Index of Lots for Auction 194

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Lot #TitleSubjectCreatorPeriodConditionSold For
1[Lot of 5] Orbis Terrae Compendiosa Descriptio... [and] America [and] Asia [and] Africa [and] EuropaWorld & ContinentsMagini, Giovanni Antonio1597B+1000.00
2[Lot of 5] Typus Orbis Terrarum [and] America [and] Asia [and] Africa [and] EuropaWorld & ContinentsOrtelius/Coignet1601A1100.00
3[Lot of 6] Le Mappe Blu dell' AvventuraWorld & Continents1986A350.00
4Carta Marina Nuova TavolaWorldRuscelli, Girolamo1574B+600.00
5De Seyndinghe nae IndienWorldGalle, Cornelis1640A200.00
6Orbis Terrarum Typus de Integro in Plurimis Emendatus, Auctus, et Icunculis IllustratusWorldVisscher, Nicolas1650B+1200.00
7Orbis Terrarum Tabula Recens Emendata et in Lucem EditaWorldStoopendaal, Daniel1682A1700.00
8Mappe-Monde, Suivant les Nouvelles Observations de Messrs. de l'Academie Royale des Sciences, Etc. Augmentees de NouveauWorldAa, Pieter van der1720B+unsold
9Planiglobii Terrestris Mappa Universalis Utrumq Hemisphaerium Orient et Occidentale Repraesentans... / Mappe-Monde qui Represente les Deux Hemispheres Savoir Celui de l'Orient et Celui de l'Occident...WorldHaas/Homann Heirs1746A800.00
10Il Schuine Ronde Aard-Klooten Aantoonende het Middelpunt van Parys en de Tegenvoeters van Parys...WorldKeizer/De Lat1747B+180.00
11[On 4 Sheets] Essay d'une Carte Reduite Contenant les Parties Connues du Globe Terrestre...WorldBellin, Jacques Nicolas1748B+450.00
12Carte des Variations de la Boussole et des Vents Generaux que l'on Trouve dans les Mers les Plus Frequentees...World, OceansBellin, Jacques Nicolas1765A600.00
13Mappe-Monde Dressee pour l'Etude de la Geographie, Relativement aux Auteurs les Plus Modernes...WorldBrion de la Tour/Desnos1778B+180.00
14Mappa Totius Mundi Adornata Juxta Observationes Dnn Academiae Regalis Scientiarum et Nonnullorum Aliorum, Secundum Annotationes RecentissimasWorldLotter, Tobias Conrad1778B550.00
15Planisphere Suivant la Projection de MercatorWorldBonne, Rigobert1780A90.00
16Mappe-Monde ou Description du Globe Terrestre, Assujettie aux Observations Astronomiques WorldJanvier/Lattre1782B+600.00
17L'Ancien Monde et le Nouveau en Deux HemispheresWorldBonne, Rigobert1785A120.00
18A New and Complete Chart of the World; Displaying the Tracks of Captn. Cook, and Other Modern NavigatorsWorldBowen, Thomas1787B+325.00
19Kaart van de Twee Platte Warelds Bollen Waar in Aangetoond Word alt Geen tot Heden is Ondekt na de Nieuste Kaarten GetekentWorldGravius, N. T.1787A150.00
20Map of the World from the Best AuthoritiesWorldBaker, Benjamin1794B+55.00
21[Shintei Chikyu Bankoku Hozu - New Edition: Map of the World]WorldAnon.1853B+900.00
22Distribution of Heat Over the GlobeWorldJohnston, W. & A.K.1856B+60.00
23[Shochu Bankoku Yochi Zenzu - Map of the World in the Palm of Your Hand]World1872B+130.00
24[Lot of 2] Western Hemisphere - Map of Discovery [and] Eastern Hemisphere - Map of DiscoveryWorldNational Geographic Magazine1928A200.00
25Carriers of the New Black PlagueWorld, World War II1938B+130.00
26Total War Battle MapWorld, World War IIDudley Chase, Ernest1943B210.00
27Global Map for Global War and Global PeaceWorld, World War II1943B+110.00
28World Map of the Major Tropical DiseasesWorld1944B+130.00
29Dans les Cieux de Trois Continents Panair do BrasilWorld, Aviation1947A260.00
30[Folder] Sur les Ailes d' Air France Decouvrez le Monde a Votre TourWorld, Aviation1953B+100.00
31Dunkirk to Berlin June, 1940 - July, 1945 - Journeys Undertaken by the Rt. Honble. Winston S. Churchill, O.M., C.H., F.R.S., M.P., Prime Minister of Great Britain...World, World War IIPhilip, George1956A200.00
32Orbis Veteribus Notus Auspiciis Serenissimi Principis Ludovici Philippi...Ancient WorldAnville, Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d'1763B+120.00
33Ptolemy's Universal MapAncient World1770B+17.00
34Nieuwe Kaart van het Oostelykste Deel der Weereld, Dienende tot Aanwyzing van de Scheepstogten der Nederlanderen naar Oostindie...Eastern HemisphereTirion, Isaac1753B+160.00
35Polus Arcticus [on sheet with] Polus AntarcticusPolarAa, Pieter van der1700A+unsold
36Polus Arcticus cum Vicinis RegionibusNorth PoleMercator/Hondius1607B+400.00
37Our Flying Ambassadors and Their RoutesNorth Pole, AviationHammond, C. S.1929B+300.00
38No. 6 Circumjacent the South PoleSouth PoleSDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge1830A45.00
39[Lot of 6 - Celestial Charts]CelestialSDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge1830B+120.00
40Haemisphaeria Sphaerarum Rectae et Obliquae Utriusque Motus et Longitudines tam Coelestes quam Terrestres ac Stellarum Affectiones MonsrantiaSolar SystemCellarius/Schenk & Valck1708B+unsold
41Cette Carte de la Lune vous est Offerte par le Journal de SpirouMoon1968Aunsold
42[Lot of 3] Globe Terrestre / Globe Celeste [and] Sphere de Copernic / Sphere de Ptolemee [and] Sphere Droite / Sphere ParalleleCartographic Miscellany, GlobesBrion de la Tour/Desnos1760B+unsold
43The Commonwealth of Nations - or the British EmpireCartographic Miscellany, World1937B+130.00
44Tableau Comparatif de la Hauteur des Montagnes de la Longueur du Cours des Fleuves et de l'Elevation des Principales Chutes d'Eaux...Cartographic Miscellany, Mountains & RiversMonin, Charles V.1839A90.00
45Geographische Universal-Zeig und Schlag-Uhr...Cartographic Miscellany, North PoleHomann, Johann Baptist1730B195.00
46Game of the Star-Spangled Banner, or Emigrants to the United StatesCartographic Miscellany, Games, Eastern United StatesWallis, Edward1840A5500.00
47The Game of American ToursCartographic Miscellany, Games, United States1933A210.00
48Il Mondo AmmalatoCartographic Miscellany, Europe1879B+850.00
49Mundus Primus Archetypus sive Idealis et IntellectualisCartographic Miscellany, Philosophy & ReligionZahn, Johannes1696A550.00
50Afbeeldinge van 't zeer Vermaarde Eiland Geks-Kop Gelegen in de Actie-ze, Ontdekt door Monsr. Lau-rens...Cartographic Miscellany, Stock TradingAnon.1720B+325.00
51Traveller's Joy - A DeviceCartographic Miscellany, Fictional Maps1924B+180.00
52The Ian Fleming Thriller MapCartographic Miscellany, Literary Map1987A100.00
53Hagstrom's Decorative and Historical MapsCartographic Miscellany, Pictorial Maps1945A250.00
54Road Map to the World Wide Web - The World Wide Web Business and BeyondCartographic Miscellany, Internet1995A1600.00
55Americae sive Novi Orbis, Nova DescriptioWestern Hemisphere - AmericaOrtelius, Abraham1579A6000.00
56America sive India Nova, ad Magnae Gerardi Mercatoris aui Universalis Imitationem in Compendium RedactaWestern Hemisphere - AmericaMercator, Michael1607A2400.00
57Totius Americae Septentrionalis et Meridionalis Novissima Repraesentatio quam ex Singulis Recentium Geographorum Tabulis Collecta Luci Publicae AccommodavitWestern Hemisphere - AmericaHomann, Johann Baptist1740B+500.00
58Carta del Nuovo Continente Giusta la Massima sua Lunghezza Diametrale dal Fiume de la Plata fino al di la del Lago degli AssiniboiliWestern Hemisphere - AmericaRobert de Vaugondy, Didier1749B75.00
59Les Colonies des Europeens en AmeriqueWestern Hemisphere - AmericaBourgoin, P.1750A85.00
60L'Amerique Dressee pour l'Etude de la Geographie...Western Hemisphere - AmericaBrion de la Tour/Desnos1764B+75.00
61Carte d'Amerique, Dressee pour l'Instruction, part Guil. Delisle et Phil. Buache...Western Hemisphere - AmericaDelisle/Dezauche1817B+unsold
62Carte d'Amerique Septentrionale et Meridionale avec les Decouvertes Faites dans les Derniers VoyagesWestern Hemisphere - AmericaHerisson, Eustache1820B+unsold
63Pictorial Map of the American Continent Featuring the Pan American Highway and Showing Some of the Natural Resources, Scenic Wonders, and Points of InterestWestern Hemisphere - America1945B+150.00
64Amerique Septentrionalis Carte d'un Tres Grand Pays entre le Nouveau Mexique et la Mer Glaciale…Colonial North AmericaHennepin, Louis de (Fr.)1698A4750.00
65Americque Septentrionale par le Sr. Sanson d'Abbeville Geographe du RoyColonial North AmericaSanson, Nicolas1699B+450.00
66Amerique SeptentrionaleColonial North AmericaSanson, Nicolas1735A325.00
67Amerique Septentrionale Divisee en ses Principales PartiesColonial North AmericaJaillot/Ottens1750B600.00
68An Accurate Map of North America Drawn from the Sieur Robert, with ImprovementsColonial North AmericaRollos, George1764A100.00
69Amerique SeptentrionaleColonial North AmericaBonne, Rigobert1780B+90.00
70L'Amerique Septentrionale Divisee en ses Principaux EtatsColonial North AmericaLaporte, Joseph de1781A160.00
71A New Map of North AmericaNorth AmericaHarrison, John1785B+140.00
72North AmericaNorth AmericaWilkes, J.1796A100.00
73A New & Accurate Map of North America Including Nootka Sound: with the New Discovered Islands on the North East Coast of AsiaNorth AmericaBowen, Thomas1796B+150.00
74[Lot of 2] A General Map of North America from the Best Authorities [and] North America from the Best AuthoritiesNorth America1797-1812A41.00
75[Lot of 2] North America [and] North AmericaNorth America1806-3470.00
76Amerique SeptentrionaleNorth America, TexasLorrain, N. Pere1839A150.00
77Carte de l'Amerique Septentrionale avec les Regions PolairesNorth AmericaVivien de Saint Martin, Louis1840A+110.00
78North AmericaNorth America, TexasBlackie, W. G. & Son1840B55.00
79North AmericaNorth America, TexasHall, Sidney1844A150.00
80North AmericaNorth AmericaTallis, John1850A170.00
81Amerique SeptentrionaleNorth America, TexasLevasseur, Victor1861A110.00
82General Map of the United States of America, the British Provinces, Mexico, the West Indies and Central America...North America, Civil WarColton, George Woolworth1862B+1100.00
83America - Beauty Wonders Inspiration Progress Without EndNorth AmericaPoole Bros.1936A200.00
84A Map of the English Plantations in AmericaColonial Eastern North America & West IndiesMoll, Herman1695B+160.00
85Carte du Mexique et de la Floride des Terres Angloises et des Isles Antilles du Cours et des Environs de la Riviere de Mississipi...Colonial Eastern North America & West IndiesDelisle, Guillaume1703B+1600.00
86Regni Mexicani seu Novae Hispaniae, Ludovicianae, N. Angliae, Carolinae, Virginiae et Pensylvaniae nec non Insularum Archipelagi Mexicani in America Septentrionali Accurata TabulaColonial Eastern North America & West IndiesHomann, Johann Baptist1720B+1200.00
87Nova Mappa Geographica Americae Septentrionalis in suas Praecipuas Partes DivisaColonial Eastern North America & West IndiesProbst, Johann Michael1782B+750.00
88Etats Unis et Grandes AntillesEastern North America & CaribbeanChamouin, Jean Baptiste Marie1805B+200.00
89[2 Volumes] The British Colonies; Their History, Extent, Condition and ResourcesCanadaMartin, Montgomery1851A275.00
90Pictorial Map of the Dominion of Canada with Newfoundland and Labrador Scenic, Historic and Recreational Attractions and Economic ResourcesCanada1946A160.00
91Parte Orientale del Canada, Nuova Scozia Settentrionale, e Parte di LabradorEastern CanadaZatta, Antonio1780B+100.00
92[Lot of 2] West Canada [and] East Canada, and New BrunswickEastern CanadaTallis, John1850B+170.00
93Le Isole di Terra Nuova e Capo Breton di Nuova ProjezioneNewfoundland & Cape Breton Island, CanadaZatta, Antonio1778A220.00
94Carte Reduite de l'Ile de Terre-Neuve Dressee d'Apres les Plans Anglois de James Cook et Michael Lane...Newfoundland, CanadaDepot de la Marine1784B+300.00
95Neue und Verbesserte Carte von der Kuste von LabradorLabrador, CanadaWeygand, F.1781B+unsold
96[Lot of 2] Plan de l'Isthme de l'Acadie Comprenant le Beau Bassin... [and] Plan du Port de la Riviere St. Jean Situe a la Cote Septentrionale... [on sheet with] Plan du Port de la Heve a la Cote Meridionale de l'Acadie [and] Plan du Port Rochelois...New Brunswick & Nova Scotia, CanadaSartine1779B+140.00
97Partie du Cours du Fleuve de Saint Laurent Depuis Quebec Jusqu au Cap aux Oyes [on sheet with] Carte du Cours du Fleuve de Saint Laurent Depuis Quebec Jusqu'a la Mer en Deux Feuilles...St. Lawrence River, CanadaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1761B+550.00
98[Map in Booklet] Romantic Quebec Gaspe PeninsulaQuebec, Canada1929B+180.00
99[Lot of 2] Carte de Vacances Brading des Regions de Montreal et des Laurentides [and] Carte de Vacances Brading du Bas St. Laurent et des Cantons de l'EstQuebec, CanadaTurner, Stanley1948A+unsold
100Map of the City of Montreal with Index of Streets and Numbered Chart of the Tramway RoutesMontreal, Canada1931B+100.00
101The Arctic Regions of North AmericaNorthern CanadaWeller, Edward1860A30.00
102A Map of Mackenzie's Track; from Fort Chipewyan to the Pacific Ocean in 1793Western CanadaMackenzie, Alexander1801B+unsold
103Partie de la Carte du Capitaine Cluny Auteur d'un Ouvrage Anglois Intitule American TravellerColonial United States & Canada, ArcticRobert de Vaugondy, Didier1773A90.00
104Poates Radio Map of United States and CanadaUnited States & Southern Canada1924B+130.00
105Nieuwe Kaart van de Grootbrittannische Volkplantingen in Noord America waar in Tevens de Fransche Bezittingen en de Landen...Colonial Eastern United States & CanadaTirion, Isaac1755B+400.00
106A New Map of the British Dominions in North America; with the Limits of the Governments Annexed Thereto by the Late Treaty of Peace, and Settled by Proclamation, October 7th, 1763Colonial Eastern United States & CanadaKitchin, Thomas1763B700.00
107Partie du Nord de l'Amerique Septentrionale, pour Servir a l'Histoire Philosophique et Politique des Etablissemens et du Commerce des Europeens dans les Deux IndesColonial Eastern United States & CanadaBonne, Rigobert1774B+95.00
108Tierra NuevaEastern United States & CanadaRuscelli, Girolamo1574A750.00
109Carte des Pays Connus sous le Nom de Canada, dans Laquelle sont Distinguees les Possessions Francoises, & Angl?...Colonial Northeastern United States & CanadaRobert de Vaugondy, Didier1755B1500.00
110Partie Orientale de la Nouvelle France ou du Canada avec l'Isle de Terre-Neuve et de Nouvelle Ecosse, Acadie et Nouv. Angleterre…Colonial Northeastern United States & CanadaSeutter/Lotter1756B+800.00
111L'Isle de Terre-Neuve, l'Acadie, ou la Nouvelle Ecosse, l'Isle St. Jean, et la Partie Orientale du CanadaColonial Northeastern United States & CanadaBonne, Rigobert1782B+100.00
112[Carta General del Oceano Atlantico Septentrional en Cuatro Hojas... - Northwestern Sheet] Hoja 3a. su Precio 13 Rs. Vn. En America 7 Rs. Pta. Fte.Northeastern United States & CanadaDireccion de Hidrografia1855B+21.00
113The "New" Lands of North Eastern America. Comprising Newfoundland, New Scotland (Nova Scotia), & New Brunswick: Parts of New France (Quebec), New England, New York & New Jersey...Northeastern United States & Canada1960A+300.00
114Charte der Neuen Niederlassungen in Ober Canada nach der Smythschen CharteNortheastern United States & Canada, Great LakesI.C.M.R.1815B+150.00
115Carte des Lacs du Canada pour Servir a l'Histoire Generale de VoyagesColonial Great LakesBellin, Jacques Nicolas1757A400.00
116Partie Occidentale du Canada, Contenant les Cinq Grands Lacs, avec les Pays CirconvoisinsColonial Great LakesBonne, Rigobert1780B+150.00
117Das Oregon-GebietWestern United States & CanadaFlemming, Carl1848B100.00
118[Reproduction] North America West Coast Haro and Rosario Straits Surveyed by Captn. G.H. Richards & the Officers of H.M.S. Plumper 1858-9, the Shores of Juan de Fuca Strait to Admiralty Inlet from Captn. H. Kellett’s Survey, 1847…Washington & British ColumbiaBritish Admiralty1872B+70.00
119The Triangle Tour of British Columbia Jasper National Park Mount Robson Park Canadian Rockies and the Scenic Seas of the North Pacific Coast Canadian National RailwaysWashington & British Columbia1930B+70.00
120Charte von der Nord-West Kuste von Amerika mit dem Laufe des King George u: der Queen Charlotte in den Jahren 1786 & 1787Western Canada & Alaska1791B+200.00
121United StatesUnited StatesRobinson, D.F. & Co.1828B425.00
122Etats Unis et Partie de l'Amerique Anglaise et du Mexique Corriges et AugmentesUnited States, Republic of TexasAnon.1836B+250.00
123United States of AmericaUnited States, TexasWyld, James1845B+800.00
124Phelps' New National Map of the United StatesUnited StatesPhelps & Watson1859B+1800.00
125[Unused Civil War Envelope] The Stars and Stripes Must Cover the WholeUnited States, Civil War1861B+140.00
126Map of the United States and Territories, Shewing the Extent of Public Surveys and Other Details... [with] Vericht des Commissionar des General-Landamtes, der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika...United StatesGeneral Land Office1867B220.00
127Rain Chart of the United States Showing by Isohyetal Lines the Distribution of the Mean Annual Precipitation in Rain and Melted SnowUnited StatesPowell, John Wesley1878B+70.00
128Map Showing the Location of the Indian Reservations Within the Limits of the United States and Territories...United States, Native AmericansU.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs1887A200.00
129National HighwaysUnited States1913A+450.00
130Berta and Elmer Hader's Picture Book of the StatesUnited States, AtlasesHarper Bros.1932180.00
131A Good-Natured Map of the United States Setting Forth the Services of the Greyhound Lines and a Few Principal Connecting Bus LinesUnited States1934Aunsold
132Paul Bunyan's Pictorial Map of the United States Depicting Some of His Deeds and ExploitsUnited States1935A300.00
133The United States of AmericaUnited StatesWhite, Ruth Taylor1935A45.00
134[Lot of 2] Geography for the G.O.P. [and] The 50 United States of AmericaUnited States1939-60A120.00
135Land of Lore and Legend - William Gropper's Folklore Map of AmericaUnited States1946A150.00
136A Pictorial Map of the United States of America Showing Principal Regional Resources, Products, and Natural FeaturesUnited States1950B+50.00
137American Airlines System MapUnited States, Aviation, GamesMilton Bradley Co.1955B+55.00
138The United States - The Land and the PeopleUnited States1958B+120.00
139[Map with Pamphlet] A Nation of Immigrants United States1963A550.00
140A Mad Pictorial Map of the United StatesUnited States1981B+85.00
141[Lot of 2] Plan of the Route of the Northern Pacific Railroad [in] Charter of the Northern Pacific Railroad Co... [and] Profile Shewing the General Features of the Route of the Proposed Railroad to the Pacific...Northern United States1853-65170.00
142Carte de la Louisiane et du Cours du Mississipi Dressee sur un Grand Nombre de Memoires Entr'autres sur ceux de Mr. le MaireColonial Eastern United StatesDelisle, Guillaume1718A8000.00
143Charte uber die XIII Vereinigte Staaten von Nord-America...Eastern United StatesGussefeld/Homann Heirs1784B+450.00
144United States of AmericaEastern United StatesWilkes, J.1797A160.00
145Etats Unis de l'Amerique, Corriges et Augmentes en 1803Eastern United StatesTardieu1803A55.00
146Etats-Unis de l'Amerique SeptentrionaleEastern United StatesLapie, Alexander Emile & Pierre1810B+170.00
147The United States of AmericaEastern United StatesCary, John1816B+450.00
148Carte pour Servir a l'Histoire de la Guerre Entre les Etats-Unis d'Amerique et l'Angleterre, Pendant les Annees 1812, 13, 14 et 15Eastern United States1820A120.00
149Lay's Map of the United States. Compiled From the Latest and Best Authorities and Actual SurveysEastern United States, TexasLay, Amos1827C+2400.00
150Mitchell's Travellers Guide Through the United States. A Map of the Roads, Distances, Steam Boat & Canal Routes &c.Eastern United StatesMitchell/Young1832B550.00
151Atlas to Marshall's Life of WashingtonEastern United StatesMarshall, John1832B240.00
152Mitchell's National Map of the American Republic or United States of North America. Together with Maps of the Vicinities of Thirty-Two of the Principal Cities and Towns in the UnionEastern United StatesMitchell/Young1844B300.00
153United StatesEastern United StatesTallis, John1850A210.00
154Principal Events in the Life of George Washington in Those States That Lie Between the Hudson and SavannahEastern United States1932A275.00
155Nova Belgica et Anglia NovaColonial New England & Mid-Atlantic United StatesBlaeu, Willem1641A1500.00
156Nova Anglia Novum Belgium et VirginiaColonial New England & Mid-Atlantic United StatesJansson, Jan1645B+900.00
157Belgii Novi, Angliae Novae, et Partis Virginiae Novissima DelineatioColonial New England & Mid-Atlantic United StatesJansson/Valck & Schenk1694B2750.00
158Nouvelle Angleterre Nlle. York Nlle. Jersey Pensilvanie Mariland et VirginieColonial New England & Mid-Atlantic United StatesRobert de Vaugondy, Didier1748A100.00
159Partie de l'Amerique Septentrionale, qui Comprend le Cours de l'Ohio, la Nlle. Angleterre, la Nlle York, le New Jersey, la Pensylvanie, le Maryland la Virginie, la CarolineColonial New England & Mid-Atlantic United StatesRobert de Vaugondy, Didier1755A475.00
160An Exact Map of New England, New York, Pensylvania & New Jersey, from the Latest SurveysColonial New England & Mid-Atlantic United StatesLodge, John1777Aunsold
161Carte du Theatre de la Guerre Entre les Anglais et les Americains: Dressee d'Apres les Cartes Anglaises les Plus ModernesColonial New England & Mid-Atlantic United States, Revolutionary WarBrion de la Tour, Louis1778Bunsold
162Carte de la Partie Nord, des Etats Unis, de l'Amerique SeptentrionaleNew England & Mid-Atlantic United StatesBonne, Rigobert1783B+110.00
163Gli Stati Uniti dell' America Delineatio Sulle Ultime Osservazioni - Quarto Foglio che Comprende Parte della Nuova Inghilterra, la Nuova York, il Nuovo Yersey, la Pensilvania, il Delaware, il Maryland, e Porzioni della Virginia, e della CarolinaNew England & Mid-Atlantic United StatesCassini, Giovanni Maria1797B+unsold
164Carte de la Nouvelle Angleterre, Nouvelle York, Nouvelle Jersey, et PensilvanieNew England & Mid-Atlantic United StatesBertholon, C.1799A100.00
165Carte des Etats-Unis Provinces SeptentrionalesNew England & Mid-Atlantic United StatesRochefoucald Liancourt, Francois Alexander1799B+unsold
166Midsummer's MarvelsNew England United States1938A+150.00
167A New Map of Virginia Mary-Land and the Improved Parts of Pennsylvania & New Jersey...Colonial Mid-Atlantic United StatesBrowne/Senex1719B+unsold
168Carte de la Virginie, de la Baye Chesapeack, et Pays Voisins pour Servir a l'Histoire Generale des Voyages…Colonial Mid-Atlantic United StatesBellin, Jacques Nicolas1757A275.00
169A Map of that Part of America Where a Degree of Latitude Was Measured for the Royal Society: by Cha. Mason, & Jere. DixonColonial Mid-Atlantic United StatesAnon.1769B+220.00
170Carte de la Virginie et du MarilandColonial Mid-Atlantic United StatesLaporte, Joseph de1770A80.00
171Map of the Middle States Designed to Accompany Smith's Geography for SchoolsMid-Atlantic United StatesBurgess, Daniel1839B+46.00
172General Chart of Delaware and Chesapeake Bays and the Seacoast from Cape May to Cape HenryChesapeake BayU.S. Coast Survey1866A475.00
173Virginia et FloridaColonial Southeastern United StatesHondius/Purchas1625A230.00
174Virginiae Item et Floridae Americae Provinciarum, Nova DescriptioColonial Southeastern United StatesCloppenburg, Johannes1632B+325.00
175Virginiae Partis Australis, et Floridae Partis Orientalis, Interjacentiumq Regionum Nova DescriptioColonial Southeastern United StatesBlaeu, Willem1643B600.00
176CarolinaColonial Southeastern United StatesMoll, Herman1746B+450.00
177Carte de la Caroline et Georgie. Pour Servir a l'Histoire Generale des VoyagesColonial Southeastern United StatesBellin, Jacques Nicolas1757Aunsold
178A New Map of the Cherokee Nation with the Names of the Towns & Rivers, They Are Situated on No. Lat. from 34 to 36Colonial Southeastern United StatesKitchin, Thomas1760B+600.00
179Carte de la Partie Sud des Etats Unis de l'Amerique SeptentrionaleColonial Southeastern United StatesBonne, Rigobert1782B+60.00
180La FlorideColonial Southern United StatesDuval, Pierre1661B+unsold
181An Accurate Map of Louisiana, and the Territory in Dispute Between the English & FrenchColonial Southern United StatesRollos, George1760B300.00
182Carte de la Louisiane, et de la FlorideColonial Southern United StatesBonne, Rigobert1780A100.00
183Map of the States of Mississippi, Louisiana, and the Arkansas TerritorySouthern United StatesHinton, John1832B+400.00
184Map of the Southern and Border States, Showing the Actual Positions of the National and Rebel Forces, and of the Blockading Fleets and Vessels...Southern United States, Civil WarColton, George Woolworth1861B+110.00
185County Map of the Louisville & Nashville RailroadSouthern United StatesPoole Bros.1911A70.00
186Southern Ports & Harbours in the United StatesSouthern United States CitiesBartholomew, John1860A110.00
187Louisiana by de Rivier MissisippiColonial Louisiana, Mississippi RiverAnon.1720A+750.00
188Interstate Pipe Lines Connecting the Mid Continent Oil Field with Louisiana and Texas Refineries and Points on the Gulf of MexicoSouth Central United StatesU.S. Geological Survey (USGS)1916B120.00
189Les Etats Unis de l'Amerique Septentrionale, Partie OccidentaleCentral United StatesBonne, Rigobert1785B+250.00
190Map of the Indian Colonies West of Missouri and ArkansasCentral United StatesEastman, Seth (Capt.)1853B200.00
191Map of Kansas, Nebraska and Colorado. Showing Also the Eastern Portion of IdahoCentral United StatesMitchell, Samuel Augustus1861B+120.00
192Johnson's Nebraska Dakota, Colorado Idaho & KansasCentral United StatesJohnson and Ward1864B+80.00
193Sources of the MississippiUpper Midwestern United StatesMurray, John1834B70.00
194[Lot of 5] Topographical Map of the Road from Missouri to Oregon... In VII Sections - Sections II-VIWestern United StatesFremont/Preuss1846C+unsold
195Green River from the Union Pacific Rail Road to the Mouth of White RiverSouthern Wyoming, Northern Utah & ColoradoPowell, John Wesley1873A110.00
1961876 Progress Map of the U.S. Geographical Surveys West of the 100th MeridianWestern United StatesWheeler, George (Lt)1876B+17.00
197[Lot of 3] Department of Columbia Map of the Nez Perce Indian Campaign [and] Map Showing the Country Passed Over, and Wagon Road... [and] Map Showing the Country Passed Over, and Wagon Road...Western United StatesU.S. Army1877230.00
198[Lot of 2] Report of the United States Geological Exploration of the Fortieth Parallel...Systematic Geology [and] Descriptive GeologyWestern United StatesU.S. Government1877-78B+850.00
199[Map in Book] Memoirs of My Life, by John Charles Fremont. Including in the Narrative Five Journeys of Western Exploration, During the Years 1842, 1843-4, 1845-6-7, 1848-9, 1853-4...Western United StatesFremont, John Charles1887B+300.00
200Preliminary Map Showing Present State of Knowledge Relating to Underground Waters in the Central Great PlainsWestern United StatesU.S. Geological Survey (USGS)1904A+80.00
201Pony Express Route April 3, 1860 - October 24, 1861Western United StatesRailroad Companies, (Various)1961B+100.00
202Reconnaissance of Smith's or Blunt's Island Washington... [on sheet with] Sketch of Anacapa Island in Santa Barbara ChannelSmith Island, Washington, & Anacapa Island, CaliforniaU.S. Coast Survey1854B+100.00
203Milk R. to the Crossing of the Columbia R. from Explorations & Surveys Made Under the Direction of Hon. Jefferson Davis, Secretary of War...Northwestern United StatesStevens, Isaac Ingalls1853-55B+100.00
204Johnson's Washington and OregonNorthwestern United StatesJohnson and Ward1862B+90.00
205Map of the Territories of Montana, Idaho and WyomingNorthwestern United StatesWarner, Higgins & Beers1871B+100.00
206Territories of New Mexico and UtahSouthwestern United StatesColton, Joseph Hutchins1855A300.00
207[Lot of 2] Topographical Sketch Showing the Outward and Inward Route of a Party, While Examining as to the Practicability of a Diversion of the Colorado River... [and] Outline Map of Parts of Southern California & South-Western Nevada...Southwestern United StatesWheeler, George (Lt)1875-76A75.00
208Navajoland U.S.A.Southwestern United States1960B+120.00
209Geological Map of Alabama AlabamaTuomey, Michael1849C+240.00
210Map Showing Routes of Travel to Tanana Valley Also Showing Routes of Three Railroads Building to Fairbanks [in] Tanana Valley AlaskaAlaska, Gold1907Bunsold
211Territory of AlaskaAlaskaWhite, Ruth Taylor1935A140.00
212Alaska Far North FrontierAlaska1959A200.00
213Chart of Cooks River in the N.W. Part of AmericaSouthern AlaskaCook/Hogg1784B+55.00
214Valley of the Sun - A Pictorial Guide of Phoenix and Central ArizonaPhoenix, Arizona1947A110.00
215Blaisdell's Map of Arkansas from Government Surveys & Other Authentic SourcesArkansas1915B+140.00
216Map of Public Surveys in California to Accompany Report of Surveyor Genl.CaliforniaU.S. State Surveys1855A80.00
217Geographical, Topographical and Railroad Map of California [in] California - Resources and Possibilities - Seventeenth Annual Report of the California State Board of Trade for the Year 1906CaliforniaCalifornia State Board of Trade1907A120.00
218Sportsmen's and Automobile Road Map [on verso] Thurston's Auto Road Map of Los Angeles Riverside Orange San Bernadino CountiesCaliforniaThurston, Albert1915A+unsold
219California Motor Guide and GazetteerCalifornia1929B+120.00
220Crescent City Harbor California...Crescent City, CaliforniaU.S. Coast Survey1859B+unsold
221Your Pleasure Map of Mendocino CountyMendocino County, California1954B+unsold
222Chart of the Bay of San Pablo Straits of Carquines and Part of the Bay of San Francisco CaliforniaSan Francisco Bay, CaliforniaRinggold, Cadwalader1850B250.00
223Geological Map of the San Francisco PeninsulaSan Francisco, CaliforniaU.S. Geological Survey (USGS)1895B+150.00
224General Map of the Spring Valley Water WorksSan Francisco, California1899A+100.00
225[4 Maps in Report] Plans for an Auxiliary Water System for Fire Protection... [with] Reports on an Auxiliary Water Supply System for Fire Protection for San Francisco, CaliforniaSan Francisco, CaliforniaBritton & Rey1908B+150.00
226[2 Maps in Booklet] San Francisco 1915San Francisco, CaliforniaPoole Bros.1915A+150.00
227San FranciscoSan Francisco, California1974A220.00
228Death ValleyDeath Valley, CaliforniaEddy, Gerald1936B+unsold
229Ride the Roads to Romance Along the Golden Coast and Thru the Sunshine Empire of Southern CaliforniaSouthern California1952A100.00
230Official Transportation and City Map of Los Angeles California and Suburbs...Los Angeles, California1913A150.00
231Walt Disney's Magic Kingdom - Disneyland U.S.A. - Anaheim, CaliforniaAnaheim, California1962A180.00
232The California Pacific International Exposition - San Diego... [on verso] California Pacific International Exposition May 29 to November 11, 1935San Diego, California1935B+180.00
233Colorful Colorado Offers to All America Healthful Climate - Varied Resources - Superb Scenery and RecreationColorado1942A150.00
234District of ColumbiaWashington, D.C.Bradford, Thomas Gamaliel1835B+110.00
235[4 Maps in Report] Supplemental Report of the Chief Engineer of the Washington AqueductWashington, D.C.U.S. Department of Interior1864B+60.00
236Washington - The Beautiful Capital of the NationWashington, D.C.Railroad Companies, (Various)1923B+130.00
237Washington D.C. Points of Interest - A Birdseye View of Our National CapitalWashington, D.C.1952A160.00
238A Plat Exhibiting the State of the Surveys in the State of Florida with ReferencesFloridaU.S. State Surveys1849B+100.00
239Map of a Portion of the State of Florida Showing Drainage District - Official Map of CanalsSouthern FloridaU.S. Government1911A120.00
240Sunshine Trails of Florida Including Railways, Telegraph Stations and Sportsman's MapFlorida1926A120.00
241[Dominique de Gourges and the Timucuas Retake Fort Caroline]Fort Caroline, FloridaGottfried, J.L.1655A210.00
242St. Augus. de FlorideSt. Augustine, FloridaMallet, Alain Manesson1683A90.00
243A View of the Town and Castle of St. Augustine, and the English Camp Before It June 20 1740St. Augustine, FloridaSilver, Thomas1740B+160.00
244Greater Miami In and Out GuideMiami, Florida1943B120.00
245Miami Beach Is Calling YouMiami Beach, Florida1936A75.00
246Announcement Key West Extension of the Florida East Coast Railway Opened January 22nd 1912Key West, FloridaMatthews-Northrup Co1912B+550.00
247The Dole Map of the Hawaiian Islands U.S.A. Being a Descriptive Portrayal of the History, Transportation, Industries and Geography of the Territory of Hawaii, U.S.A.Hawaii1937A400.00
248Hawaii – Our Greatest Defense Outpost...Oahu, Hawaii, World War II1938B80.00
249City of HonoluluHonolulu, Hawaii1910A+unsold
250Panoramic Perspective of the Area Adjacent to Sun Valley Idaho Served Exclusively by Union Pacific RailroadSun Valley, IdahoRailroad Companies, (Various)1930A400.00
251Blanchard's Map of Chicago with the New Street NamesChicago, IllinoisBlanchard, Rufus1909B+240.00
252Chicago Motor Coach Pictorial Map of Chicago [on verso] Chicago Motor Coach Pictorial Map of Downtown ChicagoChicago, IllinoisClason Map Company1925B+120.00
253A New Map of Indiana Exhibiting the Counties, Townships, Cities, Villages, and Post Offices Rail Roads, Canals, and Common RoadsIndianaMendenhall, Edward1866B80.00
254Embouchures du Fleuve St. Louis ou MississipiColonial Louisiana; Mississippi RiverBellin, Jacques Nicolas1763B+unsold
255New Orleans - The Crescent City - Lake Pontchartrain in the DistanceNew Orleans, Louisiana1884B+300.00
256Le Vieux Carre de la Nouvelle OrleansNew Orleans, Louisiana1942B+220.00
257[Lot of 2] Map of the Northern Part of the State of Maine and of the Adjacent British Provinces... [and] Extract from a Map of the British & French Dominions in North AmericaMaineU.S. Government1838B+100.00
258Historical Map of the Maryland Eastern Shore - The Chesapeake Bay Country...Eastern Maryland1947A200.00
259[4 Maps and Views] National Star-Spangled Banner CentennialBaltimore, Maryland1914A60.00
260[2 Maps and Report] Survey of the Valley and Ponds Auxiliary to a Contemplated Canal Between Buzzard's & Barnstable Bays... [and] Profile of a Proposed Route for a Canal Between Buzzards and Barnstable BaysCape Cod, MassachusettsU.S. Government1826B110.00
261A Map of Cape CodCape Cod, Massachusetts1930B+300.00
262Grundriss von der Stadt Boston und Ihren GegendenBoston, MassachusettsBellin, Jacques Nicolas1758A170.00
263View of the Attack on Bunker's Hill, with the Burning of Charles Town, June 17, 1775Boston, MassachusettsLodge, John1783A180.00
264Boston with Charlestown and RoxburyBoston, MassachusettsSDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge1842A140.00
266The Arrowhead of MinnesotaNortheastern Minnesota1929B+600.00
267Diagram of the Surveying District South of TennesseeMississippiGeneral Land Office1845Aunsold
268[Lot of 2] Sketch of the Public Surveys in the State of Mississippi [and] Map of Mississippi Showing Counties, Towns, Villages, Rivers, Railroads and Congressional DistrictsMississippi1866-1903unsold
269Hittin' the High Spots in MontanaMontana1938B+110.00
270Map of the Virginia & Truckee Ry. Showing, Among Other Things, Points of Interest for the Excursionist "Along the Road to the Comstock Lode"Western Nevada, Lake Tahoe1941B+15.00
271A New Map of New HampshireNew HampshireBelknap, Jeremy1791B60.00
272White Mountain National Forest New Hampshire - MaineNew Hampshire1940A750.00
273Land of Pueblos [on verso] City of Santa Fe Santa Fe County New Mexico Santa Fe, New Mexico1950B+120.00
274Map of the State of New York New YorkMagnus, Charles1854B+110.00
275Watson's New County and Township Map of New York Showing Railroads, Stations, Distances, Post Offices, &c. &c. New YorkWatson, Gaylord1873B+130.00
276Historical Map of the State of New YorkNew York1937B+60.00
277The Attack and Defeat of the American Fleet Under Benedict Arnold, by the Kings Fleet Commanded by Sir Guy Carleton, Upon Lake Champlain, the 11th of October, 1776Lake Champlain, Colonial New York, Revolutionary WarFaden, William1776B+6000.00
278Plan of the Position Taken by Genl. Burgoyne on the 10th of Octr. 1777 in Which the British Army Was Invested by the Americans Under the Command of Genl. Gates…Saratoga, New York1818B80.00
279Map of Long IslandLong Island, New YorkBeers, Comstock & Cline1873Bunsold
280A Map of Shelter IslandShelter Island, New YorkShepherd1966A+120.00
281Johnson's Map of New York and the Adjacent CitiesNew York City, New YorkJohnson and Ward1870B+50.00
282Map Showing the Portions of the City of New York and Westchester County Under the Jurisdiction of the Department of Public ParksNew York City, New York1870B+100.00
283New Map of New York City. From the Latest Surveys Showing All the Ferries and Steamship Docks, Elevated, Subways Electric and Cross Town Car LinesNew York City, New York1905B+200.00
284Supervue Map of New York CityNew York City, New York1932A80.00
285A Sight-Seers' Map of ManhattanNew York City, New York1946A180.00
286The Day Before the Great Naval Review - The Fleet Passing Castle William on Its Way Up the HudsonNew York City, New YorkHarper's Weekly1893Aunsold
287Residence of Isaac DyckmanBronx, New YorkHayward, George1861A2.00
288Railroad Map of North CarolinaNorth CarolinaRand McNally & Co.1909B+120.00
289Entrance to Cape Fear River North CarolinaCape Fear, North CarolinaU.S. Coast Survey1866B+110.00
290[10 Maps in Report] Seventh Annual Report of the Commission to the Five Civilized Tribes to the Secretary of the Interior for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1900OklahomaU.S. Government1900B190.00
291[Map in Report] Oklahoma Territory. Compiled from the Official Records of the General Land Office... [in] Report of the Governor of Oklahoma to the Secretary of the Interior...OklahomaGeneral Land Office1906B+120.00
292Map No. 2 From the Northern Boundary of California to the Columbia River from Explorations and Surveys Made Under the Direction of Hon. Jefferson Davis, Sec. of WarOregonWilliamson & Abbot1855B+130.00
293Map of Pennsylvania, Constructed from the County Surveys Authorized by the State; and Other Original Documents, Revised and Improved...PennsylvaniaBarnes, R. L.1850B+unsold
294A Map of the State of PennsylvaniaPennsylvania1942B+unsold
295Gettysburg. Repulse of Longstreet's AssaultGettysburg, Pennsylvania, Civil WarBachelder, John B.1876B+unsold
296Rainey's Map of Monongahela River Coal Region from Pittsburg to West Virginia LinePittsburgh, Pennsylvania1898B150.00
297A Kite View of Philadelphia and the Sesqui Centennial International Exposition...Philadelphia, Pennsylvania1926B+600.00
298Map of the Black Hills of South Dakota - The Sunshine StateBlack Hills, South Dakota1940A+100.00
299The Baken Park Map of the Black Hills Mountain Vacation-Land of South DakotaBlack Hills, South Dakota1958A2.00
300Centennial Edition - Official Map of the Highway System of TexasTexas1936B+190.00
301[2 Maps in Book] Geological Map of a Portion of the Gulf Coastal Plain [and] Spindletop Oil Pool Beaumont District, Texas... [in] Oil Fields of the Texas-Louisiana Gulf Coastal PlainTexas & LouisanaU.S. Geological Survey (USGS)1903A120.00
302Views of Texas and Louisiana Along the Southern Pacific Lines - The Sunset RouteSouthern Texas & LouisianaInterstate Company1947Aunsold
303(Sketch I No. 4) Preliminary Chart of San Luis Pass Texas from a Trigonometrical Survey Under the Direction of A.D. Bache...Galveston Bay, TexasU.S. Coast Survey1853B+120.00
304[Texas] "Mexico and Texas" [in] The North American Review. Vol. XLIIIDocument - Texas1836B+350.00
305A Map of the State of Virginia Reduced from the Nine Sheet Map of the State, in Conformity to Law: by Herman BoyeVirginia & West VirginiaBucholtz, Ludwig von1859B+unsold
306Map of a Part of the Territory of Washington to Accompany Report of Surveyor GeneralWashingtonTilton, James1855B+150.00
307Highways of the State of Washington Department of HighwaysWashingtonRand McNally & Co.1944A150.00
308Part of Evergreen Empire - District Lying Between Seattle and EverettSeattle, WashingtonKroll, Map Company1927A200.00
309Map of Wiskonsin Territory, Compiled from the Public SurveysWisconsinU.S. Government1839B+130.00
310Yellowstone National Park. Northern Pacific RailroadYellowstone National Park, WyomingPoole Bros.1895B+250.00
311A Hysterical Map of Yellowstone Park and the Jackson Hole Country Slightly CockeyedYellowstone & Jackson Hole, Wyoming1936A375.00
312Mexico, Mittel America, TexasUnited States & Mexico, Republic of TexasFlemming, Carl1845B190.00
313Etats-Unis & MexiqueUnited States & MexicoTardieu, Ambroise1863A+120.00
314Mexique ou Nouvelle EspagneSouthern United States, Mexico & Central AmericaMallet, Alain Manesson1683A+70.00
315A Map of Mexico or New Spain Florida Now Called Louisiana and Part of California &c.Southern United States, Mexico & Central AmericaMoll, Herman1717A200.00
316Messico o Nuova Spagna dove si Possono Rintracciare i Movimenti di CortesSouthern United States & MexicoKitchin, Thomas1777B+180.00
317MexiqueSouthern United States & Mexico, TexasDuvotenay, Thunot1846B+95.00
318Mexico, California and TexasSouthern United States & MexicoTallis, John1850B+180.00
319[Lot of 2] Mexico, California & Texas [and] MejicoSouthern United States & Mexico1851A180.00
320[Lot of 2] No. 5. That Part of Disturnell's Treaty Map in the Vicinity of the Rio Grande and Southern Boundary of New Mexico Referred to by U.S. Surveyor... [and] Mexican Boundary B. Extract from the Treaty Map of Disturnell of 1847...Southwestern United States & MexicoU.S. Government1851A100.00
321A Map of Exploration in the Spanish Southwest 1528-1793Southwestern United States & MexicoAutomobile Club of Southern California1932A220.00
322Audience de MexicoMexicoSanson, Nicolas1683B+55.00
323[Lot of 2] Carte du Lac de Mexico et de ses Environs… [and] Carte des Environs de la Ville de MexicoMexico City, MexicoBellin, Jacques Nicolas1754A110.00
324The Bay of HondurasHonduras, Belize & GuatemalaJefferys/Sayer1775B+400.00
325Kaart van de Landengte van Panama, Volgens de Spaansche Aftekeninge OpgemaaktPanamaTirion, Isaac1769A60.00
326Guayane, Terre Ferme, Isles Antilles, et Nlle. EspagneGulf of Mexico, Caribbean & Northern South AmericaBrion de la Tour/Desnos1766B+36.00
327Insulae Americanae in Oceano Septentrionali cum Terris adiacentibusGulf of Mexico & CaribbeanBlaeu, Willem1641B+unsold
328Insulae Americanae in Oceano Septentrionali ac Regiones Adiacentes, a C. de May usque ad Lineam AequinoctialemGulf of Mexico & CaribbeanVisscher, Nicolas1682B550.00
329Map of the European Settlements in Mexico or New Spain and the West IndiesGulf of Mexico & CaribbeanKitchin, Thomas1783B130.00
330Golfe du Mexique, Assujetti aux Observations AstronomiquesGulf of Mexico & CaribbeanLaporte, Joseph de1783A300.00
331[Lot of 2] A Chart of the West Indies, from the Latest Marine Journals and Surveys [and] Golfe du Mexique avec les Isles AntillesGulf of Mexico & Caribbean1783-95A160.00
332Culiacanae, Americae Regionis, Descriptio [on sheet with] Hispanoliae, Cubae, Aliarumque Insularum Circumiacientium, DelineatoCaribbean & MexicoOrtelius, Abraham1603B+250.00
333Is. de Cuba et de IamaicaCuba & JamaicaMallet, Alain Manesson1683A70.00
334Carte de l'Isle de la JamaiqueJamaicaBonne, Rigobert1780Aunsold
335Aity sive SpaniolaHispaniolaBertius, Petrus1600A65.00
336Pascaerte vande Caribes Eylanden, van 't Eylant Granadillos, tot 't Eylant AnguillaLesser AntillesRoggeveen, Arent1675A2200.00
337Pas Kaart van de Caribes Tusschen I. Barbados en I.S. MartinLesser AntillesKeulen, Johannes van1685Aunsold
338Supplement pour les Isles Antilles, Extrait des Cartes AngloisesLesser AntillesBonne, Rigobert1780B+85.00
339Carte Reduite de l'Isle de la Martinique Dressee au Depost des Cartes Plans et Journaux de la Marine...MartiniqueBellin, Jacques Nicolas1758B+200.00
340Carte de l'Isle de Sainte Lucie, pour Servir a l'Histoire Generale des VoyagesSaint LuciaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1758A45.00
341The Island of Barbadoes Divided into Its Parishes, with the Roads, Paths, &c. According to an Actual and Accurate SurveyBarbadosMoll, Herman1745B+120.00
342Map of the Island of Barbadoes; for the History of the West IndiesBarbadosEdwards, Bryan1794A95.00
343Pais qui sont aux Environs de la Riviere de la Plata et du Pais des PatagonsSouth AmericaMallet, Alain Manesson1684A75.00
344Amerique Meridionale Divisee en ses Principales Parties ou sont Distingues les uns des Autres les Estats Suivant Quils Appartiennent Presentement aux Francois, Castillans, Portugais, Hollandois, &c...South AmericaSanson/Jaillot1691B300.00
345Amerique MeridionaleSouth AmericaBonne, Rigobert1780A50.00
346Amerique MeridionaleSouth AmericaLevasseur, Victor1861A75.00
347A New and Accurate Map of Terra Firma and the Caribbe Islands, Drawn from the Most Approved Modern Maps & Charts...Northern South America & Lesser AntillesBowen, Emanuel1747A230.00
348Carte de la Terre Ferme, de la Guyane et du Pays des Amazones Projettee et Assujettie aux ObservationsNorthern South AmericaBonne/Lattre1771B+60.00
349Carte des Provinces de Cartagene, S. Marthe et Venezuela, pour Servir a l'Histoire Generale des VoyagesColombia & VenezuelaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1754A+49.00
350CarthageneCartagena, ColombiaMallet, Alain Manesson1684A65.00
351Carte Reduite des Costes de la Guyane Depuis la Riviere d'Orenoque Jusqu'au Cap de Nord, a l'Entree de la Riviere des Amazones...Guyana, Suriname, French GuianaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1760B+unsold
352Accuratissima Brasiliae TabulaBrazilHondius, Henricus1638A325.00
353BresilBrazilDuval, Pierre1676B+60.00
354Fluvius GrandisNatal, BrazilBarlaeus, Caspar1647A400.00
355I. TamaracaItamaraca, BrazilBarlaeus, Caspar1647A700.00
356Plan de la Baye et du Port de Rio-Janeiro…Rio de Janeiro, BrazilApres de Mannevillette, Jean B. N. D.1775B+350.00
357Carte du Paraguay et des Pays Voisins pour Servir a l'Histoire Generale des VoyagesParaguay & UruguayBellin, Jacques Nicolas1756A+21.00
358[Lot of 2] Peru [and] PerouPeru1600-6375.00
359PeruPeruGerritsz/De Laet1630B+110.00
360ChiliChileHondius, Henricus1633Aunsold
361ChileChile, Aviation1956A275.00
362Carte du Perou ou se Trouvent les Audiences de Quito, Lima et la Plata. Projettee et Assujettie aux Observations AstronomiquesWestern South America, PeruBonne/Lattre1780A45.00
363Le Chili. Tire de Celuy que Alf. de Oualle P. de la C.d.I. a Fait Imprimer a Rome en 1646...Southern South America, ChileSanson/Mariette1656A250.00
364Le Paraguayr, le Chili. La Terre, et les Isles Magellanicques. Tirees de Diverses RelationsSouthern South AmericaSanson/Mariette1656B+200.00
365Royaume de ChiliSouthern South America, ChileMallet, Alain Manesson1684A60.00
366A New and Accurate Map of Chili, Terra Magellanica, Terra del Fuego &c. Laid Down According to the Latest Improvements and Regulated by Astronl. Observatns.Southern South AmericaBowen, Emanuel1747B+220.00
367Chili la Terra Magellanica coll' Isola della Terra del FuocoSouthern South AmericaZatta, Antonio1785A75.00
368PatagonsSouthern South America, Native AmericansMallet, Alain Manesson1684Aunsold
369Acores InsulaeAzoresOrtelius, Abraham1584A+425.00
370Mappa Aestivarum Insularum Alias Bermudas Dictarum... / A Mapp of the Sommer Islands Once Called the Bermudas...BermudaSpeed, John1626B+unsold
371Mappa Aestivarum Insularum, Alias Barmudas Dictarum, ad Ostia Mexicani Aestuary...BermudaHondius/Jansson1644B+unsold
372Carte Reduite de l'Ocean Occidental, Contenant les Cotes Occidentales de l'Europe et de l'Afrique, et les Cotes Orientales de l'Amerique...North AtlanticBuy de Mornas, Claude1761B160.00
373Carte Reduite des Mers du Nord...North AtlanticVerdun de la Crenne1776B+190.00
374Chart of the Atlantic Ocean. With an Illustration of the Character and Rout of a Storm Which Occurred on the American Coast in August 1830North AtlanticBlunt, Edmund1831A100.00
375IslandiaIcelandMercator, Gerard1609B300.00
376Novissima Islandiae TabulaIcelandBlaeu/Valck & Schenk1700A+550.00
377Carte Reduite de l'Islande et des Mers qui en sont Voisines. Pour Servir a la Pesche de la Balaine...IcelandBellin, Jacques Nicolas1767B+300.00
378Septentrionalium Regionum Descrip.Arctic & Northern EuropeOrtelius, Abraham1572B+2300.00
379Gemeine Beschreibung aller Mitnachtigen Lander / alsz Schweden / Gothen / Norwegien / Dennmarck / &c.Arctic & Northern EuropeMunster, Sebastian1588A600.00
380[Greneland]SpitsbergenPurchas, Samuel1704A650.00
381[Lot of 14 - Europe]EuropeMunster, Sebastian1550-52160.00
382Europ, and the Cheife Cities Contayned Therin, Described; with the Habits of Most Kingdoms Now in UseEuropeSpeed, John1626B+2000.00
383Europa Recens DescriptaEuropeBlaeu, Willem1635B1800.00
384Imperii Caroli Magni et Vicinarum Regionum Descriptio, Dedicata et Inscripta Ludovico, Regi, Victori, et Defensori Ecclesiae ChristiEuropeBlaeu, (Family)1652B+300.00
385EuropeEuropeTassin, Christophe Nicholas1655Bunsold
386Europae Situs Naturalis sive Structura Naturae Artificio Elaborata et Geographice Repraesentata Anno M DCCEuropeScherer, Heinrich1700A300.00
387EuropeEuropeHeylin, Peter1703A150.00
388D'Reyse des Apostels Pauli na Roomen Etc.Europe & MediterraneanDanckerts/Wetstein1760B+100.00
389EuropeEuropeLevasseur, Victor1861A60.00
390Axis Crimes - Don't Let Them Happen Here - Old Europe 1942Europe, World War II1942B+250.00
391Anglia, Scotia et HiberniaBritainMercator/Hondius1613A350.00
392Insulae Albion et Hibernia cum Minoribus AdjacentibusBritainBlaeu, Johannes1662A250.00
393Britain as It Was Devided in the Tyme of the Englishe-Saxons Especially During Their HeptarchyBritainSpeed, John1676B+unsold
394A Picture Atlas of the British IslesBritain, Atlases1937A31.00
395Anglesey [on sheet with] Wight Vectis Olim [and] Garnesay [and] IarsayChannel IslandsMercator/Hondius1613A90.00
396Is. de Jersey et de GarneseyChannel IslandsMallet, Alain Manesson1683A55.00
397Northumbria, Cumberlandia, et Dunelmensis EpiscopatusNorthern England & Southern ScotlandMercator/Hondius1628B+150.00
398Eboracum, Lincolnia, Derbia, Staffordia, Notinghamia, Lecestria, Rutlandia, et NorfolciaNortheast EnglandMercator/Hondius1628Aunsold
399Staffordiensis Comitatus; Vulgo Stafford ShireWestern EnglandBlaeu, Johannes1645B+220.00
400The Road from London to Arundel com Sussex...Southeastern EnglandOgilby, John1675B+220.00
401Midle-Sex Described with the Most Famous Cities of London and WestminsterSoutheastern England, LondonSpeed, John1713B+unsold
402Dorsetshyre with the Shyre-Towne Dorchester Described...Southwestern EnglandSpeed, John1662B+375.00
403Cornubia. Sive CornwalliaSouthwestern EnglandBlaeu, Johannes1663B+unsold
404Londres Ville Capitalle del' Angleterre...London, EnglandLa Feuille, Daniel de1710A180.00
405Underground Map of Electric Railways of LondonLondon, EnglandGill, MacDonald1921B+100.00
406London - The Bastion of LibertyLondon, England1946B300.00
407The Daily Telegraph Picture Map of LondonLondon, EnglandGeographia Map Co1951A150.00
408Panorama of London and the River ThamesLondon, EnglandIllustrated London News1845A650.00
409The North and East Ridins of YorkshireNorthern EnglandSpeed, John1713B+unsold
410Beatles MapLiverpool, England1974B+300.00
411Afbeelding van de Stad en Revier van Rochester, Chattam waar in Vertoont wert de Victorieuse uyt Werckinge van s' Landts...Rochester, EnglandStoopendaal, Daniel1732B+unsold
412Anglia RegnumEngland & WalesMercator/Hondius1613A220.00
413A New Mapp of the Kingdome of England, Representing the Princedome of Wales, and Other Provinces, Cities, Market Towns, with the Roads from Town to Town...England & WalesVisscher, Nicolas1694Aunsold
414A Map of England and Wales from the Latest Authorities and ObservationsEngland & WalesBlair, Rev. John1773B+unsold
415Geological Map of England & WalesEngland & WalesRamsay, Andrew Crombie (Sir)1886A150.00
416Map of EnglandEngland & WalesMerry, Tom1888B+170.00
417Principatus Walliae Pars Borealis Vulgo North WalesNorthern WalesJansson, Jan1647Bunsold
418Ceretica; sive Cardiganensis Comitatus; Anglis Cardigan ShireWestern WalesBlaeu, (Family)1645B+unsold
419Penbrokshyre Described and the Sittuations Both of Penbroke and St. Davids Shewed in Due Form...Southwestern WalesSpeed, John1610B+unsold
420Scotia, RegnumScotlandMercator/Hondius1606B240.00
421Geological Map of Scotland Reduced Chiefly from the Ordnance and Geological Surveys...ScotlandGeikie, Archibald [Sir]1910A150.00
422Cathenesia. CaithnessNorthern ScotlandBlaeu, Johannes1662Aunsold
423Edenburg - Edenburgum, Scotiae MetropolisEdinburg, ScotlandBraun & Hogenberg1625Aunsold
424Orcadum et Schetlandiae Insularum Accuratissima DescriptioOrkney & Shetland Islands, ScotlandJansson, Jan1680A300.00
425Regnum Hiberniae Divisum in Quatuor Partes quae sunt Ultonia Conachia Lagenia et Momonia quae et sunt Divisae in Omnes suos ComitatusIrelandWit, Frederick de1687B325.00
426Royaume d'Irlande Divise en ses Quatre Provinces, et Subdivise en ComtesIrelandRobert de Vaugondy, Gilles1750B120.00
427Map of IrelandIrelandMerry, Tom1888B+400.00
428Ultoniae Orientalis ParsNorthern IrelandMercator/Hondius1610Aunsold
429The Countie of Leinster with the Citie Dublin DescribedEastern Ireland, DublinSpeed, John1610B+unsold
430Nieuwe Pascaert, vande Suyt Syde van Yrlandt Beginnende van Blasques tot ande Hoeck van Waterfoort...Southern IrelandKeulen, Johannes van1690B+340.00
431Pascaert vande Noort-Zee om Achter Yrland en Schotland om te Seylen / Mare Germanicum ac Tractus Maritimus Retro Hiberniam et ScotiamNorth Sea & BritainWit, Frederick de1671Aunsold
432[Lot of 2] Carte de la Partie Septentrionale du Royaume de Suede avec une Table des Provinces et Villes Principales [and] Carte de la Partie Meridionale du Royaume de Suede...ScandinaviaChatelain, Henry Abraham1720A200.00
433Scandinavia Complectens Sueciae, Daniae et Norvegiae Regna ex Novissimis Subsidiis Delineata...ScandinaviaHomann Heirs1776A100.00
434Norwege Suede et Danemark ScandinaviaDelamarche, Felix1831B+100.00
435Accurata Scaniae, Blekingiae, et Hallandiae DescriptioSouthern SwedenWit, Frederick de1682B+170.00
436Baltic - The Coast of Sweden Sheet I from Falsterbo Point to Kalmar Sound...Southern SwedenBritish Admiralty1897B+unsold
437Accurate Carte der Uplandischen Scheren mit der Situation und Gegend umb die Konigle Schwedische Haupt und Residentz Stadt StockholmStockholm, SwedenHomann, Johann Baptist1730B190.00
438Norway - West Coast - Urter to Hisken Including the Entrance to the Hardanger Fiord and Approaches to Haugesund and Lervig...Southwestern NorwayBritish Admiralty1895B+unsold
439Nova Totius Livoniae Accurata DescriptioNorthern BalticJansson, Jan1646B+250.00
440Magnae Prussiae Ducatus Tabula, Denuo Correcta et in Lucem EditaBalticVisscher/Schenk1720A+400.00
441Insularum Danicarum ut Zee-landiae, Fioniae Langelandiae, Lalandiae Falstriae, Fembriae, Monae Aliarumq in Mari Balthico Sitar DescriptioDenmarkWit, Frederick de1682B+unsold
442Carte du Royaume de DanemarcDenmark & Southern SwedenDelisle, Guillaume1710B+80.00
443Nova et Accurata Descriptio Totius Fioniae Vulgo FunenSouthern DenmarkValck and Schenk1700B+unsold
444Novus XVII Inferioris Germaniae Provinciarum Typus...NetherlandsBlaeu, Willem1640B+700.00
445Hollandia quae olim Batavia Antiqua Catthorum Sedes...Western NetherlandsQuad, Matthias von Kinckelbach1600B+180.00
446HarderwiickHarderwijk, NetherlandsBlaeu, Johannes1649A80.00
447Ducatus Brabantiae Nova Tabula in qua Lovanii Bruxellarum March S. Imperii Sylvae Ducis et Mechliniae Dominia...Central BelgiumHomann, Johann Baptist1720Aunsold
448Leodiensis DioecesisEastern BelgiumMercator/Jansson1628A35.00
449Ducatus Lutzenburgici Tabula Nuperrime in Lucem EditaLuxembourgWit, Frederick de1671B+180.00
450Nouvelle Carte des Dix-Sept Provinces des Pays-BasLow CountriesChatelain, Henry Abraham1720B+150.00
451Nobilis Hannoniae Comitatus Descrip. Auctore Iacobo Surhonio MontanoSouthern Belgium & Northern FranceOrtelius, Abraham1579Aunsold
452Comitatus Hannoniae in suas Quasque Castellanias Balliviatus Praefecturas et Territoria Accurate Divisi DescriptioSouthern Belgium & Northern FranceHomann, Johann Baptist1716A90.00
453Corso del Reno Parte SettentrioWestern Europe, Rhine RiverCoronelli, Vincenzo Maria1690Bunsold
454Les Frontieres de France et des Pays Bas ou se Trouvent les Comtes de Flandre, Artois, Hainaut, Namur, et Zeelande / Le Bas Rhein ou se Trouvent les Duches de Luxembourg, Limbourg, et Gueldres Espagnole...Western EuropeFer, Nicolas de1691A220.00
455A New Map of Germany. Hungary. Transilvania & the Suisse Cantons. With Many Remarks Not Extant in Any Map...Western EuropeMoll, Herman1712Bunsold
456Martis Area et Alea per Tractum Rheni, Mosellae ac Mosae...Western EuropeSeutter, Matthias1740A150.00
457Illustrations of the Glacier Systems of the Alps and of Glacial Phenomena in General…Western Europe, AlpsJohnston, W. & A.K.1854B+80.00
458Galliae Amplissimi Regni TabulaFranceJode, Cornelis de1593Aunsold
459Le Royaume de France Suivant les Nouvelles ObservationsFranceChiquet, Jacques1719A75.00
460Les Routes Exactes des Postes du Royaume de FranceFranceSeutter, Matthias1730A110.00
461[Lot of 2] Nieuwe en Naaukeurige Kaart van het Noordelykste Gedeelte van Frankryk… [and] Nieuwe en Naaukeurige Kaart van het Zuidelykste Gedeelte van Frankryk...FranceTirion, Isaac1757Aunsold
462Coup d'Oeil General sur la France...France, AtlasesBrion de la Tour/Desnos1765B+unsold
463Caletensium et Bononiensium Ditionis Accurata Delineatio [on sheet with] Veromanduorum Eorumque Confinium Exactissima Descript. Iohanne Surhonio AuctoreNorthern FranceOrtelius, Abraham1570Aunsold
464Artois. Atrebatum Regionis Vera DescriptioNorthern FranceOrtelius, Abraham1579B+110.00
465Ager Parisiensis Vulgo l'Isle de France...Northern France, ParisBlaeu, Willem1634B+100.00
466Normannia Ducatus, tum Superior ad Ortum, tum Inferior ad Occasum, Praefectura Generalis; in qua Distinctissime Exhibentur ejus Archiepiscopatus Rothomagensis...Northwestern FranceValck, Gerard and Leonard1700A80.00
467Novissima Totius Aureliani Generalitatis Exhibitio in suas XII Electiones Stereographico More Divisa…North Central FranceHomann Heirs1762A100.00
468Utriusque Alsatiae, Ducatus Dupontii, et Spirensis Episcopatus Novissima DescriptioNortheastern France & Southwestern Germany, Rhine RiverWit, Frederick de1687B+unsold
469La Bretagne Divisee en ses Neuf Evesches qui font Aussi l'Estendue des Receptes de la Generalite e NantesWestern FranceSanson/Jaillot1696B+unsold
470Dioecese de l'Evesche d'OrleansCentral FranceSanson/Mariette1653A80.00
471Sabaudia Ducatus. SavoyeEastern FranceBlaeu, Willem1634A100.00
472La Souverainete de DombesEastern FranceBlaeu, (Family)1641A100.00
473Dauphine sive Delphinatus Superior et Inferior nec non Ducatus Sabaudiae Pars MaximaSoutheastern FranceLotter, Tobias Conrad1770A120.00
474Carte de Provence et des Terres AdjacentesSoutheastern FranceDelisle/Buache1780B+140.00
475Annessium Vulgo AnnessyAnnecy, FranceBlaeu, Johannes1682A325.00
476Rochella Munitissimum Galliae Opp:La Rochelle, FranceBraun & Hogenberg1593B+130.00
477MarseilleMarseille, FranceBraun & Hogenberg1580B+unsold
478MetsMetz, FranceBraun & Hogenberg1645Aunsold
479SchletzstatSelestat, FranceMunster, Sebastian1552B+21.00
480Vue du Chateau et du Jardin de Versailles / 't Gesigt van't Casteel en de Tuyn van VersailllesVersailles, FranceWit, Frederick de1695B+300.00
481[Booklet with 6 Maps] La BNCI dans la France d'Outre MerFrench Colonies in Africa & Caribbean, Aviation1947Aunsold
482Carte Historique et Geographique des Royaumes d Espagne et de Portugal Divises Selon Leurs Royaumes et Provinces Spain & PortugalChatelain, Henry Abraham1720B+90.00
483Nieuwe Kaart van Spanje en PortugalSpain & PortugalTirion, Isaac1760A+90.00
484EspanaSpain & Portugal1957A+200.00
485Arragonia Regnum. Auctore Joanne Baptista LabannaNortheastern SpainJansson/Valck & Schenk1700A100.00
486Pamplonae, et Iacetanorum EpiscopatusNortheastern SpainJansson/Valck & Schenk1700A+unsold
487La Castille Vieiele et Nouvelle l'Estramadura de Castille et de LeonWestern SpainFer, Nicolas de1706B+unsold
488Portugalliae que olim Lusitania, Novissima & Exactissima Descriptio, Auctore Vernando Alvaro Secco, & de Integro Emendata, Anno 1600PortugalMercator/Hondius1628B+190.00
489Regna Portugalliae et Algarbiae, cum Adjacentibus Hispaniae Provinciis, Quibus in Peculiari et Minori Mappa Adjunctum est Brasiliae Regnum...Portugal & BrazilLotter, Tobias Conrad1762A300.00
490S. Imperium Romano-Germanicum oder Teutschland mit Seinen Angrantzenden Konigreichen und Provincien...Central Europe, GermanyVisscher, Nicolas1690B+110.00
491Mappa Geographica Exhibens Postas Omnes tam Vehiculares quam Veredarias Totius Germaniae...Central Europe, GermanyLotter, Tobias Conrad1740A130.00
492HolsatiaNorthern GermanyMercator/Hondius1607A110.00
493Stormaria Ducatus Auctore Joh: Meyer HusumensiNorthern GermanyBlaeu, Johannes1659Aunsold
494EyfaliaWestern GermanyMunster, Sebastian1552A65.00
495Nassovia ComitatusWestern GermanyHondius/Blaeu1659Aunsold
496[Lot of 2] Le Cours du Rhein Depuis Cologne, Jusques a Rheinberg, ou se Trouvent le Bas Electorat de Cologne... [and] ...Depuis Coblens Jusques a Cologne, ou se Trouvent Partie des Archhevechez et Electorats de Treves...Western Germany, Rhine RiverFer, Nicolas de1702-05B+unsold
497Franckenland in Germania...Central GermanyMunster, Sebastian1578Aunsold
498Territorium Abbatiae Heresfeldensis. 't Stift HirszfeldtCentral GermanyBlaeu, Willem1634Aunsold
499Episcopatus HalberstatCentral GermanyBlaeu, Johannes1659Aunsold
500Misnia Marchionatus. MeissenEastern GermanyBlaeu, Johannes1659B+120.00
501Civitatis Imp. Lindaviensis Territorium. Ita Delineabat Iohannes Andreas RaubenSouthern GermanyBlaeu, Johannes1662B+140.00
502Wirtenberg DucatusSouthwestern GermanyBlaeu, Johannes1662A120.00
503Bavaria DucatusSoutheastern GermanyBlaeu, Willem1659A120.00
504BerlinBerlin, Germany1964A+230.00
505Folio XCI - ColoniaCologne, GermanySchedel, Hartmann1493Aunsold
506Franckfurt an der Oder Anno Dni 1548Frankfurt an der Oder, GermanyMunster, Sebastian1548A75.00
507HamburgHamburg, GermanyMunster/Petri1598B80.00
508Hamburgum Celeberrima Libera Imperii et Hanseatica Civitas... / Hamburg eine Welt Beruhmte Freye Reichs und Hansee...Hamburg, GermanySeutter, Matthias1740A450.00
509Lippe [on sheet with] DortmundLippstadt & Dortmund, GermanyBraun & Hogenberg1620Aunsold
510MagdeburgumMagdeburg, GermanyBraun & Hogenberg1593B+unsold
511Nova Famigerabilis Insulae ac Ducatus Rugiae Descriptio...Rugen, GermanyMercator/Hondius1623A250.00
512[Lot of 3] De Ghelegentheyt ende Belegheringhe van Schencken-Schans... [and] Schencken-Schans [on sheet with] Het Tolhuis [and] 'T Huis te Hal [and] Griethuisen [and] Christina ost Nieu Schenckenschans... [and] SchenckenschansSchenkenschanz, Germany & NetherlandsBlaeu, Johannes1652A350.00
513Polonia et SilesiaPolandMercator/Hondius1630B+90.00
514Palatinatus Posnaniensis, in Maiori Polonia Primarii Nova DelineatioWestern PolandBlaeu, Johannes1663A300.00
515Nova Mappa Geographica Totius Ducatus Silesiae tam Superioris quam Inferioris, Exhibens XVII. Minores Principatus et VI. Libera Dominia...Southwestern PolandLotter, Tobias Conrad1758B+180.00
516Bohemia Newly Described Czech RepublicSpeed, John1626B+700.00
517[Lot of 2] Parte Orientale del Regno di Boemia di Nuova Projezione [and] Parte Occidentale del Regno di Boemia di Nuova ProjezioneCzech RepublicZatta, Antonio1779-80Aunsold
518Die Eydtgnoschafft Punten und Wallis Helvetia cum Confinijs SwitzerlandMerian, Matthaus1695A100.00
519La Suisse, Suivant les Nouvelles Observations de Messrs. de l'Academie Royale des Sciences, Etc...SwitzerlandLeth, Hendrik de1740A70.00
520[Lot of 12] Aus Unserer Heimat 12 BildkartenSwitzerland1960A120.00
521ArgowNorthern SwitzerlandMercator/Jansson1631Aunsold
522Das Wiflispurgergow Gerardo Mercatore AuctoreSouthwestern SwitzerlandJansson, Jan1652B+unsold
523Lacus Lemanni Locorumque Circumiacentium Accuratissima Descriptio. Auctore Iacobo Goulartio GenevensiLake Geneva, SwitzerlandBlaeu, Willem1640B+325.00
524Of dem Hof zu ChurChur, SwitzerlandMunster, Sebastian1558B+24.00
525Austriae Archiducatus Pars Inferior in Omnes Ejusdem Quadrantes Ditiones Accuratissime et Distincte DelineataEastern AustriaVisscher, Nicolas1695B+unsold
526Stiria SteyrmarckSoutheastern AustriaBlaeu, Willem1638B+unsold
527Hungaria RegnumHungaryBlaeu, (Family)1634B+unsold
528La HongrieHungary & RomaniaSanson, Nicolas Fils1750B+unsold
529Briefue Description du Royaume de Poloigne & des Petites Provinces qui sont a l'EnvironEastern Europe, PolandMunster, Sebastian1552A31.00
530La Description Universelle de Hongrie & de Toutes les Parties d'IcelleEastern Europe, HungaryMunster, Sebastian1552B+20.00
531Poloniae Finitimarumque Locorum Descriptio, Auctore Wenceslao Godreccio PolonoEastern Europe, PolandOrtelius, Abraham1572B+800.00
532Russiae, Moscoviae et Tartariae Descriptio. Auctore Antonio Ienkensono Anglo...Russia, Eastern Europe & Central AsiaOrtelius, Abraham1587B+1100.00
533Tabula Russiae ex Autographo, quod Delineandum Curavit Foedor Filius Tzaris Boris Desumta ... M.DC.XIIIIRussia in EuropeBlaeu, Willem1635B+1100.00
534Moscovie dite Autrement Grande et Blanche RussieRussia in EuropeDuval, Pierre1670B+unsold
535Nouvelle Carte des Etats du Grand Duc de Moscovie en Europe Partie MeridionaleRussia in EuropeChatelain, Henry Abraham1720A+110.00
536MoscvaMoscow, RussiaMerian, Matthaus1640Aunsold
537Taurica ChersonesusUkraineHondius/Purchas1625A80.00
538Nieuwe Kaart van Europisch Turkyen na de Alderlaaste Ondekking int Licht GebrachtBalkans, Turkey, & Black SeaTirion, Isaac1733A+130.00
539De Zwarte Zee, Eertyts Pontus EuxinusBlack SeaSanson, Nicolas1705A80.00
540Tabula Synoptica Totius Fluminis Danubii a Fontibus Usque ad Ostia, in qua Omnes Regiones, quas Perfluit et Amnes, quos Recipit, Imprimis Integrum Hungariae Regnum...Black SeaLotter, Tobias Conrad1775Aunsold
541Nouvelle Carte de la Hongrie Divisee Selon ses Differents Etats, avec une Chronologie de ses Ducs et de ses Rois...Southern Europe, HungaryChatelain, Henry Abraham1720B+90.00
542Nieuwe Kaart van 't Koninkryk Hongaryen en Zevenbergen…Southeastern Europe, HungaryTirion, Isaac1769Aunsold
543Sibinium, Ptoloemeo Sicum Vulgo Sibenicho. Dalmatie Opp: [on sheet with] Parens, sive Parentium Vulgo, Parenzo Histrie Opp: [and] Modon, sive Modona, Quondam Methone, Civitas est Littoralis Pelopponesi, in MoreaSibenik & Porec, Croatia & Methoni, GreeceBraun & Hogenberg1575B+unsold
544Sclavonia, Croatia, Bosnia cum Dalmatiae ParteWestern BalkansMercator/Hondius1628B100.00
545[Corso del Danubio da Vienna Sui a Vicopoli, e Paesi Adiacenti - Southeastern Sheet]Western Balkans, Danube RiverCoronelli, Vincenzo Maria1690Bunsold
546Nova et Accurata Regnorum et Provinciarum Dalmatiae, Croatiae, Sclavoniae, Bosniae, Serviae, Istriae, et Reip. Ragusanae...Western BalkansSeutter, Matthias1740B+220.00
547Blat CCLIII - SabatzSabac, SerbiaSchedel, Hartmann1493A180.00
548Ancient Greece with the Islands Adjoyning to ItGreeceBowen, Emanuel1740A100.00
549Peloponesus Hodie Moreae Regnum in Omnes suas Provincias Veteres et Hodiernas Accurate DivisumSouthern GreeceHomann, Johann Baptist1720B90.00
550Sexta Europae Tabula [on verso] Septima Europae Tabula / Quinta Europae TabulaItaly, Sardinia & Western BalkansSylvanus, Bernard1511B3000.00
551ItalieItalySanson, Nicolas Fils1750A45.00
552Carta Economica d'ItaliaItaly1925A450.00
553Golfo di Venezia, Descritto...Eastern Italy & Dalmatian CoastCoronelli, Vincenzo Maria1688Aunsold
554Bononiense Territorium. Auctore Ioanne Antonio Magino [on sheet with] Illmo. et Rmo. Dno, Ioanni Delphino S.R.E. Cardinali, Espicopo Vicentino &c. Novam hanc et Accuratissimam Territorii Vicentini...Northern ItalyOrtelius, Abraham1608Aunsold
555Verona, VincenzaNortheastern ItalyHondius, Jodocus1626Bunsold
556Description du Pais de la ValetolinneNorthern ItalyBoisseau, Jean1643Bunsold
557Taravisina Marchia et Tirolis ComitatusNortheastern ItalyMercator/Jansson1628B+unsold
558Territorio di OrvietoWestern ItalyMagini, Giovanni Antonio1620B+unsold
559Etat de l'Eglise, Grand Duche de Toscane, et Isle de CorseCentral Italy & CorsicaRobert de Vaugondy, Gilles1755Aunsold
560Le Royaume de Naples Divise en Douze Provinces. Sur les Memoires les Plus NouveauxSouthern ItalySanson/Jaillot1692A140.00
561Les Merveilles de Pozzoli ou Pouzzol Cume et Baia ou Bayes. Dans le Voisinage de NaplesSouthern ItalyFer, Nicolas de1705A100.00
562Cratere Maritimo, o Parte del Golfo di Napoli...Bay of Naples, ItalyGaultier, Abbe Aloisius Edouard Camille1754B+unsold
563Niewe en Naukeurige Afbeelding van Oud en Niew Rome, Getekent door Joan Baptist FaldaRome, ItalyHalma, Francois1704A1100.00
564Vorstellung der Bataille bey Parma... / Battaglia Seguita a Parma... [on sheet with] Prospect des Koniglichen Lust-Schlosses Colorno... / Prospetto del Delizioso Palazzo Reggio di Colorno...Parma, ItalyHomann Heirs1740Aunsold
565Vetustiss, ad Mare Thyrrhenum Terracinae OppidumTerracina, ItalyBraun & Hogenberg1581A180.00
566Gezigt op het Tolhuis en de Kerk della Salute by 't inkomen van 't Groote Kanaal te VenetieVenice, ItalyTirion, Isaac1760A110.00
567Siciliae Veteris TypusSicily, ItalyOrtelius, Abraham1584A500.00
568Carte de l'Isle et Royaume de SicileSicily, Italy & MaltaDelisle/Covens & Mortier1730B+unsold
569Etna SiciliaMt. Etna, Sicily, Italy1953A150.00
570MaltaMaltaPorcacchi, Tomaso1576B+250.00
571Tabula Nova Siciliae, Sardiniae, & CorsicaeCorsica, Sardinia & SicilyPtolemy/Fries1541Aunsold
572Sardinia en CorsicaCorsica, SardiniaDoncker, Henrick1670B+200.00
573Natoliae, quae olim Asia Minor, Nova Descriptio [on sheet with] Aegypti Recentior Descriptio [and] Carthaginis Celeberrimi Sinus TypusEastern Mediterranean, Turkey & EgyptOrtelius, Abraham1592A130.00
574Geographiae Sacrae Tabula, quae Totius Orbis Partes ContinetMediterranean & Middle EastSanson, Nicolas1699A+120.00
575De Beschryvingh van de Reysen Pauli, en van de Andere Apostelen...Eastern Mediterranean & Middle EastStoopendaal, Daniel1688A210.00
576Turkyen in AsiaEastern Mediterranean & Middle EastSanson, Nicolas1705A95.00
577Carte Historique, Cronologique, Geographique de l'Empire Grec, avec des Remarques sur les Conquestes d'Alexandre le Grand, Fondateur de Cette EmpireEastern Mediterranean & Middle EastChatelain, Henry Abraham1720A150.00
578De Gelegentheyt van 't Paradys ende 't Landt Canaan, Mitsgaders de Eerst Bewoonde Landen der Patriarchen, uyt de H. Schrifture en Verscheyden Auctoren by een GesteltMiddle East & CyprusVisscher, Nicolas1660A150.00
579Syrien, en Diarbeek Verdeelt in Hunne ScheidingenMiddle East & CyprusSanson, Nicolas1705A80.00
580NatoliaTurkey & CyprusBertius, Petrus1612A50.00
581AnatolienTurkey & CyprusSanson, Nicolas1705A80.00
582Palestinae sive Totius Terrae Promissionis Nova Descriptio Auctore Tilemanno Stella SigenensHoly LandOrtelius, Abraham1572B+500.00
583Perigrinatie ofte Veertich-Iarige Reyse der Kinderen Israels, uyt Egypten door de Roode Zee, ende de Woestyne, tot in't Beloofde Landt Canaan...Holy LandVisscher, Nicolas1660A200.00
584Het Beloofde Landt Canaan door Wandelt van Onsen Salichmaecker Iesu Christo, Neffens Syne ApostelenHoly LandVisscher, Nicolas1660A120.00
585Geographiae Sacrae Tabula, in qua Terra Promissa in suas Tribus Partesq: DistinctaHoly LandSanson, Nicolas1705A120.00
586Palaestina in XII. Tribus Divisa, cum Terris Adiacentibus...Holy LandHomann Heirs1750B+200.00
587Chorographia Terrae Sanctae in Angustiorem Formam Redacta, et ex Variis Auctoribus a Multis Erroribus ExpurgataHoly LandTirinus, Jacobus1760Aunsold
588Ierusalem, cum Suburbiis, Prout Tempore Christi Floruit... / Abriss der Weltberuhmten Statt Ierusalem, samt Ihren vor Statten...Jerusalem, Holy LandSeutter, Matthias1740Aunsold
589Vue et Description de Bethleem et de Nazareth, et de Plusieurs Singularitez Curieuses qui Sevoyent dans ces Lieux SaintsBethlehem, Holy LandChatelain, Henry Abraham1720B+65.00
590'T Steenachtig, Woest, en Gelukkig ArabienArabiaSanson, Nicolas1705A120.00
591Mesopotamia cum Parte BabyloniaeIraqBocharti, Samuelis1712A+180.00
592Tabula Asiae VPersia - IranPtolemy/Ruscelli1561B+unsold
593Persici sive Sophorum Regni TypusPersia - IranOrtelius, Abraham1572B+unsold
594Persia sive Sophorum RegnumPersia - IranBlaeu, Willem1634Aunsold
595'T Ryk van PersienPersia - IranSanson, Nicolas1705A100.00
596Opulentissimi Regni Persiae Juxta Suas Provincias Recentissima et Accuratissima Designatio, Studio et SumtibusPersia - IranLotter, Tobias Conrad1730Aunsold
597Tabula Asiae IICaucasus & Central AsiaPtolemy/Ruscelli1574B+unsold
598Turcomania, Georgien CommanieCaucasusSanson, Nicolas1705Aunsold
599Vue et Description des Principales Villes de l'Armenie et de la Georgie, avec les Habillemens des Femmes du Pays, et ceux des Pretres et Religieux ArmeniensCaucasusChatelain, Henry Abraham1720A+unsold
600Carte de la Perse, de la Georgie, et de la Tartarie IndependanteCentral AsiaBonne, Rigobert1780A26.00
601Asiae Nova DescriptioAsiaOrtelius, Abraham1573B+900.00
602AsiaAsiaHondius, Jodocus1638B+unsold
603Asie Par N. Sanson d'Abbeville Geog. du RoiAsiaSanson/Mariette1650B250.00
604Asia Noviter DelineataAsiaBlaeu, Willem1663B2000.00
605Asiae Nova DescriptioAsiaWit, Frederick de1670Aunsold
606AsiaAsiaSanson, Nicolas1705A150.00
607Asia cum Omnibus Imperiis Provinciis, Statibus et Insulis Iuxta Observationes Recentissimas et Accuratissimas...AsiaSeutter, Matthias1730B+unsold
608Asie Divisee en ses Principaux Etats, Empires & Royaumes...AsiaRobert de Vaugondy/Delamarche1791A250.00
609Carte de l'AsieAsiaMalte-Brun, Conrad1835A21.00
610AsieAsiaLevasseur, Victor1856Aunsold
611Jack Armstrong's Chart Game Adventures with the Dragon TalismanAsia, Games1936B+120.00
612[Lot of 2] Tartaria [and] TartariaNorthern Asia1604-35unsold
613Groot TartaryenNorthern AsiaSanson, Nicolas1705A80.00
614La ChineChinaLe Rouge, George Louis1756A36.00
615La Celebre Ville de Kanton, une des Principales de la ChineGuangzhou, ChinaAa, Pieter van der1729Aunsold
616Vaisseaux et Jachts de Plaisir chez les Chinois, Etc. Scheepen en SpeeljachtenChina, ShipsAa, Pieter van der1729Aunsold
617ChinaChina, Korea & JapanMercator/Hondius1619A1800.00
618China Veteribus Sinarum Regio nunc Incolis Tame DictaChina, Korea & JapanJansson, Jan1636Bunsold
619Some Curious Remarks Upon the Potent Empire of JapanChina, Korea & JapanMoll, Herman1732A75.00
620Nieuwe Kaart van 't Keizerryk China, en de Aangrensende LandenChina, Korea & JapanTirion, Isaac1760B+180.00
621Picture Map of ChinaChina, Korea & Japan1932B+unsold
622La Chine Royaume...China & KoreaSanson/Mariette1656B+unsold
623Iaponia RegnumJapan & KoreaBotero, Giovanni1596Aunsold
624Iaponia RegnumJapan & KoreaBlaeu, Johannes1655B+unsold
625De Eilanden van JapanJapan & KoreaSanson, Nicolas1705A220.00
626Mem-O-Map of Japan and KoreaJapan & Korea1946A+75.00
627Naauw-Keurige Kaart van 't Keizerryk Japan, na de Nieuste Ontdekkingen OpgesteltJapanTirion, Isaac1728Aunsold
628Narrative of the Expedition of an American Squadron to the China Seas and Japan, Performed in the Years 1852, 1853, and 1854...JapanPerry, Matthew (Adm.)1856B+200.00
630The Lure of JapanJapanAnon.1950B+unsold
631[Kyoto]Kyoto, Japan1911A120.00
632Tabula Asiae XISoutheast AsiaPtolemy/Ruscelli1561B+110.00
633'T Gedeelte van Indien aan Geene zyde van den Gangestroom [on sheet with] 'T Half Eilandt van Indien. Aan Geene Zyde vanden GangestroomSoutheast AsiaSanson, Nicolas1705Aunsold
634De Philippynsche Eilanden [on sheet with] Ladronsche of Dieve EilandenPhilippinesSanson, Nicolas1705Aunsold
635Nieuwe Kaart van de Filippynsche, Ladrones, Moluccos of Specery Eilanden, als mede Celebes Etc.Indonesia & PhilippinesTirion, Isaac1744A180.00
636Insulae Indiae OrientalisEast Indies - IndonesiaMercator/Hondius1613A210.00
637[Lot of 6] InsulindeEast Indies - Indonesia1945A100.00
638De Eilanden van Sunda, waar Onder zyn Sumatra, Java, Borneo, Enz.Western IndonesiaSanson, Nicolas1705Aunsold
639Afbeelding naar het Best Orgineel, van de Stad Batavia, en hoe het Verraad der Chineesen op de Zelve, door ede Europiaanen...Jakarta, Indonesia1741B+130.00
640[Francis Drake in Ternate]Moluccas, IndonesiaGottfried, J.L.1655A60.00
641Ein Indianischer Abgesander von Bantham an den Englischen HofJava, Indonesia - NativesWeigel, Christopher1703B+unsold
642'T Half Eilandt van Indien, Aan deze Zyde van den Gangestroom waar in Leggen de Ryken van Decana, Golconda, Disnagar, en MalabarIndiaSanson, Nicolas1705Aunsold
643[On 4 Sheets] Carte de l'Inde Dressee pour la Compagnie des IndesIndia & Sri LankaAnville, Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d'1752B+180.00
644[On 2 Sheets] Carte de la Partie Superieure de l'Inde en Deca du Gange [and] Carte de la Partie Inferieure de l'Inde en Deca du Gange, Contenant l'Isle de Ceylan, les Cotes de Malabar et de Coronmandel...India & Sri LankaBonne, Rigobert1780B+unsold
645'T Ryk van den Grooten MogolNorthern IndiaSanson, Nicolas1705Aunsold
646Indiae Orientalis, Insularumque Adiacientium TypusSouthern & Southeast AsiaOrtelius, Abraham1570B+2000.00
647India quae Orientalis Dicitur, et Insulae AdiacentesSouthern & Southeast AsiaBlaeu, Willem1640B+unsold
648India OrientalisSouthern & Southeast AsiaMercator/Jansson1648B+unsold
649Tabula Indiae OrientalisSouthern & Southeast AsiaWit, Frederick de1662Aunsold
650A Compleat Map of the East Indies, Exhibiting the English Territorial AcquisitionsSouthern & Southeast AsiaDunn, Samuel1774B+220.00
651L'Inde deca et dela le Gange, ou est l'Empire du Grand Mogol et Pays Circonvoisins Tiree de Purchas, et de Diverses Relations les Plus NouvellesSouthern AsiaSanson/Mariette1654Aunsold
652'T Eilandt van Madagascar of van St. Laurens. Getrokken in Sanutus, Enz.MadagascarSanson, Nicolas1705A+120.00
653Nova Africae TabulaAfricaHondius, Jodocus1623B650.00
654Africae DescriptioAfricaMercator/Jansson1628A110.00
655Totius Africae Accuratissima TabulaAfricaWit, Frederick de1680B+unsold
656L'Afrique Dressee Suivant les Auteurs les Plus Nouvea et sur les Observations de Messieurs de l'Academie Royale des SciencesAfricaChiquet, Jacques1719B+80.00
657Africa Secundum Legitimas Projectionis Stereographicae Regulas et Juxta Recentissimas Relationes et Observationes...AfricaHaas/Homann Heirs1737A+300.00
658Africa, Concinnata Secundum Observationes Membror. Acad. Regal. Scientiarum et Nonnullorum Aliorum, et Juxta Recentissimas Annotationes. Per G. de l Isle...AfricaLotter, Tobias Conrad1770B+unsold
659AfriqueAfricaLevasseur, Victor1861A60.00
660Tabula Aphricae INorthwestern AfricaPtolemy/Magini1597Aunsold
661Africae Propriae Tabula. In qua, Punica Regna Vides; Tyrios, et Agenoris UrbemNorthern AfricaJansson, Jan1662B+unsold
662Tab. II. Africae, Complectens Africam Proprie Dictam...Northern AfricaPtolemy/Mercator1730A55.00
663De Stadt Algiers. La Ville d'AlgerAlgiers, AlgeriaStoopendaal, Daniel1700Aunsold
664Fezzae et Marocchi Regna Africae Celeberrima, Describebat Abrah: OrteliusNorthwestern AfricaBlaeu, Willem1638B+140.00
665Maroc Touristique Provinces du NordMorocco1958Aunsold
666Aegyptus Antiqua Divisa in NomosEgyptJansson, Jan1662Aunsold
667Egypte Nommee dans le Pays MissirEgyptAnville, Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d'1765B+110.00
668Alexandrie, Gesticht van Alexander den Grooten, Gelegen aen den Nyl... / Alexandria, Alexandri Magni Opus, ad Nilum Flumen...Alexandria, EgyptSchenk, Pieter1702A60.00
669Temple of Wady Saboua, NubiaWadi es-Sebua, EgyptRoberts, David1847A130.00
670Ruins of Erment, Ancient Hermontis, Upper EgyptArmant, EgyptRoberts, David1848A130.00
671Partie Orientale d'Afrique ou se Trouvent l'Egipte, la Nubie, l'Abissine, et l'Ajan et Partie de la Nigritie, du Grand Desert et du Bildulgerid &c...Northeastern Africa & ArabiaFer, Nicolas de1705B+70.00
672Le Zanguebar Tire de Sanut &c. [on sheet with] Partie du Zanguebar ou sont les Costes d'Adjan et d'Abex &c...Eastern AfricaSanson, Nicolas1656B+36.00
673Insulae & Ars MosambiqueMozambiqueBertius, Petrus1612Aunsold
674L'Afrique, ou Lybie Ulterieure ou sont le Saara, ou Desert, le Pays des Negres, la Guinee, et les Pays Circonu...Western AfricaSanson/Mariette1655A120.00
675GuineaWestern AfricaJansson, Jan1675B+200.00
676Isles du Cap Verd Coste, et Pays des Negres aux Environs du Cap Verd...Western Africa, Cape Verde IslandsSanson, Nicolas1699A+100.00
677Carte Reduite des Costes Occidentales d'Afrique Depuis l'Equateur Jusqu'au Vingtieme Degre de Latitude Meridionale...Western AfricaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1754B+100.00
678Vue & Description de la Ville de Lovango dans le Royaume de Congo avec Plusieurs Particularitez Curieuses Touchant les Moeurs & les Habillemens des Indiens du PaisCongo, NativesChatelain, Henry Abraham1720B+unsold
679Presbiteri Iohannis, sive, Abissinorum Imperii DescriptioCentral AfricaOrtelius, Abraham1573B+650.00
680'T Koninkryk van Congo, Enz.Central AfricaSanson, Nicolas1705B+60.00
681Bobby Benson and the H-O Rangers in AfricaCentral Africa1932B+unsold
682Carte du Pays des HottentotsSouthern AfricaBrion de la Tour, Louis1784B+65.00
683Mer de Sud, ou Pacifique, Contenant l'Isle de Californe, les Costes de Mexique, du Perou, Chili, et le Destroit de Magellanique &c...Pacific OceanCovens & Mortier1721B+unsold
684Carta dell' Ultimo Viaggio del Capitano KookPacific OceanLa Harpe, Jean Francis de1785A230.00
685Tartariae sive Magni Chami Regni TipusNorthern Asia & Northwestern North AmericaOrtelius/Marchetti1598A100.00
686AustraliaAustraliaMorse, Sidney Edwards1856B+130.00
687South and East Coasts of Australia [In Four Charts] Chart No. 2, Cape Northumberland to Cape HoweSouthern Australia & TasmaniaImray, James1879Bunsold
688Italiae, Sclavoniae, et Graeciae Tabule GeographiceTitle PagesMercator, Gerard1595A70.00
689[Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, sive Atlas Novus]Title PagesBlaeu, (Family)1640B+100.00
690Atlas Minor sive Totius Orbis Terrarum...Title PagesVisscher, Nicolas1682B+unsold
691Atlas Historique Tome IVTitle PagesChatelain, Henry Abraham1720A75.00
692Atlas UniverselTitle PagesRobert de Vaugondy/Boudet1757B21.00
693[Lot of 5 - Natives]Prints - NativesSchinz, Heinrich R.1830Aunsold
694Zee-Slagh Tusschen de Hr. Admiraal Michiel de Ruiter, en de Hr. Prins Robbert en Graaf de Estree... 1673Prints - ShipsStoopendaal, Daniel1746B+180.00
695Levi's Round-Up of Cowboy LorePrints - CowboysMora, Joseph Jacinto1960B+400.00
696[Lot of 2] Entree d'Adam dans le Paradis Terrestre, Creation de la Femme. Chute de Nos Premiers Peres [and] Suite de la Chute de l'Homme, sa Nature, Origine des Societes et des Inegalites Politiques Introduites Parmi les HommesPrints - ReligionBuy de Mornas, Claude1761Aunsold
697Nieuwe Volkplanting om WindSatire - Stock TradingAnon.1720B+unsold
698[Illuminated Leaf]Medieval ManuscriptsAnon.1250B+160.00
699[Illuminated Leaf]Medieval ManuscriptsAnon.1300B100.00
700[Illuminated Leaf]Medieval ManuscriptsAnon.1430B+220.00
701[Illuminated Leaf]Medieval ManuscriptsAnon.1450A250.00
702[Illuminated Leaf]Medieval ManuscriptsAnon.1450B+95.00
703[Illuminated Leaf]Medieval ManuscriptsAnon.1460B+80.00
704[Illuminated Leaf]Medieval ManuscriptsAnon.1470B+150.00
705[Illuminated Leaf]Medieval ManuscriptsAnon.1500A28.00
706[Illuminated Leaf]Medieval ManuscriptsAnon.1600B+36.00
707[Book of Hours Leaf]Early PrintingAnon.1500A47.00
708[Book of Hours Leaf]Early PrintingAnon.1500A80.00
709[Book of Hours Leaf]Early PrintingHardouin, Gilles1510B+850.00
710[Book of Hours Leaf]Early PrintingAnon.1530B+120.00
712[Antiphonal Leaf]MusicAnon.1700Bunsold
713[Antiphonal Leaf]MusicAnon.1700Bunsold
714[Antiphonal Leaf]MusicAnon.1700B+23.00
715[Antiphonal Leaf]MusicAnon.1700B+75.00
716[Louisiana Purchase] Columbian Centinel & Massachusetts FederalistDocument - Louisiana Purchase1803B+100.00
717[Oregon Trail] "American Enterprize" [in] The Weekly Register. No. 17 of Vol. IV Document - Oregon Trail1813B150.00
718[Mexican-American War] Niles' National Register, Containing Political, Historical, Geographical, Scientifical, Statistical, Economical, and Biographical Documents, Essays and Facts ... [July 4, 1846, to January 2, 1847...]Document - Mexican-American War1846B120.00
719[Epitome Theatri Orteliani]AtlasesOrtelius/Galle1589A4500.00
720Atlas Portatilis, oder Compendieuse Vorstellung der Ganzen Welt, in Einer Kleinen Cosmographie... AtlasesWeigel, Christopher1745B+1500.00
721[Atlas Minor Praecipua Orbis TerrarumImperia, Regna et Provincias, Germaniae Potissimum...]AtlasesSeutter/Lotter1750A1400.00
722Atlas Geographique Contenant la Mappemonde et les Quatre Parties, avec les Differents Etats d'Europe...AtlasesRizzi-Zannoni, Giovanni Antonio1763A900.00
723Atlas Antiquus Danvillianus. Conspectus Tabularum Geographicarum...AtlasesAnville, Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d'1784B+375.00
724An Universal Atlas, Consisting of a Complete Set of Maps, to Illustrate Ancient and Modern Geography...AtlasesStackhouse, Thomas1800Aunsold
725Atlas Classique et Universel de Geographie Ancienne et Moderne, Compose pour l'Instruction de la Jeunesse...AtlasesLapie, Alexander Emile & Pierre1812A400.00
726Geographical Annual or Family Cabinet AtlasAtlasesStarling, Thomas1832B275.00
727Precis de la Geographie Universelle ou Description de Toutes les Parties du Monde sur un Plan Nouveau...AtlasesMalte-Brun, Conrad1846B+350.00
728Atlas Illustre Destine a l'Enseignement de la Geographie Elementaire 48 Cartes...AtlasesVuillemin/Barbie du Bocage1852350.00
729Mitchell's School Atlas: Comprising the Maps and Tables Designed to Accompany Mitchell's School and Family GeographyAtlasesMitchell, Samuel Augustus1854B+120.00
730[Colton's Atlas of the World, Illustrating Physical and Political Geography ... Volume I. - North and South America, Etc.]AtlasesColton, Joseph Hutchins1856B+1000.00
731Atlas of the United States of North America, Canada, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, Mexico, Central America, Cuba, and Jamaica...Atlases, North AmericaRogers & Johnston1857B1700.00
732[2 Volumes] The Diamond Atlas. With Descriptions of All Countries ... The Western Hemisphere [and] ... The Eastern HemisphereAtlasesMorse & Gaston1859-60B+200.00
733Johnson's New Illustrated (Steel Plate) Family Atlas, with Physical Geography, and with Descriptions Geographical, Statistical, and Historical...AtlasesJohnson and Ward1863B+600.00
734L'Epanouissement du MondeAtlases1948A220.00
735Dictionnaire Universel de Geographie Moderne, Description Physique, Politique et Historique de Tous les Lieux de la Terre...Geography BooksPerrot, Aristide Michel1837B+325.00
736Histoire Generale des Voyages, ou Nouvelle Collection de Toutes les Relations de Voyages ... Tome QuatorziemeExploration & SurveysPrevost, Anton Francois1757B+1600.00
737Journal du Voyage de M. Le Marquis de Courtanvaux, sur la Fregate l'Aurore, pour Essayer par Ordre de l'Academie...Exploration & SurveysMessier, Charles1768B+unsold
738The American Lawyer, and Business-Man's Form-Book; Containing Forms and Instructions...Miscellaneous BooksBeadle, D. W.1851B+80.00
739A Book of Old Maps Delineating American History from the Earliest Days Down to the Close of the Revolutionary WarReferencesFite & Freeman1926B+190.00
740[Lot of 2] Maps and Map-Makers [and] Decorative Printed Maps of the 15th to 18th CenturiesReferences1961-65B+41.00
741Landmarks of Mapmaking - An Illustrated Survey of Maps and MapmakersReferencesTooley & Bricker1968A18.00
742Antique Maps - A Collector's HandbookReferencesMoreland & Bannister1983B+23.00
743The History of Cartography Volume One Cartography in Prehistoric, Ancient, and Medieval Europe and the MediterraneanReferencesHarley, J.B.1987A120.00
744Blaeu's The Grand Atlas of the 17th Century WorldReferences, BlaeuGoss, John1990A85.00
745The City Maps of Europe - 16th Century Town Plans from Braun & HogenbergReferences, Braun & HogenbergGoss, John1992A+55.00
746America de Bry 1590-1634...References, De Bry1990A26.00
747Ortelius Atlas Maps - An Illustrated GuideReferences, Ortelius1996B+60.00
748The French and Indian War 1754-1763 - The Imperial Struggle for North AmericaReferences, French and Indian War1994A8.00
749Atlas of the American RevolutionReferences, Revolutionary WarNebenzahl, Kenneth1974B+11.00
750[2 Volumes] The War with MexicoReferences, Mexican-American War1919B+275.00
751The Cartography of North America 1500-1800References, North AmericaPortinaro & Knirsch1987A17.00
752The Mapping of AmericaReferences, North AmericaTooley, R. V.1988A80.00
753Mapping the West - America's Westward Movement 1524-1890References, Western United States2002B+11.00
754After Lewis & Clark - The Forces of Change, 1806-1871References, Western United States2006A+46.00
755Printed Maps of London Circa 1553-1850References, London1978A75.00
756The History of Cartography Volume Two, Book One - Cartography in the Traditional Islamic and South Asian SocietiesReferences; Islamic Cartography & Southern AsiaWoodward, David1992A80.00
757The History of Cartography Volume Two, Book Two - Cartography in the Traditional East and Southeast Asian SocietiesReferences, Eastern & Southeast AsiaWoodward, David1994A200.00
758Early Mapping of Southeast AsiaReferences, Southeast AsiaSuarez, Thomas1999A+41.00