Index of Lots for Auction 139

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Lot #TitleSubjectCreatorPeriodConditionSold For
1Libellus Novus Politicus Emblematicus Civitalum Pars SeptimaTitle PagesMeisner, Daniel1638A80.00
2Le Nouveau Theatre du Monde ou Nouvel Atlas Tome SecondTitle PagesHondius, Henricus1642B+300.00
3Le Monde ou la Geographie Universelle Contenant les Descriptions, les Cartes, et le Blason, des Principaux Pais du MondeTitle PagesDuval, Pierre1682A80.00
4[Lot of 2] Description de l'UniversTitle PagesMallet, Alain Manesson1685B+120.00
5Atlas Historique Tome IITitle PagesChatelain, Henry Abraham1710A+180.00
6[Lot of 6] Orbis Antiqui Tabulae Geographicae Secundum Cl. Ptolemaeum, cum Indice Philologico Absolutissimo…Title PagesPtolemy/Mercator1730B+180.00
7Atlas ou Recueil de Cartes GeographiquesTitle PagesFer, Nicolas de1746B+325.00
8Captain James Cook, F.R.S.Title PagesCadell, Thomas I1777B+150.00
9The Illustrated Atlas, and Modern History of the World Geographical, Political, Commercial & Statistical…Title PagesTallis, John1851B+220.00
10Atlas National Illustre des 86 Departements et des Possessions de la France…Title PagesLevasseur, Victor1854A90.00
12The Atchievement of Our Soveraigne King Charles the IId…FrontispieceSpeed, John1676A500.00
13[Reizen door de vermaardste Deelen]FrontispieceBruyn, Cornelius de1698A120.00
14Spectandum Dedit Ortelius Mortalib. Orbem, Orbi Spectandum Galleus OrteliumPortraitOrtelius/Galle1579A275.00
15Mre. Jean Law Coner. du Roy en Tous Ces Conils. Controleur Gnal des Finances en 1720Portrait, Mississippi BubbleSchenk, Leonard1720A120.00
16[Lot of 5] Nova Totius Terrarum Orbis Geographica ac Hydrographica Tabula [and] Americae Nova Tabula [and] Africae Nova Descriptio [and] Asia Noviter Delineata… [and] Europa Recens DescriptaWorld & ContinentsBlaeu, Willem163034000.00
17La Mappe-Monde [and] Carte Generale de L'Europe [and] Carte Generale de L'Asie [and] Carte Generale de L'Afrique [and] Carte Generale de L'AmeriqueWorld & ContinentsHerisson, Eustache1809-17B1000.00
18[Lot of 2] Mappe-Monde ou Carte Generale du Globe Terrestre, Representee en Deux Plan-Hemispheres [and] AmeriqueWorld & AmericaBossuet, Jacques Benigne1755B+unsold
19Europa Poly Glotta… [on sheet with] Asia Poly-Glotta… [and] America cum Supplementis Poly-Glottis [and] Africa Poly-GlottaContinentsHomann Heirs1741B+650.00
20Typus UniversalisWorldMunster, Sebastian1545B+unsold
21Carta Marina Nuova TavolaWorldRuscelli, Girolamo1574A500.00
22Orbis Terrae Compendiosa DescriptioWorldMercator, Rumold1587B+3750.00
23Typus Orbis Terrarum, ad Imitationem Universalis Gerhardi Mercatoris…WorldQuad, Matthias von Kinckelbach1597A1400.00
24[Untitled - World]WorldRitter, Franz1613Aunsold
25Nova Totius Terrarum Orbis Geographica ac Hydrographica TabulaWorldHondius, Henricus1630B+unsold
26Nova Totius Terrarum Orbis Geographica ac Hydrographica TabulaWorldBlaeu, Willem1635A12500.00
27Orbis Terrarum Typus de Integro in Plurimis Emendatus, Auctus, et Icunculis IllustratusWorldVisscher, Nicolas1660B+1500.00
28Mappe-Monde ou Carte Generale du Globe Terrestre Representee en Deux Plan-Hemispheres…WorldSanson/Mariette1669Bunsold
29Nova Orbis Tabula, in Lucem EditaWorldWit, Frederick de1670B+4250.00
30Typus Orbis TerrarumWorldCloppenburg, Johannes1673B+unsold
31Typus Orbis TerrarumWorldDuval/Beer1681A220.00
32Mappe-Monde Geo-Hydrographique, ou Description Generale du Globe Terrestre et Aquatique en Deux Plans-Hemispheres…WorldJaillot, Alexis-Hubert1691B+unsold
33[Lot of 2] Facies Una Hemisphaerii Terrestris [and] Facies Altera Hemisphaerii TerrestrisWorldZahn, Johannes1696B+unsold
34Iter S. Francisci Xaverii Ex Europa in India, & IaponiamWorldScherer, Heinrich1700A1000.00
35Mapemonde Planisphere ou Carte Generale du MondeWorldLa Feuille, Daniel de1705B+200.00
36Orbis Terrae Compendiosa DescriptioWorldRosaccio, Guiseppe1713A+300.00
37Mappe-Monde ou Carte Generale de la Terre, Dressee sur les Observations de Mrs. de l'Academie Royale des Sciences…WorldFer, Nicolas de1717B+350.00
38Werelt CaertWorldStoopendaal, Bastiaan1719B+750.00
39Mappemonde ou Description Generale du Globe TerrestreWorldChatelain, Henry Abraham1720A+550.00
40Mappe Monde ou Description Generale du Globe Terrestre Suivant les Observations de Messieurs de l Academie Royale des SciencesWorldAnon.1735A120.00
41[Untitled - World]WorldJagen, Jan van1741B+unsold
42Orbis Vetus in utraque Continente juxta Mentem Sansonianam Distinctus, nec non Observationibus Astronomicis Redactus…WorldRobert de Vaugondy, Didier1752B+unsold
43A New Map of the World, on Mercators ProjectionWorldAnon.1760A110.00
44The World on Mercators ProjectionWorldRees, Abraham1806A75.00
45PlanisphereWorldLevasseur, Victor1848A110.00
46The World on Mercators Projection Shewing the Voyages of Captain Cook Round the WorldWorldTallis, John1851B+180.00
47The World on Mercator's ProjectionWorldTallis, John1851A130.00
48Typus Orbis A Ptol. DescriptusAncient WorldMunster, Sebastian1545A675.00
49Aevi Veteris, Typus GeographicusAncient WorldOrtelius, Abraham1590A900.00
50Tabula Itineraria ex Illustri Peutingerorum Bibliotheca…Ancient WorldJansson, Jan1652B+unsold
51Carte des Deux Regions Polaires…PolarBuffon, Comte de1778B+150.00
52Polus Arcticus cum Vicinis RegionibusNorth PoleMercator/Hondius1609A325.00
53Pole Arctique ou Terres du SeptentrionNorth PoleBoisseau, Jean1643B+200.00
54Regiones Sub Polo ArcticoNorth PoleBlaeu, Willem1649A900.00
55Nova et Accurata Poli Arctici et Terrarum Circum Iacentium DescriptioNorth PoleJansson, Jan1684B+600.00
56[Untitled - Globe Gore - North Pole]North PoleCoronelli, Vincenzo Maria1695Aunsold
57De Noord Pool waar in Aangetoont Werd alle de Nieuwe Landen tot op Heeden toe Ondekt [on sheet with] De Eilanden van Sangir Sjauw en PangasareNorth PoleKeizer/De Lat1747B+110.00
58Le Globe Celeste Represente en Deux Plans-Hemispheres…CelestialAnon.1740A180.00
59Hemisphaerium Coeli Boreale in quo Fixarum Loca Secundum Eclipticae Ductum ad Anum 1730…CelestialDoppelmayr/Homann1742B+1100.00
60[Lot of 4] Premiere Partie de l'Hemisphere Celeste Septentrional [with] Seconde Partie de l'Hemisphere Celeste Septentrional [and] Premiere Partie de l'Hemisphere Celeste Austral [and] Seconde Partie de l'Hemisphere Celeste AustralCelestialBack, Jean C.1743B+300.00
61[Lot of 2 - Celestial Charts]Celestial, Religion1795A100.00
62Atlas, Designed to Illustrate the Geography of the Heavens…Celestial AtlasBurritt, Elijah H.1835C+240.00
63Planisphaerium Copernicanum sive Systema Universi Totius Creati ex Hypothesi Copernicana in Plano ExhibitumSolar SystemCellarius/Schenk & Valck1708A+1600.00
64Planisphaerium Arateum sive Compages Orbium Mundanorum ex Hypothesi Aratea in Plano ExpressaSolar SystemCellarius/Schenk & Valck1708B+1200.00
65[Lot of 2 - Wilson & Sons Thirteen-Inch Terrestrial and Celestial Globes]Globes183122500.00
66[8-inch Terrestrial Globe]GlobesWeber Costello Co.1930B+500.00
67Johann Schoner Professor of Mathematics at Nuremberg - A Reproduction of His Globe of 1523 Long Lost…Globes - Book1888Aunsold
68[Monsters] Meerwunder und Seltzame Thier / wie die in den Mitnachtigen Landern / im Meer und auff dem Landt Gefunden WerdenCartographic MiscellanyMunster, Sebastian1550B900.00
69[Lot of 2 - Volvelles]Cartographic MiscellanyGalluci, Giovanni Paolo1657A75.00
70Figura II. Machina Anemica [on sheet with] Figura IIICartographic MiscellanyKircher, Athanasius1676A90.00
71A Map of the Principal Rivers Shewing Their Courses, Countries, and Comparative LengthsCartographic MiscellanySDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge1834A100.00
72[World]Cartographic MiscellanyMorrell, George1910C+325.00
73Vergleichende Urbersicht der Binnen-Meere und Ausgezeichneten Seen der Oestlichen Hemisphaere / Vergleichende Urbersicht der Binnen-Meere und Ausgezeichneten Seen der Westlichen HemisphaereCartographic Miscellany - SeasWeiland, Carl Ferdinand1833B+130.00
74[Puzzle Map] A New Dissected Map of the United StatesPuzzle Map - United StatesMcLoughlin Bros.1887Aunsold
75Afbeeldinge van 't Zeer Vermaarde Eiland Geks-Kop…Cartographic CuriositiesAnon.1720Aunsold
76Americae sive Novi Orbis, Nova DescriptioWestern HemisphereOrtelius, Abraham1587A4500.00
77America Noviter DelineataWestern HemisphereHondius, Henricus1631A1700.00
78Nouvelle Description de L'AmeriqueWestern HemisphereBoisseau, Jean1643Aunsold
79Nouveau Continent avec Plusieurs Isles et MersWestern HemisphereMallet, Alain Manesson1684A120.00
80[Untitled - Western Hemisphere]Western HemisphereHappel, Everard Werner1687B+unsold
81Novissima et Accuratissima Septentrionalis ac Meridionalis Americae…Western HemisphereWit, Frederick de1690B900.00
82Atlantis Insula a Nicolao Sanson Antiquitati Restituta; nunc demum Majori Forma Delineata, et in Decem Regna, iuxta Decem Neptuni Filios Distributa ... ex Conatibus Geographicis Gulielmi Sanson Nicolai Filii …Western HemisphereSanson, Guillaume1694Aunsold
83Totius Americae Septentrionalis et Meridionalis Novissima Repraesentatio…Western HemisphereHomann, Johann Baptist1730B450.00
84Americae Mappa Generalis…Western HemisphereHaas/Homann Heirs1746B+400.00
85A New and Accurate Map of America…Western HemisphereBowen, Emanuel1748B+unsold
86Nieuwe Kaart Van het Westelykste Deel der Weereld …Western HemisphereTirion, Isaac1754B+120.00
87L'Amerique pour la Concorde de la Geographie des Differents AgesWestern HemisphereLattre, Jean1760A180.00
88L'Amerique Suivant le R.P. Charlevoix Jte. Mr. de la Condamine, et Plusieurs Autres Nouvle. ObservationsWestern HemisphereLe Rouge, George Louis1777Aunsold
89Isles, Caps et Ports de Mer de l'AmeriqueWestern HemisphereClouet, Jean Baptiste Louis1787Aunsold
90A New Map of the Whole Continent of America. Divided into North and South and West Indies…Western HemisphereLaurie & Whittle1794B+1100.00
91Carte d'Amerique, Dressee pour l'Instruction…Western HemisphereDelisle/Dezauche1799A+425.00
92Charte von America, nach den Neuesten Entdeckungen und Astronomischen Ortsbestimmungen Berichtiget und GezeichnetWestern HemisphereReinecke, Johann Matthais Christoph1804Aunsold
93AmericaWestern HemisphereTanner, Henry Schenck1823B+160.00
94Map of AmericaWestern HemisphereWyld, James1833A200.00
95Carte de l'Amerique SeptentrionaleWestern HemisphereLapie, Alexander Emile & Pierre1838B+170.00
96The Physical Features of North & South America, Showing the Mountains, Table-Lands, Plains, and SlopesWestern HemisphereJohnston, Alexander K.1852B+unsold
97L'Amerique Septentrionale et les Terres Polaires ArctiqueNorth AmericaFer, Nicolas de1693A550.00
98L'Amerique Septentrionale Dressee sur les Observations de Mrs. de l'Academie Royale des Sciences…North AmericaDelisle, Guillaume1700B1500.00
99Nouvelle Carte de l'Amerique Septentrionale Dressee sur les Plus Nouvelles Observations …North AmericaChatelain, Henry Abraham1720B+400.00
100Kaartje van het Noorder-Deel van AmericaNorth AmericaLat, Jan de1747B+150.00
101North AmericaNorth AmericaGibson, John1756B170.00
102America Septentrionalis, Concinnata juxta Observationes Dnn Academiae Regalis Scientiarum et Nonnullorum Aliorum, et juxta Annotationes Recentissimas, per G. De L'Isle …North AmericaLotter, Tobias Conrad1772B+unsold
103A General Map of North America Drawn from the Best SurveysNorth AmericaReid, John1795B+250.00
104A New Map of North America Shewing all the New DiscoveriesNorth AmericaMorse, Jedidiah (Rev.)1797B+120.00
105Charte von Nord-America zur Erlauterung des Systems der Winde und StromungenNorth AmericaWeimar Geographisches Institut1804B+unsold
106A Map of North America, Denoting the Boundaries of the Yearly Meetings of Friends and the Locations of the Various Indian Tribes [and] Aboriginal America, East of the Mississippi [complete with report]North America1844B+450.00
107North AmericaNorth AmericaTallis, John1851B+110.00
108Ethnographische Karte von NordamerikaNorth AmericaPerthes, Justus1852A160.00
109Amerique SeptentrionaleNorth America, TexasLevasseur, Victor1845B+120.00
110Amerique Septentrionale Publiee sous les Auspices de Monseigneur le Duc d'Orleans…Colonial North America and West IndiesAnville, Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d'1763B1100.00
111Carte du Mexique et des Etats Unis d'Amerique, Partie Meridionale…Colonial North America and CaribbeanDelisle/Dezauche1783B+unsold
112Carte de la Partie de la Cote Nord-Ouest de l'Amerique Reconnue pendant les Etes de 1792, 1793 et 1794…Western North AmericaVancouver, George (Capt)1799B200.00
113La Baja d'Hudson Terra di Labrador e Groenlandia con le Isole Adiacenti di Nuova ProjezioneCanada & GreenlandZatta, Antonio1778A+150.00
114[Lot of 2] Carte qui Contient la Maniere dont se Fait la Chasse des Boeufs Sauvages et des Elans… [and] Description des Castors & de Leur Industrie, des Canots, Habitations, Habillemens, Maniere de Vivre des Sauvages du Canada…Canada - Native AmericansChatelain, Henry Abraham1719B200.00
115Canada Orientale nell'America Settentrionale…Eastern CanadaCoronelli, Vincenzo Maria1695B+unsold
116West CanadaEastern CanadaTallis, John1851B+95.00
117The River St. Lawrence, Accurately Drawn From D'Anville's Map…St. Lawrence River, CanadaHarrison, John1784A100.00
118A Plan of the City of QuebecQuebec, CanadaWeld, Isaac1798B+70.00
119Tierra NuevaUnited States & CanadaRuscelli, Girolamo1598B+800.00
120Canada ou Nouvelle France, Suivant les Nouvelles Observations de Messrs. de l'Academie Royale des Sciences…Colonial United States & CanadaAa, Pieter van der1730Bunsold
121Carte du Canada ou de la Nouvelle France et des Decouvertes qui y ont ete faites…Colonial United States & CanadaDelisle/Covens & Mortier1730B+1000.00
122Dominia Anglorum in America SeptentrionaliColonial United States & CanadaHomann Heirs1740A400.00
123A Map of the British and French Settlements in North AmericaColonial United States & CanadaLodge, John1755B+425.00
124An Exact Chart of the River St. Laurence, from Fort Frontenac to the Island of Anticosti Shewing the Soundings, Rocks, Shoals, &c. with Views of the Lands and All Necessary Instructions for Navigating that River to QuebecColonial United States & CanadaJefferys/Sayer & Bennett1775B500.00
125[On 2 Sheets] Partie de l'Amerique Septentrionale, qui Comprend le Canada, la Louisiane, le Labrador, le Groenland, la Nouvelle Angleterre, la Floride &c.Colonial United States & CanadaBonne/Lattre1776Aunsold
126Le Canada, ou Nouvelle France, &c Tiree de Diverses Relations des. Francois Anglois Hollandois, &c.Colonial United States and Canada - Great LakesSanson, Nicolas1715B+475.00
127A New and Correct Map of the British Colonies in North America Comprehending Eastern Canada with the Province of Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, ...Newfoundland: with the Adjacent States of New England, Vermont, New York, Pennsylvania and New JerseyCanada & United StatesLaurie & Whittle1794A400.00
128A New Map of the British Dominions in North America; with the Limits of the Governments Annexed thereto by the Late Treaty of Peace, and Settled by Proclamation, October 7th, 1763Eastern Colonial United States and CanadaKitchin, Thomas1763A600.00
129A Map of New England, and Nova Scotia; with Part of New York, Canada, and New Britain & the Adjacent Islands of New Found Land Cape Breton &c.Colonial Eastern Canada & United StatesKitchin, Thomas1758B+unsold
130Carte de la Partie Septentrionale des Etats Unis, comprenant le Canada, La Nouvelle Ecosse, New Hampshire, Massachuset's Bay, Rhode-Island, Connecticut, New-Yorck, Etat de Vermont avec partie de Pensilvanie et de New-JerseyEastern Canada & United StatesTardieu, Pierre Francois1797B+150.00
131A Map Shewing the Communication of the Lakes and the Rivers Between Lake Superior and Slave Lake in North AmericaWestern Canada and AlaskaAnon.1790B+180.00
132United StatesUnited StatesMorse, Jedidiah & Sydney1822B+1000.00
133Carte Generale des Etats-Unis, du Canada et d'une Partie des Pays AdjacentsUnited StatesBrue, Adrien Hubert1825A250.00
134[Lot of 3] Der Nordliche Theil der Vereinigten Staaten von Nord America… [and] Etats-Unis… [and] Verein-Staaten von Nord-America, Mexico, Yucatan U. A.United States1832-51200.00
135Map of the United States by J.H. YoungUnited StatesMitchell, Samuel Augustus1833B+1200.00
136Map of the Practicable Rail Road Routes from the Mississippi to the Pacific Ocean and their Connection with the Principal Seaports of the Atlantic Ocean…United StatesU.S. War Department1859A275.00
137Pictorial Map of the United States of America, the British Provinces, Mexico, the West Indies and Central America…United StatesPhelps & Watson1860B850.00
138Geological Map of the United States [with report] Ninth Census-Volume III. The Statistics of the Wealth and Industry of the United States…United StatesHitchcock, Charles Henry1872B+unsold
139VII Map of the United StatesUnited StatesMitchell, Samuel Augustus1889Aunsold
140[Double-sided wall map] Eastern Part of the United States of America Including All Its Newly Acquired Territories [and] Western Part…United StatesScarborough Company, The1900B+120.00
141[Lot of 46] Rand McNally Standard Indexed Map with Air TrailsUnited StatesRand McNally & Co.1929-30Aunsold
142[Lot of 10] Map of the United States of America, Showing the Boundaries of the Union and Confederate Geographical Divisions and Departments Plates CLXII - CLXXIUnited States, Civil WarU.S. War Department1891-1895A800.00
143Nova Anglia, Novum Belgium et VirginiaColonial United StatesGerritsz/De Laet1630B+3750.00
144Carte Generale des Etats Unis de l'Amerique Septentrionale, renfermant aussi quelques Provinces Angloises adjacentesEastern United StatesTardieu, Pierre Francois1797A300.00
145Mitchell's Travellers Guide Through the United States. A Map of the Roads, Distances, Steam Boat & Canal Routes &c.Eastern United StatesMitchell, Samuel Augustus1835B+unsold
146[On 2 Sheets] Mitchell's National Map of the American Republic or United States of North America. Together with Maps of the Vicinities of Thirty-Two of the Principal Cities & Towns in the Union …Eastern United StatesMitchell, Samuel Augustus1843A750.00
147Aboriginal America, East of the MississippiEastern United StatesReligious Society of Friends1844A+75.00
148Phelps's National Map of the United States, A Traveller's GuideEastern United StatesPhelps & Ensign1849B+500.00
149A New Map of the United States, Upon Which Are Delineated Its Vast Works of Internal Communication, Routes Across the Continent &c. Showing Also Canada and the Island Of Cuba.Eastern United StatesWilliams, Wellington1854Bunsold
150Wyld's Military Map of the United States, the Northern States, and the Southern Confederate States, with the Forts, Harbours, Arsenals, and Military PositionsEastern United StatesWyld, James1861B+1300.00
151Neueste Eisenbahn-Kanal-u. Post-Karte fur Reisende in den Vereinigten Staaten von Nord-Amerika Canada, Texas u. Californien…Eastern United StatesBromme, Traugott1863Bunsold
152Nova Anglia Novum Belgium et VirginiaColonial New England and Mid-AtlanticJansson, Jan1636A2000.00
153New England, New York, New Jersey, and Pensilvania &c.Colonial New England and Mid-AtlanticMoll, Herman1708B225.00
154Nova Anglia Septentrionali Americae Implantata Anglorumque Coloniis FlorentissimaColonial New England and Mid-AtlanticHomann, Johann Baptist1730C+unsold
155A Map of that Part of America which Was the Principal Seat of War, in 1756Colonial New England and Mid-AtlanticAnon.1757B+220.00
156Carte de la Nouvelle Angleterre, Nouvelle Yorck, et Pensilvanie…Colonial New England and Mid-AtlanticBellin, Jacques Nicolas1757Bunsold
157A Map of the Colony of Rhode Island: with the Adjacent Parts of Connecticut, Massachusets Bay. &c.New England - United StatesKitchin, Thomas1778A220.00
158Map of the Southern Part of New England Compiled for Prest Dwights TravelsNew England - United StatesGillet, George1823A100.00
159[Lot of 3] A New Map of Connecticut from the Best Authorities [and] The State of Massachusetts from the Best Information [and] Rhode IslandNew England - Connecticut, Massachusetts & Rhode IslandPayne, John1799B+180.00
160Rail-Road & Township Map of Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode IslandNew England - United StatesThayer & Co.1853C+unsold
161Township Map of Vermont and New HampshireVermont, New HampshireDutton, E. P.1868B+unsold
162[Lot of 5] Gray's Atlas Map of Connecticut… [and] Map of the City of Bridgeport, Conn, 1896 [and] City of Bridgeport Connecticut 1890 [and] New Map of Hartford, Connecticut [and] Map of Bridgeport Conn.Connecticut1890-1910unsold
163Nova Virginiae TabulaColonial Mid-AtlanticHondius, Henricus1630B+unsold
164Nova Virginiae TabulaColonial Mid-AtlanticHondius/Blaeu1640B+1900.00
165Carte de la PensilvanieMid-Atlantic United StatesAnon.1756A200.00
166Carte de la Virginie et du MarilandMid-Atlantic United StatesLaporte, Joseph de1783A+180.00
167Map of the States of Maryland and DelawareMid-Atlantic United StatesDenison, James1796B140.00
168Map of the Pennsylvania Railroad with its Connections, Showing the Different Routes, Projected or Constructed between the Seaboard & the Western StatesMid-Atlantic United StatesRailroad Companies, (Various)1850B300.00
169General Chart of the Coast from Cape May to Cape HenryMid-Atlantic United StatesU.S. Coast Survey1862Bunsold
170The States of Maryland and Delaware from the Latest SurveysMaryland, DelawarePayne, John1799B+140.00
171Virginiae Item et Floridae Americae Provinciarum, Nova DescriptioColonial SoutheastCloppenburg, Johannes1630B375.00
172Virginiae Partis Australis, et Floridae Partis Orientalis, interjacentiumq Regionum Nova DescriptioColonial SoutheastJansson, Jan1639B+unsold
173Carte de la Caroline et GeorgieColonial SoutheastBellin, Jacques Nicolas1757A120.00
174Carte de la Partie Sud des Etats Unis de l'Amerique SeptentrionaleSoutheast United StatesBonne, Rigobert1780B+80.00
175Map of North and South CarolinaSoutheast United StatesDenison, James1796B+150.00
176Gli Stati Uniti dell'America Delineati sulle Ultime Osservazioni - Quinto Foglio che Comprende la Georgia, e parte della Carolina con, la FloridaSoutheast United StatesCassini, Giovanni Maria1797B800.00
177Carte des Provinces Meridionales des Etats-UnisSoutheast United StatesRochefoucald Liancourt, Francois Alexander1807A350.00
178Map of Pamlico and Albemarle Sounds, Embracing Portions of Virginia and North Carolina…Virginia, North Carolina, Civil WarColton, George Woolworth1896Aunsold
179A Map of such Parts of Georgia and South Carolina as Tend to Illustrate the Progress and Operations of the British Army, &c.Georgia & South CarolinaKitchin, Thomas1780B+unsold
180La FlorideColonial Southern United StatesSanson, Nicolas1715B+450.00
181[Lot of 2] Richmond and Its Defences [and] Chattanooga and Its DefencesVirginia, Tennessee, Civil War1868B+120.00
182Map of the State of Kentucky; with the Adjoining Territories.Kentucky and TennesseeRussell, John C.1794B+950.00
183Map of the Province of West FloridaWest Florida, Gulf CoastKitchin, Thomas1781A300.00
184[Lot of 2] Map of the States of Indiana, and Ohio, with Part of Michigan Territory [and] Map of the State of MissouriMidwest United StatesHinton, Simpkin & Marshall1832unsold
185[Lot of 2] Geological Map of the Middle and Western States [and 22 plates from the Report]Midwest United StatesHall, James1843A325.00
186[Lot of 8] Ohio [and] Indiana [and] Michigan [and] Lake Superior and the Northern Part of Michigan [and] Illinois [and] Missouri [and] Iowa [and] WisconsinMidwest United StatesColton, Joseph Hutchins1855B+130.00
187A New Map of Part of the United States of North America, Exhibiting the Western Territory, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia &c. also, the Lakes Superior, Michigan, Huron, Ontario & Erie…Midwest United States, Great LakesCary, John1805B600.00
188Colton's Traveler and Tourist's Guide-Book Through the Western States and Territories…Central & Upper Midwest, United StatesColton, Joseph Hutchins1856B+300.00
189Map of Upper California by the U. S. Ex. Ex. And Best AuthoritiesWestern United StatesWilkes, Charles1849A240.00
190[Lot of 2] Map of the Territory of the United States from the Mississippi to the Pacific Ocean [and] Profiles of the Main Routes SurveyedWestern United StatesWarren, Lieut. G. K.1856-57C+500.00
191[Lot of 2] Geological Map of Portions of Wyoming, Idaho and Utah [and] Part of Central WyomingWestern United StatesHayden, Ferdinand Vandeveer1877-79unsold
192[Lot of 2] Map of the Northern Pacific Railroad, and Connections [and] Northern Pacific RailwayWestern United States1881-99300.00
193Route of the Mormon Pioneers from Nauvoo to Great Salt LakeCentral & Western United States - Utah1889B+300.00
194Map of Nevada & CaliforniaCalifornia, NevadaWarner & Higgins1870B+unsold
195Map of Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and Part of MontanaNorthwestern United StatesMitchell, Samuel Augustus1867A50.00
196Map Showing Land Grant of the Northern Pacific Railroad Co. in Western Washington and Northern Oregon…Northwestern United StatesMatthews-Northrup Co1890B150.00
197Washington and OregonWashington, OregonColton, Joseph Hutchins1853A90.00
198Johnson's California Territories of New Mexico and UtahSouthwestern United StatesJohnson & Browning1861Bunsold
199County and Township Map of Utah and NevadaSouthwestern United States - Utah and NevadaMitchell/Bradley1880B+unsold
200Plan de l'Entree du Port de Bucarelli sur la Cote du Nord-Ouest de l'Amerique, par 55°15' de Latitude Nord et 136°15' de Longitude a l'Ouest de Paris. Decouverte en 1775…AlaskaLa Perouse, Comte Jean F. Galoup, de1797B120.00
201Plan of Port Des Francais on the North West Coast of America…AlaskaJohnson, John1799A50.00
202Territory of AlaskaAlaska1936A65.00
203[Lot of 3] Territory of Arizona [and] Territory of Arizona [and] Sketch Map of ArizonaArizona1896-1907Aunsold
204CaliforniaCaliforniaColton, Joseph Hutchins1855A110.00
205[On 2 Sheets] State of CaliforniaCaliforniaGeneral Land Office1891B+325.00
206[Lot of 3] Plate XC. California Dardanelles Quadrangle [and] Plate LXXXIX California-Nevada Markleeville Quadrangle [and] Plate LXXXVI California Pyramid Peak QuadrangleCaliforniaU.S. Geographical Survey1900B+75.00
207Street Guide Map of Los Angeles CityCalifornia1904B+100.00
208N. America West Coast - San Francisco HarbourSan Francisco, CaliforniaBritish Admiralty1869B650.00
209[Lot of 3] Die. Mission von St. Carlos aus Californien Univeit Monterey. [and] Basalt-ahnliches Gebirge bei Monterey Oberhalb Californiens. [and] CalifornierMonterey, CaliforniaZimmerman, Eberhard A.W.1805B+75.00
210[Lot of 2] Economic Map of Colorado [and] Northern Central ColoradoColoradoHayden, Ferdinand Vandeveer1881B+220.00
211[Map of Colorado] Land For Sale by Julesburg Land Co.ColoradoCram, George F. & Company1908B100.00
212[Lot of 5] Rand, McNally & Co.'s Connecticut and Rhode Island [and] Rand, McNally & Co.'s Connecticut and Rhode Island [and] Connecticut [and] Mendenhall's Guide and Road Map… [and] Mileage Map of the Best Roads of Massachusetts…Connecticut, Rhode Island1888-1910unsold
213[Lot of 2] A Map of the Colonies of Connecticut and Rhode Island… [and] ConnecticutConnecticut and Rhode Island1758-95240.00
214Plan of the City of WashingtonWashington, D.C.Weld, Isaac1798B+350.00
215City of WashingtonWashington, D.C.Tanner, Henry Schenck1836B+140.00
216Washington - The Beautiful Capital of the NationWashington, D.C.Railroad Companies, (Various)1923B+275.00
217[Lot of 2] Preliminary Chart of Key-West Harbor and Approaches… [and] A Map of the Peninsula of Florida…Florida1844-5260.00
218Map of the State of Florida Showing the Progress of the Surveys…FloridaU.S. State Surveys1860B50.00
219[Lot of 3] Southern Railway System… [and] Southern Railway System… [and] Best Roads of FloridaFlorida1921-26170.00
220Pagus Hispanorum in FloridaSt. Augustine, FloridaMontanus, Arnoldus1671A+unsold
221The Tourist's Pocket Map of the State of Georgia Exhibiting Its Internal Improvements Roads Distances &c.GeorgiaMitchell, Samuel Augustus1836A250.00
222Tereoboo, King of Owyhee, Bringing Presents to Captain CookHawaiiCook, James (Capt.)1785B+170.00
223Vue du Mouillage des Fregates Francaises a Lile de MoweeHawaiiLa Perouse, Comte Jean F. Galoup, de1786A650.00
224[Lot of 14 - Hawaii]Hawaii1800A375.00
225[Lot of 5 - Hawaii]Hawaii182090.00
226Ansicht von dem Koniglichen Murai in der Bucht Ti-utatua auf der Insel O Wailu…Hawaii1821B+unsold
227Map of IllinoisIllinoisEnsign, Bridgman & Fanning1854Bunsold
228[Lot of 2] Plan of Franklinville, in Mason County, Kentucky [and] Plan of Lystra, in Nelson-County, KentuckyKentuckyRussell, John C.1799B+unsold
229The Tourist's Pocket Map of the State of Tennessee Exhibiting Its Internal Improvements Roads Distances &c.TennesseeMitchell, Samuel Augustus1837Aunsold
230LouisianaLouisianaLucas, Fielding1823B+650.00
231The District of Main from the Latest SurveysMaineMorse, Jedidiah (Rev.)1793B+350.00
232City and Harbor of Portland MaineMaineU.S. Coast Survey1870A200.00
233Colton's MaineMaineColton, G.W. & C.B.1879B+unsold
234Patapsco River and the Approaches…MarylandU.S. Coast Survey1856B+unsold
235Prospect des Plazes vor dem Rath Haus zu Boston / Vue de la Rue et de la Maison de Ville a BostonBoston, MassachusettsHaberman, F. X.1780B+275.00
236[Lot of 2] Tidal Currents of Nantucket Shoals [and] Preliminary Chart of Stellwagen's Bank Massachusetts BayNantucket, Massachusetts BayU.S. Coast Survey185460.00
237Eldridge's Map of Martha's VineyardMartha's Vineyard, MassachusettsEldridge, George1892Bunsold
238Camp "Banks" August 25th, 26th & 27th, 1858. Encampment of the 2d. Div. of M. V. M. on Winter Island, Salem HarborSalem Massachusetts, MilitaryBachelder, John B.1860B+unsold
239[Lot of 2] Geological Map of Isle Royale Lake Superior [and] Geological Map of Isle Royale Lake Superior, MichiganLake Superior, MichiganU.S. Government1847B+150.00
240Geological Report of the Country Along the Line of the South-Western Branch of the Pacific Railroad, State of Missouri…[with] Geological Map of South-West Branch, Pacific Rail RoadMissouri1859B+unsold
241NebraskaNebraskaCram, George F. & Company1892B+unsold
242[Lot of 4] Map of the Territory of New Mexico [and] Territory of New Mexico [and] Territory of New Mexico [and] Territory of New MexicoNew MexicoU.S. Department of Interior1900-1910200.00
243The Southern Part of the Province of New York: with Part of the Adjoining Colonies…Colonial New YorkKitchin, Thomas1778B+200.00
244Part of the Counties of Charlotte and Albany, in the Province of New York; being the Seat of War between the King's Forces under Lieut. Gen. Burgoyne and the Rebel ArmyColonial New YorkKitchin, Thomas1778B+275.00
245[Lot of 2] A Map of the Country Between Crown Point and Fort Edward [and] Plan of Fort Frederick at Crown PointNew YorkAnon.1755-1759150.00
246Ile de New-York, Partie de Long-Island ou de l'Ile Longue, et Positions des Armees Americaine et Britannique, apres le Combat Livre sur les Hauteurs, le 27 Aout 1776New YorkMarshall, John1807B+170.00
247Map of the City Of New YorkNew YorkHayward, George1852B75.00
248Colton's Railroad & Township Map of the State of New York, with Parts of the Adjoining States & CanadaNew YorkColton, Joseph Hutchins1865B+unsold
249Map of New York And VicinityNew YorkDripps, Matthew1865C+180.00
250Map of New York and Vicinity Accompanying "Atlas of New York and Vicinity"New YorkBeers, Ellis & Soule1867B+unsold
251[Lower Broadway]New York1927B+180.00
252Map of the Head Waters of the Rivers Susquehanna & Delaware Embracing the Early Patents on the South Side of the Mohawk River from the Original, Drawn about The Year 1790Southern New YorkPease Lithography1850B+55.00
253New-YorkNew York City, New YorkDufour, Auguste-Henri1839A160.00
254The City of New YorkNew York City, New YorkCurrier & Ives1870B+11000.00
255The Port of New York, Bird's Eye View from the Battery Looking SouthNew York City, New YorkCurrier & Ives1872B+4000.00
256Panoramic View of New York City and VicinityNew York City, New York1912A230.00
257[Lot of 5 - Views of Niagara Falls]Niagara Falls, New York1760-1800B+220.00
258View On Hudson River. From Ruggle's House, NewburghNewburgh, New YorkCurrier & Ives1860A140.00
259The State of North Carolina from the Best Authorities, &c. by Samuel LewisNorth CarolinaLewis/Carey1795B+400.00
260The Tourist's Pocket Map of the State of Ohio Exhibiting its Internal Improvements, Roads, Distances, &cOhioMitchell, Samuel Augustus1833B+unsold
261A Geological Map of OhioOhio1909B+50.00
262[Lot of 2] Gettysburg Battle-Field [and] Relief Map of the Battle-Field of Gettysburg - Looking SouthPennsylvania, Gettysburg, Civil War1873-86B+375.00
263Sud Carolina. Nach des Gouverneurs von Carolina, J. Drayton's Charte (1803) reducirtSouth CarolinaWeimar Geographisches Institut1806Aunsold
264The Tourist's Pocket Map of South Carolina Exhibiting its Internal Improvements Roads Distances &c.South CarolinaMitchell, Samuel Augustus1836A300.00
265A Sketch of Charleston Harbour Shewing the Disposition of the British Fleet under the Command of Vice Adm. Mariot Arbuthnot upon the Attack on Fort Moultrie on Sulivan Island in 1780Charleston, South CarolinaRamsay, David1785B+700.00
266Esquisse des Operations du Siege de Charleston, Capitale de la Caroline Meridionale, en 1780Charleston, South CarolinaRamsay, David1787B+500.00
267TexasTexasColton, Joseph Hutchins1855B+375.00
268Johnson's New Map of the State of TexasTexasJohnson & Ward1861B+150.00
269County Map of TexasTexasMitchell, Samuel Augustus1867B+140.00
270Alkali Map [Utah Bear River Sheet]Utah1904B+unsold
271Vermont from Actual SurveyVermontDoolittle, Amos1800B+200.00
272Map of the Routes Examined and Surveyed for the Winchester and Potomac Rail Road…VirginiaHumphreys, Andrew A.1832A230.00
273Preliminary Chart of James River Virginia From Richmond to City Point Including the Appomattox River From Petersburg to the Junction…VirginiaU.S. Coast Survey1855Bunsold
274[On 4 Sheets] Rappahannock River Virginia…VirginiaU.S. Coast Survey1856B+unsold
275Metompkin Inlet VirginiaVirginiaU.S. Coast Survey1862Bunsold
276Map of the Country Between Richmond and Petersburg Drawn from Surveys Made by Order of Maj. Gen. J. F. Gilmer Chief Engineer. C. S. A.Virginia, Civil WarGilmer, Jeremy Francis1866B220.00
277Jetersville and Sailors Creek from Surveys under the Direction of Bvt. Brig. Gen. N. Michler, Maj. of Engineers…Virginia, Civil WarU.S. War Department1867B+unsold
278Seat of War in VirginiaVirginia, Civil WarWeekly Dispatch1884B+90.00
279Map of WashingtonWashingtonWangersheim, William1890A220.00
280Carte du Mexique ou de la Nlle. Espagne Contenant aussi le Nouveau Mexique, la Californie, avec une Partie des Pays Adjacents …United States & MexicoBonne/Lattre1771B+unsold
281Carte Generale des Etats-Unis et du Mexique Comprenant l'Amerique Centrale et les AntillesUnited States & MexicoAndriveau-Goujon, E.1875Aunsold
282Map of the United States and Texas, Designed to Accompany Smith's Geography for SchoolsUnited States, Texas & MexicoBurgess, Daniel1839B+220.00
283Mexico and Texas, in 1842United States, Texas & MexicoFolsom, George1842B+1100.00
284Audience de Guadalaiara, Nouveau Mexique, Californie, &c.United States & Mexico, CaliforniaSanson, Nicolas1715B+unsold
285Nueva Hispania Tabula NovaSouthwest United States & MexicoRuscelli, Girolamo1598B+950.00
286Nova MexicoSouthwest United States, California and MexicoDuval/Beer1690A475.00
287Mexico, California and TexasSouthwest United States, Texas & MexicoTallis, John1850A550.00
288Le Nouveau Mexique, avec la Partie Septentrionale de l'Ancien, ou de la Nouvelle EspagneSouthern United States & MexicoBonne, Rigobert1778A75.00
289Cette Carte de Californie et du Nouveau Mexique…California, Southwest and MexicoFer, Nicolas de1705A1000.00
290Carte de la Californie Suivant I. La Carte Manuscrite de l'Amerique de Mathieu Neron Pecci Olen Dressee a Florence en 1604, II. Sanson 1656, III. De L'Isle Amerique Sept. 1700, IV. Le Pere Kino Jesuite en 1705, V. La Societe des Jesuites en 1767…California and Baja MexicoRobert de Vaugondy, Didier1772Aunsold
291Hispaniae Novae Nova DescriptioMexicoHondius, Jodocus1619Aunsold
292[Lot of 3] Mexico, or New Spain; in which the Motions of Cortes may be Traced… [and] Carte du Mexique ou de la Nouvelle Espagne ou l'on peut Suivre les Mouvemens des Cortes pour l'Histoire de l'Amerique [and] Mexico, or New Spain showing the Route…Mexico1795-1827B+220.00
293Plan of the Battle of Buena-Vista. Fought February 22nd and 23rd 1847.MexicoU.S. Corps of Engineers1847A100.00
294Hispania NovaWestern MexicoMercator/Hondius1607Aunsold
295Mexicque, ou Nouvelle Espagne, Nouvlle. Gallice, Iucatan &c. et autres Provinces jusques a l'Isthme de Panama; ou sont les Audiences de Mexico, de Guadalaiara, et de GuatimalaCentral AmericaSanson/Mariette1656B+600.00
296Yucatan Conventus Iuridici Hispaniae Novae Pars Occidentalis, et Guatimala Conventus IuridicusCentral AmericaMontanus, Arnoldus1671B+unsold
297Mexique ou Nle. EspagneCentral AmericaDuval, Pierre1682B+80.00
298Spanish Dominions in North America Southern PartMexico and Central AmericaPinkerton, John1811B+unsold
299[Lot of 4] Nova Hispania Nova Galicia Guatimala [and] Portus Acapulco [and] Vetus Mexico [and] Viztlipuztli Idolum MexicanorumMexico and Central AmericaMontanus, Arnoldus1671unsold
300Isthmus of PanamaCentral America - Nicaragua, Costa Rica and PanamaTallis, John1850B+150.00
301The Rand-McNally New Commercial Atlas Map of Panama…Central America, PanamaRand McNally & Co.1912Aunsold
302[Moli Hispanos Aggrediuntur…]Costa RicaBry, Theodore de1595B110.00
303Carte de l'Isthme de Darien et du Golfe de PanamaPanama, Central AmericaDampier, William (Capt.)1705A230.00
304A Map of the Isthmus of Darien, & Bay of PanamaPanamaMoll, Herman1710B+75.00
305Plan de la Baye et Ville de Portobelo en 1736PanamaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1750B+unsold
306[Lot of 2] Plano del Puerto y Ciudad de Santa Marta [and] Plano del Puerto de VeracruzVeracruz, Mexico & Santa Marta, ColombiaFidalgo, Joaquin Francisco1818A230.00
307Insulae Americanae in Oceano Septentrionali, cum Terris AdiacentibusGulf of Mexico and CaribbeanJansson, Jan1644A1100.00
308Le Golfe de Mexique, et les Isles Voisine… / Archipelague du Mexique, ou sont les Isles de Cuba, Espagnola, Jamaica, &c.Gulf of Mexico and CaribbeanMortier, Pierre1700B+unsold
309A Map of the Middle Part of AmericaGulf of Mexico and CaribbeanDampier, William (Capt.)1705B100.00
310Map of the Gulf of Mexico, the Islands and Countries AdjacentGulf of Mexico and CaribbeanKitchin, Thomas1777B+unsold
311Carte du Mexique, et de la Nouvelle Espagne, Contenant la Partie Australe de l'Amerique Septentle. par Mr. D'AnvilleGulf of MexicoSantini, P.1779A250.00
312Maiores Minores Que Insulae Hispaniola, Cuba Lucaiae et CaribesCaribbeanGerritsz/De Laet1630Bunsold
313De Groote Ende Kleyne Eylanden van West-IndienCaribbeanCloppenburg, Johannes1630Aunsold
314Les Isles Antilles, &c. entre Lesquelles Sont les Lucayes, et les Caribes …CaribbeanSanson/Mariette1662Aunsold
315A New Map of the English Empire in the Ocean of America or West IndiesCaribbeanSenex, John1721B550.00
316Stabilimenti de Francesi, Inglesi, e Spagnuoli nelle Isole Antille di Nuova ProjezioneCaribbeanZatta, Antonio1785B180.00
317An Accurate Map of the West Indies with the Adjacent Coast of AmericaCaribbeanRussell, John C.1794B+150.00
318West IndiesCaribbeanRees, Abraham1806B+unsold
319[Fan Map]Caribbean1915B+275.00
320Cuba Insula [on sheet with] Hispaniola Insula [and] Insula Iamaica [and] Ins. S. Ioannis [and] Is. Margareta cum ConfiniisGreater AntillesMercator/Cloppenburgh1690B+220.00
321Isola Cuba NovaCubaRuscelli, Girolamo1561B+unsold
322Afbeeldinge in Wat Manier de Silver Vloot Vanden Generael Pieter Pietersen Heyn Veroovert is Anno 1628CubaCommelin, Isaac1650B+210.00
323An Exact Plan of the City, Fortifications & Harbour of Havana in the Island of Cuba…Havana, CubaAnon.1762B+unsold
324Island of Cuba Cape San Antonio to Longitude 76 West…Eastern Part of Bahama Islands with Part of Cuba and North Coast…Cuba & BahamasU.S. Navy Dept.1885B+unsold
325HabanaHavana, Cuba1848B+unsold
326Carte Reduite de l'Isle de la Jamaique pour Servir aux Vaisseaux du Roy…JamaicaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1753B+350.00
327Isle de S. Domingue et Debouquemens CirconvoisinsHispaniolaFrezier, Amedee Francois1724A900.00
328Carte de l'Isle de Saint Domingue Dressee au Depost des Cartes et Plans de la Marine…HispaniolaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1764A200.00
329Insula S. Iuan de Puerto Rico Caribes; vel Canibasum InsulaePuerto Rico and Lesser AntillesJansson, Jan1657C+500.00
330Pascaarte Nieuwelyx Uytgegeven / Nieuwe Carybsche Pascaart The Carybes IlandsPuerto Rico and Lesser AntillesDoncker, Henrick1658Cunsold
331Description Topographique et Mesure de Lisle des Barbades aux Indes Occidentalles avec les Noms de ceux a qui Appartienent les HabitationsBarbadosLigon, Richard1674Bunsold
332The Island of Barbadoes. Divided into its Parishes, with the Roads, Paths, &c. According to an Actual and Accurate SurveyBarbadosMoll, Herman1745B+200.00
333Particularitez Curieuses de l'Ile de St. Christophle et de la Province de Bemarin dans les AntillesSt. KittsChatelain, Henry Abraham1719A160.00
334Grenada Divided into its Parishes, Surveyed by Order of His Excellency Governor Scott / Carte de l'Isle de la Grenade Cedee a la Grande Bretagne par le Dernier Traite de PaixGrenadaJefferys/Sayer1775Aunsold
335Carte Reduite pour la Navigation de Cayenne a la Martinique…Lesser Antilles and Northern South AmericaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1764A375.00
336America MeridionalisSouth AmericaMercator/Hondius1607B+240.00
337America MeridionalisSouth AmericaHondius, Jodocus1619B700.00
338Descripcion de las Yndias de MediodiaSouth AmericaHerrera y Tordesillas, Antonio de1622B+450.00
339Amerique MeridionaleSouth AmericaSanson/Mariette1662B+130.00
340America AustralisSouth AmericaScherer, Heinrich1699A+300.00
341L'Amerique Meridionale Divisee en ses Principaux EtatsSouth AmericaJanvier/Lattre1782B+unsold
342An Accurate Map of South America, from the Best Modern Maps and ChartsSouth AmericaBowen, Thomas1788B+unsold
343A General Map of South America Drawn From The Best SurveysSouth AmericaRussell, John C.1794Bunsold
344A Map of South America and the Adjacent IslandsSouth AmericaMorse, Jedidiah (Rev.)1797Aunsold
345[Lot of 2] Amerique Meridionale [and] Carte de la Plata du Chili et de la PatagonieSouth America1828-45unsold
346[Lot of 2] Sud-America [and] Der Nordliche Theil von Sud-America enthaltend Columbia, Guyana, Peru, Brasilien und BoliviaSouth AmericaStieler, Adolph1831B+unsold
347The Great River Maranon or of the Amazons Geographically Describ'd by Samuel Fritz Missioner on the Said RiverNorthern South AmericaFritz, Samuel [Father]1715B+unsold
348Carta del Corso del Maragnone o Sia del Gran Fiume dell' AmazzoniNorthern South AmericaRossi, Veremondo1763A100.00
349Carte de la Republique de ColombieNorthern South AmericaVivien de Saint Martin, Louis1826B+unsold
350Residuum Continentis cum Adiacentibus InsulisNorthern South America & CaribbeanWytfliet, Cornelis1597B+425.00
351Plan de la Ville et Cite de St. Francois de Quito…Quito, EcuadorBellin, Jacques Nicolas1754A60.00
352Terra Firma et. Novum Regnum Granatense et, PopayanPanama and Northern South AmericaJansson, Jan1653Aunsold
353La Guaiane ou France EquinoctialeGuyana, Suriname, French GuianaDuval, Pierre1682A100.00
354Kaart van SurinamenNorthern SurinameStedman, John1799B+unsold
355Brasilia…BrazilBlaeu, Johannes1642B+650.00
356Praefecturae Paranambucae Pars MeridionalisBrazilBlaeu, Johannes1647A1300.00
357Le Bresil, dont la Coste est Possedee par les Portugais, et Divisee en Quatorze Capitanieries…BrazilSanson/Mariette1662Aunsold
358Ostium Flumines ParaybaeBrazilMontanus, Arnoldus1671B+130.00
359BresilBrazilDuval, Pierre1682Aunsold
360Plan de la Baye et du Port de Rio-Janeiro…Rio de Janeiro, BrazilApres de Mannevillette, Jean B. N. D.1775A700.00
361Fluvius GrandisAmazon River, BrazilAa, Pieter van der1729B+160.00
362BoavistaBoa Vista, BrazilMontanus/Ogilby1671A250.00
363A New and Accurate Map of Peru, and the Country of the Amazones. Drawn from the Most Authentick French Maps &c. and Regulated by Astronomical ObservationsCentral South AmericaBowen, Emanuel1757B+200.00
364Carte Generale d'une Partie de L'Amerique du Sud…du Perou, du Haut Perou…Central South AmericaVivien de Saint Martin, Louis1826B+unsold
365Paraguay, o Prov. de Rio de la Plata cum Regionibus Adiacentibus Tucuman et Sta. Cruz de la SierraCentral South America, ParaguayJansson, Jan1636Bunsold
366Le Perou, et le Cours de la Rivre AmazonePeru and Amazon RiverSanson/Mariette1662Aunsold
367Paraquaria vulgo Paraguay. Cum AdjacentibusParaguayMontanus, Arnoldus1671B+140.00
368La PlataUruguayDuval, Pierre1682B+unsold
369PeruPeruMontanus, Arnoldus1671B+160.00
370The Port of Callao, in the South Sea; with the Adjacent Islands, Rocks & Coasts, to the Windward and Leeward, and the Soundings in Fathoms: Drawn by Order of His Catholic MajestyLima, PeruJefferys, Thomas1753B+65.00
371ChiliChileBlaeu, Willem1635B+375.00
372Le Chili Tire de Alf de Oualle de la C. d. I. et Divise en Treize IurisdictionsChileSanson/Mariette1662A130.00
373ChiliChileMontanus, Arnoldus1671B+200.00
374ChiliChileDuval, Pierre1682B+80.00
375MagellaniqueSouthern South AmericaDuval, Pierre1682A100.00
376Le Chili et les Provinces qui Composent Celle de Rio de la Plata avec les Terres MagellaniqueSouthern South AmericaFer, Nicolas de1705B130.00
377Karte des Sudlichsten Theiles von Sud-America mit dem Laufe des Centurions…Southern South AmericaAnson, George1750B+150.00
378Carte Particuliere de l'Isle de Juan Fernandes Tiree du Voyage de l'Amiral AnsonSouthern South AmericaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1755B+120.00
379Detroit de Magellan, avec les Plans des Principaux Ports, Bayes &c. de ce DetroitSouthern South AmericaBonne, Rigobert1788B+75.00
380Falkland Islands and PatagoniaSouthern South AmericaTallis, John1851B+90.00
381Plan de la Baie de la Conception Situee Dans le Chili…ChileLa Perouse, Comte Jean F. Galoup, de1797B+90.00
382Acores InsulaeAzoresOrtelius, Abraham1584Aunsold
383Isles Terceres dites AcoresAzores IslandsDuval, Pierre1682B+80.00
384Carte des Isles Canaries, avec l'Isle de Madere, et Celle de Porto SantoCanary IslandsBonne, Rigobert1787B+65.00
385Mappa Aestivarum Insularum, alias Barmudas Dictarum…BermudaHondius/Jansson1647B+unsold
386GroenlandGreenland and IcelandBertius, Petrus1618B+unsold
387Carte Reduite du Detroit de Davids…Greenland, CanadaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1765B+unsold
388Chart of Georges Shoal & Bank, Surveyed by Charles Wilkes, Lieut. Commandant…North AtlanticWilkes, Charles1837B+400.00
389Island [and sheet of text] IselandIcelandMercator/Hondius1607B+150.00
391[Lot of 3] Charte von Island [and] LIV. IslanderIceland1750-1817A+unsold
392Doppel-Charte von Island…IcelandReinecke, Johann Matthais Christoph1800A+unsold
393Scandia, sive Regiones SeptentrionalesArctic and ScandinaviaMagini and Porro1621B+170.00
394Nieuwe Gelyk Gradige of Platte Zekaart van het Noorder Deel van Europa Vertoonende de Geheele Groenlandse en Moskovise Scheepvaard... / Nouvelle Carte Marine de la Partie Septentrionale de l'Europe d'Emontrant la Navigation de Groenland et MoscovieArctic OceanKeulen, Gerard van1730B+700.00
395EuropaeEuropeBelleforest, Francois1575B+unsold
396Europam sive Celticam Veterem. Sic Describere Conabar Abrahamus OrteliusEuropeJansson, Jan1640B+400.00
397Europa Recens DescriptaEuropeBlaeu, Willem1649A2750.00
398Nova et Accurate Divisa in Regna et Regiones Praecipuas Europae DescriptioEuropeWit, Frederick de1690B+425.00
399Europa Religionis Christianae Morum et Pacis ac Belli Artium Cultu Omnium Terrarum Orbis Partium PraestantissEuropeSeutter, Matthias1725Bunsold
400Europa Secundum Legitimas Projectionis Stereographicae Regulas…EuropeHaas/Homann Heirs1743B+300.00
401Isles BritanniquesBritainDuval, Pierre1663A100.00
402Novissima Prae Caeteris aliis Accuratissima Regnorum Angliae, Scotiae, Hiberniae …BritainWit, Frederick de1690B350.00
403Regnorum Magnae Britanniae et Hiberniae Mappa Geographica …BritainHomann Heirs1749B+150.00
404A New and Correct Chart of England Scotland and IrelandBritainMount & Page1750B250.00
405[Lot of 2] A New and Correct Map of Great Britain from the Most Accurate Surveys [and] A New and Accurate Map of Scotland from the Latest SurveysBritain1788-1806170.00
406The Isle of ManIsle of ManWeller, Edward1859B+100.00
407The North-West-Road from London to Hollyhead; and its Branches to the Principal Towns, with their Computed DistancesEnglandSpeed, John1676B130.00
408Somerset-Shire Described: ad into Hundreds Devided, with the Plott of the Famous and Most Wholsom Waters and Citie of the BatheEnglandSpeed, John1710B+500.00
409Aspectus Hortoru Domini Hamillon versus pontem Tamesis prope LondinumLondon, EnglandAnon.1760Aunsold
410Vue Perspective de L'Eglise de St. George dans le Carre de Hanover Pres du Cote Rue Conduit a Londres…London, EnglandBasset, Paul-Andre le jeune1790Aunsold
411Map of London, from an Actual Survey Made in the Years 1824, 1825 and 1826London, England1827A13000.00
412Reduced Ordnance Map of LondonLondon, England1870B+275.00
413Ochsenfuhrt in EngellandOxford, EnglandMeisner, Daniel1638A+80.00
414Cornubia, Devonia, Somersetus, Dorcestria, Wiltonia, Glocestria Monumetha, Glamorgan, Caermarden, Penbrok, Cardigan, Radnor, Breknoke, Herefordia, & WigorniaEngland & WalesMercator, Gerard1613B+250.00
415Cambria sive WalliaWalesMercator/Hondius1607A70.00
416Scotiae TabulaScotlandQuad, Matthias von Kinckelbach1592Aunsold
417Scotiae TabulaScotlandOrtelius, Abraham1598B+800.00
418[Southern Scotland]ScotlandMercator, Gerard1619B+unsold
419Buthe Insula Vulgo the Yle of Boot, Auct. Tim. PontScotlandBlaeu, Johannes1654B180.00
420EscosseScotlandDuval, Pierre1663A+100.00
421Le Royaume d'Ecosse Divise en Shires ou ComtesScotlandRobert de Vaugondy, Gilles1751B+unsold
422Scotiae Provintiae inter Taum Fluvium, et Septentrionales Oras AngsiaeSouthern ScotlandJansson/Valck & Schenk1710A+unsold
423West View of the City of EdinburghEdinburgh, ScotlandHulett, J.1760B+85.00
424Orcadum et Schetlandiae Insularum Accuratissima DescriptioOrkney and Shetland Islands, ScotlandJansson, Jan1645B+300.00
425Eryn. Hiberniae, Britannicae Insulae, Nova Descriptio. IrlandtIrelandOrtelius, Abraham1598A1100.00
426[Lot of 2] Udrone [and] Ultonia OrientalIrelandMercator/Hondius1609B+unsold
427Udrone Irlandiae in Catherlagh BaroniaIrelandMercator/Hondius1619Bunsold
428Tabula Europae IIIINorthern Europe, Germany and DenmarkRuscelli, Girolamo1561B160.00
429[Sheet XIII]Norway, IcelandBruyset, Jean-Marie1774Aunsold
430Westro-Goth-Lande ou sont les Provinces de Westro-Goth-Lande, Dalie, et VermelandeSwedenSanson/Mariette1666Aunsold
431Ducatuum Livoniae et Curlandiae cum vicinis Insulis Nova Exhibitio GeographicaNortheastern EuropeHomann, Johann Baptist1720B+unsold
432Carta Della PoloniaBaltic1831Bunsold
433Tabula Ducatuum Livoniae, et Curlandiae…Estonia and LatviaValck, Gerard1700B+550.00
434Carte du Royaume de DanemarcDenmarkDelisle, Guillaume1710Bunsold
435Das Konigreich Daennemarck nebst denen Angraentzenden Laendern…DenmarkSchreiber, Johann Georg1750Aunsold
436Iutia SeptentrionalisNorthern DenmarkMercator/Hondius1607A80.00
437FioniaSouthern DenmarkMercator/Hondius1607A80.00
438Daniae TypusDenmark & SwedenBucelin, Gabriel1658A130.00
439Provinces-Unies des Pays Bas Connues sous le Nom de Hollande…NetherlandsDuval, Pierre1663A100.00
440Nieuwe Paskaert van de Kust van Hollandt tussen Texel en de Maes, …NetherlandsKeulen, Johannes van1697-1709A700.00
441A General View of the City of Amsterdam From the TyeAmsterdam, NetherlandsHulett, J.1760A50.00
442Amstelodami Celeberrimi Hollandiae Emporii Delineatio NovaAmsterdam, NetherlandsBlaeu, Johannes1650B+2750.00
443GroeninghenGroningen, NetherlandsBertius, Petrus1612Aunsold
444Petersburgs Orangerie, Fontein en (1) Rusische Badstoof [on sheet with] Petersburgs Gesigt van de Groote Laen, na de Nieuwe FonteinVecht River, NetherlandsStoopendaal, Daniel1719A80.00
445Flandriae Comitatus, in suas Toparchias Optime Distinctus, una cum Vicinis et FinitimisBelgiumSchenk, Pieter1700B+175.00
446Nouvelle Carte de la Province de FlandreBelgiumWalch, Jean1793B+80.00
447Bruxella, Urbs Aulicorum Frequentia, Fontium Copia, Magnificentia Principalis Aulae…Brussels, BelgiumBraun & Hogenberg1572B550.00
448Les XVII. Provinces des Pais Bas…Low CountriesDuval, Pierre1663A100.00
449[Lot of 2] La Hollande ou Les Provinces Unies des Pays Bas… [and] Les Provinces Apellees Pais Bas Connues Sous Les Noms de Flandre et de HollandeNetherlands and Belgium1720unsold
450[Lot of 7 - France]France1600-1850B140.00
451Les Souverainetez de Sedan et de Ravcourt et la Prevoste de DoncheriFranceBlaeu, (Family)1645B+95.00
452ArtesiaFranceBucelin, Gabriel1658A+unsold
453[Title on Verso] Atlas Topographique Sheet VIIFrancePicquet, Charles1820Aunsold
454ArtesiaNorthern FranceMercator/Hondius1607A+45.00
455ProvinciaSouthern FranceMercator/Hondius1607Aunsold
456Britania et Normadia cum ConfinijsWestern FranceMercator/Hondius1607A60.00
457Folio XXXIX [Paris]Paris, FranceSchedel, Hartmann1493B+375.00
458Burgundiae DucaBurgundy, FranceMercator/Hondius1607Aunsold
459Burgundia ComitatusBurgundy, FranceMercator/Hondius1607Aunsold
460[Lot of 2] Plan de la Ville de Bordeaux, Batie par les Romains… [and] BordeauxBordeaux, France1750-1840B+100.00
461Zee Schlach Voor Duynkercken Door Marten H. Tromp 1638Dunkirk, FranceCommelin, Isaac1656Aunsold
462Perpignan Ville Forte Capitale du Comte de Roussillon au Roy depuis 1642 …Perpignan, FranceFer, Nicolas de1696A40.00
463[Lot of 9 - French Departments]France - DepartmentsLevasseur, Victor1869Aunsold
464Le Royaume d'EspagneSpainDuval, Pierre1663B+80.00
465Partie Meridionale des Costes d'Espagne ou sont les Royaumes de Granade et d'Andalousie avec l'Etendue des Anciens Royaumes de Cordua, de Sevilla, et de Iaen…Southern SpainNolin, Jean Batiste1700-47B+230.00
466Arragonia et CataloniaEastern SpainMercator/Hondius1607A80.00
467A New Map of the Island of Minorca Drawn From an Actual SurveyMinorca, SpainKitchin, Thomas1756B+325.00
468A New Plan of the Town & Harbour of Mahon With St. Philip's Castle and FortificationsMinorca, SpainKitchin, Thomas1756A100.00
469Carta Esferica de la Isla de Menorca…Minorca, SpainTofino de San Miguel, Don Vincent1786B650.00
470Barcelona in HispaniaBarcelona, SpainMeisner, Daniel1638B+180.00
471AndaluziaAndalusia, SpainOrtelius/Marchetti1598A85.00
472Portugallia et Algarbia quae olim LusitaniaPortugalJansson, Jan1646B+unsold
473Royaume de PortugalPortugalDuval, Pierre1663A+80.00
474Corona Portugalliae et Algarbia Veteris Hispaniae quondam Pars…PortugalSchenk, Pieter1703B180.00
475Description de la GermanieCentral EuropeMunster, Sebastian1560B+unsold
476L'Alemagne Divisee par CerclesCentral EuropeRizzi-Zannoni, Giovanni Antonio1762B+unsold
477Saxoniae, Misniae, Thuringiae, Nova Exactissimaq DescriptioGermanyOrtelius, Abraham1571Bunsold
478Les Acquisitions de la Suede, en Alemagne, par la Paix de MunsterGermanyDuval, Pierre1663Aunsold
479Circulus Saxoniae Inferioris in quo sunt Ducatus holsatiae, Meklenburg, Lauwenburgi, Luneburgi, Brunsuigi, Bremae et Ferdae…GermanyWit, Frederick de1690B+120.00
480Ducatus Luneburgici et Comitatus Dannebergensis Accurata DescriptioGermanyHomann, Johann Baptist1720Bunsold
481Theatrum Belli TricennalisGermanyAnon.1736A100.00
482HolsatiaNorthern GermanyMercator/Hondius1607Aunsold
483BavariaSouthern GermanyMercator/Hondius1607A40.00
484Sueviae Nova TabulaGermany and SwitzerlandHondius/Blaeu1635A300.00
485DresdenDresden, GermanySDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge1833B+75.00
486Bohemiae Descriptio Iuxta Insigniores Eius Civitates & OppidaCzech RepublicMunster, Sebastian1580B85.00
487BohemiaCzech RepublicMercator/Hondius1607B+70.00
488Von Dem Konigreich Behem…Czech RepublicMunster, Sebastian1610B+unsold
489BohemiaCzech RepublicAnon.1670B+unsold
490Mappa Geographica Regni Bohemiae in Duodecim Circulos Divisae…Czech Republic1720B+unsold
491Carte de Boheme Moravie Silesie et LusaceCzech Republic and PolandDuval, Pierre1665A150.00
492Helvetiae Descriptio, Aegidio Tschudo AuctSwitzerlandOrtelius, Abraham1592B+unsold
493HelvetiaSwitzerlandLangenes, Barent1598Aunsold
494SuisseSwitzerlandDuval, Pierre1672Aunsold
495Nova Helvetiae, Foederatarumque cum ea, nec non Subditarum Regionum Tabula…SwitzerlandDelisle/Covens & Mortier1730B+unsold
496[On 2 Sheets] Karte der Schweiz Blatt I [and] Blatt IISwitzerlandDufour, Guillaume Henri1867Bunsold
497ZurichouNorthern SwitzerlandMercator/Hondius1607Aunsold
498Das WiflispurgergouSouthwestern SwitzerlandMercator/Hondius1607A60.00
499Ober BadenSwitzerland, BadenMunster, Sebastian1590B+90.00
500LucerneLake Lucerne, Switzerland1854B+unsold
501ZurichZurich, SwitzerlandBertius, Petrus1612B+unsold
503Plan de Vienne et de ses Environs …Vienna, AustriaLe Rouge, George Louis1750A250.00
504Veteris et Novae Regni Poloniae Magniq Ducatus Lithuaniae cum suis Palatinatibus ac Confinus DescriptioEastern EuropeCluver, Philipp1697Aunsold
505To His Most Serene and August Majesty Peter Alexovitz Absolute Lord of Russia &c. This Map of Moscovy, Poland, Little Tartary, and ye Black Sea &c. is Most Humbly Dedicated…Eastern Europe, RussiaMoll, Herman1715B+2000.00
506[Lot of 10] Russia in Europe Part I - XEastern Europe, RussiaSDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge1834-35A250.00
507A Correct Map of Moscovy Humbly Dedicated to the Honourable Sr. Thomas Powell…RussiaPrice, Charles1711B+450.00
508[Lot of 2] Mappae Imperii Moscovitici Pars Septentrionalis [and] Imperii Moscovitici Pars Australis in Lucem Edita par Guillielmum De L'Isle …RussiaSeutter, Matthias1730B375.00
509Ingermanlandiae seu Ingriae Novissima Tabula Luci TraditaWestern RussiaHomann Heirs1734B+900.00
510Russiae, Moscoviae et Tartariae Descriptio…Russia, Eastern Europe and Central AsiaOrtelius, Abraham1570B+1800.00
511[Lot of 24 - Novaya Zemlya]Novaya Zemlya, RussiaBry, Theodore de1599B1500.00
512Delineatio Freti VaigatsVaygach Island, RussiaBertius, Petrus1618B+60.00
513Plan of St Petersburg; with it's Fortifications, Built by Peter the Great in 1703 [on sheet with] The Harbour of Crownslot River Neva, Canal Made from the Said River to the R. WolschowaSt. Petersburg, RussiaAnon.1749A230.00
514Plan von KronstadtKronstadt, RussiaWeimar Geographisches Institut1807A180.00
515Taurica ChersonesusUkraineMercator/Hondius1607Aunsold
516TransilvaniaRomaniaOrtelius, Abraham1598Aunsold
517TranssylvaniaRomania & HungaryMercator/Hondius1607B+unsold
518Vetus Descriptio Daciarum nec non Moesiarum…Romania and BulgariaJansson, Jan1670B+unsold
519Daciarum Moesiarum et Thraciae Vetus et Nova DescriptioRomania and BulgariaCluver, Philipp1697A70.00
520Principaute de Transilvanie Divisee en Cinq Nations Subdivisee en Quartiers et Comtez…Transylvania, RomaniaFer, Nicolas de1724B+130.00
521Veteeris Pannoniae Utriusque nec non Illyrici Descriptio Geographica…BalkansSanson, Nicolas1696B+unsold
522Forum Iulium, Karstia, Carniola, Histria etc.Balkans, ItalyMercator/Hondius1607A140.00
523Nova Graecia Secundum omnes eius Regiones & Provincias Citra ultra & HellespontumGreeceMunster, Sebastian1550A375.00
524TempeGreeceOrtelius, Abraham1608B+300.00
525Alcibiadis Expeditionum Tabula Geographica ex PlutarchoGreeceDuval, Pierre1678A150.00
526RhodusRhodes, GreeceBruyn, Cornelius de1698Aunsold
527Routes des Postes d'Italie…ItalyFer, Nicolas de1705B+180.00
528Carmagnoli Ingenomen in 1691. Door Syn H't den Pr. Eugenus van Savoye…Italy1729B+unsold
529l'Italie Divisee en ses Estats…ItalyFer, Nicolas de1729B+300.00
530A Map of Italy with Its Kingdoms, States &c. from the Latest & Best ObservationsItalySeale, Richard William1733B+75.00
531Italia in suos Status Divisa et ex Prototypo de l'Isliano de Sumta…ItalyHomann Heirs1742B+325.00
532L'Italie Dressee sur les Observations de Mrs. de l'Academie Royale des Sciences…ItalyElwe, Jan Barend1792B+unsold
533[Lot of 4] Viaggio da Firenze a Livorno e a Genova [and] Viaggio da Messina a Palermo [and] Viaggio da Milano a Bologna [and] Viaggio da Antibo a Genova e a TurinoItaly1814B+unsold
534Charte von ItalienItaly1826B500.00
535Regno di Napoli Nuouamente Descritto da Giacomo Cantelli da Vignola…Southern ItalyRossi, Giamcomo Giovanni1679B+275.00
536Latium nunc Campagna di RomaWestern ItalyMercator/Hondius1607A80.00
537Abruzzo et Terra di LovoroCentral ItalyMercator/Hondius1607A100.00
538SiciliaSicily, ItalyMercator/Hondius1607A110.00
539[Untitled - Sicily]Sicily, ItalyRaleigh, Walter (Sir)1652B+220.00
540SicileSicily, ItalyDuval, Pierre1663Aunsold
541Les Royaumes de Naples et de SicileSicily, ItalyFer, Nicolas de1708Bunsold
542Siciliae Veteris TypusSicily, ItalyOrtelius, Abraham1601A800.00
543RomaRome, ItalyBraun & Hogenberg1572A1800.00
544l'Idee Generale du Conclave de l'Exalation des Papes, de leur Pomp Funebre, et des Differentes Juridictions de la Cour de RomeRome, ItalyChatelain, Henry Abraham1719A+150.00
545[Lot of 4] A Perspective View of the Castle of S. Angelo, Elian Bridge, and Part of the City of Rome [and] View of the Trajan's Pillar at Rome [and] A Perspective View of St. Martin's Church, also the Arch of Septimius Severus at Rome [and]Rome, Italy1760A100.00
546Veduta del Romano Campidoglio con Scalinata che va alla Chiesa d'AraceliRome, ItalyPiranesi, Giovanni Battista1775B+unsold
547Le Temple de Vesta et l'Arc de JanusRome, Italy1800A+unsold
548Das Malerische, Monumentale, Historische und Artistische Venedig. Eine Darstellung Seiner Haupt-Ansichten und Alten Gebrauche…Venice, Italy - Book1857B+unsold
549ElbaElba, ItalyPorcacchi, Tomaso1576-1605B+unsold
550PanormoPalermo, SicilyMerian, Matthaus1688A+400.00
551[Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East]Eastern Mediterranean and Middle EastRaleigh, Walter (Sir)1652B240.00
552Plan of the Town and Fortifications of Gibraltar, Exactly Taken on the Spot in the Year 1738GibraltarTindal, Nicholas1745B200.00
553Carte du Detroit de Gibraltar Dressee au Depost des Cartes et Plans de la Marine pour le Service des Vaisseaux Francais…GibraltarBellin, Jacques Nicolas1761B+375.00
554In Notitiam Ecclesiasticam Africae Tabula GeographicaNorthern Africa & Western MediterraneanDelisle/Mortier1708B160.00
555Les Isles de Malte, Goze &c.MaltaSanson, Nicolas1715B+325.00
556Nieuwe Kaart van 't Eiland Maltha met Gozo en CominoMaltaTirion, Isaac1761B+500.00
558Candia Olim CretaCreteJansson, Jan1647A300.00
559SardegnaSardiniaPorcacchi, Tomaso1576-1605B+180.00
560CorsicaCorsicaPorcacchi, Tomaso1576-1605Aunsold
561Peregrinationis Divi Pauli Typus Corographicus…Eastern MediterraneanOrtelius, Abraham1603B+unsold
562Geographische Beschryvinge, van de Wandeling der Apostelen ende de Reysen Pauli…Eastern MediterraneanVisscher, Claes Janszoon1648A350.00
563De Beschryvingh van de Reysen Pauli en van de Andere Apostelen…Eastern MediterraneanStoopendaal, Bastiaan1690B+180.00
564Les Voiages de Notre Seigneur Jesus Christ et des Apotres St. Pierre et St. Paul dans l'Asie, l'Afrique et l'Europe…Eastern Mediterranean & Holy LandMoullart-Sanson, Pierre1715A150.00
565Turcicum ImperiumEastern Mediterranean & Middle EastMercator/Hondius1607A70.00
566Magni Turcarum Dominatoris Imperium per Europam, Asiam, et Africam…Middle East, Turkish EmpireSeutter/Lotter1760A300.00
567De Gelegentheyt van t'Paradys ende t'Landt Canaan, Mitsgaders de Eerst Bewoonde Landen der Patriarchen…Near and Middle EastVisscher, Claes Janszoon1648A240.00
568La Turquie en AsieMiddle EastDuval, Pierre1682B+unsold
569Persia sive Sophorum Regnum cum Armenia Assyria Mesopotamia et BabyloniaMiddle EastCluver, Philipp1697A100.00
570Orbis per Creationem Institutus... / Orbis per Diluvium Destitutus…Middle EastHooghe, Romain de1715B650.00
571De Gelegentheyt van 't Paradys en 't Landt Canaan, Mitsgaders d'Eerst Bewoonde Landen der Patriarchen…Middle EastStoopendaal, Bastiaan1719B+150.00
572Map of the Ottoman Dominions in Asia with the Adjacent Frontiers of the Russian and Persian EmpiresMiddle EastWyld, James1838B100.00
573Syriae sive Soriae DescriptioSyriaCluver, Philipp1697A55.00
574Natolia, quae olim Asia MinorTurkeyJansson, Jan1647Bunsold
575Chersonesi quae hodie Natolia DescriptioTurkeyCluver, Philipp1697Aunsold
576Carte de l'Hellespont ou Canal des Dardanelles…TurkeyBarbie du Bocage, Jean Denis1821B+170.00
577Galatia Cujus Populi Tolistobogi, Tectosages, Trocmi, mox Provincia sub Romanis, in Primam et Secundam divisa et in ea Romana Itineraria…Northern TurkeySanson, Nicolas1700A175.00
578Scutari / Serraglio di ConstantinopoliIstanbul, TurkeyBruyn, Cornelius de1698B+unsold
579LXVII [Das Vierd Alter]Holy LandSchedel, Hartmann1493B+120.00
580Tabu. Terre SanctaeHoly LandPtolemy/Fries1525B+1200.00
581Palaestinae Sive Totius Terrae Promissionis Nova Descriptio Auctore Tilemanno Stella SigenensiHoly LandOrtelius, Abraham1584B+unsold
582Situs Terrae Promissionis. S.S. Bibliorum Intelligentiam Exacte Aperiens per Chr. AdrichomHoly LandHondius, Henricus1639B+400.00
583Die Gelegenheit des Paradeis und des Lands Canaan, mit Sampt den Erst Bewohn ten Landeren der Patriarchen, aufs der H. Schrifft und anderen Auctoren zusamen getragenHoly LandVisscher, Nicolas1665B+200.00
584Perigrinatie ofte Veertich-Iarige Reyse der Kinderen Israels, uyt Egypten door de Roode Zee, ende de Woestyne, tot in 't Beloofde Landt Canaan…Holy LandStoopendaal, Bastiaan1682B+200.00
585Village of Bethany & the Dead Sea / Village de bethanie avec une vue de la mer morteHoly Land1803Aunsold
586Reisen der Kinder Israel aus EgyptenHoly Land and EgyptBunting, Heinrich1600A350.00
587Die Heylige und Weitberuhmpte Statt Jerusalem Erstlich Genant Salem Genesis 14. Vers 18Jerusalem, Holy LandAnon.1693B+220.00
588IerusalemJerusalem, Holy LandStoopendaal, Daniel1716B190.00
589Pool of Bethesda Jerusalem / Piscine de Bethsaide a JerusalemJerusalem, Holy Land1804A90.00
590ArabieArabiaDuval, Pierre1682A80.00
591Doe quam de Heere Neder om de Stadten Toren…Babel, IraqGoeree, Willelm & Jan1700B+100.00
592Persicum RegnumPersia - IranMercator/Hondius1607A100.00
593Persarum Regni DescriptioPersia - IranBucelin, Gabriel1658Aunsold
594PersePersia - IranDuval, Pierre1682B+unsold
595Das Konigreich Persien [Isphahan]Persia - IranHaffner, M.1685Aunsold
596GeorgieCaucasus, GeorgiaDuval, Pierre1682Aunsold
597[Title on Verso] Tabula VIII AsiaeCentral AsiaPtolemy/Fries1535B+120.00
598Tab. VII. Asiae, Exhibens Scythiam, intra Imaum Sogdianam, Bactrianam, Hircaniam, aliasq. Asiae Regiones…Central AsiaPtolemy/Mercator1695B+200.00
599La Table de la Region Orientale, Comprenant les Dernieres Terres & Royaumes d'AsieAsiaMunster, Sebastian1560A750.00
600Asiae Nova DescriptioAsiaOrtelius, Abraham1580A1600.00
601Asia ex Magna Orbis Terre Descriptione Gerardi Mercatoris Desumpta, Studio et Industria G.M. IuniorisAsiaMercator, Gerard (the younger)1610C+unsold
602Asiae Nova DescriptioAsiaHondius, Jodocus1623A1000.00
603Asia with the Islands Adioyning Described, the Atire of the People, & Townes of Importance, All of them Newly Augmented by I.S. Ano. Dom. 1626AsiaSpeed, John1626B+2100.00
604Asia Noviter DelineataAsiaBlaeu, Willem1640B+unsold
605AsieAsiaDuval, Pierre1682Aunsold
606L'Asie Divisee en ses Principales Regions…AsiaSanson/Jaillot1692B+550.00
607Exactissima Asiae Delineatio in Praecipuas Regiones Caeterasq Partes Divisa et Denuo in Lucem EditaAsiaAllard, Carel1700A1200.00
608AsiaAsiaMorden, Robert1705B200.00
609L'Asie Divisee en ses Empires, Royaumes, et Etats, a l'Usage de Monseigneur le Duc de Bourgogne…AsiaJaillot/Ottens1725A450.00
610Recentissima Asiae Delineatio, qua Imperia, Ejus Regna et Status Unacum Novissimis RussorumAsiaHomann, Johann Christoph1730B+unsold
611[On 4 Sheets] First Part of Asia, Being Turky, Arabia, Persia most of India and TartaryAsiaBolton, Solomon1766C+200.00
612Asia, Drawn from the Latest and Best AuthoritesAsiaKitchin, Thomas1770B+220.00
613TartariaNorthern AsiaMercator/Hondius1607Aunsold
614TartarieNorthern AsiaDuval, Pierre1682A80.00
615La Grande TartarieNorthern AsiaSanson, Nicolas1683A110.00
616Nouvelle Representation des Cotes Nord et Est de l'Asie pour servir d'eclaircissement aux Articles du Supplement de l'Encyclopedie qui concernent le Passage aux Indes par le NordNortheastern AsiaRobert de Vaugondy, Didier1772Aunsold
617Carte des Parties Nord et Est de l'Asie qui Comprend Les Cotes de La Russie Asiatique le Kamschatka, Le Jesso, et Les Isles Du JapanNorthern Asia and Western North AmericaRobert de Vaugondy, Didier1772B+unsold
618Chinae, olim Sinarum Regionis, Nova Descriptio. Auctore Ludovico GeorgioChinaOrtelius, Abraham1584A4500.00
619China Regio AsieChinaOrtelius/Marchetti1655B+unsold
620Xansi, Imperii Sinarum Provincia SecundaChinaBlaeu, Johannes1655B+400.00
621Plan de la Ville et du Port de MacaoMacao, ChinaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1749B+unsold
622View of Macao in ChinaMacao, ChinaLa Perouse, Comte Jean F. Galoup, de1798A150.00
623Vue de NanhunNanhun, ChinaHaberman, F. X.1770B100.00
624Going to the Shanghai "Derby"Shanghai ChinaGraphic, The1879A150.00
625ChinaChina, Korea & JapanMercator/Hondius1610A250.00
626China Veteribus Sinarum Regio nunc Incolis Tame DictaChina, Korea & JapanBlaeu, (Family)1640A1700.00
627't Koninkryk van China met d'Aangrenzende Landen van Siam en BengaleChina, Korea & JapanAa, Pieter van der1720A+375.00
628ChineChina & KoreaDuval, Pierre1682A150.00
629L'Empire de la Chine pour Servir a l'Histoire Generale des VoyagesChina & KoreaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1748A300.00
630China as Surveyed by the Jesuit Missionaries between the Years 1708 & 1717 with Korea & the Adjoining Parts of TartaryChina & KoreaKitchin, Thomas1770A140.00
631IaponiaJapan and KoreaCloppenburg, Johannes1630B+190.00
632Iaponiae Nova DescriptioJapan and KoreaJansson, Jan1636B+unsold
633L'Empire du Japon, Divise en Sept Principales Parties…Japan and KoreaRobert de Vaugondy, Gilles1750B275.00
634Corea and JapanKorea and JapanThomson, John1815B+200.00
635Nieuwe Kaart van het Eyland Japan…JapanValentyn, Francois1725A+unsold
636Iapan I.JapanMercator/Hondius1610A250.00
637Isles du IaponJapanMallet, Alain Manesson1683Aunsold
638Succession des Empereurs du Japon avec une Description du Meurtre de l'Empereur Cubo…JapanChatelain, Henry Abraham1705B+unsold
639Vue et Description de la Ville de Meaco Capitale du Japon…JapanChatelain, Henry Abraham1720Aunsold
640[Japanese Map of Zoshigaya and Otowa]Tokyo, Japan1853B+180.00
641[Japanese Pocket Map of Tokyo]Tokyo, Japan1880B+250.00
642[Title on verso] Tabula XI AsiaeSouthern AsiaPtolemy/Fries1535A900.00
643India OrientalisSoutheast AsiaMagini and Porro1597A130.00
644India quae Orientalis Dicitur, et Insulae AdiacentesSoutheast AsiaHondius/Jansson1636A1500.00
645Tabula Indiae OrientalisSoutheast AsiaWit, Frederick de1662B+700.00
646Partie de l'Inde au dela du Gange [on sheet with] Presqu-Isle de l'Inde au dela du GangeSoutheast AsiaSanson, Nicolas1683A+160.00
647Insulae Indicae cum Terris CircumvicinisSoutheast AsiaScherer, Heinrich1700A750.00
648Archipel des Indes Orientales, qui Comprend les Isles de la Sonde, Moluques et PhilippinesSoutheast AsiaRobert de Vaugondy, Gilles1750B230.00
649Isles Philippines dites autrement de ManilhePhilippinesDuval, Pierre1682B+180.00
650Les Isles PhilippinesPhilippinesMallet, Alain Manesson1684A110.00
651Vue et Description de Surate et de BataviaIndonesia and IndiaChatelain, Henry Abraham1717B+80.00
652Insulae Indiae OrientalisEast Indies - IndonesiaMercator/Hondius1610A150.00
653Malay Archipelago, or East India IslandsEast Indies - IndonesiaTallis, John1851A350.00
654Isles de la SondeEast Indies, Indonesia and MalaysiaDuval, Pierre1682B+100.00
655SumatraSumatra, IndonesiaRamusio, Giovanni Battista1556B+650.00
656Borneo InsulaBorneoBry, Theodore de1631B+300.00
657Plan de BataviaJakarta, IndonesiaFer, Nicolas de1696A80.00
658Aftekening der Expeditie van de Hr. Commissrs. Govert Cnoll, Uyt Soerabaja, Tot Afhalinge Van Pangerang Adepati Anom…Surabaya, IndonesiaValentyn, Francois1725B+unsold
659Presqu'Isle de l'Inde de ca le GangeIndia, Sri LankaDuval, Pierre1682B+100.00
660[Lot of 2] Northern India [and] Southern IndiaIndia & Sri LankaTallis, John1851A180.00
661Chart of the Northern Part of the Bay of Bengal Laid down Chiefly from the Surveys Made by Bartholomew Plaisted and John RitchieIndia and BangladeshDelahaye, Guillaume Nicolas1772B+unsold
662De Rievier van SurattaIndiaValentyn, Francois1725A75.00
663[On 2 sheets] A Map of the Peninsula of India from the 19th Degree North Latitude to Cape ComorinIndiaFaden, William1800B+unsold
664Nouvelle Carte d'une Grande Partie de la Presqu'Isle des Indes en de ca du Gange…Southern IndiaAnville, Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d'1737B+unsold
665[Lot of 2] Carte Plate qui Comprend la Partie Septentrionale de la Cote de Coromandel et les Cotes de Golconde, d'Oricha, et de Bengale [and on 2 sheets] CoromandelEastern India1753-80Aunsold
666Sultanie, een Stadt in Arak of Erak… / Sultania, Urbs ad Taurum Montem Exstructa…Southern TurkeySchenk, Pieter1702A120.00
667Suratte, een Volkryke Koopstadt in Oostindie Onder Het Gebiet van Den Grooten Mogol / Suratta Syrastra Ptolomaei, Regni Cognominis, quin imo Totius Indiae Maximum EmporiumSurat, IndiaSchenk, Pieter1702A160.00
668Insula Zeilan, olim Taprobana nunc Incolis TenarisimSri LankaJansson/Valck & Schenk1700A375.00
669Carte de la Baye et du Port de Trinquemalay dans l'Isle de Ceylan Levee Exactement en 1762 par le Sr. Ge. Neichelson…Sri LankaApres de Mannevillette, Jean B. N. D.1775B+unsold
670Tabula Asiae IXSouthern AsiaMunster, Sebastian1540B180.00
671Magni Mogolis ImperiumSouthern AsiaBlaeu, (Family)1640B+250.00
672Partie Meridionale de l'Inde en Deux Presqu'Isles, l'une deca et l'autre dela le Gange…Southern AsiaSanson/Mariette1654B+unsold
673Carte Reduite de l'Ocean Oriental Septentrional, qui Contient une partie des Cotes d'Afrique, de l'Arabie, de la Perse, et celles de l'Indostan, avec les Isles de Ceylon, Maldives et LaquedivesIndian OceanApres de Mannevillette, Jean B. N. D.1775Bunsold
674I. S. LaurentijMadagascarWright, Benjamin1598B+unsold
675Insula S. Laurentii, vulgo MadagascarMadagascarDapper, Olivier1668A+220.00
676[Lot of 2] Africae Descriptio [and] Abissinorum sive Pretiosi Ioannis ImperiumAfricaMercator/Jansson1630B+unsold
677Africae Nova DescriptioAfricaBlaeu, Willem1650B2400.00
678Africa ab Auctore Naturae suis Dotibus Instructa Geographice ExhibitaAfricaScherer, Heinrich1700A350.00
679L'Afrique Suivant les Nouvelles Observations de Messrs. de l'Academie Royale des Sciences, etc.AfricaAa, Pieter van der1729B+unsold
680Carte d'Afrique Dressee pour l'Usage du Roy…AfricaDelisle/Covens & Mortier1730A350.00
681Africa iuxta Navigationes et Observationes Recentissimas Aucta Correcta et in sua Regna et Status Divisa, in Lucem EditaAfricaSeutter, Matthias1730B+400.00
682AfriqueAfricaLevasseur, Victor1850A+130.00
683Aphricae Tabula IIINortheastern AfricaMunster, Sebastian1544B+275.00
684Barbariae et Biledulgerid, Nova DescriptioNorthern AfricaOrtelius, Abraham1571B+240.00
685BarbariaNorthern AfricaMercator/Hondius1607A90.00
686Tab. III. Africae, in qua Cyrenaica, Marmarica, ac Lybia ExteriorNorthern AfricaPtolemy/Mercator1730B+210.00
687The East Prospect of MequinezMeknes, Morocco1740B+150.00
688Fessae RegnumNorthwestern AfricaMercator/Hondius1607Aunsold
689Estats et Royaumes de Fez et Maroc; Darha et Segelmesse; tires de Sanuto de Marmol &c.Northwestern AfricaSanson/Mariette1655B+100.00
690ZanguebarEastern AfricaDuval, Pierre1682Aunsold
691Guineae Nova DescriptioWestern AfricaHondius, Jodocus1606B+275.00
692St. Thome [on sheet with] St. Poulo in AngolaWestern AfricaCommelin, Isaac1656Aunsold
693NigritieWestern AfricaDuval, Pierre1682B+60.00
694Map of Part of the Western Coast of Africa Extending from the Isles de Loss to Sherboro Island. Particularly Exhibiting the Discoveries Lately Made to the N.E. of Sierra Leone by Surgeon O'Beirne and Major Laing…Western AfricaWyld, James1860B+unsold
695Africa Nova TabulaSouthern AfricaGastaldi, Giacomo1548B+275.00
696Cafrerie et MonomotapaSouthern AfricaDuval, Pierre1682A85.00
697Carte du Congo et du Pays des Cafres…Southern Africa, MadagascarDelisle/Covens & Mortier1730B+240.00
698Mare del Sud, detto Altrimenti Mare Pacifico…Pacific OceanCoronelli, Vincenzo Maria1691A2000.00
699A Chart of the Pacific Ocean from the Equinoctial to the Latitude of 39 1/2 D. NorthPacific OceanAnson, George1748B+200.00
700Nouvelle Carte des Decouvertes Faites par des Vaisseaux Russiens aux Cotes Inconnues, de l'Amerique Septentrionale avec les Pais Adiacents…North Pacific Ocean, Northeast Asia & Western North AmericaMuller, Gerard Friedrich1758B+400.00
701Karte von den N.W. Amerikanischen und N.OE. Asiatischen Kusten, nach den Untersuchungen des Kapit: Cook in den Jah: 1778. und 1779…North Pacific, Northern Asia and Northwestern North AmericaSchraembl, Franz Anton1788B+170.00
702Carte des Terres Nouvellement Connues au Nord de la Mer du Sud Tant du Cote de l'Asie que du Cote de l'Amerique…North Pacific OceanBuache, Philip1761B+100.00
703A Map Comprehending Bherings Straits, with the Adjoining Coasts of Asia & AmericaNorth Pacific OceanTrusler, John1789B+75.00
704Carta del Mar Pacifico del Nord che Comprende la Costa Nord-Est d'Asia e la Costa-Nord-Ouest d'America…North Pacific OceanMeares, John (Capt.)1796B+unsold
705OceanieSouth Pacific OceanLevasseur, Victor1850A140.00
706Polynesia, or Islands in the Pacific OceanPacific IslandsTallis, John1851B+90.00
707AustraliaAustraliaRapkin, John1855A170.00
708[Lot of 3 - Captain Cook]Exploration1780100.00
709A Dictionary of Natural History; or, Complete Summary of Zoology…Natural History - Zoology1815A180.00
710Whooping CranePrints BirdAudubon, J. J.1840A450.00
711Wood IbisPrints BirdAudubon, J. J.1840A+450.00
712[Lot of 7 - Birds]Prints - BirdsStuder, Jacob H.1881unsold
713[Lot of 4 - Birds]Prints BirdStuder, Jacob H.1881A120.00
714[Lot of 7 - Birds]Prints - BirdsStuder, Jacob H.1881unsold
715Pinnated Grous, Tetrao CupidoPrints BirdAudubon, J. J.1971-72A+300.00
716Rock Grous, Tetrao RupestrisPrints - BirdsAudubon, J. J.1971-72A+unsold
717Willow Grous or Large Ptarmigan, Tetrao SalicetiPrints - BirdsAudubon, J. J.1971-72A+unsold
718[Lot of 8 - Botanical Plants]Prints Botanical1597-186545.00
719[Lot of 5 - Fruit]Prints Botanical1864-65A100.00
720Koning en Koningin van de MissisippiPrints Native AmericanAnon.1720A+80.00
721Dacota Indianerin und Assiniboin Madchen. Indienne Dacota et Jeune Fille Assiniboine. Dacota Woman and Assiniboin Girl.Prints - Native AmericanBodmer, Karl1841Aunsold
722The Travellers Meeting with Minatarre Indians near Fort ClarkPrints Native AmericanBodmer, Karl1842A700.00
723[Lot of 4 - French Fashion Plates]Prints - Fashion1861-80B+unsold
724[Army Teamsters]Prints MilitaryHomer, Winslow1889C150.00
725[Lot of 8 - Marine Engravings]Prints ShipsDiderot, Denis1760Aunsold
726Le NaufragePrints - Ships1800Aunsold
727Daniel WebsterPrints - PoliticsSchaus, William1855Bunsold
728Daibots Gotzenhaus Tempel Van Dajboth Dayboths TemplePrints - ReligionMeurs, Jacob van1669B+unsold
729De Inventeur der Wind-Negotie, Op Zijn Zeege-karSatire - Stock TradingAnon.1720A50.00
730The World in Masquerade / Baal of de Waereld in MaskeradeSatire - Stock Trading1720A50.00
731Kermis Wind-Kraamer en GrossierSatire - Stock Trading1720A50.00
732De Verreeze Frederik Hendrik ouwerwets Patroon der Verkeerde Barmhertigheid…Satire - Stock TradingAnon.1720A50.00
733Nieuwe Volkplanting om WindSatire - Stock TradingAnon.1720A250.00
734Captn. Thos. Coram…Prints - PortraitHogarth, William1796A100.00
735[Lot of 3 - Dance of Death]Prints MiscellaneousHollar, Wenceslaus1816A130.00
736[Illuminated Leaf]Medieval ManuscriptsAnon.1360B+80.00
737[Illuminated Leaf]Medieval ManuscriptsAnon.1360B+80.00
738[Illuminated Leaf]Medieval ManuscriptsAnon.1450A200.00
739[Illuminated Leaf]Medieval ManuscriptsAnon.1450A+250.00
740[Illuminated Leaf]Medieval ManuscriptsAnon.1460A+200.00
741[Illuminated Leaf]Medieval Manuscripts1470A250.00
742[Illuminated Leaf]Medieval ManuscriptsAnon.1470A100.00
743[Illuminated Leaf]ManuscriptsAnon.1570A+150.00
744Folio XXI [and] XXII [Biblical Story of Abraham]IncunabulaSchedel, Hartmann1493B+275.00
745Folio XIXXIncunabulaSchedel, Hartmann1493B+120.00
746Folio CCLXXI [Tracia and Turchis]IncunabulaSchedel, Hartmann1493B+180.00
747XLVIIIncunabula, ReligionSchedel, Hartmann1493A200.00
748[Book of Hours Leaf]Early PrintingKerver, Thielman1507B+80.00
749[Antiphonal Leaf] 248MusicAnon.1350B+425.00
750Cosmographia [with] Charta Cosmographica, cum Ventorum Propria Natura et OperationeAtlasesApianus, Peter Bienewitz1564B+5500.00
751A New Sett of Maps Both of Antient and Present Geography…AtlasesWells, Edward1722B+6000.00
752Atlas d'Etude Adopte pour les Eleves de l'Ecole Royale Speciale MilitaireAtlasesMentelle, Edme1819C+220.00
753The Cyclopaedia; or Universal Dictionary of Arts, Science, and LiteratureAtlasesRees, Abraham1820B+650.00
754Allgemeine Weltkunde…Atlases1835B+300.00
755[2 Atlases Bound in 1 Vol.] Orbis Terrarum Antiquus. Schul-Atlas der Alten Welt [and] Schul-Atlas uber alle Theile der Erde nach dem Neusten Zustande, und uber das WeltgebaudeAtlasesPerthes, Justus1842-45Bunsold
756Mitchell's School Atlas: Comprising the Maps, Etc., Designed to Illustrate Mitchell's School and Family Geography…AtlasesThomas, Cowperthwait & Co.1846B+300.00
757The Illustrated Atlas, and Modern History of the World…AtlasesTallis, John1851B+5500.00
758New Universal Atlas Containing Maps of the Various Empires, Kingdoms, States and Republics of the World…AtlasesThomas, Cowperthwait & Co.1853B+1300.00
759Atlas to Alison's History of EuropeAtlasesJohnston, Alexander K.1855B+325.00
760The Diamond Atlas with Descriptions of All Countries … The Western HemisphereAtlasesMorse & Gaston1857B+325.00
761J.H. Colton's School Atlas, Designed to Accompany Colton's American School GeographyAtlasesColton, Joseph Hutchins1860B+220.00
762Colton's General Atlas, Containing One Hundred and Eighty Steel Plate Maps and Plans, on One Hundred and Eight Imperial Folio Sheets…AtlasesColton, Joseph Hutchins1862A2100.00
763Johnson's New Illustrated Family Atlas of the World…AtlasesJohnson & Ward1862Bunsold
764Johnson's New Illustrated Family Atlas of the World…AtlasesJohnson, A. J.1867B+1200.00
765Rand, McNally & Co.'s Business Atlas…AtlasesRand McNally & Co.1878-79C+210.00
766Historical Hand-Atlas IllustratedAtlasesHardesty, Hiram H.1880Bunsold
767The People's Illustrated & Descriptive Family Atlas of the WorldAtlasesPeople's Publishing Co.1885B+425.00
768[Lot of 12] The Third Centenary Edition of Johan Blaeu Le Grand Atlas ou Cosmographie BlavianeAtlasesBlaeu, Johannes1967-70B+unsold
769Geographie Universelle, Exposee Dans les Differentes Methodes qui Peuvent Abreger l'Etude & Faciliter l'Usage de Cette Science…Geography BooksBuffier, Claude1766B+300.00
770A New Geographical, Historical, and Commercial Grammar; and Present State of the Several Kingdoms of the WorldGeography BooksGuthrie, William1783Bunsold
771Traite de la Geographie Moderne par le P. Gibrat, Pretre de la Doctrine ChretienneGeography Books1789B+200.00
772[Lot of 2] The Modern Gazetteer; Being a Compendious Geographical Dictionary… Vol. I and IIGeography Books1798A250.00
773Goldsmith's A Grammar of General Geography, for the Use of Schools and Young Persons…Geography BooksPhillips, Richard (Sir)1827Aunsold
774A National Geography, for SchoolsGeography BooksGoodrich, Samuel Griswold1846B125.00
775An Improved System of GeographyGeography BooksMcNally, Francis1866Bunsold
776[Lot of 3] Monteith's Physical and Intermediate Geography [and] Monteith's Physical and Political Geography [and] An Intermediate Geography, with Lessons in Map DrawingGeography Books1870-8060.00
777Narrative of the United States Exploring Expedition Volume VExploration and SurveysWilkes, Charles1845B+375.00
778Reports of Explorations and Surveys, to Ascertain the Most Practicable and Economical Route for a Railroad from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean, Volume XII, Book lExploration and SurveysStevens, Isaac Ingalls1855B+175.00
779Reports of Explorations and Surveys, to Ascertain the Most Practicable and Economical Route for a Railroad from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean. Volume IIIExploration and SurveysU.S. Railroad Surveys1856B250.00
780Map of the United States and Territories, Showing the Extent of Public Surveys and Other Details [with] Report of the Commissioner of General Land Office to the Secretary of the Interior for the Year 1869Exploration and SurveysGeneral Land Office1870B400.00
781The Annual Report of the Commissioner of the General Land OfficeExploration and Surveys, United StatesGeneral Land Office1845A80.00
782[Lot of 2] Political Essay on the Kingdom of New Spain Volume I and Vol. IIHistory BooksHumboldt, Friedrich Heinrich Alexander von1811B300.00
783Historische Kronyck…Miscellaneous BooksGottfried, J.L.1698B+1700.00
784The American Lawyer, and Business-Man's Form Book…Miscellaneous BooksBeadle, D. W.1851B125.00
785Joint Report upon the Survey and Demarcation of the International Boundary between the United States and Canada…Miscellaneous Books - Alaska and CanadaU.S. Government1918B+125.00
786Geological SketchesGeological Books1867B+75.00
787[Lot of 5] A Guide Book to Norumbega and Vineland… [and] The Problem of the Northmen... [and] The Discovery of the Ancient City of Norumbega... [and] The Defences of Norumbega... [and] Sketch of the Norse Discovery of America…Reference Books1889-93unsold
788[Lot of 3] Die Entwickelung der Kartographie von Amerika bis 1570 [and] The Development of the Cartography of America up to the Year 1570 [and] Baptista Agnese and American Cartography in the Sixteenth CenturyReference Books1892-97unsold
789[Lot of 2] Mappamondi Carte Nautiche, Portalani [and] Portolan Charts Their Origin and Characteristics with a Descriptive List of Those Belonging to The Hispanic Society of AmericaReference Books1911-67unsold
790A Book of Old MapsReference Books1926B120.00
791[Lot of 5 - Cartographic References] American Broadsides, Prints and Maps [and] A Collection of Maps Printed… [and] The World-Renowned Hauslab-Liechtenstein World Global Map [and] Uncommon Value… [and] American Maps 1795-1895: A Guide to ValuesReference Books1931-9550.00
792La Mappemonde de Petrus Plancius…Reference Books1944B+120.00
793[Lot of 6] Maps and Their Makers... [and] Maps A Historical Survey of Their Study and Collecting [and] Map Making The Art That Became a Science [and] British Maps and Map-Makers [and] The Mapmaker's Art [and] Maps and Map-MakersReference Books1944-87160.00
794[Lot of 3 Cartographic References] America, 1667 [and] Old Maps of the World… [and] A Topographical Description of the Dominions of the United States of AmericaReference Books1949-5945.00
795The Maps of San Francisco Bay…Reference BooksHarlow, Neal1950B+unsold
796[Lot of 6 - Cartographic References] Essays on the History of North American Discovery and Exploration [and] The Discovery of America [and] America Explored [and] Explorers' Maps [and] The Decorative Arts of the Mariner [and] Great Voyages of Discovery…Reference Books1958-8865.00
797[Lot of 3 - Cartographic References] Bibliotheca Geographica… [and] Collections of Maps and Atlases in the NetherlandsReference Books1961-65unsold
798[Lot of 3] Antique Maps [and] Guide to the History of Cartography… [and] History of CartographyReference Books1964-7360.00
799[Lot of 3] Mappemondes A.D.1200-1500 [and] Tours et Contours de la Terre [and] Marcel Destombes (1905-1983) Contributions selectionnees a l'Histoire de la Cartographie et des Instruments ScientifiquesReference Books1964-99Aunsold
800[Lot of 3 - Cartographic References] Joseph Nicollet and his Map [and] A Map: The Hydrographical Basin of the Mississippi River 1843 [and] Journal of an Exploring Tour beyond the Rocky Mountains…Reference Books1967-8045.00
801[Lot of 4 - Cartographic References] Raleigh and Quinn: The Explorer and His Boswell [and] The Traces of Thomas Hariot [and] Uncommon Obdurate… [and] The Discoverers…Reference Books1969-87unsold
802The Present State of the European Settlements on the MississippiReference Books1977Aunsold
803The Making of the Nuremberg ChronicleReference Books, IncunabulaWilson, Adrian1978A+120.00
804The Mapping of AmericaReference BooksSchwartz & Ehrenberg1980A80.00
805The Mapping of the World Early Printed World Maps 1472-1700Reference BooksShirley, Rodney W.1983A375.00
806Norwich's Maps of Africa an Illustrated and Annotated Carto-bibliographyReference BooksNorwich, Oscar I.1997A+70.00