Index of Lots for Auction 99

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Lot #TitleSubjectCreatorPeriodConditionSold For
1Spectandum dedit Ortelius mortalib. orbem, Orbi spectandum Galleus OrteliumPortraitOrtelius/Galle1579A400.00
2Italiae, Sclavoniae, et Graeciae tabule geographice per Gerardum Mercatorem Illustrissimi Ducis Julie, Clivie, etc. CosmographumTitle PageMercator, Gerard1595A150.00
3Principum Christianorum Stemmata ab Antonio Albizio Nobili Florentino collecta: et Cum brevibus ejusdem notationibus ex Archivis Principum descripta: Adjecto stemmate Othomannico Argentorati Postant apud Christophorum ab HeydenTitle PageAlbizzi, Antonio1610B220.00
4Theatrum Orbis TerrarumTitle PageOrtelius, Abraham1612A275.00
5Le Theatre du Monde Ou Nouvel Atlas Contenant Les Chartes et Descriptions de tous les Pais de la terreTitle PageBlaeu, (Family)1643B220.00
6[Atlas Novus]Title PageJansson, Jan1650A200.00
7Abrahami Ortelii Quem Urbs Urbium Antverpia edidit…Title PageVrients, Jan Baptista1660Aunsold
8Toonneel des Aerdrycx, oft Nieuwe Atlas, uytghegheven door Wilhelm en Iohan Blaeu. Tweede Deels Tweede StuckTitle PageBlaeu, (Family)1668Bunsold
9Atlas HistoriqueTitle PageChatelain, Henry Abraham1720A130.00
10Frontispiece de l'EncyclopedieTitle PageDiderot, Denis1780A110.00
11The Varieties of the Human RaceTitle PageBradford, Thomas Gamaliel1835B55.00
12Universalis CosmographiaWorldHonter, Jon Coronensis1570A+900.00
13Die Erst General Tafel, Die Beschreibung und den Circkel des Gantzen Erdtrichs und Meers InnhaltendeWorldMunster/Petri1588B1100.00
14Orbis Terrae Compendiosa DescriptioWorldMercator/Magini1596Aunsold
15Typus Orbis TerrarumWorldJansson, Jan1631A600.00
16Nova Totius Terrarum Orbis Geographica ac Hydrographica TabulaWorldMerian, Matthaus1646A1400.00
17Orbis Terrarum Typus de Integro in Plurimis Emendatus, Auctus, et Icunculis IllustratusWorldVisscher, Nicolas1660A2400.00
18Tabula Geographico-Hydrographica Motus Oceani, Currentes, Abyssos, Montes Igniuomos in Universo Orbe Indicans, Notat Haec Fig. Abyssos Montes VulcaniosWorldKircher, Athanasius1668A1500.00
19Die Ebbe und Fluth auff einer Flachen Landt-Karten furgeselt fürgesteltWorldHappel, Everard Werner1675B2400.00
20Orbis Terrarum Tabula Recens Emendata et in Lucem EditaWorldStoopendaal, Daniel1682A1900.00
21Typus Totius Orbis Terraquei Geographice Delineatus, et ad usum Globo Materiali SuperinducendusWorldScherer, Heinrich1700A+1400.00
22Planisphaerium Terrestre Cum Globi du Coeleste Terr et Spaerium Armill. Etc.WorldAnon.1700A900.00
23Plan de l'Histoire universelle, oul'on voit les quatre Monarchies du Monde, et tous les Anciens Etats aussi bien que ceux qui subsistent aujourdhuyWorldChatelain, Henry Abraham1705A+400.00
24Mappe-Monde ou Carte Generale de la Terre, Dressee sur les Observations de Mrs. de l'Academie Royale des Sciences…WorldFer, Nicolas de1717Aunsold
25A New & Correct Map of the Whole World Shewing ye Situation of its Principal Parts...With the most Remarkable Tracks of the Bold Attempts which have been made to find out the North East & Northwest Passages…WorldMoll, Herman1719Bunsold
26Totius Orbis Terrarum RepresentatioWorldBusch, Georg Paul1733B325.00
27Werelt CaertWorldStoopendaal, Daniel1736Bunsold
28Essay d'une Carte Reduite, Contenant les Parties Connuees du Globe TerrestreWorldBellin, Jacques Nicolas1748A750.00
29Orbis Vetus in utraque Continente juxta Mentem Sansonianam Distinctus, nec non Observationibus Astronomicis Redactus…WorldRobert de Vaugondy1752Aunsold
30Nouvelle Mappe Monde dediee au progres de nos connoissancesWorldLattre, Jean1760Aunsold
31Carte Generale de la Terre necessaire au Service de la Marine Stable sur un Plan Fixe Sans AntipodesWorldClermont, Jacques1780A950.00
32Carte Reduite des Terres et des Mers du Globe TerrestreWorldBonne, Rigobert1782B100.00
33A New and Accurate Map of the World, Comprehending all the New Discoveries, in Both Hemispheres; carefully brought down to the Present YearWorldAnon.1782A450.00
34Mappa-Mondo per indicare la principale costruzione, e la configurazione de due ContinentiWorldBarbiellini, Carlo Antonio1800A+170.00
35Mappe-Monde sur la Projection Reduite de MercatorWorldChamouin, Jean Baptiste Marie1805A+unsold
36Mappe-Monde en deux HemispheresWorldLapie, Alexander Emile & Pierre1831B150.00
37PlanisphereWorldLevasseur, Victor1850A170.00
38The WorldWorldBartholomew, George1895A+30.00
39[Set of 5 maps]World and ContinentsVarious1690B5000.00
40[Set of 5 maps]World and ContinentsHomann, Johann Baptist1730Bunsold
41[Set of 5 maps] Planisphaerium Globi Terrestris [and] Africa [and] Europa [and] Asia [and] AmericaWorld and ContinentsLotter, Tobias Conrad1760B700.00
42AmericaeAncient WorldMunster/Petri1588B650.00
43Orbis Terrarum Veteribus Cogniti Typus GeographicusAncient WorldJansson, Jan1650B600.00
44Universal=Historie auf der Land=KartenAncient WorldDesing, P. Anselm1740A300.00
45Continent SeptentrionalNorth PoleMallet, Alain Manesson1684B110.00
46Hemisphere Septentrional pour Voir plus Distinctement les Terres Arctiques…Northern HemisphereDelisle, Guillaume1714B400.00
47Hemisphere Septentrional pour Voir plus Distinctement les Terres Arctiques…Northern HemisphereOttens, Reiner and Joshua1740Aunsold
48Carte Reduite des Parties Septentrionales du Globe, Situees Entre l'Asie et l'AmeriqueArctic RegionsBellin, Jacques Nicolas1758A140.00
49Hemisphere Meridional pour voir plus distinctement les Terres Australes…Southern HemisphereDelisle, Guillaume1714B500.00
50Hemisphere Meridional pour voir plus distinctement les Terres Australes…Southern HemisphereOttens, Reiner and Joshua1740A+unsold
51Mappe-Monde sur le plan de l'Equateur, Hemisphere MeridionalSouthern HemisphereBonne, Rigobert1787A95.00
52Representation du Cours ordinaire des Vents de Traverse… Mer du Sud [together with] …Mer Atlantique &. Cell des IndesWorld - Winds and Ocean CurrentsAnon.1730Aunsold
53Mountains & RiversCartographic MiscellanyColton, Joseph Hutchins1855B75.00
54[Lot of 7 Maps]World MiscellaneousBradford, Thomas Gamaliel1838-41B240.00
55[Volvelle]Cartographic MiscellanyApianus, Peter Bienewitz1545A200.00
56[Volvelle]Cartographic MiscellanyGalluci, Giovanni Paolo1657A95.00
57Globe Terrestre [Figure LXXI]Cartographic MiscellanyMallet, Alain Manesson1683A100.00
58Primi Elementi, o Introdutione Al Corso Geografico…Cartographic MiscellanyCoronelli, Vincenzo Maria1692A375.00
59Tableau Analytique des differentes positions de la Sphere, des differens systemes, des revolutions et des distances des Planetes, &c.Cartographic MiscellanyDelamarche, Francois Alexander1800A375.00
60Carte l'Amerique SeptentrionalePuzzle MapBarbie du Bocage, Jean Denis1850B230.00
61[Puzzle containing 4 maps]Puzzle MapsIssleib, Wilhelm1890B170.00
62Theoria Veneris et MercuriiSolar SystemCellarius/Schenk & Valck1705Bunsold
63Le Globe CelesteCelestialAnon.1707B210.00
64Premiere Carte pour l'Introduction a l'Histoire du Monde, ou l'on Remarque la Sphere le Globe Celeste, et les Differens Systemes du MondeCelestialChatelain, Henry Abraham1720A+475.00
65PiscesCelestialThomas, Corbinianus1730-31A300.00
66CepheusCelestialThomas, Corbinianus1730-31B275.00
67CassiopeiaCelestialThomas, Corbinianus1730-31B275.00
68CamelopardalisCelestialThomas, Corbinianus1730-31B275.00
69Le Globe Celeste represente en deux Plans-Hemispheres par Monsr. De la Hire Professeur Royal et de l'Academie des SciencesCelestialAnon.1740A200.00
70Systema Solare et Planetarium ex hypothesi Copernicana secundum elegantissimas Illustrissimi quondam Hugenii deductiones novissime collectum & exhibitumSolar SystemDoppelmayr/Homann1742A1300.00
71Hemisphaerium Coeli Australe in quo Fixarum loca secundum Eclipticae ductum ad anum 1730 completum exhibentur…CelestialDoppelmayr/Homann1742A950.00
72Globi Coelestis in Tabulas Planas Redacti Pars IIICelestialDoppelmayr/Homann1742A+500.00
73Globi Coelestis in Tabulas Planas Redacti Pars IVCelestialDoppelmayr/Homann1742A500.00
74Theoria Satellitum Iovis et Saturni in qua praecipua horum planetarum secundariorum Phaenomena geometrica designatione sistunturSolar SystemHomann Heirs1742A300.00
75Representation de l'Eclipse Partiale de la Lune, qui arrivera la nuit du 8 au 9 d'Aout, 1748…MoonHomann Heirs1750B400.00
76Planispheres CelestesCelestialLapie, Alexander Emile & Pierre1828A90.00
77America sive India Nova ad magnae Gerardi Mercatoris aui Universalis imitationem in compendium redactaWestern HemisphereMercator, Michael1595B3000.00
78AmericaWestern HemisphereMagini, Giovanni Antonio1597A1000.00
79Americae DescriptioWestern HemisphereJansson, Jan1631B550.00
80America noviter delineataWestern HemisphereHondius, Henricus1631A3250.00
81Americae nova TabulaWestern HemisphereBlaeu, Willem1642B7000.00
82La Division de l'Ocean du Nouveau MondeWestern HemisphereBriet, Philippe1648A350.00
83AmeriqueWestern HemisphereDuval, Pierre1661A475.00
84Novissima et Accuratissima Totius Americae DescriptioWestern HemisphereVisscher, Nicolas1670B1300.00
85Novissima et Accuratissima Totius Americae DescriptioWestern HemisphereMeurs, Jacob van1673Bunsold
86Der Neuen West Begriff, Bestehende in 2 Haubt Theilen als Nord America und Sud America, Warinnen Der Erste Meridian nach Hollandischer art gezogenWestern HemisphereStridbeck, Johann1700A+unsold
87Novus Orbis sive America Meridionalis et Septentrionalis, per sua Regna, Provincias, et Insulas iuxta Observationes et Descriptiones RecentissWestern HemisphereSeutter, Matthias1730A2300.00
88Novissima Americae RepraesentatioWestern HemisphereBusch, Georg Paul1733C200.00
89Americae Mappa generalis…Western HemisphereHomann Heirs1746Bunsold
90Nieuwe Kaart van het Westelykste Deel der Weereld, dienende tot aanwyzing van de Scheepstogten der Nederlanderen Naar Westindie…Western HemisphereTirion, Isaac1754A+180.00
91AmeriqueWestern HemisphereDesnos, Louis Charles1761A325.00
92L'Amerique divisee Par Grands EtatsWestern HemisphereJanvier, Jean1762B300.00
93Nouvelle Carte des Parties Occidentales du Monde Servant a indiquer les Navigations Decouvertes et Etablissements De Hollandois en Amerique…Western HemispherePhilippe De Pretot, Etienne Andre1768A200.00
94America nach der zweyten AusgabeWestern HemisphereMannert, Conrad1796A+450.00
95Geographical, Statistical, and Historical Map of AmericaWestern HemisphereCarey & Lea1822B150.00
96Nouvelle Carte de l'Amerique Septentrionale dressee sur les plus Nouvelles Observations de Messieurs de l'Academie des Sciences et des Meilleurs Geographes avec des tables tres instructives et curieuses de la division de tous les Etats…North AmericaChatelain, Henry Abraham1705Bunsold
97North America from the best AuthoritiesNorth AmericaBrightly & Kinnersly1806B210.00
98North AmericaNorth AmericaTanner, Henry Schenck1836A375.00
99North AmericaNorth AmericaSDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge1843A210.00
100Nord AmericaNorth AmericaFlemming, Carl1845B85.00
101Amerique SeptentrionaleNorth AmericaLevasseur, Victor1850A250.00
102[Lot of 2] Carte de l'Amerique Septentrionale [and] Nord-AmerikaNorth AmericaVarious1855-82B85.00
103Amerique du NordNorth AmericaDufour, Auguste-Henri1864A75.00
104Verein-Staaten von Nord-America, Mexico, Yucatan U.A.North AmericaPerthes, Justus1877A42.50
105Map Illustrating the Extermination of the American Bison Prepared by W.T. HornadayNorth AmericaSmithsonian Institute1890A375.00
106Canada ou Nouvelle FranceColonial Canada and New EnglandMallet, Alain Manesson1683A+130.00
107Dominia Anglorum in America SeptentrionaliColonial United States and CanadaHomann Heirs1730B500.00
108Partie de l'Amerique Septent? qui comprend la Nouvelle France ou le CanadaColonial Canada and Great LakesRobert de Vaugondy1755B425.00
109Carte Particuliere du Fleuve Saint Louis Dressee sur les lieux avec les noms des sauvages du pais..Colonial Canada and United StatesChatelain, Henry Abraham1720A+900.00
110Nieuwe Kaart van Kanada, de Landen aan de Hudsons-Baay en de Noordwestelyke deelen van Noord-AmerikaColonial Canada and New EnglandTirion, Isaac1769A350.00
111Novi Belgii Novaeque Angliae nec non Pennsylvaniae et Partis Virginiae TabulaColonial New England and Mid AtlanticDanckerts, Justus1685A5500.00
112Nova Anglia Septentrionali Americae implantata Anglorumque coloniis florentissimaColonial New England and Mid AtlanticHomann, Johann Baptist1730B1000.00
113[Road from Williamsburg to Boston]Colonial Mid AtlanticSoules, Francois1787B550.00
114Virginia Marylandia et Carolina in America Septentrionali Britannorum industria excultaeColonial SoutheastHomann, Johann Baptist1714A1300.00
115VirginieColonial Virginia and MarylandMallet, Alain Manesson1683B180.00
116Virginiae Item et Floridae Americae Provinciarum, nova DescriptioColonial SoutheastHondius, Jodocus1613B2100.00
117Virginiae partis australis, et Floridae partis orientalis, interjacentiumq regionum Nova DescriptioColonial SoutheastJansson, Jan1649Bunsold
118Partie Meridionale de la Virginie, et la Partie Orientale de la Floride dans l'Amerique SeptentrionaleColonial SoutheastAa, Pieter van der1729Aunsold
119Carte de la Caroline et GeorgieColonial SoutheastBellin, Jacques Nicolas1757Aunsold
120La Floride, Suivant les Nouvelles Observations…Colonial SouthAa, Pieter van der1713A1800.00
121A New Map of Georgia, with Part of Carolina, Florida and LouisianaColonial SouthBowen, Emanuel1763A2400.00
122A map of Part of West Florida from Pensacola to the Mouth of the Iberville River, with a View to shew the proper Spot for a Settlement on the MississipiColonial SouthLodge, John1772A220.00
123VirginiaColonial VirginiaSmith, John (Capt.)1819Aunsold
124Ould Virginia. A description of part of the adventures of Cap. Smith in VirginiaColonial CarolinasSmith, John (Capt.)1819A150.00
125Il Paese de Cherachesi, con la Parte Occidentale della Carolina Settentrioanle, e della VirginaColonial SouthZatta, Antonio1778A325.00
126[Sheet 5 - A Map of the British Empire in America…]Colonial Mid West United StatesPopple, Henry1733Bunsold
127Carte de la Louisiane et du Cours du Mississipi avec les Colonies AnglaisesColonial Louisiana TerritoryDelisle/Covens & Mortier1730B1400.00
128La Louisiane et Pays VoisinsColonial Louisiana TerritoryBellin, Jacques Nicolas1763A+375.00
129Carte de la Louisiane, et de la FlorideColonial Louisiana TerritoryBonne, Rigobert1780B190.00
130Mappa Geographica Regionem Mexicanam et Floridam Terrasque adjacentes, ut et Anteriores Americae Insulas, Cursus itidem et Reditus Navigantium versus flumen Missisipi et alias Colonias…Colonial North America and CaribbeanSeutter, Matthias1730B950.00
131Mappa Geographica Regionem Mexicanam et Floridam Terrasque adjacentes, ut et Anteriores Americae Insulas, Cursus itidem et Reditus Navigantium versus flumen Missisipi et alias Colonias…Colonial North America and CaribbeanSeutter/Lotter1750Cunsold
132A Passage by Land to California, Discover'd by ye Rev. Father Eusebius Franicis Kino Jesuit between ye Years 1698 & 1701Southwest United States & MexicoKino, Eusebio Francisco, SJ1731A800.00
133Carte de la Californie d'Apres les observations le plus exactesSouthwest United States & MexicoVenegas, Miguel (Padre)1777A650.00
134Carte de la Californie et des Pays Nord-Ouest separes de l'Asie par le Detroit d'Anian, extraite de deux cartes publiees au commencement du 17e siecleWestern North AmericaRobert de Vaugondy, Didier1772B140.00
135Carte Particuliere de L'Amerique Septentrionale, ou font Compris le Detroit de Davids, le Detroit de Hudson, &c.CanadaMortier, Pierre1696B350.00
136A New Map of New Found Land, New Scotland…CanadaMoll, Herman1745B150.00
137Parte Orientale Del Canada, Nuova Scozia Settentrionale, e Parte di LabradorCanadaZatta, Antonio1778A190.00
138East Canada and New BrunswickCanadaTallis, John1851A110.00
139North America Sheet I Nova-Scotia with Part of New Brunswick and Lower Canada & Sheet II Lower Canada and New Brunswick with Part of New York, Vermont and MaineCanadaSDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge1832B80.00
140Chart of the Northwest Coast of America, Explored by the Boussole and Astrolabe in 1786Western CanadaLa Perouse, Comte Jean F. Galoup, de1798A70.00
141Gli Stati Uniti dell'America Delineati sulle ultime Osservazioni - Secondo Foglio che comprende Parte Della Nuova Inghilterra ed inottre La Nuova Scozia…Canada and United StatesCassini, Giovanni Maria1797A375.00
142Carte des Etats-Unis d'Amerique, du Canada, du Nouveau Brunswick et d'une partie de la Nouvelle BretagneCanada & United StatesLapie, Alexander Emile & Pierre1854B190.00
143[United States]United StatesGilman, E.1849B425.00
144Vereinigte Staaten von Nord-AmericaUnited StatesFlemming, Carl1850-55A190.00
145Map of the United States Exhibiting the Several Collection DistrictsUnited StatesBurr, David H.1856A325.00
146Colton's United States Showing the Military Stations, Forts &c.United StatesColton, Joseph Hutchins1862A+425.00
147Die Vereinigten Staaten von Nord America nebst CanadaUnited StatesKiepert, Heinrich C.1868B210.00
148Map of the United States and Territories Showing the extent of Public Surveys and other details constructed from the Plats and official sources of the General Land Office…United StatesGeneral Land Office1870B350.00
149Progress Map of the U. S. Geographical Surveys West of the 100th Meridian…United StatesU.S. Army1882A250.00
150United States of North America [Eastern and Western Sheets]United StatesJohnston, Keith1882B75.00
151Colton's United States of AmericaUnited StatesColton, G.W. & C.B.1883B250.00
152New Official Railroad map of the United States and CanadaUnited StatesRand McNally & Co.1885A+200.00
153[Lot of 3 Maps]United StatesColton, Joseph Hutchins1855B275.00
154[Lot of 25 - Civil War]United StatesVarious1862-1890A140.00
155[Lot of 19 Maps]United StatesLetts & Son1890A150.00
156[Lot of 17 City Plans]United StatesHammond Publishing Co.1903A+160.00
157Map of Hudson's River with the Adjacent CountryNortheastern United StatesScots Magazine1778B130.00
158Carte des Etats-Unis de l'Amerique Septentrionale, dressee d'apres des Cartes AnglaisesEastern United StatesBrion de la Tour, Louis1793A160.00
159Etats Unis de l'AmeriqueEastern United StatesBlondeau, Alexandre1798A300.00
160Etats Unis et Grandes AntillesEastern United StatesChamouin, Jean Baptiste Marie1805B120.00
161North America Sheet VI New-York, Vermont, Maine, New-Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, and New JerseyEastern United StatesSDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge1832B65.00
162[Lot of 4 maps]Eastern United StatesColton, Joseph Hutchins1855Bunsold
163Atlantic Coast of the United States, Sheet No. II, Nantucket to Cape HatterasEastern United StatesU.S. Coast Survey1863B25.00
164Carte de la Partie Sud des Etats Unis de l'Amerique SeptentrionaleUnited States -SoutheasternBonne, Rigobert1780A160.00
165[Lot of 5 Maps]Southern United StatesColton, Joseph Hutchins1855B130.00
166North America Sheet VIII Ohio, with parts of Kentucky and VirginiaCentral United StatesSDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge1833B55.00
167Map of the Former Territorial Limits of the Cherokee Nation of Indians… [together with] Map Showing the Territory Originally Assigned to the Cherokee Nation of Indians West of the Mississippi…Central United StatesRoyce, C. C.1884A450.00
168Carte Particuliere de la Cote du Nord-Ouest de l'Amerique reconnue par les Fregates Francaises la Boussole et l'Astrolabe en 1786. 3e. FeuilleWestern United StatesLa Perouse, Comte Jean F. Galoup, de1797B180.00
169Department of Columbia. Map of the Nez Perce Indian Campaign Brig. Gen. O.O. Howard U.S.A. CommandingNorthwestern United StatesU.S. Government1877B230.00
170Carte de la Riviere de Cook dans la partie N.O. de l'AmeriqueAlaskaBonne, Rigobert1787B85.00
171Map of AlaskaAlaskaKing, Harry1898A+90.00
172Cram's Standard Map and Shipper's Guide of Alaska with District of Yukon, Canada; and Hawaiian IslandsAlaskaCram, George F. & Company1898A+220.00
173Map of Arizona Prepared Specially for R.J. Hinton's hand book of Arizona compiled from Official Maps of Military Division of the Pacific Surveyor General's Office A.T. & from the Notes of Col. W.G. Boyle, Col. J.D. Graham, H. Ehrenberg, Prof. Pumpelly.ArizonaHinton, Richard J.1877B1800.00
174Outline Map of the Field of Operations Against Hostile Chiricahua Indians Showing Operations from April 12th, 1886 to the Date of Their Surrender September 4th, 1886Arizona and New MexicoU.S. War Dept.1886A190.00
175Territory of ArizonaArizonaGeneral Land Office1903A120.00
176CaliforniaCaliforniaColton, Joseph Hutchins1855A160.00
177Geological Map of a Part of the State of California Explored in 1853 by Lieut. R.S. Williamson U.S. Top. Engr.CaliforniaBlake, W. P.1856B90.00
178Map of Public Surveys in California to accompany Report of Surveyor Genl.CaliforniaU.S. State Surveys1861B75.00
179Map of Public Surveys in California & Nevada to accompany Report of Surveyor GeneralCaliforniaU.S. State Surveys1863B75.00
180City of San Francisco and its Vicinity CaliforniaSan Francisco, CaliforniaU.S. Coast Survey1853A150.00
181City of San Francisco and its Vicinity CaliforniaSan Francisco, CaliforniaU.S. Coast Survey1859B150.00
182Map of Public Surveys in Colorado Territory to accompany a report of the Surveyor Gen. 1863ColoradoGeneral Land Office1863B275.00
183Drainage map of ColoradoColoradoU.S. Department of Interior1877A275.00
184A Map of Connecticut and Rhode Island, with Long Island Sound, &c.Colonial New EnglandAnon.1776A240.00
185Connecticut from the best AuthoritiesConnecticutReid, John1796A550.00
186A correct map of the City of Washington Capital of the United States of America…District of ColumbiaStone, W. J.1820B350.00
187District of ColumbiaDistrict of ColumbiaBradford, Thomas Gamaliel1835A+75.00
188Colton's Georgetown and The City of Washington The Capital of the United States of AmericaDistrict of ColumbiaColton, Joseph Hutchins1855B80.00
189Colton's Minnesota and DakotaDakota Territory and MinnesotaColton, Joseph Hutchins1855B95.00
190[Lot of 2]Delaware and MarylandColton, Joseph Hutchins1855B75.00
191A View of the Town and Castle of St. Augustine, and the English Camp before it June 20, 1740Colonial FloridaSilver, Thomas1742A170.00
192Map of the Seat of War in Florida compiled by order of Bvt. Brigr. Genl. Z. Taylor principally from the surveys and reconnaissances of the Officers of the U.S. ArmyFloridaU.S. Army1839B850.00
193A Plat of the Peninsula of Florida. Shewing the present field of Surveying in this TerritoryFloridaU.S. State Surveys1843B170.00
194Colton's FloridaFloridaColton, Joseph Hutchins1855B140.00
195Colton's GeorgiaGeorgiaColton, Joseph Hutchins1855B110.00
196Carte des Parties des Iles Sandwich… [on sheet with] Carte des Iles Sandwich…HawaiiLa Perouse, Comte Jean F. Galoup, de1797A650.00
197Le Isole di Sandwich Delineate Sulle Osservazioni del Cap. CookHawaiiCassini, Giovanni Maria1798B2750.00
198Colton's Hawaiian Group or Sandwich Islands [on sheet with] New Zealand [and] Feejee Islands …HawaiiColton, Joseph Hutchins1855A70.00
199State of Idaho. Compiled from the official Records of the General Land Office and other sources…IdahoGeneral Land Office1909B65.00
200Colton's IllinoisIllinoisColton, Joseph Hutchins1855B75.00
201Colton's IndianaIndianaColton, Joseph Hutchins1855B60.00
202IowaIowaColton, Joseph Hutchins1855Bunsold
203Colton's Kansas and NebraskaKansas and NebraskaColton, Joseph Hutchins1855Cunsold
204Riley Co. KansasKansasEverts, L. H. & Company1887A70.00
205City of Hutchinson. Reno Co. KansasKansasEverts, L. H. & Company1887A35.00
206Colton's Kentucky and TennesseeKentucky and TennesseeColton, Joseph Hutchins1855Bunsold
207Plan de la Nouvelle Orleans. Sur les Manuscrits du Depot des Cartes de la MarineColonial LouisianaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1750A375.00
208Louisiana and part of ArkansasLouisianaBradford, Thomas Gamaliel1835A+75.00
209St. Mary's River Cornfield Harbor and Point Lookout MarylandMarylandU.S. Coast Survey1859Bunsold
210The State of Massachusetts from the Best InformationMassachusettsReid, John1796Aunsold
211Boston Harbor MassachusettsMassachusettsU.S. Coast Survey1857A275.00
212[Lot of 2]MichiganColton, Joseph Hutchins1855B160.00
213MinnesotaMinnesotaColton, G.W. & C.B.1867A+50.00
214Map Showing the System of Rebel Fortifications on the Mississippi River at Island No. 10 and New Madrid , Also the Operations of the U. S. Forces under General John Pope Against These PositionsMississippiU.S. War Dept.1866B110.00
215Montana TerritoryMontanaGeneral Land Office1887A375.00
216United States of North America - North West SheetNebraska and KansasEttling, Theodor1858-63A+100.00
217Map Showing Positions of Nebraska State Troops in Indian Campaigns of the Winter of 1890-91NebraskaU.S. Government1894A80.00
218The State of New Hampshire, Compiled chiefly from Actual SurveysNew HampshireReid, John1796A350.00
219New JerseyNew JerseyColton, Joseph Hutchins1855B47.50
220Rand, McNally's & Co.'s New MexicoNew MexicoRand McNally & Co.1906B25.00
221A Plan of New York Island with part of Long Island, Staten Island & East New Jersey, with a particular Description of the Engagement on the Woody Heights of Long Island … on the 27th of August 1776Colonial New YorkFaden, William1776B4250.00
222The State of New York, Compiled from the most Authentic InformationNew YorkReid, John1796Aunsold
223Geological Map of Long & Staten Islands with the Environs of New YorkNew YorkMather, W. W.1842B900.00
224Map of the Country Thirty-Three Miles Around the City of New YorkNew YorkColton, Joseph Hutchins1846A500.00
225Bay & Port of New York Capital of New YorkNew YorkHayward, George1861B95.00
226North Carolina from the Latest SurveysNorth CarolinaLewis/Carey1814B350.00
227Carte Geographique, Statistique et Historique de la Caroline du NordNorth CarolinaBuchon, Jean Alexandre1825B150.00
228Colton's North CarolinaNorth CarolinaColton, Joseph Hutchins1855B85.00
229Map of the Pamlico and Albemarle Sounds, embracing portions of Virginia and North Carolina, with their strategic points and railway connectionsNorth CarolinaColton, George Woolworth1861-2A50.00
230[Lot of 2] General Topographical Map Sheets III and IVNorth and South CarolinaU.S. War Records Office1891B75.00
231Map of the State of Ohio Drawn by A. Bourne. Including the Indian Reservation, Purchased and laid out into Counties and Townships in 1820OhioBourne/Kilbourne1820B300.00
232Indian TerritoryOklahomaGeneral Land Office1885A130.00
233Map Showing the Routes travelled by the Command of Majr E. Steen, U. S. Drags., against the Snake Indians in 1860Oregon and WashingtonDixon, Joseph (Lt)1860B325.00
234PhiladelphiaPennsylvaniaBradford, Thomas Gamaliel1838B85.00
235Map of the Lehigh Valley, showing the counties of Northampton, Lehigh, Carbon and Luzerne, also the Lehigh Valley Rail Road, and the Lehigh Canal, Their connection with other Rail Roads and Canals, and the location of the Towns upon themPennsylvaniaAnon.1860B150.00
236Map of the Region between Gettysburg, PA. and Appomattox Court House, VA. Exhibiting the connection between Campaign and Battle-Field Maps prepared by Authority of the Hon. Secretary of War.PennsylvaniaU.S. War Department1869Aunsold
237City of PhiladelphiaPennsylvaniaLetts & Son1890A65.00
238Map of the Battlefield of Gettysburg…PennsylvaniaU.S. War Department1903B170.00
239The State of Rhode Island, from the Latest SurveysRhode IslandReid, John1796Aunsold
240Geographical, Statistical, and Historical Map of Rhode IslandRhode IslandCarey & Lea1822Aunsold
241[Lot of 2]South CarolinaColton, Joseph Hutchins1855Bunsold
242TexasTexasFlemming, Carl1841-45B800.00
243Map Showing the Route of the Arkansas Regiment from Shreveport La. to San Antonio de Bexar TexasTexasU.S. Government1846-50B180.00
244Colton's New Map of the State of Texas. Compiled from J. de Cordova's large MapTexasColton, Joseph Hutchins1856B375.00
245The Rand-McNally Vest Pocket Map of Texas Showing all Counties, Cities, Towns, Railways, Lakes, Rivers, etc.TexasRand McNally & Co.1901A140.00
246Map of the United States and Texas Boundary Line and Adjacent Territory determined & surveyed in 1857-8-9-60, by J.H. Clark U.S. CommissionerTexas and New MexicoU.S. Geological Survey (USGS)1902B210.00
247Colton's VirginiaVirginiaColton, Joseph Hutchins1855B110.00
248A Topographical Map of Eastern Virginia from Fredericksburg to Richmond…VirginiaHarper Bros.1862Aunsold
249Map of the Battlefield of Roanoke ID.VirginiaU.S. War Department1862Bunsold
250Central Virginia Showing Lieut. Genl. U.S. Grant's Campaign and Marches of the Armies under his Command in 1864-5VirginiaU.S. War Department1864-5Bunsold
251Richmond From Surveys under the direction of Bvt. Brig. Gen. N. Michler, Maj. of Engineers and Bvt. Lieut. Col. P.S. Michie, Capt. of Engineers. By Command of Bvt. Maj. Gen. A.A. Humphries, Brig. Gen. & Chief of EngineersVirginiaU.S. War Department1867A75.00
252Colton's Washington and OregonWashington and OregonColton, Joseph Hutchins1859B275.00
253Washington Sound and Approaches Washington TerritoryWashingtonU.S. Coast Survey1866B60.00
254Map Showing the Distribution of the Indian Tribes of Washington TerritoryWashingtonU.S. Department of Interior1876B210.00
255Colton's WisconsinWisconsinColton, Joseph Hutchins1855B50.00
256Gray's Atlas Map of WisconsinWisconsinGray, O. W.1873A35.00
257Hispaniae Novae Nova DescriptioMexicoMercator/Hondius1619A375.00
258Nova Hispania, et Nova GaliciaMexicoJansson, Jan1647A475.00
259St. Francisco de CampecheMexicoMontanus, Arnoldus1671B250.00
260Kaart van de Onderkoningschappen van Mexico en Nieuw Granada in de Spaansche West-IndienMexico and CaribbeanTirion, Isaac1765A300.00
261West Indies [on sheet with] Mexico and GuatimalaMexico and CaribbeanStarling, Thomas1833A45.00
262TruxilloCentral AmericaMontanus, Arnoldus1671A160.00
263[Lot of 3 Coastal Charts - Gulf of Honduras]Central AmericaBritish Admiralty1839-45A100.00
264Isthmus of PanamaCentral AmericaTallis, John1851A85.00
265Cuba Insula [on sheet with] Hispaniola Insula [and] Insula Iamaica [and] Ins. S. Ioannis [and] Is. Margareta cum ConfiniisGreater AntillesMercator/Cloppenburgh1630-36A375.00
266A Map of Terra Firma, Guiana and the Antilles IslandsNorthern South America and Lesser AntillesMoll, Herman1745B130.00
267Carta del Golfo del Messico e dell'Isole AntilleGulf of Mexico and CaribbeanBellin, Jacques Nicolas1781A160.00
268De Golf van Mexico, de Eilanden en het Omleggende LandGulf of Mexico and CaribbeanElwe, Jan Barend1792Bunsold
269An Accurate Map of the West Indies with the Adjacent Coast of AmericaGulf of Mexico and CaribbeanReid, John1796A325.00
270West IndiesCaribbeanFindlay, Alexander1834A47.50
271The British Islands in the West IndiesCaribbeanSDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge1835B75.00
272West India Islands and Central AmericaCaribbeanJohnston, Keith1882B25.00
273Isola Cuba NovaCubaRuscelli, Girolamo1574A475.00
274SpagnuolaHispaniolaPorcacchi, Tomaso1590A180.00
275JamaicaJamaicaPorcacchi, Tomaso1590A+130.00
276Carte de l'Isle de la JamaiqueJamaicaBonne, Rigobert1783A60.00
277The Island of BarbadoesBarbadosMoll, Herman1745C75.00
278Ruatan or Rattan Leve Par Henry Barsnley LieutenantCentral AmericaJefferys, Thomas1779B100.00
279Carte de l'Isle de la Martinique, Colonie Francoise dans les Isles AntillesMartiniqueBonne, Rigobert1780Bunsold
280Isle de la MartiniqueMartiniqueBonne, Rigobert1780A45.00
281Colonies Francaises Martinique. Amerique du SudMartiniqueLevasseur, Victor1856A55.00
282America MeridionalisSouth AmericaMercator/Hondius1620A650.00
283Amerique MeridionaleSouth AmericaMallet, Alain Manesson1683A+120.00
284L'Amerique Meridionale Dressee sur les Observations de Mrs. De l'Academie Royale des SciencesSouth AmericaDelisle/Covens & Mortier1730A250.00
285L'Amerique Meridionale divisee en ses principaux EtatsSouth AmericaJanvier, Jean1762A180.00
286Karte von Sud-America Verfasst von Herrn d'Anville Geographen des Konigs von FrankreichSouth AmericaSchraembl, Franz Anton1786A275.00
287[Set of 6 maps] South AmericaSouth AmericaSDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge1836-42B110.00
288Amerique MeridionaleSouth AmericaLevasseur, Victor1850A150.00
289Johnson's South AmericaSouth AmericaJohnson, A. J.1863A20.00
290Guiana sive Amazonum RegioSouth America - NorthernBlaeu, Willem1635B450.00
291Guiana sive Amazonum RegioSouth America - NorthernMontanus, Arnoldus1673A200.00
292La Terre Ferme et le Perou avec le Pays des Amazones et le Bresil Dans l'Amerique MeridionaleSouth America - NorthernFer, Nicolas de1702A+200.00
293La Guyana Francoise, avec partie De la Guyane Hollandoise: suivant les Operations et les Cartes recentes de Ingenieurs-Geographes FrancoisGuyana, Suriname, French GuianaBonne, Rigobert1781A25.00
294Venezuela, New Granada, Equador, and the GuyanasSouth America - NorthernTallis, John1851B42.50
295PotosiBoliviaDapper, Olivier1673C100.00
296Abbildung der Statt und Vestung Parayba in der Landschaft BrasiliaBrazilMerian, Matthaus1639B600.00
297MauritiopolisBrazilMontanus, Arnoldus1673A425.00
298Veroveringe van Rio Grande in Brasil. Anno 1633BrazilAnon.1680B190.00
299Kaart van de Aller-Heiligen Baay waar aan de Hoofdtstad legt van BrazilBrazilTirion, Isaac1760A300.00
300Il Cuscho Citta Principale della Provincia del PeruPeruRamusio, Giovanni Battista1565Bunsold
301Le Perou Grand Pays de l Amerique Meridionale, dresse sur les obervations de ceux qui l'ont decouvert et tout recemment donne au PublicPeruAa, Pieter van der1720B180.00
303Fretum MagellaniSouth America - SouthernMercator/Hondius1620A200.00
304Tabula Magellanica, qua Tierrae del Fuego, cum Celeberrimis Fretis a F. Magellano et I. Le Maire…South America - SouthernMontanus, Arnoldus1673A250.00
305A Chart of the Streights of MagellanSouth America - SouthernMoll, Herman1745A150.00
306A Chart of the Straights of Magellan, in which are Inserted the Observations and Discoveries of Byron, Wallis and Captain CarteretSouth America - SouthernRussell, John C.1768B100.00
308Carta particolare dell Mare Oceano fra l'Ierlandia e l'Isole di AsoresNorth AtlanticDudley, Robert (Sir)1647A400.00
309Karte des Atlantischen OceansAtlanticSchraembl, Franz Anton1788A300.00
310Islands in the AtlanticAtlantic & Arctic OceansTallis, John1851A95.00
311[Europa Regina)EuropeMunster, Sebastian1580A1300.00
312L'Europe Suivant les Nouvelles Observations de Mrs. De l'Academie Royale des SciencesEuropeFer, Nicolas de1700B130.00
313L'Europe Suivant les Nouvelles ObservationsEuropeLe Rouge, George Louis1746A180.00
314EuropeEuropeLevasseur, Victor1850A150.00
315[Lot of 7 Maps]EuropeVarious1748-70130.00
316[Lot of 15 Maps - World War I and II]EuropeVarious1916-44A210.00
317GermaniaNorthern EuropeKeere, Pieter Van Den1631A+unsold
318Europe Divided into its Empires, Kingdoms, States, Republics, &c.Northern EuropeKitchin, Thomas1795B275.00
319Nordwestliches Deutschland [together with] Nord-Ostliches DeutschlandNorthern EuropePerthes, Justus1852C55.00
320De insulis Britannicis, Albione, quae est Anglia & Hibernia, & de ciuitatibus earum in genereBritainMunster, Sebastian1540B180.00
321Nieuwe Kaart van de Eilanden van Groot Brittannien behelzende de Koningryken Engeland, Schotland en Ierland…BritainTirion, Isaac1745B120.00
322Carte Generale des Iles Britanniques ou Royaume-Uni de la Grande Bretagne et de l'IrelandeBritainBrue, Adrien Hubert1828A+50.00
323[Set of Pocket Maps - Great Britain]BritainBritish Ordnance Survey1945A125.00
324[Lot of 2] Ancient Britain, I [and] Ancient Britain, IIBritainSDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge1834B40.00
326Somersettensis Comitatus Vulgo Somersett Shyr qui olim pars suit BelgarumEnglandSaxton/Kip1637C200.00
327Cantabrigiensis Comitatus DescriptioEnglandHondius/Jansson1640A110.00
328Comitatis Cantabrigiensis; vernacule Cambridge ShireEnglandJansson, Jan1646Bunsold
329The Road From Huntingdon to Ipswich…EnglandOgilby, John1675A220.00
330The Road from London to Darby…EnglandOgilby, John1675-98A300.00
331The Road from Ferrybridge to Boroughbridge Continued to Barnard Castle…EnglandOgilby, John1675-98Bunsold
332The Road from London to Barnstable in Devonshire…EnglandOgilby, John1675-98A750.00
333Afbeelding van de Stad en Revier van Rochester, Chattam…1667EnglandStoopendaal, Daniel1700A300.00
334The Road from Salisbury to Campden - Gloucester ShireEnglandOwen & Bowen1720A75.00
335[Lot of 2 - Huntingtonshire]EnglandVarious1753-1809B40.00
336Kaart van Londen enz. En van het Naby Gelegen Land ruim een Uur gaans, rondsom dezelve Stad…England - LondonTirion, Isaac1754A425.00
337[Lot of 5 - Rutlandshire]EnglandVarious1722-1840B75.00
338[Lot of 5 - Canals]EnglandGentleman's Magazine1757-72B70.00
339[Lot of 4 - English Counties]EnglandVarious1835-58Aunsold
340Laurie's Stranger's Guide: A New Plan of London, Westminster, Southwark, &c. With all the recent ImprovementsEnglandLaurie, Richard Holmes1838B180.00
341A New Map of England and Wales by Thos. Jefferys Geographer to his Royal Highness the Price of WalesEngland & WalesJefferys, Thomas1772C150.00
342[Set of 6] England and WalesEngland and WalesSDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge1845A120.00
343[Lot of 6 Maps - England & Wales]England & WalesBartholomew, George1895A+unsold
345ScotlandScotlandBell, Andrew1797A+30.00
346[Lot of 4 - Scotland]ScotlandBartholomew, George1895A+unsold
348L'Irlande Suivant les dernieres RelationsIrelandSanson, Nicolas1680B85.00
349Ireland Divided into its Provinces & Counties &c.IrelandMoll, Herman1740B110.00
350Ireland [Two sheets]IrelandSDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge1838A100.00
351Plan of the City of DublinIrelandLetts & Son1890A30.00
352Ireland [together with] Cork & Killarney [and] Dublin & WicklowIrelandBartholomew, George1895A+37.50
353Tabula exactissima Regnorum Sueciae et Norvegiae nec non Maris Universi Orientalis Terrarumq adjacentium…ScandinaviaVisscher, Nicolas1680B425.00
354Suite du Golphe de BothnieScandinaviaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1758B35.00
355Carta Nuova del Regno di Danimarca secondo l'Ultimo scoprimento data in luceDenmarkTirion, Isaac1734B130.00
356Copenhagen (Kiobenhaven)DenmarkSDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge1837B50.00
357Hollandia quae olim Batavia antiqua Catthorum sedes, undigue sere cingitur Mari…NetherlandsQuad, Matthias von Kinckelbach1600A350.00
358Frisiae Occidentalis TypusNetherlandsGuicciardini, Giovanni Baptista1612Aunsold
359Geldria DucatusNetherlandsMercator1640A275.00
360LeydaNetherlandsMerian, Matthaus1649A275.00
361Flandra, Brabantia, et Holanda NuovaBelgium and The NetherlandsRuscelli, Girolamo1564A130.00
362Belgii Veteris Typus. Ex Conatibus Geographicis Abrahami OrtelijBelgium and The NetherlandsHondius1638A+300.00
363Hodiernae Belgicae, sive Germaniae Inferioris TabulaBelgium and The NetherlandsCluver, Philipp1686A100.00
364Carte Generale des 17 Provinces des Pais Bas avec Leurs CapitalesBelgium, The Netherlands and LuxembourgLa Feuille, Daniel de1710A275.00
365Nouvelle Carte des Dix-Sept Provinces des Pays-BasBelgium and The NetherlandsChatelain, Henry Abraham1720A+400.00
366Carta Nuova ed Accurata delle XVII Provincie de' Paesi BassiBelgium and The NetherlandsTirion, Isaac1734B100.00
367Flandriae Pars OccidentalisBelgium and FranceHondius, Henricus1635B150.00
368Der alten und herzlichen Statt Butiers contrafacturFranceMunster, Sebastian1560B130.00
369Afbeeldinghe vande Vermaerde Seehaven ende Stadt van Duynkercken…FranceBlaeu, (Family)1650A350.00
370A Draught of the Road and Harbour of Brest with the adjacent CoastFranceAnon.1757C20.00
371Attaque, et Defense des Staces Carte ideale des environs de la Place imaginee dont on a Precedemment traile le Trace, le Relief, et la ConstructionFranceAnon.1780Bunsold
372[Lot of 3] France I, II and IIIFranceSDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge1831A45.00
373BordeauxFranceSDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge1832B60.00
374Helvetiae Descriptio, Aegidio Tschudo Auct.SwitzerlandOrtelius, Abraham1598A90.00
375Exactissima Helvetiae Rhaetiae, Valesiae Cieterorumq, Confaederatorum ut et finitimorum Populorum Regionum TabulaSwitzerlandVisscher, Nicolas1680A200.00
376La Suisse divisee en ses Cantons, ses Allies, et Sujets, et distinguee en Pays Catholiques, Protestans et MixtesSwitzerlandBellin, Jacques Nicolas1760B65.00
377Etats de Pologne et de Lithuanie, Divises par Palatinats et Provinces Ecclesiastiques avec le Roiaumede Prusse et le Duche de CurlandePoland and LithuaniaBrion de la Tour/Desnos1766A+150.00
378Warsaw (Warszawa)PolandSDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge1831A65.00
379Franckenlandt Francia orientalisGermanyMercator/Hondius1627Bunsold
380Nobilissimi Germaniae Fluminis Rheni Accuratissima DelineatoGermany and NetherlandsSchoonebeck, Adrian1680B200.00
381Nuova Carta del Circolo Westfalia diviso ne suoi Vescovadi, Principati, Contee, &c.GermanyTirion, Isaac1734B100.00
382Lot of 4 Battle PlansGermanyAnon.1820B150.00
383HamburgGermanySDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge1841A80.00
384PrussiaGermanyTallis, John1851B45.00
385Tabula Russia Vulgo MoscoviaRussia in EuropeWit, Frederick de1700B200.00
386Ioh. Newcombe, Senator Consularis…Russia in EuropeAnon.1740Aunsold
387Carte Des Pais Habites par Les Samojedes et OstiacsRussia in EuropeBellin, Jacques Nicolas1750B30.00
388Carte du Spits-Berg Suivant les Hollandois Pour servir a l'Histoire Generale des VoyagesSpitsbergen, NorwayBellin, Jacques Nicolas1758B45.00
389Nuova Carta della Moscovia o RussiaRussia in EuropeTirion, Isaac1734B160.00
390Carte de l'Empire de Russie, en Europe et en AsieRussia in Europe and AsiaBonne, Rigobert1780A55.00
391Russie d'EuropeRussia in EuropeLapie, Alexander Emile & Pierre1809A+55.00
392The CrimeaUkraineTallis, John1851A30.00
393Russia in EuropeRussia in EuropeTallis, John1851Bunsold
394Vienna (Wien)AustriaSDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge1833A90.00
395Hungariae Descriptio, Wolfgango Lazio Auct.HungaryOrtelius, Abraham1579A325.00
396TransilvaniaRomaniaOrtelius, Abraham1598A75.00
397Hungariae ampliori significatu et veteris vel Methodicae complexae Regna Hungariae Propriae, Croatiae Dalmatiae Bosniae Serviae Bulgariae Cumaniae Principatum Transsylvaniae…BalkansHaas/Homann Heirs1739B160.00
398Macedonia Epirus et AchaiaBalkans and GreeceMercator/Jansson1644A210.00
399Graeciae Universae secundum Hodiernum situ Neoterica Descri.GreeceOrtelius, Abraham1598A85.00
400Griechenland und der Griechisch-Turkische ArchipelGreecePerthes, Justus1877Aunsold
401Europa Tabula VIItalyRuscelli, Girolamo1564A220.00
402Puglia Piana Terra di Bari Otranto etc.ItalyMercator/Hondius1630B150.00
403Exactissima Tabula, qua tam Danubii Fluvii Pars Superior…ItalyVisscher, Nicolas1690A300.00
404Italie volgens de allernieuwste Uitgave van den Heere d'AnvilleItalyTirion, Isaac1761A275.00
405Carte des Etats de Parme et Modene, de la Lombardie Imperiale et de l'Etat de VeniseItalyBellin, Jacques Nicolas1780B40.00
406[Lot of 2] Plan of Ancient Rome [and] Plan of Modern RomeItalySDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge1830B110.00
407City of RomeItalyLetts & Son1890A65.00
408[Lot of 3 - Italy]ItalyVarious1680-1820A200.00
410Aragonia et NavarraSpainBlaeu, (Family)1640Bunsold
411Candia cum Insulis aliquot circa GraeciamCreteMercator, Gerard1589B350.00
412Carta Nuova del Dominique Stati del Turco Situati Nell'Europa Asia ed AfricaMediterraneanTirion, Isaac1760B130.00
413Carte Generale des Etats du Nord de l'Afrique, de la Mer Mediterranee et de l'Europe MeridionaleMediterraneanBrue, Adrien Hubert1828A+50.00
414Corsica and Sardinia [on sheet with] Balearic Islands [and] Valetta, The Capital of the Island of MaltaMediterraneanSDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge1831A+30.00
415Asia recens summa cura delineataAsiaHondius, Henricus1631A1200.00
416Asiae Nova DescriptioAsiaWit, Frederick de1661A2500.00
417Asiae Nova DelineatioAsiaVisscher, Nicolas1698A750.00
418Asie divisee en ses principaux Etats, Empires & RoyaumesAsiaDelamarche, Charles Francois1791B150.00
419Charte de l'AsieAsiaWalch, Johannes1800A+300.00
420AsieAsiaLevasseur, Victor1850A150.00
421De Gelegentheyt van 't Paradys en 't Landt Canaan, Mitsgaders d' eerst Bewoonde Landen der Patriarchen uyt de H. Schrifture…Near and Middle EastStoopendaal, Daniel1729A375.00
422L'Empire d'Alexandre et ses ExpeditionsNear and Middle EastCrepy, (Family)1760B50.00
423Carte de la Syrie apres la mort d'Alexandre le GrandSyriaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1760B47.50
424Map of The Country from Sues to Mount SinaiNear and Middle EastAnon.1800Bunsold
425Soria et Terra Santa Nuova TavolaHoly LandRuscelli, Girolamo1564A180.00
426Die Heilige Statt Jerusalem…Holy Land - JerusalemMunster, Sebastian1570Bunsold
427Das Heilig Landt mit Auszcheilung der Zwolff GeschlechterHoly LandMunster/Petri1588A210.00
428Tabula Geographica, In Qua Omnes Regiones, urbes, oppida, loca et fluvii Israeliae describunturHoly LandPlancius/Hartgers1650B650.00
429Tabula Geographica, In Qua Iisraelitarum, Ab Aegypto Ad Kenahanaem usque profectiones omnes, et stationes describuntur…Holy LandPlancius/Hartgers1650A700.00
430Situs Terrae Promissionis. S.S. Bibliorum intelligentiam exacte aperiens per Chr. AdrichomHoly LandJansson, Jan1662A+850.00
431Perigrinatie ofte Veertich-Iarige Reyse der Kinderen Israels uyt Egypten door de Roode Zee ende de Woestyne tot in't Beloofde Landt CanaanHoly LandStoopendaal, Daniel1682A+425.00
432IerusalemHoly LandStoopendaal, Daniel1702A250.00
433Temple de JerusalemHoly LandHooghe, Romain de1730A240.00
434Map of Western Palestins in 26 sheets from surveys conducted for the Committee of the Palestine Exploration Fund by Lieuts. C.R. Conder and H.H. Kitchener, R.E. during the years 1872-1877Holy LandStanford, Edward1880C425.00
435Persia, Sive Sophorum RegnumPersiaJansson, Jan1640A325.00
436PersiaPersiaThomson, John1817A50.00
437Independent Tartary [together with] Thibet, Mongolia, and MandchuriaCentral AsiaTallis, John1851B50.00
438TartariaNorthern AsiaMercator/Hondius1620A120.00
439Tartaria sive Magni Chami ImperiumNorthern AsiaBlaeu, (Family)1635A400.00
440A New Map of Great Tartary, and China, with the adjoyning Parts of Asia, taken from Mr. De Fer's Map of AsiaAsia - EasternWells, Edward1701B200.00
441Generalis Totius Imperii Russorum Novissima Tabula Magnam Orbis terrarum partem a Polo Arctico sife ad mare Japonicum et Chinae Septentrionalis…Northern AsiaHomann, Johann Baptist1729B220.00
442Reduction d'une Carte publiee a Nuremberg [on sheet with] Vue des Glaces au milieu desquelles l'on voit la Peche qui se fait au Nord-Est de l'AsieNortheast AsiaBuache, Philip1753B110.00
443Nouvelle Representation des Côtes Nord et Est de l'AsieNorthern AsiaRobert de Vaugondy, Gilles1772Aunsold
444Suite de la Carte de La Siberie et le Pais de KamtchatkaRussiaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1750A40.00
445A Map of the Empire of Russia, with Northern TartaryRussiaJefferys, Thomas1775B50.00
446A New & Accurate Map of the Whole Russian Empire, as contain'd both in Europe and Asia…Russian EmpireBowen, Thomas1780C55.00
447Russia in AsiaRussiaTallis, John1851Bunsold
448Kanton in platte grondtChinaNieuhoff, Johann1665B70.00
449Imperii Sinarum Nova Descriptio. Auctore Joh van LoonChina and KoreaJansson/Valck & Schenk1709A675.00
450Carte de la Tartarie OccidentaleEastern AsiaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1740A50.00
451Nuova Carta dell' Imperio Della China e dei Paesi circonviciniChina, Korea and JapanTirion, Isaac1760B120.00
452The Empire of Japan Divided into Seven Principal Parts and Subdivided into Sixty Six Kingdoms; with the Kingdom of Corea from Kemfrer and the PortugueseJapan and KoreaSayer/Laurie & Whittle1794Bunsold
453Imperium Japonicum in sexaginta et octo Provincias divisum Ex ipsorum Japonensium mappis & Observationibus Kaempferianis, qua fieri licuit fide & cura descriptumJapanKaempfer/Scheuchzer1727A+2100.00
454Plan du Port et de la Ville de NangasakiJapanBellin, Jacques Nicolas1736B150.00
455Colton's Japan Nippon, Kiusiu, Sikok, Yesso and the Japanase KurilesJapanColton, Joseph Hutchins1855A110.00
456AAF Cloth Chart Sendai/Kanazaw (NJ 53 & NJ 54)JapanUSAAF1943A+130.00
457Southern IndiaIndia & Sri LankaTallis, John1851A75.00
458Cabool, the Punjab and BeloochistanIndia, Pakistan and AfghanistanTallis, John1851B47.50
459Descripcion de las Indias Del Poniente 14South East AsiaHerrera y Tordesillas, Antonio de1601-22A600.00
460Indiae Orientalis Nova DescriptioSouth East AsiaJansson, Jan1635Bunsold
461India OrientalisSouth East AsiaHondius/Jansson1650A190.00
462Suite de l'Ocean Oriental Contenant les Isles de la Sonde les Costes de Tunquin et de la Chine les Isles du Japon les Philippines Moluques…East and Southeast AsiaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1746B150.00
463Nuova Carta dell' ndia di la del Fiume Ganges overo di Malacca Siam Cambodia Chiampa Kochinchina Laos Pegu Ava &c.Southeast AsiaTirion, Isaac1760B170.00
464Nuova, et Accurata Carta dell' Isole Filippine, Ladrones, e Moluccos, o Isole delle Speziarie como anco Celebes &c.Southeast AsiaTirion, Isaac1760B150.00
465Ost-IndienSoutheast AsiaPerthes, Justus1877A+55.00
466Ilsles PhilippinesPhilippinesCrepy, (Family)1770B75.00
467KuchingMalaysiaMeurs, Jacob van1665A130.00
468Insularum Moluccarum Nova descriptioIndonesiaJansson, Jan1630B140.00
469Moluccae Insulae CeleberrimaeIndonesiaHondius/Blaeu1640A700.00
470Insulae Iavae cum parte Insularum Borneo Sumatrae, et Circumjacentium Insularum Novissima DelineatioIndonesiaJansson, Jan1652Aunsold
471Carte Particuliere des Isles MoluquesIndonesiaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1750B45.00
472Nuova Carta delle Isole di Sunda, come Borneo, Sumatra e Iava Grande &c.IndonesiaTirion, Isaac1760B250.00
473Isles de La Sonde [together with} Isles MoluquesIndonesiaCrepy, (Family)1770B190.00
474Carte de l'Isle Celebes ou MacassarIndonesiaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1785A47.50
475La Description d'Affricque selon les Divers Pais. Animaux & Monstres HorriblesAfricaMunster, Sebastian1550A+220.00
476Africae nova TabulaAfricaHondius, Henricus1631A1200.00
477Carte de l'Afrique…AfricaBertius, Petrus1640A800.00
478Totius Africae Accuratissima TabulaAfricaWit, Frederick de1680B700.00
479L'Afrique Dressee pour l'etude de la Geographie, Revue et Augmente par M. Brion Ingenieur Geographe du RoyAfricaBrion de la Tour/Desnos1766B325.00
480Chart of the Track of the Dolphin, Tamar, Swallow & Endeavour through the South Seas; & of the Track of M. Bougainville, round the world [Part 3]AfricaBowen, Thomas1773B42.50
481Africa nach Robert Vaugondy, Rennell's und Sotzmann's Skizze des nordlichen Theils von Africa nach den Geographischen Nachrichten welche die Africanische Gesellschaft gesammelt hat…AfricaSchneider and Weigel1794B300.00
482AfriqueAfricaLevasseur, Victor1850A190.00
483AfricaAfricaTallis, John1851B120.00
484AfricaAfricaJohnston, Keith1882A60.00
485AegyptusEgyptMagini, Giovanni Antonio1621A90.00
486Statuum Marocca Norum, Regnorum nempe Fessani, Maroccani, Tafiletani et Segelomessani Secundum suas Provincias accurate divisorum, Typus generalis novusMoroccoHomann, Johann Christoph1728A350.00
487Carte Detailee ... de l'Afrique et des Iles qui en DependentNorthern AfricaBrue, Adrien Hubert1828Aunsold
488Northern AfricaAfrica - NorthernTallis, John1851A30.00
489North Africa or Barbary I-V (Set of 5 maps)Africa - NorthernSDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge1853A60.00
490Mauritania Nuova TavolaAfrica - WesternRuscelli, Girolamo1564A130.00
491Bocche del Fiume Negro et Isole di Capo VerdeAfrica - WesternCoronelli, Vincenzo Maria1692A+850.00
492Carte de l'Afrique Francoise ou du Senegal Dressee sur un grand nombre de Cartes Manuscrites et d'Itineraires rectifies par diverses ObservationsAfrica - WesternDelisle/Buache1745A+200.00
493Carte Du Cours des Rivieres de Faleme et Sanaga Dans le Pays de Bambuc et Tamba AwraAfrica - WesternBellin, Jacques Nicolas1746B40.00
494Carte des Entrees de la Riviere de Scherbro ou CerberaAfrica - WesternBellin, Jacques Nicolas1760B42.50
495Carte de la Senegambie, du Soudan et de la Guinee SeptentrionaleAfrica - WesternBrue, Adrien Hubert1828A50.00
496Carte de l'Afrique Meridionale ou Pays entre la Ligne & le Cap de Bonne Esperance, et l'Isle de MadagascarAfrica - SouthernVisscher/De Leth1730B375.00
497Cape ColonyAfrica - SouthernTallis, John1851B40.00
498Partie de la Mer du Sud comprise entre les Philippines et la CaliforniePacific OceanLa Perouse, Comte Jean F. Galoup, de1797A200.00
499OceanieSouth Pacific OceanLevasseur, Victor1850A+120.00
500Tartariae sive Magni Chami Regni TypusNorth Pacific - Asia and North AmericaOrtelius, Abraham1580A+1100.00
501Tartariae sive Magni Chami Regni TypusNorth Pacific - Asia and North AmericaOrtelius, Abraham1598A150.00
502Carte de l'Entree de Norton, et du Detroit de Bhering ou l'on voit le Cap le plus Oriental de l'Asie, et la Pointe la plus Occidentale de l'AmeriqueNorth Pacific - AlaskaCook/Benard1790B50.00
503Carte de la Cote N.O. de l'Amerique et de la Cote N.E. de l'Asie, Reconnues en 1778 et 1779…North Pacific - AlaskaCook/Benard1790B130.00
504[Set of 5 maps]AustraliaTallis, John1851A600.00
505Victoria, or Port PhilipAustraliaTallis, John1851A110.00
506Johnson's AustraliaAustraliaJohnson, A. J.1864A47.50
507South Australia, New South Wales, Victoria & QueenslandAustraliaJohnston, Keith1882B35.00
508[Set of three maps] Australia and New ZealandAustralia and New ZealandPerthes, Justus1877B55.00
509New ZealandNew ZealandJohnston, Keith1882B35.00
510[Lot of 15 - Engravings from Grands Voyages]ExplorationBry, Theodore de1599B650.00
511[Sea Battle]Exploration - BrazilBry, Theodore de1593A100.00
512Hispani Stratagemate Quodam Indos in Insula Cubagua adversus Gallos incitantExploration - VenezuelaBry, Theodore de1595B75.00
513Qua Ratione Indi in BellumExploration - ColombiaBry, Theodore de1595A70.00
514[Lot of 7 - Peru]ExplorationMontanus, Arnoldus1673A190.00
515[Lot of 4 - Mexico & Guatemala]ExplorationMontanus, Arnoldus1673A200.00
516[Lot of 8 - West Indies]ExplorationMontanus, Arnoldus1673A190.00
517[Lot of 5 - America]ExplorationMontanus, Arnoldus1673A220.00
518[Lot of 4 - South America]ExplorationMontanus, Arnoldus1673B110.00
519Poulaho, King of the Friendly Islands, drinking KavaExploration - South PacificHogg, Alexander1784A25.00
520A Family in Dusk Bay, New ZealandExploration - New ZealandHogg, Alexander1784B25.00
521[Lot of 2]Exploration - Sandwich Islands, Tahiti and New ZealandGentleman's Magazine1784B50.00
522Novum Amsterodamum [together with two engravings]New YorkMontanus, Arnoldus1673A600.00
523View of the Capitol at WashingtonDistrict of ColumbiaBartlett, W. H.1840A47.50
524State Street, BostonMassachusettsBartlett, W. H.1840A40.00
525The Horse Shoe Fall, Niagara - With the TowerNew YorkBartlett, W. H.1840Aunsold
526The Palisades - Hudson RiverNew YorkBartlett, W. H.1840A20.00
527The Narrows from Staten IslandNew YorkBartlett, W. H.1840A+35.00
528View from West Point (Hudson River)New YorkBartlett, W. H.1840A55.00
529AlbanyNew YorkBartlett, W. H.1840Aunsold
530[Lot of 9 Bird Prints]BirdsLizars, William Home1843A30.00
531[Lot of 4 Prints]BirdsCassell, John1880A50.00
532[Lot of 4 Prints]BirdsCassell, John1880A50.00
533[Lot of 6 Prints]BirdsU.S. Gov't Printing Office1886A+85.00
534[Lot of 5 Prints]Birds and AnimalsBuffon, Comte de1816A60.00
535[Lot of 4 Prints]AnimalsAnon.1820B80.00
536American Bison or Buffalo [Plate LVI]AnimalsAudubon, J. J.1854A300.00
537[Lot of 8 Engravings]FishLizars, William Home1843A80.00
538[Lot of 5 Prints]ReptilesAnon.1750A+100.00
539[Lot of 30]InsectsLizars, William Home1843-44Bunsold
540Florilegium Amplissimum et selectissimum que non, tantum varia diversorum florum praestantissimorum, et nunquam antea exhibitorum genera, sed et rarae quamplurimae Indicarum plantarum, et radicum formae, ad vivum partibus duabus, quatuor etiam linguis…Botanical - Title PageJansson, Jan1631A180.00
541Report of the State Botanist on Edible Fungi of New YorkBotanicalsPeck, Charles H.1900A70.00
542Mandeh-Pahchu - A Young Mandan Indian {Vig. XXIV]Native AmericansBodmer, Karl1844Aunsold
543Mahsette-Kuiuab - Chief of the Cree Indians [Vig. XXII]Native AmericansBodmer, Karl1844Cunsold
544Mexkemahuastan - Chief of the Gros-ventres des Prairies [Vig. XX]Native AmericansBodmer, Karl1844Cunsold
545A Skin Lodge of an Assiniboin Chief [Vig. XVI]Native AmericansBodmer, Karl1844A+unsold
546[Lot of 4 engravings]Native AmericansBodmer, Karl1844C1900.00
547Ischoha-Kakoschochata, Dance of the Mandan Indians - Vig. XXV [together with] Ptihn-Tak-Ochata, Dance of the Mandan Women - Vig. XXVIIINative AmericansBodmer, Karl1844A+unsold
548Cave-In-Rock View on the Ohio [Vig. VII]United StatesBodmer, Karl1844B200.00
549[Lot of 10 Prints]Native AmericansCatlin, George1892A110.00
550[Lot of 10 Kachina Prints]Native AmericansBureau of American Ethnology1903A425.00
551[Lot of 10 Prints]Native AmericansBureau of American Ethnology1896A+170.00
552[Lot of 10 Zuni Mask Prints]Native AmericansBureau of American Ethnology1905A+425.00
553[Lot of 25 Civil War prints]MilitaryHarper Bros.1863-65A190.00
554[Lot of 18 Civil War Engravings]MilitaryVarious1866B80.00
555Zee-Slagh Vanden Hr. Admiraal Michiel de Ruiter en den Hr. de la Zarda tegens de France Adm. de Hr. du Quesne, by Eylandt Sicilien ontrent der Bergh Aetna op den 22, April, 1676ShipsStoopendaal, Daniel1700A325.00
556Tocht naer Nova Zemla in den Jaere MDXCVIRussiaLuyken, Jan1700Bunsold
557Nouvelle Carte pour conduire a la Connoissance de la Marine et a demontrere la plus part des InstrumensShipsChatelain, Henry Abraham1720A700.00
558Aftekening der Schilderye, op't Stadhuis te Dordrecht geplaatst ter gedagtenisse van de Overwinning by Chattam, in't Jaar 1667, onder't beleid van Kornelis de Wit, Ruwaard van PuttenShips - Anglo-Dutch WarsAnon.1750A65.00
559Marine, Vaisseau du Premier Rang avec ses Mats et Vergues, et quelques uns des principaux CordagesShipsBellin, Jacques Nicolas1750B240.00
560Tab.U. De Architectura Marina oder Vorstellung eines Orlogs oder Kriegs-Schiffs mit volligen Tou oder Sailwerck Flaggen u. WimpelShipsAnon.1760B325.00
561Marine, Pl. 111Marine FlagsDiderot, Denis1780A100.00
562Marine, Pl. 112Marine FlagsDiderot, Denis1780A100.00
563[Lot of 3 Engravings] Tab III [and] Tab IV [and] Tab VAnatomyVesalius, Andreas1706B450.00
564[Lot of 5 Cartoons]ComicsAnon.1888A130.00
565[Manuscript Leaf]Medieval ManuscriptsAnon.1300A170.00
566[Illuminated Leaf]Medieval ManuscriptsAnon.1400A1300.00
567[Illuminated Leaf]Medieval ManuscriptsAnon.1400A350.00
568[Illuminated Leaf]Medieval ManuscriptsAnon.1450A350.00
569[Illuminated Leaf]Medieval ManuscriptsAnon.1400A80.00
570[Illuminated Leaf]Medieval ManuscriptsAnon.1400A130.00
571[Illuminated Leaf]Medieval ManuscriptsAnon.1400A350.00
572[Illuminated Leaf]Medieval ManuscriptsAnon.1400A160.00
573[Illuminated Leaf]Medieval ManuscriptsAnon.1400A130.00
574[Illuminated Leaf]Medieval ManuscriptsAnon.1400B120.00
575[Illuminated Leaf]Medieval ManuscriptsAnon.1400A+170.00
576[Illuminated Leaf]Medieval ManuscriptsAnon.1470A+120.00
577[Illuminated Leaf]Illuminated Manuscript LeafAnon.1620B210.00
578V [Creation]IncunabulaSchedel, Hartmann1493B750.00
579[Lot of 12 Leaves]IncunabulaSchedel, Hartmann1493Cunsold
580[Lot of 8 Leaves]IncunabulaSchedel, Hartmann1493Cunsold
581LXI - MassiliaIncunabulaSchedel, Hartmann1493A275.00
582CCLXXXVIII - FranciaIncunabulaSchedel, Hartmann1493A350.00
583CCLXXI [Tracia and Turchis)IncunabulaSchedel, Hartmann1493A325.00
584CXCIIII [Nice]IncunabulaSchedel, Hartmann1493B200.00
585[Book of Hours]IncunabulaVostre, Simon1519B5000.00
586[Illuminated Leaf]IncunabulaAnon.1500Bunsold
587[Illuminated Leaf]Early PrintingHardouin, Gilles1500B500.00
588[Illuminated Leaf]Early PrintingHardouin, Gilles1526A230.00
589[Illuminated Leaf]Early PrintingLuc Antonio Giunta1520A+60.00
590[Lot of 2 Leaves]IncunabulaLuc Antonio Giunta1520A+120.00
591[Lot of 15 Leaves]Printed LeavesMunster, Sebastian1580B180.00
592[Lot of 24 Leaves]Printed LeavesMunster, Sebastian1580B200.00
593[Processional Leaf]Manuscript MusicAnon.1400A85.00
594[Processional Leaf]Manuscript MusicAnon.1400B130.00
595[Antiphonal Leaf]Manuscript MusicAnon.1400A130.00
596[Antiphonal Leaf]Manuscript MusicAnon.1400B100.00
597[Antiphonal Leaf]Manuscript MusicAnon.1490A170.00
598[Antiphonal Leaf]Manuscript MusicAnon.1490A200.00
599[Antiphonal Leaf]Manuscript MusicAnon.1490A170.00
600[Antiphonal Leaf]Manuscript MusicAnon.1500A80.00
601[Antiphonal Leaf]Manuscript MusicAnon.1280A150.00
602[Antiphonal Leaf]Manuscript MusicAnon.1600A120.00
603Printed Leaf of MusicMusic1507A+110.00
604[Manuscript Will]IndentureAnon.1792-17B50.00
605Geographiae Universae Tum Veteris, Tum Novae Absolutissimum… Inquorum priore habentur Cl. Ptolemaei PelusiensisAtlasesMagini, Giovanni Antonio1597B5000.00
606Atlas des Enfans, ou Nouvelle Methode pour Apprendre La Geographie, Avec un Nouveau Traite de La Sphere, et XXIV Cartes Enluminees…AtlasesBruyset, Jean-Marie1790Aunsold
607The Cyclopaedia; or Universal Dictionary of Arts, Science, and Literature … Plates. Vol. VI. Ancient and Modern AtlasAtlasesRees, Abraham1820B550.00
608A Comprehensive Atlas Geographical, Historical & CommercialAtlasesBradford, Thomas Gamaliel1843B3000.00
609Mitchell's School AtlasAtlasesCowperthwait & Co.1856B160.00
610E. von Sydow's Schul-Atlas in Zwei und Vierzig KartenAtlasesPerthes, Justus1869B230.00
611Illustrated Atlas of the Upper Ohio River and Valley from Pittsburgh, Pa. To Cincinnati, Ohio. From United States Official and Special Surveys…Atlases - OhioHayes, E.L.1877B4000.00
612The People's Illustrated & Descriptive Family Atlas of the WorldAtlasesPeople's Publishing Co.1886B250.00
613Atlas to accompany monograph XXXII on the Geology of the Yellowstone National ParkAtlasesU.S. Geological Survey (USGS)1904B300.00
614Stielers Hand-AtlasAtlasesPerthes, Justus1905A700.00
615Maps of the Orinoco-Essequibo Region South AmericaAtlases - South AmericaU.S. Government1897B170.00
616Collectanea de Mappas da Cartographia Paulista Antiga Volume IAtlases - BrazilTaunay, Affonso1922C130.00
617Traite's de la Sphere et de Geographie par le S. De LisleManuscript School GeographyAnon.1730Bunsold
618A Gazetteer of Illinois in Three Parts…GeographyPeck, John M.1837B550.00
619A New Gazetteer, or Geographical Dictionary, of North America and the West Indies…GeographyDavenport, Bishop1838B180.00
620Nouveau Voyage autour du MondeTravel and ExplorationDampier, William (Capt.)1715A850.00
621The Voyage of Vega Round Asia and Europe with the Historical View of Previous Journeys Along the North Coast of the Old WorldTravel and ExplorationNordenskiold, Nils Adolf E.1882Aunsold
622Journal of an Exploring Tour Beyond the Rocky Mountains … with a Map of Oregon TerritoryTravel and Exploration - American WestParker, Samuel (Rev.)1842B375.00
623Report of the Exploring Expedition to The Rocky Mountains in the Year 1842, and to Oregon and North California in the Years 1843-44Travel and Exploration - American WestFremont, John Charles1845B200.00
624A Natural and Civil History of California; containing An accurate Description of that Country, Its Soil, Mountains, Harbours, Lakes, Rivers, and Seas; its Animals, Vegetables, Minerals, and famous Fishery for Pearls…Travel and Exploration - CaliforniaVenegas, Miguel (Padre)1759A1000.00
625Report of the Exploration of the Country Between Lake Superior and the Red River Settlement and Between the Latter Place and the Assiniboine and SaskatchewanTravel and Exploration - CanadaCanadian Government1859B230.00
626Mesure des Trois Premiers Degre's du Meridien Dans L'Hemisphere Austral Tiree des Observations de de l'Academie Royale des Sciences, Envoyes par le Roi sous l'Equateur.Travel and Exploration - PeruLa Condamine1751B300.00
627The Lusiad; Or The Discovery of IndiaTravel and Exploration - IndiaCamoens, Luis de1778C150.00
628The Voyage From Lisbon to India, 1505 - 1506Travel and Exploration - India1894Aunsold
629Atlas du Voyage en Islande, fair par ordre de S.M. DanoiseTravel and Exploration - IcelandOlafsen, Eggert1802B475.00
630Navigational Notes on the Labrador Coast…Northernmost Labrador Mapped from the AirSurveys - Canada1938A25.00
631Report of the Superintendent of the United States Coast SurveySurveys - United StatesU.S. Coast Survey1869A200.00
632Report of the Board of Commissioners on The Irrigation of The San Joaquin, Tulare, and Sacramento Valleys of the State of CaliforniaSurveys - CaliforniaU.S. Gov't Printing Office1874Bunsold
633Report on Bridging the Mississippi River Between Saint Paul, Minn., and St. Louis, Mo.Surveys - Mississippi RiverU.S. Gov't Printing Office1878B120.00
634Letter of the Secretary of The Navy, Communicating… a report… in relation to the various proposed lines for interoceanic canals and railroads between the waters of the Atlantic and Pacific OceansSurveys - Central AmericaU.S. Government1866C150.00
635Message From The President of the United States, Transmitting the Report of the Board of Engineers for the Purpose of Ascertaining the Feasibility, Permanence, and Cost of Construction and Completion of the Nicaragua Canal…Surveys- NicaraguaU.S. Gov't Printing Office1896Aunsold
636Report of the Nicaragua Canal CommissionSurveys - NicaraguaU.S. Government1897-1899Bunsold
637Belgium and Holland including the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg, Handbook for TravellersGuide BooksBaedeker, Karl1905B110.00
638Over the Range to the Golden Gate. A Complete Tourist's Guide to Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, Nevada, California, Oregon, Puget Sound and the Great NorthwestGuide Books1908B30.00
639Italy from the Alps to Naples Handbook for TravellersGuide BooksBaedeker, Karl1909A35.00
640The Naturalist's Library, Vol. XXXIII. Entomology - BeetlesNatural HistoryJardine, William1858B150.00
641Salon de 1888Miscellaneous BooksHoussaye, Henry188860.00
642Kanzas and Nebraska: The History, Geographical and Physical Characteristics, and Political Position of Those TerritoriesHistory - American WestHale, Edward E.1854C190.00
643Across the Continent: A Summer's Journey to the Rocky Mountains, The Mormons, and the Pacific States with Speaker ColfaxHistory - American WestBowles, Samuel1866B90.00
644Mission of the North American PeopleHistory - American WestGilpin, William1873B475.00
645[Lot of 4 - American West]History - American WestAunsold
646[Lot of 2 Books]History - Western AmericaVariousAunsold
647TexasHistory - TexasHolley, Mary Austin1836Bunsold
648What I Saw in California: being the Journal of a Tour… In the years 1846, 1847History - CaliforniaBryant, Edwin1849B110.00
649The Romance of El Camino RealHistory - California1934B35.00
650The Mines of ColoradoHistory - ColoradoHollister, Ovando J.1867B550.00
651[Lot of 3 Books]History - OregonVarious1882-1950B200.00
652New Amsterdam New Orange New York: A Chronologically Arranged Account of Engraved Views of the City from the First Picture Published in MDCLI Until the Year MDCCCHistory - New YorkAndrews, William Loring1897A475.00
653The New World: The First Pictures of AmericaHistory - AmericanLorant, Stefan1946A65.00
654La Geographie de Terre-NeuveHistory - CanadaPerret, Robert1913Aunsold
655Boundaries of the United States and of the Several States and Territories with the outline of the History of All Important Changes of TerritoryHistory - United StatesU.S. Gov't Printing Office1900A35.00
656[Lot of 3 Books]History - ExplorationVarious1942-9137.50
657[Lot of 3 Books]History - ExplorationVarious1950-86A40.00
658[Lot of 3 Books]History - ExplorationVarious1953-69Aunsold
659[Lot of 2] Conquest By Man [with] The Great ExplorersHistory - Exploration1954-78Aunsold
660Voyages of the Columbia to the Northwest CoastHistory - ExplorationVarious1958-90Aunsold
661The Voyages of Captain CookHistory - ExplorationRienits, Rex and Thea1969A16.00
662Marquette's Explorations: The Narratives ReexaminedHistory - ExplorationHamilton, Raphael N.1970A+20.00
663The European Discovery of America: The Northern Voyages [together with] The Southern VoyagesHistory - ExplorationMorison, Samuel Elliot1971-74B25.00
664[Lot of 3 Books]History - ExplorationVarious1972-89A+50.00
665The Exploration of Canada: Some Geographical ConsiderationsHistory - Canadian Exploration1971A+14.00
666Geographical Discovery and Exploration in the Queen Elizabeth IslandsHistory - Canadian ExplorationCanadian Government1955Aunsold
667History and Digest of the International Arbitrations to Which the United States has been a Party…In Six Volumes. Volume VI - MapsHistory - Native AmericanU.S. Gov't Printing Office1898C110.00
668[Lot of 2] Atlas of the North American Indian [and] Another America: Native American Maps and the History of Our LandHistory - Native AmericanVarious1985A55.00
669[Lot of 2] Atlas of the Greek World [together with] Greek and Roman MapsHistory - Greek and RomanVarious1985-89Aunsold
670The Normans [together with] Hannibal's WarHistory - EuropeanVarious1984-97A+unsold
671[Lot of 4 Books]History - VikingsVarious1969-86A85.00
672[Lot of 3 Books]History - Civil WarVarious1974-95A+80.00
673Great Battles of World War IHistory - WWILivesey, Anthony1997A32.50
674The Visconti HoursReference - Illuminated ManuscriptsVarious1972A90.00
675The Making of the Nuremberg ChronicleReference - IncunabulaWilson, Adrian1978A+140.00
676Chronicle of the World - The complete and annotated Nuremberg Chronicle of 1493Reference - IncunabulaSchedel, Hartmann2001A+130.00
677The Physical Geography of the SeaReference - OceanographyMaury, M. F.1856B35.00
678The Art of Natural History: Animal Illustrators and Their WorkReference - Natural HistoryDance, S. Peter1978A+30.00
679John Gould's Birds [together with] The Art of Bird IllustrationReference - Natural HistoryLambourne, Maureen1981A+35.00
680The Art of the Plant World: The Great Botanical Illustrators and their WorkReference - Natural HistoryRix, Martyn1981A35.00
681Redoute's Roses [together with] A Redoute Treasury: 468 Watercolours from Les Liliacees of Pierre-Joseph RedouteReference - Natural HistoryVarious1986-90Aunsold
682Fine Bird Books 1700-1900Reference - Natural HistorySitwell, Sacheverell1990A25.00
683Classic Natural History Prints: FishReference - Natural History1990A+18.00
684Manuscrits et Livres PrecieuxReference Books - Rare Book Catalogs1990A100.00
685Images of Science: A History of Scientific IllustrationReference - Scientific IllustrationFord, Brian J.1993A+15.00
686The Art of Botanical IllustrationReference - Natural HistoryBlunt, Wilfred1994A+25.00
687The Garden at Eichstatt: The Book of PlantsReference - Natural HistoryBesler, Basilius2000A27.50
688Manual of Map Reading, Photo Reading, and Field Sketching, 1929Reference - Cartography1940A27.50
689The Story of Maps [together with] The MapmakersReference - CartographyVarious1949-82B65.00
690Atlas of The United States 1795-1800Reference - Cartography1960A37.50
691Early Maps of Bohemia, Moravia and SilesiaReference - CartographyKuchar, Karel1961A50.00
692Investing in MapsReference - CartographyBaynton-Williams, Roger1969A55.00
693Antique Maps of Europe, the Americas, West Indies, Australasia, Africa, the OrientReference - CartographyGohm, Douglas1972B25.00
694Lazarus Secretarius: The First Hungarian Mapmaker and His WorkReference - CartographyVarious1982Aunsold
695Early Sea ChartsReference - CartographyPutman, Robert1983A80.00
696The Cartography of North America 1500-1800Reference - CartographyPortinaro & Knirsch1987A+37.50
697Charting the ChesapeakeReference - Cartography1990A55.00
698Maps and Map-MakersReference - CartographyTooley, R. V.1990A+50.00
699Atlas of Columbus and the Great DiscoveriesReference - CartographyNebenzahl, Kenneth1990A45.00
700The Atlas of Atlases - The Map Maker's Vision of the WorldReference - CartographyAllen, Phillip1992A45.00
701From Circle to Sphere: Historic Maps since ColumbusReference - CartographyDelaney, John1992A+17.00
702Cartes des AmeriquesReference - Cartography1992A15.00
703Civil War Newspaper Maps: A Historical AtlasReference - CartographyBosse, David1993A25.00
704Japan - A Cartographic VisionReference - CartographyWalter, Lutz1994A+70.00
705Antique MapsReference - CartographyMoreland & Bannister1995A+42.50
706Virginia Cartography - A Bibliographical DescriptionReference - CartographyPhillips, P. Lee1995A+unsold
707Antique Map Price Record & Handbook - 1995Reference - CartographyRosenthal, Jon1995A35.00
708Phantom Islands of the Atlantic - The Legends of Seven Lands That Never WereReference - CartographyJohnson, Donald S.1996A+25.00
709[Lot of 28] Mercator's World - The Magazine of Maps, Atlases, Globes & ChartsReference - Cartography1996-2000A+300.00
710Norwich's Maps of Africa an Illustrated and Annotated Carto-bibliographyReference - CartographyNorwich, Oscar I.1997A45.00
711Collecting Old MapsReference - CartographyManasek, F.J.1998A35.00
712Historic Maritime Maps Used for Historic Exploration 1290-1699Reference - CartographyWigal, Donald2000A+65.00
713The Mapping of AmericaReference - CartographySchwartz & Ehrenberg2001A+70.00
714[Europa Regina]EuropeMunster, Sebastian15801100.00
715IslandiaIcelandJansson, Jan1640250.00