1 | Theatre des Cites du Monde Premier Volume | Title Pages | Braun & Hogenberg | 1575 | B+ | 150.00 |
2 | Italiae, Sclavoniae, et Graeciae Tabule Geographice | Title Pages | Mercator/Hondius | 1619 | B | unsold |
3 | Germaniae Tabule Geographicae | Title Pages | Mercator/Hondius | 1619 | B | unsold |
4 | Galliae Tabule Geographicae | Title Pages | Mercator/Hondius | 1619 | B | 120.00 |
5 | [Lot of 2 - Title Page and Frontispiece] The Theatre of the Empire of Great Britaine… | Title Page & Frontispiece | Speed, John | 1676 | B+ | 500.00 |
6 | [Lot of 5] Mappe Monde sur Laquelle ou na Place que les Noms des Quatre Parties du Monde et des Quatre Grandes Mers... [and] Amerique Meridionale... [and] Afrique... [and] Asie... [and] Europe... | World & Continents | Dezauche, J. A. | 1780-81 | A | 100.00 |
7 | La Figure du Monde Universel | World | Munster, Sebastian | 1552 | B+ | 3500.00 |
8 | Universi Orbis Descriptio ad Usum Navigantium | World | Magini and Porro | 1598 | A | 475.00 |
9 | Typus Orbis Terrarum | World | Hondius/Bertius | 1616 | A | unsold |
10 | Nova Totius Terrarum Orbis Geographica ac Hydrographica Tabula | World | Blaeu, Willem | 1640 | B | unsold |
11 | Nova Totius Terrarum Orbis Geographica ac Hydrographica Tabula | World | Merian, Matthaus | 1646 | A | 1000.00 |
12 | [Lot of 2] Carte de l'Amerique Nouvellement Dressee Suivant les Nouvelles Descouvertes... [and] Carte Nouvelle de l'Europe Asie & Afrique... | World | Tavernier, Melchior | 1661 | A | 2200.00 |
13 | Orbis Terrarum Tabula Recens Emendata et in Lucem Edita per N. Visscher... | World | Visscher, Nicolas | 1677 | B+ | 950.00 |
14 | Nova Totius Terrarum Orbis Tabula | World | Danckerts, Justus | 1680 | B+ | 2100.00 |
15 | [Lot of 4] [Western Hemisphere] [and] [Eastern Hemisphere] [and] The Sacred Theory of the Earth [and] [Title Page] The Theory of the Earth: Containing an Account of the Original of the Earth... | World | Burnet, Thomas | 1684 | | unsold |
16 | Mappe-Monde Geo-Hydrographique, ou Description Generale du Globe Terrestre et Aquatique en Deux-Plans-Hemispheres, ou Sont Exactement Remarquees en General Toutes les Parties de la Terre et de l'Eau, Suivant les Relations les Plus Nouvelles | World | Sanson/Jaillot | 1691 | B+ | unsold |
17 | Repraesentatio Totius Orbis Terraquei Cuius Partes, quae Umbra Carent, Fide Catholica Imbutae Sunt, Reliquae Omnes Inumbratae Religionis Catholicae Expertes Sunt | World - Polar | Scherer, Heinrich | 1702 | B+ | 600.00 |
18 | Societas Iesu per Universum Mundum Diffusa Praedicat Christi Evangelium | World | Scherer, Heinrich | 1702 | A+ | 700.00 |
19 | [Lot of 2] A Map of the New Continent According to Its Greatest Diametrical Length... [and] Old Map of the Continent According to the Greatest Diametrical Length... | World | Gibson, John | 1758 | B+ | unsold |
20 | [Lot of 2] Chart of the World on Mercators Projection [and] A New and Accurate Map of Asia Drawn & Engrav'd from the Best Authorities | World, Asia | | 1760-97 | | 110.00 |
21 | Carte Generale du Globe Terrestre... | World | Brouckner/Remondini | 1761 | A | unsold |
22 | Carte de l'Ancien et du Nouveau Monde, Suivant une Projection Nouvelle, pour les Premieres Etudes; Dirigee par Mr. Philippe... | World | Philippe De Pretot, Etienne Andre | 1771 | B | 300.00 |
23 | Carte Generale Offrant les Decouvertes Faites par le Capitaine Jacques Cook dans ce Voyage ey dans les Deux Voyages Precedens; Ainsi que la Route des Vaisseaux qu'il Commandoit | World | Cook/Benard | 1784 | B | unsold |
24 | De Wareld in een Ronde Gedaante van de Noord Pool te Zien [on sheet with] De Wareld verbeeld in de gedaante van een Hard en geleege na de Stelling van de Hr. Guil de L'Isle | World | Keizer/De Lat | 1786 | B+ | unsold |
25 | [Lot of 2] Monde Entier [with related sheet of text] | World | Henry, J. | 1835 | B+ | unsold |
26 | [Lot of 2] Western Hemisphere [and] Eastern Hemisphere | World | Tallis, John | 1850 | B+ | 240.00 |
27 | Outline of the Geology of the Globe | World | Hitchcock, Edward | 1853 | B+ | 200.00 |
28 | Submarine Cables of the World with the Principal Connecting Land Lines Coaling, Docking, and Repairing Stations | World | U.S. Hydrographic Office | 1896 | B+ | 110.00 |
29 | La Seconde Table Generale Selon Ptol. | Ancient World | Munster, Sebastian | 1552 | B+ | 800.00 |
30 | Macrobii Ambrosii Aurelii Theodosij, Viri Consularis, & Illustris... | Ancient World | Macrobius, Ambrosius Aurelius Theodo | 1565 | B+ | 1000.00 |
31 | [Daniel's Dream Map] | Ancient World | | 1580 | A | 650.00 |
32 | Theatrum Historicum ad Annum Christi Quadringentesimu in quo tum Imperii Romani... / An Historical Map of the Roman Empire and the Neighbouring Barbarous Nations... | Ancient World | Moll, Herman | 1709 | B+ | 600.00 |
33 | La Division de Nostre Ocean | Eastern Hemisphere | Briet, Philippe | 1649 | B+ | unsold |
34 | A General Chart, on Mercator's Projection, to Shew the Track of the Lion and Hindostan from England to the Gulph of Pekin in China, and of Their Return to England... | Eastern Hemisphere | Barrow, John (Sir) | 1796 | B+ | unsold |
35 | [Lot of 3] Asie [and] Afrique [and] Oceanie | Eastern Hemisphere | Poirson, Jean Baptiste | 1830 | B+ | 45.00 |
36 | Poli Arctici Constitutio [on sheet with] Poli Antarctici Constitutio | Polar | Kircher, Athanasius | 1682 | A | 130.00 |
37 | Le Globe Terrestre Vu en Convexe par les Deux Poles, l'Equateur Servant d'Horison | Polar | Moithey, Maurille Antoine | 1769 | B+ | unsold |
38 | Carte des Deux Regions Polaires [bound in] Histoire Naturelle, Generale et Particuliere ... Tome Quatrieme | Polar | Buffon, Comte de | 1798-99 | B+ | unsold |
39 | Regioni Polari Paragonate Secondo gli Ultimi Viaggi | Polar | Barbiellini, Carlo Antonio | 1807 | A+ | 150.00 |
40 | Regionum Circum Polarium Lapponiae Islandiae et Groenlandiae Novae et Veteris Nova Descriptio Geographica | North Pole & North Atlantic | Scherer, Heinrich | 1701 | A+ | 550.00 |
41 | Hemisphere Septentrional pour Voir Plus Distinctem.t les Terres Arctiques | North Pole | Anon. | 1730 | B | 300.00 |
42 | A Map of the North Pole with All the Territories That Lye Near It, Known to Us &c. According to the Latest Discoveries, and Most Exact Observations. Agreeable to Modern History | North Pole | Moll, Herman | 1732 | A | 150.00 |
43 | A Map of the Icy Sea in Which the Several Communications with the Land Waters and Other New Discoveries are Exhibited | North Pole | Gibson, John | 1760 | B+ | 80.00 |
44 | [Lot of 2] Circumjacent the North Pole [and] Polar Regions | North Pole | | 1822-31 | | 110.00 |
45 | Chart of the Antarctic Polar Circle, with the Countries Adjoining, According to the New Hypothesis of M. Buache. From the Memoirs of the Royal Academy at Paris | South Pole | Anon. | 1763 | B+ | 140.00 |
46 | [Lot of 2 - Celestial Gores] | Celestial | Coronelli, Vincenzo Maria | 1693 | A | 1200.00 |
47 | Le Globe Celeste Represente en Deux Plans Hemispheres... | Celestial | Chiquet, Jacques | 1719 | A | 140.00 |
48 | Systema Solare et Planetarium ex Hypothesi Copernicana Secundum Elegantissimas Illustrissimi Quondam Hugenii Deductiones Novissime Collectum & Exhibitum | Solar System | Doppelmayr/Homann | 1720 | B+ | 750.00 |
49 | Phaenomena Motuum Irregularium quos Planetae Inferiores Venus et Mercurius ad Annum Salutis MDCCX... | Solar System | Doppelmayr/Homann | 1742 | B+ | 180.00 |
50 | [Monsters] Les Marins Monstres & Terrestres, Lesquelz on Trouve en Beaucoup de Lieux es Parties Septentrionales | Cartographic Miscellany | Munster, Sebastian | 1552 | B+ | 1000.00 |
51 | [Lot of 2] A Map of the Principal Rivers Shewing Their Courses, Countries, and Comparative Lengths [and] Comparative Lengths of the Principal Rivers Throughout the World | Cartographic Miscellany, Rivers | | 1823-34 | B+ | 110.00 |
52 | [Lot of 8 - Puzzle Maps - World and Continents] | Cartographic Miscellany, Puzzle Maps | Barbie du Bocage, Jean-Guillaume | 1853 | B | 250.00 |
53 | [Lot of 2 - Puzzle Maps] Outline Map of United States [and] Railroad and County Map of New York | Puzzle Maps, United States, New York | | 1878-1900 | | 80.00 |
54 | La Table des Isles Neufues, Lesquelles on Appelle Isles d'Occident & d'Indie pour Diuers Regardz | Western Hemisphere - America | Munster, Sebastian | 1552 | B+ | 3500.00 |
55 | Americae sive Novi Orbis, Nova Descriptio | Western Hemisphere - America | Ortelius, Abraham | 1587 | A | 4500.00 |
56 | Americae sive Novi Orbis Nova Descriptio | Western Hemisphere - America | Ortelius/Marchetti | 1598 | B+ | 250.00 |
57 | America sive India Nova, ad Magnae Gerardi Mercatoris aui Universalis Imitationem in Compendium Redacta | Western Hemisphere - America | Mercator, Michael | 1613 | A | 3000.00 |
58 | America with Those Known Parts in That Unknowne Worlde Both People and Manner of Buildings Discribed and Inlarged | Western Hemisphere - America | Speed, John | 1626 | B+ | 4000.00 |
59 | Americae sive Indiae Occidentalis Tabula Generalis | Western Hemisphere - America | Gerritsz/De Laet | 1630 | B+ | unsold |
60 | America Noviter Delineata | Western Hemisphere - America | Hondius/Jansson | 1632 | B+ | unsold |
61 | America Noviter Delineata | Western Hemisphere - America | Merian, Matthaus | 1638 | B+ | 550.00 |
62 | Americae Nova Tabula | Western Hemisphere - America | Blaeu, Willem | 1640 | B | unsold |
63 | Americae sive Indiae Occidentalis Tabula Generalis | Western Hemisphere - America | Cluver, Philipp | 1659 | B+ | 60.00 |
64 | America Noviter Delineata | Western Hemisphere - America | Cloppenburg, Johannes | 1673 | A | 500.00 |
65 | Recentissima Novi Orbis sive Americae Septentrionalis et Meridionalis Tabula | Western Hemisphere - America | Allard, Carel | 1696 | B+ | 1100.00 |
66 | Atlantis Insula a Nicolao Sanson Antiquitati Restituta; nunc Demum Majori Forma Delineata, et in Decem Regna, Iuxta Decem Neptuni Filios Distributa... | Western Hemisphere - America | Sanson, Guillaume | 1699 | B+ | 480.00 |
67 | America | Western Hemisphere - America | Cluver, Philipp | 1711 | A | unsold |
68 | L'Amerique Suivant le R.P. Charlevoix Jte. Mr. de Condamine, et Plusieurs Autres Nouvle. Observations | Western Hemisphere - America | Le Rouge, George Louis | 1746 | B+ | unsold |
69 | Carte de l'Amerique et des Mers Voisines | Western Hemisphere - America | Bellin, Jacques Nicolas | 1763 | B+ | 250.00 |
70 | Nieuwe Kaart van America | Western Hemisphere - America | Tirion, Isaac | 1765 | B | 160.00 |
71 | Isles, Caps et Ports de Mer de l'Amerique | Western Hemisphere - America | Clouet, Jean Baptiste Louis | 1787 | B+ | unsold |
72 | Carte d'Amerique Septentrionale et Meridionale avec les Decouvertes Faites dans les Derniers Voyages | Western Hemisphere - America | Herisson, Eustache | 1820 | B+ | 250.00 |
73 | America | Western Hemisphere - America | Arrowsmith, Samuel | 1828 | B+ | 60.00 |
74 | North & South America; for the Elucidation of the Abbe Gaultier's Geographical Games | Western Hemisphere - America | Aspin, Jehoshaphat | 1832 | A | 280.00 |
75 | America Septentrionalis | North America | Hondius/Jansson | 1644 | B+ | unsold |
76 | L'Amerique Septentrionale qui Fait Partie des Indes Occidentales. Dressee Selon les Dernieres Relations des Voiageurs et Suivant les Nouvelles Observations de Mur. de l'Academie Royale des Sciences | North America | Chiquet, Jacques | 1719 | A | 250.00 |
77 | Carte Contenant le Royaume du Mexique et la Floride, Dressez sur les Meilleures Observations & sur les Memoires les Plus Nouveaux | North America | Chatelain, Henry Abraham | 1719 | A | 450.00 |
78 | [On 2 Sheets] Amerique Septentrionale Publiee sous les Auspices de Monseigneur le Duc d'Orleans Premier Prince du Sang | North America | Anville, Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d' | 1746 | B+ | 600.00 |
79 | Amerique Septentrionale | North America | Robert de Vaugondy, Gilles | 1748 | A | 95.00 |
80 | Carte de l'Amerique Septentrionale | North America | Palairet, Jean | 1755 | B+ | 300.00 |
81 | A New & Accurate Map of North America; Drawn from the Most Authentic Modern Maps and Charts | North America | Bowen, Thomas | 1780 | A | unsold |
82 | Amerique Septentrionale | North America | Anon. | 1790 | B+ | 75.00 |
83 | Amerique Septentrionale Dressee sur les Relations les Plus Modernes des Voyageurs et Navigateurs, ou se Remarquent les Etats Unis | North America | Robert de Vaugondy, Didier | 1791 | A | unsold |
84 | A New Map of North America; with the West India Islands. Divided According to the Preliminary Articles of Peace, Signed at Versailles, 20, Jan. 1783 | North America | Laurie & Whittle | 1794 | B+ | 1800.00 |
85 | Amerique Septentrionale | North America | Blondeau, Alexandre | 1800 | A | 70.00 |
86 | [Lot of 3] Spanish Dominions in North America [and] West Indie's [and] Pacific Ocean | North America | Arrowsmith & Lewis | 1804 | A | 90.00 |
87 | North America | North America | Lucas, Fielding | 1823 | A | 100.00 |
88 | [Lot of 2] Historisch-Geographische Carte der Nordamerikanischen Freistaaten [and] Die Vereinigten Staaten von Nordamerica nebst Canada | North America | | 1829-59 | A | unsold |
89 | Amerique Septentrionale | North America | Selves, H. | 1836 | B+ | 50.00 |
90 | Amerique Septentrionale | North America, Texas | Levasseur, Victor | 1843 | A | 120.00 |
91 | North America | North America | SDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge | 1843 | B+ | 110.00 |
92 | [Lot of 2] Map of the United States Canada and a Part of Mexico. To Illustrate Olney's School Geography [and] Map of North America to Illustrate Olney's School Geography | North America | Robinson, D.F. & Co. | 1844 | B | 210.00 |
93 | North America | North America, Texas | Bradford, Thomas Gamaliel | 1845 | B | 100.00 |
94 | Carte qui Contient une Description des Iles & Terres que les Anglois Possedent dans l'Amerique Septentrionale, et en Particulier de la Jamaique... | Colonial North America, Caribbean & Bermuda | Chatelain, Henry Abraham | 1719 | B+ | 180.00 |
95 | Carte Generale des Colonies Angloises, dans l'Amerique Septentrionale. Par M. Phelippeaux… | Colonial North America & Caribbean | Phelipeaux/Brion de la Tour | 1778 | B | unsold |
96 | Various Plans and Draughts of Cities, Towns, Harbours &c. Drawn from the Latest Authorities | Colonial North America & West Indies | Conder, Thomas | 1780 | A | unsold |
97 | [Lot of 2] Carte Particuliere de la Cote du Nord-Ouest de l'Amerique Reconnue par les Fregates Francaises la Boussole et l'Astrolabe en 1786. 1e. Feuille [and] Carta della Parte della Costa Nord-Ouest dell' America Riconosciuta nelle Estati... | Western North America | | 1797-1820 | | 200.00 |
98 | The North-West-Coast of North America and Adjacent Territories... [with report] | Western North America | Burr, David H. | 1840 | B+ | 240.00 |
99 | Carte Geographique, Statistique et Historique des Possessions Anglaises | Canada | Buchon, Jean Alexandre | 1825 | B+ | unsold |
100 | [Lot of 2] Karte von J. Palliser's Expedition zur Erforschung der Rocky Mountains in Britisch-Nord-Amerika, 1858. [and] Karte der Red River Expedition in Britisch Nord-Amerika unter Gladman, Hind, Napier, Dawson, &c. 1857 und 1858. | Canada | Petermann, Augustus Herman | 1860 | A | 150.00 |
101 | Partie Orientale de l Amerique Angloise | Eastern Canada | Mortier, Pierre | 1700 | A | unsold |
102 | [Lot of 3] Carte du Cours du Fleuve de St. Laurent Depuis son Embouchure Jusqu'au Dessus de Quebec... [and] Suite du Cours du Fleuve de St. Laurent, Depuis Quebec Jusqu au Lac Ontario... [and] Carte du Golphe de St. Laurent et Pays Voisins... | Eastern Canada, St. Lawrence River | Bellin, Jacques Nicolas | 1780 | B+ | 60.00 |
103 | Carte Reduite des Cotes de l'Acadie, de l'Isle Royale, et de la Partie Meridionale de l'Isle de Terre-Neuve... | Eastern Canada | Chabert de Cogolin, Joseph Bernard Marquis de | 1784 | B+ | unsold |
104 | [Lot of 2] Chart of the Inshore & Deep-Sea Fishing Grounds on the Atlantic Coasts of Canada and Within the Gulf of St. Lawrence [and] Newfoundland | Eastern Canada | | 1878 | A | unsold |
105 | Nuova, e Corretta Carta dell' Isola di Terra Nuova | Newfoundland, Canada | Rossi, Veremondo | 1763 | A+ | unsold |
106 | McMillan's Map of New Brunswick | New Brunswick, Canada | Philip, George | 1867 | B | unsold |
107 | North America West Coast Vancouver Island Esquimalt Harbour Surveyed by Captn. G.H. Richards & the Officers of H.M.S. Plumper... | Vancouver Island, Canada | British Admiralty | 1897 | B+ | unsold |
108 | Nouveaux Voyages de Mr. le Baron de Lahontan, dans l'Amerique Septentrionale, qui Contiennent une Relation des Differens Peuples...[together with] Memoires de l'Amerique Septentrionale... | Colonial Canada & United States, Exploration, River Longue | Lahontan, Louis Armand, Baron de | 1703 | C+ | 850.00 |
109 | Carte de l'Amerique Septentrionale Depuis le 28 Degre de Latitude Jusqu'au 72 | Colonial United States & Canada | Bellin, Jacques Nicolas | 1755 | B | unsold |
110 | Nieuwe Kaart van Kanada, de Landen aan de Hudsons-Baay en de Noordwestelyke deelen van Noord-Amerika | Colonial United States & Canada | Tirion, Isaac | 1769 | B+ | 160.00 |
111 | [Lot of 2] United States [and] British Possessions in America | Canada & United States | Arrowsmith & Lewis | 1804 | A | unsold |
112 | [Lot of 3] The Northwestern Territories of the United States [and] The Middle States and Western Territories of the United States Including the Seat of the Western War [and] The Eastern States with Part of Canada | Canada & United States | Brookes, Richard | 1812 | B+ | 250.00 |
113 | [Lot of 15 - North America] | Canada & United States | SDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge | 1832-34 | B+ | 650.00 |
114 | An Accurate Map of the British Empire in Nth. America as Settled by the Preliminaries in 1762 | Colonial Eastern United States & Canada | Gibson, John | 1762 | B | unsold |
115 | The British Governments in Nth. America Laid Down Agreeable to the Proclamation of Octr. 7. 1763 | Colonial Eastern United States & Canada | Gibson, John | 1763 | B+ | 250.00 |
116 | A Map of North America from the Latest Surveys and Maps | Colonial Eastern United States & Canada | Blair, Rev. John | 1768 | A | 500.00 |
117 | Carte du Theatre de la Guerre Presente en Amerique Dressee d'Apres les Nouvelles Cartes Anglaises... | Colonial Eastern United States & Canada | Denis, Louis | 1779 | B+ | unsold |
118 | A Correct Map of the United States of North America. Including the British and Spanish Territories, Carefully Laid Down Agreeable to the Treaty of 1784 | Eastern United States & Canada | Bowen, Thomas | 1787 | A | 250.00 |
119 | Etats-Unis de l'Amerique Seple. avec le Canada et la Floride | Eastern United States & Canada | Delamarche, Charles Francois | 1800 | A | 150.00 |
120 | United States in North America | Eastern United States & Canada | Phillips, Richard (Sir) | 1809 | B | 1600.00 |
121 | A Map of New England, and Nova Scotia; with Part of New York, Canada, and New Britain & the Adjacent Islands of New Found Land Cape Breton &c. | Colonial Northeastern United States & Canada | Kitchin, Thomas | 1758 | A | 180.00 |
122 | Partie Orientale du Canada, avec la Nouvelle Angleterre, l'Acadie, et la Terre-Neuve... | Colonial Northeastern United States & Canada | D'Anville/Santini | 1776 | A | 275.00 |
123 | A New and Accurate Map of Quebec and Its Boundaries; from a Late Survey | Colonial Northeastern United States & Canada | Anon. | 1781 | B+ | 150.00 |
124 | A Map of the District of Maine with New Brunswick & Nova Scotia | Northeastern United States & Canada | Morse, Jedidiah (Rev.) | 1796 | A | unsold |
125 | [Lot of 3] Map of the Northern Part of the State of Maine and the Adjacent British Provinces... [and] Extract from a Map of the British and French Dominions in North America [and] Part of the United States, Lower Canada & New Brunswick | Northeastern United States & Canada | | 1838-40 | | unsold |
126 | Carte de la Riviere de Richelieu et du Lac Champlain, Dressee sur les Manuscrits du Depost des Cartes, Plans, et Journx. de la Marine | New York, Vermont, and Southern Quebec | Bellin, Jacques Nicolas | 1744 | B+ | 180.00 |
127 | Partie Occidentale de la Nouvelle France ou du Canada | Colonial Great Lakes | Bellin/Homann Heirs | 1755 | B+ | 1500.00 |
128 | Carte des Lacs du Canada pour Servir a l'Histoire Generale des Voyages | Colonial Great Lakes | Bellin, Jacques Nicolas | 1757 | A+ | 350.00 |
129 | [Lot of 2] An Accurate Map of Canada, with the Adjacent Countries; Exhibiting the Late Seat of War Between the English & French in These Parts [and] An Accurate Map of the Present Seat of War, Between Great-Britain and Her Colonies in North America | Colonial Great Lakes | | 1761-76 | B+ | 300.00 |
130 | United States | United States | Robinson, D.F. & Co. | 1828 | B | 160.00 |
131 | United States of America | United States | Wyld, James | 1845 | B+ | 450.00 |
132 | [Untitled - United States] | United States, Texas | Gilman, E. | 1848 | B+ | 400.00 |
133 | [Lot of 3] Mills' Map of the Several Routes Proposed to the Pacific Ocean from the Head Waters of the Missouri, to the Isthmus of Darien [and] Military Map of the United States... [and] Route from Fort Ellis Montana to Fort Hope, British Columbia... | United States | | 1848-83 | | 500.00 |
134 | Geologische Karte der Vereinicten Staaten und Britischen Provinzen von Nord_Amerika | United States | Marcou, Jules | 1855 | A | 220.00 |
135 | [Lot of 2] Map of the United States, and Territories. Together with Canada &c. | United States | Mitchell, Samuel Augustus | 1861-63 | B+ | 300.00 |
136 | Bootlegger's Map of the United States | United States | | 1926 | B | 1400.00 |
137 | [Untitled - North America, Louisiana, Virginia & Carolina] | Colonial Eastern United States | Gibson, John | 1763 | B+ | 140.00 |
138 | Carte des Etats-Unis d'Amerique et du Cours du Mississipi | Eastern United States, Franklinia | Brion de la Tour, Louis | 1788 | A | 900.00 |
139 | An Accurate Map of the United States of America, According to the Treaty of Peace of 1783 | Eastern United States | Russell, John C. | 1794 | B+ | 375.00 |
140 | [On 4 Sheets] I Stati Uniti nell' America Settentrionale | Eastern United States | Borghi, Bartolomeo | 1818 | | unsold |
141 | [Lot of 2] Le Provincie Settentrionali degli Stati Uniti [with] Le Provincie Meridionali degli Stati Uniti | Eastern United States | Anon. | 1826 | A | unsold |
142 | [Fabric Map] Mitchell's Map of the United States; Showing the Principal Travelling, Turnpike and Common Roads; on Which Are Given the Distances in Miles from One Place to Another... | Eastern United States | Mitchell, Samuel Augustus | 1836 | B+ | 500.00 |
143 | [Lot of 2] United States of America [and] Map of the United States. Engraved for Buckingham's America | Eastern United States, Texas | | 1838-41 | | 75.00 |
144 | Mitchell's National Map of the American Republic or United States of North America | Eastern United States | Mitchell, Samuel Augustus | 1846 | C+ | 400.00 |
145 | United States | Eastern United States | Tallis, John | 1851 | A | 210.00 |
146 | Colton's United States Shewing the Military Stations Forts &c. | Eastern United States, Civil War | Colton, Joseph Hutchins | 1861 | B+ | 150.00 |
147 | Partie de l'Amerique Septentrionale, qui Comprend le Cours de l'Ohio, la Nlle. Angleterre, la Nlle York, le New Jersey, la Pensylvanie, le Maryland la Virginie, la Caroline | Colonial Northeastern United States | Robert de Vaugondy, Didier | 1755 | B+ | 250.00 |
148 | A Map of the United States of America, as Settled by the Peace of 1783 | Northeastern United States | Fielding, John | 1783 | A | 450.00 |
149 | [Lot of 2 - Northeast, Mid-Atlantic] Carte pour Servir au Journal de Mr. le Mquis. de Chastellux... | Northeastern United States, American Revolution | Chastellux, Francois Jean, Marquis de | 1786 | B+ | unsold |
150 | Part of the United States of North America | Northeastern United States | Stockdale, John | 1798 | B+ | 160.00 |
151 | Nova Belgica et Anglia Nova | Colonial New England & Mid-Atlantic | Blaeu, Willem | 1635 | A | 2500.00 |
152 | Nova Anglia Novum Belgium et Virginia | Colonial New England & Mid-Atlantic | Jansson, Jan | 1637 | B+ | 1100.00 |
153 | Novi Belgii, quod nunc Novi Jorck Vocatur, Novae qz. Angliae & Partis Virginiae Accuratissima et Novissima Delineatio | Colonial New England & Mid-Atlantic | Montanus/Ogilby | 1671 | B+ | unsold |
154 | Totius Neobelgii Nova et Accuratissima Tabula | Colonial New England & Mid-Atlantic | Allard, Carel | 1680 | A | 7500.00 |
155 | Carte de la Nouvelle Angleterre, Nouvelle Yorck, et Pensilvanie. Pour Servir a l'Histoire Generale des Voyages | Colonial New England & Mid-Atlantic | Bellin, Jacques Nicolas | 1757 | A | 120.00 |
156 | Carte de la Nouvelle Angleterre, Nouvelle York, Nouvelle Jersey, et Pensilvanie | Colonial New England & Mid-Atlantic | Laporte, Joseph de | 1780 | B+ | 150.00 |
157 | Carte de la Partie Nord, des Etats Unis, de l'Amerique Septentrionale | Colonial New England & Mid-Atlantic | Bonne, Rigobert | 1780 | A | 90.00 |
158 | Map of the Northern Provinces of the United States | New England & Mid-Atlantic | Phillips, Richard (Sir) | 1799 | B | 250.00 |
159 | Report of the Board of Directors of Internal Improvements of the State of Massachusetts on the Practicability and Expediency of a Rail-Road from Boston to the Hudson River... | New England - United States, Railroads | | 1829 | B | 275.00 |
160 | [Lot of 2] Ichnogeological Map of the Connecticut Valley [and] The Moody Foot Mark Quarry, South Hadley | New England - United States | Hitchcock, Edward | 1858 | B+ | unsold |
161 | [Lot of 4] Connecticut Valley Electric Transit Route Hartford, Conn. to Greenfield, Mass... [and] Trolley Pathfinder Birds Eye Map of Interurban Trolley Lines in New England [and] Trolley Wayfinder Electric Railway Map... [and] Travel-Map of New England | New England - United States | | 1905-23 | B+ | 275.00 |
162 | A Map of the States of New Hampshire and Vermont | New Hampshire & Vermont | Morse, Jedidiah (Rev.) | 1796 | B+ | 70.00 |
163 | Rhode-Island and Connecticut | Connecticut & Rhode Island | Morse, Jedidiah (Rev.) | 1796 | A | unsold |
164 | [Lot of 2] County Map of Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island [and] County and Township Map of the States of Massachusetts Connecticut and Rhode Island | Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island | Mitchell, Samuel Augustus | 1862-81 | | 80.00 |
165 | Cupples, Upham & Co. Rail Road & Township Map of Massachusetts | Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island | | 1885 | A | unsold |
166 | Nova Virginiae Tabula | Colonial Mid-Atlantic United States | Hondius/Blaeu | 1643 | A | unsold |
167 | Nova Virginiae Tabula | Colonial Mid-Atlantic United States | Montanus/Ogilby | 1671 | B+ | 600.00 |
168 | A Map of Virginia and Maryland | Colonial Mid-Atlantic United States | Speed/Lamb | 1676 | B+ | 4250.00 |
169 | Virginia and Maryland | Colonial Mid-Atlantic United States | Moll, Herman | 1729 | A | 425.00 |
170 | Carte de la Virginie et du Maryland Dressee sur la Grande Carte Angloise de Mrs. Josue Fry et Pierre Jefferson... | Colonial Mid-Atlantic United States | Robert de Vaugondy, Didier | 1755 | A | unsold |
171 | Carte de la Baye de Chesapeack et Pays Voisins pour Servir a l'Histoire Generale des Voyages Tiree des Meilleures Cartes Angloises | Colonial Mid-Atlantic United States | Bellin, Jacques Nicolas | 1757 | A | 200.00 |
172 | Pensylvania Nova Jersey et Nova York cum Regionibus ad Fluvium Delaware in America Sitis, Nova Delineatione ob Oculos Posita | Colonial Mid-Atlantic United States | Seutter/Lotter | 1760 | B+ | 950.00 |
173 | A Map of That Part of America Where a Degree of Latitude Was Measured for the Royal Society: by Cha. Mason, & Jere. Dixon | Colonial Mid-Atlantic United States | Anon. | 1769 | B+ | 200.00 |
174 | Map of the Middle States, of America. Comprehends New-York, New-Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, and the Territory N:W: of Ohio | Mid-Atlantic United States | Russell, John C. | 1794 | B+ | 160.00 |
175 | [2 Volumes] The True Travels, Adventures and Observations of Captaine John Smith, in Europe, Asia, Africke, and America... | Mid-Atlantic United States | Smith, John (Capt.) | 1819 | B | unsold |
176 | North America Sheet VII Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland, Delaware, Columbia and Part of Virginia | Mid-Atlantic United States | SDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge | 1833 | B+ | 30.00 |
177 | [Lot of 2] Map of the State of New York [and] New Jersey | New York & New Jersey | Morse, Jedidiah (Rev.) | 1796 | A | unsold |
178 | [Lot of 3] New York [and] Pennsylvania [and] New Jersey | New York, Pennsylvania & New Jersey | Arrowsmith & Lewis | 1804 | | unsold |
179 | The States of Maryland and Delaware, from the Latest Surveys | Maryland & Delaware | Reid, John | 1795 | B+ | 450.00 |
180 | Map of the States of Maryland and Delaware | Maryland & Delaware | Morse, Jedidiah (Rev.) | 1796 | A | 150.00 |
181 | Virginiae Item et Floridae Americae Provinciarum, Nova Descriptio | Colonial Southeast United States | Hondius, Jodocus | 1607 | A | 1800.00 |
182 | Virginia et Florida | Colonial Southeast United States | Hondius/Purchas | 1626 | A | 350.00 |
183 | Virginiae Partis Australis, et Floridae Partis Orientalis, Interjacentiumque Regionum Nova Descriptio | Colonial Southeast United States | Montanus/Ogilby | 1671 | A | unsold |
184 | Zee en Land-Togten der Franszen Gedaan na, en in't Americaans Gewest van Florida, aller-eerst door Ioh. Pontius Ontdekt [with book] Verscheyde Scheeps-Togten na Florida… | Colonial Southeast United States | Aa, Pieter van der | 1706 | A | 600.00 |
185 | [Lot of 2] Carte de la Caroline et Georgie pour Servir a l'Histoire Generale des Voyages [and] The State of South Carolina from the Best Authorities | Southeast United States | | 1757-99 | B+ | 200.00 |
186 | Partie Meridionale de la Louisiane, avec la Floride, la Caroline et la Virginie, par le Sr. d Anville | Southeast United States | D'Anville/Santini | 1784 | A | 350.00 |
187 | A Map of Georgia, Also the Two Floridas, from the Best Authorities | Southeast United States, Georgia | Morse, Jedidiah (Rev.) | 1796 | A | 350.00 |
188 | Theatre des Operations les Plus Importantes de l'Armee du Sud, dans la Virginie, dans les Deux Carolines, et dans la Georgie | Southeast United States | Marshall, John | 1807 | B+ | 130.00 |
189 | Map of North and South Carolina | North Carolina & South Carolina | Morse, Jedidiah (Rev.) | 1796 | A | 130.00 |
190 | [Lot of 2] North Carolina [and] South Carolina | North Carolina & South Carolina | Arrowsmith & Lewis | 1804 | A | 150.00 |
191 | A New and Accurate Map of East and West Florida, Drawn from the Best Authorities | Colonial South, Florida | | 1763 | A | 200.00 |
192 | Carta Rappresentante la Penisola della Florida | Colonial Southern United States | Pazzi, Giuseppe | 1763 | A | unsold |
193 | [Lot of 2] Galveston, Tex. and Its Fortifications [on sheet with] Map of Siege Operations Against the Defenses of Charleston Harbor... [and] Map Port Hudson, LA. and Vicinity... [and] Coast of Texas and Its Defenses... | Southern United States, Civil War | U.S. War Department | 1891-95 | A | unsold |
194 | [Lot of 2] Map of Portions of Mississippi, Alabama and Georgia... [on sheet with] ... Routes of Marches of the Army of Gen. W.T. Sherman... [and] Map of Parts of Brunswick... [on sheet with] Fort Caswell... | Southern United States, Civil War | U.S. War Department | 1891-95 | B+ | unsold |
195 | A Correct Map of the Georgia Western Territory | Mississippi & Alabama | Morse, Jedidiah (Rev.) | 1797 | A | unsold |
196 | Carte de la Louisiane et Pays Voisins pour Servir a l'Histoire Generale des Voyages | Colonial Central United States | Bellin, Jacques Nicolas | 1757 | B+ | 140.00 |
197 | Les Etats Unis de l'Amerique Septentrionale, Partie Occidentale | Central United States | Bonne, Rigobert | 1783 | A+ | 170.00 |
198 | A Map of the North Western Territory | Central United States | Morse, Jedidiah (Rev.) | 1796 | A | unsold |
199 | Map of the Western Territory &c. | Central United States | Hood, Washington (Lt.) | 1834 | B+ | 450.00 |
200 | Map of the Sterling & Rock Island R.R. and Its Connections | Central United States | Railroad Companies, (Various) | 1858 | B+ | 150.00 |
201 | Karte zur Ubersicht der Neuesten Forschungen Im Innern Nord-Amerika's bis zum ostrande der Rocky Mts. | Central United States | Petermann, Augustus Herman | 1858 | A | 70.00 |
202 | Map Showing the Lands Assigned to Emigrant Indians West of Arkansas & Missouri | Central United States | U.S. War Dept. | 1860 | A | unsold |
203 | [Lot of 2] Map of the Former Territorial Limits of the Cherokee "Nation of" Indians Exhibiting the Boundaries of the Various Cessions of Land...[and] Map Showing the Territory Originally Assigned to the Cherokee "Nation of" Indians West of the Mississippi | Central & Southern United States | Royce, C. C. | 1884 | B+ | 120.00 |
204 | [Lot of 3] A New Map of Alabama with Its Roads & Distances... [and] A New Map of Arkansas with Its Canals, Roads & Distances [and] A New Map of Ohio with Its Canals Roads & Distances | Alabama, Arkansas, Ohio | Tanner, Henry Schenck | 1841 | | 140.00 |
205 | Cote Nord-Ouest de l'Amerique Reconnue par le Cap.e. Vancouver. 1e Partie | Western United States | Vancouver, George (Capt) | 1799 | B | 550.00 |
206 | No. 15 Map of Oregon and Upper California | Western United States | Mitchell, Samuel Augustus | 1846 | B+ | 100.00 |
207 | Map of Upper California by the U. S. Ex. Ex. and Best Authorities | Western United States | Wilkes, Charles | 1849 | B | 140.00 |
208 | Map to Illustrate Capt. Bonneville's Adventures among the Rocky Mountains [with book] The Adventures of Captain Bonneville, U.S.A. … | Western United States | Irving, Washington | 1854 | A | 200.00 |
209 | [Lot of 2] Map of the United States Territory of Oregon West of the Rocky Mountains, Exhibiting the Various Trading Depots or Forts Occupied by the British Hudson Bay Company... [and] Chart of the Columbia River for 90 Miles from Its Mouth... | Northwestern United States | Abert/Hood | 1838 | B+ | 550.00 |
210 | [Lot of 6] State of Oregon... [and] State of Washington... [and] State of Idaho... [and] State of Wyoming... [and] Map of the State of North Dakota... [and] Map of the State of South Dakota... | Northwestern United States | General Land Office | 1906 | A | 210.00 |
211 | [Lot of 2] Asher & Adams' Idaho. Montana Western Portion [and] Asher & Adams' Montana Eastern Portion | Idaho, Montana | Asher & Adams | 1874 | B+ | 150.00 |
212 | [Lot of 2] Map No. 1 [and] Map No. 2 Rio Colorado of the West explored by 1st Lieut. Joseph C. Ives | Southwestern United States | Ives, Joseph C. (Lt.) | 1858 | B | 180.00 |
213 | [Lot of 3] Lieut. Wheeler's Expedition nach New-Mexico & Arizona, 1873... [and] Lieut. Wheeler's Expedition in Calfornia, Nevada, Arizona, 1875 [and] Originalkarte der Urwohnsitze der Azteken und Verwandten Pueblos in New Mexico | Southwestern United States | Petermann, Augustus Herman | 1874-76 | A | 210.00 |
214 | [Lot of 3] Territory of Arizona [and] Map of the Navajo Country Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah [and] Clason's Guide Map of Arizona | Southwestern United States | | 1905-20 | | 220.00 |
215 | [Lot of 3] Sketch, Showing Location of Section for Current Observations; at Camp Mohave, Arizona [and] Sketch of a Portion of South-Eastern California... [and] Sketch Showing Location of Section for Current Observations; at Fort Yuma California... | California, Arizona | U.S. Government | 1875-76 | B+ | 90.00 |
216 | [Lot of 4] Plan du Havre de Samganoodha, dans l'Isle de Oonalaska [and] Naturels et Habitations de Oonalashka [and] Une Femme de Oonalashka [and] Chapeaux des Naturels d'Oonalashka | Alaska | Cook/Benard | 1785 | A | 100.00 |
217 | Carte de la Riviere de Cook, dans la Partie N.O. de l'Amerique | Southern Alaska | Bonne, Rigobert | 1785 | A | unsold |
218 | Map of Arkansas | Arkansas | General Land Office | 1866 | B | 40.00 |
219 | Topographical Sketch of the Gold & Quicksilver District of California | California | Ord, E. O. C. | 1848 | B+ | 1300.00 |
220 | [Lot of 2] Positions of the Upper and Lower Gold Mines on the South Fork of the American River, California [and] Upper Mines. Nos 1 & 8 [on sheet with] Lower Mines or Mormon Diggings, No. 3 | California | U.S. Government | 1848 | B+ | 220.00 |
221 | [2 maps in book] Californiens Gegenwart und Zukunft | California | | 1849 | B+ | unsold |
222 | Map No. 1 From San Francisco Bay to the Plains of Los Angeles from Explorations and Surveys Made Under the Direction of Hon Jefferson Davis... | California | Parke, John G. (Lt.) | 1855 | B+ | 150.00 |
223 | Map of Public Surveys in California to Accompany Report of Surveyor Genl. | California | U.S. Government | 1855 | B | 120.00 |
224 | California | California | Colton, Joseph Hutchins | 1856 | B+ | 325.00 |
225 | County Map of the State of California | California | Mitchell, Samuel Augustus | 1884 | B | 120.00 |
226 | Sketch of the Route of Capt. Warner's Exploring Party in the Sacramento Valley and Sierra Nevada | Northern California | Williamson, R. S. (Lt.) | 1849 | A | 150.00 |
227 | [Lot of 2] Reconnaissance of San Clemente Harbor California... [on sheet with] Reconnaissance of Prisoner's Harbor... [and] Reconnaissance of Cuyler's Harbor... [and] Reconnaissance of the S.E. End of San Clemente Island, by the Hydrographic Party... | Southern California | U.S. Coast Survey | 1852-56 | B+ | 27.00 |
228 | Ride the Roads to Romance Along the Golden Coast and Thru the Sunshine Empire of Southern California | Southern California | | 1963 | A+ | 150.00 |
229 | [Lot of 2] (J No. 4) Preliminary Survey of San Pedro Anchorage and Vicinity of Santa Barbara California [and] Sketch J No. 3 Point Conception Coast of California | Santa Barbara, California | U.S. Coast Survey | 1851-55 | | 50.00 |
230 | Monterey Harbor California from a Trigonometrical Survey... | Monterey, California | U.S. Coast Survey | 1852 | A | 30.00 |
231 | San Francisco | San Francisco, California | Bill, Henry | 1852 | B+ | 325.00 |
232 | City of San Francisco and Its Vicinity California... | San Francisco, California | U.S. Coast Survey | 1853 | A | 375.00 |
233 | San Francisco Peninsula | San Francisco, California | U.S. Coast Survey | 1869 | B | 140.00 |
234 | Map Showing the Golden Gate Park the Avenue and Buena Vista Park | San Francisco, California | Britton & Rey | 1893 | B | 300.00 |
235 | Mare Island Straits California from a Trigonometrical Survey... | Mare Island, California | U.S. Coast Survey | 1857 | B+ | 60.00 |
236 | San Diego Bay California from a Trigonometrical Survey... | San Diego, California | U.S. Coast Survey | 1857 | B+ | 200.00 |
237 | [Lot of 3] The Tenth Olympic Games Los Angeles California July 30-Aug. 14 '32 [and] Improved E-Z Guide Map of Los Angeles [and] Souvenir Map and Guide to Starland Estates and Mansions... A Fascinating Trip Through Movieland with Other Information... | Los Angeles, California | | 1927-53 | | 650.00 |
238 | [Lot of 3] Map of the Sangre de Cristo Grant in San Luis Valle... [and] Map of the Sangre de Cristo Grant in Colorado & New Mexico... [and] Topographical Map of the Exterior Boundaries of the Sangre de Christo Grant... | Colorado | U.S. Government | 1882 | | 100.00 |
239 | State of Colorado. Compiled from the Official Records of the General Land Office and Other Sources... | Colorado | General Land Office | 1905 | A | 160.00 |
240 | Geographical, Historical, and Statistical Map of Connecticut | Connecticut | Carey & Lea | 1822 | B+ | 50.00 |
241 | View of New Britain, Conn. | New Britain, Connecticut | Bailey, O. H. & Co. | 1875 | B | 325.00 |
242 | Johnson's Georgetown and the City of Washington the Capital of the United States of America | Washington, D.C. | Johnson & Browning | 1860 | B+ | 100.00 |
243 | [Lot of 2] Map of the Cities of Washington and Georgetown D.C. [and] Johnson's Georgetown and the City of Washington the Capital of the United States of America | Washington, D.C. | | 1862-76 | B+ | 600.00 |
244 | [Lot of 2] [Map of Antiquarian Sites, District of Columbia] [and] Map of the District of Columbia, Showing Ancient Village Sites, Etc. | Washington, D.C. | | 1882-90 | A | 100.00 |
245 | Defenses of Washington. Extract of Military Map of N.E. Virginia, Showing Forts and Roads | Washington, D.C., Civil War | U.S. Government | 1891 | A+ | 230.00 |
246 | [Lot of 5] No. I. Map of the City of Washington Location of Deaths... [and] No. II ... Location of Fatal Cases of Zymotic Diseases... [and] No. III ... Fatal Cases of Lung Diseases [and] No. IV ... Cases of Small-Pox... [and] No. VI ... Box Privies | Washington, D.C. | U.S. Gov't Printing Office | 1895 | B+ | 150.00 |
247 | Washington - The Beautiful Capital of the Nation | Washington, D.C. | Railroad Companies, (Various) | 1923 | A | 425.00 |
248 | A Geological Map of the Black Hills, by Professor N. H. Winchell, To Accompany the Report of Capt. William Ludlow, U.S. Engineers | Dakota Territory | U.S. Corps of Engineers | 1875 | B | 75.00 |
249 | Geographical, Statistical, and Historical Map of Florida | Florida | Carey & Lea | 1827 | B+ | unsold |
250 | A Map of the Seat of War in Florida | Florida | U.S. Army | 1836 | B+ | 180.00 |
251 | Asher & Adams' Florida | Florida | Asher & Adams | 1873 | B | unsold |
252 | Geographisch-Statistische und Historische Charte von Georgia | Georgia | Weimar Geographisches Institut | 1825 | A | unsold |
253 | An Accurate Representation of a Canoe of the Sandwich Islands, the Rowers Being Masked | Hawaii | Cook/Hogg | 1785 | B+ | 65.00 |
254 | Map of Part of the Island of Hawaii Sandwich Islands Shewing the Craters and Eruption of May and June 1840 | Hawaii | Wilkes, Charles | 1841 | A | 150.00 |
255 | Karte von Hawaii mit Benutzung der Daten... | Hawaii | Petermann, Augustus Herman | 1876 | A | 90.00 |
256 | Chart of Necker Island ... and of the Basse des Fregates Francaises of French Frigates Shoal... | Northwestern Hawaiian Islands | La Perouse, Comte Jean F. Galoup, de | 1798 | A | unsold |
257 | A Map of the State of Kentucky and the Tennessee Government Compiled from the Best Authorities by Cyrus Harris | Kentucky & Tennessee | Morse, Jedidiah (Rev.) | 1796 | A | 250.00 |
258 | Kentucky Geological Survey Preliminary Map... [bound in] A General Account of the Commonwealth of Kentucky; Prepared by the Geological Survey of the Commonwealth, for the Centennial Exhibition at Philadelphia | Kentucky | | 1876 | A | 250.00 |
259 | Grondvlakte van Nieuw Orleans, de Hoofdstad van Louisiana [on sheet with] De Uitloop van de Rivier Missisippi [and] De oostelyke Ingang van de Missisippi, met een Plan van het Fort, 't Welk het Kanaal Beheerscht | New Orleans, Louisiana | Tirion, Isaac | 1769 | B+ | 300.00 |
260 | Map of Portland Harbor. Maine. Surveyed Under the Direction of Lt: Col: John Anderson, U.S. Top: Engineer... | Portland, Maine | Anderson, John (Lt. Col.) | 1833 | B+ | 190.00 |
261 | Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road Tide-Water Terminus, Elevators, etc., Locust Point, Baltimore [on verso] Map of Railroads Owned, Operated & Controlled by the Balto. & Ohio R.R. Co. | Baltimore, Maryland | Railroad Companies, (Various) | 1876 | B+ | 100.00 |
262 | A Map of 100 Miles Round Boston | Massachusetts | Anon. | 1775 | B+ | 90.00 |
263 | A Map of Massachusetts, from the Best Authorities | Massachusetts | Morse, Jedidiah (Rev.) | 1796 | A | 120.00 |
264 | Coast Chart No. 111 From Monomoy and Nantucket Shoals to Muskeget Channel Mass... | Massachusetts | U.S. Coast & Geodetic Survey | 1890 | B | 300.00 |
265 | Plan de la Ville de Boston et ses Environs | Boston, Massachusetts | Bellin, Jacques Nicolas | 1757 | B+ | 120.00 |
266 | Sketch of the Action on the Heights of Charlestown June 17th 1775 between his Majesty's Troops, under the Command of Major Genl. Howe, and a Large Body of American Rebels | Boston, Massachusetts | | 1818 | B | 200.00 |
267 | Sketch of Bunker Hill Battle by S. Swett | Boston, Massachusetts | Annin & Smith | 1826 | B | unsold |
268 | Boston with Its Environs | Boston, Massachusetts | Marshall, John | 1832 | B+ | 90.00 |
269 | Boston Harbour from the Survey of A. S. Wadsworth Esq. U.S.N. and the Chart of Des Barres | Boston, Massachusetts | Blunt, Edmund | 1847 | B | 75.00 |
270 | Map of the Metropolitan District of Boston Massachusetts Showing the Existing Public Reservations and Such New Open Spaces As Are Proposed by Charles Eliot, Landscape Architect… | Boston, Massachusetts | | 1893 | B+ | 275.00 |
271 | Cape Poge and Adjacent Shoals | Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts | Blunt, Edmund | 1833 | B+ | 45.00 |
272 | Massachusetts. Atlas Plate No. 11 | Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts | Walker, George H. & Co. | 1891 | B+ | unsold |
273 | Geologic Map of Cape Cod Peninsula, Mass. (East Half) | Cape Cod, Massachusetts | U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) | 1916 | B+ | 250.00 |
274 | Carte Geographique, Statistique et Historique de Michigan | Michigan | Buchon, Jean Alexandre | 1825 | B+ | unsold |
275 | Map of That Part of the Mineral Lands Adjacent to Lake Superior, Ceded to the United States by the Treaty of 1842 with the Chippewas | Michigan, Wisconsin | U.S. Government | 1845 | B | 1100.00 |
276 | [Lot of 3] Plat of the City of Detroit as Laid Out by the Govr. and Judges [and] Plan of Detroit [and] Plan of Detroit | Detroit, Michigan | | 1860 | B+ | unsold |
277 | [Lot of 2] Mississippi Territory [and] Mississippi | Mississippi | | 1805-41 | A | 250.00 |
278 | Map of the State of Montana | Montana | General Land Office | 1897 | A | 150.00 |
279 | A New Map of New Hampshire | New Hampshire | Belknap, Jeremy | 1791 | B | 240.00 |
280 | Geographical, Historical, and Statistical Map of New Hampshire | New Hampshire | Carey & Lea | 1822 | B+ | 45.00 |
281 | Geographical, Statistical, and Historical Map of New Jersey | New Jersey | Carey & Lea | 1824 | B+ | 110.00 |
282 | [Manuscript Map] New Brunswick, N.J. from Albany St., 3 Miles Down Raritan River Showing Property of U.N.J.R.R. & C. Co. Formerly Delaware & Raritan Canal Co. | New Brunswick, New Jersey | Railroad Companies, (Various) | 1903 | B+ | unsold |
283 | Historical Trails Through New Mexico - The Land of Enchantment | New Mexico | | 1956 | A+ | 80.00 |
284 | The Tourist's Map of the State of New York Compiled from the Latest Authorities in the Surveyor General's Office | New York | Williams, William | 1828 | B | 100.00 |
285 | New York | New York | SDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge | 1840 | A | 190.00 |
286 | A Map of a Tract of Land in the State of New York Called Macomb's Purchase Compiled from the Official Returns Under the Inspection of the Surveyor General | Northern New York | Gavit, John | 1853 | B+ | unsold |
287 | Plan of the Country from Frogs Point to Croton River Shewing the Positions of the American & British Armies from the 12th of Oct. 1776 Until the Engagement on the White Plains on the 28th | Southeastern New York, Revolutionary War | Marshall, John | 1832 | B | unsold |
288 | Asher & Adams New Topographical Atlas and Gazetteer of New York. Putnam, Rockland, Westchester, New York, Richmond, Kings, Queens, and Suffolk Counties | Southeastern New York | Asher & Adams | 1870 | B | 150.00 |
289 | [Lot of 4] Long Island Sound from Falkner's Island to Stratford Point [and] Eastern Entrance to Long Island Sound [and] Hempstead Harbor Long Island... [and] Romer and Flynn's Shoals New York Bay... | Long Island Sound, Lower Bay, New York | | 1853-77 | | 180.00 |
290 | Topographic Map of Long Island, New York | Long Island, New York | U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) | 1913 | A | 425.00 |
291 | View of New York and Vicinity Showing Good Automobile Roads | New York City, New York | Nostrand, George | 1925 | A | 180.00 |
292 | Map of the Rapids of Miami, Shewing the Situation of Fort Meigs, &c. | Ohio | | 1813 | B+ | 100.00 |
293 | [On 2 Sheets] A Map of Pennsylvania Exhibiting Not Only the Improved Parts of that Province, but Also Its Extensive Frontiers… | Pennsylvania | Sayer & Bennett | 1775 | B+ | 600.00 |
294 | A Map of Pensylvania, with Part of the Adjacent States, from the Latest Surveys | Pennsylvania | Morse, Jedidiah (Rev.) | 1793 | A | unsold |
295 | [Lot of 2] Noll's New Automobile Road, and Driving Map of Philadelphia and Surrounding Country... [and] Mendenhall's Guide & Road Map of Pennsylvania, Showing Main Touring Routes & Good Roads... | Pennsylvania, Philadelphia | | 1909-20 | B+ | 40.00 |
296 | A Map of the Alleghany Monongahela and Yohiogany Rivers | Western Pennsylvania | Wightman, Thomas | 1805 | B+ | 180.00 |
297 | [Manuscript Railroad Atlas] Maps of Real Estate & Right of Way. Penna. R.R. Extension to the P. & S.R.R. | Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Railroads | Railroad Companies, (Various) | 1865 | B+ | 2000.00 |
298 | Gettysburg: What to See, and How to See It Embodying Full Information for Visiting the Field... | Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, Civil War | Bachelder, John B. | 1876 | A | 325.00 |
299 | Coast Chart No. 13 Cuttyhunk to Block Island Including Narragansett Bay | Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island & Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts | U.S. Coast & Geodetic Survey | 1880 | B+ | 150.00 |
300 | A Plan of Charles Town the Capital of South Carolina, with the Harbour, Islands and Forts; the Attack on Fort Sulivan, by His Majesty's Ships under Sir Peter Parker, in 1776 … | Charleston, South Carolina, Revolutionary War | Lodge, John | 1780 | B | unsold |
301 | No. 13 Map of the State of Texas | Texas | Mitchell, Samuel Augustus | 1846 | B+ | 325.00 |
302 | [Lot of 2] Letter from the Acting Secretary of the Treasury, Communicating the Report of the Superintendent of the Coast Survey... [and] Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, Transmitting the Report of the Superintendent of the Coast Survey... | Texas | U.S. Coast Survey | 1847-48 | | 100.00 |
303 | Map of a Tour from Independence to Santa Fe, Chihuahua, Monterey and Matamoros | Texas | Wislizenus, Frederick Adolphus (Dr.) | 1848 | A | 275.00 |
304 | [Lot of 3] County Map of Texas [and] County Map of Texas, and Indian Territory [and] Texas, New Mexico &c. | Texas | | 1870-90 | | 600.00 |
305 | Map Showing the Route of the Arkansas Regiment from Shreveport La. to San Antonio de Bexar Texas | Eastern Texas | U.S. Government | 1846-50 | B | 50.00 |
306 | Specialkarte des Grossen Salzsee's von Utah | Utah | Petermann, Augustus Herman | 1858 | A+ | 110.00 |
307 | A New and Accurate Map of the Province of Virginia, in North America | Virginia | Anon. | 1779 | B+ | 425.00 |
308 | Virginia | Virginia | Morse, Jedidiah (Rev.) | 1796 | A | 120.00 |
309 | Map of the State of Virginia Containing the Counties, Principal Towns, Railroads, Rivers, Canals & all Other Internal Improvements | Virginia | West & Johnston | 1862 | A | 6500.00 |
310 | [Lot of 3] Map of the Vicinity of Richmond, VA... [and] Military Reconnaissance Department of Virginia Major General Wool Commanding... [on sheet with] Yorktown to Williamsburg... [and] Military Map of Suffolk and Vicinity... | Virginia, Civil War | U.S. War Department | 1891-95 | | unsold |
311 | Map Showing the Location of Battlefields of Virginia Compiled from Official War Records and Maps for the Chesapeake & Ohio Railway Co. | Virginia, Civil War | Railroad Companies, (Various) | 1915 | A | 220.00 |
312 | Caspar's Map of Milwaukee, Revised Edition, 1892 | Milwaukee, Wisconsin | | 1892 | A | 140.00 |
313 | Die Amerikanische Staats-Domane (National Park) im Quellgediete des Yellowstone Flusses mit den Geyser-Gebieten | Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming | Petermann, Augustus Herman | 1872 | B+ | 150.00 |
314 | [Lot of 2] Yellowstone National Park. Northern Pacific Railroad [and] Yellowstone National Park and Part of Abutting Forest Reserve from Maps by the U.S. Geological Survey | Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming | | 1893-1904 | | 230.00 |
315 | Central America | United States, Mexico & Central America | Chapman & Hall | 1848 | B | 110.00 |
316 | [Untitled - United States and Mexico] | United States, Mexico & Central America | U.S. Government | 1851 | B+ | 85.00 |
317 | [Lot of 10 - Prints and Map from Emory's Survey of the United States-Mexico Boundary] | United States & Mexico | Emory, William Hemsley | 1857 | A | 220.00 |
318 | Head Quarters Department of New Mexico [with Report and 2 Other Maps] | United States & Mexico | U.S. War Department | 1863 | B+ | 80.00 |
319 | A Map of Mexico or New Spain Florida Now Called Louisiana and Part of California &c. | Southern United States, Mexico & Central America | Moll, Herman | 1745 | A | unsold |
320 | Mexico, or New Spain; in Which the Motions of Cortes May Be Traced... | Southern United States & Mexico | Kitchin, Thomas | 1795 | B+ | 190.00 |
321 | Spanish North America | Southern United States & Mexico | Thomson, John | 1814 | A | 325.00 |
322 | Mexico, & Guatimala, with the Republic of Texas | Southern United States & Mexico, Texas | Lizars, William Home | 1838 | B | 500.00 |
323 | Tabula Californiae, Anno 1702. Ex Autoptica Observatione Delineata a R.P. Chino e S.I. | Southwestern United States & Mexico | Kino, Eusebio Francisco, SJ | 1702 | B | unsold |
324 | Cette Carte de Californie et du Nouveau Mexique, est Tiree de Celle qui a ete Envoyee par un Grand d'Espagne... | Southwestern United States & Mexico, California | Fer, Nicolas de | 1705 | A | 900.00 |
325 | Central America II. Including Texas, California and the Northern States of Mexico | Southwestern United States & Mexico, Texas | SDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge | 1842 | A | 650.00 |
326 | Mexico | Southwestern United States & Mexico, Texas | Hall, Sidney | 1846 | B+ | 275.00 |
327 | [4 Maps with Report] Report of the Secretary of the Interior, in Answer to a Resolution of the Senate Calling for Information in Relation to the Operations of the Commission Appointed to Run and Mark the Boundary Between the United States and Mexico | Southwestern United States & Mexico | U.S. Department of Interior | 1850 | B+ | 325.00 |
328 | Mexico, California and Texas | Southwestern United States & Mexico, Texas | Tallis, John | 1850 | B+ | 275.00 |
329 | Mexico | Western United States & Mexico | Arrowsmith, Aaron, Jr. | 1817 | B+ | 85.00 |
330 | Map of the United States and their Territories Between the Mississippi and the Pacific Ocean and Part of Mexico Compiled from Surveys… | Western United States & Mexico | Emory, William Hemsley | 1857-58 | B+ | 475.00 |
331 | Hispaniae Novae Sivae Magnae, Recens et Vera Descriptio | Mexico | Ortelius, Abraham | 1579 | A | 650.00 |
332 | Hispaniae Novae Nova Descriptio | Mexico | Mercator/Hondius | 1619 | B+ | 250.00 |
333 | Land Togten door Ferdinand Cortes aan de Golf van Nieuw Spanje, ter Bemagtiging van Tlascale Mexico en Aangrenzende Landschappen Gedaan [with book] Heldhaftige Reys-Togten, te Land, door Ferdinand Cortes, in Nieuw-Spanje... | Mexico | Aa, Pieter van der | 1707 | A | 250.00 |
334 | Carte de l'Empire du Mexique pour l'Histoire Generale des Voyages... | Central Mexico | Bellin, Jacques Nicolas | 1754 | B+ | 75.00 |
335 | La Paz (Lower California) and Its Environs, Showing the Positions Occupied by the U.S. Troops and the Mexicans, During the Attacks in November & December, 1847 | La Paz, Mexico | U.S. Government | 1848 | B+ | unsold |
336 | Novae Hispaniae, Chili, Peruviae, et Guatimalae Littorae | Central America & Northern South America | Wit, Frederick de | 1675 | B | 350.00 |
337 | Yucatan Conventus Iuridici Hispaniae Novae pars Occidentalis, et Guatimala Conventus Iuridicus | Central America & Mexico | Blaeu/Covens & Mortier | 1706 | B+ | unsold |
338 | [Lot of 3] Map Showing the Proposed Routes of Interoceanic Communication [and] Bay of Fonseca [and] Port Caballos | Central America, Railroads | | 1838-53 | B+ | 110.00 |
339 | Carta Maritima del Reyno de Tierra Firme u Castilia del Oro Comprehende el Istmo y Provincia de Panama... | Panama | Lopez, Juan (don) | 1785 | A | 750.00 |
340 | An Exact Account of Vice Admiral Vernon's Taking the Castle & Town of Chagre in ye West-Indies, Sent Over by ye Admiral... | Chagres, Panama | Overton, Henry | 1740 | B+ | 1500.00 |
341 | Peruviae Auriferae Regionis Typus [on sheet with] La Florida [and] Guastecan | Gulf of Mexico, Florida & Peru | Ortelius, Abraham | 1584 | B+ | 760.00 |
342 | Le Vieux Mexique ou Nouvelle Espagne avec les Costes de la Floride Faisant Partie de l'Amerique Septentrionale | Gulf of Mexico | Fer, Nicolas de | 1702 | A | unsold |
343 | [Lot of 4] Puerto de Panzacola [and] Bahia de Galvez-Towm [and] Plano de la Bahia de Movila: Situado el Fuerte del Mismo Nombre…[and] Bahia de S. Bernardo | Gulf of Mexico | Direccion de Hidrografia | 1818 | B+ | 500.00 |
344 | Insulae Americanae in Oceano Septentrionali, cum Terris Adiacentibus | Gulf of Mexico & Caribbean | Jansson, Jan | 1638 | B | unsold |
345 | Le Golfe de Mexique, et les Isles Voisine... / Archipelague du Mexique, ou sont les Isles de Cuba, Espagnola, Jamaica, &c… | Gulf of Mexico & Caribbean | Mortier, Pierre | 1700 | B+ | unsold |
346 | Carte du Golphe du Mexique et des Isles de l'Amerique | Gulf of Mexico & Caribbean | Bellin/Van Schley | 1773 | B+ | 180.00 |
347 | An Accurate Map of the West Indies Drawn from the Latest and Most Approved Maps & Charts | Gulf of Mexico & Caribbean | Anon. | 1785 | B | 35.00 |
348 | Description des Plantes, Arbres, Animaux & Poissons des Iles Antilles, avec les Moeurs des Sauvages qui s'y Trouvent, et la Maniere dont on Fait le Sucre | Caribbean | Chatelain, Henry Abraham | 1719 | A | 220.00 |
349 | Algemeene Kaart van de Westindische Eilanden | Caribbean | Tirion, Isaac | 1766 | B+ | 150.00 |
350 | Dominia Anglorum in Praecipuis Insulis Americae ut sunt Insula S. Christophori Antegoa Iamaica Barbados nec non Insulae Bermudes vel Sommers… | Caribbean & Bermuda | Homann Heirs | 1759 | B+ | unsold |
351 | Cuba Insula [on sheet with] Hispaniola Insula [and] Insula Iamaica [and] Ins. S. Ioannis [and] I.S. Margareta cum Confiniis | Greater Antilles | Mercator/Hondius | 1630 | A | 500.00 |
352 | Cuba Insula [on sheet with] Hispaniola Insula [and] Ins. Iamaica [and] Ins. S. Ioannis [and] I.S. Margareta | Greater Antilles | Leti, Gregorio | 1690 | B+ | 120.00 |
353 | Nieuwe en Naaukeurige Paskaart van het Eyland Hispaniola of St. Domingo... / Nouvelle Carte de l'Isle de Hispaniola ou St. Domingue... | Hispaniola & Puerto Rico | Keulen, Johannes van | 1745 | B+ | 600.00 |
354 | Piano di Guantanimo Chiamato Dagl' Inglesi Porto di Cumberland | Cuba | Pazzi, Giuseppe | 1763 | A | unsold |
355 | Carte de l'Isle de Cuba et des Isles Lucayes | Cuba | Tardieu, Pierre Francois | 1798 | B+ | 150.00 |
356 | Baye et Ville de Havana ou S. Christoval | Havana, Cuba | Mortier, Pierre | 1702 | A | 220.00 |
357 | Neu und Verbesserter Plan der St. U. Hafens Havana auf der Ins. Cuba... | Havana, Cuba | Homann Heirs | 1739 | A | unsold |
358 | Plan of the City, and Harbour of Havanna | Havana, Cuba | Anon. | 1762 | B+ | unsold |
359 | Jamaica from the Latest Surveys | Jamaica | Jefferys/Laurie & Whittle | 1794 | B+ | unsold |
360 | Plan de la Ville de Port Royal | Port Royal, Jamaica | Bellin, Jacques Nicolas | 1764 | A+ | 130.00 |
361 | Hispaniola Insula | Hispaniola | Wytfliet, Cornelis | 1597 | A | 425.00 |
362 | Carte de l'Isle de Saint Domingue Dressee au Depost des Cartes et Plans de la Marine... | Hispaniola | Bellin, Jacques Nicolas | 1764 | A | 300.00 |
363 | Carte de Lisle de Saint Christophle Situee a 17 Degrez 30 Minutes de Lat. Septentrionale | St. Kitts | Labat, J. B. | 1724 | A | 100.00 |
364 | Carte de l'Isle de la Guadeloupe, pour Servir a l'Histoire Generale des Voyages | Guadeloupe | Bellin, Jacques Nicolas | 1758 | B+ | 60.00 |
365 | Carte de l'Isle de la Martinique Colonie Francoise de l'une des Isles Antilles de l'Amerique... | Martinique | Delisle/Covens & Mortier | 1730 | A | unsold |
366 | Carte Reduite de l'Isle de la Martinique Dressee au Depost des Cartes Plans et Journaux de la Marine... | Martinique | Bellin, Jacques Nicolas | 1758 | B+ | 400.00 |
367 | Het Westindisch Eiland Martenique… | Martinique | Tirion, Isaac | 1763 | B+ | unsold |
368 | Pas Kaart van Rio Oronoque Golfo de Paria, met d'Eylanden Trinidad, Tabago, Granada, Granadillos, en Bequia | Trinidad, Tobago & Windward Islands | Keulen, Johannes van | 1684 | B | 500.00 |
369 | A Map of the Island of Tobago, Drawn from an Actual Survey | Tobago | Bowen, Thomas | 1779 | B+ | 50.00 |
370 | Tobago from Actual Surveys and Observations | Tobago | Jefferys/Laurie & Whittle | 1810 | A | unsold |
371 | South America from the Best Authorities | South America | Guthrie, William | 1800 | A+ | unsold |
372 | [Lot of 7 - Maps of Central and South America] | South America | SDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge | 1836-42 | A | 40.00 |
373 | [Lot of 3] Castille Neuve ou Castille d'Or [and] Terre Ferme, Nouveau Royme de Grenade, &c. [and] Carte des Provinces de Tierra Firme, Darien, Cartagene et Nouvelle Grenade pour Servir a l'Histoire Generale des Voyages | Northern South America | | 1675-1756 | | 36.00 |
374 | Colombia, Dedicated to Colonel Belford Hinton Wilson... | Northern South America | Arrowsmith, John | 1834 | B+ | 110.00 |
375 | Castilia Aurifera cum Vicinis Provinciis | Colombia, Panama & Venezuela | Wytfliet, Cornelis | 1598 | B+ | 325.00 |
376 | Cartagena | Cartagena, Colombia | Montanus/Ogilby | 1671 | A | 325.00 |
377 | Plan du Port de la Ville, et des Forteresses de Carthagene... / Plan van de Haven, Stadt en Kasteelen van Cartagena... | Cartagena, Colombia | Covens & Mortier | 1741 | A | 550.00 |
378 | Venezuela, cum Parte Australi Novae Andalusiae | Venezuela | Jansson, Jan | 1658 | B+ | 300.00 |
379 | 'T Landschap Cumana, Tussen Golfo de Venequela en Rio de Paria Gelegen [with book] Naaukeurige Versameling der Gedenk-Waardigste Zee en Land Reysen na Oost en West-Indien... | Venezuela | Aa, Pieter van der | 1707 | A | unsold |
380 | Guiana sive Amazonum Regio | Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana | Jansson, Jan | 1653 | A | 220.00 |
381 | Veroveringe van Rio Grande in Brasil. Anno 1633 | Northern Brazil | Leti, Gregorio | 1690 | A | 200.00 |
382 | T'Neemen van de Suyker Prysen inde Bay de Tode los Santos Anno 1627 | Baia de Todos os Santos, Brazil | Leti, Gregorio | 1690 | B+ | 200.00 |
383 | [Povo [with] Villa d Olinda d Pernambuco] | Olinda, Brazil | Leti, Gregorio | 1690 | A | 200.00 |
384 | S. Salvador | San Salvador, Brazil | Leti, Gregorio | 1690 | B+ | 150.00 |
385 | Afbeeldinge vande Cabo St. Augustin met Haer Forten | Cabo Santo Agostinho, Brazil | Leti, Gregorio | 1690 | A | 200.00 |
386 | Afbeeldinghe van Pariba ende Forten | Paraiba, Brazil | Leti, Gregorio | 1690 | A | 200.00 |
387 | [Lot of 2] Peru & Bolivia [and] Chili and La Plata | Western South America | Tallis, John | 1850 | B+ | unsold |
388 | Tucuman | Argentina | Duval, Pierre | 1682 | B+ | 60.00 |
389 | Destroit de Magellan, Terre et Isles Magellanicques, &c. | Southern South America | Sanson, Nicolas | 1700 | A | 100.00 |
390 | Chili Magellans-Land, and Terra del Fuego &c. | Southern South America | Moll, Herman | 1701 | A | 190.00 |
391 | Mapa y Planta del Rio de la Plata... / Carte Hydrographique de la Riviere de la Plata (Riviere d'Argent)... | Rio de la Plata | Bellin, Jacques Nicolas | 1770 | B+ | unsold |
392 | [Lot of 4] Carte de Maidenland ou de la Virginie de Hawkins [and] Baye et Havre de Cordes... [and] Cap Providence avec la Baye et les Mouillages qu'on Trouve au N.N.E. de ce Cap [and] Cote Depuis la Baye d'York a la Baye et au Havre des Trois Isles | Falkland Islands, Tierra del Fuego | Cook, James (Capt.) | 1780 | A | 70.00 |
393 | Carte du Detroit de Magellan dans Laquelle on a Insere les Observations et les Decouvertes du Capne. Byron, du Capne. Wallis, et du Capne. Carteret | Strait of Magellan | Benard, Jacques Francois | 1780 | B+ | unsold |
394 | Mar di Aethiopia Vulgo Oceanus Aethiopicus | South Atlantic | Jansson, Jan | 1680 | A | 550.00 |
395 | Terra Nova, ac Maris Tractus circa Novam Franciam, Angliam, Belgium, Venezuelam Novam Andalusiam, Guianam et Brasiliam / Terra Neuf, en de Custen van Nieu Vranckryck, Nieu Engeland, Nieu Nederland, Nieu Andalusia, Guiana en Venezuela | Atlantic Ocean | Renard/De Wit | 1715 | B+ | 600.00 |
396 | Isles du Cap Verd | Cape Verde Islands | Duval, Pierre | 1682 | B+ | unsold |
397 | Isle St. Helene | St. Helena | Aa, Pieter van der | 1729 | B+ | 130.00 |
398 | Mappa Aestivarum Insularum, Alias Barmudas Dictarum, ad Ostia Mexicani Aestuary Jacetium... | Bermuda | Hondius/Jansson | 1652 | B+ | unsold |
399 | Mar del Nort | North Atlantic | Jansson, Jan | 1650 | B | 600.00 |
400 | Typus Maritimus Groenlandiae, Islandiae, Freti Davidis, Insulae Iohannis Mayen, et Hitlandiae, Scotiae, et Hiberniae Litora Maritima Septentrionalia | North Atlantic | Jansson, Jan | 1659 | B+ | 400.00 |
401 | Mare del Nord... | North Atlantic | Coronelli, Vincenzo Maria | 1691 | A | unsold |
402 | Carte de l'Ocean Occidental Dressee pour Servir a l'Histoire Generale des Voyages… | North Atlantic | Bellin, Jacques Nicolas | 1746 | B+ | 80.00 |
403 | [Lot of 2] Carte de l'Islande, pour Servir a la Continuation de l'Histoire Generale des Voyages... [and] Carte Reduite des Mers du Nord, pour Servir a l'Histoire Generale des Voyages | North Atlantic, Iceland | Bellin, Jacques Nicolas | 1758 | A | 230.00 |
404 | Chart of the Atlantic Ocean, with the British, French, & Spanish Settlements in North America, and the West Indies; as Also on the Coast of Africa | North Atlantic | Jefferys, Thomas | 1763 | B+ | unsold |
405 | Bowles's New Pocket-Map of the Atlantic or Western Ocean, Laid Down from the Latest Discoveries, and Regulated by Numerous Astronomical Observations | North Atlantic | Bowles, Carrington | 1780 | B+ | 400.00 |
406 | A Chart of the Gulf Stream [with] Remarks Upon the Navigation from Newfoundland to New York, in Order to Avoid the Gulf Stream | North Atlantic | Franklin, Benjamin | 1786 | B+ | 4500.00 |
407 | Isle d'Islande | Iceland | Mallet, Alain Manesson | 1685 | A | 120.00 |
408 | Europa | Europe | Quad, Matthias von Kinckelbach | 1600 | A | unsold |
409 | Europae Descriptio Nova | Europe | Seile, Henry | 1652 | B+ | 200.00 |
410 | Europe | Europe | Sanson/Mariette | 1665 | B+ | unsold |
411 | Europa Orbis Christiani Domina | Europe | Scherer, Heinrich | 1699 | B+ | 250.00 |
412 | L'Europe Dressee sur les Observations de Mrs. de l'Academie Royale des Sciences | Europe | Chiquet, Jacques | 1719 | A | unsold |
413 | [Lot of 5] Italie Ancienne [and] France Divided into Departments... [and] Mappa Hispaniae Antiquae [and] Mappa Greciae Antiqae et Vicinarum Regionum [and] Southern Germany | Italy, France, Spain, Portugal, Greece, and Southern Germany | | 1779-1850 | | 100.00 |
414 | Britannicarum Insularum Typus | Britain | Ortelius, Abraham | 1595 | B+ | 475.00 |
415 | Britain as It Was Devided in the Tyme of the Englishe Saxons Especially During Their Heptarchy | Britain | Speed, John | 1616 | A | 3750.00 |
416 | Anglia, Scotia et Hibernia | Britain | Mercator/Hondius | 1619 | B+ | 350.00 |
417 | Isles Britanniques | Britain | Sanson/Mariette | 1665 | A | 150.00 |
418 | Les Isles Britanniques qui Contiennent les Royaumes d'Angleterre, Escosse, et Irlande Distingues en Leurs Principales Provinces... | Britain | Jaillot, Alexis-Hubert | 1695 | B+ | unsold |
419 | Carte pour l'Introduction a l'Histoire d'Angleterre, ou l'on Voit son Premier Gouvernementm et l'Etat Abrege de Cette Monarchie sous les Empereurs Romains, et sous les Rois Saxons | Britain | Chatelain, Henry Abraham | 1710 | A | 100.00 |
420 | Regnorum Magnae Britanniae et Hiberniae Mappa Geographica... | Britain | Homann Heirs | 1749 | B+ | 150.00 |
421 | Les Isles Britanniques Comprenant l'Angleterre, l'Ecosse, et l'Irlande; pour les Premieres Etudes; Dirigee par Mr. Philippe... | Britain | Philippe De Pretot, Etienne Andre | 1767 | A | unsold |
422 | Anglesey [on sheet with] Wight Vectis Olim [and] Garnesay [and] Iarsay | Channel Islands | Mercator/Hondius | 1619 | B | unsold |
423 | [Lot of 4 - Road Maps] | England | Owen & Bowen | 1720 | B+ | 46.00 |
424 | [Lot of 5 - Road Maps] | England | Owen & Bowen | 1720 | B+ | 60.00 |
425 | [Lot of 6 - Road Maps] | England | Owen & Bowen | 1720 | | 80.00 |
426 | The Environs of London | England | SDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge | 1832 | B+ | 140.00 |
427 | Northumbria, Cumberlandia, et Dunelmensis Episcopatus | Northern England & Southern Scotland | Mercator/Hondius | 1619 | B+ | unsold |
428 | Eboracum, Lincolnia, Derbia, Staffordia, Notinghamia, Lecestria, Rutlandia, et Norfolcia | Northeast England | Mercator/Hondius | 1619 | A | 150.00 |
429 | Middle-Sexia | Southern England | Blaeu, Johannes | 1645 | B+ | 240.00 |
430 | [Lot of 2] The Road from London to Rye in Sussex... [and] [The Roads from London to Barnstable, &c...] | Southern England | Owen & Bowen | 1720 | B+ | unsold |
431 | Warwicum, Northhamtonia, Huntingdonia, Cantabrigia, Suffolcia, Oxonium, Buckinghamia, Bedfordia, Hartfordia... | Southeast England | Mercator/Hondius | 1619 | B+ | 150.00 |
432 | Cantium Vernacule Kent | Southeast England | Blaeu, Johannes | 1663 | A | 600.00 |
433 | The Countie of Nottingham Described the Shire Townes Situation and the Earls Thereof Observed | Nottinghamshire, England | Speed, John | 1610 | B+ | 450.00 |
434 | Oxonium Comitatus Vulgo Oxford Shire | Oxford, England | Jansson, Jan | 1646 | A | 475.00 |
435 | A Mapp of the Parishes of St. Clements Danes, St. Mary Savoy; with the Rolls Liberty and Lincolns Inn, Taken from the Last Survey with Corrections and Additions | London, England | Stow, John | 1720 | A | 100.00 |
436 | An Accurate Map of Dorset Shire, Divided into Its Hundreds, Drawn from the Best Authorities... | Dorset, England | Bowen, Emanuel | 1752 | A | 200.00 |
437 | Anglia Regnum | England & Wales | Mercator/Hondius | 1613 | B+ | unsold |
438 | L'Angleterre, Conforme aux Itineraires, et Assujettie aux Observationes Astronomiques les Plus Recentes; Dirigee par Mr. Philippe... | England & Wales | Philippe De Pretot, Etienne Andre | 1779 | A | unsold |
439 | Geological Map of England and Wales | England & Wales | SDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge | 1843 | A | 180.00 |
440 | The Countie of Radnor Described and the Shytetownes Sittuatione | Wales | Speed, John | 1610 | B | 220.00 |
441 | Principaute de Galles: ou sont les Comtes, ou Shiries de Anglesey I. Carnarvan, Denbigh, Flint, Merioneth, et Montgomery en Nort-Walles... | Wales | Sanson, Nicolas | 1658 | A | 180.00 |
442 | Scotia Regnum | Scotland | Mercator/Hondius | 1619 | B+ | 220.00 |
443 | Scotland | Scotland | Tallis, John | 1850 | B+ | 100.00 |
444 | Scotiae Regnum | Northern Scotland | Mercator/Hondius | 1619 | A | 200.00 |
445 | Irlandiae Regnum | Ireland | Mercator/Hondius | 1619 | B+ | 350.00 |
446 | Novissima ac Prae Caeteris Alus Accuratissima Regni et Insulae Hiberniae Delineatio, in qua sunt Lagenia, Ultonia, Connachia, et Momonia Provinciae... | Ireland | Wit, Frederick de | 1680 | A | 700.00 |
447 | [Lot of 2] Ireland [and] Ireland | Ireland | SDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge | 1838-42 | | 100.00 |
448 | Ultoniae Orientalis Pars | Northern Ireland | Mercator/Hondius | 1619 | B | unsold |
449 | Udrone, Irlandiae in Catherlagh Baronia | Eastern Ireland | Mercator/Hondius | 1619 | B | unsold |
450 | Nav War Map No. 3 - World War 2 in the North Sea Area | Northern Europe | U.S. Navy Dept. | 1944 | A | 220.00 |
451 | Suecia et Norvegia cum Confinijs | Scandinavia | Mercator/Hondius | 1619 | B | unsold |
452 | Scandinavie ou sont les Estats de Danemark, de Suede &c. | Scandinavia | Sanson/Mariette | 1665 | A | unsold |
453 | Suecia Dania et Norvegia | Scandinavia | Cluver, Philipp | 1711 | B+ | 65.00 |
454 | Estats de la Couronne de Suede dans la Scandinavie, ou sont Suede, Gotlande, Lapponie Suedoise, Finlande, Ingrie et Livonie... | Scandinavia | Chiquet, Jacques | 1719 | A+ | 55.00 |
455 | Prutenie ou Prusse, Appellee Borusse par Quelques Autres | Baltic, Poland | Munster, Sebastian | 1552 | B+ | 70.00 |
456 | Ducatuum Livoniae et Curlandiae cum Vicinis Insulis Nova Exhibitio Geographica | Estonia & Latvia | Homann, Johann Baptist | 1716 | A | unsold |
457 | Potentissimo Borussorum Regi Friderico Wilhelmo Majestate, Fortitudine Clementia Augustissimo Hancee Lithuaniam Borussicam... | Lithuania, Kaliningrad Oblast, Poland | Homann Heirs | 1735 | A | unsold |
458 | Iutia Septentrionalis | Northern Denmark | Mercator/Hondius | 1609 | A | 80.00 |
459 | Fionia | Funen (Fyn), Denmark | Mercator/Hondius | 1619 | B | unsold |
460 | Delineatio Geometrica Urbis Haffniae Daniae Regum... | Copenhagen, Denmark | Pufendorf, Samuel, Baron von | 1697 | A | unsold |
461 | Ducatus Geldriae, et Comitatus Zutphaniae, Tabula... | Netherlands, Eastern Germany | Wit, Frederick de | 1690 | A | 180.00 |
462 | Zuydhollandia Stricte Sumta | Western Netherlands | Blaeu, Willem | 1640 | B+ | 220.00 |
463 | A Draught or Prospect of the Dreadfull Innundation or Breaking the Dykes in Holland Which Carryed Every Thing Before It... | Amsterdam, Netherlands | | 1711 | B+ | unsold |
464 | Bruxella, Urbs Aulicorum Frequentia, Fontium Copia, Magnificentia Principalis Aulae... | Brussels, Belgium | Braun & Hogenberg | 1572 | B | 320.00 |
465 | Lutzenburgensis Ducatus Veriss. Descript. Iacobo Surhonio Montano Auctore | Luxembourg | Ortelius, Abraham | 1592 | B | unsold |
466 | Trier & Lutzenburg | Luxembourg | Mercator/Hondius | 1619 | B | 90.00 |
467 | Tabula Ducatus Brabantiae Continens Marchionatum Sacri Imperii et Dominium Mechliniense | Low Countries | Wit, Frederick de | 1666 | B+ | 140.00 |
468 | [Lot of 4] The Netherlands de Nederlanden and Belgium la Belgique [and] Amsterdam [and] Antwerp. (Antwerpen.) (Anvers.) [and] Brussels (Bruxelles) | Low Countries | SDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge | 1832-43 | B+ | 70.00 |
469 | [Lot of 5] Germany North of the Main [and] Germany South of the Main [and] The Netherlands and the Countries to the Left Bank of the Rhine [and] Swisserland [and] Austrian Dominions | Western Europe | Pinkerton, John | 1815 | | 140.00 |
470 | Tabulae Dominii Groeningae quae et Complectitur Maximam Partem Drentiae | Northern Netherlands, Western Germany | Wit, Frederick de | 1680 | B | unsold |
471 | [Lot of 7 - Coast of France] | France | | 1758-65 | | 60.00 |
472 | Carte Nouvelle de la France, pour les Premieres Etudes: Dirigee par Mr. Philippe... | France | Philippe De Pretot, Etienne Andre | 1765 | A | 75.00 |
473 | Veroma Duorum Eorum que Confinium | Northern France | Ortelius/Marchetti | 1598 | A | unsold |
474 | Le Pais de Brie | Northern France | Blaeu, Willem | 1635 | B+ | 60.00 |
475 | Civitas Leucorum sive Pagus Tullensis Aujourdhui le Diocese de Toul pour Servier a l'Histoire de ce Diocese | Northeastern France | Delisle/Covens & Mortier | 1730 | A | unsold |
476 | Cadurcium Vernacule Querci | Southwestern France | Blaeu, Johannes | 1642 | B+ | 140.00 |
477 | Argentoratum Strassburg | Strasbourg, France | Braun & Hogenberg | 1575 | B+ | 325.00 |
478 | Le Plan de la Ville, Cite, et Universite de Paris: Capitale du Royaume de France | Paris, France | Fer, Nicolas de | 1724 | B+ | 200.00 |
479 | Le Plan de Paris, ses Faubourgs et ses Environs / Platte Grond van Parys, zyn Voorburgen en Omleggende Plaatse | Paris, France | Delisle/Covens & Mortier | 1730 | A | 3250.00 |
480 | Ville Cite et Universite de Paris | Paris, France | Dheulland, Guillaume | 1766 | B | 900.00 |
481 | Carte Routiere des Environs de Paris Indiquant les Differentes Especes de Routes et les Distances d'un Lieu a' l'Autre pour l'Intelligence des Voyageurs | Paris, France | | 1841 | B+ | 220.00 |
482 | Novissima Regnorum Portugalliae et Algarbiae Descriptio | Spain & Portugal | Danckerts, Theodore | 1680 | A | 160.00 |
483 | Antiquorum Hispaniae Episcopatuum Geographica Descriptio Nova | Spain & Portugal | Halma, Francois | 1705 | A | unsold |
484 | A Chart of the Sea Coasts of Algrave and Andalusia Between Cape St. Vincent and the Strait of Gibralter and C Spartel... | Southern Portugal & Spain | Mount & Page | 1757 | A | 250.00 |
485 | Hispalensis Conventus Delineatio, Auctore Hieronymo Chiaues | Southern Spain | Ortelius, Abraham | 1579 | A | 240.00 |
486 | Regni Valentiae Typus | Eastern Spain | Mercator/Hondius | 1619 | B+ | 120.00 |
487 | Nieuwe Paskaart van de Kust van Reino Do Algarve als Mede een Gedeelte van de Kust van Andaluzia... | Southern Portugal | Keulen, Johannes van | 1682 | B+ | 200.00 |
488 | Germaniae Veteris, Typus | Central Europe, Germany | Ortelius, Abraham | 1587 | B+ | unsold |
489 | Rhenus Fluviorum Europae Celeberrimus, cum Mosa, Mosella, et Reliquis, in Illum se Exonerantibus, Fluminibus | Central Europe, Rhine River | Blaeu, Willem | 1640 | A | 450.00 |
490 | L'Empire d'Allemagne, Divise en Tous ses Estats: a l'Usage de Monseigneur le Duc de Bourgogne... | Central Europe | Jaillot/Mortier | 1705 | B+ | unsold |
491 | Vindeliciae et Norici Conterminarumq. Terrarum Antiqua Descriptio | Central Europe | Cluver, Philipp | 1711 | A | 50.00 |
492 | Imperium Romano-Germanicum in Suos Circulos Elect. et Status Suma Cura et Stud Divisum... | Central Europe, Germany | Seutter/Lotter | 1750 | B+ | unsold |
493 | Le Tirol, souz le Nom Duquel s'Entendent le Comte de Tirol; puis les Comtes de Bregentz, Feldkirck, Montfort, Pludentz, &c. Sujets... | Alps - Italy, Switzerland, Austria | Sanson, Nicolas | 1703 | A | 200.00 |
494 | [Lot of 3] A Map of Pomerania and Brandenburg with the Frontiers of Poland [and] Plan of Stralsund, with the Trenches Lines & Batteries...[and] A Plan of the Battle of Zorndorf in the New Marche Faught Augt. 25. 1758 Between the Prussian & Russian Armies | Poland, Germany | | 1758-59 | B+ | 60.00 |
495 | Holsatia Ducatus | Northern Germany | Mercator/Hondius | 1619 | A | 80.00 |
496 | A Correct Map of the North West Part of Germany Containing Westphalia & Lower Saxony Including the Electorates of Brunswick Lunenburg or Hannover & Cologne... | Northwestern Germany | Bowen, Emanuel | 1733 | A+ | unsold |
497 | S.R.I. Circulus Rhenanus Superior in quo Sunt Landgraviatus Hasso-Casselensis Darmstadiensis et Rhenofeldensis... | Central Germany | Homann, Johann Baptist | 1716 | A | 75.00 |
498 | La Table du Pays de Pomeran, Selon les Principautez, les Villes les Plus Excellentes, les Bourgades & Chasteaux d'Icelle | Northern Poland & Northeastern Germany | Munster, Sebastian | 1552 | B+ | 210.00 |
499 | Moravia | Czech Republic | Mercator/Hondius | 1619 | B | unsold |
500 | Nouvelle Description du Pais de Souysse | Switzerland | Munster, Sebastian | 1552 | B+ | 100.00 |
501 | Helvetia Conterminarumq. Terrarum Antiqua | Switzerland | Cluver, Philipp | 1711 | A | 85.00 |
502 | [Argow] | Central Switzerland | Mercator/Hondius | 1619 | B | unsold |
503 | Valesia | Southern Switzerland | Hondius/Bertius | 1616 | A | 40.00 |
504 | La Noble Ville de Geneve avec la Situation | Geneva, Switzerland | Munster, Sebastian | 1552 | A | 180.00 |
505 | Chorographica Tabula Lacus Lemanni Locorumque Circumiacentium Autore Iac. G. Genevensi | Lake Geneva, Switzerland | Mercator/Hondius | 1623 | A | 450.00 |
506 | Le Ville de Syon avec ses Deux Chasteaux & l'Eglise Cathedrale Appellee Valeria | Sion, Switzerland | Munster, Sebastian | 1552 | B+ | 275.00 |
507 | Stiria | Southeast Austria | Mercator/Hondius | 1619 | B | 85.00 |
508 | Saltzburg Archiepiscopatus cum Ducatu Carinthiae | Western Austria | Mercator/Hondius | 1619 | B | 70.00 |
509 | Hungaria | Hungary | Mercator/Hondius | 1619 | B+ | 120.00 |
510 | Nouvelle Description de Poloigne & Hongrie | Eastern Europe | Munster, Sebastian | 1552 | B+ | 180.00 |
511 | Estats de la Couronne de Pologne | Eastern Europe, Poland | Sanson, Nicolas Fils | 1665 | A | 100.00 |
512 | Estats de la Couronne de Pologne, Presente a Monseigneur le Duc de Bourgogne... | Eastern Europe | Jaillot, Alexis-Hubert | 1696 | B+ | 550.00 |
513 | Russia | Russia | Hondius/Bertius | 1618 | B+ | 80.00 |
514 | Russie Blanche ou Moscovie | Russia | Sanson, Nicolas Fils | 1665 | A | unsold |
515 | Paskaart van de Witte Zee Beginnende van Pelitza tot Kandalox en van Catsnoes tot aan Kovoda Naaukeurig Opgestelt en van Veel Souten Verbetert | Russia, White Sea | Keulen, Johannes van | 1700 | B | 240.00 |
516 | Nouvelle Carte des Etats du Grand Duc de Moscovie en Europe Partie Sertentrionale | Russia | Chatelain, Henry Abraham | 1720 | A | unsold |
517 | [Lot of 2] Mappae Imperii Moscovitici pars Septentrionalis, Adornata per Guillielmum de l'Isle... [and] Imperii Moscovitici pars Australis in Lucem Edita per Guillielmum de l'Isle... | Russia | Seutter, Matthias | 1730 | B+ | unsold |
518 | Dwina Fluvius | Dvina River, Russia | Blaeu, Johannes | 1662 | B+ | 140.00 |
519 | Nova Zembla | Novaya Zemlya | Leti, Gregorio | 1690 | A | 120.00 |
520 | Verus Chersonesi Tauricae seu Crimea Conspectus Adjacentium item Regionum Itinerisq ab Exercitu Rutheno… | Crimea, Ukraine | Covens & Mortier | 1740 | B | unsold |
521 | Transylvania | Romania | Mercator/Hondius | 1619 | B+ | 150.00 |
522 | Ungariae Loca Praecipua Recens Emendata Atque Edita, per Ioannem Sambucum Pannonium, Imp. Ms. Historicum | Southeastern Europe | Ortelius, Abraham | 1579 | A | 325.00 |
523 | Danubius, Fluvius Europae Maximus, a Fontibus ad Ostia, cum Omnibus Fluminibus, ab Utroque Latere, in Illum Defluentibus | Southeastern Europe, Danube River | Blaeu, (Family) | 1643 | A | 450.00 |
524 | Illyricum | Western Balkans | Bertius, Petrus | 1616 | A | unsold |
525 | Sclavonia, Croatia, Bosnia cum Dalmatiae Parte | Western Balkans | Mercator/Hondius | 1638 | A | unsold |
526 | [Untitled - Istria] | Istria | Munster, Sebastian | 1572 | A | unsold |
527 | La Nouvelle Grece Selon Toutes les Regions & Provinces d'Icelle tant Deca que dela l'Hellespont | Greece | Munster, Sebastian | 1552 | B+ | 150.00 |
528 | Graecia | Greece | Mercator/Hondius | 1623 | A | 200.00 |
529 | A Map of Greece, with Part of Anatolia Most Humbly Inscrib'd to Alexander Urquhart of Newhall Esq... | Greece | Senex, John | 1720 | B+ | 325.00 |
530 | Achaia quae et Hellas Hodie Livadia | Central Greece | Cluver, Philipp | 1711 | B+ | 50.00 |
531 | Scio | Chios, Greece | Hondius/Bertius | 1618 | B+ | 60.00 |
532 | Rhodi | Rhodes, Greece | Hondius/Bertius | 1618 | B+ | unsold |
533 | La Cite de Venise Tres Ample & Maritime, avec Plusieurs Isles qui sont a l'Environ | Venice, Italy | Munster, Sebastian | 1552 | B+ | 325.00 |
534 | Italie | Italy | Sanson/Mariette | 1665 | A | 75.00 |
535 | Veronensis Ager | Northern Italy | Hondius/Bertius | 1616 | A | unsold |
536 | Tirol | Northern Italy, Western Austria & Eastern Switzerland | Hondius/Bertius | 1616 | A | 40.00 |
537 | Lombardiae Alpestris pars Occidentalis cum Valesia | Northern Italy | Mercator/Hondius | 1619 | B | unsold |
538 | Carte Nouvelle du Duche de Mantoue Levee par Ordre Expres. a l'Usage des Armees en Italie... | Northern Italy | Sanson/Mortier | 1705 | B+ | 120.00 |
539 | Italiae Gallicae sive Galliae Cisalpinae Conterminarumque Terrarum Vetus et Nova Descriptio | Northern Italy | Cluver, Philipp | 1711 | B+ | 50.00 |
540 | Patavinum. Ter. | Northeastern Italy | Hondius/Bertius | 1616 | B+ | unsold |
541 | Forum Iulii | Northeastern Italy | Bertius, Petrus | 1616 | A | unsold |
542 | Tarvisina Marchia et Tirolis Comitatus | Northeastern Italy | Mercator/Hondius | 1619 | B | unsold |
543 | Seigneurie de Vercell | Northwestern Italy | Blaeu/Mortier | 1705 | A | 120.00 |
544 | [Untitled - Central Italy] | Central Italy | Munster, Sebastian | 1552 | B+ | 95.00 |
545 | Oropitum | Central Italy | Ortelius/Marchetti | 1598 | A | unsold |
546 | Latium nunc Campagna di Roma | Central Italy | Mercator/Hondius | 1619 | B | unsold |
547 | Abruzzo et Terra di Lavoro | Central Italy | Mercator/Hondius | 1619 | B | unsold |
548 | Les Estats de Savoye et de Piemont Presente a Monseigneur le Duc de Bourgogne... | Western Alps, Italy & France | Jaillot/Mortier | 1705 | A | 300.00 |
549 | Mirandula | Mirandola, Italy | Munster/Petri | 1578 | B+ | unsold |
550 | Antiquae Urbis | Rome, Italy | | 1641 | B+ | 250.00 |
551 | Urbis Romae, Novissima Delineatio | Rome, Italy | | 1641 | A | 250.00 |
552 | Urbis Veteris Romae Delineatio Accuratissima, hac Facie Suit, Septimio Severo | Rome, Italy | | 1743 | A | 250.00 |
553 | Venetia | Venice, Italy | Porcacchi, Tomaso | 1686 | A | 120.00 |
554 | Insularum Aliquot Maris Mediterranei Descriptio | Mediterranean Islands | Ortelius, Abraham | 1579 | B | unsold |
555 | Le Fameux Detroit de Gibaltar | Western Mediterranean | Fer, Nicolas de | 1705 | A | 240.00 |
556 | Plan Geometral de Gibraltar avec les Nouveaux Ouvrages de Cette Ville Faits par les Anglois... | Western Mediterranean, Gibraltar | Beaurain, Jean Chev. De | 1756 | B | unsold |
557 | Malte | Malta | Mallet, Alain Manesson | 1685 | A | unsold |
558 | Cipro | Cyprus | Porcacchi, Tomaso | 1576 | A | 325.00 |
559 | Corsica | Corsica | Porcacchi, Tomaso | 1576-1605 | A | 120.00 |
560 | Carte de l'Empire des Turcs en Asie & en Afrique, Divise dans Toutes ses Papties, avec une Table de la Longitude & Latitude des Principales Positions de Cette Carte... | Eastern Mediterranean & Middle East, Arabia | Chatelain, Henry Abraham | 1719 | A | unsold |
561 | Estats de l'Empire du Grand Seigneur dit Sultan et Ottomans Empereur des Turcs dans Trois Parties du Monde Scavoir en Europe, en Asie, et en Afrique | Eastern Mediterranean & Middle East | Chiquet, Jacques | 1719 | A | unsold |
562 | De Gelegentheyt van 't Paradys Ende 't Landt Canaan, Mitsgaders de Eerst Bewoonde Landen der Patriarchen... | Middle East | Visscher, Nicolas | 1663 | A | 150.00 |
563 | The North Part of Turky in Asia Containing Asia Minor, Armenia, Syria, Diarbeck, Irac-Arabick &c. | Middle East | Moll, Herman | 1712 | A | 120.00 |
564 | Verschiedene Prospecte der Vornemsten Stadten in Persien samt Vorderst Einer Unsern dem Capischen Meer... | Middle East | Homann, Johann Baptist | 1762 | A | 650.00 |
565 | Chersonesi quae Hodie Natolia Descriptio | Turkey, Cyprus | Cluver, Philipp | 1667 | A | unsold |
566 | [Lot of 2] Originalkarte zu Dr. H. Barth's Reise durch Kleinasien von Trapezunt nach Tschikoryk, 31. Oktober-20. November 1858 [and] ...von Tschikoryk nach Ssoghud, 21. Nov.-18. December 1858 | Turkey | Petermann, Augustus Herman | 1860 | A | unsold |
567 | Ponti Pars ad Halym, Iridem, Thermodontemq, Fluvios Sita; quam Heroicis Temporibus Amazones Romanorum Aetate Mithridatis Regnum... | Northern Turkey | Sanson, Guillaume | 1694 | B+ | unsold |
568 | Vue des Sept Tours, ou Prisons d'Etat a Constantinople | Istanbul, Turkey | | 1780 | B+ | 80.00 |
569 | Avenues du Grand Sultan vers le Jardin de Cipres | Istanbul, Turkey | | 1780 | B+ | 80.00 |
570 | Typus Chorographicus, Celebrium Locorum in Regno Iudae et Israhel. Arte Factus a Tilemanno Stella Sigenensi | Holy Land | Ortelius, Abraham | 1586 | B+ | unsold |
571 | Beschreibung des Heiligen Landes Canaan | Holy Land | Bunting, Heinrich | 1600 | B+ | 275.00 |
572 | Palaestina quae et Terra Sancta vel Terra Promissionis, Particularis Syrie... | Holy Land | Quad, Matthias von Kinckelbach | 1600 | B+ | 275.00 |
573 | Palaestinae sive Totius Terrae Promissionis Nova Descriptio Auctore Tilemanno Stella Sigenensi | Holy Land | Ortelius, Abraham | 1606 | B+ | 300.00 |
574 | Syriae sive Soriae Descriptio | Holy Land | Cluver, Philipp | 1667 | A | 70.00 |
575 | Tribus Ruben hoc est, ea Terrae Sanctae Regio, que in Dividendo Tribui Rube Assignata est | Holy Land | Adrichom, Christian van | 1682 | A | unsold |
576 | Geographiae Sacrae ex Vet; et Novo Testamento Desumptae Tabula Secunda in qua Terra Promissa sive Iudaea in Suas Tribus Partesq, Distincta | Holy Land | Sanson, Nicolas | 1696 | B+ | 150.00 |
577 | Totius Terrae Sanctae Delineatio | Holy Land | Cluver, Philipp | 1697 | A | 100.00 |
578 | Carte pour l'Intelligence des Voiages d'Abraham, faits par l'Ordre de Dieu, en Asie et en Egypte... | Holy Land | Moullart-Sanson, Pierre | 1712 | A+ | 120.00 |
579 | Description Geographique de la Terre Promise, Terre des Hebreux, et des Israelites Partagee Selon l'Ordre de Dieu... | Holy Land | Moullart-Sanson, Pierre | 1715 | A+ | 180.00 |
580 | De Veertig-Jaarige Reys-Togten der Kinderen Israels Num. XXXIII… | Holy Land | Aa, Pieter van der | 1729 | B+ | 250.00 |
581 | Het Beloofde Landt Canaan Doorwandelt van Onsen Saligmaker Jesu Christo, Nessens Zyne Apostelen | Holy Land | Jagen, Jan van | 1748 | B+ | 95.00 |
582 | Hierosolyma, Clarissima Totius Orientis Civitas, Judae Metropolis... | Jerusalem, Holy Land | Braun & Hogenberg | 1572 | B+ | 350.00 |
583 | Ierusalem I., et Suburbia eius, Sicut Tempore Christi Floruit, cum Locis, in Quibus Christus Passus est… | Jerusalem, Holy Land | Adrichom, Christian van | 1584 | B+ | 1500.00 |
584 | Ierusalem | Jerusalem, Holy Land | Dapper, Olivier | 1681 | B+ | unsold |
585 | Ierusalem Niewlicks uyt de Schriften Iosephus Afgebeeld door J.H. Coccejus | Jerusalem, Holy Land | Covens & Mortier | 1722 | B+ | unsold |
586 | Vue et Description de Bethleem et de Nazareth, et de Plusieurs Singularitez Curieuses qui Sevoyent dans ces Lieux Saints | Bethlehem, Holy Land | Chatelain, Henry Abraham | 1719 | A | unsold |
587 | Arabia with Egypt, Nubia and Abyssinia | Arabia & Northeast Africa | SDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge | 1843 | A | 210.00 |
588 | L'Arabie Petree, Deserte, et Heureuse | Arabia | Sanson, Nicolas | 1652 | A | 190.00 |
589 | Arabia, According to the Newest and Most Exact Observations | Arabia | Moll, Herman | 1712 | A | 250.00 |
590 | Persia, According to the Newest and Most Exact Observations | Persia | Moll, Herman | 1712 | A | 130.00 |
591 | Carte des Pays Voisins de la Mer Caspiene Dressee pour l'Usage du Roy sur la Carte de Cette Mer Faite par l'Ordre du Czar… | Caucasus | Delisle/Covens & Mortier | 1720 | A | unsold |
592 | [Lot of 4] Carte de Karazm, Turkestan, et Grande Bukharie, pour Servir a l'Histoire Generale des Voyages... [and] Carte du Grand Thibet... [and] Carte de l'Empire de Hya et Partie de Tangut... [and] Carte de la Petite Bukharie et Pays Voisins... | Central and Eastern Asia | Bellin, Jacques Nicolas | 1749 | A | 230.00 |
593 | Asia | Asia | Hondius/Bertius | 1616 | A | unsold |
594 | Asia with the Islands Adioyning Described, the Atire of the People, & Townes of Importance, All of Them Newly Augmented... | Asia | Speed, John | 1626 | B+ | 2170.00 |
595 | L'Asie | Asia | Sanson, Nicolas | 1652 | B+ | unsold |
596 | L'Asie Divisee en Ses Principales Regions, et ou se Peuvent Voir l'Estendue de Empires Monarchies, Royaumes, et Estats qui Partagent Presentement l'Asie... | Asia | Sanson/Jaillot | 1705 | B+ | 300.00 |
597 | Asia According to ye Newest Observations | Asia | Moll, Herman | 1712 | A | unsold |
598 | Asia Antiqua et Nova | Asia | Cluver, Philipp | 1729 | A | unsold |
599 | Asia cum Omnibus Imperiis Provinciis, Statibus et Insulis Correcta et Adornata | Asia | Seutter/Lotter | 1744 | B+ | 170.00 |
600 | Asia | Asia | Tallis, John | 1850 | A | 100.00 |
601 | Tartaria | Northern Asia | Ortelius/Coignet | 1601 | A | 160.00 |
602 | Totius Tartariae Asiaticae Nova Descriptio Geographica | Northern Asia | Scherer, Heinrich | 1700 | A+ | 400.00 |
603 | Nouvelle Representation des Cotes Nord et Est de l'Asie, pour Servir d'Eclaircissement aux Articles du Supplement de l'Encyclopedie... | Northern Asia | Robert de Vaugondy, Didier | 1772 | A | unsold |
604 | [Lot of 2] Plan de la Baye d'Awatska... [on sheet with] Plan du Typa ou de Macao [and] Partie du Japon ou Nipon [and] Vue du Havre de St. Pierre et St. Paul, au Kamtschatka | Kamchatka, Japan, Macao | | 1780-85 | | 75.00 |
605 | Nuova Carta della Tartaria Secondo l'Ultime Oservationi... | Russia | Tirion, Isaac | 1740 | A | unsold |
606 | [Staten Eylant] | Kuril Islands | Witsen, Nicolaas | 1705 | A | unsold |
607 | A New Map of Great Tartary, and China, with the Adjoyning Parts of Asia, Taken from Mr. de Fers Map of Asia... | Eastern and Northern Asia | Wells, Edward | 1701 | A | 425.00 |
608 | Chart of Discoveries, Made in 1787, in the Seas of China and Tartary, by the Boussole and Astrolabe, from Their Leaving Manilla, to Their Arrival at Kamtschatka, Sheet II | Northeastern Asia, Japan | La Perouse, Comte Jean F. Galoup, de | 1798 | B+ | 100.00 |
609 | China, Regio Asiae | China | Ortelius/Coignet | 1601 | A | 180.00 |
610 | [Lot of 7] Vue de Nanking... [and] Funerailles Chinoises... [and] Pont Volant... [and] Audience de Conge... [and] Ville de Tong Cheu [on sheet with] Pellerinage pour Obtenir... [and] L'Ambassadeur Conduit a l'Audience [and] Rochers Dechiquetes... | China, Prints | Didot, Firmin | 1748 | A | 190.00 |
611 | China Amoy Tea Districts | Southeastern China | U.S. Government | 1869 | B+ | unsold |
612 | A Sketch of a Journey from Zhe-Hol in Tartary by Land to Pekin and from Thence by Water to Hang-Tchoo-Foo in China | Eastern China | Barrow, John (Sir) | 1796 | B+ | unsold |
613 | Sketch of the Typa and Macao | Macao, China | Cook/Hogg | 1784 | A | unsold |
614 | Der Canton-Strom Meistens nach den Englischen Aufnahmen von 1840-1857 | Hong Kong & Macao | Petermann, Augustus Herman | 1858 | B+ | 70.00 |
615 | China | China, Korea & Japan | Mercator/Hondius | 1619 | B+ | 2000.00 |
616 | [Lot of 3] Abbrege de la Carte de la Chine. Du R.P. Martinius Iesuiste [and] ...du R.P. Bouyn Iesuiste [and] ...du R.P. Michel Ruggiery Iesuiste | China & Korea | Sanson/Mariette | 1670 | A | 6500.00 |
617 | Map of China Compiled from Original Surveys & Sketches | China & Korea | Wyld, James | 1853 | B+ | 350.00 |
618 | Iaponia | Japan & Korea | Mercator/Hondius | 1619 | B | 1000.00 |
619 | Corea and Japan | Japan & Korea | Thomson, John | 1815 | B | 150.00 |
620 | Plan de la Partie des Iles, ou Archipel de Coree, Vue au Mois de Mai 1787 par les Fregates Francaises la Boussole et l'Astrolabe | Korea | La Perouse, Comte Jean F. Galoup, de | 1797 | B+ | unsold |
621 | Description des Isles du Iapon en Sept Principales Parties... | Japan | Sanson, Nicolas | 1658 | A | 300.00 |
622 | Carta Accurata dell' Imperio del Giappone... | Japan | Tirion/Albrizzi | 1738 | A | unsold |
623 | [Travel Map of Japan] | Japan | Anon. | 1897 | B+ | 375.00 |
624 | Particuliere Reis Kaart van Japan Strekkende van Kokura tot Khurissima | Southern Japan | Kaempfer/Scheuchzer | 1732 | B+ | unsold |
625 | Particuliere Reis Kaart te Land Strekkende van Jokaitz tot aan het Dorp Fammamatz | Southern Japan | Kaempfer/Scheuchzer | 1732 | B+ | unsold |
626 | Vue et Description de la Ville de Meaco Capitale du Japon avec d'Autres Particularitez du Pays | Kyoto & Tokyo, Japan | Chatelain, Henry Abraham | 1720 | A | unsold |
627 | Plan de la Ville d Ozaca et de son Chateau | Osaka, Japan | Charlevoix, P. F. Xavier de | 1736 | B+ | unsold |
628 | Indiae Orientalis, Insularumque Adiacientium Typus | Southeast Asia | Ortelius, Abraham | 1572 | B+ | 2000.00 |
629 | India quae Orientalis Dicitur, et Insulae Adiacentes | Southeast Asia | Blaeu, Willem | 1638 | A | 1200.00 |
630 | Partie de l'Inde au dela du Gange [on sheet with] Presqu-Isle de l'Inde au dela du Gange | Southeast Asia | Sanson, Nicolas | 1652 | A | unsold |
631 | [Petits Voyages, Part III: Lot of 23 - Southeast Asia] | Sumatra, Java & Bali | Bry, Theodore de | 1599 | B+ | unsold |
632 | Les Isles Philippines [on sheet with] Islas de los Ladrones ou Isles des Larrons | Philippines | Sanson, Nicolas | 1652 | A | 200.00 |
633 | [Lot of 2] Carte des Isles Philippines, Dressee sur la Carte Espagnole du R P. Murillo de Velarde 1re Feuille... [and] ... 2e Feuille... | Philippines | Bellin, Jacques Nicolas | 1752 | B+ | 150.00 |
634 | Insulae Indiae Orientalis Praecipuae, in Quibus Moluccae Celeberrimae Sunt | East Indies - Indonesia | Mercator/Hondius | 1619 | B | 1500.00 |
635 | Les Isles de la Sonde. Entre Lesquelles sont Sumatra, Iava, Borneo, &c. | East Indies - Indonesia | Sanson, Nicolas | 1652 | A | 250.00 |
636 | Insulae Indiae Orientalis | East Indies - Indonesia | Leti, Gregorio | 1690 | A | 240.00 |
637 | The Principal Islands of the East Indies, According to ye Newest Observations | East Indies - Indonesia | Moll, Herman | 1712 | B+ | 160.00 |
638 | Eastern Passages to China Sheet I | East Indies - Indonesia | Horsburgh, James (Capt) | 1848 | B+ | unsold |
639 | East India Archipelago [Western Route to China. Chart No. 2] | Indonesia, South China Sea | Imray, James | 1871 | B+ | unsold |
640 | [Lot of 2] Carte Particuliere des Isles Moluques [and] Carte de l'Isle Celebes ou Macassar pour Servir a l'Histoire Generale des Voyages | Maluku Islands & Sulawesi, Indonesia | Bellin, Jacques Nicolas | 1748-52 | | unsold |
641 | Carte des Isles Voisines des Moluques Ceram, Bouro Amboine, Banda, Neyra &ca pour Servir a l'Histoire Generale des Voyages | Maluku Islands, Indonesia | Bellin, Jacques Nicolas | 1750 | B+ | unsold |
642 | To Captain Krusenstern, of the Imperial Russian Navy ... This Chart, of the Strait of Sunda... | Sunda Strait, Indonesia | Horsburgh, James (Capt) | 1853 | B+ | 400.00 |
643 | De Stad Malacka | Malacca, Malaysia | Valentyn, Francois | 1724 | A | 425.00 |
644 | Penisola dell' Indo di qua del Gange, e l Isola di Ceilan nell' Indie Orientali Descritta... | India & Sri Lanka | Coronelli, Vincenzo Maria | 1695 | B+ | 300.00 |
645 | [Lot of 5 - India] | India, Prints | Bry, Theodore de | 1599 | B+ | 100.00 |
646 | The West Part of India, or the Empire of the Great Mogul | India | Moll, Herman | 1717 | A | 170.00 |
647 | Nieuwe Kaarte van 't Koninkryk Bengale, door Last van den Ed. Heer... | Northeastern India & Bangladesh | Valentyn, Francois | 1726 | A | unsold |
648 | Malabar | Southern India | Hondius/Bertius | 1618 | A | unsold |
649 | De Stadt Dabul | Dabhol, India | Valentyn, Francois | 1724 | A | 90.00 |
650 | Ins. Ceilan quae Incolis Tenarisin Dicitur | Sri Lanka | Mercator/Hondius | 1628 | A | 350.00 |
651 | Baticalo | Batticaloa, Sri Lanka | Valentyn, Francois | 1724 | A | 80.00 |
652 | Punto de Galle | Colombo, Sri Lanka | Valentyn, Francois | 1724 | A | 85.00 |
653 | Iaffenapatnam | Jaffna, Sri Lanka | Valentyn, Francois | 1724 | B+ | 80.00 |
654 | 'T Fort Oostenburg in de Binnen-Bay van Tricoen Male [on sheet with] Kaartje waar in Vertoont wert, hoe Verre de Forten Baticalo... | Trincomalee, Sri Lanka | Valentyn, Francois | 1724 | A | 60.00 |
655 | [Title on Verso] Tabula XI Asiae | Southern Asia | Ptolemy/Fries | 1535 | B+ | unsold |
656 | Calechut Celeberrimum Indiae Emporium [on sheet with] Ormus [and] Canonor [and] S. Georgii Oppidum Mina... | Southern Asia & Africa | Braun & Hogenberg | 1572 | B+ | unsold |
657 | India Orientalis | Southern Asia | Leti, Gregorio | 1690 | A | 120.00 |
658 | A New and Accurate Map of the Empire of the Great Mogul, Together with India on Both Sides the Ganges, and the Adjacent Countries... | Southern Asia | Bowen, Emanuel | 1747 | B+ | 100.00 |
659 | A Map of the East Indies from the Latest Authorities and Observations | Southern Asia | Blair, Rev. John | 1768 | A+ | 150.00 |
660 | An Accurate Map of the East Indies, from the Latest Improvements and Regulated by Astronomical Observations | Southern & Southeast Asia | Middleton, Charles T. | 1780 | A | 80.00 |
661 | Isle de Madagascar Autrement Isle de St. Laurent | Madagascar | Bellin, Jacques Nicolas | 1747 | A | 110.00 |
662 | [Lot of 8 - Africa & Madagascar] | Madagascar & Africa, Natives | Bry, Theodore de | 1599 | B | unsold |
663 | La Table & Description Universelle de Toute l'Afrique, Voire Estendue Outre les Limites de Ptol. | Africa | Munster, Sebastian | 1552 | B+ | 1300.00 |
664 | Africa | Africa | Magini and Porro | 1598 | A | 140.00 |
665 | Nova Africae Tabula | Africa | Hondius, Jodocus | 1611 | B+ | unsold |
666 | Africae Accurata Tabula | Africa | Visscher, Nicolas | 1658 | B+ | unsold |
667 | Afrique | Africa | Duval, Pierre | 1682 | B+ | unsold |
668 | L'Afrique Divisee Suivant l'Estendue de Ses Principales Parties ou sont Distingues les uns des Autres... | Africa | Sanson/Jaillot | 1692 | A | 550.00 |
669 | Africa Secundum Legitimas Projectionis Stereographicae Regulas... | Africa | Haas/Homann Heirs | 1737 | B+ | 250.00 |
670 | L Afrique Divisee en Ses Principaux Etats Assujettie aux Observations Astronomique par le Sr. Janvier Geographe | Africa | Santini/Remondini | 1784 | A | 125.00 |
671 | Nouvelle Carte Illustree de l'Afrique Presentant les Grandes Divisions Physiques, la Distribution Geographique des Vegetaux et des Mineraux... | Africa | Vuillemin, Alexander A. | 1860 | B+ | unsold |
672 | [Lot of 3] Egypt, and Arabia Petraea [and] Northern Africa [and] Western Africa | Africa (regions) | Tallis, John | 1850 | A | 75.00 |
673 | Barbaria, et Biledulgerid | Northern Africa | Ortelius/Coignet | 1601 | A | unsold |
674 | Fessae et Marocchi Regna | Northwestern Africa | Mercator/Hondius | 1623 | A | 150.00 |
675 | Partie Occidentale de l'Afrique ou se Trouve la Barbarie Divisee en Royaumes... | Northwestern Africa | Fer, Nicolas de | 1709 | B+ | unsold |
676 | Carte de la Barbarie, Nigritie et de la Guinee avec les Pays Voisins, Dressee sur les Memoires les Plus Nouveaux & les Observations les Plus Exactes | Northwestern Africa | Chatelain, Henry Abraham | 1719 | B+ | 180.00 |
677 | Aegyptus | Egypt | Ortelius/Coignet | 1601 | A | 60.00 |
678 | Egypte Nommee dans le Pays Missir | Egypt | Anville, Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d' | 1765 | A | 80.00 |
679 | Aegyptus Antiqua Mandato Serenissimi Delphini Publici Juris Facta | Egypt | Anville, Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d' | 1765 | A | unsold |
680 | Guinea | Western Africa | Jansson, Jan | 1639 | B+ | 150.00 |
681 | Carte Generale de la Coste de Guinee Depuis la Riviere de Sierra Leona Jusqu'au Cap de Lopes Gonsalvo... | Western Africa | Bellin, Jacques Nicolas | 1750 | B+ | 130.00 |
682 | Charte von Senegambien, Nigritien und Guinea... | Western Africa | Reinecke, Johann Matthais Christoph | 1804 | B+ | 60.00 |
683 | Plan de l'Isle de Gore avec Ses Fortifications | Goree Island | Bellin/Van Schley | 1765 | B+ | 50.00 |
684 | Presbiteri Iohannis, sive, Abissinorum Imperii Descriptio | Central Africa | Ortelius, Abraham | 1598 | B | 650.00 |
685 | Abissinorum sive Pretiosi Ioannis Imperiu | Central Africa | Mercator/Hondius | 1619 | B+ | 350.00 |
686 | Le Pays des Hottentots aux Environs du Cap de Bonne Esperance | Southern Africa | Bellin, Jacques Nicolas | 1754 | B+ | 100.00 |
687 | La Basse Guinee, Contenant les Royaumes de Loango, de Congo, d'Angola et de Benguela; avec la Cafrerie Occidentale et la Meridionale, ou le Pays des Hottentots | Southern Africa | Bonne, Rigobert | 1780 | B+ | 170.00 |
688 | Mare del Sud, detto Altrimenti Mare Pacifico... | Pacific Ocean | Coronelli, Vincenzo Maria | 1697 | B+ | 1600.00 |
689 | A New Map of the North East Coast of Asia, and North West Coast of America, with the Late Russian Discoveries | North Pacific Ocean | Anon. | 1764 | A | unsold |
690 | Carte Generale des Decouvertes de l'Amiral de Fonte Representant la Grande Probabilite d'un Passage au Nord Ouest | North Pacific Ocean | Robert de Vaugondy, Didier | 1772 | B+ | 100.00 |
691 | Carte des Nouvelles Decouvertes au Nord de la Mer du Sud, Tant a l'Est de la Siberie et du Kamtchatka, qu'a l'Ouest de la Nouvelle France | North Pacific Ocean | Santini/Remondini | 1776 | A | unsold |
692 | [Lot of 3] Carte de la Cote N.O. de l'Amerique et de la Cote N.E. de l Asie... [and] Plan de l'Entree de Nootka [and] Une Femme de l'Entree de Nootka | North Pacific Ocean | | 1785-87 | A | unsold |
693 | [Lot of 2] Carte de l'Entree de Norton et du Detroit de Bhering, ou l'on Voit le Cap le Plus Oriental de l'Asie, et la Pointe la Plus Occidentale de l'Amerique [and] Habitans et Habitations de l'Entree de Norton | North Pacific Ocean | | 1785-88 | A | unsold |
694 | Carte des Cotes de l'Amerique et de l'Asie Depuis la Californie Jusqu'a Macao... | North Pacific Ocean | La Perouse, Comte Jean F. Galoup, de | 1797 | B | unsold |
695 | Carte des Decouvertes Faites dans la Mer Pacifique sur la Vaisseau de Roi, La Resolution, Commande par le Capitaine Cook en 1774 | South Pacific Ocean | Cook/Benard | 1778 | A | unsold |
696 | Australien (Sudland) auch Polynesien oder Inselwelt, Insgemein der Funfte Welttheil... | South Pacific Ocean, Australia | Walch, Johannes | 1802 | B+ | unsold |
697 | Oceanie | South Pacific Ocean | Monin, Charles V. | 1844 | B+ | 100.00 |
698 | [Lot of 3] Trois Vues des Isles de l'Amiraute... [and] Banc de Sable Dangereux... [on sheet with] Isles de Joseph Freewill [and] L'Extremite Meridionale de Mindanao [and] Vue de la Baye de Bonthain... | Admiralty Islands, Southern Philippines, South Sulawesi | Cook/Benard | 1780 | B+ | unsold |
699 | [Lot of 4] Carte des Decouvertes du Capne. Carteret dans la Nle. Bretagne... [and] Nelle. Irlande [and] Cote Septentrional de la Plus Grande des Isles de la Reine Charlotte... [and] Isles de la Reine Charlotte | Papua New Guinea, New Britain, New Ireland, Nendo Island | | 1780-87 | | unsold |
700 | [Lot of 5] Carte des Isles Decouvertes aux Environs d'Otahiti... [and] Cession de l'Isle d'Otahiti au Capitaine Wallis... [and] Sacrifice Humain... [and] Le Corps de Thee... [and] Maniere dont on Expose les Morts a Otahiti | Society Islands | Cook, James (Capt.) | 1780-85 | B+ | 120.00 |
701 | [Lot of 4] Carte des Isles des Amis [and] Plan du Havre de Tongataboo [and] [Isle des Cocos... / Isle des Traitres] [and] Danse de Nuit Executee par les Hommes de Hapaee | Tonga Islands | Cook/Benard | 1785 | A | 80.00 |
702 | [Lot of 3] Australia in 1839 [and] New South Wales... [and] Western Australia Containing the Settlements of Swan River and King George's Sound...[on sheet with] Van-Diemen Island | Australia | SDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge | 1833-40 | B+ | 220.00 |
703 | [Lot of 2] Vorlaufige Skizze von Gosse's & Warburton's Reisen durc West-Australien... [and] W.C. Gosse's Reise in Central-Australien 26. Februar - 19. Dez. 1873 | Australia | Petermann, Augustus Herman | 1874 | B+ | 50.00 |
704 | A New and Accurate Map of New South Wales with Norfolk and Lord Howes Islands Port Jackson &c. from Actual Surveys | Eastern Australia | Wilkinson, Robert | 1794 | B | 150.00 |
705 | A Survey of the Settlement in New South Wales New Holland | Sydney, Australia | | 1886 | B+ | 100.00 |
706 | Carte de la Nouvelle Zeelande | New Zealand | Bonne, Rigobert | 1787 | B+ | 450.00 |
707 | The Islands of New Zealand | New Zealand | SDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge | 1838 | B+ | 160.00 |
708 | New Zealand | New Zealand | Tallis, John | 1855 | B+ | 275.00 |
709 | Carte du Detroit de Cook dans la Nle. Zelande [on sheet with] Carte von Cook's-Strasse in Neu-Seeland | Cook Strait, New Zealand | Cook, James (Capt.) | 1775 | A | 180.00 |
710 | [Lot of 16 - Views and Maps from Anson's Voyage Round the World] | Prints Exploration | Anson, George | 1748 | A | 120.00 |
711 | Wie sie die Crocodilen Schiessen | Prints Animal | Bry, Theodore de | 1591 | B+ | 500.00 |
712 | Tocht Naer Nova Zemla in den Jaere MDXCVI | Walrus Hunting | Leti, Gregorio | 1690 | B+ | 150.00 |
713 | Snow Bunting, Emberiza Nivalis. Linn | Prints Bird | Audubon, J. J. | 1834 | A | 1400.00 |
714 | Spotted Sandpiper Totanus Macularius | Prints Bird | Audubon, J. J. | 1836 | A | 1050.00 |
715 | Least Stormy-Petrel, Thalassidroma Pelagica | Prints - Bird | Audubon, J. J. | 1836 | A | unsold |
716 | Auff was Weise sie ihre Erstgeborne dem Konig Opffern | Prints Native American | Bry, Theodore de | 1591 | B+ | 180.00 |
717 | [Lot of 7 - Native Prints] | Prints Native American | Didot, Firmin | 1748 | B+ | 35.00 |
718 | [German Zeppelin] The LZ-130 Is Germany's Bid | Prints Military | | 1938 | A | 220.00 |
719 | Levi's Round-Up of Cowboy Lore | Prints Cowboys | Mora, Joseph Jacinto | 1965 | A | unsold |
720 | [Portraits on Cloth] For President James G. Blaine of Maine - For Vice President, John A. Logan. Of Illinois | Prints - Politics | Anon. | 1884 | B | unsold |
721 | Ante Christi Natu Templu Argetoratese... | Prints Religion | Braun & Hogenberg | 1587 | B+ | 120.00 |
722 | [Illuminated Leaf] | Medieval Manuscripts | Anon. | 1250 | A | 300.00 |
723 | [Illuminated Leaf] | Medieval Manuscripts | Anon. | 1250 | B+ | 120.00 |
724 | [Illuminated Leaf] | Medieval Manuscripts | Anon. | 1300 | B | 140.00 |
725 | [Illuminated Leaf] | Medieval Manuscripts | Anon. | 1300 | B+ | 140.00 |
726 | [Illuminated Leaf] | Medieval Manuscripts | Anon. | 1360 | B+ | 75.00 |
727 | [Illuminated Leaf] | Medieval Manuscripts | Anon. | 1430 | B+ | 100.00 |
728 | [Illuminated Leaf] | Medieval Manuscripts | Anon. | 1470 | A | unsold |
729 | [Illuminated Leaf] | Medieval Manuscripts | Anon. | 1530 | A+ | 160.00 |
730 | [Illuminated Leaf] | Medieval Manuscripts | Anon. | 1570 | A | unsold |
731 | [Illuminated Leaf] | Medieval Manuscripts | Anon. | 1570 | A | unsold |
732 | [Lot of 2 - Coptic/Arabic Lectionary Leaves] | Manuscripts | Anon. | 1620 | B | unsold |
733 | Blat LXVI | Incunabula | Schedel, Hartmann | 1493 | B+ | 190.00 |
734 | Blat LX | Incunabula | Schedel, Hartmann | 1493 | A | 80.00 |
735 | Blat LXX | Incunabula | Schedel, Hartmann | 1493 | B+ | 60.00 |
736 | Blat CCXXXII | Incunabula | Schedel, Hartmann | 1493 | A | 85.00 |
737 | [Book of Hours Leaf] | Early Printing | Kerver, Thielman | 1505 | B+ | 80.00 |
738 | [Book of Hours Leaf] | Early Printing | Kerver, Thielman | 1505 | B+ | 50.00 |
739 | [Book of Hours Leaf] | Early Printing | Kerver, Thielman | 1505 | B+ | 200.00 |
740 | [Illuminated Leaf] | Early Printing | Hardouin, Gilles | 1518 | A | unsold |
741 | [Illuminated Leaf] | Early Printing | Hardouin, Gilles | 1518 | A | unsold |
742 | [Vellum Manuscript Indenture] | Indentures | | 1781 | B+ | 60.00 |
743 | [Vellum Manuscript Indenture] | Indentures | | 1796 | A | 60.00 |
744 | Atlas Portatilis, oder Compendieuse Vorstellung der Gantzen Welt/ in Einer Kleinen Cosmographie... | Atlases | Weigel, Christopher | 1717 | A | 2750.00 |
745 | Nouvel Atlas Elementaire, pour la Dixieme Edition de l'Abrege de Geographie de Guthrie, Contenant 15 Cartes Enluminees, par Arrowsmith et d'Anville | Atlases | Langlois, Hyacinthe | 1820 | B+ | 160.00 |
746 | A New General Atlas of the World, Compiled from the Latest Authorities Both English & Foreign, Containing Separate Maps of Its Various Countries & States... | Atlases | Teesdale, Henry | 1835 | B+ | unsold |
747 | New Universal Atlas Containing Maps of the Various Empires, Kingdoms, States and Republics of the World… | Atlases | Thomas, Cowperthwait & Co. | 1853 | B+ | 2000.00 |
748 | Atlas Dresse pour l'Histoire de la Geographie et des Decouvertes Geographiques Depuis les Temps les Plus Recules Jusqu'a Nos Jours | Atlases | Vivien de Saint Martin, Louis | 1874 | B+ | 100.00 |
749 | [Manuscript Railroad Atlas] Cleveland & Pittsburgh Railroad River Division & Tuscarawas Branch | Atlases, Railroads | Railroad Companies, (Various) | 1865 | A | 850.00 |
750 | [Lot of 38 - Set of Maps from Atlas Complet] | Disbound Atlas | Malte-Brun, Conrad | 1812 | A | 200.00 |
751 | [Lot of 77 - Tallis Maps] | Disbound Atlas | Tallis, John | 1855 | B+ | 2400.00 |
752 | Histoire Generale des Voiages, ou Nouvelle Collection ... Tome Cinquante-Cinquieme | Exploration & Surveys | Prevost, Anton Francois | 1758 | B+ | unsold |
753 | Histoire Generale des Voiages, ou Nouvelle Collection ... Tome Cinquante-Sixieme | Exploration & Surveys | Prevost, Anton Francois | 1758 | B | unsold |
754 | [3 Volumes] Hedendaagsche Historie of Tegenwoordige Staat van Amerika... | Exploration and Surveys, Americas | Tirion, Isaac | 1766-69 | | 700.00 |
755 | [U.S. State Surveys - 12 Maps] | Exploration and Surveys, United States | U.S. State Surveys | 1856 | B | 130.00 |
756 | Reports of Explorations and Surveys, to Ascertain the Practicability of a Ship-Canal Between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, by the Way of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec | Exploration & Surveys, Mexico | U.S. Navy Dept. | 1872 | B+ | unsold |
757 | Geschichte der Mission der Evangelischen Bruder auf den Caraibischen Inseln S. Thomas, S. Croix und S. Jan… | Exploration & Surveys, US Virgin Islands | | 1777 | B+ | 400.00 |
758 | A Missionary Voyage to the Southern Pacific Ocean, Performed in the Years 1796, 1797, 1798, in the Ship Duff, Commanded by James Wilson... | Exploration and Surveys, South Pacific | Wilson, James | 1799 | B | 300.00 |
759 | [2 Volumes] The History of the Origin, Progress, and Termination of the American War | History Books, American Revolution | Stedman, Charles | 1794 | | 4500.00 |
760 | [4 Volumes] An Historical Geographical, Commercial, and Philosophical View of the American United States, and of the European Settlements in America and the West-Indies | History Books | Winterbotham, William | 1795 | B | 3750.00 |
761 | [2 Volumes] Histoire de la Conquete du Mexique, ou de la Nouvelle Espagne... | History Books, Mexico | | 1692 | B+ | 550.00 |
762 | Taschenbuch der Reisen, oder Unterhaltende Darstellung der Entdeckungen des 18ten Jahrhunderts, in Rucksicht der Lander Menschen und Productenkunde. Fur jede Klasse von Lesern | Miscellaneous Books | Zimmerman, Eberhard A.W. | 1805 | B+ | 300.00 |
763 | The American Lawyer, and Business-Man's Form Book… | Miscellaneous Books | Beadle, D. W. | 1851 | B+ | unsold |
764 | Transactions of the American Institute of Mining Engineers. Vol. XV. | Miscellaneous Books - Geology | | 1887 | A | 250.00 |
765 | [Facsimile - 2 Volumes] Major Andre's Journal | References | | 1904 | B+ | unsold |
766 | [Lot of 2] The New World - The First Pictures of America... [and] How They Saw the New World | References | | 1946-66 | | 75.00 |
767 | [Lot of 4] Decorative Printed Maps of the 15th to 18th Centuries [and] The World Encompassed... [and] Maps and Their Makers... [and] The Arader Grading System for Maps, Books and Prints - Catalogue 28 | References | | 1952-81 | | 100.00 |
768 | [Lot of 7] A List of Geographical Atlases in the Library of Congress | References | Phillips/LeGear | 1958-92 | A | 350.00 |
769 | [Lot of 2] Map Making - The Art That Became a Science [and] History of Cartography | References | | 1960-85 | | 42.00 |
770 | [Lot of 3] Early Maps of North America [and] America Explored - A Cartographical History of the Exploration of North America [and] Maps of North America | References | | 1961-2008 | | 85.00 |
771 | Imago Mundi Supplement V - Hondius-Kaerius Wall-Map of Europe | References | | 1967 | A | 75.00 |
772 | [Lot of 2] The Image of the World - 20 Centuries of World Maps [and] Proceedings of the Vinland Map Conference' | References | | 1971-94 | A | 39.00 |
773 | [Lot of 2] Early American Maps and Views [and] British Maps of Colonial America | References | | 1972-74 | A | 55.00 |
774 | Bibliography of Printed Maps of Suriname 1671-1971 | References | Koeman, C. | 1973 | A | 32.00 |
775 | [Lot of 2] The Exploration of North America 1630-1776 [and] The Cartography of North America 1500-1800 | References | | 1974-87 | | 41.00 |
776 | [Lot of 2] Landmarks of Mapmaking - An Illustrated Survey of Maps and Mapmakers [and] Early Maps | References | | 1976-81 | | 46.00 |
777 | [Lot of 74] The Map Collector Magazine | References | Tooley, R. V. | 1977-96 | B+ | 350.00 |
778 | The Making of the Nuremberg Chronicle | Reference Books, Incunabula | Wilson, Adrian | 1978 | A+ | 130.00 |
779 | The Mapping of America | References | Schwartz & Ehrenberg | 1980 | B+ | 75.00 |
780 | [Lot of 2] The History of Topographical Maps - Symbols, Pictures and Surveys [and] The City in Maps: Urban Mapping to 1900 | References | | 1980-87 | A | 37.00 |
781 | [3 Volumes] Atlas del Desarrollo Territorial de la Argentina [and] ... I Memoria [and] ... II Serie de Estadisticas Historicas | References | | 1981 | A | unsold |
782 | Maps and Plans in the Public Record Office 3. Africa | References | | 1982 | A | 11.00 |
783 | The Mapping of the World - Early Printed World Maps 1472-1700 | References | Shirley, Rodney W. | 1987 | A | 425.00 |
784 | Blaeu's The Grand Atlas of the 17th-Century World | References | Goss, John | 1990 | A | 80.00 |
785 | The Mapping of North America - Three Centuries of Map-Making 1500-1860 | References | Goss, John | 1990 | A | 85.00 |
786 | [2 Volumes] Maps in British Periodicals Part I [and] Part II | References | Jolly, David C. | 1990-91 | A+ | 120.00 |
787 | P. Lee Phillips' Maps and Atlases of the WWI Period | References | Phillips, P. Lee | 1995 | A | 21.00 |
788 | [Facsimile - 3 Volumes] Description of the Northern Peoples | References | | 1996 | A | 43.00 |
789 | Mercator's World - The Magazine of Maps, Atlases, Globes and Charts Volume I Number I | References | | 1996 | A | 34.00 |