Index of Lots for Auction 115

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Lot #TitleSubjectCreatorPeriodConditionSold For
1Atlas Minor Gerardi Mercatoris a I. Hondio plurimis aeneis Tabulis auctus et illustratusTitle PagesMercator/Jansson1628A170.00
2Le Theatre du Monde, ou Nouvel Atlas, Mis en lumiere par Guillaume & Jean Blaeu. Troisieme PartieTitle PagesBlaeu, (Family)1650A+220.00
3[Lot of 2] Topographia GalliaeTitle PagesMerian, Matthaus1655B100.00
4Scheeps-Togt van Pedro da Nhaya na Oost-Indien…Title PagesAa, Pieter van der1706A+140.00
5Atlas Historique Tome IITitle PagesChatelain, Henry Abraham1720A+275.00
6Atlas Novus Sive Tabulae Geographicae Totius Orbis Faciem, Partes, Imperia, Regna et Provincias…Title PagesSeutter, Matthias1730B190.00
7[Lot of 2] Atlante Novissimo del Sig. Gugleilmo De l'Isle [and] Atlante Novissimo, Che Contiene Tutte le Parti del MondoTitle PagesAlbrizzi, Girolamo1740B95.00
8[Lot of 8 - World and Continents]World and ContinentsLe Sage1828Bunsold
9[Lot of 7] Planisphere [and] Amerique Septentrionale [and] Amerique Meridionale [and] Afrique [and] Asie [and] Europe [and] OceanieWorld & ContinentsLevasseur, Victor1850A850.00
10Orbis DescriptioWorldRuscelli, Girolamo1561A1200.00
11Typus Orbis Terrarum [and] Turcici Imperii DescriptioWorld and Turkish EmpireBotero, Giovanni1596B2100.00
12Typus Orbis TerrarumWorldMercator/Hondius1607A600.00
13Orbis Terrarum Typus de Integro in Plurimis Emendatus, Auctus, et Icunculis IllustratusWorldVisscher, Nicolas1660B1700.00
14Orbis Terrarum Tabula Recens Emendata et in Lucem EditaWorldStoopendaal, Bastiaan1682A+1700.00
15Planisphaerium Terrestre cum Utroque Coelesti Hemisphaerio, sive Diversa Orbis Terraquei…WorldZurner, Adam Friedrich1700A4000.00
16Navigationes Praecipuae Europaeorum ad Exteras NationesWorldScherer, Heinrich1700A1400.00
17Orbis Terrarum Tabula Recens Emendata et in Lucem EditaWorldStoopendaal, Daniel1702A1500.00
18Plan de l'Histoire universelle, oul'on voit les quatre Monarchies du Monde, et tous les Anciens Etats aussi bien que ceux qui subsistent aujourdhuyWorldChatelain, Henry Abraham1705A400.00
19Totius Orbis Terrarum Tabula, Ejusque Post Diluvium Divisio Inter Filios NoachiWorldMoxon, Joseph1710A400.00
20Universi Orbis Descriptio ad Usum NavigantiumWorldMagini, Giovanni Antonio1713A325.00
21Mappe-Monde ou Carte Generale de la Terre, Dressee sur les Observations de Mrs. de l'Academie Royale des Sciences…WorldFer, Nicolas de1717A750.00
22A New and Correct Map of the World Laid down according to the newest discoveries, and from the most exact observationsWorldMoll, Herman1720C1500.00
23Basis Geographiae Recentioris AstronomicaWorldDoppelmayr/Homann1720Bunsold
24Planiglobii Terrestris Cum Utroq Hemisphaerio Caelesti Generalis RepraesentatioWorldHomann, Johann Baptist1730A2400.00
25Carte Generale du Monde, ou Description du Monde Terrestre & AquatiqueWorldCovens & Mortier1730Aunsold
26Nova Totius Terrarum Orbis TabulaWorldWit, Frederick de1745Aunsold
27Planiglobium Terrestre ou Mappe-MondeWorldSepp, Jan Christian1747Bunsold
28Essay d'une Carte Reduite, Contenant les Parties Connuees du Globe TerrestreWorldBellin, Jacques Nicolas1748B750.00
29Orbis Vetus in utraque Continente juxta Mentem Sansonianam Distinctus, nec non Observationibus Astronomicis Redactus…WorldRobert de Vaugondy, Didier1752A1100.00
30Nieuwe en Nette Zeekaart van de Geheele Waareld…WorldLindemann, O.1775B+unsold
31Mappe-Monde Geo-Hydrographique, ou Description Generale du Globe Terrestre et Aquatique, en Deux Plans-HemispheresWorldBrion de la Tour/Desnos1790A475.00
32Map of the WorldWorld1811C275.00
33PlanisphereWorldLevasseur, Victor1849A+210.00
34Colton's New Illustrated Map of the World on Mercator's ProjectionWorldColton, Joseph Hutchins1852C375.00
35Geographical Distribution of Indigenous Vegetation... [on sheet with] Map of Schouws Phyto-Geographic Regions with the Distribution of Plants…WorldJohnston, Alexander K.1854A190.00
36Orbis Terrarum Tabula Recens Emendata et in Lucem Edita Per N. VisscherWorldVisscher, Nicolas1867A750.00
37Map of the World showing the Distribution of Active Volcanoes Regions of Earthquakes and of Coral Reefs & IslandsWorldGuyot, Arnold1872B80.00
39Map of the World on Mercator's Projection, Showing Seat of the War in the Spanish-American ConflictWorldMast, Crowell & Kirkpatrick1898A50.00
40[T-O Map]Ancient WorldForesti, Giacomo1506A1900.00
41Ptolemaisch General Tafel Begreissend die halbe Rugel der WeldtAncient WorldMunster, Sebastian1540B800.00
42Die Eigentliche und Warhafftige Gestalt der Erden und des Meeres. Cosmographia UniversalisAncient WorldBunting, Heinrich1582A1400.00
43Orbis Veteris Descriptio seu Ptolemaei TypusAncient WorldMagini, Giovanni Antonio1713Aunsold
44[Prophetien - Vervullingen]Ancient WorldHooghe, Romain de1720A600.00
45De Oude Wereldt tot beter verstandt der Oude Geschiendenissen in het licht gegeven en nagezien door Isaak VernburgAncient WorldWetstein, R & G.1730A140.00
46Map of the World by Castorius Generally known as Peutinger's TabulaAncient World1892A+600.00
47Polus Arcticus cum vicinis regionibusNorth PoleMercator/Hondius1608A+600.00
48Nova et Accurata Poli Arctici et Terrarum Circum Iacentium DescriptioNorth PoleJansson, Jan1684B750.00
49Nuova Carta Del Polo ArticoNorth PoleAlbrizzi/Tirion1740Aunsold
50[Lot of 2] Northern Regions [together with] Southern RegionsPolarColton, G.W. & C.B.1855B60.00
51[Monsters] Monstra marina & terrestria, quae passim in partibus aqualonis inueniunturCartographic MiscellanyMunster, Sebastian1550A1000.00
52[Volvelle]Cartographic MiscellanyApianus, Peter Bienewitz1560B275.00
53[Volvelle]Cartographic MiscellanyGalluci, Giovanni Paolo1657A100.00
54Typus Sympathicus Microcosmi Cum MegacosmoCartographic MiscellanyKircher, Athanasius1682A170.00
55Demonstrations Geometriques, des Spheres Droite, Paralelle, et ObliqueCartographic MiscellanyBrion de la Tour, Louis1766A60.00
56The Artificial SphereCartographic MiscellanyJefferys, Thomas1770A50.00
57Terrestrial Globe - Celestial GlobeCartographic MiscellanyMiddleton, Charles T.1778A80.00
58Tableau du Systeme General de la Cosmographie ModerneCartographic MiscellanyGarnier, Francis Marie Joseph1860A100.00
59[Lot of 2] Lengths of the Principal Rivers in the World [on sheet with] Heights of the Principal Mountains in the World [and] A Comparative View of the Heights of the Principal Mountains and other Elevations in the WorldCartographic Miscellany1815-50B190.00
60Asia [Puzzle]Cartographic Miscellany - Asia PuzzleAnon.1860Bunsold
61Jeu Geographique - Loterie des Deux Hemispheres [Game]Cartographic Miscellany - GameA.L. & Cie1880Bunsold
62Dissected Map of the United StatesCartographic Miscellany - United States PuzzleMcLoughlin Bros.1887A300.00
63Europe [Puzzle]Cartographic Miscellany - Europe PuzzlePhilip, George1890Cunsold
64Dissected Map of the United StatesCartographic Miscellany - United States PuzzleMcLoughlin Bros.1903B325.00
65[Puzzles] Atlas GeographiqueCartographic Miscellany - PuzzlePauly, G.1920A425.00
66Ephemerides Motuum Coelestium GeometricaeSolar SystemDoppelmayr/Homann1716A350.00
67Motus Planetarum Superiorum…Solar SystemDoppelmayr/Homann1716Aunsold
68Planisphærium Coeleste: Secundum Restitutionem Hevelianam et HallejanamCelestialSeutter, Matthias1730A1700.00
69Tabula Selenographica in qua Lunarium Macularum exacta Descriptio secundum Nomenclaturam Praestantissimorum Astronomorum tam Hevelii quam RiccioliMoonDoppelmayr/Homann1740A1500.00
70[Lot of 4] Premiere partie de l'Hemisphere Celeste Septentrional [with] Seconde Partie de l'Hemisphere Celeste Septentrional [and] Premiere Partie de l'Hemisphere Celeste Austral [and] Seconde Partie de l'Hemisphere Celeste AustralCelestialBack, Jean C.1743A500.00
71Plate XICelestialBode, Johann Elert1805A+190.00
72Plate XXVCelestialBode, Johann Elert1805A190.00
73Plate XXVICelestialBode, Johann Elert1805A230.00
74Plate XIXCelestialBode, Johann Elert1805A190.00
75[Lot of 2] Northern Circumpolar Map for each Month in the Year [and] Southern Circumpolar Map for each Month in the YearCelestialBurritt, Elijah H.1832-35B180.00
76[Lot of 6 - Muggletonian Planetary Charts]Solar SystemFrost, Isaac1846A1300.00
77Americae Sive Novi Orbis, Nova DescriptioWestern HemisphereOrtelius, Abraham1588Bunsold
78Figura della AmericaWestern HemisphereRosaccio, Guiseppe1595A750.00
79Americae sive novi orbis nova descriptioWestern HemisphereOrtelius/Marchetti1598A425.00
80America with those known parts in that unknowne worlde both people and manner of buildings Discribed and inlargedWestern HemisphereSpeed, John1626Bunsold
81Americae DescriptioWestern HemisphereJansson, Jan1631A400.00
82Novissima et Accuratissima Totius Americae DescriptioWestern HemisphereVisscher, Nicolas1658B2400.00
83Americae sive Indiae Occidentalis Tabula GeneralisWestern HemisphereCluver, Philipp1659A150.00
84AmeriqueWestern HemisphereDuval, Pierre1672A+unsold
85Novissima et Accuratissima Septentrionalis ac Meridionalis Americae…Western HemisphereWit, Frederick de1710B1400.00
86Carte du Gouvernement de l'AmeriqueWestern HemisphereChatelain, Henry Abraham1719A+210.00
87Americae Mappa generalis…Western HemisphereHomann Heirs1746Bunsold
88Nieuwe Kaart van het Westelykste Deel der Weereld, dienende tot aanwyzing van de Scheepstogten der Nederlanderen Naar Westindie…Western HemisphereTirion, Isaac1754A+180.00
89AmeriqueWestern HemisphereDesnos, Louis Charles1760A180.00
90L'Amerique divisee Par Grands EtatsWestern HemisphereJanvier, Jean1762A300.00
91An Accurate Map of America, from the latest DiscoveriesWestern HemisphereGibson, John1774A190.00
92Novus Orbis sive America Meridionalis et Septentrionalis, per sua Regna, Provincias, et Insulas iuxta Observationes et Descriptiones RecentissWestern HemisphereSeutter, Matthias1784A1800.00
93A New Map of America from the Latest AuthoritiesWestern HemisphereCary, John1806B150.00
94De l'Amerique Moderne en 1812Western HemisphereDidot, P.1812Aunsold
95AmericaWestern HemisphereCruchley, George Frederick1855Bunsold
96Mondo NuovoNorth AmericaPorcacchi, Tomaso1604A750.00
97A Map of North America With the European Settlements & whatever else is remarkable in ye West Indies, from the latest and best ObservationsNorth AmericaSeale, Richard William1745B950.00
98L'Amerique SeptentrionaleNorth AmericaLe Rouge, George Louis1748A300.00
99Amerique SeptentrionaleNorth AmericaChambon1750B150.00
100Carte de l'Amerique Septentrionale Depuis le 28 degree de Latitude jusqu'au 72North AmericaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1755A900.00
101Amerique Septentrionale dressee sur les Relations les plus modernes des Voyageurs et Navigateurs ou se remarquent les Etats Unis…North AmericaRobert de Vaugondy, Didier1783Bunsold
102Canada, Louisiane, Etats-UnisCanada & United StatesRobert de Vaugondy/Delamarche1795B210.00
103[Lot of 7 - North America]North America1830-60A300.00
104Carte des Etats-Unis d'Amerique, du Canada, du Nouveau Brunswick et d'une partie de la Nouvelle BretagneUnited States & CanadaLapie, Alexander Emile & Pierre1832Aunsold
105Carte de l'Amerique SeptentrionaleNorth AmericaBarbie du Bocage, Jean Denis1843B100.00
106Amerique SeptentrionaleNorth AmericaLevasseur, Victor1845A+240.00
107Map of the United States The British Provinces Mexico &c. Showing the Routes of the U. S. Mail Steam Packets to California, and a Plan of the Gold RegionNorth AmericaColton, Joseph Hutchins1849D210.00
108North AmericaNorth AmericaDower, John1840A210.00
109Map of North America Exhibiting the recent discoveries, Geographical & NauticalNorth AmericaWyld, James1849Aunsold
110Amerique SeptentrionaleNorth AmericaLevasseur, Victor1849A+200.00
111Limes Occidentis Quivira et AnianWestern Canada & AlaskaWytfliet, Cornelis1607Bunsold
112Carte Generale des Decouvertes de l'Amiral de Fonte representant la grande probabilite d'un Passage au Nord OuestWestern North AmericaRobert de Vaugondy, Didier1772B140.00
113Carte de la Californie et des Pays Nord-Ouest separes de l'Asie par le Detroit d'Anian, extraite de deux cartes publiees au commencement du 17e siecleWestern North AmericaRobert de Vaugondy, Didier1772A+475.00
114The North-West Coast of North America and adjacent Territories…Western North AmericaGreenhow, Robert1840A250.00
115Quebec Ville de l'Amerique Septentrionale, dans la Nouvelle France…Canada, QuebecFer, Nicolas de1696A275.00
116Description des Castors & de leur Industrie des Canots…des Sauvages du CanadaCanadaChatelain, Henry Abraham1719A+180.00
117Plan de la Ville de QuebecCanada, QuebecBellin, Jacques Nicolas1757A+170.00
118A New Map of Nova Scotia, Newfoundland &c. from the Latest AuthoritiesCanadaCary, John1807A200.00
119[Lot of 4 - Canada]Canada1855-73A80.00
120[Lot of 2] Karte von J. Palliser's Expedition zur Erforschung der Rocky Mountains Britisch-Nord-Amerika, 1858. [and] Karte der Red River Expedition in Britisch Nord-Amerika unter Gladman, Hind, Napier, Dawson, &c. 1857 und 1858.CanadaPerthes, Justus1860A250.00
121Amplissimae Regionis Mississipi Seu Provinciae Ludovicianae…Colonial United States and CanadaHomann, Johann Baptist1730A1800.00
122Dominia Anglorum in America SeptentrionaliColonial United States and CanadaHomann Heirs1740B450.00
123Partie Orientale de la Nouvelle France ou du CanadaColonial United States and CanadaHomann Heirs1755Bunsold
124A Map of the British and French Settlements in North AmericaColonial United States and CanadaLodge, John1755A750.00
125Canada et Louisiane…Colonial United States and CanadaLe Rouge, George Louis1755A1700.00
126Carte des Possessions Angloises & Francoises du Continent de l'Amerique SeptentrionaleColonial United States and CanadaPalairet, Jean1756Bunsold
127Il Paese de Selvaggi Outauacesi e Kilistinesi Intorno al Lago SuperioreColonial Great Lakes and Florida and BahamasZatta, Antonio1778A250.00
128Charte uber die XIII vereinigte Staaten von Nord-America…Eastern United StatesGussefeld/Homann Heirs1784C375.00
129Kaart van het Eiland Terre-Neuve, van Nieuw Schotland, het Eiland St. Jan en het Oostelyk gedeelte van KanadaEastern Canada & United StatesBachiene, Willem Albert1785A275.00
130Carte d'une Partie de l'Amerique Septentrionale, pour servir a l'Histoire de la derniere GuerreUnited States & CanadaLe Rouge, George Louis1787Bunsold
131Carte de la Partie Septentrionale des Etats Unis, comprenant le Canada, La Nouvelle Ecosse, New Hampshire, Massachuset's Bay, Rhode-Island, Connecticut, New-Yorck, Etat de Vermont avec partie de Pensilvanie et de New-JerseyEastern Canada & United StatesTardieu1797Bunsold
132Map of the Country from Lake Superior to the Pacific Ocean. From the latest Explorations and Surveys to accompany the Report of Edwin F. Johnson Chf. Engr. Northern Pacific R.R.Western Canada & United StatesColton, G.W. & C.B.1867A550.00
133[Lot of 8 - United States]United States1821-49A425.00
134United States North AmericaUnited StatesSwanston, George H.1852A140.00
135The United States of AmericaUnited StatesColton, Joseph Hutchins1855A250.00
136Map of the United States Exhibiting the Several Collection DistrictsUnited StatesBurr, David H.1856A150.00
137Mitchell's New National Map Exhibiting the United States with the North American British Provinces, Sandwich Islands, Mexico and Central America…United StatesMitchell, Samuel Augustus1859A3250.00
138Colton's United States of AmericaUnited StatesJohnson & Browning1859B600.00
139Map of the United States Exhibiting the Military Depts. & PostsUnited StatesU.S. Government1860200.00
140Map of the United States, and Territories. Together with Canada &c.United StatesMitchell, Samuel Augustus1860A375.00
141[Lot of 2 - United States]United States1860-64B150.00
142General Map of the United StatesUnited StatesBlack, Adam & Charles1861-62A200.00
143Map of the United States and Territories Showing the extent of Public Surveys and other details constructed from the Plats and official sources of the General Land Office…United StatesGeneral Land Office1866B250.00
144Map of the United States and Territories Showing the extent of Public Surveys and other details constructed from the Plats and official sources of the General Land Office…United StatesGeneral Land Office1867B180.00
145Plate III. Map of the United States. Constructed on the Rectangular Tangential Projection, by J. H. Waddell, Asst. Prof.of Drawing…United StatesMaury, M. F.1868Bunsold
146Die Vereinigten Staaten von Nord America nebst CanadaUnited StatesKiepert, Heinrich C.1875A50.00
147Watson's New Railroad Map, of the United StatesUnited StatesWatson, Gaylord1875B210.00
148Map of the United States Exhibiting the Grants of Lands Made by the General Government to aid in the Construction of Railroads and Wagon RoadsUnited StatesU.S. Department of Interior1878B180.00
149Northwestern Yeast Co.'s Improved Maps of the United States and Newly Acquired IslandsUnited States, Cuba & PhilippinesFort Dearborn Pub. Co.1899B130.00
150Washington [on sheet with] Louisville and Jeffersonville [and] New Orleans [and] CincinnatiUnited States City PlansBradford, Thomas Gamaliel1838B75.00
151[Lot of 4 - City Plans]United States City Plans1856-67130.00
152Carte de la Louisiane Cours du Mississipi et Pais Voisins…United States - EasternBellin, Jacques Nicolas1744B550.00
153A New & Accurate Map of Louisiana, with Part of Florida and Canada, and the Adjacent Countries Drawn from Surveys…United States - EasternBowen, Emanuel1747A+550.00
154America Septentrionalis a Domino d'Anville in Galliis edita nunc in Anglia Coloniis in Interiorem Virginiam deductis nec non Fluvii Ohio cursu…Colonial United States and CanadaHomann Heirs1756Bunsold
155Part of North America, comprehending The Course of the Ohio, New England, New York, New Jersey, Pensilvania, Maryland, Virginia, Carolina and GeorgiaUnited States - EasternKitchin, Thomas1760A425.00
156A New Map of North America from the Latest DiscoveriesColonial United States and CanadaSpilsbury, J.1761B550.00
157Carte de la Partie Nord, des Etats Unis, de l'Amerique SeptentrionaleUnited States - EasternBonne, Rigobert1782B130.00
158Carte Generale des Treize Etats Unis de l'Amerique SeptentrionaleUnited States - EasternCovens & Mortier1785A1700.00
159Carte Generale des Etats de Virginie, Maryland, Delaware, Pensilvanie, Nouveau-Jersey, New-York, Connecticut et Isle de Rhodes Ainsi que des Lacs Erie, Ontario, et Champlain…Eastern United StatesCrevecoeur, Michel Guillaume De1787Bunsold
160Part of the United States of North AmericaUnited States - EasternStockdale, John1798B325.00
161Carte Della Florida, Luigiana, e Leghi del CanadaUnited States - EasternRossi, Luigi1802B325.00
162United States of North AmericaUnited States - EasternArrowsmith, Aaron, Sr.1802A130.00
163Amer. Sep. Partie des Etats Unis. No. 51United States - EasternVandermaelen, Philippe Marie Guillaume1825A+220.00
164A Map of the United States, of AmericaUnited States - EasternTanner, Henry Schenck1827B75.00
165Map of the Country embracing the Several Routes examined with a view to a National Road from Washington to Lake OntarioUnited States - EasternU.S. War Department1829B170.00
166Nova Anglia Septentrionali Americae implantata Anglorumque coloniis florentissimaColonial New EnglandHomann, Johann Baptist1730A1900.00
167A Map of the Most Inhabited part of New England containing the Provinces of Massachusetts Bay and New Hampshire with the Colonies of Connecticut and Rhode Island Divided into Counties and Townships…Colonial New EnglandJefferys, Thomas1774B4000.00
168[Lot of 2 - Massachusetts Coast Survey]New EnglandU.S. Coast Survey1852A140.00
169[Lot of 3 New York Railroads - Canals]New England1864-64B95.00
170[Lot of 2] New Hampshire [and] VermontNew Hampshire and VermontBradford, Thomas Gamaliel1838A210.00
171[Lot of 2] Report to Ascertain and Establish the Boundary Line between Massachusetts and New HampshireMassachusetts and New Hampshire1889-1902B130.00
172Nova Virginiae TabulaColonial Chesapeake BayHondius, Henricus1647A1900.00
173VirginiaColonial Chesapeake BayJansson, Jan1648A+700.00
174Virginia Marylandia et Carolina in America Septentrionali Britannorum industria excultaeColonial Mid-AtlanticHomann, Johann Baptist1765B900.00
175Map of the Middle States of America. Comprehends New-York, New-Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware and the Territory N.W. of OhioUnited States - Mid-AtlanticRussell, John C.1794B375.00
176The Middle States and Western Territories of the United States including the Seat of the Western WarUnited States - Mid-Atlantic and CentralBrookes, Richard1812B275.00
177A Sketch of the Operations of His Majesty's Fleet and Army under the Command of Vice Admiral the Rt. Hble. Lord Viscount Howe and Genl…United States - Mid-AtlanticDes Barres, Joseph Frederick Wallet1864B220.00
178The State of Maryland from the best AuthoritiesMaryland & DelawareLewis/Carey1795B450.00
179Neueste Karte von Maryland und Delaware mit seinen Canaelen, Strassen und Entfernungen der HauptpunkteMaryland and DelawareMeyer, Joseph1851A110.00
180Les Costes aux Environs de la Riviere de Misisipi. Decouvertes par Mr. de la Salle en 1683…Colonial SouthFer, Nicolas de1701A+1300.00
181Carte de la Louisiane et Pays Voisins Pour servir a l'Histoire Generale des VoyagesColonial Central United StatesBellin, Jacques Nicolas1757A200.00
182Map of the Southern States of America, Comprehending Maryland, Virginia, Kentucky, Territory Sth. of the Ohio, North Carolina, Tennessee Governmt., South Carolina, & GeorgiaUnited States - SouthernRussell, John C.1795B550.00
183Virginia et FloridaColonial SoutheastMercator/Hondius1609A+600.00
184Carolinae Floridae nec non Insularum Bahamensium…Colonial Southeast and BahamasSeligmann, Johann Michael1755A6000.00
185Carte de la Caroline et GeorgieColonial SoutheastBellin, Jacques Nicolas1757A325.00
186La Caroline dans l'Amerique Septentrionale Suivant les Cartes AngloisesColonial SoutheastBellin, Jacques Nicolas1764A250.00
187Georgia, from the latest AuthoritiesSouthern United States, GeorgiaCarey, Mathew1800A1300.00
188Map of the Southern Parts of the United States of America by Abraham Bradley Junr. Corrected by the AuthorUnited States - SoutheastMorse, Jedidiah (Rev.)1802B450.00
189Colton's North Carolina and South CarolinaNorth & South CarolinaColton, G.W. & C.B.1887B300.00
190A Map of Long River and of some others that fall into that small part of ye Great River of Mississippi which is here laid downColonial MidwestLahontan, Louis Armand1703B1200.00
191Sketch of the Public Surveys in Wisconsin and Territory of MinnesotaWisconsin and MinnesotaU.S. State Surveys1856B50.00
192Map of Minnesota and DakotaUnited States - Central MidwestDesilver, Charles1859A200.00
193Map of Kansas, Nebraska and ColoradoUnited States - Central MidwestMitchell, Samuel Augustus1860A130.00
194Johnson's Nebraska, Dakota, Colorado, Idaho & KansasUnited States - Central MidwestJohnson & Ward1863A60.00
195Johnson's Nebraska, Dakota, Idaho, Montana and WyomingUnited States - Central and NorthwestJohnson, A. J.1865A90.00
196Map of Upper California by the U.S. Ex. Ex. And Best AuthoritiesUnited States - WesternWilkes, Charles1841A+325.00
197Western Territories of the United StatesUnited States - WesternSherman & Smith1847B200.00
198Map of Oregon and Upper California from the Surveys of John Charles Fremont and other AuthoritiesUnited States - WesternFremont/Preuss1848B1500.00
199Carte de la Nouvle. Californie Dressee…Geographiques de Mr. Duflot de Mofras et du Colonel FremontUnited States - WesternFerry, Hypolite1850B375.00
200Milk R. to the Crossing of the Columbia R…Northwestern United StatesStevens, Isaac Ingalls1860B130.00
201Californien, Oregon, Utah und Neu-MejicoWestern United StatesFlemming, Carl1855B140.00
202Sketch of the Country between South Pass & the Great Salt LakeUtah and WyomingU.S. Government1857B110.00
203Map Showing the Scene of General Hancock's Operations in the Indian Country, the Forts, Military Stations, Pacific Railroads, etc.United States - WesternHarper's Weekly1867Aunsold
204Map Showing Routes of the River and Land Parties Engaged in Exploring the Grand Canon of the ColoradoUnited States - WesternWheeler, George (Lt)1871A180.00
205Map of the Rocky Mountain Region Showing the Approximate Location and Extent of Forest Areas and Irrigation Ditches in 1885United States - WesternU.S.D.A.1885A+210.00
206Territory and Military Department of UtahUnited States - WesternU.S. War Department1892A90.00
207Union Pacific and Southern Pacific SystemsCentral and Western United StatesRand McNally & Co.1911A325.00
208Chart of the North west Coast of America, Explored by the Boussole & Astrolabe in 1786. 2d. SheetWestern Canada & United StatesLa Perouse, Comte Jean F. Galoup, de1798B130.00
209Map of the Oregon Territory by the U.S. Ex. ExUnited States - NorthwesternWilkes, Charles1841B1200.00
210Map of Oregon Showing the location of Indian TribesUnited States - NorthwesternEastman, Seth (Capt)1852B230.00
211Johnson's Washington and OregonUnited States - NorthwesternJohnson & Ward1862A+120.00
212Military Reconnaissance of the Arkansas, Rio del Norte and Rio Gila…United States - SouthwesternEmory, William Hemsley1847A230.00
213Sketch of Part of the March & Wagon Road of Lt. Colonel Cooke, from Santa Fe, New Mexico, to the Pacific Ocean, 1846-7 [with] Report of Liet. Col. P. St. George Cooke of His March from Santa Fe, New Mexico, to San Diego, Upper CaliforniaUnited States - SouthwesternU.S. War Department1847B140.00
214Map of the Country between the Frontiers of Arkansas and New Mexico embracing the section explored in 1849, 50, 51 & 52, by Capt. R.B. Marcy…United States - SouthwesternU.S. War Department1852B325.00
215Report of an Expedition Down the Zuni and Colorado RiversSouthwestern United StatesSitgreaves, Lorenzo (Capt.)1853Bunsold
216Geological Map of the Route explored by Lt. A.W. Whipple…From the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean 1853-1854United States - SouthwesternWhipple, Amiel Weekes1859A110.00
217Territories of New Mexico and UtahNew Mexico and UtahColton, Joseph Hutchins1855A+220.00
218County Map of Utah and NevadaUtah and NevadaMitchell, Samuel Augustus1865A+40.00
219Map Showing the lines of communication between Southern Colorado and Northern New MexicoColorado and New MexicoRuffner, Lt. E.H.1876A100.00
220Department of the Missouri. Sketch Showing Military Roads leading to Fort Lewis, Pagosa SpringsColorado and New MexicoRuffner, Lt. E.H.1879A100.00
221Report of the Commissioner of the General Land Office upon the Survey of the United States and Texas Boundary CommissionTexas and New MexicoGeneral Land Office1882B275.00
222Map of the United States and Texas Boundary Line and Adjacent Territory determined & surveyed in 1857-8-9-60, by J.H. Clark U.S. CommissionerTexas and New MexicoU.S. Geological Survey (USGS)1902B350.00
223Alaska Compiled from the Official Records of the General Land Office U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey … under the direction of I.P. BerthrongAlaskaGeneral Land Office1907A+160.00
224Territory of ArizonaArizonaGeneral Land Office1876B300.00
225[Lot of 2 - Arizona]Arizona1885-91A60.00
226Territory of ArizonaArizonaGeneral Land Office1907A+220.00
227Carte de la Californie Suivant I. La Carte Manuscrite de l'Amerique de Mathieu Neron Pecci Olen Dresse a Florence en 1604, II. Sanson 1656, III. De L'Isle Amerique Sept. 1700, IV. Le Pere Kino Jesuite en 1705, V. La Societe des Jesuites en 1767California and Baja MexicoRobert de Vaugondy, Didier1772A500.00
228[Lot of 3 California Oil]California1900A200.00
229Views of Denver ColoradoColorado1890A70.00
230ColoradoColoradoCram, George F. & Company1891A+90.00
231Map of the Mouth of the Connecticut River and Saybrook Harbour…ConnecticutSwift, William Henry1838B130.00
232Johnson's Georgetown and The City of Washington The Capital of the United States of AmericaDistrict of ColumbiaJohnson and Ward1863B85.00
233[Lot of 3 - Washington D. C.]District of ColumbiaPeters, Harry T.1891B210.00
234Map of a Reconnaissance of the Black Hills, July and August, 1874, with troops under the command of Lt. Col. G. A. Custer, 7th Cavalry. By Capt. Wm. Ludlow, Corps of Engineers.Dakota TerritoryU.S. War Department1874Cunsold
235Atlas of the State of DelawareDelawareBeers, D.G. & Co.1868B210.00
236Pensacola Harbor and Bar. Florida. Surveyed in 1822FloridaKearney, James (Major)1822B325.00
237The State of Florida Compiled in the Bureau of Topographical Engineers from the Best AuthoritiesFloridaU.S. War Department1846B600.00
238Map of the Country Embraced in the Preliminary Survey and Examination of the Peninsula of Florida with a View to the Construction of a Ship Canal from the St. Mary's River to the Gulf of Mexico.FloridaU.S. Corps of Engineers1879A60.00
239GeorgiaGeorgiaBradford, Thomas Gamaliel1838A100.00
240Chart of the Sandwich IslesHawaiiCook/Hogg1784A475.00
241Hawaii Government Survey - MolokaiHawaiiHawaii Territorial Surveys1897B160.00
242Hawaii Government Survey - Maui Hawaiian IslandsHawaiiHawaii Territorial Surveys1903B190.00
243State of Idaho. Compiled from the official Records of the General Land Office and other sources…IdahoGeneral Land Office1909A150.00
244Map of Illinois with parts of Indiana, Wisconsin, &c.IllinoisBurr, David H.1836A65.00
245Map of Chicago River Accompanying the Annual Report of Tho. Jefferson Cram Capt. U. S. T. E. Sep. 1839Illinois, ChicagoCram, Thomas Jefferson (Capt.)1839B650.00
246Karte von Iowa…IowaMeyer, Joseph1852Aunsold
247Carte Geographique, Statistique et Historique du KentuckyKentuckyBuchon, Jean Alexandre1825B120.00
248Grondvlakte van Nieuw Orleans, de Hoofdstad van Louisiana [on sheet with] De Uitloop van de Rivier Missisippi [and] De oostelyke Ingang van de Missisippi, met een Plan van het Fort, 't Welk het Kanaal BeheerschtLouisiana, New OrleansTirion, Isaac1763A700.00
249The World's Industrial and Cotton Centennial Exposition… Plan No. 2 Map of the City of New Orleans Showing Location of Exposition Grounds…Louisiana, New Orleans1890B900.00
250MaineMaineBradford, Thomas Gamaliel1838A+150.00
251A New and Correct Plan of the Town of BostonMassachusetts, BostonAnon.1775B300.00
252Map of the Metropolitan District of Boston Massachusetts Showing the Existing Public Reservations and Such New Open Spaces As Are Proposed by Charles Eliot, Landscape Architect…Massachusetts, Boston1893A200.00
253Road Map of Southeastern Massachusetts Cape Cod, Nantucket and Martha's Vineyard. Reduced from Mass. Geological SurveyMassachusetts1910A180.00
254La Riviere du Detroit Depuis le Lac Sainte Claire jusqu'an Lac ErieMichiganBellin, Jacques Nicolas1764A1700.00
255Colton's MinnesotaMinnesotaColton, G.W. & C.B.1867A75.00
256Map of the State of MissouriMissouriHinton, John Howard1832A220.00
257Montana TerritoryMontanaGeneral Land Office1887A500.00
258State of NevadaNevadaGeneral Land Office1879B100.00
259Map of the Territory of New Mexico, made by order of Brig. Gen. S. W. Kearney… [with] Report of Lieut. J. W. Abert, of his Examination of New Mexico, in the Years 1846-47New MexicoAbert & Peck1846-47C1200.00
260[Lot of 2 - New Mexico]New Mexico1901-07A+160.00
261[Lot of 5] An Eye Sketch of the Falls of Niagara [with three Niagara views and] View of Bethlehem - a Moravian settlementNew York, Niagara FallsStockdale, John1798A150.00
262New-York vu de l'OuestNew YorkMontule, Ed. De1821A75.00
263[Lot of 8 - Hudson River]New YorkBartlett, W. H.1837-1842Aunsold
264[Lot of 2] Views of New-York - Odd Fellows Hall [and] Custom-HouseNew York1850220.00
265Map of the State of New York Compiled by the Latest AuthoritiesNew YorkThomas, Cowperthwait & Co.1854A+75.00
266Report of the Commissioners Appointed to Ascertain the Boundary Line between the States of New-York and Connecticut, Appointed April 9, 1856New York and Connecticut1857B120.00
267Map of Suffolk Co. L. I. New York from Actual SurveysNew YorkChase, J.1858C375.00
268Map of the New York Wilderness and the AdirondacksNew YorkColton, G.W. & C.B.1873A275.00
269[Lot of 2] New York State Survey for the Year 1880 [and] 1882 James T. Gardiner, DirectorNew YorkU.S. State Surveys1880-82Bunsold
270Rand, McNally's & Co.'s Road Map and Cycling Guide to Westchester County New YorkNew YorkRand McNally & Co.1896A325.00
271Street Map of the City of Mount Vernon and the Town of Pelham. Westchester Co., N.Y.New York1904A45.00
272Bird's Eye View Map of New York and VicinityNew YorkHammond Publishing Co.1912A375.00
273A New and Accurate Map of North Carolina in North AmericaNorth CarolinaUniversal Magazine1779A700.00
274Esquisse du Muskinghum [on sheet with] Esquisse du Sioto [and] Esquisse de la Riviere du Grand CastorOhioCrevecoeur, Michel Guillaume De1787B150.00
275Map No. 2. Showing a Continuation of Details of Fort Smith and Santa Fe Route from Old Fort Holmes to Mounds near 100 1/2 Degree of LongitudeOklahomaSimpson, James H. (Lt. Col.)1849Aunsold
276Boundary of the Creek Country Surveyed Under the Direction of the Bureau of Topl Engs.OklahomaU.S. War Department1858Bunsold
277Indian TerritoryOklahomaGeneral Land Office1883B240.00
278Indian TerritoryOklahomaGeneral Land Office1887A325.00
279Indian TerritoryOklahomaU.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs1889A+400.00
280Map of the Cherokee Strip Compiled from U.S. Surveys by E.W. Wiggins, C.E.OklahomaU.S. War Department1893A+400.00
281A Diagram of OregonOregonU.S. State Surveys1861B100.00
282OregonOregonAsher & Adams1872A110.00
283[Lot of 2 - Oregon]Oregon1915A60.00
284A Map of the Province of Pensilvania Drawn from the Best AuthoritiesColonial PennsylvaniaKitchin, Thomas1756A550.00
285A Map of Philadelphia and Parts AdjacentPennsylvania, PhiladelphiaScull & Heap1753B400.00
286Map of Philadelphia Photographically Reduced from the 25 Large Sectional Drawings Contained in Smedley's Complete Atlas of PhiladelphiaPennsylvania, PhiladelphiaSmedley, Samuel L.1872B150.00
287The State of Rhode-Island; compiled from the Surveys and Observations of Caleb HarrisRhode IslandCarey, Mathew1795A180.00
288Port et Ville de Charles-Town dans la CarolineSouth CarolinaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1764A350.00
289A New Map of South Carolina with its Canals, Roads & Distances from place to place, along the Stage & Steam Boat RoutesSouth CarolinaThomas, Cowperthwait & Co.1850A75.00
290Map of Texas to Illustrate Olney's School GeographyTexasOlney, Jesse1850B210.00
291Geological Map of the Route explored by Capt. Jno. Pope…From the Red River to the Rio Grande…Texas & OklahomaPope, John1854B90.00
292Map of TexasTexasWilliams, J. David1876A325.00
293County Map of the State of Texas Showing also portions of the Adjoining States and TerritoriesTexasMitchell, Samuel Augustus1879A550.00
294Map of the Great Salt Lake and Adjacent Country in the Territory of Utah [on sheet with] The Great Salt Lake (Mormon) City and Surrounding Country (on an Enlarged Scale)UtahWeekly Dispatch1858A400.00
295Folded Bird's Eye View of Bennington, Vt. Showing All Points of Interest.Bennington Vermont1891A+210.00
296A Correct Map of VirginiaVirginiaCarey, Mathew1814B500.00
297Map of the Routes examined and surveyed for the Winchester and Potomac Railroad, State of Virginia…VirginiaGraham, James D.1831-32Aunsold
298[Lot of 5 - Civil War]VirginiaBowen & Co., John T.1862B150.00
299Proposed Route & Canal to Connect Lakes Union and Washington with Puget Sound, Surveyed under the Direction of Capt. Thomas SymonsWashingtonU.S. Corps of Engineers1891A210.00
300[Lot of 3 - Yellowstone]Wyoming - YellowstoneLudlow, William (Capt.)1875A180.00
301WyomingWyomingCram, George F. & Company1891A+50.00
302Hispania NovaUnited States & MexicoWytfliet, Cornelis1597-1615A600.00
303Audience de Guadalaiara, Nouveau MexiqueUnited States & MexicoSanson, Nicolas1660A1000.00
304A Map of Mexico or New Spain Florida now called Louisiana and Part of California &c.Mexico and Southern United StatesMoll, Herman1717A650.00
305California per P. Ferdinandum Consak S. I. et aliasUnited States & MexicoBaeger, Jacob1773A850.00
306Le Nouveau Mexique, avec la Partie Septentrionale de l'Ancien, ou de la Nouvelle EspagneUnited States & MexicoBonne, Rigobert1783A210.00
307California, Mexico, Guatimala &c.United States & MexicoDower, John1844A550.00
308Map Showing the Line of March of the Centre Division, Army of Mexico, under the Command of Brigr. Genl. John E. Wool, from San Antonio de Bexar, Texas, to Saltillo, MexicoTexas & MexicoU.S. War Dept.1846Bunsold
309Mexico, California & TexasUnited States & MexicoBlack, Adam & Charles1851A+130.00
310Mexico, California and TexasUnited States & MexicoTallis, John1851A+375.00
311Map of the United States and Their Territories Between the Mississippi and the Pacific Ocean and Part of Mexico Compiled from Surveys…United States & MexicoEmory, William Hemsley1857-8A450.00
312Mexico, Regia et Celebris Hispaniae Novae Civitas [on sheet with] Cusco, Regni Peruin Novo Orbe CaputMexico and PeruBraun & Hogenberg1572B650.00
313Descripcion del Destricto de la Audiencia de la Nueva GaliciaMexicoHerrera y Tordesillas, Antonio de1723Aunsold
314Hispania NovaMexicoHondius/Purchas1625A+325.00
315Hispaniae Novae Nova DescriptioMexicoMercator/Jansson1634A+110.00
316Nova Hispania, et Nova GaliciaMexicoJansson, Jan1647A375.00
317Description, Situation & Vue de la Ville de Mexique des duex Lacs sur Lesquels ellle est Batie, du Grand Temple de cette Ville des Sacrifices d'Hommes…MexicoChatelain, Henry Abraham1719B150.00
318…the road the ancient Mexicans travell'd when they came from the Mountains to inhabit the Lake…MexicoAnon.1723B210.00
319[Lot of 6 - Mexico]Mexico1750-1850A200.00
320The Coast of Mexico from Laguna de Esmotes to Punta BravaMexicoJefferys, Thomas1794B500.00
321Nova Hispania Nova Galicia GuatimalaMexico and Central AmericaMontanus, Arnoldus1671B230.00
322Kaart van de Landengte van PanamaCentral AmericaTirion, Isaac1769A+160.00
323Partie Meridionale, de l'Ancien Mexique ou de la Nouvle. EspagneCentral AmericaBonne, Rigobert1783A130.00
324Spanish North America Southern PartCentral AmericaThomson, John1815A90.00
325Insulae Americanae in Oceano Septentrionali cum Terris adiacentibusCaribbeanBlaeu, Willem1645A1800.00
326An Accurate Map of the West Indies…Gulf of Mexico and CaribbeanAnon.1740D95.00
327An Accurate Map of the West Indies, with the Adjacent CoastGulf of Mexico and CaribbeanGibson, John1762A190.00
328Guayane, Terre Ferme, Isles Antilles, et Nlle. EspagneGulf of Mexico, Caribbean & Northern South AmericaBrion de la Tour/Desnos1766B120.00
329Les Isles Antilles, et le Golfe du MexiqueGulf of Mexico and CaribbeanBonne, Rigobert1783A+130.00
330West India Islands - Porto Rico and Virgin Isles [on sheet with] Haiti, Hispaniola or St. DomingoGreater AntillesThomson, John1815B130.00
331[Lot of 2 - West India Islands]Lesser AntillesThomson, John1815B110.00
332[Lot of 15 - Islands of the Caribbean]Caribbean1834-75A200.00
333The British Islands in the West IndiesCaribbeanSDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge1835A150.00
334West India IslandsCaribbeanTallis, John1850A100.00
335Carte des Isles LucayesBahamasBellin, Jacques Nicolas1764A750.00
336l'Isola Cuba e piu settentrional della Spagnola…CubaForlani, Paolo de1590A2750.00
337[lot of 3 Spanish-American War]CubaU.S. Navy Dept.1898A+60.00
338Dominica from an Actual Survey Compleated in the Year 1773DominicaJefferys, Thomas1775B275.00
339Grenada Divided into Its Parishes, Surveyed By Order of His Excellency Governor ScottGrenadaJefferys, Thomas1775Aunsold
340Plan des Havres de Port Antonio et de Saint FrancoisJamaicaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1764A+100.00
341JamaicaJamaicaThomson, John1815B90.00
342A Map of the Island of St. DomingoHispaniolaStockdale, John1806B140.00
343Carte de l'Isle de NievesSt. Kitts-NevisBellin, Jacques Nicolas1764A300.00
344L'Amerique Meridionale Dressee sur les Observations…South AmericaDelisle/Schenk1708A275.00
345Chili, Paraguay, Bresil, Amazones, et PerouSouth AmericaBrion de la Tour/Desnos1786A200.00
346Amerique MeridionaleSouth AmericaDelamarche, Charles Francois1824Aunsold
347[Lot of 3 - South America]South AmericaTallis, John1851Aunsold
348Amerique MeridionaleSouth AmericaLevasseur, Victor1869A100.00
349Castilia Aurifera Cum Vicinis ProvinciisSouth America - NorthernWytfliet, Cornelis1597B300.00
350Venezuela, cum parte Australi Novae AndalusiaeSouth America - NorthernHondius, Henricus1635B400.00
351La Guaiane ou France EquinoctialeGuyana, Suriname, French GuianaDuval, Pierre1661A100.00
352Franciscus Draco Carthagenam Civitatem ExpugnatColombia, CartagenaBry, Theodore de1599B170.00
353Accuratissima Brasiliae TabulaBrazilHondius, Henricus1640B600.00
354Mauritiopolis Reciffa, et Circumiacentia CastraBrazilBarlaeus, Caspar1647B2500.00
355Plan de la Baye et du Port de Rio-Janeiro…BrazilApres de Mannevillette, Jean B. N. D.1775A900.00
356[Lot of 2] Peru & Bolivia [and] Chili and La PlataSouth America - CentralTallis, John1850B80.00
357Peru, Chili and La PlataSouth America - SouthernThomson, John1816A75.00
358Chili Provincia AmplissimaChileWytfliet, Cornelis1598A325.00
359Tabula Magellanica, qua Tierrae del Fuego, cum Celeberrimis Fretis a F. Magellano et I. Le Maire…South America - SouthernBlaeu, (Family)1650A750.00
360Typus Geographicus Chili Paraguay Freti Magellanici &cSouth America - SouthernHomann Heirs1733B300.00
361Carte Reduite du Detroit de Magellan Dressee sur les Journaux des NavigateursSouth America - SouthernBellin, Jacques Nicolas1764A+200.00
362Paskaert waer in de Graden der Breedde over Weden Zyden vande Middellyn Wassende…Atlantic OceanKeulen, Johannes van1670B700.00
363Carte de l'Ocean Occidental et Partie de l'Amerique Septentrionale…Atlantic OceanBellin, Jacques Nicolas1744B200.00
364Carte Reduite d'une partie de l'Ocean Atlantique ou OccidentalAtlantic OceanDepot de la Marine1775A230.00
365Islanda [Irlanda on verso]Iceland and IrelandBordone, Benedetto1528-65B1600.00
366Tabula Islandiae Auctore Georgio Carolo FlandroIcelandHondius/Blaeu1645C425.00
367Fol E - Fig. XIIIEastern HemisphereScherer, Heinrich1710A+120.00
368Nieuwe Kaart van het Oostelykste Deel der Weereld, diendende tot aanwyzing van de Scheepstogten der Nederlanderen Naar Oostindie…Eastern HemisphereTirion, Isaac1753A220.00
369Romani Imperii qua Occidens est Descriptio GeographicaRoman EmpireSanson, Guillaume1684A100.00
370Europa recens descriptaEuropeBlaeu, Willem1635A6000.00
371EuropeEuropeHeylin, Peter1703A180.00
372Het Ryk van Carel den GrotenEuropeWetstein, R & G.1730A170.00
373L'Europe Dressee pour l'etude de la Geographie…EuropeBrion de la Tour/Desnos1790A100.00
374[Lot of 4] France [and] Spain and Portugal [and] Switzerland [and] AustriaEurope1856Aunsold
375EuropeEuropeLevasseur, Victor1869A+100.00
376The Kingdome of Great Britaine and IrelandBritainSpeed, John1610B2000.00
377Isles Britaniques ou sont les Royaumes d'Angleterre d'Escosse d'IrlandeBritainPeeters, Jacques1692A110.00
378Les Isles Britanniques ou sont le Rme. d'Angleterre…BritainDelisle, Guillaume1730B325.00
379Les Isles BritanniquesBritainBrion de la Tour/Desnos1786A+100.00
380Northumbr. Cumberladia Dunelm. Episcop.England & ScotlandMercator1623A110.00
381Comitatus Nottinghamiensis; sive Nottingham ShireEnglandJansson, Jan1650A250.00
382Episcopatus Dunelmensis Vulgo the Bishoprike of DurhamEnglandJansson, Jan1659A220.00
383Buckingham Both Shyre, and Shire: towne describ.EnglandSpeed, John1666B600.00
384The West Riding of YorkshireEnglandMorden, Robert1722C60.00
385Burlington Bay, Scarbrough & HartlepooleEnglandCollins, Capt. Greenvile1760A120.00
386Delineatio ac finitima Regio Magnae Brittaniae, Metropoleos Londini…EnglandLotter, Tobias Conrad1760A700.00
387Londres Ville Capitalle del 'AngleterreEngland, LondonLa Feuille, Daniel de1710A240.00
388Regionis quae est circa Londinum … Ausfuhrliche Geographische Vorstellung der Gegend um London…England, LondonHomann Heirs1741B300.00
389Plan of Billingsgate Ward and Bridgeward Within. Divided into Parishes from a New Survey [and] Plan of Faringdon Ward, Without, Divided into Parishes from a New SurveyEngland, London1784A90.00
390AngliaEngland & WalesMercator/Jansson1634A170.00
391Magnae Britanniae Pars Meridionalis, in qua Regnum Angliae Tam In Septem Antiqua Anglo-Saxonum Regna…England & WalesHomann, Johann Baptist1730A475.00
392L'Angleterre divisee en 5 grandes Parties subdivisees en 52 Comtes; et partagee en 2 Provinces Ecclesiastiques…England & WalesBrion de la Tour/Desnos1786A+unsold
393Insulae Quaedam Minores ex Aebudis quae Mulam et Skiam insulas interjacentScotlandBlaeu, Johannes1654C120.00
394Magnae Britanniae Pars Septentrionalis qua Regnum Scotiae in Suas Partes et subjacentes Insulas divisum…ScotlandHomann, Johann Baptist1720B425.00
395L'Ecosse, Dressee comformement aux Observations Astronomiques et aux ItinerairesScotlandBrion de la Tour/Desnos1786A+unsold
396Map of Scotland, From Original Materials Obtained by the Parliamentary Commissioners For Highland Roads and BridgesScotlandArrowsmith, Aaron, Sr.1813A230.00
398Hiberniae Ireland Anglis. Yverdon Britannis Erin incolis, IernaIrelandHole, William1637A450.00
399L'Irlande divisee par Provinces Civiles et EcclesiastiquesIrelandBrion de la Tour/Desnos1786A210.00
400Anglesey [on sheet with] Wight ol: Vectis [and] Garnesay [and] IarsayChannel IslandsMercator/Jansson1634A100.00
401Carte de la Manche faite par ordre du Roy pour le Service de Les Armees de Mer Reveue et Corrigee Par le Sr. SansonEnglish ChannelSanson/Jaillot1705A350.00
402Hydrographia Canalis Marini Inter Angliam et Galiiam de FluentisEnglish ChannelScherer, Heinrich1710Aunsold
404Tabula Prussiae Eximia Cura Conscripta Per Casparum Henneberch Erlichensem et denuo edita per Nicolaum Iohannidem PiscatoremBalticVisscher, Nicolas1630A500.00
405Delineatio Regiae Urbis Rigae et Obsi…Baltic, LatviaPufendorf, Samuel, Baron von1697B350.00
406Ducatuum Livoniae et Curlandiae cum vicinis Insulis Nova Exhibitio GeographicaBalticHomann, Johann Baptist1716A200.00
407Regni Sueciae in Omnes suas Subjacentes Provincias Accurate Divisi Tabula Generalis…Scandinavia and BalticHomann, Johann Baptist1730A400.00
408Dania Svecia et NorvegiaScandinaviaCluver/Jansson1661B80.00
409Carte la plus Nouvelle de la Scandinivie ou les Couronnes du Nord Scavoir la Suede le Dannemarc et la Norvege ou lon Trouve la Mer Baltique, et une Grande Partie de la Moscovie etc.ScandinaviaOttens, Reiner and Joshua1730Bunsold
410Daniae Regni TypusDenmarkOrtelius, Abraham1579B450.00
411Iutia SeptentrionalisDenmarkMercator/Hondius1615B180.00
412Le Royaume de Danemark Divise en ses ProvincesDenmarkJaillot, Alexis-Hubert1695B300.00
413[Lot of 3] Delineatio Geometrica Urbis Haffniae Daniae Regum… [with] Accurata Delineatio Geometrica in Iuthia…Friderici Oddae… [and] Situs Ahlborger fiordt…DenmarkPufendorf, Samuel, Baron von1697A180.00
414[Lot of 2] Ichnographia Rutcopiae Langelandiae Oppidi post occupatam Insulam…1659 [and] Delineatio Oppidi Koeg [on sheet with] Delineatio Geometrica Oppidi KoegDenmarkPufendorf, Samuel, Baron von1697Bunsold
415Insulae Danicae in Mari Balthico Sitae, utpote Zeelandia, Fionia, Langelandia, Lalandia, Falstria, Fembria Mona…DenmarkHomann, Johann Baptist1713B150.00
416Regni Daniae in quo sunt Ducatus Holsatia et Slesvicum Insulae Danicae Provinciae Iutia Scania Blekingia Nova TabulaDenmarkHomann, Johann Baptist1716B150.00
417Gothebourg Ville Forte port de Mer sur l'Ocean de la Province de Westro-Gotland au nord de destroit appelle le SondSwedenFer, Nicolas de1696A120.00
418[Amsterdam]NetherlandsMunster, Sebastian1560A150.00
419DordrechtNetherlandsBraun & Hogenberg1580A250.00
420Comitatus HollandiaNetherlandsMercator1640A160.00
421Comitatus HollandiaeNetherlandsPeeters, Jacques1692A100.00
422Amsterdam Ville Capitale du Comte de HollandeNetherlandsFer, Nicolas de1693A110.00
423Belgii Pars Septentrionalis communi nomine Vulgo Hollandia nuncupata Continens Statem Potentissimae Batavorum Reipublicae…Netherlands, New England and South East AsiaHomann, Johann Baptist1705B450.00
424Pars I. Frisiae Liberae quae Westfresia…NetherlandsAlting, Mensone1725Bunsold
425Battle of MaestrichtNetherlandsTindal, Nicholas1730B80.00
426Naauwkeurige Kaart van het Oude Nederland en eenige aangrenzende GewestenNetherlandsTirion, Isaac1760A+100.00
427Plan de RotterdamNetherlandsHarrewijn1786A+130.00
428HollandNetherlandsThomson, John1814B100.00
429Anverpia, nobile in Brabantia oppidum, parrim maritimum…BelgiumBraun & Hogenberg1572A850.00
430Tiena, Brabantiae…BelgiumBraun & Hogenberg1600Bunsold
431Limburgensis DucatusBelgiumOrtelius/Coignet1609B60.00
432Namurcum Comitatus Auctore Iohann SurhonioBelgiumJansson, Jan1650Bunsold
433[Lot of 5 - Fortification Plans]BelgiumPriorato, Galaezzo Gualdo1673B+unsold
434Mons, Ville Capitale du Hainaut, aux Francois…BelgiumFer, Nicolas de1690A60.00
435Bruselles, Ville Considerable des Pais Bas Capitale du Duche de Brabant…BelgiumFer, Nicolas de1705A+140.00
436Namur Capitale du Comte de mesme nom aux Francois place tres forte…BelgiumFer, Nicolas de1705A85.00
437Comitatus Flandriae in omnes ejusdem subjacentes DitioesBelgiumHomann, Johann Baptist1716Aunsold
438Newport a Strong Sea-Port Town in Flanders, restored to the Empire by ye Treaty of UtrechtBelgiumTindal, Nicholas1730A100.00
439Plan of the City of Dendermonde, and the manner in which it was blocked by the troops of the AlliesBelgiumTindal, Nicholas1730Aunsold
440AnversaBelgiumPriorato, Galaezzo Gualdo1734B100.00
441Carte de la Belgique, avec les Routes & Distances des PostesBelgium and FranceMaaskamp, Evert1815A60.00
442Afbeeldinghe vande vermaerde zeehaven ende stadt van Duynkercken met der omliggende plaetsen Sanden ende droochten…FranceHondius, Henricus1631A220.00
443Environs, de Dunquerke, de, Furnes, et de NieuportFrance and BelgiumFer, Nicolas de1705A100.00
444Circulus Burgundicus prout ille pro nunc continet partes Ducatus Brabantiae, Luxemburgensis, Limburgensis et GeldriaeBelgium and LuxembourgHomann Heirs1747A130.00
445Lutzenburg DucatusLuxembourgMercator/Jansson1650A+200.00
446LutzenburgLuxembourgGuicciardini, Lodovico1660B120.00
448SchletstattFranceMunster, Sebastian1575B80.00
451Burgundia ComitatusFranceOrtelius/Coignet1609B40.00
453LilleBelgium - LilleGuicciardini, Lodovico1612A+75.00
454Burgundia DucatusFranceMercator/Jansson1634A80.00
455Lotharingia MeridionalisFranceMercator/Jansson1634A60.00
456Artesia Comitatus - ArtoisFranceJansson, Jan1642Bunsold
457La Souverainete de DombesFranceBlaeu, (Family)1645Bunsold
458Descriptio Veromanduorum… Vermandois [on sheet with] Gouvernement de la Cappelle…FranceBlaeu, Johannes1645B180.00
459Meziers, ville forte, situee, sur la Meuse, dans la Province de ChampagneFranceFer, Nicolas de1705A50.00
460[Lot of 2] La Forteresse de Mont Melian [and] Veue de Mont Melian du Coste de la PerouseFranceFer, Nicolas de1705A100.00
461Sedan, Ville forte de Champagne…FranceFer, Nicolas de1705A50.00
462Carte de Provence Avec Ses Confins et ses ForteresesFranceLa Feuille, Daniel de1710B130.00
463Lotharingiae Tabula Generalis in qua Ducatus Lotharingiae et Barri nec non Metensis, Tullensis et Verdunensis Episcopatus…FranceHomann, Johann Baptist1716Bunsold
464Plan of the City and Citadel of LisleFranceTindal, Nicholas1730A75.00
465Plan of the City of Aire and of Fort St. Francis with a View of St. VenantFranceTindal, Nicholas1730A80.00
466Carte Qui Comprend toutes les Lieux de la FranceFranceCassini de Thury, Cesar Francois1760B500.00
467Gouvernement de Bretagne, Pays d' Etats dont les Villes…France1771Bunsold
468La France Divisee en 83 Departements avec Leurs Chef - Lieux…FranceBrion de la Tour/Desnos1790A+65.00
469[Lot of 8 - France]FranceLevasseur, Victor1850A75.00
470Le Plan de Paris, ses Faubourgs et ses Environs…France, ParisSeutter/Lotter1740A1100.00
471Gallia [on sheet with] GermaniaEurope - CentralScherer, Heinrich1710Aunsold
472GermaniaEurope - CentralOrtelius, Abraham1584B325.00
473Vindeliciae et Norici Conterminarumque terrarum antiqua descriptioEurope - CentralCluver/Jansson1661A+60.00
474GermaniaEurope - CentralCluver/Jansson1661A+100.00
475Hydrographia Germaniae qua Geographiae Naturales…Europe - CentralHomann, Johann Baptist1716A300.00
476Neu-vermehrte post-Charte durch gantz TeutschlandEurope - CentralHomann, Johann Baptist1716A200.00
477Germania Austriaca Complectens Sri Circulum Austriacum Ut Et Reliquas In GermaniaEurope - CentralHomann, Johann Baptist1716A210.00
478The Kingdom of Bohemia with the Duchy of Silesia and the Marquisates of Moravia and LusatiaEurope - CentralJefferys, Thomas1794A120.00
479Carte de l'Allemagne comprenant l'Empire d'Autriche, le Rayaume de Prusse, la Confederation Germanique et la PologneEurope - CentralDelamarche, Charles Francois1846A45.00
480[Lot of 2] Die Statt Solothurn [and] Von dem WiselapurgerowSwitzerlandMunster, Sebastian1578B100.00
481Lacus LemanusSwitzerlandMercator/Hondius1620A170.00
482Das WiflispurgergouSwitzerlandMercator/Jansson1634A65.00
483La Suisse divisee en ses Treize Cantons et ses AlliesSwitzerlandBonne/Lattre1771A+110.00
484Die Statt Basel…Basel, SwitzerlandMunster, Sebastian1570A200.00
485Basle Ville Capitale du Canton du meme nom Situee sur le Rhein…Switzerland - BasleFer, Nicolas de1705A+230.00
486CCXXVI - Monacum [Munich]Germany, MunichSchedel, Hartmann1493Cunsold
488Fribergum MisinaeGermanyBraun & Hogenberg1575A350.00
489Mansfeldiae Comitatus Descriptio, auctore Tilemanno Stella Sig.GermanyOrtelius, Abraham1579A150.00
490Hassiae Descriptio, Ioanne Dryandro Auctore [on sheet with] Holsatiae Descrip.GermanyOrtelius, Abraham1579A150.00
492Brandeburgens MarchaGermanyOrtelius/Coignet1609B40.00
493Westphaliae Tabula tertiaGermanyMercator/Jansson1634A80.00
494Emden et OldenborchGermanyMercator/Jansson1634A60.00
495Palatinatus BavariaeGermanyMercator/Jansson1634A60.00
496Comitatus Bentheim, et Steinfurt Auctore Ioanne WestenbergGermanyBlaeu, Willem1644B150.00
497Iuliacensis et Montensis Ducatus. De Hertoghdomen Gulick en BergheGermanyBlaeu, Willem1644A150.00
498Monasteriensis EpiscopatusGermanyBlaeu, Willem1644A150.00
499Meklenburg Ducatus. Auctore Ioanne LaurenbergioGermanyHondius/Blaeu1644A150.00
500Oldenburg ComitatusGermanyBlaeu, Willem1644A150.00
501Sueviae Nova TabulaGermanyHondius/Blaeu1650B250.00
502Nova & Accuratissima Ducatus Holsatiae TabulaGermanyDanckwerth, Casper1652B250.00
503Sweviae CirculusGermanyCluver/Jansson1661A75.00
504Les Environs de Treves, et de ConsarbruchGermanyFer, Nicolas de1692A60.00
505Le Cercle de la Haute Saxe, ou sont compris Le Duche et Electorat de Saxe…GermanySanson/Jaillot1692A250.00
506Delineati Arcis Brenerfoerda…GermanyPufendorf, Samuel, Baron von1697B120.00
507Ichnographia Oppidi Itzehoae in Stormaria ad fluvium Storam…GermanyPufendorf, Samuel, Baron von1697A+75.00
508Hambourg Ville Imperiale d'Allemagne tres fameux port de MerGermanyFer, Nicolas de1705A110.00
509Saar-Louis Est une Ville forte…GermanyFer, Nicolas de1705A50.00
510Wismar Ville Anseatique d'Allemange, du Duche de Meklenburg…GermanyFer, Nicolas de1705A+50.00
511Bonne ou Bonn, Ville Situee sur et deca le Rhein…GermanyFer, Nicolas de1705A60.00
512Ducatus Meklenburgici Tabula Generalis continens Duc. Vandaliae et Meklenburg…GermanyHomann, Johann Baptist1716A+180.00
513Ducatus Slesvicensis in omnes ejusdem Generales et Particulares Praefecturas exacte divisi Nova tabulaGermanyHomann, Johann Baptist1716Aunsold
514Abbildung der Keysrl. Freyen- Reichs- Wahl- und- Handelstatt Franckfurt am Mayn mit Ihrem Gebiet…GermanyHomann, Johann Baptist1716A450.00
515Nova et Accurata Territorii Ulmensis cum Dominio Wainensi DescriptioGermanyHomann, Johann Baptist1716A+180.00
516Eveche de WormsGermany1759A+unsold
517La MisnieGermany1759Aunsold
518Principaute d' AnhaltGermany1759Aunsold
519Principaute de Gotha Cobourg AltenburgGermany1759Aunsold
520An Accurate Map of all His Majesty's Dominions in Germany, with the Adjacent CountriesGermanyAnon.1761Bunsold
521Charte das Erzstift u. Chur-Furstenthum TrierGermanyGussefeld/Homann Heirs1789Bunsold
522Frankfurt (Am Mayn)GermanyMeyer1845A+110.00
523[Lot of 3] Germany No.1 [and] Germany No. 2 [and] Germany No. 3GermanyColton, Joseph Hutchins1856Aunsold
524Salisburgensis Iurisdictio…AustriaOrtelius, Abraham1579A350.00
525Salisburgensis ArchiepiscopatusAustriaOrtelius/Coignet1609A60.00
526Austria Archiducatus auctore Wolfgango LazioAustriaHondius/Blaeu1635A250.00
527Vienne en AustricheAustriaJollain, Claude1685A450.00
528Archiducatus Austriae Inferioris…AustriaHomann, Johann Baptist1716A160.00
529Sanctonicolaum Vulgo S. Nicholas Oppidum in Superiore Hungariae...HungaryBraun & Hogenberg1575Bunsold
530GiulaHungary, GyulaBodenehr, Gabriel1720B+unsold
531La Hongrie avec les Provinces adjacentes…HungaryBrion de la Tour/Desnos1786A100.00
532Regni Bohemiae DescriptioCzech RepublicOrtelius, Abraham1579A550.00
533Plan generale de la Ville de Prague, fait par le fameux Ingemeur F. de P. dans le Royaume de Boheme…Czech RepublicBaeck, Elias1744A220.00
534Von dem Kunigreich PolandtEurope - EasternMunster, Sebastian1579A90.00
535Veteris et Novae Regni Poloniae Magniq Ducatus Lithuaniae cum suis Palatinatibus ac Confinus DescriptioEurope - EasternCluver, Philipp1729A120.00
536Estats de la Couronne de Pologne, Presente a Monseigneur le Duc de BourgogneEurope - EasternJaillot, Alexis-Hubert1730A425.00
537Regni Poloniae Magnique Ducatus Lithuaniae, Nova et exacta tabulaEurope - NortheasternHomann, Johann Baptist1716A400.00
538Prussiae Nova TabulaPolandCluver, Philipp1729A250.00
539Etats de Pologne et de Lithuanie, Divises par Palatinats et Provinces Ecclesiastiques avec le Roiaumede Prusse et le Duche de CurlandeNortheastern EuropeBrion de la Tour/Desnos1790A130.00
540Poloniae et SilesiaePolandMercator/Jansson1634A150.00
541[Lot of 2] Praetium ad Oppidum Philippova… [and] Oppidum Neumarck… [on sheet with] Oppidum et Arx Gollup…...PolandPufendorf, Samuel, Baron von1697110.00
542Delineatio Geometrica Civitatis Elbingensis in Borussia Regali a Sereniss Suecorum Rege Gustuvo Adolpho Magno…PolandPufendorf, Samuel, Baron von1697A+75.00
543Superioris et Inferioris Ducatus Silesiae…PolandHomann, Johann Baptist1716A160.00
544Nieuwe Kaart van 't Koninkryk Poolen verdeelt in zyn byzondere Waywoodschappen…PolandTirion, Isaac1733A130.00
545Platte Grond van de Stadt DantzikPolandTirion, Isaac1734A+160.00
546Russiae, Vulgo Moscovia, Pars Australis Auctore Isaaco MassaRussiaBlaeu, (Family)1644B275.00
547Tabula Russiae ... M.DC.XIIIIRussiaBlaeu, Willem1644B900.00
548Nova et Accurata Wolgae Fluminis, olim RHA dicti Delineatio Auctore Adamo OlearioRussiaJansson, Jan1659B200.00
549Russia cum ConfinijsRussiaCluver/Jansson1661A+100.00
550[Lot of 2] La Moscovie Septentrionale [and] La Moscovie MeridionaleRussiaAa, Pieter van der1729Bunsold
551Carte Nouvelle de Moscovie Represente la partie Septentrionale…RussiaOttens, Reiner and Joshua1730A170.00
552Partie Meridionale de Moscovie Dressee par G. de L'Isle…RussiaOttens, Reiner and Joshua1730A150.00
553Nieuwe Kaart van Muskovie of Rusland…RussiaTirion, Isaac1734Aunsold
554Ingermanlandiae seu Ingriae novissima Tabula luci traditaRussiaHomann Heirs1734C230.00
555Partie Occidentale de l'Empire de Russie, ou se trouve distinguee la Russie EuropeenneRussiaRobert de Vaugondy, Didier1750Bunsold
556Partie Meridionale de la Russie Europeenne ou sont distinguees exactement toutes les Provinces, d'apres le detail de l'Atlas RussienRussiaRobert de Vaugondy, Didier1752B150.00
557Partie Septentrionale de la Russie Europeenne ou sont Distingues Exactement toutes les Provinces d'apres le Detail de l'Atlas RussienRussiaRobert de Vaugondy, Didier1753Aunsold
558Carte du Detroit de Waeigats ou de Nassau Suivant les Navigateurs Hollandois…Russia, Novaya ZemlyaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1758Aunsold
559Tabula Geographica Generalis Gubernii Archangelopolitani In suas Provincias divisiRussiaSchmidt, Jacob F.1773B220.00
560[Lot of 3] L'Empire de Russie, en Europe at en AsiaRussiaBonne, Rigobert1787A65.00
561St. PetersbourgRussia, St. PetersburgTardieu, Pierre Francois1790B475.00
562MoscvaMoscow, RussiaMerian, Matthaus1640A+500.00
563[Urbis Moskvae…]Russia, MoscowBlaeu, Johannes1662A2000.00
564[Lot of 3 - Russia and Ukraine]Russia and UkraineAnon.1725C600.00
565Taurica Chersonesus Nostra aetate Przecopsca et Garzara diciturUkraineMercator/Hondius1620A+325.00
566[Lot of 2] Profil de la Forteresse de Mongast... [and] Plan de la Forteresse de Mongast…UkraineFer, Nicolas de1705A220.00
567Kamieniec Podolski Ville Forte des Estats de PologneUkraineFer, Nicolas de1705A140.00
568An Exact Map of the Crim, (Formerly Taurica Chersonesus)UkraineAnon.1739B35.00
569Crimeae seu Chersonesus Tauricae item Tartariae Nogayae Europae ae Tabula Geographica…UkraineSchmidt, Jacob F.1774B550.00
570Tabula Geographica qua pars Russiae Magnae Pontus Euxinus seu Mare Nigrum et Tartaria Minor cum finitimis Bulgariae, et Romaniae et Natoliae…Ukraine, Russia and Black SeaHomann, Johann Baptist1716A+425.00
571Pontus EuxinusBlack SeaJansson, Jan1652B250.00
572Schlavoniae, Croatiae, Carniae, Istriae, Bosniae, Finitimarumque Regionum Nova Descriptio, Auctore Augustino HirsvogelioBalkansOrtelius, Abraham1579A375.00
573Grece ou Partie Meridionale de la Turquie en EuropeBalkansPeeters, Jacques1692A80.00
574Sclavonia, Croatia, Bosnia cum Dalmatiae ParteBalkansMercator, Gerard1695B110.00
575Belgrade Ville forte Capitale de la RascieBalkans, SerbiaFer, Nicolas de1705A80.00
576Turquie d'Europe et Partie de celle d'Asie divisee par Grandes Provinces et Gouvernemts…Balkans, TurkeyJanvier, Jean1770B120.00
577Thraciae Veteris TypusGreece & TurkeyCluver/Jansson1661Aunsold
578Carte de la GreceGreece & TurkeyOttens, Reiner and Joshua1730Bunsold
579Nova Totius Graeciae descriptioGreeceJansson, Jan1648Bunsold
580Hellas Seu Graecia UniversaGreeceCluver, Philipp1729A+150.00
581Graeciae Antiquae Specimen GeographicumGreeceAnville, Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d'1762C60.00
582Craecia Antiqua ad accuratas Recentiorum Observationes…GreeceDelisle, Guillaume1794C80.00
583[Venice]Venice, ItalyMunster, Sebastian1564B375.00
584Fori Iulii Accurata DescriptioItalyOrtelius, Abraham1573A650.00
585Thusciae Descriptio Auctore Hieronymo BellarmatoItalyOrtelius, Abraham1579B450.00
586Discrizzion dell'Isola della Sicilia, & di Tutto 'l Regno di Quella Secondo Uarii Rispetti di QuellaSicily, ItalyMunster, Sebastian1579B110.00
587Terra di Lavoro olim Campania felixItalyHondius, Henricus1635B160.00
588Romandiola Cum Ducatus ParmensiItalyMercator/Jansson1634A+140.00
589Latium Vestini, CampaniItalyCluver/Jansson1661Aunsold
590Tusciae sive Hetruriae Antiquae TypusItalyCluver/Jansson1661A100.00
591Tabula Italiae Corsicae, Sardiniae, et adjacentium RegnorumItalyCluver/Jansson1661A+170.00
592Roma Antiqua Triumphatrix Abantiquis Monumentis et Rerum GestarumItalyRossi, Giamcomo Giovanni1676A2000.00
593Tabula Freti Siculi, Charybdis et Scyllae, aliorumque Aestuum rationes explicansItalyKircher, Athanasius1682A+unsold
594Valence, Ville forte d'Italie des Estats de MilanItalyFer, Nicolas de1705A80.00
595Belli Typus in Italia…ItalyHomann, Johann Baptist1716A250.00
596Dominii Veneti cum vicinis Parme Mutinae Mantuae et MirandoleItalyHomann, Johann Baptist1720C150.00
597Territoire de TrevigianoItalyBlaeu/Covens & Mortier1720C150.00
598Le Bellunese et le FeltrinoItalyJansson/Covens & Mortier1720B160.00
599Polesino di RovigoItalyBlaeu/Valck & Schenk1720A200.00
600Etruriae Latii Umbriae Piceni Sabinorum et Marsorum Vetus et Nova DescriptioItalyCluver, Philipp1729A80.00
601Campaniae Samnii Apuliae Lucaniae Brutiorum Vetus et Nova DescriptioItalyCluver, Philipp1729A100.00
602[Lot of 2] Italy According to the Newest Observations [with] The North Part of Italy Comprehending the Dutchies of Savoy, Milan, Parma, Mantua, Modena, Tuscany, &c. The Republiques of Venice, Genoa, Luca &c.ItalyMoll, Herman1730B100.00
603Mappa Geographica Status Genvensis ex subsidiis recentissimis preItalyHomann Heirs1749C130.00
604[Lot of 2] Italy by Thos. Kitchin [and] ItalyItaly1770A90.00
605L'Italie Divisee en tous ses Etats…ItalyBrion de la Tour/Desnos1786A120.00
606Carta Topografica di Tutto il Territorio del Friuli Goriziano ed UdineseItalyFurlanetto, Lodovico1798C150.00
607[Lot of 2] Carta Postale dei quattro Laghi in Lombardia [and] Regno Lombardo - VenetoItalyAnon.1820Cunsold
608[Lot of 2] Tabula Europa III [and] Gallia Nova TabulaEurope - WesternRuscelli, Girolamo1561-74A250.00
609Regni Hispaniae Post Omnium Editiones Locuplettissima DescriptioSpain & PortugalOrtelius, Abraham1592B375.00
610L'Espagne et le Portugal…Spain & PortugalBrion de la Tour/Desnos1786Bunsold
611Andalusia et GranadaSpainMercator/Jansson1634A130.00
612Utriusque Castiliae Nova DescriptioSpainBlaeu, Johannes1640A200.00
613Plan of the Town and Castle of Lerida, with the Approaches made before it by French & Spanish Armies under the command of the D. of Orleans during the Siege began Oct. 2, 1707SpainTindal, Nicholas1730B100.00
614Plan of the Camp of TarragonaSpainTindal, Nicholas1730A100.00
615[Lot of 5 - Portugal]Portugal1849A50.00
616[Lot of 2] De Maiorica Insula [and] De Minorica InsulaMediterranean, Balearic IslandsCamocio, Giovanni Francesco1574A3250.00
617Corsica [on sheet with] SardiniaMediterranean, Corsica and SardiniaMercator/Hondius1607A+150.00
618[Sardinia]Mediterranean, SardiniaBordone, Benedetto1528-65A275.00
619[Corsica]Mediterranean, CorsicaBordone, Benedetto1528-65A180.00
620Insul und Konigreich Corsica mit Angraenzen den CustenMediterranean, CorsicaBodenehr, Gabriel1706B150.00
621Dept. de la CorseMediterranean, CorsicaLevasseur, Victor1850A45.00
622Isle et Royaume de CandieCreteChiquet, Jacques1719A100.00
623Peregrinationis Divi Pauli Typus Corographicus…Eastern MediterraneanOrtelius, Abraham1579B600.00
624Natoliae, Quae Olim Asia Minor, Nova Descriptio [on sheet with] Aegypti Recentior Descriptio [and] Carthaginis Celeberrimi Sinus TypusEastern Mediterranean - Turkey and Northern AfricaOrtelius, Abraham1579A325.00
625Pyrrhi Regis Epirotarum Expeditiones; per Macedoniam, Italiam, Siciliam et Peloponesum…Eastern MediterraneanDuval, Pierre1657A240.00
626Kaart van de Reis-Tochten en Verblyf-Plaatsen der Heilige Apostelen Petrus en Paulus door Galilea, Samarie, het Ioodcshe Land, Egypten, Asie en EuropaEastern MediterraneanWetstein, R & G.1720B190.00
627Carte Particuliere des Pais que les Apotres ont Parcourus, et les Lieux les Plus Renommez ou Ils ont Preche l'EvangileEastern MediterraneanCalmet, Augustin1722A220.00
628Estats del'Empire du Grand Seigneur des Turcs, en Europe, en Asie, et en AfriqueEastern Mediterranean, Near and Middle EastJaillot/Ottens1730B250.00
629Asia wie es Jetziger Zeit nach den Furnemesten Herrschafften Abgetheilet und Beschriben istAsiaMunster/Petri1588B375.00
630AsiaAsiaRosaccio, Guiseppe1592A+300.00
631AsiaAsiaBotero, Giovanni1594A110.00
632Asiae Nova Desc.AsiaOrtelius, Abraham1598A180.00
633Asiae Nova DescriptioAsiaHondius, Jodocus1620B900.00
634Asia Noviter DelineataAsiaBlaeu, Willem1630A1200.00
635AsieAsiaDuval, Pierre1661A130.00
636AsiaAsiaHeylin, Peter1703A300.00
637L'Asia Secondo il Sig. dell'Isle dell'Accademia Reale delle ScienzeAsiaAnon.1720Aunsold
638A New & Accurate Map of Asia Drawn from Actual Surveys, and otherwise Collected from Journals; assisted by the most approved Modern Maps & Charts…AsiaBowen, Emanuel1757Aunsold
639AsiaAsiaSchreiber, Johann Georg1760Bunsold
640L'Asia divisa ne' suoi principali Stati di Nuova ProjezioneAsiaZatta, Antonio1777Bunsold
641AsieAsiaLevasseur, Victor1845A+100.00
642Tabula Asiae IIIINear and Middle EastMunster, Sebastian1540B300.00
643Tabula Asiae IICaucasus and Central AsiaMunster, Sebastian1571A275.00
644Armenia Syria, Mesopotamia etc.Near and Middle EastCluver/Jansson1661A+90.00
645Typus Communicationis Maris Caspii, cum Persico et EuxinoNear and Middle EastKircher, Athanasius1682A+160.00
646Turquie en AsieNear and Middle EastPeeters, Jacques1692A120.00
647SyriaNear and Middle EastCluver, Philipp1700B65.00
648Descriptio Paradisi, et Terrae Canaan Regionumque a Patriarchis primum habitatarumNear and Middle EastHalma, Francois1709A+150.00
649Persia sive Sophorum Regnum cum Armenia, Assyria Mesopotamia et BabiloniaNear and Middle EastCluver, Philipp1729A+130.00
650Etats du Grand-Seigneur en Asie, Empire de Perse, Pays des Usbecs, Arabie et EgypteNear and Middle EastRobert de Vaugondy, Didier1753Bunsold
651Antiquor? Imperiorum Tabula, in qua prae coeteris, Macedonicum seu Alexandri Magni Imperium et expeditiones exaranturNear and Middle EastRobert de Vaugondy, Didier1753A150.00
652Carte de la Turquie de l'Arabie et de la Perse…Near and Middle EastDelisle/Dezauche1780A+300.00
653Carte pour la Lecture de l'Ancien et du NouveauTestamentNear and Middle East and Eastern MediterraneanAnon.1780B75.00
654Carte des Pays et Principaux Lieux Connus dans les premiers ages du MondeNear and Middle EastBrion de la Tour/Desnos1786A100.00
655[Lot of 3 - Turkish Empire]Turkish EmpireTallis, John1850B130.00
656CCLVII [Constantinople]Turkey, Istanbul, IncunabulaSchedel, Hartmann1493A+850.00
657ConstantinopolisTurkeyMerian, Matthaus1640A1600.00
658Veue, des Dardanelles, de ConstantinopleTurkeyFer, Nicolas de1705A150.00
659Gezigt van het Groot Serrail van KonstantinopolenTurkeyAnon.1750A275.00
660Das Heilig Judisch Land mit Ausztheilung der Zwolff GeschlechterHoly LandMunster, Sebastian1545B240.00
661Taffel des Heiligen Landes zu dem Newen Testament DienlichHoly LandBunting, Heinrich1582A190.00
662Das Heilig Landt mit Ausztheilung der Zwolff GeschlechterHoly LandMunster/Petri1588B210.00
663Terra Sancta, a Petro Laicstain Perlustrata, et ab eius ore et Schedis a Christiano Schrot in Tabulam RedactaHoly LandOrtelius, Abraham1588B475.00
664[Gilead]Holy LandFuller, Thomas1648A220.00
665Geographische beschryvinge van t' Beloofde Landt Canaan…Holy LandVisscher, Claes Janszoon1650A250.00
666Palaestinae Sive Totius Terrae PromissionisHoly LandCluver/Jansson1661A120.00
667Dimidia Tribus Manasse ultra Jordanem…Holy LandDapper, Olivier1677A1600.00
668Het Heylige Land Verdeeld in de Twaalf Stammen Israels…Holy LandCovens & Mortier1700A210.00
669Tabula Geographica Terrae Sanctae Auctore J. Bonfrerio Societa Jesu.Holy LandHalma, Francois1709A300.00
670Tabula Geographica Terrae Sanctae Auctore J. Bonfrerio Societat. JesuHoly LandAa, Pieter van der1710A+550.00
671Het Beloofde Landt Canaan door Wandelt van onsen Salichmaecker Iesu Christo, neffens syne ApostelenHoly LandStoopendaal, Daniel1720B190.00
672Veue de la Ville, et du Port de Joppe, a Present Nommez JaffaJaffa, Holy LandCalmet, Augustin1722A80.00
673La Judee ou Terre Sainte, divisee en ses douze Tribus…Holy LandRobert de Vaugondy, Gilles1750A250.00
674La Judee ou Palestine…Holy LandBrion de la Tour/Desnos1790A130.00
675IV en V Landkaart verbeeldende geheel. Palaestina…Holy LandAllart, Johannes1793A+190.00
676VI. Landkaart vertoonende Het Koningryk Israels benevens deszelss Overheerde LandschappenHoly LandAllart, Johannes1794A100.00
677IerusalemHoly Land, JerusalemStoopendaal, Daniel1686A350.00
678[Lot of 2] Salomons Tempel [and] De Tabernakel, en Tempel van Ezechiel, met de verdere Heiligdommen en H. gereegtschaspenHoly Land, JerusalemHalma, Francois1717A240.00
679Plan Nouveau de l'Ancienne Jerusalem Selon l'AuteurHoly Land, JerusalemCalmet, Augustin1730A95.00
680Jerusalem and Places AdjacentHoly Land, JerusalemHoldsworth, Samuel1836A140.00
681Arabia Eudaemon ex Plinio Lib VI Cap. 26ArabiaCluver/Jansson1661A140.00
682Persia Sive Sophorum RegnumPersia - IranMontanus, Arnoldus1672Bunsold
683A Plan of the City of BabylonIraqStackhouse, Thomas1771A150.00
684Asiae VIII TabAsia - CentralPtolemy/Mercator1618B190.00
685Scythia et SericaCentral AsiaCluver, Philipp1700B60.00
686[Lot of 4 - Central Asia]Asia - CentralVandermaelen, Philippe Marie Guillaume1827B275.00
687Provinciarum Persicarum Kilaniae nempe Chirvaniae Dagestaniae…Caspian Sea - CaucasusHomann, Johann Baptist1740B300.00
688Partie de la Perse. No. 52CaucasusVandermaelen, Philippe Marie Guillaume1827A150.00
689Tartaria sive Magni Chami ImperiumAsia - NorthernBlaeu, (Family)1635A475.00
690La Gran Tartaria divisa nelle sue parti pricipali da Giacomo Cantelli da VignolaAsia - NorthernCantelli da Vignola/de Rossi1693C150.00
691La Grande Tartarie Suiuant les Nouvelles Observations de Messrs. de l'Academie Royale des Sciences, etc.Asia - NorthernAa, Pieter van der1730B90.00
692A Newe Mape of TartaryNorthern AsiaSpeed, John1676B850.00
693[Lot of 2] Partie Occidentale de l'Empire de Russie, ou se trouve distinguee la Russie Europeenne [together with] Partie Orientale de L'Empire de Russie en Asie…RussiaRobert de Vaugondy1750Bunsold
694Mappa Gubernii Sibiriensis, continens Provincias Toboliensem et JenisejensemRussia in AsiaTreskot, Johann1775A400.00
695Mappa Gubernii AstrachanesisRussia in AsiaTreskot, Johann1775A475.00
696Pars Territorii Mangaseiensis et Iakutensis Ostiaque Fluviorum Ienisseae et LenaeRussia in AsiaTreskot, Johann1775A475.00
697Mappa Gubernii Irkutensis, complectens Provincias Irkutensem, Jakutensem et UdinensemRussia in AsiaTreskot, Johann1776C475.00
698Charte das Russische Reich und die von den Tatarn Bewohnte Lander in Europa und Asia Enthaltend…Asia - NorthernGussefeld/Homann Heirs1786B180.00
699Empire de la ChineChina, Korea & JapanAa, Pieter van der1714A+2400.00
700The Empire of China and Island of Japan, Agreeable to Modern HistoryChina, Korea & JapanMoll, Herman1701Bunsold
701Ciampagu [Iava Majjiore, Sondur, Condur on verso]Japan and IndonesiaBordone, Benedetto1528-65A1100.00
702Ailhae Cidade de Goa Metropolitana da Indiae partes Orientais que esta en 15 Graos da Banda do NorteIndiaBry, Theodore de1599Bunsold
703Penisola dell India di qua dal Gange et Isole intorno ad essa adiacenti…IndiaCantelli da Vignola/de Rossi1683B300.00
704Nouvelle Carte de la Partie des Indes Orientales, qui comprend, entr'autres Etats, les vastes Possessions des AnglaisIndia and BangladeshBrion de la Tour/Desnos1786A100.00
705Map of the Island of Ceylon, Reduced from a Drawing in the possession of the Right Honorable the Commissioners for the Affairs of IndiaSri LankaArrowsmith, Aaron, Sr.1803B90.00
706A Chart of the Coast of Persia, Guzarat, & Malabar drawn from the French chart of ye Eastern Ocean published in 1740 by order of the Count de Maurepas, improved from particular Surveys and regulated by Astronomical ObservationsMaldives, Indian OceanAnon.1752A110.00
707Presqu Isle del Indedela le Golfe de GangeSouthern AsiaPeeters, Jacques1692A100.00
708Isle de Madagascar Autrement Isle de St. LaurentMadagascarBellin/Van Schley1747A+160.00
709Terza TavolaSoutheast AsiaGastaldi/Ramusio1563A3500.00
710India OrientalisSouth East AsiaCluver/Jansson1661A275.00
711Indiae Orientalis, nec non Insularum Adiacentium Nova DescriptioSouth East AsiaVisscher, Nicolas1680Bunsold
712[Lot of 6 - Siam]Thailand1750-80B325.00
713A Chart of Part of the Coast of Cochin-China Including Turon Harbour and the Island Callao From an Actual Survey in June 1793VietnamBarrow, John (Sir)1796B190.00
714Isles MolucquesEast Indies - IndonesiaDuval, Pierre1661A120.00
715Kaart van de Zuyd-Ooster Eylanden van BandaIndonesia & AustraliaValentyn, Francois1724-26B550.00
716Carte von den Gegenden um BataviaEast Indies - IndonesiaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1750A150.00
717Carte Particuliere des Isles Moluques. Byzondere Kaart der Molukze EylandenEast Indies - IndonesiaBellin/Van Schley1765Aunsold
718A Chart of the Straits of Sunda with Part of the North Coast of the Island of Java as far as BataviaEast Indies - IndonesiaHerbert, William1780B550.00
719AfricaAfricaRosaccio, Guiseppe1592A+170.00
720Africae Tabula NovaAfricaOrtelius/Marchetti1598A180.00
721Africae DescriptioAfricaMercator/Jansson1630A+350.00
722Africae nova TabulaAfricaHondius/Jansson1635Bunsold
723AfriqueAfricaDuval, Pierre1663A180.00
724[Lot of 2] Afrique Ancienne das Alte Africa [and] AfricaAfrica1672-83A100.00
725[Lot of 2] Suaquen [and] Ile. BourbonAfricaMallet, Alain Manesson1683A90.00
726L'Afrique, Dressee sur les Observations de Mrs. de l'Academie Royale des Sciences et quelques autres & sur les Memoires les plus recensAfricaDelisle/Schenk1708Bunsold
727Carte d'Afrique dressee pour l'usage du Roy…AfricaDelisle, Guillaume1722Bunsold
728Africa Secundum Legitimas Projectionis Stereographicae Regulas et juxta recentissimas relationes et observationes in subsidium vocatis queque veterum Leonis Africani…AfricaHaas/Homann Heirs1737B425.00
729[Africa - Lot of 5]Africa1760-1863A375.00
730L'Africa divisa ne' suoi principali Stati di Nuova Projezione…AfricaZatta, Antonio1776B150.00
731L'Afrique Dressee pour l'etude de la Geographie, Revue et Augmente par M. Brion Ingenieur Geographe du RoyAfricaBrion de la Tour/Desnos1786A190.00
732AfriqueAfricaLevasseur, Victor1869A110.00
733Tabula I AphricaeAfrica - NorthernPtolemy/Fries1522-35A425.00
734Fessae RegnumNorthwestern AfricaMercator/Jansson1628A100.00
735Fezzae et Marocchi Regna Africae Celeberrima, describebat Abrah: OrteliusAfrica - NorthernBlaeu, (Family)1640A275.00
736BarbariaAfrica - NorthernMercator/Jansson1634B120.00
737Barbaria Biledulgerid o Libye et Pars Nigritarum TerraAfrica - NorthernDapper, Olivier1670A190.00
738Het Noordelykste deel van Afrika, behelzende Barbarie, Egypte enz. Als mede de geheele Middellandschee Zee…Northern Africa and MediterraneanTirion, Isaac1762B120.00
739Partie de l'Afrique en deca de l'Equateur Comprenau l'Egypte, la Barbarie, la Nigritie &c.Africa - NorthernBrion de la Tour/Desnos1786A100.00
740Aegyptus et CyrenaicaAfrica - NorthernCluver, Philipp1700B100.00
741[Egypt, Sudan, Eritrea and Ethiopia]Africa - NortheasternAnon.1800B75.00
742Nova Aegypti TabulaEgyptWit, Frederick de1730B325.00
743Zanguebar, Getrokken uit Sanutus, enz. [on sheet with] T'Gedeelte van Zanguebar, Waar in de Kusten van Ajan, en Abex, enz. Getrokken uit Sanutus, enz.Africa - EasternSanson, Nicolas1667A130.00
744Nigritarum RegnumAfrica - WesternJansson/Valck & Schenk1729A425.00
745Coste Occidentale d'Afrique, depuis le XIe. Degre de Latitude Meridionale…Africa - WesternBellin, Jacques Nicolas1739A90.00
746Abissinorum sive Pretiosi Ioannis ImperiuAfrica - CentralMercator/Hondius1619A650.00
747Aethiopia Superior vel Interior vulgo Abissinorum sive Presbiteri Ioannis ImperiumAfrica - CentralBlaeu, Willem1627-1645B450.00
748Cafrerie et MonomotapaAfrica - SouthernDuval, Pierre1663Aunsold
749Carte du Congo et du Pays des CafresAfrica - SouthernDelisle/Covens & Mortier1730Aunsold
750Partie de l'Afrique audela de l'Equateur, comprenant le Congo, la Cafrerie &c.Africa - SouthernBrion de la Tour/Desnos1790A160.00
751OceanieSouth Pacific OceanLevasseur, Victor1860A+170.00
752A General Map of the Discoveries of Admiral De Fonte & others, by M. De l'IsleNorth Pacific OceanDelisle, Joseph Nicholas1754A100.00
753Carta particolare del Mare del Sur che comincia con l'Isole di Salamone e finiscie con la Costa di Lima nel PeruSouth PacificDudley, Robert (Sir)1647B650.00
754Interior d'un Hippah de la Nouvelle ZelandeNew ZealandCook/Benard1785Bunsold
755[Lot of 5 - Birds]BirdsCassell, John1880A90.00
756[Lot of 10 - Butterflies]InsectsHubner, Jacob1806A90.00
757[Lot of 3 - Botanicals]BotanicalsWeinmann, Johann1740Aunsold
758[Lot of 10 - Botanicals]BotanicalsZorn, Johannes1780Aunsold
759[Lot of 12 - Flowers]BotanicalsPratt, Anne1880A180.00
760[Lot of 20 - Flowers]BotanicalsAnon.1886A100.00
761[Lot of 3 - Native Ameicans]Native AmericansCatlin, George1848A375.00
762[Lot of 4 - Native Americans]Native AmericansCatlin, George1848A300.00
763Lieut.-Gen'l, Major-Gen'l, Brig-Gen'l, Staff, Field & Line Officers 1861-1866Military - Civil WarOgden, H. A.1885A90.00
764[Lot of 10 - Old Testament engravings]ReligionLindenberg, Jacob1729A250.00
765[Lot of 10 - NewTestament engravings]ReligionLindenberg, Jacob1729A210.00
766[Lot of 2] De Ambonsche Hongi of de Coracora-Vloot [and] De Cora-cora van TitawayShipsValentyn, Francois1724-26A+unsold
767Zee Slagh Vanden Ht. Admiral Michiel de Ruiter en den Hr. de la Zarda tegens de France Adm. de Hr. du QuesneShipsStoopendaal, Daniel1746A180.00
768Les Pavillons des Mer du Monde Nouvellement CorrigesShipsLe Rouge, George Louis1756Bunsold
769[Lot of 2 - Marine Architecture]ShipsDiderot, Denis1780A170.00
770[Chemistry]ChemistryDiderot, Denis1751A220.00
771[Lot of 2 - Dance of Death]Miscellaneous PrintsAnon.1760B120.00
772[Illuminated Leaf]Medieval ManuscriptsAnon.1300B425.00
773[Illuminated Leaf]Medieval ManuscriptsAnon.1450A350.00
774[Illuminated Leaf]Medieval ManuscriptsAnon.1450A250.00
775[Illuminated Leaf]Medieval ManuscriptsAnon.1470B160.00
776[Illuminated Leaf]Medieval ManuscriptsAnon.1470A100.00
777[Vellum Leaf]Medieval ManuscriptsAnon.1470A80.00
778[Book of Hours Leaf]ManuscriptsAnon.1500A75.00
779[Illuminated Leaf]Early Printing1507A60.00
780[Illuminated Leaf]Early Printing1507Aunsold
781[Illuminated Leaf]Early PrintingHardouin, Gilles1510A+70.00
782[Lot of 8 Leaves]Early PrintingLuc Antonio Giunta1520A+unsold
783[Illustrated Leaf]Early PrintingLuc Antonio Giunta1520A+90.00
784[Illustrated Leaf]Early PrintingLuc Antonio Giunta1520A+90.00
785[Book of Hours leaf]Early PrintingHardouin, Gilles1526A85.00
786[Book of Hours leaf]Early PrintingHardouin, Gilles1526A75.00
787[Lot of 12 Leaves]Early PrintingMunster, Sebastian1550-80A500.00
788[Antiphonal Leaf]MusicAnon.1490A150.00
789[Antiphonal Leaf]MusicAnon.1490A160.00
790[Antiphonal Leaf]MusicAnon.1490A140.00
791[Antiphonal Leaf]MusicAnon.1520Aunsold
792[Antiphonal Leaf]MusicAnon.1600Bunsold
793[Antiphonal Leaf]MusicAnon.1600B100.00
794[Antiphonal Leaf]MusicAnon.1600B100.00
795Lavoisne's Complete Genealogical, Historical, Chronological, and Geographical AtlasAtlasesLavoisne/Aspin1814B500.00
796An Historical AtlasAtlasesHilliard, Gray & Co.1833Bunsold
797Black's General Atlas…AtlasesBlack, Adam & Charles1846Bunsold
798Colton's General Atlas, Containing One Hundred and Eighty Steel Plate Maps and Plans, on One Hundred and Thirteen Imperial Folio SheetsAtlasesColton, Joseph Hutchins1863B2000.00
799Atlas of Pennsylvania With Descriptions. Historical, Scientific, & Statistical. Together with a map of the United States and TerritoriesAtlasesWalling & Gray1872B300.00
800The Century Atlas of the WorldAtlasesMatthews-Northrup Co1899B150.00
801[Facsimile] The Theatre of the Empire of Great Britain with The Prospect of the Most Famous Parts of the World John Speed 1676AtlasesSpeed, John1991A375.00
802An Improved System of GeographyGeography BooksMcNally, Francis1866B210.00
803Harper's School Geography With Maps and Illustrations Prepared Expressly for This Work by Eminent American Artists New England EditionGeography BooksHarper Bros.1884B42.50
804Descriptive Geography Taught by Means of Map Drawing Teachers' EditionGeography Books1893A65.00
805Gazetteer of Philippine IslandsGeography Books - PhilippinesU.S. Government1901-1902A230.00
806Memoires de l'Amerique Septentrionale, ou la Suite des Voyages de Mr. Le Baron de LahontanExploration and SurveysLahontan, Louis Armand1704Bunsold
807Notes of a Military Reconnaissance, from Fort Leavenworth, in Missouri, to San Diego, in California, Including Part of the Arkansas, Del Norte, and Gila RiversExploration and SurveysEmory, William Hemsley1848C190.00
808Stanfield's Coast Scenery. A Series of Views in the British Channel, From Original Drawings Taken Expressly for the WorkHistory and Travel BooksStanfield, Clarkson1836B275.00
809China historisch, romantisch, malerischHistory and Travel Books1840B250.00
810The Bosphorus and the DanubeHistory and Travel BooksBartlett, W. H.1850B110.00
811[2 Volumes] Picturesque America; or, the Land we Live in…History and Travel BooksBryant, William C.1872B250.00
812[Lot of 3] Adventures in Americana 1492-1897 [and] Americana Collection of Herschel V. Jones - A Check-List [1473 - 1926]Reference Books1964A+unsold
813Landmarks of Mapmaking; An Illustrated Survey of Maps and MapmakersReference BooksBricker, Charles1968A65.00
814Hawaii: A Pictorial HistoryReference Books1969Aunsold
815[Lot of 2] A Book of Old Maps Delineating American History… [together with] New Found Lands Maps in the History of ExplorationReference Books1969-98A110.00
816The World Map of 1624 by Willem Jansz. Blaeu & Jodocus HondiusReference BooksHondius/Blaeu1977A80.00
817[Lot of 2] The Mapping of America [and] The Mapping of North AmericaReference Books1980-90A+120.00
818[Lot of 2] Decorative Maps [together with] Atlas of Columbus and the Great DiscoveriesReference Books1980-90A+95.00
819[Lot of 2] Early Sea Charts [and] America on Paper The First Hundred YearsReference BooksPutman, Robert1983-9A75.00
820[Lot of 2] The Mapping of the American Southwest [and] Exploration and Mapping of the American WestReference Books1986-88A+75.00
821[Lot of 2] Antique Maps A Collector's Guide [and] Collecting Antique Maps An Introduction to the History of CartographyReference Books1989-99A75.00
822Bel et Utile - The Work of the Robert de Vaugondy Family of MapmakersReference Books1992A+90.00
823The Mapping of the World - Early Printed World Maps 1472-1700Reference BooksShirley, Rodney W.1993A+300.00
824Japan, a Cartographic Vision European Printed Maps from the Early 16th to the 19th CenturyReference Books, JapanWalter, Lutz1994A+unsold
825Kaarten in Bijbels (16e - 18e eeuw)Reference BooksPoortman & Augusteijn1995A+45.00
826[Lot of 6] Mapping of the Trans-Mississippi WestReference BooksWheat, Carl I.1995A500.00
827The Maps of the California Gold Region, 1848-1857Reference BooksWheat, Carl I.1995A+70.00
828The Mapping of North America - A List of Printed Maps 1511-1670Reference BooksBurden, Philip D.1996A+160.00
829[Lot of 2] Collecting Old Maps [and] The Atlas of Atlases The Map Maker's Vision of the WorldReference Books1997-98A90.00
830Chronicle of the World - The complete and annotated Nuremberg Chronicle of 1493Reference BooksSchedel, Hartmann2001A+350.00