Index of Lots for Auction 91

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Lot #TitleSubjectCreatorPeriodConditionSold For
1Gerardus Mercator...Iudocus Hondius...Title Page - Portrait1620B2500.00
2Francisci Haraei Annales Ducum Sev Principum Brabantiae Totiusq. Belgii Tomus tertius…Title Page1623A230.00
3De Bello BelgicoTitle Page1648A+475.00
4AtlasTitle Page1670A350.00
5Le Neptune Francois, ou Atlas Nouveau des Cartes MarinesTitle Page1693A160.00
6Le Nouveau & Grand Illuminant Flambeau de la Mer, La Premiere PartieTitle Page1698A200.00
7Table des Cartes etc. du Sr. Sanson Contenues Dans ce VollumeTitle PageMortier, Pierre1700Aunsold
8Atlas Historique Tome ITitle Page1739A+230.00
9Atlas Coelestis in quo Mundus Spectabilis…Title Page1742A140.00
10Atlas EcclesiastiqueTitle Page1766A+70.00
11Afbeelding der Vreugdebedryven en Plegtigheden…Frontispiece1768-72A110.00
12Atlante Novissiomo Tomo ITitle Page1779A200.00
13The Illustrated Atlas, and Modern History of the World Geographical, Political, Commercial & StatisticalTitle Page1850B65.00
14Ptolemaisch General Tafel Begreissend die Halbe Kugel der WeltWorld1550A1800.00
15Typus Orbis TerrarumWorldMunster/Belleforest1575A+unsold
16Nova Totius Terrarum Orbis Geographica Ac Hydrographica TabulaWorld1640A+21500.00
17Orbis Terrarum Tabula Recens Emendata et in Lucem Edita per N. VisscherWorld1663A2300.00
18Typus Orbis TerrarumWorld1674A950.00
19Orbis Terrarum Tabula Recens Emendata et in Lucem EditaWorld1686A2750.00
20Mappe-Monde ou Carte Generale du Globe Terrestre, Representee en deux Plan-Hemispheres…World1692A+1000.00
21Planisphaerium Terrestre sive Terrarum Orbis…World1696A+3250.00
22Carte Generale du Monde ou Description du Monde Terrestre & AquatiqueWorld1700A+800.00
23Orbis Terrarum Tabula Recens Emendata et in Lucem EditaWorld1702A+2300.00
24Mappemonde ou Description Generale du Globe TerrestreWorld1705A+1100.00
26Werreldt KaertWorld1718A+1800.00
27Planiglobii Terrestris Cum Utroqu Hemisphaerio Caelesti Generalis ExhibitioWorld1740A2100.00
28Basis Geographie Recentiories AstronomicaWorldDoppelmayr/Homann1742Bunsold
30Set of four maps - Europa Poly-Glotta…/Asia Poly Glotta…/Africa Poly Glotta…/America cum Supplementis Poly-GlottisContinents1741A800.00
31Globus TerrestrisWorldProbst, Johann Michael1746Aunsold
33Mappa Utriusque Terrae…World1753A700.00
34Carte Reduite des Parties Connues du Globe Terrestre, Dressee au Depost des Cartes Plans et Journaus de la Marine pour le Service des Vaisseaux du Roy…World1755A1900.00
35Mappemonde ou Description du Globe Terrestre assujette aux Observations Astronomiques Par le St. Janvier GeographeWorld1760A600.00
36Hemisphere Occidental ou du Nouveau Monde [together with] Hemisphere Oriental ou de l'Ancien MondeWorld1761B600.00
37Mappe Monde suivant la projection des cartes rediutesWorld1778A+300.00
38A New and Accurate Map of the World, Comprehending all the New Discoveries, in Both Hemispheres, carefully brought down to the Present YearWorld1782B400.00
40Mappe-Monde ou Description du Globe Terrestre suivant les nouvelle decouvertesWorld1816A95.00
41Mappe-Monde en deux HemispheresWorld1830A40.00
42Mappe-Monde ou Carte Generale du Globe TerrestreWorld1832A+70.00
43Eastern Hemisphere/ Western HemisphereWorld1846A100.00
45The World on Mercator's Projection West & East (2 sheets]World1870A25.00
46Mappemonde en deux HemispheresWorld1876A80.00
47General Map of the World on Mercator's ProjectionWorld1930A+25.00
48Erythraei Sive Rubri Maris PeriplusAncient WorldOrtelius, Abraham1601-08A+650.00
49Septentrionalium Terrarum descriptioNorth Pole1623B1800.00
50Polus Arcticus cum vicinis regionibusNorth Pole1607-21A300.00
51Continent Meridional Australe ou AntarctiqueSouth PoleMallet, Alain Manesson1686Bunsold
52Orbis Universalis Descriptio …Cartographic Miscellany1540B140.00
53VolvelleCartographic Miscellany1657A+65.00
54Carte qui Continent la Maniere Don’t se Fait la Chasse des Boeufs Souvages et des Elans, le Grand Saut de la Riviere de Niagara, la Danse du Calumet avec sa Description, et l'Esplication de Armoiries de Quelques Sauvauges du CanadaCartographic Miscellany1720A+300.00
55Schematismus Geographiae Mathematical…Cartographic Miscellany1753A180.00
56Lot of 5 miniature mapsWorld, miscellaneous1832A+140.00
57Lot of 14 mapsWorld, miscellaneous1862A190.00
58Globe Celeste Coeli Enarrant Gloriam DelCelestial1700A+600.00
59Planisphaerium Caeleste Secundum Restitutionem Hevellianam et HallejanamCelestial1705B1700.00
60Nouvelle Carte de la Sphere pour faire connoitre les divers mouvemens des planetes et leurs diverses revolutionsSolar SystemChatelain, Henry Abraham1710A+210.00
61Hemisphere Septentrional [together with] Hemisphere MeridionalCelestial1720A+210.00
62Tabula SelenographicaCelestial1740A+1300.00
63Sphere ArmillaireCelestial1780A+250.00
64Stereographischer Entwurf des Gestirnten HimmelsCelestial1787A+1100.00
65Americae Sive Novi Orbis Nova DescriptioWestern Hemisphere1588A1700.00
66Americae Descrip.Western Hemisphere1607-21A600.00
67America sive India NovaWestern Hemisphere1613A+6000.00
68Americae nova TabulaWestern Hemisphere1640A7500.00
69Novissima et Accuratissima Totius Americae DescriptioWestern Hemisphere1680A+3250.00
70America, of Nieuw-Ontdekte Weereld, to de Beschryving van Joseph d'Acosta afgebakendWestern Hemisphere1706A+850.00
71Americae Mappa generalisWestern Hemisphere1746B650.00
72Nieuwe kaart van AmericaWestern Hemisphere1765B150.00
73Karte von Amerika nach d'Anville und Pownall Neu verzeichnet herausgebenWestern HemisphereVon Reilly, Franz1795Aunsold
74L'Amerique Moderne en 1812Western Hemisphere1812A100.00
75Amerique Septentrionale Par N. Sanson d'Abbeville Geog. Du Roy A Paris Chez l'Auteur et chez Pierre Mariette rue S. Iacques a l Esperace 1650North America1669A+2750.00
76A New Mapp of America Septentrionale Designed by Mousieu Sanson Geographer to the French King, and Rendered into English, and Illustrated by Richard Blome…North America1682A2200.00
77America BorealisNorth America1699A+1600.00
78Idea Naturalis America Borealis Digito dei Formata Geographice PropositaNorth America1700A+1700.00
79Amerique Septentrionale Par le Sr. Sanson d'Abbeville Georgraphe du RoyNorth America1705A900.00
80L' Amerique Septentrionale divisée en ses principaux EtatsNorth America1762A+600.00
81Carte Generale des descouverte de l'Amiral de Fonte representant la grande probabilite d'un Passage au Nord Ouest par Thomas Jefferys Geographe de Roi a Londres 1768North America1777A+600.00
82Carte Generale des Decouvertes de l'Amiral de Fonte et autres Navigateurs Espagnols Anglios et Russes pour la recherche du Passage a la Mer du Sud Par M. De I'Lsle de l'Acadmie royale des Sciences &c. Publiee a Paris en Septembre 1752North America1777A+550.00
83Carte de la Californie et des pays Nord-Ouest separes de l'Asie par la Detroit D'AnianWestern North America1777A275.00
84Partie de la carte du Captaine Cluny auteur d'une ouvrage Anglois Intitute American Traveller publie a London en 1769North America1777A210.00
85Carte des parties Nord et Ouest de l'Ameriques dressee d'apres les relations les plus authentiquesNorth America1777A350.00
86North AmericaNorth America1810B60.00
87North AmericaNorth America1860B35.00
88La Terra de Hochelaga Nella Nova FranciaCanada1556A950.00
89Le Canada ou Partie de la nouvelle France, Contenant la Terre de Labrador la Nouvelle France, les Isles de Terra Neuve, de Nostre Dame &c.CanadaMortier, Pierre1693A+1800.00
90Sheet 2 [A Map of the British Empire in America…]Canada1733A450.00
91A New and Correct Chart of the North Part of America from Newfoundland to Hudson's BayCanada1753-75B400.00
92Baye de Hudson et Pays VoisinsCanada1763A+210.00
93Partie du Fleuve de Saint Laurent avec le Bassin de Quebec et l'Isle d'Orleans [together with] Partie du Fleuve St Laurent avec le Passage de la Travers et les Isles VoisinesCanada1764A+275.00
94Plan de la Ville de QuebecCanada1764A240.00
95Quebek, De Hoofdstad van Kanada aan de Rivier van S.' Laurens: door de Engelsen belegerd en by verdrag bemagtigd in 't jaar 1759.Canada1769A+240.00
97East Canada, and New BrunswickCanada1851A+275.00
98Map of the New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Cape Breton, and New Foundland Coal FieldsCanada1855A+30.00
99The Course of the River St Laurence, from Lake Ontario to Manicougan Point./ United States of AmericaCanada and United States1817A275.00
100Embouchure du Fleuve MackensieCanada and Alaska1825-27A250.00
101Lot of 5 mapsCanada and United States1860B170.00
102Pascaerte van Terra Nova, Nova Francia Nieuw Engeland en de Groote Revier van CanadaCanada and United States1675A+6000.00
103Le Canada saict par le St. de Champlain ou sont la Nouvelle France, la Nouvelle Angleterre, la Nouvelle Holande, la Nouvelle Suede, la Virginie &c….Colonial Canada and United States1677A+7500.00
104Costes et Rivieres de Virginie, de Mariland et de Nouvelle, AngletereColonial Canada and United States1684A850.00
105Partie Orientale du Canada ou de la Nouvelle France ou sont les Provinces, du Pays de Sagvenay, Canada, Acadie ect…Colonial Canada and United States1689A5000.00
106Le Canada, ou Nouvelle France, la Floride, la Virginie, Pensilvanie, Caroline, Nouvelle Angleterre et Nouvelle Yorck, l'Isle de Terre Neuve, la Louisiane et le cours de la Riviere de MisisipiColonial Canada and United States1705A+950.00
107Nova Tabula Geographica Complectens Borealiorem Americae Partem; in qua exacte delineatae sunt Canada sive Nova Francia, Nova Scotia, Nova Anglia, Novum Belgium, Pensylvania, Virginia, Carolina, et Terra Nova…Colonial Canada and United States1717-19A1900.00
108Carte de la Nouvelle France, ou se voit le cours des Grandes Rivieres de S. Laurens & de Mississipi aujour d'hui S. Louis, Aux Environs desquelles se trouvent les Etats, Pays, Nations, Peuples & c…Colonial Canada and United States1719A2400.00
109Accurata delineatio celeberrimae Regionis Ludovicianae vel Gallice Louisiane ol Canadae et Floridae…Colonial Canada and United States1730A+1900.00
110Sheet 1 [A Map of the British Empire in America…]Colonial Canada and United States1733A700.00
111A Map of New France Containing Canada, Louisiana &c. in Nth. America According to the Patent granted by the King of France to Monsieur Crozat, dated the 14th of Sep. 1712 N.S. and registered in the Parliament of Paris the 24th of the same MonthColonial Canada and United States1745A450.00
112Partie de l'Amerique Septent? Qui comprend la Nouvelle France ou le Canada…Colonial Canada and United States1755A+850.00
113Carte des Possessions Angloises & Francoises du Continent de l'Amerique Septentrionale…Colonial Canada and United States1755A2100.00
114Virginia et FloridaColonial United States1607-21A450.00
115A New Map of the English Empire in America viz Virginia, Maryland, Carolina, Pennsylvania, New York, New Iarsey, New England, Newfoulndland, New France &cColonial United States1695A+11000.00
116Carte que les Gnacsitares ont Dessine…Carte de la Riviere Longue et de Quelques Autres…Colonial United States1703A+1400.00
117'T Amerikaans Newest van Florida Door Ferdinand de Soto Nader Ontdekt en groot deels Bemagtigd.Colonial United States1714A650.00
118FlorideColonial United States1719A250.00
119VirginieColonial United States1719A230.00
120Nieuwe en Nauwkeurige Kaart van een gedeelte van Noord Amerika, behelzende Nieuw Engeland, New York, Pensylvania, New Jersey, Connecticut, Rhode Island, een Stuk van Virginia, Kanada en HalifaxColonial United StatesKalm, Peter1772Aunsold
121Neue Charte von Pensylvanien, Maryland, Nord und Sud-Carolina, Georgien, Florida u Luisiana Nach den Zeichnungen derer Herren W. Scull, I. Frey, P. Yefferson, H. Mouzon, Leist, Rosf und d'AnvilleColonial United States1775B300.00
122Il Paese de' Selvaggi Outauacesi e Kilistinesi Intorno al Lago SuperioreColonial United States1778-9A+210.00
123A New Map of North AmericaColonial United States and CanadaAnon.1779-80A+unsold
124Carte de la Partie Nord des Etats Unis, de l'Amerique SeptentrionaleColonial United States1780A+190.00
125Various plans and Draughts of Cities, Towns, Harbours.Colonial United States1782A+325.00
126Lot of 6 mapsUnited States1838-41C190.00
127New Military Map of the United States showing the Forts, Military Posts &c. with Enlarged Plans of Southern Harbors…United States1865A325.00
128Map of the United States Showing the Progress of the Topographic Survey during the fiscal year 1887-8United States1888A+60.00
129[Lot of 6 maps]United StatesRand McNally & Co.1895A+80.00
130Carte des Etats-Unis de l'Amerique Suivant le Traite de Paix de…Dediee et Presentee a S. Excellence Mr. Benjamin Franklin…Eastern United States1784A2750.00
131General Karte von Nord America samt den West Indischen Inseln Verasst von Herrn PownallEastern United States1788A550.00
132A New and General Map of the Middle Dominions Belonging to the United States of America viz. Virginia, Maryland, the Delaware-Counties, Pennsylvania, New Jersy, &c with the Addition of New York, & of the Greatest Part of New England &c…Eastern United States1794A1000.00
133Partie des Etats Unis No 43Northeastern United States1825A250.00
134United StatesEastern United States1840B80.00
135Carte de la LouisianeColonial SouthAnville, Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d'1752A+unsold
136Carte d'une partie des Cotes de la Floride et de la Louisiane, contenant le Cours du Mississipi, Depuis ses Embouchures jusqu a la Riviere Rouge, l'Entrée de la Mobile, et les Baies de Pensacola, de Ste. Rose et de S. Joseph…Southern United States1778A700.00
137Map of the route passed over by an Expedition into the Indian Country in 1832 to the Source of the MississippiCentral United States1834A+400.00
138Lands Ceded by Sioux, Sacs, Foxes, Otoes, Ioways & C. in 1825Central United States1836A550.00
139Map showing the lands assigned to Emigrant Indians west of Arkansas & MissouriCentral United States1860C275.00
140[Pair of maps] - Map Illustrating the plan of the defenses of the Western & North Western Frontier…Central United States1860A+475.00
141Map of the States of Kansas and Texas and Indian Territory with parts of the Territories of Colorado and New MexicoCentral United States1891-95A+110.00
142Map of the United States Territory of Oregon West of the Rocky Mountains Exhibiting the Various Trading Depots or Forts Occupied by the British Hudson Bay Company, connected with the Western and northwestern Fur TradeNorthwestern United States1838A275.00
143Map of Oregon TerritoryNorthwestern United States1841A400.00
144Map of CaliforniaWestern United States1841A275.00
145Map of the Route Pursued by the Late Expedition under the command of Co. S.W. Kearny, U.S. 1st DragoonsWestern United States1879A250.00
146Nouveau Mexique et CalifornieSouthwestern United States1683A650.00
147Preliminary Map of the Western Portion of the Reconnaissance and Survey for a Pacific Railroad Route near the 35th Par.Southwestern United States1857-8A210.00
148Sketch of the Country between South Pass and the Great Salt LakeWestern United States1860B55.00
149Territory of ArizonaArizona1901A220.00
150Sketch of General Riley's Route through the Mining Districts July & August 1849. Lt Derby 1850.California & Gold Rush1850A+800.00
151Topographical Sketch of the Gold & Quicksilver District of CaliforniaCalifornia1848A650.00
152City of San Francisco and its Vicinity, CaliforniaCalifornia1853A+325.00
153Lot of three plansDistrict of Columbia and Maryland1854A22.00
154Map of the Hawaiian Group or Sandwich IslandsHawaii1841B110.00
155Map of IllinoisIllinois1906A+65.00
157Harbor of DubuqueIowa1854B25.00
158Grondvlakte von Nieuw Orleans, de Hoofdstad van LouisianaLouisiana1763B800.00
160Barnstable Harbor MassachusettsMassachusetts1861B350.00
161Massachusetts Plymouth SheetMassachusetts1887A+110.00
162Massachusetts New Bedford SheetMassachusetts1887B110.00
163Massachusetts Provincetown SheetMassachusetts1887A32.50
164Survey of Havre Bay, Michigan. Surveyed by Lieuts. A. J. Center and E. Rose, U. S. Army. 1836. Drawn by J. M. Berrien.Michigan - Ohio1836A60.00
165Lake Superior and the Northern Part of MichiganMichigan1855B80.00
166The points where private claims conflict with the Plan of the City are indicated by dotted linesMichigan - DetroitAnon.1860Bunsold
167Plan of Detroit by John Mullett 1830Michigan1860A+275.00
168Map of the Military Department of New MexicoNew Mexico and Arizona1895A70.00
169Lot of 10 mapsNew York and Pennsylvania1854A65.00
170Map of the Former Territorial Limits of the Cherokee "Nation of" Indians… [together with] Map of the Territory Originally Assigned to the Cherokee "Nation of" Indians West of the Mississippi…Oklahoma1884A350.00
171Map of the Group of Anthracite Basins in PennsylvaniaPennsylvania1855A+15.00
172Plan of PhiladelphiaPennsylvaniaMitchell, S. A.1860A60.00
173South CarolinaSouth Carolina1838A+160.00
174Map Showing the Route of the Arkansas Regiment from Shreveport La. to San Antonio de Bexar, TexasTexas1846-50B350.00
175Appomatox Court HouseVirginia1867A90.00
176Topographical Map of the Yosemite Valley and VicinityCalifornia1883A140.00
177An Accurate Map of the West Indies Drawn form the best Authorities…Colonial United States and West Indies1763A650.00
178Hispania NovaMexico1607-21A+200.00
179Land Togten door Ferdinand Cortes Aan de Golf van Nieuw Spanje Ter Bemagtiging van Tlascale Mexico en Aangrenzende Landschappen gedaanMexico1714A+750.00
180Three maps of PanamaPanama1769A+210.00
181Atlantic & Pacific Junction - Topographical Map of the portion of the Isthmus of Darien in site of Proposed Inter-Oceanic Navigation, August, 1852Panama1854B55.00
182Cuba Insul/HispaniolaCaribbeanMercator/Hondius1607-21A475.00
183De Groote ende Kleyne Eylanden van West-IndienCaribbean1630A+1400.00
184Isle St. Christophle un des antilles aux anglois/La Barbade une des antilles aux anglois divisee par ParoissesCaribbean1750B50.00
185Carte du Golphe du Méxique et des Isles de l'AmériqueCaribbean1754A400.00
186Carte de l' Isle de la GrenadeCaribbean1758A+55.00
187Karte von der Insel St. ChristophCaribbean1759A90.00
188Carte de l'Isle de la Martinique, Colonie Francoise dans les Isles AntillesCaribbean1780B40.00
189Carte de l'Isle de la Martinique Colonie Francoise dans les Isles AntillesCaribbean1780B80.00
190Map of the Island of St. Christopher'sCaribbean1794A65.00
191Carte de l'' Isle de la BarbadeCaribbean1795A+50.00
192Map of the Island of TobagoCaribbean1799A95.00
193West IndiesCaribbean1808A100.00
194America MeridionalisSouth America1620A325.00
195Pais qui sont Aux Environs de la Riviere de la Plata et du Pais des PatagonsSouth America1683A120.00
196Amerique Meridiionale Publiee sous les Auspices de Monseigneur le Duc d'Orleans Premeer Prince du SangSouth America1758A400.00
197Corso del Fiume dell Amazoni Descritto Dal P. Cosmografo Coronelli, e Dedicato All 'Illustrissimo Signore Alessandro de Verazzano Nobile FiorentinoNorthern South America1691B550.00
198Il Cuscho Citta Principale Della Provinci del PeruPeru1595A300.00
199Peruani Regni DescriptioPeru1605A325.00
202Provincien van de Straet van Magallanes, ende vande Straet le MaireSouthern South America1630A1100.00
203A Map of Chili, Patagonia, Part of La Plata &c.Southern South America1740A75.00
205'T Noorder Gedeelte van Virginie, door Bartholomeus Gosnol en Martin Pringe uyt Engeland bevaarenAtlantic1714A+325.00
206Island (Islandia)Iceland1607-21A+325.00
207Pas-Caart vande Soute Eylanden, oste Ilhas de Cabo VerdeCape Verde Islands1664B550.00
208Angra op TerceraAzores1670A+200.00
209Baie de Baffin, No. 3Greenland1825-27A200.00
210Nieuwe Kaart Van het Oostelykfte Deel der Weereld…Eastern Hemisphere1755A+200.00
212Europeam sive Celtican Veterem, sic describere conabar Abrahamus OrteliusEurope1640A375.00
213Nouvelle Carte Marine de tous les Ports de l'Europe su l'Ocean et sur la Mediterranee…Europe1670A650.00
214Seconde Partie de la Carte d'Europe contenant le Danemark et la Norwege, la Suede, et la Russie (a l'acception de l'Ukraine)Northern Europe1757B275.00
215GermaniaCentral Europe1575A+375.00
216GermaniaCentral Europe1607-21B50.00
217Das vierdtbuch Transilvania ZiebengurgenEastern Europe1575A90.00
218Troisieme Partie de la Carte d'Europe contenant le Midi de la Russie, la Pologne et la Hongrie, la Turquie y compris celle d'Asie presquentiereEastern Europe1760B275.00
219Les Isles Britanniques ou sont le Royaumes d'Angleterre…Britain1738B325.00
220Regnorum Magnae Britanniae et Hiberniae Mappa GeographicaBritish Isles1749A275.00
221The Bishopprick of DurhamEngland1630A75.00
223Magnae Britanniae Pars Meridionalis in qua Regnum Angliae tam in Septem Anitiqua Anglo-Saxonum Regna quam in omnes Hodiernas Regiones…England and Wales1746A+375.00
224A New Map of Westmoreland Divided into Wards Exhibiting its Roads, Rivers, Parks, &c.EnglandCary, George1818Aunsold
225Mogg's New Map of the Country Forty-Five Miles Round London…England1827B100.00
226The Environs of LondonEngland1840B25.00
227Cruchley's New Travelling Map and Itinerary Comprising the whole of England, with part of Scotland and Ireland and a Portion of France and the Netherlands shewing the Communication between London and ParisEngland1841A75.00
232SchondiaNorth AtlanticZiegler, Jacob1532-36Aunsold
233Suecia, et Norwegia etc.Scandinavia1608A200.00
234Sweden and Norway Agreeable to Modern HistoryScandinavia1740A110.00
236Denmark Agreeable to Modern HistoryDenmark1740A75.00
237GeldriaThe Netherlands1623A120.00
238Zutphania ComitatusThe Netherlands1635A110.00
239Ultraiectum DominiumThe Netherlands1640A300.00
240Belgii Veteris Typus ex Conatibus Geographicis Abraham OrteliiBelgium and The Netherlands1642B240.00
241Francorum Primae SedesBelgium and The NetherlandsAnon.1647Aunsold
242Set of three fortification plansBelgium and The Netherlands1692B100.00
243Carte des Pays Bas Catholiques…Belgium and The NetherlandsDelisle, Guillaume1702Bunsold
244Flanders or the Spanish Netherlands with ye Archbishoprick of Cambresis and Bishoprick of LyegeBelgium and The Netherlands1740A55.00
245Belgium Catholicum seu Decem Provinciae Germaniae Inferioris cum consiniis Germaniae sup. Et Franciae…Belgium and The Netherlands1747A180.00
246Nouvelle Carte de l'Ancienne Belgique et Contrees Voisines Par M. Des RochesBelgium and The NetherlandsAnon.1780Bunsold
247Leodiensis Dioecesis TypusBelgium1595A+400.00
248Li Paesi Bassi AustriaciBelgium1792A150.00
249A New Map of the Netherlands, also of that part of Germany Westward of the Rhine as ceded to the French and Divided into their several Departments from the Latest AuthoritiesBelgium and Luxemborg1804B140.00
251Touraine - Turonensis Ducatus et Confinium Galliae Celticae Descriptio.France1603A300.00
253Galliae Veteris TypusFranceOrtelius, Abraham1624A350.00
254Le Royaume de France Divisee Par DiocesesFrance1695B230.00
255La France Divisee par GeneralitezFrance1700B100.00
256France Divided into ProvincesFrance1808A20.00
257Von dem Teutschen landSwitzerland1575A120.00
259Von dem Schwaben land…Germany1575A+95.00
261Westphaliae Tabula IIGermany1623A190.00
263Electoratus Hanoverani cum ditionibus et praefecturis suis nova det accurata delin:Germany1730A600.00
264Saxoniae Inferioris Circulus… [together with] Saxoniae Superioris Circulus…Germany1742A150.00
265A New Map of the Circle of Lower Saxony From the Latest AuthoritiesGermanyCary, George1801Cunsold
266Germany Part I and IIGermany1844A30.00
267Prussia and MecklenburgGermanyWeller, E.1870Aunsold
268Russiae, Moscoviae et Tartatiae DescriptioRussia1572-73A1300.00
271Les Cotes de la Grece et l'ArchipelGreece1761B170.00
272Carte de la Grece Ancienne de la Mer Egee et des Cotes occidentales de l'Asie MineureGreece1850B30.00
273Ionian Isles and GreeceGreece1850A75.00
274Tabula Europae VItaly1545A350.00
275Caprarola Arx et Horti FarnesianiItaly1598A250.00
276L'Italie Publiee sous les Auspices de Monseigneur le Duc d'Orleans Premier Prince du SangItalyAnville, Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d'1743Bunsold
277A New Map of Piedmont, the Duchies of Savoy and Milan; and the Repulic of Genoa; with their Subdivisions, from the Latest AuthoritiesItaly1799C65.00
278Hispaniae Regionis Nova DescriptioSpain and Portugal1550B275.00
279L'Espagne suivant Nouvelle Observations…/Le Portugal Suivant les Nouvelles Observations…Spain and Portugal1713A450.00
280Regnum Portugalliae Divisum in Quinque Provincias majores & Subdivisum in sua quaeque Territoria una cum Regno Algarbiae ...Per Ioh. Bapt. Homanium…Portugal1736A210.00
282Set of three mapsPortugal1833A+95.00
283Prospect der Statt Candia/Das Bollwerct Sabionira…/Des Bollwerck St. Andreae…Mediterranean1700A+75.00
284De Beschryvingh Reysen Pauli en Van de Andere ApostelenMediterranean1702A+325.00
287De l'' Asie, Figure IIIAsia1683A75.00
288A New Map of Present AsiaAsia1703B200.00
289Nuova Carta Dell Asia secondo le ultuime osservazioni sata in Amsterdam apresso Isac TirionAsia1740-50A+450.00
291Carte Historique, Cronologique, Geographique de l'Empire Grec, avec des Remarques sur les Conquestes d'Alexander le Grand, Foudateur de Cette EmpireNear and Middle East1705A+300.00
292Carte dela Situation du Paradis Terrestre, Et des Pais Habitez par les Patriarches Dressee pour bien entendre l'Histoire Sainte, Par Messire Pierre Daniel HuetMiddle East1700A+210.00
293De Gelegentheyt van 't Paradys en 't Landt Canaan, Mitsgaders d' Eerst…Near and Middle East1702A+230.00
294Golfe Arabique ou Mer RougeMiddle EastAnville, Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d'1765Aunsold
295Constantinopel Galata und ScutariTurkeyVon Grundrif1850A120.00
296Dese vierde Caerte des heilyghen Landts … IsraelHoly Land1581B150.00
297Peregrinatio Israelitarum in DesertoHoly Land1608A+220.00
298IerusalemHoly Land1682A300.00
299Perigrinatie ofte Veertich-Iarige Teyse der Kinderen IsraelsHoly Land1702A+325.00
300IerusalemHoly Land1718A+250.00
301Jerusalem en syn TempelHoly Land1736A+500.00
302La Judee Depuis le Retour de la Captivite, et particulierement sous Herode le Grand et ses Enfans, Tems de N.S. Jesus-ChristHoly Land1795A+170.00
303Persia Agreeable to Modern HistoryIraq and Iran1740A100.00
304Essai d'une Nouvelle Carte de la Mer CaspienneCaspian Sea1760A75.00
305Nouvelle Representation de Cotes Nord et Est de l'Asia…concernent le Passage aux Indes par le NordNortheast Asia1777A70.00
306Troisieme Partie de la Carte d'Asie, contenant la Siberie, et Quelques Autres Parties de la TartarieRussia1753A300.00
307Map of Siberia to Illustrate Erman's RouteRussiaWalker, George H. & Co.1845D0.00
308De Kusten van Guzaratte, Malabar, Bengale en Malacca met die van't Matig Koninkrijk SiamSouthern Asia1727C180.00
309Premiere Partie de la Carte d'Asie contenant la Turquie, l'Arabie, la Perse, l'Inde en deca du Gange et de la Tartarie ce qui est limitrophe de la Perse et de l'IndeSouthern AsiaAnville, Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d'1751Bunsold
310Magni Mogolis ImperiumIndia and Pakistan1690A+300.00
311Carte de l'IndeIndia1752A300.00
313Geographical, Historical and Statistical map of IndiaIndia1820A47.50
314De Rivier Tigris of Cmoo-Keang van de Ladrone Eilanden tot aan de Stad CantonChina1830A+180.00
315Schets van het Schier Eiland Ou-Moon, de Ty-Pa en de haven van MacaoChina1830A95.00
317China According to the Newest and most Exact ObservationsChina, Korea and Japan1740A230.00
318Nuova Carta Dell' Imperio Dell a China e dei Pacfi circonviciniChina, Korea and Japan1740-50A400.00
319Geographical, Historical and Statistical map of ChinaChina, Korea and Japan1820A60.00
320Terres Arctiques & Terre de IessoJapan1683A+160.00
321Seconde Partie de la Carte d'Asie contenat la Chine et Partie de al Tartarie, l'Inde au dela du Gange, les Isles Sumatra, Java, Borneo, Moluques, Philippines, et du JaponChina, Japan and Southeast Asia1752A850.00
322A General Map of the East Indies and that part of China where the Europeans have any Settlements or commonly any TradeChina and Southeast Asia1780B170.00
323India OrientalisSoutheast Asia1607-21B210.00
324The Philippine Islands and others of the East Indies According to ye Newest ObservationsSoutheast AsiaMoll, Herman1745Bunsold
325The East Part of India or India beyond the R. GangesSoutheast Asia1745A230.00
326La Description d' Affrique …Africa1550A220.00
327Africae DescriptioAfrica1607-21A425.00
328L'Africa Divisa nelle sue Parti secondo le pui moderne relationi colle scoperte dell' origine, e corso del NiloAfrica1691B2100.00
329L'Afrique Dressee sur les Observations …Africa1708A1000.00
330L'Afrique Dressee Selon les derniere Relat. Et Suivenat les Nouvelles descouvertes don’t les Points Principauz Sont placez sur les Observations de Mrs. De l'Academie Royale des SciencesAfrica1717B375.00
331Africa Secundum Legitimas Projectionis Stereographicae regulas…Africa1737A+750.00
332Afrique Publiee sous les Auspices de Monseigneur de Duc d'Orleans Premier Prince du SangAfrica1749B600.00
333Africa North Part and Africa South PartAfrica1844A+30.00
334Fezzae et Marocchi Regna Africae CeleberrimaNorthern Africa1640A+400.00
335De Stadt Algiers La Ville D'AlgerNorthern Africa1700A275.00
336Algiers and Parts AdjacentNorthern Africa1749A27.50
337Egypte nommee dans le pays MissirEgypt1765A240.00
338Northern AfricaNorthern Africa1851A70.00
339GuineaWestern Africa1663A400.00
340Regna Congo et AngolaWestern Africa1671B200.00
341Carte Particuliere de la Cote Occidentale de l'Afrique Depuis le Cap Blanc jusqu'au Cap de Verga, et du Cours des Rivieres de Senega et de Gambie en ce qui est connu, Dressee pour la Compagnie des IndesWestern Africa1751A190.00
342Presbiteri Iohannis, Sive Abissinourm Imperii DescriptioCentral Africa1573B700.00
343Cape ColonySouth Africa1851A65.00
344Natal and KaffrariaSoutheastern Africa1851A60.00
345Carte des Nouvelles Decouvertes dressee Phil. Bauche…/Extrait d'une Carte Japonoise de l'UniversNorthern Pacific1777A+250.00
346Galli ad Portum Regalem perveniuntFlorida1598A+400.00
347VIIINative Americans1600A300.00
349Hers Thomas Dale lapt durch den…Virginia1600A+210.00
350The Rocky MountainsColorado1874A+15.00
351East Rock New HavenConnecticut1874A15.00
352Washington from Arlington HeightsDistrict of Columbia1874A25.00
353City of LouisvilleKentucky1874A20.00
354City of Baltimore (From Druid Hill Park)Maryland1874A+25.00
355City of BostonMassachusetts1874A+110.00
356On the Beverly Coast, MassachusettsMassachusetts1874Aunsold
357City of St. LouisMissouri1874A+unsold
358The Terrace Central ParkNew York1874Aunsold
359West point and the HighlandsNew York1874Aunsold
360City of New York from Brooklyn HeightsNew York1874A32.50
361City of CincinnatiOhio1874A+22.00
362Philadelphia from Belmont (West Park)Pennsylvania1874A+32.50
363City of MilwaukeeWisconsin1874A30.00
364Lot of 5 printsNew England1876A47.50
366Lot of 19 printsNear and Middle East1850-80A75.00
367Vue et Description de Bethleem et de Nazareth et de Plusieurs Singularitez Curieuses qui Sevoyent dans ces Lieux SaintsHoly Land1705A+130.00
368Vue & Description de l'Eglise du Saint Sepulchre tant par detours que par Dedans avec la Chapelle qu est le Tombeau de Notre SeigneurHoly Land1705A100.00
369The Shrine of the Annunciation, NazarethHoly Land1860A+47.50
370RamlaHoly Land1860A+60.00
371Jerusalem from the Road Leading to BethanyHoly Land1860A+100.00
372Nablous, Ancient ShechemHoly Land1860A+65.00
373Lot of 10Architecture1858A+85.00
374Musk Rat - MusquashAnimalsAudubon, J. J.1849Aunsold
376Lot of five printsBirds1880A+95.00
377N. 547Botanical1737-45A+40.00
378N. 457Botanical1737-45A+30.00
379N. 560Botanical1737-45B20.00
380N. 687Botanical1737-45A+30.00
381N. 636Botanical1737-45B30.00
382N. 823Botanical1737-45A+30.00
384Scottish HawkweedBotanical1740A21.00
385Lot of four engravingsBotanical1831A+130.00
386Tshusick - An Ojibway WomanNative Americans1832B475.00
387Naw-Kaw, A Winnegabo ChiefNative AmericansMcKenney and Hall1845Aunsold
390Toilette d'EteFashion1905A+20.00
391Manteau du soirFashion1909A+20.00
392Swiss GuardsMilitary1752Aunsold
393[Military Parade]MilitaryAnon.1753Aunsold
394Lot of Civil War engravingsMilitary1863B42.50
395Lot of Civil War engravingsMilitary1863B95.00
396Three Civil War engravingsMilitary1863-65A+45.00
397Lot of 30 Civil War illustrationsMilitary1864A50.00
398W.T. ShermanMilitary1865A+unsold
399G. A. CusterMilitary1865A+27.50
400R E LeeMilitary1865B30.00
401U.S. Army - Infantry Attacked by Indians 1876MilitaryWerner, W.1899Aunsold
402U.S. Army - Infantry Attacking Snake River Indians near Owyhee River, 1880MilitaryWadsworth, Unwin & Browne1899Aunsold
403The Declaration of IndependencePolitics1870A32.50
404Aftekening de Schilderye, op't Stachuis te Dordrecht geplaatst, ter geoagtenisfe van de Overwinning by Chattam in't Jaar. 1667Ships1700A+275.00
405Zee-Slagh Vander Hr. Admiraal Micheil de Ruiter en den Hr. de la Zarda tegens de France Adm. de Hr. du Quesne, by Eylandt Sicilien ontrent der Bergh Aetna op den 22, April, 1676Ships1700A550.00
406Focht naer Nova Zemla in den Jaere MDXCVIShips1700A300.00
407Jupiter et LedaMythology1700A300.00
408Pavel hoec: littusque ablata relictum Respicti…Mythology1732A300.00
409Pair of 18th Century engravingsBallooning1730-85A110.00
410Book of Hours leafManuscript leaf1350A230.00
411CCXIIIIncunabulaSchedel, Hartmann1493Aunsold
412Folio CXXIIIIncunabula1493A+110.00
413XX [Ninive]IncunabulaSchedel, Hartmann1493Aunsold
414Illuminated Book of Hours leafIncunabula1500A600.00
415Illuminated Book of Hours leafIncunabula1500A+400.00
416Illuminated Book of Hours leafIncunabula1500B100.00
417Illuminated Book of Hours leafIncunabula1500A300.00
418Illuminated Book of Hours leafIncunabula1500A+250.00
419Illuminated Book of Hours leafIncunabula1500A+85.00
420Illuminated Book of Hours leafIncunabula1500A130.00
421Illuminated leafIncunabula1526A+75.00
422Printed Book of Hours leafIncunabula1526A+240.00
423Missale leafIncunabula1507Aunsold
424Missale - CCLVIIncunabula1507A80.00
425Missale - CCXXXIIIIIncunabula1507A+unsold
426Missale leafIncunabula1507Bunsold
427Missale - CLXXXIXIncunabula1507Aunsold
428Missale - CCLXXXIIIIncunabula1507A+unsold
429Missale leafIncunabula1507Bunsold
430Printed leafEarly Printing1537A+25.00
431Liber XVEarly Printing1555B22.00
432Illustrated leafEarly Printing1555A+22.00
433347Early Printing1560A+75.00
434Illustrated leafEarly Printing1584A25.00
435Illustrated leafEarly Printing1584A37.50
436Acts and Laws … of the Massachusetts Bay in New EnglandColonial American Imprint1742B45.00
437Manuscript MusicMusic1550A+130.00
438Manuscript MusicMusic1550A+130.00
439British IndentureIndenture1750A180.00
440British IndentureIndenture1783B40.00
441British IndentureIndenture1819A+40.00
442Anno Regni Gulielmi et Mariae, Regis & Reginae Anglia, Scotia, Franciae & Hiberniae, Tertio & Quarto.Act of Parliament1691B40.00
443To Zachary Chambers…on His Excellent Performances in PenmanshipCalligraphy1741A25.00
444A Letter from a Servant in London, to his Master in the CountryCalligraphy1741A32.50
445To a Worthy PatriotCalligraphy1741A30.00
446Confederate States BondStocks and Bonds1861A85.00
447Confederate States BondStocks and Bonds1863A+80.00
448Four Czarist Russian BondsStocks and BondsA110.00
449Pair of Railroad Gold BondsStocks and Bonds1890-97A110.00
450Lot of 50 stock certificatesStocks and Bonds1925-77A95.00
451Lot of 8 Railroad StocksStocks and Bonds1935-67A50.00
452Lot of 4 Railroad BondsStocks and Bonds1942-53A30.00
453Atlas Historique de la France Ancienne et ModerneAtlas1765A1600.00
454Atlas to Illustrate the Travels in the Ottoman Empire, Egypt and PersiaAtlas1801C160.00
455Keith Johnston's Classical School AtlasAtlas1853B350.00
456A Descriptive Hand Atlas of the WorldAtlas1871A210.00
457The Cosmographic AtlasAtlas1894B500.00
458The Twentieth Century Atlas of the Commercial Geographical and Historical World with a Description of Every Known Land, both Near and Remote, Ancient and ModernAtlas1902B100.00
459Baist's Real Estate Atlas of Surveys of Detroit and Suburbs MichiganAtlas1929Aunsold
460Voyages du Baron de Lahontan dans l'Amerique Septentrionale, qui contiennent une Relacion des differens Peuples qui y habitent; la nature de leur Gouvernement; leur Commerce, leurs Coutumes, leur Religion, & leur maniere de faire la Guerre: …North American Travels1728A2400.00
461Adams' Syn Chronical Chart or Map of HistoryWorld History1878B400.00
462The Columbia Historical Portrait of New YorkNew York History1953A42.50
463Gorges of Plymouth FortUnited States History1953A16.00
464Western America in 1846-1847United States History1966A+50.00
465Through the Country of The Comanche Indians in the Fall of the Year 1845United States History1970A50.00
466Newfoundland: A Pictorial RecordCanadian History1972A30.00
467Nova Scotia: A Pictorial RecordCanadian History1974A40.00
468The World in Maps: A Study in Map EvolutionCartographic Reference1936A70.00
469Lahontan: An Essay and BibliographyCartographic Reference1954A110.00
470Early Maps of North AmericaCartographic Reference1961A42.50
471The Vinland Map and the Tartar RelationCartographic Reference1965A25.00
472The Mapping of Early CanadaCartographic Reference1967B65.00
473Antique Maps of Europe, the Americas, West Indies, Australasia, Africa, the OrientCartographic Reference1972A110.00
474Early Thematic Mapping in the History of CartographyCartographic Reference1982A35.00
475Ten volumes - Antique Maps, Sea Charts, City Views, Celestial Charts & Battle Plans - Price Record & Handbook, Robert C. JollyCartographic Reference1983-92A750.00
476Old Globes in The NetherlandsCartographic Reference1984A+110.00
477Chicago Mapmakers: Essays on the Rise of the City's Map TradeCartographic Reference1984A+85.00
478Maps and Charts published in America before 1800: A BibliographyCartographic Reference1985A+85.00
479The Mapping of the American SouthwestCartographic Reference1988A+80.00
480The Mapping of North AmericaCartographic Reference1990A+70.00
481The United States in Old Maps and PrintsCartographic Reference1990A+95.00
482The Map Collector - Issues 61-70Cartographic Reference1992-95A+140.00
483The Frank T. Siebert Library of the North American Indian and the American FrontierAmericana Reference1999A+110.00