Index of Lots for Auction 157

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Lot #TitleSubjectCreatorPeriodConditionSold For
1La Cosmographie Universelle Recueillie de Chasque bon Autheur & Approue, tant des Historiens...Title PagesMunster, Sebastian1552A180.00
2Americae RetectioTitle Page, America, ItalyGalle/Stradanus1592B+800.00
3Germaniae Tabule GeographicaeTitle PagesMercator/Hondius1619B80.00
4Italiae, Sclavoniae, et Graeciae Tabule GeographiceTitle PagesMercator/Hondius1619Bunsold
5Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, sive Atlas Novus Tertia Pars cum Appendice I & II Partium Antehac EditarumTitle PagesBlaeu, (Family)1640B+120.00
6Itinerarium, ofte Schip-Vaert naer Oost ofte Portugaels Indien...Title PagesLinschoten, Jan Juygen van1644B+140.00
7Atlas Historique. Tome PremierTitle PagesChatelain, Henry Abraham1721A200.00
8The Illustrated Atlas, and Modern History of the World Geographical, Political, Commercial & Statistical…Title PagesTallis, John1851B+unsold
9[Untitled - World]WorldBordone, Benedetto1528B+3000.00
10Typus Orbis TerrarumWorldOrtelius, Abraham1587B+unsold
11Orbis Terrae Compendiosa Descriptio quam ex Magna Universali Gerardi Mercatoris Domino Richardo Gartho...WorldMercator, Rumold1587Bunsold
12Typus Orbis TerrarumWorldOrtelius/Coignet1601A300.00
13Typus Orbis TerrarumWorldHondius/Bertius1616A400.00
14Orbis Terrae Compendiosa Descriptio ex ea, quam ex Magna Universali Mercatoris Rumoldus Mercator... WorldGoos, Abraham1617A600.00
15Discorso Intorno alla Carta da NavigareWorldPorcacchi, Tomaso1620Aunsold
16Nova Totius Terrarum Orbis Geographica ac Hydrographica TabulaWorldBlaeu, Willem1640B+unsold
17A New and Accurat Map of the World Drawne According to ye Truest Descriptions Latest Discoveries & Best Observations yt Have Beene Made by English or StrangersWorldWalton, Robert1659Aunsold
18Nova et Accuratissima Totius Terrarum Orbis TabulaWorldBlaeu, Johannes1660B10500.00
19GeographyWorldBlome, Richard1678B+850.00
20Nova Totius Terrarum Orbis Geographica ac Hydrographica TabulaWorldPitt, Moses1680A6500.00
21Nova Totius Terrarum Orbis TabulaWorldDanckerts, Justus1680B2200.00
22Novus Planiglobii Terrestris per Utrumque Polum ConspectusWorldBlaeu/Valck1695B+2750.00
23Orbis Terrae Compendiosa DescriptioWorldLasor a Varea, Alphonsus1713A275.00
24Universi Orbis Descriptio ad Usum NavigantumWorldLasor a Varea, Alphonsus1713A275.00
25Universi Orbis DescriptioWorldLasor a Varea, Alphonsus1713B+170.00
26Mappe-Monde pour Connoitre les Progres & les Conquestes les Plus Remarquables des Provinces-Unies...WorldChatelain, Henry Abraham1720A550.00
27Plan de l'Histoire Universelle, ou l'on voit les Quatre Monarchies du Monde, et Tous les Anciens Etats Aussi Bien que Ceux qui Subsistent AujourdhuyWorldChatelain, Henry Abraham1720Aunsold
28Mappemonde ou Description Generale du Globe TerrestreWorldChatelain, Henry Abraham1720Aunsold
29Nova et Accuratissima Totius Terrarum Orbis Tabula / Nieuwe en Allernaeukeurigste Weereldt-KaertWorldOttens, Reiner and Joshua1740B+unsold
30Diversi Globi Terr-Aquei Statione Variante et Visu Intercedente, per Coluros Tropicorum...WorldSeutter, Matthias1742B1000.00
31[Lot of 3] Mappe-Monde ou Carte Generale du Globe Terrestre Representee en Deux Plan-Hemispheres... [and] Le Globe Celeste, ou l' on voit, 1022 Etoiles en 48 Constellations... [and] Carte pour Servir d'Entree et d'Introduction a la Geographie...WorldSanson, Nicolas1743unsold
32Wereld-Kaart na de Alderlaatste Ontdekking in't Licht GebragtWorldTirion, Isaac1744Aunsold
33[Untitled - World]WorldJagen, Jan van1748B+700.00
34A Physical Planisphere Wherein Are Represented All the Known Lands and Seas wth. the Great Chains of Mountains...WorldCole, Benjamin1757B+70.00
35Carte Generale du Globe Terrestre...WorldBrouckner/Remondini1761A180.00
36Mappe-Monde ou Description du Globe Terrestre, Assujettie aux Observations AstronomiquesWorldJanvier/Lattre1775B+180.00
37Carte Generale Offrant les Decouvertes Faites par le Capitaine Jacques Cook dans ce Voyage ey dans les Deux Voyages Precedens; Ainsi que la Route des Vaisseaux qu'il CommandoitWorldCook/Benard1784Bunsold
38Mappe-Monde Suivant la Projection des Cartes Reduites; ou l'on a Trace les Routes de Mr. de Bougainville, et les Deux Derniers Voyages du Capitaine CookWorldTardieu, Pierre Francois1785B+unsold
39De Wareld in een Ronde Gedaante van de Noord Pool te Zien [on sheet with] De Wareld verbeeld in de gedaante van een Hard en geleege na de Stelling van de Hr. Guil de L'IsleWorldKeizer/De Lat1786B+150.00
40[Lot of 2] World from the Best Authorities [and] Chart of the World on Mercators ProjectionWorld1796-180065.00
41Geography. Map of the World, Comprehending the Latest DiscoverysWorldBell, Andrew1798B+unsold
42[On 4 Sheets] Mappe-Monde sur la Projection de Mercator Carte Encyprotype...WorldBrue, Adrien Hubert1816Aunsold
43Mappe-Monde Planispherique Physique et HydrographiqueWorldDufour, Auguste-Henri1860Aunsold
44[Lot of 2] Western Hemisphere - Map of Discovery [and] Eastern Hemisphere - Map of DiscoveryWorldNational Geographic Magazine1928A425.00
45[Lot of 2] Dated Events War Map [and] Dated Events Map of World Victory V-e Day V-j Day EditionWorld1942-45A190.00
46[Daniel's Dream Map]Ancient World1564B+500.00
47[Lot of 2] Antiquissima Orbis Delineatio [and] Les Divisions de la Mediterranee Selon les ModernesAncient World, MediterraneanBriet, Philippe1649B+180.00
48Tabula Itineraria ex Illustri Peutingerorum Bibliotheca ... Marci Velseri [in book] Opera Historica et Philologica, Sacra et Profana...Ancient World1682A1500.00
49[Prophetien - Vervullingen]Ancient WorldHooghe, Romain de1687A500.00
50La Division de Nostre OceanEastern HemisphereBriet, Philippe1649B+unsold
51A Map of Marco Polo's Voyages & Travels in the 13th Century Through a Great Part of Asia, All Tartary, the East India Islands & Part of AfricaEastern HemisphereBowen, Emanuel1730A600.00
52A General Chart, on Mercator's Projection, to Shew the Track of the Lion and Hindostan from England to the Gulph of Pekin in China, and of Their Return to England...Eastern HemisphereBarrow, John (Sir)1796B+250.00
53Le Globe Terrestre Vu en Convexe par les Deux Poles, l'Equateur Servant d'HorisonPolarMoithey, Maurille Antoine1769B+300.00
54Carte des Deux Regions Polaires [bound in] Histoire Naturelle, Generale et Particuliere ... Tome QuatriemePolarBuffon, Comte de1798-99B+unsold
55Septentrionalium Terrarum DescriptioNorth PoleMercator/Hondius1619B+2000.00
56A Map of the Countries Thirty Degrees Round the North PoleNorth PoleNeele, Samuel John1808Aunsold
57Carte de l'Hemisphere Austral Montrant les Routes des Navigateurs les Plus Celebres par le Capitaine Jacques CookSouthern HemisphereCook/Benard1775B210.00
58The Antarctic RegionsSouth PoleStanford, Edward1905B+170.00
59Motus in Coelo Spirales quos Planetae Inferiores Venus et Mercurius Secundum Tychonicorum Hypothesin...CelestialDoppelmayr/Homann1742A200.00
60Folio V [Creation]Solar System, IncunabulaSchedel, Hartmann1493B900.00
61Systema Solare et Planetarium ex Hypothesi Copernicana Secundum Elegantissimas Illustrissimi Quondam Hugenii Deductiones Novissime Collectum & ExhibitumSolar SystemDoppelmayr/Homann1720A800.00
62Phaenomena in Planetis Primariis quae Facies Diversas, ex Illorum Phasibus...Solar SystemDoppelmayr/Homann1742B+200.00
63[Monsters] Les Monstres Marins & Terrestres, Lesquelz on Trouve en Beaucoup de Lieux es Parties SeptentrionalesCartographic MiscellanyMunster, Sebastian1552B850.00
64Brietius's Draught of the Winds and Their Names According to the Ancients and ModernsWind RoseCluver, Philipp1711A80.00
65Americae sive Novi Orbis, Nova DescriptioWestern Hemisphere - AmericaOrtelius, Abraham1571A3500.00
66Die Neuwen Inseln /so Hinder Hispanien Gegen Orient /bey dem Landt Indie Ligen Western Hemisphere - AmericaMunster, Sebastian1574A3500.00
67America sive Novus Orbis Respectu Europaeorum Inferior Globi Terrestris ParsWestern Hemisphere - AmericaBry, Theodore de1596Bunsold
68AmericaWestern Hemisphere - AmericaOrtelius/Coignet1601A325.00
69America sive India Nova, ad Magnae Gerardi Mercatoris aui Universalis Imitationem in Compendium RedactaWestern Hemisphere - AmericaMercator/Hondius1619Bunsold
70America with Those Known Parts in That Unknowne Worlde Both People and Manner of Buildings Discribed and InlargedWestern Hemisphere - AmericaSpeed, John1626Bunsold
71Americae DescriptioWestern Hemisphere - AmericaJansson, Jan1628A295.00
72AmericaWestern Hemisphere - AmericaHondius, Jodocus1628B2200.00
73America Noviter DelineataWestern Hemisphere - AmericaHondius/Jansson1632Bunsold
74Americae Nova TabulaWestern Hemisphere - AmericaBlaeu, Willem1640B+4000.00
75Circumferentia Terrae Continet Milliaria Germanica 5400. Italica Vero 21600Western Hemisphere - AmericaBlaeu, Johannes1662Aunsold
76Americae Descriptio Nova Impensis Philippi Chetwind...Western Hemisphere - AmericaSeile, Henry1666Bunsold
77[Lot of 45 - Plates from Ogilby & Montanus's America]Western Hemisphere - AmericaMontanus/Ogilby1671Aunsold
78AmericaWestern Hemisphere - AmericaCluver, Philipp1711A180.00
79L'Amerique, Meridionale et Septentrionale Dressee Selon les Dernieres Relations et Suivant les Nouvelles Decouvertes...Western Hemisphere - AmericaFer, Nicolas de1717A350.00
80Carte du Gouvernement de l'AmeriqueWestern Hemisphere - AmericaChatelain, Henry Abraham1720A100.00
81AmericaWestern Hemisphere - AmericaMoll, Herman1732A250.00
82Americae Mappa Generalis Secundum Legitimas Projectionis Stereographicae Regulas...Western Hemisphere - AmericaHaas/Homann Heirs1746B+275.00
83L'Amerique Suivant le R.P. Charlevoix Jte. Mr. de Condamine, et Plusieurs Autres Nouvle. ObservationsWestern Hemisphere - AmericaLe Rouge, George Louis1746B+500.00
84L'Amerique Divisee en Ses Principales Parties ou sont Distingues les uns des Autres les Estats...Western Hemisphere - AmericaBailleul, Gaspard1752B+unsold
85Nieuwe Kaart van het Westelykste Deel der Weereld, Dienende tot Aanwyzing van de Scheepstogten der Nederlanderen naar Westindie. Volgens de Laatste OntdekkingenWestern Hemisphere - AmericaTirion, Isaac1754B+150.00
86[On 4 Sheets] A New Map of the Whole Continent of America, Divided into North and South and West Indies. With a Descriptive Account of the European Possessions, as Settled by the Definitive Treaty of Peace...Western Hemisphere - AmericaSayer & Bennett1777B+1600.00
87Nouvelle Carte des Parties Occidentales du Monde Servant a Indiquer les Navigations Decouvertes et Etablissements des Hollandois en Amerique Suivant les Dernieres ObservationsWestern Hemisphere - AmericaPhilippe De Pretot, Etienne Andre1788B+150.00
88AmericaWestern Hemisphere - AmericaWilkinson, Robert1826A140.00
89America SeptentrionalisNorth AmericaHondius/Jansson1644B+2000.00
90Amerique SeptentrionaleNorth AmericaSanson/Mariette1669A2400.00
91America BorealisNorth AmericaScherer, Heinrich1699A600.00
92L'Amerique SeptentrionaleNorth AmericaLa Feuille, Daniel de1702A+325.00
93A New Map of the North Parts of America Claimed by France Under ye Names of Louisiana, Mississipi, Canada and New France with ye Adjoyning Territories of England and Spain...North AmericaMoll, Herman1720B2500.00
94Nouvelle Carte de l'Amerique Septentrionale Dressee sur les Plus Nouvelles Observations de Messieurs de l'Academie des Sciences et des Meilleurs Geographes...North AmericaChatelain, Henry Abraham1720A450.00
95Americque Septentrionale par N. Sanson d'Abbeville Geographe du RoyNorth AmericaSanson, Nicolas1735B+200.00
96L'Amerique Septentrionale Divisee en Ses Principaux EtatsNorth AmericaJanvier/Lattre1762B180.00
97A New and Accurate Map of North America, Laid Down According to the Latest, and Most Approved Observations, and DiscoveriesNorth AmericaHinton, John1763B+unsold
98[A Chart of North and South America, Including the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, with the Nearest Coasts of Europe, Africa, and Asia - Sheets III and IV]Colonial North America, North Atlantic & North Pacific OceansJefferys/Sayer & Bennett1775B+unsold
99[Disbound] The American Military Pocket Atlas; Being an Approved Collection of Correct Maps, Both General and Particular, of the British Colonies; Especially Those Which Now Are, or Probably May Be the Theatre of War...North AmericaSayer & Bennett1776B+6500.00
100Amerique Septentrionale Dressee sur les Relations les Plus Modernes des Voyageurs et Navigateurs, ou se Remarquent les Etats UnisNorth AmericaRobert de Vaugondy, Didier1791A300.00
101A New & Accurate Map of North America Including Nootka Sound; with the New Discovered Islands on the North East Coast of AsiaNorth AmericaBowen, Thomas1791Aunsold
102[Lot of 2] Historisch-Geographische Carte der Nordamerikanischen Freistaaten [and] Die Vereinigten Staaten von Nordamerica nebst CanadaNorth America1829-59A140.00
103Amerique SeptentrionaleNorth AmericaMonin, Charles V.1835B+unsold
104No. 3 Map of North America Engraved to Illustrate Mitchell's School and Family GeographyNorth America, TexasMitchell/Young1839B+130.00
105Amerique SeptentrionaleNorth America, TexasLevasseur, Victor1843Aunsold
106North AmericaNorth America, TexasSDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge1843A100.00
107New Map of the Portion of North America, Exhibiting the United States and Territories, The Canadas, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Mexico also Central America, and the West India Islands. Compiled from the Most Recent Surveys and Authentic SourcesNorth AmericaMonk, Jacob1854B+850.00
108[Lot of 4] North America [and] Eastern United States [and] Canada, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia &c. East Sheet [and] Canada. West SheetNorth AmericaBlack, Adam & Charles1861Aunsold
109[On 2 Sheets] North AmericaNorth AmericaEttling, Theodor1861Aunsold
110NordamerikaNorth AmericaBrockhaus, F. A.1863B+90.00
111[Lot of 2] Amerique du Nord [and] Mexique Antilles, Etats-UnisNorth AmericaDufour, Auguste-Henri1863B+unsold
112Carte qui Contient une Description des Iles & Terres que les Anglois Possedent dans l'Amerique Septentrionale, et en Particulier de la Jamaique...Colonial North America, Caribbean & BermudaChatelain, Henry Abraham1720A120.00
113Regni Mexicani seu Novae Hispaniae, Ludovicianae, N. Angliae, Carolinae, Virginiae et Pensylvaniae nec non Insularum Archipelagi Mexicani in America Septentrionali Accurata TabulaColonial North America & CaribbeanHomann, Johann Baptist1720B+700.00
114Accurata Delineatio Celeberrimae Regionis Ludovicianae vel Gallice Louisiane ol. Canadae et Floridae Adpellatione in Septemtrionali America Descriptae...Colonial North America & CaribbeanSeutter, Matthias1728B+2000.00
115Carte Generale des Colonies Angloises, dans l'Amerique Septentrionale. Par M. Phelippeaux…Colonial North America & CaribbeanPhelipeaux/Brion de la Tour1778B2000.00
116The British Colonies; Their History, Extent, Condition, and Resources Vol. I. British North AmericaCanadaMartin, Montgomery1850B+500.00
117[Lot of 3] East Canada, and New Brunswick [and] Johnson's Lower Canada and New Brunswick [on sheet with] Johnson's Upper Canada [and] Johnson's New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland. And Prince Edward Id.Canada1850-65B+unsold
118[Lot of 3] British Columbia (New Caledonia) [on sheet with] Vancouver Island [and] Upper Canada [and] Lower Canada, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia &c.CanadaWeller, Edward1860B+90.00
119A New & Accurate Map of the Islands of Newfoundland, Cape Briton, St. John and Anticosta; Together with the Neighbouring Countries of Nova Scotia, Canada &c. Drawn from the Most Approved Moderns Maps and Charts, and Regulated by Astronl. Observatns.Colonial Eastern CanadaBowen, Emanuel1747A220.00
120[Lot of 2] Carte du Golphe de St. Laurent et Pays Voisins pour Servir a l'Histoire Generale des Voyages [and] Carte de l'Acadie, Isle Royale, et Pais Voisins. Pour Servir a l'Histoire Generale des VoyagesColonial Eastern CanadaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1757A130.00
121[Lot of 2] A Plan of the Fort and Bay of Frontenac, with the Adjacent Countries [and] A Map of the Harbour of Louisburg and Parts AdjacentColonial Eastern CanadaAnon.1758B+150.00
122[Lot of 2] Carte du Cours du Fleuve de St. Laurent Depuis son Embouchure Jusqu'au Dessus de Quebec. Pour Servir a l'Histoire Generale des Voyages [and] Suite du Cours du Fleuve de St. Laurent, Depuis Quebec Jusqu'au Lac Ontario...St. Lawrence River, CanadaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1757A140.00
123A New Map of the Only Useful and Frequented Part of New Found LandNewfoundland, CanadaKitchin, Thomas1762B130.00
124Nouvelle Carte de la Province de Quebec Selon l'Edit du Roi d'Angleterre...Quebec, Eastern CanadaLe Rouge, George Louis1777B+650.00
125[Lot of 2] A View of the Taking of Quebeck by the English Forces Commanded by Genl. Wolfe Sep: 13th. 1759 [and] A View of Quebec from the BasonQuebec City, Canada1760B+240.00
126A Plan of the City of QuebecQuebec City, CanadaWeld, Isaac1798A275.00
127Carte de l'Amerique Septentrionale Depuis le 28 Degre de Latitude Jusqu'au 72Colonial United States & CanadaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1755B950.00
128[Lot of 15 - North America]United States & CanadaSDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge1832-34B+1200.00
129Nieuwe Kaart van Kanada, de Landen aan de Hudsons-Baay en de Noordwestelyke Deelen van Noord-AmerikaColonial Northern United States & CanadaTirion, Isaac1769A140.00
130Carte de la Nouvelle France, ou se voit le Cours des Grandes Rivieres de S. Laurens & de Mississipi Aujour d'hui S. Louis, aux Environs des Quelles se Trouvent les Etats, Pais, Nations, Peuples &c...Colonial Eastern United States & CanadaChatelain, Henry Abraham1719A2400.00
131A New Map of ye North Parts of America Claimed by France under ye Names of Louisiana, Mississipi, Canada & New France, with the Adjoyning Territories of England & SpainColonial Eastern United States & CanadaMoll, Herman1735B+unsold
132Nieuwe Kaart van de Grootbrittannische Volkplantingen in Noord America...Colonial Eastern United States & CanadaTirion, Isaac1755B+450.00
133America Septentrionalis a Domino d'Anville in Galliis Edita nunc in Anglia Coloniis in Interiorem Virginiam Deductis nec non Fluvii Ohio Cursu...Colonial Eastern United States & CanadaHomann Heirs1777B300.00
134Carte du Theatre de la Guerre Presente en Amerique Dressee d'Apres les Nouvelles Cartes Anglaises...Colonial Eastern United States & CanadaDenis, Louis1779B+3000.00
135United States of America, Exhibiting the Seat of War on the Canadian Frontier from 1812 to 1815Eastern United States & CanadaBaines, Edward1816A475.00
136[Lot of 3] United States North America ... The North Eastern States... [and] ... The South Eastern States... [and] ... The North Central Section...Eastern United States & CanadaFullarton, Archibald & Co.1857B+100.00
137Pas-caerte van Terra Nova, Nova Francia, Nieuw Engeland en de Grote Rivier van CanadaCanadian Maritimes & New EnglandLoon, Jan van1666B+unsold
138Nova Tabula Geographica Complectens Borealiorem Americae Partem; in qua Exacte Delineatae sunt Canada sive Nova Francia, Nova Scotia, Nova Anglia, Novum Belgium, Pensylvania, Virginia...Colonial Northeastern United States & CanadaVisscher, Nicolas1696A1200.00
139Partie de l'Amerique Septent? qui Comprend la Nouvelle France ou le CanadaColonial Northeastern United States & Canada, Great LakesRobert de Vaugondy, Didier1755Aunsold
140Partie Orientale de la Nouvelle France ou du CanadaColonial Northeastern United States & CanadaBellin/Homann Heirs1755Bunsold
141Partie Orientale du Canada, avec la Nouvelle Angleterre, l'Acadie, et la Terre-Neuve...Colonial Northeastern United States & CanadaD'Anville/Santini1776A+650.00
142The Provinces of New York and New Jersey; with Part of Pensilvania, and the Province of QuebecColonial Northeastern United States & QuebecHolland/Pownal1776Aunsold
143A New Improved Map of the Seat of WarNortheastern United States & CanadaHaines, D.1817B+275.00
144[Lot of 3] Map of the Northern Part of the State of Maine and the Adjacent British Provinces... [and] Extract from a Map of the British and French Dominions in North America [and] Part of the United States, Lower Canada & New BrunswickNortheastern United States & Canada1838-40180.00
145Charte von der Nordwestkuste Americas nach VancouverWestern United States & CanadaAnon.1818Aunsold
146Voyages aux Montagnes Rocheuses, et une Annee de Sejour chez les Tribus Indiennes du Vaste Territoire de l'Oregon, Defendant des Etats-Unis d'AmeriqueWestern United States & CanadaDe Smet, Father Pierre-Jean1844B+325.00
147Limes Occidentis Quivira et AnianAlaska & Western CanadaWytfliet, Cornelis1597A1500.00
148[Lot of 2] Sketch of Portlocks & Gouldings Harbour's, on the North West Coast of America [and] Sketch of Nootka SoundAlaska, Nootka Sound1778-89B+unsold
149No. 5 Map of the United States Engraved to Illustrate Mitchell's School and Family GeographyUnited States, Texas, MexicoMitchell, Samuel Augustus1839B+325.00
150The United States from the Latest Authorities for Haywood's GazetteerUnited StatesHayward, George1853B475.00
151[Lot of 2] United States [and] Verein-Staaten von Nord-America mit Ausnahme Florida's und der Westlichen TerritorienUnited States, Civil War1861-62180.00
152Map of the Public Land States and Territories Constructed from the Public Surveys and Other Official Sources in the General Land OfficeUnited StatesGeneral Land Office1865B100.00
153[Lot of 2] Map of the United States Exhibiting the Present Status of Knowledge Relating to the Areal Distribution of Geologic Groups [and] Map of the United States Exhibiting the Progress Made in the Geographic SurveyUnited StatesU.S. Geological Survey (USGS)1884A160.00
154[Lot of 3] Map Locating Mission Schools Under the Care of Woman's Board of Home Missions of the Presbyterian Church... [and] Map Showing Indian Reservations Within the Limits of the United States... [and] Indian Reservations West of the Mississippi RiverUnited States1889-1920B+100.00
155[Puzzle Map] Outline Map of United StatesUnited StatesMilton Bradley Co.1900B+75.00
156[Lot of 49 - U.S.D.A. Soil Maps]United StatesU.S.D.A.1922A180.00
157Natural VegetationUnited StatesU.S.D.A.1923A100.00
158Aviation Map of United States Featuring Landing Fields [on verso] Official Auto Trails Map of the United States Featuring Tourist Camp Sites [together with] The Complete Camp Site Guide Including All Airplane Landings...United StatesRand McNally & Co.1923B325.00
159Bootlegger's Map of the United StatesUnited States1926B+2000.00
160Carte de la Louisiane et du Cours du Mississipi Dressee sur un Grand Nombre de Memoires Entr'autres sur ceux de Mr. le MaireColonial Eastern United StatesDelisle, Guillaume1718A6000.00
161Karte von Luisiana, dem Laufe des Mississipi und den Benachbarten LaendernColonial Eastern United States Bellin, Jacques Nicolas1744B+unsold
162A Map of the United States of America Agreeable to the Peace of 1783Eastern United StatesGuthrie, William1783B+300.00
163An Accurate Map of the United States of America, According to the Treaty of Peace of 1783Eastern United StatesRussell, John C.1794B+unsold
164Part of North America, Comprehending the Course of the Ohio, New England, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, Carolina & GeorgiaEastern United StatesCary, John1795B+unsold
165[On 4 Sheets] I Stati Uniti nell' America SettentrionaleEastern United StatesBorghi, Bartolomeo1818300.00
166United States and TexasEastern United States, TexasJohnston, Alexander K.1842A1100.00
167Map of the United States, Including TexasEastern United States, Republic of TexasHarper Bros.1844B+120.00
168Mitchell's National Map of the American Republic or United States of North America, Together with Maps of the Vicinities of Thirty-Two of the Principal Cities and Towns in the UnionEastern United StatesMitchell, Samuel Augustus1846B+800.00
169Colton's United States Shewing the Military Stations Forts &c.Eastern United States, Civil WarColton, Joseph Hutchins1861B300.00
170[On 2 Sheets] United States of North America (Eastern & Central)Eastern United States, Civil WarEttling, Theodor1862A80.00
171[Lot of 2 - Northeast, Mid-Atlantic] Carte pour Servir au Journal de Mr. le Mquis. de Chastellux...Northeastern United States, American RevolutionChastellux, Francois Jean, Marquis de1786B+unsold
172Map of the Northern Parts of the United States of AmericaNortheastern United StatesBradley, Abraham Jr.1804B+230.00
173Nova Belgica et Anglia NovaColonial New England & Mid-AtlanticBlaeu, Willem1642B+2000.00
174Novi Belgii, quod nunc Novi Jorck Vocatur, Novae qz. Angliae & Partis Virginiae Accuratissima et Novissima DelineatioColonial New England & Mid-AtlanticMontanus/Ogilby1671B+600.00
175Novi Belgii Novaeque Angliae nec non Partis Virginiae Tabula Multis in Locis EmendataColonial New England & Mid-AtlanticVisscher, Nicolas1684B4500.00
176Carte de la Nouvelle Angleterre, Nouvelle Yorck, et Pensilvanie. Pour Servir a l'Histoire Generale des VoyagesColonial New England & Mid-AtlanticBellin, Jacques Nicolas1757A120.00
177A New and Accurate Map of Part of North America, Comprehending the Provinces of New England, New York, Pensilvania...[bound in] Travels into North America ... Vol. IColonial New England & Mid-AtlanticKalm, Peter1772B+650.00
178Carte de la Partie Nord, des Etats Unis, de l'Amerique SeptentrionaleColonial New England & Mid-AtlanticBonne, Rigobert1782B+75.00
179[Untitled - Road from Boston to Yorktown]New England & Mid-Atlantic, Revolutionary WarSoules, Francois1787B+850.00
180Map of the Northern Provinces of the United StatesNew England & Mid-AtlanticPhillips, Richard (Sir)1804B100.00
181Northern Provinces of the United StatesNew England & Mid-AtlanticThomson, John1817B+unsold
182Carte de la Nouvelle Angleterre New York Pensilvanie et Nouveau Jersay Suivant les Cartes AngloisesColonial New England - United StatesBellin, Jacques Nicolas1764A350.00
183[On 2 Sheets] A New and Correct Chart of the Sea Coast of New-England, from Cape Codd to Casco Bay...Colonial New England - United StatesMount & Page1764Bunsold
184An Accurate Map of New York in North America, from a Late SurveyColonial New England - United StatesAnon.1780B150.00
185Map of the Northern, or, New England States of America, Comprehending Vermont, New Hampshire, District of Main, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and ConnecticutNew England - United StatesRussell, John C.1795B+unsold
186Cupples, Upham & Co. Rail Road & Township Map of MassachusettsMassachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island1885A100.00
187Nova Virginiae TabulaColonial Mid-Atlantic United StatesJansson, Jan1630B+450.00
188Nova Virginiae TabulaColonial Mid-Atlantic United StatesHondius/Blaeu1643A1800.00
189A Map of Virginia and MarylandColonial Mid-Atlantic United StatesSpeed/Lamb1676B2500.00
190VirginiaColonial Mid-Atlantic United StatesDuval, Pierre1678B+unsold
191A New Map of Virginia, and MarylandColonial Mid-Atlantic United StatesMoll, Herman1708B+unsold
192Virginie, Grande Region de l'Amerique Septentrionale, avec tous Ses Bourgs, Hameaux, Rivieres et Bayes...Colonial Mid-Atlantic United StatesAa, Pieter van der1729A+unsold
193A New and Accurate Map of Virginia & Maryland Laid Down from Surveys and Regulated by Astronl ObservatnsColonial Mid-Atlantic United StatesBowen, Emanuel1747B+550.00
194Carte de la Virginie et du Maryland Dressee sur la Grande Carte Angloise de Mrs. Josue Fry et Pierre Jefferson...Colonial Mid-Atlantic United StatesRobert de Vaugondy, Didier1755A2000.00
195Carte de la Virginie, de la Baye Chesapeack, et Pays Voisins. Pour Servir a l'Histoire Generale des Voyages. Tiree des Meilleures Cartes AngloisesColonial Mid-Atlantic United StatesBellin, Jacques Nicolas1757A150.00
196Map of the Country Between Wills Creek and Fort du QuesneColonial Mid-Atlantic United StatesAnon.1758A+350.00
197Pensylvania Nova Jersey et Nova York cum Regionibus ad Fluvium Delaware in America Sitis, Nova Delineatione ob Oculos PositaColonial Mid-Atlantic United StatesSeutter/Lotter1760A1100.00
198[2 Volumes] The True Travels, Adventures and Observations of Captaine John Smith, in Europe, Asia, Africke, and America...Mid-Atlantic United StatesSmith, John (Capt.)1819B850.00
199[Lot of 3] Maryland [and] Virginia [and] North CarolinaMid-Atlantic United StatesFinley, Anthony1827B+230.00
200[Bound in Report] Map of the Country Embracing the Several Routes Examined with a View to a National Road from Washington to Lake OntarioMid-Atlantic United StatesU.S. War Department1828B220.00
201[Lot of 3] Seat of War in Virginia and Maryland [and] Seat of War in Virginia, &c. Sheet 2 [and] Seat of War in Virginia. Sheet 3Mid-Atlantic United StatesWeller, Edward1862B+180.00
202Der Amerikanische Kriegsschauplatz Zwischen Baltimore & New YorkMid-Atlantic United States, Civil WarPetermann, Augustus Herman1862Aunsold
203[Lot of 2] Johnson's Virginia, Delaware, Maryland & West Virginia [and] Johnson's Delaware and MarylandMid-Atlantic United StatesJohnson & Ward1864B+75.00
204The States of Maryland and Delaware from the Latest SurveysMaryland, DelawarePayne, John1799A160.00
205Pennsylvania and New JerseyPennsylvania, New JerseyBradford, Thomas Gamaliel1835Aunsold
206Virginiae Item et Floridae Americae Provinciarum, Nova DescriptioColonial Southeast United StatesHondius, Jodocus1638A1500.00
207Virginiae Partis Australis, et Floridae Partis Orientalis, Interjacentiumque Regionum Nova DescriptioColonial Southeast United StatesMontanus/Ogilby1671A475.00
208Carte de la Caroline et Georgie. Pour Servir a l'Histoire Generale des VoyagesColonial Southeast United StatesBellin, Jacques Nicolas1757A+180.00
209Carte de la Partie Sud des Etats Unis de l'Amerique SeptentrionaleColonial Southeast United StatesBonne, Rigobert1780B31.00
210Carte de la Caroline Meridionale et Septentrionale et de la VirginieSoutheastern United StatesTardieu, Pierre Francois1797B+unsold
211Map of the Southern Provinces of the United StatesSoutheast United StatesPhillips, Richard (Sir)1804B120.00
212Map of North and South CarolinaNorth Carolina & South CarolinaMorse, Jedidiah (Rev.)1796B+120.00
213Carte de la Louisiane et Pays Voisins pour Servir a l'Histoire Generale des VoyagesColonial Southern United StatesBellin, Jacques Nicolas1757A130.00
214Map of Louisiana, from d'Anville's AtlasSouthern United StatesHarrison, John1788Aunsold
215Georgia from the Latest AuthoritiesSouthern United StatesPayne, John1799B+300.00
216Map of the Southern Parts of the United States of AmericaSouthern United StatesBradley, Abraham Jr.1804B200.00
217The Historical War MapSouthern United States, Civil WarAsher & Company1862B300.00
218[Lot of 2] North and South Carolina [and] Johnson's Georgia and AlabamaSouthern United States1863-7775.00
219Map of the Military Operations During the War of 1861-1865 Designed Expressly to Accompany "The Lost Cause" a Standard Southern History of the WarSouthern United States, Civil WarColton, G.W. & C.B.1867A220.00
220[Lot of 2] Map of Portions of Mississippi, Alabama and Georgia... [on sheet with] ... Routes of Marches of the Army of Gen. W.T. Sherman... [and] Map of Parts of Brunswick... [on sheet with] Fort Caswell...Southern United States, Civil WarU.S. War Department1891-95B+27.00
221[Lot of 2] Galveston, Tex. and Its Fortifications [on sheet with] Map of Siege Operations Against the Defenses of Charleston Harbor... [and] Map Port Hudson, LA. and Vicinity... [and] Coast of Texas and Its Defenses... Southern United States, Civil WarU.S. War Department1891-95A220.00
222A Correct Map of the Georgia Western TerritoryMississippi & AlabamaMorse, Jedidiah (Rev.)1797A220.00
223A Map of the Indian Territory Northern Texas and New Mexico Showing the Great Western Prairies [bound in] Commerce of the Prairies...Vol. ISouth-Central United States, Indian TerritoryGregg, Josiah1844A750.00
224[Lot of 3] Johnson's Arkansas Mississippi and Louisiana [and] County Map of the States of Arkansas Mississippi and Louisiana [and] Plan of New OrleansSouth Central United States1860-74B+60.00
225N.W. TerritoryCentral United States, Great LakesScott, Joseph1795A400.00
226A Map of the North Western TerritoryCentral United StatesMorse, Jedidiah (Rev.)1796A475.00
227Wisconsin and IowaCentral United StatesGreenleaf, Jeremiah1842B+2100.00
228Guide Through Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Wisconsin & Iowa. Showing the Township Lines of the United States Surveys... [in] The Western Tourist and Immigrant's GuideCentral United StatesSmith, J. Calvin1845B+500.00
229[Lot of 2] Johnson's Missouri and Kansas [and] Johnson's Iowa and NebraskaCentral United StatesJohnson & Ward1864A31.00
230[Lot of 2] Johnson's Illinois [and] Johnson's IndianaCentral United StatesJohnson & Ward1864A60.00
231Johnson's Nebraska Dakota, Colorado Idaho & KansasCentral United StatesJohnson & Ward1864B+110.00
232Map of Nebraska and Dakota, and Portions of the States and Territories Bordering ThereonCentral United StatesWarren, Lieut. G. K.1867B350.00
233County Map of Dakota, Wyoming Kansas, Nebraska and ColoradoCentral United StatesMitchell, Samuel Augustus1870B+75.00
234[Lot of 14 - Prints of the Mississippi River]Mississippi RiverLewis, Henry1856B+800.00
235Johnson's Nebraska, Dakota, Idaho and MontanaCentral & Western United StatesJohnson & Ward1865A120.00
236Map of Lewis and Clark's, Track Across the Western Portion of North America, from the Mississippi to the Pacific Ocean…Western United States1842B600.00
237No. 15 Map of Oregon and Upper CaliforniaWestern United StatesMitchell, Samuel Augustus1846B+100.00
238Map to Illustrate Capt. Bonneville's Adventures Among the Rocky MountainsWestern United StatesPutnam/Colton1849B130.00
239[Lot of 11 - Prints from U.S. Railroad Surveys]Western United StatesU.S. Railroad Surveys1856-61A375.00
240[Lot of 5] Map of Washington Oregon and Idaho [and] Map of California and Nevada [and] Map of Nebraska, Dakota. Montana, and Wyoming [and] Map of Colorado, Utah, New Mexico, and Arizona [and] Map of TexasWestern United StatesWilliams, J. David1874B+1300.00
241[Lot of 5] Map of the Denver and Rio Grande Rail Way... [and] [Untitled - Denver and Rio Grande System] [and] Denver and Rio Grande Railroad System [and] Map of the Denver & Rio Grande... [and] Map of the Denver & Rio Grande and the Rio Grande WesternWestern United States1880-1904375.00
242[Lot of 2] County and Township Map of Utah and Nevada [and] County and Township Map Montana Idaho and WyomingWestern United StatesMitchell, Samuel Augustus1880-82A100.00
243The Range and Ranch Cattle Area of - the United StatesWestern United StatesU.S. Government1884B+650.00
244[Lot of 3] Johnson's Oregon and Washington [on sheet with] Johnson's Minnesota [and] Johnson's Wisconsin and Michigan [and] Johnson's OhioNorthwestern & Central United StatesJohnson & Ward1864-65A120.00
245Map of the United States Territory of Oregon West of the Rocky Mountains, Exhibiting the Various Trading Depots or Forts Occupied by the British Hudson Bay Company Connected with the Western and Northwestern Fur Trade [with report]Northwestern United StatesAbert/Hood1838A550.00
246Johnson's Washington Oregon and IdahoNorthwestern United StatesJohnson & Ward1864B+100.00
247[Lot of 3] Map of a Reconnaissance from Carroll Montana Ter. to the Yellowstone National Park and Return... [and] Judith Basin... [and] Upper Geyser Basin... Northwestern United StatesLudlow, William (Capt.)1876A220.00
248Map of Explorations and Surveys in New Mexico and Utah…Southwestern United StatesMacomb, J. N. (Col.)1860B750.00
249Johnson's California, with Utah, Nevada, Colorado, New Mexico, and ArizonaSouthwestern United StatesJohnson & Ward1864A170.00
250The Physical Geology of the Grand Canon District [with] Sketch Map Showing the Distribution of the Strata and Eruptive Rocks in the Western Part of the Plateau ProvinceSouthwestern United StatesDutton, Clarence Edward1881A200.00
251[Lot of 2] Territory of Arizona [in report] [and] Geology of the Navajo Country - A Reconnaissance of Parts of Arizona, New Mexico, and UtahSouthwestern United States1907-17Aunsold
252Colton's New Mexico and ArizonaArizona, New MexicoColton, G.W. & C.B.1873B+unsold
253Sketch Map of Alaska Showing the Location of the Trading Posts of the Alaska Commercial Co. Season of 1888Alaska1888B+50.00
254Amer. Sep. No. 23 / Partie de l'Amerique RusseSoutheastern AlaskaVandermaelen, Philippe Marie Guillaume1822B+unsold
255[2 maps in book] Californiens Gegenwart und ZukunftCalifornia1849B+unsold
256Reconnaissance of the Harbors of Santa Cruz, San Simeon, Coxo and San Luis Obispo CaliforniaCaliforniaU.S. Coast Survey1852A75.00
257[Lot of 3] Reconnaissance of the Western Coast of the United States from San Francisco to San Diego... [and] Preliminary Chart of Entrance to San Francisco Bay California... [and] Petaluma and Napa Creeks California...CaliforniaU.S. Coast Survey1852-61130.00
258Colton's California and NevadaCalifornia, NevadaColton, G.W. & C.B.1873B+120.00
259Geographical Map of the State of California Compiled from Actual Surveys [with] Resources of CaliforniaCalifornia1893A250.00
260[Untitled - Views of San Francisco and Sacramento]San Francisco & Sacramento, CaliforniaIllustrated London News1850A100.00
261City of San Francisco and its Vicinity CaliforniaSan Francisco, CaliforniaU.S. Coast Survey1859B190.00
262Vistas de Los AngelesLos Angeles, California1901B375.00
263ColoradoColoradoBradley, William M. [& Bros.]1889B+100.00
264[Lot of 2] Christian Endeavor Guide Map of Denver [and] Rand McNally Handy Railroad Map ColoradoColorado1903-29Aunsold
265Atlas to Accompany a Monograph on the Geology and Mining Industry of Leadville ColoradoCentral ColoradoU.S. Geological Survey (USGS)1883A200.00
266A New Map of Connecticut from the Best AuthoritiesConnecticutPayne, John1799A100.00
267Carte Geographique, Statistique et Historique du ConnecticutConnecticutBuchon, Jean Alexandre1825A60.00
268Plan of the City of Washington; Now Building for the Metropolis of America, and Established as the Permanent Residence of Congress After the Year 1800Washington, D.C.Baker, Benjamin1793B500.00
269Plan of the City of Washington in the Territory of Columbia Ceded by the States of Virginia and Maryland to the United States of America and by Them Established as the Seat of Their Government, After the Year 1800Washington, D.C.Reid, John1796B+2000.00
270Plan of the City of WashingtonWashington, D.C.Weld, Isaac1800A275.00
271Johnson's Georgetown and the City of Washington - The Capital of the United States of AmericaWashington, D.C.Johnson & Ward1864B+80.00
272[Lot of 3] Map of the City of Washington Showing the Varieties of Street Pavements on January 1st 1886 [and] ...Showing the Location of the Water Mains [and] ...Showing the Location of the SewersWashington, D.C.1886B+170.00
273Defenses of Washington. Extract of Military Map of N.E. Virginia, Showing Forts and RoadsWashington, D.C., Civil WarU.S. Government1891A475.00
274Ceded Part of Dakota Territory Showing Progress of U.S. Land Survey During 1862...Dakota TerritoryU.S. State Surveys1864B+60.00
275Geographical, Statistical, and Historical Map of FloridaFloridaCarey & Lea1827B+400.00
276Map of the Seat of War in Florida Compiled By Order of Bvt. Brigr. Genl. Z. Taylor…FloridaU.S. War Department1839B550.00
277Fernandina - A Pretty and Healthy City. Beautiful Drives Over Shelled Streets...Northern Florida1893B+unsold
278Reconnaissance of Tampa Bay FloridaTampa Bay, FloridaU.S. Coast Survey1855B+150.00
279A New and Accurate Map of the Province of Georgia in North AmericaGeorgiaAnon.1779B425.00
280Geographisch-Statistische und Historische Charte von GeorgiaGeorgiaWeimar Geographisches Institut1825Aunsold
281Carte des Isles SandwichHawaiiBonne, Rigobert1787B+unsold
282Hawaiian IslandsHawaii1848A75.00
283Karte von Hawaii mit Benutzung der Daten...HawaiiPetermann, Augustus Herman1876A100.00
284[Lot of 3] Territory of Hawaii... [and] Topographic Map of the Island of Kauai - Kauai County, Hawaii... [and] Hawaii (Hawaii County) Special Map Proposed Kilauea Volcano National ParkHawaii1912-20B+100.00
285Mitchell's Map of Illinois Exhibiting Its Internal Improvements, Counties, Towns, Roads &c.IllinoisMitchell, Samuel Augustus1838B+60.00
286Colton's Dollar Series of Sectional Maps. IowaIowaColton, G.W. & C.B.1872B+120.00
287Plan de la Nouvelle Orleans. Sur les Manuscrits du Depot des Cartes de la MarineNew Orleans, LouisianaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1757A275.00
288The Creole Tourist's Guide and Sketch Book to the City of New Orleans with MapNew Orleans, LouisianaRand McNally & Co.1912A110.00
289The District of Main from the Latest SurveysMaineMorse, Jedidiah (Rev.)1793B250.00
290Map of Portland Harbor. Maine. Surveyed Under the Direction of Lt: Col: John Anderson, U.S. Top: Engineer...Portland, MaineAnderson, John (Lt. Col.)1833B120.00
291Map of Massachusetts Proper Compiled from Actual Surveys Made by Order of the General Court, and Under the Inspection of Agents of Their Appointment MassachusettsCarleton, Osgood1801Bunsold
292A Geological Map of MassachusettsMassachusettsHitchcock, Edward1841A200.00
293Plan de la Ville de Boston et Ses EnvironsBoston, MassachusettsBellin, Jacques Nicolas1770A220.00
294John MalcomBoston, Massachusetts, Revolutionary War1784A200.00
295A View of the Town of Boston the Capital of New EnglandBoston, Massachusetts1787Bunsold
296Carte Geographique, Statistique et Historique de MichiganMichiganBuchon, Jean Alexandre1825B+300.00
297Administrative Map of Glacier National Park MontanaGlacier National Park, MontanaU.S. Geological Survey (USGS)1911Aunsold
298Atlas to Accompany the Monograph on the Geology of the Eureka District NevadaCentral NevadaU.S. Geological Survey (USGS)1883A150.00
299Map of the Washoe District Showing Mining ClaimsWestern NevadaU.S. Geographical Survey1881B+60.00
300The State of New JerseyNew JerseyCook, George H.1888B+unsold
301[165 Plat Maps - West Jersey and Seashore Railroad]Southern New JerseyRailroad Companies, (Various)1889-1905B+250.00
302Map of the Hudson River Rail Road from New York to AlbanyNew York1851B475.00
303Catskill Mountain Guide, with Maps; Showing Where to Walk and Where to RideCentral New York1876B+275.00
304Plan of the Country from Frogs Point to Croton River Shewing the Positions of the American & British Armies from the 12th of Oct. 1776 Until the Engagement on the White Plains on the 28thSoutheastern New York, Revolutionary WarMarshall, John1832B65.00
305Geological Map of Long & Staten Islands with the Environs of New YorkLong Island, Staten Island, Southern New YorkMather, W. W.1842B800.00
306Colton's New York City, Brooklyn, Jersey City, Hoboken Etc,New York City, New YorkColton, G.W. & C.B.1865B+100.00
307Johnson's New York and BrooklynNew York City, New YorkJohnson, A. J.1866B+80.00
308Map of the City of New York with IndexNew York City, New York1890A+140.00
309Birds Eye View of the City of Jamestown Looking North West Chautauqua County New YorkJamestown, New York1871B475.00
310West Point New YorkWest Point, New YorkU.S. Coast & Geodetic Survey1883B+900.00
311Map of the State of OhioOhioThomas, Cowperthwait & Co.1850A60.00
312A Geological Map of OhioOhio1909B+50.00
313[Lot of 2] A Plat of That Part of the State of Ohio Which Is Appropriated from Military Services... [and] A Bird's Eye View of the Ancient Works on the MuskingumSoutheastern Ohio1805A160.00
314Colton's Indian TerritoryOklahomaColton, G.W. & C.B.1872B+100.00
315Indian Territory [with Report] ...Certains Lands in the Indian Territory Acquired by Treaty from the Creek and Seminole IndiansOklahomaGeneral Land Office1885A180.00
316A Diagram of OregonOregonChapman, W. W.1859B+170.00
317J.K. Gill & Cos. Map of Oregon Portland Ogn. 1884OregonGill, J. K.1884B+700.00
318A Map of Pensylvania, with Part of the Adjacent States, from the Latest SurveysPennsylvaniaMorse, Jedidiah (Rev.)1793Aunsold
319The Tourist's Pocket Map of Pennsylvania Exhibiting Its Internal Improvements Roads Distances &c.PennsylvaniaMitchell/Young1831B+unsold
320[A Map of Pennsylvania and the Parts Connected Therewith, Relating to the Roads and Inland Navigation…]PennsylvaniaHowell, Reading1834B90.00
321PhiladelphiaPhiladelphia, PennsylvaniaSDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge1840A150.00
322PhiladelphiaPhiladelphia, PennsylvaniaMitchell, Samuel Augustus1848Aunsold
323Rhode IslandRhode IslandPayne, John1799Aunsold
324A Map of Part of Rhode Island, Shewing the Position of the American & British Armies at the Siege of Newport, & the Subsequent Action on the 29th of August 1778Rhode IslandPhillips, Richard (Sir)1806B90.00
325General Map of Charleston Harbor South Carolina Showing Rebel Defenses and ObstructionsCharleston, South CarolinaU.S. War Department1865B+200.00
326The Report of the Superintendent of the Coast Survey…TexasU.S. Coast Survey1848B+70.00
327[Lot of 5] County Map of Texas [and] Vereinigte Staaten von Nord-Amerika in 6 Blattern, Bl. 5 [and] County Map of the State of Texas... [and] Tunison's Texas and Indian Territory [and] County Map of the State of Texas...Texas1860-87400.00
328Colton's TexasTexasColton, G.W. & C.B.1873B+130.00
329Map of the Country upon the Brazos and Big Wichita Rivers Explored in 1854 by Capt. R.B. Marcy 5th U.S. Infy. Embracing the Lands Appropriated by the State of Texas for the Use of the IndiansNortheastern Texas, OklahomaMarcy, Capt. R.B.1856B+325.00
330(Sketch I No. 3) Galveston Entrance Texas from a Trigonometrical Survey Under the Direction of A.D. Bache...Galveston, TexasU.S. Coast Survey1853B+40.00
331Map of the Great Salt Lake and Adjacent Country in the Territory of Utah [on sheet with] The Great Salt Lake (Mormon) City and Surrounding CountrySalt Lake City, UtahWeller, Edward1860A130.00
332Wasserley Weise die Einwohner in Virginia zu Fischen PflegenVirginia, Native IndiansBry, Theodore de1590B+unsold
333VirginiaVirginiaMorse, Jedidiah (Rev.)1796B+90.00
334A New Map of Virginia with Its Canals, Roads & Distances from Place to Place, Along the Stage & Steam Boat RoutesVirginiaThomas, Cowperthwait & Co.1850B90.00
335[Lot of 3] Map of the Vicinity of Richmond, VA... [and] Military Reconnaissance Department of Virginia Major General Wool Commanding... [on sheet with] Yorktown to Williamsburg... [and] Military Map of Suffolk and Vicinity...Virginia, Civil WarU.S. War Department1891-9560.00
336York Town, and Gloucester Point. As Besieged by The Allied ArmyYorktown, VirginiaConder, Thomas1788B+325.00
337[Lot of 3] Reconnaissance of Port Townshend Washington Ter. [and] Reconnaissance of False Dungeness Harbor Washington [and] Reconnaissance of Grenville Harbor Washington TerritoryWashingtonU.S. Coast Survey1853-5460.00
338Washington TerritoryWashingtonGeneral Land Office1884B+180.00
339Die Amerikanische Staats-Domane (National Park) im Quellgediete des Yellowstone Flusses mit den Geyser-GebietenYellowstone National Park, WyomingPetermann, Augustus Herman1872B+150.00
340Map of the Sources of Snake River, with its Tributaries together with Portions of the Headwaters of the Madison and Yellow Stone…Wyoming, YellowstoneHayden, Ferdinand Vandeveer1873A350.00
341Carte de la Partie de l'Amerique Septentrionale, Comprenant les Possessions EspagnolesUnited States & MexicoBrion de la Tour, Louis1780B+120.00
342[Lot of 2] United States [and] Mexico, Guatemala, and the West IndiesUnited States & MexicoBradford, Thomas Gamaliel1836unsold
343Le Nouveau Mexique, avec la Partie Septentrionale de l'Ancien ou de la Nouvelle EspagneSouthern United States & MexicoBonne, Rigobert1783A90.00
344Messico Ouvero Nuova Spagna che Contiene il Nuovo Messico la California con una Parte de Paesi AdjacentiSouthern United States, Mexico, Central AmericaZatta, Antonio1785B+250.00
345Audience de Guadalajara, Nouveau Mexique, Californie, &c.Southwestern United States & Mexico, CaliforniaSanson, Nicolas1683B+600.00
346Tabula Californiae, Anno 1702. Ex Autoptica Observatione Delineata a R.P. Chino e S.I.Southwestern United States & MexicoKino, Eusebio Francisco, SJ1702B500.00
347[Bound in Report] Map of that Portion of the Boundary between the United States and Mexico, from the Pacific Coast to the Junction of the Gila and Colorado Rivers...Southwestern United States & MexicoGray, Andrew B.1855B+900.00
348MexicoWestern United States & MexicoHall, Sidney1828B200.00
349Nouvelle Carte du Mexique, et d'une Partie des Provinces Unies de l'Amerique Centrale...Western United States & Mexico, Texas, CaliforniaBrue, Adrien Hubert1840B2740.00
350Central America II. Including Texas, California and the Northern States of MexicoWestern United States & Mexico, TexasSDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge1842A800.00
351Map of California, Oregon, Texas, and the Territories Adjoining with Routes &c.Western United States & MexicoColton, Joseph Hutchins1849B2000.00
352Map of the United States and Their Territories Between the Mississippi and the Pacific Ocean and Part of Mexico Compiled from Surveys Made Under the Order of W.H. Emory...Western United States & MexicoEmory, William Hemsley1857-58B210.00
353California Utah, Lr. California and New MexicoWestern United States & MexicoEttling, Theodor1858B70.00
354Carte de la Californie Suivant I. la Carte Manuscrite de l'Amerique de Mathieu Neron Pecci...California & Baja CaliforniaRobert de Vaugondy, Didier1772A375.00
355Mexicque, ou Nouvelle Espagne, Nouvlle Gallice, Iucatan &c. et Autres Provinces Jusques a l'Isthme de Panama...Mexico & Central AmericaSanson/Mariette1656B+unsold
356Yucatan Conventus Iuridici Hispaniae Novae pars Occidentalis, et Guatimala Conventus IuridicusMexico & Central AmericaBlaeu, Johannes1663B+650.00
357Nouvelle Espagne, Nouvelle Galice, et Guatimala, dans l'Amerique Septentrionale...Mexico & Central AmericaAa, Pieter van der1729A220.00
358Hispaniae Novae Nova DescriptioMexicoMercator/Hondius1619B+250.00
359Description, Situation & Vue de la Ville de Mexique, des Deux Lacs sur Lesquels elle est Batie, du Grand Temple de Cette Ville...MexicoChatelain, Henry Abraham1720A100.00
360Descripcion del Destricto del Audiencia de la Nueva GaliciaWestern MexicoHerrera y Tordesillas, Antonio de1622B+200.00
361The Coast of Yucatan from Campeche to Bahia del Ascension; with the West End of CubaSoutheastern Mexico & Western CubaJefferys/Sayer1775A250.00
362St. Francisco de CampecheSan Francisco de Campeche, MexicoMontanus, Arnoldus1671A230.00
363Descripcion del Audiencia de GuatimalaCentral AmericaHerrera y Tordesillas, Antonio de1622B+180.00
364Map of Central America Shewing the Different Lines of Atlantic & Pacific [bound in report]Central AmericaU.S. Government1850B+unsold
365Map of Central America. Compiled from Materials Furnished by the Committee on Foreign Relations of the Senate of the U.S.Central AmericaU.S. Coast Survey1856B75.00
366Part of the Provinces of Costa-Rica and Nicaragua with the LagunasNicaragua & Costa RicaJefferys/Laurie & Whittle1794B+unsold
367An Exact Draught of the Gulf of Darien & the Coast to Porto Bello with Panama in the South Sea & the Scotch Settlement in CalledoniaPanamaMount & Page1745B+400.00
368Kaart van de Landengte van Panama, Volgens de Spaansche Aftekeninge OpgemaaktPanamaTirion, Isaac1766Aunsold
369Plan of the Road and Harbour of Chagre with the Town and Castle [on sheet with] A Draught of the Bahias del Almirante Named by the Buccaniers BocatoroPanamaSayer & Bennett1779A200.00
370The Scots Settlement in America Calle'd New Caledonia...New Caledonia, PanamaMoll, Herman1729B+350.00
371The Island of RattanRoatan, HondurasHeather/Norie1827B450.00
372Insulae Americanae in Oceano Septentrionali, cum Terris AdiacentibusGulf of Mexico & CaribbeanJansson, Jan1638Bunsold
373Map of the European Settlements in the West IndiesGulf of Mexico & CaribbeanKitchin, Thomas1776B+35.00
374Les Isles de l'Amerique Connues sous le Nom d'Antilles, ou sont les Isles de Cuba, St. Domingue et Jamaique les Lucayes, les Caribes, et Celles du VentCaribbeanFer, Nicolas de1705B+150.00
375Dominia Anglorum in Praecipuis Insulis Americae ut sunt Insula S. Christophori Antegoa Iamaica Barbados nec non Insulae Bermudes vel Sommers…Caribbean & BermudaHomann Heirs1759B+200.00
376[On 2 Sheets] A New Map of the West Indies for the History of the British ColoniesCaribbeanEdwards, Bryan1818B+unsold
377Cuba Insula [on sheet with] Hispaniola Insula [and] Insula Iamaica [and] Ins. S. Ioannis [and] I.S. Margareta cum ConfiniisGreater AntillesMercator/Hondius1619B+600.00
378Pas Kaart vande Noord Oost Kust van Cuba en d'Oost Kust van Florida Vervaatende de Canal van Bahama met de Bahaamse Eylanden...Cuba, Southeastern Florida, BahamasKeulen, Johannes van1695Aunsold
379[Lot of 4] Entree de la Baye de St. Yago dans l'Isle de Cube [and] Plan de la Baye de St. Yago dans l'Isle de Cube [and] Le Port Marianne dans l'Isle de Cube [and] Baye de Matance dans l'Isle de CubeCubaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1764A140.00
380Piano della Citta e Porto dell' HavanaHavana, CubaPazzi, Giuseppe1763A150.00
381Plan of Guantanimo on the South Side of Cuba Called by the English Waltenham Bay and Cumberland Harbour Surveyed by Admiral Durell, in 1740Guantanamo Bay, CubaJefferys/Sayer1788A+150.00
382A New & Accurate Map of the Island of Jamaica. Divided into Its Principal Parishes. Drawn from Surveys, and Regulated by Astronl. Observatns.JamaicaBowen, Emanuel1747B+unsold
383Carte de l'Isle de la JamaiqueJamaicaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1758A100.00
384Jamaica from the Latest SurveysJamaicaJefferys/Laurie & Whittle1794B+unsold
385SpagnuolaHispaniolaPorcacchi, Tomaso1686Aunsold
386Isles de Saint Domingue ou Hispaniola, et de la MartiniqueHispaniola & MartiniqueRobert de Vaugondy, Gilles1750Aunsold
387[Lot of 3] Carte de l'Isle de Sainte Lucie [and] Plan du Port du Carenage ou Petit Cul de Sac de l'Isle Se. Lucie [and] Plan du Cul de Sac de Roseaux dans l'Isle de Ste. LucieLesser AntillesBellin, Jacques Nicolas1763-64A120.00
388Supplement pour les Isles Antilles, Extrait des Cartes AngloisesLesser AntillesBonne, Rigobert1780Aunsold
389Map of the Windward Islands; Comprising Barbados, St. Vincent, Grenada, Tobago, St. Lucia & Trinidad...Windward IslandsArrowsmith, John1839B+120.00
390Die Inseln der KanibalenSt. MartinMontanus/Dapper1673A110.00
391St. Christophers to BritainSt. Kitts, St. Lucia & NevisPhilip, George1851B+120.00
392Insula Antegoa ad Fidem Prototypi Londinensis Designata et ExcusaAntiguaHomann Heirs1737B+75.00
393Carte de l'Isle d'Antigue Situee par la Latitude 17 Degres et par la Longitude de 64 Degres a l'Occident de ParisAntiguaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1764A75.00
394Map of the Island Antigua for the History of the West IndiesAntiguaEdwards, Bryan1794B+28.00
395La GuadeloupeGuadeloupeLe Rouge, George Louis1753B+unsold
396Carte de l'Isle de la Guadeloupe, pour Servir a l'Histoire Generale des VoyagesGuadeloupeBellin, Jacques Nicolas1758Aunsold
397Dominica from an Actual Survey Compleated in the Year 1773DominicaJefferys/Sayer1775B+unsold
398Carte Reduite de l'Isle de la Martinique Dressee au Depost des Cartes Plans et Journaux de la Marine...MartiniqueBellin, Jacques Nicolas1758B+unsold
399Carta de la Isla de la MartinicaMartiniqueLopez, Juan (don)1781Aunsold
400St. Lucia; Done from Surveys and Observations Made by the English Whilst in Their PossessionSt. LuciaJefferys/Sayer1775B+unsold
401[Lot of 2] Carte de l'Isle de Saint Vincent [and] Plan du Port et du Carenage de Cariacoua Situe dans la Partie du Sud de l'Isle de St. VincentSt. VincentBellin, Jacques Nicolas1764B+100.00
402BarbadoesBarbadosEdwards, Bryan1810B+65.00
403Map of the Island of Grenada, for the History of the West IndiesGrenadaEdwards, Bryan1794B+42.00
404TobagoTobagoThomson, John1816B+11.00
405America MeridionalisSouth AmericaMercator/Hondius1619B+500.00
406Americae Pars Magis CognitaSouth AmericaBry, Theodore de1624B3000.00
407Nouvelle Carte de Geographie de la Partie Meridionale de l'Amerique Suivant les Plus Nouvelles Observations...South AmericaChatelain, Henry Abraham1720A300.00
408Castilia Aurifera cum Vicinis ProvinciisColombia, Panama & VenezuelaWytfliet, Cornelis1598A300.00
409Terra Firma et Novum Regnum Granatense et PopayanColombiaHondius/Blaeu1643A400.00
410A Complete View of the Actions at Cartagena, by an Officer, Who Was at the Attack of St. LazaroCartagena, Colombia1741B+1200.00
411This Plan of the Harbour, Town, and Several Forts, of Cartagena...Cartagena, ColombiaToms, William Henry1741B+1300.00
412Venezuela, cum Parte Australi Novae AndalusiaeVenezuelaMontanus/Ogilby1671B+250.00
413'T Landschap Cumana, Tussen Golfo de Venequela en Rio de Paria Gelegen [with book] Naaukeurige Versameling der Gedenk-Waardigste Zee en Land Reysen na Oost en West-Indien...VenezuelaAa, Pieter van der1707A180.00
414Carta Geografica del BresilBrazilAlbrizzi, Girolamo1740A220.00
415A New & Accurate Map of Brasil. Divided into its Captainships Drawn from the Most Approved Modern Maps & Charts…BrazilBowen, Emanuel1747Bunsold
416Paraguay, o Prov. de Rio de la Plata: me de Aenpalende Landen van Tucuman, ende Sta. Cruz de la SierraCentral South America, ParaguayGerritsz/De Laet1625B+210.00
417Paraquariae Provinciae Soc. Iesu cum Adjacentibus Novissima Descriptio...Central South America, ParaguaySeutter, Matthias1730Bunsold
418Fretum Magellannicum, und Dessen Eigentliche Beschreibung...Strait of MagellanBry, Theodore de1601B+230.00
419Exquisita & Magno Aliquot Mensium Periculo Lustrata etiam Retecta Freti Magellanici Facies...Strait of MagellanMercator/Hondius1619Bunsold
420Carte du Detroit de Magellan dans Laquelle on a Insere les Observations et les Decouvertes du Capne. Byron, du Capne. Wallis, et du Capne. CarteretStrait of MagellanBenard, Jacques Francois1780B+110.00
421Insula D. Helenae Sacra Coeli Clementia et Aequabilitate...St. HelenaLinschoten, Jan Juygen van1589Bunsold
422De Stadt Allegona, op 't Eylandt Groot Camaria, in den Jaare 1599 VermeestertCanary IslandsLe Clerc, Jean1730A100.00
423Carta delle Isole Malouine dette dagl' Inglesi Isole FalklandFalkland Islandsde la Rue, Philippe1775A150.00
424Mappa Aestivarum Insularum, Alias Barmudas Dictarum, ad Ostia Mexicani Aestuary Jacetium...BermudaHondius/Jansson1680B+900.00
425Carte des Isles Bermudes ou de Sommer Tire de l'AngloisBermudaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1768B+120.00
426Tourist's Map of the Bermuda IslandsBermuda1890B+100.00
427A New & Accurate Map of Bermudas or Sommer's Islands... [on sheet with] An Accurate Map of the Island of St. Christopher...Bermuda & St. KittsBowen, Emanuel1747Bunsold
428Pascaerte van Groen-Landt, Yslandt, Straet Davids en Ian Mayen Eylandt...North Atlantic, GreenlandGoos, Pieter1669B+unsold
429H. Benzos Scheep-togt uit Italie over Spanje na de Westindize Eylanden, en Kusten van't Zuider AmericaNorth AtlanticAa, Pieter van der1707A+190.00
430'T Noorder Gedeelte van Virginie, door Bartholomeus Gosnol en Martin Pringe, uyt Engeland BevaarenNorth AtlanticAa, Pieter van der1714B+300.00
431A Map of Old Greenland or Oster Bygd & Wester Bydg... [on sheet with] A Map of the Islands of Ferro or Farro... [and] A Draught of the Whirl-Pool on the South East of Sumbo Rocks... [and] An Improved Map of IcelandNorth AtlanticBowen, Emanuel1747B+unsold
432Chart of the Gulf StreamNorth AtlanticFranklin, Benjamin1789B+950.00
433Chart of the Supposed Course of the Florida StreamNorth AtlanticGold, Joyce1804B+250.00
434Carte Generale de l'Ocean Atlantique ou Occidental, Dressee au Depot General des Cartes Plans et Journaux de la Marine...North AtlanticDepot de la Marine1806Bunsold
435[Lot of 2] Carta del Oceano Atlantico Septentrional, con las Derrotas que Siguio Dn. Cristobal Colon... [and] Carta de las Costas de Tierra Firme Desde el Rio Orinoco Hasta Yucatan y de las Islas Antillas y Lucayas...North Atlantic1825A250.00
436Atlantic or Western OceanNorth AtlanticThomson, John1827B+unsold
437[Lot of 2] Arctic Regions and British America [and] The Arctic Regions of North AmericaArctic Ocean & Canada1854-60A140.00
438Description Nouvelle d'EuropeEuropeMunster, Sebastian1552B+650.00
439EuropaEuropeQuad, Matthias von Kinckelbach1600Aunsold
441Summa Europae Antiquae DescriptioEuropeCluver, Philipp1616A90.00
442Nova Europae DescriptioEuropeHondius, Jodocus1619B550.00
444Europa in de Gedaante eener Zittende DameEurope1800B+180.00
445[Lot of 9] Europe [and] Sweden and Norway [and] Denmark [and] Spain and Portugal [and] Ionian Isles and Greece [and] France [and] Belgium [and] Austria [and] SwitzerlandEuropeTallis, John1850B+800.00
446Angliae, Scotiae, et Hiberniae, sive Britannicar: Insularum DescriptioBritainOrtelius, Abraham1570B+500.00
447InghilterraBritainPorcacchi, Tomaso1620B+unsold
448Britain as It Was Devided in the Tyme of the Englishe Saxons Especially During Their HeptarchyBritainSpeed, John1676B1700.00
449Les Isles Britanniques qui Contiennent les Royaumes d'Angleterre, Escosse, et Irlande Distingues en Leurs Principales Provinces...BritainJaillot, Alexis-Hubert1695B+300.00
450A Map of Great Britain and IrelandBritainMoll, Herman1720B30.00
451Les Isles Britanniques Comprenant l'Angleterre, l'Ecosse, et l'Irlande; pour les Premieres Etudes; Dirigee par Mr. Philippe...BritainPhilippe De Pretot, Etienne Andre1767Aunsold
452Cary's New Map of England and Wales, with Part of Scotland. On Which Are Carefully Laid Down All the Direct and Principal Cross Roads, the Course of the Rivers and Navigable Canals...BritainCary, John1794B+400.00
453[Lot of 2] The British Isles [and] England and WalesBritainTallis, John1850B+230.00
454Anglesey [on sheet with] Wight Vectis Olim [and] Garnesay [and] IarsayChannel IslandsMercator/Hondius1619B90.00
455[Lot of 4 - The Road from London to Barwick... // Nottinghamshire]EnglandOwen & Bowen1720B+60.00
456Northumbria, Cumberlandia, et Dunelmensis EpiscopatusNorthern England & Southern ScotlandMercator/Hondius1619B+110.00
457[Lot of 3 - Road Maps]Northern EnglandOwen & Bowen1720B+50.00
458Universi Derbiensis Comitatus qui olim Coritanorum Suit DescriptioCentral EnglandSaxton/Hole1637A120.00
459Barkshire DescribedSouthern EnglandSpeed, John1616B+500.00
460Oxoniensis Comitatus Vulgo Oxfordshyre qui pars olim DobunorumSouthern EnglandSaxton/Hole1637A190.00
461[Lot of 2] The Road from London to Rye in Sussex... [and] [The Roads from London to Barnstable, &c...]Southern EnglandOwen & Bowen1720B+41.00
462Cruchley's Road and Railway Map of the County of Hampshire Showing All the Railways and Names of Stations Also the Turnpike Roads, Villages, Gentlemens Seats &c. &c. Improved from the Ordnance SurveysSouthern EnglandCruchley, George Frederick1890B+unsold
463Bedford Comitatus olim Pars CathifuclanorumEastern EnglandSaxton/Kip1637Aunsold
464Cambridge Comitatus quem olim Iceni InsederuntEastern EnglandSaxton/Kip1637A140.00
465Warwicum Northhamtonia Huntingdonia Cantabrigia Suffolcia Oxonium Buckinghamia Bedfordia Hardfordia...Southeastern EnglandHondius, Henricus1636B+unsold
466Glocestriae Comitatus olim Sedes DobunorumSouthwestern EnglandSaxton/Hole1637A180.00
467Midle-Sex Described with the Most Famous Cities of London and WestminsterLondon, EnglandSpeed, John1627B900.00
468[Lot of 2] S.K.H Gehet zu Schiff in Engelland uber Zufahrer [and] Einzug Wilhelmi Henrici Prinzen von Orange…Prints ShipsMerian, Matthaus1730Aunsold
469[On 9 Sheets] LondonLondon, EnglandWeller, Edward1861Bunsold
470Map of London Published with Cassell's Family PaperLondon, EnglandCassell & Galpin1862Bunsold
471Children's Map of LondonLondon, EnglandBartholomew, John1950A325.00
472Tableau Hidrographique qui Contient le Detail Maritime des Principaux Ports qui se Trouvent Representes dans la Carte de la Manche...English Channel, England, FranceBeaurain, Jean Chev. De1770B+unsold
473AngliaEngland & WalesOrtelius/Coignet1601A80.00
474Anglia RegnumEngland & WalesMercator/Hondius1613B+275.00
475L'Angleterre, Conforme aux Itineraires, et Assujettie aux Observationes Astronomiques les Plus Recentes; Dirigee par Mr. Philippe...England & WalesPhilippe De Pretot, Etienne Andre1779Aunsold
476Cambriae Typus Auctore Humfredo Lhuydo Denbigiense CambrobritanoWalesOrtelius, Abraham1588B+400.00
477Cardigan Comitatus pars Olim DimetarumWalesSaxton/Kip1637A170.00
478Caernarvo Comitatus pars olim OrdovicumWalesSaxton/Hole1637A90.00
479Denbigiensis Comitatus et Comitatus Flintensis; Denbigh et FlintshireWalesBlaeu, (Family)1645B120.00
480The Road from Monmouth to Llanbeder in Cardigansh South WalesSouthern WalesOgilby, John1694B+160.00
481South WalesSouthern WalesMorden, Robert1695A140.00
482Scotia RegnumScotlandMercator/Hondius1613B+180.00
483ScotiaScotlandPorcacchi, Tomaso1620B+unsold
484The North Part of Great Britain Called Scotland. With Considerable Improvements and Many Remarks Not Extant in Any Map. According to the Newest and Exact ObservationsScotlandMoll, Herman1714B+450.00
485Karte von Scotland Verfasst von Herrn J. Dorret…ScotlandSchraembl, Franz Anton1787B+150.00
486[Lot of 4] Scotland [and] Scotland I [and] Scotland II [and] Scotland III - Orkneys, Shetlands and HebridesScotlandSDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge1834-41B+70.00
487[Approaches to Dundee] To the Honble, the Magistrates of the Citty of Aberdeene...Eastern ScotlandCollins, Capt. Greenvile1693A190.00
488EdynburgumEdinburgh, ScotlandMerian, Matthaus1642A350.00
489IrlandaIrelandPorcacchi, Tomaso1620A180.00
490Ultoniae Orientalis ParsNorthern IrelandMercator/Hondius1619Bunsold
491Udrone, Irlandiae in Catherlagh BaroniaEastern IrelandMercator/Hondius1619Bunsold
492The Province of Connaugh with the Citie of Galwaye DescribedConnacht, IrelandSpeed, John1610B600.00
493Pascaart van de Noort Zee Verthoonende in zich alle de Custen en Havens daer Routom Gelegen...North SeaGoos, Pieter1668Bunsold
494Norbegia & GottiaScandinaviaPtolemy/Fries1541A2100.00
495Suecia et Norvegia cum ConfinijsScandinaviaMercator/Hondius1619B200.00
496Sueciae, Norvegiae, et Daniae, Nova TabulaScandinaviaJansson, Jan1653B180.00
497Scandinavie ou sont les Estats de Danemark, de Suede &c.ScandinaviaSanson/Mariette1665Aunsold
498Nova Totius Livoniae Accurata DescriptioBalticJansson, Jan1646B+250.00
499De la Situation de DanemarchDenmark & SwedenMunster, Sebastian1552B+90.00
500DaniaDenmark & SwedenOrtelius/Coignet1601A95.00
501Regni Daniae in quo sunt Ducatus Holsatia et Slesvicum Insulae Danicae Provinciae Iutia Scania Blekingia Nova TabulaDenmarkHomann, Johann Baptist1738Aunsold
502Royaume de Danemarck qui Comprend le Nort-Jutland Divise en ses Quatre Dioceses, le Sud-Jutland Divise en ses Deux Duches de Sleswick et de Holstein...DenmarkRobert de Vaugondy/Santini1770B+unsold
503Iutia SeptentrionalisNorthern DenmarkMercator/Hondius1619B+unsold
504FioniaFunen (Fyn), DenmarkMercator/Hondius1619B60.00
506A New Mape of ye XVII Provinces of Low Germanie, Mended a New in Manie PlacesLow CountriesSpeed, John1676B+950.00
507Atlas Pittoresque du Rhin Depuis Bale Jusqu'a la Mer...Western Europe, Rhine RiverDelkeskamp, Friedrich Wilhelm1847B275.00
508Landscape Map of the Western BattlefrontWestern EuropeNew York Times1918B+unsold
509Tabulae Dominii Groeningae quae et Complectitur Maximam Partem DrentiaeNorthern Netherlands, Western GermanyWit, Frederick de1680B60.00
510Gallia le Royaume de FranceFranceBlaeu, Willem1635B+180.00
511Veroma Duorum Eorum que ConfiniumNorthern FranceOrtelius/Marchetti1598Aunsold
512Partie Orientale du Gouvernement General de la Guienne ou se Trouvent le Quercy et le RouergueSouthern FranceRobert de Vaugondy, Gilles1753B+33.00
513Civitas Leucorum sive Pagus Tullensis Aujourdhui le Diocese de Toul pour Servier a l'Histoire de ce DioceseNortheastern FranceDelisle/Covens & Mortier1730A90.00
514Le Plan de la Ville, Cite, et Universite de Paris. Capitale du Royaume de France...Paris, FranceFer, Nicolas de1724A300.00
515Le Plan de Paris, ses Faubourgs et ses Environs / Platte Grond van Parys, zyn Voorburgen en Omleggende PlaatseParis, FranceDelisle/Covens & Mortier1730A2000.00
516Ville Cite et Universite de ParisParis, FranceDheulland, Guillaume1908B+210.00
517[Quai des Grands-Augustins, Paris]Paris, France1910A+250.00
518La Description d'Espaigne Selon Ses Royaumes, Provinces, Fleuves, & Citez...Spain & PortugalMunster, Sebastian1552B+60.00
519Description Nouvelle du Pais d'EspaigneSpain & PortugalMunster, Sebastian1552B+200.00
520Hispaniae Nova Describtio, de Integro Multis Inlocis, Secundum Hydrographicas, Desc. EmendataSpain & PortugalMercator/Hondius1619B+250.00
521L'Espagne Divisee en Tous Ses Royaumes et Principautes, Suivant qu'ils sont Compris Sous les Couronnes de Castille...Spain & PortugalSanson/Jaillot1696B+300.00
522Andaluzia Continens Sevillam et CordubamSpainJansson, Jan1638A200.00
523Regni Valenciae Tabula ad Originalia D.T. Lopez...Eastern SpainHomann Heirs1792A300.00
524Cataloniae Principatus Descriptio NovaNortheastern SpainMercator/Hondius1619B+150.00
525Gades ab Occiduis Insulae PartibusCadiz, SpainBraun & Hogenberg1600B+425.00
526Plan of the City of BarcelonaBarcelona, SpainTindal, Nicholas1745B+unsold
527Paskaart van een Gedeelte van de Kust van Portugal Beginnende van Zurara...PortugalKeulen, Johannes van1680B+210.00
528Germaniae Nationis DescriptioCentral EuropeMunster, Sebastian1559A130.00
529Regni Bohemiae, Duc. Silesiae, Marchionatuum Moraviae et Lusatiae Tabula Generalis...Czech Republic, Germany, Poland, AustriaMayer/Homann Heirs1748Aunsold
530[Lot of 2] Saxoniae Inferioris Circulus... [and] Saxoniae Superioris Circulus...Northern GermanySeutter/Lotter1744B+unsold
531Territorium NorimbergenseSouthern GermanyBlaeu, Willem1642B+unsold
532Tabula Nova Provinciarum Rheni [on verso] [Lotharingia]Western Germany, Rhine RiverPtolemy/Fries1541A475.00
533[Lot of 2] Synopsis Circuli Rhenani Inferioris sive Electorum Rheni... [and] Palatinatus Inferior, sive Electoratus Palatinus ad Rhenum...Western Germany, Rhine RiverSeutter/Lotter1744B+unsold
534A Correct Map of the North West Part of Germany Containing Westphalia & Lower Saxony Including the Electorates of Brunswick Lunenburg or Hannover & Cologne...Northwestern GermanyBowen, Emanuel1733A+75.00
535Silesia Inferior Noviter et Accurate Delineata a Jona Sculteto Sprotta SilesioWestern PolandBlaeu, (Family)1640B+unsold
536MoraviaCzech RepublicMercator/Hondius1619Bunsold
537[Lot of 2] Carte Generale des Treize Cantons Suisses et des Differents Etats de Leur Dependance... [and] Carte Ancienne de la Suisse avec des Remarques Abreges sur les Divers Evenemens et Revolutions qui y sont Arrivees...SwitzerlandChatelain, Henry Abraham1708250.00
538[Argow]Central SwitzerlandMercator/Hondius1619Bunsold
539Le Pourtraict de la Ville de Basle Selon la Vraye Situation d'Icelle, Ainsi qu'elle a Este l'An 1549Basel, SwitzerlandMunster, Sebastian1552A220.00
540Austria ArchiducatusAustriaMercator, Gerard1613B+100.00
541Hungariae Descriptio, Wolfgango Lazio Auct.HungaryOrtelius, Abraham1571Aunsold
542Tabula Nova Poloniae, Ungariae, & RussiaeEastern EuropePtolemy/Fries1541A475.00
543Poloniae Finitimarumque Locorum Descriptio. Auctore Wenceslao Godreccio PolonoEastern Europe, PolandOrtelius, Abraham1571A700.00
544Carte Nouvelle des Royaumes de Galizie et Lodomerie avec le District de BukowineEastern EuropeLotter, Tobias Conrad1760B+500.00
545Russie Blanche ou MoscovieRussiaSanson, Nicolas Fils1665Aunsold
546Imperii Russici, sive Moscoviae, Status Generalis, in ejus Regna, Ducatus, Provincias, Populosq Subjacentes Divisus, et ex Tabula Spectatmi. Domini...RussiaWit, Frederick de1680A450.00
547[Lot of 3] Partie Occidentale de l'Empire de Russie, Extrait de l'Atlas Russien et d'Autres Cartes... [and] Partie Orientale de l'Empire de Russie, Extrait de l'Atlas Russien et d'Autres Cartes... [and] Carte du Detroit de Waeigats, ou de Nassau...Russia1758-71unsold
548Carte de Moscovie...RussiaDelisle/Dezauche1780B+unsold
549[Lot of 13 - SDUK Maps of Russia]RussiaSDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge1834-40B+150.00
550A Plan of the City of MoscowMoscow, RussiaKitchin, Thomas1784Bunsold
551Nouveau Plan de MoscouMoscow, Russia1824Bunsold
552St. PetersburgSt. Petersburg, RussiaSDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge1834B+150.00
553Verus Chersonesi Tauricae seu Crimea Conspectus Adjacentium item Regionum Itinerisq ab Exercitu Rutheno…Crimea, UkraineCovens & Mortier1740Bunsold
554Seconde Partie de la Crimee, la Mer Noire &c...Black SeaDelisle/Covens & Mortier1733A200.00
555Le Royaume de Hongrie et les Estats qui ont este Unis a sa Couronne a l'Usage de Monseigneur le Duc de Bourgogne...Southeastern Europe, HungaryJaillot, Alexis-Hubert1696B+150.00
556[Title on Verso] Europae Tabula Quinta Continet Rhetiam & Vindeliciam...Western Balkans & ItalyPtolemy/Fries1541A425.00
557Schlavoniae, Croatiae, Carniae, Istriae, Bosniae, Finitimarumque Regionum Nova Descriptio, Auctore Augustino HirsuogelioWestern BalkansOrtelius, Abraham1571A200.00
558IllyricumWestern BalkansBertius, Petrus1616A60.00
559Sclavonia, Croatia, Bosnia cum Dalmatiae ParteWestern BalkansMercator/Hondius1619B100.00
560[Title on Verso] Europae Tabula Decima Continet Macedoniam, Epyrum, Achaiam, Peloponesum, & Cretam InsulamGreecePtolemy/Fries1541A425.00
561Graeciae Universae Secundum Hodiernum Situm Neoterica DescriptioGreeceOrtelius, Abraham1571A300.00
562Macedonia Epirus et AchaiaNorthern GreeceMercator/Hondius1619Bunsold
563Morea olim PeloponnesusSouthern GreeceMercator/Hondius1611B+unsold
564Cataracta Aerea Monte Aeolic Italiae [on sheet with] A Cataract in the Duchy of Spoletto... [and] The Cataract of the Rhine... [and] Tabula Freti Siculi Charibdis... [and] Cataracta Hydrotechnica... [and] The Cataract of the Rhine att Coblents...Italy & SwitzerlandCluver, Philipp1697B+120.00
565Italiae Novissima Descriptio Auctore Iacobo Castaldo PedemontanoItalyOrtelius, Abraham1571Aunsold
566[Lot of 8] Italy I-IV [and] Ancient Italy I-III [and] Balearic Islands. (Las Baleares) [on sheet with] Valetta, the Capital of the Island of Malta [and] Corsica and SardiniaItalySDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge1830-40B+100.00
567[Lot of 2] Northern Italy [and] Southern ItalyItalyTallis, John1865B+40.00
568Ducatus Mediolanensis, Finitimarumq Regionu Descriptio, Auctore Ioanne Georgio Septala MediolanenseNorthern ItalyOrtelius, Abraham1571Aunsold
569Veronensis AgerNorthern ItalyHondius/Bertius1616A40.00
570Lombardiae Alpestris pars Occidentalis cum ValesiaNorthern ItalyMercator/Hondius1619Bunsold
571Territorio di BolognaNorthern ItalyJansson, Jan1653B+250.00
572Territorio di CremonaNorthern ItalyJansson, Jan1653B+120.00
573Ducatus Mediolanensis cum Adjacentibus Principat. et Dominiis Accuratissime DelineatusNorthern ItalySeutter/Lotter1744B+unsold
574Thusciae Descriptio Auctore Hieronymo BellarmatoCentral ItalyOrtelius, Abraham1571A325.00
575OropitumCentral ItalyOrtelius/Marchetti1598Aunsold
576Latium nunc Campagna di RomaCentral ItalyMercator/Hondius1619B75.00
577Etruriae Latii Umbriae Piceni Sabinorum et Marsorum Vetus et Nova DescriptioCentral ItalyCluver, Philipp1711B+85.00
578Regni Neapolitani Verissima Secundum Antiquorum et Recentiorum Traditionem Descriptio, Pyrrho Ligorio Auct.Southern ItalyOrtelius, Abraham1571Aunsold
579[Map of the Grotto of the Cumaean Sibyl and Lake Agnano]Southern Italy, Lake Averno & Lake AgnanoBraun & Hogenberg1581B+300.00
580Les Merveilles de Pozzoli ou Pouzzol Cume et Baia ou Bayes. Dans le Voisinage de NaplesSouthern ItalyFer, Nicolas de1705A140.00
581Les Royaumes de Naples et de Sicile avec l'Isle de MalteSouthern Italy, Sicily, Corsica & SardiniaSantini, P.1801B+unsold
582Forum IuliiNortheastern ItalyBertius, Petrus1616Aunsold
583Patavinum. Ter.Northeastern ItalyHondius/Bertius1616B+unsold
584Tarvisina Marchia et Tirolis ComitatusNortheastern ItalyMercator/Hondius1619Bunsold
585Pedemontanae Vicinorumque Regionum Auctore Iacobo Cataldo Descrip.Northwestern ItalyOrtelius, Abraham1571Aunsold
586Territorio di Pavia, Lodi, Novarra, Tortona, Alessandria et Altri Vicini dello Stato di MilanoNorthwestern ItalyJansson, Jan1653A150.00
587Florence Tresnoble Cite des Tuscans, Figuree Comme Elle est de Nostre TempsFlorence, ItalyMunster, Sebastian1552B+325.00
588FiorenzaFlorence, ItalyDuchetti, Claudio1590B1800.00
589MirandulaMirandola, ItalyMunster/Petri1578B+unsold
590Siciliae RegnumSicily, ItalyMercator/Hondius1619B+400.00
591De Haven en Stad Palermo... [on sheet with] Trapano [and] Gesigt van de Stadt Messina... [and] De Staet van Messina [and] De Stad en Haven Milazzo... [and] De Oost Kust van Sicilia [and] Aetna Mons [and] De Reede en Stad Sergento... [and] ... Siracusa...Sicily, ItalyKeulen, Gerard van1724B+unsold
592Rome Ancienne et ModerneRome, ItalyChatelain, Henry Abraham1705A210.00
593L'Idee Generale du Conclave de l'Exaltation des Papes, de Leur Pompe Funebre, et des Differentes Iuridictions de la Cour de RomeRome, ItalyChatelain, Henry Abraham1720A120.00
594[Facsimile] Nuova Pianta et Alzata Della Citta Di Roma [with] Roma al Tempo di Clemente X - La Pianta di Roma di Giambattista Falda del 1676...Rome, Italy1931B+100.00
595Insularum Aliquot Maris Mediterranei DescriptioMediterranean IslandsOrtelius, Abraham1571Aunsold
596Nouvelle Carte des Conciles Generaux et Particuliers qui se sont Tenus en Europe, en Asie, en Afrique, et en Amerique...MediterraneanChatelain, Henry Abraham1719B+unsold
597Plan Geometral de Gibraltar avec les Nouveaux Ouvrages de Cette Ville Faits par les Anglois...Western Mediterranean, GibraltarBeaurain, Jean Chev. De1756Bunsold
598Neuester und Exacter Plan und Prospect von der Stadt, Vestung, Bay und Fortification von Gibraltar...Gibraltar & Cadiz, SpainHomann Heirs1733B+unsold
599A Plan of the Batteries Erected Before Gibraltar, with the Attacks Made by Sea and Land on That Garrison by the Duke de Crillon and Admiral Moreno, on the 13th of September, 1782...GibraltarAshby, H.1785B+unsold
600MalteMaltaMallet, Alain Manesson1685A125.00
601Cyprus Insula [on sheet with] Candia, Olim CretaCyprus & CreteOrtelius, Abraham1571Aunsold
602Cyprus Ins:CyprusHondius, Jodocus1619Bunsold
603Tabula Nova CandiaeCretePtolemy/Fries1541A300.00
604Candia cum Insulis Aliquot Circa GraeciamCreteMercator/Hondius1619Bunsold
605Turcici Imperii ImagoEastern Mediterranean & Middle EastHondius, Jodocus1619B+500.00
606De Beschryving van de Reysen Pauli, en van de Andere Apostelen...Eastern Mediterranean & Middle EastAvelen, Jan van den1687Aunsold
607Carte de l'Empire des Turcs en Asie & en Afrique, Divise dans Toutes ses Papties, avec une Table de la Longitude & Latitude des Principales Positions de Cette Carte...Eastern Mediterranean & Middle East, ArabiaChatelain, Henry Abraham1719A160.00
608Byzondere Kaart van de Landen daar de Apostelen het Evangelium Gepredikt Hebben, van de Vermaardste Plaatsen, van Hunne Reyzen, en van den Weg van Paulus na Rome...Eastern Mediterranean & Middle EastCovens & Mortier1725A140.00
609[Lot of 3] Turkey in Asia [and] Asia Minor [and] Turkey in EuropeMiddle EastTallis, John1850B+100.00
610[Lot of 2] Karte von dem Groessten Theil des Landes Jemen Imame, Kaukeban &. &... [and] Egypten oder MisirArabia, EgyptSchraembl, Franz Anton1787-89Aunsold
611De la Cosmographie BithynieTurkey & CyprusMunster, Sebastian1560A70.00
612Natoliae, quae Olim Asia Minor, Nova DescriptioTurkey & CyprusOrtelius, Abraham1580A150.00
613[Lot of 2] Originalkarte zu Dr. H. Barth's Reise durch Kleinasien von Trapezunt nach Tschikoryk, 31. Oktober-20. November 1858 [and] ...von Tschikoryk nach Ssoghud, 21. Nov.-18. December 1858TurkeyPetermann, Augustus Herman1860A22.00
614Ponti Pars ad Halym, Iridem, Thermodontemq, Fluvios Sita; quam Heroicis Temporibus Amazones Romanorum Aetate Mithridatis Regnum...Northern TurkeySanson, Guillaume1694B+65.00
615L'Effigie de la Ville de Constantinoble Selon qu'elle est Nostre Temps Soubz le TurcIstanbul, TurkeyMunster, Sebastian1552A250.00
616Palaestinae sive Totius Terrae Promissionis Nova Descriptio Auctore Tilemanno Stella SigenensHoly LandOrtelius, Abraham1571A500.00
617Typus Chorographicus, Celebrium Locorum in Regno Iudae et Israhel. Arte Factus a Tilemanno Stella SigenensiHoly LandOrtelius, Abraham1586B+unsold
618Das Heilig Landt mit Ausztheilung der Zwolff GeschlechterHoly LandMunster/Petri1588B+unsold
619Gad, Turma Populabitur cum, sed ipse Populabitur Alios TantlemHoly LandFuller, Thomas1648B+unsold
620Terra Sancta, sive Promissionis, olim Palestina Recens Delineata, et in Lucem EditaHoly LandWit, Frederick de1680A350.00
621Regnum Iudeorum in Filios Herodis Magni per Tetrarchias Divisum ad Tempora Christi Domini Tabula...Holy Landde la Rue, Philippe1696B+unsold
622Terre des Fils de Chanaan Dont Ils s'Emparerent sur les Descendans de Sem...Holy LandMoullart-Sanson, Pierre1715Aunsold
623Dese Conterfeytinghe der Stadt Jerusalem...Jerusalem, Holy LandBunting, Heinrich1635B+180.00
624[Untitled - Jerusalem]Jerusalem, Holy LandSaur, A.1658B+unsold
625IerusalemJerusalem, Holy LandDapper, Olivier1681B+400.00
626De VIIde Landkaart Verbeeldende de Stad Jerusalem Beneven de daar Omgelegen Bergen en Dalen...Jerusalem, Holy LandBachiene, Willem Albert1750A250.00
627The Temple as It Was in Christe TimeSolomon's Temple, Holy LandFuller/Goddard1650B+unsold
628Description de Babylon Selon Herodote, avec Quelques Additions de Diodore SicilienBabylon, Iraq1592B+400.00
629Persici sive Sophorum Regni TypusPersia - IranOrtelius, Abraham1571Aunsold
630Persici vel Sophorum Regni TypusPersia - Iran, AfghanistanMercator/Jansson1630Aunsold
631Persia sive Sophorum Regnum cum Armenia Assyria Mesopotamia et BabiloniaPersia - IranCluver, Philipp1667A55.00
632A New Map of Persia, from the Latest AuthoritiesPersia - IranCary, John1801B+110.00
633[Title on Verso] Tabula Tertia Asiae Complectitur Colchidem, Iberiam, Alberiam, & Armeniam MaioremCaucasusPtolemy/Fries1541B+850.00
634[Lot of 2] Carte Marine de la Mer Caspiene... [and] Coste de Perse sur la Mer Caspiene et Partie de Celles de TartarieCaspian SeaDelisle, Guillaume1723A450.00
635[Title on Verso] Tabula Septima Asiae Complectitur Margianam, Bactrianam, Sogdianam, Sacas, & Scythiam, Intra Imaum MontemCentral AsiaPtolemy/Fries1541A275.00
636Asiae Nova DescriptioAsiaOrtelius, Abraham1579B+900.00
638Asiae Nova Descriptio Auctore Jodoco HondioAsiaHondius, Jodocus1619B800.00
639L'Asie AsiaSanson, Nicolas1652B+120.00
640L'AsieAsiaLa Feuille, Daniel de1706A+160.00
641L'Asie Dressee Selon les Observations des Mrs. de l'Academie Royale des SciencesAsiaChiquet, Jacques1719A90.00
642To the Right Honourable William Lord Cowper, Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain. This Map of Asia...AsiaMoll, Herman1730B1200.00
643Asia Secundum Legitimas Projectionis Stereographicae Regulas et Juxta Recentissimas Observationes... / Carte de l'Asie Projettee Stereographiquement Tiree des Relations et Observations...AsiaHaas/Homann Heirs1744B+300.00
644TartariaNorthern AsiaHondius, Jodocus1619B+400.00
645Tartaria sive Magni Chami ImperiumNorthern AsiaJansson, Jan1638A300.00
646A Generall Mapp of the Kingdome of Tartaria, Designed by Monsieur Sanson...Northern AsiaBlome, Richard1670Aunsold
647Nouvelle Representation des Cotes Nord et Est de l'Asie, pour Servir d'Eclaircissement aux Articles du Supplement de l'Encyclopedie...Northern AsiaRobert de Vaugondy, Didier1772A42.00
648[Staten Eylant]Kuril IslandsWitsen, Nicolaas1705Aunsold
649A Map of Formosa [with] An Historical and Geographical Description of Formosa, an Island Subject to the Emperor of Japan...Taiwan1705B+unsold
650[Lot of 3] The Canton River or Chu-kiang from Macao and Hong-kong to Pottinger Isld... [and] Map of the Country Between Pe-king & the Gulf of Pe-chili... [and] Coast of China from Hainan Isld. to Hie-che-chin Bay...ChinaWeller, Edward1860A120.00
651[Title on Verso] Tabula Superioris Indiae & Tartariae MaiorisChina, Korea & JapanPtolemy/Fries1541B+unsold
652Nuova Carta dell' Imperio della China e dei Paesi Circonvicini / Nieuwe Kaart van t Keizerryk ChinaChina, Korea & JapanTirion, Isaac1760A250.00
653Imperii Sinarum Nova DescriptioChina & KoreaLoon, Jan van1657B+unsold
654Iaponiae Insulae Descriptio. Ludoico Teisera AuctoreJapan & KoreaOrtelius, Abraham1595B+unsold
655[Lot of 4] Particuliere Reis Kaart van Japan... van Khurissima tot Osaka [and] ...van Jokaitz tot aan het Dorp Fammamatz... [and] ...van Fammamatz tot aan Farra... [and] ...van Farra tot Jedo... JapanKaempfer/Scheuchzer1729Aunsold
656Carta Accurata dell' Imperio del Giappone...JapanTirion/Albrizzi1738Aunsold
657[Japanese Travel Map]JapanAnon.1881A250.00
658[Japanese Pocket Map of Tokyo]JapanAnon.1883A250.00
659Vue et Description de la Ville de Meaco Capitale du Japon avec d'Autres Particularitez du PaysKyoto & Tokyo, JapanChatelain, Henry Abraham1720Aunsold
660Plan de la Ville de MeacoKyoto, JapanBellin, Jacques Nicolas1750B+65.00
661India quae Orientalis Dicitur, et Insulae AdiacentesSouthern & Southeast AsiaHondius/Jansson1646B+unsold
662Partie de l'Inde au dela du Gange [on sheet with] Presqu-Isle de l'Inde au dela du GangeSoutheast AsiaSanson, Nicolas1652A100.00
663Newsmap [Untitled - Papua New Guinea, World War II]Southeast AsiaU.S. War Department1943A100.00
664[Petits Voyages, Part III: Lot of 23 - Southeast Asia]Sumatra, Java & BaliBry, Theodore de1599B+500.00
665Nuova et Accurata Carta dell' Isole Filippine, Ladrones, e Moluccos, o Isole delle Speziarie Come Anco Celebes &c.East Indies - IndonesiaTirion, Isaac1740B+230.00
666Eastern Passages to China Sheet IEast Indies - IndonesiaHorsburgh, James (Capt)1848B+325.00
667A Map of the Discoveries Made by Captn. Willm. Dampier in the Roebuck in 1699Timor, New Guinea & New BritainBowen, Emanuel1730B+220.00
668East India Archipelago [Western Route to China. Chart No. 2]Indonesia, South China SeaImray, James1871B+unsold
669Carte de l'Ile de Java: Partie Occidentale, Partie Orientale, Dressee Tout Nouvellement sur les Memoires les Plus Exacts...Java, IndonesiaChatelain, Henry Abraham1719A+unsold
670[Lot of 2] Carte Particuliere des Isles Moluques [and] Carte de l'Isle Celebes ou Macassar pour Servir a l'Histoire Generale des VoyagesMaluku Islands & Sulawesi, IndonesiaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1748-5260.00
671Carte des Isles Voisines des Moluques Ceram, Bouro Amboine, Banda, Neyra &ca pour Servir a l'Histoire Generale des VoyagesMaluku Islands, IndonesiaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1750B+36.00
672[Title on Verso] Asiae Tabula Decima Continet Indiam Intra GangemIndiaPtolemy/Fries1541A550.00
673CananorKannur, IndiaValentyn, Francois1724Aunsold
674[Lot of 2] Northern India [and] Southern IndiaIndia & Sri LankaTallis, John1850B+170.00
675[Title on Verso] Tabula Duodecima Asiae Continet Taprobanam InsulamSri LankaPtolemy/Fries1541A+600.00
676Ins. Ceilan quae Incolis Tenarisin DiciturSri LankaMercator/Hondius1619B+220.00
677Karte von der Trinquemale-BaySri LankaValentyn, Francois1724B+80.00
678JaffenapatamJaffa, Sri LankaValentyn, Francois1724B+80.00
679Calechut Celeberrimum Indiae Emporium [on sheet with] Ormus [and] Canonor [and] S. Georgii Oppidum Mina...Southern Asia & AfricaBraun & Hogenberg1572B+400.00
680[Title on Verso] Tabula XI AsiaeSouthern AsiaPtolemy/Fries1535B+unsold
681Partie Meridionale de l'Inde en Deux Presqu'Isles l'une deca et l'Autre dela le GangeSouthern AsiaSanson/Mariette1654B+unsold
682Insula Madagascar sive Sti. LaurentyMadagascarSanson, Nicolas1679B+unsold
683La Description d' Affricque Selon ses Divers Pais, Animaux & Monstres HorriblesAfricaMunster, Sebastian1552B+100.00
685Nova Africae TabulaAfricaHondius, Jodocus1611B+900.00
686Africa ex Magna Orbis Terre Descriptione Gerardi Mercatoris Desumpta, Studio & IndustriaAfricaMercator/Hondius1619B+500.00
687Africae Nova TabulaAfricaHondius, Henricus1631Aunsold
688Nova Africa DescriptioAfricaWit, Frederick de1660Aunsold
689Africae, Described the Manners of Their Habits, and Buildinge: Newly Done into English...AfricaSpeed, John1676A2500.00
690Africae Accurata TabulaAfricaVisscher, Nicolas1677A500.00
691AfriqueAfricaDuval, Pierre1682B+unsold
692L'Afrique Dressee Suivant les Auteurs les Plus Nouvea et sur les Observations de Messieurs de l'Academie Royale des SciencesAfricaChiquet, Jacques1720B+unsold
693AfricaAfricaTallis, John1850B+100.00
694[Lot of 2] Aphricae Tabula III [and] AegyptusNorthern Africa1545-98unsold
695Africae Propriae Tabula, in qua, Punica Regna Vides; Tyrios, et Agenoris UrbemNorthern AfricaOrtelius, Abraham1590B+unsold
696Barbaria [on sheet with] Cartaginis sive Potius Tunetani Celeberrimi Sinus... [and] [Aegyptus]Northern AfricaMercator/Hondius1628B85.00
697[Lot of 6 - Northeastern Africa and the Red Sea]Northern AfricaBruce, James1790unsold
698Plan du Port de Tripoli de Barabarie...Tripoli, LibyaDepot de la Marine1823A+110.00
699[Title on Verso] Tabula Prima Aphricae Continent Mauritania Tingitanam, & Mauritaniam CaesariensemNorthwestern AfricaPtolemy/Fries1541A300.00
700Aegyptus AntiquaEgyptFuller, Thomas1650A120.00
701Aegyptus HodiernaEgyptHomann, Johann Baptist1720A200.00
702Aegyptus Antiqua Mandato Serenissimi Delphini Publici Juris FactaEgyptAnville, Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d'1765A50.00
703[Lot of 2] La Nubia ed Abissinia [and] Parte della Costa Orientale dell' Africa con l'Isola di Madagascar e le Carte Particolari dell' Isole di Francia e di BorbonEastern Africa & MadagascarZatta, Antonio1784B+110.00
704Abissinorum sive Pretiosi Ioannis ImperiuCentral AfricaMercator/Hondius1606Bunsold
705Tabula Nova Partis AfricaeSouthern AfricaPtolemy/Fries1541Aunsold
706Maris Pacifici, (quod Vulgo Mar del Zur) cum Regionibus Circumiacentibus, Insulisque in Eodem Passim Sparsis, Novissima DescriptioPacific OceanOrtelius, Abraham1589B+6000.00
707Mar del Zur Hispanis Mare PacificumPacific OceanJansson, Jan1650B+unsold
708Magnum Mare del Zur cum Insula California / De Groote Zuyd-Zee en 't Eylandt CaliforniaPacific Ocean, CaliforniaWit, Frederick de1680B+2000.00
709Carte Reduite des Mers Comprises Entre l'Asie et l'Amerique Apelees par les Navigateurs Mer du Sud ou Mer Pacifique...Pacific OceanBellin, Jacques Nicolas1776B+800.00
710[Lot of 2] Oceanie [and] Islands in the Pacific OceanPacific Ocean1840-60B+unsold
711Tartariae sive Magni Chami Regni TypusNorth Pacific, Northern Asia & Northwestern North AmericaOrtelius, Abraham1575A650.00
712Carte des Nouvelles Decouvertes Dressee par Phil. Bauche… [on sheet with] Extrait d'une Carte Japonise de l'Univers…North Pacific OceanRobert de Vaugondy, Didier1772B70.00
713Carte des Nouvelles Decouvertes au Nord de la Mer du Sud, Tant a l'Est de la Siberie et du Kamtchatka, qu'a l'Ouest de la Nouvelle FranceNorth Pacific OceanSantini/Remondini1776A500.00
714[Lot of 3] Carte de la Cote N.O. de l'Amerique et de la Cote N.E. de l Asie... [and] Plan de l'Entree de Nootka [and] Une Femme de l'Entree de NootkaNorth Pacific Ocean1785-87A90.00
715[Lot of 2] Carte de l'Entree de Norton et du Detroit de Bhering, ou l'on Voit le Cap le Plus Oriental de l'Asie, et la Pointe la Plus Occidentale de l'Amerique [and] Habitans et Habitations de l'Entree de NortonNorth Pacific Ocean1785-88A37.00
716[Lot of 3] Trois Vues des Isles de l'Amiraute... [and] Banc de Sable Dangereux... [on sheet with] Isles de Joseph Freewill [and] L'Extremite Meridionale de Mindanao [and] Vue de la Baye de Bonthain...Admiralty Islands, Southern Philippines, South SulawesiCook/Benard1780B+42.00
717[Lot of 4] Carte des Decouvertes du Capne. Carteret dans la Nle. Bretagne... [and] Nelle. Irlande [and] Cote Septentrional de la Plus Grande des Isles de la Reine Charlotte... [and] Isles de la Reine CharlottePapua New Guinea, New Britain, New Ireland, Nendo Island1780-8770.00
718[Lot of 3] Plan of Carterets Harbour in St. Georges Sound New-Britain, 1767 [and] Plan of Byrons Bay on St. Cruz Island 1767 [on sheet with] Swallow, or Water Bay, on St. Cruz Island 1767 [and] Plan of Port Praslin...Papua New Guinea & Solomon IslandsDalrymple, Alexander1781-82B+40.00
719[Lot of 5] Plan des Havres qu'on Trouve au Cote N. d'Eimeo [and] Maniere dont on Expose les Morts a Otahiti [and] Vue de Huaheine [and] Hausse-Col Militaire des Insulaires de la Mer du Sud [and] Emouchoir des Otahitiens avec Ses ManchesSociety IslandsCook, James (Capt.)1780-8575.00
720[Lot of 2] [I. Wenooa Ette/ I. Wateeoo/ Isle Mangeea/ Isle Toobouai] [and] Un Homme de MangeaCook Islands, French PolynesiaCook/Benard1785Aunsold
721Carte des Isles des AmisTongaBonne, Rigobert1787B+50.00
722[Lot of 4] Map of the Hawaiian Group or Sandwich Islands by the U.S. Ex. Ex. [and] Groups in the Western Part of the Pacific Ocean... [and] Map of the Sooloo Sea and Archiepelago... [and] Island of TahitiPacific IslandsWilkes, Charles1841-42110.00
723Hawaiian Group or Sandwich IslandsHawaii, New Zealand, Samoa, Fiji, Tonga, Society Islands, Marquesas Islands, GalapagosColton, G.W. & C.B.1855A75.00
724The British Colonies; Their History, Extent, Condition, and Resources Vol. II. AustraliaAustraliaMartin, Montgomery1855A375.00
725Carte de la Nouvelle ZeelandeNew ZealandBonne, Rigobert1787A+600.00
726[Lot of 2] New Zealand North Island New Ulster or Eaheinomauwe [and] New Zealand Middle & South IslandsNew ZealandDower, John1860A100.00
727Least Stormy-Petrel, Thalassidroma PelagicaPrints - BirdAudubon, J. J.1836A900.00
728Canoe degli Habitanti della Virginia... [on sheet with] Habitante della Nuova Zembla... / Battello degli Groenland...Prints Native AmericanCoronelli, Vincenzo Maria1690Aunsold
729De Spaansche Oorlogs Vloot van den Jaere MDLXXXVIIIPrints - Spanish ArmadaLe Clerc, Jean1720A170.00
730Flaggen Aller Seefahrenden Potenzen und Nationen in der Gantzen WeldtPrints - Ships, FlagsHomann, Johann Baptist1720B+600.00
731Historische Wappen Charte von den Saemptlichen Churfursten des heil Rom. Teutschen ReichsPrints - HeraldryWeigel, Christopher1730A120.00
732[Portraits on Cloth] For President James G. Blaine of Maine - For Vice President, John A. Logan. Of IllinoisPrints - PoliticsAnon.1884B150.00
733Nieuwe Volkplanting om WindSatire - Stock TradingAnon.1720A+1000.00
734[Illuminated Leaf]Medieval ManuscriptsAnon.1470A80.00
735[Illuminated Leaf]Medieval ManuscriptsAnon.1570Aunsold
736Blat CLXXVIIIIncunabulaSchedel, Hartmann1493B+50.00
737Blat CXCIIIncunabulaSchedel, Hartmann1493A60.00
738Blat CCVIncunabulaSchedel, Hartmann1493B+55.00
739Blat CCVIIncunabulaSchedel, Hartmann1493B+50.00
740[Illuminated Leaf]Early PrintingHardouin, Gilles1518Aunsold
741IsolarioAtlasesBordone, Benedetto154711500.00
742Supplement a l'Atlas Historique, Contenant Diverses Pieces de Chronologie, de Genealogie, d'Histoire et d'Autres Sciences...Tome VII...AtlasesChatelaine, Zacherie1732B+unsold
743Maps, Plans, Views, and Coins, Illustrative of the Travels of Anarcharsis the Younger, in Greece ... the Fourth Edition...Atlases, Ancient GreeceBarthelemy, Abbe Jean Jacques1806B+unsold
744School Atlas to Accompany Woodbridge's Rudiments of GeographyAtlasesWoodbridge, William Channing1823B130.00
745A New Universal Atlas of the World Comprising in Twenty One Maps Carefully Prepared from the Latest Information and Neatly Engraved...AtlasesMorse, Jedidiah & Sydney1831B300.00
746[Lot of 2] Huntington's School Atlas, Drawn and Engraved Expressly to Illustrate and Accompany the System of Modern Geography [and] A System of Modern Geography, for Schools, Academies, and Families...AtlasesHuntington, Eleazor1833550.00
747A New General Atlas of the World, Compiled from the Latest Authorities Both English & Foreign, Containing Separate Maps of Its Various Countries & States...AtlasesTeesdale, Henry1835B+unsold
748Olney's School AtlasAtlasesOlney, A. N.1844B275.00
749The Cerographic Missionary AtlasAtlasesMorse, Sidney Edwards1848C+unsold
750Atlas uber Alle Theile de Erde in 28 Blaettern AtlasesWoerl, Dr. J.E.1849Bunsold
751Atlas Universel Historique et Geographique Compose de Cent Une Cartes...AtlasesHouze, Antoine Philippe1850Aunsold
752[Lot of 2] Colton's Atlas of the World Illustrating Physical and Political Geography Volume I and IIAtlasesColton, Joseph Hutchins1856B+1800.00
753Mitchell's New General Atlas, Containing Maps of the Various Countries of the World, Plans of Cities, etc. Embraced in Fifty-Three Quarto Maps, Forming a Series of Eighty-Four Maps and Plans...AtlasesMitchell, Samuel Augustus1863B+750.00
754Johnson's New Illustrated (Steel Plate) Family Atlas, with Physical Geography, and with Descriptions Geographical, Statistical, and Historical...AtlasesJohnson & Ward1864B650.00
755Atlas Usuel de Geographie ModerneAtlasesAndriveau-Goujon, E.1873B+unsold
756A.V.R.R. Right of Way Through Venango County, PA. Manuscript Atlases, RailroadsRailroad Companies, (Various)1880B500.00
757The New Universal Gazetteer; or, Modern Geographical IndexGeography BooksRamsay, David1796B+150.00
758Smith's Quarto, or Second Book in Geography. A Concise and Practical System of Geography, for Schools, Academies, and Families...Geography BooksSmith, Roswell C.1853B+200.00
759The World Geographical, Historical, and Statistical; Containing a Description of the Several Continents, Empires, Republics, Kingdoms, and Islands on the Globe...Geography BooksEnsign, Bridgman & Fanning1861B375.00
760Histoire Generale des Voyages, ou Nouvelle Collection de Toutes les Relations de Voyages ... Tome QuatorziemeExploration & SurveysPrevost, Anton Francois1757B+unsold
761Histoire Generale des Voyages, ou Nouvelle Collection de Toutes les Relations de Voyages ... Tome SeiziemeExploration & SurveysPrevost, Anton Francois1758Aunsold
762Natural History of New York. Geology of New York. Part IVExploration & Surveys, New YorkHall, James1843B+275.00
763Report of the Secretary of the Treasury, Communicating The Annual Report of the Commissioner of the General Land OfficeExploration & Surveys, United StatesGeneral Land Office1848B+unsold
764[Maps and Views] Message from the President of the United States to the Two Houses of Congress…Part IIIExploration & SurveysU.S. Government1854B+unsold
765Reports of Explorations and Surveys, to Ascertain the Practicability of a Ship-Canal Between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, by the Way of the Isthmus of TehuantepecExploration & Surveys, MexicoU.S. Navy Dept.1872B+90.00
766[3 Volumes] The History, Civil and Commercial, of the British Colonies in the West Indies...History Books, CaribbeanEdwards, Bryan1793-1801B+unsold
767The American Lawyer, and Business-Man's Form Book…Miscellaneous BooksBeadle, D. W.1858B70.00
768[Lot of 3] Annual Addresses of the President of the Medical Society of the District of Columbia Delivered 1894-95-96-97-98 [and] Washington in Maps 1606-2000 [and] City of Magnificent Distances - The Nation's Capital - A ChecklistReferences1899-200265.00
769A List of Maps of America in the Library of Congress Preceded by a List of Works Relating to CartographyReferencesPhillips, P. Lee1901B55.00
770[Facsimile - 2 Volumes] Major Andre's JournalReferences1904B+400.00
771Old Decorative Maps and ChartsReferencesHumphreys, A.L.1926B120.00
772[Lot of 4 - Facsimiles] Further English Voyages to Spanish America 1583-1594... [and] The Historie of Travell into Virginia Britania (1612) [and] [2 Volumes] The Roanoke Voyages 1584-1590...References1951-55B+210.00
773[Lot of 3] Maps and Map-Makers [and] The History of Topographical Maps - Symbols, Pictures and Surveys [and] The MapmakersReferences1952-8165.00
774[Lot of 5] A List of Geographical Atlases in the Library of Congress Volumes 5-8 [and] United States Atlases - A List of National State, County, City, and Regional Atlases in the Library of CongressReferencesLe Gear, Clara Egli1958-98Aunsold
775[Lot of 53 - Map Collectors' Circle]References1963-75B+unsold
776[Facsimile] Spieghel der Zeevaerdt, vande Navigatie der Westersche Zee, Innehoudende alle de Custe va Vranckrijck Spaignen...ReferencesWaghenaer, Lucas Jansz1964Aunsold
777[Facsimile] Theatrum Orbis TerrarumReferencesOrtelius, Abraham1964B+350.00
778[2 Volumes] The Jamestown Voyages Under the First Charter 1606-1609References1969A75.00
779[Lot of 2] The Discovery of North America [and] The Exploration of North America 1630-1776References1972-7460.00
780[Lot of 2] The Sea Chart - An Historical Survey Based on the Collections in the National Maritime Museum [and] Early Mapping of the Pacific - The Epic Story of Seafarers, Adventurers, and Cartographers Who Mapped the Earth's Greatest OceanReferences1973-2004A85.00
781[Lot of 2] The American Revolution in Drawings and Prints - A Checklist of 1765-1790 Graphics in the Library of Congress [and] Atlas of the American RevolutionReferences1975B+80.00
782[Lot of 2] Landmarks of Mapmaking - An Illustrated Survey of Maps and Mapmakers [and] Antique MapsReferences1976-93A26.00
783[Facsimile] Captain Philip Pittman's The Present State of the European Settlements on the Missisippi with a Geographical Description of That River...References1977A26.00
784The Making of the Nuremberg ChronicleReferences, IncunabulaWilson, Adrian1978A+unsold
785The Nuremberg Chronicle - A Facsimile of Hartmann Schedel's Buch der ChronikenReference Books, IncunabulaSchedel, Hartmann1979A+200.00
786[3 Volumes] Atlas del Desarrollo Territorial de la Argentina [and] ... I Memoria [and] ... II Serie de Estadisticas HistoricasReferences1981A300.00
787The Cartography of Northern Virginia - Facsimile Reproductions of Maps Dating from 1608 to 1915References1981B+unsold
788The Mapping of the World - Early Printed World Maps 1472-1700ReferencesShirley, Rodney W.1983A400.00
789Views and Viewmakers of Urban America - Lithographs of Towns and Cities in the United States and Canada, Notes on the Artists and Publishers, and a Union Catalog of Their Work, 1825-1925ReferencesReps, John W.1984A130.00
790[2 Volumes] Maps in British Periodicals Part I [and] Part IIReferencesJolly, David C.1990-91A140.00
791[Lot of 3] Mapping the Civil War - Featuring Rare Maps from the Library of Congress [and] American Heritage - Battle Maps of the Civil War [and] Mapping for Stonewall - The Civil War Service of Jed HotchkissReferences1992-93A33.00
792[Lot of 2] Celestial Charts - Antique Maps of the Heavens [and] The Mapping of the HeavensReferences1995A55.00
793Kaarten in Bijbels (16e - 18e eeuw)ReferencesPoortman & Augusteijn1995A65.00
794The Mapping of North America - A List of Printed Maps 1511-1670ReferencesBurden, Philip D.1996B+180.00
795Mercator's World - The Magazine of Maps, Atlases, Globes and Charts Volume I Number IReferences1996A13.00
796[Lot of 18] Mercator's World - The Magazine of Maps, Exploration, and DiscoveryReferences1996-99A49.00
797Norwich's Maps of Africa - An Illustrated and Annotated Carto-BibliographyReferencesNorwich, Oscar I.1997Aunsold
798[Lot of 11] The Hakluyt Society Series III Volumes 1-9 & 11-12References1999-2003A150.00
799Charting Louisiana - Five Hundred Years of MapsReferences2003Aunsold
800Rome's World - The Peutinger Map ReconsideredReferences2010A85.00