Index of Lots for Auction 191

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Lot #TitleSubjectCreatorPeriodConditionSold For
1[Lot of 5] Typus Orbis Terrarum [and] Americae Descriptio [and] Africae Descriptio [and] Asia [and] Europae Nova TabulaWorld & ContinentsCluver/Jansson1661A1600.00
2[Lot of 6] Typus Orbis Terrarum [and] America [and] Africa [and] Asia [and] Europa [and] Globus CoelestisWorld & ContinentsOrtelius/Coignet1609B+900.00
3[Lot of 6] Mappemonde Representee en Hemispheres Oriental et Occidental [and] Amerique Septentrionale et Meridionale [and] Afrique [and] Asie [and] L'Europe [and] La FranceWorld & Continents, FranceExpilly, Jean Joseph Georges, Abbe d'1768A230.00
4Universalis CosmographiaWorldHonter, Jon Coronensis1546A1600.00
5Typus Orbis TerrarumWorldOrtelius, Abraham1572B+7500.00
6Carta Marina Nuova TavolaWorldRuscelli, Girolamo1574B+750.00
7Nova Totius Terrarum Orbis Geographica ac Hydrographica TabulaWorldBlaeu, Willem1634A9000.00
8Nova Totius Terrarum Orbis Geographica ac Hydrographica Tabula Auctore N. I. PiscatorWorldVisscher, Claes Janszoon1652B+9500.00
9Orbis Terrarum Typus de Integro in Plurimis Emendatus, Auctus, et Icunculis IllustratusWorldVisscher, Nicolas1657B+1500.00
10Benedict Arias Montanus Sacrae Geographiae Tabulam ex Antiquissimorum Cultop. Familiis a Mose Pecensitis…WorldArias Montanus, Benito1660B+1500.00
11Tabula Geographico-Hydrographica Motus Oceani, Currentes, Abyssos, Montes Igniuomos in Universo Orbe Indicans...WorldKircher, Athanasius1665A1000.00
12La Geographie Royalle Figure du MondeWorldBerey, Nicolas I1667A400.00
13Planisphaerium ex Polo Arctico tanquam centro Geometrice descriptuWorldScherer, Heinrich1700A220.00
14Planisphaerium Terrestre cum Utroque Coelesti Hemisphaerio, sive Diversa Orbis Terraquei... / Vlakke Aard-Kloot met het Beide Hemelsch Half-Rond, of de Onderscheidene Verbeelding van de Land-Water-Waereld…WorldZurner/Schenk1700A2750.00
15[Lot of 2] Der Neuen Welt Begriff, Bestehende in 2 Haubt Theilen als Nord America und Sud America... [and] Der Alte Welt Begriff Bestehende in 3 Haubt Theilen als Africa, Europa, Asia...WorldStridbeck/Bodenehr1700A200.00
16Mappe-Monde ou Carte UniverselleWorldFer, Nicolas de1714B+400.00
17Werelt CaertWorldStoopendaal, Daniel1716B700.00
18Mappe-Monde Dressee sur les Observations de Mrs. de l'Academie Royale des Sciences et Quelques Autres et sur les Memoires les Plus Recens...WorldDelisle, Guillaume1730A+1100.00
19A New Map of the World According to the New ObservationsWorldMoll, Herman1730B+195.00
20Planiglobii Terrestris Mappa Universalis Utrumq Hemisphaerium Orient et Occidentale Repraesentans... / Mappe-Monde qui Represente les Deux Hemispheres Savoir Celui de l'Orient et Celui de l'Occident...WorldHaas/Homann Heirs1746B350.00
21Essay d'une Carte Reduite, Contenant les Parties Connuees du Globe TerrestreWorldBellin, Jacques Nicolas1748A850.00
22Carte des Lieux ou les Differentes Longueurs du Pendule… [on sheet with] Carte du Globe Terrestre ou les Terres de l'Hemisphere Meridl. [and] Carte des Terres Australes…WorldBuache, Philip1754Aunsold
23Diversi Globi Terr-Aquei Statione Variante et Visu Intercedente, per Coluros Tropicorum...WorldSeutter, Matthias1770B250.00
24Nieuwe en Nette Zeekaart van de Geheele Waareld. Toonende, de Afwykingen van het Kompas...WorldLindemann, O.1775A450.00
25Mappe-Monde Fig. 2. Eraste...World1785A85.00
26Mappe-Monde Dressee pour l'Etude de la Geographie, Relativement aux Auteurs les Plus Modernes...WorldBrion de la Tour/Desnos1790A250.00
27A New and Complete Chart of the World; Displaying the Tracks of Captn. Cook, and Other Modern NavigatorsWorldBowen, Thomas1790B240.00
28Mappe-Monde ou Carte Generale de Toutes les Parties du Globe Corrigee et Augmentee des Decouvertes du Cap. Cook de Celles de la Perouse en 1801...WorldRobert de Vaugondy/Delamarche1804B+90.00
29Map of the Geographical Distribution of the Most Important Plants Yielding Food, Including the Cultivated Grains and Other Cultivated and Wild Bread Plants…WorldJohnston, W. & A.K.1854A200.00
30Geographical Division and Distribution of Aves (Birds) Over the World [on sheet with] Geographical Division and Distribution of the Birds of Europe...WorldJohnston, W. & A.K.1855A100.00
31[Dosen Chikyu Bankoku Hozu; Zen - Map of All the Countries on Earth]World1871B550.00
32[Shochu Bankoku Yochi Zenzu - Map of the World in the Palm of Your Hand]World1872B+100.00
33[Untitled - World]World1928B+75.00
34The Navy League Sea and Air Map of the WorldWorldPhilip, George1933B150.00
35Carriers of the New Black PlagueWorld, World War II1938A150.00
36Air France "Nova Et Vetera" Sur La Vieille Terre Des Chemins NouveauxWorld1939B+425.00
37[Lot of 2] Great Circle Airways [and] One World One War - A Map Showing the Line-Up and the Strategic Stakes in This First Global WarWorld, World War IIHarrison, Richard Edes1942-43120.00
38Global Map for Global War and Global PeaceWorld, World War II1943A120.00
39World Map of the Major Tropical DiseasesWorld1944B+130.00
40[Daniel's Dream Map]Ancient World1564B+240.00
41Orbis Antiqui Mappa NovaAncient WorldBonne/Lattre1783A80.00
42Les Deux Poles Arcticque ou Septentrional, et Antarcticque ou Meridional, ou Description des Terres Arcticques et Antarcticques...PolarSanson/Mariette1657B300.00
43[Lot of 2] Carta delle due Regioni Polari [and] Carta delle due Regioni PolariPolarZatta, Antonio1782A200.00
44Carte Magnetique des Deux HemispheresPolarTardieu, Antonie Francois1803B+75.00
45Deliniatio Cartae Trium Navigationum per Batavos ad Septentrionalem Plagem Norvegia Moscovia et Nova Zembla... / Conterfactur der 3 Schiffarten Welche di Hollander durch das Mitnachtischen Mer Nemlich bey Norwegen Mosca Nova Zembla...North PoleBry, Theodore de1601B+4000.00
46Facies Poli Arctici Adiacentiumque ei Regionum ex Recentissimis Itinerariis Delineata...North PoleWeigel, Christopher1734B+175.00
47Tabula Geographica Hemisphaerii Borealis ad Emendatiora quae Adhuc Prodierunt Exempla...North PoleRhode, Johann Cristoph1753A180.00
48Mappe-Monde, sur le Plan de l'Equateur, Hemisphere SeptentrionalNorth PoleBonne, Rigobert1787A85.00
49Northern HemisphereNorthern HemisphereThomson, John1814A100.00
50Emisfero Terrestre Meridionale Tagliato su l'EquatoreSouth PoleZatta, Antonio1779A120.00
51Globe CelesteCelestialAa, Pieter van der1729A350.00
52Motus Cometarum Hemisphaerio Australi, Qui intra Anum 1530 et 1740 cum Duabus Stellis Novis...CelestialDoppelmayr/Homann1742B+unsold
53Six Maps of the StarsCelestialSDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge1831B+150.00
54Scenographia Systematis Mundani PtolemaiciSolar SystemCellarius/Schenk & Valck1708Bunsold
55Haemisphaeria Sphaerarum Rectae et Obliquae Utriusque Motus et Longitudines tam Coelestes quam Terrestres ac Stellarum Affectiones MonsrantiaSolar SystemCellarius/Schenk & Valck1708Aunsold
56Systema Solare et Planetarium ex Hypothesi Copernicana Secundum Elegantissimas Illustrissimi Quondam Hugenii Deductiones Novissime Collectum & ExhibitumSolar SystemDoppelmayr/Homann1720B+550.00
57Systema Mundi Tychonicum Secundum Celeberrimorum Astronomorum Tychonis de Brahe et Io. Baptistae Riccioli...Solar SystemDoppelmayr/Homann1742A350.00
58[Lot of 8 - Solar System and Diagrams of the Earth]Solar SystemBuy de Mornas, Claude1761375.00
59Rectified Lunar Atlas - Supplement Number Two to the USAF Lunar AtlasMoonU.S. Air Force1963A550.00
60A Correct Globe with the New DiscoveriesGlobesAnon.1785B3750.00
61La Sphere Artificielle, est un Instrument, ou Machine, qui Represente la Disposition et les Mouvemens de la Sphere Naturelle...Cartographic Miscellany, GlobesFer, Nicolas de1717B+unsold
62Introduction a la GeographieCartographic Miscellany, Armillary SphereBrion de la Tour/Desnos1766A100.00
63Schematismus Geographiae Mathematicae, id es, Repraesentatio Figurarum, in Quantum ad Aliqualem Globi Terraquei et Mapparum Intelligentiam in Gratiam Juventutis Erudiendae Facere Possunt...Cartographic Miscellany, Solar SystemHomann Heirs1753B+100.00
64The Commonwealth of Nations - or the British EmpireCartographic Miscellany, World1937A180.00
65Freedom or Slavery - Buy More War BondsCartographic Miscellany, World War II1943B+650.00
66World of FlowersCartographic MiscellanyBartholomew, John1972A100.00
67[8 Puzzle Maps] AtlasCartographic Miscellany, Puzzle1835550.00
68The Game of American ToursCartographic Miscellany, Games, United States1933A200.00
69De Bello Belgico Decas Prima Famiani Stradae Rom. Soc. Iesu Editio IIICartographic Miscellany, Title Pages, Low CountriesStrada, Famiamo, S.J.1640A400.00
70The Ian Fleming Thriller MapCartographic Miscellany, Literary Map1987A140.00
71AmericaWestern Hemisphere - AmericaMagini, Giovanni Antonio1597B350.00
72Americae Descrip.Western Hemisphere - AmericaMercator/Hondius1607B+300.00
73Americae sive Novi Orbis, Nova DescriptioWestern Hemisphere - AmericaMunster/Petri1614B+1000.00
74Americae Nova TabulaWestern Hemisphere - AmericaBlaeu, Willem1642A3750.00
75L'Amerique, Meridionale et Septentrionale Dressee Selon les Dernieres Relations et Suivant les Nouvelles Decouvertes dont les Points Principaux sont Placez sur les Observations de Mr. de l Academie Royale des SciencesWestern Hemisphere - AmericaFer, Nicolas de1717B+550.00
76L'Amerique ou le Nouveau Continent Dressee sur les Memoires les Plus Nouveaux et sur les Relations les Plus Recentes, Rectifiez sur les Dernieres ObservationsWestern Hemisphere - AmericaNolin, Jean Batiste1720B+1000.00
77AmericaWestern Hemisphere - AmericaCluver, Philipp1729A250.00
78Novus Orbis sive America Meridionalis et Septentrionalis, per sua Regna Provincias et Insulas Iuxta Observationes et Descriptiones Recentiss. Divisa et Adornata...Western Hemisphere - AmericaSeutter, Matthias1740A900.00
79A New General Map of America. Drawn from Several Accurate Particular Maps and Charts, and Regulated by Astronomical ObservationsWestern Hemisphere - AmericaBowen, Emanuel1747B+475.00
80Nieuwe Kaart van AmericaWestern Hemisphere - AmericaTirion, Isaac1765A+275.00
81L'America Divisa ne' suoi Principali Stati di Nuova ProjezioneWestern Hemisphere - AmericaZatta, Antonio1776B+180.00
82[4 Maps in Book] L'Histoire de l'Amerique ... Tome QuatriemeWestern Hemisphere - America1780150.00
83Hemisphere Occidental Dresse pour l'Usage Particulier du R sur les Observations Astronomiques et Geographiques...Western Hemisphere - AmericaDelisle/Dezauche1782B+180.00
84L'Amerique Divisee par Grands EtatsWestern Hemisphere - AmericaJanvier/Lattre1783A150.00
85Carte d'Amerique, Dressee pour l'Instruction, par Guil. Delisle et Phil. Buache...Western Hemisphere - AmericaDelisle/Dezauche1790B+300.00
86Amerique ou Indes Occidentales, avec les Nouvelles Decouvertes du Capite Cook, Depuis le Detroit de Behrings ou du Nord, dans l'Ocean Pacifique du Nord et SudWestern Hemisphere - AmericaRobert de Vaugondy/Delamarche1800B+220.00
87Western HemisphereWestern Hemisphere - AmericaPinkerton, John1812A100.00
88Carte de l'Amerique Septentrionale & Meridionale, ou se Trouveur les Trois Voyages de Cook...Western Hemisphere - AmericaHerisson, Eustache1817B1100.00
89Charte von America nach den Neuesten u. Zuverlassigsten Astronomischen Ortsbestinungen Reisebeschreibungen und Charter EntworfenWestern Hemisphere - AmericaWalch, Johannes1818B+350.00
90North & South America; for the Elucidation of the Abbe Gaultier's Geographical GamesWestern Hemisphere - America, FranklinAspin, Jehoshaphat1823A450.00
91Carte Geographique, Statistique et Historique de l'AmeriqueWestern Hemisphere - AmericaBuchon, Jean Alexandre1825A100.00
92Amerique Reduite d'Apres Celle d'Arrowsmith...Western Hemisphere - AmericaFremin, A. R.1828B+200.00
93Western HemisphereWestern Hemisphere - AmericaTallis, John1851A400.00
94Amerique SeptentrionaleColonial North AmericaMallet, Alain Manesson1683B+120.00
95Amerique Septentrionale Divisee en ses Principales Parties, ou sont Distingues les uns des Autres les Estats...Colonial North AmericaSanson/Jaillot1698A1400.00
96Americque Septentrionale par N. Sanson d'Abbeville Geographe du RoyColonial North AmericaSanson, Nicolas1735B+275.00
97Amerique SeptentrionaleColonial North AmericaRobert de Vaugondy, Gilles1748A170.00
98North America, Drawn & Engraved from the Best Maps & ChartsColonial North AmericaKitchin, Thomas1771B+425.00
99[Lot of 2] Nth. America from the Best Authorities [and] North America from the Best AuthoritiesColonial North America1772-1823B+350.00
100Amerique SeptentrionaleColonial North AmericaBonne, Rigobert1780B+100.00
101America SettentrionaleNorth AmericaBorghi, Bartolomeo1819Aunsold
102Geographical, Statistical, and Historical Map of North AmericaNorth AmericaCarey & Lea1822B+190.00
103Carte Generale de l'Amerique Septentrionale, et des Iles qui en DependentNorth AmericaBrue, Adrien Hubert1828B+170.00
104Carte de l'Amerique Septentrionale…North America, TexasBarbie du Bocage, Jean-Guillaume1843A130.00
105Amerique SeptentrionaleNorth AmericaLevasseur, Victor1849A80.00
106Animated North AmericaNorth AmericaGeographical Publishing Co.1929B+unsold
107Carte du Mexique et de la Floride des Terres Angloises et des Isles Antilles du Cours et des Environs de la Riviere de Mississipi...Colonial Eastern North America & West IndiesDelisle/Covens & Mortier1722A900.00
108Carte Reduite de l'Ocean Septentrional Compris Entre l'Asie et l'Amerique Suivant les Decouvertes qui ont ete Faites par les Russes...Western North America & North Pacific OceanBellin, Jacques Nicolas1766B+1500.00
109British and Russian AmericaCanadaGrattan & Gilbert1841B+220.00
110Pictorial Map of the Dominion of Canada with Newfoundland and Labrador Scenic, Historic and Recreational Attractions and Economic ResourcesCanada1946A300.00
111Septemtrionaliora Americae a Groenlandia, per Freta Davidis et Hudson, ad Terram Novam / De Noordelyckste Zee Kusten van America van Groenland door de Straet Davis ende Straet Hudson tot Terra NeufNorthern Canada & GreenlandWit, Frederick de1680B+unsold
112Partie de l'Amerique Septentrionale, qui Comprend le Canada, la Louisiane, le Labrador, le Groenland, la Nouvelle Angleterre, la Floride &c...Eastern Canada & GreenlandBonne, Rigobert1771A+120.00
113[Lot of 2] West Canada [and] Nova Scotia and NewfoundlandEastern CanadaTallis, John1850160.00
114A General Chart of the Island of Newfoundland with the Rocks & Soundings. Drawn from Surveys Taken by Order of the Right Honourable the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty...Newfoundland, CanadaJefferys/Sayer & Bennett1775B+250.00
115Carte des Isles de Saint Pierre et Miquelon Levee par Ordre de M. Le Duc de Choiseul Colonel General des Suisses et Grisons Ministre de la Guerre et de la MarineSt. Pierre & Miquelon, CanadaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1763B+140.00
116Le Fleuve Saint-Laurent Represente Plus en Detail que dans l'Etendue de la CarteSt. Lawrence River, CanadaAnville, Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d'1755B30.00
117Karte von dem Laufe des Flusses St. Laurenz von Seiner Mundung an bis Uber Quebece zu der Allgemeinen Historie der ReisenSt. Lawrence River, CanadaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1757B+65.00
118[Lot of 2] Plan de la Ville de Louisbourg dans l'Isle Royale [and] Port de Louisbourg dans l'Isle RoyaleLouisbourg, CanadaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1764A180.00
119A Plan of the Harbour of Chebucto and Town of HalifaxHalifax, Canada1750B+unsold
120Quebek, de Hoofdstad van Kanada; aan de Rivier van St. Laurens: door de Engelschen Belegerd en by Verdrag Bemagtigd, in't Jaar 1759Quebec, CanadaTirion, Isaac1769A220.00
121L'Isle de Montreal et ses EnvironsMontreal, CanadaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1764A200.00
122Carte des Parties Nord et Ouest de l'Amerique Dressee d'Apres les Relations les Plus Authentiques par M... en 1764Colonial United States & CanadaRobert de Vaugondy, Didier1772A160.00
123[Lot of 2] Partie de la Carte du Capitaine Cluny Auteur d'un Ouvrage Anglois Intitule American Traveller Publie a Londres en 1769 [and] Arctic Regions and British AmericaUnited States & Canada, Arctic1772-185370.00
124Carte des Etats-Unis d'Amerique, du Canada, du Nouveau Brunswick et d'une Partie de la Nouvelle BretagneUnited States & CanadaLapie, Alexander Emile & Pierre1832B+200.00
125North AmericaUnited States & CanadaPhilip, George1855B+210.00
126[2 Volumes] Picturesque America; or, the Land We Live In...United States & CanadaBryant, William C.1872-74B+400.00
127Clason's Touring Atlas of the United States with Road Maps of Every State and Ontario and Quebec, CanadaUnited States & Canada, Road AtlasClason Map Company1927B+110.00
128Carte de la Nouvelle France, ou se Voit le Cours des Grandes Rivieres de S. Laurens & de Mississipi Aujour d'hui S. Louis, aux Environs des-quelles se Trouvent les Etats, Pais, Nations, Peuples &c. de la Floride...Colonial Eastern United States & CanadaChatelain, Henry Abraham1720A3000.00
129Carte des Possessions Angloises & Francoises du Continent de l'Amerique Septentrionale / Kaart van de Engelsche en Fransche Bezittingen in het Vaste Land van Noord AmericaColonial Eastern United States & CanadaOttens, Reiner and Joshua1755B+1000.00
130[On 4 Sheets] Canada Louisiane et Terres AngloisesColonial Eastern United States & CanadaAnville, Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d'1755B800.00
131Carte Generale du Canada, de la Louisiane, de la Floride, de la Caroline, de la Virginie, de la Nouvelle Angleterre etc. par le Sr. d'AnvilleColonial Eastern United States & CanadaD'Anville/Santini1776A350.00
132America Septentrionalis a Domino d'Anville in Galliis Edita nunc in Anglia Coloniis in Interiorem Virginiam Deductis nec non Fluvii Ohio Cursu…Colonial Eastern United States & CanadaHomann Heirs1777B+650.00
133Carte Generale des Etats-Unis, du Haut et Bas-Canada, de la Nouvle. Ecosse du Nouvau. Brunswick de Terre Neuve &a. Seconde EditionEastern United States & CanadaBrue, Adrien Hubert1832B+170.00
134Carte du Canada ou de la Nouvelle France et des Decouvertes qui y ont ete Faites Dressee sur Plusieurs Observations et sur un Grand Nombre de Relations Imprimees ou Manuscrites...Colonial Northeastern United States & Canada, Great LakesDelisle, Guillaume1703B+1400.00
135A New Chart of the Coast of New England, Nova Scotia, New France or Canada, with the Islands of Newfoundld. Cape Breton St. John's &c...Colonial Northeastern United States & CanadaJefferys, Thomas1746B+475.00
136Partie de l'Amerique Septent? qui Comprend la Nouvelle France ou le CanadaColonial Northeastern United States & Canada, Great LakesRobert de Vaugondy, Didier1755B+400.00
137Nieuwe Kaart van Kanada, de Landen aan de Hudsons-Baay en de Noordwestelyke Deelen van Noord-AmerikaColonial Northeastern United States & CanadaTirion, Isaac1769A325.00
138Map of the Straits of Niagara from Lake Erie to Lake OntarioNiagara Falls, New York & Canada1818A350.00
139The Niagara Belt Line. Around the Falls And Through the Famous Gorge [and] One Way from Buffalo, Tonawanda, Niagara Falls and Lewiston to Toronto. By The “Niagara River Route.” [in] New York Central Lines "Travel Series No. 9" Niagara Falls...Niagara Falls, New York & CanadaRailroad Companies, (Various)1912A120.00
140[19 Maps in Report] Boundary Between the United States and Great Britain. Message from the President of the United States...Central United States & CanadaU.S. Government1838B+170.00
141Limes Occidentis Quivira et AnianAlaska & Western CanadaWytfliet, Cornelis1597A1400.00
142[On 3 Sheets] Chart of the North West Coast of America. Explored by the Boussole, and Astrolabe in 1786Western United States & CanadaLa Perouse, Comte Jean F. Galoup, de1798B250.00
143United States of America Corrected & Improved from the Best AuthoritiesUnited StatesWarner, Benjamin1820B1000.00
144[Map in Book] United States [in] The Traveller's Guide; or Pocket Gazetteer of the United States; Extracted from the Latest Edition of Morse's Universal Gazetteer...United StatesMorse, Jedidiah (Rev.)1826B650.00
145Etats-UnisUnited States, TexasDuvotenay, Thunot1846B+140.00
146A New Map of Our Country, Prospective and Present Compiled from Government Surveys and Other Reliable SourcesUnited StatesGaston & Johnson1856C+700.00
147United StatesUnited StatesMorse, Charles W.1856B+210.00
148Map of the United States, and Territories. Together with Canada &c.United StatesMitchell, Samuel Augustus1860A600.00
149The United States of AmericaUnited StatesColton, Joseph Hutchins1866B180.00
150The Burlington Route Runs Daily Through Trains Between Chicago, Peoria, or St. Louis... United States, RailroadsRailroad Companies, (Various)1892B+150.00
151[3 Maps with Report] Report on Indians Taxed and Indians Not Taxed in the United States (Except Alaska) at the Eleventh Census: 1890United States, OklahomaU.S. Department of Interior1894A800.00
152Southern Pacific Lines Follow the Trails Blazed by the Pioneers...United States, RailroadsSouthern Pacific Rail Road Co.1928B+190.00
153Radio Map of These United States Showing WGST and Affiliated Columbia StationsUnited States1930Aunsold
154Lynchings by States and Counties in the United States 1900 to 1931 (Data from Research Department, Tuskegee Institute) [in] Lynchings and What They MeanUnited States1931B+1100.00
155Berta and Elmer Hader's Picture Book of the StatesUnited States, AtlasesHarper Bros.1932A325.00
156A Good-Natured Map of the United States Setting Forth the Services of the Greyhound Lines and a Few Principal Connecting Bus LinesUnited States1939A+90.00
157Albert Richard Football MapUnited States1940A500.00
158[Lot of 2] Bill Whiffletree's Ration Map of U.S. [and] Bill Whiffletree's Bootleggers' Map of the United StatesUnited States, World War II1944A2000.00
159American Airlines System Map - Route of the FlagshipsUnited States, Aviation1945A55.00
160Illustrierte Karte der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika mit Darstellung der Regionalen Bodenschatze, Produkte und Landschaftlichen BesonderheitenUnited States1952A100.00
161The 50 United States of AmericaUnited States1960Aunsold
162A Map of the British American Plantations Extending from Boston in New England to Georgia; Including All the Back Settlements in the Respective Provinces, as Far as the MississipiColonial Eastern United StatesBowen, Emanuel1754B550.00
163Carte de la Louisiane et du Cours du Mississipi avec les Colonies AnglaisesColonial Eastern United States, Louisiana TerritoryDelisle/Dezauche1782B+1200.00
164A Map of the United States of America, as Settled by the Peace of 1783Eastern United StatesFielding, John1783B+475.00
165Carte Generale des Treize Etats Unis Independants de l'Amerique Septetrionale d'ApresEastern United StatesKlockhoff, H.1783A+325.00
166A Map of the United States of America Agreeable to the Peace of 1783Eastern United StatesGuthrie, William1786B250.00
167The United States of AmericaEastern United StatesPayne, John1800B+unsold
168[Lot of 2] United States [and] United StatesEastern United States1804-32B+130.00
169Map of the United States of AmericaEastern United StatesCarey, Mathew1814B475.00
170Etats-Unis d'AmeriqueEastern United StatesBuchon, Jean Alexandre1825A+275.00
171United States of AmericaEastern United StatesDrayton, John1838B120.00
172[3 Maps In Book] A Description of the Canals and Rail Roads of the United States, Comprehending Notices of All the Works of Internal Improvement Throughout the Several StatesEastern United States, RailroadsTanner, Henry Schenck1840B+150.00
173Phelps & Ensign's Travellers' Guide, and Map of the United States, Containing the Roads, Distances, Steam Boat and Canal Routes &c.Eastern United StatesPhelps & Ensign1842B+500.00
174United StatesEastern United StatesTallis, John1850B+150.00
175Phelps & Watson's Historical and Military Map of the Border & Southern StatesEastern United States, Civil WarPhelps & Watson1863B350.00
176Carte de la Nouvelle Angleterre, Nouvelle Yorck, et Pensilvanie. Pour Servir a l'Histoire Generale des VoyagesColonial New England & Mid-Atlantic United StatesBellin, Jacques Nicolas1757A120.00
177Map of Hudson's River, with the Adjacent CountryColonial New England & Mid-Atlantic, Revolutionary WarAnon.1778B100.00
178Carte de la Nouvelle Angleterre, Nouvelle York, Nouvelle Jersey, et PensilvanieColonial New England & Mid-Atlantic United StatesLaporte, Joseph de1780A180.00
179Carte de la Partie Nord des Etats Unis de l'Amerique SeptentrionaleNew England & Mid-Atlantic United StatesBonne, Rigobert1783B+90.00
180A New Map of Part of the United States of North America, Containing Those of New York, Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusets, Connecticut, Rhode Island. Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland and Virginia...New England & Mid-Atlantic United StatesCary, John1806B+200.00
181A Map of 100 Miles Round BostonColonial New England United StatesAnon.1775B+180.00
182Carte du Theatre de la Guerre Entre les Anglais et les Americains: Dressee d'Apres les Cartes Anglaises les Plus ModernesColonial New England United StatesBrion de la Tour, Louis1779Bunsold
183Midsummer's MarvelsNew England United States1937-38A120.00
184Nova Virginiae TabulaColonial Mid-Atlantic United StatesHondius/Blaeu1630A+2000.00
185Carte de la Virginie et du Maryland Dressee sur la Grande Carte Angloise de Mrs. Josue Fry et Pierre Jefferson...Colonial Mid-Atlantic United StatesRobert de Vaugondy, Didier1755B+3000.00
186Carte de la Virginie, de la Baye Chesapeack, et Pays Voisins pour Servir a l'Histoire Generale des Voyages...Colonial Mid-Atlantic United StatesBellin, Jacques Nicolas1757A160.00
187Carte de la Virginie et du MarilandMid-Atlantic United StatesLaporte, Joseph de1783A+130.00
188Map of a Reconnaissance Between Baltimore and Philadelphia Exhibiting the Several Routes of the Mail-Road Contemplated by the Resolution of Congress Approved on the 4th of May 1826 [in report] Letter from the Postmaster General...Maryland & PennsylvaniaU.S. Government1827B120.00
189Karte von den Kusten des Franzosischen Florida nach den Ersten Entdeckungen EntworffenColonial Southeastern United StatesBellin, Jacques Nicolas1756A90.00
190Carte de la Caroline et Georgie pour Servir a l'Histoire Generale des VoyagesColonial Southeastern United StatesBellin, Jacques Nicolas1757A150.00
191Carte de la Louisiane, Maryland, Virginie, Caroline, Georgie, avec une Partie de la FlorideColonial Southeastern United StatesCovens & Mortier1758A1500.00
192[Lot of 2] North Carolina [and] South CarolinaNorth Carolina & South CarolinaFinley, Anthony1824B150.00
193Carte de la Louisiane et Pays Voisins pour Servir a l'Histoire Generale des VoyagesColonial Southern & Central United StatesBellin, Jacques Nicolas1757A275.00
194FlorideColonial Southern United StatesMallet, Alain Manesson1685A220.00
195[2 Maps in Report] [Untitled Maps of Cherokee Nation No. 1 & 2]Southern United StatesU.S. Government1900A150.00
196[Untitled - Gulf Coast] [in] Tarpon Fishing Off the Gulf CoastGulf CoastRailroad Companies, (Various)1880A325.00
197A Map of the Indian Territory Northern Texas and New Mexico Showing the Great Western PrairiesSouth Central United States, Texas, Indian TerritoryGregg, Josiah1844B230.00
198Carte Geographique, Statistique et Historique du Territoire d'ArkansasCentral United States, Arkansas TerritoryBuchon, Jean Alexandre1825A250.00
199[Lot of 2] Map Illustrating the Plan of the Defences of the Western & North-Western Frontier, as Proposed by Charles Gratiot, in His Report of Oct. 31, 1837 [and] ... the Hon: J.R. Poinsett, Sec. of War, in His Report of Dec. 30, 1837Central United StatesHood, Washington (Lt.)1837B+200.00
200[Lot of 2] Topographical Map of the Road from Missouri to Oregon Commencing at the Mouth of the Kansas in the Missouri River, and Ending at the Mouth of the Wallah Wallah in the Columbia ... Section I [and] Section IICentral United StatesFremont/Preuss1846B325.00
201Nebraska and KanzasCentral United StatesColton, Joseph Hutchins1855A130.00
202Map of Nebraska from Explorations of Lt. G.K. Warren Topl. Engrs. in 1855, 56, & 57, and Other AuthoritiesCentral United States, Great PlainsU.S. War Department1858B+210.00
203Kansas, Nebraska, Minnesota, Indian Territory, DacotahCentral United StatesSmith, Roswell C.1860B+200.00
204Map of Kansas, Nebraska and Colorado. Showing Also the Eastern Portion of IdahoCentral & Western United StatesMitchell, Samuel Augustus1861B+120.00
205Carte que les Gnacsitares ont Dessine sur ... Carte de la Riviere Longue et de Quelques Autres qui se Dechargent dans le Grand Fleuve Missisipi …Colonial Upper Midwestern United States, River LongueLahontan, Louis Armand1728B+800.00
206[Northwestern Sheet] Amerique Septentrionale avec les Routes, Distances en Miles, Villages et Etablissements...Colonial Upper Midwestern United StatesMitchell/Le Rouge1756B+300.00
207Map of the Northern Parts of Ohio, Indiana and Illinois with Michigan, and That Part of the Ouisconsin Territory Lying East of the Mississippi RiverUpper Midwestern United StatesBurr, David H.1836B+500.00
208Guide Through Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Wisconsin & Iowa... [bound in] The Western Tourist and Emigrant's Guide...Upper Midwestern United StatesSmith, J. Calvin1839B325.00
209Report of a Geological Exploration of Part of Iowa, Wisconsin, and Illinois, Made Under Instructions from the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States...Upper Midwestern United StatesOwen, David Dale1844B+130.00
210[Lot of 3] The Old Northwest Territory [and] Northwest Territory Celebration... [and] The Birthplace of the Northwest TerritoryUpper Midwestern United States1936-38A300.00
211[5 Maps in Report] Message from the President of the United States ... the Survey to Ascertain and Designate the Boundary-Line Between the State of Michigan and the Territory of WisconsinWisconsin & MichiganU.S. Government1841A100.00
212Map Showing Positions of Nebraska State Troops in Indian Campaigns of the Winter of 1890-91Nebraska & South DakotaU.S. Government1894A90.00
213Sketch of the Routes of Hunt & StuartWestern United StatesIrving, Washington1836B+200.00
214Map of the Route Pursued by the Late Expedition Under the Command of Col. S.W. Kearny, U.S. 1st Dragoons...Western United StatesFranklin, William Buell [Lt.]1845B+190.00
215Map Showing the Route Pursued by the Exploring Expedition to New Mexico and the Southern Rocky Mountains...Western United StatesFremont, John Charles1846B+600.00
216Stati e Territorii Occidentali della Unione AmericanaWestern United StatesMarmocchi, Francesco1850B+275.00
217Nuova California (Stati Uniti dell' America Settentrionale)Western United StatesMarzolla, Benedetto1851A350.00
218A New Map of the State of California, the Territories of Oregon, Washington, Utah & New MexicoWestern United StatesThomas, Cowperthwait & Co.1853A1500.00
219Map No. 1. From Fort Smith to the Rio Grande from Explorations and Surveys Made Under the Direction of the Hon. Jefferson Davis, Secretary of War...Western United StatesWhipple, Amiel Weekes1853-54B+150.00
220[3 Maps in Report] Sixth Annual Report of the United States Geological Survey of the Territories, Embracing Portions of Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, and Utah...Western United StatesHayden, Ferdinand Vandeveer1873B+180.00
221(Map No. II.) Carringtons Outline of Indian Operations on the PlainsWestern United States1878B+60.00
222Map of the Northern Pacific Rail Road and ConnectionsWestern United StatesRailroad Companies, (Various)1886A180.00
223[Lot of 2] Mark! When You Want a Pointer Regarding Your Western Trip Call on Your Nearest Ticket Agent or Any District Passenger Agent on the Northern Pacific Railway Co. [with other Northern Pacific Railroad Documents]Western United StatesPoole Bros.1896B100.00
224Map of the Territory West of the Rocky MountainsNorthwestern United StatesBonneville, Benjamin L. E. de1837B300.00
225Map No. 3 Rocky Mountains to Puget Sound; from Explorations and Surveys Made Under the Direction of the Hon. Jefferson Davis Secretary of War...Northwestern United States, WashingtonStevens, Isaac Ingalls1853-54B+230.00
226Map of Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and Part of MontanaNorthwestern United StatesMitchell, Samuel Augustus1860A65.00
227Johnson's Nebraska, Dakota, Idaho and MontanaNorthwestern United StatesJohnson, A. J.1865B+120.00
228Washington and OregonWashington & OregonColton, Joseph Hutchins1853A210.00
229[Maps with Report] Map of the Territory of New Mexico... [and] Sketch of Part of the March & Wagon Road of Lt. Colonel Cooke... [with] Notes of a Military Reconnoissance, from Fort Leavenworth, in Missouri, to San Diego, in California…Southwestern United StatesEmory, William Hemsley1848B300.00
230That Part of Disturnell's Treaty Map in the Vicinity of the Rio Grande and Southern Boundary of New Mexico as Referred to ny U.S. Surveyor...Southwestern United StatesU.S. Government1851B130.00
231Territories of New Mexico and UtahSouthwestern United StatesColton, Joseph Hutchins1855B+325.00
232Johnson's California Territories of New Mexico and UtahSouthwestern United StatesJohnson & Browning1861A240.00
233[Lot of 2] New Rail Road and County Map of Northern California and Nevada [and] New Rail Road and County Map of Southern California and ArizonaSouthwestern United StatesCram, George F. & Company1882B+110.00
234Panoramic Perspective of the Area Adjacent to Las Vegas - Hoover Dam and Lake Mead National Recreation AreaSouthwestern United StatesEddy, Gerald1958B+90.00
235Map No. 2 From the Pimas Villages to Fort Fillmore from Explorations and Surveys Made Under the Direction of the Hon. Jefferson Davis, Secretary of War...Arizona & New MexicoParke, John G. (Lt.)1854-55B+150.00
236General Chart of AlaskaAlaska, Klondike RegionRand McNally & Co.1897B+190.00
237Territory of AlaskaAlaska1936B+80.00
238A Good-Natured Map of Alaska Showing the Services Offered by "The Alaska Line" and Suggesting Some of the Most Interesting Features of the TerritoryAlaska1940B+unsold
239The Garden of America - The Salt River Valley ArizonaArizona, Phoenix1885B+325.00
240Territory of Arizona. Compiled from the Official Records of the General Land Office and Other Sources...ArizonaGeneral Land Office1901A100.00
241ArkansasArkansasBradford, Thomas Gamaliel1838A100.00
242Upper California, to Illustrate the Paper by Dr. CoulterCaliforniaMurray, John1835B+180.00
243CaliforniaCaliforniaMorse, Charles W.1856B+80.00
244[Map with Book] Map Showing the Distribution of the Indian Tribes of California... [with] Tribes of CaliforniaCaliforniaU.S. Department of Interior1877B210.00
245[Lot of 2] San Francisco Los Angeles Auto Road Map... [on verso] Thurston's Auto Road Map of Los Angeles Riverside Orange... [and] Thurston's Auto Road Map San Francisco to Los Angeles... [on verso] San Francisco to Portland Auto Road Map...CaliforniaThurston, Albert1914-15B+130.00
246California Official Tourist Picture MapCalifornia1934B+130.00
247[Lot of 2] Lake Tahoe - "The Lake of the Sky" [and] Lake Tahoe California-NevadaLake Tahoe, California1930-35150.00
2481960 Winter Olympic Games Squaw Valley, CaliforniaSquaw Valley, California1960A120.00
249Mt. Tamalpais California - Mt. Tamalpais & Muir Woods RailwaySan Francisco Bay Area, CaliforniaRailroad Companies, (Various)1917A170.00
250San FranciscoSan Francisco, CaliforniaBill, Henry1852B200.00
251Bay von San Francisco [with additional title] St. Francisco. Der HafenSan Francisco, CaliforniaHildebrandt, E.1864A400.00
252[Map in Book] San Francisco Burned District [in] The Doomed City - A Thrilling TaleSan Francisco, California1906A110.00
253Monterey PeninsulaMonterey, California1925B+120.00
254A Cartograph of Monterey Bay Region - California's Greatest and Most Accessible Scenic Playground! Monterey Bay, CaliforniaWhite, Ruth Taylor1933A+220.00
255Portions of Los Angeles and San Bernardino Counties, Cal.Southern California1883A55.00
256Southern California as Seen from Fabulous Long BeachSouthern California1957A+120.00
257The Literary Map of Los AngelesLos Angeles, California; Literary Map1987A100.00
258Disneyland - The Magic Kingdom in Anaheim, CaliforniaAnaheim, California1956A+200.00
259Asher & Adams' ColoradoColoradoAsher & Adams1875B+375.00
260Colorado [on verso] Indian TerritoryColorado & OklahomaMitchell, Samuel Augustus1884A160.00
261[Untitled - Central Colorado] [in] Mountain Mail - No. 73Central Colorado, Salida1881A325.00
262ConnecticutConnecticutMitchell, Samuel Augustus1846B+75.00
263Historical Map of the State of ConnecticutConnecticut1937B+100.00
264[5 Maps in Report] Report of the Commissioners of the District of Columbia for the Year Ended June 30, 1900.Washington, D.C.U.S. Government1900A160.00
265[Lot of 5 - Washington Mall] Annual Reports of the War Department for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1901. Report of the Chief of Engineers. Part 5Washington, D.C.U.S. War Department1901B+220.00
266Potomac River (In Four Sheets) Sheet No. 4 From Indian Head to GeorgetownWashington, D.C., AlexandriaU.S. Coast & Geodetic Survey1905A300.00
267Map of the City of Washington Showing United States ReservationsWashington, D.C.U.S. Army1908B+70.00
268Washington Warning Area Map I [on verso] Washington Warning Area Map IIWashington, D.C.U.S. Government1959A110.00
269FloridaFloridaWilliams, C. S.1832B+275.00
270Map of East Florida, Reduced from the Map Compiled by Capt. John Mackay & Lieut. J. E. Blake...FloridaThayer & Co.1840B+500.00
271Colton's FloridaFloridaColton, G.W. & C.B.1868B+70.00
272[Map with Booklet] Lands Colored Blue Indicate the Territory in Which the Following Companies Own Land - Florida Land and Improvement Company... [with] The Disston Lands of Florida...Florida1885B+700.00
273Revised Street Map of Greater Miami Dade County FloridaMiami, Florida1934B120.00
274"In and Out" Guide of Miami Miami Beach Coral Gables & VicinityMiami, Florida1938B+160.00
275Official Map of the City of Miami Beach Florida - Southern HalfMiami Beach, Florida1929B+650.00
276Carte des Isles SandwichHawaiiBonne, Rigobert1787A300.00
277Hawaiian Islands - Coast of Oahu Mokapu Point to Barbers Point Including Honolulu Harbor and Pearl Lochs...Oahu, HawaiiU.S. Navy Dept.1910B250.00
278ChicagoChicago, IllinoisMitchell, Samuel Augustus1880A75.00
279A Map of Chicago Incorporated as a Town August 5 1833Chicago, IllinoisConley & Stelzer1933A+300.00
280KentuckyKentuckyFinley, Anthony1824B75.00
281Plan de la Nouvelle Orleans sur les Manuscrits du Depot des Cartes de la MarineNew Orleans, LouisianaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1757A850.00
282Plan of the Operations of the British & American Forces Below New Orleans, on the 8th of January, 1815New Orleans, Louisiana1818A600.00
283Maine - Its Recreation and History [on verso] State Highway Commission Map of MaineMaine1935A160.00
284MarylandMarylandCarey, Mathew1801A100.00
285The State of MassachusettsMassachusettsCarey, Mathew1814B160.00
286Picture Map of MassachusettsMassachusettsBrown, H.1930A120.00
287A Map of Interesting Cape CodCape Cod, Massachusetts1945A+220.00
288Plan de la Ville de Boston et ses EnvironsBoston, MassachusettsBellin, Jacques Nicolas1757A150.00
289A New and Correct Plan of the Town of BostonBoston, MassachusettsAnon.1775B+325.00
290Boston with Charlestown and RoxburyBoston, MassachusettsSDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge1842A160.00
291A Plan of the Action at Bunkers Hill, on the 17th of June 1775. Between His Majesty's Troops, Under the Command of Major General Howe... [in] The History of Charlestown, MassachusettsBoston, Massachusetts1849B250.00
292BostonBoston, Massachusetts1857B+750.00
293A Scott-Map of Harvard University and of Radcliffe College Cambridge, MassachusettsBoston, Massachusetts1959A+150.00
294The Many Worlds of BostonBoston, Massachusetts1966Aunsold
295Carte Geographique, Statistique et Historique de MichiganMichiganBuchon, Jean Alexandre1825B+200.00
296La Riviere du Detroit Depuis le Lac Sainte Claire Jusqu'au Lac ErieDetroit, MichiganBellin, Jacques Nicolas1764A3500.00
297Chain of Rocks Bridge Map of St. Louis and Vicinity Showing Points of Interest, Motor Routes and Best Entrance to St Louis...St. Louis, MissouriRand McNally & Co.1940A90.00
298Territory of MontanaMontanaMitchell, Samuel Augustus1879A220.00
299B.B. McGee's Wildlife Map of Nevada (or... How to Find Your Way to the Ranch)Nevada1984A100.00
300The State of New Hampshire. Compiled Chiefly from Actual SurveysNew HampshireLewis/Carey1813B150.00
301The State of New Jersey, Compiled from the Most Accurate SurveysNew JerseyReid, John1796B+unsold
302Territory of New Mexico Compiled from the Official Records of the General Land Office and Other SourcesNew MexicoGeneral Land Office1903A240.00
303Historical Map of the State of New YorkNew York1937B+120.00
304Geological Map of Long & Staten Islands with the Environs of New YorkLong Island, Staten Island, Southern New York, GeologyMather, W. W.1842B+800.00
305Chart of Long Island SoundLong Island Sound, New York & ConnecticutBlunt, Edmund1822B60.00
306Carte de l'Entree de la Riviere d'Hudson, Depuis Sandy-Hook Jusques a New-York, avec les Bancs, Sondes, Marques de Navigation &c...Colonial New York Harbor, Revolutionary WarSartine1778B1200.00
307A South Prospect of ye Flourishing City of New-York in the Province of New York, North AmericaNew York City, New YorkHayward, George1848A130.00
308Plan of New York in 1729 Surveyed by James LyneNew York City, New YorkValentine's Manual1850A90.00
309Map of the City & County of New-YorkNew York City, New YorkHayward, George1858B+150.00
310View in Central Park. Southward from the Arsenal 5th Avenue & 64th St. June, 1858New York City, New YorkHayward, George1859B+85.00
311Rand, McNally & Co.'s Road Map of the Country Around New York. Including Parts of Northern and Central New Jersey, Westchester County, Long Island - - Staten Island...New York City, New YorkRand McNally & Co.1895B+unsold
312Sinclair Pictorial Map of New YorkNew York City, New York1939A90.00
313The City of New YorkNew York City, New YorkHarrison, Richard Edes1939B+120.00
314Colorgraph Map of New YorkNew York City, New York1954A250.00
315Bird's-Eye View of the Borough of Brooklyn Showing Parks, Cemeteries, Principal Buildings, and SuburbsBrooklyn, New York1897B+150.00
316[3 Maps in Report] Eastern Cherokees in North Carolina. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior ... Relative to the Lands and Funds of the Eastern Band of North Carolina CherokeesWestern North CarolinaU.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs1882B+150.00
317Being a Cartograph of Ohio - The Oldest State West of the Thirteen Original Colonies...Ohio1933A120.00
318Plat of the Seven Ranges of Townships Being Part of the Territory of the United States N.W. of the River Ohio...Eastern OhioHutchins, Thomas (Capt.)1814B375.00
319The Heart of Cleveland Ohio - Forest CityCleveland, Ohio1928B100.00
320[12 Maps in Report] Annual Reports of the Department of the Interior for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1903. Indian Affairs. Part II. Commission to the Five Civilized Tribes...OklahomaU.S. Department of Interior1903B+400.00
321Oklahoma Territory. Compiled from the Official Records of the General Land Office and from Data on File in the Executive Office of the Territory...OklahomaGeneral Land Office1907A150.00
322Recreational Map of Pennsylvania Showing Parks, Recreational Areas, Towers and MonumentsPennsylvania1951Aunsold
323Newport and the Historic Island of Rhode IslandRhode Island & Massachusetts1939Aunsold
324The State of TennesseeTennesseeCarey, Mathew1814B+400.00
325A New Map of Texas, with the Contiguous American & Mexican StatesTexasMitchell, Samuel Augustus1837B13000.00
326TexasTexasFlemming, Carl1845B400.00
327County Map of the State of Texas Showing Also Portions of the Adjoining States and TerritoriesTexasMitchell, Samuel Augustus1877A110.00
328Geological Map of Texas (Revised Edition)Texas, Geology1919B+650.00
329Official Texas Brags Map of North AmericaTexas, North America1948A425.00
330[2 Maps in Report] Report on the Colorado Coal Field of TexasCentral Texas, Geology1893B+75.00
331Map Showing the Route of the Arkansas Regiment from Shreveport La. to San Antonio de Bexar TexasEastern TexasU.S. Government1850B60.00
332Geological Report on Robertson County. Extract from Data from Map Compiled by the United States Geological SurveyEastern Texas, Oil1918A150.00
333Views of Texas and Louisiana Along the Southern Pacific Lines - The Sunset RouteTexas & LouisianaInterstate Company1947B+180.00
334[Lot of 4] Ashburn's Houston City Map [and] Ashburn's Austin City Map [and] Ashburn's Dallas City Map [and] Ashburn's San Antonio City MapTexas Cities1950-51425.00
335A Preliminary Report of the Texas Geological Survey Together with Agricultural Observations, and an Outline of the Mineral Deposits of the StateTexas, Historical Documents1866B+150.00
336State of Utah Compiled from the Official Records of the General Land Office and Other SourcesUtahGeneral Land Office1915B+100.00
337VirginiaVirginiaCarey, Mathew1801B+75.00
338VirginiaVirginiaArrowsmith & Lewis1812A140.00
339VirginiaVirginiaFinley, Anthony1824B130.00
340Colton's VirginiaVirginiaJohnson & Browning1855A210.00
341The Part of Virginia Which Was the Seat of ActionEastern VirginiaConder, Thomas1788A180.00
342[Untitled - Powhatan, Virginia] Figure CXXVIPowhatan, Virginia, NativesMallet, Alain Manesson1683A80.00
343[Maps in Report] Plan of the Battlefield of the Four Lakes Sept. 1st 1858…[and] Plan of Col. Steptoe's Battlefield on the Ingossomen Creek... [in] Report of the Secretary of War...Washington, Spokane Indian WarsU.S. War Department1859B+145.00
344Washington TerritoryWashingtonGeneral Land Office1883A130.00
345The Evergreen Playground - Neither Europe Nor Asia Nor South America Has a Prospect in Which Sea and Woods and Snow Mountains Are So United in a LandscapeWashingtonKroll, Map Company1945B+200.00
346[Lot of 3] Puget Sound & Mt. Rainier From Whitby's Island [and] Mount Rainier Viewed from Near Steilacoom [and] Life Zones of Mount Rainier National ParkMount Rainier, Washington1860-1923A120.00
347Wisconsin Fun Map Picturing the Vacation Opportunities of this Great Outdoor StateWisconsin1956A110.00
348Mexico, Mittel-America, TexasUnited States & Mexico, TexasFlemming, Carl1842A180.00
349Mexique ou Nouvelle EspagneSouthern United States, Mexico & Central AmericaMallet, Alain Manesson1685A100.00
350Messico Ouvero Nuova Spagna che Contiene il Nuovo Messico la California con una Parte de Paesi AdjacentiSouthern United States, Mexico & Central AmericaZatta, Antonio1785A220.00
351MexicoSouthern United States & Mexico, TexasHall, Sidney1845B+300.00
352Passage par Terre a la Californie Decouvert par le Rev. Pere Eusebe-Francois Kino Jesuite Depuis 1698 Jusqu'a 1701...Southwestern United States & MexicoKino, Eusebio Francisco, SJ1705B+unsold
353Mexico or New SpainSouthwestern United States & MexicoCarey, Mathew1814B250.00
354Carte de la Cote Occidentale d'Amerique Comprise Entre le Port de San Diego et le Golfe de Tehuantepec...Southwestern United States & MexicoDepot de la Marine1863Aunsold
355Mexicque, ou Nouvelle Espagne, Nouvlle Gallice, Iucatan &c. et Autres Provinces Jusques a l'Isthme de Panama; ou sont Audiences de Mexico, de Guadalaiara, et de GuatimalaMexico & Central AmericaSanson/Mariette1656A650.00
356Partie Meridionale, de l'Ancien Mexique ou de la Nouvle. EspagneMexico & Central AmericaBonne, Rigobert1780A75.00
357Hispaniae Novae Sivae Magnae, Recens et Vera DescriptioWestern MexicoOrtelius, Abraham1579B+350.00
358Hispaniae Novae Nova DescriptioWestern MexicoHondius, Jodocus1611A250.00
359Hispaniae Novae Nova DescriptioWestern MexicoMercator/Jansson1630B75.00
360Descripcion del Districto de la Audiencia de la Nueva GaliciaWestern MexicoHerrera y Tordesillas, Antonio de1723A200.00
361Carte de l'Empire du Mexique pour l'Histoire Generale des VoyagesCentral MexicoBellin, Jacques Nicolas1754A16.00
362Seno de California, y su Costa Oriental Nuevamente Descubierta, y Registrada Desde el Cabo et las Virgenes...Gulf of CaliforniaVenegas, Miguel (Padre)1747B+650.00
363Mexico, Regia et Celebris Hispaniae Novae Civitas [on sheet with] Cusco, Regni Peru in Novo Orbe CaputMexico City, Mexico & Cusco, PeruBraun & Hogenberg1582A500.00
364[Lot of 2] Carte du Lac de Mexico, et de ses Environs Lors de la Conqueste des Espagnols, pour Servir a l'Histoire Generale des Voyages [and] Ancien MexicoMexico City, MexicoBellin, Jacques Nicolas1753A120.00
365Pianta del Porto d'Acapulco Sopra la Costa de Messico nel Mar del Sud...Acapulco, MexicoPazzi, Giuseppe1763A+75.00
366[South Central Sheet] Grand Theatre de la Guerre en Amerique Suivant les Plus Novelles Observations des Espagnols, Anglois, Francois & HollandoisCentral America & ColombiaOttens, Reiner and Joshua1741B+unsold
367Description de l'Isthme de Darien des Proprietez du Pais et de la Ville de Panama; a la Quelle on a Joint une Description Curieuse des Diverses Plantes, Oiseaux, Poissons les Plus Rares qui se Trouvent dans la Nouvelle HollandePanamaChatelain, Henry Abraham1720A+80.00
368Plan de la Ville Rade et Forts de Porto Bello... / Plan van de Stad Haven en Forten van Porto Bello...Portobelo, PanamaMortier, Pierre1740A900.00
369Portus Pulchri, in Isthmo Panamensi Siti Accurata Ichnographia ex Prototypo Londinensi...Portobelo, PanamaHomann Heirs1743B+100.00
370Ruatan or Rattan Leve Par Henry Barsnley LieutenantRoatan, HondurasLe Rouge, George Louis1779B+200.00
371Mappa Geographica, Complectens I. Indiae Occidentalis Partem Mediam Circum Isthmum Panamensem II. Ipsumq Isthmum. III. Ichnographiam Praecipuorum Locorum & Portuum ad has Terras Pertinentium...Gulf of Mexico & CaribbeanHomann Heirs1740A400.00
372Kaart van de Onderkoningschappen van Mexico en Nieuw Granada in de Spaansche West-IndienGulf of Mexico & CaribbeanTirion, Isaac1765A275.00
373Carte du Golphe du Mexique et des Isles Antilles Reduite de la Grande Carte Angloise de Popple...Gulf of Mexico & CaribbeanBuache/Dezauche1780B+400.00
374West IndiesGulf of Mexico & CaribbeanAnon.1796B170.00
375The Coast of West Florida and LouisianaGulf of MexicoJefferys/Laurie & Whittle1794B+unsold
376Isles CaribesCaribbeanMallet, Alain Manesson1683A170.00
377Dominia Anglorum in Praecipuis Insulis Americae... / Die Englische Colonie-Laender auf den Insuln von America...Caribbean & BermudaHomann Heirs1759A200.00
378The West Indies, Exhibiting the English French Spanish Dutch & Danish Settlements with the Adjacent Parts of North & South America, from the Best AuthoritiesCaribbeanMiddleton, Charles T.1779B+210.00
379An Accurate Map of the West Indies with the Adjacent Coast of AmericaCaribbeanReid, John1796B+200.00
380Le Grandi Antille e l'Isole LucajeGreater Antilles, FloridaBorghi, Bartolomeo1817A170.00
381Pas Kaart vande Zuyd Kust van Cuba en van Geheel Yamaica en Andre Bygeleegen PlaatsenSouthern Cuba & JamaicaKeulen/Vooght1680Aunsold
382HavanaHavana, CubaMallet, Alain Manesson1683A65.00
383A Plan of the Siege of the Havana, Drawn by an Officer on the SpotHavana, CubaAnon.1762B+100.00
384La GiammaicaJamaicaZatta, Antonio1778B+unsold
385Nova Designatio Insulae Jamaicae ex Antillanis Americae Septentrion…JamaicaSeutter, Matthias1740B+220.00
386Carte Reduite de l'Isle de la Jamaique pour Servir aux Vaisseaux du Roy...JamaicaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1753Aunsold
387Carte de l'Isle de la JamaiqueJamaicaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1758B+60.00
388Isola SpagnuolaHispaniolaRamusio, Giovanni Battista1565A250.00
389Isles de Saint Domingue ou Hispaniola, et de la MartiniqueHispaniola & MartiniqueRobert de Vaugondy, Gilles1784B+60.00
390Carte Geographique, Statistique et Historique de Porto-RicoPuerto Rico & Virgin IslandsBuchon, Jean Alexandre1825B+180.00
391Carte des Antilles Francoises et des Isles Voisines Dressee sur les Memoires Manuscrits de Mr. Petit Ingenieur du Roy...Lesser AntillesDelisle/Covens & Mortier1730B+100.00
392[Eastern Sheet - Nieuwe Paskaart van de Kusten van West Indien van Rio Oronoque tot Cartegena Met alle de Caribische Eylanden...]Lesser Antilles, Puerto Rico & Northern South AmericaKeulen, Johannes van1734B500.00
393Particularitez Curieuses de l'Ile de St. Christophle et de la Province de Bemarin dans les AntillesSt. KittsChatelain, Henry Abraham1720B+100.00
394Les Isles de la Guadeloupe, de Marie Galante de la Desirade, et Celles des Saintes: Colonie Francoise dans les AntillesGuadeloupeBonne, Rigobert1779B+25.00
395La Dominique Situee Entre la Martinique et la Guadaloupe...DominicaLe Rouge, George Louis1778B+275.00
396Nouveau Voyage aux Isles de l'Amerique, Contenant l'Histoire Naturelle de ces Pays, l'Origine, les Mouers, la Religion & le Gouvernement ... Tome PremierMartinique, North AmericaLabat, J. B.1722160.00
397Martinico, Done from Actual Surveys and Observations, Made by English Engineers Whilst the Island Was in Their PossessionMartiniqueJefferys, Thomas1775A300.00
398A Plan of the Town and Citadel of Fort Royal in Martinico, the Last Landing Place of Our Army and Country, Through Which It Marched to the AttackFort-de-France, MartiniqueAnon.1762B+31.00
399Ste. Lucie d'Apres les Plans Leves par les Anglois lors qu'ils la Possedoient…St. LuciaLe Rouge, George Louis1779B+300.00
400Grenada to Britain [on sheet with] Tobago to Britain [and] Curcao to Holland [and] Trinidad to BritainGrenada, Trinidad, Tobago & CuracaoPhilip, George1856B+unsold
401Curacao, from the Dutch Originals, of Gerald Van Keulen, Regulated by Astronomical ObservationsCuracaoJefferys/Sayer1775B+1400.00
402Tierra NovaSouth AmericaRuscelli, Girolamo1574A425.00
403Delineatio Omnium Orarum Totius Australis Partis Americae, Dictae Peruvianae, a R. de la Plata, Brasiliam, Pariam, & Castellam Auream...South America & CaribbeanLinschoten/Langren1596B4000.00
404Amerique MeridionaleSouth AmericaSanson/Mariette1669B+250.00
405Amerique MeridionaleSouth AmericaMallet, Alain Manesson1683A60.00
406Amerique MeridionaleSouth AmericaSanson, Nicolas1699A100.00
407[Lot of 2] Amerique Meridionale [and] Carte de la Partie Septentrionale du BresilSouth America, BrazilBonne, Rigobert1780A75.00
408South America Under the Axis or the Heil with the Monroe DoctrineSouth America1938A70.00
409Moore-McCormack Lines Pictorial Map of South America South AmericaDudley Chase, Ernest1942A120.00
410Castille Neuve ou Castille d'OrNorthern South AmericaMallet, Alain Manesson1683B+60.00
411Carte du Cours du Maragnon ou de la Grande Riviere des Amazones…Northern South America, AmazonBellin, Jacques Nicolas1773A+80.00
412Plan des Villes, Forts, Port, Rade et Environ de Cartagene Situee dans l'Amerique Meridionale dans la Province de Terre Ferme Appartenant aux EspagnolsCartagena, ColombiaFer, Nicolas de1705A100.00
413Cartagena in Terra Firma Americae Sita...Cartagena, ColombiaHomann Heirs1743B80.00
414Guiana, Verdeelt in Guiana en CaribanaGuyana, Suriname, French GuianaSanson, Nicolas1705A60.00
415Carte Reduite des Costes de la Guyane Depuis la Riviere d'Orenoque Jusqu'au Cap de Nord a l'Entree de la Riviere des Amazones...Guyana, Suriname, French GuianaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1760B+unsold
416Pas-Kaart van de Zee-Kusten van Guiana Tusschen Cabo Noord en Rio Amano…French GuianaKeulen/Vooght1700B+300.00
417Brasil Nuova TavolaBrazilRuscelli, Girolamo1561B+220.00
418BrasiliaBrazilBlaeu, Johannes1647B+500.00
419Praefecturae Paranambucae Pars MeridionalisEastern BrazilBlaeu, Johannes1664A500.00
420MauritiopolisMauritsstaad, BrazilMontanus, Arnoldus1671Aunsold
421[The Siege of Iguaracu] IIII. Capittel. Wie ihre Festung war/ und wie sie Gegen uns StrittenItamaraca, BrazilBry, Theodore de1592B+60.00
422[A Typical Tupi Village]Brazil, NativesBry, Theodore de1592B+80.00
423Paraguay, o Prov. de Rio de la Plata cum Regionibus Adiacentibus Tucuman et Sta. Cruz de la SierraCentral South America, ParaguayJansson, Jan1633A+130.00
424Le Paraguay Subdivise en ses Principales Parties Suivant les Dernieres RelaonsCentral South America, ParaguaySanson, Nicolas1699A90.00
425PeruPeruBlaeu, Willem1642A180.00
426Il Cuscho Citta Principale della Provincia del PeruCusco, PeruMunster, Sebastian1614B+150.00
427Pianta di Cusco nel Tempo della Conquista che ne Secero gli SpagnoliCusco, PeruPazzi, Giuseppe1763A26.00
428[Atahualpa Is Garrotted] Peru, NativesBry, Theodore de1597B+60.00
429ChiliChileBlaeu, Willem1631B+unsold
430ChiliChileMontanus, Arnoldus1671B+120.00
431ChileChile, Aviation1955A375.00
432Carta Particolare della Costa di Chilue e di Chica e Parte Australe di Cili...Southern ChileDudley, Robert (Sir)1646B+850.00
433Paskaarte van 't Zuydelyckste Deel van America. Van Cabo St. Antonio, tot Caep de Hoorn, en de inde Zuyd Zee, tot B. de TongoySouthern South AmericaDoncker, Henrick1680B+300.00
434Chili Magellans-Land, and Terra del Fuego &c.Southern South AmericaMoll, Herman1723B+110.00
435Carte de l'Extremite Meridionale de l'AmeriqueSouthern South AmericaCook, James (Capt.)1775Aunsold
436Carte du Paraguay du Chili du Detroit de Magellan &c. Dressee sur les Descriptions des PP. Alfonse d'Ovalle, et Nicolas Techo...Southern South AmericaDelisle/Dezauche1780B+180.00
437Destroit de Magellan, Terre et Isles Magellanicques, &c.Tierra del FuegoSanson, Nicolas1699A140.00
438Carte du Detroit de Magellan dans Laquelle on a Insere les Observations et les Decouvertes du Capne. Byron, du Capne. Wallis, et du Capne. CarteretStrait of MagellanBenard, Jacques Francois1774B+100.00
439Carte de l'Ocean Meridional Dressee pour Servir a l'Histoire Generale des VoyagesSouth AtlanticBellin/Van Schley1746A210.00
440Mappa Aestivarum Insularum, Alias Barmudas Dictarum, ad Ostia Mexicani Aestuary...BermudaHondius, Henricus1639Bunsold
441A New & Accurate Map of Bermudas or Sommer's Islands... [on sheet with] An Accurate Map of the Island of St. Christopher, Vulgarly Called St. Kits...Bermuda & St. KittsBowen, Emanuel1747A350.00
442Pascaerte van 't Westlyckste deel vande Spaense Zee, Tusschen Brasil, de Zoute en Vlaemse Eylanden, en Voortwestwart OpNorth AtlanticLoon, Jan van1661B+600.00
443Carte Reduite de l'Ocean Occidental Comprenant les Cotes d'Europe et d'Afrique...North AtlanticDepot de la Marine1742B+450.00
444Old Greenland, as to Its Eastern & Western Parts, Vulgo Oster Bygd & Wester BygdNorth AtlanticAllman, Thomas Joseph1818B+90.00
445[Isola d'Islanda]IcelandCoronelli, Vincenzo Maria1696B+300.00
446Carte de l'Islande, pour Servir a la Continuation de l'Histoire Generale des Voyages...IcelandBellin, Jacques Nicolas1780B+120.00
447Island nach Murdochischer Projection und den Besten Astronomischen Orts-Bestinungen...IcelandReinecke, Johann Matthais Christoph1804A550.00
448Uppdrattr Islands...Iceland1844B+1700.00
449Vera Delineatio Totius Tractus ex Hollandia Septentrionem Versus per Fretrum Nassouicum, ad Fluvium Oby Ducentes, ex Annotatione Iohannis Hugouis Lintschottani, de Annis 1594 et 1595, Etc.Arctic & ScandinaviaBry, Theodore de1613B+650.00
450The Polar Regions Shewing the Recent DiscoveriesArctic Ocean & CanadaPhilip, George1853A140.00
451Von dem Land Europa / das zu Unsern Zeiten die Christenheit...EuropeMunster, Sebastian1578A150.00
452EuropeEuropeDuval, Pierre1682A160.00
453Europa Christiani Orbis Domina in sua Imperia, Regna, et Status Exacte DivisaEuropeHomann, Johann Baptist1720B+300.00
454A New and Accurate Map of Europe, Divided Into Its Empires, Kingdoms, States and Republics, &c...EuropeKitchin, Thomas1772B+620.00
455[Lot of 2] L'Europe [and] A New Map of Europe Corrected from the Highest Authorities...Europe1778-1808140.00
456EuropeEuropeLevasseur, Victor1845A55.00
457[Lot of 3] Humoristische Karte von Europa im Jahre 1914 [and] 2. Humoristische Karte von Europa im Jahre 1914 [and] Humorist. Darstellung der Wappen underer Feinde 1914Europe, World War ILeutert & Schneiderwind1914B+1500.00
458Karte von Europa im Jahre 1870 nach einem Franzosischen Holzschnitte / Karte von Europa im Jahre 1914Europe, World War I1915A+650.00
460Britannia Prout Divisa Suit Temporibus Anglo-Saxonum, Praesertim Durante Illorum HeptarchiaBritainJansson, Jan1646B850.00
461Pas-Caart vant Canaal Vertoonende in 't Gheheel Engelandt, Schotlandt, Yrlandt...BritainGoos, Pieter1675B650.00
462Les Isles Britanniques qui Contiennent les Royaumes d'Angleterre, Escosse, et Irlande Distingues en Leurs Principales Provinces...BritainJaillot/Ottens1725B+250.00
463[2 Volumes] Hedendaagsche Historie, of Tegenwoordige Staat van Groot Brittannie...BritainTirion, Isaac1754-55B+325.00
464[14 Maps] The Cyclist Pocket Touring Maps of BritainBritainJohnston, W. & A.K.1939B+55.00
465The Booklovers Map of the British IslesBritain1946A200.00
466Episcopatus Dunelmensis Vulgo the Bishoprick of DurhamNorthern EnglandMorden, Robert1695B+28.00
467Rutlandia Comitatus. Rutland ShireCentral EnglandBlaeu, (Family)1645A+350.00
468Comitatus Nottinghamiensis; Nottingham ShireCentral EnglandBlaeu, Johannes1646B+300.00
469Nottingham ShireCentral EnglandMorden, Robert1695A75.00
470Bedford Shire and the Situation of Bedford Described with the Armes of Thos Honorable Familyes That Have Borne ye Titles of Dukes and Earls ThereofEastern EnglandSpeed, John1610B180.00
471Londinum Celeberrima Metropolis, Splendidissima Regia et Opulentissimum Angliae Emporium... / Eigentlicher Grund Riss und Prospect der Weltberuhmten Haupt Stadt, Prachtigsten Konigl. Residenz und Reichesten Handel Stadt London in Engelland...London, EnglandSeutter, Matthias1720B+1600.00
472Kaart van Londen Enz. en van het Naby Gelegen Land Ruim een uur Gaans Rondsom Dezelve Stad...London, EnglandTirion, Isaac1754A+250.00
473British Empire Exhibition May-October 1925London, England1925B+unsold
474Rochester Inscrib'd to St. Thomas Palmer Bart. & Sr. Ion. Iennings Knt. Memrs. of Parlmt. for ye CityRochester, EnglandHarris, John1719B+120.00
475[Lot of 3] Lancastria, Cestria, Caernarvan, Denbich, Flint, Merionidh... [and] Eboracum, Lincolnia, Derbia, Staffordia, Notinghamia... [and] Warwicum, Northhamtonia, Huntingdonia, Cantabrigia, Suffolcia...England & WalesMercator/Jansson1628-48B+50.00
476A New Map of the Kingdom of England & Dominion of Wales. Whereon Are Projected All ye Principal Roads...England & WalesOgilby, John1675B+350.00
477Le Royaume d'Angleterre Distingue en Ses ProvincesEngland & WalesSanson/Jaillot1693Aunsold
478Magnae Britanniae Pars Meridionalis, in qua Regnum Angliae tam in Septem Antiqua Anglo-Saxonum Regna quam in Omnes Hodiernas Regiones Accurate Divisum hic Ostenditur...England & WalesHomann, Johann Baptist1730B+250.00
479Caernarvon Both Shyre and Shire-Towne with the Ancient Citie Bangor DescribedNorthwestern WalesSpeed, John1610B350.00
480Glamorgan Shyre with the Sittuations of the Cheife Towne Cardyff and Ancient Landaffe DescribedSouthern WalesSpeed, John1610A180.00
481Monumethensis Comitatus. Vernacule Monmouth ShireSouthern WalesBlaeu, Johannes1660A100.00
482[Lot of 2] Scotiae Pars Septentrionalis [and] Pars Scotiae AustralisScotlandHondius, Henricus1640B+220.00
483Le Royaume d'Escosse Divise en Parties Septentrionale & Meridionale; Subdivise en Provinces, Comtez &c...ScotlandSanson/Jaillot1690B+400.00
484[Untitled - Southern Scotland]Southern ScotlandMercator/Hondius1638A85.00
485Beschreibung der Koniglichen Statt Edinburg durch Alexandrum von Ales Doctorem...Edinburgh, ScotlandMunster, Sebastian1578A60.00
486[Lot of 2] Ultonia Conatia et Media [and] Hiberniae v. TabulaIrelandMercator/Hondius1609B+100.00
487[Lot of 3] Lagenia [and] Media [and] UdroneEastern IrelandHondius/Bertius1616B+75.00
488Pas-Caerte van Texel tot Aende Hoofden, Begrypende in sich de Zee-Custen van Vries-Land...North SeaLoon, Jan van1661A500.00
489Pascaert vande Noort-Zee om Achter Yrland en Schotland om to Seylen / Mare Germanicum ac Tractus Maritimus Retro HIberniam et ScotiamNorth Sea & BritainWit, Frederick de1675B+unsold
490Nieuwe Zeekaart van t' Dorde Gedeelte van t' Canaal Tusschen Engeland en Vrankryk / Nouvelle Carte Marine pour la Troisjeme Partie de la Manche Entre Engleterre et France / The New Sea Map of the Third Partie of the Chanell Betext England en FranceEnglish ChannelKeulen, Johannes van1680B+unsold
491La Plus Grande Partie de la Manche, qui Contient les Cotes de Angleterre (Situees au Sud-Est, ou est la Tamise &c.)...English ChannelOttens, Reiner and Joshua1730A+200.00
492Carte de la Manche. Faite par Ordre du Roy pour le Service de ses Armees de Mer...English ChannelSanson/Covens & Mortier1740A450.00
493Gotland oder GothenScandinaviaMunster, Sebastian1578A95.00
494Westro-Goth-Lande ou sont les Provinces de Westro-Goth-Lande, Dalie, et VermelandeSouthern SwedenSanson/Mariette1666A220.00
495Dioecesis Stavangriensis, & Partes Aliquot Vicinae, Opera L. Scavenii, S.S.Southern NorwayBlaeu, (Family)1642B+220.00
496Paskaart van de Kust van Noorwegen. Beginnende van Swarten Ostotaan Heyligelander Leen Naaukeurigh...Central NorwayKeulen, Johannes van1728B+unsold
497Von dem Preussen Land...BalticMunster, Sebastian1578A60.00
498Prussiae Regionis Sarmatiae Europeae Nobiliss. Vera et Nova Descriptio...BalticOrtelius, Abraham1584A300.00
499Prussia Accurate Descripta a Gasparo Henneberg ErlichensiBalticJansson, Jan1680B150.00
500Ducatuum Livoniae et Curlandiae cum Vicinis Insulis Nova Exhibitio GeographicaEstonia & LatviaHomann, Johann Baptist1716A200.00
501[Untitled - View of Riga]Riga, LatviaMunster, Sebastian1578A60.00
502Beschreibung des Konigreichs Denmarck...Denmark & Southern SwedenMunster, Sebastian1578A150.00
503De Stadt Nyborg Veroverdt door de Hr. Michiel de Ruiter, en 't Slaan der Zweeden...Nyborg, DenmarkStoopendaal, Daniel1687A100.00
504HollandiaNetherlandsJansson, Jan1617A80.00
505Pars Flandriae Orientalis; Franconatum, Insulam Cadsant Etc...Western BelgiumHondius, Henricus1639B+120.00
506Pars Meridionalis Brabantiae Continens Dominium Mechliniense Ducatum ArschotanumCentral BelgiumWit, Frederick de1680B+160.00
507Contrafehtung der Statt LuttichLiege, BelgiumMunster, Sebastian1578A60.00
508MonsMons, BelgiumBraun & Hogenberg1582A120.00
509The New Monumental Plan for Visitors to Antwerp [in] Antwerp Guide Brabo...Antwerp, Belgium1930B+unsold
510Lutzenburgensis Ducatus Veriss. Descript. Iacobo Surhonio Montano AuctoreLuxembourgOrtelius, Abraham1592B120.00
511Inferior GermaniaLow CountriesMercator/Hondius1621B33.00
512A New Mape of ye XVII Provinces of Low Germanie, Mended a New in Manie PlacesLow CountriesSpeed, John1676B+900.00
513Ducatus BrabantiaeSouthern Netherlands & Northern BelgiumMercator/Jansson1634A60.00
514Flandriae Pars Occidentalis ContinensNorthern France & Western BelgiumJansson, Jan1675A80.00
515Comitatus Hannoniae in suas Quasque Castellanias Balliviatus Praefecturas et Territoria Accurate Divisi DescriptioNorthern France & Southern BelgiumHomann, Johann Baptist1710B+41.00
516Tabula Europae IIIFrancePtolemy/Ruscelli1574B+120.00
517Gallia Vetus ad Iulij Caesaris CommentariaFranceJansson, Jan1636A100.00
518Recueil des Fortifications Forts et Ports de Mer de France Lave au PinceauFrance, AtlasesLe Rouge, George Louis1760A500.00
519Atlas National Illustre des 86 Departements et des Possessions de la France Divise par Arrondissements, Cantons et Communes...France, AtlasesLevasseur, Victor1852A500.00
520[Lot of 2] Nouvelle Carte de France, d'Apres les Dernieres Decouvertes des Savants et des Explorateurs [and] Nouvelle Geographie de la FranceFranceYves & Barrey1882B+unsold
521Nouvelle Carte de la France Indiquant les Routes, les Chins. de Fer les Stations Thermales et Balneaires d'Apres les Documents les Plus RecentsFrance1900B+unsold
522Carte du Pais de Retelois. Faicte par Iehan Iubrien ChalonnoisNorthern FranceJansson, Jan1624A110.00
523Description du BlaisoisNorthern FranceJansson, Jan1630A110.00
524Afbeeldinghe vande Vermaerde Seehaven ende Stadt van Duynkercken met der Omliggende Plaetsen Sanden ende Droochten… / Pourtraict de la Fameuse Ville et Havre de Duynckerke et Places Voisines...Northern FranceHondius, Henricus1631B+140.00
525Comitatus ArtesiaeNorthern FrancePeeters, Jacques1692B+31.00
526Totius Alsatiae Novissima Tabula, qua Simul Sundgovia, Brisigavia, Ortenavia, Maxima Pars Marchionatus Badensis...France & Germany, Rhine RiverVisscher, Nicolas1700B+130.00
527Superioris Atque Inferioris Alsatiae Tabula Perquam Accurata et Exacta, Proximis Regionib. Incunde Huic Insertis, Annexisque: ex ConatibusFrance & Germany, Rhine RiverLotter, Tobias Conrad1760A140.00
528Galliae Narbonensis Ora Marittima Recenter Descripta [on sheet with] Sabaudiae, et Burgundiae Comitatus Descriptio; Auctore Aegidio Bulionio BelgaSouthern France & SwitzerlandOrtelius, Abraham1571A130.00
529Carte du Bourdelois du Perigord et des Provinces VoisinesSouthwestern FranceDelisle/Covens & Mortier1730B+100.00
530Wyld's Plan of the Fortifications of Paris...Paris, FranceWyld, James1870A180.00
531Nouveau Paris Monumental Itineraire Pratique de l'Etranger dans Paris [on verso] Monuments et Vues des Environs de ParisParis, France1920Aunsold
532[Lot of 3] [Arles] [and] [Avignon] [and] [Von Gallia - XCIII]Arles & Avignon, FranceMunster, Sebastian1550B85.00
533SchletzstatSelestat, FranceMunster, Sebastian1558A60.00
534DouayDouai, FranceBraun & Hogenberg1582A110.00
535Orleans [on sheet with] BourgesOrleans & Bourges, FranceBraun & Hogenberg1645B+120.00
536Hispanie Beschreibung / mit Seinen Konigreichen / Landschafften und Stetten/ Item...Spain & PortugalMunster, Sebastian1578A80.00
537L'Espagne Dressee sur la Description qui en a ete Faite par Rodrigo Mendez Sylva et sur Plusieurs Relations et Cartes Manuscrites...Spain & PortugalDelisle/Buache1745B+150.00
538Les Royaume d'Espagne et de PortugalSpain & PortugalBonne, Rigobert1780B+50.00
539Biscaia et Guipuscoa Cantabriae Veteris ParsNorthern SpainJansson, Jan1666Aunsold
540Royaume de Navarre Divise en Six MerindadesNorthern SpainRobert de Vaugondy, Didier1749Aunsold
541De Haven en Straat van Gibraltar, Niewlyks Getekend, en in't Licht GebrachtGibraltar, SpainCovens & Mortier1730A375.00
542La Muy Noble y Muy Leal Ciudas de Cadiz [on sheet with] Almodrava de Caditz sive Thynnorum Piscatio apud GadesCadiz, SpainBraun & Hogenberg1650B+unsold
543Novissima Regnorum Portugalliae et Algarbiae DescriptioPortugalWit, Frederick de1680A170.00
544Carte Exacte des Postes et Routes de l'Empire d'Allemagne Divisee en ses CerclesCentral Europe, GermanyDelisle/Covens & Mortier1730A150.00
545[2 Volumes] Theatre de la Guerre Presente en Allemagne, Contenant la Description Geographique des Pays ou elle se Fait Actuellement...Central Europe, Germany, AtlasesDheulland, Guillaume1758A300.00
546A Map of Herr Hitler's Heaven, Drawn with Undiplomatic but Fervent Hopes That It Won't Happen HereCentral Europe, Germany1938Aunsold
547Holsatia DucatusNorthern GermanyMercator/Jansson1634A50.00
548Serenissimo Principi ac Domino, D. Christiano Duci Brusvicensi et Luneburgensi hanc Accuratissimam sui Ducatus Brunsuicensis Tabulam...Northern GermanyJansson, Jan1666B+80.00
549Tabula Generalis Holsatiae in qua sunt Ducatus Holsatiae, Dithmarsiae, Stormariae, Wagriae, Comitatus Pinnenbergensis et Episcopatus LubecensisNorthern GermanyOttens, Reiner and Joshua1730B+140.00
550Marca Brandenburgensis & PomeraniaNortheastern Germany & Northwestern PolandMercator, Gerard1623A80.00
551Partie Septentrionale du Cercle de Haute Saxe qui Contient le Duche de Pomeranie et le Marquisat de BrandebourgNortheastern Germany & Northwestern PolandRobert de Vaugondy, Didier1760A100.00
552Nassovia ComitatusWestern GermanyHondius, Henricus1639B80.00
553Der Rhein v. Mannheim bis ColnWestern Germany, Rhine River1870B+100.00
554Circulus Westphaliae cum Omnibus Suis Subjacentibus Provinciis Novissima DelineatioWestern & Central GermanyOttens, Reiner and Joshua1720A180.00
555Waldeck ComitatusCentral GermanyMercator/Jansson1634A50.00
556Partie Meridionale du Cercle de la Haute Saxe Divisee par ses PrincipautesEastern GermanyRobert de Vaugondy, Didier1749A17.00
557Das AlgowSouthern GermanyMunster, Sebastian1578A120.00
558Boden See Auff der Germanischen SeitenSouthern Germany, Boden SeeMunster, Sebastian1556B+55.00
559Wyssenburgum Civitas Imperialis cum Circumiacente Terra, ad Uiuum ExpressaWeissenburg, GermanyMunster, Sebastian1550A75.00
560Wahrafftige Contrafehtung der Statt MentzMainz, GermanyMunster, Sebastian1578Aunsold
561Figura Referens Observationem Phoenomeni hic Hamburgi...Hamburg, GermanyStoopendaal, Bastiaan1668A750.00
562Monumental-Plan der Stadt AugsburgAugsburg, Germany1881B+120.00
563Ducatus Silesiae Glogani Vera Delineatio Secunda Cura ac Labore Confecta a Iona Sculteta Sprotta SilesioWestern PolandJansson, Jan1646A100.00
564A New & Accurate Map of the Kingdom of Prussia and Polish Prussia from the Sieur Rober's Atlas with ImprovementsNorthern Poland & KaliningradGibson, John1765B+31.00
565Marchionatus Moravia Accurate DesignatusCzech RepublicSeutter/Lotter1730A70.00
566La Suisse, Suivant les Nouvelles Observations de Messrs. de l'Academie Royale des Sciences, Etc. Augmentees de NouveauSwitzerlandLeth, Hendrik de1740B+70.00
567Carte de la Suisse ou l'on a Marque les Routes Suivies par Mre. Wil. CoxeSwitzerlandCoxe, William1790B+180.00
568[Untitled - Northern Switzerland]Northern SwitzerlandMercator/Hondius1619B+100.00
569Novissima Totius Lavsonii sive Lemani Lacus cum Regionibus Circumjacentibus Chorographica Repraesentatio...Southwestern Switzerland & Eastern FranceHomann Heirs1766B+unsold
570Von der Statt Zurich...Zurich, SwitzerlandMunster, Sebastian1578A75.00
571Beyde Statt Basel mit dem Furffliessenden Rhein...Basel, SwitzerlandMunster, Sebastian1628B+180.00
572Geneve. GenffGeneva, SwitzerlandMerian, Matthaus1640A26.00
573Austriae Ducatus Chorographia, Wolfgango Lazio AuctoreAustriaOrtelius, Abraham1571A120.00
574Austria Archiducatus Auctore Wolfgango LazioNorthwestern AustriaBlaeu, Willem1643A75.00
575StiriaSoutheast AustriaMercator/Hondius1613A75.00
576Veldkirch Statt und GraveschafftFeldkirch, AustriaMunster, Sebastian1578B+65.00
577Hungariae Descriptio, Wolfgango Lazio Auct.HungaryOrtelius, Abraham1570A220.00
578Budapest Tavlati Terkepe Belso Terulet...Budapest, Hungary1968B+150.00
579[Title on Verso] Tabula VIII EuropaeEastern EuropePtolemy/Fries1525Aunsold
580Poloniae Finitimarumque Locorum Descriptio Auctore Wenceslao GodreccioEastern Europe, PolandOrtelius, Abraham1570A500.00
581Magni Ducatus Lithuaniae Tabula Divisa tam in Paltinatus, quam in Subjacentes CastellaniasEastern Europe, LithuaniaWit, Frederick de1697A+1600.00
582Carte pour l'Intelligence des Affaires Presente, des Turcs, des Tartares, des Hongrois, des Polonois, des Suedois, et des Moscovites...Eastern Europe, RussiaFer, Nicolas de1711B+300.00
583Russiae, Moscoviae et Tartariae Descriptio. Auctore Antonio Ienkensono Anglo...Russia, Eastern Europe & Central AsiaOrtelius, Abraham1570A1200.00
584Tabula Russiae ex Autographo, quod Delineandum Curavit Foedor Filius Tzaris Boris Desumta ... M.DC.XIIIIRussia in EuropeBlaeu, Willem1643B+1000.00
585[Lot of 2] Nova Zemla [and] I. Ordinum Vulgo Staten Eyland [on verso] I. MauritiusNovaya Zemlya, RussiaBlaeu, Johannes1672Bunsold
586MoscvaMoscow, RussiaMerian, Matthaus1640Aunsold
587Kremlenagrad, Castellum Urbis MoskvaeMoscow, RussiaBlaeu, Johannes1662Aunsold
588[Benevole Lector, in hac Tabula Urbis Moskvae…]Moscow, RussiaBlaeu, Johannes1662A+unsold
589[On 2 Sheets] Theatre de la Guerre Dans la Petite Tartarie, la Crimea, la Mer Noire, &c... [and] Seconde Partie de la Crimee, la Mer Noire &c...Ukraine & Black SeaDelisle/Covens & Mortier1740A300.00
590TransilvaniaRomaniaOrtelius, Abraham1571A425.00
591Transylvania SibenburgenRomania & HungaryBlaeu, (Family)1642A200.00
592Rhetiae Alpestris Descriptio, in qua Hodie Tirolis Comitatus [on sheet with] Goritiae, Karstii, Chaczeolae, Carniolae, Histriae, et Windorum Marchae Descrip.Southern EuropeOrtelius, Abraham1575A200.00
593Les Etats des Princes Armes au Suiet de la Succession de la Monarchie d'Espagne avec les Routtes que sa Majeste Catolique Philippe V...Southwestern EuropeFer, Nicolas de1702B+190.00
594Totius Danubii Nova & Accuratiss. Tabula, Universam Simul Turciam Europaeam Hungariam Magnam Germaniae Partem...Southeastern EuropeLa Feuille, Jacob de1710B+350.00
595Tabula Hungaria et Regionum, quae Praeterea ab ea Dependent, Delineata Juxta Magnum Numerum Anotationum et Mappas Manuscriptas vel Impresas...Southeastern Europe, HungaryLotter, Tobias Conrad1770A180.00
596Regni Hungariae Tabula Generalis...Hungary & RomaniaHomann, Johann Baptist1720B+160.00
597Von Transylvania / SiebenburgenBalkansMunster, Sebastian1578B+50.00
598A New & Accurate Map of Turky in Europe, with the Adjacent Counties of Hungary, Little Tartary &c...BalkansBowen, Emanuel1747B+90.00
599Walachia Servia, Bulgaria, RomaniaEastern BalkansBlaeu, Willem1659B+150.00
600Schlavoniae, Croatiae, Carniae, Istriae, Bosniae, Finitimarumque Regionum Nova Descriptio, Auctore Augustino HirsuogelioWestern BalkansOrtelius, Abraham1570A250.00
601Von den Stetten IstrieIstria Peninsula, CroatiaMunster, Sebastian1578A60.00
602Graeciae Universae Secundum Hodiernum Situm Neoterica DescriptioGreeceOrtelius, Abraham1571A475.00
603Alcibiadis Expeditionum Tabula Geographica ex PlutarchoGreeceDuval, Pierre1667A120.00
604Macedonia, Epir. et AchaiaNorthern GreeceMercator/Hondius1609B+50.00
605Thraciae Veteris TypusNortheastern Greece & Northwestern TurkeyJansson, Jan1662A150.00
606Rodi Rhodes RhodosRhodes, Greece1935Aunsold
607Larii Lacus Vulgo Comensis Descriptio, Auct. Pavio Jovio [on sheet with] Territorii Romani Descrip. [and] Fori Iulii, Vulgo Friuli TypusNorthern & Central Italy, Lake ComoOrtelius, Abraham1570A275.00
608Serenissimae Reipublicae Genuensis Ducatus et Dominii Nova DescriptioNorthwestern ItalyOrtelius, Abraham1608B+unsold
609Tavola Nuova della Marca TrivigianaNortheastern ItalyRuscelli, Girolamo1561A110.00
610Forum Iulii, et Histria [on verso] Forli Nella RomagnaNortheastern Italy & Northwestern BalkansLasor a Varea, Alphonsus1713Aunsold
611Romanum TerritoriumCentral Italy, RomeOrtelius/Galle1598B+65.00
612Latium Campanje en Samnium met de Omleggende LandstreekenCentral ItalyHalma, Francois1704A200.00
613Thusciae Descriptio Auctore Hieronymo BellarmatoWestern ItalyOrtelius, Abraham1570A325.00
614Campaigns of the 36th Infantry Division in World War II - Campaigns in ItalyWestern Italy, World War IIAnon.1945B+unsold
615Regni Neapolitani Verissima Secundum Antiquorum et Recentiorum Traditionem Descriptio, Pyrrho Ligorio Auct.Southern ItalyOrtelius, Abraham1570A250.00
616Paskaart der Zeekusten van Italien Tusschen Piombino en C. dell Arme Met de Noord-kust van 't Eylandt SiciliaSouthern ItalyKeulen, Johannes van1710B+unsold
617Antiquae Urbis Romae Imago Accuratiss: ex Vetustis Monumentis...Rome, ItalyHalma, Francois1704A800.00
618Effigies Ant. Romae ex Vestigiis Aedificior Ruin Testimonto Vet. Autorum...Rome, ItalyHalma, Francois1704B+150.00
619Roma a Vol d'UccelloRome, Italy1877B+unsold
620Pianta di Venezia Pubblicata dal Municipio in Occasione del III Congresso Geografico InternazionaleVenice, Italy1881B+120.00
621Ischia Ins.Ischia, ItalyOrtelius/Galle1598A55.00
622Siciliae Antiquae DescriptioSicily, ItalyCluver, Philipp1697A140.00
623Les Royaumes de Naples et de SicileSicily, ItalyFer, Nicolas de1708B220.00
624Insularum Aliquot Maris Mediterranei DescriptioMediterranean IslandsOrtelius, Abraham1570Aunsold
625Calaris, Sardiniae Primaria Civitas... [on sheet with] Malta, Olim Melita... [and] Rhodus, Mediterranei Maris Insule... [and] Famaugusta, Civitas Cypri...Mediterranean PortsBraun & Hogenberg1593B+400.00
626Insula Malta Accuratissime Delineata, Urbibus, et FortalitiisMaltaWit, Frederick de1680A700.00
627Cyprus Insula [on sheet with] Candia, olim CretaCyprus & CreteOrtelius, Abraham1570A600.00
628Cyprus ex Deliniatione Ubonis EmmiiCyprusCluver/Jansson1661A250.00
629Cilicia et CyprusCyprus & Southern TurkeyBocharti, Samuelis1692A180.00
630Calaris Sardiniae CaputCagliari, SardiniaMunster, Sebastian1628B+60.00
631Natoliae, quae olim Asia Minor, Nova Descriptio [on sheet with] Aegypti Recentior Descriptio [and] Carthaginis Celeberrimi Sinus TypusEastern Mediterranean, Turkey & EgyptOrtelius, Abraham1570B+180.00
632Arcipelagus Arcipelago [on verso] AegyptusAegean Sea & EgpytLasor a Varea, Alphonsus1713A90.00
633Description Geographique du Golfe de Venise et de la Moree...Adriatic Sea & Ionian SeaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1771B+unsold
634La Turquie d'Europe et Celle d'AsieEastern Mediterranean & Middle EastBonne, Rigobert1780B+65.00
635Orbis per Creationem Institutus... / Orbis per Diluvium Destitutus...Middle EastHooghe, Romain de1700Aunsold
636Etats du Grand-Seigneur en Asie, Empire de Perse, Pays des Usbecs, Arabie et EgypteMiddle EastRobert de Vaugondy1753A200.00
637[2 Volumes] Voyage en Syrie et en Egypte, Pendant les Annees 1783, 1784, & 1785...Middle East, Egypt & SyriaVolney, C. F.1787A550.00
638Turcia Asiatica Exhibens Natoliam Modernam, in suos Beglirbegatus Divisam, Itemque Reliquos Beglirbegatus...Middle East & CaucasusHomann Heirs1771A230.00
639De Gelegentheyt van 't Paradys ende 't Landt Canaan, Mitsgaders de Eerst Bewoonde Landen der Patriarchen...Middle East & CyprusVisscher, Nicolas1660B150.00
640AleppoAleppo, SyriaBruyn, Cornelius de1700A375.00
641De Terris Asiae MinorisTurkey & CyprusMunster, Sebastian1550A60.00
642Asia MinorTurkey & CyprusAnon.1790B+26.00
643Veue de ConstantinopleIstanbul, TurkeyFer, Nicolas de1730B+80.00
644Palestinae sive Totius Terrae Promissionis Nova Descriptio Auctore Tilemanno Stella SigenensHoly LandOrtelius, Abraham1570A650.00
645Das Heilig Landt mit Ausztheilung der Zwoelff GeschlechterHoly LandMunster, Sebastian1592B+120.00
646Terra Sancta quae in Sacris Terra Promissionis olim PalestinaHoly LandBlaeu, Willem1629A500.00
647Patriarchatus Hierosolymitani Geographica DescriptioHoly LandTavernier, Melchior1640Aunsold
648Terra Promissa in Sortes seu Tribus XII Distincta seu Tabula ad Librum IosueHoly Landde la Rue, Philippe1667A150.00
649Bible Atlas; Consisting of Nine Maps, with Explanations: Illustrative of Scripture History. Designed for the Use of Children and YouthHoly Land, AtlasJocelyn, N. & S. S.1819B+200.00
650An Improved Map of Palestine, Wherein the Most Recent Information of the Present Geography of the Country...Holy LandWalker, John1836B800.00
651De Heylige en Wytvermaerde Stadt Ierusalem, Eerst Genaemt SalemJerusalem, Holy LandSavry, Jacob1648B+170.00
652Andere Abriess der Stadt Jerusalem...Jerusalem, Holy LandVillalpando, Juan Bautista1650Bunsold
653Persici sive Sophorum Regni TypusPersia - IranOrtelius, Abraham1570A350.00
654Persicum RegnumPersia - IranHondius/Purchas1625A60.00
655Persia, sive Sophorum RegnumPersia - IranJansson, Jan1636B+250.00
656Persia sive Sophorum RegnumPersia - IranOgilby, John1673B+unsold
657[Lot of 2] Imperium Parthorum. Pars Orientalis [and] Royaume de Perse et GeorgiePersia - IranBonne, Rigobert1780-8795.00
658Tabula Asiae IICaucasus, Russia & UkrainePtolemy/Magini1598A50.00
659Tabula Asiae IIICaucasusPtolemy/Ruscelli1574A70.00
660Conservons Nos Monuments Historiques!Armenia1968Aunsold
661[Lot of 2] Carte Marine de la Mer Caspiene... [and] Coste de Perse sur la Mer Caspiene et Partie de Celles de TartarieCaspian SeaDelisle, Guillaume1723Aunsold
662[Title on Verso] Tabula VII AsiaeCentral AsiaPtolemy/Fries1535B+325.00
663Tabula Asiae VIICentral AsiaPtolemy/Ruscelli1561B+80.00
665Asia Noviter DelineataAsiaBlaeu, Willem1634A2200.00
666Accuratissima Totius Asiae Tabula Recens EmendataAsiaWit, Frederick de1678B+600.00
667L'AsieAsiaAa, Pieter van der1714A350.00
668Asia According to ye Newest ObservationsAsiaMoll, Herman1720A55.00
669L'Asie Divisee en ses Principaux Empires et Royaumes, par les Srs. Sanson...AsiaRobert de Vaugondy, Gilles1749B+300.00
670L'AsieAsiaBonne, Rigobert1780B+50.00
671Carte d'Asie Dressee pour l'Usage du Roi...AsiaDelisle/Dezauche1788B+150.00
672Asie, Reduite d’Apres Celle d'Arrowsmith…AsiaFremin, A. R.1828B+120.00
673Carte des Indes et de la Chine Dressee sur Plusieurs Relations Particulieres Rectifiees par Quelques ObservationsEastern, Southern & Southeast AsiaDelisle/Covens & Mortier1730A700.00
674Messageries Maritimes - Courriers d'Extreme-Orient - "Viet-Nam" "Cambodge" "Laos"Eastern, Southern & Southeast Asia1955A150.00
675Tartaria sive Magni Chami ImperiumNorthern AsiaOrtelius/Galle1601A80.00
676TartariaNorthern AsiaMercator/Jansson1634A+110.00
677Tartaria sive Magni Chami ImperiumNorthern AsiaBlaeu, (Family)1640B150.00
678Magnae Tartariae, Magni Mogolis Imperii, Iaponiae et Chinae, Nova DescriptioNorthern & Eastern AsiaWit, Frederick de1680B+250.00
679Carte de Tartarie Dressee sur les Relations de Plusieurs Voyageurs de Differentes Nations et sur Quelques Observations...Northern AsiaDelisle/Buache1745B+150.00
680Honan, Imperii Sinarum Provincia QuintaCentral China, HenanBlaeu, Johannes1655A300.00
681Das Eyland Formosa und ein Stuck von den Kusten von China nach den Neuesten Karten und Wahrnehmungen Befonders der PP. JesuitenTaiwanBellin, Jacques Nicolas1760A300.00
682Mount Everest and the Group of Chomo LungmaTibet, Nepal1934A140.00
683ChinaChina, Korea & JapanCloppenburg, Johannes1632B+200.00
684La Chine Royaume...China & KoreaSanson, Nicolas1679Aunsold
685Imperii Sinarum Nova Descriptio. Auctore Joh van LoonChina & KoreaJansson/Valck & Schenk1700Aunsold
686L'Empire de la Chine pour Servir a l'Histoire Generale des VoyagesChina & KoreaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1748B+75.00
687Empire de la ChineChina & KoreaRobert de Vaugondy, Didier1749A80.00
688IaponiaJapan & KoreaMercator/Hondius1613B750.00
689Iaponia RegnumJapan & KoreaBlaeu, Johannes1655B+900.00
690Nieuwe Kaart van 't Keizerryk Japan, na de Nieuste Ontdekkingen...JapanTirion, Isaac1740A250.00
691Carte de l'Empire du JaponJapanBellin, Jacques Nicolas1752A100.00
692[Omi Province] Ōmi no Kuni saikenzuOmi Province, Japan1824B+350.00
693Nieuwe Kaart van India Over de Ganges, of van Malakka, Siam, Cambodia, Chiampa, Kochinchina, Laos, Pegu, Ava, Enz.Southeast AsiaTirion, Isaac1730A+550.00
694Les Isles Philippines, Celle de Formose, le Sud de la Chine, les Royaumes de Tunkin, de Cochinchine, de Camboge, de Siam, des Laos...Southeast AsiaBonne, Rigobert1760B+100.00
695Partie de la Nouvelle Grande Carte des Indes Orientales, Contenant les Isles Maldives, Ceylan, Malacca, Sumatra &c. avec les Terres Adjacentes de Couchin...Southeast Asia & Indian OceanOttens, Reiner and Joshua1743B+250.00
696Le Tong-Kin et le Bassin du Fleuve Rouge d'Apres les Documents de J. DupuisSoutheast Asia, Vietnam1883B+75.00
697Mapa Etnografico del Archipielago FilipinoPhilippines1899A+120.00
698Carte des Isles Philippines, Dressee sur la Carte Espagnole du R.P. Murillo de Velarde Ire. Feuille...Northern PhilippinesBellin/Van Schley1752A120.00
699Carte des Isles Philippines Dressee sur la Carte Espagnole du R.P. Murillo de Velarde. 2e. Feuille...Southern PhilippinesBellin, Jacques Nicolas1752A150.00
700A Plan of the Harbour of Acapulco [on sheet with] A Plan of the Bay of ManilaManila, Philippines & Acapulco, MexicoAnson, George1748B150.00
701Nuova, et Accurata Carta dell' Isole Filippine, Ladrones, e Moluccos, o Isole delle Speziarie como anco Celebes &c.Indonesia & PhilippinesTirion/Albrizzi1738A+220.00
702The Island of Celebes, or Macassar with the Islands of Banda, Amboyna, and the Molucca's. Agreable to Modern HistoryEast Indies - IndonesiaMoll, Herman1739A60.00
703Carte de l'Isle de SumatraSumatra, IndonesiaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1764B+120.00
704Insularum Moluccarum Nova DescriptioBacan Islands, Maluku IslandsJansson, Jan1648B+unsold
705[Lot of 2] Boekit Toenggoel - Tangkoebanprahoe - Patoeha - Malabar [and] Goentoer - Papandajan - Tjikoeraj - Galoenggoeng - TelagabodasWest Java, Indonesia1928Aunsold
706Tabula X AsiaeIndiaPtolemy/Fries1522B+450.00
707Nieuwe Kaart van t Keyzer Ryk van den Grooten Mogol India, Pakistan & BangladeshTirion, Isaac1730A+120.00
708India Proper, or the Empire of the Great MogulIndia & Sri LankaMoll, Herman1740A70.00
709Anfa, Quibusdam Anaffa [on sheet with] Azaamurum [and] Div [and] Goa Fortissima Indiae Urbs in Christianorum Potestatem Anno Salutis 1509 DevenitIndia & MoroccoBraun & Hogenberg1577A150.00
710Lieu de Combats pour le Divertissement du Grand Mogol [on sheet with] Habit des Hommes et Femmes Maures dans les Indes [and] Carosses a Suratte Tirez par des BoeufsIndia, NativesAa, Pieter van der1729Aunsold
711Ceylon, en de Maldivesche EilandenSri Lanka & the MaldivesSanson, Nicolas1705B+100.00
712Nieuwe Kaart van t Eiland CeilonSri LankaTirion, Isaac1765B+130.00
713Indiae Orientalis, Insularumque Adiacientium TypusSouthern & Southeast AsiaOrtelius, Abraham1570A2400.00
714India OrientalisSouthern & Southeast AsiaMercator/Jansson1628A+190.00
715India quae Orientalis Dicitur, et Insulae AdiacentesSouthern & Southeast AsiaHondius/Jansson1646B+unsold
716A Chart of ye East-Indies. With the Coast of Persia, China Also the Philipina, Moluca and Sunda Islands &c.Southern & Southeast AsiaMoll, Herman1730B+unsold
717Partie de la Nouvelle Grande Carte des Indes Orientales, Contenant les Terres du Mogol, Surate, Malabar, Cormandel, Bengale, Aracan, Pegu, Siam, Camboje, Tonquin, & une Partie de la Chine...Southern & Southeast AsiaElwe, Jan Barend1792B+150.00
718Nona Asiae TabulaPakistan & AfghanistanPtolemy/Waldseemuller1513A800.00
719Magni Mogolis ImperiumSouthern AsiaJansson, Jan1644B150.00
720Magni Mogolis Imperium de Novo Correctum et DivisumSouthern AsiaWit, Frederick de1730A275.00
721Carte Particuliere d'une Partie d'Asie ou sont les Isles d'Andemaon, Ceylan, les Maldives... / Partie Occidentale d'une Partie d'Asie ou sont les Isles de Zocotora, de l'Amirante...Indian OceanMortier, Pierre1690B+900.00
722Auvertimento alli Nauigli che Partono da Goa per Andare al Capo di Buona Speranza per il di Fuori di MadagascarArabian Sea & Western IndiaCoronelli, Vincenzo Maria1696A150.00
723Carte de la Cote Orientale de MadagascarEastern MadagascarApres de Mannevillette, Jean B. N. D.1775B+110.00
724La Table & Description Universelle de Toute l'Afrique, Voire Estendue Outre les Limites de PtolAfricaMunster, Sebastian1568B+1000.00
725Africae Tabula NovaAfricaOrtelius, Abraham1570B+900.00
726Affrica mit Seinen Befondern Landern...AfricaMunster, Sebastian1578B+100.00
727Africa Nova TabulaAfricaPicart, Nicolas1659B2400.00
728Totius Africae Accuratissima TabulaAfricaWit, Frederick de1675B+600.00
729Africa [on verso] Barbary and Bildulgerid [on sheet with] A Map of Zaara. Negroe-Land. Guinea &c.AfricaMoll, Herman1701B+130.00
730L'Afrique Divisee en ses Principaux Empires et Royaumes par les Srs. Sanson...AfricaRobert de Vaugondy, Gilles1749B+200.00
731Africa, Concinnata Secundum Observationes Membror. Acad. Regal. Scientiarum et Nonnullorum Aliorum, et Juxta Recentissimas AnnotationesAfricaLotter, Tobias Conrad1770B+250.00
732L'Afrique Divisee en ses Empires, Royaumes, et Etats Dressees sur les Dernieres ObservationsAfricaElwe, Jan Barend1792B+300.00
733Carte Dunlop Itineraires Air France France AfriqueAfrica, Aviation1957A120.00
734Tabula Africae IIINorthern AfricaPtolemy/Magini1630A90.00
735BarbariaNorthern AfricaBlaeu, Johannes1662B+130.00
736Africae Pars BorealisNorthern AfricaScherer, Heinrich1699B+100.00
737Nieuwe Pascaart voor een Gedeelte van de Zeekusten van Barbaria Beginnende van C: Rusato tot Alexandria als Mede t' Meeste Gedeelte van t' Eylandt CandiaNorthern AfricaKeulen, Johannes van1720B+unsold
738Patriarchatus Alexandrini. Geographica Nova DescriptioNorthern AfricaMoll, Herman1726A75.00
739Algerii Saracenorum Urbis fortissimae, in Numidia Africae Provincia s Tructae, iuxta Balearicos fluctus Maeditereranei aequoris Hispaniam contra Othomanor Pricipu imperio redactae, imagoAlgiers, AlgeriaBraun & Hogenberg1612A300.00
740AlgierAlgiers, AlgeriaMunster, Sebastian1628B+60.00
741De Stadt Algiers. La Ville d'Alger Algiers, AlgeriaStoopendaal, Daniel1687A80.00
742Fezzae et Marocchi Regna Africae Celeberrima, Describebat Abrah: OrteliusNorthwestern AfricaJansson, Jan1639B+90.00
743Carte de la Barbarie de la Nigritie et de la GuineeNorthwestern AfricaDelisle, Guillaume1750B60.00
744Tunes, Oppidum Barbarie & Regia Sedes; Anno 1535... [on sheet with] Africa, Aphrodisium [and] Penon de VellesNorthwestern African CitiesBraun & Hogenberg1623B+unsold
745Aegyptus HodiernaEgyptHomann, Johann Baptist1720B+130.00
746[2 Volumes] Egypt: Descriptive, Historical, and PicturesqueEgypt1886B+475.00
747Alexandria, Vetustissimum Aegypti Emporium, Amplissima Civitas, ab Alexandro Magno...Alexandria, EgyptBraun & Hogenberg1599A300.00
748Approach to the Temple of Wady Saboua, NubiaWadi es-Sebua, EgyptRoberts, David1847A130.00
749Obelisk of OnHeliopolis, EgyptRoberts, David1848A100.00
750Partie Orientale d'Afrique ou se Trouvent l'Egipte, la Nubie, l'Abissine, et l'Ajan...Eastern AfricaFer, Nicolas de1703B100.00
751Carte de l Egypte de la Nubie de l'Abissinie &c.Northeastern Africa & ArabiaDelisle, Guillaume1750A180.00
752Tourist Map of KenyaKenya1972A+150.00
753Paskaart van de Kuste van, Gualate en Arguyn. Beginnende van C. Bajador tot C. Blanco. Seer Nau-Keurigh Op-GesteltWestern AfricaKeulen, Johannes van1681A220.00
754GuineaWestern AfricaWit, Frederick de1730Aunsold
755[Untitled - Sierra Leone]Western AfricaChurchill, John1732B+140.00
756[Lot of 2] La Guinea Occidentale che Contiene le Isole di Capo Verde il Senegal la Costa Propriamente Detta della Guinea [and] La Guinea Orientale che Contiene li Regni di Loango, Congo Angola e BenguelaWestern AfricaZatta, Antonio1784A100.00
757Aethiopia Superior vel Interior; Vulgo Abissinorum sive Presbiteri Ioannis ImperiumCentral AfricaJansson, Jan1637B+220.00
758Congi RegnuCongo & AngolaMercator/Hondius1610Aunsold
759Congo BelgeCongo1956A150.00
760Aethiopia Inferior, vel Exterior. Partes Magis Septentrionales, quae hic Desiderantur, Vide in Tabula Aethiopiae SuperiorisSouthern Africa & MadagascarBlaeu, Willem1640A350.00
761Carte du Royaume de Congo, du Monomotapa et de la Cafrerie, Dressee sur les Memoires les Plus Exacts & les Observations les Plus NouvellesSouthern Africa & MadagascarChatelain, Henry Abraham1720B+130.00
762Carte des Cotes Meridionales d'Afrique et de l'Entree du Canal de Mozambique...Southern AfricaDepot de la Marine1838A75.00
763Carte Particuliere des Costes de l'Afrique qui Comprend le Pays de Cafres &c...MozambiqueMortier, Pierre1700B+unsold
764Carte Reduite des Mers Comprises Entre l'Asie et l'Amerique Apelees par les Navigateurs Mer du Sud ou Mer Pacifique...Pacific OceanBellin, Jacques Nicolas1756A800.00
765Tartariae sive Magni Chami Regni TypusNorth Pacific, Northern Asia & Northwestern North AmericaOrtelius, Abraham1570A1100.00
766Carte Generale des Decouvertes de l'Amiral de Fonte et Autres Navigateurs Espagnols Anglois et Russes pour la Recherche du Passage a la Mer du Sud...North Pacific OceanRobert de Vaugondy, Didier1755A100.00
767Carte Generale des Decouvertes de l'Amiral de Fonte Representant la Grande Probabilite d'un Passage au Nord Ouest par Thomas JefferysNorth Pacific OceanRobert de Vaugondy, Didier1772A130.00
768A Chart of the Nth. West Coast of America, & the Nth. East Coast of Asia, Shewing the Discoveries That Have Been Lately Made in Those PartsNorth Pacific OceanMorse/Gridley1804B+75.00
769Carte de l'Entree de Norton, et du Detroit de Bhering ou l'on Voit le Cap le Plus Oriental de l'Asie, et la Pointe la Plus Occidentale de l'AmeriqueBering StraitCook/Benard1785B+70.00
770Carte d'une Partie de la Mer du Sud Contenant les Decouvertes des Vaisseaux de sa Majeste le Dauphin, Commodore Byron, la Tamar, Capitne. Mouats, 1765, le Dauphin, Capitne. Wallis, le Swallow, Capitne. Carteret, 1767, et l'Endeavour, Lieutenant Cook, 1769South Pacific Ocean & AustraliaCook/Benard1790B+250.00
771Messageries Maritimes - Pacific Ocean Line - ms "Caledonien" "Tahitien" "Polynesie"South Pacific Ocean1955Aunsold
772Carte des Iles Mariannes et des Terres Environnantes (Iles Philippines, Formose, Madjico-Sima, Lou-Chou, Bonin-Sima, &c.)...Mariana Islands, Taiwan, & Northern PhilippinesDumont d'Urville, Jules Sebasian Cesar1847B150.00
773Etablissements Francais de l'OceanieNew Caledonia, Vanuatu & French Polynesia1939A10.00
774Western Australia Containing the Settlements of Swan-River and King George's Sound... [on sheet with] Van-Diemen IslandWestern Australia & TasmaniaSDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge1833A50.00
775The Islands of New ZealandNew ZealandSDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge1844A150.00
776La Suite de l'Histoire des Indes Orientales. De la Conversion des Indiens. La Troisiesme PartieTitle PagesWytfliet, Cornelis1611Aunsold
777Italiae, Sclavoniae, et Graeciae Tabule GeographiceTitle PagesMercator, Gerard1623B+100.00
778Toonneel des Aerdrycx, ost Nieuwe AtlasTitle PagesBlaeu, (Family)1642A100.00
779Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, sive Atlas Novus. Pars QuartaTitle PagesBlaeu, (Family)1645A170.00
780Atlas Minor sive Totius Orbis Terrarum Contracta Delineat ex Conatibus...Title PagesVisscher, Nicolas1683B+unsold
781Description de l'Univers Suite de l'Europe Ancienne et Moderne des Terres Australes et de l'Amerique Tome VTitle PagesMallet, Alain Manesson1683A55.00
782Atlas Historique Tome IITitle PagesChatelain, Henry Abraham1708Aunsold
783Atlas Novus / Atlas Nouveau, Contenant Toutes les Parties du Monde &c.Title PagesCovens & Mortier1730B+150.00
784American AtlasTitle PagesJohnson & Browning1861B+26.00
785[Pizarro Is Granted Permission to Conquer Peru] Pizarrus in Hispaniam Navigat, & ejus Regionis, quam Detexerat, Praefecturam ImpetratPrints - ExplorationBry, Theodore de1596A60.00
786Thalurania ColombicaPrints - BirdGould, John1861A300.00
787Tinnunculus AlaudariusPrints - BirdsGould, John1862A325.00
788TabacsPrints - Native AmericanMallet, Alain Manesson1683B+unsold
789Atabalipa Frere de Guascar Inca ou Empereur du PerouPrints - Native AmericanMallet, Alain Manesson1683A60.00
790Various Dresses of the Indians of North America, with Their Weapons of War, &c.Prints - Native AmericanMoore, John Hamilton1780B+60.00
791Twenty-Third Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution 1901-1902Prints - Native AmericanPowell, John Wesley1904B+300.00
792Zee-Slagh, vanden Hr. Admiraal Michiel de Ruiter en den Hr. de la Zarda, Tegens de France Adm. de Hr. du Quesne...Prints - ShipsStoopendaal, Daniel1691A120.00
793Death of President Lincoln. At Washington, D.C. April 15th 1865. The Nation's MartyrPrints - PoliticsCurrier & Ives1865C+75.00
794[Illuminated Leaf]Medieval ManuscriptsAnon.1250B+140.00
795[Illuminated Leaf]Medieval ManuscriptsAnon.1300B120.00
796[Illuminated Leaf]Medieval ManuscriptsAnon.1430B+42.00
797[Illuminated Leaf]Medieval ManuscriptsAnon.1430B+120.00
798[Illuminated Leaf]Medieval ManuscriptsAnon.1480B+40.00
799[Illuminated Leaf]Medieval ManuscriptsAnon.1500A46.00
800[Book of Hours Leaf]Early PrintingAnon.1500B+250.00
801[Book of Hours Leaf]Early PrintingAnon.1500B+275.00
802[Book of Hours Leaf]Early PrintingAnon.1500A70.00
803[Book of Hours Leaf]Early PrintingAnon.1500A60.00
804[Book of Hours Leaf]Early PrintingAnon.1515B+41.00
805[Book of Hours Leaf]Early PrintingHardouin, Gilles1518A1300.00
808[Music] Missa Pro Reparatione, &c.MusicAnon.1700B+95.00
809[Music] Sabbato Quatuor TemporumMusicAnon.1740B+65.00
810[Lewis & Clark] "Lewis's Map of the Parts of North-America Which Lie Between the 35th and 51st Degrees of North Latitude, from the Missisippi and the Upper Lakes to the North Pacific Ocean.”Document - Lewis & Clark1806B+130.00
811[Texas Revolution] Niles' Weekly Register ... From March, 1835 to September 1835 - Vol. XLVIII. or, Volume XII. - Fourth SeriesDocument - Texas Revolution1835B+180.00
812[Mormonism] Supreme Court of the United States. October Term, 1885. No. 1169. Angus M. Cannon, Plaintiff in Error v. The United States, Defendant in Error...Brief for Plaintiff in ErrorDocument - Mormonism1885B+60.00
813[Women's Suffrage] Memorial of Mr. Vere Goldthwaite ... Memorial of Mr. Vere Goldthwaite, a Natural-Born Citizen of the United States, and a Resident of the City of Boston...Document - Women's Suffrage1909Aunsold
814[Lynching] The Mob Still Rides - A Review of the Lynching Record, 1931-1935Document - Lynching1936A+120.00
815Grosser Atlas uber die Gantze Welt...AtlasesHomann, Johann Baptist1751Bunsold
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819Atlas Geographique et UniverselAtlasesDelisle/Dezauche1785B+8000.00
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827Johnson's New Illustrated (Steel Plate) Family Atlas, with Descriptions, Geographical, Statistical, and HistoricalAtlasesJohnson & Browning1861B850.00
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829The Unrivalled Atlas of Modern Geography for Schools and Families Thirty Four Maps with Index to Twenty Thousand Names Contained in the AtlasAtlasesJohnston, W. & A.K.1876A110.00
830L'Epanouissement du MondeAtlases1948B+180.00
831Modern Atlas, Adapted to Morse's School GeographySchool AtlasesMorse, Jedidiah & Sydney1828B100.00
832Mitchell's School AtlasSchool Atlases, TexasMitchell, Samuel Augustus1839A350.00
833Olney's School AtlasSchool Atlases, TexasOlney, A. N.1844B300.00
834Introduction a la Geographie avec une Description Historique sur Touttes les Parties de la TerreGeography BooksFer, Nicolas de1717B+800.00
835Geographie Universelle, Exposee dans les Differentes Methodes qui Peuvent Abreger l'Etude & Faciliter l'Usage de Cette Science...Geography BooksBuffier, Claude1781A300.00
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843The Making of the Nuremberg ChronicleReferences, IncunabulaWilson, Adrian1978A+100.00
844The Vinland Map and the Tartar RelationReferences, Vinland MapSkelton, Marston and Painter1995A+28.00
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848The Mapping of the World - Early Printed World Maps 1472-1700References, WorldShirley, Rodney W.1983A300.00
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857Mapping BostonReferences, Boston1999A+50.00
858Atlas of the American RevolutionReferences, Revolutionary WarNebenzahl, Kenneth1974B+36.00
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861Holy Land in MapsReferences, Holy Land2001A32.00
862Norwich's Maps of Africa - An Illustrated and Annotated Carto-BibliographyReferences, AfricaNorwich, Oscar I.1997A50.00
863Picturing America - The Golden Age of Pictorial MapsReferences, Pictorial Maps2017A37.00