Index of Lots for Auction 118

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Lot #TitleSubjectCreatorPeriodConditionSold For
1Atlas Minor Gerardi MercatorisTitle PagesMercator/Jansson1628A150.00
2De Bello BelgicoTitle PagesStrada, Famiamo, S.J.1658Aunsold
3Atlas Francois Contenant les Quatre Parties du Monde Second VolumeTitle PagesJaillot, Alexis-Hubert1700A220.00
4Mr. John Nieuhoff's Remarkable Voyages & Travells into ye best Provinces of ye West and East IndiesTitle PagesNieuhoff, Johann1703A170.00
5Atlas Historique Tome IVTitle PagesChatelain, Henry Abraham1705A400.00
6Atlas Geographicus Maior… Tomus ITitle PagesHomann Heirs1759B210.00
7Atlas National Illustre des 86 Departments et des Possessions de la France Divisee par Arrondissments, Cantons en CommunesTitle PagesLevasseur, Victor1852A130.00
8An Atlas of the World Comprehending Separate Maps of its various Countries…Title PagesWyld, James1854A80.00
9[Lot of 5] Typus Orbis Terrarum [and] Americae Descriptio [and] Asia [and] Africae Desciptio [and] Europae Nova TabulaWorld & ContinentsJansson, Jan1628A2000.00
10[Lot of 5] Mappe-Monde ou Carte Universelle [and] L'Amerique, Meridionale et Septentrionale [and] L'Asie [and] L'Afrique [and] L'EuropeWorld & ContinentsFer, Nicolas de1705A2750.00
11[Lot of 5] Diversi Globi Terr-Aquei [and] Novus Orbis sive America... [and] Africa Juxta Navigationes... [and] Asia cum Omnibus Imperiis Provinciis... [and] Europa Religionis Christianae…World & ContinentsSeutter, Matthias1740B6500.00
12[Lot of 5] Globus Terrestis [and] America [and] Africa [and] Asia [and] EuropaWorld & ContinentsSchreiber, Johann Georg1749B1000.00
13[Lot of 5] North America [together with] South America [and] Asia [and] Africa [and] EuropeContinentsWalker, John1790B180.00
14Orbis DescriptioWorldRuscelli, Girolamo1562A1300.00
15Typus Universalis Terrae, Iuxta Modernorum Distinctionem et Extensionem per Regna et ProvinciasWorldApianus, Peter Bienewitz1583A+6000.00
16Orbis Terrae Compendiosa Descriptio…WorldMercator, Rumold1587A4000.00
17Die Erst General Tafel, Die Beschreibung und den Circkel des Gantzen Erdtrichs und Meers InnhaltendeWorldMunster/Petri1598B1900.00
18Le Globe TerrestreWorldHondius, Jodocus1600A550.00
19Typus Orbis TerrarumWorldJansson, Jan1628A800.00
20Nova Totius Terrarum Orbis Geographica ac Hydrographica TabulaWorldMerian, Matthaus1638B2100.00
21Orbis Terrarum Typus de Integro Multis in Locis EmendatusWorldPlancius, Petrus1640A2750.00
22Totius Orbis Terrarum Tabula, Ejusque Post Diluvium Divisio Inter Filios NoachiWorldMoxon, Joseph1671A450.00
23Orbis Terrarum Tabula Recens Emendata et in Lucem Edita Per N. VisscherWorldVisscher, Nicolas1677A1900.00
24Typus Orbis TerrarumWorldAnon.1695A950.00
25De Werelt CaartWorldDanckerts, Cornelius1700A1500.00
26Carte Generale du Monde, ou Description du Monde Terrestre & Aquatique. Generale Waereld Kaart of Beschryving van de Land en Water WaereldWorldCovens & Mortier1700B750.00
27Charta Generalis MundiWorldAnon.1700B500.00
28Repraesentatio Geographica Itineris Maritimi Navis Victoriae…WorldScherer, Heinrich1700A+1000.00
29Navigationes Praecipuae Europaeorum ad Exteras NationesWorldScherer, Heinrich1700Aunsold
30Imago Totius Orbis Terraquei cum suo Apparatu ab Auctore Naturae in Suas Partes Distributi Geographice ExhibitaWorldScherer, Heinrich1700Aunsold
31Typus Totius Orbis Terraquei Geographice Delineatus, et ad Usum Globo Materiali SuperinducendusWorldScherer, Heinrich1700B750.00
32Planisphaerium ex Polo Artico…WorldScherer, Heinrich1700A220.00
33Repraesentatio Totius Orbis Terraquei Cuius Partes, Quae Umbra Carent, Fide Catholica Imbutae Sunt, Reliquae Omnes Inumbratae, Religionis Catholicae Expertes SuntWorldScherer, Heinrich1702A+900.00
34De Aardkloot volgens d'hedendaagse gedaanteWorldGoeree, Willelm & Jan1705A700.00
35Mappe-Monde ou Carte Generale du Globe Terrestre Representee en deux Plan-Hemispheres…WorldSanson, Nicolas1692B+unsold
36Mappemonde ou Description Generale du Globe TerrestreWorldChatelain, Henry Abraham1719Aunsold
37Orbis Terrarum Tabula Recens Emendata et in Lucem EditaWorldStoopendaal, Daniel1729Bunsold
38Carta Hydrographica oder Algemeine Welt und Commercien Carte Warinnen die Grosse Meer und Seen auch See Kusten, und fornehmbs te Laender, der Gantzen Welt, neben denen Schiffarthen nach West uud Oost Indien auch von dar Zurucke deutlich entworffenWorldStridbeck/Bodenehr1730A400.00
39Werelt CaertWorldStoopendaal, Daniel1736B950.00
40Essay d'une Carte Reduite, Contenant les Parties Connuees du Globe TerrestreWorldBellin, Jacques Nicolas1748A600.00
41[World]WorldJagen, Jan van1748A1200.00
42Planisphere Physique Ou l'on voit du Pole Septentrional ce que l'on connoit de Terres et de Mers…WorldBuache/Dezauche1753B400.00
43Mappe-Monde ou Description du Globe Terrestre, Assujettie aux Observations AstronomiquesWorldJanvier/Lattre1762B600.00
44[Lot of 2] [Untitled - World] [and] Carte pour l'Intelligence du Livre Intitule de l'Esprit des LoixWorld1770-90B100.00
45Carte Reduite du Globe TerrestreWorldBellin, Jacques Nicolas1775B110.00
46Tabula Mundi Geographico Zoologica sistens Quadrupedes hucusque notos sedibus suis adscriptosWorldZimmerman, Eberhard A.W.1783A+650.00
47Die Nationen der Erde. Ein belehrendes Spiel fur die Iugend. Erklarung des SpielsWorld - Cartographic GameEbner, Carl1790-1800B350.00
48Planisphere Representant Toute l'Etendue du Monde…WorldElwe, Jan Barend1792B900.00
49Monde Entier, Par J.f Henry. Dressine et Ecrit Chez l'Auteur Par A. ClementWorldHenry, J.1835B220.00
50Map of the World on a Globular Projection…WorldSherman & Smith1844A110.00
51Moral & Statistical Chart Showing the Geographical Distribution of Man According to Religious Belief with the Protestant Mission Stations…WorldJohnston, Alexander K.1854A+170.00
52PlanisphereWorldLevasseur, Victor1860A275.00
53Ptolemaisch General Tafel Begreissend die halbe Rugel der WeldtAncient WorldMunster, Sebastian1540A1200.00
54[Daniel's Dream Map]Ancient WorldAnon.1564Aunsold
55Tabula Itineraria ex Illustri Peutingerorum Bibliotheca…Nobilissimo Viro Marco VelseroAncient World, France & EnglandOrtelius, Abraham1598B150.00
56Orbis Terrarum Veteribus Cogniti Typus GeographicusAncient WorldCluver/Jansson1661B100.00
57Veteris Orbis Climata ex StraboneAncient WorldCellarius, Christophorus1703B130.00
58Carte de la Geographie Sacree pour l'Ancien Testament…Ancient WorldMoullart-Sanson, Pierre1716A200.00
59Polus Arcticus sive Tract, Septentrionalis…North PoleQuad, Matthias von Kinckelbach1600A1100.00
60Septentrionalium Terrarum Descript.North PoleJansson, Jan1628-1630B180.00
61Poli Arctici, et Circumiacentium Terrarum Descriptio NovissimaNorth PoleHondius, Henricus1636B450.00
62Nova et Accurata Poli Arctici et Terrarum Circum Iacentium DescriptioNorth PoleWaesberger, Johann1676A325.00
63Nova et Accurata Poli Arctici et Terrarum Circum Iacentium DescriptioNorth PoleJansson/Valck & Schenk1700A950.00
64Regionum Circum Polarium Lapponiae Islandiae et Groenlandiae Novae et Veteris Nova Descriptio GeographicaNorth PoleScherer, Heinrich1701Aunsold
65A Correct Draught of the North PoleNorth PoleBowen, Emanuel1748C+unsold
66Nuova Carta Del Polo Artico secondo l'Ultime osservazioniNorth PoleAlbrizzi/Tirion1755B220.00
67A Map of the Icy Sea in Which the Several Communications with the Land Waters and Other New Discoveries are ExhibitedNorth PoleGibson, John1760B90.00
68Terres AntarctiquesSouth PoleAnon.1784B450.00
69Carte des Deux Regions Polaires…PolarBuffon, Comte de1760A300.00
70[Lot of 2] North Part of the Globe Corrected from the latest Voyages [and] Southern Hemisphere Corrected from the Latest VoyagesPolarSherwood, Neely & Jones1809A150.00
71[Lot of 2] No. 5 Circumjacent the North Pole [and] No. 6 Circumjacent the South PolePolarSDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge1845A+230.00
72[Monsters] Meerwunder und Seltzame Thier wie die in den Mitnachtigen Landern im Meer und auff dem Landtgefunden WerdenCartographic MiscellanyMunster, Sebastian1550A1600.00
73Voragine di Moskestroom / Onde Formate Dalla Voragine di MoskestromCartographic Miscellany1696A150.00
74Tafel in welcher alle gehorige Werck-zeuge zur Kreigs-Kunst… [Tab. Architecturae Militaris]Cartographic Miscellany - Military Weapons & FortificationsHomann, Johann Baptist1716B325.00
75A Map of the Principal Rivers Shewing Their Courses, Countries, and Comparative LengthsCartographic MiscellanySDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge1834A80.00
76[Letter from J.H. Colton to H.W. Hamilton, Esq., Milan, Ohio]Cartographic MiscellanyColton, Joseph Hutchins1849B250.00
77Botanical Profile. Representing the Forest Trees Along the Route Explored by Lieut. A.W. Whipple …from Fort Smith to San PedroWestern United States, ForestsU.S. War Department1853-54Bunsold
78Mountains & RiversCartographic MiscellanyColton, G.W. & C.B.1872B90.00
79[Lot of 2] Western Africa [and] AustraliaWorld MiscellanyStarling, Thomas1832-33B80.00
80[Lot of 4 - Early American Aviation]Aviation Charts1929-43325.00
81[Celestial Chart - Southern Sky]CelestialMallet, Alain Manesson1684B150.00
82[Lot of 2] La Voye Laictee...Pole Arctique [together with] La Voye Laictee... Pole AntarctiqueCelestialMallet, Alain Manesson1684A325.00
83Coeli Stellati Christiani Haemisphaerium PosteriusCelestialCellarius/Schenk & Valck1708A3750.00
84Hemisphaerium Coeli Australe in quo Fixarum loca secundum Eclipticae ductum ad anum 1730 completum exhibentur…CelestialDoppelmayr/Homann1742Aunsold
85Plate XXIIICelestialBode, Johann Elert1805A100.00
86Plate XXIICelestialBode, Johann Elert1805A130.00
87Plate XXCelestialBode, Johann Elert1805A100.00
88Die Sudlichen Gestirne nach de la Caillee [Plate XXIX ]CelestialBode, Johann Elert1805A100.00
89Plate VIIICelestialBode, Johann Elert1805A100.00
90Plate XVIICelestialBode, Johann Elert1805A170.00
91Beide Himmels-Halbkugeln in Stereographischer PolarprojectionCelestialMollo, Tranquillo1820B475.00
92Schema Corporis Solaris, prout ab Auctore et P. Scheinero…SunKircher, Athanasius1664A+1400.00
93Motus Planetarum Superiorum…Solar SystemDoppelmayr/Homann1716A600.00
94Das Planeten System der Sonne…Solar SystemBode, Johann Elert1801A+100.00
95Der Morden im voller LichteMoonBode, Johann Elert1801A50.00
9612 Inch GlobeGlobesC.F. Weber & Co.1900-1910B950.00
97Globe TerrestreGlobesForest, J.1900B+unsold
98New Peerless 12 Inch GlobeGlobesWeber Costello Co.1935-40A600.00
9912 Inch Terrestrial GlobeGlobesCram, George F. & Company1935-39B250.00
100Cram's Universal Terrestrial Globe 10 1/2 InchGlobesCram, George F. & Company1938-40A250.00
101Novae InsulaeWestern HemisphereMunster, Sebastian1572A7000.00
102Universale Della Parte del Mondo Nuovamente RitrovataWestern HemisphereGastaldi/Ramusio1606Aunsold
103America sive India Nova ad magnae Gerardi Mercatoris aui Universalis imitationem in compendium redactaWestern HemisphereMercator, Michael1606B3000.00
104America with those known parts in that unknowne worlde both people and manner of buildings Discribed and inlargedWestern HemisphereSpeed, John1626B6500.00
105Carte de l'Amerique Corrigee et augmentee; dessus toutes les aultres cy devant faictes par P. BertiusWestern HemisphereBertius/Tavernier1639A+2200.00
106America noviter delineataWestern HemisphereHondius/Jansson1665B2200.00
107Americae DescriptioWestern HemisphereCluver/Jansson1676Aunsold
108Novissima et Accuratissima Totius Americae DescriptioWestern HemisphereDanckerts, Justus1696B1100.00
109Recentissima Novi Orbis Sive Americae Septentrionalis et Meridionalis TabulaWestern HemisphereDanckerts, Justus1696B1300.00
110America Borealis [on sheet with] America AusralisWestern HemisphereScherer, Heinrich1702A300.00
111Descripcion de las Yndias OcidentalesWestern Hemisphere & PacificHerrera y Tordesillas, Antonio de1723A1100.00
112AmericaWestern HemisphereCluver, Philipp1729B250.00
113Novus Orbis potius Altera Continens Sive Atlantis Insula a Nicolao Sanson Antiquitati Restituta…Western HemisphereSanson, Guillaume1741B700.00
114Carte du Nouveau Continent selon sa plus grande longeur diametrale depuis la Riv. de la Plata jusqu'au dela du Lac des AssiniboinsWestern HemisphereRobert de Vaugondy, Didier1749A75.00
115Americae Mappa Generalis…Western HemisphereHaas/Homann Heirs1752B550.00
116Totius Americae Descriptio NovaWestern HemisphereMonath, Peter Conrad1758A600.00
117L'Amerique Suivant les Dernieres Observations de l'Academie Royale des SciencesWestern HemisphereMacquart1760A120.00
118Nieuwe Kaart van AmericaWestern HemisphereTirion, Isaac1769A+250.00
119L'Amerique divisee en ses principaux Etats Assujettie aux Observations AstronomiqesWestern HemisphereJanvier/Santini1784Aunsold
120L'AmericaWestern HemisphereZatta, Antonio1790B190.00
121Geographical, Statistical, and Historical Map of AmericaWestern HemisphereCarey & Lea1822B120.00
122Western HemisphereWestern HemisphereTallis, John1851B220.00
123America SeptentrionalisNorth AmericaHondius/Jansson1641A3250.00
124Americque Septentrionale Par le Sr. Sanson d'Abbeville Geographe du RoyNorth AmericaSanson, Nicolas1657B850.00
125L'America Settentrionale. Nuovamente Corretta et Accresciuta Secondo le Relationi Piu Moderne da Guglielmo Sansone Geografo di S.M. ChristianisaNorth AmericaRossi, Giamcomo Giovanni1677B+unsold
126Amerique SeptentrionaleNorth AmericaMallet, Alain Manesson1685B+unsold
127America SeptentrionalisNorth AmericaMueller/Bodenehr1702A+unsold
128A New Mapp of America Septentrionale Designed by Monsieur SansonNorth AmericaBlome, Richard1693A2300.00
129Amerique Septentrionale Divisee en ses Principales Parties…North AmericaSanson/Jaillot1694B1800.00
130America Borealis multis in locis Dei Matrem…North AmericaScherer, Heinrich1699A1000.00
131L'Amerique SeptentrionaleNorth AmericaSanson, Nicolas1700Aunsold
132Repraesentatio Americae Borealis cuius Provinciae Vera Fide Illuminatae Umbram non Habent, Reliquae Umbris Immersae suntNorth AmericaScherer, Heinrich1702A+1400.00
133Religionis Catholicae in America Boreali Disseminatae Repraesentatio GeographicaNorth AmericaScherer, Heinrich1703A800.00
134'T Noorder Deel van Amerika Door. C. Kolumbus in zyn Eerst Togt Ontdekt…North AmericaAa, Pieter van der1714A600.00
135L'Amerique Septentrionale qui fait partie des Indes Occidentales…North AmericaChiquet, Jacques1719A500.00
136L'Amerique Septentrionale Dressee sur les Observations de Mrs. de l'Academie Royale des Sciences…North AmericaDelisle/Covens & Mortier1730A1200.00
137Amerique Septentrionale Publiee sous les Auspices de Monseigneur le Duc d'Orleans Premier Prince du SangColonial North America and West IndiesAnville, Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d'1746Aunsold
138America SettentrionaleNorth AmericaRobert de Vaugondy1748A250.00
139L'Amerique SeptentrionaleNorth AmericaLe Rouge, George Louis1748A325.00
140Amerique SeptentrionaleNorth AmericaBonne, Rigobert1770B110.00
141America Septentrionalis, Concinnata juxta Observationes Dnn Academiae Regalis Scientiarum…North AmericaLotter, Tobias Conrad1772A750.00
142America Settentrionale divisa ne' suoi principali StatiNorth AmericaZatta, Antonio1776B350.00
143North America Drawn from the best AuthoritiesNorth AmericaKitchin, Thomas1782A160.00
144Nova Mappa Geographica Americae SeptentrionalisNorth AmericaProbst, Johann Michael1782A2400.00
145Charte von Nordamerica nach den neuesten Bestimmungen und EntdeckungenNorth AmericaReichard, Christian Gottlieb Theoph1804A1800.00
146America Settentrionale di ArrowsmitNorth AmericaAnon.1810B110.00
147North AmericaNorth AmericaThomson, John1828B150.00
148Carte Physique et Politique de l'Amerique Septentrionale…North AmericaBrue, Adrien Hubert1833A450.00
149Amerique Septentrionale 3e. Edition. Au depot general…North AmericaSelves, H.1835B120.00
150Map of North AmericaNorth AmericaBurgess, Daniel1839B210.00
151Map of North America, Exhibiting the recent discoveries, Geographical & NauticalNorth AmericaWyld, James1843A400.00
152Amerique SeptentrionaleNorth AmericaLevasseur, Victor1845A220.00
153North AmericaNorth AmericaSDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge1846A90.00
154Amerique SeptentrionaleNorth AmericaLevasseur, Victor1850A210.00
155Amerique SeptentrionaleNorth AmericaFurne & Cie1850A90.00
156[Lot of 2] Map of North America [and] Map of North AmericaNorth America1853-56A130.00
157Nord America mit WestindienNorth AmericaKiepert, Heinrich C.1868B110.00
158Map of the Western & Middle Portions of North America to Illustrate the History of California, Oregon and the Other Countries on the North-West Coast of AmericaWestern North AmericaGreenhow, Robert1844B300.00
159Estotilandia et Laboratoris TerraCanada and GreenlandMetellus, Natalius Sequanus1600B750.00
160Septemtrionaliora Americae a Groenlandia, per Freta Davidis, et Hudson, ad Terram Novam / De Noordelyckste Zee kusten van America van Groenland door de Straet Davis ende Straet Hudson tot Terra NeufCanada and GreenlandWit, Frederick de1675B650.00
161A Chart of the North Part of America Describing the Sea Coast of Groenland Davies Streights Baffins Bay Hudsons Streights Buttons Bay and James BayCanada and GreenlandSeller, John1675B2100.00
162Pascaarte vande Noorder Zee custen van America, vande West-hoeck van Ysland doorde Straet Davis en Hudson, tot aen Terra NeufCanada and GreenlandKeulen, Johannes van1728-83B450.00
163Bayes d'Hudson et de Baffins, et Terre de LabradorCanada and GreenlandRobert de Vaugondy1749A75.00
164Neue Karte von den Gegenden wo eine Nordwest Durchfahrt in den Iahren 1746-1747…Canada and North AtlanticEllis, Henry1750A375.00
165La Baja d'Hudson Terra di Labrador e Groenlandia con le Isole AdiacentiCanada - GreenlandZatta, Antonio1778Bunsold
166Chart of the Discoveries & Route of his Majesty's Ships Hecla and Griper in search of a North West PassageCanadian ArcticParry, William Edward (Adm. Sir)1821B325.00
167[Lot of 4 - Arctic Canada]Canadian ArcticVandermaelen, Philippe Marie Guillaume1825-7B300.00
168Recent Discoveries in the Arctic RegionsCanadian ArcticAspin, Jehoshaphat1827B150.00
169[Lot of 4 - Arctic Canada]Canadian ArcticVandermaelen, Philippe Marie Guillaume1827B200.00
170[Lot of 2] Arctic Regions, with All the Discoveries, to 1851 [together with] Arctic Regions, with All the Discoveries, to 1853Canadian ArcticPhilip, George1851/53Bunsold
171Partie Occidentale de l'Amerique Septentrionale, ou sont Compris la Baye de Baffins, la Baye de Hudson, &c.Canada - Hudson BayMortier, Pierre1695A+unsold
172A Chart of Hudson's Straits and Bay, According to the Discoveries made between the Years 1610 & 1743Canada - Hudson BaySwaine Drage, Charles1749B110.00
173Carta rappresentante una parte dlla Baja d'Hudson, e le Regioni a Maestro dell'America Settentrle.Canada - Hudson BayRossi, Veremondo1763Aunsold
174Carte de la Baie de HudsonCanada - Hudson BayBellin, Jacques Nicolas1777A+100.00
175New and Accurate Chart of Hudson's Bay, in North AmericaCanada - Hudson BayLodge, John1782B+unsold
176Nova Francia et CanadaEastern CanadaWytfliet, Cornelis1597B900.00
177British America, Comprehending Canada, Labrador, New-Foundland, Nova Scotia &c.Eastern CanadaLongman Co.1808B110.00
178[Lot of 2] Amer. Sep. Partie du Labrador. No. 28. [and] Amer. Sep. Partie du Labrador. No. 29.Eastern CanadaVandermaelen, Philippe Marie Guillaume1825-7B150.00
179Partie du Canada ou se trouvent le Fleuve St. Laurent et la Nouvelle EcosseCanada, Maritime ProvincesRobert de Vaugondy, Didier1749A90.00
180Carte de l'Acadie, Isle Royale et Pais VoisinsCanada, Maritime ProvincesBellin, Jacques Nicolas1757B130.00
181[Lot of 3] Plan de la Ville de Louisbourg dans l'Isle Royale [and] L'Isle Royale Situee a l'Entree du Golphe de Saint Laurent [and] Port de Louisbourg dans l'Isle RoyaleCanada - Maritime ProvincesBellin, Jacques Nicolas1764B130.00
182Le Golphe de Saint Laurent et l'Isle de Terre-NeuveCanada, Gulf of St. LaurenceBellin, Jacques Nicolas1764B90.00
183Conibas Regio cum Vicinis GentibusCentral CanadaWytfliet, Cornelis1597B550.00
184A Map of Mackenzie's Track from Fort Chipewyan to the North Sea, in 1789Central CanadaMackenzie, Alexander1801Bunsold
185Carte de la Route d'Alexdre. Mackenzie, du Fort Chipiouyan a l'Ocean Pacifique, en 1793Central CanadaMackenzie, Alexander1802B275.00
186A Plan of the River St. Lawrence from the Falls of Montmorenci to Sillery; with the Operations of the Siege of QuebecCanada, QuebecAnon.1759A140.00
187Quebek, de Hoofdstad van Kanada; aan de Rivier van St. Laurens…Canada, QuebecTirion, Isaac1759A+325.00
188L'Isle de Montreal et ses EnvironsCanada, MontrealBellin, Jacques Nicolas1764B350.00
189Limes Occidentis Quivira et AnianWestern Canada & AlaskaWytfliet, Cornelis1597B1300.00
190Carte Reduite des Parties Septentrionales du Globe, Situees Entre l'Asie et l'AmeriqueCanadian Arctic and Pacific NorthwestBellin, Jacques Nicolas1758B160.00
191[Lot of 2] Carte des parties Nord et est de l'Asia qui comprend les Cotes de la Russie Asiatique le Kamschatka, le Jesso, et les Isles du Japon [together with] Carte qui represente les differentes connoissances...Terres Arctiques…Canadian Arctic, Pacific Northwest and Northern AsiaRobert de Vaugondy, Didier1772/3A220.00
192A Chart of North and South America, including the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans…Canadian Arctic, Hudson Bay and AlaskaJefferys/Sayer & Bennett1775B500.00
193A Map Shewing the Communication of the Lakes and the Rivers between Lake Superior and Slave Lake in North AmericaWestern Canada and AlaskaAnon.1790B300.00
194Carte Particuliere de la Cote du Nord-Ouest de l'Amerique reconnue par les Fregates Francaises la Boussole et l'Astrolabe en 1786. 1e. FeuilleWestern Canada and AlaskaLa Perouse, Comte Jean F. Galoup, de1797Aunsold
195Carte Particuliere de la Cote du Nord-Ouest de l'Amerique reconnue par les Fregates Francaises la Boussole et l'Astrolabe en 1786. 2e. FeuilleWestern Canada & United StatesLa Perouse, Comte Jean F. Galoup, de1797B150.00
196Map of Oregon TerritoryWestern Canada, Pacific Northwest, Oregon TerritoryParker, Samuel (Rev.)1838B425.00
197Nova Anglia Novum Belgium et VirginiaColonial New England and Mid-AtlanticJansson, Jan1639Bunsold
198[Canada]Colonial United States and Canada, Great LakesMueller/Bodenehr1692A+300.00
199Carte d'un Tres Grand Pais Nouvellement Decouvert dans l'Amerique Septentrionale Entre le Nouveau Mexique et la Mer Glaciale…Colonial United States & CanadaHennepin, Louis de (Fr.)1704A3500.00
200Carte de la Nouvelle France, ou se voit le cours des Grandes Rivieres de S. Laurens & de Mississipi Aujour d'hui S. Louis, Aux Environs des-quelles se trouvent les Etats, Pais, Nations, Peuples &c.Colonial United States and CanadaChatelain, Henry Abraham1719A+3000.00
201A New Map of ye North Parts of America claimed by France under ye Names of Louisiana, Mississipi, Canada & New France, with the Adjoyning Territories of England & SpainColonial United States & CanadaMoll, Herman1735B475.00
202Accurata delineatio celeberrimae Regionis Ludovicianae vel Gallice Louisiane ol Canadae et Floridae adpellatione in Septemtrionali America descripta quae hodie nomine fluminis Mississippi vel St. Louis…Colonial North America and CaribbeanSeutter, Matthias1740B3250.00
203Carta Geografica del Canada nell'America SettentrionaleColonial United States and CanadaAlbrizzi, Girolamo1750B600.00
204Carte des Possessions Angloises & Francoises du Continent de l'Amerique Septentrionale [also] Kaart van de Engelsche en Fransche Bezittingen in het Vaste Land van Noord AmericaColonial United States and CanadaOttens, Reiner and Joshua1755B1400.00
205Partie Orientale de la Nouvelle France ou du CanadaColonial United States and CanadaHomann Heirs1755A350.00
206Partie Orientale de la Nouvelle France ou du Canada avec l'Isle de Terre-Neuve et de Nouvelle Ecosse, Acadie et Nouv. Angleterre…Colonial United States and CanadaSeutter/Lotter1756A+1200.00
207Nieuwe Kaart van Kanada, de Landen aan de Hudsons-Baay en de Noordwestelyke deelen van Noord-AmerikaColonial United States and CanadaTirion, Isaac1769A+275.00
208Partie Occidentale du Canada, contenant les cinq Grands Lacs, avec les Pays CirconvoisinsColonial United States & Canada, Great LakesBonne, Rigobert1775A600.00
209Il Paese de Selvaggi Outauacesi e Kilistinesi Intorno al Lago SuperioreColonial United States & Canada, Great LakesZatta, Antonio1778B275.00
210[United States and Canada]Eastern United States and CanadaAnon.1785B375.00
211North America Index Map to Canada and the United StatesEastern Canada & United StatesSDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge1844B90.00
212[Lot of 9 Town Plans]Canada & United StatesRogers & Johnston1857A200.00
213Map of the United States and Texas, Designed to Accompany Smith's Geography for SchoolsUnited StatesBurgess, Daniel1839B600.00
214Die Vereinigten Staaten von Nord-AmerikaUnited StatesStreit, Friedrich Wilhelm1844B150.00
215United StatesUnited StatesCornell, Sarah Sophia1855B140.00
216A New Map of the United States of America by J.H. YoungUnited StatesThomas, Cowperthwait & Co.1856B400.00
217General Map of the United StatesUnited StatesBlack, Adam & Charles1858A140.00
218[Lot of 2] Colton's United States of America [and] Map of the United States and Territories. Together with Canada &c.United States1860-72110.00
219New Military Map of the United States Showing the Forts, Military Posts, &c with Enlarged Plans of Southern HarborsUnited StatesJohnson & Ward1861B140.00
220Map of the United States and Territories Shewing the extent of Public Surveys and other details constructed from the Plats and official sources of the General Land Office…United StatesGeneral Land Office1866A300.00
221Die Vereinigten Staaten von Nord America nebst CanadaUnited StatesKiepert, Heinrich C.1870B110.00
222[Railroad Promotional Newspaper] Iowa and Nebraska Burlington and Missouri River R.R. Company LandsUnited StatesRailroad Companies, (Various)1875B250.00
223Map of the Ohio and Mississippi Railway and ConnectionsUnited StatesRailroad Companies, (Various)1880B160.00
224Iron Mountain Route to Arkansas, Texas and CaliforniaUnited StatesRand McNally & Co.1883A425.00
225Novissima Tabula Regionis Ludovicianae Gallice dicta la Louisiane…Colonial United StatesWeigel, Christopher1734A1600.00
226Partie de l'Amerique Septentrionale qui comprend le Cours de l'Ohio, la Nlle. Angleterre, la Nlle. York, le New Jersey, la Pensylvanie, le Maryland, la Virginie, la CarolineColonial United StatesRobert de Vaugondy, Gilles1755A750.00
227Carte Generale des Etats-Unis de l'Amerique Septentrionale Divisee en ses 17 ProvincesUnited States - EasternRochefoucald Liancourt, Francois Alexander1800B300.00
228Etats Unis et Grandes AntillesUnited States - EasternChamouin, Jean Baptiste Marie1810A170.00
229Map of the United States of America Designed to Illustrate the Geological Memoir of Wm. Mclure Esqr.United States - EasternMelish, John1818B425.00
230[Lot of 11 - Revolutionary War maps]Eastern United StatesMarshall, John1832C275.00
231Stati-Uniti dell'America Settentrionale dalle piu recenti mappe…United States - Eastern and CentralTasso, G.1832A250.00
232Mitchell's Dissected Puzzle Map of the Eastern United States.Eastern United States - PuzzleCowperthwait, Desilver & Butler1854C150.00
233Novi Belgii, quod nunc Novi Jorck Vocatur, Novae qz. Angliae & Partis Virginiae Accuratissima et Novissima DelineatioColonial NortheastMontanus/Ogilby1671A1300.00
234Totius Neobelgii Nova et Accuratissima TabulaColonial NortheastAllard, Hugo1680A11000.00
235Nieuw Engeland in Twee Scheepstogten door Kapitein Johan Smith in de Jaren 1614 en 1615Colonial New EnglandAa, Pieter van der1707A650.00
236New England, New York, New Jersey, and Pensilvania &c.Colonial NortheastMoll, Herman1739A425.00
237Carte de la Nouvelle Angleterre, Nouvelle Yorck, Pensilvanie…Colonial New England and Mid-AtlanticBellin, Jacques Nicolas1757B210.00
238Carte de la Nouvelle Angleterre New York Pensilvanie et Nouveau Jersay…Colonial New England and Mid-AtlanticBellin, Jacques Nicolas1764B600.00
239Map of Hudson's River with the Adjacent CountryNortheastern United StatesAnon.1778A150.00
240Carte de la Nouvelle Angleterre, Nouvelle York, Nouvelle Jersey, et PensilvanieColonial NortheastLaporte, Joseph de1783B200.00
241Map of the New York and Erie R.R., and Its ConnectionsUnited States - NortheastRailroad Companies, (Various)1856B140.00
242Summer Resorts of the Coast, Lake and Mountain Regions Along the Boston & Maine Railroad and ConnectionsNew EnglandMatthews-Northrup Co1912A+75.00
243Nova Virginiae TabulaColonial Mid-AtlanticMontanus/Ogilby1671A1300.00
244Virginia Marylandia et Carolina in America Septentrionali Britannorum industria excultaeColonial Mid-AtlanticHomann, Johann Baptist1714-30A+2000.00
245A New Map of Virginia Mary:Land and the Improved Parts of Pennsylvania & New Jersey…Colonial Mid-AtlanticSenex, John1719B4000.00
246A Map of the Western parts of the Colony of VirginiaColonial Mid-AtlanticGibson, John1754A750.00
247A Map of the Country round Philadelphia including Part of New Jersey, New York, Staten Island & Long IslandColonial Mid-AtlanticAnon.1776A200.00
248[Southwest sheet of Province de New-York]Colonial Mid-AtlanticMontresor, John1777Bunsold
249A general Map of the Middle British Colonies in America: Viz. Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, Pensilvania, New Jersey, New York…Colonial Mid Atlantic and Great LakesJefferys/Sayer1775B2750.00
250A New and General Map of the Middle Dominions Belonging to the United States of America, viz Virginia, Maryland, The Delaware-Counties, Pennsylvania, New Jersey &c.United States - Mid-Atlantic and Great LakesLaurie & Whittle1794B1300.00
251[Florida]Colonial SouthMueller/Bodenehr1692A+350.00
252'T Amerikaans Gewest van Florida Door Ferdinand de SotoColonial SouthAa, Pieter van der1707A600.00
253La Floride, Suivant les Nouvelles Observations…Colonial SouthAa, Pieter van der1713B650.00
254Carte de la Floride, de la Louisiane, et Pays VoisinsColonial United StatesBellin, Jacques Nicolas1757A+220.00
255Carta Rappresentante la Penisola della FloridaColonial SouthPazzi, Giuseppe1763A450.00
256A Map of the New Governments, of East & West FloridaColonial SouthGibson, John1763A450.00
257Luigiana Inglese, colla Parte Occidentale della Florida, della Giorgia, e Carolina MeridonaleColonial SouthZatta, Antonio1778A400.00
258Il Paese de Cherachesi, con la Parte Occidentale della Carolina Settentrionale, e della VirginiaColonial South Central United StatesZatta, Antonio1778B+unsold
259Carte de la Louisiane, et de la FlorideColonial SouthBonne, Rigobert1780B130.00
260Carte de la Floride et de la GeorgieSouthern United StatesTardieu, Pierre Francois1785A650.00
261A Correct Map of the Georgia Western TerritorySouthern United StatesDilly, Charles1798B170.00
262The Southern States and Missisippi TerritorySouthern United StatesCarey, Mathew1814A240.00
263Louisiana and MississippiUnited States - SouthernTanner, Henry Schenck1820A2300.00
264Virginiae Item et Floridae Americae Provinciarum, nova DescriptioColonial SoutheastHondius, Jodocus1613Bunsold
265Virginiae partis australis, et Floridae partis orientalis, interjacentiumq regionum Nova DescriptioColonial SoutheastJansson, Jan1647B1400.00
266Virginiae partis australis, et Floridae partis orientalis, interjacentiumq regionum Nova DescriptioColonial SoutheastMontanus/Ogilby1671Bunsold
267CarolinaColonial SoutheastMoll, Herman1729A475.00
268A New & Accurate Map of the Provinces of North & South Carolina Georgia &c. Drawn from the late Surveys…Colonial SoutheastBowen, Emanuel1752B550.00
269Partie Meridionale de la Louisiane, avec la Floride, la Caroline et la Virginie…Colonial SoutheastD'Anville/Santini1776B800.00
270Carte de la Partie Sud des Etats Unis de l'Amerique SeptentrionaleUnited States - SoutheastBonne, Rigobert1783A140.00
271Carte des Etats-Unis Provinces MeridionalesSoutheast United StatesRochefoucald Liancourt, Francois Alexander1799B325.00
272Les Etats Unis de l'Amerique Septentrionale Partie OccidentaleUnited States - MidwestBonne, Rigobert1780B220.00
273N.W. TerritoryUnited States - Midwest and Great LakesScott, Joseph1800B550.00
274The Middle States and Western Territories of the United States including the Seat of the Western WarUnited States - Midwest and Mid-AtlanticCarey, Mathew1812A375.00
275Geological Map of the Middle and Western StatesMidwest and Mid AtlanticHall, James1843B230.00
276Provisional Geological Map of Part of the Chippeway Land District of Wisconsin with Part of Iowa & of Minnesota TerritoryUnited States - CentralOwen, David Dale1847B120.00
277[Lot of 2] Map Illustrating the plan of the defences of the Western & North Western Frontier…Central United StatesHood, Washington (Lt.)1860B220.00
278Johnson's Nebraska, Dakota, Colorado & KansasUnited States - MidwestJohnson & Browning1861A150.00
279Carte Particuliere de la Cote du Nord-Ouest de l'Amerique reconnue par les Fregates Francaises la Boussole et l'Astrolabe en 1786. 3e. FeuilleWestern United StatesLa Perouse, Comte Jean F. Galoup, de1797Bunsold
280Map of the Route Pursued by the Late Expedition under the Command of Col. S.W. Kearney, U.S. 1st DragoonsUnited States - WesternFranklin, William Buell [Lt.]1845A150.00
281The Whig Almanac [Maps of Oregon and Texas]Western United States1846A110.00
282A New Map of the State of California, the Territories of Oregon, Washington, Utah & New MexicoWestern United StatesThomas, Cowperthwait & Co.1853B650.00
283Map of the Territory of the United States from the Mississippi to the Pacific OceanUnited States - WesternWarren, Lieut. G. K.1854-57Bunsold
284Map to Illustrate Capt. Bonneville's Adventures among the Rocky MountainsUnited States - WesternColton, Joseph Hutchins1855B275.00
285A New Map of the State of California, the Territories of Oregon, Washington, Utah & New MexicoWestern United StatesDesilver, Charles1856A550.00
286Map Illustrating the General Geological Features of the Country West of the Mississippi River - Compiled from the Surveys of W.H. Emory and from the Pacific Railroad Surveys & other sources.United States - WesternHall, James1857B425.00
287United States. Western States, including California, Oregon, Utah, Washington, New Mexico, Nebraska, Kansas, Indian Territory &c.United States - WesternBlack, Adam & Charles1861-62A325.00
288United States of North America (Western States)Western United StatesJohnston, Keith1866A+200.00
289[Lot of 9] U.S. Geographical Surveys West of the One Hundredth Meridian. Topographical Atlas SheetsUnited States - WesternWheeler, George (Lt)1877Aunsold
290Map of the Yellowstone National Park Compiled from different official explorations and our personal survey, 1882Western United States - YellowstoneHals & Rydstrom1882A300.00
291The Range and Ranch Cattle Area of the United StatesUnited States - WesternU.S. Government1885A600.00
292Johnson's Washington and OregonUnited States - NorthwesternJohnson & Browning1861A110.00
293Map of Oregon, Washington, and Part of IdahoUnited States - NorthwesternMitchell, Samuel Augustus1863A+90.00
294Colton's Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, and British ColumbiaUnited States - NorthwesternColton, G.W. & C.B.1872B110.00
295Idaho, Montana and WyomingUnited States - NorthwesternGray, Frank1873A100.00
296Map Showing Land Grants of the Northern Pacific Railroad Co.United States - NorthwesternRailroad Companies, (Various)1890B150.00
297Military Reconnaissance of the Arkansas, Rio del Norte and Rio Gila…Southwestern United StatesEmory, William Hemsley1847Bunsold
298Sketch of Part of the March & Wagon Road of Lt. Colonel Cooke from Santa Fe to the Pacific Ocean 1846-7United States - SouthwesternU.S. War Department1847A130.00
299Colton's Territories of New Mexico and UtahUnited States - SouthwesternJohnson & Browning1859A650.00
300[Lot of 2] Map No. 1 [and] Map No. 2 Rio Colorado of the WestUnited States - SouthwesternIves, Joseph C. (Lt.)1861B220.00
301California, also Utah, Nevada, Colorado, New Mexico and ArizonaUnited States - SouthwesternJohnson, A. J.1864B150.00
302Neueste Karte von Alabama…AlabamaMeyer, Joseph1851B110.00
303A New Map of Alabama with its Roads & Distances from place to place, along the Stage & Steam Boat RoutesAlabamaThomas, Cowperthwait & Co.1853B75.00
304Carte de la Riviere de Cook dans la partie N.O. de l'AmeriqueAlaskaBonne, Rigobert1787B75.00
305Plan de l'Entree du Port de Bucarelli sur la Cote du Nord-Ouest de l'Amerique, par 55°15' de Latitude Nord et 136°15' de Longitude a l'Ouest de Paris. Decouverte en 1775…AlaskaLa Perouse, Comte Jean F. Galoup, de1797Bunsold
306[Lot of 4 - Alaska]Alaska1895-1908A60.00
307The Gold and Coal Fields of Alaska Together with the Principal Steamer Routes and TrailsAlaskaU.S. Geological Survey (USGS)1898A130.00
308Alaska Compiled from the Official Records of the General Land Office U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey … under the direction of I.P. BerthrongAlaskaGeneral Land Office1908Aunsold
309Map Showing Routes of the River and Land Parties Engaged in Exploring the Grand Canon of the ColoradoArizona, Grand CanyonWheeler, George (Lt)1871A180.00
310Territory of Arizona [with] Report of the Governor of ArizonaArizonaGeneral Land Office1905A+210.00
311Territory of ArizonaArizonaGeneral Land Office1906A+180.00
312Mouillage de San PedroCalifornia, Los AngelesDuflot de Mofras, Eugene1844A325.00
313Upper Mines Nos 1 & 8 [on sheet with] Lower Mines or Mormon Diggings No. 3CaliforniaU.S. Government1848Aunsold
314Sketch of General Riley's Route Through the Mining Districts July and Aug. 1849CaliforniaDerby, George Horatio (Lt)1849B250.00
315[Lot of 2] Survey of Public Lands in the Gold Region [together with] Geological Reconnaissances in CaliforniaCaliforniaU.S. Government1850B180.00
316View of San Francisco 1850 Taken from a High Point on the South SideCalifornia, San FranciscoBill, Henry1850B150.00
317Geological Map of a Part of the State of California Explored in 1853 by Lieut. R.S. Williamson U.S. Top. Engr.CaliforniaU.S. War Department1853B170.00
318San Diego Entrance and ApproachesCalifornia, San DiegoU.S. Coast Survey1853B75.00
319Map of Public Surveys in California to accompany Report of Surveyor Genl.CaliforniaU.S. State Surveys1854A100.00
320[Lot of 3 - City of Wilmington and Harbor]California1895-192460.00
321[Lot of 2 - Yosemite Park]California, YosemiteU.S. Government1899-1906A+210.00
322California Automobile Tours - Compliments of the Hotel Del MonteCalifornia1913B140.00
323A Geographically Correct Map of Kansas & Colorado, Showing Principal Cities & Towns…Reached by the Kansa Pacific Railway, the Golden Belt RouteColorado and KansasRailroad Companies, (Various)1878B800.00
324Atlas to Accompany Monograph XXXI on the Geology of the Aspen District ColoradoColoradoU.S. Geological Survey (USGS)1898A550.00
325[Lot of 2 - Colorado]Colorado1906-20A80.00
326Road Map Colorado National ForestsColoradoClason Map Company1919A+60.00
327ConnecticutConnecticutArrowsmith & Lewis1804B70.00
328City of WashingtonDistrict of ColumbiaDesilver, Charles1856A230.00
329[Lot of 2 - Dakota]Dakota and WyomingVarious1872-73B120.00
330Territory of DakotaDakota TerritoryGeneral Land Office1882B300.00
331Gezigt van 't Spaansche Vlek Pensacola, aan de Baay van dien Naam, in de Golf van Mexiko, Beoosten den Uitloop van de Rivier MissisippiFloridaTirion, Isaac1769A+110.00
332Supplemento Alla Florida OrientaleFloridaZatta, Antonio1778A120.00
333North America XIV FloridaFloridaSDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge1834B250.00
334A Plat Exhibiting the State of the Surveys in the Territory of FloridaFloridaU.S. Government1837A150.00
335Map of the State of Florida Showing the Progress of the Surveys…FloridaU.S. State Surveys1856B130.00
336U.S. Coast Survey A. D. Bache Superintendent Sketch F Showing the Progess of the Survey in Section VI With a General Reconnoissance of the Coast of Florida 1848-60FloridaBache, Alex D.1860B110.00
337[Lot of 2] Gray's Atlas Map of Florida [and] County Map of FloridaFloridaVarious1867-73A170.00
338Neueste Karte von Georgia…GeorgiaMeyer, Joseph1852A110.00
339Carte des Isles SandwichHawaiiBonne, Rigobert1787A475.00
340Neueste Karte von Illinois…IllinoisMeyer, Joseph1851A110.00
341New Sectionalized Map of the State of Illinois Engraved from Official Draughts of each County…IllinoisCram, George F. & Company1870A2000.00
342[Lot of 2] Carte Geographique, Statistique et Historique de l'Indiana [together with] A New Map of Indiana with its Roads, & DistancesIndiana[blank]1825-46Aunsold
343IowaIowaTanner, Henry Schenck1843A425.00
344Map of Sioux City, IowaIowa, Railroads1886Bunsold
345KentuckyKentuckyScott, Joseph1795B130.00
346KentuckyKentuckyFinley, Anthony1824A110.00
347Plan de la Nouvelle OrleansLouisiana, New OrleansBellin, Jacques Nicolas1755A240.00
348Grondvlakte van Nieuw Orleans, de Hoofdstad van Louisiana [on sheet with] De Uitloop van de Rivier Missisippi [and] De oostelyke Ingang van de Missisippi, met een Plan van het Fort, 't Welk het Kanaal BeheerschtLouisiana, New OrleansTirion, Isaac1769A+850.00
349Geological Map of MassachusettsMassachusettsHitchcock, Edward1832B+300.00
350Old Colony Line Map of Martha's Vineyard and the Summer Resorts of Buzzard's Bay and Vineyard SoundMassachusettsWalling, Henry F.1885A90.00
351Boston HarborMassachusetts, BostonWalker Lithograpic & Publishing Co.1910-15A170.00
352A New Map of Michigan with its Canals, Roads & DistancesMichiganThomas, Cowperthwait & Co.1850B75.00
353[Lot of 2] Johnson's Minnesota and Dakota [and] Map of Minnesota by J.H. YoungMinnesota & DakotaVarious1861A275.00
354A New Map of the State of Mississippi with its Roads and DistancesMississippiThomas, Cowperthwait & Co.1850B70.00
355MissouriMissouriFinley, Anthony1824A140.00
356South West Land District of MissouriMissouriGeneral Land Office1836B100.00
357Map Showing the System of Rebel Fortifications on the Mississippi River at Island No. 10 and New Madrid , Also the Operations of the U. S. Forces under General John Pope Against These PositionsMissouri - Civil WarU.S. War Department1862C180.00
358Montana TerritoryMontanaGeneral Land Office1887A450.00
359Map of the State of MontanaMontanaGeneral Land Office1906A170.00
360Carte Geographique, Statistique et Historique de New-HampshireNew HampshireBuchon, Jean Alexandre1825A110.00
361The Jerseys, &c, &cNew JerseyConder, Thomas1788A375.00
362[Lot of 2] Pleasantville Annex West Jersey & Seashore R.R. Electric Railroad to Atlantic City [and] Rand, McNally & Co.'s New JerseyNew Jersey1885-90unsold
363Rand-McNally New Standard Map of Jersey City, Hoboken and BayonneNew JerseyRand McNally & Co.1904Aunsold
364Map of the Territory of New Mexico, Made by Order of Brig. Gen. S. W. Kearny…New MexicoAbert & Peck1846-7Bunsold
365Carte de la Riviere de Richelieu et du Lac Champlain…New YorkBellin, Jacques Nicolas1744A200.00
366Porti della Nuova York e PerthamboyNew York & New JerseyAnon.1763A180.00
367A Chart of New York Harbour with the Banks Soundings and Sailing marks from the most accurate Surveys & ObservationsNew YorkMount & Page1789C500.00
368[Lot of 2] Chart of Long Island Sound 1827 [and] Sketch B Showing the progress of Section No. 2 U.S. Coast Survey 1844 to 1852New YorkU.S. Coast & Geodetic Survey1827-52B90.00
369Map of the City of New York, with the Latest Improvements...Corrected to 1831New YorkPhelps, Humphrey1831C300.00
370Map of the Adirondack WildernessNew YorkStoddard, S. R.1899B110.00
371Rand-McNally New Standard Map of the Borough of ManhattanNew YorkRand McNally & Co.1902A210.00
372Map of the Business District of New York, Brooklyn, and Jersey CityNew YorkRand McNally & Co.1904B50.00
373Hammond's Auto Route Map of Suburban Long IslandNew YorkHammond, C. S.1918A50.00
374Gray's Atlas Map of North CarolinaNorth CarolinaGray, O. W.1873A60.00
375Boundary of the Creek Country Surveyed under the Direction of the Bureau of Topl. Engs.OklahomaSitgreaves, Lorenzo (Capt.)1858A180.00
376[Lot of 2] Indian TerritoryOklahoma1872-80A210.00
377Indian TerritoryOklahomaGeneral Land Office1883B210.00
378Indian TerritoryOklahomaGeneral Land Office1887A700.00
379Map of Indian Territory and OklahomaOklahomaU.S. Government1890A+550.00
380Map of the Cherokee Strip Compiled from U.S. Surveys by E.W. Wiggins, C.E.OklahomaU.S. War Department1893A+150.00
381Map of Indian Territory Indicating the Progress of Survey to March 1, 1896OklahomaU.S. Department of Interior1896A750.00
382[Lot of 2] Oklahoma TerritoryOklahomaGeneral Land Office1906-07A210.00
383Rhode IslandRhode IslandScott, Joseph1795B100.00
384Rhode IslandRhode IslandCarey, Mathew1801B150.00
385South CarolinaSouth CarolinaFinley, Anthony1824A75.00
386Gray's Atlas Map of South CarolinaSouth CarolinaGray, O. W.1873B50.00
387S.W. TerritoryTennesseeScott, Joseph1795B375.00
388TennesseeTennesseeFinley, Anthony1828B425.00
389Geological Map of Tennessee by J.M. Safford, A.M., Ph.D.TennesseeTaintor Brothers1869B350.00
390Gorostiza Pamphlet. Message from the President of the United States, Transmitting A Copy and translation of a Pamphlet, in the Spanish language, printed and circulated by the late Minister from Mexico before his departure from the United States, &cTexasU.S. Government1838A475.00
391Sabine Pass and Mouth of the River Sabine in the Sea…TexasU.S. Government1840B450.00
392No. 13 Map of the State of TexasTexasMitchell, Samuel Augustus1846A600.00
393Map Showing the Route of the Arkansas Regiment from Shreveport La. to San Antonio de Bexar TexasTexasU.S. Government1846-50A200.00
394Map of the Country upon Upper Red-River Explored in 1852…Texas, OklahomaMarcy, Capt. R.B.1853B220.00
395Galveston Entrance Texas From a Trigonometrical Survey…TexasU.S. Coast Survey1856A110.00
396Carte du Texas pour les Missions et VoyagesTexasDomenech, Emmanuel1857B350.00
397New Map of the State of TexasTexasJohnson & Ward1865B220.00
398The Railroad System of Texas on September 1st, 1881. Compiled for the Galveston News by A.B. LangermannTexasRand McNally & Co.1881B350.00
399Map of Texas and Part of New Mexico Compiled in the Bureau of Topographic Engrs. Chiefly for Military Purposes 1857TexasU.S. Government1891A140.00
400TexasTexasRand McNally & Co.1904A190.00
401Map of the Great Salt Lake and Adjacent Country in the Territory of Utah [on sheet with] The Great Salt Lake (Mormon) City and Surrounding Country (on an Enlarged Scale)UtahWeller, Edward1858A150.00
402VirginiaVirginiaScott, Joseph1795B275.00
403Map of the Battlefield of Roanoke ID.VirginiaU.S. War Department1862B65.00
404Map of the Seat of War in Eastern Virginia, from Fortress Monroe to RichmondVirginiaColton, George Woolworth1862B80.00
405Plan of Yorktown and Vicinity, showing the Historical Sites of 1781, and the Celebration Grounds of 1881Virginia1881Aunsold
406Map of a Part of the Territory of Washington to Accompany Report of Surveyor GeneralWashingtonGeneral Land Office1855B130.00
407[Lot of 4 - Puget Sound] U.S. Drydock Commission North West Coast 1890. No. 1… [and] No. 2… [and] No. 3… [and] No. 5…WashingtonU.S. Coast & Geodetic Survey1890B50.00
408Nueva Hispania Tabula NovaSouthern United States and MexicoRuscelli, Girolamo1561B750.00
409Granata Nova et CaliforniaSouthwestern United States & MexicoWytfliet, Cornelis1597A2400.00
410Le Nouveau Mexique, et la Floride…Colonial United States & MexicoSanson, Nicolas1656A6500.00
411Audience de Guadalajara, Nouveau Mexique, Californie, &c.Southwest United States and MexicoSanson, Nicolas1667A800.00
412Nouveau Mexique et CalifornieSouthwestern United States & MexicoMallet, Alain Manesson1686A400.00
413Le Vieux Mexique ou Nouvelle Espagne avec les costes de la FlorideSouthern United States & MexicoFer, Nicolas de1705B400.00
414A New & Accurate Map of Mexico or New Spain together with California New Mexico &c, Drawn from the best Modern Maps & Charts…Southern United States, Mexico and Central AmericaBowen, Emanuel1747B375.00
415Kaart van het Westelyk Gedeelte van Nieuw Mexico en van California…Southwestern United States & MexicoTirion, Isaac1765A450.00
416Carte de la Californie Suivant I. La Carte Manuscrite de l'Amerique de Mathieu Neron Pecci Olen Dresse a Florence en 1604, II. Sanson 1656, III. De L'Isle Amerique Sept. 1700, IV. Le Pere Kino Jesuite en 1705, V. La Societe des Jesuites en 1767California and Baja MexicoRobert de Vaugondy, Didier1777A+500.00
417Le Nouveau Mexique, avec la Partie Septentrionale de l'Ancien, ou de la Nouvelle EspagneSouthwest United States & MexicoBonne, Rigobert1780B170.00
418Mexico or New Spain etc.Southwestern United States & MexicoKitchin, Thomas1795B220.00
419Spanish North AmericaSouthwestern United States & MexicoThomson, John1814Bunsold
420MexiqueSouthwestern United States & MexicoDuvotenay, Thunot1843B150.00
421Mexico and GuatimalaSouthwestern United States, Mexico, Central AmericaHall, Sidney1828A375.00
422MexicoSouthwestern United States, Mexico and Central AmericaMorse & Breese1845B160.00
423Texas nach den besten Quellen…Texas, Southwest U.S. & MexicoRadefeld, Carl Christian Franz1846A+1100.00
424Map Showing the Line of March of the Centre Division, Army of Mexico, under the Command of Brigr. Genl. John E. Wool, from San Antonio de Bexar, Texas, to Saltillo, MexicoTexas & MexicoU.S. War Dept.1846A150.00
425Vereinigte Staaten von Nord-America: Californien, Texas und die Territorien New Mexico u. Utah…Southwest United States & MexicoMeyer, Joseph1852A130.00
426[Lot of 5 maps with report] Report of Secretary of the Interior…on the subject of the boundary line between the United States and MexicoUnited States & MexicoU.S. Department of Interior1853Aunsold
427Regni Mexicani seu Novae Hispaniae, Ludovicianae, N. Angliae, Carolinae, Virginiae, et Pensylvaniae nec non Insularum Archipelagi Mexicani in America Septentrionali Accurata Tabula …Colonial United States, Mexico & CaribbeanHomann, Johann Baptist1712B2000.00
428Mappa Geographica Regionem Mexicanam et Floridam Terrasque adjacentes, ut et Anteriores Americae Insulas, Cursus itidem et Reditus Navigantium versus flumen Missisipi et alias Colonias…Colonial United States, Mexico & CaribbeanLotter, Tobias Conrad1740B1500.00
429Map of the European Settlements in Mexico or New Spain and the West IndiesSouthern United States, Mexico and CaribbeanKitchin, Thomas1783B190.00
430Carte Generale des Etats-Unis et du Mexique Comprenant l'Amerique Centrale et les AntillesUnited States, Mexico & CaribbeanAndriveau-Goujon, E.1870Bunsold
431Peruviae Auriferae Regionis Typus [on sheet with] La Florida [and] Guastecan Reg.Southern United States, Mexico & PeruOrtelius, Abraham1608A2500.00
432[Mexico City]MexicoRamusio, Giovanni Battista1606B300.00
433Nova Hispania, et Nova GaliciaMexicoBlaeu, Willem1640Aunsold
434Delineatio Nova et Vera Partis Australis Novi Mexici cum Australi Parte Insulae Californiae…MexicoScherer, Heinrich1703A+450.00
435Carte du MexiqueMexicoBellin, Jacques Nicolas1754B90.00
436[Lot of 2] Plan de la Rade et Ville de la Vera-Cruz... [together with] De Reede en Haven van Vera Cruz.MexicoBellin, Jacques Nicolas1754-1766A+150.00
437Nova Hispania Nova Galicia GuatimalaMexico and Central AmericaMontanus/Ogilby1671A475.00
438Map of Central America Shewing the Different Lines of Atlantic & Pacific CommunicationCentral AmericaWyld, James1850B375.00
439TruxilloCentral America - HondurasMontanus, Arnoldus1671A120.00
440Carte de l'Isthme de Panama et des Provinces de Veragua Terre Ferme et Darien…PanamaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1754A110.00
441Kaart van de Landengte van Panama, Volgens de Spaansche aftekeninge opgemaaktPanamaTirion, Isaac1769A130.00
442[Lot of 2] De Stad en Haven van Porto-Bello [and] De Stad, Reede, haven en Rivier van Chagres in de Spaansche WestindienPanamaTirion, Isaac1769A+100.00
443[Lot of 2] Map and Workings - Panama Canal [and] Map of the Republic of PanamaPanama1904-29B300.00
444Insulae Americanae in Oceano Septentrionali cum Terris adiacentibusGulf of Mexico and CaribbeanJansson, Jan1636B1100.00
445Insulae Americanae in Oceano Septentrionali, cum Terris adiacentibusGulf of Mexico and CaribbeanMontanus, Arnoldus1671B500.00
446An Accurate Map of the West Indies. Drawn from the Best Authorities, Assisted by the Most Approved Modern Maps and Charts, and Regulated by Astronomical ObservationsGulf of Mexico and CaribbeanBowen, Emanuel1747-52B275.00
447Mappa Geographica, complectens I. Indiae Occidentalis Partem Mediam Circum Isthmum Panamensem…Gulf of Mexico and CaribbeanHomann Heirs1740A1300.00
448Carte Reduite du Golphe du Mexique et des Isles de l'Amerique…Gulf of Mexico and CaribbeanBellin, Jacques Nicolas1749B1100.00
449West IndiesGulf of Mexico and CaribbeanKitchin, Thomas1760B170.00
450A Map of the West Indies and Middle Continent of America from the latest ObservationsGulf of Mexico and CaribbeanBlair, Rev. John1768B300.00
451Kaart van de Onderkoningschappen van Mexico en Nieuw Granada in de Spaansche West-IndienGulf of Mexico and CaribbeanTirion, Isaac1769A+220.00
452Carta del Golfo del Messico, dell'Isole e Paesi adjacentiGulf of Mexico and CaribbeanKitchin, Thomas1777B220.00
453Carte Geo-Hydrographique du Golfe du Mexique et de Ses Isles…Gulf of Mexico and CaribbeanRizzi-Zannoni, Giovanni Antonio1780B220.00
454Description del Destricto del Audiencia de la EspanolaCaribbeanHerrera y Tordesillas, Antonio de1622B500.00
455Les Isles Antilles &c. entre lesquelles sont les Lucayes, et les CaribesCaribbeanSanson, Nicolas1679B550.00
456Isles AntillesCaribbeanDuval, Pierre1682A160.00
457Algemeene Kaart van de Westindische EilandenCaribbeanTirion, Isaac1769A450.00
458The Windward Passage, with the several Passages, from the East End of Cuba, and the North part of St. DomingoGreater AntillesJefferys, Thomas1775Bunsold
459Les Grandes et Petites Isles Antilles, et les Isles Lucayes avec une partie de la Mer du NordCaribbeanRobert de Vaugondy/Santini1779B500.00
460Supplement pour les Isles Antilles, extrait des Cartes AngloisesLesser AntillesBonne, Rigobert1788A110.00
461Bowles's New One-Sheet Map of the West Indies, Laid Down from the Observations of the Most Celebrated GeographersCaribbeanBowles & Carver1798B375.00
462Carte de la Partie Occidentale des Iles Antilles comprenant St. Domingue, la Jamaique, Cuba et les Iles et Bancs de Bahama…Greater AntillesDepot de la Marine1800A750.00
463West Indien…CaribbeanWeiland, Carl Ferdinand1820A220.00
464Het Eyland Antigua Antego of Santa Maria el Antigua…AntiguaKeulen, Johannes van1720A950.00
465Carte Reduite de l'Isle d'Antigue dressee au Depost des Cartes Plans et Journaux de la Marine…AntiguaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1758Aunsold
466A New Chart of the Bahama Islands and the Windward PassageBahamasMount & Page1737B2100.00
467Carte des Isles LucayesBahamasBellin, Jacques Nicolas1764B600.00
468CubaCubaPorcacchi, Tomaso1576A275.00
469[Lot of 2] Havana [and] Plano de la HabanaCuba1671-1902550.00
470A New & Accurate Map of the Island of Cuba [on sheet with] A New & Accurate Map of the Islands of Hispaniola or St. Domingo, and Porto RicoCuba, Hispaniola and Puerto RicoBowen, Emanuel1747A200.00
471[Lot of 2] Amer. Sep. - Ile de Cuba - No. 67 [and] CubaCuba1825-71unsold
472[Lot of 3 - Cuba, Spanish-American War]CubaU.S. Government1898A120.00
473The Grand Caymans… [on sheet with] The West End of the Island of Cuba and part of the Colorados…Grand Caymans and CubaFaden, William1790A2400.00
474Carte de l'Isle La GuadeloupeGuadeloupeBellin, Jacques Nicolas1758B90.00
475Carte de l'Isle d'Hayti, Aujour d'hui l'Espagnole, ou l'Isle de St. Domingue, avec les Isles Voisines…HispaniolaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1754B90.00
476Plan de la Ville de Port RoyalJamaicaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1764A+unsold
477Carte de l'Isle de la JamaiqueJamaicaBonne, Rigobert1774B90.00
478Het Westindisch Eiland Martenique…MartiniqueTirion, Isaac1760Bunsold
479Carte de l'Isle de la MartiniqueMartiniqueHomann Heirs1762Aunsold
480De Hoofdstad en Haven, van 't Eiland Porto Rico, in de WestindienPuerto RicoTirion, Isaac1769A+230.00
481Carte de l'Isle St. ChristopheSt. KittsBellin, Jacques Nicolas1758B100.00
482Americae Meridionales PeriplusSouth AmericaMorisot, Claude Barthelemy1643A250.00
483Amerique MeridionaleSouth AmericaSanson, Nicolas1752A160.00
484[Lot of 2] Iere. Feuille de l'amerique Meridionale [together with] IIeme. Feuille de l'amerique MeridionaleSouth AmericaLa Harpe, Jean Francis de1770Bunsold
485[Lot of 8 - South America]South America1796-1855A140.00
486Amerique MeridionaleSouth AmericaLevasseur, Victor1845A80.00
487South AmericaSouth AmericaTallis, John1851A120.00
488Kaart van geheel Guajana of de Wilden-Kust, en die der Spaansche Westindien, op het Noord-end van Zuid-AmerikaGuyanaTirion, Isaac1769A+325.00
489[Lot of 2] Carte des Provinces de Cartegene, S Marthe et Venezuela [together with] Carte Des Provinces de Caracas, Comana, et Paria Situees dans l'Amerique MeridionaleColombia and VenezuelaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1754Aunsold
490Carte des Provinces de Tierra Firme, Darien, Cartegene et Nouvelle GrenadeColombia, PanamaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1756A90.00
491[Lot of 2] Carthagena in de Spaansche West-Indien [and] Plan van de Haven van CarthagenaColombiaTirion, Isaac1769A300.00
492Landkaart van de Volkplantingen Suriname en BerbiceSuriname and GuyanaTirion, Isaac1769A+130.00
493Land-Kaart van het Eiland en de Volkplanting van Cayenne aan de Kust van Zuid-AmerikaFrench GuianaTirion, Isaac1769Bunsold
494Accuratissima Brasiliae TabulaBrazilHondius, Henricus1638A650.00
495Olinda de PhernambucoBrazilJansson, Jan1640A3000.00
496Abbildung der Statt und Vestung Parayba in der Landschaft BrasiliaBrazilMerian, Matthaus1650B300.00
497Afbeeldinge vande Cabo St. Augustin Met haer fortenBrazilCommelin, Isaac1656B375.00
498BresilBrazilDuval, Pierre1682A120.00
499Afbeeldinghe van Pariba ende FortenBrazilAnon.1690A230.00
500Kaart van de Aller-Heiligen Baay waar aan de Hoofdstad legt van BrazilBrazilTirion, Isaac1769A+unsold
501Peruani Regni DescriptioPeruWytfliet, Cornelis1597B300.00
502Platte Grond van Lima de Hoofstad van PeruPeruTirion, Isaac1769A65.00
503Freti Magellanici ac novi Freti vulgo Le Maire exactissima delineatioSouth America - SouthernHondius, Henricus1638A500.00
504Tabula Magellanica, qua Tierrae del Fuego, cum Celeberrimis Fretis a F. Magellano et I. Le Maire…South America - SouthernMontanus/Ogilby1671A650.00
505Tractus Australior Americae Meridionalis a Rio de la Plata per Fretum Magellanicum ad ToraltumSouth America - SouthernWit, Frederick de1675A+900.00
506Le Chili Tire de Alf de Oualle de la C. d. I. et divise en treize IurisdictionsChileSanson, Nicolas1699A150.00
507De Ingang van Rio de la Plata, Vaar aan de Stad Buenos Ayres legt, in Zuid - AmerikaArgentina, Buenos AiresTirion, Isaac1769A+110.00
508Pascaerte vande Vlaemsche, Soute, en Caribesche Eylanden als mede Terra Nova…Atlantic OceanGoos, Pieter1668C950.00
509Terra Nova, ac Maris Tractus circa Novam Franciam, Angliam, Belgium, Venezuelam Novam Andalusiam, Guianam et Brasiliam - Terra Neuf, en de Custen van Nieu Vranckryck, Nieu Engeland, Nieu Nederland, Nieu Andalusia, Guiana en VenezuelaAtlantic OceanWit, Frederick de1680B1500.00
510Carte Reduite de l'Ocean Meridional Contenant Toutes les Costes de l'Amerique Meridionale depuis l'Equator jusqu'au… les Costes d'Afrique qui leur sont opposees…South Atlantic OceanBellin, Jacques Nicolas1753A300.00
511The Atlantic Ocean by Governor Pownall F.R.S.Atlantic OceanJefferys/Sayer & Bennett1787Bunsold
512A Chart of the Atlantic or Western Ocean … Wherein is delineated the Track of his Majesty's Fleet, Commanded by the late Viscount Nelson…Atlantic OceanFaden, William1807B375.00
513Vera effigies et delineatio Insulae Ascenstio nuncupate sitae in altitudine 8 graduum…Atlantic, Ascension IslandBry, Theodore de1600A+600.00
514Insula D. Helenae sacra coeli clementia et aequabilitate…Atlantic, St. HelenaBry, Theodore de1600A475.00
515Le Pic de Teneriffe - De Pick-Bergh op het Eilant TeneriffaAtlantic, Canary IslandsAa, Pieter van der1729A160.00
516Mappa Aestivarum Insularum, alias Barmudas Dictarum…BermudaBlaeu, Willem1631A2200.00
517Mappa Aestivarum Insularum, alias Barmudas Dictarum…BermudaMontanus/Ogilby1671A1200.00
519L'IslandeIcelandDuval, Pierre1682A400.00
520Carte de l'Islande situee entre le 64 et 66 Deg. de Lat. Sept.IcelandBellin, Jacques Nicolas1764A200.00
521Scandia, sive Regiones SeptentrionalesArctic and ScandinaviaMagini, Giovanni Antonio1596A425.00
522Carta particolare della Meta Inconita con la Gronlandia Occidentale e dell'Estotiland Scop. Dell'InglesiNorth Atlantic - GreenlandDudley, Robert (Sir)1661B1500.00
523Nieuwe Kaart van het Oostelykste Deel der Weereld, diendende tot aanwyzing van de Scheepstogten der Nederlanderen Naar Oostindie…Eastern HemisphereTirion, Isaac1753A+180.00
524[Europa Regina]EuropeMunster, Sebastian1580A1000.00
525EuropeEuropeSanson, Nicolas1699A200.00
526D'Reyse des Apostels Pauli na Roomen etc.Europe and MediterraneanSchut, Albert1720A450.00
527[Lot of 15 Maps and Plans]EuropeTindal, Nicholas1764A600.00
528L'EuropeEuropeBonne, Rigobert1780B40.00
529EuropeEuropeLevasseur, Victor1850A210.00
530The War in EuropeEuropeEnsign, Bridgman & Fanning1854B170.00
531Europae Tabula prima continet insulam Albion, sive Britanniam & Hyberniam [title on verso]BritainPtolemy/Fries1541A+950.00
532Angliae, Scotiae, et Hiberniae, sive Britannicar; Insularum DescriptioBritainOrtelius, Abraham1572A1500.00
533Anglia et Hibernia NovaBritainRuscelli, Girolamo1598A+325.00
534Magnae Britanniae et Hiberniae TabulaBritainBlaeu, Willem1635A1700.00
535A Generall Mapp of the Isles of Great Brittaine, Designed by Monsieur SansonBritainBlome, Richard1669B550.00
536Britain as it was Devided in the Tyme of the Englishe-Saxons Especially during their HeptarchyBritainSpeed, John1676A+5500.00
537Isles BritanniquesBritainSanson, Nicolas Fils1699A190.00
538Les Isles Britanniques ou sont le Rme. d'Angleterre tire de Sped celuy d'Ecosse…BritainDelisle/Dezauche1772A300.00
539Holy Iland [on sheet with] Garnsey [and] Farne [and] IarseyBritish IslandsSpeed, John1610A450.00
540Cornwall Olim Pars DanmoniorumEnglandSaxton/Kip1607A375.00
541Somerset-Shire described ad into Hundreds devided, with the plott of the famous and most wholsom waters and citie of the BatheEnglandSpeed, John1610A1200.00
542Northumbria, Cumberlandia, Dunelmesis…EnglandMercator/Jansson1628B+unsold
543Westmoria Comitatus; Anglice WestmorlandEngland & WalesBlaeu, Johannes1646A300.00
544Huntingdonensis Comitatus, Huntington ShireEnglandBlaeu, Willem1646A190.00
545The True Manner of the Execution of Thomas Earle of Strafford, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland upon Towerhill, the 12th of May 1641EnglandMerian, Matthaus1650B75.00
546The Road from Glocester to Coventrey…EnglandOgilby, John1675A275.00
547The Continuation of the Extended Road from Buckingham to Bridgnorth in Com Salop…EnglandOgilby, John1677A220.00
548Stoke Gifford The Seat of John Berkeley Esq.EnglandKip, Johannes1700Aunsold
549The Road from London to Hith in Kent, Actually Surveyed…EnglandSenex, John1719A120.00
550The Road from London to Boston in Lincoln ShireEnglandGardner, Thomas1719A95.00
551A Mapp of the Parish of St. Margarets Westminster, taken from the last Survey, with Corrections.EnglandStrype, John1720B350.00
552The Road from Oxford to Chichester…EnglandOwen & Bowen1720B75.00
553[Towchester & Litchfield]EnglandOwen & Bowen1720A90.00
554Londinum Feracissimi Angliae Regni MetropolisEngland, LondonBraun & Hogenberg1572A6500.00
555Londinum Feracis: Ang. Met.England, LondonMunster/Petri1598A900.00
556LondonEngland, LondonMerian, Matthaus1652B2200.00
557A Plan of the Cities of London and Westminster with the Borough of SouthwarkEngland, LondonDodsley, Robert & James1745B275.00
558[Lot of 2] Plan of Baynards Castle Ward & Faringdon Ward Within [and] Plan of Candlewick and Langborn Wards [on sheet with] Plan of Bishopsgate Ward Within & Without on shee Plan of Bread Street & Cordwainers Wards [and] Plan of Aldersgate WardEngland, LondonThornton, John1760Aunsold
559AngliaEngland & WalesMercator/Jansson1628A130.00
560La Britannique dans sa Heptarchie Anglois-SaxoniqueEngland & WalesSanson, Nicolas1699A130.00
561Magnae Britanniae Pars Meridionalis, in qua Regnum Angliae Tam In Septem Antiqua Anglo-Saxonum Regna…England & WalesHomann, Johann Baptist1716A475.00
562Geological Map of England and WalesEngland & WalesSDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge1847B210.00
563Denbigh Comitatus pars Olim OrdovicumWalesSaxton/Kip1607Aunsold
564Scotiae RegnumScotlandMercator/Hondius1609A300.00
565Le Royaume d'Escosse Divisee en ses parties Meridionale et SeptentrionaleScotlandSanson, Nicolas1699A130.00
566Magnae Britanniae Pars Septentrionalis qua Regnum Scotiae in Suas Partes et subjacentes Insulas divisum…ScotlandHomann, Johann Baptist1716A650.00
567The Road from Carlisle Com. Cumbr. To Barwick upon Tweed Com. Northum.Scotland and EnglandGardner, Thomas1719Aunsold
568A New & Accurate Map of that part of Great Britain called ScotlandScotlandBowen, Thomas1777B100.00
569The Province of MounsterIrelandSpeed, John1610A800.00
570The Province Ulster describedIrelandSpeed, John1676A950.00
571IrlandaIrelandAlbrizzi, Girolamo1743A400.00
572L'IrlandeIrelandCrepy, Paul1767A170.00
573A Prospect of Dublin, the Capital of IrelandIreland, DublinMillar, George H.1780A170.00
574Scandinavia complectens Sueciae Daniae & Norvegiae Regna ex TabulisScandinaviaHomann, Johann Baptist1720A400.00
575Visbia GothorumSwedenBraun & Hogenberg1598B350.00
576StockholmSweden, StockholmSDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge1838A75.00
577Charta som Wisar Strackningen sawal af Land och Fiall Ryggarne, Sedan dei Halde Fiallen Skiljas at Som Norra delen af Riks Gransen imellan Swerige och NorrigeFinlandMarelius, Nils1771B300.00
578Pascaert van de Noord Zee van Ameland tot de HoofdenNorth SeaWit, Frederick de1690Bunsold
579LivoniaBaltic - Estonia and LatviaOrtelius/Galle1595A180.00
580RigaRiga, LatviaMunster/Petri1598A150.00
581Nova Totius Livoniae accurata DescriptioBaltic - Estonia and LaviaJansson, Jan1653B350.00
583Iutia SeptentrionalisDenmarkMercator/Jansson1634A90.00
584De Stadt Nyborg Veroverd door de Hr. Michiel de Ruiter en 't Slaan der ZweedenDenmarkStoopendaal, Daniel1700A160.00
585Tabula Generalis Iutiae, continens Dioeceses Quatuor, Alburgensem, Wiburgensem, Ripensem et Arhusiensem…DenmarkHomann, Johann Baptist1716A160.00
586BrabantiaLow CountriesOrtelius/Coignet1601A160.00
587[Brabantia, Gulick et Cleve]NetherlandsMercator/Hondius1606A240.00
588Frisia OccidentalisNetherlandsMercator/Hondius1606A325.00
589Le Comte de ZutphenNetherlandsColom, Jacob Aertz1660A80.00
590La Fosse de S Marie appelle aussi EugenieneNetherlandsColom, Jacob Aertz1660A80.00
591De VeluweNetherlandsColom, Jacob Aertz1660A90.00
592Ultraiectini Dominii Tabula…NetherlandsWit, Frederick de1690B170.00
593AntwerpiaBelgium, AntwerpAitsinger, Michael1584A150.00
594Mont oder BergenBelgiumMunster/Petri1598B80.00
597Leodiensis DiocesisBelgiumMercator/Jansson1628A60.00
598Comitatus FlandriaBelgiumColom, Jacob Aertz1660B80.00
599[Lot of 5 - Fortification Plans]BelgiumPriorato, Galaezzo Gualdo1673B+unsold
600[Lot of 2] Charle-Mont est une ville Forte du Comte de Namur [and] Charleroy, Ville forte des Pays Bas dans le comte de Namur…BelgiumFer, Nicolas de1705Aunsold
601Comitatus Flandriae in omnes ejusdem subjacentes DitioesBelgiumHomann, Johann Baptist1716A160.00
602Ghent a large City and Castle in Flanders, twice taken by ye Duke of Marlborough Viz. in ye Year 1706 & 1708BelgiumTindal, Nicholas1750B100.00
603Plan d'Ostende & du Fort PhilippeBelgiumLe Rouge, George Louis1750A100.00
604Nobilis Hannoniae Comitatus Descrip. Auctore Iacobo Surhonio MontanoBelgium and FranceOrtelius, Abraham1579A160.00
605HannoniaBelgium and FranceOrtelius/Vrients1602Aunsold
606Partie de la Flandre OccidentaleFrance and BelgiumColom, Jacob Aertz1660Aunsold
607GermaniaEurope - CentralOrtelius/Coignet1601A60.00
608Le Cours de la Riviere du Rhein depuis sa Sources jusques a son Emboucheure ou sont distingues Tous les Etats et Souverainetes…Europe - CentralSanson/Jaillot1689B375.00
609Vindeliciae et Norici Conterminarumque terrarum antiqua descriptioEurope - CentralCluver, Philipp1697A60.00
610L'Allemagne dressee sur les Observations de Tycho Brahe de Kapler de Suellius…Europe - CentralDelisle/Covens & Mortier1735A150.00
611GalliaFranceMercator, Gerard1595B375.00
612Blesiense TerritoriumFranceOrtelius/Coignet1601B60.00
614Avriacus Princip.FranceOrtelius/Coignet1601A75.00
620Descrition du Diocese de Sarlat et Haut PerigordFranceLe Clerc, Jean1624B150.00
621Burgundia DucatusFranceMercator/Jansson1628A+70.00
622Lotharingia MeridionalisFranceMercator/Jansson1628A50.00
623Nova Galliae TabulaeFranceMercator/Jansson1628A100.00
624Lionnois, Forest, et BeavioloisFranceMercator/Jansson1634A60.00
625Champagne Comitatus CampaniaFranceJansson1640B150.00
626Le Pais de BearnFrance, BearnJansson, Jan1645Bunsold
627Environs de StrasbourgFranceFer, Nicolas de1705A60.00
628Le St. Esprit Ville du bas Langued. dont le pont fameux traverse le riviere du Rhosne…FranceFer, Nicolas de1705Aunsold
629Provincia Indigenis dicta La Provence…FranceHomann, Johann Baptist1716A275.00
630Tabula Delphinatus Vulgo le Gouvernement General du Dauphine…FranceHomann, Johann Baptist1716A110.00
631Tabula Aquitaniae complectens Gubernationem Guiennae, et VasconiaeFranceHomann, Johann Baptist1716A425.00
632Tabula Ducatus Britanniae Gallis le Gouvernemt. General De Bretagne…FranceHomann, Johann Baptist1716A180.00
633Comitatus Burgundiae tam in Primarias ejus Praefacturas quam in Minores…FranceHomann, Johann Baptist1716A180.00
634Agri Parisiensis Tabula partieularis, qua maxima Pars Insulae Franciae, seu Regiae celeberrimaeq Parisiorum Urbis vicina Regio in fuas Castellanias accurate divisa exhibeturFranceHomann, Johann Baptist1716A130.00
635Mappa Geographica in qua Ducatus Lotharingiae et Bar…FranceSeutter, Matthias1745A80.00
636XVIIeme Feuille. Qui donne les Routes et Chemins, tant Royaux que Particuliers, compris entre les deux grandes Routes de Paris a Toulouse feuille 3c. Et Lion feuille 4c.FranceMichel, Sieur1772A40.00
637[Lot of 8 - French Departments]FranceLevasseur, Victor1869A95.00
638Lutetia vulgari Nomine Paris, Urbs Galliae Maxima, Sequana Navigabili Flumine Irrigatur…France, ParisBraun & Hogenberg1572A2300.00
639ParisFrance, ParisMallet, Alain Manesson1683A90.00
640Le Vray Pourtraict de la Ville de NismesFrance, NimesBelleforest, Francois1575Bunsold
641Rhotomagus, Galliae Luodunensis ad Sequanam flu. Opp. Vulgo RouenFrance, RouenBraun & Hogenberg1588A325.00
642Bethunae urbis Artesiae Genvina DescripFrance, BethuneBraun & Hogenberg1588A375.00
643LeonFrance, LyonMunster/Petri1628A150.00
644Verdun, Veille forte Capitale du Diocese de meme nom…France, VerdunFer, Nicolas de1705A60.00
645St. Omer Ville forte des Pais bas dans le Comte d'Artois…France, St. OmerFer, Nicolas de1705Aunsold
646Alsatia inferiorFrance and GermanyMercator/Jansson1634A75.00
647SavoiaFrance & SwitzerlandOrtelius/Coignet1601A110.00
648Die Statt BernBern, SwitzerlandMunster, Sebastian1548Bunsold
649Die Erst Tafel Innhaltend das Schweitzerlandt…SwitzerlandMunster/Petri1598A170.00
650[Lot of 2] Lucern [and] Lacus LemanusSwitzerlandMunster/Petri1598A130.00
651Das WiflispurgergouSwitzerlandMercator/Jansson1628A60.00
652Helvetia, Cum Finitimis Regionibus ConfoederatisSwitzerlandBlaeu, Willem1635A220.00
653Helvetia Conterminarumq. Terrarum AntiquaSwitzerlandCluver, Philipp1697A85.00
654Carte de la Souverainete de Neuchatel et Vallangin…SwitzerlandDelisle/Covens & Mortier1730Bunsold
655Helvetia Foederata cum ea RegionSwitzerlandProbst, Johann Michael1789A90.00
656CCLXXXI - Baronia magna Germanie provinciaGermanySchedel, Hartmann1493A200.00
657Palatinatus Bavariae descriptio Erhardo reiich tirolenseGermanyOrtelius/Galle1588A80.00
658Franckfurt an der Oder Anno Dni 1548GermanyMunster, Sebastian1598A150.00
660Emden et OldenborchGermanyMercator/Jansson1628A+unsold
661Palatinatus RheniGermanyMercator/Jansson1628A+50.00
662Waldeck ComitatusGermanyMercator/Jansson1628A+unsold
663Wirtenberg DucatusGermanyMercator/Jansson1628A65.00
664Cleve et MuersGermanyMercator/Jansson1628A40.00
665Westphaliae Tabula tertiaGermanyMercator/Jansson1628A80.00
666Oldenburg ComitatusGermanyJansson, Jan1644Bunsold
667Populorum Germaniae Inter Rhenum et Albium Descriptio…GermanyCluver, Philipp1660A+unsold
668Palatinatus Bavariae vulgo Die Obere Pfaltz…GermanyHomann, Johann Baptist1716A130.00
669Bavariae Circulus et Electorat In suas quasque Ditiones tam cum Adiacentibus Quam Insertis Regionibus…GermanyHomann, Johann Baptist1716A+230.00
670Ducatus Luneburgici et Comitatus Dannebergensis accurata DescriptioGermanyHomann, Johann Baptist1716Aunsold
671Ducatus Slesvicensis in omnes ejusdem Generales et Particulares Praefecturas exacte divisi Nova tabulaGermanyHomann, Johann Baptist1716A150.00
672Environs de MunichGermanyCrepy, Paul1759A90.00
673Fribergum MisinaeGermany, FreibergBraun & Hogenberg1575B220.00
674NurnbergGermany, NurnbergMunster, Sebastian1598B110.00
675HamburgGermany, HamburgMunster/Petri1598B75.00
676MunchenGermany, MunichMunster/Petri1598A140.00
677Civitas Embda, eo modo situata cum essit controversia inter ipsam et suum ComitemGermany, EmdenGuicciardini, Lodovico1612A95.00
678S. Polid vulgo Sanpolten. Inferioris Austriae CivitasAustriaBraun & Hogenberg1580B400.00
679Salisburgensis ArchiepiscopatusAustriaOrtelius/Coignet1601A90.00
680Wien die Welt Beruhmte Kayserl. Resid. Stadt…Austria, ViennaSeutter/Lotter1740A450.00
681Buda Citerioris Hungariae Caput Regni avita sedes, vulgo OfenHungary, BudapestBraun & Hogenberg1617A2100.00
682Das Konigreich Ungarn…Southeastern Europe, HungaryProbst, Johann Michael1789A100.00
683[Lot of 2] Austria [and] HungarySouthern Europe, Austria & HungaryTallis, John1851B80.00
684Palatium Imperatorum Pragae Quod Vulgo Ratzin Appelatur [on sheet with] Praga Regni Bohemiae metropolisCzech Republic, PragueBraun & Hogenberg1588A2200.00
685Praga - 1574Czech Republic, PragueMunster/Petri1598A210.00
686Wahrer Abriss der Beyden Koniglichen Haubt Alt und Newstatt Prag, wie Dieselben…Czech Republic, PragueMerian, Matthaus1652Bunsold
687MoraviaCzech RepublicMercator/Jansson1628B80.00
688[Lot of 2] Transilvania Moldavia Valachia Bulgaria &c [and] Danubius A Fonte Usque Alad OstiaSoutheastern Europe1687-1720Bunsold
689Sarmatia et Scythia, Russia et Tartaria EuropaeEurope - EasternCluver, Philipp1729B100.00
690PoloniaEastern Europe - PolandOrtelius/Coignet1601A130.00
691Estats de la Couronne de PologneEastern Europe - PolandSanson, Nicolas Fils1699A+100.00
692Etat Present du Royaume de Pologne…Eastern Europe - PolandCrepy, (Family)1773A+110.00
693Poland and LithuaniaEastern Europe - Poland, LithuaniaLizars, William Home1828Bunsold
695Tabula Russiae ... alias dicta MoscoviaEastern Europe, RussiaMerian, Matthaus1644A550.00
696Carte Generale des Etats du Czar Empereur de Moscovie ou l'on voit…RussiaChatelain, Henry Abraham1719B850.00
697[Lot of 2] Carte de Moscovie… [and] Partie Meridionale de Moscovie…RussiaDelisle/Covens & Mortier1730A550.00
698[Lot of 2] Partie Occidentale de l'Empire de Russie, ou se trouve distinguee la Russie Europeenne [together with] Partie Orientale de L'Empire de Russie en Asie…RussiaRobert de Vaugondy1750B200.00
699Canalis Ladogensis nova Delineatio secundum exemplar PetropolitanumRussiaSeutter, Matthias1750B425.00
700Partie Septentrionale de la Russie Europeenne ou sont Distingues Exactement toutes les Provinces d'apres le Detail de l'Atlas RussienRussiaRobert de Vaugondy, Didier1753A130.00
701MoscowRussia, Moscow1935A230.00
702Theatrum belli Russorum Victoriis illustratum sive Nova et accurata Turcicarum et Tartaricum…UkraineSeutter, Matthias1739B550.00
703Nieuwe Kaart van Europisch Turkyen na de Alderlaaste Ondekking int Licht GebrachtBlack Sea, BalkansTirion, Isaac1733A275.00
704Die Europaeische oder Kleine Tartarey nebst den Angraentzenden Laendern…Black SeaProbst, Johann Michael1789A65.00
705[Istria]CroatiaMunster, Sebastian1598A140.00
709Peloponesus hodie Moreae Regnum in omnes suas Provincias Veteres et HodiernasGreeceHomann, Johann Baptist1716A750.00
710Greece, Archipelago and Part of Andoli by L.S. de la RochetteGreeceWyld, James1824B150.00
711Fori Iuii vulgo friuli typusItalyOrtelius/Galle1588A130.00
712Ducatus Mediolanensis finitimaruque regionisItalyOrtelius/Galle1588A120.00
713Latium, sev Territorium RomaeItalyMagini and Porro1597A110.00
716Cremae AgerItalyOrtelius/Coignet1601A80.00
718Brescia Episcopatus Mediolanum DucatusItalyMercator/Jansson1628A+130.00
719Romandiola Cum Ducatus ParmensiItalyMercator/Jansson1628A+170.00
720Verona, Vicentiae, et Pataviae, Dit.ItalyMercator/Jansson1628A+140.00
721L'Italie Divisee en ses differents Etats Royaumes et Republiques, Suivant les nouvelles ObservationsItalyNolin, Jean Batiste1700A180.00
722L'Italie dans son Premier Etablissement sous la Republique Romaine dans la Division par Cesar Auguste…ItalyChatelain, Henry Abraham1719A160.00
723Il Ducato di Mantova Di Nuova ProjezioneItalyZatta, Antonio1779B100.00
724Ischia InsulaItaly, IschiaOrtelius/Vrients1601A100.00
725Siciliae RegnumItaly, SicilyMercator/Jansson1628A140.00
726Sicilia RegnumItaly, SicilyMerian, Matthaus1638A550.00
727Siciliae Antiquae DescriptioItaly, SicilyCluver, Philipp1697A+275.00
728XLIIII - VenecieItaly, VeniceSchedel, Hartmann1493A2200.00
729[Venice]Venice, ItalyMunster, Sebastian1598A400.00
730RomaItaly, RomeFaleti, Bartolomeo1561B4000.00
731Urbis Romae Situs cum Iis Quae Adhuc Conspiciuntur…Italy, RomeBraun & Hogenberg1572A1200.00
732Plan et Profil de la Ville de Rome ModerneItaly, RomeMallet, Alain Manesson1686A110.00
733Regni Hispaniae Post Omnium Editiones Locuplettissima DescriptioSpain & PortugalOrtelius, Abraham1570B750.00
734L'Espagne Divisee en tous ses Royaumes, Principautes, &c….Spain & PortugalJaillot/Ottens1720A+600.00
736Andalusia et GranadaSpainMercator/Jansson1628A+150.00
737Biscaia, Guipiscoa, Navarra, et Asturias de SantillanaSpainMercator/Jansson1628A100.00
738Aragonia et NavarraSpainBlaeu, (Family)1638A+300.00
739Principatus Cataloniae nec non Comitatuum Ruscinonensis et Cerretania Nova TabulaSpainHomann, Johann Baptist1716A300.00
740GranadaSpain, GranadaBraun & Hogenberg1572B600.00
741SevillaSpain, SevilleBraun & Hogenberg1588A1000.00
742MadridSpain, MadridMallet, Alain Manesson1685Aunsold
743MadridSpain, MadridSDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge1831A75.00
744Portugallia et Algarbia quae olim Lusitania. Auctore Vernando Alvaro SeccoPortugalMerian, Matthaus1646A275.00
745[Lot of 2] Partie Septentrionale du Royaume du Portugal… [together with] Partie Meridionale du Royaume de Portugal…PortugalRobert de Vaugondy, Gilles1751B220.00
746Mer Mediterranee selon les anciens…MediterraneanMallet, Alain Manesson1683B75.00
747Mare Mediterraneum, exhibins oras Hispaniae, Galliae, Italiae, Mare Hadriaticum, Archipeligus, Natoliam, Aegyptum…MediterraneanValck, Gerard and Leonard1700B950.00
748General Chart of the Mediterranean Sea Including the Gulf of Venice, Archipelago and part of the Black Sea…MediterraneanFaden, William1821B100.00
749De Custen van Granada van Malaga tot Cabo de Gata en de Custen van Barbarien van Penon de veles tot C. de HooneWestern MediterraneanJacobsz, Anthonie1692A250.00
750Plan of GibraltarGibralterGibson, John1770A75.00
751Geographiae Sacrae ex Veteri, et Novo Testamento desumptae Tabula Prima, quae Totius Orbis Patres continetEastern Mediterranean and Middle EastSanson, Nicolas1662A200.00
752Geographiae Sacrae Tabula, quae Totius Orbis Partes ContinetMediterranean and Middle EastSanson, Nicolas1699A+100.00
753De Beschryvingh van de Reysen Pauli, en van de Andere ApostelenEastern MediterraneanStoopendaal, Bastiaan1729A375.00
754Carte des Pays ou les Chevaliers de St. Jean de Jerusalem…Mediterranean, Near and Middle EastDelisle, Guillaume1726A+210.00
755Regni Davidici et Salomonae I Descriptio Geographica cum Vicinis Regionibus Syriae et Aegypti…Eastern Mediterranean, Near and Middle EastHaas/Homann Heirs1739A250.00
756[Lot of 2] Sardinia Insula [and] Calaris Sardiniae CaputMediterranean, SardiniaMunster/Petri1598B200.00
757SardiniaMediterranean, SardiniaOrtelius/Coignet1601A150.00
758Corsica [on sheet with] SardiniaMediterranean, Corsica and SardiniaMercator, Gerard1628A130.00
759Creta Iouis magni, medio iacet insula ponto [on sheet with] Insulae Maris Ionii [and] SardiniaCrete, Sardinia, CorsicaOrtelius, Abraham1624B350.00
761Les Villes, Forts, et Chateaux de MalteMediterranean - MaltaAnon.1724A400.00
762India Extrema XXIIII Nova TabulaAsiaMunster, Sebastian1552A+1500.00
763Asiae Nova DescriptioAsiaHondius, Jodocus1628B800.00
764Asia Noviter DelineataAsiaBlaeu, Willem1635A4250.00
765Asia Antiqua et NovaAsiaCluver, Philipp1697A100.00
766L'AsieAsiaSanson, Nicolas1699A250.00
767L'Asia divisa ne' suoi principali Stati di Nuova ProjezioneAsiaZatta, Antonio1777B200.00
768L'AsieAsiaRobert de Vaugondy/Delamarche1804B50.00
769AsiaAsiaWyld, James1823B110.00
770AsieAsiaLevasseur, Victor1845A110.00
771Tabula Asiae IIIINear and Middle EastMunster, Sebastian1540A400.00
772[Ancient Middle East]Near and Middle EastMunster/Petri1598A240.00
773Turcicum ImperiumEastern Mediterranean & Middle EastOrtelius/Coignet1601A120.00
774Tabula Geographica, in Qua Iisraelitarum, AB AEgypto ad Kenahanaeam usque profectiones omnes, et stationes deseribuntur Auctore, D.R.M. Mathes…Near and Middle EastPlancius/Cloppenburg1625A2750.00
775Turcici Imperii ImagoEastern Mediterranean & Middle EastMercator/Jansson1628A210.00
776Lumen Historiarum per Orientem, Illustrandis Biblijs Sacris, Martyrologio, & alijs Multis a Fran. Hareio ConcinnatumNear and Middle eastKaerius/Jansson1684B350.00
777Sorie, et Diarbeck divises en leurs PartiesNear and Middle EastSanson, Nicolas1699A100.00
778Turquie en AsieEastern Mediterranean & Middle EastSanson, Nicolas1699B+unsold
779Descriptio Paradisi, et Terrae Canaan Regionumque a Patriarchis primum habitatarumNear and Middle EastHalma, Francois1709A150.00
780Die Asiatische Turkey begreist in sich Natolien, Georgien…Near and Middle EastProbst, Johann Michael1789A100.00
781NatoliaTurkey and CyprusOrtelius/Coignet1601A120.00
782Natolia, quae olim Asia MinorTurkey and CyprusCluver/Jansson1661A55.00
783AnatolieTurkey and CyprusSanson, Nicolas1699A90.00
784Vue Generale du Bosphore, de Constantinople a Roumeli-Hissari (Prise d'Asie)Turkey, Constantinople1855B450.00
785Palestinae Sive Totius Terrae Promissionis Nova Descriptio Auctore Tilemanno Stella SigenensiHoly LandOrtelius, Abraham1570B750.00
786Beschreibung des Heiligen Landes CanaanHoly LandBunting, Heinrich1580B250.00
787Terra Sancta, a Petro Laicstain Perlustrata, et ab eius ore et Schedis a Christiano Schrot in Tabulam RedactaHoly LandOrtelius, Abraham1584A+1300.00
788Typus Chorographicus, Celebrium Locorum in Regno Iudae et IsrahelHoly LandOrtelius, Abraham1586Bunsold
789[Lot of 3 - Holy Land]Holy LandVarious1614-1750B400.00
790Terra Sancta quae in Sacris Terra Promissionis ol: PalestinaHoly LandMercator/Hondius1628B600.00
791Terra Sancta quae in Sacris Terra Promissionis olim PalestinaHoly LandHondius/Blaeu1629A850.00
792Terrae Israel Omnis Ante Canaan Dictae in Tribus Undecim Distributae…Holy LandArias Montanus, Benito1661B425.00
793Iudaea, seu Terra Sancta quae Hebraeorum sive Israelitarum…Holy LandSanson/Jaillot1691Bunsold
794A Map of the Holy Land, Chiefly accommodated to the other books of Iosephus, wherein is continued the History of the Iewish Nation…Holy LandWells, Edward1700A400.00
795Regnum Salomonicum Seu Tabula digesta ad Libros Iudicum, Regum, Paral, et Prophetarum …Holy LandMortier, Pierre1705A325.00
796Iudaea seu Terra Sancta quae Hebraeorum sive Israelitarum in suas duodecim Tribus divisa secretis ab invicem Regnis Iuda et Israel…Holy LandSanson/Mortier1725A300.00
797Terra Promissa in suas Tribus Partesque divisaHoly LandSanson, Nicolas1734B250.00
798Geographische beschryvinge van Het Ioodtsche Landt…Holy LandAnon.1748A140.00
799La Judee ou Terre Sainte, divisee en ses douze TribusHoly LandRobert de Vaugondy, Gilles1750A250.00
800Die Heylige Statt Jerusalem…Holy Land, JerusalemMunster, Sebastian1550B300.00
801De Heylige en Wytvermaerde Stadt Ierusalem, Eerst Genaemt SalemHoly Land, JerusalemVisscher, Claes Janszoon1650B150.00
802IerusalemHoly Land, JerusalemStoopendaal, Daniel1730A375.00
803L'Arabie Petree, Deserte et HeureuseArabiaSanson, Nicolas1699A210.00
804Carte de la Coste d'Arabie, Mer Rouge, et Golfe de PerseArabiaBellin/Van Schley1750A120.00
805L'Empire du Sophy des PersesPersia - IranSanson, Nicolas1699A+100.00
806Ile d'Ormuz ou de JerunPersia - IranBellin/Van Schley1750A80.00
807Tabula Colchidis Hodie MengrelieCaucasusDapper, Olivier1672A150.00
808ErivanArmenia - YerevanMallet, Alain Manesson1683A110.00
809[Globe Gore]Russia, Caucasus and Near and Middle EastCoronelli, Vincenzo Maria1690A700.00
810Turcomanie Georgie CommanieCaucasusSanson, Nicolas1699A+95.00
811Paskaert vande Caspise ZeeCaspian SeaDapper, Olivier1672A350.00
812Carte Marine de la Mer Caspiene…Caspian SeaDelisle, Guillaume1725A250.00
813TartariaAsia - NorthernJansson, Jan1634A+110.00
814La Grande TartarieAsia - NorthernSanson, Nicolas1699A120.00
815Tartaria, sive Magni Chami Imperium ex Credensis Amplissimi…North and Central AsiaAllard, Carel1700B220.00
816Carte de la Baye de Chin-Chew ou Chang-Chew Avec les Isles d'Emowi et de QuemowiChinaBellin/Van Schley1759B75.00
817Plan de l'Enceinte de la Ville de Nan-King ou Kyang-Ning-Fou Capitale de la Province de Kyang-nan [on sheet with] Plan de la Ville de Su-Tcheou-Fou Cette Ville a environ 3 grandes Lieues de TourChinaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1760Aunsold
818Vue de Macao en ChineChinaLa Perouse, Comte Jean F. Galoup, de1797A220.00
819Plan of the City of Peking [on sheet with] [view] Tien-Tsin, on the Banks of the Peiho RiverChina, BeijingDower, John1860A140.00
820China Veteribus Sinarum Regio nunc Incolis Tame DictaChina, Korea & JapanBlaeu, (Family)1640A2000.00
821La ChineChina, Korea & JapanMallet, Alain Manesson1719A90.00
822L'Empire de la Chine dresse d'apres les Cartes de l'Atlas ChinoisChina and KoreaRobert de Vaugondy, Didier1770A375.00
823IaponiaJapan and KoreaHondius, Jodocus1606Bunsold
824Nova et Accurata Iaponiae Terrae Esonis, ac Insularum adjacentium…Japan and KoreaJansson, Jan1658A+2200.00
825Isles du IaponJapan and KoreaDuval, Pierre1682A200.00
826Les Isles du IaponJapan and KoreaSanson, Nicolas1699A+450.00
827Plan de la Ville de MeacoJapan, KyotoCharlevoix, P. F. Xavier de1736A+110.00
828Particuliere Reis Kaart van Japan strekkende van Kokura tot KhurissimaJapanKaempfer/Scheuchzer1740A220.00
829Particuliere Reis Kaart van Japan strekkende van Khurissima tot OsakaJapanKaempfer/Scheuchzer1740A220.00
830L'Empire du Grand MogolIndiaSanson, Nicolas1699A+130.00
831Presqu'Isle de l'Inde deca la Gange, ou sont les Royaumes, de Decan, de Golconde, de Bisnagar, et le MalabarIndiaSanson, Nicolas1699A+220.00
832Ins. Ceilan quae incolis Tenarisin diciturSri LankaMercator, Gerard1608A600.00
833Ceylan, et les MaldivesSri LankaSanson, Nicolas1699A180.00
834Seconda TavolaAsia - SouthernGastaldi/Ramusio1556B950.00
835Carte des Costes de Perse, Guzarat et Malabar…Asia - SouthernBellin/Van Schley1750B130.00
836Islands in the Indian OceanIndian OceanTallis, John1851A160.00
837S. LorenzoMadagascarPorcacchi, Tomaso1590A170.00
838Exacta & Accurata Delineatio cum Orarum Maritimarum tum etiam Locorum Terrestrium quae in Regionibus China, Cauchinchina, Camboja sive Champa, Syao, Malacca, Arracan & Pegu…East and Southeast AsiaLinschoten/Langren1595A+9500.00
839Partie de l'Inde au de la du Gange [on sheet with] Presqu'Isle de l'Inde au de la du GangeAsia - SoutheastSanson, Nicolas1699A+160.00
840Nieuwe Kaart van de Filippynsche, Ladrones, Moluccos of Specery Eilanden als mede Celebes etc.Asia - SoutheastTirion, Isaac1744A300.00
841Les Isles Philippines [on sheet with] Islas de los Ladrones ou Isle des LarronsPhilippinesSanson, Nicolas1699A275.00
842[Manila Bay]PhilippinesValentyn, Francois1724-26B375.00
843Isles PhilippinesPhilippinesLe Rouge, George Louis1748Aunsold
844[Lot of 2] Carte des Isles Philippines... 1re. Feuille [and] Carte des Isles Philippines 2e. FeuillePhilippinesBellin, Jacques Nicolas1752B190.00
845Carte du Canal des Isles Philippines Par Lequel Passe le Galion de Manille et les Iles Voisines de ce CanalPhilippinesAnson, George1765Aunsold
846Les Isles de la Sonde, entre lesquelles sont Sumatra, Iava, Borneo, &c.East Indies - IndonesiaSanson, Nicolas1699A275.00
847[Spice Islands]East Indies - IndonesiaValentyn, Francois1724-26A275.00
848Isles MoluquesEast Indies - IndonesiaLe Rouge, George Louis1748Bunsold
849Das Eyland Baly oder Klein JavaEast Indies - IndonesiaAnon.1760A+120.00
850Kaart van 't Eyland Groot JavaEast Indies - IndonesiaLindemann, O.1775A120.00
851Malay Archipelago, or East India IslandsEast Indies - IndonesiaTallis, John1851B325.00
852Africae, described the manners of their habits, and buildings…AfricaSpeed, John1626B6000.00
853Africae Accurata Tabula ex officinaAfricaVisscher, Nicolas1677B700.00
854AfriqueAfricaDuval, Pierre1682A150.00
855L'Afrique Divisee Suivant l'Estendue de ses Principales Parties…AfricaJaillot, Alexis-Hubert1685A1000.00
856AfriqueAfricaSanson, Nicolas1699B150.00
857To the Right Honourable Charles Earl of Peterborow, and Monmouth, &c, This Map of Africa…AfricaMoll, Herman1715D1000.00
858Africa Secundum Legitimas Projectionis Stereographicae Regulas et juxta recentissimas relationes et observationes in subsidium vocatis queque veterum Leonis Africani…AfricaHaas/Homann Heirs1737B450.00
859Aegypti Recentior Descriptio [on sheet with] Carthaginis Celeberrimi Sinus TypusNorthern AfricaOrtelius, Abraham1535A230.00
860Aphricae Tabula INorthern AfricaMunster, Sebastian1540A275.00
861BarbariaNorthern AfricaMercator/Jansson1628A120.00
862Nova Barbariae DescriptioNorthern AfricaJansson, Jan1631A300.00
863Carta particolare del Mare Mediterraneo che Comincia con il Capo Teti e Finisce con Folselli in Barberia…Northern AfricaDudley, Robert (Sir)1647B450.00
864Singularitez Curieuses des Royaumes de Maroc et de Fez dans la BarbarieNorthern AfricaChatelain, Henry Abraham1719B150.00
865Carte de la Barbarie contenant les Royaumes de Maroc, de Fez d'Alger, de Tunis et de Tripoli, Avec les Deserts..Northern AfricaRobert de Vaugondy/Santini1775B95.00
866Fezzae et Marocchi Regna Africae Celeberrima, describebat Abrah: OrteliusNorthwestern AfricaBlaeu, (Family)1635B300.00
867Royaume de Fez divise en sept Provinces…Northwestern AfricaSanson, Nicolas1699A90.00
868Partie du Biledulgerid ou sont Tesset, Darha, et SegelmesseNorthwestern AfricaSanson, Nicolas1699A+90.00
869Partie de Barbarie, ou Sont les Royaumes de Tunis, et Tripoli…Northern AfricaSanson, Nicolas1699A95.00
870Carte de la Coste Occidentale d'Afrique depuis le Detroit de Gibralter…Northwestern AfricaBellin/Van Schley1750A60.00
871Egypte divisee en ses Douze Cassilifs, ou Gouvernemens…EgyptSanson, Nicolas1699A95.00
872Aegyptus Hodierna…EgyptHomann, Johann Baptist1716B250.00
873Lower Egypt and the Adjacent Deserts, with a Part of Palestine; to which has been added the Nomenclature of the Roman age by L.S. de la RochetteEgyptWyld, James1824B100.00
874Cairus, quae olim Babylon; Aegypti Maxima urbsEgypt, CairoBraun & Hogenberg1572A1000.00
875Map of Cairo Showing Mohammedan MonumentsEgypt, Cairo1950A50.00
876Mombaza in AfricaAfrica - EasternMeisner, Daniel1642A130.00
877GuineaAfrica - WesternJansson, Jan1634A+110.00
878Afrique ou Libie Ulterieure ou sont Le Saara ou Desert, Le Pays des Negres La Guinee, &cAfrica - WesternSanson, Nicolas1699A100.00
879La Guinee et Pays Circomvoisins; Tires de Mercator, de Blommart &c.Africa - WesternSanson, Nicolas1699A+100.00
880Carte de la Coste Occidentale d'Afrique…Africa - WesternBellin/Van Schley1738A50.00
881Presbiteri Iohannis sive Abissinorum ImperiumAfrica - CentralOrtelius/Coignet1601A110.00
882Abissinorum sive Pretiosi Ioannis ImperiumAfrica - CentralMercator/Jansson1628A250.00
883[Lot of 2] Aethiopia Inferior, vel Exterior… [together with] Aethiopia Superior vel Interior; vulgo Abissinorum sive Presbiteri Ionnis ImperiumAfrica - Southern and CentralBlaeu, Willem1662B750.00
884Hydrophylacium Africae precipuum, in Montibus Lunae…Africa - SouthernKircher, Athanasius1682A450.00
885[Lot of 2] Carte de la Coste Occidentale d'Afrique… [and] Carte de la Coste Orientale d'Afrique…Africa - SouthernBellin/Van Schley1750140.00
886Mare del Sud, detto altrimenti Mare Pacifico…Pacific OceanCoronelli, Vincenzo Maria1690B1800.00
887Magnum Mare del Zur cum Insula California - De Groote Zuyd-Zee en 't Eylandt CaliforniaPacific OceanRenard/De Wit1715A+2300.00
888Representation du Cours ordinaire des Vents de Traverse qui regnent sur les Cotes dans la grande Mer du SudPacific OceanBellin, Jacques Nicolas1750A110.00
889Partie de la Mer du Sud Comprise Entre les Philippines et la CaliforniePacific OceanLa Perouse, Comte Jean F. Galoup, de1797B150.00
890[Pacific Ocean and Northern Rim]North Pacific OceanScherer, Heinrich1700B600.00
891Carte des Nouvelles Decouvertes au Nord de la Mer du Sud, Tant a l'Est de la Siberie et du Kamchatka, qu'a l'Ouest de la Nouvelle FranceNorth Pacific Ocean and Western North AmericaDelisle/Buache1752Bunsold
892Carte Generale des Decouvertes de l'Amiral de Fonte, et autres Navigateurs Espagnols, Anglios et Russes pour la recherche du Passage a la Mer du Sud Par M. De I'Lsle de l'Acadmie royale des Sciences &c. Publiee a Paris en Septembre 1752Western North AmericaRobert de Vaugondy, Didier1752A180.00
893Carte des parties Nord et Est de l'Asie qui comprend les Cotes de la Russie Asiatique le Kamschatka, le Jesso, et les Isles du JaponNorthern Asia and Western North AmericaRobert de Vaugondy, Didier1772B85.00
894Carte des Nouvelles Decouvertes dressee par Phil. Bauche… [on sheet with] Extrait d'Une Carte Japonise de l'Univers…North Pacific OceanRobert de Vaugondy, Didier1777B150.00
895Carte de la Partie Septentrionale de la Mer du Sud, Comprise Entre la Californie, Les Isles sandwich, le Japon et le Detrt. De Behring: tiree de la Carte Generale Angloise des Decouvertes du Capitaine Cook.North Pacific OceanBellin, Jacques Nicolas1782B110.00
896Chart of the NW Coast of America and NE Coast of Asia explored in the Years 1778 & 1779North Pacific OceanCook, James (Capt.)1784A300.00
897Nouvelle Carte des Decouvertes Faites par des Vaisseaux Russiens aux Cotes Inconnues de l'Amerique Septentrionale avec les Pais AdiacentsNorth Pacific OceanSantini/Remondini1784Aunsold
898Carte de la Cote N.O. de l'Amerique et da la Cote N.E. de l'AsieNorth Pacific OceanBonne, Rigobert1787A70.00
899Kaart van de Noord-West Kust van Amerika en de Noord-Oost Kust van Asia. Opgenoomen in de Jaaren 1778 en 1779…North Pacific, AlaskaCook, James (Capt.)1795Bunsold
900Carte du Detroit qui Separe l'Asie de l'Amerique, avec la Cote des Tschoutskis, Tracee d'Apres Les Observations faites dans la Mer Glaciale Depuis 1786 Jusqu' en 1794North Pacific OceanSauer, Martin1802B+unsold
901Carte de l'Archipel de St. Lazare ou les Isles Marianes Sur les Cartes du P. Alonso Lopez…Pacific IslandsBellin, Jacques Nicolas1752A+75.00
902[Lot of 4] New South Wales [and] Western Australia [on sheet with] Van-Diemen Island [and] The Pacific Ocean [and] [Untitled - Pacific Islands]Pacific Ocean and AustraliaSDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge1845220.00
903Melville & Bathurst Islands with Cobourg Peninsula North AustraliaAustraliaMurray, John1834Bunsold
904Interior d'un Hippah de la Nouvelle ZelandeNew ZealandCook/Benard1785B55.00
905Paxton's Magazine of Botany Vol. 10BotanicalsPaxton, Joseph1843B500.00
906The Book of Hardy Flowers; or Gardeners' Edition of the Botanic GardenBotanicalsMaund, Benjamin1845-50A300.00
907[Lot of 20 - Flowers]BotanicalsAnon.1886A100.00
908University of the State of New York Annual Report of the State BotanistMushrooms1895A75.00
909Das erste buch der Cosmography…Title PagesMunster, Sebastian1598A150.00
910[Lot of 12 - New Testament Bible engravings]Religion1700A170.00
911[Lot of 8 - Old Testament engravings]Religion1728A120.00
912Zee-Slagh Vanden Hr. Admiraal Michiel de Ruiter en den Hr. de la Zarda tegens de France Adm. de Hr. du Quesne, by Eylandt Sicilien ontrent der Bergh Aetna op den 22, April, 1676ShipsStoopendaal, Daniel1700A300.00
913[Lot of 2] Marine, Pavillons, Pl. XVII [and] Suitte de la Pl. XVIIShips, FlagsDiderot, Denis1780A375.00
914National Commercial Flags of All NationsShips - FlagsColton, G.W. & C.B.1872B200.00
915[Lot of 5 - Hogarth engravings]Prints MiscellaneousHogarth, William1840A+110.00
916Martha, the Good NegressComic StripAnon.1860B140.00
917Sons of Neptune Shaving a LandsmanComic - Ships1860B60.00
918[Illuminated leaf]Medieval ManuscriptsAnon.1250B275.00
919[Illuminated leaf]Medieval ManuscriptsAnon.1430B150.00
920[Illuminated Leaf]Medieval ManuscriptsAnon.1450A275.00
921[Illuminated Leaf]Medieval ManuscriptsAnon.1450B200.00
922[Illuminated Leaf]Medieval ManuscriptsAnon.1460A+250.00
923[Illuminated Leaf]Medieval ManuscriptAnon.1470B100.00
924[Illuminated leaf]Medieval ManuscriptsAnon.1470B375.00
925[Illuminated Leaf]Medieval ManuscriptsAnon.1485A180.00
926[Illuminated Leaf]ManuscriptsAnon.1570A+150.00
927[Illuminated leaf]Early PrintingHardouin, Gilles1500A+90.00
928Missale - CCXXXIIIIEarly PrintingAnon.1507A70.00
929[Illuminated Leaf]Early PrintingHardouin, Gilles1526A150.00
930[Antiphonal Leaf]MusicAnon.1400B75.00
931[Antiphonal Leaf]MusicAnon.1480A375.00
932[Antiphonal Leaf]Manuscript MusicAnon.1520Aunsold
933Smith's New General Atlas…AtlasesSmith, Charles1820Aunsold
934School Atlas to Accompany Woodbridge's Rudiments of GeographyAtlasesWoodbridge, William Channing1822C110.00
935A New and Improved School Atlas, to Accompany the Practical System of Modern GeographyAtlasesOlney, Jesse1829B200.00
936A New General Atlas, Comprising a Complete Set of Maps, representing the Grand Divisions of the Globe…AtlasesFinley, Anthony1832A5000.00
937An Atlas of Antient GeographyAtlasesButler, Samuel1832B60.00
938Atlas National Illustre des 86 Departments et des Possessions de la France Divisee par Arrondissments, Cantons en CommunesAtlasesLevasseur, Victor1852A850.00
939A New Universal Atlas Containing Maps of the Various Empires, Kingdoms, States and Republics of the World…AtlasesMitchell, Samuel Augustus1854A3500.00
940The Illustrated Atlas and Modern History of the World…AtlasesTallis, John1857A5500.00
941Johnson's New Illustrated Family Atlas of the World…AtlasesJohnson & Browning1861B1500.00
942Mitchell's New General Atlas, containing Maps of the Various Counties of the World, Plans of Cities, Etc…AtlasesMitchell, Samuel Augustus1866A1200.00
943Atlas Accompanying Reports of Missouri Geological SurveyAtlasesU.S. State Surveys1874B250.00
944Zell's Hand Atlas of the WorldAtlasesZell, T. Elwood1880A220.00
945Atlas to Accompany the Monograph on the Geology of the Comstock Lode and the Washoe DistrictAtlasesU.S. Geological Survey (USGS)1882B210.00
946Justus Perthes' Taschen-AtlasAtlasesPerthes, Justus1885A50.00
947Arbuckles' Illustrated Atlas of Fifty Principal Nations of the WorldAtlasesArbuckle Bros. Coffee Co.1889B950.00
948Enlarged Business Atlas and Shippers' GuideAtlasesRand McNally & Co.1892C450.00
949Atlas to Accompany Monograph XXXII on the Geology of the Yellowstone National ParkAtlasesU.S. Geological Survey (USGS)1904A+450.00
950Geologic Atlas of the United States Bisbee Folio ArizonaAtlasesU.S. Geological Survey (USGS)1914A75.00
951Auto Trails and Commercial Survey of the United StatesAtlasesCram, George F. & Company1922A120.00
952[Lot of 4 - Early Advertising Road Atlases]Atlases1924-27B55.00
953[Facsimile Atlas] The English Pilot The Fourth BookAtlasesThornton, John1967A200.00
954American Universal GeographyGeography BooksBlake, Rev. J.L.1833C80.00
955Mitchell's Intermediate or Secondary Geography. A System of Modern Geography…Geography BooksThomas, Cowperthwait & Co.1850B210.00
956Mitchell's New Intermediate Geography. A System of Modern Geography…Geography BooksMitchell, Samuel Augustus1867B130.00
957Sketches Accompanying the Annual Report of the Superintendent of the United States Coast SurveyExploration and SurveysU.S. Coast Survey1851A550.00
958Maps and Other Illustrations Belonging to Reports Accompanying the [President's] MessageExploration and SurveysU.S. Government1853A220.00
959Exploration of the Red River of Louisiana in the Year 1852Exploration and SurveysMarcy, Capt. R.B.1854A350.00
960Report of the Commissioner General Land Office, November 30, 1854Exploration and SurveysGeneral Land Office1854B180.00
961Flood Control - Sacramento and San Joaquin River Systems, CaliforniaExploration and SurveysU.S. Corps of Engineers1911B75.00
962The Edison Institute Dedication of the Wright Brothers Home and Shop in Greenfield VillageMiscellaneous Books - Aviation1938A75.00
963[Lot of Approximately 183 Dealer Catalogues]Reference Books1926-2004A220.00
964The Making of the Nuremberg ChronicleReference BooksWilson, Adrian1978A+275.00
965The Maps of San Francisco BayReference BooksHarlow, Neal1996A+65.00
966Collecting Old MapsReference BooksManasek, F.J.1998A+170.00
967Terrestrial and Celestial Globes Their History and Construction Including a Consideration of Their Value as Aids in the Study of Geography and Astronomy [ Volumes I & II together]Reference BooksStevenson, Edward Luther1998A+100.00
968Testing RecordAsiaAunsold
969The Making of the Nuremberg ChronicleReference BooksWilson, Adrian1978A250.00
970Collecting Old MapsReference BooksManasek, F.J.1998A+180.00