Index of Lots for Auction 165

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Lot #TitleSubjectCreatorPeriodConditionSold For
1Spectandum Dedit Ortelius Mortalib. Orbem, Orbi Spectandum Galleus OrteliumFrontispiece, PortraitOrtelius, Abraham1598A375.00
2The Theatre of the Empire of Great Britaine. Presenting an Exact Geography of the Kingdomes of England Scotland and Ireland...Title Page & FrontispieceSpeed, John1676B+300.00
3De Bello Belgico Decas Prima Famiani Stradae Rom. Societ. IesuTitle Page, Low CountriesStrada, Famiamo, S.J.1636B+400.00
4[Lot of 5] Mape-Monde Representee en Hemispheres Oriental et Occidental [and] Amerique Septentrionale et Meridionale [and] Afrique [and] Asie [and] L'EuropeWorld & ContinentsExpilly, Jean Joseph Georges, Abbe d'1777A350.00
5Typus Orbis UniversalisWorldMunster, Sebastian1550A2300.00
6Universi Orbis DescriptioWorldMagini and Porro1598A400.00
7Typus Orbis Terrarum WorldHondius/Bertius1616A475.00
8Orbis Terrarum Tabula Recens Emendata et in Lucem EditaWorldVisscher, Nicolas1663A2100.00
9Nova Orbis Tabula, in Lucem Edita WorldWit, Frederick de1670B+3500.00
10[Lot of 3] Planisphere de Turquet / Planisphere de Bertius / Planisphere d Arzael [and] Carte du Monde de Marc Paul / Carte du Monde de Iacques Castaldo / Carte du Monde de Miguel Lopez [and] Globe de Mella / Globe de Posidonius / Globe de PtolomeeWorldMallet, Alain Manesson1684A200.00
11[Lot of 2 - Untitled Western & Eastern Hemispheres]WorldHappel, Everard Werner1687B+unsold
12[Untitled Western and Eastern Hemisphere Pair] [in] Telluris Theoria Sacra, Originem & Mutationes Generales Orbis Nostri...WorldBurnet, Thomas1694B+700.00
13Nouvaux Mappemonde ou Globe Terrestre avec des Tables et des Remarques pour Conduire a la Connoissance de la Geographie et de l'HistoireWorldChatelain, Henry Abraham1705B+650.00
14The World in PlanisphereWorldMoll, Herman1709A250.00
15Venti da Trafico Genli. e Costeggianti, de' Munsoni, o le Variazioni... WorldMoll, Herman1750A250.00
16Carte Generale du Globe Terrestre...WorldBrouckner, Isaak1755A350.00
17Mappe-Monde Geo Spherique ou Nouvelle Carte Ideale du Globe Terrestre pour Servir d'Introduction...WorldLattre, Jean1760Bunsold
18Carte Reduite du Globe TerrestreWorldBellin, Jacques Nicolas1764B+unsold
19Scientia Terrarum et Coelorum: or, the Heavens and Earth Astronomically and Geographically Delineated and Display'd...WorldDunn, Samuel1772B+2200.00
20Planisphere Suivant la Projection de MercatorWorldBonne, Rigobert1780A60.00
21Planisphere Physique ou l'on voit du Pole Septentrional ce que l'on Connoit de Terres et de Mers...WorldBuache/Dezauche1780B+250.00
22A New General Chart of the World, Exhibiting the Discoveries Made by Capn. James Cook in His First, Second and Third Voyages...WorldCook/Hogg1794B350.00
23A Chart of the World Exhibiting the Track of M. de La Perouse and the Route of M. Lesseps Across the ContinentWorldStockdale, John1798B+200.00
24World from the Best AuthoritiesWorldAnon.1800B+unsold
25[Lot of 2] Western Hemisphere [and] Eastern HemisphereWorldTallis, John1851B+400.00
26Newsmap for the Armed Forces... [on verso] Your Submarine - Versatile WarshipWorld, World War IIU.S. Gov't Printing Office1944A100.00
27[On 4 Sheets] Tabula Itineraria ex Illustri Peutingerorum Bibliotheca…Nobilissimo Viro Marco Velsero...Ancient WorldOrtelius, Abraham1598Aunsold
28Descriptio Orbis PtolomaicaAncient WorldHondius/Bertius1618Bunsold
29Geographia SacraAncient WorldJansson, Jan1652A300.00
30Orbis Terrarum Veteribus Cogniti Typus GeographicusAncient WorldJansson, Jan1660Aunsold
31Aevi Veteris usque ad Annum Salutis Nonagesimum Supra Milles Quadringentos Cogniti Tantum, Typus GeographicAncient WorldCoronelli, Vincenzo Maria1690B+unsold
32Aur. Theodosii Macrobii V. Cl. & Inlustris Opera. Accedunt Integrae Isacii Pontani, Joh. Meursii, Jacobi Gronovii Notae & Animadversiones...Ancient WorldMacrobius, Ambrosius Aurelius Theodo1694B+300.00
33Geographische Vorstellung eines Globi, Welchen Anno 1492. Herr Martin Behaim...Ancient WorldDoppelmayr, Johann Gabriel1730Aunsold
34Nieuwe Kaart van het Oostelykste Deel der Weereld, Dienende tot Aanwyzing van de Scheepstogten der Nederlanderen naar Oostindie Volgens de Laatste OntdekkingenEastern HemisphereTirion, Isaac1753A200.00
35Map of the European Settlements in the East Indies and on the Eastern Coast of Africa Including Part of EuropeEastern HemisphereKitchin, Thomas1784B+unsold
36Polus Arcticus cum Vicinis RegionibusNorth PoleMercator/Hondius1635A230.00
37A Map of the North Pole with All the Territories That Lye Near It, Known to Us &c. According to the Latest Discoveries...North PoleMoll, Herman1744A140.00
38Map of the North Polar RegionNorth PoleU.S. Hydrographic Office1879Aunsold
39Carte de l'Hemisphere Austral Montrant les Routes des Navigateurs les Plus Celebres par le Capitaine Jacques CookSouthern HemisphereCook/Benard1775B+150.00
40Globus CoelestisCelestialOrtelius/Vrients1609A325.00
41Mappa Stellarum Australium quae in Altitudine Poli Borei Graduum...Celestial1711B+unsold
42[Untitled - Wind Rose]Cartographic MiscellanyMagini, Giovanni Antonio1597A190.00
43[Playing Cards] Les Tables de Geographie, Reduites en un Ieu de CartesCartographic Miscellany, Playing CardsDuval, Pierre1669A2200.00
44[Puzzle] Dissected Map of the United StatesCartographic Miscellany, United States Puzzle MapMcLoughlin Bros.1887A130.00
45Americae sive Novi Orbis, Nova DescriptioWestern Hemisphere - AmericaOrtelius, Abraham1603A3500.00
46Americae sive Novi Orbis, Nova DescriptioWestern Hemisphere - AmericaMunster/Petri1614B+1000.00
47AmericaWestern Hemisphere - AmericaHondius/Bertius1616A325.00
48America with Those Known Parts in That Unknowne Worlde Both People and Manner of Buildings Western Hemisphere - AmericaSpeed, John1626B+unsold
49Carte de l'Amerique Corrigee, et Augmentee, Dessus Toutes les Aultres cy DevantWestern Hemisphere - AmericaBertius, Petrus1646B+1100.00
50AmeriqueWestern Hemisphere - AmericaDuval, Pierre1661B+unsold
51Der Neuen Welt Begriff Bestehende in 2 Haubt Theilen als Nord America und Sud America, Warinnen der Erste Meridian nach Hollandischer art GezogenWestern Hemisphere - AmericaStridbeck/Bodenehr1700B+unsold
52Carte d'Amerique, Dressee pour l'Usage du RoyWestern Hemisphere - AmericaDelisle/Buache1745Aunsold
53Tab: Geogr: Americae ad Emendatiora quae Adhuc Prodierunt Exempla...Western Hemisphere - AmericaVon Euler, Leonhard1753B+250.00
54America Divided into North and South with Their Several Subdivisions annd the Newest DiscoveriesWestern Hemisphere - AmericaLaurie & Whittle1794B+200.00
55Carte Generale de l'Amerique Divisee en Ses Principaux EtatsWestern Hemisphere - AmericaRobert de Vaugondy/Delamarche1822B+unsold
56Amerika Historisch, Physisch und Politisch vom Jahr 1828Western Hemisphere - AmericaVelten, Johann1828Aunsold
57[Lot of 2] North America [and] South AmericaWestern Hemisphere - AmericaTallis, John1850325.00
58Amerique Septentrionale par N. Sanson...Colonial North AmericaSanson/Mariette1669B850.00
59America Settentrional di N. Sanson di Abbeville Geografo del ReColonial North AmericaSanson, Nicolas1690A300.00
60Amerique Septentrionale Divisee en ses Principales Parties, ou sont Distingues les uns des Autres les Estats...Colonial North AmericaSanson/Mortier1696Aunsold
61America BorealisColonial North AmericaScherer, Heinrich1699A950.00
62Repraesentatio Americae Borealis Cuius Provinciae Vera Fide Illuminatae Umbram non Habent, Reliquae Umbris Immersae SuntColonial North AmericaScherer, Heinrich1702B+600.00
63A New Map of North America Shewing Its Principal Divisions, Chief Cities, Townes, Rivers, Mountains &c.Colonial North AmericaWells, Edward1704B+500.00
64Nouvelle Carte de l'Amerique Septentrionale Dressee sur les Plus Nouvelles Observations de Messieurs de l'Academie des Sciences et des Meilleurs Geographes...Colonial North AmericaChatelain, Henry Abraham1720A300.00
65L'Amerique Septentrionale Dressee sur les Observations de Mrs. de l'Academie Royale des Sciences. & Quelques Autres, & sur les Memoires les Plus RecensColonial North AmericaDelisle/Covens & Mortier1730B+unsold
66[Lot of 2] Map of the European Settlements in North America [and] Map of the European Settlements in the West IndiesNorth AmericaKitchin, Thomas1784B+unsold
67North AmericaNorth America1790Aunsold
68North America, with the Boundaries of the Thirteen United States, as Settled by the Treaty of 1783North AmericaPayne, John1791A300.00
69[Lot of 4] A New Map of North America from the Latest and Best Authorities [and] A New Map of Upper & Lower Canada [and] A New Map of Nova Scotia New Brunswick and Cape Breton [and] A Map of NewfoundlandNorth America, CanadaMorse, Jedidiah (Rev.)1794unsold
70Amerique SeptentrionaleNorth AmericaPoirson, Jean Baptiste1809B+1200.00
71North AmericaNorth AmericaAnon.1810B+unsold
72Amerique du NordNorth AmericaDufour/Andriveau-Goujon1840B+unsold
73Amerique SeptentrionaleNorth America, TexasLevasseur, Victor1843A150.00
74A Map of North America, Denoting the Boundaries of the Yearly Meetings of Friends and the Locations of the Various Indian TribesNorth AmericaReligious Society of Friends1844B+200.00
75Map Illustrating the Extermination of the American BisonNorth AmericaSmithsonian Institute1889B+300.00
76Linguistic Stocks of American Indians North of MexicoNorth AmericaPowell, John Wesley1890B+80.00
77Pas Kaart van West Indien Behelsende soo Deszelffs Vaste Kusten als d'Onder Behoorende Eylanden aan de Noord Oceaan...Colonial Eastern North America & West IndiesKeulen, Johannes van1687A3750.00
78Carte qui Contient une Description des Iles & Terres que les Anglois Possedent dans l'Amerique Septentrionale, et en Particulier de la Jamaique...Colonial Eastern North America, Caribbean & BermudaChatelain, Henry Abraham1720Aunsold
79Map of the Western & Middle Portions of North America, to Illustrate the History of California, Oregon, and the Other Countries on the North-west Coast of AmericaWestern North America, TexasGreenhow, Robert1844B150.00
80A Chart of the Discoveries & Route of the Northern Land Expedition, Under the Command of Captain Franklin, R.N. in the Years 1820 & 21...Northern CanadaFranklin, John [Rear Admiral Sir]1823B+120.00
81Quebek, de Hoofdstad van Kanada; aan de Rivier van St. Laurens...Quebec City, CanadaTirion, Isaac1759A210.00
82British Possessions in North AmericaNorthern United States & CanadaArrowsmith, Aaron, Sr.1809A130.00
83A New Map of the English Empire in America viz Virginia New York Maryland New Iarsey Carolina New England Pennsylvania Newfoundland New France &cColonial Eastern United States & CanadaSenex, John1719B+unsold
84Carte de la Nouvelle France, ou se voit le Cours des Grandes Rivieres de S. Laurens & de Mississipi Aujour d'hui S. Louis, aux Environs des Quelles se Trouvent les Etats, Pais, Nations, Peuples &c...Colonial Eastern United States & CanadaOttens/De Fer1745B+1400.00
85A New Map of the British Dominions in North America; with the Limits of the Governments Annexed Thereto by the Late Treaty of Peace, and Settled by Proclamation, October 7th 1763Colonial Eastern United States & CanadaKitchin, Thomas1763B+200.00
86Carte des Possessions Angloises dans l'Amerique Septentrionale pour Servir d'Intelligence a la Guerre Presente Traduite de l AngloiseColonial Eastern United States & CanadaImbert, J. Leopold1777B+1100.00
87British Dominions in America, Drawn from the Latest and Best Authorities [with related text]Colonial Eastern United States & CanadaKitchin, Thomas1782Bunsold
88Carte de l'Amerique Septentrionale, Depuis la Baye d'Hudson Jusqu'au Mississipi: pour Servir aux Essais Historiques et Politiques...Colonial Eastern United States & Canada1782A300.00
89Map of the United States in North America: with the British, French and Spanish Dominions Adjoining, According to the Treaty of 1783Eastern United States & CanadaKitchin, Thomas1783B550.00
90Etats-Unis de l'Amerique Divises en 13 Provinces avec leurs Limites, Suivant le Traite de Paix Fait le 20 Janvier 1783Eastern United States & CanadaDelamarche, Charles Francois1790A90.00
91A Correct Chart of the East Coast of North AmericaEastern United States & CanadaMalham, John (Rev.)1796B+90.00
92AmericaEastern United States & Canada, Franklinia1805B850.00
93Carte du Canada ou de la Nouvelle France, & des Decouvertes qui y ont ete Faites, Dressee sur les Observations les Plus Nouvelles, & sur Divers Memoires tant Manuscrits qu' ImprimezColonial Northeastern United States & CanadaChatelain, Henry Abraham1719A400.00
94Carte Particuliere du Fleuve Saint Louis. Dressee sur les Lieux avec les Noms des Sauvages du Pais...Colonial Northeastern United States & Canada, Great LakesChatelain, Henry Abraham1720A500.00
95L'Isle de Terre-Neuve l'Acadie, ou la Nouvelle Ecosse, l'Isle St. Jean et la Partie Orientale du CanadaNortheastern United States & CanadaBonne, Rigobert1783Aunsold
96[Lot of 5 - Niagara Falls]New York, Canada, Niagara Falls1798-1928200.00
97The Travellers' Own Book, to Saratoga Springs, Niagara Falls and Canada, Containing Routes, Distances, Conveyances, Expenses, Use of Mineral Waters, Baths, Description of Scenery, Etc...New York, Canada1842B100.00
98Limes Occidentis Quivira et AnianAlaska & Western CanadaWytfliet, Cornelis1597B+1300.00
99United StatesUnited StatesLucas, Fielding1823A650.00
100[Lot of 3] United States [and] United States of America [and] Vereinigte Staaten von Nord-America und MexicoUnited States, Texas, Deseret1836-50 180.00
101[Lot of 2] Stati Uniti dell' America Settentrionale [and] United States North AmericaUnited States1854-58150.00
102Monk's New American Map, Exhibiting the Larger Portion of North AmericaUnited StatesMonk, Jacob1856A1100.00
103Colton's Map of the United States of AmericaUnited StatesColton, G.W. & C.B.1866B600.00
104[Map in Book] Map of the United States and Territories, Showing the Extent of Public Surveys and Other Details... [in] Report of the Commissioner of General Land Office, for the Year 1867United StatesGeneral Land Office1867B+240.00
105The Great Railroad Routes to the Pacific, and Their Connections [in] The Policy of Extending Government Aid to Additional Railroads to the Pacific...United StatesGorlinski, Joseph1869B+180.00
106[On 6 Sheets] Die Vereinigte Staaten von Nord-Amerika in 6 BlatternUnited StatesPetermann, Augustus Herman1873A150.00
107Geological Map of the United States Compiled by C.H. Hitchcock and W. P. Blake from Sources Mentioned in the TextUnited StatesHitchcock, Charles Henry1874B+120.00
108[Lot of 10] Map of the United States of America, Showing the Boundaries of the Union and Confederate Geographical Divisions and Departments Plates CLXII - CLXXIUnited States, Civil WarU.S. War Department1891-95A600.00
109Map Showing Indian Reservations Within the Limits of the United States...United StatesU.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs1899A325.00
110[Lot of 35 - U.S.D.A. Soil Maps]United StatesU.S.D.A.1906B+unsold
111[Lot of 47] [46 Rand McNally Standard Indexed Map with Air Trails] [and] Advance Copy Air Trails Map of IllinoisUnited StatesRand McNally & Co.1929-30A1200.00
112[On 4 Sheets] Geologic Map of the United StatesUnited StatesU.S. Geological Survey (USGS)1932A600.00
113Bill Whiffletree's Bootleggers' Map of the United StatesUnited States1944Aunsold
114Carte de la Louisiane et du Cours du Mississipi Dressee sur un Grand Nombre de Memoires Entr'autres sur ceux de Mr. le MaireColonial Eastern United States, Louisiana TerritoryDelisle/Covens & Mortier1730B+unsold
115Karte von Luisiana, dem Laufe des Mississipi und den Benachbarten LaendernColonial Eastern United States Bellin, Jacques Nicolas1744A400.00
116Carta della Florida, Luigiana e Laghi del CanadaEastern United StatesAnon.1787Aunsold
117[Lot of 2] The United States of America, Drawn from the Latest Authorities [and] States of America, from the Best AuthoritiesEastern United States1790-95180.00
118Carte des Etats du Centre, de l'Ouest et du Sud des Etats-UnisEastern United StatesMichaux, Francois A.1804B+190.00
119Map of the United States Including LouisianaEastern United States1810B375.00
120United States of AmericaEastern United States1812B+75.00
121The United States of America [bound in] An Elementary Treatise on Mineralogy and Geology, Being an Introduction to the Study of These Sciences...Eastern United StatesCummings & Hilliard1816B400.00
122Map of the United States of North America Compiled from the Latest and Most Authentic InformationEastern United StatesVance, David H.1825B3500.00
123Mitchell's Travellers Guide Through the United States. A Map of the Roads, Distances, Steam Boat & Canal Routes &c.Eastern United StatesMitchell, Samuel Augustus1834B450.00
124Mitchell's National Map of the American Republic or United States of North America. Together with Maps of the Vicinities of Thirty-Two of the Principal Cities and Towns in the UnionEastern United StatesMitchell/Young1843Bunsold
125Map of the United States Exhibiting Its Principal Canals & Rail Roads [in] A Universal Pronouncing Gazetteer...Eastern United StatesYoung, James H.1846Bunsold
126United StatesEastern United StatesTallis, John1851A180.00
127A New Map of the United States. Upon Which Are Delineated Its Vast Works of Internal Communication, with the Proposed Routes Across the Continents &c...Eastern United StatesWilliams, Wellington1857B+300.00
128Nova Belgica et Anglia NovaColonial New England & Mid-Atlantic United StatesBlaeu, Willem1635B+1200.00
129Nova Anglia Novum Belgium et VirginiaColonial New England & Mid-Atlantic United StatesJansson, Jan1636B1100.00
130Nova Anglia Septentrionali Americae Implantata Anglorumque Coloniis Florentissima...Colonial New England & Mid-Atlantic United StatesHomann, Johann Baptist1725A700.00
131Recens Edita Totius Novi Belgii, in America Septentrionali siti, Delineatio Cura et SumtibusColonial New England & Mid-Atlantic United StatesSeutter/Lotter1757B+1600.00
132Special Karte von den Mittleren Britisshen Colonien in Nord Amerika... [bound in] Beschreibung des Brittischen Amerika zur Ersparung der Englischen Karten...Colonial New England & Mid-Atlantic United StatesLeiste/Pingeling1778Aunsold
133Lines and Metallic Circuit Connections American Telephone and Telegraph Co.New England & Mid-Atlantic United States1891B+200.00
134Map of Maine New Hampshire and Vermont, Compiled from the Latest AuthoritiesNew England - United StatesMitchell, Samuel Augustus1831Bunsold
135[On 2 Sheets] A Map of Part of the Western Rail Road and of the Albany & West Stockbridge Rail-Road from Springfield to Albany in Massachusetts and New York, with the Routes of Some of the Experimental SurveysNew England - United States1841Aunsold
136A Map of Virginia and MarylandColonial Mid-Atlantic United StatesSpeed/Lamb1676B+2400.00
137A Map of That Part of America Where a Degree of Latitude Was Measured for the Royal Society by Cha: Mason & Jere: DixonColonial Mid-Atlantic United StatesMynde, James1769B+750.00
138[On 2 Sheets] A Map of the Provinces of New-York and New-Jersey, with a Part of Pennsylvania and the Province of Quebec. From the Topographical Observations of C.J. SauthierColonial Mid-Atlantic United StatesLotter, Mathias Albrecht1777Aunsold
139Carta della Virginia della Baja Chesapeack, e Paesi ViciniColonial Mid-Atlantic United StatesBellin, Jacques Nicolas1781A160.00
140Pensilvania Maryland and VirginiaMid-Atlantic United StatesGibson, John1758A90.00
141A Description of Part of the Adventures of Cap Smith in VirginiaMid-Atlantic United StatesSmith, John (Capt.)1819A450.00
142Eldridge's Chart of Chesapeake Bay, with the James, York, Rappahannock and Potomac RiversMid-Atlantic United StatesEldridge, George1874B1600.00
143[Lot of 2] Map of the State of New York [and] New JerseyNew York, New JerseyMorse, Jedidiah (Rev.)1796B+95.00
144Map Showing the Economic Minerals Along the Route of the Chesapeake & Ohio Rail Way to Accompany the Geological Report of Thomas S. Ridgway... [with report]Virginia, West VirginiaMaury, M. F.1872B+unsold
145Map of the Richmond and Louisville R.R. Connecting the Railroads of Virginia with the Railroads of Kentucky...Virginia, West Virginia, KentuckyColton, G.W. & C.B.1882B+250.00
146Virginia et FloridaColonial Southeast United StatesMercator/Hondius1609A250.00
147Virginiae Partis Australis, et Floridae Partis Orientalis, Interjacentiumq Regionum Nova DescriptioColonial Southeast United StatesJansson, Jan1641B+600.00
148Pas Kaart van de Kust van Carolina Tusschen C de Canaveral en C HenryColonial Southeast United StatesKeulen, Johannes van1702A2500.00
149Carte General de la Caroline. Dressee sur les Memoires le Plus Nouveaux par le Sieua S...Colonial Southeastern United StatesCovens & Mortier1730Aunsold
150La Floride Divisee en Floride et CarolineColonial Southeast United StatesRobert de Vaugondy, Didier1749B+210.00
151Partie Meridionale de la Louisiane, avec la Floride, la Caroline et la Virginie, par le Sr. d AnvilleColonial Southeast United StatesD'Anville/Santini1776Aunsold
152Carte de la Partie Sud des Etats Unis de l'Amerique SeptentrionaleColonial Southeast United StatesBonne/Raynal1783B+80.00
153Parte Orientale della Florida, della Giorgia, e Carolina MeridionaleSoutheast United StatesZatta, Antonio1785Bunsold
154Map of the Southern States of America, Comprehending Maryland, Virginia, Kentucky, Territory Sth: of the Ohio, North Carolina, Tennessee Governmt., South Carolina, & GeorgiaSoutheast United StatesRussell, John C.1795B+200.00
155A New Map of Part of the United States of North America, Containing the Carolinas and Georgia, Also the Floridas and Part of the Bahama Islands &c. from the Latest AuthoritiesSoutheast United StatesCary, John1806B300.00
156[Map Bound in Report] Economic Geological Survey, in Georgia and Alabama, Throughout the Belt Traversed by the Macon & Birmingham Railway...Georgia & Alabama1889Aunsold
157Florida et ApalcheColonial Southern United StatesMetellus, Natalius Sequanus1598A3250.00
158A Map of Part of West Florida, from Pensacola to the Mouth of the Iberville River, with a View to Shew the Proper Spot for a Settlement on the MississipiColonial Southern United StatesLodge, John1772B+unsold
159Map of Louisiana, from D'Anville's AtlasSouthern United StatesHarrison, John1788Aunsold
160A Map of the States of Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia; Comprehending the Spanish Provinces of East and West Florida...Southern United States, FranklinPurcell, Joseph1792B+750.00
161Georgia from the Latest AuthoritiesSouthern United StatesLow, E.1810A325.00
162Amer. Sep. Partie des Etats Unis. No. 56Southern United StatesVandermaelen, Philippe Marie Guillaume1825-27A190.00
163Charte von der Mundung des MississipiMississippi River, Louisiana, Florida1803A150.00
164A Map of the Indian Territory Northern Texas and New Mexico Showing the Great Western PrairiesSouth Central United States, Indian TerritoryGregg, Josiah1844B+unsold
165LouisianaCentral United StatesEhrmann, Theodor Friedrich1804B+250.00
166Voyage au Noveau-Mexique, a la Suite d'une Expedition Ordonnee par le Gouvernement des Etats-Unis, pour Reconnoitre les Sources des Rivieres Arkansas, Kanses, La Plate et Pierre-Jaune...Central United StatesPike, Zebulon1812B+2000.00
167[Untitled Map - Route of Col. Dodge's Expedition from Fort Leavenworth to the Rocky Mountains]Central United StatesU.S. Government1836B200.00
168Map Illustrating the Plan of the Defences of the Western & North-Western Frontier...Central United StatesPoinsett, J. R.1837B+150.00
169Carte que les Gnacsitares ont Dessine... / Carte de la Riviere Longue...Colonial Upper Midwestern United States, River LongueLahontan, Louis Armand, Baron de1703B+unsold
170Carte des Voyages du Cape. Carver, dans la Partie Interieure de l'Amerique Septentrionale, en 1766 et 1767Upper Midwestern United StatesCarver, Jonathan (Capt.)1784B+unsold
171Map of the Territory of WisconsinUpper Midwestern United StatesBurr, David H.1836A1100.00
172Wisconsin and IowaUpper Midwestern United StatesGreenleaf, Jeremiah1842B+550.00
173Guide Through Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Wisconsin, Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska & Kansas, Showing the Township Lines of the United States Surveys... [in] Colton's Traveler and Tourist's Guide-Book...Upper Midwestern United StatesSmith, J. Calvin1857B200.00
174[Lot of 8] Reconnaissance Maps. (Six Sheets and Profile) Showing the General Features of the Topography Adjacent to the 49th Parallel from the Lake of the Woods to the Rocky Mountains [with report]Upper Midwestern United StatesTwining, William J. (Capt.)1877A220.00
175Sketch of the Routes of Hunt & StuartWestern United StatesIrving, Washington1836B+unsold
176A Map of the Sources of the Colorado & Big Salt Lake, Platte, Yellow-Stone, Muscle-Shell, Missouri; & Salmon & Snake Rivers, Branches of the Columbia RiverWestern United StatesBonneville, Benjamin L. E. de1837B+unsold
177Map of the Route Pursued by the Late Expedition Under the Command of Col. S.W. Kearny, U.S. 1st Dragoons [bound in] Message from the President of the United States to the Two Houses of Congress...Western United StatesFranklin, William Buell [Lt.]1845B+130.00
178Map of an Exploring Expedition to the Rocky Mountains in the Year 1842 and to Oregon & North California in the Years 1843-44 [with] Report of The Exploring Expedition to the Rocky Mountains…Western United StatesFremont/Preuss1845unsold
179Oregon and Upper CaliforniaWestern United StatesMitchell, Samuel Augustus1846B350.00
180Map of Oregon and Upper California from the Surveys of John Charles Fremont and Other AuthoritiesWestern United StatesFremont/Preuss1848B+220.00
181[Lot of 4 - Explorations and Surveys for a Railroad Route from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean]Western United StatesBeckwith, E. G., Capt.1855B100.00
182[Lot of 11 - Plates from the Pacific Railroad Surveys]Western United StatesU.S. Government1855B+110.00
183A New Map of the State of California, the Territories of Oregon, Washington, Utah & New MexicoWestern United StatesDesilver, Charles1856A250.00
184Map Illustrating the General Geological Features of the Country West of the Mississippi River. Compiled from the Surveys of W.H. Emory and from the Pacific Railroad Surveys & Other SourcesWestern United StatesHall, James1857Bunsold
185Map of the Union Central Great Trans-Continental Railroad and Its Connections from the Missouri River to the Pacific CoastWestern United StatesCrofutt, George A.1872B+200.00
186Department of Columbia Map of the Nez Perce Indian Campaign Brig. Gen. O.O. Howard U.S.A. [bound in] Annual Report of the Secretary of War on the Operations of the Department...Western United StatesU.S. Army1877B+350.00
187[Lot of 6] County Map of Oregon and Washington [and] ... California and Nevada [and] ... Idaho, Montana and Wyoming [and] ... Utah and Colorado [and] ... Arizona and New Mexico [and] ... Dakota and NebraskaWestern United StatesBradley, William1881B+unsold
188Geological Map of Portions of Wyoming, Idaho and UtahWestern United StatesHayden, Ferdinand Vandeveer1883B75.00
189[Lot of 2 - Geological and Topographical Maps] Parts of Western Wyoming, Southeastern Idaho and Northeastern UtahWestern United StatesHayden, Ferdinand Vandeveer1883B+100.00
190[Lot of 2] Western Rangers Historical Pioneer Map of the Old West [and] This Map of America's Sunshine Area Can Indicate Only a Few of the Numberless Scenic and Historic Attractions...Western United States1935-47A+200.00
191Map of the United States Territory of Oregon West of the Rocky Mountains, Exhibiting the Various Trading Depots or Forts...Northwestern United StatesAbert/Hood1838B+300.00
192Oregon TerritoryNorthwestern United States, CanadaGreenleaf, Jeremiah1842A425.00
193[Map in Report] Map of the Territory of New Mexico...[bound in] Notes of a Military Reconnoissance, from Fort Leavenworth, in Missouri, to San Diego, in California…Southwestern United StatesEmory, William Hemsley1848B+350.00
194[2 Maps Bound Together] Map of the Country Between the Frontiers of Arkansas and New Mexico... [and] Map of the Country Upon Upper Red River Explored in 1852Southwestern United StatesMarcy, Capt. R.B.1853B150.00
195[Lot of 2] Map No. 1. [and] Map No. 2. Rio Colorado of the West...Southwestern United StatesIves, Joseph C. (Lt.)1858Bunsold
196Preliminary Topographical Map Embracing in Skeleton a Portion Only of the Notes from Surveys... [bound in] Preliminary Report Concerning Explorations and Surveys Principally in Nevada and Arizona...Southwestern United StatesWheeler, George (Lt)1872B+unsold
197A New Map of Alabama with Its Roads & Distances from Place to Place, Along the Stage & Steam Boat RoutesAlabamaMitchell/Cowperthwait1851A60.00
198Page's Map of ArizonaArizonaPage, H. R.1886B+120.00
199[2 Volumes] Atlas to Accompany the Monograph on the Tertiary History of the Grand Canon District [and] Tertiary History of the Grand Canon District...Grand Canyon, ArizonaDutton, Clarence Edward1882B+unsold
200A New Map of Arkansas with Its Counties, Towns, Post Offices, &c.ArkansasCowperthwait, Desilver & Butler1855B+65.00
201Topographical Sketch of the Gold & Quicksilver District of CaliforniaCaliforniaOrd, E. O. C.1848B+500.00
202Carte de la Californie. - D'Apres M. de Mofras [in] Le Magasin Pittoresque...California1849B+unsold
203[Lot of 3] Geological Map of a Part of the State of California... [and] Geological Map of the Tejon Pass & Canada de las Uvas and the Vicinity... [and] Geological Map of the Vicinity of San Francisco...CaliforniaU.S. War Department1853unsold
204Sketch of General Riley's Route Through the Mining Districts July and Aug. 1849...Central CaliforniaDerby, George Horatio (Lt)1849B+300.00
205[Lot of 4] Map of a Part of Kern County... [and] Map of Part of Kern County Showing Various Irrigating Ditches and Adjacent Lands [and] Map of McClung Ranch [and] Map of Belle View RanchCentral CaliforniaU.S. Government1877B+650.00
206Plan du Port de St. Francois, Situe sur la Cote de la Californie Septentrionale...San Francisco, CaliforniaLa Perouse, Comte Jean F. Galoup, de1797A300.00
207Official Map of Chinatown in San Francisco [bound in] San Francisco Municipal Reports for the Fiscal Year 1884-85...San Francisco, California1885A600.00
208Guide Map of the City of San Francisco Compiled from the Official Surveys &c. [with] Langley's San Francisco Directory for the Year Commencing May, 1891... San Francisco, California1891B450.00
209Plano del Puerto y Bahia de Monte Rey Situado en la Costa de Californs...Monterey Bay, California1791B+unsold
210Plan de la Baie de Monterey Situee dans la Californie Septentrionale...Monterey Bay, CaliforniaLa Perouse, Comte Jean F. Galoup, de1797B+unsold
211[Lot of 4] Topographical Map of the Yosemite Valley and Vicinity [and] Patented Lands Within the Yosemite National Park California [and] Yosemite National Park Showing Boundaries... [and] Motorists Guide Map and Manual - Yosemite National Park CaliforniaYosemite, California1883-1931130.00
212Mission and Plain of San FernandoSan Fernando, CaliforniaU.S. Railroad Surveys1856B+75.00
213[Lot of 3] Map of Santa Monica and San Pedro Bays and the Adjacent Country California [and] Location of Proposed Breakwaters in Santa Monica Bay California [and] Location of Proposed Breakwater in San Pedro Bay CaliforniaLos Angeles, CaliforniaU.S. Corps of Engineers1892A+300.00
214Mission of San DiegoSan Diego, CaliforniaKoppel, Charles1856B+unsold
215Sketch of Capt. Gunnison's Route to Sept. 20, 1853 Central Pacific Railroad Exploration [together with original report and maps]ColoradoU.S. War Department1854B+500.00
216Page's Map of ColoradoColoradoPage, H. R.1881A375.00
217Nell's Topographical Map of the State of ColoradoColoradoNell, Louis1907B+450.00
218[Lot of 3] Sketch Showing Military Roads Leading to Fort Lewis, Pagosa Springs [and] Lines of Communication Between Conejos and Pagosa Springs Colorado [and] Map of Part of ColoradoSouthwestern Colorado1877-79B+120.00
219A Geological Map of Connecticut [with] Report on the Geology of the State of ConnecticutConnecticut1842Bunsold
220ConnecticutConnecticutMitchell, Samuel Augustus1846B+unsold
221Plan of the City of Washington, in the Territory of Columbia, Ceded by the States of Virginia and Maryland to the United States of America, and by Them Established as the Seat of Their Government, After the Year 1800Washington, D.C.Russell, John C.1795B+1300.00
222City of WashingtonWashington, D.C.Tanner, Henry Schenck1836B+170.00
223[Lot of 2] [View of Capital Building and Washington D.C.] Topographical Map of Virginia between Washington and Manassas Junction [and] [Civil War Letter with Illustrated Envelope]Washington, D.C., Civil WarMagnus, Charles1861-63A550.00
224[3 Maps Bound in] Washington in Embryo; or, the National Capital from 1791 to 1800. The Origin of All Rights and Titles to Property in Washington, D.C...Washington, D.C.1874750.00
225Entwistle's Handy Map of Washington. And Vicinity Showing Public Buildings, Churches, Hotels, Places of Amusement, and Lines of Street Rail RoadsWashington, D.C.1879B+100.00
226Topographical Map of the District of Columbia Showing the Projected Harbor Improvement, System of Main Drainage and County Roads as Corrected to 1880Washington, D.C.Boschke, A.1880B850.00
227[Lot of 12] City of Washington Statistical Maps Nos. 1-12Washington, D.C.U.S. Government1880-81B250.00
228Washington - The Beautiful Capital of the Nation Washington, D.C.Railroad Companies, (Various)1923A375.00
229Map of Northern New Castle County Delaware Including Special Insets of Wilmington, Newark, New Castle and Delaware CityNorthern Delaware1930A400.00
230Pas Kaart van de Boght van Florida met de Canaal Tusschen Florida en CubaFlorida & CubaKeulen, Johannes van1687B+unsold
231FloridaFloridaBradford, Thomas Gamaliel1835B190.00
232FloridaFloridaTanner, Henry Schenck1839A180.00
233North America XIV FloridaFloridaSDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge1845B+unsold
234Florida. Nach den Besten Quellen BearbeitetFloridaMeyer, Joseph1850B+unsold
235Map of the State of Florida Showing the Progress of the Surveys Accompanying Annual Report of Commissioner Genl. Land OfficeFloridaGeneral Land Office1866Bunsold
236Map of FloridaFloridaHardesty, Hiram H.1884B+50.00
237Copy of a Map of the Seat of War in Florida Forwarded to the War Department by Major Genl. W. Scott U.S.A.Central FloridaU.S. War Department1836A65.00
238Pagus Hispanorum in FloridaSt. Augustine, FloridaMontanus, Arnoldus1671A300.00
239A View of the Town and Castle of St. Augustine, and the English Camp Before It June 20 1740St. Augustine, FloridaSilver, Thomas1740A150.00
240Gezigt van't Spaansche Vlek Pensacola, aan de Baay van dien naam, in de Golf van Mexiko, Beoosten den Uitloop van de Rivier MissisippiPensacola, FloridaTirion, Isaac1743A110.00
241Piano del Porto, e Degli Stabilimenti di PensacolaPensacola, FloridaPazzi, Giuseppe1763A200.00
242Puerto de PanzacolaPensacola, FloridaDireccion de Hidrografia1818B+200.00
243The State of GeorgiaGeorgiaCarey, Mathew1818B+unsold
244Territory of IdahoIdahoGeneral Land Office1876B65.00
245Blanchard's Township Map of Illinois Showing All the Rail Roads, Stations, and Towns Being a Complete Shippers Guide to the State with Parts of Iowa and Missouri...IllinoisBlanchard, Rufus1867Bunsold
246[Lot of 5] Plan of Chicago Harbor [and] [Improvement of the Harbor of Chicago...] [and] Michigan City [and] A Map of Public Works at St. Joseph...[with report]Chicago, Illinois, Lake Michigan1840A750.00
247IowaIowaTanner, Henry Schenck1844B+unsold
248Carte de Kentucke, d'Apres les Observations Actuelles; Dediee a l'Honorable Congres des Etats-Unis de l'Amerique... [in book] Histoire de Kentucke, Nouvelle Colonie a l'Ouest de la Virginie...KentuckyFilson, John1785B+1600.00
249Rough Sketch of That Part of Red Rivir in Which the Great Raft Is Situated and the Bayous, Lakes, Swamps &c. Belonging to, or in Its VicinityLouisianaU.S. Government1834B+70.00
250LouisianaLouisianaBradford, Thomas Gamaliel1838Aunsold
251A New Map of Louisiana with Its Canals, Roads & Distances from Place to Place, Along the Stage & Steam Boat RoutesLouisianaMitchell/Cowperthwait1851A90.00
252LouisianaLouisianaColton, Joseph Hutchins1855B+35.00
253[2 Maps in Report] Map of the Northern Part of the State of Maine and the Adjacent British Provinces… [and] Extract from a Map of the British and French Dominions in the North America by Jn O. Mitchell [in report]MaineU.S. Government1838B75.00
254Map of the Coast of Maine [Western Part]MaineWalker, George H. & Co.1893B+unsold
255[Lot of 2] Geologic Map of Mount Desert Island Maine [and] Quaternary Deposits of Mount Desert Island MaineEastern MaineU.S. Geological Survey (USGS)1889B+190.00
256[Lot of 3] Maryland Geological Survey - Baltimore County AtlasBaltimore, Maryland1914-25B+150.00
257A Map of Massachusets from the Best AuthoritiesMassachusettsMorse, Jedidiah (Rev.)1794B+80.00
258Map of Boston and the Country Adjacent, from Actual SurveysBoston, MassachusettsWalling, Henry F.1860Bunsold
259Carte Geographique, Statistique et Historique de MichiganMichiganBuchon, Jean Alexandre1825B+250.00
260Rand, McNally & Co.'s Township, County and Railroad Map of Michigan and the Entire Upper Lake Region, Showing the Celebrated Mining Districts of the Northern Peninsula...MichiganRand McNally & Co.1879B+unsold
261Map of the Copper Range of Northern MichiganNorthern Michigan1905Bunsold
262[Lot of 2] County Map of Minnesota [and] MinnesotaMinnesota1866-7275.00
263A New Map of Mississippi with Its Roads & DistancesMississippiThomas, Cowperthwait & Co.1850Aunsold
264Map of the State of MissouriMissouriHinton, Simpkin & Marshall1832A130.00
265No. 3. Map of the Harbor of St. Louis, Mississippi River. Oct. 1837St. Louis, MissouriLee, Robert E.1837A160.00
266[Lot of 2] Custer's Battle-Field (June 25th 1876) Surveyed and Drawn Under the Personal Supervision of Lieut. Edward Maguire Corps of Engineers U.S.A. [with] Annual Report of Lieutenant Edward Maguire...MontanaMaguire, Lieut. Edward1876B+550.00
267New Hampshire by Recent Survey Made Under the Supreme Authority and Published According to LawNew HampshireCarrigan, Philip1816C+unsold
268The Jerseys, &c, &cNew JerseyConder, Thomas1788B+150.00
269Page's Map of New MexicoNew MexicoPage, H. R.1881A275.00
270Carte Geographique, Statistique et Historique du New-YorkNew YorkBuchon, Jean Alexandre1825B+unsold
271The Hudson by Daylight Map from New York Bay to the Head of Tide Water...New YorkBruce, Wallace1902B+150.00
272Sketch of the Country Illustrating the Late Engagement in Long IslandColonial Eastern New York, Revolutionary WarAnon.1776B160.00
273Asher & Adams New Topographical Atlas and Gazetteer of New York. Putnam, Rockland, Westchester, New York, Richmond, Kings, Queens, and Suffolk CountiesSoutheastern New YorkAsher & Adams1870B+180.00
274Port du Lac Champlain a White Hall / White Hall, Lake Champlain / Lacus Champlain Portus ad White Hall / Der Haven White-Hall ain Champlain-SeeWhite Hall, New YorkMilbert, J.1828Aunsold
275Port Militaire a Sacketts Harbourg / Military Post, Sacketts Harbor / Sacketts Harbourg Military Portus / Militairhafen zu Sacketts HarbourgSackets Harbor, New YorkMilbert, J.1828Aunsold
276Map of the Lands Included in the Central Park... [on sheet with] Plan for the Improvement of the Central Park... [bound in] First Annual Report on the Improvement of the Central Park, New YorkNew York City, New York1857B350.00
277West Point New YorkWest Point, New YorkU.S. Coast & Geodetic Survey1883B+800.00
278Soil Map Suffolk and Nassau Counties - Eastern Sheet New YorkLong Island, New YorkU.S.D.A.1928B+100.00
279A New and Accurate Map of North Carolina, in North AmericaNorth CarolinaAnon.1779B+unsold
280Geology of the Gold Region of North Carolina [bound in] The American Journal of Science and Arts Vol. XVI. - July, 1829Western North CarolinaDoolittle, Amos1829A475.00
281Ohio OhioFinley, Anthony1827Aunsold
282The Tourist's Pocket Map of the State of Ohio Exhibiting Its Internal Improvements Roads Distances &c. OhioMitchell, Samuel Augustus1833B125.00
283Indian TerritoryOklahomaGeneral Land Office1885B+180.00
284Progress of Survey and Subdivision Indian TerritoryOklahomaU.S. Department of Interior1896B+300.00
285Neueste Karte von Pennsylvania mit Seinen Canaelen, Eisenbahnen &c. Nach den Bessten Quellen BearbeitetPennsylvaniaMeyer, Joseph1845Aunsold
286[Lot of 7 - Portfolio Atlas] Geology of PennsylvaniaPennsylvaniaRogers, Henry Darwin1858B+450.00
287Colton's New Township Map of the State of PennsylvaniaPennsylvaniaColton, G.W. & C.B.1870B110.00
288Birds Eye View of Lancaster County and Vicinity - The Garden Spot of the United StatesSoutheastern PennsylvaniaHammond Publishing Co.1906B+210.00
289[3 Maps Bound in Report] Map of the Valley of the Alleghany River [and] Survey of the Allegheny River from Franklin to Pittsburgh ... No. 1 [and] No. 2 [in report] Survey of Allegany River...Western PennsylvaniaU.S. War Department1838A50.00
290A Map of Philadelphia and Parts AdjacentPhiladelphia, PennsylvaniaScull & Heap1753B350.00
291PhiladelphiaPhiladelphia, PennsylvaniaTanner, Henry Schenck1836B+unsold
292A Plan of Port Royal Harbour in Carolina with the Proposed Forts...Port Royal, South CarolinaMoll, Herman1729A180.00
293A Plan of Charles Town the Capital of South Carolina, with the Harbour, Islands, and Forts; the Attack on Fort Sulivan by His Majesty's Ships Under Sir Peter Parker...Charleston, South Carolina, Revolutionary WarLodge, John1780A450.00
294[Lot of 4] [Untitled - Charleston Harbor] [with Report and 2 Other Charts]Charleston, South CarolinaU.S. War Department1835B+unsold
295Map of Charleston South Carolina [in] Guide to Charleston Illustrated. Being a Sketch of the History of Charleston, S.C...Charleston, South Carolina1875B180.00
296Sketch of the Battle of Hobkirks Hill, Near Camden. On the 25th April, 1781Camden, South CarolinaFaden, William1794B+200.00
297[Lot of 4 - Battle at Wounded Knee Maps] [bound in] Report of the Secretary of War. Volume I.South DakotaU.S. Army1892A750.00
298[Lot of 3] A Geological Map of the Black Hills by Professor N.H. Winchell... [and] Map of a Reconnaissance of the Black Hills, July and August, 1874... [and] Map of the Black Hills...Black Hills, South DakotaU.S. Corps of Engineers1874B220.00
299Agricultural and Geological Map of TennesseeTennessee1896B130.00
300Map of the State of Texas from the Latest Authorities, by J.H. YoungTexasDesilver, Charles1856A650.00
301[Lot of 3] County Map of Texas [and] Gray's Atlas Map of Texas [and] Tunison's Texas and Indian TerritoryTexas1867-85700.00
302Atlas of the United States. TexasTexasLloyd, H. H.1873A150.00
303Geological Map of TexasTexas1916B+1200.00
304Map of the Country Adjacent to the Left Bank of the Rio Grande Below Matamoros...Southern TexasU.S. Government1847B+200.00
305[Lot of 2] Map of Salt Lakes to Accompany Statement of W.B. Blanchard in Appendix F No. 3 [bound in report] [and] Sketch of El Paso, Texas, and Vicinity; Showing Position of Astronomical Monument of 1878 Near Ft. BlissWestern TexasU.S. War Department1878B+50.00
306Bahia de S. BernardoMatagorda Bay, TexasDireccion de Hidrografia1809B+275.00
307[Lot of 2] Sketch of the Sabine River Lake and Pass from Camp, Sabine to the Gulf - A Distance of About 300 Miles [With Report]Sabine River, Eastern TexasEaton, J. H.1838A160.00
308Map of the Great Salt Lake and Adjacent Country in the Territory of Utah...UtahStansbury, M. Howard (Capt.)1852A220.00
309Lloyd's Official Map of the State of Virginia from Actual Surveys by Order of the Executive 1828 & 1859...VirginiaLloyd, James T.1862B+2200.00
310Yellowstone National ParkYellowstone, WyomingHayden, Ferdinand Vandeveer1883B+190.00
311Central AmericaUnited States, Mexico & Central AmericaChapman & Hall1848B100.00
312Audience de Guadalajara, Nouveau Mexique, Californie, &c.Southwestern United States & Mexico, CaliforniaSanson, Nicolas1683A400.00
313Cette Carte de Californie et du Nouveau Mexique...Southwestern United States & Mexico, CaliforniaFer, Nicolas de1700B+650.00
314An Accurate Map of California, Drawn by the Society of Jesuits & Dedicated to the King of SpainSouthwestern United States & MexicoGibson, John1757A400.00
315Carte du Mexique ou de la Nouvelle Espagne, ou l'on Peut Suivre les Mouvemens des Costes [in] L'Histoire de l'Amerique ... Tome TroisiemeSouthwestern United States & MexicoKitchin, Thomas1780Aunsold
316Spanish North AmericaSouthwestern United States & MexicoThomson, John1814Bunsold
317Mexico, California and TexasSouthwestern United States & Mexico, TexasTallis, John1850B+unsold
318Mexico & GuatemalaWestern United States & Mexico, TexasTanner, Henry Schenck1834A200.00
319Nouvelle Carte du Mexique, du Texas et d'une Partie des Etats Limitrophes...Western United States & Mexico, Texas, CaliforniaBrue, Adrien Hubert1840Bunsold
320Central America II. Including Texas, California and the Northern States of MexicoWestern United States & Mexico, TexasSDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge1842B+400.00
321North America Sheet XV Utah, New Mexico, Texas, California, &c. and the Northern States of MexicoWestern United States & MexicoSDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge1859B+275.00
322Nova Hispania, Nova Galicia, GuatimalaMexico & Central AmericaGerritsz/De Laet1625A300.00
323Yucatan Conventus Iuridici Hispaniae Novae pars Occidentalis, et Guatimala Conventus IuridicusMexico & Central AmericaMontanus/Ogilby1671A180.00
324Audience de MexicoMexicoSanson, Nicolas1700B+unsold
325Amer. Sep. Partie du Mexique No. 59Northern MexicoVandermaelen, Philippe Marie Guillaume1825-27Aunsold
326De Stad Vera Cruz in Nieuw Spanje: Volgens de Spaansche AftekeningVeracruz, MexicoTirion, Isaac1769A60.00
327De Reede en Haven van Vera CruzVeracruz, MexicoTirion, Isaac1769A55.00
328Pas-kaart van de Zee Kusten van Carthagena Tierra Firma Costa Rica ende Honduras Tusschen Rio Grande de S. Martha en Cabo de Gratias DiosCentral America & Northern South AmericaKeulen, Johannes van1687A400.00
329Amer. Sep. Partie du Guatemala No. 72Honduras & NicaraguaVandermaelen, Philippe Marie Guillaume1825B+80.00
330A Draught of the Windward Coast of the Mosquito Shore from Point Pattuck to St. Johns and Continued on the Spanish Main, to Escuda Veragua, with the Islands, Keys, and Shoals, from the Latest AuthoritiesNicaragua & Costa RicaLodge, John1785A230.00
331Isthmus of PanamaNicaragua, Costa Rica & PanamaTallis, John1850B+100.00
332Carte Particuliere de l'Isthme de Panama, Golfe de Darien, Cote de Carthagene, Jusqu'a Ste. MarthePanamaAnville, Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d'1730A150.00
333Atlantic & Pacific Junction. Topographical Map of a Portion of the Isthmus of Darien in Site of Proposed Inter-Oceanic Navigation, August, 1852PanamaGisborne, Lionel1854B+unsold
334The Scots Settlement in America Called New Caledonia...New Caledonia, PanamaMoll, Herman1729B+unsold
335The Taking of Porto Bello by Vice Admiral Vernon on the 22d of Nov. 1739 with Six Men of War OnlyPortobelo, PanamaBowles, Thomas1743B+2000.00
336Piano di Porto BelloPortobelo, PanamaPazzi, Giuseppe1763Aunsold
337De Stad en Haven van Porto-BelloPortobelo, PanamaTirion, Isaac1769A60.00
338Porto Bello and the Adjacent Coast from a Spanish M.S.Portobelo, PanamaBritish Admiralty1820A300.00
339Insulae Americanae in Oceano Septentrionali, cum Terris AdiacentibusGulf of Mexico & CaribbeanBlaeu, Willem1640B600.00
340Insulae Americanae in Oceano Septentrionali, cum Terris AdiacentibusGulf of Mexico & CaribbeanMontanus, Arnoldus1671B+500.00
341Kaart van de Onderkoningschappen van Mexico en Nieuw Granada in de Spaansche West-IndienGulf of Mexico & CaribbeanTirion, Isaac1765A125.00
342Carte du Golfe du Mexique, des Isles et des Pays Adjacens pour l'Histoire de l'Amerique... [in] L'Histoire de l'Amerique ... Tome PremierGulf of Mexico & CaribbeanKitchin, Thomas1780B+150.00
343Les Isles Antilles, et le Golfe du MexiqueGulf of Mexico & CaribbeanBonne, Rigobert1780A80.00
344West IndiesGulf of Mexico & Caribbean1805A41.00
345Carte des Antilles du Golfe du Mexique et d'une Partie des Etats VoisinsGulf of Mexico & CaribbeanLapie/Tardieu1851B+48.00
346Pas Kaart van de Golff van MexicoGulf of MexicoKeulen, Johannes van1687Aunsold
347Pas-kaart van de Golff de Guanaios met 't Canaal Tusschen Yucatan en I. CubaMexico & CubaKeulen, Johannes van1695B+300.00
348Die Insulen in West America, sa Unter dem Nahmen Antilles, Cuba, St. Dominique, Jamaica, Caribes u. du Vent...CaribbeanBodenehr, Gabriel1738B+220.00
349West IndiesCaribbeanGibson, John1758B+unsold
350A Map of the English, French, Spanish, Dutch & Danish Islands, in the West Indies, Taken from an Improved Map of the Geographer to the King of France; with the Tract of the Last West India Fleet Through the Windward PassageCaribbeanBew, John1781B+unsold
351Carte des Isles de la Jamaique et de St. DomingueHispaniola, Jamaica & CubaChanlaire & Mentelle1797B+unsold
352Cuba Insula et IamaicaCuba & JamaicaWytfliet, Cornelis1607A500.00
353Abbildung Welcher Gestalt die Spanische Silberflotta von dem Hollandischen General Peter Peters Hann an der Insul Cuba...CubaBry, Theodore de1630B250.00
354Carte de l'Ile de Cuba... [with 2 Volumes] Essai Politique sur l'Ile de CubaCubaHumboldt, Friedrich Heinrich Alexander von1826B+1400.00
355Plan du Port et de la Ville de la HavanneHavana, CubaDepot de la Marine1800Aunsold
356Carte de l'Isle de la JamaiqueJamaicaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1758A100.00
357Isola Spagnola NovaHispaniolaRuscelli, Girolamo1561Aunsold
358La Partie Francoise de l'Isle de Saint DomingueHaitiBellin, Jacques Nicolas1764Aunsold
359Plan de la Baye et de la Ville de St. Louis, dans la Partie du Sud de l'Isle de St. Domingue...Saint-Louis-du-Sud, HaitiPhelipeaux, Rene (Sieur)1786A200.00
360De Hoofdstad en Haven, van't Eiland Porto Rico, in de WestindienSan Juan, Puerto RicoTirion, Isaac1769Aunsold
361Pas Kaart van de Caribes Tusschen I. Barbados en I.S. MartinLesser AntillesKeulen, Johannes van1685A375.00
362Les Petites Antilles ou les Isles du Vent, avec Celles de Sous le VentLesser AntillesBonne, Rigobert1787Aunsold
363Bethanien in St. JanSt. John & St. Thomas1777A110.00
364Carta de la Isla de la Antigua, Reducida y GravadaAntiguaLopez de Vargas Machuca, Thomas (don)1780Aunsold
365Het Westindisch Eiland Martenique Volgens e Nieuwste Waarneemingen in Kaart GebragtMartiniqueTirion, Isaac1769A100.00
366Plan of the Great Bay of Cul de Sac Royal, with the Town, and Environs of Port Royal, in the Island of Martinique...Fort-de-France Bay, MartiniqueJefferys, Thomas1765B+450.00
367Carte de l'Isle de Sainte Lucie, pour Servir a l'Histoire Generale des VoyagesSaint LuciaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1758A60.00
368Carta de la Isla de la Barbada, Reducida y GravadaBarbadosLopez de Vargas Machuca, Thomas (don)1780Aunsold
369Tobago from Actual Surveys and ObservationsTobagoJefferys/Laurie & Whittle1810B+400.00
370L'America Meridionale Nuovamente Corretta, et Accresciuta Secondo...South AmericaSanson/Rossi1677B+300.00
371[Lot of 3] Pais qui sont aux Environs de la Riviere de la Plata et du Pais des Patagons [and] Chili, Paraguay, Bresil, Amazones, et Perou [and] Amerique MeridionaleSouth America1684-1780A140.00
372America Australis Deiparae Multas Sacras Aedes...South AmericaScherer, Heinrich1703B+230.00
373Carte du Cours du Maragnon ou de la Grande Riviere des Amazones dans sa Partie Navigable Depuis Jaen de Bracamoros...Northern South America, Amazon RiverBellin, Jacques Nicolas1757Aunsold
374Tierra Firma Item Nuevo Reyno de Granada Atque PopayanColombia & PanamaGerritsz/De Laet1630A350.00
375CartagenaCartagena, ColombiaAllard, Carel1680A450.00
376Carthagena in de Spaansche West-IndienCartagena, ColombiaTirion, Isaac1769A180.00
377Plan van de Haven van CarthagenaCartagena, ColombiaTirion, Isaac1769A300.00
378References for the Plan of the City and Suburbs of CarthagenaCartagena, ColombiaSpeer, Joseph Smith (Capt)1771A300.00
379Carte des Provinces de Caracas, Comana, et Paria Situees dans l'Amerique Meridionale, pour l'Histoire Generale des VoyagesVenezuelaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1757A90.00
380Cours de l'Orenoque Depuis ses Sources jusqu'a la Mer avec les Rivieres qui s'y DechargentOrinoco River, VenezuelaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1764A150.00
381Guaiana sive Provinciae Intra Rio de las Amazonas atque Rio de Yuiapari sive OrinoqueGuyana, Suriname, French GuianaGerritsz/De Laet1633A200.00
382Carte d'une Grande Partie de la Colonie de Surinam sur les Rivieres de Surinam Commewine et Cottica...SurinameBellin, Jacques Nicolas1764B+unsold
383Landkaart van de Volkplantingen Suriname en BerbiceSurinameTirion, Isaac1769B+unsold
384Land-Kaart van het Eiland en de Volkplanting van Cayenne aan de Kust van Zuid-AmerikaFrench GuianaTirion, Isaac1769A+80.00
385Carta Particolare della Brasilia Settentrionale...BrazilDudley, Robert (Sir)1661A700.00
386Nova et Accurata Brasiliae Totius Tabula, Auctore Ioanne Blaeu I.F.BrazilBlaeu/Schenk1730Aunsold
387[Untitled - The Portuguese Fight the French near Recife]Recife, BrazilBry, Theodore de1592A160.00
388La PlataCentral South AmericaPinkerton, John1812A120.00
389Peru & BoliviaCentral South AmericaTallis, John1851B+45.00
390Carte de la Riviere de la Plata, pour Servir a l'Histoire Generale des VoyagesRio de la PlataBellin, Jacques Nicolas1757A85.00
391Cerro de PotosiPotosi, BoliviaBertius, Petrus1612A24.00
392Carte du Paraguay et des Pays Voisins, pour Servir a l'Histoire Generale des VoyagesParaguay & UruguayBellin, Jacques Nicolas1756A60.00
393Platte Grond van Lima de Hoofstad van PeruLima, PeruTirion, Isaac1769A45.00
394Gezigt van de Stad Valparayso in ChiliValparaiso, ChileTirion, Isaac1769A55.00
395A Chart of the Southern Part of South America; with the Track of the Centurion from the Island of St. Catherines to the Island of Juan Fernandes...Southern South AmericaAnson, George1748B+130.00
396Falkland Islands and PatagoniaSouthern South AmericaTallis, John1850Aunsold
397Fretum MagellaniStrait of MagellanMercator/Hondius1635A240.00
398Freti Magellanici ac Novi Freti Vulgo Le Maire Exactissima DelineatioStrait of MagellanHondius/Blaeu1635B+450.00
399Tabula Magellanica qua Tierrae del Fuego, cum Celeberrimis Fretis a F. Magellano et I. Le Maire Detectis Novissima et Accuratissima Descriptio ExhibeturStrait of MagellanJansson, Jan1666A700.00
400Typus Freti Magellanici quod Giorgius Spilbergius cum Classe LustravitStrait of MagellanCommelin, Isaac1725A350.00
401Carte de la Terre de Feu et des Detroits de Magellan et de Le Maire avec les Nouvelles Isles d'Ancyan et de BeaucheneStrait of MagellanAnon.1727B+unsold
402De Ingang van Rio de la Plata, Waar aan de Stad Buenos Ayres Legt, in Zuid-AmerikaRio de la PlataTirion, Isaac1769A80.00
403Acores InsulaeAzoresOrtelius, Abraham1603B+400.00
404St. HeleneSt. HelenaDapper, Olivier1670B+120.00
405A Map of Falklands Islands…Falkland IslandsLodge, John1770A60.00
406A New & Accurate Map of Bermudas or Sommer's Islands... [on sheet with] An Accurate Map of the Island of St. Christopher...Bermuda & St. KittsBowen, Emanuel1752Aunsold
407Mappa Aestivarum Insularum, Alias Barmudas Dictarum, ad Ostia Mexicani Aestuary...BermudaJansson/Valck & Schenk1700B+unsold
408A General Chart of the Western OceanNorth AtlanticMount & Page1760B210.00
409A Chart of the Atlantic Ocean, Exhibiting the Course of the Gulph Stream, &c.North Atlantic, Gulf StreamFranklin, Benjamin1808B+375.00
410IslandiaIcelandOrtelius, Abraham1585B+4000.00
411Septemtrionales Reg.Arctic & ScandinaviaOrtelius/Vrients1601A110.00
412EuropaeEuropeOrtelius, Abraham1572B+900.00
414Romani Imperii qua Occidens est DescriptioEuropeRossi, Giamcomo Giovanni1669A325.00
415EuropeEuropeDuval, Pierre1661B+unsold
416[Untitled - War of Spanish Succession]EuropeSchenk, Pieter1710Aunsold
417The Travellers of Europe; with Improvements and AdditionsEurope1852B+325.00
418Carte Symbolique de l'Europe / Europe en 1914Europe, World War I1915B+900.00
419Angliae, Scotiae, et Hiberniae, sive Britannicar: Insularum DescriptioBritainOrtelius, Abraham1587B+500.00
420Anglia Scotia et HiberniaBritainMercator/Hondius1635A120.00
421Britain as It Was Devided in the Tyme of the Englishe-Saxons Especially During Their HeptarchyBritainSpeed, John1650B+2000.00
422Britannia Prout Divisa Suit Temporibus Anglo-Saxonum, Praesertim Durante Illorum HeptarchiaBritainJansson, Jan1662B+1700.00
423Isles BritanniquesBritainDuval, Pierre1661B+60.00
424Carte des Royaumes d'Angleterre d'Ecosse et d'Irlande avec les Costes Maritimes de France, Pais Bas, d'Allemagne, Danemarck et Norvege...BritainInselin, Charles1715Bunsold
425Anglesey [on sheet with] Wight Vectis Olim [and] Garnesay [and] IarsayChannel IslandsMercator/Hondius1613A140.00
426Anglesey [on sheet with] Wight ol: Vectis [and] Garnesay [and] IarsayChannel IslandsMercator/Jansson1651B+unsold
427Northumbr. Cumberladia Dunelm. Episcop.Northern England & Southern ScotlandMercator/Hondius1610B+unsold
428A Plan of the Navigable Canal, Now Making from the City of Coventry, to Communicate with the Grand Canal upon Fradley Heath in the County of Stafford, Survey'd in 1767Central EnglandLodge, John1771B+50.00
429[Untitled - Surrey, London, Sussex]Southeast England, LondonDrayton, Michael1612A230.00
430Bedford Comitatus olim Pars CathifuclanorumEastern EnglandSaxton/Kip1637A60.00
431Cantabrigiensis Comitatus DescriptioEastern EnglandMercator/Jansson1651A70.00
432Cantebrigia, Opulentissimi Anglie Regni, Urbs Celeberrimi Nominis, ab Academie Conditore Cantabro...Cambridge, EnglandBraun & Hogenberg1564A700.00
433Accurater Prospect und Grundris der Konigl: Gros-Britanisch: Haupt und Residentz Stadt London London, EnglandHomann, Johann Baptist1705B+1100.00
434Froggett's Map of the Country Fifteen Miles Round LondonLondon, England1837B+unsold
435The Prospect of Glasenbury AbbyGlastonbury, EnglandStukeley, William1724A100.00
436AngleterreEngland & WalesDuval, Pierre1661A60.00
437Cambriae Typus Auctore Humfredo Lhuydo Denbigiense CambrobritanoWalesOrtelius, Abraham1598A400.00
438EscosseScotlandDuval, Pierre1661B+60.00
439Nouvelle Carte d'Ecosse, ou l'on Fait Observer l'Etat de la Noblesse; les Villes, et les Bourgs qui Deputent au Parlement...ScotlandChatelain, Henry Abraham1708Aunsold
440IrlandaIrelandPorcacchi, Tomaso1576A220.00
441Eryn. Hiberniae, Britannicae Insulae, Nova Descriptio. IrlandtIrelandOrtelius, Abraham1598A900.00
442[Lot of 5] Irlandia [and] Udrone [and] Ultonia Conatia et Media [and] Ultonia Oriental [and] Hiberniae v. TabulaIrelandMercator/Hondius1635A325.00
443IrlandeIrelandDuval, Pierre1661A80.00
444Isle d IrlandeIrelandMallet, Alain Manesson1685Aunsold
445Carte Ancienne et Moderne de l'Irlande, avec Quelques Remarques sur son Gouvernement et sur l'Etat Present de Cette IsleIrelandChatelain, Henry Abraham1708A120.00
447A New Map of Denmark, Norway, Sweden, & Moscovy, Shewing their Present General Divisions, Chief, Cities or Towns, Rivers, Mountains &c.Northern EuropeWells, Edward1704B+200.00
448Nouvelle Carte des Differents Etats du Roi de Prusse, et de Ceux des Autres Princes de la Maison de BrandebourgNorthern EuropeChatelain, Henry Abraham1708A80.00
449Pascaerte vande Canael; Tusschen Engelandt en VranckryckEnglish ChannelLoon, Jan van1661B+250.00
450Suecia, et Norwegia Etc.ScandinaviaMercator/Hondius1635A85.00
451La Suede et tous les Estats qui en DependetScandinaviaDuval, Pierre1661B+80.00
452Carte de la Laponie SuedoiseNorthern Sweden & FinlandChatelain, Henry Abraham1720Aunsold
453Tractus Norvegiae Suecicus Praefecturam Bahusiae Finitimaeque Daliae Provinciae Partem...Southwestern SwedenHomann, Johann Baptist1729B+unsold
454Carte de la Maison du Roy, des Etats, des Conseils et du Gouvernement Civil, Eclesiastique, et Militaire de SuedeStockholm, SwedenChatelain, Henry Abraham1720Aunsold
455Carte du Spits-Berg Suivant les Hollandois pour Servir a l Histoire Generale des VoyagesSpitsbergen, NorwayBellin, Jacques Nicolas1758Aunsold
456Prussiae DescriptioBalticOrtelius/Vrients1601B+80.00
457[Lot of 2] Prussia [and] LivoniaBalticMercator/Hondius1635 A90.00
458[Lot of 4] Daniae Regnu [and] Iutia Septentrionalis [and] Holsatia [and] FioniaDenmarkMercator/Hondius1635A210.00
459DanemarqDenmarkDuval, Pierre1661B+70.00
460Nouvelle Carte Geographique du Royaume de Dannemarck avec une Table des Villes les Plus RemarquablesDenmarkChatelain, Henry Abraham1720A150.00
461Lalandiae et Falstriae Accurata DescriptioLolland & Falster, DenmarkMercator/Jansson1651Aunsold
462Carte de l'Etat du Royaume de Dannemarck et Diverses Observations pour Conduire a l'Intelligence de l'Histoire et du Gouvernements de ce RoyaumeCopenhagen, DenmarkChatelain, Henry Abraham1720Aunsold
463Landkaart van het Eyland der Batavieren en de Daarin Gemaakte Gragt van Domitius Corbulo...NetherlandsLoon, Jan van1734B+unsold
464Dordracum, Vulgo Dortt. Me Mosa, & Walis, cum Linga, Meruaque, Cingunt, Aeternam Batave Virginis, Ecce, FidemDordrecht, NetherlandsBraun & Hogenberg1575A300.00
465GoudaGouda, NetherlandsLeti, Gregorio1690Aunsold
466[Lot of 3] Flandria [and] Flandria Septentrionalis [and] Mechlinia DominiumBelgiumMercator/Hondius163542.00
467Leodiens. Epsicop.Southeastern BelgiumOrtelius/Vrients1601B+unsold
468NamurcumNamur, BelgiumBraun & Hogenberg1575B+200.00
469Trier et LutzeborgLuxembourg & Western GermanyMercator/Hondius1635A41.00
470Trier & LutzenburgLuxembourgMercator/Hondius1619B+120.00
471Ducatus Lutzenburgensis Nova et Accurata DescriptioLuxembourgMercator/Jansson1651A100.00
472Descriptio Germaniae InferiorisLow CountriesOrtelius, Abraham1598Aunsold
473Nova Totius Belgii sive Germaniae Inferioris Accuratissima DelineatioLow CountriesJansson, Jan1645B+unsold
474Les XVII Provinces des Pais BasLow CountriesDuval, Pierre1661B+unsold
475Carte Reduite des Costes de Flandre et de Hollande Depuis le Pas de Calais Jusqu'a l'Elbe, et les Costes d'Angleterre...Low CountriesBellin, Jacques Nicolas1763Aunsold
476Les Provinces du Pais-Bas Connues sous le Nom de FlandreBelgium & LuxembourgDuval, Pierre1661B+80.00
477[Lot of 8] France [and] The United Provinces [and] Italy [and] Germany Divided Into Circles [and] South East Part of Germany [and] South West Part of Germany [and] The North West Part of Germany [and] The North East Part of GermanyWestern EuropeGibson, John1758A150.00
478Galliae Regni Potentiss: Nova Descriptio, Ioanne Ioliveto AuctoreFranceOrtelius, Abraham1603A275.00
479La FranceFranceDuval, Pierre1661B+unsold
480Picardiae, Belgicae Regionis Descriptio. Joanne Surhonio AuctoreNorthern FranceOrtelius, Abraham1579B+150.00
481L'Isle de France. Parisiensis Agri Descrip.Northern FranceOrtelius, Abraham1598Aunsold
482LorraineNortheastern FranceDuval, Pierre1661B+unsold
483[Lot of 5] L'Isle de France Parisiensis Ager [and] Champagne Comitatus Campania [and] Borbonium Ducatus [and] Totius Lemouiciet [and] Biturigum DucatusCentral FranceMercator/Hondius1635A110.00
484Dioecesis Sarlatensis, Vernacule le Dioecese de Sarlat. Ioannes Tardo Canonicus Ecclesiae Sarlati DelineabatSouthwestern FranceBlaeu, Willem1644A+210.00
485Tabula Aquitaniae Complectens Gubernationem Guiennae et VasconiaeSouthwestern FranceHomann, Johann Baptist1716Aunsold
486[Lot of 6] Lyonnois Forest et Beaujolois [and] Burgundiae Duca. [and] Burgundia Comitatus [and] Bresse [and] Sabaudia Ducatus la Savoie [and] Dauphine par Iean de BeinsEastern FranceMercator/Hondius1635A41.00
487Lionnois, Forest, Beaviolois et MasconnoisEastern FranceBlaeu, Willem1640B+unsold
488SavoieEastern FranceDuval, Pierre1661B+unsold
489Le Vray Portraict de la Ville de BeaulneBeaune, FranceBelleforest, Francois1575B+unsold
490CahorsCahors, FranceTassin, Christophe Nicholas1634A20.00
491DiionDijon, FranceMerian, Matthaus1640B+220.00
492Saumur / SalmuriaSaumur, FranceMerian, Matthaus1657A100.00
493Huitieme Plan de Paris Divise en Ses Vingt QuartiersParis, FranceFer, Nicolas de1705B275.00
494Les Environs de Paris, ou sont la Prevoste, Vicomte, et le Presidial de Paris...Paris, FranceNolin, Jean Batiste1748B+unsold
495Chateau de PolignacPolignac, France1850A28.00
496Regnorum Hispaniae et Portugalliae Tabula Generalis jam nuper edita, nunc denuo revisa, aucta e ad Usum ScholarumSpain & PortugalHomann, Johann Baptist1725B+400.00
497[Lot of 7] Regni Valentiae Typus [and] Andaluzia [and] Arragonia et Catalonia [and] Catalonia [and] Castilia Vetus et Nova [and] Biscaia et Legio [and] GalliciaSpainMercator/Hondius1635A325.00
498Principatus Cataloniae nec non Comitatuum Ruscinonensis et Cerretaniae Nova TabulaNortheastern SpainHomann, Johann Baptist1720B+300.00
499Valentiae Regni, olim Contestanorum si Ptolemaeo, Edetanorum si Plinio Credimus TypusEastern SpainOrtelius, Abraham1584A250.00
500Portugalliae que olim Lusitania, Novissima & Exactissima Descriptio, Auctore Vernando Alvaro SeccoPortugalOrtelius, Abraham1598A300.00
501Portugallia et AlgarvePortugalMercator/Jansson1651Aunsold
502PortugalPortugalDuval, Pierre1661B+unsold
503Nieuwe Paskaart van de Kust van Portugal Beginnende 3 a 4 Myl Benoorde C. Roxent, tot aen C.d. S. Vincente...PortugalKeulen, Johannes van1695B+160.00
504AlemagneCentral Europe, GermanyDuval, Pierre1660B+unsold
505Carte de l'Etat de la Cour Imperiale et des Etats Hereditaires de la Maison d'Autriche avec Leurs Diverses ChanceleriesCentral EuropeChatelain, Henry Abraham1708A80.00
506Sueviae Nova TabulaGermany & SwitzerlandHondius/Blaeu1635A140.00
507Thietmarsiae, Holsaticae Regionis Partis Typus. Auctore Petro Boeckel [on sheet with] Rugiae, Usedomiae, et Iulinae, Wandalicarum Insularum Vera DescriptioNorthern GermanyOrtelius, Abraham1584A150.00
508Westphaliae Totius, Finitimarumque Regionum Accurata DescriptioNorthwestern GermanyOrtelius, Abraham1579Aunsold
509[Lot of 4] Wesphalia cum Dioecesi Bremensi [and] Westphaliae Tabula. II [and] Westphalia Ducatus [and] Emden et Oldenbor.Northwestern GermanyMercator/Hondius1635A90.00
510Tipus Vindeliciae sive Utrusque BavariaeSouthern GermanyOrtelius/Galle1593Aunsold
511Palatinatus Bavariae Descriptio, Erhardo Reych Tirolense Auctore [on sheet with] Argentoratensis Agri DescriptioSouthern GermanyOrtelius, Abraham1598A120.00
512Bavariae, olim Vindeliciae, Delineationis Compendium ex Tabula Philippi Apiani MathSouthern GermanyOrtelius, Abraham1598A130.00
513[Lot of 3] Bavaria [and] Palatinatus Rheni [and] WirtenbergSouthern GermanyMercator/Hondius1635A85.00
514Wirtenberg Ducatus Accurata Descriptio; in qua Omnia eius Opida...Southwestern GermanyOrtelius, Abraham1598A100.00
515SpeyerSpeyer, GermanyMerian, Matthaus1638Aunsold
516Poloniae et SilesiaePolandMercator/Jansson1651Aunsold
517Silesiae Typus a Martino Helwigio Nissense Descriptus, et Nobili Doctoque, Viro Domino Nicolao Rhedingero Ded.Southern PolandOrtelius, Abraham1598A150.00
518Oswiecz, et ZatorSouthern PolandOrtelius/Vrients1601B+unsold
519Ducatus Silesiae GlosaniSouthwestern PolandMercator/Jansson1651B+80.00
520Ducatus Silesiae Glogani Vera Delineatio Secunda Cura ac Labore Confecta a Iona Sculteta Sprotta SilesioWestern PolandBlaeu, (Family)1643B+unsold
521Moraviae, quae olim Marcomannorum Sedes, Corographia, A.D. Paulo Fabritio Medico...Czech RepublicOrtelius, Abraham1598B+140.00
522Regni Bohemiae DescriptioCzech RepublicOrtelius, Abraham1598A230.00
523MoraviaCzech RepublicMercator/Hondius1619Bunsold
524MoraviaCzech RepublicMercator/Jansson1651B+unsold
525Helvetiae Descriptio, Aegidio Tschudo Auct.SwitzerlandOrtelius, Abraham1598A180.00
526Nova Helvetia TabulaSwitzerlandMercator/Jansson1651B+unsold
527SuisseSwitzerlandDuval, Pierre1661B+60.00
528ZurichouNorthern SwitzerlandMercator/Jansson1651B+unsold
529Das WiflispurgergouSouthwestern SwitzerlandMercator/Hondius1631B+unsold
530De la Contree d'AvenchesLake Neuchatel, SwitzerlandMunster, Sebastian1552A+75.00
531La Noble Ville de Geneve avec sa SituationGeneva, SwitzerlandMunster, Sebastian1552A180.00
532Chorographica Tabula Lacus Lemanni Locorumque Circumiacentium Autore Iac. G. GenevensiLake GenevaMercator/Hondius1619B+300.00
533Basilaea BaselBasel, SwitzerlandMerian, Matthaus1640A425.00
534Austriae Descrip. per Wolfgangum LaziumAustriaOrtelius, Abraham1598A150.00
535Salisburgensis Iurisdictionis, Locorumque Vicinorum Vera Descriptio Auctore Marco Secznagel SalisburgenseNorthwestern AustriaOrtelius, Abraham1598Aunsold
536Saltzburg Archiepiscopatus cum Ducatu CarinthiaeWestern AustriaMercator/Hondius1619Bunsold
538HongrieHungaryDuval, Pierre1661A60.00
539Prussiae Vera Descriptio. Per Gaspar. Henneberg. ErlichensEastern Europe, PolandOrtelius, Abraham1598A350.00
540PologneEastern Europe, PolandDuval, Pierre1661A170.00
541Transilvanie, Valaquie et MoldavieRomania & MoldovaDuval, Pierre1661B+60.00
542Russiae, Moscoviae et Tartariae Descriptio. Auctore Antonio Ienkensono Anglo...Russia, Eastern Europe & Central AsiaOrtelius, Abraham1572A1500.00
543RussiaRussia in EuropeOrtelius/Vrients1601A100.00
544MoscovieRussia in EuropeDuval, Pierre1661B+100.00
545Tabula Russia Vulgo MoscoviaRussia in EuropeWit, Frederick de1680B150.00
546Nuova Carta della Moscovia o Russia Secondo l'Ultime OsservazioniRussia in EuropeTirion, Isaac1769A120.00
547Carte du Waeigatz ou Detroit de Nassau, Suivant la Relation de LinschootenNorthwestern Russia & Novaya ZemlyaBernard, Jean Frederic1732B+unsold
548Carte du Detroit de Waeigats, ou de Nassau. Suivant les Navigateurs Hollandois pour l'Histoire Generale des VoyagesNovaya Zemlya, RussiaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1758Aunsold
549Dwinae Fluvii Nova DescriptioDvina River, RussiaJansson/Pitt1680B+unsold
550Taurica Chersonesus, Nostra Aetate Przecopsca, et Gazara DiciturUkraine & Southwestern RussiaBlaeu, Johannes1664A150.00
551Petite Tartarie dite Autrement Crimee et PrecopenseUkraine & Southwestern RussiaDuval, Pierre1661A60.00
552TransilvaniaRomania & HungaryOrtelius/Vrients1601B+75.00
553TransylvaniaRomania & HungaryMercator/Hondius1635A41.00
554Pontus Euxinus. Aequor Iasonio Pulsatum Remige PrimumBlack SeaOrtelius, Abraham1590A300.00
555Rhetiae Alpestris Descriptio, in qua Hodie Tirolis Comitatus [on sheet with] Goritiae, Karstii, Chaczeolae, Carniolae, Histriae, et Windorum Marchae Descrip. Southern EuropeOrtelius, Abraham1598Aunsold
556A New and Accurate Map of Turkey in Europe, Drawn from the Best Authorities…Southeastern EuropeLodge, John1770B+unsold
557Carte de la Guerre en OrientSoutheastern Europe1877B+unsold
558[Lot of 2] Walachia Servia, Bulgaria, Roman [and] Slavonia Croatia Bosnia, Dalmat.BalkansMercator/Hondius1635A70.00
559Turquie en EuropeBalkansDuval, Pierre1661Aunsold
560SlavoniaNorthern BalkansOrtelius/Vrients1601B+60.00
561IllyricumWestern BalkansOrtelius, Abraham1598A+200.00
562Schlavoniae, Croatiae, Carniae, Istriae, Bosniae, Finitimarumque Regionum Nova Descriptio, Auctore Augustino HirsuogelioWestern BalkansOrtelius, Abraham1598Aunsold
563Estat de la Republique de RaguseCroatiaDuval, Pierre1661B+80.00
564Graeciae Universae Secundum Hodiernum Situm Neoterica DescriptioGreeceOrtelius, Abraham1598B+unsold
565[Lot of 4] Graecia [and] Macedonia, Epir, et Achaia [and] Morea [and] CandiaGreeceMercator/Hondius1635A130.00
566Cronologie Historique des Rois, et Differents Etats de l'Ancienne Grece, avec des Remarques Curieuses sur l'Histoire ProphaneGreeceChatelain, Henry Abraham1708Aunsold
567La Grece, Suivant les Nouvelles Observations de Messrs. de l'Academie Royale des Sciences, etc. Augmentees de NouveauGreeceAa, Pieter van der1710A120.00
568Thraciae Veteris TypusNortheastern Greece & Northwestern TurkeyOrtelius, Abraham1595A200.00
569TempeVale of Tempe, GreeceOrtelius, Abraham1590A210.00
570Corcyra vel CorfuCorfu, GreeceOrtelius/Vrients1601B+unsold
571[Lot of 2 - Mirror Images] Is de Nicaria et Patmos [and] Is de Nicaria et PatmosCartographic Miscellany - Icaria & Patmos, GreeceMallet, Alain Manesson1684Aunsold
572Italiae Novissima Descriptio Auctore Iacobo Castaldo PedemontanoItalyOrtelius, Abraham1598A450.00
573Italia Newly AugmentedItalySpeed, John1626B+1700.00
574L'ItalieItalyDuval, Pierre1661A80.00
575L'Italie et les Isles Circomvoisines Sicile, Sardagne, Corse &c...ItalySanson, Nicolas1689Bunsold
576Nouvelle Carte de l'Etat Present de l'Italie, pour Parvenir par une Methode Nouvelle, a la Connoissance de la Geographie, et de l'Histoire; et Tres Utile pour les VoiagesItalyChatelain, Henry Abraham1708Aunsold
577Tabula Geographica Italiae...ItalyEuler, Leonhard1753Bunsold
578Veronae Urbis Territorium, a Bernardo Brognolo DescriptumNorthern ItalyOrtelius, Abraham1598Aunsold
579[Lot of 4] Lombardiae Alpestris pars Occidentalis cu Valesia [and] Tarvisina Marchia et Tirolis Comitatus [and] Pedemontana Regio cum Genvensium Territorio Montisfernati Marchionatu [and] Romandiola cum D. ParmensiNorthern ItalyMercator/Hondius1635A130.00
580Territorio di TrentoNorthern ItalyMercator/Jansson1651A100.00
581Patavini Territorii Corographia, Iac. Castaldo Auct. [on sheet with] Apuliae quae olim Iapygia, Nova CorographiaNortheastern & Southern ItalyOrtelius, Abraham1598Aunsold
582Tarvisina Marchia et Tirolis ComitatusNortheastern ItalyMercator/Hondius1619B+unsold
583Carta Geografica della Provincia del FriuliNortheastern ItalyAlbrizzi, Girolamo1750B100.00
584Pedemontanae Vicinorumque Regionum Auctore Iacobo Castaldo Descrip.Northwestern ItalyOrtelius, Abraham1598Aunsold
585Aprutii Ulterioris DescriptioCentral ItalyOrtelius, Abraham1590Aunsold
586Florentini Dominii, Fidelissima et Nova Descriptio. Auctore D. Stephano Monacho MontisolivetiCentral ItalyOrtelius, Abraham1598A300.00
587OropitumCentral ItalyOrtelius/Vrients1601Aunsold
588SienaCentral ItalyOrtelius/Vrients1601A65.00
589Puglia Piana, Terra di Barri, Terra di Otranto, Calabria et BasilicataSouthern ItalyMercator/Hondius1619B90.00
590Partie Meridionale du Royaume de Naples ou se Trouvent la Calabre et l'Isle et Royaume de SicileSouthern ItalyRobert de Vaugondy/Santini1779A150.00
591Plan des Iles, Ecueils et Mouillages des Environs de Trapani...Western Sicily, ItalySmyth, William Henry (Adm.)1826Aunsold
592Haec est Nobilis, & Florens illa Neapolis, Campaniae Civitas...Naples, ItalyBraun & Hogenberg1572B+unsold
593Ischia, quae olim Aenaria. Ab Aeneae Classe hic Appulsa sic NominataIschia, ItalyOrtelius, Abraham1590A400.00
594Ischia Ins.Ischia, ItalyOrtelius/Vrients1601B+unsold
595Larius LacusLake Como, ItalyOrtelius/Vrients1601Aunsold
596Sicilia RegnumSicily, ItalyBlaeu, Willem1640B+unsold
597SicileSicily, ItalyDuval, Pierre1661A80.00
598Siracusa in SicilienSyracuse, Sicily, ItalyBodenehr, Gabriel1720B+unsold
599Carte de l'Isle et Royaume de SicileSicily, ItalyDelisle/Covens & Mortier1730A180.00
600La Citta di Milano Capitale di Tutto il Ducato MilaneseMilan, ItalyAlbrizzi, Girolamo1756A75.00
601La Citta di Turino Capitale del Piemonte e di Tutti gli Stati del Re di SardegnaTurin, ItalyAlbrizzi, Girolamo1756B+75.00
602[Lot of 6] Abbazia di Grottaferrata... [and] Piramide di Cajo Cestio [and] Ponte Lucano e Sepolcro della Famiglia Plauzia Vicino a Tivoli [and] Sepolcro di ce Cilia Metella... [and] Giano Quadrifronte [and] Avanzi del Foro di NervaRome, Italy1840Aunsold
603Imperium RomanumMediterraneanMoll, Herman1711A210.00
604Insularum Aliquot Maris Mediterranei DescriptioMediterranean IslandsOrtelius, Abraham1609A450.00
605Insular Aliquot Aegaei Maris Antiqua Descrip. [on sheet with] Insularum, Sardiniae et Corsicae Antiqua DescriptioMediterranean IslandsJansson, Jan1662B+unsold
606Insularum Melitae Vulgo Maltae et Gozae Novissima DelineatioMaltaVisscher, Nicolas1680Aunsold
607De Eilanden van Malta, Goza, enz.MaltaSanson, Nicolas1705B+150.00
608D'Oude Schets van het Eyland Malta, Alwaer, Paulus na Zyn Schipbreuk AenlanddeMaltaCalmet, Augustin1729Aunsold
609Carte des Isles de Malte et du GozeMaltaBrion de la Tour, Louis1780Aunsold
610Cyprus Insula [on sheet with] Candia, olim CretaCyprus & CreteOrtelius, Abraham1571A600.00
611Creta Iouis Magni, Medio Iacet Insula PontoCrete, Sardinia, CorsicaOrtelius, Abraham1592A250.00
612Plan du Golfe de Porto Vecchio Situe a la Cote Orientale de l'Ile de Corse Leve en 1824...Porto-Vecchio, CorsicaDepot de la Marine1828Aunsold
613Turcicum ImperiumEastern Mediterranean & Middle EastOrtelius/Vrients1601A70.00
614Geographische Beschryvinge, van de Wandeling der Apostelen ende de Reysen Pauli...Eastern Mediterranean & Middle EastVisscher, Claes Janszoon1650A180.00
615L'Empire des Turcs en Toute son EstendueEastern Mediterranean & Middle EastDuval, Pierre1661Aunsold
616Turcicum ImperiumEastern Mediterranean & Middle EastBlaeu, (Family)1680A425.00
617A New Map Shewing All the Severall Countries, Cities, Towns, and Other Places Mentioned in the New Testament...Eastern Mediterranean & Middle EastWells, Edward1701B+unsold
618De Gelegentheyt van 't Paradys en 't Landt Canaan, Mitsgaders d'Eeerst Bewoonde Landen der Patriarchen, uyt de H. Schrifture...Middle East & CyprusStoopendaal, Daniel1704B+unsold
619Syrien, en Diarbeek Verdeelt in Hunne ScheidingenMiddle East & CyprusSanson, Nicolas1705A80.00
620Feldt Schlacht des Bassa von Alepo mit dem Obersten VezierAleppo, Syria1608B+60.00
621Natoliae sive Asia MinorTurkey & CyprusMercator/Hondius1619B+200.00
622A New Map of the Western Parts of Asia Minor Largely Taken: Shewing Their Antient Divisions, Countries or People, Chiefe Cities, Towns, Rivers, Mountains &c.TurkeyWells, Edward1701B+unsold
623Carte de la Mer de Marmara, du Canal des Dardanelles & de Celui de Constantinople...Northwestern Turkey, Istanbul1784B+600.00
624CCLVII [Constantinople]Istanbul, TurkeySchedel, Hartmann1493Aunsold
625Folium CXXX - ConstantinopolisIstanbul, TurkeySchedel, Hartmann1493B+unsold
626CostantinopoliIstanbul, TurkeyForlani, Paolo de1567B+950.00
627Plan de Constantinople Istanbul, TurkeyBureau d'Industrie1803A450.00
628Habillemens des Femmes de Smyrne, des Grecques et des Iuifues de Cette VilleIzmir, TurkeyChatelain, Henry Abraham1720A75.00
629Palestinae sive Totius Terrae Promissionis Nova Descriptio Auctore Tilemanno Stello SigenensHoly LandOrtelius, Abraham1570B+500.00
630Abrahami Patriarchae Peregrinatio, et VitaHoly LandOrtelius, Abraham1586B+1300.00
631Terra Sancta, a Petro Laicstain Perlustrata, et ab eius ore et Schedis a Christiano Schrot in Tabulam RedactaHoly LandOrtelius, Abraham1595B+unsold
632Tabula Geographica, in qua Israelitarum, ab Aegypto ad Kenahanaeam Usque Profectiones Omnes et Stationes Describuntur. Geographische Beschryvinge der Heirtochten en Rustplaetsen der Kindren Israels...Holy LandDanckerts, Cornelius1646A300.00
633Het Heylige Land Verdeeld in de Twaalf Stammen Israels...Holy LandMortier, Pierre1700A100.00
634Perigrinatie ofte Veertich-Iarige Reyse der Kinderen Israels. Uyt Egypten door de Roode Zee...Holy LandStoopendaal, Daniel1710A120.00
635Carte pour Conduire a l'Inteligence de l'Histoire Sacree, qui Renferme en Abrege la Genealogie, la Geographie, et la Chronologie de l'Histoire SainteHoly LandChatelain, Henry Abraham1719B+160.00
636Folio LXIIII - Destruccio IherosolimeJerusalem, Holy LandSchedel, Hartmann1493B+unsold
637Hierosolyma Urbs Sancta, Iudeae, Totiusque Orientis Longe Clarissima, qua Amplitudine ac Magnificentia hoc Nostro Aevo Conspicua EstJerusalem, Holy LandBraun & Hogenberg1645Aunsold
638Hierosolyma, Clarissima Totius Orientis Civitas, Iudaee Metropolis...Jerusalem, Holy LandBraun & Hogenberg1578B180.00
639IerusalemJerusalem, Holy LandPutte, I.1718Aunsold
640Vue & Description de la Ville de Jerusalem Telle qu' elle est Aujourd' hui avec les Tombeaux de ses Anciens Rois, & Quelques Autres Antiquites Curieuses qui se Trouvent aux Environs de Cette VilleJerusalem, Holy LandChatelain, Henry Abraham1720Aunsold
641Vue et Description de Bethleem et de Nazareth, et de Plusieurs Singularitez Curieuses qui Sevoyent dans ces Lieux SaintsBethlehem, Holy LandChatelain, Henry Abraham1720Aunsold
642Carte de la Coste d'Arabie, Mer Rouge, et Golfe de Perse. Tiree de la Carte Francoise de l'Ocean Oriental...ArabiaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1757A80.00
643Asiae V Tab:Persia - IranPtolemy/Mercator1578B+300.00
644PersiaPersia - IranOrtelius/Vrients1601A80.00
645[Title on Verso] Tabula Octava Asiae Continet Scythiam Extra Imaum Montem, & SericamCentral AsiaPtolemy/Fries1541Aunsold
646Asiae Nova DescriptioAsiaOrtelius, Abraham1571B+1100.00
647Asia Secunda pars Terrae in Forma PegasiAsiaBunting, Heinrich1581B+unsold
648Asia Multis in Locis Dei Matrem Colit, et Vicissim Multos Favores ab Illa AccipitAsiaScherer, Heinrich1700B+275.00
649Les Indes Orientales Suivant les Nouvelles Observations de Messrs. de l'Academie Royale des Sciences Etc.AsiaAa, Pieter van der1719Aunsold
650Carte de l'Asie Selon les Auteurs Anciens Enrichie de Remarques Historiques sur les Changemens qui y sont ArrivezAsiaChatelain, Henry Abraham1720A100.00
651AsieAsiaLevasseur, Victor1850B+90.00
652Tabula Tartariae et Majoris Partis Regni ChinaeNorthern AsiaWit, Frederick de1685B+300.00
653Carte du Kamtchatka KamchatkaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1757A55.00
654Carte des Indes, de la Chine & des Iles de Sumatra, Java &c. Dressee sur les Memoires les Plus Nouveaux & sur les Meilleures Observations, Tirees des Relations les Plus FidelesEastern & Southern AsiaChatelain, Henry Abraham1720A500.00
655Description d'un des Plus Fameux Temples des Chinois, avec Leurs Principales Idoles Telles que la Figure en a ete Tiree sur les Lieux & Envoiee a Rome par le Pere Grubere IesuiteChina - ReligionChatelain, Henry Abraham1720A75.00
656Suchuen; et Xensi, Provinciae seu Praefecturae Regni Sinensis...Central ChinaJansson/Valck & Schenk1700A475.00
657Quangsi, Sinarum Imperii Provincia DecimatertiaSouthern ChinaBlaeu, Johannes1655Aunsold
658Huquang, Kiangsi, Chekiang, ac Fokien. Provin: sivae Praefecturae Regni Sinens...Eastern ChinaJansson/Valck & Schenk1700B+475.00
659ChinaChina, Korea & JapanMercator/Jansson1628Aunsold
660Il Regno della China detto Presentemente Catay e Mangin, Diviso Sopra le Carte piu Esatte nelle sue Principali Provincie...China, Korea & JapanCantelli da Vignola/de Rossi1682A1300.00
661Tartarie Chinoise, Roy. de Coree et Isles du JaponChina, Korea & JapanBonne, Rigobert1787B+100.00
662China Regio AsieChina & JapanOrtelius/Vrients1601B+unsold
663ChineChina & KoreaDuval, Pierre1682Aunsold
664Imperii Sinarum Nova Descriptio. Auctore. Joh van LoonChina & KoreaJansson/Valck & Schenk1700A1200.00
665'T Ryk van ChinaChina & KoreaSanson, Nicolas1705A200.00
666China as Surveyed by the Jesuit Missionaries between the Years 1708 & 1717 with Korea & the Adjoining Parts of TartaryChina & KoreaKitchin, Thomas1770Bunsold
667Iaponiae Insulae Descriptio. Ludoico Teisera AuctoreJapan & KoreaOrtelius, Abraham1595B1100.00
668Iaponiae Nova DescriptioJapan & KoreaHondius/Jansson1638Aunsold
669Vue et Description de la Ville de Meaco Capitale du Japon avec d'Autres Particularitez du PaysKyoto & Tokyo, JapanChatelain, Henry Abraham1720Aunsold
670Tertiae Partis Asiae quae Modernis India Orientalis Dicitur Acurata Delineatio Autore Iacobo Castaldo PedemontanoSouthern & Southeast AsiaJode, Gerard de1593A5000.00
671India OrientSouthern & Southeast AsiaOrtelius/Vrients1601B+unsold
672India quae Orientalis Dicitur, et Insulae AdiacentesSouthern & Southeast AsiaBlaeu, Willem1635B+1600.00
673Tabula Indiae OrientalisSouthern & Southeast AsiaWit, Frederick de1662A900.00
674Tabula Geographica Hydrophylacium Asiae Majoris Exhibens, quo Omnia Flumina sive Proxime sive Remote per Occultos Maeandros Originem Suam SortiunturSouthern & Southeast AsiaKircher, Athanasius1665A400.00
675[Title on Verso] Tabula Moder. Indiae OrientalisSoutheast AsiaPtolemy/Fries1525B+1500.00
676Indiae Orientalis Nova DescriptioSoutheast AsiaJansson, Jan1640B+1000.00
677Le Royaume de Siam avec les Royaumes qui luy sont Tributaires et les Isles de Sumatra Andemaon Etc...Southeast AsiaChatelain, Henry Abraham1720A350.00
678[Untitled - Southeast Asia]Southeast AsiaCommelin, Isaac1725A950.00
679De Philippynsche Eilanden [on sheet with] Ladronsche of Dieve EilandenPhilippinesSanson, Nicolas1705A200.00
680Moluccae Insulae CeleberrimaeEast Indies - IndonesiaHondius/Blaeu1640B+400.00
681Isole Filippine Ladrones, e Moluccos o Isole delle Speziarie Come Anco Celebes &c.East Indies - IndonesiaTirion, Isaac1740A+220.00
682SumatraSumatra, IndonesiaGastaldi/Ramusio1606Bunsold
683Insulae Iavae cum Parte Insularum Borneo Sumatrae, et Circumjacentium Insularum Novissima DelineatioJava, IndonesiaJansson, Jan1680Aunsold
684Carte de l'Ile de Java: Partie Occidentale, Partie Orientale, Dressee Tout Nouvellement sur les Memoires les Plus Exacts...Java, IndonesiaChatelain, Henry Abraham1720Aunsold
685Plan d'Amboine, tel qu'il Etoit en 1718Ambon, MalukuBellin/Van Schley1755B55.00
686An Epitome Geographical and Political of HindoostanIndiaFaden, William1788Aunsold
687[Lot of 13] India I - XII [and] CalcuttaIndiaSDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge1831-42B+85.00
688'T Ryk van den Grooten MogolNorthern IndiaSanson, Nicolas1705A+unsold
689A Map of the Countries Round Surat and Bombay in the East Indies...Western IndiaKitchin, Thomas1759B+60.00
690Ceylon, en de Maldivesche EilandenSri Lanka & the MaldivesSanson, Nicolas1705Aunsold
691Calechut Celeberrimum Indiae Emporium [on sheet with] Ormus [and] Canonor [and] S. Georgii Oppidum Mina...Southern Asia & AfricaBraun & Hogenberg1572B+400.00
692[Title on Verso] Tabula XI AsiaeSouthern AsiaPtolemy/Fries1525A450.00
693Asiae IX Tab:Southern AsiaPtolemy/Mercator1578B+unsold
694Ile de la Reunion Colonie Francaise (Ocean Indien)Reunion Island, Indian OceanLevasseur, Victor1857A60.00
695'T Eilandt van Madagascar of van St. Laurens...MadagascarSanson, Nicolas1705A+150.00
696Isle de Madagascar Autrement Isle de St. LaurentMadagascarBellin/Van Schley1747A80.00
697Africae Tabula NovaAfricaOrtelius, Abraham1570A1100.00
698Africae Nova TabulaAfricaHondius, Henricus1631B+800.00
699Africae Nova DescriptioAfricaBlaeu, Willem1647B+2000.00
701AfriqueAfricaLevasseur, Victor1850A80.00
702[Lot of 4] Abissinorum Regnu [and] Barbaria... [and] Marocchi Regnum [and] GuineaNorthern & Central AfricaMercator/Hondius1635A150.00
703Secunda Africae TabulaNorthern AfricaPtolemy1490B+1200.00
704Afr: II Tab:Northern AfricaPtolemy/Mercator1578B+200.00
705Afr: III TabNorthern AfricaPtolemy/Mercator1578B+300.00
706Africae Propriae Tabula, in qua, Punica Regna Vides; Tyrios, et Agenoris UrbemNorthern AfricaOrtelius, Abraham1590B200.00
707Aegypti Recentior Descriptio [on sheet with] Carthaginis Celeberrimi Sinus TypusNorthern AfricaOrtelius, Abraham1612A120.00
708BarbariaNorthern AfricaMercator/Hondius1628B+60.00
709Singularitez Curieuses des Royaumes de Maroc et de Fez dans la Barbarie...Northern AfricaChatelain, Henry Abraham1720A80.00
710Neue Geographische Vorstellung der Mitternaechtlichen Kuste von Africa…Northern AfricaReinhardt, Andreas1740B+50.00
711Fessae, et Marocci RegnaNorthwestern AfricaOrtelius/Vrients1601B+50.00
712Fessae et Marocchi RegnaNorthwestern AfricaMercator/Hondius1630A250.00
714Aegyptus Antiqua. Terra Suis Contenta Bonis, non Indiga Mercis aut Iouis, in Solo Tanta est Fiducia NiloEgyptOrtelius, Abraham1601Aunsold
716Wahrhafft Abcontrafehtung der Mechtigen und Vesten Statt AlkairCairo, EgyptMunster, Sebastian1578B+120.00
717Description de la Ville d'Alexandrie et des Antiquites Remarquables qu' on y VoitAlexandria, EgyptChatelain, Henry Abraham1719B+unsold
718Tractus Littorales Guineae a Promontorio Verde Usque ad Sinum CatenbelaeWestern AfricaWit, Frederick de1680B+350.00
719D'Eilanden van Capo Verde, de Kust en 't Landt der Negeren. Ontrent Capo VerdeWestern Africa, Cape Verde IslandsSanson, Nicolas1705A100.00
720Vue & Description de la Ville de Lovango dans le Royaume de Congo...Western AfricaChatelain, Henry Abraham1720A75.00
721Presbiteri Iohannis sive Abissinorum ImperiumCentral AfricaOrtelius/Vrients1601B+90.00
722Abissinorum sive Pretiosi Ioannis ImperiuCentral AfricaMercator/Hondius1623Aunsold
723Aethiopia Superior vel Interior; Vulgo Abissinorum sive Presbiteri Ioannis ImperiumCentral AfricaBlaeu, Johannes1638A475.00
724Map of the Routes in Eastern Africa Between Zanzibar, the Great Lakes and the Nile Explored and Surveyed by Captn. J.H. SpekeCentral AfricaRoyal Geographical Society1864B150.00
725Carte du Congo et du Pays des CafresSouthern Africa, MadagascarDelisle/Covens & Mortier1730Aunsold
726Tartaria sive Magni Chami ImperiumNorth Pacific OceanOrtelius/Vrients1601B+unsold
727Carta Particolare della Parte Orientale del' Isola di Iezo con li Stretto fra America e la detta Isola ... d'Asia Carta XVIIINorth Pacific OceanDudley, Robert (Sir)1647B800.00
728Carte des Nouvelles Decouvertes Dressee par Phil. Bauche… [on sheet with] Extrait d'une Carte Japonise de l'Univers…North Pacific OceanRobert de Vaugondy, Didier1772B+40.00
729Carte Generale des Decouvertes de l'Amiral de Fonte Representant la Grande Probabilite d'un Passage au Nord OuestNorth Pacific OceanRobert de Vaugondy, Didier1772B+50.00
730A Chart of Captn. Carteret's Discoveries at New Britain, with Part of Captn. Cooke's Passage Thro Endeavour Streights, & of Captn. Dampier's Tract of Discoveries in 1699, & 1700, at New Guinea and New BritainNew GuineaWhitchurch, William1773B+100.00
731The Island of Otahiete Bearing S.E. Distant One LeagueTahitiCook, James (Capt.)1777B+70.00
732A View at AnamookaNomuka, Tonga IslandsCook, James (Capt.)1784B+85.00
733Riviere Tamise et Baye Mercure a la Nle. Zelande [on sheet with] Baye des Isles dans la Nle. Zelande [and] Baye de Tolaga dans la Nle. ZelandeNew ZealandCook, James (Capt.)1774B+160.00
734New ZealandNew ZealandTallis, John1851B+200.00
735[Lot of 22 - Complete Set of De Bry's Prints of Virginia Natives from Grands Voyages, Part I]Prints Native American, VirginiaBry, Theodore de1590B+4200.00
736Description de la Peche, Habillemens, Habitations, Manieres de Vivre, Superstitions et Autres Usages des Indiens de la Virginie...Prints Native American, VirginiaChatelain, Henry Abraham1719A200.00
737[Untitled - The First Sighting of the Pacific Ocean]Prints Native AmericanBry, Theodore de1631A750.00
738Carte qui Contient la Maniere dont se Fait la Chasse des Boeufs Sauvages et des Elans, le Grand Saut de la Riviere de Niagara...Prints Native AmericanChatelain, Henry Abraham1720A+60.00
739Carte des Pavillons Accompagnee d'Observations pour en Faire Comprendre le Blazon et les Differentes Devises Aussy...Prints ShipsChatelain, Henry Abraham1720A400.00
740Nouvelle Carte pour Conduire a la Connoissance de la Marine et a Demontrer la Plus Part des Instrumens qui Serventa...Prints ShipsChatelain, Henry Abraham1720A800.00
741Marine, PavillonsPrints ShipsDiderot, Denis1778A60.00
742Marine, PavillonsPrints ShipsDiderot, Denis1778A55.00
743The Times [on sheet with] A Country Inn YardPrints SatireHogarth, William1800A100.00
744[Illuminated Leaf]Medieval ManuscriptsAnon.1250A100.00
745[Illuminated Leaf]Medieval ManuscriptsAnon.1250B+100.00
746[Illuminated Leaf]Medieval ManuscriptsAnon.1250Bunsold
747[Illuminated Leaf]Medieval ManuscriptsAnon.1460B+150.00
748[Illuminated Leaf]Medieval ManuscriptsAnon.1463A80.00
749[Illuminated Leaf]Medieval ManuscriptsAnon.1480B+120.00
750[Illuminated Leaf]Medieval ManuscriptsAnon.1500B+65.00
751[Bible Leaf - Ethiopian]ManuscriptsAnon.1900Bunsold
752[Bible Leaf - Ethiopian]ManuscriptsAnon.1900Bunsold
753[Lot of 2] CCXXXV [and] CCXXXVIIncunabulaSchedel, Hartmann1493B+65.00
754[Lot of 2] CCXXVIII [and] CCXXXIXIncunabulaSchedel, Hartmann1493A95.00
755[Lot of 2] CCXVIII [and] CCXIXIncunabulaSchedel, Hartmann1493B+65.00
756La Geografia di Claudio Tolomeo Alessandrino...AtlasesPtolemy/Ruscelli1574B9000.00
757Atlas Portatif, Universel et Militaire, Compose d'Apres les Meilleures Cartes...AtlasesRobert de Vaugondy1748B+1200.00
758Le Pilote des Iles Britanniques, Publie d'Apres les Ordres du Vice-Amiral Decres, Ministre de la Marine et des Colonies, par le Depot General de la MarineAtlasesDepot de la Marine1804A2350.00
759Nouvel Atlas Portatif et Classique de Geographie Ancienne et Moderne...AtlasesLanglois, Hyacinthe1807B+unsold
760A New American Atlas, Designed Principally to Illustrate the Geography of the United States of North America...AtlasesFinley, Anthony1826B1800.00
761An Historical Atlas; in a Series of Maps of the World as Known at Different Periods...Atlases1830A1500.00
762Olney's School AtlasAtlasesOlney, A. N.1844B200.00
763Atlas pour Servir a l'Intelligence des Campagnes de la Revolution Francaise de M. ThiersAtlasesDuvotenay, Thunot1846B+unsold
764Atlas de la Geographie Universelle ou Description de Toutes les Parties du Monde sur un Plan Nouveau d'Apres les Grandes Divisions Naturelles du GlobeAtlasesMalte-Brun, Conrad1863B+300.00
765Black's General Atlas of the World - New Edition - A Series of Fifty-Six Maps Containing the Latest Discoveries and New Boundaries Accompanied by Introductory Description and IndexAtlasesBlack, Adam & Charles1867B+unsold
766Asher & Adams' New Statistical and Topographical Atlas of the United States…AtlasesAsher & Adams1872B+unsold
767The People's Illustrated & Descriptive Family Atlas of the World IndexedAtlasesPeople's Publishing Co.1885A220.00
768[Lot of 2] Our U.S.A. - A Gay Geography [and] United Air Lines - A Gay Geography of the Main Line AirwayAtlasesWhite, Ruth Taylor19381200.00
769Nuclei Historiae Universalis, cum Sacrae, tum Prophanae ad Dies, Annosque Relatae...Geography BooksBucelin, Gabriel1664A1500.00
770Description des Isles et Terres que l'Angleterre Possede en Amerique avec de Nouvelles Cartes de Chaque Isle && des TerresGeography BooksBlome, Richard1715B+unsold
771Geografia Universale del Padre Claudio Buffier...Geography BooksBuffier, Claude1761B+unsold
772De Gedenkwaardige en al-om Beroemde Voyagien der Spanjaarden na West-Indien...Exploration & Surveys, West IndiesAa, Pieter van der17062750.00
773Allerhand so Lehr: als Geist: Reiche Brief/ Schrifften und Reis: Beschreibungen/ Welche von Denen Missionariis der Gesellschafft Jesu...Exploration & Surveys, California1726Aunsold
774Voyage dans l'Interieur de la Chine, et en Tartarie, fait dans les Annees 1792, 1793 et 1794, par Lord Macartney...Exploration & Surveys, China1804B+1100.00
775[2 Volumes] Travels Through the States of North America, and the Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada, During the Years 1795, 1796, and 1797Exploration & Surveys, North AmericaWeld, Isaac1807B+500.00
776[Lot of 4] [2 Volumes] Researches, Concerning the Institutions & Monuments of the Ancient Inhabitants of America...[and] [2 Volumes] Personal Narrative of Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of the New ContinentExploration & Surveys, AmericasHumboldt, Friedrich Heinrich Alexander von1814A650.00
777Narrative of a Second Expedition to the Shores of the Polar Sea, in the Years 1825, 1826, and 1827Exploration & Surveys, ArcticFranklin, John [Rear Admiral Sir]1828A500.00
778[2 Volumes] Narrative of a Voyage to the Pacific and Beering's Strait, to Co-Operate with the Polar Expeditions: Performed in His Majesty's Ship Blossom...Exploration & Surveys, Northwestern North AmericaBeechey, Frederick William1831B+unsold
779Narrative of the Exploring Expedition to the Rocky Mountains, in the Year 1842, and to Oregon and North California, in the Years 1843-44 [with map] Map of the Western & Middle Portions of North America...Exploration & Surveys, Western North AmericaFremont, John Charles1846B400.00
780[GLO Atlas] Message of the President of the United States to the Two Houses of Congress at the Commencement of the Second Session of the Thiry-Seventh Congress Volume IV. MapsExploration & Surveys, Western United StatesGeneral Land Office1861B300.00
781Chronographia, o Reportorio de los Tiepos, el Mas Copioso y Preciso q Hasta Ahora ha Salido...History BooksChaves, Geronimo de1566B+1500.00
782Methode pour Etudier l'Histoire, avec un Catalogue des Principaux Historiens, & des Remarques sur la Bonte de Leurs Ouvrages ... Tome VHistory Books1735A250.00
783The American Lawyer, and Business-Man's Form-Book; Containing Forms and Instructions...Miscellaneous BooksBeadle, D. W.1851A70.00
784Bibliotecha Americana Vetustissima: A Description of Works Relating to America Published Between the Years 1492 and 1551 - AdditionsReferences1872B12.00
785Old Decorative Maps and ChartsReferencesHumphreys, A.L.1926B+210.00
786Early Maps of the Ohio Valley - A Selection of Maps, Plans, and Views Made by Indians and Colonials from 1673 to 1783ReferencesBrown, Lloyd Arnold1959A100.00
787[2 Volumes] A Dictionary of Books Relating to America, from Its Discovery to the Present TimeReferences1960B+110.00
788[Lot of 2] [Facsimile] The English Pilot - The Fourth Book [and] A Carto-Bibliographical Study of the English Pilot - The Fourth Book with Special Reference to the Charts of VirginiaReferences1960-67Aunsold
789The Baltic Sea in Ancient MapsReferences1961B+55.00
790Kino and the Cartography of Northwestern New SpainReferencesBurrus, Ernest J.1965B+150.00
791[Facsimile] The Mariners MirrourReferencesWaghenaer, Lucas Jansz1966B+unsold
792[7 Volumes and Index] The Celebrated Collection of Americana Formed by the Late Thomas Winthrop Streeter...ReferencesParke-Bernet Galleries1966-70B+unsold
793The Cartography of the Northwest Coast of America to the Year 1800ReferencesWagner, Henry R.1968B+unsold
794Maps and Charts Published in America Before 1800 - A BibliographyReferencesWheat and Brun1969A75.00
795[Facsimile] Blaeu's Atlas of England Scotland Wales and Ireland...ReferencesBlaeu, (Family)1970A240.00
796California as an Island - An Illustrated EssayReferences1972B+unsold
797The Southeast in Early Maps with an Annotated Check List of Printed and Manuscript Regional and Local Maps of Southeastern North America During the Colonial PeriodReferencesCumming, William P.1973Bunsold
798[Book and Portfolio] A Description of the Country Virginia's Cartographers and Their Maps 1607-1881References1975B+95.00
799[Lot of 2] The Mapping of America [and] The United States in Old Maps and PrintsReferences1980-9060.00
800Views and Viewmakers of Urban America...ReferencesReps, John W.1984A75.00
801Les Atlas Francais XVIe-XVIIe Siecles Repertoire Bibliographique et EtudeReferences1984A500.00
802The Mapping of the World - Early Printed World Maps 1472-1700ReferencesShirley, Rodney W.1987A300.00
803[Lot of 2] Cartographia - Mapping Civilizations [and] Antique Maps and ChartsReferences1989-200742.00
804Joan Blaeu Wielki Atlas XVII - Wiecznego SwiataReferencesGoss, John1992B120.00
805Shedding the Veil - Mapping the European Discovery of America and the WorldReferencesSuarez, Thomas1992A90.00
806[2 Volumes] The History of Cartography - Volume Two, Book One - Cartography in the Traditional Islamic and South Asian Societies [and] ... Volume Two, Book Two - Cartography in the Traditional East and Southeast Asian SocietiesReferencesWoodward, David1992-94Aunsold
807Mapmakers of the Sixteenth Century and Their Maps - Bio-Bibliographies of the Cartographers of Abraham Ortelius, 1570References1993B+100.00
808Early Printed Maps of Canada I. 1540-1703ReferencesKershaw, Kenneth A.1993A80.00
809Mialhe's Colonial Cuba - The Prints That Shaped the World's View of CubaReferences, Cuba1994A100.00
810The Maps of the California Gold Region 1848-1857 - A Biblio-Cartography of an Important DecadeReferencesWheat, Carl I.1995A35.00
811[Lot of 2] Mercator's World The Magazine of Maps, Atlases, Globes and Charts Volume 1, Issues 4 & 5References1996A21.00
812[6 Volumes] The Iconography of Manhattan Island 1498-1909 Compiled from Original Sources and Illustrated by Photo-Intaglio...References1998Aunsold
813Terrestrial and Celestial Globes - Their History and Construction Including a Consideration of Their Value as Aids in the Study of Geography and Astronomy - Volumes I and IIReferencesStevenson, Edward Luther1998A75.00