1 | [Lot of 5] Mappe-Monde ou Carte Generale du Globe Terrestre, Representee en Deux Plan-Hemispheres [and] Amerique [and] Afrique [and] L'Asie [and] Europe | World & Continents | Bossuet, Jacques Benigne | 1755 | A | unsold |
2 | [Lot of 7] Amerique Septentrionale [and] Amerique Meridionale [and] Afrique [and] Asie [and] Europe [and] Oceanie [and title page] Atlas National Illustre des 86 Departements et des Possessions de la France... | World & Continents, Title Page | Levasseur, Victor | 1856 | | 375.00 |
3 | [Lot of 6] Le Mappe Blu dell' Avventura | World & Continents | | 1986 | A | 280.00 |
4 | Typus Orbis Terrarum | World | Ortelius, Abraham | 1572 | B+ | 6000.00 |
5 | Orbis Terrarum Typus de Integro Multis in Locis Emendatus | World | Plancius, Petrus | 1592 | B | 2750.00 |
6 | Universi Orbis Descriptio | World | Magini, Giovanni Antonio | 1596 | B+ | 400.00 |
7 | Globus Terrestre | World | Ortelius/Vrients | 1601 | B+ | 300.00 |
8 | Orbis Terrae Novissima Descriptio | World | Hondius/Le Clerc | 1633 | A | 7000.00 |
9 | Orbis Vetus, et Orbis Veteris Utraque Continens, Terrarumq Tractus Arcticus, et Antarcticus ex Platone, Theopompo, sive Aeliano, Manilio &c. | World | Sanson/Mariette | 1657 | B+ | 400.00 |
10 | Orbis Terrarum Typus de Integro in Plurimis Emendatus. Auctus et Icunculis Illustratus | World | Danckerts, Family | 1658 | B | 8500.00 |
11 | Orbis Terrarum Tabula Recens Emendata et in Lucem Edita | World | Visscher, Nicolas | 1677 | B+ | 1000.00 |
12 | [Untitled - World] | World | Peeters, Jacques | 1692 | B+ | 250.00 |
13 | Carte Generale du Monde, ou Description du Monde Terrestre & Aquatique / Generale Waereld Kaart, of Beschryving van de Land en Water Waereld | World | Mortier, Pierre | 1700 | B+ | 800.00 |
14 | Totius Orbis Terrarum Tabula, Ejusque Post Diluvium Divisio Inter Filios Noachi | World | Moxon, Joseph | 1709 | A | 230.00 |
15 | Mappe-Monde pour Connoitre les Progres & les Conquestes les Plus Remarquables des Provinces-Unies, Ainsy que Celles des Compagnies d'Orient et d'Occident... | World | | 1720 | B+ | 350.00 |
16 | Planiglobii Terrestris cum Utroq Hemisphaerio Caelesti Generalis Repraesentatio quam ex Novissimis Probatissimisque Recentium Geographorum... | World | Homann, Johann Baptist | 1720 | A | 2300.00 |
17 | Mappe-Monde, Suivant les Nouvelles Observations de Messrs. de l'Academie Royale des Sciences, Etc. Augmentees de Nouveau | World | Aa, Pieter van der | 1720 | B+ | 350.00 |
18 | Orbis Terrarum Tabula Recens Emendata et in Lucem Edita | World | Stoopendaal, Daniel | 1729 | B+ | 1000.00 |
19 | Planiglobii Terrestris Mappa Universalis Utrumq Hemisphaerium Orient et Occidentale Repraesentans... / Mappe-Monde qui Represente les Deux Hemispheres Savoir Celui de l'Orient et Celui de l'Occident... | World | Haas/Homann Heirs | 1746 | B+ | 1800.00 |
20 | A New & Accurate Map of All the Known World Drawn from the Latest & Most Authentic Surveys Assisted by the Best & Most Approved Modern Maps Charts &c... | World | Bowen, Emanuel | 1747 | B | 350.00 |
21 | De Nieuwe en Ouden, Oppervlakke en Doorzigtkundige Aardryks Bollen... | World | Keizer/De Lat | 1747 | A | 190.00 |
22 | Mappemonde ou Description du Globe Terrestre, Dressee sur les Memoires les Plus Nouveaux, et Assujettie aux Observations Astronomiques | World | Robert de Vaugondy, Didier | 1752 | A | 1600.00 |
23 | Mappe-Monde ou Description du Globe Terrestre, Assujettie aux Observations Astronomiques | World | Janvier/Lattre | 1762 | B+ | 450.00 |
24 | Planisphere Physique ou l'on voit du Pole Septentrional ce que l'on Connoit de Terres et de Mers avec les Grandes Chaines de Montagnes... | World | Buache/Dezauche | 1780 | B+ | 250.00 |
25 | Carte Generale Offrant les Decouvertes Faites par le Capitaine Jacques Cook dans ce Voyage et dans les Deux Voyages Precedens... | World | Cook/Benard | 1785 | B+ | 350.00 |
26 | L'Ancien Monde et le Nouveau en Deux Hemispheres | World | Bonne, Rigobert | 1785 | A | 120.00 |
27 | A New and Complete Chart of the World; Displaying the Tracks of Captn. Cook, and Other Modern Navigators | World | Bowen, Thomas | 1790 | A | 325.00 |
28 | [Lot of 2] Western Hemisphere [and] Eastern Hemisphere | World | Thomson, John | 1815 | B+ | 200.00 |
29 | Mappe-Monde Carte Universelle de la Terre Dressee sur les Relations les Plus Nouvelles, Soumises aux Observations Astronomiques les Plus Recentes... | World | Nolin/Denis | 1817 | B+ | 4750.00 |
30 | Chart of the World Shewing the Tracks of the U.S. Exploring Expedition in 1838, 39, 40, 41 & 42 | World | Wilkes, Charles | 1845 | B | 200.00 |
31 | Weltkarte in Mercators Projection, zur Uebersicht der Jahrlichen Wanderungen der Hauptsachlichsten Gattungen der Fische und Vogel | World | | 1849 | B+ | 130.00 |
32 | [Dosen Chikyu Bankoku Hozu; Zen - Mapp of All the Countries on Earth] | World | | 1871 | B | 275.00 |
33 | Mappemonde, Dressee par Th Joly. Divisee d'Apres les Six Races Humaines Principales | World | | 1871 | B+ | 100.00 |
34 | Mappemonde en Deux Hemispheres | World, Texas | | 1882 | C+ | 400.00 |
35 | [Shinsen Bankoku Zenzu - New Edition - Map of the World] | World | | 1885 | B+ | 250.00 |
36 | [Lot of 2] Western Hemisphere - Map of Discovery [and] Eastern Hemisphere - Map of Discovery | World | National Geographic Magazine | 1928 | A | 200.00 |
37 | Carriers of the New Black Plague | World, World War II | | 1938 | B+ | 130.00 |
38 | Global Map for Global War and Global Peace | World, World War II | | 1943 | A | 120.00 |
39 | World Map of the Major Tropical Diseases | World | | 1944 | B+ | 130.00 |
40 | [Title on Verso] McCormick's Map of the World | World | | 1960 | B+ | 110.00 |
41 | The World According to Ronald Reagan | World | | 1982 | B | 500.00 |
42 | Secunda Etas Mundi | Ancient World | Schedel, Hartmann | 1493 | B | 9500.00 |
43 | Altera Generalis Tab. Secundum Ptol. | Ancient World | Munster, Sebastian | 1550 | A | 850.00 |
44 | Aevi Veteris, Typus Geographicus | Ancient World | Ortelius, Abraham | 1590 | A | 900.00 |
45 | The World as Known to the Ancients | Ancient World | SDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge | 1842 | A | 100.00 |
46 | Orbis Veteribus Noti Tabula Nova... | Eastern Hemisphere | Delisle, Guillaume | 1714 | A | 160.00 |
47 | Nieuwe Kaart van het Oostelykste Deel der Weereld, Dienende tot Aanwyzing van de Scheepstogten der Nederlanderen naar Oostindie... | Eastern Hemisphere | Tirion, Isaac | 1753 | A | 210.00 |
48 | Dated Events War Map [28th Edition] | Eastern Hemisphere, World War II | Turner, Stanley | 1945 | B+ | 425.00 |
49 | Polus Arcticus [on sheet with] Polus Antarcticus | Polar | Aa, Pieter van der | 1700 | A+ | 450.00 |
50 | Carte des Deux Regions Polaires Jusqu'au 45e Degre de Latitude | Polar | Buffon, Comte de | 1778 | A | 150.00 |
51 | Nova et Accurata Poli Arctici et Terrarum Circum Iacentium Descriptio | North Pole | Jansson, Jan | 1644 | B+ | 750.00 |
52 | La Terre du Nord | North Pole | Aa, Pieter van der | 1714 | A | unsold |
53 | Nieuwe Kaart van de Noord Pool na de Alderlaatste Ondekking int Licht Gebracht | North Pole | Tirion, Isaac | 1735 | A | 130.00 |
54 | Northern Hemisphere Projected on the Plane of the Horizon of London | Northern Hemisphere | Thomson, John | 1816 | A | 100.00 |
55 | [Map in Magazine] Routes de Guerre du Pole [in] 7 Jours - 10 Janvier 1943 | North Pole, World War II | | 1943 | A | 180.00 |
56 | Carte de l'Hemisphere Austral Montrant les Routes des Navigateurs les Plus Celebres | South Pole | Cook/Benard | 1774 | B+ | 240.00 |
57 | Plani Sperium Coeleste | Celestial | Peeters, Jacques | 1692 | A | 200.00 |
58 | Planisphaerium Coeleste | Celestial | Lotter, Tobias Conrad | 1772 | A | 1000.00 |
59 | Vorstellung der Gestirne auf XXXIV Kupfertafeln nach der Pariser Ausgabe des Flamsteadschen Himmelsatlas... | Celestial, Atlases | Bode, Johann Elert | 1782 | B+ | 1600.00 |
60 | [Lot of 3] Northern Circumpolar Map for Each Month in the Year [and] Southern Circumpolar Map for Each Month in the Year [and] A Celestial Planisphere, or Map of the Heavens | Celestial | Burritt, Elijah H. | 1835 | | 150.00 |
61 | Mouvemens Apparens du Soleil, Theorie des Saisons | Solar System | Andriveau-Goujon, J. | 1854 | A | unsold |
62 | Astronomical Diagrams [with] Reynolds's Popular Astronomy. A Description of the Principal Phenomena of Astronomy... | Solar System, Atlas | Reynolds, James | 1860 | B+ | 550.00 |
63 | [Armillary Sphere] | Armillary Sphere | Anon. | 1800 | B | 3250.00 |
64 | [Lot of 3] Globe Terrestre / Globe Celeste [and] Sphere de Copernic / Sphere de Ptolemee [and] Sphere Droite / Sphere Parallele | Cartographic Miscellany, Globes | Brion de la Tour/Desnos | 1760 | B+ | 110.00 |
65 | The Commonwealth of Nations - or the British Empire | Cartographic Miscellany, World | | 1937 | A | 150.00 |
66 | A Map of the Principal Rivers Shewing Their Courses, Countries, and Comparative Lengths | Cartographic Miscellany, Rivers | SDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge | 1834 | B+ | 80.00 |
67 | A Comparative View of the Principal Waterfalls, Islands, Lakes, Rivers and Mountains, in the Eastern Hemisphere | Cartographic Miscellany, Rivers & Mountains | Tallis, John | 1850 | A | 80.00 |
68 | Walker's Tour Through England and Wales, a New Pastime | Cartographic Game, England & Wales | Darton, William | 1809 | B+ | unsold |
69 | [Leo Belgicus] Novus XVII. Inferioris Germaniae Provinciarum | Cartographic Miscellany, Title Pages, Low Countries | Strada, Famiamo, S.J. | 1653 | A | 750.00 |
70 | [Loto des 5 Parties du Monde] | Cartographic Game, Continents | | 1905 | B+ | 230.00 |
71 | [Set of 6 Puzzles] Etudes Geographiques | Cartographic Miscellany, Puzzle Maps | Logerot, Auguste | 1850 | B | 450.00 |
72 | [Lot of 2] Dissected Map of the United States [and] A New Dissected Map of the United States | Cartographic Miscellany, Puzzle Maps, United States | McLoughlin Bros. | 1880-87 | | 120.00 |
73 | Postwar Town, U.S.A. Showing Typical Uses for Air Express in Any Community | Cartographic Miscellany, Fictional Map | | 1945 | A | 210.00 |
74 | Geographical Guide to a Man's Heart with Obstacles and Entrances Clearly Marked [on sheet with] Geographical Guide to a Woman's Heart Emphasizing Points of Interest to the Romantic Traveler | Cartographic Miscellany, Fictional Map | | 1960 | A | 300.00 |
75 | The Ian Fleming Thriller Map | Cartographic Miscellany, Literary Map | | 1987 | A | 80.00 |
76 | Tabula Poliometrica Germaniae ac Praecipuorum Quorundam Locorum Europae / Neu Vermehrter Curioser Meilen-Zeiger der Vornehmsten Stadte in Europa Besonders in Teutschland… | Cartographic Miscellany, Distance Table | Homann Heirs | 1731 | A | 50.00 |
77 | Americae sive Novi Orbis, Nova Descriptio | Western Hemisphere - America | Ortelius, Abraham | 1573 | A | 9500.00 |
78 | America with Those Known Parts in That Unknowne Worlde Both People and Manner of Buildings Discribed and Inlarged | Western Hemisphere - America | Speed, John | 1626 | A | 4750.00 |
79 | America Noviter Delineata | Western Hemisphere - America | Merian, Matthaus | 1638 | A | 600.00 |
80 | Americae Nova Descriptio | Western Hemisphere - America | Seile, Anae | 1663 | B | 550.00 |
81 | Americae | Western Hemisphere - America | Peeters, Jacques | 1692 | A | 200.00 |
82 | Novissima et Accuratissima Septentrionalis ac Meridionalis Americae Descriptio, Multis Locis Recentibus Aucta et Correcte Divisa in Omnes Partes Hodiernas | Western Hemisphere - America | Wit, Frederick de | 1697 | B+ | 1300.00 |
83 | Totius Americae Septentrionalis et Meridionalis Novissima Repraesentatio quam ex Singulis Recentium Geographorum Tabulis Collecta Luci Publicae Accomodavit | Western Hemisphere - America | Homann, Johann Baptist | 1710 | A | 1500.00 |
84 | Carte du Gouvernement de l'Amerique | Western Hemisphere - America | Chatelain, Henry Abraham | 1720 | B+ | 110.00 |
85 | [On 2 Sheets] Carte Nouvelle de la Mer du Sud, Dressee par Ordre des Principaux Directeurs, & Tiree des Memoires les Plus Recents et des Relations des Navigateurs les Plus Modernes... | Western Hemisphere - America | Leth, Andries & Hendrik de | 1740 | A+ | 17500.00 |
86 | A New and Accurate Map of America. Drawn from the Most Approved Modern Maps and Charts, and Adjusted by Astronomical Observations... | Western Hemisphere - America | Bowen, Emanuel | 1748 | B+ | 200.00 |
87 | Nieuwe Kaart van het Westlykste Deel der Weereld, Dienende tot Aanwyzing van de Scheepstogten der Nederlanderen naar Westindie... | Western Hemisphere - America | Tirion, Isaac | 1754 | A | 180.00 |
88 | L'Amerique Divisee en ses Principaux Etats, Assujetie aux Observations Astronomiqes | Western Hemisphere - America | Janvier/Lattre | 1760 | A | 300.00 |
89 | Amerique | Western Hemisphere - America | Desnos, Louis Charles | 1760 | A | 100.00 |
90 | [On 2 Sheets] L'Amerique Selon l'Etendue de ses Principales Parties et dont les Points Principaux sont Placez sur les Dernieres Observations des Geographes... | Western Hemisphere - America | Walch, Johannes | 1790 | A | 600.00 |
91 | Carte d'Amerique, Dressee pour l'Instruction, part Guil. Delisle et Phil. Buache... | Western Hemisphere - America | Delisle/Dezauche | 1817 | B+ | 250.00 |
92 | Carte d'Amerique Septentrionale et Meridionale avec les Decouvertes Faites dans les Derniers Voyages | Western Hemisphere - America | Herisson, Eustache | 1820 | B+ | 800.00 |
93 | Pictorial Map of the American Continent Featuring the Pan American Highway and Showing Some of the Natural Resources, Scenic Wonders, and Points of Interest | Western Hemisphere - America | | 1945 | B+ | 150.00 |
94 | L'America Settentrionale Nuovamente Corretta, et Accresciuta Secondo le Relationi piu Moderne, da Guglielmo Sansone... | Colonial North America | Rossi, Giamcomo Giovanni | 1677 | B | 1500.00 |
95 | Amerique Septentrionale, Dressee, sur les Relations les Plus Modernes des Voyageurs et Navigateurs, et Divisee Suivant les Differentes Possessions des Europeens | Colonial North America | Robert de Vaugondy, Didier | 1750 | B+ | 400.00 |
96 | L'Amerique Septentrionale Divisee en ses Principaux Etats | Colonial North America | Janvier/Lattre | 1762 | B+ | 425.00 |
97 | Amerique Septentrionale | Colonial North America | Bonne, Rigobert | 1780 | A | 150.00 |
98 | North America Agreeable to the Most Approved Maps and Charts | Colonial North America | Conder, Thomas | 1780 | B+ | 375.00 |
99 | A New & Accurate Map of North America Including Nootka Sound; with the New Discovered Islands on the North East Coast of Asia | North America | Cooke, Charles | 1790 | A | 220.00 |
100 | A General Map of North America Drawn from the Best Surveys | North America | Russell, John C. | 1794 | B+ | 600.00 |
101 | Carte de l'Amerique Septentrionale avec les Regions Polaires | North America | Vivien de Saint Martin, Louis | 1825 | A | 110.00 |
102 | Amerique Septentrionale | North America | Levasseur, Victor | 1849 | B+ | 90.00 |
103 | Linguistic Stocks of American Indians North of Mexico | North America | Powell, John Wesley | 1890 | A | 275.00 |
104 | Carte du Mexique et de la Floride des Terres Angloises et des Isles Antilles du Cours et des Environs de la Riviere de Mississipi... | Colonial Eastern North America & West Indies | Delisle/Covens & Mortier | 1722 | A | 1700.00 |
105 | Nouvelle Espagne, Nouveau Mexique, Isles Antilles | Colonial Eastern North America & West Indies | Robert de Vaugondy, Didier | 1762 | A | 200.00 |
106 | Etats Unis et Grandes Antilles | Eastern North America & West Indies | Chamouin, Jean Baptiste Marie | 1805 | A | 140.00 |
107 | Carte de la Partie de la Cote Nord-Ouest de l'Amerique Reconnue Pendant les Etes de 1792, 1793 et 1794... | Western North America | Vancouver, George (Capt) | 1799 | A | 250.00 |
108 | Partie de l'Amerique Septentrionale, qui Comprend le Canada, la Louisiane le Labrador, le Groenland, les Etats-Unis et la Floride. Projettee et Assujettie aux Observations | Eastern Canada & Greenland | Bonne/Lattre | 1783 | B+ | 110.00 |
109 | A New Map of New Found Land, New Scotland the Isles of Breton, Anticoste, St. Iohns &c. Together with the Fishing Bancks | Eastern Canada | Moll, Herman | 1781 | B+ | 180.00 |
110 | [Newfoundland & Labrador] | Newfoundland & Labrador, Canada | | 1930 | B+ | 75.00 |
111 | Plan de la Cremailliere sur la Cote du Nord-Est de l'Ile de Terre-Neuve... [on sheet with] Plan du Havre de St. Antoine dans la Baie de St. Meen... | Newfoundland, Canada | Depot de la Marine | 1792 | A | unsold |
112 | Plan de l'Ile de Saint Pierre, au Sud de Terre-Neuve, Leve en 1763 par le Sr. Fortin Ingenieur Geographe... | Saint Pierre Island | Depot de la Marine | 1763 | B+ | 200.00 |
113 | [Lot of 2] Carte de Vacances Brading des Regions de Montreal et des Laurentides [and] Carte de Vacances Brading du Bas St. Laurent et des Cantons de l'Est | Quebec, Canada | Turner, Stanley | 1948 | A+ | 350.00 |
114 | [Map in Booklet] Canadian Rockies Showing Main Line of Canadian Pacific Ry. with Branch Lines & Steamship Connections [in] Resorts in the Canadian Rockies | Western Canada | Railroad Companies, (Various) | 1930 | B+ | 75.00 |
115 | North America British Possessions | United States & Canada | Lizars, Daniel | 1830 | A | 200.00 |
116 | [Map in Report] [Untitled - Canada & Northern Part of the United States Showing Two Proposed Routes for a Pacific Railroad] [in] Relations Between the United States and Northwest British America. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury… | United States & Canada | U.S. Government | 1862 | A | 100.00 |
117 | [2 Volumes] Picturesque America; or, the Land We Live In... | United States & Canada | Bryant, William C. | 1872-74 | B+ | 425.00 |
118 | A Map of the British Plantations Canada Florida &c. | Colonial Eastern United States & Canada | Cowley, John | 1742 | A | 150.00 |
119 | Nieuwe Kaart van de Grootbrittannische Volkplantingen in Noord America waar in Tevens de Fransche Bezittingen en de Landen... | Colonial Eastern United States & Canada | Tirion, Isaac | 1755 | A | 500.00 |
120 | A New Map of North America from the Latest Discoveries | Colonial Eastern United States & Canada | Spilsbury, J. | 1763 | B+ | 325.00 |
121 | Estados Unidos de la America Septenl. Parte de la Florida y el Canada | Eastern United States & Canada | Lopez, D. Tomas | 1792 | A | 220.00 |
122 | Etats Unis et Canada | Eastern United States & Canada, Texas | Monin, Charles V. | 1830 | B+ | 120.00 |
123 | Norumbega et Virginia | Colonial Northeastern United States & Canada | Wytfliet, Cornelis | 1597 | A | 3750.00 |
124 | Canada ou Nouvelle France | Colonial Northeastern United States & Canada | Mallet, Alain Manesson | 1683 | A | 130.00 |
125 | L'Isle de Terre-Neuve l'Acadie, ou la Nouvelle Ecosse, l'Isle St. Jean et la Partie Orientale du Canada | Colonial Northeastern United States & Canada | Bonne, Rigobert | 1783 | A | 100.00 |
126 | [19 Maps in Report] Boundary Between the United States and Great Britain. Message from the President of the United States … In Relation to the Boundary Between the United States and Great Britain | Central United States & Canada, Great Lakes | U.S. Government | 1838 | A | 210.00 |
127 | Limes Occidentis Quivira et Anian | Alaska & Western Canada | Wytfliet, Cornelis | 1607 | A | unsold |
128 | Carte Generale d'une Partie de la Cote du Nord-Ouest de l'Amerique Reconnue par les Fregates Francaises la Boussole et l'Astrolabe... | Western United States & Canada | La Perouse, Comte Jean F. Galoup, de | 1797 | B+ | 170.00 |
129 | The Triangle Tour of British Columbia - Jasper National Park Mount Robson Park Canadian Rockies and the Scenic Seas of the North Pacific Coast [on verso] Alaska and the Yukon | Alaska & British Columbia | Railroad Companies, (Various) | 1929 | A+ | 120.00 |
130 | Karte von Nord Amerika vom 50sten Grade der Breite bis Gegen den Wendekreiss des Krebses, nach den Neuesten Angaben | United States, Franklin | Zimmerman, Eberhard A.W. | 1805 | B+ | 250.00 |
131 | Map of the United States of America. And Nova Scotia &c. &c. | United States | Hinton, John Howard | 1832 | B | 110.00 |
132 | Outline Map of Indian Localities in 1833 | United States | Catlin, George | 1842 | B+ | 375.00 |
133 | Johnson's New Military Map of the United States Showing the Forts, Military Posts &c. with Enlarged Plans of Southern Harbors... | United States, Civil War | Johnson & Ward | 1861 | B | 190.00 |
134 | United States | United States | Smith, Roswell C. | 1861 | B+ | 275.00 |
135 | New Map of the American Overland Route Showing Its Connections, and Land Grants of 30,000,000 Acres | United States, Railroads | Rand McNally & Co. | 1878 | B+ | 250.00 |
136 | United States Touring Map Showing 150,000 Miles of Principal Traveled Highways Including Associated Tours of the Automobile Club of America... | United States | | 1926 | B | 275.00 |
137 | A Good-Natured Map of the United States Setting Forth the Services of the Greyhound Lines and a Few Principal Connecting Bus Lines | United States | | 1934 | A | 120.00 |
138 | PWA Rebuilds the Nation | United States | | 1935 | B | 1300.00 |
139 | Portrait of America 1939 | United States, World War II | | 1939 | A | 65.00 |
140 | Aviation Panorama - A Pictorial History of American Aviation | United States, Aviation | | 1943 | B+ | 550.00 |
141 | Land of Lore and Legend - William Gropper's Folklore Map of America | United States | | 1946 | A | 120.00 |
142 | The United States - The Land and the People | United States | | 1958 | A+ | 100.00 |
143 | A Map of the British and French Settlements in North America; [Part the Second] Containing Part of New York, Pensilvania, New Jersey, Mary Land, Virginia, North & South Carolina Georgia, Louisiana, and All the Countries Westward... | Colonial Eastern United States | Bowen, Thomas | 1755 | B+ | 475.00 |
144 | [Map in Book] Map of the Southern, Western & Middle Provinces of the United States [in] Travels to the Westward of the Allegany Mountains, in the States of the Ohio, Kentucky, and Tennessee... | Eastern United States | Michaux, Francois A. | 1805 | B | 650.00 |
145 | The Cotidal Lines and the Tracks of Coasters Between New York and Ports to the Southward and to the Eastward | Eastern United States | Blunt, Edmund | 1857 | A | 70.00 |
146 | An Exact Map of New England, New York, Pensylvania & New Jersey, from the Latest Surveys | Colonial New England & Mid-Atlantic United States | Lodge, John | 1777 | A | 350.00 |
147 | Carte du Theatre de la Guerre Entre les Anglais et les Americains: Dressee d'Apres les Cartes Anglaises les Plus Modernes | Colonial New England & Mid-Atlantic United States, Revolutionary War | Brion de la Tour, Louis | 1778 | B | 2000.00 |
148 | Carte de la Partie Nord, des Etats Unis, de l'Amerique Septentrionale | New England & Mid-Atlantic United States | Bonne, Rigobert | 1783 | A | 75.00 |
149 | Gli Stati Uniti dell' America Delineatio Sulle Ultime Osservazioni - Quarto Foglio che Comprende Parte della Nuova Inghilterra, la Nuova York, il Nuovo Yersey, la Pensilvania, il Delaware, il Maryland, e Porzioni della Virginia, e della Carolina | New England & Mid-Atlantic United States | Cassini, Giovanni Maria | 1797 | B+ | 300.00 |
150 | Carte des Etats-Unis Provinces Septentrionales | New England & Mid-Atlantic United States | Rochefoucald Liancourt, Francois Alexander | 1799 | B+ | 210.00 |
151 | Map of the Northern Part of New England Compiled for Prest. Dwights, Travels | New England United States | Gillet, George | 1823 | B+ | 100.00 |
152 | Nova Virginiae Tabula | Colonial Mid-Atlantic United States | Hondius/Blaeu | 1642 | B+ | 8500.00 |
153 | Virginia Marylandia et Carolina in America Septentrionali Britannorum Industria Excultae | Colonial Mid-Atlantic United States | Homann, Johann Baptist | 1714 | A | 1100.00 |
154 | Carte de la Virginie et du Maryland Dressee sur la Grande Carte Angloise de Mrs. Josue Fry et Pierre Jefferson | Colonial Mid-Atlantic United States | Robert de Vaugondy, Didier | 1755 | A | 1500.00 |
155 | [Lot of 2] New York [and] Pennsylvania and New Jersey | Mid-Atlantic United States | Morse, Sidney Edwards | 1823 | B+ | 170.00 |
156 | Driving Road Chart of the Country Surrounding New York City | New Jersey & New York | | 1887 | B+ | 110.00 |
157 | Map of Maj. Gen. Ross's Route, with the British Column, from Benedict, on the Patuxent River, to the City of Washington, August 1814 | Maryland & Washington D.C. | | 1818 | B | 200.00 |
158 | Johnson's Delaware and Maryland | Maryland, Delaware & Washington, D.C. | Johnson and Ward | 1864 | A | 75.00 |
159 | [Lot of 2] Maryland and Delaware [and] The Century Atlas. Maryland and Delaware | Maryland, Delaware & Washington, D.C. | | 1897-1907 | A | 65.00 |
160 | Virginiae Partis Australis, et Floridae Partis Orientalis, Interjacentiumq Regionum Nova Descriptio | Colonial Southeastern United States | Montanus, Arnoldus | 1671 | B+ | 625.00 |
161 | A New Discription of Carolina by Order of the Lords Proprietors | Colonial Southeastern United States | Moxon/Ogilby | 1673 | B | 6500.00 |
162 | A New Map of Carolina | Colonial Southeastern United States | Thornton, Morden & Lea | 1685 | B+ | 25500.00 |
163 | Carte de la Caroline et Georgie. Pour Servir a l'Histoire Generale des Voyages | Colonial Southeastern United States | Bellin, Jacques Nicolas | 1757 | A | 160.00 |
164 | A New and Accurate Map of the Chief Parts of South Carolina, and Georgia, from the Best Authorities | Colonial Southeastern United States | Lodge, John | 1780 | B+ | 400.00 |
165 | Partie Meridionale de la Louisiane, avec la Floride, la Caroline et la Virginie | Colonial Southeastern United States | D'Anville/Santini | 1784 | A | 375.00 |
166 | A New Chart of the Coast of North America from Port Royal Entrance to Matanza Inlet Exhibiting the Coast of Georgia &c. | Southeastern United States | Laurie & Whittle | 1809 | B | 9000.00 |
167 | Georgia and Alabama | Alabama & Georgia | Tanner, Henry Schenck | 1823 | B+ | 1800.00 |
168 | [Lot of 2] The City of Savannah Georgia [on sheet with] The City of Charleston South Carolina [and] The City of Savannah Georgia [on sheet with] The City of Charleston South Carolina | Savannah, Georgia & Charleston, South Carolina | Colton, Joseph Hutchins | 1855 | B+ | 170.00 |
169 | Florida, et Regiones Vicinae | Colonial Southern United States | Gerritsz/De Laet | 1640 | B+ | 2000.00 |
170 | La Floride | Colonial Southern United States | Duval, Pierre | 1661 | B+ | 250.00 |
171 | Florida zoo als het van de Spaanschen en Franschen Wordt Bezeten | Colonial Southern United States | Sanson, Nicolas | 1705 | A | 350.00 |
172 | La Louisiane et Pays Voisins | Colonial Southern United States | Bellin, Jacques Nicolas | 1763 | B+ | 325.00 |
173 | New Map of the States of Georgia South and North Carolina Virginia and Maryland Including the Spanish Provinces of West and East Florida from the Latest Surveys | Southern United States | Gordon, William | 1793 | B | 500.00 |
174 | Georgia | Southern United States, Georgia | Scott, Joseph | 1795 | B+ | 150.00 |
175 | Georgia, from the Latest Authorities | Southern United States, Georgia | Reid, John | 1796 | B+ | 425.00 |
176 | Lloyd's Map of the Southern States Showing All the Railroads, Their Stations & Distances, Also the Counties Towns Villages Harbors Rivers and Ports... | Southern United States, Civil War | Lloyd, James T. | 1863 | C+ | 400.00 |
177 | Texas, New Mexico & Indian Territory, with Environs of Chicago & New Orleans | South Central United States | Bartholomew, John | 1873 | A+ | 85.00 |
178 | Map of Kansas, Nebraska and Colorado. Showing Also the Southern Portion of Dacotah | Central United States | Mitchell, Samuel Augustus | 1867 | B+ | 90.00 |
179 | The Old Northwest Territory - The First Step Westward by the United States in Its March from Sea to Sea... | Upper Midwestern United States | | 1937 | A | 80.00 |
180 | Map of the Fort Ridgely & South Pass Road to Accompany the Report of William H. Nobles, by Samuel A. Medary, Engr. | Minnesota & South Dakota | U.S. Government | 1858 | B | 100.00 |
181 | [Lot of 5] Topographical Map of the Road from Missouri to Oregon... In VII Sections - Sections II-VI | Western United States | Fremont/Preuss | 1846 | C+ | 375.00 |
182 | Map of Routes for a Pacific Railroad Compiled to Accompany the Report of the Hon. Jefferson Davis, Sec. of War... | Western United States | Warren, Lieut. G. K. | 1855 | B+ | 1600.00 |
183 | [Lot of 2] Map No. 2 From Great Salt Lake to the Humboldt Mountains... [and] Map No. 4 From the Valley of the Mud Lakes to the Pacific Ocean... | Western United States | Beckwith, E. G., Capt. | 1855 | B | 75.00 |
184 | Map of the Territory of the United States from the Mississippi to the Pacific Ocean Ordered by the Hon. Jeff'n Davis, Secretary of War... | Western United States | Warren, Lieut. G. K. | 1857 | B | 550.00 |
185 | [Lot of 2] Preliminary Map of the Central Division Ft. Kearney South Pass & Honey Lake Wagon-Road... [and] Map of the Western Division of the Fort Kearney South Pass and Honey Lake Road | Western United States | U.S. Government | 1857-58 | B | 90.00 |
186 | [Map in Book] Map Showing Indian Reservations in the United States West of the 84th Meridian and Number of Indians Belonging Thereto 1881 [in] Annual Report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs to the Secretary of the Interior for the Year 1881 | Western United States | U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs | 1881 | B+ | 230.00 |
187 | Map of the Missouri Pacific and St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railways and Connections | Western United States | Railroad Companies, (Various) | 1895 | B+ | 120.00 |
188 | Official Touring Information for Year 1916 - The Automobile 16th Year AAA Blue Book - Volume 5 Mississippi River to Pacific Coast | Western United States | American Automobile Assoc. | 1915 | A | 240.00 |
189 | Western Vacationlands | Western United States | Railroad Companies, (Various) | 1946 | A | 140.00 |
190 | Washington and Oregon | Washington & Oregon | Colton, Joseph Hutchins | 1853 | A | 190.00 |
191 | Map of Military Reconnaissance from Fort Dalles, Oregon, via Fort Wallah-Wallah, to Fort Taylor, Washington Territory... | Washington & Oregon | U.S. War Department | 1863 | B | 90.00 |
192 | That Part of Disturnell's Treaty Map in the Vicinity of the Rio Grande and Southern Boundary of New Mexico as Referred to by U.S. Surveyor... | Southwestern United States | U.S. Government | 1851 | B | 100.00 |
193 | Map Illustrating Baldwin Mollhausen's Travels from the Mississippi to the Coast of the Pacific, in the Years 1853-1854 | Southwestern United States | | 1858 | B+ | 220.00 |
194 | Bancroft's Map of California, Nevada, Utah and Arizona | Southwestern United States | Bancroft, A.L. & Company | 1871 | A | 3250.00 |
195 | Topographical Sketch Showing the Outward and Inward Route of a Party, While Examining as to the Practicability of a Diversion of the Colorado River for Purposes of Irrigation... | Southwestern United States | Wheeler, George (Lt) | 1875 | B+ | 50.00 |
196 | A Good-Natured Map of Alaska Showing the Services Offered by "The Alaska Line" and Suggesting Some of the Most Interesting Features of the Territory | Alaska | | 1934 | B+ | unsold |
197 | A Pictorial Map of Alaska the 49th State | Alaska | Dudley Chase, Ernest | 1958 | B+ | 200.00 |
198 | Geological Map of a Part of the State of California Explored in 1855... | California | U.S. War Department | 1856 | B | 70.00 |
199 | Chart of the Sacramento River from Suisun City to the American River California | Northern California | Ringgold, Cadwalader | 1851 | B+ | unsold |
200 | Map No. 1 From San Francisco Bay to the Northern Boundary of California from Explorations and Surveys Made Under the Direction of Hon. Jefferson Davis, Sec. of War | Northern California | Williamson & Abbot | 1855 | B | 130.00 |
201 | Crescent City Harbor California... | Crescent City, California | U.S. Coast Survey | 1859 | B+ | 8.00 |
202 | [California-Nevada Border & Lake Tahoe] | Lake Tahoe, California & Nevada | | 1953 | A | 100.00 |
203 | Your Pleasure Map of Mendocino County | Mendocino County, California | | 1954 | B+ | 160.00 |
204 | New E-Z Guide Map of San Francisco... | San Francisco, California | | 1922 | B | 100.00 |
205 | Map of San Francisco Showing Principal Streets and Places of Interest | San Francisco, California | | 1927 | B | 2400.00 |
206 | [Lot of 3] Map and Profile of the Colorado River Aqueduct [and] The Water Supply of San Francisco [and] Southern California Edison Company Electrical Service System in Central and Southern California | Southern California & Bay Area | | 1920-55 | | 200.00 |
207 | [Lot of 2] A Pictorial Map of Southern California and Adjacent Areas [and] Ride the Roads to Romance Along the Golden Coast and Thru the Sunshine Empire of Southern California | Southern California | | 1963-69 | | 160.00 |
208 | San Diego California - Street Guide and Automobile Road Map of San Diego City, County & Imperial Valley | San Diego, California | | 1926 | A | 100.00 |
209 | Map of San Diego California City and County | San Diego, California | | 1940 | A+ | 110.00 |
210 | Nell's Topographical Map of the State of Colorado | Colorado | Nell, Louis | 1907 | B+ | 550.00 |
211 | [Lot of 2] Colorful Colorado Invites All America to Enjoy Healthful Climate - Varied Resources - Superb Scenery and Recreation | Colorado | | 1946-53 | | 190.00 |
212 | Ski Country USA - Colorado | Colorado | | 1967 | A | 650.00 |
213 | [View of Washington D.C. and Surroundings with Map] Topographical Map of Virginia Between Washington and Manassas Junction | Washington, D.C. | Magnus, Charles | 1863 | A | 180.00 |
214 | Johnson's Georgetown and the City of Washington - The Capital of the United States of America | Washington, D.C. | Johnson & Ward | 1863 | B+ | 110.00 |
215 | Map of the Cities of Washington and Georgetown D.C. [and] Bird's-Eye View of Washington City, D.C. [in] Morrison's Stranger's Guide for Washington City | Washington, D.C. | | 1876 | B | 110.00 |
216 | [Lot of 20 - Maps of Washington, D.C.] | Washington, D.C. | | 1879-99 | B+ | 210.00 |
217 | [Sewerage of the District of Columbia] | Washington, D.C. | U.S. Government | 1894 | B+ | 150.00 |
218 | Washington - The Beautiful Capital of the Nation | Washington, D.C. | Railroad Companies, (Various) | 1923 | A | 300.00 |
219 | Delaware | Delaware | | 1937 | B+ | 100.00 |
220 | Map of the State of Florida | Florida | Hinton, John Howard | 1832 | B+ | 120.00 |
221 | [Map in Brochure] Location of the Florida East Coast Hotels Reached Only Via the Florida East Coast Railway and Steamship Companies [in] The Florida East Coast Hotel Company | Florida | | 1900 | A | 1300.00 |
222 | Goodrich Road Map of Florida | Florida | | 1920 | B | 550.00 |
223 | Street Map of Miami Beach | Miami Beach, Florida | | 1947 | A | 140.00 |
224 | Plan of Key West | Key West, Florida | | 1860 | B+ | 160.00 |
225 | Cayo Hueso Key West Florida | Key West, Florida | | 1938 | A+ | 210.00 |
226 | [Grands Voyages, Part II] Brevis Narratio Eorum quae in Florida Americae Provicia... | Florida, Natives | Le Moyne/De Bry | 1609 | | 2500.00 |
227 | [How the Indians Till the Soil] Wie sie ire Acker Bauwen und Beseen | Florida, Natives | Bry, Theodore de | 1591 | B+ | 120.00 |
228 | [2 Volumes] A Journal of the Proceedings in Georgia, Beginning October 20, 1737... | Colonial Georgia | | 1742 | B+ | 6000.00 |
229 | Georgia | Georgia | Finley, Anthony | 1846 | B+ | 170.00 |
230 | Colton's Georgia | Georgia | Colton, G.W. & C.B. | 1855 | A | 75.00 |
231 | City of Honolulu | Honolulu, Hawaii | | 1910 | A+ | 100.00 |
232 | Souvenir Pictorial Aeroview of Chicago - Chicago - Central Business Section | Chicago, Illinois | | 1916 | B | 750.00 |
233 | Map of the States of Kentucky, and Tennessee | Kentucky & Tennessee | Hinton, John Howard | 1832 | B | 80.00 |
234 | A New Map of Kentucky with Its Roads & Distances from Place to Place Along the Stage & Steam Boat Routes | Kentucky | Tanner, Henry Schenck | 1839 | B+ | 80.00 |
235 | Kentucky | Kentucky | | 1942 | B | 250.00 |
236 | Embouchures du Fleuve St. Louis ou Mississipi | Colonial Louisiana; Mississippi River | Bellin, Jacques Nicolas | 1763 | B+ | 130.00 |
237 | Historic Massachusetts - A Travel Map to Help You Feel at Home in the Bay State | Massachusetts | Dudley Chase, Ernest | 1964 | A | 50.00 |
238 | Cape Cod Road Map and Guide to Hotels and Golf Courses | Cape Cod, Massachusetts | | 1928 | B | 100.00 |
239 | The Map of Old Cape Cod - The Land of Bold Explorers Heroic Pilgrims Hardy Seamen Great Fisheries and Famous Ships | Cape Cod, Massachusetts | | 1930 | B+ | 400.00 |
240 | Panoramic View from Bunker Hill Monument | Boston, Massachusetts | Smillie, James D. | 1848 | B | 160.00 |
241 | Map of Boston and Adjacent Cities | Boston, Massachusetts | Colton, Joseph Hutchins | 1855 | A | 150.00 |
242 | [Map in Booklet] The Central Part of Boston, Massachusetts, Showing Transportation Lines of the Boston Elevated Railway [in] Boston Elevated Railway Guide and Information - Sixth Edition | Boston, Massachusetts | | 1930 | A | 120.00 |
243 | Historical & Instructive Map of Detroit and ye Adjacent Territories, Showing ye Principal Points of Interest, Chief of Which Are ye Great Industrial Plants of Chrysler Corporation... | Detroit, Michigan | | 1934 | A | 80.00 |
244 | [Lot of 2] Sketch of the Public Surveys in the State of Mississippi [and] Map of Mississippi Showing Counties, Towns, Villages, Rivers, Railroads and Congressional Districts | Mississippi | | 1866-1903 | | unsold |
245 | Atlas of the Goldfield Tonopah and Bullfrog Mining Districts of Nevada | Southwestern Nevada | | 1905 | B+ | 325.00 |
246 | Map of the Comstock Brunswick and Flowery Lodes Showing the Mining Claims Embraced in Virginia, Gold Hill, Devils Gate and Chinatown, Silver Star, American Flat and Flowery Districts. Lyon and Storey Counties Nevada | Northern Nevada | | 1923 | B | 150.00 |
247 | Historical Map of the State of New Jersey | New Jersey | | 1939 | B+ | 100.00 |
248 | Cape May Roads, Including Crow Shoal, Del. Bay. (September, 1836) and Shewing the Plan of an Artificial Harbor Proposed for That Place | Cape May, New Jersey | Bache, Hartman (Bt. Major) | 1838 | B | 50.00 |
249 | A Map of the Eastern Part of the Province of New York; with Part of New Jersey, &c. Drawn from the Best Authorities | Colonial New York | Kitchin, Thomas | 1756 | B+ | 220.00 |
250 | Historical Map of the State of New York | New York | | 1937 | A | 85.00 |
251 | New York "The Empire State" - A Pictorial Map Featuring Natural Wonders, Scenic Attractions and Historical Sites in the State of New York | New York | | 1946 | B+ | 110.00 |
252 | Lake George - The Most Picturesque Resort in America [on sheet with] Lake George Lake Champlain the Adirondacks | Northern New York | Poole Bros. | 1911 | B+ | 180.00 |
253 | Map of Long Island | Long Island, New York | Beers, Comstock & Cline | 1873 | B | 550.00 |
254 | The Day Before the Great Naval Review - The Fleet Passing Castle William on Its Way Up the Hudson | New York City, New York | Harper's Weekly | 1893 | A | 325.00 |
255 | Barnes' Atlas of New York City and the Metropolitan District | New York City, New York | Hammond, C. S. | 1907 | A | 50.00 |
256 | "Liberty Enlightening the World" - Bartholdi's Colossal Statue on Bedlow's Island, New York Harbor | Statue of Liberty, New York | Fenn, Harry | 1886 | A | 220.00 |
257 | West Point New York | West Point, New York | U.S. Coast & Geodetic Survey | 1883 | A | 240.00 |
258 | A New Map of Ohio with Its Canals Roads & Distances | Ohio | Tanner, Henry Schenck | 1833 | B+ | 37.00 |
259 | Annual Reports of the Department of the Interior for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1904 - Indian Affairs. Part II. Commission to the Five Civilized Tribes... | Oklahoma | U.S. Department of Interior | 1904 | B+ | 250.00 |
260 | A Map of the Province of Pensilvania Drawn from the Best Authorities | Colonial Pennsylvania | Kitchin, Thomas | 1756 | B+ | 200.00 |
261 | Map of Pennsylvania, Constructed from the County Surveys Authorized by the State; and Other Original Documents, Revised and Improved... | Pennsylvania | Barnes, R. L. | 1850 | B+ | 1600.00 |
262 | Iron Railroad, Canal and Coal Map of Pennsylvania, &c. Showing the Relative Position of the Various Anthracite and Bituminous Coal Fields... | Pennsylvania | Sheafer, P. W. | 1867 | B+ | unsold |
263 | A Map of the State of Pennsylvania | Pennsylvania | | 1942 | B+ | 75.00 |
264 | The Centennial - Balloon View of the Grounds | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania | Harper Bros. | 1876 | A | 180.00 |
265 | Gettysburg. Repulse of Longstreet's Assault | Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, Civil War | Bachelder, John B. | 1876 | B+ | 1600.00 |
266 | Siege de Charlestown | Charleston, South Carolina | Marshall, John | 1807 | B+ | 130.00 |
267 | Texas and Northern Mexico [and two smaller maps in] Clason's Texas - Green Guide with Road and Railway Maps | Texas | Clason Map Company | 1924 | A | 160.00 |
268 | The Oil and Gas Journal's Oil Map of Texas | Texas, Oil | | 1938 | B | 375.00 |
269 | Amer. Sep. Partie du Mexique. No. 60 | Texas, Gulf Coast | Vandermaelen, Philippe Marie Guillaume | 1825-27 | B+ | 180.00 |
270 | [Lot of 2] Ruins of the Church of the Alamo, San Antonio de Bexar [and] San Antonio de Bexar | San Antonio, Texas | U.S. War Department | 1850 | B+ | 450.00 |
271 | Bracey's 1952 Map of Houston Harris County. Texas | Houston, Texas | | 1952 | B | 160.00 |
272 | Map of the Great Salt Lake and Adjacent Country in the Territory of Utah [on sheet with] The Great Salt Lake (Mormon) City and Surrounding Country (on an Enlarged Scale) | Salt Lake City, Utah | Weller, Edward | 1860 | A | 115.00 |
273 | Historical Map of Vermont | Vermont | | 1933-34 | B+ | 375.00 |
274 | A Map of the Rail Roads of Virginia Prepared Under the Direction of the Board of Public Works | Virginia, Railroads | Bucholtz, Ludwig von | 1858 | B | 6000.00 |
275 | A Draught of Virginia from the Capes to York in York River and to Kuiquotan or Hamton in James River | Eastern Virginia | Mount & Page | 1761 | B | 800.00 |
276 | Seat of War in Virginia, &c. Sheet 2 | Northern Virginia | Weller, Edward | 1863 | B+ | 80.00 |
277 | [How They Build Boats in Virginia] Auss Wasserlen Weise sie ben Ihnen die Weidlinge Zurichten | Virginia, Natives | Bry, Theodore de | 1590 | B+ | 140.00 |
278 | [Lot of 2] Plan of the Battle of the Four Lakes Sept. 1st 1858 and the Battle of the Spokane Plains Sept. 5th 1858... [and] Plan of Col. Steptoe's, Battlefield on the Ingossomen Creek, May 15th 16th & 17th 1858... | Washington, Spokane Indian Wars | U.S. War Department | 1858 | B+ | 140.00 |
279 | [Map in Report] Yellowstone National Park and Part of Abutting Forest Reserve from Maps by the U.S. Geological Survey [in] Report of the Acting Superintendent of Yellowstone National Park | Yellowstone, Wyoming | U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) | 1904 | A | 90.00 |
280 | Mexico & Guatemala | United States & Mexico, Texas | Kelly, Thomas | 1842 | A | 140.00 |
281 | Nueva Hispania Tabula Nova | Southern United States & Mexico | Ruscelli, Girolamo | 1562 | A | 1000.00 |
282 | Mexico, or New Spain; in Which the Motions of Cortes May Be Traced. For the Rev. Dr. Robertson's History of America | Southern United States & Mexico | Kitchin, Thomas | 1795 | B+ | 130.00 |
283 | Granata Nova et California | Southwestern United States & Mexico | Wytfliet, Cornelis | 1597 | A | 2000.00 |
284 | 'T Gebiedt van Guadalajara, Niew Mexico, en Californie Enz. | Southwestern United States & Mexico, California | Sanson, Nicolas | 1705 | A | 600.00 |
285 | Cette Carte de Californie et du Nouveau Mexique, est Tiree de Celle qui a ete Envoyee par un Grand d'Espagne pour etre Communiquee a Mrs de l'Academie Royale des Sciences | Southwestern United States & Mexico, California | Fer, Nicolas de | 1705 | A | 800.00 |
286 | L'Ancien et le Nouveau Mexique, avec la Floride et la Basse Louisiane. Partie Occidentale | Southwestern United States & Mexico | Bonne, Rigobert | 1770 | B+ | 75.00 |
287 | The United States of Mexico | Southwestern United States & Mexico, Texas | Burr, David H. | 1832 | B+ | 300.00 |
288 | Plan du Port de St. Diego en Californie... [on sheet with] Plan du Port et du Departement de St. Blas... | San Diego, California & San Blas, Mexico | La Perouse, Comte Jean F. Galoup, de | 1797 | B | 220.00 |
289 | The West Coast of South America from Lima to Panama and from Thence to Cape Corientes | Western Mexico, Central America & South America | Senex, John | 1728 | B+ | unsold |
290 | Nova Hispania Nova Galicia Guatimala | Mexico & Central America | Montanus, Arnoldus | 1671 | B+ | 240.00 |
291 | Iucatana Regio et Fondura | Southern Mexico & Central America | Wytfliet, Cornelis | 1597 | A | 500.00 |
292 | 'T Gebiedt van Mexico | Mexico | Sanson, Nicolas | 1705 | B+ | 120.00 |
293 | [A Map of the British Empire in America (Sheet 13) - Mexico] | Mexico | Popple, Henry | 1733 | B+ | 950.00 |
294 | Carta Esferica de las Costas y Golfo de Californias Llamado Mar de Cortes que Comprende Desde el Cabo Corrientes Hasta el Puerto de S. Diego... | Northwestern Mexico | Direccion de Hidrografia | 1825 | B+ | 650.00 |
295 | Temistitan | Mexico City, Mexico | Porcacchi, Tomaso | 1620 | A | 180.00 |
296 | [Lot of 2] Ancien Mexico / Oud Mexico [and] Nouveau Mexico | Mexico City, Mexico | Bellin, Jacques Nicolas | 1754 | A | 110.00 |
297 | Le Plan de la Veracruz avec les Isles de St. Jean du Luz; Situees aux Indes Occidentales d'Espagne | Veracruz, Mexico | Esquemeling, Alexandre Oliver | 1744 | A | 150.00 |
298 | Landstreek van Guatimala | Central America | Sanson, Nicolas | 1705 | A | 80.00 |
299 | Ruatan or Rattan, Surveyed by Lieutenant Henry Barnsley, with Improvements | Roatan, Honduras | Jefferys/Sayer | 1775 | B+ | 425.00 |
300 | Descripcion del Audiencia de Panama | Panama | Herrera y Tordesillas, Antonio de | 1601 | B+ | unsold |
301 | [Lot of 2] Plan de la Baye et Ville de Portobelo en 1736 [and] Plan of Portobello | Portobelo, Panama | | 1757-66 | A | unsold |
302 | [Western Half - Occidentalis Americae Partis, vel, Earum Regionum quas Christophorus Columbus Primu Detexit Tabula Chorographicae Multorum Auctorum Scriptis...] | Gulf of Mexico & Caribbean, Florida | Bry, Theodore de | 1594 | B+ | 1900.00 |
303 | Insularum Cubae, Hispaniolae, Yucatanae et circumjacentium describtio | Gulf of Mexico & Caribbean | Bertius, Petrus | 1600 | B+ | 120.00 |
304 | Insulae Americanae in Oceano Septentrionali cum Terris adiacentibus | Gulf of Mexico & Caribbean | Blaeu, Willem | 1641 | B+ | 700.00 |
305 | Iles de l'Amerique, Situees dans l'Ocean Septentrional, avec Toutes Leurs Cotes, Bayes, et Ports... | Gulf of Mexico & Caribbean | Aa, Pieter van der | 1729 | A | 900.00 |
306 | Les Isles Antilles, et le Golfe du Mexique | Gulf of Mexico & Caribbean | Bonne, Rigobert | 1780 | A+ | 160.00 |
307 | West Indies, Drawn from the Best Authorities; and Places Astronomically Laid Down as Publish'd by Order of the Admiralty | Gulf of Mexico & Caribbean | Bayly, John | 1782 | B+ | 210.00 |
308 | De Antillische Eilanden, waar Onder zyn de Lucaysche en Caribesche | Caribbean | Sanson, Nicolas | 1705 | A | 275.00 |
309 | West Indies | Gulf of Mexico & Caribbean | | 1793 | B+ | 39.00 |
310 | The West Indies, Exhibiting the English French Spanish Dutch & Danish Settlements with the Adjacent Parts of North & South America, from the Best Authorities | Caribbean | Middleton, Charles T. | 1779 | A | 350.00 |
311 | Carta Esferica que Comprehende los Desemboques al Norte de la Isla de Sto. Domingo y la Parte Oriental del Canal Viejo de Bahama... | Greater Antilles | Direccion de Hidrografia | 1802 | B+ | 750.00 |
312 | Is. de Cuba et de Iamaica | Cuba & Jamaica | Mallet, Alain Manesson | 1683 | B+ | 50.00 |
313 | Isles Lucayes | Bahamas | Mallet, Alain Manesson | 1683 | A | 75.00 |
314 | Carta del Gran Banco de Bahama Parte de la Isla de Cuba y Costa de la Florida... | Bahamas | Quesada, Jose Maria de | 1866 | B+ | 850.00 |
315 | [Lot of 5] Port de la Havane dans l'Isle de Cube [and] Entree de la Baye de St. Yago dans l'Isle de Cube [and] Plan de la Baye de St. Yago dans l'Isle de Cube [and] Le Port Marianne dans l'Isle de Cube [and] Baye de Matance dans l'Isle de Cube | Cuba | Bellin, Jacques Nicolas | 1764 | A | 150.00 |
316 | Carte de l'Isle de la Jamaique | Jamaica | Bonne, Rigobert | 1780 | A | 55.00 |
317 | Isola Spagnola Nova | Hispaniola | Ruscelli, Girolamo | 1561 | A | 180.00 |
318 | Hispaniola Insula | Hispaniola | Wytfliet, Cornelis | 1597 | A | 300.00 |
319 | Pas Kaart van de Caribes Tusschen I. Barbados en I.S. Martin | Lesser Antilles | Keulen, Johannes van | 1685 | A | 500.00 |
320 | Supplement pour les Isles Antilles, Extrait des Cartes Angloises | Lesser Antilles | Bonne, Rigobert | 1788 | B+ | 60.00 |
321 | De Stadt St. Martin | St. Martin | Montanus/Ogilby | 1671 | A | unsold |
322 | Die Insul St. Christopher [on sheet with] Antego Insel [and] Ein Theil der Inseln von America &c. | St. Kitts & Antigua | Moll, Herman | 1741 | A | 95.00 |
323 | Carte de l'Isle de Sainte Lucie, pour Servir a l'Histoire Generale des Voyages | Saint Lucia | Bellin, Jacques Nicolas | 1758 | A | 60.00 |
324 | Barbadoes, Surveyed by William Mayo... | Barbados | Jefferys/Laurie & Whittle | 1810 | B+ | 325.00 |
325 | Carte de l'Isle de la Grenade, pour Servir a l'Histoire Generale des Voyages | Grenada | Bellin, Jacques Nicolas | 1758 | A | 60.00 |
326 | Charte von den Inseln Trinidad, Tabago und Margaretha, dem Busen von Paria, und Einem Theile von Cumana | Trinidad & Tobago | Weimar Geographisches Institut | 1814 | A | 200.00 |
327 | A Map of the Island of Tobago, Drawn from an Actual Survey | Tobago | Bowen, Thomas | 1779 | B | 70.00 |
328 | Amerique Meridionale | South America | Mallet, Alain Manesson | 1684 | A | 70.00 |
329 | Zuider America | South America | Sanson, Nicolas | 1705 | A | 110.00 |
330 | L'Amerique Meridionale Divisee en ses Principaux Etats | South America | Janvier/Lattre | 1762 | B+ | 100.00 |
331 | Carte de l'Amerique Meridionale, pour l Histoire Generale des Voyages in 80 | South America | Bellin, Jacques Nicolas | 1780 | B+ | 180.00 |
332 | South America Under the Axis or the Heil with the Monroe Doctrine | South America | | 1938 | A | 50.00 |
333 | 'T Vaste Landt van 't Niew Koningryk Granada Enz. | Northern South America | Sanson, Nicolas | 1705 | A | 100.00 |
334 | Carte de la Terre Ferme du Perou, du Bresil et du Pays des Amazones, Dressee sur les Descriptions de Herrera de Laet, et des PP. d'Acuna, et M Rodriguez... | Northern South America | Delisle/Covens & Mortier | 1730 | B+ | 180.00 |
335 | Carthagena in de Spaansche West-Indien | Cartagena, Colombia | Tirion, Isaac | 1766 | A | 110.00 |
336 | Venezuela, cum Parte Australi Novae Andalusiae | Venezuela | Jansson, Jan | 1652 | B+ | 220.00 |
337 | Guaiana sive Provinciae Intra Rio de la Amazonas atque Rio de Yuiapari sive Orinoque | Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana | Gerritsz/De Laet | 1630 | A | 180.00 |
338 | Guiana, Verdeelt in Guiana en Caribana | Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana | Sanson, Nicolas | 1705 | A | 100.00 |
339 | Carte de la Guiane pour Servir a l'Histoire Philosophique & Politique des Etablissemens et du Commerce des Europeens dans les Deux Indes | Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana | Bellin, Jacques Nicolas | 1773 | A | 45.00 |
340 | Brasilia | Brazil | Wytfliet, Cornelis | 1597 | A | 400.00 |
341 | Brasil, waar van de Kust door de Portugeezen Bezeten, en in Veertien Hooftgebieden Verdeelt Word... | Brazil | Sanson, Nicolas | 1705 | A | 100.00 |
342 | Recens Elaborata Mappa Geographica Regni Brasiliae in America Meridionali Maxime Celebris Accuaratae Delineata | Brazil | Seutter, Matthias | 1730 | B+ | 325.00 |
343 | Bresiliens | Brazil, Native Americans | Mallet, Alain Manesson | 1684 | A | 50.00 |
344 | Paraguay Verdeelt in zyn Voornaamste Deelen Volgens de Laatste Reisbeschryvinge | Central South America, Paraguay | Sanson, Nicolas | 1705 | A | 80.00 |
345 | Paraquariae Provinciae Soc. Iesu cum Adjacentibus Novissima Descriptio... | Central South America, Paraguay | Seutter, Matthias | 1730 | B | 180.00 |
346 | Peru | Peru | Jansson/Valck & Schenk | 1700 | B+ | 200.00 |
347 | Piano Scenografico della Citta dei RE, o sia di Lima Capitale del Regno del Peru... | Lima, Peru | Rossi, Veremondo | 1763 | A | 110.00 |
348 | Ples. du Perou | Peru, Native Americans | Mallet, Alain Manesson | 1684 | A | 60.00 |
349 | Chili | Chile | Hondius, Henricus | 1633 | A | 220.00 |
350 | Le Chili Divise en ses Treize Iurisdictions Tire du R.P. Alfo. de Oualle de la C. d. I. et de Diverses Relations les Plus Recentes | Chile | Sanson/Mariette | 1669 | A | 210.00 |
351 | Chili, Getrokken uit Alfonso de Oualle, Jesuit, en in Dertien Rechts-Gebieden Verdeelt | Chile | Sanson, Nicolas | 1705 | A | unsold |
352 | A Map of Chili, Patagonia, La Plata and ye South Part of Brasil | Southern South America | Moll, Herman | 1737 | A | 120.00 |
353 | De Straat van Magellanes met het Magellanisch Landt en d'Eilanden | Tierra del Fuego | Sanson, Nicolas | 1705 | A | 200.00 |
354 | Carte Reduite du Detroit de Magellan Dressee sur les Journaux des Navigateurs | Strait of Magellan | Bellin, Jacques Nicolas | 1753 | B+ | 75.00 |
355 | Patagons | Southern South America, Native Americans | Mallet, Alain Manesson | 1684 | A | 50.00 |
356 | Carte pour Servir a l'Histoire Philosophique et Politique des Etablissemens et du Commerce des Europeens dans les Deux Indes | Atlantic Ocean & South America | Bonne, Rigobert | 1780 | A | 70.00 |
357 | De Canarische Eilanden | Canary Islands | Sanson, Nicolas | 1705 | A | 85.00 |
358 | Carte des Isles Canaries. Dressee sur les Journaux des Navigateurs | Canary Islands | Bellin, Jacques Nicolas | 1746 | A | 60.00 |
359 | Carte des Isles du Cap Verd Dressee sur les Journaux et les Remarques des Plus Habiles Navigateurs | Cape Verde Islands | Bellin, Jacques Nicolas | 1746 | B+ | 60.00 |
360 | Mappa Aestivarum Insularum Alias Bermudas Dictarum... / A Mapp of the Sommer Islands Once Called the Bermudas... | Bermuda | Speed, John | 1626 | B+ | 1400.00 |
361 | Mappa Aestivarum Insularum, Alias Barmudas Dictarum, ad Ostia Mexicani Aestuary... | Bermuda | Hondius/Jansson | 1644 | B+ | 600.00 |
362 | Carte Generale l'Ocean Atlantique Septentrional Dressee d'Apres les Documents les Plus Recents | North Atlantic | Robiquet, Aime | 1855 | B+ | unsold |
363 | Islandia | Iceland | Ortelius, Abraham | 1585 | B+ | 8000.00 |
364 | Tabula Islandiae Auctore Georgio Carolo Flandro | Iceland | Hondius/Blaeu | 1644 | B | 400.00 |
365 | Europa | Europe | Solinus, Caius Julius | 1538 | A | 240.00 |
366 | [Europa Regina] | Europe | Munster, Sebastian | 1588 | A | unsold |
367 | Europa Recens Descripta | Europe | Blaeu, Willem | 1635 | B | 1800.00 |
368 | Europe | Europe | Tassin, Christophe Nicholas | 1655 | B | unsold |
369 | Europae | Europe | Peeters, Jacques | 1692 | A | 100.00 |
370 | Carte de l'Europe | Europe | Delisle/Dezauche | 1827 | A | 90.00 |
371 | Carte Historique, Cronologique, et Geographique de l'Empire Romain, ou l'on Fait Observer son Etendue, et Diverses Remarques pour l'Intelligence de l'Histoire | Europe & Middle East | Chatelain, Henry Abraham | 1720 | A | 75.00 |
372 | Romani Imperii, Occidentis Scilicet et Orientis, Tabula Geographica, ex Schoedis Sansonianis Desumpta... | Europe & Middle East | Robert de Vaugondy, Didier | 1752 | A | 150.00 |
373 | Isles Britaniques ou sont les Royaumes d'Angleterre d Escosse et d Irlande | Britain | Peeters, Jacques | 1692 | A | 100.00 |
374 | Les Isles Britanniques ou sont le Rme. d'Angleterre Tire de Sped Celuy d'Ecosse Tire de Th. Pont &c. et Celuy d'Irlande Tire de Petti... | Britain | Delisle, Guillaume | 1702 | A | 130.00 |
375 | Magna Britannia Complectens Angliae, Scotiae et Hiberniae Regna in suas Provincias et Comitatus Divisa | Britain | Homann, Johann Baptist | 1714 | B+ | unsold |
376 | Carte du Gouvernement Militaire d'Angleterre ou l'on Represente l'Etat des Officiers de Guerre… | Britain | Chatelain, Henry Abraham | 1720 | A | 90.00 |
377 | Regnorum Magnae Britanniae et Hiberniae Mappa Geographica... | Britain | Mayer/Homann Heirs | 1749 | B+ | 70.00 |
378 | Northumbria, Cumberlandia, et Dunelmensis Episcopatus | Northern England & Southern Scotland | Mercator/Hondius | 1613 | B+ | 100.00 |
379 | The North and East Ridins of Yorkshire | Northern England | Speed, John | 1713 | B+ | unsold |
380 | Stafford Countie and Towne with the Ancient Citie Lichfeild Described | Central England | Speed, John | 1616 | B+ | unsold |
381 | Here Took Place the Adventures of Robin Hood and His Merry Men from Tales of Sherwood Forest | Central England | | 1955 | A | 200.00 |
382 | Bedford Shire and the Situation of Bedford Described with the Armes of Thos Honorable Familyes that Have Borne ye Titles of Dukes and Earls Thereof | Eastern England | Speed, John | 1610 | B+ | 220.00 |
383 | Cornubia. Sive Cornwallia | Southwestern England | Blaeu, Johannes | 1663 | B+ | 250.00 |
384 | Cantium quod nunc Kent | Southeastern England | Norden/Kip | 1605 | B+ | 140.00 |
385 | Midle-Sex Described with the Most Famous Cities of London and Westminster | Southeastern England, London | Speed, John | 1713 | B+ | 500.00 |
386 | [Lot of 3] London Bridge [and] A View of the House of Peers... [and] A Perspective View of the Bank of England | London, England | | 1756 | B+ | 110.00 |
387 | [Lot of 2] An Accurate Plan of the Docks for the West India Trade, and the Canal, in the Isle of Dogs; Begun 1800 [and] A Correct Plan of the London Docks, Shewing the Houses & Other Premises, Within the Limits Granted by Act of Parliament 1800 | London, England | Fairburn, John | 1801-02 | B+ | 800.00 |
388 | Illustrated Map of London | London, England | Smith & Son | 1880 | B+ | 180.00 |
389 | The Daily Telegraph Picture Map of London | London, England | Geographia Map Co | 1950 | A+ | 120.00 |
390 | Cambridge "This Immense & Glorious Work of Fine Intelligence..." | Cambridge, England | | 1948 | A | 325.00 |
391 | Afbeelding van de Stad en Revier van Rochester, Chattam waar in Vertoont wert de Victorieuse uyt Werckinge van s' Landts... | Rochester, England | Stoopendaal, Daniel | 1732 | B+ | 80.00 |
392 | A New Mapp of the Kingdome of England, Representing the Princedome of Wales, and Other Provinces, Cities, Market Towns, with the Roads from Town to Town... | England & Wales | Visscher, Nicolas | 1694 | A | 225.00 |
393 | A Map of England and Wales from the Latest Authorities and Observations | England & Wales | Blair, Rev. John | 1773 | B+ | unsold |
394 | Geological Map of England & Wales Reduced Chiefly from the Ordnance and Geological Surveys... | England & Wales | Geikie, Archibald [Sir] | 1897 | B+ | 130.00 |
395 | Cornubia, Devonia, Somersetus, Dorcestria, Wiltonia, Glocestria Monumetha, Glamorgan, Caermarden, Penbrok, Cardigan, Radnor, Breknoke, Herefordia, & Wigornia | Southwestern England & Southern Wales | Mercator/Hondius | 1628 | B+ | 150.00 |
396 | Principatus Walliae Pars Borealis Vulgo North Wales | Northern Wales | Jansson, Jan | 1647 | B | 110.00 |
397 | The Countye of Monmouth with the Sittuation of the Shire-towe Described Ann 1610 | Southeastern Wales | Speed, John | 1616 | B+ | unsold |
398 | A Mapp of the Kingdome of Scotland | Scotland | Blome, Richard | 1673 | A | 375.00 |
399 | Cathenesia. Caithness | Northern Scotland | Blaeu, Johannes | 1662 | A | 220.00 |
400 | Lidalia vel Lidisdalia Regio, Lidisdail. Auct. Timotheo Pont | Southern Scotland | Blaeu, Johannes | 1663 | B+ | unsold |
401 | A New Description of the Shyres Lothian and Linlitquo. Be T. Pont | Southeastern Scotland | Hondius, Henricus | 1638 | B | 425.00 |
402 | Edenburg - Edenburgum, Scotiae Metropolis | Edinburg, Scotland | Braun & Hogenberg | 1625 | A | 850.00 |
403 | [On 2 Sheets] Irlandiae Regnum | Ireland | Mercator/Hondius | 1613 | A | 400.00 |
404 | Irlanda | Ireland | Albrizzi, Girolamo | 1743 | A | 220.00 |
405 | The Countie of Leinster with the Citie Dublin Described | Eastern Ireland, Dublin | Speed, John | 1610 | B+ | 425.00 |
406 | The Civic Survey Dublin and Environs | Dublin, Ireland | | 1925 | A | 85.00 |
407 | Provincia Momoniae / The Province of Mounster | Southwestern Ireland | Jansson, Jan | 1647 | B+ | 170.00 |
408 | [On 2 Sheets] Carte Particuliere de la Cote Sud-Ouest d'Irlande Depuis les Iles Saltees Jusqu'a l'Embouchure du Shannon... | Southwestern Ireland | Depot de la Marine | 1803 | B+ | 80.00 |
409 | Pascaert vande Noort-Zee om Achter Yrland en Schotland om te Seylen / Mare Germanicum ac Tractus Maritimus Retro Hiberniam et Scotiam | North Sea & Britain | Wit, Frederick de | 1671 | A | 750.00 |
410 | Les Royaumes de Suede et Norwege | Scandinavia | Peeters, Jacques | 1692 | A | unsold |
411 | Scandinavia Complectens Sueciae Daniae & Norvegiae Regna ex Tabulis | Scandinavia | Homann, Johann Baptist | 1714 | B+ | 150.00 |
412 | Carte des Courones du Nord Dediee Autres Puissant et Tres Invincible Prince Charles XII... | Scandinavia | Delisle, Guillaume | 1750 | B+ | 65.00 |
413 | Accurater Grundriss und Prospect der Kon. Schwed Reichs u. Hauptstadt Stockholm mit Aller Herumligenden Gegend, und Annehmlicher Situation von Innen u: Aussen | Stockholm, Sweden | Homann, Johann Baptist | 1730 | B+ | unsold |
414 | Norvegia Regnum Divisum in suos Dioeceses Nidrosiensem, Bergensem, Opsloensem, et Stavangriensem et Praefecturam Bahusiae... | Norway | Wit, Frederick de | 1688 | B | 325.00 |
415 | Regnum Borussiae Gloriosis Ausicys Serenissimi et Potentissimi Princip Friderici III Primi Borussiaw Regis March. et Elect. Brandenburg... | Baltic | Homann, Johann Baptist | 1716 | B+ | 150.00 |
416 | Ducatuum Livoniae et Curlandiae cum Vicinis Insulis Nova Exhibitio Geographica | Estonia & Latvia | Homann, Johann Baptist | 1720 | B+ | unsold |
417 | CCLXXIX - Lituania | Lithuania | Schedel, Hartmann | 1493 | A | 275.00 |
418 | Dane Marq et Sud-Gothlande | Denmark & Southern Sweden | Peeters, Jacques | 1692 | A | 80.00 |
419 | Insularum Danicarum ut Zee-landiae, Fioniae Langelandiae, Lalandiae Falstriae, Fembriae, Monae Aliarumq in Mari Balthico Sitar Descriptio | Denmark | Wit, Frederick de | 1682 | B+ | 325.00 |
420 | Regni Daniae in quo sunt Ducatus Holsatia et Slesvicum Insulae Danicae Provinciae Iutia Scania Blekingia Nova Tabula | Denmark | Homann, Johann Baptist | 1714 | B+ | 100.00 |
421 | Iutiae Tabula in quae sunt Dioeceses Alburgensis, Wiburgensis, Ripensis et Arhusiensis quae et sunt Divisae in Omnia Dominia | Northern Denmark | Wit, Frederick de | 1688 | B | 160.00 |
422 | Tabula Generalis Iutiae, Continens Dioeceses Quatuor, Alburgensem, Wiburgensem, Ripensem et Arhusiensem... | Northern Denmark | Homann, Johann Baptist | 1716 | A | 75.00 |
423 | Nova et Accurata Descriptio Totius Fioniae Vulgo Funen | Southern Denmark | Valck and Schenk | 1700 | B+ | 130.00 |
424 | Belgium Foederatum Emendate Auctum et Novissime Editum | Netherlands | Wit, Frederick de | 1671 | B | 140.00 |
425 | Belgii Pars Septentrionalis Communi Nomine Vulgo Hollandia Nuncupata Continens Statum Potentissimae Batavorum Reipublicae seu Provincias VII. Foederatas | Netherlands, New England & Southeast Asia | Homann, Johann Baptist | 1714 | B+ | 220.00 |
426 | La Seigneurie de Groningue Subdivisee en Toutes ses Iuridictions... | Northern Netherlands | Sanson/Mortier | 1696 | B+ | 100.00 |
427 | Gelriae, Cliviae, Finitimorumque Locorum Verissima Descriptio Christiano Schrot Auctore | Southern Netherlands | Ortelius, Abraham | 1579 | B+ | unsold |
428 | Harderwiick | Harderwijk, Netherlands | Blaeu, Johannes | 1652 | B+ | 85.00 |
429 | Amsterdam | Amsterdam, Netherlands | | 1956 | A | 150.00 |
430 | Carte du Brabant Dressee sur Plusieurs Cartes Particulieres Manuscrites ou Imprimees Levees sur les Lieux Rectifiees par Quelques Observations et Autres Memoires | Northern Belgium | Delisle/Covens & Mortier | 1730 | A+ | 90.00 |
431 | Ducatus Brabantiae Nova Tabula in qua Lovanii Bruxellarum March S. Imperii Sylvae Ducis et Mechliniae Dominia... | Central Belgium | Homann, Johann Baptist | 1720 | A | 80.00 |
432 | Namurcum cum Adiacentibus Regionibus Descr. Namen | Southern Belgium | Quad, Matthias von Kinckelbach | 1589 | B+ | unsold |
433 | Namurcum | Namur, Belgium | Braun & Hogenberg | 1576 | B+ | 180.00 |
434 | Ostenda | Oostende, Belgium | Braun & Hogenberg | 1618 | B+ | 250.00 |
435 | Lutzenburgi | Luxembourg | Peeters, Jacques | 1692 | A | 80.00 |
436 | Descriptio Germaniae Inferioris | Low Countries | Ortelius, Abraham | 1588 | A | 600.00 |
437 | Nieuwe Kaart van de XVII Nederlandsche Provincien waar in Aangewezen Worden de Landen door den Koning van Vrankryk... | Low Countries | Ottens, Reiner and Joshua | 1730 | B+ | 110.00 |
438 | Brabantiae, Germaniae Inferioris Nobilissiae Provinciae Descriptio | Northern Belgium & Southern Netherlands | Ortelius, Abraham | 1584 | A | unsold |
439 | Nobilis Hannoniae Comitatus Descrip. Auctore Iacobo Surhonio Montano | Southern Belgium & Northern France | Ortelius, Abraham | 1579 | A | 130.00 |
440 | Corso del Reno Parte Settentrio | Western Europe, Rhine River | Coronelli, Vincenzo Maria | 1690 | B | 150.00 |
441 | Imperium Romano-Germanicum in suos Circulos Electoratus et Status Accurate Distinctum | Western Europe | Homann, Johann Baptist | 1710 | B+ | 100.00 |
442 | A New Map of Germany. Hungary. Transilvania & the Suisse Cantons. With Many Remarks Not Extant in Any Map... | Western Europe | Moll, Herman | 1712 | B | 140.00 |
443 | Murs Comitatus [on sheet with] Regionum Urbium et Fluminum que Potissimu Comitatum Murs Ambiunt Brevis Descriptio | Netherlands, Belgium & Germany | Mercator/Hondius | 1628 | A | 150.00 |
444 | [Lot of 2] Alsatia Superior cu Suntgoia & Brisgoia [and] Alsatia Superior | Northeastern France & Southwestern Germany, Rhine River | Mercator | 1628-35 | A | 60.00 |
445 | Utriusque Alsatiae, Ducatus Dupontii, et Spirensis Episcopatus Novissima Descriptio | Northeastern France & Southwestern Germany, Rhine River | Wit, Frederick de | 1687 | B+ | 100.00 |
446 | Chorographia Argentorati Alsatiae Metropolis... | Rhine River, Strasbourg | Seutter, Matthias | 1740 | A | 120.00 |
447 | [Untitled - English Channel, Northern France & Low Countries] | English Channel & Western Europe | Janvier, Jean | 1762 | B+ | 31.00 |
448 | Galliae Amplissimi Regni Tabula | France | Jode, Cornelis de | 1593 | A | unsold |
449 | [Lot of 2] Nieuwe en Naaukeurige Kaart van het Noordelykste Gedeelte van Frankryk… [and] Nieuwe en Naaukeurige Kaart van het Zuidelykste Gedeelte van Frankryk... | France | Tirion, Isaac | 1757 | A | 90.00 |
450 | Le Royaume de France et les Conquetes de Louis le Grand | France | Lotter, Tobias Conrad | 1760 | A | unsold |
451 | Regno di Francia Diviso ne suoi Governi | France | Zatta, Antonio | 1776 | A | 55.00 |
452 | Coup d'Oeil General sur la France... | France, Atlases | Brion de la Tour/Desnos | 1765 | B+ | unsold |
453 | Atlas National Illustre des 89 Departements et des Possessions de la France Divise par Arrondissements, Cantons et Communes... | France, Atlases | Levasseur, Victor | 1861 | A | 500.00 |
454 | Artesia Comitatus | Northern France | Mercator/Jansson | 1630 | A | 60.00 |
455 | Agri Parisiensis Tabula Particularis, qua Maxima Pars Insulae Franciae... | Northern France, Paris | Homann, Johann Baptist | 1720 | A | 80.00 |
456 | Duche et Gouvernem: General de Normandie Divise en Haut et Bas en Divers Pays et Balliages avec le Gouvernement General de Havre de Grace | Northern France | Seutter, Matthias | 1740 | A | 100.00 |
457 | I. Carte Particuliere des Costes de Normandie Depuis Dieppe Jusqu'a la Pointe de la Percee en Bessin | Northwestern France | Bellin, Jacques Nicolas | 1773 | B+ | 180.00 |
458 | Burgundiae Comitatus Recentiss. Descriptio Dno Ferdinando Lannoyo Auctore | Central France | Ortelius, Abraham | 1579 | B+ | 150.00 |
459 | Val de Loire | Central France | | 1955 | B+ | 75.00 |
460 | La Bretagne Divisee en ses Neuf Evesches qui font Aussi l'Estendue des Receptes de la Generalite e Nantes | Western France | Sanson/Jaillot | 1696 | B+ | 160.00 |
461 | Nieuwe Platte Kaart van 't Jnkomen der Rivier van Bourdeaux Meest Gevolgt naar de Nieuwste Fransche Uitgaaf | Gironde Estuary, France | Keulen, Gerard Hulst van | 1780 | B+ | 200.00 |
462 | Comitatus Burgundiae tam in Primarias ejus Praefecturas quam in Minores Earundem Balliviat... | Eastern France | Homann, Johann Baptist | 1716 | A | 120.00 |
463 | Provincia | Southern France | Mercator/Hondius | 1607 | A | 75.00 |
464 | Le Theatre de la Guerre dans les Sevennes, le Languedoc, et le Pays aux Environs, ou sont Exactement Observes les Chemins &c... | Southern France | Covens & Mortier | 1730 | A | 150.00 |
465 | The Sea Coastes of the Landes of Poyctou and Bordeaux eve as They Shew and Appeare, When You Sayle There Alongst Betweene Picquelier & the River of Bordeaux. Called the Garonne | Southwestern France | Waghenaer, Lucas Jansz | 1588 | B+ | 500.00 |
466 | Tabula Delphinatus Vulgo le Gouvernement General du Dauphine in suos Ballifiatus et Regiones Divisus per St. Tillemon | Southeastern France | Homann, Johann Baptist | 1720 | A | 90.00 |
467 | Le Plan de Paris, ses Faubourgs et ses Environs... / Grund-Riss der Stadt Paris... | Paris, France | Seutter, Matthias | 1740 | A | 750.00 |
468 | Plan de Paris Divise en Seize Quartiers en Execution de l'Ordonnance du Bureau de la Ville du 24 Fevrier 1744... | Paris, France | Delagrive, Abbe Jean | 1756 | B+ | unsold |
469 | Mets | Metz, France | Braun & Hogenberg | 1645 | A | 130.00 |
470 | Hispania Nova Descript. | Spain & Portugal | Mercator/Jansson | 1628 | A | 100.00 |
471 | Espagne | Spain & Portugal | Peeters, Jacques | 1692 | A | 80.00 |
472 | Regnorum Hispaniae et Portugalliae Tabula Generalis ad Statum Hodiernum in suas Provincias Divisa per D.T. Lopez... | Spain & Portugal | Gussefeld/Homann Heirs | 1782 | B+ | 110.00 |
473 | Espana | Spain & Portugal | | 1957 | A+ | unsold |
474 | Pamplonae, et Iacetanorum Episcopatus | Northeastern Spain | Jansson/Valck & Schenk | 1700 | A+ | 120.00 |
475 | Etats de la Couronne d'Aragon, ou se Trouvent les Royaumes d'Aragon et de Navarre la Principaute de Catalogne | Northeastern Spain | Robert de Vaugondy/Delamarche | 1790 | B+ | 55.00 |
476 | La Castille Vieiele et Nouvelle l'Estramadura de Castille et de Leon | Western Spain | Fer, Nicolas de | 1706 | B+ | 150.00 |
477 | [Lot of 2] A New Map of the Island of Minorca Drawn from an Actual Survey [and] A New Plan of the Town & Harbour of Mahon with St. Philip's Castle and Fortifications | Minorca, Spain | Kitchin, Thomas | 1756 | A | 120.00 |
478 | Portugallia et Algarve | Portugal | Mercator/Jansson | 1628 | A | 100.00 |
479 | Portugalliae et Algarbiae Regna | Portugal | Visscher, Nicolas | 1695 | B+ | 220.00 |
480 | [On 2 Sheets] Germania, Parte Occidentale... [and] Parte Orientale della Germania Divisa ne suoi Stati | Central Europe, Germany | Coronelli, Vincenzo Maria | 1692 | A | unsold |
481 | Germania Austriaca Complectens S.R.I. Circulum Austriacum ut et Reliquas in Germania... | Central Europe | Homann, Johann Baptist | 1716 | A | 130.00 |
482 | Nieuwe Kaart van Duitsland Verdeelt in zyn Thien Kreitzen | Central Europe | Tirion, Isaac | 1750 | B+ | 5.00 |
483 | Mit der Deutschen Bundesbahn Durchs Marchenland | Germany | Wenschow, Karl | 1968 | B+ | 110.00 |
484 | Braunswyck et Meydburg cum Confinijs | Northern Germany | Mercator/Jansson | 1634 | A | 45.00 |
485 | Stormaria Ducatus Auctore Joh: Meyer Husumensi | Northern Germany | Blaeu, Johannes | 1659 | A | 110.00 |
486 | Nassovia Comitatus | Western Germany | Hondius/Blaeu | 1659 | A | 90.00 |
487 | Circuli Franconiae Pars Occidentalis, Exhibens Simul Integrum Fere Electoratum Moguntinum... | Western Germany | Homann, Johann Baptist | 1716 | A | 180.00 |
488 | Beschreibung des Hessenlands... | Central Germany | Munster, Sebastian | 1556 | A | 40.00 |
489 | Episcopatus Halberstat | Central Germany | Blaeu, Johannes | 1659 | A | 90.00 |
490 | Boden See auff der Germanischen Seinen | Southern Germany, Boden See | Munster, Sebastian | 1556 | A | 60.00 |
491 | Palatinatus Bavariae | Southeastern Germany | Blaeu, Willem | 1643 | A | 90.00 |
492 | Folio XCI - Colonia | Cologne, Germany | Schedel, Hartmann | 1493 | A | unsold |
493 | Magdeburgum | Magdeburg, Germany | Braun & Hogenberg | 1593 | B+ | 120.00 |
494 | Lippe [on sheet with] Dortmund | Lippstadt & Dortmund, Germany | Braun & Hogenberg | 1620 | A | 240.00 |
495 | Novam Hanc Territorii Francofurtensis Tabulam Nobilissis Magnificis, Amplissis Prudentissimisq. Dominis... | Frankfurt, Germany | Blaeu, (Family) | 1662 | B | 300.00 |
496 | [Lot of 2] Prospectus Forensis Curiae Francofurti ad Maenum in Germania / La Place du Marche de Francfort sur le Mein en Allemagne [and] Vue Perspective du Pont, et de la Ville Francfort | Frankfurt, Germany | | 1770 | | unsold |
497 | Beschreibung des Lands Pomern / Sampt Allen Hertzogthumben / Graueschafften und Furnemsten Stetten Darin Gelegen | Northwestern Poland & Northeastern Germany | Munster, Sebastian | 1558 | B+ | 150.00 |
498 | Serenissimo, Celsissimo ac Invictissimo Principi, Frederico Guilielmo ... hanc Pomeraniae Ducatus Tabulam | Northwestern Poland & Northeastern Germany | Visscher, Nicolas | 1670 | B+ | 120.00 |
499 | Tabula Marchionatus Brandenburgici et Ducatus Pomeraniae quae sunt Pars Septentrionalis Circuli Saxoniae Superioris Novissime Edita | Northwestern Poland & Northeastern Germany | Homann, Johann Baptist | 1714 | B+ | 100.00 |
500 | Baronatus Carolato Bethaniensis in Silesia Inferiore | Southern Poland | Blaeu, Johannes | 1659 | A | 160.00 |
501 | Ducatus Oswieczensis, et Zatoriensis | Southern Poland | Blaeu, Johannes | 1670 | B+ | 210.00 |
502 | [Lot of 2] Basse Silesie Reduitte en Deux Feuilles sur Celle de 16 Faittes sur les Lieux [and] Partie Meridionale de la Silesie | Southwestern Poland | Le Rouge, George Louis | 1758 | B+ | 350.00 |
503 | Der Herrlichen und Weitberuhumpten Statt Stettin in Pomern Warhaffte Abcontrafactur | Szczecin, Poland | Munster, Sebastian | 1628 | B | 120.00 |
504 | Behemer Kunigreich mit Bergen und Walden Gerings umb Beschlossen | Czech Republic | Munster, Sebastian | 1558 | A | 200.00 |
505 | Regni Bohemiae, Ducatus Silesiae, Marchionatus Moraviae et Lusatiae Tabula Generalis | Czech Republic | Homann, Johann Baptist | 1720 | A | unsold |
506 | [Lot of 2] Parte Orientale del Regno di Boemia di Nuova Projezione [and] Parte Occidentale del Regno di Boemia di Nuova Projezione | Czech Republic | Zatta, Antonio | 1779-80 | A | unsold |
507 | Helvetia, cum Finitimis Regionibus Confoederatis | Switzerland | Blaeu, Willem | 1643 | B+ | 200.00 |
508 | Switzerland | Switzerland | Tallis, John | 1850 | A | 55.00 |
509 | Argow | Northern Switzerland | Mercator/Jansson | 1631 | A | 32.00 |
510 | Eigentliche Vorstellung der Schlacht u. Gegend bey St. Iacob vor Basel... | Northern Switzerland, Basel | Homann Heirs | 1748 | B+ | unsold |
511 | Valesia | Southern Switzerland | Hondius/Bertius | 1616 | A | 60.00 |
512 | Das Wiflispurgergow Gerardo Mercatore Auctore | Southwestern Switzerland | Jansson, Jan | 1652 | B+ | 55.00 |
513 | [Lake Neuchatel] | Lake Neuchatel, Switzerland | Munster, Sebastian | 1556 | A | 70.00 |
514 | Bern in der Eidtgnoschafft an dem Wasser Aar Gelegen / Figuriert nach Irer Gelegenheit | Bern, Switzerland | Munster, Sebastian | 1558 | A | 140.00 |
515 | Partie Septentrionale du Cercle d'Autriche qui Comprend l'Archiduche d'Autriche, Divise en ses Huit Quartiers; et la Haute Partie du Duche de Stirie | Austria | Robert de Vaugondy, Didier | 1752 | A | 50.00 |
516 | Archiducatus Austriae Superioris in suas Quadrantes Ditiones Exacte Divisi Accuratissima Tabula... | Northwestern Austria | Homann, Johann Baptist | 1720 | A | 90.00 |
517 | Stiria Steyrmarck | Southeastern Austria | Blaeu, Willem | 1638 | B+ | 80.00 |
518 | Hungaria Regnum | Hungary | Blaeu, (Family) | 1634 | B+ | 80.00 |
519 | La Hongrie | Hungary & Romania | Sanson, Nicolas Fils | 1750 | B+ | 40.00 |
520 | Landtafel des Ungerlands, Polands, Russen, Littaw, Walachei und Bulgarei | Eastern Europe | Munster, Sebastian | 1558 | B+ | 400.00 |
521 | Von dem Konigreich Polandt / das in Sarmatia auch Begriffen Wirt / Sampt Andern Landern Diesem Konigreich Zugehorig | Eastern Europe, Poland | Munster, Sebastian | 1614 | B+ | 90.00 |
522 | Regni Poloniae Magnique Ducatus Lithuaniae Nova et Exacta Tabula ad Mentem Starovolcii Descripta | Eastern Europe, Poland | Homann, Johann Baptist | 1714 | B+ | 300.00 |
523 | Mappa Geographica Regni Poloniae ex Novissimis quot quot sunt Mappis Specialibus Composita et ad LL. Stereographica Projectionis Revocata a Tob. Mayero... | Eastern Europe, Poland | Mayer/Homann Heirs | 1773 | B+ | 190.00 |
524 | [Lot of 2] Russiae, Vulgo Moscovia Dictae, Partes Septentrionalis et Orientalis. Auctore Isaaco Massa [and] Moscoviae Pars Australis. Auctore Isaaco Massa | Russia in Europe | Waesberger, Johann | 1680 | A | unsold |
525 | Russie Blanche ou Moscovie | Russia in Europe | Peeters, Jacques | 1692 | A | 80.00 |
526 | Imperii Russici, sive Moscoviae, Status Generalis, in ejus Regna, Ducatus, Provincias, Populosq Subjacentes Divisus, et ex Tabula Spectatmi. Domini... | Russia in Europe | Wit, Frederick de | 1706 | B+ | 180.00 |
527 | [Lot of 2] 'T Noorderdeel van Moscovie na de Stelling van G. de l'Isle... [and] T Zuider-Deel van Moscovie, na de Stelling van G. de Lisle... | Russia in Europe | Keizer/De Lat | 1747 | A | 150.00 |
528 | Taurica Chersonesus | Ukraine | Hondius/Purchas | 1625 | A | 80.00 |
529 | Principaute de Transilvanie Divisee en Cinq Nations Subdivisee en Quartiers et Comtez Tiree de Divers Memoires et Particulierement de G.C. da Vignola | Romania | Fer, Nicolas de | 1724 | A | 100.00 |
530 | Tabula Synoptica Totius Fluminis Danubii a Fontibus Usque ad Ostia, in qua Omnes Regiones, quas Perfluit et Amnes, quos Recipit, Imprimis Integrum Hungariae Regnum... | Black Sea | Lotter, Tobias Conrad | 1775 | A | 90.00 |
531 | Le Grand Royaume de Hongrie ou Partie Septentrionale de la Turquie en Europe, Divisee par Grands Gouvernements, Suivant Ricant Anglois | Southeastern Europe, Hungary | Peeters, Jacques | 1692 | A | 100.00 |
532 | Fluviorum in Europa Principis Danubii cum Adiacentibus Regnis nec non Totius Graeciae et Archipelagi Novsissima Tabula | Southeastern Europe | Homann, Johann Baptist | 1714 | B+ | 200.00 |
533 | Nieuwe Kaart van 't Koninkryk Hongaryen en Zevenbergen… | Southeastern Europe, Hungary | Tirion, Isaac | 1769 | A | 60.00 |
534 | Sibinium, Ptoloemeo Sicum Vulgo Sibenicho. Dalmatie Opp: [on sheet with] Parens, sive Parentium Vulgo, Parenzo Histrie Opp: [and] Modon, sive Modona, Quondam Methone, Civitas est Littoralis Pelopponesi, in Morea | Sibenik & Porec, Croatia & Methoni, Greece | Braun & Hogenberg | 1575 | B+ | 240.00 |
535 | Grece ou Partie Meridionale de la Turquie en Europe Divisee en Grands Gouvernements Selon Ricaut Anglois | Balkans | Peeters, Jacques | 1692 | A | 80.00 |
536 | [Title on Verso] Europae Tabula Quinta Continet Rhetiam & Vindeliciam, Noricum, Pannoniam Superiorem, Pannoniam Inferiorem... | Western Balkans & Italy | Ptolemy/Fries | 1541 | B+ | unsold |
537 | Schlavoniae, Croatiae, Carniae, Istriae, Bosniae, Finitimarumque Regionum Nova Descriptio, Auctore Augustino Hirsuogelio | Western Balkans | Ortelius, Abraham | 1601 | A | unsold |
538 | [Corso del Danubio da Vienna Sui a Vicopoli, e Paesi Adiacenti - Southeastern Sheet] | Western Balkans, Danube River | Coronelli, Vincenzo Maria | 1690 | B | 100.00 |
539 | Veteris et Nova Pannoniae et Illyrici Descriptio | Western Balkans | Cluver, Philipp | 1697 | A | 120.00 |
540 | [Untitled - Greece] | Greece | Solinus, Caius Julius | 1538 | A | unsold |
541 | Nova Graecia XXII Nova Tabula | Greece | Munster, Sebastian | 1552 | A | 150.00 |
542 | Thraciae Veteris Typus | Northeastern Greece & Northwestern Turkey | Ortelius, Abraham | 1585 | B+ | 200.00 |
543 | Italia | Italy | Bry, Theodore de | 1597 | B+ | 500.00 |
544 | L'Italie | Italy | Peeters, Jacques | 1692 | A | 100.00 |
545 | Italia in suos Status Divisa et ex Prototypo del Isliano Desumta... | Italy | Homann Heirs | 1760 | B+ | 150.00 |
546 | L'Italie Divisee en ses Differents Etats Royaumes et Republiques | Italy | Janvier/Lattre | 1762 | B+ | 100.00 |
547 | Carta Indicativa delle Localita nelle Quali e in Vendita l'Impermeabile San Giorgio | Italy | | 1949 | A | unsold |
548 | Sketch Map of Italy with the Lines of Communication by Road, Rail, Sea and Air | Italy | | 1953 | A | 70.00 |
549 | Description du Pais de la Valetolinne | Northern Italy | Boisseau, Jean | 1643 | B | 300.00 |
550 | Tabula Geographica in qua Integri Ducatus Mediolanensis et Mantuanus; item Ditio Veneta et Comitatus Tyrolensis... | Northern Italy & Western Austria | Seutter, Matthias | 1740 | A | 150.00 |
551 | Ducatus Saboudiae Principatus Pedemontii Comitatus Nicaeensis | Northwestern Italy | Peeters, Jacques | 1692 | A | unsold |
552 | Verona, Vincenza | Northeastern Italy | Hondius, Jodocus | 1626 | B | 22.00 |
553 | Taravisina Marchia et Tirolis Comitatus | Northeastern Italy | Mercator/Jansson | 1628 | B+ | 26.00 |
554 | Verona, Vicentiae et Pataviae Dit. | Northeastern Italy | Mercator/Jansson | 1631 | A | 50.00 |
555 | Territorio di Vicenza | Northeastern Italy | Blaeu, (Family) | 1640 | B | 250.00 |
556 | Territorio di Orvieto | Western Italy | Magini, Giovanni Antonio | 1620 | B+ | unsold |
557 | Tusciae Antiquae Typus | Central Italy | Ortelius, Abraham | 1584 | B | 325.00 |
558 | Territorio Perugino | Central Italy | Blaeu, (Family) | 1662 | A | 180.00 |
559 | Novissima et Accuratissima Delineatio Status Ecclesiae et Magni Ducatus Hetruriae Publici Juris Facta | Central Italy | Lotter, Tobias Conrad | 1770 | A | 150.00 |
560 | Golfo di Venezia, Descritto... | Eastern Italy & Dalmatian Coast | Coronelli, Vincenzo Maria | 1688 | A | unsold |
561 | Explicatio Aliquot Locorum quae Puteolis Spectantur | Southern Italy, Phlegraean Fields | Duchetti, Claudio | 1586 | B+ | unsold |
562 | Cratere Maritimo, o Parte del Golfo di Napoli... | Bay of Naples, Italy | Gaultier, Abbe Aloisius Edouard Camille | 1754 | B+ | 250.00 |
563 | Der Statt Rom inn Aller Weldt Bekant Contrafhetung nach Ietziger Gelegenheyt | Rome, Italy | Munster, Sebastian | 1558 | A | 375.00 |
564 | Die Stat Florentz | Florence, Italy | Munster, Sebastian | 1558 | A | 400.00 |
565 | Beschreibung der Inseln unnd des Gantzen Kunigreichs Sicilie | Sicily, Italy | Munster, Sebastian | 1556 | B+ | 120.00 |
566 | Carte de l'Isle et Royaume de Sicile | Sicily, Italy & Malta | Delisle/Covens & Mortier | 1730 | B+ | unsold |
567 | Sicilia Antiqua quae et Sicania et Trinacria Dicta | Sicily, Italy | Blair, Rev. John | 1768 | B+ | unsold |
568 | Insula Malta Accuratissime Delineata, Urbibus, et Fortalitiis | Malta | Wit, Frederick de | 1690 | A+ | 750.00 |
569 | Tabula Nova Siciliae, Sardiniae, & Corsicae | Corsica, Sardinia & Sicily | Ptolemy/Fries | 1541 | A | 375.00 |
570 | Corsica | Corsica | Mercator, Gerard | 1589 | B+ | 110.00 |
571 | Natoliae, quae olim Asia Minor, Nova Descriptio [on sheet with] Aegypti Recentior Descriptio [and] Carthaginis Celeberrimi Sinus Typus | Eastern Mediterranean, Turkey & Egypt | Ortelius, Abraham | 1595 | A | 100.00 |
572 | Tabula Geographica, in qua Omnes Regiones, Urbes, Oppida, et Loca Describuntur, Quorum Mentio Fit in Actis et Epistolis Apostolorum, et Apocalypsi... / Geographische Beschryvinghe Aller Landen, Steden en Plaetsen... | Eastern Mediterranean & Middle East | Plancius/Cloppenburg | 1643 | B+ | 400.00 |
573 | Byzondere Kaart van de Landen daar de Apostelen het Evangelium Gepredikt Hebben, van de Vermaardste Plaatsen, van Hunne Reyzen, en van den Weg van Paulus na Rome... | Eastern Mediterranean & Middle East | Mortier, Pierre | 1700 | A+ | 120.00 |
574 | De Beschryving van de Reysen Pauli, en van de Andere Apostelen met Deszelfs Landen en Koningryke daar zy het Evangelium Gepredikt Hebben | Eastern Mediterranean & Middle East | Jagen, Jan van | 1748 | A+ | 300.00 |
575 | Nouvelle Carte pour Servir a l'Histoire de l'Empire d'Orient Depuis les Premiers Empereurs Romains Jusques Apres les Successeurs de l'Empereur Theodose avec des Tables et des Remarques Tres Instructives | Middle East | Chatelain, Henry Abraham | 1720 | B+ | 120.00 |
576 | Turquie en Asie | Middle East & Cyprus | Peeters, Jacques | 1692 | A | 90.00 |
577 | Carte de la Situation du Paradis Terrestre, et des Pais Habitez par les Patriarches... / Kaart van de Stant van het Aardsch Paradys, en het Land door de Aartsvaderen... | Middle East & Cyprus | Mortier, Pierre | 1705 | B+ | 190.00 |
578 | Descriptio Paradisi, et Terrae Canaan, Regionumque a Patriarchis Primum Habitatarum | Middle East & Cyprus | Halma, Francois | 1709 | A | 160.00 |
579 | De Gelegentheyt van 't Paradys en 't Landt Canaan, Mitsgaders d'Eerst Bewoonde Landen der Patriarchen... | Middle East & Cyprus | Stoopendaal, Daniel | 1729 | B+ | 150.00 |
580 | Carte Touristique du Liban | Lebanon | | 1955 | A | 350.00 |
581 | CCXLIX - Constantinopolis Expugnatio a Turchis | Istanbul, Turkey | Schedel, Hartmann | 1493 | B+ | 300.00 |
582 | Constantinopel des Griechischen Keiserthumbs Hauptstatt im Land Thracia am Moere Gelegen | Istanbul, Turkey | Munster, Sebastian | 1558 | A | 250.00 |
583 | Folio XXXVI - Troya | Hisarlik, Turkey | Schedel, Hartmann | 1493 | B+ | 130.00 |
584 | Tabula Geographica, in qua Iisraelitarum, ab Aegypto ad Kenahanaeam usque Profectiones Omnes... / Geographische Beschryvinge der Heirtochten ende Rustplaetsen der Kinderen Israels, Treckende uyt Egypten in Land van Belosten | Holy Land | Plancius/Cloppenburg | 1604 | A | 550.00 |
585 | Tabula Geographica in qua Regiones Cananaeae, et Locorum Situs Prout ea Tempore Christi, et Apostolorum Suerunt de Integro Describuntur... / Geographische Beschryvinge des Lands van Belosten, Gelyck dat Zelvige ten Tyden Christi... | Holy Land | Plancius/Cloppenburg | 1643 | B+ | 350.00 |
586 | Het Beloofde Landt Canaan door Wandelt van Onsen Salichmaecker Iesu Christo, Neffens syne Apostelen | Holy Land | Visscher, Nicolas | 1657 | B+ | 120.00 |
587 | Perigrinatie ofte Veertich-Iarige Reyse der Kinderen Israels, uyt Egypten door de Roode Zee, ende de Woestyne, tot in't Beloofde Landt Canaan... | Holy Land | Visscher, Nicolas | 1657 | B+ | 180.00 |
588 | Tabula Geographica Terrae Sanctae Auctore I. Bonfrerio Societat. Jesu | Holy Land | Halma, Francois | 1709 | A | 150.00 |
589 | Terra Promissa in suas Tribus Partesque Divisa | Holy Land | Sanson, Nicolas | 1717 | A | 120.00 |
590 | Terra Sancta sive Palaestina Exhibens non Solum Regna Vetera Iuda et Israel in suas XII. Tribus Distincta... | Holy Land | Lotter, Tobias Conrad | 1759 | A | 200.00 |
591 | Chorographia Terrae Sanctae in Angustiorem Formam Redacta, et ex Variis Auctoribus a Multis Erroribus Expurgata | Holy Land | Tirinus, Jacobus | 1760 | A | unsold |
592 | Folio LXIII & LXIIII - Destruccio Iherosolime | Jerusalem, Holy Land | Schedel, Hartmann | 1493 | B | 850.00 |
593 | Waerachtige Beschryvinge vande Wydvermaerde Conincklicke Hooft Stadt Ierusalem... | Jerusalem, Holy Land | Plancius/Cloppenburg | 1643 | B+ | 475.00 |
594 | De Heylige en Wytvermaerde Stadt Ierusalem, Eerst Genaemt Salem | Jerusalem, Holy Land | Visscher, Claes Janszoon | 1650 | A | 180.00 |
595 | Ierusalem, cum Suburbiis, Prout Tempore Christi Floruit... / Abriss der Weltberuhmten Statt Ierusalem, samt Ihren vor Statten... | Jerusalem, Holy Land | Seutter, Matthias | 1740 | A | 550.00 |
596 | Tabula Asiae V | Persia - Iran | Ptolemy/Ruscelli | 1561 | B+ | 170.00 |
597 | Persici sive Sophorum Regni Typus | Persia - Iran | Ortelius, Abraham | 1572 | B+ | unsold |
598 | Persia sive Sophorum Regnum | Persia - Iran | Blaeu, Willem | 1634 | A | 220.00 |
599 | Perse | Persia - Iran | Peeters, Jacques | 1692 | A | 75.00 |
600 | Opulentissimi Regni Persiae Juxta Suas Provincias Recentissima et Accuratissima Designatio, Studio et Sumtibus | Persia - Iran | Lotter, Tobias Conrad | 1730 | A | unsold |
601 | Tabula Asiae II | Caucasus & Central Asia | Ptolemy/Ruscelli | 1574 | B+ | 55.00 |
602 | Turcomania, Georgien Commanie | Caucasus | Sanson, Nicolas | 1705 | A | 100.00 |
603 | Vue et Description des Principales Villes de l'Armenie et de la Georgie, avec les Habillemens des Femmes du Pays, et ceux des Pretres et Religieux Armeniens | Caucasus | Chatelain, Henry Abraham | 1720 | A+ | 140.00 |
604 | [Map in Magazine] La Guerre du Petrole [in] 7 Jours - 28 Juin 1942 | Caucasus, Iraq, & Iran, World War II | | 1942 | A | 120.00 |
605 | Asiae Nova Descriptio | Asia | Ortelius, Abraham | 1572 | B+ | 900.00 |
606 | Asia Vetus | Asia | Sanson/Mariette | 1650 | B+ | 120.00 |
607 | Asiae Nova Descriptio | Asia | Wit, Frederick de | 1670 | A | 2300.00 |
608 | Asiae | Asia | Peeters, Jacques | 1692 | A | 100.00 |
609 | L'Asie Dressee sur Divers Relations | Asia | Fer, Nicolas de | 1693 | A | 150.00 |
610 | Asia cum Omnibus Imperiis Provinciis, Statibus et Insulis Iuxta Observationes Recentissimas et Accuratissimas... | Asia | Seutter, Matthias | 1730 | B+ | unsold |
611 | L'Asie, Dressee pour l'Etude de la Geographie... | Asia | Brion de la Tour/Desnos | 1765 | B+ | unsold |
612 | Kaartje van Asia... | Asia | Gravius, N. T. | 1787 | B+ | unsold |
613 | Carte Generale et Politique de l'Asie... | Asia | Chanlaire & Mentelle | 1798 | A | 70.00 |
614 | Asie | Asia | Levasseur, Victor | 1856 | A | 80.00 |
615 | [Lot of 2] Tartaria [and] Tartaria | Northern Asia | | 1604-35 | | 100.00 |
616 | A Newe Mape of Tartary | Northern Asia | Speed, John | 1626 | B | 600.00 |
617 | Grande Tartarie | Northern Asia | Peeters, Jacques | 1692 | A | 80.00 |
618 | Generalis Totius Imperii Russorum Novissima Tabula Magnam Orbis Terrarum Partem a Polo Arctico usq ad Mare Iaponicum et Chinae Septentrionalis... | Northern Asia, Russian Empire | Homann, Johann Baptist | 1715 | A | unsold |
619 | Nieuwe Kaart van Tartarie, na de Alderlaaste Ondekking int ligt Gebragt | Northern Asia | Tirion, Isaac | 1732 | B+ | 50.00 |
620 | A Map of Formosa [bound in] An Historical and Geographical Description of Formosa, an Island Subject to the Emperor of Japan... | Taiwan | | 1705 | B+ | 1300.00 |
621 | La Celebre Ville de Kanton, une des Principales de la Chine | Guangzhou, China | Aa, Pieter van der | 1729 | A | 170.00 |
622 | Vaisseaux et Jachts de Plaisir chez les Chinois, Etc. Scheepen en Speeljachten | China, Ships | Aa, Pieter van der | 1729 | A | 325.00 |
623 | China Veteribus Sinarum Regio nunc Incolis Tame Dicta | China, Korea & Japan | Jansson, Jan | 1636 | B | unsold |
624 | Nieuwe Kaart van 't Keizerryk China, en de Aangrensende Landen | China, Korea & Japan | Tirion, Isaac | 1760 | A+ | 140.00 |
625 | Picture Map of China | China, Korea & Japan | | 1932 | B+ | 365.00 |
626 | La Chine Royaume... | China & Korea | Sanson/Mariette | 1656 | B+ | unsold |
627 | La Chine | China & Korea | Peeters, Jacques | 1692 | A | 110.00 |
628 | A New & Accurate Map of China, Drawn from Surveys Made by the Jesuit Missionaries, by Order of the Emperor... | China & Korea | Bowen, Emanuel | 1748 | A+ | 210.00 |
629 | L'Empire de la Chine pour Servir a l'Histoire Generale des Voyages | China & Korea | Bellin, Jacques Nicolas | 1748 | A | 150.00 |
630 | Iaponia Regnum | Japan & Korea | Botero, Giovanni | 1596 | A | 1000.00 |
631 | Nieuwe Kaart van't Keizerryk Japan, na de Nieuste Ontdekkingen | Japan | Tirion, Isaac | 1740 | A | unsold |
632 | Japan | Japan | | 1887 | B+ | unsold |
633 | The Lure of Japan | Japan | Anon. | 1950 | B+ | 275.00 |
634 | India Orientalis | Southeast Asia | Ptolemy/Fries | 1535 | A+ | unsold |
635 | 'T Gedeelte van Indien aan Geene zyde van den Gangestroom [on sheet with] 'T Half Eilandt van Indien. Aan Geene Zyde vanden Gangestroom | Southeast Asia | Sanson, Nicolas | 1705 | A | 120.00 |
636 | Les Isles Philippines, Celle de Formose, le Sud de la Chine, les Royaumes de Tunkin, de Cochinchine, de Camboge, de Siam, des Laos; avec Partie de Ceux de Pegu et d'Ava | Southeast Asia | Bonne, Rigobert | 1774 | A | 120.00 |
637 | De Philippynsche Eilanden [on sheet with] Ladronsche of Dieve Eilanden | Philippines | Sanson, Nicolas | 1705 | A | unsold |
638 | Les Isles Philippines Molucques et de la Sonde | East Indies - Indonesia & Japan | Peeters, Jacques | 1692 | A | unsold |
639 | Isole Filippine Ladrones e Moluccos o Isole delle Speziarie come anco Celebes &c. | Eastern Indonesia & Philippines | Tirion/Albrizzi | 1740 | A+ | 140.00 |
640 | De Eilanden van Sunda, waar Onder zyn Sumatra, Java, Borneo, Enz. | Western Indonesia | Sanson, Nicolas | 1705 | A | 220.00 |
641 | Batavia | Jakarta, Indonesia - Ships | Halma, Francois | 1705 | A | 150.00 |
642 | [Lot of 7 - Views of Indonesia] | East Indies - Indonesia | Dumont d'Urville, Jules Sebasian Cesar | 1833 | A | 275.00 |
643 | [Title on Verso] Tabula X Asiae... | India | Ptolemy/Fries | 1535 | B | 325.00 |
644 | 'T Half Eilandt van Indien, Aan deze Zyde van den Gangestroom waar in Leggen de Ryken van Decana, Golconda, Disnagar, en Malabar | India | Sanson, Nicolas | 1705 | A | 110.00 |
645 | [On 2 Sheets] Carte de la Partie Superieure de l'Inde en Deca du Gange [and] Carte de la Partie Inferieure de l'Inde en Deca du Gange, Contenant l'Isle de Ceylan, les Cotes de Malabar et de Coronmandel... | India & Sri Lanka | Bonne, Rigobert | 1780 | B+ | 60.00 |
646 | Tourist Map of India | India & Sri Lanka | Philip, George | 1930 | B+ | 180.00 |
647 | 'T Ryk van den Grooten Mogol | Northern India | Sanson, Nicolas | 1705 | A | 100.00 |
648 | Ceylon, en de Maldivesche Eilanden | Sri Lanka & the Maldives | Sanson, Nicolas | 1705 | A | 130.00 |
649 | Indiae Orientalis, Insularumque Adiacientium Typus | Southern & Southeast Asia | Ortelius, Abraham | 1592 | B | 1600.00 |
650 | India quae Orientalis Dicitur, et Insulae Adiacentes | Southern & Southeast Asia | Blaeu, Willem | 1640 | B+ | 1200.00 |
651 | India Orientalis | Southern & Southeast Asia | Mercator/Jansson | 1648 | B+ | unsold |
652 | Presqu Isle de l'Inde de ca le Golfe du Gange [on sheet with] Presqu Isle del Inde de la le Golfe de Gange | Southern & Southeast Asia | Peeters, Jacques | 1692 | A | unsold |
653 | Tabula Asiae IX | Pakistan & Afghanistan | Ptolemy/Ruscelli | 1574 | B+ | unsold |
654 | Mogol | Southern Asia | Peeters, Jacques | 1692 | A | unsold |
655 | Terre de Kerguelen, Appellee par M. Cook, Isle de la Desolation [on sheet with] Plan du Port Palliser... [and] Plan du Havre de Noel... | Kerguelen Islands | Bonne, Rigobert | 1787 | B+ | 50.00 |
656 | Africae Tabula Nova | Africa | Ortelius, Abraham | 1570 | B+ | 800.00 |
657 | Affricae Tabula, Nova | Africa | Munster/Petri | 1598 | B | 220.00 |
658 | Afrique | Africa | Sanson/Mariette | 1650 | A | 300.00 |
659 | Africa Nova Tabula | Africa | Picart, Nicolas | 1659 | B+ | 1400.00 |
660 | Totius Africae Accuratissima Tabula | Africa | Wit, Frederick de | 1680 | B+ | 375.00 |
661 | Africae | Africa | Peeters, Jacques | 1692 | A | 120.00 |
662 | Africa | Africa | Sanson, Nicolas | 1705 | A | 100.00 |
663 | L'Afrique Dressee Selon les Dernieres Relat. et Suivant les Nouvelles Decouvertes dont les Points Principaux sont Placez sur les Observations de Mrs. de l'Academie Royale des Sciences | Africa | Fer, Nicolas de | 1717 | B+ | 120.00 |
664 | Africa, Concinnata Secundum Observationes Membror. Acad. Regal. Scientiarum et Nonnullorum Aliorum, et Juxta Recentissimas Annotationes. Per G. de l Isle... | Africa | Lotter, Tobias Conrad | 1770 | B+ | 250.00 |
665 | Kaartje van Africa... | Africa | Gravius, N. T. | 1787 | A | 140.00 |
666 | Carte Dunlop Itineraires Air France France Afrique | Africa | | 1954 | B+ | 80.00 |
667 | Tabula Africae III | Northern Africa | Ptolemy/Ruscelli | 1598 | B+ | 80.00 |
668 | Africae Propriae Tabula. In qua, Punica Regna Vides; Tyrios, et Agenoris Urbem | Northern Africa | Jansson, Jan | 1662 | B+ | 90.00 |
669 | Gedeelte van Barbaryen, waar in legt 't Ryk van Algiers Verdeelt in zyne Landschappen 't Gedeelte van Biledulgerid... | Northern Africa | Sanson, Nicolas | 1705 | A | 80.00 |
670 | De Stadt Algiers. La Ville d'Alger | Algiers, Algeria | Stoopendaal, Daniel | 1700 | A | 60.00 |
671 | Tabula Aphricae I | Northwestern Africa | Ptolemy/Magini | 1597 | A | 75.00 |
672 | Africa Minor [on sheet with] Mauritania | Northwestern Africa | Cluver/Jansson | 1661 | A+ | 70.00 |
673 | 'T Koninkryk van Marocco, Verdeelt in Zeven Landschappen, Enz... | Northwestern Africa, Morocco | Sanson, Nicolas | 1705 | A | 80.00 |
674 | 'T Ryk van Fez, Verdeelt in Zeven Landschappen... | Northwestern Africa | Sanson, Nicolas | 1705 | B+ | 80.00 |
675 | Carte de la Barbarie de la Nigritie et de la Guinee | Northwestern Africa | Delisle/Covens & Mortier | 1730 | A | 120.00 |
676 | Aegyptus Antiqua Divisa in Nomos | Egypt | Jansson, Jan | 1662 | A | 150.00 |
677 | Egypten, Verdeelt in zyne Twaalf Cassilifen, of Landvoogdyen... | Egypt | Sanson, Nicolas | 1705 | A | 120.00 |
678 | Foliu LXXVII - Alexandria | Alexandria, Egypt | Schedel, Hartmann | 1493 | A | 130.00 |
679 | Pompey's Pillar | Alexandria, Egypt | Roberts, David | 1846 | A | 110.00 |
680 | Temple of Wady Kardassy, Nubia | Wady Kardassy, Egypt | Roberts, David | 1846 | A | 120.00 |
681 | Het Gedeelte van Opper-Ethiopien. Waar in Leggen t' Ryk van Abissinien, en Nubien, Enz... | Eastern Africa | Sanson, Nicolas | 1705 | A | 100.00 |
682 | Insulae & Ars Mosambique | Mozambique | Bertius, Petrus | 1612 | A | 40.00 |
683 | Guinea | Western Africa | Mercator/Hondius | 1610 | A | 75.00 |
684 | Africa of Lybien aan Geene Zyde, waar in Leggen Saara of de Woestyne, 't Landt der Zwarten, Guinee, Enz. | Western Africa | Sanson, Nicolas | 1705 | A | unsold |
685 | [Lot of 18 - Maps and Views of Western Africa] | Western Africa | Churchill, John | 1732 | A | 220.00 |
686 | Carte de la Guinee Contenant les Isles du Cap Verd, le Senegal, la Cote de Guinee Proprement dite les Royaumes de Loango, Congo, Angola et Benguela... | Western Africa | Santini/Remondini | 1779 | B+ | 100.00 |
687 | [Petits Voyages, Part VI] Sechster Theil der Orientalischen Indien / Warhafftige Historische Beschreibung desz Gewaltigen Goltreichen Konigreichs Guinea... | Western Africa, Natives | Bry, Theodore de | 1603 | B+ | 550.00 |
688 | Vue & Description de la Ville de Lovango dans le Royaume de Congo avec Plusieurs Particularitez Curieuses Touchant les Moeurs & les Habillemens des Indiens du Pais | Congo, Natives | Chatelain, Henry Abraham | 1720 | B+ | 28.00 |
689 | Presbiteri Iohannis, sive, Abissinorum Imperii Descriptio | Central Africa | Ortelius, Abraham | 1574 | B+ | 550.00 |
690 | Bobby Benson and the H-O Rangers in Africa | Central Africa | | 1932 | B+ | 90.00 |
691 | Congo Belge | Central Africa | | 1956 | A | 150.00 |
692 | T'Land en de Kusten van de Kaffers, de Ryken van Monomotapa, Monoemugi, Enz... | Southern Africa | Sanson, Nicolas | 1705 | A | 100.00 |
693 | Target Tokyo | Pacific Ocean, World War II | U.S. War Department | 1943 | B+ | unsold |
694 | Tartariae sive Magni Chami Regni Typus | North Pacific, Northern Asia & Northwestern North America | Ortelius, Abraham | 1572 | B+ | 900.00 |
695 | Carte Generale des Decouvertes de l'Amiral de Fonte, et Autres Navigateurs Espagnols, Anglois et Russes pour la Recherche du Passage a la Mer du Sud... | North Pacific Ocean | Robert de Vaugondy, Didier | 1772 | A | 350.00 |
696 | Carte de la Cote N.O. de l'Amerique et de la Cote N.E. de l Asie Reconnues en 1778 et 1779... | North Pacific Ocean | Bonne, Rigobert | 1787 | B+ | 75.00 |
697 | Chart of the N.W. Coast of America and N.E. Coast of Asia, Explored in the Years 1778, & 1779, by Captn. Cook; and Further Explored, in 1788, and 1789 | North Pacific Ocean | Meares, John (Capt.) | 1790 | B | 275.00 |
698 | Carte de la Mer Pacifique du Nord, Contenant la Cote Nord-Est d'Asie et la Cote Nord-Ouest d'Amerique Reconnues en 1778 et 79 par le Capne. Cook... | North Pacific Ocean | Meares, John (Capt.) | 1794 | B | 175.00 |
699 | [A Chart of North and South America, Including the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, with the Nearest Coasts of Europe, Africa, and Asia- Sheets V and VI] | South Pacific Ocean & South America | Jefferys/Sayer & Bennett | 1775 | B | 185.00 |
700 | Isles de la Reine Charlotte | Solomon Islands | Bonne, Rigobert | 1787 | B+ | 50.00 |
701 | Ins Kleine Gebrachte Karte von den Sud-Laendern zur Historie der Reisen... | Australia | Bellin, Jacques Nicolas | 1753 | A+ | 1000.00 |
702 | Australland | Australia | Flemming, Carl | 1842 | B | 36.00 |
703 | Australia | Australia | Tallis, John | 1850 | B+ | 160.00 |
704 | A Chart of New South Wales, or the East Coast of New-Holland. Discover'd and Explored by Lieutenant J: Cook, Commander of His Majesty's Bark Endeavour, in the Year MDCCLXX | Eastern Australia | Cook, James (Capt.) | 1773 | B+ | unsold |
705 | South and East Coasts of Australia [In Four Charts] Chart No. 2, Cape Northumberland to Cape Howe | Southern Australia & Tasmania | Imray, James | 1879 | B | 300.00 |
706 | New Zealand | New Zealand | | 1967 | A | 200.00 |
707 | Spectandum Dedit Ortelius Mortalib. Orbem, Orbi Spectandum Galleus Ortelium | Frontispiece, Portrait | Ortelius, Abraham | 1579 | B+ | unsold |
708 | [Frontispiece - God the Father] | Title Pages, Religion | Schedel, Hartmann | 1493 | A | 450.00 |
709 | Beschreibung und Contrafactur der Vornembster Stat der Welt | Title Pages | Braun & Hogenberg | 1574 | B+ | 375.00 |
710 | Galliae Tabule Geographicae | Title Pages | Mercator, Gerard | 1585 | B | 160.00 |
711 | Reys-gheschrift van de Navigatien der Portugaloysers in Orienten... | Title Pages | Linschoten, Jan Juygen van | 1604 | A | 120.00 |
712 | Nieuwen Atlas, ofte Weerelts-Beschryvinghe/ Tweede Deel | Title Pages | Jansson, Jan | 1647 | B+ | 110.00 |
713 | Het Leven en Bedryf van den Heere Michiel de Rutter... | Title Pages | Blaeu, Johannes | 1691 | A | 80.00 |
714 | [Indigenous Animals of New Netherlands] | Prints - Animal | Montanus, Arnoldus | 1671 | A | 140.00 |
715 | Dronte, Autrement Appelle par les Hollandois Dod-aers... | Prints - Birds | Thevenot, Melchisedech | 1663 | B+ | 180.00 |
716 | Little Cormorant. Carbo Pygmaeus; (Temm.) | Prints - Birds | Gould, John | 1832 | A | unsold |
717 | Aulacorhamphus Caeruleogularis | Prints - Birds | Gould, John | 1854 | B+ | 375.00 |
718 | King Duck 1. Male 2. Female | Prints - Birds | Audubon, J. J. | 1856 | A | 120.00 |
719 | Sisyrinchium Bermudiana - Sisyrinche Bermudienne | Prints - Botanical | Redoute, Pierre | 1802-16 | A | 425.00 |
720 | Koning en Koningin van de Missisippi | Prints - Native Americans | Anon. | 1720 | A | 55.00 |
721 | David Vann. A Cherokee Chief | Prints - Native American | McKenney and Hall | 1843 | B+ | 210.00 |
722 | [Lot of 5 - Natives] | Prints - Natives | Schinz, Heinrich R. | 1830 | A | unsold |
723 | Zee-Slagh Tusschen de Hr. Admiraal Michiel de Ruiter en de Hr. Prins Robbert en Graaf de Estree ... 1673 | Prints - Ships | Stoopendaal, Daniel | 1732 | B+ | 180.00 |
724 | The Spanish Galleons Taken and Destroy'd in the West Indies by Commodore Wager. May 28. 1708 | Prints - Ships | Anon. | 1750 | A | 210.00 |
725 | Aftekening der Schilderye, op't Stadhuis te Dordrecht Geplaatst, ter Gedagtenisse van de Overwinning by Chattam, in't Jaar 1667, Onder't Beleid van Kornelis de Wit, Ruwaard van Putten | Prints - Ships | Tirion, Isaac | 1760 | A | 55.00 |
726 | [Lot of 3] Carte Heraldique Representant les Armes de l'Empereur ... les Etats du Saint Empire Romain... [and] Nouvelle Carte Genealogique des Principaux Souverains de l'Europe... [and] Carte Genealogique de la Maison de Wassenaar... | Prints - Heraldry | Chatelain, Henry Abraham | 1720 | | 200.00 |
727 | United States Senate Chamber | Prints - Politics | | 1848 | B+ | 1800.00 |
728 | [Noah's Ark] | Prints - Religion | Bry, Theodore de | 1591 | B+ | 150.00 |
729 | Genesis 28 Vr 11 [Jacob's Ladder] | Prints - Religion | Visscher, Claes Janszoon | 1650 | B+ | 190.00 |
730 | Moses Aquis Immissus a Pharaonis Invenitur Filia Matrique suae Traditur Nutricandus | Prints - Religion | Visscher, Claes Janszoon | 1650 | B+ | 100.00 |
731 | [Lot of 2] Entree d'Adam dans le Paradis Terrestre, Creation de la Femme. Chute de Nos Premiers Peres [and] Suite de la Chute de l'Homme, sa Nature, Origine des Societes et des Inegalites Politiques Introduites Parmi les Hommes | Prints - Religion | Buy de Mornas, Claude | 1761 | A | 70.00 |
732 | De Eklips der Zuider zon doet Veele in 't Duister Zitten Veroorzaakt door de Onpolitike Maan der Brn... | Satire - Stock Trading | Anon. | 1720 | B+ | 60.00 |
733 | Nieuwe Volkplanting om Wind | Satire - Stock Trading | Anon. | 1720 | B+ | 220.00 |
734 | De Schynschoone Actie-Sphinx Springt hier zig Zelven Dood, zo dra als Edipus het vals Geheim Ontbloot | Satire - Stock Trading | Anon. | 1720 | A | 60.00 |
735 | [Illuminated Leaf] | Medieval Manuscripts | Anon. | 1300 | B | 160.00 |
736 | [Illuminated Leaf] | Medieval Manuscripts | Anon. | 1450 | B+ | 300.00 |
737 | Illuminated Leaf | Medieval Manuscripts | Anon. | 1450 | A | 250.00 |
738 | [Book of Hours Leaf] | Medieval Manuscripts | Anon. | 1480 | A+ | 250.00 |
739 | [Illuminated Leaf] | Medieval Manuscripts | Anon. | 1480 | A | 75.00 |
740 | [Book of Hours Leaf] | Book of Hours | Anon. | 1500 | B+ | 23.00 |
741 | [Lot of 2 - Coptic/Arabic Lectionary Leaves] | Manuscripts | Anon. | 1620 | B+ | 350.00 |
742 | Blat LXXVI | Incunabula | Schedel, Hartmann | 1493 | B+ | 80.00 |
743 | [Book of Hours Leaf] | Early Printing | Hardouin, Gilles | 1500 | A | 3250.00 |
744 | [Book of Hours Leaf] | Early Printing | Anon. | 1500 | A | 170.00 |
745 | [Book of Hours Leaf] | Early Printing | Anon. | 1500 | A | 42.00 |
746 | [Book of Hours Leaf] | Early Printing | Poitevin, Jean, de | 1501 | B+ | 100.00 |
747 | [Book of Hours Leaf] | Early Printing | Anon. | 1510 | A | 425.00 |
748 | [Missal Leaf] | Early Printing | Anon. | 1514 | A | unsold |
749 | [Book of Hours Leaf] | Early Printing | Anon. | 1550 | B+ | 325.00 |
750 | [Music] | Music | Anon. | 1590 | B | 190.00 |
751 | [Antiphonal Leaf] | Music | Anon. | 1660 | B+ | 120.00 |
752 | [Antiphonal Leaf] | Music | Anon. | 1700 | B | 37.00 |
753 | [Antiphonal Leaf] | Music | Anon. | 1700 | B+ | 12.00 |
754 | [2 Volumes - Republic of Texas] Niles' Weekly Register ... From September 1826, to March, 1827... [and] ... From March to September, 1827... | Document - Republic of Texas | | 1826-27 | B | 140.00 |
755 | [Texas Independence] Niles' Weekly Register ... From March, 1836, to September, 1836... | Document - Texas Independence | | 1836 | B | 275.00 |
756 | Theatri Geographiae Veteris Tomus Prior in quo Cl. Ptol. Alexandrini Geographiae Libri VIII... | Atlases | Hondius/Bertius | 1618-19 | B+ | 10000.00 |
757 | Geographie Ancienne Abregee | Atlases | Anville, Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d' | 1769 | A | 375.00 |
758 | [3 Text Volumes & Atlas] Histoire Philosophique et Politique, des Etablissemens & du Commerce des Europeens dans les Deux Indes | Atlases | Bonne/Raynal | 1775-80 | B+ | 800.00 |
759 | An Universal Atlas, Consisting of a Complete Set of Maps, to Illustrate Ancient and Modern Geography... | Atlases | Stackhouse, Thomas | 1800 | A | 1500.00 |
760 | Mr. Butler's Outline Maps to his Geographical and Biographical Exercises, for the Use of Young Ladies | Atlases | Harris, John | 1816 | B | 140.00 |
761 | Atlas Historique, Genealogique, Chronologique, et Geographique | Atlases | Le Sage | 1827 | B+ | 350.00 |
762 | Atlas de Geographie Ancienne et Moderne, Dresse pour l'Usage des Colleges | Atlases | Ansart, Felix | 1840 | B | 180.00 |
763 | Mitchell's School Atlas: Comprising the Maps and Tables Designed to Accompany Mitchell's School and Family Geography | Atlases | Thomas, Cowperthwait & Co. | 1853 | B+ | 130.00 |
764 | [Subscription Format] Atlas to Accompany the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies | Atlases, Civil War | U.S. War Department | 1891-95 | B+ | 1600.00 |
765 | Rand McNally Junior Auto Trails Atlas of the United States Including a Brief Description of the National Parks and Monuments, and a Listing of All Tourist Camp Sites | Road Atlas | Rand McNally & Co. | 1924 | B+ | 160.00 |
766 | Journal du Voyage de M. Le Marquis de Courtanvaux, sur la Fregate l'Aurore, pour Essayer par Ordre de l'Academie... | Exploration & Surveys | Messier, Charles | 1768 | B+ | unsold |
767 | Report of the Superintendent of the Coast Survey, Showing the Progress of the Survey During the Year 1853 | Exploration & Surveys | U.S. Coast Survey | 1854 | | 160.00 |
768 | The Stranger in America: Containing Observations Made During a Long Residence in That Country, on the Genius, Manners and Customs of the People of the United States... | History Books, United States | | 1807 | | 625.00 |
769 | [3 Volumes] History of the Indian Tribes of North America, with Biographical Sketches and Anecdotes of the Principal Chiefs... | History Books, Native American | McKenney and Hall | 1854 | B+ | 6000.00 |
770 | The American Lawyer, and Business-Man's Form-Book; Containing Forms and Instructions... | Miscellaneous Books | Beadle, D. W. | 1860 | B | 90.00 |
771 | The Story of Maps | References | Brown, Lloyd Arnold | 1949 | B+ | 55.00 |
772 | [Lot of 3] Maps and Prints for Pleasure and Investment [and] Antique Maps of Europe, the Americas, West Indies, Australasia, Africa, the Orient [and] The Mapmakers | References | | 1969-81 | | 6.00 |
773 | Facsimile-Atlas to the Early History of Cartography with Reproductions of the Most Important Maps Printed in the XV and XVI Centuries | References | Nordenskiold, Nils Adolf E. | 1973 | B+ | 100.00 |
774 | [Lot of 2] Antique Maps for the Collector [and] Antique Maps | References | | 1973-95 | B+ | 11.00 |
775 | [Lot of 2] Cartographical Innovations - An International Handbook of Mapping Terms to 1900 [and] Cartographica Extraordinaire - The Historical Map Transformed | References | | 1987-2004 | A | 75.00 |
776 | [Lot of 2] Antique Maps and Charts [and] Collecting Antique Maps - An Introduction to the History of Cartography | References | | 1989-92 | A | 55.00 |
777 | [40 Issues in 5 Volumes] The Map Collector | References, Magazines | Tooley, R. V. | 1977-87 | A | 150.00 |
778 | [Lot of 2] The World of Gerard Mercator - The Mapmaker Who Revolutionized Geography [and] New Worlds - Maps from the Age of Discovery | References, Mercator | | 2004-06 | | 80.00 |
779 | Ortelius Atlas Maps - An Illustrated Guide | References, Ortelius | | 1996 | A+ | 110.00 |
780 | The Nuremberg Chronicle - A Pictorial World History from the Creation to 1493 | References, Incunabula | | 1950 | A | 110.00 |
781 | [Lot of 2] The Quest for Longitude [and] The Illustrated Longitude | References, Longitudes | | 1996-98 | A+ | 85.00 |
782 | The Mapping of the World - Early Printed World Maps 1472-1700 | References, World | Shirley, Rodney W. | 1983 | A | 190.00 |
783 | [Lot of 2] Strait Through: Magellan to Cook & the Pacific - An Illustrated History [and] Mapping the New World - Renaissance Maps from the American Museum in Britain | References, Western Hemisphere & Pacific Ocean | | 2010-13 | | 95.00 |
784 | [Lot of 2] 1421 - The Year China Discovered America [and] 1491 - New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus | References, Western Hemisphere & Exploration | | 2003-11 | A | 50.00 |
785 | The Mapping of North America - Three Centuries of Map-Making 1500-1860 | References, North America | Goss, John | 1990 | A | 16.00 |
786 | Historical Atlas of the United States with Original Maps | References, United States | | 2006 | A+ | 38.00 |
787 | [Lot of 2] The Expeditions of John Charles Fremont Volume 2 The Bear Flag Revolt and the Court Martial [and] After Lewis & Clark - The Forces of Change, 1806-1871 | References, Western United States | | 1973-2006 | A | 85.00 |
788 | [Lot of 2] Maps of Texas 1527-1900 - The Map Collection of the Texas State Archives [and] Maps of Texas and the Southwest, 1513-1900 | References, Texas | | 1997-99 | A+ | 180.00 |
789 | Central America Early Maps Up to 1860 | References, Central America | Kapp, Kit S. | 1974 | A | 26.00 |
790 | The Early Maps of Colombia Up to 1825 | References, Colombia | Kapp, Kit S. | 1971 | A | 60.00 |