantabrigiensis Comitatus; Cambridge Shire | Eastern England | Blaeu, Johannes | 1645 | B+ | 325.00 |
240 | Suffolcia. Vernacule Suffolke | Eastern England | Blaeu, Johannes | 1646 | A | 425.00 |
241 | A Pictorial and Descriptive Guide to the Isle of Wight, in Six Sections, with Walks and Excursions by Road, Rail and Steamer from Each Centre... | Isle of Wight, England | | 1908 | B+ | 17.00 |
242 | Londinum / Londinum Urbs Praecipua Regni Angliae | London, England | Aveline, Antonio | 1730 | B+ | 800.00 |
243 | Regionis, quae est Circa Londinum, Specialis Repraesentatio... / Ausfuhrliche Geographische Vorstellung der Gegend m London... | London, England | Homann Heirs | 1741 | A | unsold |
244 | Mr. Wyatt's Plan of the Proposed Docks, at the Isle of Dogs, from Blackwall, to Limehouse Hole | London, England | Basire, James I | 1803 | B+ | unsold |
245 | [Facsimile - On 8 Sheets] Civitas Londinum | London, England | | 1905 | A+ | 240.00 |
246 | London Transport [on verso] Central Area Interchange Stations | London, England | | 1953 | B+ | 150.00 |
247 | Anglia Regnum | England & Wales | Mercator/Hondius | 1630 | B+ | unsold |
248 | Anglia Regnum in Omnes Suos Ducatus, Comitatus, et Provincias Divisum | England & Wales | Wit, Frederick de | 1680 | B+ | unsold |
249 | Le Royaume d'Angleterre Distingue en Ses Provinces | England & Wales | Sanson/Jaillot | 1693 | A | 350.00 |
250 | Regni Angliae Nova Tabula, Exhibens Principatum Walliae &, Aliarum Provinciarum, Civitatum, Oppidorum, una cum Itineribus ab uno in Aliam Civitatem | England & Wales | Ottens, Reiner and Joshua | 1730 | A | 550.00 |
251 | Le Royaume d'Angleterre Divise en Comtez et Baronies. Dresse sur les Dernieres Observations | England & Wales | Le Rouge, George Louis | 1745 | A | 140.00 |
252 | [The Severn or Channell of Bristoll] | Bristol Channel | Collins, Capt. Greenvile | 1693 | B+ | unsold |
253 | Scotia Regnum | Scotland | Saxton/Hole | 1637 | B+ | 250.00 |
254 | Regnum Scotiae, seu pars Septent: Magnae Britanniae, Divisa in Scotiam Septent: et Australem, Porro Autem in Comit: Rossiam Moraviam, Argatheliam et Gallo Vidiam... | Scotland | Valck, Gerard and Leonard | 1705 | A | 375.00 |
255 | Le Royaume d'Ecosse Divise en Shires ou Comtes | Scotland | Robert de Vaugondy, Gilles | 1751 | A | 130.00 |
256 | [Part of the Maine Island of Shetland] To the Rt. Honorable Daniel Earle of Nottingham... | Shetland Islands | Collins, Capt. Greenvile | 1753 | B+ | 100.00 |
257 | Hiberniae Regnum tam in Praecipuas Ultoniae, Connaciae, Laceniae et Momoniae... | Ireland | Homann, Johann Baptist | 1720 | A | unsold |
258 | Pigot & Cos. New Map of Ireland. Embracing Every Recent Alteration | Ireland | Pigot, James & Co. | 1840 | A | 220.00 |
259 | Plan of the City of Dublin | Dublin, Ireland | Letts & Son | 1889 | A | 90.00 |
260 | Manica, Gallis la Manche, et Belgis het Canaal, Pars Oceani Inter Angliam et Galliam... | English Channel | Visscher, Nicolas | 1657 | B+ | unsold |
261 | Varia Auctoris | Northern Europe | | 1749 | B+ | 170.00 |
262 | La Gran Penisola della Scandia Madre d'Innumerabili Esserciti, e Regali Famiglie Pertutta l'Europa Diffuse | Scandinavia | | 1664 | B+ | unsold |
263 | Regni Sueciae Tabula Generalis, Divisa in Sueciae, Gotiae, Regna Finniae Ducatum Lapponiam, Livoniam Nordlandiam Ingriam, et in Omnes Subiacentes Provincias | Scandinavia | Wit, Frederick de | 1680 | B+ | unsold |
264 | [On 2 Sheets] Carte des Courones du Nord Dediee Au Tres Puissant et Tres Invincible Prince Charles XII... | Scandinavia | Delisle, Guillaume | 1706 | B+ | unsold |
265 | Septentrionalium Regionum Svetiae Gothiae Norvegiae Daniae &c. | Norway, Sweden & Denmark | Quad, Matthias von Kinckelbach | 1600 | B+ | 170.00 |
266 | Sueciae Magnae, Totius Orbis Regni Antiquissimi, Hodierna in Sex Principales Suas Partes... | Sweden, Finland & Baltics | Valck, Gerard and Leonard | 1720 | A | unsold |
267 | De Custen van een deel van Denemarken en Swederijck, Beginnede va Vuijtste to Calmer Toe... | Southeastern Sweden | Waghenaer, Lucas Jansz | 1585 | A | 1000.00 |
268 | Caarte van t' gat van Abbo ofte Uttoy [on sheet with] Caarte van Stocholmse | Stockholm, Sweden | | 1666 | B+ | unsold |
269 | Plan Charta Ofver Trollhattan med Dess Nya Canal och Slussar... | Trollhattan Falls, Sweden | | 1800 | B+ | unsold |
270 | La Norvegue, Suivant les Nouvelles Observations de Messrs. de l'Academie Royale des Sciences, Etc. Augmentees de Nouveau | Norway | Aa, Pieter van der | 1713 | B+ | 85.00 |
271 | Carte de la Mer Baltique, Contenant les Bancs, Isles et Costes Comprises Entre l'Isle de Zelande et l'Extremite du Golfe de Finlande | Baltic | Loon, Herman van | 1693 | A | 650.00 |
272 | Basin of the Baltic | Baltic | Johnston, W. & A.K. | 1900 | A | 50.00 |
273 | Daniae Regni Typus [on sheet with] Cimbricae Chersonesi nunc Iutiae Descriptio, Auctore Marco Iordano | Denmark | Ortelius, Abraham | 1595 | B+ | unsold |
274 | Dania Regnum in quo sunt Ducatus Holsatia et Slesvicum Insulae Danicae et Provinciae Iutia, Scania, Blekingia et Hallandia | Denmark | Wit, Frederick de | 1680 | B+ | 300.00 |
275 | Carte du Detroit du Sond Contenant les Costes de l'Isle de Zelande Comprises Entre Nicopen et l'Isle de Meun, et Celles du Schonen... | Oresund, Eastern Denmark | Depot de la Marine | 1693 | B+ | 400.00 |
276 | Provinces Unies des Pays Bas | Netherlands | Sanson, Nicolas | 1660 | A | 230.00 |
277 | The VII United Provinces Corrected from the Observations Communicated to the Royal Society of London, & ye Royal Academy at Paris... | Netherlands | Senex/Price | 1709 | B | unsold |
278 | Roterodamum Hollandiae Opp. [on sheet with] Gouda Hollandiae Opp. ad Isalam Amnem... | Rotterdam & Gouda, Netherlands | Braun & Hogenberg | 1581 | B | 320.00 |
279 | Les Campemens des Armees du Roy de France & des Alliez aux Pays-Bas, Depuis l'Annee 1690... | Belgium | Mortier, Pierre | 1695 | A | unsold |
280 | Brabante, Parte Meridionale | Central Belgium | Coronelli, Vincenzo Maria | 1691 | A | 325.00 |
281 | Novissima Ichnographica Delineatio Munitissimae Urbis et Celeberrimi Emporii Ostendae, in Comitatu Flandriae Austriacae Sitae | Ostend, Belgium | Seutter, Matthias | 1734 | B+ | unsold |
282 | Ducatus Lutzenburgi Nova et Accurata Tabula cum Adjacentibus Provinciis et Omnibus Suis Regionibus Delineatio | Luxembourg & Southeastern Belgium | Danckerts, Justus | 1700 | B+ | unsold |
283 | Les Provinces des Pays-Bas Catholiques Distinguees Suivant qu' elles sont Presentement Partagees Entre le Roy de France, le Roy d'Espagne, et les Estats Generaux des Provinces-Unies | Belgium & Luxembourg | Sanson/Jaillot | 1696 | B+ | 150.00 |
284 | Tertia Europe Tabula | France | Ptolemy | 1478 | B | 2000.00 |
285 | Galliae Narbonensis Ora Marittima Recenter Descripta [on sheet with] Sabaudiae, et Burgundiae Comitatus Descriptio; Auctore Aegidio Bulionio Belga | France & Switzerland | Ortelius, Abraham | 1570 | B+ | unsold |
286 | Galliae, Nova et Exacta Descriptio | France | Merula, Paulus G. | 1605 | B+ | unsold |
287 | Gallia Vetus, ad Iul Caesaris Commentaria, ex Conatibus Geographicis Abrah Ortelii | France | Blaeu, (Family) | 1644 | A | 150.00 |
288 | Partie Septentrionale du Gouvernem? General de Champagne ou se Trouvent le Retelois, le Rhemois, la Champagne Propre, Partie de la Brie et du Pertois, &c. | France | Robert de Vaugondy, Gilles | 1752 | B+ | unsold |
289 | A New Map of France, Agreeable to Its Division Into Provinces, as Previous to the Revolution from the Latest Authorities | France | Cary, John | 1806 | A | 100.00 |
290 | The Kingdom of France Describing the New Limits According to the Treaty of Paris, November 20th. 1815 | France | Wyld, James | 1825 | B+ | unsold |
291 | France | France | Aleph | 1869 | B+ | 120.00 |
292 | Caletensium et Bononiensium Ditionis Accurata Delineatio [on sheet with] Veromanduorum Eorumque Confinium Exactissima Descriptio. Iohanne Surhonio Auctore | Northern France | Ortelius, Abraham | 1571 | B+ | unsold |
293 | [Untitled - Atlas Topographique Sheet VII] | Northern France | Picquet, Charles | 1820 | B+ | unsold |
294 | Carte de Provence et des Terres Adjacentes | Southeast France | Delisle/Covens & Mortier | 1745 | B+ | unsold |
295 | Lionnois, Forest, Beaviolois et Masconnois | Eastern France | Blaeu, Willem | 1645 | A | unsold |
296 | Le Vray Portraict de la Ville de Diion | Dijon, France | Belleforest, Francois | 1575 | B+ | unsold |
297 | Plan de la Ville de Dunkerque | Dunkirk, France | Lattre, Jean | 1760 | B+ | unsold |
298 | Paris | Paris, France | Munster, Sebastian | 1578 | B+ | 150.00 |
299 | Les Environs de Paris Dresses et Dedies a Monseigneur le Dauphin par son Tres-Humble Serviteur | Paris, France | Fer, Nicolas de | 1690 | B+ | unsold |
300 | Stanford's Map of the Environs of Paris Shewing the Fortifications | Paris, France | Stanford, Edward | 1870 | A | 160.00 |
301 | Regnorum Hispaniae Nova Descriptio | Spain & Portugal | Blaeu, Willem | 1635 | B+ | 200.00 |
302 | Novissima et Accuratissima Regnorum Hispaniae et Portugalliae Tabula | Spain & Portugal | Wit, Frederick de | 1680 | A | 450.00 |
303 | Veteris Hispaniae Tabulam a Nicolao Sanson Vulgatam... | Spain & Portugal | Sanson/Rossi | 1710 | A | 130.00 |
304 | Carte du Gouvernement de la Cour d'Espagne, de ses Ordres Militaires, de Son Gouvernement Clesiastique et Celuy des Autres Etats de Cette Monarchie dans l'Europe | Central Spain | Chatelain, Henry Abraham | 1705 | B+ | unsold |
305 | Castiliae Veteris et Novae Descriptio | Southeastern Spain | Mercator/Hondius | 1606 | B | 100.00 |
306 | Accurater Grundris der Konigl. Spanischen Haupt und Residentz Stadt Madrit... | Madrid, Spain | Homann, Johann Baptist | 1710 | B+ | unsold |
307 | Draught of the Bay of Bulls Between the Town of Rotta and Fort St. Catherine; Under the Command of His Grace the Duke of Ormond... | Cadiz, Spain | Basire, Isaac | 1750 | B+ | unsold |
308 | Portugalliae que Olim Lusitania, Novissima et Exactissima Descriptio Auctore Vernando Alvaro Secco | Portugal | Quad, Matthias von Kinckelbach | 1600 | A | unsold |
309 | Portugallia et Algarbia quae olim Lusitania. Auctore Vernando Alvero Secco | Portugal | Blaeu, (Family) | 1650 | B | 160.00 |
310 | Novissima Regnorum Portugalliae et Algarbiae Descriptio | Portugal | Wit, Frederick de | 1711 | B | unsold |
311 | [Lot of 2] Partie Septentrionale du Royaume de Portugal par le Sr. Bellin... [and] Partie Meridionale du Royaume de Portugal par le Sr. Bellin... | Portugal | Santini/Remondini | 1784 | B+ | unsold |
312 | Il Regno di Portogallo Descritto... | Southern Portugal | Cantelli da Vignola/de Rossi | 1692 | B | unsold |
313 | Olisippo. Lisabona | Lisbon, Portugal | Merian, Matthaus | 1638 | B+ | 100.00 |
314 | Germaniae Typus | Central Europe, Germany | Ortelius/Vrients | 1576 | B+ | 400.00 |
315 | Empire d'Allemagne Divise en Ses Dix Cercles, ces Cercles en Leurs Principaux Estats. Royaume de Boheme... | Central Europe, Germany | Sanson, Nicolas | 1665 | A | 140.00 |
316 | A New Map of Germany Divided Into Its General and Perticuler Parts | Central Europe, Germany | Lea, Philip | 1690 | B | unsold |
317 | A New Map of Antient Germany, Rhaetia, Vindelicia, and Noricum. Shewing Their Principal People, Tribes, Cities, Towns, Rivers, Mountains, &c... | Central Europe, Germany | Wells, Edward | 1701 | A | 140.00 |
318 | Partie du Cercle d'Austriche, ou sont les Duches de Stirie, de Carinthie, de Carniole, et Autres Estats Hereditaires a la Maison d'Austriche | Central Europe | Sanson/Mortier | 1710 | B+ | 220.00 |
319 | Germania Benedictina quae in Illa sunt, Monasteria Ord. S. Benedicti Monstrans... | Central Europe | Homann Heirs | 1732 | B+ | unsold |
320 | Europe. Partie de l'Allemagne. No. 14 | Central Europe | Vandermaelen, Philippe Marie Guillaume | 1827 | A | unsold |
321 | Totius Rheni Abeius Capitibus ad Oceanum Usque Germanicum in quam se Exonerat Novissima Descriptio | Rhine River | Allard, Hugo | 1660 | B+ | unsold |
322 | The Prussian Government of Stralsund, (Formerly Swedish Pomerania.) Drawn from the Original Map | Germany | Wyld, James | 1844 | B+ | unsold |
323 | Mansfeldiae Comitatus Descriptio. Auctore Tilemanno Stella Sig. | Northern Germany | Ortelius, Abraham | 1575 | A | unsold |
324 | Marchionatus Brandenburgi et Ducatus Pomeraniae Tabula quae est Pars Septentrionalis Circuli Saxoniae Superioris | Northern Germany & Poland | Wit, Frederick de | 1725 | A | 190.00 |
325 | Prussia | Northern Germany, Northern Poland | Aleph | 1869 | B+ | 210.00 |
326 | La Vestfalia, detta Altrimenti / Die Westpalen | Northwestern Germany | Coronelli, Vincenzo Maria | 1691 | A | unsold |
327 | Tabula Frisiae Orientalis olim Ubbonis Emmii... | Northwestern Germany | Homann, Johann Christoph | 1730 | B+ | unsold |
328 | Buchaviae, sive Fuldensis Ditionis Typus. Wolfgango Regrwill Auctore [on sheet with] Waldeccensis Comitatus Descriptio Accuratissima | Central Germany | Ortelius, Abraham | 1609 | A | 180.00 |
329 | Saxoniae, Misniae, Thuringiae, Nova Exactissimaq Descriptio | Eastern Germany | Ortelius, Abraham | 1571 | B+ | unsold |
330 | Wyssenburg mit Umbligender Landschafft uff das Aller Fleissigest nach Aller Gelegenheit Contrafehtet | Weissenburg, Germany | Munster, Sebastian | 1550 | A | 140.00 |
331 | Tractus Nordlingensis Germ. Ries Dicti Accurata Descriptio, Adjecto Indice... | Nordlingen, Germany | Homann Heirs | 1738 | A | unsold |
332 | Beschreibung des Landts Pomern / Sampt Allen Hertzogthumben / Graueschafften und Furnemsten Stetten dar in Gelegen | Northern Poland & Northeastern Germany | Munster, Sebastian | 1556 | A | unsold |
333 | Moraviae, quae Olim Marcomannorum Sedes, Corographia... | Czech Republic | Ortelius, Abraham | 1588 | B+ | 160.00 |
334 | [Untitled - Bohemia and Its Surroundings] | Czech Republic | Anon. | 1806 | A | unsold |
335 | Helvetiae Descriptio, Aegidio Tschudo Auct. | Switzerland | Ortelius, Abraham | 1579 | A | 275.00 |
336 | Austriae Descrip. per Wolfgangum Lazium | Austria | Ortelius, Abraham | 1606 | B+ | unsold |
337 | Austria Archiducatus Auctore Wolfgango Lazio | Austria | Hondius, Henricus | 1639 | A+ | 200.00 |
338 | Oenipons, sive Enipontus Vulgo Insspruct, Tirolensis Comitatus Urbs Amplissima | Innsbruck, Austria | Braun & Hogenberg | 1575 | B+ | 375.00 |
339 | [Title on Verso] Europae Tabula Octava Continet - Sarmatiam Europae, & Tauricam Chersonesum | Eastern Europe | Ptolemy/Fries | 1541 | A | 700.00 |
340 | Prussia Accurate Descripta a Gasparo Henneberg Erlichensi | Eastern Europe, Poland | Blaeu, Willem | 1647 | A | 350.00 |
341 | [On 2 Sheets] The Russian Dominions in Europe Drawn from the Latest Maps, Printed, by the Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg... | Eastern Europe, Russia | Faden, William | 1808 | B+ | 650.00 |
342 | Russiae, Moscoviae et Tartariae Descriptio. Auctore Antonio Ienkensono Anglo... | Russia, Eastern Europe & Central Asia | Ortelius, Abraham | 1579 | B+ | 1500.00 |
343 | Novissima Russiae Tabula | Russia in Europe | Mercator/Cloppenburgh | 1673 | A | unsold |
344 | A Map of Russia | Russia in Europe | Speed/Lamb | 1676 | A | 1800.00 |
345 | Moscovy Corrected from ye Observations Communicated to the Royal Society of London and Paris | Russia | Senex, John | 1712 | B+ | unsold |
346 | Europe. Partie de la Russie d'Europe. No. 10 | Western Russia | Vandermaelen, Philippe Marie Guillaume | 1825 | A | unsold |
347 | Nova ac Verissima Urbis St. Petersburg ab Imperatore Russico Petro Alexii F. Conditae, Item Fl. Nevae Fossae Jussu Imp. Russ... | St. Petersburg, Russia | Ottens, Reiner and Joshua | 1720 | A | 1120.00 |
348 | Tabula Geographica qua Pars Russiae Magnae, Pontus Euxinus seu Mare Nigrum et Tartaria Minor... | Russia, Ukraine & Black Sea | Homann, Johann Baptist | 1712 | B+ | 350.00 |
349 | Lectori S. Hunc Borysthenis Tractum ut ad Nostrum Geographiae Tabulam… | Dnieper River, Ukraine | Blaeu, (Family) | 1635 | A | 1200.00 |
350 | Pontus Euxinus... | Black Sea | Jansson, Jan | 1652 | A | 250.00 |
351 | Nova Mappa Geographica Maris Assoviensis vel de Zabache et Paludis Maeotidis Accurate Aeri Incisa et in Luce Edita | Black Sea & Crimea | Seutter, Matthias | 1740 | B+ | unsold |
352 | Carte de l'Empire de Turquie, en Europe et en Asie, avec les Etats et Pays Circonvoisins | Black Sea, Crimean War | Herisson, Eustache | 1853 | B+ | unsold |
353 | Tabula Ducatus Carnioliae Vindorum Marchiae et Histriae... | Balkans, Slovenia, Croatia | Homann, Johann Baptist | 1716 | B+ | 275.00 |
354 | Schlavoniae, Croatiae, Carniae, Istriae, Bosniae, Finitimarumque Regionum Nova Descriptio, Auctore Augustino Hirsuogelio | Western Balkans | Ortelius, Abraham | 1598 | B+ | 180.00 |
355 | Comitatus Bacsiensis Ungarice Bacs-Varmegye et Germanice Batscher Gespanschaft... | Northern Serbia | | 1793 | B+ | 400.00 |
356 | Tempe | Vale of Tempe, Greece | Ortelius, Abraham | 1590 | A | 220.00 |
357 | Italia Newly Augmented | Italy | Speed, John | 1626 | A | 2400.00 |
358 | [Lot of 4] Viaggio da Firenze a Livorno e a Genova [and] Viaggio da Messina a Palermo [and] Viaggio da Milano a Bologna [and] Viaggio da Antibo a Genova e a Turino | Italy | | 1814 | B+ | unsold |
359 | Mantua Ducatus | Northern Italy | Hondius/Blaeu | 1631 | B+ | 200.00 |
360 | Ducatus Ferrariensis, Finitimarumque Partium Descriptio: Auctore Ioan. Baptista Aleotti, Alias l'Argenta | Northeastern Italy | Ortelius/Vrients | 1609 | B | unsold |
361 | Les Environs de Rome | Western Italy, Rome | Fer, Nicolas de | 1705 | B+ | unsold |
362 | Veteris et Modernae Urbis Romae Ichnographia et Accurata Designatio | Rome, Italy | Seutter, Matthias | 1720 | B+ | unsold |
363 | La Topografia di Roma | Rome, Italy | Nolli, Giovanni Battista | 1773 | A | 600.00 |
364 | [Lot of 2] Plan of Ancient Rome [and] Plan of Modern Rome | Rome, Italy | SDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge | 1844 | A | 80.00 |
365 | Vorstellung der Bataille Bey Parma, so Zwischen der Kayserl... [on sheet with] Prospect des Koniglichen Lust-Schlosses Colorno... | Parma, Italy | Homann Heirs | 1740 | A | unsold |
366 | Entwurff der von Denen Kayserl. d. 15. Sept. 1734 ... Passage uber die Secchia ... Quistello... [on sheet with] Accurater Entwurff der Bey Guastalla in der Lombardie... | Guastalla & Quistello, Italy | Homann Heirs | 1740 | A+ | unsold |
367 | Pianta Degli Scavi di Pompei | Pompeii, Italy | | 1848 | A | unsold |
368 | Insularum Aliquot Maris Mediterranei Descriptio | Mediterranean Islands | Ortelius, Abraham | 1609 | A | 500.00 |
369 | Sardiniae Regnum et Insula uti per Celeberr. P. Coronelli... | Sardinia | Homann Heirs | 1734 | B+ | unsold |
370 | Natoliae, quae Olim Asia Minor, Nova Descriptio [on sheet with] Aegypti Recentior Descriptio [and] Carthaginis Celeberrimi Sinus Typus | Eastern Mediterranean | Ortelius, Abraham | 1595 | B+ | 150.00 |
371 | The Description of the Countreys and Places Mencioned in the Actes of the Apostles from Italie on the West Part, Unto the Medes and Persians Towards the East... | Eastern Mediterranean & Middle East | | 1582 | A | 300.00 |
372 | Paradise or the Garden of Eden with the Countries Circumjacent Inhabited by the Patriarchs | Middle East | Moxon, Joseph | 1671 | B+ | 300.00 |
373 | De Reys-togten van Abraham, Gaande uit Ur der Kaldeen na Kanaan | Middle East | Goeree, Willelm & Jan | 1700 | A | 375.00 |
374 | Irak Arabi Kurdistan Diarbek Turcomannia Siria e Palestina | Middle East | Albrizzi/Tirion | 1740 | B+ | 70.00 |
375 | Natolia, quae olim Asia Minor | Turkey, Cyprus | Blaeu, (Family) | 1640 | A+ | 325.00 |
376 | Accurate Vorstellung der Orientalisch-Kayserlichen Haupt- und Residenz-Stadt Constantinopel samt ihrer Gegend und Zweyen Beruhmten Meer-Engen, Bosphoro Thracio, und Hellesponto... | Istanbul, Turkey | Homann, Johann Baptist | 1720 | B+ | 450.00 |
377 | [Title on Verso] Quinta Tabula Universalis Palestinae, Continens Superiores Partuculares Tabulas | Holy Land | Ziegler, Jacob | 1532 | B+ | 1500.00 |
378 | [Untitled - Palestine] | Holy Land | Hole, William | 1614 | B+ | 140.00 |
379 | Terra Sancta quae in Sacris Terra Promissionis olim Palestina | Holy Land | Hondius/Blaeu | 1629 | B+ | unsold |
380 | Situs Terrae Promissionis S.S. Bibliorum Intelligentiam Exacte Aperiens per Chr. Adrichom | Holy Land | Hondius, Henricus | 1633 | B+ | 400.00 |
381 | Terra Sancta sive Promissionis, olim Palestina, in Duo Divisa Regna, Israel, et Iuda... | Holy Land | Sanson, Guillaume | 1679 | A | 200.00 |
382 | Novissima Totius Terrae Sanctae sive Promissionis Descriptio | Holy Land | Funcke/Homann | 1700 | B+ | unsold |
383 | La Terre Sainte Tiree des Memoires de M. de la Rue | Holy Land | Fer, Nicolas de | 1703 | B+ | 100.00 |
384 | Palaestina in XII. Tribus Divisa, cum Terris Adiacentibus | Holy Land | Homann Heirs | 1750 | B+ | 240.00 |
385 | Generaale Kaart van het Beloofde Land tot Verlichting voor de Geschiedenisse; Vervat in des Bybel… | Holy Land | Elwe, Jan Barend | 1792 | A | 210.00 |
386 | [On 8 Sheets - Atlas of Palestine and the Sinai Peninsula] | Holy Land | | 1850 | B+ | 450.00 |
387 | Ierusalem Civitas Sancta, olim Metropolis Regni Iudaici, hodie uero Colonia Turcae | Jerusalem, Holy Land | Munster, Sebastian | 1559 | B+ | 120.00 |
388 | Hierosolyma, Clarissima Totius Orientis Civitas, Iudaee Metropolis… | Jerusalem, Holy Land | Braun & Hogenberg | 1575 | B+ | 375.00 |
389 | Jerusalem die Heilige Viereckete Stadt, in Grund Gelegt und Eigentlich Abgemalet | Jerusalem, Holy Land | Bunting, Heinrich | 1582 | B+ | unsold |
390 | De Heylige en Wytvermaerde Stadt Ierusalem Eerst Genaemt Salem | Jerusalem, Holy Land | Putte, I. | 1715 | B+ | 250.00 |
391 | Vue & Description de la Ville de Jerusalem Telle qu' elle est Aujourd' hui avec les Tombeaux de ses Anciens Rois, & Quelques Autres Antiquites Curieuses qui se Trouvent aux Environs de Cette Ville | Jerusalem, Holy Land | Chatelain, Henry Abraham | 1719 | B+ | unsold |
392 | Ierusalem Niewlicks uyt de Schriften Iosephus Afgebeeld door J.H. Coccejus | Jerusalem, Holy Land | Covens & Mortier | 1722 | A+ | 100.00 |
393 | [Title on Verso] Tabula VI. Asiae. | Arabia | Ptolemy/Fries | 1535 | A | unsold |
394 | Carte de la Babylonie Nommee Aujourd'hui Hierac-Arab... | Iraq | Delisle, Guillaume | 1766 | B+ | 175.00 |
395 | Carte de la Georgie, et du Pays des Ossetes, Tcherkesses et Mitzdcheghi | Caucasus | Klaproth, Heinrich J. von | 1825 | A | 200.00 |
396 | Nova Maris Caspii et Regionis Usbeck cum Provincijs Adjacentibus Vera Delineatio... | Caspian Sea, Caucasus, Northern Iran, Central Asia | Maas, Abraham | 1735 | B+ | 200.00 |
397 | Regno di Persia | Central Asia | Albrizzi/Tirion | 1740 | B+ | 80.00 |
398 | A Map of Independent Tartary, Containing the Countries of the Kalmuks and Uzbeks, with the Tibet | Central Asia | Dunn, Samuel | 1794 | B+ | 200.00 |
399 | Central Asia | Central Asia | Stanford, Edward | 1890 | A | 50.00 |
400 | Asiae Nova Descriptio | Asia | Ortelius, Abraham | 1571 | A | 1200.00 |
401 | Asia Secundum Legitimas Projectionis Stereographicae Regulas et Juxta Recentissimas Observationes... / Carte de l'Asie Projettee Stereographiquement Tiree des Relations et Observations... | Asia | Haas/Homann Heirs | 1744 | B+ | unsold |
402 | Asia and Its Islands According to D'Anville; Divided Into Empires, Kingdoms, States, Regions &ca... | Asia | Sayer, Robert | 1787 | B+ | 1300.00 |
403 | The Intervention of the Allies in Siberia | Eastern Asia | Philip, George | 1918 | A | 200.00 |
404 | China | China | Philip, George | 1860 | A | unsold |
405 | A Chart of the South Coast of Hay-Nan from Tinhosa to Guichou... | Southern China | Sayer & Bennett | 1781 | A | 220.00 |
406 | L'Empire de la Chine pour Servir a l'Histoire Generale des Voyages | China & Korea | Bellin, Jacques Nicolas | 1748 | A | 200.00 |
407 | Iaponia | Japan & Korea | Mercator/Hondius | 1613 | A | 1200.00 |
408 | Carte de la Coree Dressee par le Journal des Debats | Korea | | 1894 | A | unsold |
409 | Indiae Orientalis, Insularumque Adiacientium Typus | Southeast Asia | Ortelius, Abraham | 1571 | A | 2100.00 |
410 | D'Uytrusting der Engelze Maatschappye Onder den Generaal James Lancaster voor d'Eerste maal over Zee na d'Oost-Indien Gedaan | Southeast Asia | Aa, Pieter van der | 1710 | A | 275.00 |
411 | Le Indie Orientali e il Loro Arcipelago | Southeast Asia | Zatta, Antonio | 1784 | B+ | 130.00 |
412 | Isles Philippines | Philippines | Crepy, Paul | 1749 | A | 275.00 |
413 | Insulae Indiae Orientalis | East Indies - Indonesia | Mercator/Jansson | 1631 | A | 230.00 |
414 | Caart van het Eyland Manipa [on sheet with] Caart van het Eyland Noessa-Laoet [and] Caart van het Eyland Honimoa [and] Caart van het Eyland Oma | East Indies - Indonesia | Valentyn, Francois | 1726 | A | 180.00 |
415 | Plan de la Ville et du Chateau de Batavia… | Jakarta, Indonesia | Bellin, Jacques Nicolas | 1750 | A | 90.00 |
416 | Hindostan or India. Drawn from the Best Authorities | India | Russell, John C. | 1811 | A | unsold |
417 | A Chart of the Coast of Cormandel and the Great Bay of Bengal | Southern Asia | Cutler, Nathaniel | 1728 | B+ | unsold |
418 | A Draught of Mathewren Bay, on the North Side of the Island Diego Rayes... | Mauritius, Indian Ocean | Nicholson (Nicholsen), William | 1761 | C+ | 275.00 |
419 | La Table & Description Universelle de Toute l'Afrique, Voire Estendue Outre les Limites de Ptol. | Africa | Munster, Sebastian | 1552 | A | 1800.00 |
420 | Africae Tabula Nova | Africa | Ortelius, Abraham | 1570 | B+ | 1100.00 |
421 | Table d'Afrique | Africa | Thevet, Andre | 1581 | B | 1500.00 |
422 | Africae Vera Forma, et Situs | Africa | Jode, Cornelis de | 1593 | A+ | 6500.00 |
423 | Africa | Africa | Claesz, Cornelis | 1600 | B+ | 100.00 |
424 | Africa Vetus... | Africa | Sanson/Mariette | 1667 | B+ | 320.00 |
425 | Africa Performed by the Sr. Danville Under the Patronage of the Duke of Orleans... | Africa | Bolton, Solomon | 1751 | A | unsold |
426 | L'Afrique Dressee, sur les Relations les Plus Recentes, et Assujettie aux Observations Astronomiques | Africa | Robert de Vaugondy, Didier | 1757 | A | 275.00 |
427 | Tabula Nova Partis Africae | Northern Africa | Ptolemy/Fries | 1541 | A | 600.00 |
428 | Barbaria pars Apricae, Compraehendens Praecipua Loca Versus Littora Maris Mediterranei | Northern Africa | Jode, Gerard de | 1578 | B+ | unsold |
429 | Statuum Marocca Norum, Regnorum Nempe Fessani, Maroccani, Tafiletani et Segelomessani... | Morocco | Homann, Johann Christoph | 1728 | B+ | 250.00 |
430 | Carte Reduite des Costes Occidentales d'Afrique Depuis l'Equateur Jusqu'au Vingtieme Degre de Latitude Meridionale... | Western Africa | Bellin, Jacques Nicolas | 1754 | A | 240.00 |
431 | Abyssinorum sive Magni Regis Davidis, quem Vulgo Presbyterum Joannem Vocant, Imperium | Central Africa | Quad, Matthias von Kinckelbach | 1600 | A | unsold |
432 | Central Africa | Central Africa | Stanford, Edward | 1887 | A | 140.00 |
433 | Aethiopia Inferior, vel Exterior... | Southern Africa, Madagascar | Jansson, Jan | 1636 | B+ | 170.00 |
434 | Carte du Congo et du Pays des Cafres | Southern Africa, Madagascar | Delisle/Covens & Mortier | 1730 | B+ | unsold |
435 | Das Vorgebirg der Guten Hofnung... | Southern Africa | Delarochette, Louis Stanislas d'Arcy | 1789 | A | unsold |
436 | Cimbebas et Caffariae Littora a Catenbela ad Promontorium Bonae Spei / Pascaerte van Cimbebas en Caffares Streckende van Catembela tot Cabo de Bona Esperanca | Southwestern Africa | Renard/De Wit | 1715 | A | unsold |
437 | Chart of the Northern Passage Between Asia & America | North Pacific Ocean | Thomson, John | 1821 | B | 180.00 |
438 | Sketch of the Duff's Groupe, Discovered September 25, 1797 by Capt. James Wilson | South Pacific Ocean | Wilson, James | 1799 | B+ | 30.00 |
439 | Carte de l'Isle O-Taiti | Pacific Islands | Bonne, Rigobert | 1787 | A | 80.00 |
440 | Geographia Antiqua: Being a Complete Set of Maps of Antient Geography, Beautifully Engraved from Cellarius... | Atlases | Cellarius, Christophorus | 1809 | B+ | 325.00 |
441 | Atlas Geographique, Statistique, Historique et Chronologique des Deux Ameriques et des Iles Adjacentes... | Atlases | Buchon, Jean Alexandre | 1825 | A | 3750.00 |
442 | Introduction a la Geographie avec Une Description Historique sur Touttes les Parties de la Terre | Geography Books | Fer, Nicolas de | 1717 | A | 1700.00 |
443 | A Rhyming Geography for Little Boys and Girls Adapted for Home Instruction and for Junior Classes in Schools | Geography Books | | 1873 | B+ | 200.00 |
444 | Histoire des Decouvertes et Conquestes des Portugais dans le Nouveau Monde ... Tome Premier | Exploration & Surveys | | 1733 | B+ | 600.00 |
445 | A Voyage Round the World, in the Years MDCCXL, I, II, III, IV... | Exploration & Surveys | Anson, George | 1780 | B+ | unsold |
446 | Schilderung von Louisiana... [and] U. Rochon's Franzosischen Marine-Ustronoms zu Brest und Mitglieds des National-Instituts zu Paris, Reisen nach Marofo und Indien... | Exploration & Surveys | Ehrmann, Theodor Friedrich | 1804 | B+ | unsold |
447 | Doniphan's Expedition; Containing an Account of the Conquest of New Mexico; General Kearney's Overland Expedition to California... | Exploration & Surveys | James, J. A. & U. P. | 1848 | B+ | 1400.00 |
448 | [2 Volumes] Hedendaagsche Historie, of Tegenwoordige Staat van Groot Brittannie... | History Books | Tirion, Isaac | 1754-55 | B+ | unsold |
449 | [8 Volumes] The Peerage of England; Containing a Genealogical and Historical Account of All the Peers of That Kingdom... | History Books, England | | 1779 | B+ | unsold |
450 | Notes on the State of Virginia | History Books | Jefferson, Thomas | 1801 | | 1000.00 |
451 | A Condensed School History of the United States, Constructed for Definite Results in Recitation and Containing a New Method of Topical Reviews | History Books | Swinton, William | 1875 | B+ | 50.00 |
452 | Martin Behaim - His Life and His Globe | References | Philip, George | 1908 | B | 350.00 |
453 | The Vinland Map and the Tartar Relation | References | Skelton, Marston and Painter | 1965 | B+ | 26.00 |
454 | [Facsimile] The Generall Historie of Virginia, New-England, and the Summer Isles with the Names of the Adventurers, Planters, and Governours... | References | Smith, John (Capt.) | 1966 | B | 180.00 |
455 | [Lot of 2] The Fry & Jefferson Map of Virginia and Maryland - Facsimiles of the 1754 and 1794 Printings with an Index [and] The John Henry County Map of Virginia 1770 - A Facsimile of the Copy in the Library of Congress | References | | 1966-77 | A | 375.00 |
456 | [Lot of 2] The Rutters of the Sea - The Sailing Directions of Pierre Garcie... [and] The Charting of the Oceans - Ten Centuries of Maritime Maps | References | | 1967-96 | | 25.00 |
457 | Maps and Charts Published in America Before 1800 - A Bibliography | References | Wheat and Brun | 1969 | A | 140.00 |
458 | [Facsimile] Blaeu's Atlas of England Scotland Wales and Ireland... | References | Blaeu, (Family) | 1970 | A | unsold |
459 | [Lot of 3] America - Early Maps of the New World [and] The Exploration of North America 1630-1776 [and] Maps and Charts of North America and the West Indies 1750-1789 - A Guide to the Collections in the Library of Congress | References | | 1974-92 | | 140.00 |
460 | [Lot of 3] Campaigns of the American Revolution - An Atlas of Manuscript Maps [and] A Bibliography of Printed Battle Plans of the American Revolution 1775-1795 [and] Mapping the American Revolutionary War | References | | 1975-78 | | 100.00 |
461 | America in Maps - Dating from 1500 to 1856 | References | | 1976 | A | 325.00 |
462 | The Northpart of America | References | Verner & Stuart-Stubbs | 1979 | A | 120.00 |
463 | The Mapping of America | References | Tooley, R. V. | 1980 | A | 100.00 |
464 | Early Printed Maps of the British Isles - A Bibliography 1477-1650 | References | Shirley, Rodney W. | 1980 | A | 90.00 |
465 | American Maps and Mapmakers - Commercial Cartography in the Nineteenth Century | References | Ristow, Walter W. | 1985 | A | 110.00 |
466 | [Lot of 3] Civil War Maps - An Annotated List of Maps and Atlases in the Library of Congress [and] Mapping for Stonewall - The Civil War Service of Jed Hotchkiss [and] American Heritage - Battle Maps of the Civil War | References | | 1989-93 | | 41.00 |
467 | Washington on View - The Nation's Capital Since 1790 | References | Reps, John W. | 1991 | A | 24.00 |
468 | [Lot of 2] Virginia Cartography - A Bibliographical Description [and] Virginia - Mapping the Old Dominion State Through History - Rare and Unusual Maps from the Library of Congress | References | | 1995-2010 | | 26.00 |
469 | Collecting Antique Maps - An Introduction to the History of Cartography | References | Potter, Jonathan | 1999 | A | 20.00 |
470 | [4 Volumes] Tooley's Dictionary of Mapmakers - Revised Edition | References | Tooley, R. V. | 1999-2004 | A | 400.00 |
471 | New England in Early Printed Maps 1513 to 1800 - An Illustrated Carto-Bibliography | References | McCorkle, Barbara B. | 2001 | A | 160.00 |
472 | [2 Volumes] Maps in the Atlases of the British Library - A Descriptive Catalogue c. AD 850-1800 | References | Shirley, Rodney W. | 2004 | A | 375.00 |