Index of Lots for Auction 155

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Lot #TitleSubjectCreatorPeriodConditionSold For
1Theatre des Cites du Monde Premier VolumeTitle PagesBraun & Hogenberg1575B+150.00
2Italiae, Sclavoniae, et Graeciae Tabule GeographiceTitle PagesMercator/Hondius1619Bunsold
3Germaniae Tabule GeographicaeTitle PagesMercator/Hondius1619Bunsold
4Galliae Tabule GeographicaeTitle PagesMercator/Hondius1619B120.00
5[Lot of 2 - Title Page and Frontispiece] The Theatre of the Empire of Great Britaine…Title Page & FrontispieceSpeed, John1676B+500.00
6[Lot of 5] Mappe Monde sur Laquelle ou na Place que les Noms des Quatre Parties du Monde et des Quatre Grandes Mers... [and] Amerique Meridionale... [and] Afrique... [and] Asie... [and] Europe...World & ContinentsDezauche, J. A.1780-81A100.00
7La Figure du Monde UniverselWorldMunster, Sebastian1552B+3500.00
8Universi Orbis Descriptio ad Usum NavigantiumWorldMagini and Porro1598A475.00
9Typus Orbis TerrarumWorldHondius/Bertius1616Aunsold
10Nova Totius Terrarum Orbis Geographica ac Hydrographica TabulaWorldBlaeu, Willem1640Bunsold
11Nova Totius Terrarum Orbis Geographica ac Hydrographica TabulaWorldMerian, Matthaus1646A1000.00
12[Lot of 2] Carte de l'Amerique Nouvellement Dressee Suivant les Nouvelles Descouvertes... [and] Carte Nouvelle de l'Europe Asie & Afrique...WorldTavernier, Melchior1661A2200.00
13Orbis Terrarum Tabula Recens Emendata et in Lucem Edita per N. Visscher...WorldVisscher, Nicolas1677B+950.00
14Nova Totius Terrarum Orbis TabulaWorldDanckerts, Justus1680B+2100.00
15[Lot of 4] [Western Hemisphere] [and] [Eastern Hemisphere] [and] The Sacred Theory of the Earth [and] [Title Page] The Theory of the Earth: Containing an Account of the Original of the Earth...WorldBurnet, Thomas1684unsold
16Mappe-Monde Geo-Hydrographique, ou Description Generale du Globe Terrestre et Aquatique en Deux-Plans-Hemispheres, ou Sont Exactement Remarquees en General Toutes les Parties de la Terre et de l'Eau, Suivant les Relations les Plus NouvellesWorldSanson/Jaillot1691B+unsold
17Repraesentatio Totius Orbis Terraquei Cuius Partes, quae Umbra Carent, Fide Catholica Imbutae Sunt, Reliquae Omnes Inumbratae Religionis Catholicae Expertes SuntWorld - PolarScherer, Heinrich1702B+600.00
18Societas Iesu per Universum Mundum Diffusa Praedicat Christi Evangelium WorldScherer, Heinrich1702A+700.00
19[Lot of 2] A Map of the New Continent According to Its Greatest Diametrical Length... [and] Old Map of the Continent According to the Greatest Diametrical Length...WorldGibson, John1758B+unsold
20[Lot of 2] Chart of the World on Mercators Projection [and] A New and Accurate Map of Asia Drawn & Engrav'd from the Best AuthoritiesWorld, Asia1760-97110.00
21Carte Generale du Globe Terrestre...WorldBrouckner/Remondini1761Aunsold
22Carte de l'Ancien et du Nouveau Monde, Suivant une Projection Nouvelle, pour les Premieres Etudes; Dirigee par Mr. Philippe...WorldPhilippe De Pretot, Etienne Andre1771B300.00
23Carte Generale Offrant les Decouvertes Faites par le Capitaine Jacques Cook dans ce Voyage ey dans les Deux Voyages Precedens; Ainsi que la Route des Vaisseaux qu'il CommandoitWorldCook/Benard1784Bunsold
24De Wareld in een Ronde Gedaante van de Noord Pool te Zien [on sheet with] De Wareld verbeeld in de gedaante van een Hard en geleege na de Stelling van de Hr. Guil de L'IsleWorldKeizer/De Lat1786B+unsold
25[Lot of 2] Monde Entier [with related sheet of text]WorldHenry, J.1835B+unsold
26[Lot of 2] Western Hemisphere [and] Eastern HemisphereWorldTallis, John1850B+240.00
27Outline of the Geology of the GlobeWorldHitchcock, Edward1853B+200.00
28Submarine Cables of the World with the Principal Connecting Land Lines Coaling, Docking, and Repairing StationsWorldU.S. Hydrographic Office1896B+110.00
29La Seconde Table Generale Selon Ptol.Ancient WorldMunster, Sebastian1552B+800.00
30Macrobii Ambrosii Aurelii Theodosij, Viri Consularis, & Illustris...Ancient WorldMacrobius, Ambrosius Aurelius Theodo1565B+1000.00
31[Daniel's Dream Map]Ancient World1580A650.00
32Theatrum Historicum ad Annum Christi Quadringentesimu in quo tum Imperii Romani... / An Historical Map of the Roman Empire and the Neighbouring Barbarous Nations...Ancient WorldMoll, Herman1709B+600.00
33La Division de Nostre OceanEastern HemisphereBriet, Philippe1649B+unsold
34A General Chart, on Mercator's Projection, to Shew the Track of the Lion and Hindostan from England to the Gulph of Pekin in China, and of Their Return to England...Eastern HemisphereBarrow, John (Sir)1796B+unsold
35[Lot of 3] Asie [and] Afrique [and] OceanieEastern HemispherePoirson, Jean Baptiste1830B+45.00
36Poli Arctici Constitutio [on sheet with] Poli Antarctici ConstitutioPolarKircher, Athanasius1682A130.00
37Le Globe Terrestre Vu en Convexe par les Deux Poles, l'Equateur Servant d'HorisonPolarMoithey, Maurille Antoine1769B+unsold
38Carte des Deux Regions Polaires [bound in] Histoire Naturelle, Generale et Particuliere ... Tome QuatriemePolarBuffon, Comte de1798-99B+unsold
39Regioni Polari Paragonate Secondo gli Ultimi ViaggiPolarBarbiellini, Carlo Antonio1807A+150.00
40Regionum Circum Polarium Lapponiae Islandiae et Groenlandiae Novae et Veteris Nova Descriptio GeographicaNorth Pole & North AtlanticScherer, Heinrich1701A+550.00
41Hemisphere Septentrional pour Voir Plus Distinctem.t les Terres ArctiquesNorth PoleAnon.1730B300.00
42A Map of the North Pole with All the Territories That Lye Near It, Known to Us &c. According to the Latest Discoveries, and Most Exact Observations. Agreeable to Modern HistoryNorth PoleMoll, Herman1732A150.00
43A Map of the Icy Sea in Which the Several Communications with the Land Waters and Other New Discoveries are ExhibitedNorth PoleGibson, John1760B+80.00
44[Lot of 2] Circumjacent the North Pole [and] Polar RegionsNorth Pole1822-31110.00
45Chart of the Antarctic Polar Circle, with the Countries Adjoining, According to the New Hypothesis of M. Buache. From the Memoirs of the Royal Academy at ParisSouth PoleAnon.1763B+140.00
46[Lot of 2 - Celestial Gores]CelestialCoronelli, Vincenzo Maria1693A1200.00
47Le Globe Celeste Represente en Deux Plans Hemispheres...CelestialChiquet, Jacques1719A140.00
48Systema Solare et Planetarium ex Hypothesi Copernicana Secundum Elegantissimas Illustrissimi Quondam Hugenii Deductiones Novissime Collectum & ExhibitumSolar SystemDoppelmayr/Homann1720B+750.00
49Phaenomena Motuum Irregularium quos Planetae Inferiores Venus et Mercurius ad Annum Salutis MDCCX...Solar SystemDoppelmayr/Homann1742B+180.00
50[Monsters] Les Marins Monstres & Terrestres, Lesquelz on Trouve en Beaucoup de Lieux es Parties SeptentrionalesCartographic MiscellanyMunster, Sebastian1552B+1000.00
51[Lot of 2] A Map of the Principal Rivers Shewing Their Courses, Countries, and Comparative Lengths [and] Comparative Lengths of the Principal Rivers Throughout the WorldCartographic Miscellany, Rivers1823-34B+110.00
52[Lot of 8 - Puzzle Maps - World and Continents]Cartographic Miscellany, Puzzle MapsBarbie du Bocage, Jean-Guillaume1853B250.00
53[Lot of 2 - Puzzle Maps] Outline Map of United States [and] Railroad and County Map of New YorkPuzzle Maps, United States, New York1878-190080.00
54La Table des Isles Neufues, Lesquelles on Appelle Isles d'Occident & d'Indie pour Diuers RegardzWestern Hemisphere - AmericaMunster, Sebastian1552B+3500.00
55Americae sive Novi Orbis, Nova DescriptioWestern Hemisphere - AmericaOrtelius, Abraham1587A4500.00
56Americae sive Novi Orbis Nova DescriptioWestern Hemisphere - AmericaOrtelius/Marchetti1598B+250.00
57America sive India Nova, ad Magnae Gerardi Mercatoris aui Universalis Imitationem in Compendium RedactaWestern Hemisphere - AmericaMercator, Michael1613A3000.00
58America with Those Known Parts in That Unknowne Worlde Both People and Manner of Buildings Discribed and InlargedWestern Hemisphere - AmericaSpeed, John1626B+4000.00
59Americae sive Indiae Occidentalis Tabula GeneralisWestern Hemisphere - AmericaGerritsz/De Laet1630B+unsold
60America Noviter DelineataWestern Hemisphere - AmericaHondius/Jansson1632B+unsold
61America Noviter DelineataWestern Hemisphere - AmericaMerian, Matthaus1638B+550.00
62Americae Nova TabulaWestern Hemisphere - AmericaBlaeu, Willem1640Bunsold
63Americae sive Indiae Occidentalis Tabula GeneralisWestern Hemisphere - AmericaCluver, Philipp1659B+60.00
64America Noviter DelineataWestern Hemisphere - AmericaCloppenburg, Johannes1673A500.00
65Recentissima Novi Orbis sive Americae Septentrionalis et Meridionalis TabulaWestern Hemisphere - AmericaAllard, Carel1696B+1100.00
66Atlantis Insula a Nicolao Sanson Antiquitati Restituta; nunc Demum Majori Forma Delineata, et in Decem Regna, Iuxta Decem Neptuni Filios Distributa...Western Hemisphere - AmericaSanson, Guillaume1699B+480.00
67AmericaWestern Hemisphere - AmericaCluver, Philipp1711Aunsold
68L'Amerique Suivant le R.P. Charlevoix Jte. Mr. de Condamine, et Plusieurs Autres Nouvle. ObservationsWestern Hemisphere - AmericaLe Rouge, George Louis1746B+unsold
69Carte de l'Amerique et des Mers VoisinesWestern Hemisphere - AmericaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1763B+250.00
70Nieuwe Kaart van AmericaWestern Hemisphere - AmericaTirion, Isaac1765B160.00
71Isles, Caps et Ports de Mer de l'AmeriqueWestern Hemisphere - AmericaClouet, Jean Baptiste Louis1787B+unsold
72Carte d'Amerique Septentrionale et Meridionale avec les Decouvertes Faites dans les Derniers VoyagesWestern Hemisphere - AmericaHerisson, Eustache1820B+250.00
73AmericaWestern Hemisphere - AmericaArrowsmith, Samuel1828B+60.00
74North & South America; for the Elucidation of the Abbe Gaultier's Geographical GamesWestern Hemisphere - AmericaAspin, Jehoshaphat1832A280.00
75America SeptentrionalisNorth AmericaHondius/Jansson1644B+unsold
76L'Amerique Septentrionale qui Fait Partie des Indes Occidentales. Dressee Selon les Dernieres Relations des Voiageurs et Suivant les Nouvelles Observations de Mur. de l'Academie Royale des SciencesNorth AmericaChiquet, Jacques1719A250.00
77Carte Contenant le Royaume du Mexique et la Floride, Dressez sur les Meilleures Observations & sur les Memoires les Plus NouveauxNorth AmericaChatelain, Henry Abraham1719A450.00
78[On 2 Sheets] Amerique Septentrionale Publiee sous les Auspices de Monseigneur le Duc d'Orleans Premier Prince du SangNorth AmericaAnville, Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d'1746B+600.00
79Amerique SeptentrionaleNorth AmericaRobert de Vaugondy, Gilles1748A95.00
80Carte de l'Amerique SeptentrionaleNorth AmericaPalairet, Jean1755B+300.00
81A New & Accurate Map of North America; Drawn from the Most Authentic Modern Maps and ChartsNorth AmericaBowen, Thomas1780Aunsold
82Amerique SeptentrionaleNorth AmericaAnon.1790B+75.00
83Amerique Septentrionale Dressee sur les Relations les Plus Modernes des Voyageurs et Navigateurs, ou se Remarquent les Etats UnisNorth AmericaRobert de Vaugondy, Didier1791Aunsold
84A New Map of North America; with the West India Islands. Divided According to the Preliminary Articles of Peace, Signed at Versailles, 20, Jan. 1783North AmericaLaurie & Whittle1794B+1800.00
85Amerique SeptentrionaleNorth AmericaBlondeau, Alexandre1800A70.00
86[Lot of 3] Spanish Dominions in North America [and] West Indie's [and] Pacific OceanNorth AmericaArrowsmith & Lewis1804A90.00
87North AmericaNorth AmericaLucas, Fielding1823A100.00
88[Lot of 2] Historisch-Geographische Carte der Nordamerikanischen Freistaaten [and] Die Vereinigten Staaten von Nordamerica nebst CanadaNorth America1829-59Aunsold
89Amerique SeptentrionaleNorth AmericaSelves, H.1836B+50.00
90Amerique SeptentrionaleNorth America, TexasLevasseur, Victor1843A120.00
91North AmericaNorth AmericaSDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge1843B+110.00
92[Lot of 2] Map of the United States Canada and a Part of Mexico. To Illustrate Olney's School Geography [and] Map of North America to Illustrate Olney's School GeographyNorth AmericaRobinson, D.F. & Co.1844B210.00
93North AmericaNorth America, TexasBradford, Thomas Gamaliel1845B100.00
94Carte qui Contient une Description des Iles & Terres que les Anglois Possedent dans l'Amerique Septentrionale, et en Particulier de la Jamaique...Colonial North America, Caribbean & BermudaChatelain, Henry Abraham1719B+180.00
95Carte Generale des Colonies Angloises, dans l'Amerique Septentrionale. Par M. Phelippeaux…Colonial North America & CaribbeanPhelipeaux/Brion de la Tour1778Bunsold
96Various Plans and Draughts of Cities, Towns, Harbours &c. Drawn from the Latest AuthoritiesColonial North America & West IndiesConder, Thomas1780Aunsold
97[Lot of 2] Carte Particuliere de la Cote du Nord-Ouest de l'Amerique Reconnue par les Fregates Francaises la Boussole et l'Astrolabe en 1786. 1e. Feuille [and] Carta della Parte della Costa Nord-Ouest dell' America Riconosciuta nelle Estati...Western North America1797-1820200.00
98The North-West-Coast of North America and Adjacent Territories... [with report]Western North AmericaBurr, David H.1840B+240.00
99Carte Geographique, Statistique et Historique des Possessions AnglaisesCanadaBuchon, Jean Alexandre1825B+unsold
100[Lot of 2] Karte von J. Palliser's Expedition zur Erforschung der Rocky Mountains in Britisch-Nord-Amerika, 1858. [and] Karte der Red River Expedition in Britisch Nord-Amerika unter Gladman, Hind, Napier, Dawson, &c. 1857 und 1858.CanadaPetermann, Augustus Herman1860A150.00
101Partie Orientale de l Amerique AngloiseEastern CanadaMortier, Pierre1700Aunsold
102[Lot of 3] Carte du Cours du Fleuve de St. Laurent Depuis son Embouchure Jusqu'au Dessus de Quebec... [and] Suite du Cours du Fleuve de St. Laurent, Depuis Quebec Jusqu au Lac Ontario... [and] Carte du Golphe de St. Laurent et Pays Voisins...Eastern Canada, St. Lawrence RiverBellin, Jacques Nicolas1780B+60.00
103Carte Reduite des Cotes de l'Acadie, de l'Isle Royale, et de la Partie Meridionale de l'Isle de Terre-Neuve...Eastern CanadaChabert de Cogolin, Joseph Bernard Marquis de1784B+unsold
104[Lot of 2] Chart of the Inshore & Deep-Sea Fishing Grounds on the Atlantic Coasts of Canada and Within the Gulf of St. Lawrence [and] NewfoundlandEastern Canada1878Aunsold
105Nuova, e Corretta Carta dell' Isola di Terra NuovaNewfoundland, CanadaRossi, Veremondo1763A+unsold
106McMillan's Map of New BrunswickNew Brunswick, CanadaPhilip, George1867Bunsold
107North America West Coast Vancouver Island Esquimalt Harbour Surveyed by Captn. G.H. Richards & the Officers of H.M.S. Plumper...Vancouver Island, CanadaBritish Admiralty1897B+unsold
108Nouveaux Voyages de Mr. le Baron de Lahontan, dans l'Amerique Septentrionale, qui Contiennent une Relation des Differens Peuples...[together with] Memoires de l'Amerique Septentrionale...Colonial Canada & United States, Exploration, River LongueLahontan, Louis Armand, Baron de1703C+850.00
109Carte de l'Amerique Septentrionale Depuis le 28 Degre de Latitude Jusqu'au 72Colonial United States & CanadaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1755Bunsold
110Nieuwe Kaart van Kanada, de Landen aan de Hudsons-Baay en de Noordwestelyke deelen van Noord-AmerikaColonial United States & CanadaTirion, Isaac1769B+160.00
111[Lot of 2] United States [and] British Possessions in AmericaCanada & United StatesArrowsmith & Lewis1804Aunsold
112[Lot of 3] The Northwestern Territories of the United States [and] The Middle States and Western Territories of the United States Including the Seat of the Western War [and] The Eastern States with Part of CanadaCanada & United StatesBrookes, Richard1812B+250.00
113[Lot of 15 - North America]Canada & United StatesSDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge1832-34B+650.00
114An Accurate Map of the British Empire in Nth. America as Settled by the Preliminaries in 1762Colonial Eastern United States & CanadaGibson, John1762Bunsold
115The British Governments in Nth. America Laid Down Agreeable to the Proclamation of Octr. 7. 1763Colonial Eastern United States & CanadaGibson, John1763B+250.00
116A Map of North America from the Latest Surveys and MapsColonial Eastern United States & CanadaBlair, Rev. John1768A500.00
117Carte du Theatre de la Guerre Presente en Amerique Dressee d'Apres les Nouvelles Cartes Anglaises...Colonial Eastern United States & CanadaDenis, Louis1779B+unsold
118A Correct Map of the United States of North America. Including the British and Spanish Territories, Carefully Laid Down Agreeable to the Treaty of 1784Eastern United States & CanadaBowen, Thomas1787A250.00
119Etats-Unis de l'Amerique Seple. avec le Canada et la FlorideEastern United States & CanadaDelamarche, Charles Francois1800A150.00
120United States in North AmericaEastern United States & CanadaPhillips, Richard (Sir)1809B1600.00
121A Map of New England, and Nova Scotia; with Part of New York, Canada, and New Britain & the Adjacent Islands of New Found Land Cape Breton &c.Colonial Northeastern United States & CanadaKitchin, Thomas1758A180.00
122Partie Orientale du Canada, avec la Nouvelle Angleterre, l'Acadie, et la Terre-Neuve...Colonial Northeastern United States & CanadaD'Anville/Santini1776A275.00
123A New and Accurate Map of Quebec and Its Boundaries; from a Late SurveyColonial Northeastern United States & CanadaAnon.1781B+150.00
124A Map of the District of Maine with New Brunswick & Nova ScotiaNortheastern United States & CanadaMorse, Jedidiah (Rev.)1796Aunsold
125[Lot of 3] Map of the Northern Part of the State of Maine and the Adjacent British Provinces... [and] Extract from a Map of the British and French Dominions in North America [and] Part of the United States, Lower Canada & New BrunswickNortheastern United States & Canada1838-40unsold
126Carte de la Riviere de Richelieu et du Lac Champlain, Dressee sur les Manuscrits du Depost des Cartes, Plans, et Journx. de la MarineNew York, Vermont, and Southern QuebecBellin, Jacques Nicolas1744B+180.00
127Partie Occidentale de la Nouvelle France ou du CanadaColonial Great LakesBellin/Homann Heirs1755B+1500.00
128Carte des Lacs du Canada pour Servir a l'Histoire Generale des VoyagesColonial Great LakesBellin, Jacques Nicolas1757A+350.00
129[Lot of 2] An Accurate Map of Canada, with the Adjacent Countries; Exhibiting the Late Seat of War Between the English & French in These Parts [and] An Accurate Map of the Present Seat of War, Between Great-Britain and Her Colonies in North AmericaColonial Great Lakes1761-76B+300.00
130United StatesUnited StatesRobinson, D.F. & Co.1828B160.00
131United States of AmericaUnited StatesWyld, James1845B+450.00
132[Untitled - United States]United States, TexasGilman, E.1848B+400.00
133[Lot of 3] Mills' Map of the Several Routes Proposed to the Pacific Ocean from the Head Waters of the Missouri, to the Isthmus of Darien [and] Military Map of the United States... [and] Route from Fort Ellis Montana to Fort Hope, British Columbia...United States1848-83500.00
134Geologische Karte der Vereinicten Staaten und Britischen Provinzen von Nord_AmerikaUnited StatesMarcou, Jules1855A220.00
135[Lot of 2] Map of the United States, and Territories. Together with Canada &c.United StatesMitchell, Samuel Augustus1861-63B+300.00
136Bootlegger's Map of the United StatesUnited States1926B1400.00
137[Untitled - North America, Louisiana, Virginia & Carolina]Colonial Eastern United StatesGibson, John1763B+140.00
138Carte des Etats-Unis d'Amerique et du Cours du MississipiEastern United States, FrankliniaBrion de la Tour, Louis1788A900.00
139An Accurate Map of the United States of America, According to the Treaty of Peace of 1783Eastern United StatesRussell, John C.1794B+375.00
140[On 4 Sheets] I Stati Uniti nell' America SettentrionaleEastern United StatesBorghi, Bartolomeo1818unsold
141[Lot of 2] Le Provincie Settentrionali degli Stati Uniti [with] Le Provincie Meridionali degli Stati UnitiEastern United StatesAnon.1826Aunsold
142[Fabric Map] Mitchell's Map of the United States; Showing the Principal Travelling, Turnpike and Common Roads; on Which Are Given the Distances in Miles from One Place to Another...Eastern United StatesMitchell, Samuel Augustus1836B+500.00
143[Lot of 2] United States of America [and] Map of the United States. Engraved for Buckingham's AmericaEastern United States, Texas1838-4175.00
144Mitchell's National Map of the American Republic or United States of North AmericaEastern United StatesMitchell, Samuel Augustus1846C+400.00
145United StatesEastern United StatesTallis, John1851A210.00
146Colton's United States Shewing the Military Stations Forts &c.Eastern United States, Civil WarColton, Joseph Hutchins1861B+150.00
147Partie de l'Amerique Septentrionale, qui Comprend le Cours de l'Ohio, la Nlle. Angleterre, la Nlle York, le New Jersey, la Pensylvanie, le Maryland la Virginie, la CarolineColonial Northeastern United StatesRobert de Vaugondy, Didier1755B+250.00
148A Map of the United States of America, as Settled by the Peace of 1783Northeastern United StatesFielding, John1783A450.00
149[Lot of 2 - Northeast, Mid-Atlantic] Carte pour Servir au Journal de Mr. le Mquis. de Chastellux...Northeastern United States, American RevolutionChastellux, Francois Jean, Marquis de1786B+unsold
150Part of the United States of North AmericaNortheastern United StatesStockdale, John1798B+160.00
151Nova Belgica et Anglia NovaColonial New England & Mid-AtlanticBlaeu, Willem1635A2500.00
152Nova Anglia Novum Belgium et VirginiaColonial New England & Mid-AtlanticJansson, Jan1637B+1100.00
153Novi Belgii, quod nunc Novi Jorck Vocatur, Novae qz. Angliae & Partis Virginiae Accuratissima et Novissima DelineatioColonial New England & Mid-AtlanticMontanus/Ogilby1671B+unsold
154Totius Neobelgii Nova et Accuratissima TabulaColonial New England & Mid-AtlanticAllard, Carel1680A7500.00
155Carte de la Nouvelle Angleterre, Nouvelle Yorck, et Pensilvanie. Pour Servir a l'Histoire Generale des VoyagesColonial New England & Mid-AtlanticBellin, Jacques Nicolas1757A120.00
156Carte de la Nouvelle Angleterre, Nouvelle York, Nouvelle Jersey, et PensilvanieColonial New England & Mid-AtlanticLaporte, Joseph de1780B+150.00
157Carte de la Partie Nord, des Etats Unis, de l'Amerique SeptentrionaleColonial New England & Mid-AtlanticBonne, Rigobert1780A90.00
158Map of the Northern Provinces of the United StatesNew England & Mid-AtlanticPhillips, Richard (Sir)1799B250.00
159Report of the Board of Directors of Internal Improvements of the State of Massachusetts on the Practicability and Expediency of a Rail-Road from Boston to the Hudson River...New England - United States, Railroads1829B275.00
160[Lot of 2] Ichnogeological Map of the Connecticut Valley [and] The Moody Foot Mark Quarry, South HadleyNew England - United StatesHitchcock, Edward1858B+unsold
161[Lot of 4] Connecticut Valley Electric Transit Route Hartford, Conn. to Greenfield, Mass... [and] Trolley Pathfinder Birds Eye Map of Interurban Trolley Lines in New England [and] Trolley Wayfinder Electric Railway Map... [and] Travel-Map of New EnglandNew England - United States1905-23B+275.00
162A Map of the States of New Hampshire and VermontNew Hampshire & VermontMorse, Jedidiah (Rev.)1796B+70.00
163Rhode-Island and ConnecticutConnecticut & Rhode IslandMorse, Jedidiah (Rev.)1796Aunsold
164[Lot of 2] County Map of Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island [and] County and Township Map of the States of Massachusetts Connecticut and Rhode IslandMassachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode IslandMitchell, Samuel Augustus1862-8180.00
165Cupples, Upham & Co. Rail Road & Township Map of MassachusettsMassachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island1885Aunsold
166Nova Virginiae TabulaColonial Mid-Atlantic United StatesHondius/Blaeu1643Aunsold
167Nova Virginiae TabulaColonial Mid-Atlantic United StatesMontanus/Ogilby1671B+600.00
168A Map of Virginia and MarylandColonial Mid-Atlantic United StatesSpeed/Lamb1676B+4250.00
169Virginia and MarylandColonial Mid-Atlantic United StatesMoll, Herman1729A425.00
170Carte de la Virginie et du Maryland Dressee sur la Grande Carte Angloise de Mrs. Josue Fry et Pierre Jefferson...Colonial Mid-Atlantic United StatesRobert de Vaugondy, Didier1755Aunsold
171Carte de la Baye de Chesapeack et Pays Voisins pour Servir a l'Histoire Generale des Voyages Tiree des Meilleures Cartes AngloisesColonial Mid-Atlantic United StatesBellin, Jacques Nicolas1757A200.00
172Pensylvania Nova Jersey et Nova York cum Regionibus ad Fluvium Delaware in America Sitis, Nova Delineatione ob Oculos PositaColonial Mid-Atlantic United StatesSeutter/Lotter1760B+950.00
173A Map of That Part of America Where a Degree of Latitude Was Measured for the Royal Society: by Cha. Mason, & Jere. DixonColonial Mid-Atlantic United StatesAnon.1769B+200.00
174Map of the Middle States, of America. Comprehends New-York, New-Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, and the Territory N:W: of OhioMid-Atlantic United StatesRussell, John C.1794B+160.00
175[2 Volumes] The True Travels, Adventures and Observations of Captaine John Smith, in Europe, Asia, Africke, and America...Mid-Atlantic United StatesSmith, John (Capt.)1819Bunsold
176North America Sheet VII Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland, Delaware, Columbia and Part of VirginiaMid-Atlantic United StatesSDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge1833B+30.00
177[Lot of 2] Map of the State of New York [and] New JerseyNew York & New JerseyMorse, Jedidiah (Rev.)1796Aunsold
178[Lot of 3] New York [and] Pennsylvania [and] New JerseyNew York, Pennsylvania & New JerseyArrowsmith & Lewis1804unsold
179The States of Maryland and Delaware, from the Latest SurveysMaryland & DelawareReid, John1795B+450.00
180Map of the States of Maryland and DelawareMaryland & DelawareMorse, Jedidiah (Rev.)1796A150.00
181Virginiae Item et Floridae Americae Provinciarum, Nova DescriptioColonial Southeast United StatesHondius, Jodocus1607A1800.00
182Virginia et FloridaColonial Southeast United StatesHondius/Purchas1626A350.00
183Virginiae Partis Australis, et Floridae Partis Orientalis, Interjacentiumque Regionum Nova DescriptioColonial Southeast United StatesMontanus/Ogilby1671Aunsold
184Zee en Land-Togten der Franszen Gedaan na, en in't Americaans Gewest van Florida, aller-eerst door Ioh. Pontius Ontdekt [with book] Verscheyde Scheeps-Togten na Florida…Colonial Southeast United StatesAa, Pieter van der1706A600.00
185[Lot of 2] Carte de la Caroline et Georgie pour Servir a l'Histoire Generale des Voyages [and] The State of South Carolina from the Best AuthoritiesSoutheast United States1757-99B+200.00
186Partie Meridionale de la Louisiane, avec la Floride, la Caroline et la Virginie, par le Sr. d AnvilleSoutheast United StatesD'Anville/Santini1784A350.00
187A Map of Georgia, Also the Two Floridas, from the Best AuthoritiesSoutheast United States, GeorgiaMorse, Jedidiah (Rev.)1796A350.00
188Theatre des Operations les Plus Importantes de l'Armee du Sud, dans la Virginie, dans les Deux Carolines, et dans la GeorgieSoutheast United StatesMarshall, John1807B+130.00
189Map of North and South CarolinaNorth Carolina & South CarolinaMorse, Jedidiah (Rev.)1796A130.00
190[Lot of 2] North Carolina [and] South CarolinaNorth Carolina & South CarolinaArrowsmith & Lewis1804A150.00
191A New and Accurate Map of East and West Florida, Drawn from the Best AuthoritiesColonial South, Florida1763A200.00
192Carta Rappresentante la Penisola della FloridaColonial Southern United StatesPazzi, Giuseppe1763Aunsold
193[Lot of 2] Galveston, Tex. and Its Fortifications [on sheet with] Map of Siege Operations Against the Defenses of Charleston Harbor... [and] Map Port Hudson, LA. and Vicinity... [and] Coast of Texas and Its Defenses... Southern United States, Civil WarU.S. War Department1891-95Aunsold
194[Lot of 2] Map of Portions of Mississippi, Alabama and Georgia... [on sheet with] ... Routes of Marches of the Army of Gen. W.T. Sherman... [and] Map of Parts of Brunswick... [on sheet with] Fort Caswell...Southern United States, Civil WarU.S. War Department1891-95B+unsold
195A Correct Map of the Georgia Western TerritoryMississippi & AlabamaMorse, Jedidiah (Rev.)1797Aunsold
196Carte de la Louisiane et Pays Voisins pour Servir a l'Histoire Generale des VoyagesColonial Central United StatesBellin, Jacques Nicolas1757B+140.00
197Les Etats Unis de l'Amerique Septentrionale, Partie OccidentaleCentral United StatesBonne, Rigobert1783A+170.00
198A Map of the North Western TerritoryCentral United StatesMorse, Jedidiah (Rev.)1796Aunsold
199Map of the Western Territory &c.Central United StatesHood, Washington (Lt.)1834B+450.00
200Map of the Sterling & Rock Island R.R. and Its ConnectionsCentral United StatesRailroad Companies, (Various)1858B+150.00
201Karte zur Ubersicht der Neuesten Forschungen Im Innern Nord-Amerika's bis zum ostrande der Rocky Mts.Central United StatesPetermann, Augustus Herman1858A70.00
202Map Showing the Lands Assigned to Emigrant Indians West of Arkansas & MissouriCentral United StatesU.S. War Dept.1860Aunsold
203[Lot of 2] Map of the Former Territorial Limits of the Cherokee "Nation of" Indians Exhibiting the Boundaries of the Various Cessions of Land...[and] Map Showing the Territory Originally Assigned to the Cherokee "Nation of" Indians West of the MississippiCentral & Southern United StatesRoyce, C. C.1884B+120.00
204[Lot of 3] A New Map of Alabama with Its Roads & Distances... [and] A New Map of Arkansas with Its Canals, Roads & Distances [and] A New Map of Ohio with Its Canals Roads & DistancesAlabama, Arkansas, OhioTanner, Henry Schenck1841140.00
205Cote Nord-Ouest de l'Amerique Reconnue par le Cap.e. Vancouver. 1e PartieWestern United StatesVancouver, George (Capt)1799B550.00
206No. 15 Map of Oregon and Upper CaliforniaWestern United StatesMitchell, Samuel Augustus1846B+100.00
207Map of Upper California by the U. S. Ex. Ex. and Best AuthoritiesWestern United StatesWilkes, Charles1849B140.00
208Map to Illustrate Capt. Bonneville's Adventures among the Rocky Mountains [with book] The Adventures of Captain Bonneville, U.S.A. …Western United StatesIrving, Washington1854A200.00
209[Lot of 2] Map of the United States Territory of Oregon West of the Rocky Mountains, Exhibiting the Various Trading Depots or Forts Occupied by the British Hudson Bay Company... [and] Chart of the Columbia River for 90 Miles from Its Mouth...Northwestern United StatesAbert/Hood1838B+550.00
210[Lot of 6] State of Oregon... [and] State of Washington... [and] State of Idaho... [and] State of Wyoming... [and] Map of the State of North Dakota... [and] Map of the State of South Dakota...Northwestern United StatesGeneral Land Office1906A210.00
211[Lot of 2] Asher & Adams' Idaho. Montana Western Portion [and] Asher & Adams' Montana Eastern PortionIdaho, MontanaAsher & Adams1874B+150.00
212[Lot of 2] Map No. 1 [and] Map No. 2 Rio Colorado of the West explored by 1st Lieut. Joseph C. IvesSouthwestern United StatesIves, Joseph C. (Lt.)1858B180.00
213[Lot of 3] Lieut. Wheeler's Expedition nach New-Mexico & Arizona, 1873... [and] Lieut. Wheeler's Expedition in Calfornia, Nevada, Arizona, 1875 [and] Originalkarte der Urwohnsitze der Azteken und Verwandten Pueblos in New MexicoSouthwestern United StatesPetermann, Augustus Herman1874-76A210.00
214[Lot of 3] Territory of Arizona [and] Map of the Navajo Country Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah [and] Clason's Guide Map of ArizonaSouthwestern United States1905-20220.00
215[Lot of 3] Sketch, Showing Location of Section for Current Observations; at Camp Mohave, Arizona [and] Sketch of a Portion of South-Eastern California... [and] Sketch Showing Location of Section for Current Observations; at Fort Yuma California...California, ArizonaU.S. Government1875-76B+90.00
216[Lot of 4] Plan du Havre de Samganoodha, dans l'Isle de Oonalaska [and] Naturels et Habitations de Oonalashka [and] Une Femme de Oonalashka [and] Chapeaux des Naturels d'OonalashkaAlaskaCook/Benard1785A100.00
217Carte de la Riviere de Cook, dans la Partie N.O. de l'AmeriqueSouthern AlaskaBonne, Rigobert1785Aunsold
218Map of ArkansasArkansasGeneral Land Office1866B40.00
219Topographical Sketch of the Gold & Quicksilver District of CaliforniaCaliforniaOrd, E. O. C.1848B+1300.00
220[Lot of 2] Positions of the Upper and Lower Gold Mines on the South Fork of the American River, California [and] Upper Mines. Nos 1 & 8 [on sheet with] Lower Mines or Mormon Diggings, No. 3CaliforniaU.S. Government1848B+220.00
221[2 maps in book] Californiens Gegenwart und ZukunftCalifornia1849B+unsold
222Map No. 1 From San Francisco Bay to the Plains of Los Angeles from Explorations and Surveys Made Under the Direction of Hon Jefferson Davis...CaliforniaParke, John G. (Lt.)1855B+150.00
223Map of Public Surveys in California to Accompany Report of Surveyor Genl.CaliforniaU.S. Government1855B120.00
224CaliforniaCaliforniaColton, Joseph Hutchins1856B+325.00
225County Map of the State of CaliforniaCaliforniaMitchell, Samuel Augustus1884B120.00
226Sketch of the Route of Capt. Warner's Exploring Party in the Sacramento Valley and Sierra NevadaNorthern CaliforniaWilliamson, R. S. (Lt.)1849A150.00
227[Lot of 2] Reconnaissance of San Clemente Harbor California... [on sheet with] Reconnaissance of Prisoner's Harbor... [and] Reconnaissance of Cuyler's Harbor... [and] Reconnaissance of the S.E. End of San Clemente Island, by the Hydrographic Party...Southern CaliforniaU.S. Coast Survey1852-56B+27.00
228Ride the Roads to Romance Along the Golden Coast and Thru the Sunshine Empire of Southern CaliforniaSouthern California1963A+150.00
229[Lot of 2] (J No. 4) Preliminary Survey of San Pedro Anchorage and Vicinity of Santa Barbara California [and] Sketch J No. 3 Point Conception Coast of CaliforniaSanta Barbara, CaliforniaU.S. Coast Survey1851-5550.00
230Monterey Harbor California from a Trigonometrical Survey...Monterey, CaliforniaU.S. Coast Survey1852A30.00
231San FranciscoSan Francisco, CaliforniaBill, Henry1852B+325.00
232City of San Francisco and Its Vicinity California...San Francisco, CaliforniaU.S. Coast Survey1853A375.00
233San Francisco PeninsulaSan Francisco, CaliforniaU.S. Coast Survey1869B140.00
234Map Showing the Golden Gate Park the Avenue and Buena Vista ParkSan Francisco, CaliforniaBritton & Rey1893B300.00
235Mare Island Straits California from a Trigonometrical Survey...Mare Island, CaliforniaU.S. Coast Survey1857B+60.00
236San Diego Bay California from a Trigonometrical Survey...San Diego, CaliforniaU.S. Coast Survey1857B+200.00
237[Lot of 3] The Tenth Olympic Games Los Angeles California July 30-Aug. 14 '32 [and] Improved E-Z Guide Map of Los Angeles [and] Souvenir Map and Guide to Starland Estates and Mansions... A Fascinating Trip Through Movieland with Other Information...Los Angeles, California1927-53650.00
238[Lot of 3] Map of the Sangre de Cristo Grant in San Luis Valle... [and] Map of the Sangre de Cristo Grant in Colorado & New Mexico... [and] Topographical Map of the Exterior Boundaries of the Sangre de Christo Grant...ColoradoU.S. Government1882100.00
239State of Colorado. Compiled from the Official Records of the General Land Office and Other Sources...ColoradoGeneral Land Office1905A160.00
240Geographical, Historical, and Statistical Map of ConnecticutConnecticutCarey & Lea1822B+50.00
241View of New Britain, Conn.New Britain, ConnecticutBailey, O. H. & Co.1875B325.00
242Johnson's Georgetown and the City of Washington the Capital of the United States of AmericaWashington, D.C.Johnson & Browning1860B+100.00
243[Lot of 2] Map of the Cities of Washington and Georgetown D.C. [and] Johnson's Georgetown and the City of Washington the Capital of the United States of AmericaWashington, D.C.1862-76B+600.00
244[Lot of 2] [Map of Antiquarian Sites, District of Columbia] [and] Map of the District of Columbia, Showing Ancient Village Sites, Etc.Washington, D.C.1882-90A100.00
245Defenses of Washington. Extract of Military Map of N.E. Virginia, Showing Forts and RoadsWashington, D.C., Civil WarU.S. Government1891A+230.00
246[Lot of 5] No. I. Map of the City of Washington Location of Deaths... [and] No. II ... Location of Fatal Cases of Zymotic Diseases... [and] No. III ... Fatal Cases of Lung Diseases [and] No. IV ... Cases of Small-Pox... [and] No. VI ... Box PriviesWashington, D.C.U.S. Gov't Printing Office1895B+150.00
247Washington - The Beautiful Capital of the NationWashington, D.C.Railroad Companies, (Various)1923A425.00
248A Geological Map of the Black Hills, by Professor N. H. Winchell, To Accompany the Report of Capt. William Ludlow, U.S. EngineersDakota TerritoryU.S. Corps of Engineers1875B75.00
249Geographical, Statistical, and Historical Map of FloridaFloridaCarey & Lea1827B+unsold
250A Map of the Seat of War in FloridaFloridaU.S. Army1836B+180.00
251Asher & Adams' FloridaFloridaAsher & Adams1873Bunsold
252Geographisch-Statistische und Historische Charte von GeorgiaGeorgiaWeimar Geographisches Institut1825Aunsold
253An Accurate Representation of a Canoe of the Sandwich Islands, the Rowers Being MaskedHawaiiCook/Hogg1785B+65.00
254Map of Part of the Island of Hawaii Sandwich Islands Shewing the Craters and Eruption of May and June 1840HawaiiWilkes, Charles1841A150.00
255Karte von Hawaii mit Benutzung der Daten...HawaiiPetermann, Augustus Herman1876A90.00
256Chart of Necker Island ... and of the Basse des Fregates Francaises of French Frigates Shoal...Northwestern Hawaiian IslandsLa Perouse, Comte Jean F. Galoup, de1798Aunsold
257A Map of the State of Kentucky and the Tennessee Government Compiled from the Best Authorities by Cyrus HarrisKentucky & TennesseeMorse, Jedidiah (Rev.)1796A250.00
258Kentucky Geological Survey Preliminary Map... [bound in] A General Account of the Commonwealth of Kentucky; Prepared by the Geological Survey of the Commonwealth, for the Centennial Exhibition at PhiladelphiaKentucky1876A250.00
259Grondvlakte van Nieuw Orleans, de Hoofdstad van Louisiana [on sheet with] De Uitloop van de Rivier Missisippi [and] De oostelyke Ingang van de Missisippi, met een Plan van het Fort, 't Welk het Kanaal BeheerschtNew Orleans, LouisianaTirion, Isaac1769B+300.00
260Map of Portland Harbor. Maine. Surveyed Under the Direction of Lt: Col: John Anderson, U.S. Top: Engineer...Portland, MaineAnderson, John (Lt. Col.)1833B+190.00
261Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road Tide-Water Terminus, Elevators, etc., Locust Point, Baltimore [on verso] Map of Railroads Owned, Operated & Controlled by the Balto. & Ohio R.R. Co.Baltimore, MarylandRailroad Companies, (Various)1876B+100.00
262A Map of 100 Miles Round BostonMassachusettsAnon.1775B+90.00
263A Map of Massachusetts, from the Best AuthoritiesMassachusettsMorse, Jedidiah (Rev.)1796A120.00
264Coast Chart No. 111 From Monomoy and Nantucket Shoals to Muskeget Channel Mass...MassachusettsU.S. Coast & Geodetic Survey1890B300.00
265Plan de la Ville de Boston et ses EnvironsBoston, MassachusettsBellin, Jacques Nicolas1757B+120.00
266Sketch of the Action on the Heights of Charlestown June 17th 1775 between his Majesty's Troops, under the Command of Major Genl. Howe, and a Large Body of American RebelsBoston, Massachusetts1818B200.00
267Sketch of Bunker Hill Battle by S. SwettBoston, MassachusettsAnnin & Smith1826Bunsold
268Boston with Its EnvironsBoston, MassachusettsMarshall, John1832B+90.00
269Boston Harbour from the Survey of A. S. Wadsworth Esq. U.S.N. and the Chart of Des BarresBoston, MassachusettsBlunt, Edmund1847B75.00
270Map of the Metropolitan District of Boston Massachusetts Showing the Existing Public Reservations and Such New Open Spaces As Are Proposed by Charles Eliot, Landscape Architect…Boston, Massachusetts1893B+275.00
271Cape Poge and Adjacent ShoalsMartha's Vineyard, MassachusettsBlunt, Edmund1833B+45.00
272Massachusetts. Atlas Plate No. 11Martha's Vineyard, MassachusettsWalker, George H. & Co.1891B+unsold
273Geologic Map of Cape Cod Peninsula, Mass. (East Half)Cape Cod, MassachusettsU.S. Geological Survey (USGS)1916B+250.00
274Carte Geographique, Statistique et Historique de MichiganMichiganBuchon, Jean Alexandre1825B+unsold
275Map of That Part of the Mineral Lands Adjacent to Lake Superior, Ceded to the United States by the Treaty of 1842 with the ChippewasMichigan, WisconsinU.S. Government1845B1100.00
276[Lot of 3] Plat of the City of Detroit as Laid Out by the Govr. and Judges [and] Plan of Detroit [and] Plan of DetroitDetroit, Michigan1860B+unsold
277[Lot of 2] Mississippi Territory [and] Mississippi Mississippi1805-41A250.00
278Map of the State of MontanaMontanaGeneral Land Office1897A150.00
279A New Map of New HampshireNew HampshireBelknap, Jeremy1791B240.00
280Geographical, Historical, and Statistical Map of New HampshireNew HampshireCarey & Lea1822B+45.00
281Geographical, Statistical, and Historical Map of New JerseyNew JerseyCarey & Lea1824B+110.00
282[Manuscript Map] New Brunswick, N.J. from Albany St., 3 Miles Down Raritan River Showing Property of U.N.J.R.R. & C. Co. Formerly Delaware & Raritan Canal Co.New Brunswick, New JerseyRailroad Companies, (Various)1903B+unsold
283Historical Trails Through New Mexico - The Land of EnchantmentNew Mexico1956A+80.00
284The Tourist's Map of the State of New York Compiled from the Latest Authorities in the Surveyor General's OfficeNew YorkWilliams, William1828B100.00
285New YorkNew YorkSDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge1840A190.00
286A Map of a Tract of Land in the State of New York Called Macomb's Purchase Compiled from the Official Returns Under the Inspection of the Surveyor GeneralNorthern New YorkGavit, John1853B+unsold
287Plan of the Country from Frogs Point to Croton River Shewing the Positions of the American & British Armies from the 12th of Oct. 1776 Until the Engagement on the White Plains on the 28thSoutheastern New York, Revolutionary WarMarshall, John1832Bunsold
288Asher & Adams New Topographical Atlas and Gazetteer of New York. Putnam, Rockland, Westchester, New York, Richmond, Kings, Queens, and Suffolk CountiesSoutheastern New YorkAsher & Adams1870B150.00
289[Lot of 4] Long Island Sound from Falkner's Island to Stratford Point [and] Eastern Entrance to Long Island Sound [and] Hempstead Harbor Long Island... [and] Romer and Flynn's Shoals New York Bay...Long Island Sound, Lower Bay, New York1853-77180.00
290Topographic Map of Long Island, New YorkLong Island, New YorkU.S. Geological Survey (USGS)1913A425.00
291View of New York and Vicinity Showing Good Automobile RoadsNew York City, New YorkNostrand, George1925A180.00
292Map of the Rapids of Miami, Shewing the Situation of Fort Meigs, &c. Ohio1813B+100.00
293[On 2 Sheets] A Map of Pennsylvania Exhibiting Not Only the Improved Parts of that Province, but Also Its Extensive Frontiers…PennsylvaniaSayer & Bennett1775B+600.00
294A Map of Pensylvania, with Part of the Adjacent States, from the Latest SurveysPennsylvaniaMorse, Jedidiah (Rev.)1793Aunsold
295[Lot of 2] Noll's New Automobile Road, and Driving Map of Philadelphia and Surrounding Country... [and] Mendenhall's Guide & Road Map of Pennsylvania, Showing Main Touring Routes & Good Roads...Pennsylvania, Philadelphia1909-20B+40.00
296A Map of the Alleghany Monongahela and Yohiogany RiversWestern PennsylvaniaWightman, Thomas1805B+180.00
297[Manuscript Railroad Atlas] Maps of Real Estate & Right of Way. Penna. R.R. Extension to the P. & S.R.R.Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, RailroadsRailroad Companies, (Various)1865B+2000.00
298Gettysburg: What to See, and How to See It Embodying Full Information for Visiting the Field...Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, Civil WarBachelder, John B.1876A325.00
299Coast Chart No. 13 Cuttyhunk to Block Island Including Narragansett BayNarragansett Bay, Rhode Island & Buzzards Bay, MassachusettsU.S. Coast & Geodetic Survey1880B+150.00
300A Plan of Charles Town the Capital of South Carolina, with the Harbour, Islands and Forts; the Attack on Fort Sulivan, by His Majesty's Ships under Sir Peter Parker, in 1776 …Charleston, South Carolina, Revolutionary WarLodge, John1780Bunsold
301No. 13 Map of the State of TexasTexasMitchell, Samuel Augustus1846B+325.00
302[Lot of 2] Letter from the Acting Secretary of the Treasury, Communicating the Report of the Superintendent of the Coast Survey... [and] Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, Transmitting the Report of the Superintendent of the Coast Survey...TexasU.S. Coast Survey1847-48100.00
303Map of a Tour from Independence to Santa Fe, Chihuahua, Monterey and MatamorosTexasWislizenus, Frederick Adolphus (Dr.)1848A275.00
304[Lot of 3] County Map of Texas [and] County Map of Texas, and Indian Territory [and] Texas, New Mexico &c.Texas1870-90600.00
305Map Showing the Route of the Arkansas Regiment from Shreveport La. to San Antonio de Bexar TexasEastern TexasU.S. Government1846-50B50.00
306Specialkarte des Grossen Salzsee's von UtahUtahPetermann, Augustus Herman1858A+110.00
307A New and Accurate Map of the Province of Virginia, in North AmericaVirginiaAnon.1779B+425.00
308VirginiaVirginiaMorse, Jedidiah (Rev.)1796A120.00
309Map of the State of Virginia Containing the Counties, Principal Towns, Railroads, Rivers, Canals & all Other Internal ImprovementsVirginiaWest & Johnston1862A6500.00
310[Lot of 3] Map of the Vicinity of Richmond, VA... [and] Military Reconnaissance Department of Virginia Major General Wool Commanding... [on sheet with] Yorktown to Williamsburg... [and] Military Map of Suffolk and Vicinity...Virginia, Civil WarU.S. War Department1891-95unsold
311Map Showing the Location of Battlefields of Virginia Compiled from Official War Records and Maps for the Chesapeake & Ohio Railway Co.Virginia, Civil WarRailroad Companies, (Various)1915A220.00
312Caspar's Map of Milwaukee, Revised Edition, 1892Milwaukee, Wisconsin1892A140.00
313Die Amerikanische Staats-Domane (National Park) im Quellgediete des Yellowstone Flusses mit den Geyser-GebietenYellowstone National Park, WyomingPetermann, Augustus Herman1872B+150.00
314[Lot of 2] Yellowstone National Park. Northern Pacific Railroad [and] Yellowstone National Park and Part of Abutting Forest Reserve from Maps by the U.S. Geological SurveyYellowstone National Park, Wyoming1893-1904230.00
315Central AmericaUnited States, Mexico & Central AmericaChapman & Hall1848B110.00
316[Untitled - United States and Mexico]United States, Mexico & Central AmericaU.S. Government1851B+85.00
317[Lot of 10 - Prints and Map from Emory's Survey of the United States-Mexico Boundary]United States & MexicoEmory, William Hemsley1857A220.00
318Head Quarters Department of New Mexico [with Report and 2 Other Maps]United States & MexicoU.S. War Department1863B+80.00
319A Map of Mexico or New Spain Florida Now Called Louisiana and Part of California &c.Southern United States, Mexico & Central AmericaMoll, Herman1745Aunsold
320Mexico, or New Spain; in Which the Motions of Cortes May Be Traced...Southern United States & MexicoKitchin, Thomas1795B+190.00
321Spanish North AmericaSouthern United States & MexicoThomson, John1814A325.00
322Mexico, & Guatimala, with the Republic of TexasSouthern United States & Mexico, TexasLizars, William Home1838B500.00
323Tabula Californiae, Anno 1702. Ex Autoptica Observatione Delineata a R.P. Chino e S.I.Southwestern United States & MexicoKino, Eusebio Francisco, SJ1702Bunsold
324Cette Carte de Californie et du Nouveau Mexique, est Tiree de Celle qui a ete Envoyee par un Grand d'Espagne...Southwestern United States & Mexico, CaliforniaFer, Nicolas de1705A900.00
325Central America II. Including Texas, California and the Northern States of MexicoSouthwestern United States & Mexico, TexasSDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge1842A650.00
326MexicoSouthwestern United States & Mexico, TexasHall, Sidney1846B+275.00
327[4 Maps with Report] Report of the Secretary of the Interior, in Answer to a Resolution of the Senate Calling for Information in Relation to the Operations of the Commission Appointed to Run and Mark the Boundary Between the United States and MexicoSouthwestern United States & MexicoU.S. Department of Interior1850B+325.00
328Mexico, California and TexasSouthwestern United States & Mexico, TexasTallis, John1850B+275.00
329MexicoWestern United States & MexicoArrowsmith, Aaron, Jr.1817B+85.00
330Map of the United States and their Territories Between the Mississippi and the Pacific Ocean and Part of Mexico Compiled from Surveys…Western United States & MexicoEmory, William Hemsley1857-58B+475.00
331Hispaniae Novae Sivae Magnae, Recens et Vera DescriptioMexicoOrtelius, Abraham1579A650.00
332Hispaniae Novae Nova DescriptioMexicoMercator/Hondius1619B+250.00
333Land Togten door Ferdinand Cortes aan de Golf van Nieuw Spanje, ter Bemagtiging van Tlascale Mexico en Aangrenzende Landschappen Gedaan [with book] Heldhaftige Reys-Togten, te Land, door Ferdinand Cortes, in Nieuw-Spanje...MexicoAa, Pieter van der1707A250.00
334Carte de l'Empire du Mexique pour l'Histoire Generale des Voyages...Central MexicoBellin, Jacques Nicolas1754B+75.00
335La Paz (Lower California) and Its Environs, Showing the Positions Occupied by the U.S. Troops and the Mexicans, During the Attacks in November & December, 1847La Paz, MexicoU.S. Government1848B+unsold
336Novae Hispaniae, Chili, Peruviae, et Guatimalae LittoraeCentral America & Northern South AmericaWit, Frederick de1675B350.00
337Yucatan Conventus Iuridici Hispaniae Novae pars Occidentalis, et Guatimala Conventus IuridicusCentral America & MexicoBlaeu/Covens & Mortier1706B+unsold
338[Lot of 3] Map Showing the Proposed Routes of Interoceanic Communication [and] Bay of Fonseca [and] Port CaballosCentral America, Railroads1838-53B+110.00
339Carta Maritima del Reyno de Tierra Firme u Castilia del Oro Comprehende el Istmo y Provincia de Panama...PanamaLopez, Juan (don)1785A750.00
340An Exact Account of Vice Admiral Vernon's Taking the Castle & Town of Chagre in ye West-Indies, Sent Over by ye Admiral...Chagres, PanamaOverton, Henry1740B+1500.00
341Peruviae Auriferae Regionis Typus [on sheet with] La Florida [and] GuastecanGulf of Mexico, Florida & PeruOrtelius, Abraham1584B+760.00
342Le Vieux Mexique ou Nouvelle Espagne avec les Costes de la Floride Faisant Partie de l'Amerique SeptentrionaleGulf of MexicoFer, Nicolas de1702Aunsold
343[Lot of 4] Puerto de Panzacola [and] Bahia de Galvez-Towm [and] Plano de la Bahia de Movila: Situado el Fuerte del Mismo Nombre…[and] Bahia de S. BernardoGulf of MexicoDireccion de Hidrografia1818B+500.00
344Insulae Americanae in Oceano Septentrionali, cum Terris AdiacentibusGulf of Mexico & CaribbeanJansson, Jan1638Bunsold
345Le Golfe de Mexique, et les Isles Voisine... / Archipelague du Mexique, ou sont les Isles de Cuba, Espagnola, Jamaica, &c…Gulf of Mexico & CaribbeanMortier, Pierre1700B+unsold
346Carte du Golphe du Mexique et des Isles de l'AmeriqueGulf of Mexico & CaribbeanBellin/Van Schley1773B+180.00
347An Accurate Map of the West Indies Drawn from the Latest and Most Approved Maps & ChartsGulf of Mexico & CaribbeanAnon.1785B35.00
348Description des Plantes, Arbres, Animaux & Poissons des Iles Antilles, avec les Moeurs des Sauvages qui s'y Trouvent, et la Maniere dont on Fait le SucreCaribbeanChatelain, Henry Abraham1719A220.00
349Algemeene Kaart van de Westindische EilandenCaribbeanTirion, Isaac1766B+150.00
350Dominia Anglorum in Praecipuis Insulis Americae ut sunt Insula S. Christophori Antegoa Iamaica Barbados nec non Insulae Bermudes vel Sommers…Caribbean & BermudaHomann Heirs1759B+unsold
351Cuba Insula [on sheet with] Hispaniola Insula [and] Insula Iamaica [and] Ins. S. Ioannis [and] I.S. Margareta cum ConfiniisGreater AntillesMercator/Hondius1630A500.00
352Cuba Insula [on sheet with] Hispaniola Insula [and] Ins. Iamaica [and] Ins. S. Ioannis [and] I.S. MargaretaGreater AntillesLeti, Gregorio1690B+120.00
353Nieuwe en Naaukeurige Paskaart van het Eyland Hispaniola of St. Domingo... / Nouvelle Carte de l'Isle de Hispaniola ou St. Domingue...Hispaniola & Puerto RicoKeulen, Johannes van1745B+600.00
354Piano di Guantanimo Chiamato Dagl' Inglesi Porto di CumberlandCubaPazzi, Giuseppe1763Aunsold
355Carte de l'Isle de Cuba et des Isles LucayesCubaTardieu, Pierre Francois1798B+150.00
356Baye et Ville de Havana ou S. ChristovalHavana, CubaMortier, Pierre1702A220.00
357Neu und Verbesserter Plan der St. U. Hafens Havana auf der Ins. Cuba...Havana, CubaHomann Heirs1739Aunsold
358Plan of the City, and Harbour of HavannaHavana, CubaAnon.1762B+unsold
359Jamaica from the Latest SurveysJamaicaJefferys/Laurie & Whittle1794B+unsold
360Plan de la Ville de Port RoyalPort Royal, JamaicaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1764A+130.00
361Hispaniola InsulaHispaniolaWytfliet, Cornelis1597A425.00
362Carte de l'Isle de Saint Domingue Dressee au Depost des Cartes et Plans de la Marine...HispaniolaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1764A300.00
363Carte de Lisle de Saint Christophle Situee a 17 Degrez 30 Minutes de Lat. SeptentrionaleSt. KittsLabat, J. B.1724A100.00
364Carte de l'Isle de la Guadeloupe, pour Servir a l'Histoire Generale des VoyagesGuadeloupeBellin, Jacques Nicolas1758B+60.00
365Carte de l'Isle de la Martinique Colonie Francoise de l'une des Isles Antilles de l'Amerique...MartiniqueDelisle/Covens & Mortier1730Aunsold
366Carte Reduite de l'Isle de la Martinique Dressee au Depost des Cartes Plans et Journaux de la Marine...MartiniqueBellin, Jacques Nicolas1758B+400.00
367Het Westindisch Eiland Martenique…MartiniqueTirion, Isaac1763B+unsold
368Pas Kaart van Rio Oronoque Golfo de Paria, met d'Eylanden Trinidad, Tabago, Granada, Granadillos, en BequiaTrinidad, Tobago & Windward IslandsKeulen, Johannes van1684B500.00
369A Map of the Island of Tobago, Drawn from an Actual SurveyTobagoBowen, Thomas1779B+50.00
370Tobago from Actual Surveys and ObservationsTobagoJefferys/Laurie & Whittle1810Aunsold
371South America from the Best AuthoritiesSouth AmericaGuthrie, William1800A+unsold
372[Lot of 7 - Maps of Central and South America] South AmericaSDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge1836-42A40.00
373[Lot of 3] Castille Neuve ou Castille d'Or [and] Terre Ferme, Nouveau Royme de Grenade, &c. [and] Carte des Provinces de Tierra Firme, Darien, Cartagene et Nouvelle Grenade pour Servir a l'Histoire Generale des VoyagesNorthern South America1675-175636.00
374Colombia, Dedicated to Colonel Belford Hinton Wilson...Northern South AmericaArrowsmith, John1834B+110.00
375Castilia Aurifera cum Vicinis ProvinciisColombia, Panama & VenezuelaWytfliet, Cornelis1598B+325.00
376CartagenaCartagena, ColombiaMontanus/Ogilby1671A325.00
377Plan du Port de la Ville, et des Forteresses de Carthagene... / Plan van de Haven, Stadt en Kasteelen van Cartagena...Cartagena, ColombiaCovens & Mortier1741A550.00
378Venezuela, cum Parte Australi Novae AndalusiaeVenezuelaJansson, Jan1658B+300.00
379'T Landschap Cumana, Tussen Golfo de Venequela en Rio de Paria Gelegen [with book] Naaukeurige Versameling der Gedenk-Waardigste Zee en Land Reysen na Oost en West-Indien...VenezuelaAa, Pieter van der1707Aunsold
380Guiana sive Amazonum RegioGuyana, Suriname, French GuianaJansson, Jan1653A220.00
381Veroveringe van Rio Grande in Brasil. Anno 1633Northern BrazilLeti, Gregorio1690A200.00
382T'Neemen van de Suyker Prysen inde Bay de Tode los Santos Anno 1627Baia de Todos os Santos, BrazilLeti, Gregorio1690B+200.00
383[Povo [with] Villa d Olinda d Pernambuco]Olinda, BrazilLeti, Gregorio1690A200.00
384S. SalvadorSan Salvador, BrazilLeti, Gregorio1690B+150.00
385Afbeeldinge vande Cabo St. Augustin met Haer FortenCabo Santo Agostinho, BrazilLeti, Gregorio1690A200.00
386Afbeeldinghe van Pariba ende FortenParaiba, BrazilLeti, Gregorio1690A200.00
387[Lot of 2] Peru & Bolivia [and] Chili and La Plata Western South AmericaTallis, John1850B+unsold
388TucumanArgentinaDuval, Pierre1682B+60.00
389Destroit de Magellan, Terre et Isles Magellanicques, &c.Southern South AmericaSanson, Nicolas1700A100.00
390Chili Magellans-Land, and Terra del Fuego &c.Southern South AmericaMoll, Herman1701A190.00
391Mapa y Planta del Rio de la Plata... / Carte Hydrographique de la Riviere de la Plata (Riviere d'Argent)...Rio de la PlataBellin, Jacques Nicolas1770B+unsold
392[Lot of 4] Carte de Maidenland ou de la Virginie de Hawkins [and] Baye et Havre de Cordes... [and] Cap Providence avec la Baye et les Mouillages qu'on Trouve au N.N.E. de ce Cap [and] Cote Depuis la Baye d'York a la Baye et au Havre des Trois IslesFalkland Islands, Tierra del FuegoCook, James (Capt.)1780A70.00
393Carte du Detroit de Magellan dans Laquelle on a Insere les Observations et les Decouvertes du Capne. Byron, du Capne. Wallis, et du Capne. CarteretStrait of MagellanBenard, Jacques Francois1780B+unsold
394Mar di Aethiopia Vulgo Oceanus AethiopicusSouth AtlanticJansson, Jan1680A550.00
395Terra Nova, ac Maris Tractus circa Novam Franciam, Angliam, Belgium, Venezuelam Novam Andalusiam, Guianam et Brasiliam / Terra Neuf, en de Custen van Nieu Vranckryck, Nieu Engeland, Nieu Nederland, Nieu Andalusia, Guiana en VenezuelaAtlantic OceanRenard/De Wit1715B+600.00
396Isles du Cap VerdCape Verde IslandsDuval, Pierre1682B+unsold
397Isle St. HeleneSt. HelenaAa, Pieter van der1729B+130.00
398Mappa Aestivarum Insularum, Alias Barmudas Dictarum, ad Ostia Mexicani Aestuary Jacetium...BermudaHondius/Jansson1652B+unsold
399Mar del NortNorth AtlanticJansson, Jan1650B600.00
400Typus Maritimus Groenlandiae, Islandiae, Freti Davidis, Insulae Iohannis Mayen, et Hitlandiae, Scotiae, et Hiberniae Litora Maritima SeptentrionaliaNorth AtlanticJansson, Jan1659B+400.00
401Mare del Nord...North AtlanticCoronelli, Vincenzo Maria1691Aunsold
402Carte de l'Ocean Occidental Dressee pour Servir a l'Histoire Generale des Voyages…North AtlanticBellin, Jacques Nicolas1746B+80.00
403[Lot of 2] Carte de l'Islande, pour Servir a la Continuation de l'Histoire Generale des Voyages... [and] Carte Reduite des Mers du Nord, pour Servir a l'Histoire Generale des VoyagesNorth Atlantic, IcelandBellin, Jacques Nicolas1758A230.00
404Chart of the Atlantic Ocean, with the British, French, & Spanish Settlements in North America, and the West Indies; as Also on the Coast of AfricaNorth AtlanticJefferys, Thomas1763B+unsold
405Bowles's New Pocket-Map of the Atlantic or Western Ocean, Laid Down from the Latest Discoveries, and Regulated by Numerous Astronomical ObservationsNorth AtlanticBowles, Carrington1780B+400.00
406A Chart of the Gulf Stream [with] Remarks Upon the Navigation from Newfoundland to New York, in Order to Avoid the Gulf StreamNorth AtlanticFranklin, Benjamin1786B+4500.00
407Isle d'IslandeIcelandMallet, Alain Manesson1685A120.00
408EuropaEuropeQuad, Matthias von Kinckelbach1600Aunsold
409Europae Descriptio Nova EuropeSeile, Henry1652B+200.00
411Europa Orbis Christiani DominaEuropeScherer, Heinrich1699B+250.00
412L'Europe Dressee sur les Observations de Mrs. de l'Academie Royale des SciencesEuropeChiquet, Jacques1719Aunsold
413[Lot of 5] Italie Ancienne [and] France Divided into Departments... [and] Mappa Hispaniae Antiquae [and] Mappa Greciae Antiqae et Vicinarum Regionum [and] Southern GermanyItaly, France, Spain, Portugal, Greece, and Southern Germany1779-1850100.00
414Britannicarum Insularum TypusBritainOrtelius, Abraham1595B+475.00
415Britain as It Was Devided in the Tyme of the Englishe Saxons Especially During Their HeptarchyBritainSpeed, John1616A3750.00
416Anglia, Scotia et HiberniaBritainMercator/Hondius1619B+350.00
417Isles BritanniquesBritainSanson/Mariette1665A150.00
418Les Isles Britanniques qui Contiennent les Royaumes d'Angleterre, Escosse, et Irlande Distingues en Leurs Principales Provinces...BritainJaillot, Alexis-Hubert1695B+unsold
419Carte pour l'Introduction a l'Histoire d'Angleterre, ou l'on Voit son Premier Gouvernementm et l'Etat Abrege de Cette Monarchie sous les Empereurs Romains, et sous les Rois SaxonsBritainChatelain, Henry Abraham1710A100.00
420Regnorum Magnae Britanniae et Hiberniae Mappa Geographica...BritainHomann Heirs1749B+150.00
421Les Isles Britanniques Comprenant l'Angleterre, l'Ecosse, et l'Irlande; pour les Premieres Etudes; Dirigee par Mr. Philippe...BritainPhilippe De Pretot, Etienne Andre1767Aunsold
422Anglesey [on sheet with] Wight Vectis Olim [and] Garnesay [and] IarsayChannel IslandsMercator/Hondius1619Bunsold
423[Lot of 4 - Road Maps]EnglandOwen & Bowen1720B+46.00
424[Lot of 5 - Road Maps]EnglandOwen & Bowen1720B+60.00
425[Lot of 6 - Road Maps]EnglandOwen & Bowen172080.00
426The Environs of LondonEnglandSDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge1832B+140.00
427Northumbria, Cumberlandia, et Dunelmensis EpiscopatusNorthern England & Southern ScotlandMercator/Hondius1619B+unsold
428Eboracum, Lincolnia, Derbia, Staffordia, Notinghamia, Lecestria, Rutlandia, et NorfolciaNortheast EnglandMercator/Hondius1619A150.00
429Middle-SexiaSouthern EnglandBlaeu, Johannes1645B+240.00
430[Lot of 2] The Road from London to Rye in Sussex... [and] [The Roads from London to Barnstable, &c...]Southern EnglandOwen & Bowen1720B+unsold
431Warwicum, Northhamtonia, Huntingdonia, Cantabrigia, Suffolcia, Oxonium, Buckinghamia, Bedfordia, Hartfordia...Southeast EnglandMercator/Hondius1619B+150.00
432Cantium Vernacule KentSoutheast EnglandBlaeu, Johannes1663A600.00
433The Countie of Nottingham Described the Shire Townes Situation and the Earls Thereof ObservedNottinghamshire, EnglandSpeed, John1610B+450.00
434Oxonium Comitatus Vulgo Oxford ShireOxford, EnglandJansson, Jan1646A475.00
435A Mapp of the Parishes of St. Clements Danes, St. Mary Savoy; with the Rolls Liberty and Lincolns Inn, Taken from the Last Survey with Corrections and AdditionsLondon, EnglandStow, John1720A100.00
436An Accurate Map of Dorset Shire, Divided into Its Hundreds, Drawn from the Best Authorities... Dorset, EnglandBowen, Emanuel1752A200.00
437Anglia RegnumEngland & WalesMercator/Hondius1613B+unsold
438L'Angleterre, Conforme aux Itineraires, et Assujettie aux Observationes Astronomiques les Plus Recentes; Dirigee par Mr. Philippe...England & WalesPhilippe De Pretot, Etienne Andre1779Aunsold
439Geological Map of England and WalesEngland & WalesSDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge1843A180.00
440The Countie of Radnor Described and the Shytetownes SittuationeWalesSpeed, John1610B220.00
441Principaute de Galles: ou sont les Comtes, ou Shiries de Anglesey I. Carnarvan, Denbigh, Flint, Merioneth, et Montgomery en Nort-Walles...WalesSanson, Nicolas1658A180.00
442Scotia RegnumScotlandMercator/Hondius1619B+220.00
443ScotlandScotlandTallis, John1850B+100.00
444Scotiae RegnumNorthern ScotlandMercator/Hondius1619A200.00
445Irlandiae RegnumIrelandMercator/Hondius1619B+350.00
446Novissima ac Prae Caeteris Alus Accuratissima Regni et Insulae Hiberniae Delineatio, in qua sunt Lagenia, Ultonia, Connachia, et Momonia Provinciae...IrelandWit, Frederick de1680A700.00
447[Lot of 2] Ireland [and] IrelandIrelandSDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge1838-42100.00
448Ultoniae Orientalis ParsNorthern IrelandMercator/Hondius1619Bunsold
449Udrone, Irlandiae in Catherlagh BaroniaEastern IrelandMercator/Hondius1619Bunsold
450Nav War Map No. 3 - World War 2 in the North Sea AreaNorthern EuropeU.S. Navy Dept.1944A220.00
451Suecia et Norvegia cum ConfinijsScandinaviaMercator/Hondius1619Bunsold
452Scandinavie ou sont les Estats de Danemark, de Suede &c.ScandinaviaSanson/Mariette1665Aunsold
453Suecia Dania et NorvegiaScandinaviaCluver, Philipp1711B+65.00
454Estats de la Couronne de Suede dans la Scandinavie, ou sont Suede, Gotlande, Lapponie Suedoise, Finlande, Ingrie et Livonie...ScandinaviaChiquet, Jacques1719A+55.00
455Prutenie ou Prusse, Appellee Borusse par Quelques AutresBaltic, PolandMunster, Sebastian1552B+70.00
456Ducatuum Livoniae et Curlandiae cum Vicinis Insulis Nova Exhibitio GeographicaEstonia & LatviaHomann, Johann Baptist1716Aunsold
457Potentissimo Borussorum Regi Friderico Wilhelmo Majestate, Fortitudine Clementia Augustissimo Hancee Lithuaniam Borussicam...Lithuania, Kaliningrad Oblast, PolandHomann Heirs1735Aunsold
458Iutia SeptentrionalisNorthern DenmarkMercator/Hondius1609A80.00
459FioniaFunen (Fyn), DenmarkMercator/Hondius1619Bunsold
460Delineatio Geometrica Urbis Haffniae Daniae Regum...Copenhagen, DenmarkPufendorf, Samuel, Baron von1697Aunsold
461Ducatus Geldriae, et Comitatus Zutphaniae, Tabula...Netherlands, Eastern GermanyWit, Frederick de1690A180.00
462Zuydhollandia Stricte SumtaWestern NetherlandsBlaeu, Willem1640B+220.00
463A Draught or Prospect of the Dreadfull Innundation or Breaking the Dykes in Holland Which Carryed Every Thing Before It...Amsterdam, Netherlands1711B+unsold
464Bruxella, Urbs Aulicorum Frequentia, Fontium Copia, Magnificentia Principalis Aulae...Brussels, BelgiumBraun & Hogenberg1572B320.00
465Lutzenburgensis Ducatus Veriss. Descript. Iacobo Surhonio Montano AuctoreLuxembourgOrtelius, Abraham1592Bunsold
466Trier & LutzenburgLuxembourgMercator/Hondius1619B90.00
467Tabula Ducatus Brabantiae Continens Marchionatum Sacri Imperii et Dominium MechlinienseLow CountriesWit, Frederick de1666B+140.00
468[Lot of 4] The Netherlands de Nederlanden and Belgium la Belgique [and] Amsterdam [and] Antwerp. (Antwerpen.) (Anvers.) [and] Brussels (Bruxelles)Low CountriesSDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge1832-43B+70.00
469[Lot of 5] Germany North of the Main [and] Germany South of the Main [and] The Netherlands and the Countries to the Left Bank of the Rhine [and] Swisserland [and] Austrian DominionsWestern EuropePinkerton, John1815140.00
470Tabulae Dominii Groeningae quae et Complectitur Maximam Partem DrentiaeNorthern Netherlands, Western GermanyWit, Frederick de1680Bunsold
471[Lot of 7 - Coast of France]France1758-6560.00
472Carte Nouvelle de la France, pour les Premieres Etudes: Dirigee par Mr. Philippe...FrancePhilippe De Pretot, Etienne Andre1765A75.00
473Veroma Duorum Eorum que ConfiniumNorthern FranceOrtelius/Marchetti1598Aunsold
474Le Pais de BrieNorthern FranceBlaeu, Willem1635B+60.00
475Civitas Leucorum sive Pagus Tullensis Aujourdhui le Diocese de Toul pour Servier a l'Histoire de ce DioceseNortheastern FranceDelisle/Covens & Mortier1730Aunsold
476Cadurcium Vernacule QuerciSouthwestern FranceBlaeu, Johannes1642B+140.00
477Argentoratum StrassburgStrasbourg, FranceBraun & Hogenberg1575B+325.00
478Le Plan de la Ville, Cite, et Universite de Paris: Capitale du Royaume de FranceParis, FranceFer, Nicolas de1724B+200.00
479Le Plan de Paris, ses Faubourgs et ses Environs / Platte Grond van Parys, zyn Voorburgen en Omleggende PlaatseParis, FranceDelisle/Covens & Mortier1730A3250.00
480Ville Cite et Universite de ParisParis, FranceDheulland, Guillaume1766B900.00
481Carte Routiere des Environs de Paris Indiquant les Differentes Especes de Routes et les Distances d'un Lieu a' l'Autre pour l'Intelligence des VoyageursParis, France1841B+220.00
482Novissima Regnorum Portugalliae et Algarbiae DescriptioSpain & PortugalDanckerts, Theodore1680A160.00
483Antiquorum Hispaniae Episcopatuum Geographica Descriptio NovaSpain & PortugalHalma, Francois1705Aunsold
484A Chart of the Sea Coasts of Algrave and Andalusia Between Cape St. Vincent and the Strait of Gibralter and C Spartel...Southern Portugal & SpainMount & Page1757A250.00
485Hispalensis Conventus Delineatio, Auctore Hieronymo ChiauesSouthern SpainOrtelius, Abraham1579A240.00
486Regni Valentiae TypusEastern SpainMercator/Hondius1619B+120.00
487Nieuwe Paskaart van de Kust van Reino Do Algarve als Mede een Gedeelte van de Kust van Andaluzia...Southern PortugalKeulen, Johannes van1682B+200.00
488Germaniae Veteris, TypusCentral Europe, GermanyOrtelius, Abraham1587B+unsold
489Rhenus Fluviorum Europae Celeberrimus, cum Mosa, Mosella, et Reliquis, in Illum se Exonerantibus, FluminibusCentral Europe, Rhine RiverBlaeu, Willem1640A450.00
490L'Empire d'Allemagne, Divise en Tous ses Estats: a l'Usage de Monseigneur le Duc de Bourgogne...Central EuropeJaillot/Mortier1705B+unsold
491Vindeliciae et Norici Conterminarumq. Terrarum Antiqua DescriptioCentral EuropeCluver, Philipp1711A50.00
492Imperium Romano-Germanicum in Suos Circulos Elect. et Status Suma Cura et Stud Divisum...Central Europe, GermanySeutter/Lotter1750B+unsold
493Le Tirol, souz le Nom Duquel s'Entendent le Comte de Tirol; puis les Comtes de Bregentz, Feldkirck, Montfort, Pludentz, &c. Sujets...Alps - Italy, Switzerland, AustriaSanson, Nicolas1703A200.00
494[Lot of 3] A Map of Pomerania and Brandenburg with the Frontiers of Poland [and] Plan of Stralsund, with the Trenches Lines & Batteries...[and] A Plan of the Battle of Zorndorf in the New Marche Faught Augt. 25. 1758 Between the Prussian & Russian ArmiesPoland, Germany1758-59B+60.00
495Holsatia DucatusNorthern GermanyMercator/Hondius1619A80.00
496A Correct Map of the North West Part of Germany Containing Westphalia & Lower Saxony Including the Electorates of Brunswick Lunenburg or Hannover & Cologne...Northwestern GermanyBowen, Emanuel1733A+unsold
497S.R.I. Circulus Rhenanus Superior in quo Sunt Landgraviatus Hasso-Casselensis Darmstadiensis et Rhenofeldensis...Central GermanyHomann, Johann Baptist1716A75.00
498La Table du Pays de Pomeran, Selon les Principautez, les Villes les Plus Excellentes, les Bourgades & Chasteaux d'IcelleNorthern Poland & Northeastern GermanyMunster, Sebastian1552B+210.00
499MoraviaCzech RepublicMercator/Hondius1619Bunsold
500Nouvelle Description du Pais de SouysseSwitzerlandMunster, Sebastian1552B+100.00
501Helvetia Conterminarumq. Terrarum AntiquaSwitzerlandCluver, Philipp1711A85.00
502[Argow]Central SwitzerlandMercator/Hondius1619Bunsold
503ValesiaSouthern SwitzerlandHondius/Bertius1616A40.00
504La Noble Ville de Geneve avec la SituationGeneva, SwitzerlandMunster, Sebastian1552A180.00
505Chorographica Tabula Lacus Lemanni Locorumque Circumiacentium Autore Iac. G. GenevensiLake Geneva, SwitzerlandMercator/Hondius1623A450.00
506Le Ville de Syon avec ses Deux Chasteaux & l'Eglise Cathedrale Appellee ValeriaSion, SwitzerlandMunster, Sebastian1552B+275.00
507StiriaSoutheast AustriaMercator/Hondius1619B85.00
508Saltzburg Archiepiscopatus cum Ducatu CarinthiaeWestern AustriaMercator/Hondius1619B70.00
510Nouvelle Description de Poloigne & HongrieEastern EuropeMunster, Sebastian1552B+180.00
511Estats de la Couronne de PologneEastern Europe, PolandSanson, Nicolas Fils1665A100.00
512Estats de la Couronne de Pologne, Presente a Monseigneur le Duc de Bourgogne...Eastern EuropeJaillot, Alexis-Hubert1696B+550.00
514Russie Blanche ou MoscovieRussiaSanson, Nicolas Fils1665Aunsold
515Paskaart van de Witte Zee Beginnende van Pelitza tot Kandalox en van Catsnoes tot aan Kovoda Naaukeurig Opgestelt en van Veel Souten VerbetertRussia, White SeaKeulen, Johannes van1700B240.00
516Nouvelle Carte des Etats du Grand Duc de Moscovie en Europe Partie SertentrionaleRussiaChatelain, Henry Abraham1720Aunsold
517[Lot of 2] Mappae Imperii Moscovitici pars Septentrionalis, Adornata per Guillielmum de l'Isle... [and] Imperii Moscovitici pars Australis in Lucem Edita per Guillielmum de l'Isle...RussiaSeutter, Matthias1730B+unsold
518Dwina FluviusDvina River, RussiaBlaeu, Johannes1662B+140.00
519Nova ZemblaNovaya ZemlyaLeti, Gregorio1690A120.00
520Verus Chersonesi Tauricae seu Crimea Conspectus Adjacentium item Regionum Itinerisq ab Exercitu Rutheno…Crimea, UkraineCovens & Mortier1740Bunsold
522Ungariae Loca Praecipua Recens Emendata Atque Edita, per Ioannem Sambucum Pannonium, Imp. Ms. HistoricumSoutheastern EuropeOrtelius, Abraham1579A325.00
523Danubius, Fluvius Europae Maximus, a Fontibus ad Ostia, cum Omnibus Fluminibus, ab Utroque Latere, in Illum DefluentibusSoutheastern Europe, Danube RiverBlaeu, (Family)1643A450.00
524IllyricumWestern BalkansBertius, Petrus1616Aunsold
525Sclavonia, Croatia, Bosnia cum Dalmatiae ParteWestern BalkansMercator/Hondius1638Aunsold
526[Untitled - Istria]IstriaMunster, Sebastian1572Aunsold
527La Nouvelle Grece Selon Toutes les Regions & Provinces d'Icelle tant Deca que dela l'HellespontGreeceMunster, Sebastian1552B+150.00
529A Map of Greece, with Part of Anatolia Most Humbly Inscrib'd to Alexander Urquhart of Newhall Esq...GreeceSenex, John1720B+325.00
530Achaia quae et Hellas Hodie LivadiaCentral GreeceCluver, Philipp1711B+50.00
531ScioChios, GreeceHondius/Bertius1618B+60.00
532RhodiRhodes, GreeceHondius/Bertius1618B+unsold
533La Cite de Venise Tres Ample & Maritime, avec Plusieurs Isles qui sont a l'EnvironVenice, ItalyMunster, Sebastian1552B+325.00
535Veronensis AgerNorthern ItalyHondius/Bertius1616Aunsold
536TirolNorthern Italy, Western Austria & Eastern SwitzerlandHondius/Bertius1616A40.00
537Lombardiae Alpestris pars Occidentalis cum ValesiaNorthern ItalyMercator/Hondius1619Bunsold
538Carte Nouvelle du Duche de Mantoue Levee par Ordre Expres. a l'Usage des Armees en Italie...Northern ItalySanson/Mortier1705B+120.00
539Italiae Gallicae sive Galliae Cisalpinae Conterminarumque Terrarum Vetus et Nova DescriptioNorthern ItalyCluver, Philipp1711B+50.00
540Patavinum. Ter.Northeastern ItalyHondius/Bertius1616B+unsold
541Forum IuliiNortheastern ItalyBertius, Petrus1616Aunsold
542Tarvisina Marchia et Tirolis ComitatusNortheastern ItalyMercator/Hondius1619Bunsold
543Seigneurie de VercellNorthwestern ItalyBlaeu/Mortier1705A120.00
544[Untitled - Central Italy]Central ItalyMunster, Sebastian1552B+95.00
545OropitumCentral ItalyOrtelius/Marchetti1598Aunsold
546Latium nunc Campagna di RomaCentral ItalyMercator/Hondius1619Bunsold
547Abruzzo et Terra di LavoroCentral ItalyMercator/Hondius1619Bunsold
548Les Estats de Savoye et de Piemont Presente a Monseigneur le Duc de Bourgogne...Western Alps, Italy & FranceJaillot/Mortier1705A300.00
549MirandulaMirandola, ItalyMunster/Petri1578B+unsold
550Antiquae UrbisRome, Italy1641B+250.00
551Urbis Romae, Novissima DelineatioRome, Italy1641A250.00
552Urbis Veteris Romae Delineatio Accuratissima, hac Facie Suit, Septimio SeveroRome, Italy1743A250.00
553VenetiaVenice, ItalyPorcacchi, Tomaso1686A120.00
554Insularum Aliquot Maris Mediterranei DescriptioMediterranean IslandsOrtelius, Abraham1579Bunsold
555Le Fameux Detroit de GibaltarWestern MediterraneanFer, Nicolas de1705A240.00
556Plan Geometral de Gibraltar avec les Nouveaux Ouvrages de Cette Ville Faits par les Anglois...Western Mediterranean, GibraltarBeaurain, Jean Chev. De1756Bunsold
557MalteMaltaMallet, Alain Manesson1685Aunsold
558CiproCyprusPorcacchi, Tomaso1576A325.00
559CorsicaCorsicaPorcacchi, Tomaso1576-1605A120.00
560Carte de l'Empire des Turcs en Asie & en Afrique, Divise dans Toutes ses Papties, avec une Table de la Longitude & Latitude des Principales Positions de Cette Carte...Eastern Mediterranean & Middle East, ArabiaChatelain, Henry Abraham1719Aunsold
561Estats de l'Empire du Grand Seigneur dit Sultan et Ottomans Empereur des Turcs dans Trois Parties du Monde Scavoir en Europe, en Asie, et en AfriqueEastern Mediterranean & Middle EastChiquet, Jacques1719Aunsold
562De Gelegentheyt van 't Paradys Ende 't Landt Canaan, Mitsgaders de Eerst Bewoonde Landen der Patriarchen...Middle EastVisscher, Nicolas1663A150.00
563The North Part of Turky in Asia Containing Asia Minor, Armenia, Syria, Diarbeck, Irac-Arabick &c.Middle EastMoll, Herman1712A120.00
564Verschiedene Prospecte der Vornemsten Stadten in Persien samt Vorderst Einer Unsern dem Capischen Meer...Middle EastHomann, Johann Baptist1762A650.00
565Chersonesi quae Hodie Natolia DescriptioTurkey, CyprusCluver, Philipp1667Aunsold
566[Lot of 2] Originalkarte zu Dr. H. Barth's Reise durch Kleinasien von Trapezunt nach Tschikoryk, 31. Oktober-20. November 1858 [and] ...von Tschikoryk nach Ssoghud, 21. Nov.-18. December 1858TurkeyPetermann, Augustus Herman1860Aunsold
567Ponti Pars ad Halym, Iridem, Thermodontemq, Fluvios Sita; quam Heroicis Temporibus Amazones Romanorum Aetate Mithridatis Regnum...Northern TurkeySanson, Guillaume1694B+unsold
568Vue des Sept Tours, ou Prisons d'Etat a ConstantinopleIstanbul, Turkey1780B+80.00
569Avenues du Grand Sultan vers le Jardin de CipresIstanbul, Turkey1780B+80.00
570Typus Chorographicus, Celebrium Locorum in Regno Iudae et Israhel. Arte Factus a Tilemanno Stella SigenensiHoly LandOrtelius, Abraham1586B+unsold
571Beschreibung des Heiligen Landes CanaanHoly LandBunting, Heinrich1600B+275.00
572Palaestina quae et Terra Sancta vel Terra Promissionis, Particularis Syrie...Holy LandQuad, Matthias von Kinckelbach1600B+275.00
573Palaestinae sive Totius Terrae Promissionis Nova Descriptio Auctore Tilemanno Stella SigenensiHoly LandOrtelius, Abraham1606B+300.00
574Syriae sive Soriae DescriptioHoly LandCluver, Philipp1667A70.00
575Tribus Ruben hoc est, ea Terrae Sanctae Regio, que in Dividendo Tribui Rube Assignata estHoly LandAdrichom, Christian van1682Aunsold
576Geographiae Sacrae ex Vet; et Novo Testamento Desumptae Tabula Secunda in qua Terra Promissa sive Iudaea in Suas Tribus Partesq, DistinctaHoly LandSanson, Nicolas1696B+150.00
577Totius Terrae Sanctae DelineatioHoly LandCluver, Philipp1697A100.00
578Carte pour l'Intelligence des Voiages d'Abraham, faits par l'Ordre de Dieu, en Asie et en Egypte...Holy LandMoullart-Sanson, Pierre1712A+120.00
579Description Geographique de la Terre Promise, Terre des Hebreux, et des Israelites Partagee Selon l'Ordre de Dieu...Holy LandMoullart-Sanson, Pierre1715A+180.00
580De Veertig-Jaarige Reys-Togten der Kinderen Israels Num. XXXIII…Holy LandAa, Pieter van der1729B+250.00
581Het Beloofde Landt Canaan Doorwandelt van Onsen Saligmaker Jesu Christo, Nessens Zyne ApostelenHoly LandJagen, Jan van1748B+95.00
582Hierosolyma, Clarissima Totius Orientis Civitas, Judae Metropolis...Jerusalem, Holy LandBraun & Hogenberg1572B+350.00
583Ierusalem I., et Suburbia eius, Sicut Tempore Christi Floruit, cum Locis, in Quibus Christus Passus est…Jerusalem, Holy LandAdrichom, Christian van1584B+1500.00
584IerusalemJerusalem, Holy LandDapper, Olivier1681B+unsold
585Ierusalem Niewlicks uyt de Schriften Iosephus Afgebeeld door J.H. CoccejusJerusalem, Holy LandCovens & Mortier1722B+unsold
586Vue et Description de Bethleem et de Nazareth, et de Plusieurs Singularitez Curieuses qui Sevoyent dans ces Lieux SaintsBethlehem, Holy LandChatelain, Henry Abraham1719Aunsold
587Arabia with Egypt, Nubia and AbyssiniaArabia & Northeast AfricaSDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge1843A210.00
588L'Arabie Petree, Deserte, et HeureuseArabiaSanson, Nicolas1652A190.00
589Arabia, According to the Newest and Most Exact ObservationsArabiaMoll, Herman1712A250.00
590Persia, According to the Newest and Most Exact ObservationsPersiaMoll, Herman1712A130.00
591Carte des Pays Voisins de la Mer Caspiene Dressee pour l'Usage du Roy sur la Carte de Cette Mer Faite par l'Ordre du Czar…CaucasusDelisle/Covens & Mortier1720Aunsold
592[Lot of 4] Carte de Karazm, Turkestan, et Grande Bukharie, pour Servir a l'Histoire Generale des Voyages... [and] Carte du Grand Thibet... [and] Carte de l'Empire de Hya et Partie de Tangut... [and] Carte de la Petite Bukharie et Pays Voisins...Central and Eastern AsiaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1749A230.00
594Asia with the Islands Adioyning Described, the Atire of the People, & Townes of Importance, All of Them Newly Augmented...AsiaSpeed, John1626B+2170.00
595L'Asie AsiaSanson, Nicolas1652B+unsold
596L'Asie Divisee en Ses Principales Regions, et ou se Peuvent Voir l'Estendue de Empires Monarchies, Royaumes, et Estats qui Partagent Presentement l'Asie...AsiaSanson/Jaillot1705B+300.00
597Asia According to ye Newest ObservationsAsiaMoll, Herman1712Aunsold
598Asia Antiqua et NovaAsiaCluver, Philipp1729Aunsold
599Asia cum Omnibus Imperiis Provinciis, Statibus et Insulis Correcta et AdornataAsiaSeutter/Lotter1744B+170.00
600AsiaAsiaTallis, John1850A100.00
601TartariaNorthern AsiaOrtelius/Coignet1601A160.00
602Totius Tartariae Asiaticae Nova Descriptio GeographicaNorthern AsiaScherer, Heinrich1700A+400.00
603Nouvelle Representation des Cotes Nord et Est de l'Asie, pour Servir d'Eclaircissement aux Articles du Supplement de l'Encyclopedie...Northern AsiaRobert de Vaugondy, Didier1772Aunsold
604[Lot of 2] Plan de la Baye d'Awatska... [on sheet with] Plan du Typa ou de Macao [and] Partie du Japon ou Nipon [and] Vue du Havre de St. Pierre et St. Paul, au KamtschatkaKamchatka, Japan, Macao1780-8575.00
605Nuova Carta della Tartaria Secondo l'Ultime Oservationi...RussiaTirion, Isaac1740Aunsold
606[Staten Eylant]Kuril IslandsWitsen, Nicolaas1705Aunsold
607A New Map of Great Tartary, and China, with the Adjoyning Parts of Asia, Taken from Mr. de Fers Map of Asia...Eastern and Northern AsiaWells, Edward1701A425.00
608Chart of Discoveries, Made in 1787, in the Seas of China and Tartary, by the Boussole and Astrolabe, from Their Leaving Manilla, to Their Arrival at Kamtschatka, Sheet IINortheastern Asia, JapanLa Perouse, Comte Jean F. Galoup, de1798B+100.00
609China, Regio AsiaeChinaOrtelius/Coignet1601A180.00
610[Lot of 7] Vue de Nanking... [and] Funerailles Chinoises... [and] Pont Volant... [and] Audience de Conge... [and] Ville de Tong Cheu [on sheet with] Pellerinage pour Obtenir... [and] L'Ambassadeur Conduit a l'Audience [and] Rochers Dechiquetes...China, PrintsDidot, Firmin1748A190.00
611China Amoy Tea DistrictsSoutheastern ChinaU.S. Government1869B+unsold
612A Sketch of a Journey from Zhe-Hol in Tartary by Land to Pekin and from Thence by Water to Hang-Tchoo-Foo in ChinaEastern ChinaBarrow, John (Sir)1796B+unsold
613Sketch of the Typa and MacaoMacao, ChinaCook/Hogg1784Aunsold
614Der Canton-Strom Meistens nach den Englischen Aufnahmen von 1840-1857Hong Kong & MacaoPetermann, Augustus Herman1858B+70.00
615ChinaChina, Korea & JapanMercator/Hondius1619B+2000.00
616[Lot of 3] Abbrege de la Carte de la Chine. Du R.P. Martinius Iesuiste [and] ...du R.P. Bouyn Iesuiste [and] ...du R.P. Michel Ruggiery IesuisteChina & KoreaSanson/Mariette1670A6500.00
617Map of China Compiled from Original Surveys & SketchesChina & KoreaWyld, James1853B+350.00
618IaponiaJapan & KoreaMercator/Hondius1619B1000.00
619Corea and JapanJapan & KoreaThomson, John1815B150.00
620Plan de la Partie des Iles, ou Archipel de Coree, Vue au Mois de Mai 1787 par les Fregates Francaises la Boussole et l'AstrolabeKoreaLa Perouse, Comte Jean F. Galoup, de1797B+unsold
621Description des Isles du Iapon en Sept Principales Parties...JapanSanson, Nicolas1658A300.00
622Carta Accurata dell' Imperio del Giappone...JapanTirion/Albrizzi1738Aunsold
623[Travel Map of Japan]JapanAnon.1897B+375.00
624Particuliere Reis Kaart van Japan Strekkende van Kokura tot KhurissimaSouthern JapanKaempfer/Scheuchzer1732B+unsold
625Particuliere Reis Kaart te Land Strekkende van Jokaitz tot aan het Dorp FammamatzSouthern JapanKaempfer/Scheuchzer1732B+unsold
626Vue et Description de la Ville de Meaco Capitale du Japon avec d'Autres Particularitez du PaysKyoto & Tokyo, JapanChatelain, Henry Abraham1720Aunsold
627Plan de la Ville d Ozaca et de son ChateauOsaka, JapanCharlevoix, P. F. Xavier de1736B+unsold
628Indiae Orientalis, Insularumque Adiacientium TypusSoutheast AsiaOrtelius, Abraham1572B+2000.00
629India quae Orientalis Dicitur, et Insulae AdiacentesSoutheast AsiaBlaeu, Willem1638A1200.00
630Partie de l'Inde au dela du Gange [on sheet with] Presqu-Isle de l'Inde au dela du GangeSoutheast AsiaSanson, Nicolas1652Aunsold
631[Petits Voyages, Part III: Lot of 23 - Southeast Asia]Sumatra, Java & BaliBry, Theodore de1599B+unsold
632Les Isles Philippines [on sheet with] Islas de los Ladrones ou Isles des LarronsPhilippinesSanson, Nicolas1652A200.00
633[Lot of 2] Carte des Isles Philippines, Dressee sur la Carte Espagnole du R P. Murillo de Velarde 1re Feuille... [and] ... 2e Feuille...PhilippinesBellin, Jacques Nicolas1752B+150.00
634Insulae Indiae Orientalis Praecipuae, in Quibus Moluccae Celeberrimae SuntEast Indies - IndonesiaMercator/Hondius1619B1500.00
635Les Isles de la Sonde. Entre Lesquelles sont Sumatra, Iava, Borneo, &c.East Indies - IndonesiaSanson, Nicolas1652A250.00
636Insulae Indiae OrientalisEast Indies - IndonesiaLeti, Gregorio1690A240.00
637The Principal Islands of the East Indies, According to ye Newest ObservationsEast Indies - IndonesiaMoll, Herman1712B+160.00
638Eastern Passages to China Sheet IEast Indies - IndonesiaHorsburgh, James (Capt)1848B+unsold
639East India Archipelago [Western Route to China. Chart No. 2]Indonesia, South China SeaImray, James1871B+unsold
640[Lot of 2] Carte Particuliere des Isles Moluques [and] Carte de l'Isle Celebes ou Macassar pour Servir a l'Histoire Generale des VoyagesMaluku Islands & Sulawesi, IndonesiaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1748-52unsold
641Carte des Isles Voisines des Moluques Ceram, Bouro Amboine, Banda, Neyra &ca pour Servir a l'Histoire Generale des VoyagesMaluku Islands, IndonesiaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1750B+unsold
642To Captain Krusenstern, of the Imperial Russian Navy ... This Chart, of the Strait of Sunda...Sunda Strait, IndonesiaHorsburgh, James (Capt)1853B+400.00
643De Stad MalackaMalacca, MalaysiaValentyn, Francois1724A425.00
644Penisola dell' Indo di qua del Gange, e l Isola di Ceilan nell' Indie Orientali Descritta...India & Sri LankaCoronelli, Vincenzo Maria1695B+300.00
645[Lot of 5 - India]India, PrintsBry, Theodore de1599B+100.00
646The West Part of India, or the Empire of the Great MogulIndiaMoll, Herman1717A170.00
647Nieuwe Kaarte van 't Koninkryk Bengale, door Last van den Ed. Heer...Northeastern India & BangladeshValentyn, Francois1726Aunsold
648MalabarSouthern IndiaHondius/Bertius1618Aunsold
649De Stadt DabulDabhol, IndiaValentyn, Francois1724A90.00
650Ins. Ceilan quae Incolis Tenarisin DiciturSri LankaMercator/Hondius1628A350.00
651BaticaloBatticaloa, Sri LankaValentyn, Francois1724A80.00
652Punto de GalleColombo, Sri LankaValentyn, Francois1724A85.00
653IaffenapatnamJaffna, Sri LankaValentyn, Francois1724B+80.00
654'T Fort Oostenburg in de Binnen-Bay van Tricoen Male [on sheet with] Kaartje waar in Vertoont wert, hoe Verre de Forten Baticalo...Trincomalee, Sri LankaValentyn, Francois1724A60.00
655[Title on Verso] Tabula XI AsiaeSouthern AsiaPtolemy/Fries1535B+unsold
656Calechut Celeberrimum Indiae Emporium [on sheet with] Ormus [and] Canonor [and] S. Georgii Oppidum Mina...Southern Asia & AfricaBraun & Hogenberg1572B+unsold
657India OrientalisSouthern AsiaLeti, Gregorio1690A120.00
658A New and Accurate Map of the Empire of the Great Mogul, Together with India on Both Sides the Ganges, and the Adjacent Countries...Southern AsiaBowen, Emanuel1747B+100.00
659A Map of the East Indies from the Latest Authorities and ObservationsSouthern AsiaBlair, Rev. John1768A+150.00
660An Accurate Map of the East Indies, from the Latest Improvements and Regulated by Astronomical ObservationsSouthern & Southeast AsiaMiddleton, Charles T.1780A80.00
661Isle de Madagascar Autrement Isle de St. LaurentMadagascarBellin, Jacques Nicolas1747A110.00
662[Lot of 8 - Africa & Madagascar]Madagascar & Africa, NativesBry, Theodore de1599Bunsold
663La Table & Description Universelle de Toute l'Afrique, Voire Estendue Outre les Limites de Ptol.AfricaMunster, Sebastian1552B+1300.00
664AfricaAfricaMagini and Porro1598A140.00
665Nova Africae TabulaAfricaHondius, Jodocus1611B+unsold
666Africae Accurata TabulaAfricaVisscher, Nicolas1658B+unsold
667AfriqueAfricaDuval, Pierre1682B+unsold
668L'Afrique Divisee Suivant l'Estendue de Ses Principales Parties ou sont Distingues les uns des Autres...AfricaSanson/Jaillot1692A550.00
669Africa Secundum Legitimas Projectionis Stereographicae Regulas...AfricaHaas/Homann Heirs1737B+250.00
670L Afrique Divisee en Ses Principaux Etats Assujettie aux Observations Astronomique par le Sr. Janvier GeographeAfricaSantini/Remondini1784A125.00
671Nouvelle Carte Illustree de l'Afrique Presentant les Grandes Divisions Physiques, la Distribution Geographique des Vegetaux et des Mineraux...AfricaVuillemin, Alexander A.1860B+unsold
672[Lot of 3] Egypt, and Arabia Petraea [and] Northern Africa [and] Western AfricaAfrica (regions)Tallis, John1850A75.00
673Barbaria, et BiledulgeridNorthern AfricaOrtelius/Coignet1601Aunsold
674Fessae et Marocchi RegnaNorthwestern AfricaMercator/Hondius1623A150.00
675Partie Occidentale de l'Afrique ou se Trouve la Barbarie Divisee en Royaumes...Northwestern AfricaFer, Nicolas de1709B+unsold
676Carte de la Barbarie, Nigritie et de la Guinee avec les Pays Voisins, Dressee sur les Memoires les Plus Nouveaux & les Observations les Plus ExactesNorthwestern AfricaChatelain, Henry Abraham1719B+180.00
678Egypte Nommee dans le Pays MissirEgyptAnville, Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d'1765A80.00
679Aegyptus Antiqua Mandato Serenissimi Delphini Publici Juris FactaEgyptAnville, Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d'1765Aunsold
680GuineaWestern AfricaJansson, Jan1639B+150.00
681Carte Generale de la Coste de Guinee Depuis la Riviere de Sierra Leona Jusqu'au Cap de Lopes Gonsalvo...Western AfricaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1750B+130.00
682Charte von Senegambien, Nigritien und Guinea...Western AfricaReinecke, Johann Matthais Christoph1804B+60.00
683Plan de l'Isle de Gore avec Ses FortificationsGoree IslandBellin/Van Schley1765B+50.00
684Presbiteri Iohannis, sive, Abissinorum Imperii DescriptioCentral AfricaOrtelius, Abraham1598B650.00
685Abissinorum sive Pretiosi Ioannis ImperiuCentral AfricaMercator/Hondius1619B+350.00
686Le Pays des Hottentots aux Environs du Cap de Bonne EsperanceSouthern AfricaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1754B+100.00
687La Basse Guinee, Contenant les Royaumes de Loango, de Congo, d'Angola et de Benguela; avec la Cafrerie Occidentale et la Meridionale, ou le Pays des HottentotsSouthern AfricaBonne, Rigobert1780B+170.00
688Mare del Sud, detto Altrimenti Mare Pacifico...Pacific OceanCoronelli, Vincenzo Maria1697B+1600.00
689A New Map of the North East Coast of Asia, and North West Coast of America, with the Late Russian DiscoveriesNorth Pacific OceanAnon.1764Aunsold
690Carte Generale des Decouvertes de l'Amiral de Fonte Representant la Grande Probabilite d'un Passage au Nord OuestNorth Pacific OceanRobert de Vaugondy, Didier1772B+100.00
691Carte des Nouvelles Decouvertes au Nord de la Mer du Sud, Tant a l'Est de la Siberie et du Kamtchatka, qu'a l'Ouest de la Nouvelle FranceNorth Pacific OceanSantini/Remondini1776Aunsold
692[Lot of 3] Carte de la Cote N.O. de l'Amerique et de la Cote N.E. de l Asie... [and] Plan de l'Entree de Nootka [and] Une Femme de l'Entree de NootkaNorth Pacific Ocean1785-87Aunsold
693[Lot of 2] Carte de l'Entree de Norton et du Detroit de Bhering, ou l'on Voit le Cap le Plus Oriental de l'Asie, et la Pointe la Plus Occidentale de l'Amerique [and] Habitans et Habitations de l'Entree de NortonNorth Pacific Ocean1785-88Aunsold
694Carte des Cotes de l'Amerique et de l'Asie Depuis la Californie Jusqu'a Macao...North Pacific OceanLa Perouse, Comte Jean F. Galoup, de1797Bunsold
695Carte des Decouvertes Faites dans la Mer Pacifique sur la Vaisseau de Roi, La Resolution, Commande par le Capitaine Cook en 1774South Pacific OceanCook/Benard1778Aunsold
696Australien (Sudland) auch Polynesien oder Inselwelt, Insgemein der Funfte Welttheil...South Pacific Ocean, AustraliaWalch, Johannes1802B+unsold
697OceanieSouth Pacific OceanMonin, Charles V.1844B+100.00
698[Lot of 3] Trois Vues des Isles de l'Amiraute... [and] Banc de Sable Dangereux... [on sheet with] Isles de Joseph Freewill [and] L'Extremite Meridionale de Mindanao [and] Vue de la Baye de Bonthain...Admiralty Islands, Southern Philippines, South SulawesiCook/Benard1780B+unsold
699[Lot of 4] Carte des Decouvertes du Capne. Carteret dans la Nle. Bretagne... [and] Nelle. Irlande [and] Cote Septentrional de la Plus Grande des Isles de la Reine Charlotte... [and] Isles de la Reine CharlottePapua New Guinea, New Britain, New Ireland, Nendo Island1780-87unsold
700[Lot of 5] Carte des Isles Decouvertes aux Environs d'Otahiti... [and] Cession de l'Isle d'Otahiti au Capitaine Wallis... [and] Sacrifice Humain... [and] Le Corps de Thee... [and] Maniere dont on Expose les Morts a OtahitiSociety IslandsCook, James (Capt.)1780-85B+120.00
701[Lot of 4] Carte des Isles des Amis [and] Plan du Havre de Tongataboo [and] [Isle des Cocos... / Isle des Traitres] [and] Danse de Nuit Executee par les Hommes de HapaeeTonga IslandsCook/Benard1785A80.00
702[Lot of 3] Australia in 1839 [and] New South Wales... [and] Western Australia Containing the Settlements of Swan River and King George's Sound...[on sheet with] Van-Diemen IslandAustraliaSDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge1833-40B+220.00
703[Lot of 2] Vorlaufige Skizze von Gosse's & Warburton's Reisen durc West-Australien... [and] W.C. Gosse's Reise in Central-Australien 26. Februar - 19. Dez. 1873AustraliaPetermann, Augustus Herman1874B+50.00
704A New and Accurate Map of New South Wales with Norfolk and Lord Howes Islands Port Jackson &c. from Actual SurveysEastern AustraliaWilkinson, Robert1794B150.00
705A Survey of the Settlement in New South Wales New HollandSydney, Australia1886B+100.00
706Carte de la Nouvelle ZeelandeNew ZealandBonne, Rigobert1787B+450.00
707The Islands of New ZealandNew ZealandSDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge1838B+160.00
708New ZealandNew ZealandTallis, John1855B+275.00
709Carte du Detroit de Cook dans la Nle. Zelande [on sheet with] Carte von Cook's-Strasse in Neu-SeelandCook Strait, New ZealandCook, James (Capt.)1775A180.00
710[Lot of 16 - Views and Maps from Anson's Voyage Round the World]Prints ExplorationAnson, George1748A120.00
711Wie sie die Crocodilen SchiessenPrints AnimalBry, Theodore de1591B+500.00
712Tocht Naer Nova Zemla in den Jaere MDXCVIWalrus HuntingLeti, Gregorio1690B+150.00
713Snow Bunting, Emberiza Nivalis. LinnPrints BirdAudubon, J. J.1834A1400.00
714Spotted Sandpiper Totanus Macularius Prints BirdAudubon, J. J.1836A1050.00
715Least Stormy-Petrel, Thalassidroma PelagicaPrints - BirdAudubon, J. J.1836Aunsold
716Auff was Weise sie ihre Erstgeborne dem Konig OpffernPrints Native AmericanBry, Theodore de1591B+180.00
717[Lot of 7 - Native Prints]Prints Native AmericanDidot, Firmin1748B+35.00
718[German Zeppelin] The LZ-130 Is Germany's BidPrints Military1938A220.00
719Levi's Round-Up of Cowboy LorePrints CowboysMora, Joseph Jacinto1965Aunsold
720[Portraits on Cloth] For President James G. Blaine of Maine - For Vice President, John A. Logan. Of IllinoisPrints - PoliticsAnon.1884Bunsold
721Ante Christi Natu Templu Argetoratese...Prints ReligionBraun & Hogenberg1587B+120.00
722[Illuminated Leaf]Medieval ManuscriptsAnon.1250A300.00
723[Illuminated Leaf]Medieval ManuscriptsAnon.1250B+120.00
724[Illuminated Leaf]Medieval ManuscriptsAnon.1300B140.00
725[Illuminated Leaf]Medieval ManuscriptsAnon.1300B+140.00
726[Illuminated Leaf]Medieval ManuscriptsAnon.1360B+75.00
727[Illuminated Leaf]Medieval ManuscriptsAnon.1430B+100.00
728[Illuminated Leaf]Medieval ManuscriptsAnon.1470Aunsold
729[Illuminated Leaf]Medieval ManuscriptsAnon.1530A+160.00
730[Illuminated Leaf]Medieval ManuscriptsAnon.1570Aunsold
731[Illuminated Leaf]Medieval ManuscriptsAnon.1570Aunsold
732[Lot of 2 - Coptic/Arabic Lectionary Leaves]ManuscriptsAnon.1620Bunsold
733Blat LXVIIncunabulaSchedel, Hartmann1493B+190.00
734Blat LXIncunabulaSchedel, Hartmann1493A80.00
735Blat LXXIncunabulaSchedel, Hartmann1493B+60.00
736Blat CCXXXIIIncunabulaSchedel, Hartmann1493A85.00
737[Book of Hours Leaf]Early PrintingKerver, Thielman1505B+80.00
738[Book of Hours Leaf]Early PrintingKerver, Thielman1505B+50.00
739[Book of Hours Leaf]Early PrintingKerver, Thielman1505B+200.00
740[Illuminated Leaf]Early PrintingHardouin, Gilles1518Aunsold
741[Illuminated Leaf]Early PrintingHardouin, Gilles1518Aunsold
742[Vellum Manuscript Indenture]Indentures1781B+60.00
743[Vellum Manuscript Indenture]Indentures1796A60.00
744Atlas Portatilis, oder Compendieuse Vorstellung der Gantzen Welt/ in Einer Kleinen Cosmographie...AtlasesWeigel, Christopher1717A2750.00
745Nouvel Atlas Elementaire, pour la Dixieme Edition de l'Abrege de Geographie de Guthrie, Contenant 15 Cartes Enluminees, par Arrowsmith et d'AnvilleAtlasesLanglois, Hyacinthe1820B+160.00
746A New General Atlas of the World, Compiled from the Latest Authorities Both English & Foreign, Containing Separate Maps of Its Various Countries & States...AtlasesTeesdale, Henry1835B+unsold
747New Universal Atlas Containing Maps of the Various Empires, Kingdoms, States and Republics of the World…AtlasesThomas, Cowperthwait & Co.1853B+2000.00
748Atlas Dresse pour l'Histoire de la Geographie et des Decouvertes Geographiques Depuis les Temps les Plus Recules Jusqu'a Nos JoursAtlasesVivien de Saint Martin, Louis1874B+100.00
749[Manuscript Railroad Atlas] Cleveland & Pittsburgh Railroad River Division & Tuscarawas BranchAtlases, RailroadsRailroad Companies, (Various)1865A850.00
750[Lot of 38 - Set of Maps from Atlas Complet]Disbound AtlasMalte-Brun, Conrad1812A200.00
751[Lot of 77 - Tallis Maps]Disbound AtlasTallis, John1855B+2400.00
752Histoire Generale des Voiages, ou Nouvelle Collection ... Tome Cinquante-CinquiemeExploration & SurveysPrevost, Anton Francois1758B+unsold
753Histoire Generale des Voiages, ou Nouvelle Collection ... Tome Cinquante-SixiemeExploration & SurveysPrevost, Anton Francois1758Bunsold
754[3 Volumes] Hedendaagsche Historie of Tegenwoordige Staat van Amerika...Exploration and Surveys, AmericasTirion, Isaac1766-69700.00
755[U.S. State Surveys - 12 Maps]Exploration and Surveys, United StatesU.S. State Surveys1856B130.00
756Reports of Explorations and Surveys, to Ascertain the Practicability of a Ship-Canal Between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, by the Way of the Isthmus of TehuantepecExploration & Surveys, MexicoU.S. Navy Dept.1872B+unsold
757Geschichte der Mission der Evangelischen Bruder auf den Caraibischen Inseln S. Thomas, S. Croix und S. Jan…Exploration & Surveys, US Virgin Islands1777B+400.00
758A Missionary Voyage to the Southern Pacific Ocean, Performed in the Years 1796, 1797, 1798, in the Ship Duff, Commanded by James Wilson...Exploration and Surveys, South PacificWilson, James1799B300.00
759[2 Volumes] The History of the Origin, Progress, and Termination of the American WarHistory Books, American RevolutionStedman, Charles17944500.00
760[4 Volumes] An Historical Geographical, Commercial, and Philosophical View of the American United States, and of the European Settlements in America and the West-IndiesHistory BooksWinterbotham, William1795B3750.00
761[2 Volumes] Histoire de la Conquete du Mexique, ou de la Nouvelle Espagne...History Books, Mexico1692B+550.00
762Taschenbuch der Reisen, oder Unterhaltende Darstellung der Entdeckungen des 18ten Jahrhunderts, in Rucksicht der Lander Menschen und Productenkunde. Fur jede Klasse von LesernMiscellaneous BooksZimmerman, Eberhard A.W.1805B+300.00
763The American Lawyer, and Business-Man's Form Book…Miscellaneous BooksBeadle, D. W.1851B+unsold
764Transactions of the American Institute of Mining Engineers. Vol. XV.Miscellaneous Books - Geology1887A250.00
765[Facsimile - 2 Volumes] Major Andre's JournalReferences1904B+unsold
766[Lot of 2] The New World - The First Pictures of America... [and] How They Saw the New WorldReferences1946-6675.00
767[Lot of 4] Decorative Printed Maps of the 15th to 18th Centuries [and] The World Encompassed... [and] Maps and Their Makers... [and] The Arader Grading System for Maps, Books and Prints - Catalogue 28References1952-81100.00
768[Lot of 7] A List of Geographical Atlases in the Library of CongressReferencesPhillips/LeGear1958-92A350.00
769[Lot of 2] Map Making - The Art That Became a Science [and] History of CartographyReferences1960-8542.00
770[Lot of 3] Early Maps of North America [and] America Explored - A Cartographical History of the Exploration of North America [and] Maps of North AmericaReferences1961-200885.00
771Imago Mundi Supplement V - Hondius-Kaerius Wall-Map of EuropeReferences1967A75.00
772[Lot of 2] The Image of the World - 20 Centuries of World Maps [and] Proceedings of the Vinland Map Conference'References1971-94A39.00
773[Lot of 2] Early American Maps and Views [and] British Maps of Colonial AmericaReferences1972-74A55.00
774Bibliography of Printed Maps of Suriname 1671-1971ReferencesKoeman, C.1973A32.00
775[Lot of 2] The Exploration of North America 1630-1776 [and] The Cartography of North America 1500-1800References1974-8741.00
776[Lot of 2] Landmarks of Mapmaking - An Illustrated Survey of Maps and Mapmakers [and] Early MapsReferences1976-8146.00
777[Lot of 74] The Map Collector MagazineReferencesTooley, R. V.1977-96B+350.00
778The Making of the Nuremberg ChronicleReference Books, IncunabulaWilson, Adrian1978A+130.00
779The Mapping of AmericaReferencesSchwartz & Ehrenberg1980B+75.00
780[Lot of 2] The History of Topographical Maps - Symbols, Pictures and Surveys [and] The City in Maps: Urban Mapping to 1900References1980-87A37.00
781[3 Volumes] Atlas del Desarrollo Territorial de la Argentina [and] ... I Memoria [and] ... II Serie de Estadisticas HistoricasReferences1981Aunsold
782Maps and Plans in the Public Record Office 3. AfricaReferences1982A11.00
783The Mapping of the World - Early Printed World Maps 1472-1700ReferencesShirley, Rodney W.1987A425.00
784Blaeu's The Grand Atlas of the 17th-Century WorldReferencesGoss, John1990A80.00
785The Mapping of North America - Three Centuries of Map-Making 1500-1860ReferencesGoss, John1990A85.00
786[2 Volumes] Maps in British Periodicals Part I [and] Part IIReferencesJolly, David C.1990-91A+120.00
787P. Lee Phillips' Maps and Atlases of the WWI PeriodReferencesPhillips, P. Lee1995A21.00
788[Facsimile - 3 Volumes] Description of the Northern PeoplesReferences1996A43.00
789Mercator's World - The Magazine of Maps, Atlases, Globes and Charts Volume I Number IReferences1996A34.00