Index of Lots for Auction 128
This index is a static list of all lots in Auction 128
1 | Spectandum dedit Ortelius mortalib. Orbem, Orbi spectandum Galleus Ortelium | Title Pages, Portrait | Ortelius/Galle | 1579 | A | 550.00 |
2 | De Praecipuis, Totius Universi Urbibus, Liber Secundus | Title Pages | Braun & Hogenberg | 1575 | A | 250.00 |
3 | Italiae, Sclavoniae, et Graeciae tabule geographice per Gerardum Mercatorem Illustrissimi Ducis Julie, Clivie, etc. Cosmographum | Title Pages | Mercator, Gerard | 1595 | A | unsold |
4 | Description de l'Amerique & des Parties d'Icelle, comme de la Nouvelle France, Floride, des Antilles, Iucaya, Cuba Iamaica, &c. | Title Pages | Linschoten, Jan Juygen van | 1619 | A | 275.00 |
5 | Descriptio Indiae Occidentalis per Antonium de Herrera Regium Indiarum et Castellae Historiographum | Title Pages, America, California | Herrera y Tordesillas, Antonio de | 1622 | A | 2300.00 |
6 | [Lot of 2] William Camden Clarenceux [and] Britannia: or a Chorographical Description of Great Britain and Ireland… | Title Pages | Camden, William | 1623 | | 100.00 |
7 | [Lot of 2] Atlas Minor… [and] Atlas sive Cosmographicae Meditationes… | Title Pages | | 1630-41 | B | 180.00 |
8 | Description Generale de l'Afrique Seconde Partie du Monde | Title Pages | d'Avity, Pierre | 1637 | B+ | 200.00 |
9 | Le Theatre du Monde, ou Nouvel Atlas… La Seconde Partie de la Seconde | Title Pages | Blaeu, (Family) | 1640 | A+ | 250.00 |
10 | De Bello Belgico Decas Prima Famian Stradae Rom. Soc. Iesu Edition III | Title Pages, Netherlands and Belgium | Strada, Famiamo, S.J. | 1640 | A | 800.00 |
11 | Atlas Novus, sive Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, in quo Germaniae Inferioris… Tomi Secundi Continuatio | Title Pages | Jansson, Jan | 1647 | A+ | 180.00 |
12 | The Theatre of the Empire of Great Britaine. Presenting an Exact Geography of the Kingdomes of England, Scotland, Ireland and the Iles Adjoyning… | Title Pages | Speed, John | 1650 | B+ | 325.00 |
13 | Great Britains Coasting Pilot being A New Survey of the Sea Coast | Title Pages | Collins, Capt. Greenvile | 1693 | A+ | 400.00 |
14 | L'Atlas Curieux ou le Monde Dresse et Dedie Anosseigneurs les Enfans de France… | Title Pages | Fer, Nicolas de | 1705 | A | 180.00 |
15 | [Lot of 2] Theatri Europaei Oder Historische Beschreibung… Tierter Theil [and] Theatri Europaei XIII Theil | Title Pages | Merian, Matthaus | 1730 | | 275.00 |
16 | Grosser Atlas uber die Gantze Welt | Title Pages | Homann, Johann Baptist | 1731 | A+ | 150.00 |
17 | [Lot of 23 - 19th century title pages] | Title Pages | | 1802-74 | | 450.00 |
18 | [Lot of 5] Typus Orbis Terrarum [and] America [and] Asia Antiqua et Nova [and] Africa, Antiqua et Nova [and] Summa Europae Antiquae Descriptio | World & Continents | Cluver, Philipp | 1697 | A | 1400.00 |
19 | [Lot of 6] Mapemonde Planisphere ou Carte Generale du Monde [with] L'Amerique Septentrionale [with] L'Amerique Meridionale [with] L'Asie [and] L'Afrique Selon les Autheurs les plus Modernes [and] L'Europe Selon les Auth. les plus Modernes | World & Continents | La Feuille, Daniel de | 1705 | B+ | 750.00 |
20 | [Lot of 5] Mappe-Monde ou Carte Generale du Globe Terrestre, Representee en Deux Plan-Hemispheres [and] Amerique [and] L'Asie [and] Afrique [and] Europe | World & Continents | Bossuet, Jacques Benigne | 1755 | A+ | unsold |
21 | [Lot of 8 - World and Continents] | World & Continents | Mitchell, Samuel Augustus | 1860 | A | 300.00 |
22 | Europa Poly Glotta… [together with] Asia Poly-Glotta… [and] America cum Supplementis Poly-Glottis [and] Africa Poly-Glotta | Continents | Homann Heirs | 1741 | B | 1300.00 |
23 | [Lot of 2] South America [and] Asia | Continents | Bradford, Thomas Gamaliel | 1838-41 | A | unsold |
24 | [Lot of 3] North America [and] Asia [and] Africa | Continents | Rapkin, John | 1860 | A | unsold |
25 | Orbis Descriptio | World | Ruscelli, Girolamo | 1561 | A+ | 900.00 |
26 | Carta Marina Nuova Tavola | World | Ruscelli, Girolamo | 1564 | A+ | 950.00 |
27 | Descrittione del Mappamondo | World | Porcacchi, Tomaso | 1572-90 | A+ | 375.00 |
28 | Discorso Intorno alla Carta da Navigare | World | Porcacchi, Tomaso | 1590 | A+ | 375.00 |
29 | Typus Orbis Terrarum | World | Ortelius, Abraham | 1592 | B+ | unsold |
30 | Die Erst General Tafel, Die Beschreibung und den Circkel des Gantzen Erdtrichs und Meers Innhaltende | World | Munster/Petri | 1598 | B+ | unsold |
31 | Typus Orbis Terrarum | World | Mercator/Hondius | 1607 | B+ | unsold |
32 | Nova Totius Terrarum Orbis Geographica ac Hydrographica Tabula | World | Hondius, Henricus | 1630 | A | 8500.00 |
33 | Nova Totius Terrarum Orbis Geographica ac Hydpographica Tabula | World | Hondius/Mariette | 1642 | B+ | unsold |
34 | Orbis Terrarum Typus de Integro Multis in Locis Emendatus | World | Plancius, Petrus | 1653 | B | 2500.00 |
35 | Orbis Terrarum Typus | World | Cluver, Philipp | 1661-77 | A | 180.00 |
36 | Le Pave de la Grand Sale des Bourgeois | World and Celestial | Anon. | 1662 | B+ | 650.00 |
37 | Orbis Terrarum Tabula Recens Emendata et in Lucem Edita per N. Visscher | World | Visscher, Nicolas | 1663 | A | 1400.00 |
38 | Werelt Caert | World | Stoopendaal, Daniel | 1688 | B+ | unsold |
39 | Typus Orbis Terrarum | World | Anon. | 1695 | B+ | 550.00 |
40 | Totius Orbis Terrarum Tabula, Ejusque Post Diluvium Divisio Inter Filios Noachi | World | Moxon, Joseph | 1710 | A+ | 220.00 |
41 | Die Ebbe und Fluht auff einer Flachen Landt-Karten furgeselt | World | Happel, Everard Werner | 1710 | A | 550.00 |
42 | Planisphere Terrestre Suivant les Nouvelles Observations des Astronomes Dressee et Presente Roy Tres Chretien par Mr. Cassini le Fils… | World, Polar | Aa, Pieter van der | 1713 | B+ | unsold |
43 | Orbis Terrarum Tabula Recens Emendata et in Lucem Edita | World | Stoopendaal, Daniel | 1729 | B | unsold |
44 | Carta Hydrographica oder Algemeine Welt und Commercien Carte… | World | Stridbeck/Bodenehr | 1730 | A | unsold |
45 | Planiglobii Terrestris cum Utroq Hemisphaerio Caelesti Generalis Exhibitio | World | Homann, Johann Baptist | 1730 | B+ | unsold |
46 | Planisphere Physique ou l'on voit du Pole Septentrional… [and] Carte Physique et Profil du Canal de la Manche et d'une Partie de la Mer du Nord… | World | Buache, Philip | 1752 | A+ | 475.00 |
47 | Mappe-Monde Dressee pour l'Etude de la Geographie, relativement aux Auteurs les plus Modernes | World | Brion de la Tour/Desnos | 1766 | B | unsold |
48 | A Chart of the World, According to Mercators Projection Shewing the latest Discoveries of Capt. Cook | World | Guthrie, William | 1785 | B+ | 250.00 |
49 | Mappe Monde en Deux Hemispheres Presentant l'Etat Actuel de la Geographie | World | Brue, Adrien Hubert | 1821 | B+ | 800.00 |
50 | Planisphere | World | Levasseur, Victor | 1845 | A+ | 190.00 |
51 | The World | World | Colton, Joseph Hutchins | 1851 | A | 325.00 |
52 | Map of the Distribution of Marine Life illustrated chiefly by Fishes, Molluscs & Radiata; Showing also…the Homoizoic Belts… | World | Johnston, W. & A.K. | 1854 | A+ | 90.00 |
53 | Map of the Geographical Distribution of the Most Important Plants Yielding Food, Including the Cultivated Grains and Other Cultivated and Wild Bread Plants… | World | Johnston, W. & A.K. | 1854 | A+ | 100.00 |
54 | The World | World | Black, Adam & Charles | 1860 | B+ | 100.00 |
55 | Orbis Terrarum Tabula Recens Emendata et in Lucem Edita per N. Visscher | World | Visscher, Nicolas | 1867 | A+ | unsold |
56 | Nouvelle Carte du Monde (Planisphere) Physique, Politique et Commerciale… | World | | 1921 | A+ | unsold |
57 | Altera Generalis Tab. Secundum Ptol. | Ancient World | Munster, Sebastian | 1545 | A | 1000.00 |
58 | Charta Cosmographica, cum Ventorum Propria Natura et Operatione | World | Apianus, Peter Bienewitz | 1553 | A+ | 4750.00 |
59 | Ptolemaei Typus | Ancient World | Ruscelli, Girolamo | 1562 | A+ | 325.00 |
60 | Aevi Veteris, Typus Geographicus | Ancient World | Ortelius, Abraham | 1590 | A+ | 900.00 |
61 | Tabula Itineraria ex Illustri Peutingerorum Bibliotheca… | Ancient World | Jansson, Jan | 1644 | A+ | 2000.00 |
62 | Tabula Universalis Locorum, quae Phoenicum Navigationibus Maxime Frequentata Sunt, a Taprobana Thulen Usque | Ancient World | Bocharti, Samuelis | 1712 | A | 240.00 |
63 | Geographia Sacra | Ancient World | Jansson, Jan | 1741 | A | 375.00 |
64 | De Xde. Landkaart, vertonende de van Ouds Bekende Waereld… | Ancient World | Bachiene, Willem Albert | 1764 | A | 150.00 |
65 | Imago Totius Orbis Terraquei cum suo Apparatu ab Auctore Naturae in Suas Partes Distributi Geographic Exhibita | World | Scherer, Heinrich | 1700 | B | unsold |
66 | Repraesentatio Totius Orbis Terraquei Cuius Partes, quae Umbra Carent, Fide Catholica Imbutae sunt, Reliquae Omnes Inumbratae Religionis Catholicae Expertes sunt | World | Scherer, Heinrich | 1702 | B+ | unsold |
67 | [Lot of 2] Facies Poli Arctici adiacentiumque ei regionum ex recentissimis itinerariis delineata cura Christophori Weigelii, Norib [and] Facies Poli Antarctici ex recentissimis itinerariis descripta | World, Polar | Weigel, Christopher | 1718 | B | 375.00 |
68 | [Lot of 2] Northern Hemisphere [and] Southern Hemisphere | World, Polar | Pinkerton, John | 1812 | A+ | 275.00 |
69 | Septentrionalium Terrarum descriptio | North Pole | Mercator, Gerard | 1628 | A | 1900.00 |
70 | Regiones Sub Polo Arctico | North Pole | Blaeu, Willem | 1641 | A | 1100.00 |
71 | Hemisphere Septentrional pour Voir plus Distinctement les Terres Arctiques… | North Pole | Delisle, Guillaume | 1714 | A | unsold |
72 | A Map of the Icy Sea in Which the Several Communications with the Land Waters and Other New Discoveries are Exhibited | North Pole, Arctic Ocean | Gibson, John | 1760 | B+ | 110.00 |
73 | Emisfero Terrestre Settentrionale Tagliato su l'Equatore | North Pole | Zatta, Antonio | 1779 | B | unsold |
74 | Southern Hemisphere | Antarctica and Southern Hemisphere | Thomson, John | 1817 | B+ | 120.00 |
75 | [Monsters] Mostri marini & terrestri, che si trouano in ogni luogo nelle parti d' aquilone | Cartographic Miscellany | Munster, Sebastian | 1570 | A | 900.00 |
76 | De Schepping der Wereldt Volgens de Beschryving van Mozes. 1. Plaat. / 2. Plaat | Cartographic Miscellany | Goeree, Willelm & Jan | 1690 | A | 150.00 |
77 | Poliometria Germaniae ac Finitmorum Quorundam Locorum Europae. Curioser Statt-Zeiger… | Cartographic Miscellany | Funcke/Homann | 1690 | B+ | 240.00 |
78 | [Lot of 5 - Astronomy] | Cartographic Miscellany | | 1695-1764 | B+ | 275.00 |
79 | [Lot of 3] Demonstrations Geometriques, des Spheres Droite, Paralelle, et Oblique [and] Position respective des Peuples de la Terre [and] Suite de la Planch precedente | Cartographic Miscellany | Brion de la Tour/Desnos | 1760 | B+ | unsold |
80 | Figure XXXVIII. Etoilles Nouvelles | Celestial | Mallet, Alain Manesson | 1683 | A | 120.00 |
81 | Figure XXXVI | Celestial | Mallet, Alain Manesson | 1683 | A | 120.00 |
82 | Tabula Selenographica in qua Lunarium Macularum exacta Descriptio secundum Nomenclaturam Praestantissimorum Astronomorum tam Hevelii quam Riccioli | Moon | Doppelmayr/Homann | 1740 | B | 950.00 |
83 | Ephemerides Motuum Coelestium Geometricae | Solar System | Doppelmayr/Homann | 1714 | A+ | unsold |
84 | Systema Solare et Planetarium ex hypothesi Copernicana secundum elegantissimas Illustrissimi quondam Hugenii deductiones novissime collectum & exhibitum | Solar System | Doppelmayr/Homann | 1720 | B+ | unsold |
85 | Motus in Coelo Spirales Quos Planetae inferiores Venus et Mercurius secundum Tychonicorum Hypothesin exhibent, pro exemplo ad annum Christi praecipue 1712 et 1713 | Solar System | Doppelmayr/Homann | 1742 | B+ | unsold |
86 | Motus Planetarum Superiorum… | Solar System | Doppelmayr/Homann | 1742 | B+ | 325.00 |
87 | Systeme de Copernic ou Abrege de l'Astronomie | Solar System | Delamarche, Charles Francois | 1804 | A | unsold |
88 | [Lot of 6 - Muggletonian Planetary Charts] | Solar System | Frost, Isaac | 1846 | A | 1000.00 |
89 | Newton's New & Improved Celestial Globe | Globes | Newton, J. & Sons | 1847 | A | 3250.00 |
90 | [Oceani Occidentalis Seu Terre Nove Tabula] | Western Hemisphere, Atlantic Ocean | Waldseemuller/Fries | 1525 | A | 9000.00 |
91 | Carte Nouvelle de la Mer du Sud… | Western Hemisphere, Pacific and Atlantic Oceans | Leth, Andries & Hendrik de | 1740 | B+ | unsold |
92 | Die Neuwen Inseln so hinder Hispanien gegen Orient… | Western Hemisphere | Munster, Sebastian | 1564 | B+ | 4000.00 |
93 | Americae Sive Novi Orbis, Nova Descriptio | Western Hemisphere | Ortelius, Abraham | 1573 | A | 5000.00 |
94 | Americae Pars Magis Cognita | Western Hemisphere | Bry, Theodore de | 1592 | C+ | 3750.00 |
95 | America sive India Nova ad magnae Gerardi Mercatoris aui Universalis imitationem in compendium redacta | Western Hemisphere | Mercator, Michael | 1613 | B+ | 3000.00 |
96 | Americae Descriptio | Western Hemisphere | Jansson, Jan | 1631 | A+ | unsold |
97 | Americae Nova Tabula | Western Hemisphere | Blaeu, Willem | 1635 | A | 4500.00 |
98 | Americae sive Indiae Occidentalis Tabula Generalis | Western Hemisphere | Cluver, Philipp | 1659 | A+ | 150.00 |
99 | Mappa Fluxus et Refluxus Rationes in Isthmo Americano, in Freto Magellanico, caeterisque Americae Littoribus Exhibens | Western Hemisphere | Kircher, Athanasius | 1670 | B+ | 800.00 |
100 | Novissima et Accuratissima Totius Americae Descriptio | Western Hemisphere | Wit, Frederick de | 1675 | B+ | unsold |
101 | Amerique | Western Hemisphere | Duval, Pierre | 1676 | A | 350.00 |
102 | Nouveau Continent ou Amerique | Western Hemisphere | Mallet, Alain Manesson | 1683 | A | unsold |
103 | America Septentrionalis Novissima / America Meridionalis Accuratissima | Western Hemisphere | Schenk, Pieter | 1695 | B+ | 1000.00 |
104 | [Lot of 2] Der Neuen Welt Begriff… | Western Hemisphere | Stridbeck, Johann | 1700 | B+ | 150.00 |
105 | Carte du Gouvernement de l'Amerique | Western Hemisphere | Chatelain, Henry Abraham | 1719 | A | unsold |
106 | Carte d'Amerique, Dressee pour l'Usage du Roy… | Western Hemisphere | Delisle/Buache | 1745 | B | unsold |
107 | L'Amerique divisee en ses principaux Etats Assujettie aux Observations Astronomiqes | Western Hemisphere | Janvier/Santini | 1784 | A | 475.00 |
108 | America North and South and the West Indies; with the Atlantic, Aethiopic and Pacific Oceans: wherein are Distinguished, All the Discoveries lately made by the English and the Spaniards | Western Hemisphere | Dunn, Samuel | 1786 | B | 150.00 |
109 | Carte d'Amerique divisee en ses principaux Pays Dressee sur les Memoires les plus recents, et sur Differents Voyages | Western Hemisphere | Clouet, Jean Baptiste Louis | 1787 | B | 700.00 |
110 | [Lot of 2] North America from the best Authorities [and] South America, from the best Authorities | Western Hemisphere | Brightly & Kinnersly | 1806 | | unsold |
111 | Charte von America. Nach den neusten Materialien… | Western Hemisphere | Streit, Friedrich Wilhelm | 1810 | B+ | unsold |
112 | Carte de l'Amerique Dressee par G. Delisle et Ph. Bauche | Western Hemisphere | Delisle/Dezauche | 1830 | A+ | unsold |
113 | Western Hemisphere | Western Hemisphere | Teesdale, Henry | 1842 | B+ | unsold |
114 | America Septentrionalis | North America | Hondius, Henricus | 1636-44 | B+ | 3000.00 |
115 | America Borealis | North America | Scherer, Heinrich | 1699 | A+ | unsold |
116 | A New Map of North America Shewing its Principal Divisions, Chief Cities, Townes, Rivers, Mountains, &c. | North America | Wells, Edward | 1704 | A | 1000.00 |
117 | Amerique Septentrionale | North America | Anon. | 1707 | B+ | unsold |
118 | America Septentrionalis Studio Guilielmi de l'Isle… | North America | Weigel, Christopher | 1718 | A+ | 1100.00 |
119 | L'Amerique Septentrionale Dressee sur les Observations de Mrs. de l'Academie Royale des Sciences… | North America | Delisle/Covens & Mortier | 1730 | A+ | unsold |
120 | Karte von Nord-America, Zur Geschichte von Neu-Frankreich… | North America | Bellin, Jacques Nicolas | 1743 | A | 170.00 |
121 | Eine Neue Charte von America Nach den Neusten Observationen | North America | Moll, Herman | 1744 | B+ | unsold |
122 | Americque Septentrionale Par N. Sanson d'Abbeville Geographe du Roy | North America | Sanson, Nicolas | 1745 | A | 350.00 |
123 | A Map of North America With the European Settlements & whatever else is remarkable in ye West Indies, from the latest and best Observations | North America | Seale, Richard William | 1745 | B+ | unsold |
124 | Amerique Septentrionale, dressee, sur les Relations les plus modernes des Voyageurs et Navigateurs, et divisee suivant les differentes possessions des Europeens | North America | Robert de Vaugondy | 1750 | A | 450.00 |
125 | L'Amerique Septentrionale divisee en ses principaux Etats… | North America | Janvier, Jean | 1762 | B+ | unsold |
126 | Nouveau Mexique, Louisiane, Canada, et Nlle. Angleterre | North America | Brion de la Tour/Desnos | 1766 | A+ | 220.00 |
127 | America Septentrionalis, Concinnata juxta Observationes Dnn Academiae Regalis Scientiarum… | North America | Lotter, Tobias Conrad | 1772 | A | 650.00 |
128 | An Accurate Map of North America, Drawn from the best Modern Maps and Charts and regulated by Astron. Observat. By Eman. Bowen, Geogr. To his Majesty | North America | Bowen, Emanuel | 1777 | A+ | 110.00 |
129 | Amerique Septentrionale | North America | Bonne, Rigobert | 1780 | A | unsold |
130 | Amerique Septentrionale dressee sur les Relations les plus modernes des Voyageurs et Navigateurs ou se remarquent les Etats Unis… | North America | Robert de Vaugondy | 1783 | B+ | unsold |
131 | L'Amerique Septentrionale Divisee en ses Principaux Etats | North America | Bertholon, C. | 1799 | B+ | 180.00 |
132 | Charte von Nord-America | North America | Anon. | 1818 | A | 125.00 |
133 | Carte Geographique, Statistique et Historique de l'Amerique Septentrionale | North America | Buchon, Jean Alexandre | 1825 | A | 100.00 |
134 | Carte d'Assemblage de l'Amerique Septenle. | North America | Vandermaelen, Philippe Marie Guillaume | 1825-27 | B+ | 130.00 |
135 | Amerique Septentrionale | North America, Texas | Levasseur, Victor | 1840 | A+ | 200.00 |
136 | Map of North America to Illustrate Olney's School Geography | North America, Texas | Robinson, D.F. & Co. | 1844 | A | unsold |
137 | [Lot of 2] Carte de l'Amerique Septentrionale et des Antilles [and] Neueste Karte von America | North America, Texas | | 1843-44 | | unsold |
138 | Amerique Septentrionale | North America | Levasseur, Victor | 1845 | A | unsold |
139 | North America | North America | Colton, Joseph Hutchins | 1855 | A | unsold |
140 | Mitchell's New National Map Exhibiting the United States with the North American British Provinces, Sandwich Islands, Mexico and Central American, Together with Cuba and other West India Islands. | North America | Mitchell, Samuel Augustus | 1857 | B+ | 1500.00 |
141 | Nordamerika | North America | Brockhaus, F. A. | 1863 | B+ | unsold |
142 | Map Illustrating the Extermination of the American Bison Prepared by W.T. Hornaday | North America | Smithsonian Institute | 1889 | B | 190.00 |
143 | Carte du Mexique et de la Floride des Terres Angloises et des Isles Antilles du Cours et des Environs de la Riviere de Mississipi… | Colonial North America | Delisle, Guillaume | 1703 | B+ | unsold |
144 | Regni Mexicani seu Novae Hispaniae, Ludovicianae, N. Angliae, Carolinae, Virginiae, et Pensylvaniae nec non Insularum Archipelagi Mexicani in America Septentrionali Accurata Tabula… | Colonial North America | Homann, Johann Baptist | 1720 | A | 1200.00 |
145 | Amerique Septentrionale suivant la Carte de Pople… | Colonial North America and West Indies | Popple/Le Rouge | 1742 | A | 2000.00 |
146 | An Accurate Map of the British, French & Spanish Settlements in Nth. America and the West Indies… | Colonial North America and West Indies | Gibson, John | 1762 | B+ | 650.00 |
147 | Ein Theil des Mitternaechtlichen America… | Colonial North America | Bonne, Rigobert | 1777 | B+ | unsold |
148 | Carte de la Californie et des Pays Nord-Ouest separes de l'Asie par le Detroit d'Anian, extraite de deux cartes publiees au commencement du 17e siecle | Western North America, California | Robert de Vaugondy, Didier | 1772 | A | unsold |
149 | [Lot of 4] Carte de la Californie et des Pays Nord-Ouest… [and] Carte Generale des Decouvertes de l'Amiral de Fonte… [and] Nouvelle Representation des Cotes Nord et Est de L'Asie... [and] Carte qui Represente les Differentes Connoissances… | North America and Northeastern Asia | Robert de Vaugondy, Didier | 1772 | A | 300.00 |
150 | The North-West-Coast of North America and Adjacent Territories… | Western North America | Burr, David H. | 1840 | A+ | 325.00 |
151 | A Plan of the City & Fortifications of Louisburg… [on sheet with] A Plan of the City and Harbour of Louisburg… | Canada, Louisburg | Gridley, Richard (Lt. Col.) | 1758 | B | 275.00 |
152 | Plan de la Ville de Quebec | Canada, Quebec | Bellin, Jacques Nicolas | 1757 | A+ | 190.00 |
153 | A Map of the Island of Orleans with the Environs of Quebec | Canada, Quebec | Anon. | 1759 | A | 100.00 |
154 | Carte de la Baie de Hudson Pour Servir a l'Histoire Philosophique… | Canada | Bellin, Jacques Nicolas | 1773 | A+ | unsold |
155 | [Lot of 2] Carte du Cours du Fleuve de St. Laurent Depuis son Embouchure jusqu'au Dessus de Quebec [and] Suite du Cours du Fleuve de St. Laurent Depuis Quebec jusqu' au Lac Ontario | Canada | Bellin, Jacques Nicolas | 1773 | A+ | 220.00 |
156 | The British Possessions in North America from the best Authorities | Canada | Lewis/Carey | 1794 | B | 150.00 |
157 | Geographical, Statistical, and Historical Map of Upper and Lower Canada, and the other British Possessions in North America | Canada | Carey & Lea | 1822 | B+ | 80.00 |
158 | The British Colonies in North America | Canada | Hughes, William | 1860 | B+ | unsold |
159 | Further Papers Relative to the Affairs of British Columbia. Part IV | British Columbia, Canada | | 1862 | A | 325.00 |
160 | Canada | Colonial United States and Canada | Duval, Pierre | 1676 | A | unsold |
161 | Amplissimae Regionis Mississipi Seu Provinciae Ludovicianae… | Colonial United States and Canada | Homann, Johann Baptist | 1730 | B | 1600.00 |
162 | Dominia Anglorum in America Septentrionali | Colonial United States and Canada | Homann Heirs | 1740 | A+ | 600.00 |
163 | Partie Orientale de la Nouvelle France ou du Canada | Colonial New England and Canada | Bellin, Jacques Nicolas | 1755 | A | unsold |
164 | A Map of the British and French Settlements in North America | Colonial United States and Canada | Lodge, John | 1755 | B+ | unsold |
165 | Karte von den Seen in Canada Zur allgemeinen Historie der Reisen | Colonial Great Lakes | Bellin, Jacques Nicolas | 1757 | B+ | unsold |
166 | A Particular Map, to Illustrate Gen. Amherst's Expedition, to Montreal; with a Plan of the Town & Draught of ye Island | Colonial United States and Canada | Gibson, John | 1760 | A+ | 140.00 |
167 | An Accurate Map of the British Empire in Nth. America as settled by the Preliminaries in 1762 | Colonial United States and Canada | Gibson, John | 1762 | A | 250.00 |
168 | The British Governments in Nth. America laid down agreeable to the Proclamation of Octr. 7, 1763 | Colonial United States and Canada | Gibson, John | 1763 | B+ | 300.00 |
169 | A Map of the British Dominions in North America as Settled by the late Treaty of Peace 1763 | Colonial United States and Canada | Ridge, John | 1763 | B+ | 550.00 |
170 | A New Map of the British Dominions in North America; with the Limits of the Governments Annexed thereto by the Late Treaty of Peace, and Settled by Proclamation, October 7th, 1763 | Colonial United States and Canada | Kitchin, Thomas | 1763 | B+ | unsold |
171 | A New Map of Canada, Also the North Parts of New England and New York; with Nova Scotia and Newfound Land | Colonial United States and Canada, Great Lakes | Anon. | 1766 | B+ | 200.00 |
172 | Nieuwe Kaart van Kanada, de Landen aan de Hudsons-Baay en de Noordwestelyke deelen van Noord-Amerika | Colonial United States and Canada | Tirion, Isaac | 1769 | A | 220.00 |
173 | Partie Occidentale du Canada et Septentrionale de la Louisiane avec une Partie de la Pensilvanie | Colonial United States and Canada, Great Lakes | D'Anville/Santini | 1775 | A | 750.00 |
174 | Carte Generale du Canada, de la Louisiane, de la Floride, de la Caroline, de la Virginie, de la Nouvelle Angleterre etc. par le Sr. d'Anville | Colonial United States and Canada | D'Anville/Santini | 1776 | A | 600.00 |
175 | America Septentrionalis a Domino d'Anville in Galliis edita nunc in Anglia Coloniis in Interiorem Virginiam deductis nec non Fluvii Ohio cursu… | Colonial United States and Canada | Homann Heirs | 1777 | A | 550.00 |
176 | Il Canada, Le Colonie Inglesi Con La Luigiana, e Florida. di nuova Projezione. Venezia 1778. Presso Antonio Zatta Con Privilegio dell'Eccmo Senato | Colonial United States and Canada | Zatta, Antonio | 1778 | A+ | 350.00 |
177 | Carte des Lacs du Canada… | Canada and United States, Great Lakes | Bellin, Jacques Nicolas | 1780 | A+ | 475.00 |
178 | Carte du Canada qui Comprend la Partie Septentrionale des Etats Unis… | Colonial United States and Canada, Great Lakes | Delisle/Dezauche | 1783 | B | unsold |
179 | Carte des Etats-Unis de l'Amerique Suivant le Traite de Paix de 1783. Dediee et Presentee a S. Excellence Mr. Benjamin Franklin… | Eastern Canada & United States | Lattre, Jean | 1784 | C+ | 2100.00 |
180 | [General Karte von Nordamerica samt den West Indischen Inseln… (Northwest Sheet)] | Canada & Central United States | Schraembl, Franz Anton | 1790 | B+ | 375.00 |
181 | Carte de la Partie Septentrionale des Etats Unis, comprenant le Canada, La Nouvelle Ecosse, New Hampshire, Massachuset's Bay, Rhode-Island, Connecticut, New-Yorck, Etat de Vermont avec partie de Pensilvanie et de New-Jersey | Eastern Canada & United States | Tardieu | 1797 | B+ | 230.00 |
182 | [Lot of 2] United States of America. [and] British Possessions in North America | Eastern United States & Canada | Sherwood, Neely & Jones | 1797-1821 | A | 140.00 |
183 | A Map of the United States and Canada, New-Scotland, New-Brunswick and New-Foundland - Carte des Etats-Unis… | Eastern United States & Canada | Lapie/Tardieu | 1806 | A | 1400.00 |
184 | Outline Map of Indian Localities in 1833 | United States and Canada | Catlin, George | 1841[92] | A+ | 425.00 |
185 | Carte Generale des Etats-Unis, des Haut et Bas-Canada… | Eastern United States & Canada | Brue, Adrien Hubert | 1843 | B+ | unsold |
186 | Partie de la Carte du Capitaine Cluny Auteur d'un ouvrage Anglois Intitule American Traveller | Arctic, Canada and Alaska | Robert de Vaugondy, Didier | 1769 | A | unsold |
187 | Carte de la Riviere de Cook dans la partie N.O. de l'Amerique | Alaska | Bonne, Rigobert | 1787-88 | B+ | 90.00 |
188 | Map of the United States | United States | Thrall, Willis | 1828 | B+ | unsold |
189 | [Lot of 4 - Indian Reservations] | United States | | 1833-1909 | | 110.00 |
190 | A New Map of the United States of America by J.H. Young | United States | Thomas, Cowperthwait & Co. | 1850 | B+ | 220.00 |
191 | [Lot of 3] No. 5 Map of the United States Engraved to Illustrate Mitchell's School and Family Geography [and] VII Map of the United States [and] Map of the United States Engraved to Illustrate Mitchell's New Intermediate Geography | United States | | 1852-71 | | 60.00 |
192 | Map of the United States of America, Showing the Rail Roads. To Illustrate Harpers Gazetteer | United States | Smith, J. Calvin | 1855 | B | unsold |
193 | Carte Geologique des Etats-Unis et des Provinces Anglaises de l'Amerique du Nord | United States | Marcou, Jules | 1855 | C+ | 300.00 |
194 | The United States of America | United States | Colton, Joseph Hutchins | 1858 | B+ | 150.00 |
195 | General Map of the United States | United States | Black, Adam & Charles | 1862 | B+ | unsold |
196 | Map of the United States, and Territories. Together with Canada &c. | United States | Mitchell, Samuel Augustus | 1865 | B+ | unsold |
197 | [Lot of 6] Map of the United States and Territories [and] New England and New York [and] Delaware, Illinois… [and] Michigan, Minnesota, and Wisconsin. [and] Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, and Mississippi [and] Florida, Georgia and South Carolina | United States | Walling & Gray | 1872 | | 80.00 |
198 | Geological Map of the United States complied for the 9th Census by C.H. Hitchcock and W.P. Blake | United States | Hitchcock, Charles Henry | 1872 | B+ | 600.00 |
199 | Map of the United States and Territories | United States | Warner & Beers | 1872 | B+ | 130.00 |
200 | [United States - Continental Mills, Lewiston, ME] | United States | | 1876 | B+ | 70.00 |
201 | A New and Correct Map of the Chicago & North-Western Railway and its Connections… | Northern United States | Rand McNally & Co. | 1880 | B+ | unsold |
202 | [Lot of 13 - Navigational Charts] | United States | U.S. Government | 1883-95 | A | 150.00 |
203 | [Lot of 2] Karte der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika und von Canada [and] Landwirtschafts-Karte der Vereinigten Staaten von Canada | United States | Petermann, Augustus Herman | 1886 | | unsold |
204 | [Lot of 2] Map of Linguistic Stocks of American Indians chiefly within the Present Limits of the United States [and] Map Showing Indian Reservations within the Limits of the United States Compiled under the Direction of the Hon. T.J. Morgan | United States | Powell, John Wesley | 1890 | | 200.00 |
205 | Map of Wabash with its Connections | United States | Railroad Companies, (Various) | 1902 | A | unsold |
206 | America's Cattle Trails | United States | | 1949 | A+ | 230.00 |
207 | [Lot of 7 - Citiy Plans: New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, New Orleans, and Cincinnati] | United States, Cities | Mitchell, Samuel Augustus | 1860-61 | A | 300.00 |
208 | [Lot of 4 City Plans] New York (South) [and] New York (North) [and] Boston [and] Philadelphia | Eastern United States, Cities | Letts & Son | 1890 | A | 120.00 |
209 | Carte de la Virginie | Colonial Southeast | Duval, Pierre | 1676 | A | unsold |
210 | A Map of Louisiana and of the River Mississipi… | Colonial Louisiana, Mississippi River | Senex, John | 1721 | A | 3500.00 |
211 | [Louisiana and British Colonies in North America] | Colonial United States | Gibson, John | 1763 | B+ | 190.00 |
212 | Carte de la Louisiane et Pays Voisins Pour servir a l'Histoire des Etablissemens Europeens | Colonial Central United States | Bellin, Jacques Nicolas | 1780 | A | 240.00 |
213 | Charte uber die XIII vereinigte Staaten von Nord-America… | Eastern United States | Gussefeld/Homann Heirs | 1784 | B+ | 700.00 |
214 | Carte Generale des Etats de Virginie, Maryland, Delaware, Pensilvanie, Nouveau-Jersey, New-York, Connecticut et Isle de Rhodes Ainsi que des Lacs Erie, Ontario, et Champlain… | Eastern United States | Crevecoeur, Michel Guillaume De | 1787 | B | 750.00 |
215 | The United States of America Confirmed by Treaty 1783 | Eastern United States | Wilkinson, Robert | 1812 | B+ | unsold |
216 | Map of the United States of America | Eastern United States | Carey, Mathew | 1814 | B+ | 375.00 |
217 | Carte des Etats-Unis, Dressee Par P. Lapie, Geographe, Directeur du Cabinet Topographique du Roi | Eastern United States | Lapie, Alexander Emile & Pierre | 1814 | B+ | 425.00 |
218 | Map of the United States by J.H. Young | Eastern United States | Mitchell, Samuel Augustus | 1831 | C | 900.00 |
219 | Gall & Inglis' Map of the United States | Eastern United States | Gall & Inglis | 1850 | A | unsold |
220 | Nova Belgica et Anglia Nova | Colonial New England | Jansson, Jan | 1653-58 | C+ | unsold |
221 | A Map of Connecticut and Rhode Island with Long Island Sound, &c. | Colonial New England | Anon. | 1776 | B+ | 125.00 |
222 | A Map of the most Inhabited part of New England, containing the Provinces of Massachusetts Bay and New Hampshire, with the Colonies of Connecticut and Rhode Island… | Colonial New England | Lotter, Tobias Conrad | 1776 | A | 4500.00 |
223 | A Geological Map of the Connecticut | New England, Connecticut River | Hitchcock, Edward | 1822 | B+ | 80.00 |
224 | Plan of a Survey for the Proposed Boston and Providence Rail-Way by James Hayward | New England | | 1828 | B+ | 300.00 |
225 | Map of Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island Constructed from the Latest Authorities | New England | Mitchell, Samuel Augustus | 1843 | B+ | unsold |
226 | [Lot of 2] Trolley Wayfinder Bird's Eye View of Trolley Routes in New England [and] Tri-State Trolley Map Showing Boston & Northern and Old Colony Street Railway Companies' Systems and Connecting Lines | New England | | 1904-10 | A | 130.00 |
227 | Trolley Wayfinder Birds Eye View of Trolley Routes in New England | New England | Walker, George H. & Co. | 1908 | A | 60.00 |
228 | A Map of New England and New York | Colonial New England and Mid-Atlantic | Speed/Lamb | 1676 | A | 3750.00 |
229 | Nova Anglia Septentrionali Americae implantata Anglorumque coloniis florentissima | Colonial New England and Mid-Atlantic | Homann, Johann Baptist | 1724 | B+ | 750.00 |
230 | Carte de la Nouvelle Angleterre, Nouvelle Yorck et Pensilvanie | Colonial New England and Mid-Atlantic | Bellin, Jacques Nicolas | 1780 | A+ | 180.00 |
231 | Carte de la Nouvelle Angleterre, Nouvelle York, Nouvelle Jersey, et Pensilvanie | New England and Mid-Atlantic | Bertholon, C. | 1799 | B+ | unsold |
232 | Northern Provinces of the United States | New England and Mid-Atlantic | Thomson, John | 1817 | B+ | 200.00 |
233 | Virginia | Colonial Mid-Atlantic, Virginia | Merian, Matthaus | 1627 | C+ | 1100.00 |
234 | Nova Virginiae Tabula | Colonial Mid-Atlantic, Virginia | Hondius, Henricus | 1644 | B+ | unsold |
235 | Carte de la Virginie, de la Baye Chesapeack, et Pays Voisins | Colonial Mid-Atlantic, Virginia | Bellin, Jacques Nicolas | 1757 | A+ | 300.00 |
236 | A Map of that Part of America where a Degree of Latitude was Measured for the Royal Society: By Cha. Mason, & Jere. Dixon | Colonial Mid-Atlantic | Anon. | 1769 | A | 275.00 |
237 | A Map of the Provinces of New-York and New-Jersey with a part of Pennsylvania and the Province of Quebec | Colonial Mid-Atlantic | Lotter, Mathias Albrecht | 1777 | A | unsold |
238 | An Exact Map of New Jersey, Pennsylvania, New York, Maryland & Virginia, from the latest Surveys | Colonial Mid-Atlantic | Lodge, J. | 1778 | B+ | 150.00 |
239 | Il Maryland, Il Jersey Meridionale, la Delaware, e la Parte Orientale della Virginia, e Carolina Settentrionale | Colonial Mid-Atlantic and Southeast | Zatta, Antonio | 1778 | A | unsold |
240 | [Lot of 2] The States of Maryland and Delaware from the Latest Surveys [and] Maryland | Mid-Atlantic United States | | 1799-1805 | | 550.00 |
241 | [Lot of 3] Washington, D.C. and its Vicinity [and] Richmond, VA. And its Vicinity. [and] Fortress Monroe, VA and its Vicinity | Mid-Atlantic United States | Virtue, Yorston & Co. | 1862-63 | A+ | 110.00 |
242 | Chesapeake Bay and Vicinity, Showing Route of Bay Line Steamers (Baltimore Steam Packet Co.) Best Line between the North and the South | Mid-Atlantic United States | Railroad Companies, (Various) | 1899 | B+ | 110.00 |
243 | La Floride | Colonial South | Duval, Pierre | 1676 | A | 400.00 |
244 | La Floride | Colonial South | Sanson, Nicolas | 1683 | A+ | unsold |
245 | Luigiana Inglese, colla Parte Occidentale della Florida, della Giorgia, e Carolina Meridonale | Colonial South | Zatta, Antonio | 1778 | A+ | 350.00 |
246 | A Map of Georgia, also the Two Floridas, from the best Authorities | Southern United States | Morse, Jedidiah (Rev.) | 1796 | A | 500.00 |
247 | Map of the Southern Parts of the United States of America | Southern United States | Bradley, Abraham Jr. | 1797 | B+ | 425.00 |
248 | United States of America Southern Part | Southern United States | Pinkerton, John | 1809 | B+ | 600.00 |
249 | Mississippi Territory | Southern United States - Mississippi | Carey, Mathew | 1814 | B+ | 850.00 |
250 | Map of the Texas & Pacific Railway and Connections | South-Central United States | Railroad Companies, (Various) | 1903 | A | unsold |
251 | Virginiae Item et Floridae Americae Provinciarum, nova Descriptio | Colonial Southeast | Hondius, Jodocus | 1634 | B+ | unsold |
252 | Virginiae partis australis, et Floridae partis orientalis, interjacentiumq regionum Nova Descriptio | Colonial Southeast | Blaeu, Willem | 1645 | A | 1300.00 |
253 | Carolina [on sheet with] Eine Charte de Insel Bermudos… | Colonial Southeast and Bermuda | Moll, Herman | 1744 | B+ | 550.00 |
254 | Karte von den Kusten des Franzosischen Florida | Colonial Southeast | Bellin, Jacques Nicolas | 1744 | A | 120.00 |
255 | Carte de la Caroline et Georgie | Colonial Southeast | Bellin, Jacques Nicolas | 1757 | A | 210.00 |
256 | Carte de la Nouvelle Georgie | Colonial Southeast | Bellin, Jacques Nicolas | 1764 | A | 450.00 |
257 | La Caroline dans l'Amerique Septentrionale Suivant les Cartes Angloises | Colonial Southeast | Bellin, Jacques Nicolas | 1764 | A+ | 375.00 |
258 | Parte Orientale della Florida, della Giorgia, e Carolina Meridionale | Colonial Southeast | Zatta, Antonio | 1778 | A | 275.00 |
259 | Map of United States Military Rail Roads, Showing the Rail Roads Operated during the War from 1862-1866, as Military Lines under the Direction of Bvt. Brig. Gen. B.C. McCallum, Director and General Manager | Southcentral United States | U.S. War Department | 1866 | A+ | 120.00 |
260 | [Lot of 7 - Civil War] | Southeastern United States, South and North Carolina | U.S. War Department | 1866 | A | 80.00 |
261 | Geographically Correct Indexed Township Map of Florida...Showing Complete System of Florida Central and Peninsular R.R. | Southeastern United States, Florida | Matthews-Northrup Co | 1896 | B+ | unsold |
262 | Map of Plant System of Railway & Steamer Lines, and Connections | Southeastern United States, Florida | Railroad Companies, (Various) | 1900 | A+ | 100.00 |
263 | Il Paese de Cherachesi, con la Parte Occidentale della Carolina Settentrionale, e della Virginia | Colonial Midwest | Zatta, Antonio | 1778 | A | unsold |
264 | Countries Bordering on the Mississippi and Missouri | Central United States | Schoolcraft, H. | 1821 | B | 500.00 |
265 | Carte Geographique, Statistique et Historique du Territoire d'Arkansas | Southcentral United States, Arkansas | Buchon, Jean Alexandre | 1825 | B+ | 275.00 |
266 | [A Map of the Rapids of the Ohio River, and of the Counties on each side thereof, so far, as to include the routes contemplated for Canal Navigation] | Indiana, Kentucky; Ohio River | U.S. Government | 1834 | B+ | unsold |
267 | Geological Map of the Middle and Western States | Central United States | Hall, James | 1843 | A | 180.00 |
268 | Hydrographical Basin of the Upper Mississippi River from Astronomical and Barometrical Observations Surveys and Information… | Central United States - Upper Mississippi River | U.S. War Department | 1845 | A | 325.00 |
269 | Map of the Fort Ridgely & South Pass Road to Accompany the Report of William H. Nobles, by Samuel A. Medary, Engr. | Central United States | U.S. Department of Interior | 1858 | B+ | unsold |
270 | Johnson's Missouri and Kanzas | Central United States, Missouri and Kansas | Johnson & Browning | 1860 | A | unsold |
271 | Section of Map of the States of Kansas and Texas and Indian Territory, with Parts of the Territories of Colorado and New Mexico | Central United States | U.S. Army | 1892 | A | unsold |
272 | [Lot of 2] Map of Kansas, Nebraska and Colorado, Showing also the Southern Portion of Dacotah [and] County Map of Utah and Nevada | Midwestern and Western United States | Mitchell, Samuel Augustus | 1861/1865 | A | 60.00 |
273 | Am. Sep. Parties des Etats-Unis et du Nouveau Mexique. No. 48 | Western United States | Vandermaelen, Philippe Marie Guillaume | 1825-27 | B+ | 375.00 |
274 | Sketch of the Routes of Hunt & Stuart | Western United States | Irving, Washington | 1836 | B | 190.00 |
275 | A Map of the Sources of the Colorado & Big Salt Lake, Platte, Yellow-Stone, Muscle-Shell, Missouri, & Salmon & Snake Rivers, branches of the Columbia River | Western United States | Bonneville, Benjamin L. E. de | 1837 | B+ | 375.00 |
276 | [Lot of 2] Western Territories of the United States [and] United States. Western States | Western United States | | 1847-1860 | | 170.00 |
277 | Map of Oregon and Upper California from the Surveys of John Charles Fremont and other Authorities | Western United States | Fremont, John Charles | 1848 | B+ | 1400.00 |
278 | [Lot of 2] Texas [and] The Pacific Region | Western United States - Texas & Oklahoma | Smith, Roswell C. | 1853 | A | 65.00 |
279 | Map to Illustrate Capt. Bonneville's Adventures among the Rocky Mountains, Compiled by J.H. Colton | Western United States | Irving, Washington | 1857 | B+ | 230.00 |
280 | United States. Western States, including California, Oregon, Utah, Washington, New Mexico, Nebraska, Kansas, Indian Territory &c. | Western United States | Black, Adam & Charles | 1861-62 | B+ | 170.00 |
281 | The Northern Pacific Railroad: Its Land Grant, Traffic, Resources, and Tributary Country. The Valley Route to the Pacific | Western United States | Railroad Companies, (Various) | 1873 | A+ | 375.00 |
282 | Land Classification Map of Parts of Eastern Cal. And Western Nev., Atlas Sheets 47(B) & 47(D) | Western United States | Wheeler, George (Lt) | 1879 | B+ | 240.00 |
283 | [Lot of 17 - Pocket Maps of Western States] | Western United States | Rand McNally & Co. | 1881-1917 | A | 700.00 |
284 | Map of the Missouri Pacific Ry, Missouri, Kansas and Texas Ry. St Louis, Iron Mountain and So. Ry. International and Gt. Northern R.R. Central Branch U.P.R.R. St. Louis, Ft. Scott and Wichita R.R. Little Rock, Miss. River and Texas Ry. And Connections | Western United States | Rand McNally & Co. | 1890 | A | 80.00 |
285 | Essayons Topographical Map of California, Nevada, Oregon and Part of Idaho | Western United States | U.S. War Department | 1892 | A | 75.00 |
286 | [Lot of 2] Denver and Rio Grande Railroad System [and] Map of the Denver & Rio Grande and the Rio Grande Western System | Western United States | Railroad Companies, (Various) | 1895-1904 | A+ | 230.00 |
287 | [Lot of 2] The Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad System | Western United States | Railroad Companies, (Various) | 1919-1926 | A+ | 160.00 |
288 | Panoramic Perspective of the Area Adjacent to Hoover Dam As It Will Appear When Dam is Completed Served Exclusively by the Union Pacific System | Western United States, Railroads | Railroad Companies, (Various) | 1931 | A+ | 120.00 |
289 | Reconnaissance of the Western Coast of the United States Middle Sheet From San Francisco to Umpquah River | Pacific Coast | U.S. Coast Survey | 1854 | C+ | 180.00 |
290 | Reconnaissance of the Western Coast of the United States (Northern Sheet) From Umpquah River to the Boundary | Northwest Pacific Coast | U.S. Coast Survey | 1855 | B+ | 160.00 |
291 | Map of the Oregon Territory from the Best Authorities | Northwestern United States | Wilkes, Charles | 1849 | B+ | 95.00 |
292 | Milk R. to the Crossing of the Columbia R… | Northwestern United States | U.S. Railroad Surveys | 1853-55 | B+ | 180.00 |
293 | [Lot of 2] Carte Geographique, Statistique et Historique des Possessions Russes [and] Carte de l'Entree de Norton et du Detroit de Bhering, ou l'on voit le cap le plus Oriental de l'Asie et la pointe la plus Occidentale de l'Amerique | Alaska | | 1788-1825 | A+ | 300.00 |
294 | The Resources of Arizona… | Arizona | Hamilton, Patrick | 1884 | A | 210.00 |
295 | Territory of Arizona | Arizona | General Land Office | 1896 | A+ | 110.00 |
296 | Territory of Arizona | Arizona | General Land Office | 1903 | A+ | unsold |
297 | Arkansas | Arkansas | Burr/Illman | 1835 | A | 170.00 |
298 | Sketch of the Route of Capt. Warner's Exploring Party in the Sacramento Valley and Sierra Nevada | California | Williamson, R. S. (Lt.) | 1849 | B+ | 170.00 |
299 | Report of the Secretary of War Communicating Information in relation to the geology and topography of California… | California | | 1850 | B | 1600.00 |
300 | Routes in California to Connect with the Routes near the 32nd and 35th Parallels. General Map of Explorations and Surveys in California made under the Direction of Hon. Jefferson Davis Secretary of War | California | Williamson, R. S. (Lt.) | 1853 | B | 500.00 |
301 | [Lot of 2] Geological Map of a Part of the State of California Explored in 1853 by Lieut. R.S. Williamson U.S. Top. Engr. [and] Geological Map of the Country between San Diego and the Colorado River | California | U.S. War Department | 1855 | | 250.00 |
302 | City of San Francisco and its Vicinity California | California, San Francisco | U.S. Coast Survey | 1853 | B+ | 450.00 |
303 | [Lot of 23 Stereographs, San Francisco Earthquake and Fire] | California, San Francisco | | 1906 | A | 275.00 |
304 | California and Nevada | California & Nevada | Gray, F. A. | 1874 | B+ | 110.00 |
305 | Map of Public Surveys in Colorado | Colorado | U.S. State Surveys | 1863 | B | 425.00 |
306 | San Luis Valley. Cheap Homes in the Garden of the Rocky Mountains [on verso] Map of the Denver and Rio Grande Railroad, Showing Stage Lines, All Principal Mining Camps and San Luis Valley | Colorado | Rand McNally & Co. | 1881 | B | 375.00 |
307 | Smith's Map of Hartford County, Connecticut | Connecticut | | 1855 | B | unsold |
308 | Grundriss von Washington de neuen Hauptstadt der vereinigten Staaten von Nord-America | District of Columbia | Anon. | 1800 | B+ | 250.00 |
309 | Defenses of Washington. Extract of Military Map of N. E. Virginia Showing Forts and Roads | District of Columbia | U.S. Government | 1865 | A+ | 275.00 |
310 | [Lot of 2] Potomac River at Washington D.C. [and] Map of the City of Washington Showing the Public Reservations… | District of Columbia | | 1884 | A | 110.00 |
311 | Official Map of Washington Prepared by the Committee of '96. Fifteenth International Christian Endeavor Convention | District of Columbia | | 1896 | A+ | 100.00 |
312 | Road Book of District of Columbia Division of League of American Wheelmen Containing also Some of the Principal Routes in Maryland and Virginia… | District of Columbia | | 1897 | B | 140.00 |
313 | The Rand McNally Indexed County and Railroad Pocket Map and Shipper's Guide of Dakota…Showing in Detail the Entire Railroad System… | Dakota Territory | Rand McNally & Co. | 1889 | B | unsold |
314 | Geographical, Historical and Statistical Map of Delaware | Delaware | Carey & Lea | 1824 | B+ | unsold |
315 | Plan de la Baye de Pensacola dans la Floride | Florida | Bellin, Jacques Nicolas | 1764 | A | 210.00 |
316 | Port et Barre d'Amelia, de la Floride Orientale | Florida | Le Rouge, George Louis | 1778 | A | 1000.00 |
317 | State of Florida | Florida | General Land Office | 1876 | A | 375.00 |
318 | Colton's New Sectional Map of Florida… | Florida | Colton, G.W. & C.B. | 1890 | A+ | 425.00 |
319 | Map of Florida and the West Indies Published by the Florida East Coast Railway | Florida and Caribbean | Railroad Companies, (Various) | 1901 | B | 220.00 |
320 | Florida Rand McNally Indexed Pocket Map Tourists' and Shipper's Guide | Florida | Rand McNally & Co. | 1914 | A | 110.00 |
321 | Map of Georgia to Accompany the Hand Book of Georgia prepared under the direction of Thomas P. Janes...Preliminary Delineation of Geological Formations, 1876, by George Little, State Geologist | Georgia | | 1876 | B | 300.00 |
322 | [Lot of 7 - Civil War Campaign Maps] | Georgia | U.S. Army | 1892 | A | 200.00 |
323 | The Rand McNally Indexed County and Railroad Pocket Map and Shipper's Guide of Georgia Showing Railroads, Cities, Towns, Villages, Post Offices, Lakes, Rivers, etc. | Georgia | Rand McNally & Co. | 1914 | A | 75.00 |
324 | Carte des Isles Sandwich | Hawaii | Cook, James (Capt.) | 1784 | A+ | 1100.00 |
325 | Hawaii Territory Survey - Oahu Hawaiian Islands | Hawaii | Hawaii Territorial Surveys | 1902 | B+ | 120.00 |
326 | Hawaii Territory Survey - Kauai Hawaiian Islands | Hawaii | Hawaii Territorial Surveys | 1903 | B+ | 120.00 |
327 | Map of the Territory of Hawaii | Hawaii | General Land Office | 1904 | A+ | 170.00 |
328 | Diagram of the Public Surveys in Iowa | Iowa | General Land Office | 1866 | B | unsold |
329 | Kentucky | Kentucky | Carey, Mathew | 1814 | A | 400.00 |
330 | Carte Geographique, Statistique et Historique du Kentucky | Kentucky | Buchon, Jean Alexandre | 1825 | A+ | unsold |
331 | Map of the Field of Shiloh, Near Pittsburgh Landing, Tenn. Shewing the Positions of the U.S. Forces under the Command of Maj. Genl. U.S. Grant U.S. Vol. And Maj. Genl. D.C. Buell, U.S. Vol. On the 6th and 7th of April 1862 | Tennessee | U.S. War Department | 1866 | B+ | unsold |
332 | [Lot of 9 Civil War Campaign Maps and Photographs] | Tennessee | U.S. Army | 1892 | B+ | 110.00 |
333 | De Inbeelding; Heersseres van't Rookverkopers-gild, Maald Missisippi Hier, 't geen Vrankryks schat verspild | Louisiana | Anon. | 1720 | A+ | 200.00 |
334 | A New Map of the River Mississipi from the Sea to Bayagoulas | Louisiana | Anon. | 1761 | B+ | 230.00 |
335 | Carte Geographique, Statistique et Historique de la Louisiane | Louisiana | Buchon, Jean Alexandre | 1825 | B+ | 325.00 |
336 | Map of Louisiana Showing Tensas Delta District Bounded in Red | Louisiana | | 1895 | B+ | 80.00 |
337 | Geographical, Historical and Statistical Map of Maine | Maine | Carey & Lea | 1822 | B+ | 110.00 |
338 | Chart of Portland Harbor Maine | Maine, Portland | U.S. Coast Survey | 1855 | B+ | unsold |
339 | Plan de la Ville de Boston et ses Environs… | Massachusetts, Boston | Bellin, Jacques Nicolas | 1770 | A | 375.00 |
340 | Carte de l'Ile de Nantucket | Massachusetts, Nantucket | Tardieu, Pierre Francois | 1787 | B+ | 1200.00 |
341 | The State of Massachusetts from the Best Information | Massachusetts | Payne, John | 1799 | B+ | 150.00 |
342 | Boston with Charlestown and Roxbury | Massachusetts, Boston | SDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge | 1842 | B+ | 275.00 |
343 | City of Newburyport | Massachusetts, Newburyport | Walker, George H. & Co. | 1891 | B+ | 47.50 |
344 | Coast Chart No. 110 - Cape Cod Bay Massachusetts | Massachusetts, Cape Cod | U.S. Coast & Geodetic Survey | 1892 | B+ | 375.00 |
345 | Eldridge's Map of Martha's Vineyard | Massachusetts, Martha's Vineyard | Eldridge, George | 1892 | B | 850.00 |
346 | Massachusetts Atlas Plate No. 8. | Massachusetts | Walker, George H. & Co. | 1907 | A+ | unsold |
347 | Lake Superior and the Northern Part of Michigan | Michigan | Colton, Joseph Hutchins | 1853 | B+ | unsold |
348 | Minnesota and Its Resources | Minnesota | Bond, J.W. | 1857 | B+ | 110.00 |
349 | State of Minnesota | Minnesota | General Land Office | 1876 | A | unsold |
350 | Mississippi | Mississippi | Finley, Anthony | 1826 | B+ | 100.00 |
351 | The Rand McNally Indexed County and Railroad Pocket Map and Shipper's Guide of Mississippi Showing Railroads, Cities, Towns, Villages, Post Offices, Lakes, Rivers, etc. | Mississippi | Rand McNally & Co. | 1913 | A | unsold |
352 | Montana Territory | Montana | General Land Office | 1887 | B+ | 300.00 |
353 | Lake Winnipesaukee New Hampshire | New Hampshire | Walker, George H. & Co. | 1925 | A+ | 75.00 |
354 | Carte Geographique, Statistique et Historique du New-Jersey | New Jersey | Buchon, Jean Alexandre | 1825 | A | unsold |
355 | Sketch Accompanying Col. Price Dispatch | New Mexico, Taos | U.S. War Department | 1848 | B+ | 75.00 |
356 | [Lot of 2] Map of New Mexico [and] Map of the Territory of New Mexico | New Mexico | | 1884-1900 | | unsold |
357 | La Destruction de la Statue Royale a Nouvelle Yorck | New York City | Haberman, F. X. | 1780 | B+ | unsold |
358 | Representation du Feu Terrible a Nouvelle Yorck | New York City | Haberman, F. X. | 1780 | B | 250.00 |
359 | Geographisch-Statistische und Historische Charte von Neu York | New York | Weiland, Carl Ferdinand | 1824 | B+ | unsold |
360 | Map of the County of Allegany | New York | Burr, David H. | 1829 | B+ | unsold |
361 | [Lot of 2] New York [and] City of New York | New York City | | 1838-1850 | | 300.00 |
362 | Map of the Head Waters of the Rivers Susquehanna & Delaware Embracing the Early Patents on the South Side of the Mohawk River | New York | Pease Lithography | 1850 | B+ | unsold |
363 | [Lot of 2] Map of the State of New York Compiled by the Latest Authorities [and] Geographisch-Statistische und Historische Charte von Neuyork | New York | | 1824-1893 | | unsold |
364 | Miniature Atlas of the Borough of the Bronx - Volume One | New York - Atlas | Hyde & Co., E. Belcher | 1912 | A | unsold |
365 | Maps Accompanying the Report of the Secretary of State of the Enumeration of Inhabitants 1915 | New York City | | 1916 | B+ | unsold |
366 | Real Estate Reference Map of Nassau County Long Island Published by E. Belcher Hyde Inc. | Long Island, New York | Hyde & Co., E. Belcher | 1923 | | unsold |
367 | Map of the State of Ohio Drawn by A. Bourne. Including the Indian Reservation, Purchased and laid out into Counties and Townships in 1820 | Ohio | | 1820 | B+ | unsold |
368 | Geographical, Statistical, and Historical Map of Ohio | Ohio | Carey & Lea | 1822 | A | unsold |
369 | State of Ohio | Ohio | General Land Office | 1866 | B | 90.00 |
370 | Indian Territory | Oklahoma | General Land Office | 1876 | B | 250.00 |
371 | [Lot of 2] Indian Territory [and] Oklahoma and Indian Territory | Oklahoma | | 1881-94 | | 100.00 |
372 | Indian Territory | Oklahoma | General Land Office | 1887 | A | 375.00 |
373 | Geographical, Statistical, and Historical Map of Rhode Island | Rhode Island | Carey & Lea | 1822 | B+ | unsold |
374 | [Lot of 4] Chart of the Coast of South Carolina Showing the Location of the Natural Oyster Beds I. Debidue Id to South Id. [and] … II. From Racoon Key to Long Id. [and] … III. From Long Id. To Kiawah Id. [and] … IV. From Kiawah Id. To Otter Id. | South Carolina | | 1891 | A+ | 250.00 |
375 | Map of the Water Routes between Charleston Harbor and South Santee Pass | South Carolina | U.S. Government | 1899 | B+ | 50.00 |
376 | Amer. Sep. Partie du Mexique. No. 60 | Texas | Vandermaelen, Philippe Marie Guillaume | 1825-27 | B+ | 325.00 |
377 | Texas in 1836 | Texas | Kemble, W. | 1846 | A | 3250.00 |
378 | County Map of Texas | Texas | Mitchell, Samuel Augustus | 1860 | A | 180.00 |
379 | Map of Texas | Texas | Warner & Beers | 1872 | A+ | 200.00 |
380 | Map of the Great Salt Lake and Adjacent Country in the Territory of Utah [on sheet with] The Great Salt Lake (Mormon) City and Surrounding Country (on an Enlarged Scale) | Utah | Weller, Edward | 1860 | B+ | 150.00 |
381 | Rand, McNally & Co.'s Indexed County and Township Pocket Map of Utah...Showing in Detail the Entire Railroad System… | Utah | Rand McNally & Co. | 1899 | B+ | 60.00 |
382 | [Lot of 2] Windsor [and] West Windsor Windsor | Vermont | Beers, F. W. | 1876 | B+ | unsold |
383 | Railroad and County Map of Washington | Washington | Cram, George F. & Company | 1888 | A+ | 100.00 |
384 | The Rand McNally Indexed County and Railroad Pocket Map and Shipper's Guide of West Virginia Showing Railroads, Cities, Towns, Villages, Post Offices, Lakes, Rivers, etc. | West Virginia | Rand McNally & Co. | 1888 | B+ | unsold |
385 | [Lot of 2] Wisconsin [and] Milwaukee | Wisconsin | Rand McNally & Co. | 1898 | B+ | 50.00 |
386 | Wyoming. Compiled by permission from official records in U.S. Land Office | Wyoming | Holt, G.L. | 1883 | B+ | unsold |
387 | [Lot of 2] Yellowstone National Park [and] Yellowstone National Park and Part of Abutting Forest Reserve | Wyoming, Yellowstone Park | U.S. Government | 1900-08 | A+ | 100.00 |
388 | Wyoming Rand McNally Indexed Pocket Map and Tourists' and Shipper's Guide. Main Highways Railroads and Electric Lines Counties, Cities, Towns, Villages, Post Offices, Lakes, Rivers, etc. | Wyoming | Rand McNally & Co. | 1921 | A+ | unsold |
389 | Peruviae Auriferae Regionis Typus [on sheet with] La Florida [and] Guastecan Reg. | Southern United States, Mexico & Peru | Ortelius, Abraham | 1592 | C+ | 800.00 |
390 | Nouveau Mexique | United States and Mexico, California | Duval, Pierre | 1676 | A | 600.00 |
391 | Audience de Guadalajara, Nouveau Mexique, Californie, &c. | United States & Mexico, California | Sanson, Nicolas | 1683 | A+ | unsold |
392 | Nouveau Mexique et Californie | United States, California & Mexico | Mallet, Alain Manesson | 1684 | A+ | 350.00 |
393 | Le Nouveau Mexique, avec la Partie Septentrionale de l'Ancien, ou de la Nouvelle Espagne | United States & Mexico | Bonne, Rigobert | 1780 | B+ | 90.00 |
394 | [Lot of 2] L'Ancien et Le Nouveau Mexique, avec la Floride et la Basse Louisiane Partie Occidentale [and] L'Ancien et le Nouveau Mexique, avec la Floride et la Basse Louisiane, Partie Orientale | United States, Mexico and Central America | Bonne, Rigobert | 1787 | A | 180.00 |
395 | Mexico | United States & Mexico | Cary, John | 1816 | A | unsold |
396 | Carte Geographique, Statistique et Historique du Mexique | Texas, Southwest & Mexico | Buchon, Jean Alexandre | 1825 | A | unsold |
397 | Carte des Etats-Unis du Mexique | United States & Mexico | Lapie, Alexander Emile & Pierre | 1829 | A | 250.00 |
398 | Mexico & Guatimala | United States & Mexico | Dower, John | 1835 | A | 90.00 |
399 | Mexico | United States & Mexico | Hall, Sidney | 1840 | A | 275.00 |
400 | Mexico & Guatemala | United States & Mexico, Texas | Kelly, Thomas | 1842 | A+ | unsold |
401 | Central America II. Including Texas, California and the Northern States of Mexico | United States & Mexico, Texas | SDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge | 1842 | A | 425.00 |
402 | Vereinigte Staaten von Nord-America und Mexico | United States, Texas & Mexico | Radefeld, Carl Christian Franz | 1850 | A | unsold |
403 | Carte Generale des Etats-Unis et du Mexique Comprenant l'Amerique Centrale et les Antilles | United States & Mexico | Andriveau-Goujon, E. | 1862 | B | 650.00 |
404 | Hispaniae Novae Sivae Magnae, Recens et Vera Descriptio | Mexico | Ortelius, Abraham | 1579 | B | unsold |
405 | Hispania Nova | Mexico | Mercator, Gerard | 1620 | B+ | unsold |
406 | Hispaniae Novae Nova Descriptio | Mexico | Mercator/Jansson | 1628 | A+ | 100.00 |
407 | Nova Hispania, et Nova Galicia | Mexico | Jansson, Jan | 1642 | A | unsold |
408 | La Vera Cruz or St. Juan de Ulua | Mexico | Anon. | 1762 | A | 75.00 |
409 | Plan de la Rade et Ville de la Vera-Cruz | Mexico | Bellin, Jacques Nicolas | 1764 | A+ | 75.00 |
410 | Culiacanae, Americae Regionis Descriptio [on sheet with] Hispanoliae, Cubae, Aliarumque Insularum Circumiacientium, Delineato | Mexico, Caribbean | Ortelius, Abraham | 1579 | B | unsold |
411 | Yucatan Conventus Iuridici Hispaniae Novae Pars Occidentalis, et Guatimala Conventus Iuridicus | Mexico and Central America | Blaeu, Johannes | 1670 | A | 650.00 |
412 | Landstreek van Guatimala | Mexico and Central America | Sanson, Nicolas | 1705 | B+ | 100.00 |
413 | A Draft of the Golden & Adjacent Islands with Part of ye Isthmus of Darien… as it was taken by Capt. Ienefer. Where ye Scots West-India Company were Setteled | Panama | Hacke, William (Capt.) | 1699 | B | unsold |
414 | General Plan of the Canal Indicating the Project with Dividing Bed at 68 ft. Level | Panama Canal Project | Bien, Julius | 1900 | A+ | 170.00 |
415 | Le Golfe de Mexique, et les Isles Voisine… / Archipelague du Mexique, ou sont les Isles de Cuba, Espagnola, Jamaica, &c. | Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean | Mortier, Pierre | 1700 | B+ | unsold |
416 | A Map of the West-Indies &c. Mexico or New Spain. Also ye Trade Winds, and ye several Tracts made by ye Galeons and Flota from Place to Place | Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean | Moll, Herman | 1729 | A | 275.00 |
417 | Mappa Geographica, complectens I. Indiae Occidentalis… | Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean | Homann Heirs | 1740 | A | 450.00 |
418 | Carte du Golphe du Mexique et des Isles de l'Amerique | Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean | Bellin, Jacques Nicolas | 1754 | A | 120.00 |
419 | Nouvelle Espagne, Nouveau Mexique, Isles Antilles | Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean | Robert de Vaugondy, Gilles | 1778 | B+ | unsold |
420 | De Golf van Mexico, de Eilanden en het Omleggende Land | Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean | Elwe, Jan Barend | 1792 | A | 650.00 |
421 | Central America, and the West Indies, from the latest and best Authorities | Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean, Texas | Harper Bros. | 1840 | A | 90.00 |
422 | Maiores Minores Que Insulae Hispaniola, Cuba Lucaiae et Caribes | Caribbean | Gerritsz/De Laet | 1630 | A | 750.00 |
423 | Nouvelle Carte Particuliere de l'Amerique ou sont Exactement Marquees les Iles de Bermude, la Iamaique, Saint Domingue, les Antilles la Terre Ferme | Caribbean | Popple/Covens & Mortier | 1741 | A | 1100.00 |
424 | Archipelague du Mexique, ou Sont les Isles de Cuba, Espagnole, I'Amaique, etc. Avec les Isles Lucayes, et les Isles Caribes, Connues sous le Nom d'Antilles | Caribbean | Coronelli/Nolin | 1742 | A | 1100.00 |
425 | Les Grandes et Petites Isles Antilles, et les Isles Lucayes avec une Partie de la Mer du Nord | Caribbean | Robert de Vaugondy/Santini | 1779 | A | unsold |
426 | Stabilimenti de Francesi, Inglesi, e Spagnuoli nelle Isole Antille di nouva Projezione | Caribbean | Zatta, Antonio | 1795 | B | unsold |
427 | Antilles | Caribbean | Vuillemin, Alexander A. | 1851 | A | unsold |
428 | Cuba Insula [on sheet with] Hispaniola Insula [and] Ins. Iamaica [and] Ins. S. Ioannis [and] Is. Margareta | Greater Antilles | Mercator/Jansson | 1628 | A | 200.00 |
429 | Dominia Anglorum in Praecipuis Insulis Americae ut sunt Insula S. Christophori Antegoa Iamaica Barbados nec non Insulae Bermudes vel Sommers… | Caribbean and Bermuda | Homann Heirs | 1740 | B+ | unsold |
430 | [Sheet 14 - Cuba, Bahamas, Jamaica] | Greater Antilles | Popple, Henry | 1733 | A+ | 1900.00 |
431 | Piano di Guantanimo Chiamato dagl'Inglesi Porto di Cumberland | Cuba | Gazzettiere Americano | 1763 | B+ | 120.00 |
432 | Carta Esatta rappresentante l'Isola di Cuba estratta dalle Carte del Sigr. Popple | Cuba | Gazzettiere Americano | 1763 | B | 375.00 |
433 | A New and Correct Chart of the Harbour of Havana on the Island of Cuba with a Plan of ye City &c. from the Actual Survey by Captain James Phelps | Cuba, Havana | Mount & Page | 1740 | B+ | unsold |
434 | Plano Pintoresco de la Habana con los numeros de la casas. Dedicado por el autor a la Memoria de su...Coronel D. Antonio Ma. de la Torre y Cardenas. | Cuba, Havana | May, Bernardo | 1857 | B+ | 1500.00 |
435 | Vue Generale de la Havane - Vista General de la Habana | Cuba, Havana | | 1860 | A | unsold |
436 | Jamaica | Jamaica | Tallis, John | 1851 | A+ | 90.00 |
437 | West Indies. Jamaica | Jamaica | British Admiralty | 1880 | B+ | 170.00 |
438 | Ville de St. Domingue | Hispaniola | Chedel, F. | 1754 | A | 100.00 |
439 | Carte de l'Isle de St. Domingue une des Grandes Antilles, Colonie Francoise et Espangnole | Hispaniola | Bonne, Rigobert | 1780 | A | unsold |
440 | S. Giovanni | Puerto Rico | Porcacchi, Tomaso | 1576 | A+ | 400.00 |
441 | Porto Rico | Puerto Rico | Montanus, Arnoldus | 1671 | A | 550.00 |
442 | Pascaert vande Caribes Eylanden | Lesser Antilles | Goos, Pieter | 1666 | B+ | 700.00 |
443 | Carte des Isles Antilles ou du Vent avec la Partie Orientale des Isles sous le Vent | Lesser Antilles | Bonne, Rigobert | 1770 | B+ | unsold |
444 | Caraibische Inseln | Lesser Antilles | Kuffner, Paul | 1777 | B | 220.00 |
445 | De Stadt St. Martin | Lesser Antilles, St Maarten | Montanus/Ogilby | 1671 | B | 170.00 |
446 | Carte de l'Isle de la Barbade dressee au Depost des Cartes et Plans de la Marine | Lesser Antilles, Barbados | Bellin, Jacques Nicolas | 1758 | A | 450.00 |
447 | West India Islands - St Vincent [on sheet with] Barbadoes | Lesser Antilles, St. Vincent, Barbados | Thomson, John | 1814 | B | 90.00 |
448 | Key Plan Kingston, St. Vincent. West Indies | Lesser Antilles, St. Vincent | Goad, Charles E. | 1897 | B+ | 140.00 |
449 | Carte de l'Isle de Sainte Lucie | Lesser Antilles, St. Lucia | Bellin, Jacques Nicolas | 1758 | A+ | unsold |
450 | A New and Accurate Map of the Isles of Guadaloupe, Marie-Galante &c. from the Best Authorities | Lesser Antilles, Guadeloupe, Les Saintes | Gibson, John | 1759 | A | unsold |
451 | Pointe a Pitre Guadeloupe West Indies | Lesser Antilles, Guadeloupe | Goad, Charles E. | 1897 | B | unsold |
452 | Ocean Atlantique Mer des Antilles Les Saintes Levees en 1803 | Lesser Antilles, Les Saintes | Depot de la Marine | 1858 | A | 160.00 |
453 | A Map of the Island of Tobago, Drawn from an Actual Survey | Lesser Antilles, Tobago | Bowen, Thomas | 1779 | B+ | 75.00 |
454 | Carte de l'Isle de la Grenade | Lesser Antilles, Grenada | Bellin, Jacques Nicolas | 1758 | A | 75.00 |
455 | Plan de l'sle de la Grenade… | Lesser Antilles, Grenada | Jefferys, Thomas | 1763 | A | 450.00 |
456 | Americae Pars Meridionalis | South America | Hondius, Henricus | 1650 | B | 550.00 |
457 | America Australis | South America | Scherer, Heinrich | 1699 | A | unsold |
458 | America Meridionale divisa ne' suoi principali Stati | South America | Zatta, Antonio | 1776 | B+ | 120.00 |
459 | South America agreeable to the most approved Maps and Charts | South America | Kitchin, Thomas | 1782 | B+ | 100.00 |
460 | Karte von Sud-America Verfasst von Herrn d'Anville Geographen des Konigs von Frankreich | South America | Schraembl, Franz Anton | 1786 | A+ | 475.00 |
461 | [Lot of 5] South America [and] Brazil [and] Peru and Bolivia [and] Venezuela, New Grenada & Ecuador. [and] Chili, Argentine Republic, Paraguay and Uruguay | South America | Desilver, Charles | 1856 | A | 50.00 |
462 | Terra Firma et Novum Regnum Granatense et Popayan | Northwest South America, Panama | Jansson, Jan | 1633 | A | 300.00 |
463 | Pays des Caribes et Guiane | Northern South America | Mallet, Alain Manesson | 1683 | B+ | unsold |
464 | Tabula Americae Specialis Geographica Regni Peru, Brasiliae, Terrae Firmae et Reg. Amazonum… | Northern South America | Homann Heirs | 1740 | B+ | 325.00 |
465 | Venezuela, cum parte Australi Novae Andalusiae | Venezuela | Jansson, Jan | 1645 | B+ | 240.00 |
466 | Guiana sive Amazonum Regio | Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana | Hondius, Henricus | 1638 | B | unsold |
467 | [Lot of 2] Rio Iavero [and] St. Vincent | Brazil | Bry, Theodore de | 1631 | A | 750.00 |
468 | Bresil | Brazil | Duval, Pierre | 1676 | A | 120.00 |
469 | La Ville de St. Salvador, Capitale du Bresil Portugais, au Baye de Todos los Santos, dans l'Amerique | Brazil | Aa, Pieter van der | 1705 | A | 180.00 |
470 | Eroberung der Vestung Povacon zu Porto Calvo in Brasilia… | Brazil | Merian, Matthaus | 1730 | A+ | 650.00 |
471 | Afbeeldinghe van Pariba ende Forten | Brazil | Merian, Matthaus | 1730 | A+ | 550.00 |
472 | [Povo [with] Villa d Olinda d Pernambuco] | Brazil | Merian, Matthaus | 1730 | A | 750.00 |
473 | Recens elaborata Mappa Geographica Regni Brasiliae in America Meridionali… | Brazil | Seutter, Matthias | 1740 | A | 600.00 |
474 | Carte du Bresil, Prem. Partie Depuis la Riviere des Amazones jusqu'a la Baye de Tous les Saints | Brazil | Bellin, Jacques Nicolas | 1772 | B+ | unsold |
475 | [Lot of 2] Carte de la Partie Septentrionale du Bresil [together with] Carte de la Partie Meridionale du Bresil, avec les Possessions Espangnoles Voisines qui en sont a l'Ouest | Brazil | Bonne, Rigobert | 1775 | A+ | unsold |
476 | Peru | Peru | Hondius/Blaeu | 1640 | A | 375.00 |
477 | Plan de la Ville de Lima ou des Rois capitale du Perou | Peru | Bellin, Jacques Nicolas | 1764 | A | 110.00 |
478 | Paraguay, o Prov. de Rio de la Plata cum Regionibus Adiacentibus Tucuman et Sta. Cruz de la Sierra | Central South America | Blaeu, (Family) | 1640 | A | 300.00 |
479 | Ober - Paraguarien… | Paraguay | Dietell, Christoph | 1728 | C+ | 325.00 |
480 | Plan de la Ville de Montevideo | Uruguay, Montevideo | Ulloa, Antonio de | 1752 | A+ | 130.00 |
481 | Plata Americae Provincia | Argentina and Uruguay | Wytfliet, Cornelis | 1598 | A | 425.00 |
482 | [Lot of 2] Plan de la Ville de Buenos-Ayres [and] Carte de la Riviere de la Plata | Buenos Aires, Argentina | Bellin, Jacques Nicolas | 1757 | | 130.00 |
483 | Chili | Chile | Hondius, Henricus | 1640 | B | unsold |
484 | Tabula Magellanica, qua Tierrae del Fuego, cum Celeberrimis Fretis a F. Magellano et I. Le Maire… | Southern South America | Blaeu, (Family) | 1646 | B | unsold |
485 | Fretum Magellannicum, und Dessen Eigentliche Beschreibung… | Southern South America | Bry, Theodore de | 1655 | A | 400.00 |
486 | Tractus Australior Americae Meridionalis a Rio de la Plata per Fretum Magellanicum ad Toraltum | Southern South America | Wit, Frederick de | 1675 | B+ | 1000.00 |
487 | Le Detroit de Magellan | Southern South America | Fer, Nicolas de | 1705 | B+ | 190.00 |
488 | Typus Geographicus Chili Paraguay Freti Magellanici &c | Southern South America | Homann Heirs | 1733 | B+ | 325.00 |
489 | Carte Reduite du Detroit de Magellan… | Southern South America | Bellin/Van Schley | 1753 | A+ | 80.00 |
490 | Bowles's New Pocket Map of the Atlantic or Western Ocean, Laid Down from the Latest Discoveries… | Atlantic Ocean | Bowles, Carrington | 1784 | B+ | unsold |
491 | [Lot of 2] Wind and Current Chart of the South Atlantic. Sheet No. 1 [and] Maury's Wind & Current Chart. Sheet No. 3 | South Atlantic | U.S. Hydrographic Office | 1848 | B+ | unsold |
492 | Islands in the Atlantic | Atlantic Ocean | Tallis, John | 1860 | A+ | 50.00 |
493 | Insula D. Helenae sacra coeli clementia et aequabilitate… | Atlantic, St. Helena | Bry, Theodore de | 1600 | B+ | 200.00 |
494 | Carte des Isles de Madere et Porto Santo… | Madeira and Porto Santo islands | Bellin/Van Schley | 1773 | A+ | unsold |
495 | L'Islande | Iceland | Duval, Pierre | 1676 | A | unsold |
496 | Isle d'Islande | Iceland | Mallet, Alain Manesson | 1683 | A | 220.00 |
497 | L'Isle d'Island | Iceland | Bossuet, Jacques Benigne | 1755 | A | unsold |
498 | Carte de l'Islande pour Servir a la Continuation de l'Histoire Generale des Voyages. Dressee sur celle de M. Horrebows | Iceland | Bellin, Jacques Nicolas | 1768 | A+ | 120.00 |
499 | Carte de Groenland Dressee et Gravee par Laurent | Iceland, Greenland | Laurent, J. | 1770 | B+ | 100.00 |
500 | [Europa Regina] | Europe | Munster, Sebastian | 1580 | B+ | 700.00 |
501 | Europa recens descripta | Europe | Blaeu, Willem | 1633 | B+ | 600.00 |
502 | Lumen Historiarum per Occidentem ex Conatibus Fran. Haraei | Europe and Mediterranean | Jansson, Jan | 1652 | A | 220.00 |
503 | [Lot of 2 - Europe in 1709 and 1716] | Europe | Schenk, Pieter | 1720 | A | 220.00 |
504 | Imperium Caroli Magni Occidentis Imperatoris… | Europe - Western | Robert de Vaugondy, Didier | 1752 | B+ | 200.00 |
505 | Europe Plate III | Europe | Kitchin, Thomas | 1760 | B+ | unsold |
506 | Britannicarum Insularum Typus | Britain | Ortelius, Abraham | 1595 | B+ | unsold |
507 | Britannia Prout Divisa fuit Temporibus Anglo-Saxonum, Praesertim Durante Illorum Heptarchia | Britain | Blaeu, Johannes | 1662 | A+ | 3250.00 |
508 | [Lot of 6] Isles Britanniques [and] Anciennes Isles Britanniques [and] Isle d'Albion [and] Heptarchie des Saxons [and] Royaume d'Angleterre [and] Royaume d'Angleterre | Britain | Mallet, Alain Manesson | 1685 | B+ | unsold |
509 | Britannia Romana | Britain | Morden, Robert | 1695 | A | 190.00 |
510 | Veteris et Novae Britanniae Descriptio | Britain | Cluver, Philipp | 1697 | A | 160.00 |
511 | [Lot of 5 - British Isles] | Britain | | 1703-1760 | | unsold |
512 | Les Isles Britaniques, ou sont les Royaumes d'Angleterre, d'Ecosse et d'Irlande | Britain | Fer, Nicolas de | 1705 | A+ | 90.00 |
513 | Magna Britannia Complectens Angliae, Scotiae et Hyberniae Regn. in suas Prov. et Comitat… | Britain | Homann Heirs | 1730 | B+ | unsold |
514 | Isles Britanniques | Britain | Bossuet, Jacques Benigne | 1755 | A | 80.00 |
515 | Anglia | England & Wales | Mercator/Jansson | 1628 | A+ | 120.00 |
516 | Cornubia, Devonia, Somersetus, Dorcestria, Wiltonia, Glocestria… | England & Wales | Mercator/Jansson | 1628 | A+ | 100.00 |
517 | A Pocket Companion of ye Roads, of ye South Part of Great Britain, Called England and Wales… | England & Wales | Moll, Herman | 1729 | B | unsold |
518 | Magnae Britanniae Pars Meridionalis, in qua Regnum Angliae Tam In Septem Antiqua Anglo-Saxonum Regna… | England & Wales | Homann, Johann Baptist | 1730 | A | 250.00 |
519 | La Britannique dans sa Heptarchie Anglois Saxonique | England & Wales | Bossuet, Jacques Benigne | 1755 | A+ | 80.00 |
520 | [Lot of 2] A New and Accurate Map of that District of Great Britain called England & Wales, &c… [and] A New Map of England and Wales | England & Wales | | 1757-84 | B+ | 275.00 |
521 | Eboracum, Lincolnia, Derbia, Staffordia, Notinghamia, Lecestria, Rutlandis, et Norfolcia | England | Mercator/Jansson | 1628 | A+ | 95.00 |
522 | Northumbria, Cumberlandia, Dunelmesis… | England | Mercator/Jansson | 1628 | A+ | 100.00 |
523 | Warwicum, Northhamtonia, Huntingdonia, Cantabrigia, Suffolcia, Oxonium, Buckinghamia, Bedfordia, Hartfordia, Essexia, Berceria, Middelsexia, Southhamtonia, Surria, Catium, et Southsexia | England | Mercator/Jansson | 1628 | A+ | 95.00 |
524 | Lancastria, Cestria, Caurnarvan, Denbich, Flint, Meriondh, Montgomery, Salopia, Cardigan, Radnor, Wigornia, et Ins. Angeley | England & Wales | Mercator/Jansson | 1628 | A+ | 80.00 |
525 | Aftekening der Schilderye, op't Stadhuis te Dordrecht geplaatst, ter gedagtenisse van de Overwinning by Chattam, in't Jaar 1667, onder't beleid van Kornelis de Wit, Ruwaard van Putten | Ships - Anglo-Dutch Wars | Tirion, Isaac | 1667 | A+ | 80.00 |
526 | The Road from Oxford to Bristol | England | Ogilby, John | 1675 | A | 425.00 |
527 | The Continuation of the Road from London to Barwick Beginning at York and extending to Chester in ye Street | England | Ogilby, John | 1680 | B+ | 170.00 |
528 | [Lot of 2] SKH gehet zu Schiff in Engelland uber Zufahrer [and] Einzug Wilhelmi Henrici Prinzen von Orange… | England | Merian, Matthaus | 1730 | A+ | 300.00 |
529 | Plan des Villes de Londres et de Westminster et de leurs Faubourgs avec le Bourg de Southwark | England, London | Fer, Nicolas de | 1705 | A | 275.00 |
530 | [Lot of 2] Bishops-Gate Ward within and without According to a New Survey [and] Portsoken Ward with its Divisions into Parishes According to a New Survey | England, London | Cole, Benjamin | 1754-55 | B+ | 50.00 |
531 | [Lot of 2] Breknoke Both Shyre and Towne described [and] Brecknoc Comitatus pars olim Silurum | Wales | | 1610 | B+ | unsold |
532 | The Countie of Radnor Described and the Shyretownes Sittuatione | Wales | Speed, John | 1610 | B | 180.00 |
533 | Cambria sive Wallia | Wales | Mercator/Hondius | 1610 | A | unsold |
534 | The Roads from Carmarthen to Cardigan, Cardigan to Llanbeder & Llanbeder to Aberistwith in Com Cardigan | Wales | Ogilby, John | 1675 | B+ | 230.00 |
535 | Flint-Shire | Wales | Speed, John | 1713 | B+ | 275.00 |
536 | Schotia | Scotland | Mercator/Jansson | 1628 | A | 120.00 |
537 | [Lot of 2] Scotia Septentrionalis [and] Scotia Meridionalis | Scotland | Mercator/Jansson | 1628 | A | 200.00 |
538 | Magnae Britanniae Pars Septentrionalis qua Regnum Scotiae in Suas Partes et subjacentes Insulas divisum… | Scotland | Homann, Johann Baptist | 1730 | B+ | 500.00 |
539 | Le Royaume d'Escosse Divise en Sesparties Meridionale et Septentrionale | Scotland | Bossuet, Jacques Benigne | 1755 | A | 80.00 |
540 | Hibernia | Ireland | Ortelius/Vrients | 1609 | B+ | 100.00 |
541 | Udrone Irlandiae in Catherlagh Baronia | Ireland | Mercator/Hondius | 1613 | B+ | 200.00 |
542 | Momonia et Lagenia | Ireland | Mercator/Jansson | 1628 | A | 120.00 |
543 | Le Royaume d'Irlande divise en ses Provinces, Subdivise en Shireries ou Comtes… | Ireland | Sanson/Jaillot | 1692 | B+ | 200.00 |
544 | Hyberniae Regni in Provincias Ultoniam, Connachiam. Legeniam, Momoniamq | Ireland | Allard/Covens & Mortier | 1730 | B+ | 750.00 |
545 | Hiberniae Regnum tam in praecipuas Ultoniae, Connaciae, Laceniae et Momoniae… | Ireland | Homann, Johann Baptist | 1730 | A | 600.00 |
546 | Le Royaume d'Irlande Divise en Ses Grandes Provinces | Ireland | Bossuet, Jacques Benigne | 1755 | A+ | unsold |
547 | Novissima et Accuratissima Canalis inter Angliae et Galliae Tabulacum Omnibus suis Portibus, Arenis et Profundis | English Channel | Danckerts, Justus | 1695 | B+ | 375.00 |
548 | Gotlandt oder Gothen | Scandinavia | Munster, Sebastian | 1578 | A | 110.00 |
549 | Suecia Dania et Norvegia | Scandinavia | Cluver, Philipp | 1697 | A | 120.00 |
550 | Scandinavie ou sont les Estats de Danemark de Suede &c. | Scandinavia | Bossuet, Jacques Benigne | 1755 | A+ | 80.00 |
551 | [Lot of 2] Les Couronnes du Nord Comprenant les Royaumes de Suede Danemarck et Norwege… [and] Royaume de Suede. Troisieme Carte. Suede Moderne | Scandinavia | Janvier, Jean | 1762-1800 | | unsold |
552 | Uplandia | Sweden | Jansson, Jan | 1638 | A | unsold |
553 | Gothia | Sweden | Jansson, Jan | 1645 | A | unsold |
554 | Sueonie ou Suede, ou sont les Provinces de Uplande, Sudermannie, Westmannie Noricie, Dalecarlie, Gestricie et les Isles d'Aland | Sweden | Sanson, Nicolas | 1666 | A | unsold |
555 | Nova Tabula Scaniae, quae est Gothia Australis Provincias Scaniam, Hallandiam, et Blekingiam… | Sweden | Homann, Johann Baptist | 1720 | B+ | unsold |
556 | Royaume de Suede. Troisieme Carte. Suede Moderne | Sweden | Chanlaire & Mentelle | 1800 | A | unsold |
557 | Beschreibung des Koenigreichs Denmarck… | Denmark and Sweden | Munster, Sebastian | 1578 | A | 130.00 |
558 | Fionia vulgo Funen | Denmark | Blaeu, (Family) | 1640 | B | 150.00 |
559 | Totius Iutiae Generalis Accurata Delineatio | Denmark | Jansson, Jan | 1650 | B+ | 230.00 |
560 | Royaume de Danemarq | Denmark | Sanson, Nicolas | 1658 | B | 190.00 |
561 | Konigl. Danemarck Haupt v. Ressi. Statt Coppenhagen, wie Solche von dem Konig in Schweden… | Denmark, Copenhagen | Merian, Matthaus | 1667 | A | 200.00 |
562 | Insularum Danicarum ut Zee-Landiae, Fioniae, Langelandiae, Lalandiae Falstriae, Fembriae, Monae… | Denmark | Wit, Frederick de | 1680 | B+ | 200.00 |
563 | Danemarc | Denmark | Mallet, Alain Manesson | 1685 | B+ | 75.00 |
564 | Regni Daniae Accuratissima Delineatio | Denmark | Cluver, Philipp | 1697 | B+ | 80.00 |
565 | Accurata Delineatio Oppugnatae a Federatis, Caesareis, Polonicis, Danicis… | Denmark | Pufendorf, Samuel, Baron von | 1697 | A+ | 90.00 |
566 | De Stadt Nyborg Veroverd door de Hr. Michiel de Ruiter en 't Slaan der Zweeden | Denmark | Stoopendaal, Daniel | 1700 | A | 275.00 |
567 | Post-Og Veilaengde-Kort over Kongeriget Danmark med Hertigdommerne Slesvig, Holstein og Lauenburg… | Denmark | | 1859 | A | unsold |
568 | Prussia | Baltic | Ortelius/Vrients | 1609 | A+ | 140.00 |
569 | Vilna Lituaniae Metropolis | Lithuania, Vilnius | Braun & Hogenberg | 1657 | A+ | 1600.00 |
570 | Livonia Vulgo Lyefland | Baltic | Merian, Matthaus | 1670 | A | 170.00 |
571 | Estats des Couronnes de Dannemark, Suede, et Pologna sur la Mer Baltique… | Baltic | Fer, Nicolas de | 1705 | A+ | 500.00 |
572 | Carta della Polonia Disegnata da Leonardo Chodzko | Baltic | Chodzko, Josef | 1831 | B+ | unsold |
573 | Holand | Netherlands | Munster, Sebastian | 1578 | B+ | 100.00 |
574 | Descrittione del l'Isole Selandie | Netherlands | Porcacchi, Tomaso | 1595 | A+ | 150.00 |
575 | Gelriae, Cliviae, Finitimorumque Locorum Verissima Descriptio Christiano Schrot. Auctore | Netherlands | Ortelius, Abraham | 1595 | A | 350.00 |
576 | Habes hic Novam & Accuratissimam Descriptionem Tractus Illius Flandriae… | Belgium | Mercator, Gerard | 1606 | A | 220.00 |
577 | De Meerman van't Noorder Gewest als Opper Directeur der Zee-plaat Verkruyers van het Verkeerde Pampus… | Netherlands | Anon. | 1720 | A | 275.00 |
578 | Les Sept Provinces unies du Pays-Bas Description Nouvelle | Netherlands | Bossuet, Jacques Benigne | 1755 | A+ | 80.00 |
579 | Flandria | Belgium | Ortelius/Vrients | 1609 | A+ | unsold |
580 | Plan of the Battle of Waterloo at nearly 8 o'clock P.M. Sunday 18th June 1815, by Sergt. Majr. E. Cotton | Belgium, Waterloo | | 1854 | B+ | 110.00 |
581 | Le Duche de Luxembourg | Luxembourg and Belgium | Fer, Nicolas de | 1710 | A | 200.00 |
582 | Les Provinces Unies des Bais Bas. Connues sous le nom de Hollande | Low Countries | Fer, Nicolas de | 1705 | A | 80.00 |
583 | Territoire de Mons dans la Comte du Hainaut, ou l'on Peut voir la Victorieuse Bataille des Alliez contre les Francois: donnee le 11 Septembre 1709 | Low Countries | Schenk, Pieter | 1720 | B+ | unsold |
584 | Belgii Universi seu Inferioris Germaniae quam XVII Provinciae, Austriaco, Gallico et Batavo… | Low Countries | Homann Heirs | 1747 | A | unsold |
585 | Germanie Inferieure ou les Dix-sept Provinces des Pays-Bas, de Noort | Low Countries | Bossuet, Jacques Benigne | 1755 | A+ | 80.00 |
586 | Carte pour l'Intelligence de l'Histoire d'Angleterre ou on Remarque les Conquests de Cette Monarchie… | Western Europe | Chatelain, Henry Abraham | 1708 | A+ | 240.00 |
587 | [Lot of 2] Die durch die Engellaender beunruhigte Franzosische Kusten Ao. 1758… [and] Brittische Ubermacht zur See wieder Franckreich Ao. 1759… | Western Europe | Lotter, Tobias Conrad | 1765 | A | unsold |
588 | Pictavia vulgo Poictiers [on sheet with] La Pierre Levee Demie Lieue de Poictiers [and] Prospectus Montis Henrici vulgo Montherri | France | Braun & Hogenberg | 1561 | B+ | 220.00 |
589 | Die Statt Montpellier… | Montpellier, France | Munster, Sebastian | 1578 | B+ | unsold |
590 | Bourdeaux | France, Bordeaux | Munster, Sebastian | 1578 | A | 180.00 |
591 | Paris | France, Paris | Munster, Sebastian | 1578 | A | 275.00 |
592 | Picardiae, Belgicae regionis descriptio. Joanne Suhonio auctore | France | Ortelius, Abraham | 1579 | A | 250.00 |
593 | Aurelia Franciae civitas ad Ligeri flu: sita. | France, Orleans | Braun & Hogenberg | 1588 | C+ | 150.00 |
594 | Cambray | France, Cambrai | Braun & Hogenberg | 1598 | A | 350.00 |
595 | Artesia | France | Mercator/Hondius | 1608 | A | unsold |
596 | Franciae Insula | France | Ortelius/Vrients | 1609 | A+ | 90.00 |
597 | Languedoc | France | Ortelius/Vrients | 1609 | A+ | unsold |
598 | Lemovicum | France | Ortelius/Vrients | 1609 | A+ | unsold |
599 | Burgundiae Duc. | France | Ortelius/Vrients | 1609 | A+ | unsold |
600 | Lotharingia | France | Ortelius/Vrients | 1609 | A+ | 60.00 |
601 | Britania et Normadia cum Confinijs | France | Mercator/Hondius | 1610 | A | 60.00 |
602 | Provence | France | Hondius/Bertius | 1616 | A | 130.00 |
603 | Aniou | France | Mercator/Jansson | 1630 | A+ | unsold |
604 | Poictou | France | Mercator/Jansson | 1630 | A | 80.00 |
605 | [Lot of 11 - France] | France | Tassin, Christophe Nicholas | 1631-44 | A | unsold |
606 | Carte du Pais et Duche de Nivernois | France | Hondius, Henricus | 1636 | A | 80.00 |
607 | Perchensis Comitatus - La Perche Comte [on sheet with] Comitatus Blesensis Auctore Ioanne Temporio - Blaisois | France | Blaeu, Willem | 1645 | A | unsold |
608 | Galliae Veteris Typus | France | Cluver/Jansson | 1661 | A | 50.00 |
609 | Carte de l'Ancienne Ville de Lyon | France, Lyon | | 1696 | B+ | unsold |
610 | [Lot of 2] Le Palais de Clagny, Pres Versailles, Veue du cote de Paris [and] Ecuries du Roy a Versailles, Veues du cote du Louvre | France, Versailles | Fer, Nicolas de | 1705 | A | 110.00 |
611 | Le Plan de la Ville, Cite, et Universite de Paris: Capitale du Royaume de France | France, Paris | Fer, Nicolas de | 1705 | A+ | 275.00 |
612 | Carte Nouvelle du Royaume de France divise en toutes ses Provinces et ses Acquisitions | France | Husson, Pieter | 1708 | B+ | 220.00 |
613 | Paris Vue Prise du Trocadero (Exposition Universelle de 1867) | France, Paris | Lalanne, Maxime | 1867 | B+ | unsold |
614 | Sabaudia Ducatus la Savoie | France and Switzerland | Mercator/Hondius | 1636 | A | 250.00 |
615 | Sabaudiae Descriptio | France and Switzerland | Bucelin, Gabriel | 1658 | A | unsold |
616 | Hispania Nova Descript. | Spain & Portugal | Mercator/Jansson | 1628 | A+ | 120.00 |
617 | Hispaniae Nova Describtio, de integro Multis Inlocis, Secundum Hydrographicas, Desc. Emendata | Spain & Portugal | Hondius, Jodocus | 1628 | A | unsold |
618 | [Lot of 2] Parte Orientale della Spagna… [and] Parte Occidentale della Spagna | Spain & Portugal | Coronelli, Vincenzo Maria | 1691 | B+ | 750.00 |
619 | Hispaniae Veteris et Novae Descriptio | Spain & Portugal | Cluver, Philipp | 1697 | A | unsold |
620 | Espagne | Spain & Portugal | Sanson, Nicolas Fils | 1700 | A+ | unsold |
621 | Granada | Spain, Granada | Braun & Hogenberg | 1572 | A | 475.00 |
622 | Galitiae Regnum | Spain | Ortelius/Vrients | 1609 | A+ | 350.00 |
623 | Valentia, Murcia cum Insulis Majorca, Minorca, et Yvica | Spain | Mercator/Jansson | 1628 | A+ | 160.00 |
624 | La Castille Propre ou Vieille, et la Nouvelle; avec l'Estremadure Castillane Dresse sur les Memoires de Rodrigo Mendes Silva, et Autres | Spain | Visscher, Nicolas | 1689 | B+ | 160.00 |
625 | Principaute de Catalogne ou sont Compris les Comtes de Rousillon, et de Cerdagne, divisee en leurs Vigueries | Spain | Sanson/Jaillot | 1690 | B+ | 300.00 |
626 | L'Escurial | Spain | Fer, Nicolas de | 1705 | A | 150.00 |
627 | Etats de la Couronne d'Aragon, ou se Trouvent les Royaumes d'Aragon et de Navarre, la Principaute de Catalogne | Spain | Robert de Vaugondy/Santini | 1778 | A | 110.00 |
628 | Portugalliae que olim Lusitania, Novissima et Exactissima Descriptio Auctore Vernando Alvaro Secco, et de Integro Emendata, Anno 1600 | Portugal | Hondius, Jodocus | 1606 | A | 600.00 |
629 | Portugallia et Algarve | Portugal | Mercator/Jansson | 1628 | A+ | 130.00 |
630 | Portugallia et Algarbia quae olim Lusitania | Portugal | Blaeu, (Family) | 1650 | A | 400.00 |
631 | Lisbon (Lisboa) | Portugal, Lisbon | SDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge | 1833 | A+ | 75.00 |
632 | Germania | Central Europe, Germany | Ortelius/Vrients | 1609 | A+ | unsold |
633 | Nova Totius Germaniae Descriptio | Central Europe | Blaeu, Willem | 1643 | A | 250.00 |
634 | Nova Alemanniae sive Sueviae Superioris Tabula | Central Europe | Jansson, Jan | 1647 | B+ | unsold |
635 | Ober Sachsen Lausnitz und Meissen | Central Europe | Hoffman, Johannes | 1686 | A | 110.00 |
636 | Sac. Romani Imperii in suos Decem Circulos… | Central Europe | Funcke/Homann | 1689 | B+ | unsold |
637 | [WWII Escape Map - France and Central Europe] | Central Europe | | 1942 | A+ | 210.00 |
638 | Civitas Francofordiana Ad Moe: | Germany, Frankfurt am Main | Braun & Hogenberg | 1572 | A+ | 1000.00 |
639 | Francofurtum ad Moenum, Libera Imperii, ut et Electioni et Coronationi Caesarum Romanorum… | Germany, Frankfurt am Main | Seutter, Matthias | 1740 | B | 400.00 |
640 | Rostochium Urbs Vandalica Anseatica et Megapolitana | Germany, Rostock | Braun & Hogenberg | 1572 | A | 600.00 |
641 | Turingiae Noviss. Descript. per Iohannem Mellinger Halens [on sheet with] Misniae et Lusatiae Tabula Descripta a M. Bartholemeo Sculteto Gorlit | Germany | Ortelius, Abraham | 1574 | B+ | unsold |
642 | Mansfeldiae Comitatus Descriptio, auctore Tilemanno Stella Sig. | Germany | Ortelius, Abraham | 1579 | B+ | unsold |
643 | Moguntia, Germaniae Metropoli… [on sheet with] Herbipolis, Comuniter Wirtzburg, Orientalis Franciae Metropolis. [and] Sedunum, Primaria & Metropolitica Valesice Urbs, Germanorum & Gallorum Frequentatione Celebris. | Germany and Switzerland | Braun & Hogenberg | 1588 | A | 425.00 |
644 | Thietmarsia | Germany | Ortelius/Vrients | 1609 | A+ | unsold |
645 | [Lot of 2] Palatinatus Rheni [and] Uterque Rheni Circulus, Superior, et Inferior Electoralis, cum Palatinatu… | Germany | | 1613-1700 | B+ | unsold |
646 | Holsatia | Germany | Mercator/Hondius | 1635 | A | unsold |
647 | [Lot of 2] Mansfeldia Comitatus Auctore Tilemanno Stella Sig. [and] Westphalia Ducatus Auctore Ioh. Gigante Medico et Mathematico | Germany | Blaeu, Willem | 1635 | A | unsold |
648 | Wirtenberg Ducatus | Germany | Mercator/Hondius | 1636 | B+ | unsold |
649 | Waldeck Comitatus | Germany | Blaeu, Willem | 1644 | B+ | unsold |
650 | Circulus Westphalicus, sive Germaniae Inferioris | Germany | Blaeu, Johannes | 1645 | B+ | unsold |
651 | Sweviae Circulus | Germany | Cluver/Jansson | 1661 | A | unsold |
652 | Tabula Geographica Partem Inferioris Rheni… | Germany, Belgium | Visscher, Nicolas | 1690 | A | 425.00 |
653 | Le Marquisat et Eslectorat de Brandebourg… | Germany | Sanson/Jaillot | 1692 | B+ | unsold |
654 | Archiepiscopatus ac Electoratus Trevirensis Ditio… | Germany | Visscher, Nicolas | 1696 | B+ | unsold |
655 | Nassovia Principatus… | Germany | Visscher/Schenk | 1720 | B+ | unsold |
656 | Delineatio Geographica Praefecturarum Wittebergensi et Graefenhaynichen in Cirulo Electorati… | Germany | Seutter/Lotter | 1730 | A | unsold |
657 | Le Duche de Lunebourg Suivant les Nouvelles Observations… | Germany | Aa, Pieter van der | 1730 | B+ | unsold |
658 | Prospect und Grundris der Keiserl Freyen Reichs und Ansee Stadt Bremen… | Germany, Bremen | Homann, Johann Baptist | 1740 | A | 600.00 |
659 | Geographische Verzeichnung des Budissinischen Creises in dem Marggrafthum Ober Lausitz… | Germany | Homann Heirs | 1746 | B+ | unsold |
660 | Perspectivische Vorstellung des Beruhmten Blocken oder Blokenbergs… | Germany | Homann Heirs | 1749 | B+ | 425.00 |
661 | Le Cercle de Baviere… | Germany | Robert de Vaugondy | 1751 | A | unsold |
662 | Carte des Cercles du Haut et du Bas Rhin ou se trouvent dans le premier… | Germany | Robert de Vaugondy, Didier | 1753 | A | 70.00 |
663 | Silesia Inferior, Sereniss ac Celciss, Principibus ac Dominis Dn. Georgio, Dn. Ludovico, Dn. Christiano… | Poland | Jansson, Jan | 1644 | B+ | 275.00 |
664 | Polonia Compendio se Descriptium | Poland | Bucelin, Gabriel | 1658 | A | 170.00 |
665 | Craccovia Assediata dall'Armi Imperiali et Polacche… | Poland, Krakow | Merian, Matthaus | 1670 | B+ | 230.00 |
666 | Prussiae Nova Tabula | Poland | Cluver, Philipp | 1697 | A+ | 140.00 |
667 | Carte des Etats de Pologne Dressee sur les Dernieres Observations et les Memoires les plus Nouveau… | Poland | Nolin, Jean Batiste | 1753 | A+ | 325.00 |
668 | Li Palatinati di Cracowia, Lekzyca, Sieradz, Sandomir, e Lubino | Poland | Zatta, Antonio | 1781 | B+ | 180.00 |
669 | Der Koniglichen Republik Polen Woiwodschaft Podlachien mit dem obern… | Poland | Von Reilly, Franz | 1789 | A | unsold |
670 | La Description de Boheme selon ses plus Nobles Citez, Villes & Bourgades | Czech Republic | Munster, Sebastian | 1560 | A | 200.00 |
671 | Moravia | Czech Republic | Mercator, Gerard | 1607 | A | unsold |
672 | Bohemia | Czech Republic | Merian, Matthaus | 1670 | A | 75.00 |
673 | Praga, Bohemiae Metropolis Accuratissime Expressa | Czech Republic, Prague | Braun & Hogenberg | 1572 | B+ | 350.00 |
674 | [Lot of 2] Grundtriss der Prager Statte [and] Bohemia | Czech Republic | Merian, Matthaus | 1670 | A | unsold |
675 | Helvetia cum Finitimis Regionibus Confoederatis | Switzerland | Mercator/Hondius | 1610 | A | 375.00 |
676 | Helvetiae conterminarumque terrarum antiqua descriptio | Switzerland | Cluver/Jansson | 1661 | A | 80.00 |
677 | Nova Totius Helvetiae cum suis Subditis ac Sociis… | Switzerland | Seutter, Matthias | 1730 | A | 220.00 |
678 | Les Cantons des Suisses, et Leurs Alliez et Leurs Sujets | Switzerland | Bossuet, Jacques Benigne | 1755 | A+ | 80.00 |
679 | De Stad Bazel van de Voorstad S. Alban, Langs den Ryn, te Zien | Switzerland, Basel | Tirion, Isaac | 1759 | A+ | 125.00 |
680 | Grondtekening van de Stad Geneve | Switzerland, Geneva | Tirion, Isaac | 1760 | A+ | 300.00 |
681 | Prospect und Grund-Riss der Kayserl Residenz-Stadt Wien… | Vienna, Austria | Homann, Johann Baptist | 1740 | B | unsold |
682 | A New and Accurate Map of the Kingdom of Hungary and Principality of Transilvania with the Bordering Countries… | Hungary | Bowen, Emanuel | 1730 | A | unsold |
683 | Magni Ducatus Lithuaniae… | Northeastern Europe | Hondius/Jansson | 1657 | B | 700.00 |
684 | Lithuania | Eastern Europe, Lithuania | Cluver/Jansson | 1661 | A | 150.00 |
685 | Sarmatia et Scythia, Russia et Tartaria Europae | Eastern Europe | Cluver, Philipp | 1697 | A+ | 80.00 |
686 | Estats de la Couronne de Pologne | Eastern Europe | Bossuet, Jacques Benigne | 1755 | A+ | 60.00 |
687 | [Lapland] | Russia | Bry, Theodore de | 1600 | A | 130.00 |
688 | Moscva | Moscow, Russia | Merian, Matthaus | 1640 | A | 650.00 |
689 | [Lot of 2] La Forteresse de Noteburg [and] Die Stadt Wieburg | Vyborg, Russia | | 1720 | A+ | unsold |
690 | Russie Blanche ou Moscovie | Russia | Bossuet, Jacques Benigne | 1755 | A+ | unsold |
691 | Lectori S. Hunc Borysthenis tractum ut ad nostrum Geographiae tabulam… | Ukraine | Blaeu, (Family) | 1644 | B+ | 850.00 |
692 | Pontus Euxinus Aequor Iasonio Pulsatum Remige Primum | Black Sea | Ortelius, Abraham | 1590 | B+ | 450.00 |
693 | Carte Reduite de la Mer Noire, dressee pour le service des vaisseaux du Roy. Par Ordre de M. de Boynes, Secretaire d'Etat | Black Sea | Bellin, Jacques Nicolas | 1772 | A | 600.00 |
694 | Transylvania | Romania and Hungary | Mercator/Jansson | 1630 | A | 80.00 |
695 | La Transilvania Divisa su l'Esemplare delle Carte Migliori… | Romania | Cantelli da Vignola, Giacomo | 1686 | B+ | unsold |
696 | Daciarum Moesiarum et Thraciae Vetus et Nova Descriptio | Romania and Bulgaria | Cluver, Philipp | 1697 | A+ | 65.00 |
697 | Novissima et Accuratissima Hungariae… | Southeastern Europe | Seutter, Matthias | 1745 | B+ | unsold |
698 | Schlavoniae, Croatiae, Carniae, Istriae, Bosniae, Finitimarumque Regionum Nova Descriptio, Auctore Augustino Hirsvogelio | Balkans | Ortelius, Abraham | 1573 | B+ | 350.00 |
699 | Illyricum | Balkans | Ortelius, Abraham | 1574 | A+ | 400.00 |
700 | [Istria] | Croatia | Munster, Sebastian | 1578 | A | unsold |
701 | Pannoniae, et Illyrici Veteris Tabula | Balkans | Cluver/Jansson | 1661 | A+ | 80.00 |
702 | Hongrie | Balkans, Hungary | Bossuet, Jacques Benigne | 1755 | A+ | unsold |
703 | A New Map of Turkey in Europe Divided into all its Provinces; with the Adjacent Countries in Europe and Asia… | Southeastern Europe | Laurie & Whittle | 1794 | B | 150.00 |
704 | Macedoniae et Thessaliae Regiones | Greece and Macedonia | Cluver, Philipp | 1697 | A+ | unsold |
705 | Epirus hodie Canina cum Maris Ionii Insulis Corcyra seu Corfu Cephalenia seu Cefalogna etc. | Greece and Albania | Cluver, Philipp | 1697 | A | 90.00 |
706 | Graecia | Greece | Langenes, Barent | 1598 | B+ | 130.00 |
707 | Morea Olim Peloponensis | Greece | Mercator/Jansson | 1628 | A+ | 95.00 |
708 | Graecia, Sophiani | Greece | Cluver/Jansson | 1661 | A+ | 110.00 |
709 | Alcibiadis Expeditionum Tabula Geographica ex Plutarcho | Greece | Duval, Pierre | 1678 | B+ | unsold |
710 | Peloponnesus Hodie Moreae Regnum… | Greece | Wit, Frederick de | 1690 | B+ | 1900.00 |
711 | Carte de l'Archipel Presentee au Ministre Maurepas | Greece | Bellin, Jacques Nicolas | 1745 | A | 350.00 |
712 | Partie de Turquie en Europe | Greece | Bossuet, Jacques Benigne | 1755 | A+ | 55.00 |
713 | Corfu | Greece, Corfu | Langenes, Barent | 1598 | B+ | 180.00 |
714 | Candia olim Creta | Crete | Jansson, Jan | 1660 | A | 275.00 |
715 | Creta ex delinatione Ubonis Emmii | Crete | Cluver/Jansson | 1661 | A | unsold |
716 | Tarvisini Agri Typus Auctore Io. Pinadello Phil. et I.C. Tarvisino | Italy | Ortelius, Abraham | 1595 | B+ | 190.00 |
717 | Italia | Italy | Bry, Theodore de | 1597 | B+ | 900.00 |
718 | Pedemontii descriptio | Italy | Langenes, Barent | 1598 | B+ | unsold |
719 | Marcha Anconae, olim Picenum 1572 | Italy | Langenes, Barent | 1598 | A | unsold |
720 | Thusciae Descriptio Auctore Hieronymo Bellarmato | Italy | Ortelius, Abraham | 1612 | A | 650.00 |
721 | Brescia Episcopatus Mediolanum Ducatus | Italy | Mercator/Jansson | 1628 | A+ | 110.00 |
722 | Latium nunc Campagna di Roma | Italy | Mercator/Jansson | 1628 | A+ | 100.00 |
723 | Dominio Fiorentino | Italy | Jansson, Jan | 1630 | A | unsold |
724 | Territorio di Verona | Italy | Jansson, Jan | 1647 | B+ | 200.00 |
725 | Italia Gallica, Sive Gallia Cisalpina, Ligures, Taurini | Italy | Cluver/Jansson | 1661 | A | 90.00 |
726 | Campaniae Samnii Apuliae Lucaniae Brutiorum Vetus et Nova Descriptio | Italy | Cluver, Philipp | 1697 | B+ | 80.00 |
727 | Etruriae Latii Umbriae Piceni Sabinorum et Marsorum Vetus et Nova Descriptio | Italy | Cluver, Philipp | 1697 | A | unsold |
728 | Italia Nova | Italy | Cluver, Philipp | 1697 | A | 275.00 |
729 | Belli Typus in Italia, Victricis Aquilae Progressus in Statu Mediolanensi et Ducatu Mantuae | Italy | Homann, Johann Baptist | 1702 | B | unsold |
730 | Le Cours du Po… | Italy | Ottens, Reiner and Joshua | 1705 | A | 190.00 |
731 | Mantua Ducatus | Italy | Merian, Matthaus | 1730 | B+ | 120.00 |
732 | Statuum totius Italiae novissima repraesentatio geograhica simul exhibens insulas Siciliae Sardiniae Corsicae et Maltae conante… | Italy | Homann, Johann Baptist | 1730 | A | 350.00 |
733 | Italie | Italy | Bossuet, Jacques Benigne | 1755 | A+ | unsold |
734 | Ostia | Ostia, Italy | Braun & Hogenberg | 1588 | B+ | unsold |
735 | Pisaurum vulgo Pezaro | Italy, Pesaro | Braun & Hogenberg | 1589 | B | 275.00 |
736 | Tiburtum vulgo Tivoli | Italy, Tivoli | Braun & Hogenberg | 1598 | A+ | 450.00 |
737 | Urbis Neapoliscum Praecipuis eius Aedificiis Secundum Planitiem Exacta Delineatio, Edita | Italy, Naples | Homann Heirs | 1730 | B+ | 1200.00 |
738 | Urbis Veteris Romae Delineatio Accuratissima, hac facie suit, Septimio Severo | Rome, Italy | | 1685 | B+ | unsold |
739 | Gezigt te Rome langs den Tyber op de S. Pieters Kerk, het Vatikaan, de Brug en t Kasteel van S. Angelo | Italy, Rome | Tirion, Isaac | 1761 | A+ | 90.00 |
740 | Rome & its Environs, from a Trigonometrical Survey | Italy, Rome | Gell, William [Sir] | 1834 | A | unsold |
741 | Venetia | Italy, Venice | Hondius, Henricus | 1636 | B+ | 600.00 |
742 | Gezigt op het Tolhuis en de Kerk della Salute by 't inkomen van 't Groote Kanaal te Venetie | Venice, Italy | Tirion, Isaac | 1760 | A | 375.00 |
743 | Regatta in volta del Canal Grande | Italy, Venice | | 1831 | A | 120.00 |
744 | Doganna di Mare, e Chiesa della Salute… | Venice, Italy | | 1831 | B+ | 120.00 |
745 | Beschreibung der Inseln und des Gantzen Koenigreichs Sicilie | Sicily, Italy | Munster, Sebastian | 1578 | A | 150.00 |
746 | Sicilia | Italy, Sicily | Langenes, Barent | 1598 | B+ | 200.00 |
747 | Siciliae Antiquae Descriptio | Italy, Sicily | Cluver, Philipp | 1697 | A+ | 170.00 |
748 | Insular Aliquot Aegaei Maris Antiqua Descrip. Ex Conatibus Geographicis Abrahami Ortely | Mediterranean Islands | Cluver/Jansson | 1661 | A | 150.00 |
749 | Hispania et Africae pars Occidentalis | Strait of Gibraltar, Spain & Portugal, Northwest Africa | Bocharti, Samuelis | 1712 | A+ | unsold |
750 | Melita | Malta | Munster, Sebastian | 1578 | A | 110.00 |
751 | Cyprus | Cyprus | Mercator/Jansson | 1628 | A+ | 300.00 |
752 | Corsica | Corsica | Munster, Sebastian | 1578 | A | unsold |
753 | [Lot of 2] Sardinia Insula [and] Calaris Sardiniae Caput | Sardinia | Munster, Sebastian | 1578 | A | 170.00 |
754 | Corsica [on sheet with] Sardinia | Corsica, Sardinia | Mercator/Jansson | 1628 | A+ | 110.00 |
755 | Corsicae Antiquae Descriptio / Sardiniae Antiquae Descriptio | Corsica, Sardinia | Cluver, Philipp | 1697 | A+ | 100.00 |
756 | Peregrinationis Divi Pauli Typus Corographicus… | Eastern Mediterranean | Ortelius, Abraham | 1592 | B+ | 600.00 |
757 | De Beschryving van de Reysen Pauli, en van de Andere Apostelen… | Eastern Mediterranean & Middle East | Avelen, Jan van den | 1687 | B+ | 325.00 |
758 | Aeneae Troiani Navigatio ad Virgilij Sex Priores Aeneidos | Eastern Mediterranean | Jansson, Jan | 1741 | B+ | 150.00 |
759 | Kaert Voorde Handelingen der Apostelen | Eastern Mediterranean | Bachiene, Willem Albert | 1765 | A+ | 80.00 |
760 | Descriptio terrarum in quasdispersi sunt structores turris Babel | Mediterranean and Middle East | Anon. | 1700 | B+ | unsold |
761 | Geographiae Sacrae Tabula, quae Totius Orbis Partes Continet | Mediterranean and Middle East | Bossuet, Jacques Benigne | 1755 | A+ | unsold |
762 | Turquie en Asie | Eastern Mediterranean & Middle East | Sanson, Nicolas | 1700 | A+ | 80.00 |
763 | Turcicum Imperium | Turkish Empire | Blaeu, (Family) | 1650 | B | 325.00 |
764 | Les Estats de l'Empire des Turqs en Asie | Middle East, Turkish Empire | Sanson/Mariette | 1656 | B+ | unsold |
765 | Magni Turcarum Dominatoris Imperium per Europam, Asiam, et Africam… | Middle East, Turkish Empire | Seutter/Lotter | 1750 | B+ | 325.00 |
766 | [Lot of 2] A New & Accurate Map of Turky in Asia, Arabia &c… [and] A New & Accurate Map of Turky in Europe, with the adjacent Countries of Hungary, Little Tartary &c. | Middle East, Turkish Empire | Bowen, Emanuel | 1757 | A | 325.00 |
767 | Tabula Asiae IIII | Middle East | Munster, Sebastian | 1540 | A | 240.00 |
768 | Syria, Cypern, Palestina, Mesopotamia, Babylonia… | Middle East | Munster, Sebastian | 1578 | A+ | 190.00 |
769 | De Gelegentheyt van 't Paradys ende 't Landt Canaan, Mitsgaders de Eerst Bewoonde Landen der Patriarchen… | Middle East | Visscher, Nicolas | 1650 | A | 240.00 |
770 | De Gelegentheyt van 't Paradys en 't Landt Canaan, Mitsgaders d' eerst Bewoonde Landen der Patriarchen uyt de H. Schrifture… | Middle East | Stoopendaal, Bastiaan | 1682 | A | 300.00 |
771 | Persia sive Sophorum Regnum cum Armenia, Assyria Mesopotamia et Babilonia | Middle East | Cluver, Philipp | 1697 | A | 95.00 |
772 | Paradisi Terrestris vera et Sacris Literis Conformis Exhibitio Geographica | Middle East | Scherer, Heinrich | 1710 | A | 400.00 |
773 | Nova Persiae, Armeniae, Natoliae et Arabiae | Middle East, Arabia | Wit, Frederick de | 1680 | A | 475.00 |
774 | Natoliae, Quae Olim Asia Minor, Nova Descriptio | Eastern Mediterranean - Turkey and Northern Africa | Ortelius, Abraham | 1598 | A | 1500.00 |
775 | [Lot of 2] Natolia, quae olim Asia Minor [and] Natolia | Turkey | | 1610-41 | | 300.00 |
776 | Carte Reduite de la Mer de Marmara et du Canal des Dardanelles… | Turkey | Bellin, Jacques Nicolas | 1772 | A | 475.00 |
777 | Constantinopel… | Istanbul, Turkey | Munster, Sebastian | 1550 | A | 350.00 |
778 | Byzantium nunc Constantinopolis | Turkey, Istanbul | Braun & Hogenberg | 1600 | A | 1900.00 |
779 | Gezigt van het Groot Serrail van Konstantinopolen | Turkey, Istanbul | Anon. | 1734 | A+ | 300.00 |
780 | Syriae sive Soriae Descriptio | Syria | Cluver, Philipp | 1697 | A | 80.00 |
781 | [Holy Land] | Holy Land | Munster, Sebastian | 1578 | A | 120.00 |
782 | [Holy Land] | Holy Land | Postel, Guillaume | 1591 | B | 140.00 |
783 | Tabula Geographica, in Qua Iisraelitarum, AB AEgypto ad Kenahanaeam usque profectiones omnes, et stationes deseribuntur Auctore, D.R.M. Mathes… | Holy Land | Plancius/Cloppenburg | 1625 | B+ | 800.00 |
784 | Chorographia Terrae Sanctae in Angustiorem Formam Redacta, et ex Variis Auctoribus a Multis Erroribus Expurgata | Holy Land | Tirinus, Jacobus | 1632 | A+ | 750.00 |
785 | Situs Terrae Promissionis. S.S. Bibliorum intelligentiam exacte aperiens per Chr. Adrichom | Holy Land | Hondius, Henricus | 1641 | B+ | 400.00 |
786 | Viertzig Iarige Reysen der Kinder Israel and Egypten durch das Rote-Meer und Wusten biss ins Gelobte Land Caneen | Holy Land | Visscher, Nicolas | 1693 | B+ | 375.00 |
787 | Iudaea seu Palaestina ob sacratissima Redemtoris vestigia hodie dicta Terra Sancta prout olim in Duodecim Tribus Divisa separatis ab invicem Regnis Iuda et Israel… | Holy Land | Homann, Johann Baptist | 1710 | B | 220.00 |
788 | Perigrinatie ofte Veertich-Iarige Reyse der Kinderen Israels uyt Egypten door de Roode Zee ende de Woestyne tot in't Beloofde Landt Canaan | Holy Land | Stoopendaal, Daniel | 1720 | B+ | 230.00 |
789 | Het Beloofde Landt Canaan door wandelt van onsen Salichmaecker Iesu Christo, neffens syne Apostelen | Holy Land | Stoopendaal, Daniel | 1730 | A | 200.00 |
790 | Le Dodeci Tribu d'Israele [on sheet with] Terra di Canaan ou Terra Promessa ad Abramo, e a suoi Posteri… | Holy Land | Zatta, Antonio | 1785 | B | 150.00 |
791 | LXIIII - Destruccio Iherosolime | Holy Land, Jerusalem | Schedel, Hartmann | 1493 | A | 1100.00 |
792 | Civitas Hierusalem | Holy Land, Jerusalem | Camocio, Giovanni Francesco | 1570 | B+ | 500.00 |
793 | Die Heylige Statt Jerusalem… | Holy Land, Jerusalem | Munster, Sebastian | 1580 | A | 275.00 |
794 | De Heylige en Wytvermaerde Stadt Ierusalem Eerst Genaemt Salem | Holy Land, Jerusalem | Visscher, Claes Janszoon | 1643 | A | 375.00 |
795 | Jerusalem en syn Tempel | Holy Land, Jerusalem | Hooghe, Romain de | 1687 | B+ | 375.00 |
796 | Bethlehem | Holy Land, Bethlehem | Bruyn, Cornelius de | 1702 | A | 240.00 |
797 | Ierusalem | Holy Land, Jerusalem | Stoopendaal, Bastiaan | 1730 | B+ | 275.00 |
798 | Ierusalem Niewlicks uyt de Schriften Iosephus Afgebeeld door J.H. Coccejus | Holy Land, Jerusalem | Covens & Mortier | 1732 | A | 230.00 |
799 | De Stadt Ierusalem | Holy Land, Jerusalem | Elwe, Jan Barend | 1791 | A+ | 220.00 |
800 | Tabula Asiae VI | Arabia | Munster, Sebastian | 1545 | A | 1500.00 |
801 | [Lot of 3] Tabula Asiae V [and] Persiae Regnum sive Sophorum Imperium [and] Oriens Persia, India &c. | Persia - Iran | | 1561-1742 | A | unsold |
802 | The Kingdome of Persia with the cheef Citties and Habites described | Persia - Iran | Speed, John | 1676 | A | 1200.00 |
803 | Persia sive Sophorum Regnum | Persia - Iran | Merian, Matthaus | 1730 | A | unsold |
804 | [Lot of 3] Persia [and] Persia with part of the Ottoman Empire, by G. Long [and] The Eastern Part of the Ancient Persian Empire, by G. Long | Persia - Iran | | 1831-1850 | | unsold |
805 | Mesopotamia cum Parte Babyloniae | Iraq | Bocharti, Samuelis | 1712 | A+ | 220.00 |
806 | Asiae Nova Descriptio | Asia | Ortelius, Abraham | 1601 | B | unsold |
807 | Asiae Nova Descriptio | Asia | Hondius, Jodocus | 1609 | B+ | 800.00 |
808 | Asia | Asia | Jansson, Jan | 1631 | A | unsold |
809 | Exactissima Asiae Delineatio in Praecipuas Regiones Caeterasq Partes divisa et denuo in lucem edita | Asia | Danckerts, Theodore | 1697 | B+ | unsold |
810 | Asia Corrected from the Observation Communicated to the Royal Society at London and the Royal Academy at Paris | Asia | Senex, John | 1714 | B | unsold |
811 | Recentissima Asiae Delineatio, qua Imperia, Ejus Regna et Status Unacum Novissimis Russorum | Asia | Homann, Johann Christoph | 1730 | B+ | 400.00 |
812 | L'Asie divisee en ses Principaux Etats… | Asia | Janvier/Lattre | 1771 | A+ | 130.00 |
813 | Asia | Asia | Lizars, Daniel | 1845 | B+ | unsold |
814 | Asie | Asia | Levasseur, Victor | 1850 | A | unsold |
815 | Scythia et Tartaria Asiatica | Central Asia | Cluver, Philipp | 1697 | B+ | unsold |
816 | Asiae Pars Potissima | Central Asia | Scherer, Heinrich | 1710 | A | 100.00 |
817 | Landtaffel uber Asia darinn furnemlich begriffen sein Colchis Iberia Albania und gross Armenia | Caucasus | Munster, Sebastian | 1550 | B+ | 180.00 |
818 | Tartariae sive Magni Chami Regni Typus | Northern Asia | Ortelius, Abraham | 1570-73 | A+ | 1500.00 |
819 | Tartaria | Northern Asia | Ortelius/Vrients | 1609 | A+ | unsold |
820 | Imperii Russici et Tatariae Universae tam majoris et Asiaticae quam minoris et Europae Tabula… | Northern Asia, Russian Empire | Haas/Homann Heirs | 1739 | B+ | 275.00 |
821 | Partie Orientale de l'Empire de Russie en Asie… | Asiatic Russia | Robert de Vaugondy/Santini | 1784 | A | unsold |
822 | The Russian Empire, in Europe & Asia, with the Northern Discoveries between Asia & North America | Russian Empire | Bowen, Thomas | 1785 | A | unsold |
823 | A New Map of the Russian Empire divided into its Governments, from the Latest Authorities | Russian Empire | Cary, John | 1799 | B+ | unsold |
824 | [Lot of 7 - Chinese Cities] | China | Nieuhoff, Johann | 1665 | B+ | 450.00 |
825 | Habillement de l'Empereur de la Chine & des Dames de son Palais avec quelques usages & coutumes observees en ca pais | Costumes - China | Chatelain, Henry Abraham | 1705 | A | unsold |
826 | China | China, Korea & Japan | Cluver/Jansson | 1661 | A | unsold |
827 | Imperii Sinarum Nova Descriptio | China, Korea & Japan | Cluver, Philipp | 1697 | A | 180.00 |
828 | Carte de l'Empire de la Chine, de la Tartarie Chinoise, et du Royaume de Coree: avec les Isles du Japon | China, Korea & Japan | Bonne, Rigobert | 1788 | A+ | unsold |
829 | Royaume de la Chine | China and Korea | Sanson, Nicolas | 1700 | B | 170.00 |
830 | Carte des Isles du Japon Terre de Jesso et Pays Voisins | Korea & Japan | Bellin, Jacques Nicolas | 1752 | A | 240.00 |
831 | Corea and Japan | Korea & Japan | Thomson, John | 1815 | B | 250.00 |
832 | L'Empire du Japon, Tire des Cartes des Japonnois | Japan | Chatelain, Henry Abraham | 1719 | A+ | 1200.00 |
833 | Carte de l'Empire du Japon | Japan | Bellin, Jacques Nicolas | 1752 | A+ | 190.00 |
834 | Islands of Japan | Japan | Fullarton, Archibald & Co. | 1860 | C+ | unsold |
835 | [Japanese pocket map of Tokyo] | Japan, Tokyo | | 1880 | A | 450.00 |
836 | [Scroll Map of Japan] | Japan | Anon. | 1900-12 | A+ | 65.00 |
837 | Descriptio Chorographica Indiae Orientalis, Delineationem Imperii, sive Regni Magni Mogol Exhibens | Southern Asia | Anon. | 1625 | A | 800.00 |
838 | India Vetus | Southern Asia | Cluver/Jansson | 1661 | A+ | 210.00 |
839 | Bengala | India and Bangladesh | Langenes, Barent | 1598 | B+ | 210.00 |
840 | Malabar | India | Langenes, Barent | 1598 | B+ | 210.00 |
841 | Ailhae Cidade de Goa Metropolitana da Indiae partes Orientais que esta en 15 Graos da Banda do Norte | India, Goa | Bry, Theodore de | 1628 | A | unsold |
842 | Nieuwe Kaart van Choromandel ende Malabar | India | Valentyn, Francois | 1724 | A+ | 250.00 |
843 | Plan de Madras a la Coste de Coromandel | India, Chennai | Bellin, Jacques Nicolas | 1764 | A+ | 100.00 |
844 | Shikar Map of Kulu & Lahul | India | | 1920 | B+ | 110.00 |
845 | [Taprobana] | Sri Lanka | Bordone, Benedetto | 1534 | A | 325.00 |
846 | Sumatra ein grosse Insel so von den alten Geographen Taprobana genennt worden | Sumatra | Munster/Petri | 1580 | B+ | 300.00 |
847 | Taprobanae Insulae Descriptio ex Ptol. Incolae eidem Salae | Sri Lanka | Bocharti, Samuelis | 1712 | A+ | 190.00 |
848 | Carte de l'Isle de Ceylan | Sri Lanka | Bellin, Jacques Nicolas | 1764 | A | 90.00 |
849 | Insulae Moluccae Celeberrimae sunt ob Maximam… | South East Asia | Plancius, Petrus | 1598 | C+ | 20000.00 |
850 | Indiae Orientalis, Insularumque Adiacientium Typus | South East Asia | Ortelius, Abraham | 1603 | B+ | 2400.00 |
851 | India quae Orientalis dicitur, et Insulae Adiacentes | South East Asia | Blaeu, Willem | 1635 | B+ | 1800.00 |
852 | Indiae Orientalis, nec non Insularum Adiacentium Nova Descriptio | Southeast Asia | Visscher, Nicolas | 1680 | C+ | unsold |
853 | Indiae Orientalis et Insularum Adiacentium Antiqua et Nova Descriptio | South East Asia | Cluver, Philipp | 1697 | A | 150.00 |
854 | Carte des Royaumes de Siam, de Tunquin, Pegu, Ava, Aracan, &c. | South East Asia | Bellin/Van Schley | 1773 | A+ | 180.00 |
855 | Entwurf des Birmanschen Reichs nach einer Zeichnung von Dalrymple | South East Asia | Dalrymple, Alexander | 1812 | B+ | unsold |
856 | La Presqu'Isle de l'Inde au dela du Gange, avec l'Arcihpel des Indes. Partie Orientale | Philippines, East Indies | Bonne, Rigobert | 1781 | A | 100.00 |
857 | Insulae Indiae Orientalis | East Indies - Indonesia | Mercator/Jansson | 1628 | A | 350.00 |
858 | Carta Particolare delle: 6: Isole de Molucchi… | East Indies - Indonesia | Dudley, Robert (Sir) | 1647 | A | 2200.00 |
859 | Carte de l'Ile de Java: Partie Occidentale, Partie Orientale. Dressee Tout Nouvellement sur les Memoires les Plus Exacts… | East Indies - Indonesia | Chatelain, Henry Abraham | 1719 | A+ | 1300.00 |
860 | The Island of Celebes, or Macassar with the Islands of Banda, Amboyna, and the Molucca's, Agreeable to Modern History | East Indies - Indonesia | Moll, Herman | 1730 | A | 150.00 |
861 | Ile de Baly ou Petite Java | East Indies - Indonesia | Bellin, Jacques Nicolas | 1761 | A | 150.00 |
862 | [Lot of 2] Nouvelle Carte de l'Isle de Java… [and] Carte Particuliere des Isles Moluques. Byzondere Kaart der Molukze Eylanden | East Indies - Indonesia | Bellin/Van Schley | 1773-80 | A+ | unsold |
863 | Carte Particuliere des Isles Moluques. Byzondere Kaart der Molukze Eylanden | East Indies - Indonesia | Bellin/Van Schley | 1780 | A+ | unsold |
864 | A Plan of the City and Castle of Batavia | Jakarta, Indonesia | Salmon, Thomas | 1735 | B | 150.00 |
865 | Carte des Environs de Batavia Avec la Vue de cette Ville | Jakarta, Indonesia | Bellin, Jacques Nicolas | 1750 | B+ | 130.00 |
866 | Africae Nova Descriptio | Africa | Blaeu, Willem | 1630 | B+ | 3000.00 |
867 | Africae Descriptio | Africa | Jansson, Jan | 1631 | A | 300.00 |
868 | [Aphricae Tabula secunda continet] | Northern Africa | Ptolemy/Fries | 1541 | A | unsold |
869 | Libyae Interioris Pars | Northern Africa | Ptolemy/Fries | 1541 | B+ | unsold |
870 | [Aphricae Tabula Quarta Continet Libyam & Duas Aethiopias] | Northern Africa | Ptolemy/Fries | 1541 | B+ | 375.00 |
871 | Barbaria | Northern Africa | Mercator/Jansson | 1628 | A | 120.00 |
872 | Royaume et Desert de Barca, et l'Aegypte divisee en ses Principales Parties | Northern Africa | Sanson, Nicolas | 1700 | A+ | 90.00 |
873 | [Lot of 3] Africa Proper [and] A Map of Africa Propria and Numidia. [and] Mauretania, Numidia, Gaetulia &c. | Northern Africa | Anon. | 1760 | B+ | unsold |
874 | Northern Africa | Northern Africa | Tallis, John | 1851 | B+ | unsold |
875 | Wahrhafftige Abcontrafehtung der Mechtigen und Vesten Statt Alkair | Egypt, Cairo | Munster, Sebastian | 1578 | A | unsold |
876 | [2 Sheets] Aegyptus Antiqua | Egypt | Ortelius, Abraham | 1584 | A | 1800.00 |
877 | Aegyptus Hodierna… | Egypt | Homann, Johann Baptist | 1720 | B | 275.00 |
878 | De XIde. Landkaarte Verbeeldende Egypteen de Woestyne der Schelf-Zee | Egypt, Middle East | Bachiene, Willem Albert | 1765 | A+ | 120.00 |
879 | Egypt Called in the Country Missir by Monsr. D'Anville | Egypt | Laurie & Whittle | 1765 | B | 150.00 |
880 | [Algier] | Algeria | Munster, Sebastian | 1579 | A+ | unsold |
881 | Abbildung der Statt Gigeri in Affrica… | Algeria | Merian, Matthaus | 1730 | A+ | 90.00 |
882 | [Tabula Prima Aphricae] | Northwestern Africa | Ptolemy/Fries | 1541 | A | unsold |
883 | Africa Minor [on sheet with] Mauritania | Northwestern Africa | Cluver/Jansson | 1661 | A | 65.00 |
884 | Fessae Regnum | Morocco | Mercator/Jansson | 1630 | A | 90.00 |
885 | Fezzae et Marocchi Regna Africae Celeberrima, describebat Abrah: Ortelius | Morocco | Jansson, Jan | 1645 | A | 230.00 |
886 | Isles du Cap Verd Coste et Pays des Negres | Western Africa, Cape Verde Islands | Sanson, Nicolas | 1700 | A+ | 100.00 |
887 | Abissinorum Regnu | Central Africa | Hondius/Purchas | 1625 | A+ | 130.00 |
888 | Partie de la Haute Aethiopie ou sont l'Empire des Abissins et la Nube &c. | Central Africa | Sanson, Nicolas | 1700 | A | 140.00 |
889 | Ville et Fort du Cap de Bonne Esperance | Cape Town, South Africa | Bellin, Jacques Nicolas | 1764 | A+ | 100.00 |
890 | S. Lorenzo | Madagascar | Porcacchi, Tomaso | 1590 | A+ | 180.00 |
891 | [Lot of 3] Isle de Madagascar dite de St. Laurens ou Isle Daufine [and] Ile de S. Laurens, ou Madagascar… [and] Carte de l'Isle de Madagascar et du Canal de Mozambique | Madagascar | | 1690-1764 | | 350.00 |
892 | Vues de Quelques Caps et Iles de la Cote du Nord Ouest et des Cotes du Sud-Ouest et du Sud de l'Amerique | Pacific Coast of Americas | Buache, Philip | 1801 | A | unsold |
893 | Nuove Scoperte de' Russi al Nord del Mare del Sud si nell'Asia, che nell' America | North Pacific Ocean | Zatta, Antonio | 1776 | B+ | 550.00 |
894 | [Lot of 2] A Chart of the North West Coast of America and the North East Coast of Asia, Explored in the Years 1778 & 1779 [and] Chart of Norton Sound and of Bherings Strait made by the East Cape of Asia and the West Point of America | North Pacific Ocean | Hogg, Alexander | 1786 | A | 180.00 |
895 | Carte des Cotes de l'Amerique et de l'Asie depuis la Californie jusqu a Macao | North Pacific Ocean | La Perouse, Comte Jean F. Galoup, de | 1797 | A+ | 200.00 |
896 | The Pacific Ocean including Oceanica with several Divisions, Islands, Groups &c. | Pacific Ocean | Thomas, Cowperthwait & Co. | 1850 | A | 90.00 |
897 | Australia in 1839 | Australia | SDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge | 1840 | A | 190.00 |
898 | Scorpius | Natural History | Salviani, Hippolito | 1554 | B | unsold |
899 | Das Their Rhinoceros genannt | Natural History | Munster, Sebastian | 1578 | A | 140.00 |
900 | [Lot of 5 - Animals] | Natural History | St. Hilaire/Cuvier | 1819-42 | A+ | 75.00 |
901 | White Footed Mouse. Plate XL | Natural History | Audubon, J. J. | 1854 | A+ | 60.00 |
902 | Passenger Pigeon. 1. Male 2. Female. Pl. 285 | Natural History, Birds | Audubon, J. J. | 1861 | A+ | unsold |
903 | [Lot of 3] Barred Owl Pl. XXII [and] Passenger Pigeon Pl. XXIX [and] Swan and Sea Birds Pl. LIV | Natural History | Studer, Jacob H. | 1881 | A+ | 130.00 |
904 | [Lot of 5] Scilla Bifolia [and] Melanthium Gramineum [and] Phalangium Serotinum [and] Alisma Ranunculoides [and] Allium Brachystemon | Prints Botanical | Redoute, Pierre | 1802-16 | B+ | unsold |
905 | [Lot of 9 - Flowers] | Prints Botanical | Curtis, William | 1802-1819 | A | 275.00 |
906 | [Lot of 11 - Flowers] | Prints Botanical | Maund, Benjamin | 1845-50 | A | 190.00 |
907 | [Lot of 20 - Botanicals] | Botanicals | Anon. | 1886 | B+ | unsold |
908 | Sacrifice que les Floridiens sont au Soleil, de leurs Premiers nez. [on sheet with] Ofrande que les Floridiens sont d'un Cerf au Soleil | Native Americans, Florida | | 1721 | A+ | 95.00 |
909 | [Lot of 19 - Kachinas] | Prints Native American | U.S. Gov't Printing Office | 1903 | A+ | 325.00 |
910 | [Lot of 12 - Fashion Engravings] | Fashion | | 1837-41 | A | unsold |
911 | [Lot of 2 - Dutch Musketeer and Pikeman] | Prints Military | | 1619 | A | 150.00 |
912 | [Heraldry] To the Right Honourable Elizabeth, Countess of Northumberland, in her Own Right Baroness Percy; Lucy; Poynings, Fitz-Payn, Bryan & Latimer… | Prints Heraldry | Edmondson, Joseph | 1764-84 | A | 250.00 |
913 | [Heraldry] The Right Honourable William Talbot, Earl Talbot, and Baron Talbot of Hensol | Heraldry | Edmondson, Joseph | 1764-84 | B+ | unsold |
914 | [Heraldry] The Right Honourable Norborne Berkeley, Baron Botetourt | Heraldry | Edmondson, Joseph | 1767 | A | unsold |
915 | G. Washington, General der Noord-Americaanen | Prints Politics | Chatelaine, Zacherie | 1786 | B+ | 80.00 |
916 | A. Lincoln Likeness from a recent Photograph from life | Politics | | 1862 | A | unsold |
917 | [Lot of 2 - Old Testament Engravings] | Prints Religion | | 1791 | B+ | 60.00 |
918 | Zee-Slagh Tusschen de Hr. Michiel de Ruiter en den Hr. Georg Ascue by Plymuiden op den 26 August 1652 | Military, Ships | Stoopendaal, Daniel | 1700 | A | unsold |
919 | Zee-Slagh Vanden Hr. Admiraal Michiel de Ruiter en den Hr. de la Zarda tegens de France Adm. de Hr. du Quesne, by Eylandt Sicilien ontrent der Bergh Aetna op den 22, April, 1676 | Prints Ships | Stoopendaal, Daniel | 1700 | A+ | 200.00 |
920 | Tab. V. de Architectura Marina… | Prints Ships | Hubner, Jacob | 1760 | B+ | 190.00 |
921 | Chart of the Waters between Newport Block Island & Marthas Vineyard Chosen for the Races of the Fifteenth International Challenge for the America's Cup to be Sailed between September 15th and October 31st 1934 | Prints Ships | | 1934 | A+ | 375.00 |
922 | Indigotoire | Miscellany | Mallet, Alain Manesson | 1683 | B+ | unsold |
923 | Bespiegeling voor de Geldzugtige Wereld, in't Begin op en Ondergang van den Actiehandel | Miscellany | Anon. | 1720 | A+ | 220.00 |
924 | [Lot of 2] De Inventeur der Windnegotie, op zyn Zegekar [and] De Eklips der Zuider Zon… | Miscellany - Financial Scandal of 1720 | Anon. | 1720 | A | unsold |
925 | [Lot of 2 - Dance of Death] | Miscellany | Hollar, Wenceslaus | 1816 | A | unsold |
926 | [Lot of 3 - Calligraphy] | Calligraphy | Bickham, George | 1735 | A | 90.00 |
927 | [Lot of 2] The Doubtful Shepperd [and] To Sallinda | Calligraphy, Music | Bickham, George | 1735 | B+ | 110.00 |
928 | [Katagami Mulberry Paper Stencil] | Miscellany, Japan | | 1920-30 | A | 42.50 |
929 | [Katagami Mulberry Paper Stencil] | Miscellany, Japan | | 1920-30 | A | 100.00 |
930 | [Illuminated Leaf] | Medieval Manuscripts | Anon. | 1430 | B+ | 140.00 |
931 | [Illuminated Leaf] | Medieval Manuscripts | Anon. | 1450 | B+ | 80.00 |
932 | [Illuminated Leaf] | Medieval Manuscripts | Anon. | 1470 | A | 80.00 |
933 | [Illuminated Leaf] | Medieval Manuscripts | Anon. | 1470 | A | 130.00 |
934 | [Illuminated Leaf] | Medieval Manuscripts | Anon. | 1470 | A+ | 180.00 |
935 | [Illuminated Leaf] | Medieval Manuscripts | Anon. | 1480 | A+ | 160.00 |
936 | [Illuminated Leaf] | Medieval Manuscripts | Anon. | 1480 | A+ | 160.00 |
937 | [Lot of 2 - Coptic/Arabic Lectionary Leaf] | Manuscripts | Anon. | 1620 | B | 150.00 |
938 | [Lot of 4 - Illuminated Arabic Leaves] | Manuscripts | Osman Nuri bin el Haj | 1850 | A | 220.00 |
939 | [Nuremberg Chronicle] | Incunabula | | 1493 | C+ | 300.00 |
940 | [Frontispiece - God the Father] | Incunabula | Schedel, Hartmann | 1493 | A | 475.00 |
941 | CXXV | Incunabula | Schedel, Hartmann | 1493 | A | 140.00 |
942 | CLIIII | Incunabula | Schedel, Hartmann | 1493 | A | 120.00 |
943 | [Lot of 2] XCIIII [and] XCV | Incunabula | Schedel, Hartmann | 1493 | B+ | 250.00 |
944 | CCLXII | Incunabula | Schedel, Hartmann | 1493 | A | 375.00 |
945 | [Lot of 2 - Missale Leaves] CLXXVIII [and] CXVI | Early Printing | | 1507 | A | 120.00 |
946 | [Lot of 3 - Missale Leaves] CCCIIII, CXC, CCLXXXVI | Early Printing | | 1507 | B+ | 150.00 |
947 | [Book of Hours Leaf] | Early Printing | Kerver, Thielman | 1507 | A | 60.00 |
948 | [Book of Hours Leaf] | Early Printing | Kerver, Thielman | 1507 | A | 90.00 |
949 | [Book of Hours Leaf] | Early Printing | Hardouin, Gilles | 1526 | A | unsold |
950 | [Illuminated Leaf] | Early Printing | Hardouin, Gilles | 1526 | A+ | 90.00 |
951 | [Illuminated Leaf] | Early Printing | Hardouin, Gilles | 1526 | A | 130.00 |
952 | [Breviary Leaf] | Early Printing | Anon. | 1700 | A+ | unsold |
953 | [Manuscript Music] | Music | Anon. | 1270 | B | 475.00 |
954 | [Manuscript Music] | Music | Anon. | 1350 | B+ | 650.00 |
955 | [Manuscript Music] | Music | Anon. | 1390 | B | 200.00 |
956 | Atlas, et Tables elementaires de Geographie, Ancienne et Moderne | Atlases | Brion de la Tour, Louis | 1787 | B+ | unsold |
957 | Petit Atlas Moderne ou Collection de Cartes | Atlases | Delamarche, Francois Alexander | 1793 | B+ | 1400.00 |
958 | Genealogical, Chronological, Historical, and Geographical Atlas, Exhibiting All the Royal Families in Europe, their Origin, Descendency, Marriages, &c. | Atlases | Le Sage | 1801 | C | unsold |
959 | School Atlas to Cummings' Ancient & Modern Geography. Sixth Edition | Atlases | Cummings & Hilliard | 1807 | B | unsold |
960 | A New General Atlas, Constructed from the Latest Authorities, by Arrowsmith, Hydrograher to the Prince Regent…Comprehended in Fifty Three Maps from Original Drawings | Atlases | Arrowsmith, Aaron, Jr. | 1817 | C+ | 350.00 |
961 | The Cyclopaedia; or Universal Dictionary of Arts, Science, and Literature | Atlases | Rees, Abraham | 1820 | A | unsold |
962 | A Complete Genealogical, Historical, Chronological, and Geographical Atlas… | Atlases | Lavoisne/Aspin | 1821 | A | 450.00 |
963 | New School Atlas of Modern Geography; Containing Maps of all the Principal States and Kingdoms of the World | Atlases | Russell, John C. | 1825 | B | 200.00 |
964 | [Lot of 2] An Atlas of Ancient Geography [and] Mitchell's Ancient Atlas. Containing Maps Illustrating Classical and Sacred Geography | Atlases | | 1847-1861 | | 170.00 |
965 | Colton's Atlas of the World Illustrating Physical and Political Geography, Volume I [and] II | Atlases | Colton, George Woolworth | 1855-56 | A | unsold |
966 | The Royal Illustrated Atlas, of Modern Geography. Part 1 | Atlases | Fullarton, Archibald & Co. | 1856 | B+ | 400.00 |
967 | The New Comprehensive Atlas of Modern Geography | Atlases | Hughes, William | 1863 | B+ | 500.00 |
968 | Johnson's New Illustrated Family Atlas of the World… | Atlases | Johnson, A. J. | 1866 | B+ | unsold |
969 | [Lot of 2] Mitchell's School Atlas [and] Mitchell's New School Atlas | Atlases | Mitchell, Samuel Augustus | 1867-1874 | | 200.00 |
970 | Th. Von Liechtenstern's und Henry Lange's Schul-Atlas zum Unterricht in der Erdkunde. Fur den Gebrauch der Oberen Klassen der Lehranstalten in 44 Karten | Atlases | Lange, Henry | 1869 | B | 120.00 |
971 | Mitchell's New General Atlas, containing Maps of the Various Counties of the World, Plans of Cities, Etc… | Atlases | Mitchell/Bradley | 1882 | B+ | 850.00 |
972 | Cram's Unrivaled Family Atlas of the World | Atlases | Cram, George F. & Company | 1884 | A | 275.00 |
973 | Bradley's Atlas of the World for Commercial and Library Reference | Atlases | Bradley, William M. [& Bros.] | 1888 | A | unsold |
974 | The New International Office and Family Atlas of the World | Atlases | Fort Dearborn Pub. Co. | 1898 | B+ | unsold |
975 | Cram's Ideal Reference Atlas of the World | Atlases | Cram, George F. & Company | 1908 | A | 60.00 |
976 | [Lot of 8] Atlas of American Geology [with 7 Soil Surveys] | Atlases - Geology | | 1927-47 | A | unsold |
977 | Berta and Elmer Hader's Picture Book of the States | Atlases | Harper Bros. | 1932 | A+ | 450.00 |
978 | [Lot of 5 - Early American Geographies] | Geography Books | | 1796-1830 | | 110.00 |
979 | [Lot of 4] Colton & Fitch's Modern School Geography [and] Atlas, Designed to Illustrate the Malte-Brun School Geography 1833 [and] 1837 [and] School Atlas to Cummings' Ancient and Modern Geography Improved | Geography Books | | 1830-1863 | | 400.00 |
980 | [Lot of 3] Primary Lessons in Geography; Consisting of Questions Adapted to Worcester's and Woodbridge's Atlases. [and] Analytical Geography, a System of Teaching by Single Topics. [and] Union Map Questions, Adapted to the Principal Atlases… | Geography Books | | 1832-40 | | 60.00 |
981 | A Compendium of Modern Geography… | Geography Books | | 1846 | B+ | 100.00 |
982 | [Lot of 4] Colton & Fitch's Modern School Geography [and] Physical Geography by Arnold Guyot [and] Mitchell's New Intermediate Geography. A System of Modern Geography [and] Pennsylvania Edition. Mitchell's New Intermediate Geography | Geography Books | | 1866-1890 | | 190.00 |
983 | The World Encompassed by Sir Francis Drake… (Vol. II) | Exploration and Surveys | Moll, Herman | 1745 | A | 350.00 |
984 | Histoire Generale des Voyages… Tome Septieme | Exploration and Surveys | Prevost, Anton Francois | 1747 | B+ | 200.00 |
985 | Historia de los Estados-Unidos de America | History - United States | Roux de Rochelle, M. | 1841 | A | 120.00 |
986 | The American Lawyer, and Business-Man's Form Book… | Miscellaneous Books | Beadle, D. W. | 1851 | B | 210.00 |
987 | [Lot of 2] Early Sea Charts [and] The Story of the Blue Back Chart | Reference Books | | 1937-83 | | 110.00 |
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991 | [Lot of 2] Cartografia y Cronicas de la Antigua California [and] A Navigator's Universe The <I>Libro de Cosmographia</I> of 1538 by Pedro de Medina | Reference Books | | 1972-89 | | 75.00 |
992 | Andree, Stieler Mayer & Co Handatlanten des Deutschen Sprachraums (1800-1945) nebst Vorlaufern und Abkommlingen im In- und Ausland | Reference Books | | 1994 | A+ | 60.00 |
993 | Japan, a Cartographic Vision European Printed Maps from the Early 16th to the 19th Century | Reference Books | Walter, Lutz | 1994 | A+ | unsold |
994 | [Lot of 3] Thompson's Maps of Connecticut [and] Virginia Cartography Phillips 1896 [and] Phillips' Maps and Atlases of WWI | Reference Books | | 1995 | A+ | unsold |
995 | Collecting Old Maps | Reference Books | Manasek, F.J. | 1998 | A+ | 120.00 |
996 | Cram's Unrivaled Family Atlas of the World | Atlases | Cram, George F. & Company | 1884 | A | 250.00 |