1 | [Lot of 8] Planisphere [and] Amerique Septentrionale [and] Amerique Meridionale [and] Afrique [and] Asie [and] Europe [and] Oceanie [and title page] Atlas National Illustre des 86 Departements et des Possessions de la France... | World & Continents | Levasseur, Victor | 1852 | A | 800.00 |
2 | Nova Totius Terrarum Orbis Geographica ac Hydrographica Tabula | World | Blaeu, Willem | 1635 | B | 6000.00 |
3 | Orbis Terrarum Tabula Recens Emendata et in Lucem Edita | World | Visscher, Nicolas | 1663 | A | 1100.00 |
4 | Mappa Mondo o Vero Carta Generale del Globo Terestre Rapresentato in Due Planisferi... | World | Rossi, Giamcomo Giovanni | 1674 | B | 250.00 |
5 | A New Mapp of the World | World | Greene, Robert | 1676 | B+ | 12000.00 |
6 | [Untitled - World] | World | Peeters, Jacques | 1692 | B+ | 250.00 |
7 | Tabula Geographico-Hydrographica Motus Oceani Currentes, Abyssos, Montes Igniuomos in Universo Orbe... | World | Zahn, Johannes | 1696 | A | 1300.00 |
8 | Werelt Caert | World | Stoopendaal, Daniel | 1700 | A | 900.00 |
9 | Mappe-Monde Dressee sur les Observations de Mrs. de l'Academie Royale des Sciences et Quelques Autres et sur les Memoires les Plus Recens... | World | Delisle, Guillaume | 1700 | B+ | unsold |
10 | Basis Geographiae Recentioris Astronomica in qua Situs Locorum Insigniorum Geographici ea Exactitudine, qua Celeberrimi Astronomi Eosdem per Observationes... | World | Doppelmayr/Homann | 1720 | B | unsold |
11 | Planiglobii Terrestris cum Utroq Hemisphaerio Caelesti Generalis Repraesentatio quam ex Novissimis Probatissimisque Recentum Geographorum... | World | Homann, Johann Baptist | 1720 | B+ | 1000.00 |
12 | Il Mappamondo o sia Descrizione Generale del Globo Ridotto in Quadro | World | Zatta, Antonio | 1774 | A | unsold |
13 | Mappe-Monde en Deux Hemispheres, l'Oriental et l'Occidental | World | Bonne, Rigobert | 1781 | A | 120.00 |
14 | A Map of the World, According to the Latest Discoveries | World | Bowles & Carver | 1785 | A | unsold |
15 | A Map of the World in Three Sections, Describing the Polar Regions to the Tropics in Which Are Traced the Tracks of Lord Mulgrave and Captain Cook Towards the North & South Poles... | World & Polar | Bell, Andrew | 1786 | B+ | 120.00 |
16 | Kaart van de Geheele Wereld na de Alderlaatste Ondekkingen... | World | Gravius, N. T. | 1787 | B+ | 120.00 |
17 | Mappe-Monde sur la Projection Reduite de Mercator | World | Chamouin, Jean Baptiste Marie | 1809 | A | 80.00 |
18 | [Lot of 2] Western Hemisphere [and] Eastern Hemisphere | World | SDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge | 1835 | B+ | 90.00 |
19 | Welt-Karte der Mission | World | | 1850 | B+ | unsold |
20 | [Lot of 2] Western Hemisphere [and] Eastern Hemisphere | World | Tallis, John | 1850 | B+ | 170.00 |
21 | Illustrated New World with Portions of the Old on Mercator's Projection | World | Phelps & Watson | 1860 | B | unsold |
22 | [Lot of 2] Western Hemisphere - Map of Discovery [and] Eastern Hemisphere - Map of Discovery | World | National Geographic Magazine | 1928 | B+ | 150.00 |
23 | Carriers of the New Black Plague | World, World War II | | 1938 | A | 125.00 |
24 | Colton's Map of the World on Mercator's Projection | World | Colton, Joseph Hutchins | 1856 | B+ | 180.00 |
25 | World Map of the Major Tropical Diseases | World | | 1944 | A | 125.00 |
26 | Orbis Terrarum Veteribus Cogniti Typus Geographicus | Ancient World | Jansson, Jan | 1680 | B+ | unsold |
27 | [Prophetien - Vervullingen] | Ancient World | Hooghe, Romain de | 1700 | A | 950.00 |
28 | [Lot of 2] Theatrum Historicum ad Annum Christi Quadringentesimu in quo tum Imperii Romani tu Barbarorum Circumincolentiu Status ob Oculos Ponitur Pars Occidentalis [and] ... Pars Orientalis | Ancient World | Delisle, Guillaume | 1705 | A | 350.00 |
29 | Afbeeldinge der Oude Waereld; Benevens Derzelver Verdeling Onder de Nakomelingen Noachs | Ancient World | Bachiene, Willem Albert | 1749 | B+ | 160.00 |
30 | Orbis Veteribus Noti Tabula Nova Auctore Guillelmo del' Isle... | Eastern Hemisphere | Cluver, Philipp | 1729 | A | unsold |
31 | [Lot of 2] Division Generale et Naturelle de la Terre, Suivant les Anciens [and] Zones une Zone est un Espace de Terre, Diversement Appelle de la Differente Temperature de l'Air... | Eastern Hemisphere | Buy de Mornas, Claude | 1761 | B+ | 60.00 |
32 | A New & Accurate Map of the North Pole, with All the Countries Hitherto Discovered Situated Near or Adjacent to It as Well as Some Others More Remote... | North Pole | Bowen, Emanuel | 1747 | A | 300.00 |
33 | Chica sive Patagonica et Australis Terra | South Pole, Antarctica | Wytfliet, Cornelis | 1597 | B+ | 1600.00 |
34 | De Zuid Pool waar in Aangetoont Werd Alle de Nieuwe Landen tot op Heeden toe Ondekt... [on sheet with] Het Gezigt van t' Land en Kaap der Besnydenis of Kaap Circoncision... [and] De Salomons Eilanden... | South Pole | Keizer/De Lat | 1747 | A | 100.00 |
35 | Carte de l'Hemisphere Austral Montrant les Routes des Navigateurs les Plus Celebres | South Pole | Cook/Benard | 1774 | B+ | 210.00 |
36 | Hemisphaerium Coeli Australe, in quo Loca Stellarum Fixarum Secundum Aequatorem, per Ascensiones Nempe Rectas et Declinationes ad Anum Christi 1730... | Celestial | Doppelmayr/Homann | 1742 | A | unsold |
37 | Neuester Himmels-Atlas zum Gebrauche sur Schul- und Akademischen Unterricht, nach Flamsteed, Bradley, Tob. Mayer, De la Caille, Le Francais de la Lande und v. Zach... | Celestial Atlas | Goldbach, Christian Friedrich | 1803 | B+ | 1500.00 |
38 | Atlas, Designed to Illustrate the Geography of the Heavens, Comprising the Following Maps or Plates... | Celestial Atlas | Burritt, Elijah H. | 1835 | B+ | 350.00 |
39 | Systema Mundi Tychonicum Secundum Celeberrimorum Astronomorum Tychonis de Brahe et Io. Baptistae Riccioli... | Solar System | Doppelmayr/Homann | 1742 | B | unsold |
40 | Hoc Schema Demonstrat Terram Osse Globosam... | Solar Eclipses | Cluver, Philipp | 1729 | B+ | 60.00 |
41 | The Moon: Considered as a Planet, a World, and a Satellite | Moon | | 1885 | A | unsold |
42 | [Globe Horizon Ring] | Cartographic Miscellany, Globe | Anon. | 1750 | B+ | 240.00 |
43 | Globe Terrestre | Cartographic Miscellany, Globe | Brion de la Tour/Martinet | 1761 | B+ | 70.00 |
44 | [Set of 6 Puzzle Maps] | Cartographic Miscellany, Puzzle Maps, World & Continents | | 1890 | B | 300.00 |
45 | The Game of Grab | Cartographic Miscellany, World | Judge Company | 1903 | B+ | 250.00 |
46 | The Commonwealth of Nations - or the British Empire | Cartographic Miscellany, World | | 1937 | B+ | 100.00 |
47 | Turkey Gobblers After Their Rations | Cartographic Miscellany, Ottoman Empire | Daily Graphic | 1875 | A | unsold |
48 | [Japan & Neighboring Islands Decorative Plate] | Cartographic Miscellany, Japan | Anon. | 1830-44 | A | 500.00 |
49 | Geographical Guide to a Man's Heart with Obstacles and Entrances Clearly Marked [on sheet with] Geographical Guide to a Woman's Heart Emphasizing Points of Interest to the Romantic Traveler | Cartographic Miscellany, Fictional Map | | 1960 | A+ | 325.00 |
50 | The Ian Fleming Thriller Map | Cartographic Miscellany, Literary Map | | 1987 | A | 85.00 |
51 | The Ultimate PC [on verso] The Ultimate Specs | Cartographic Miscellany, Technology | | 1995 | A | unsold |
52 | Road Map to the World Wide Web - The World Wide Web Business and Beyond | Cartographic Miscellany, Internet | | 1995 | A | unsold |
53 | Universale della Parte del Mondo Nuovamente Ritrovata | Western Hemisphere - America | Gastaldi/Ramusio | 1565 | A | 2400.00 |
54 | Americae sive Novi Orbis, Nova Descriptio | Western Hemisphere - America | Ortelius, Abraham | 1572 | B+ | 6500.00 |
55 | America | Western Hemisphere - America | Hondius, Jodocus | 1606 | B+ | 3250.00 |
56 | Totius Americae Septentrionalis et Meridionalis Novissima Repraesentatio quam ex Singulis Recentium Geographorum Tabulis... | Western Hemisphere - America | Homann, Johann Baptist | 1730 | B | 400.00 |
57 | Novus Orbis sive America Meridionalis et Septentrionalis, per sua Regna, Provincias et Insulas Iuxta Observationes et Descriptiones Recentiss. Divisa et Adornata Cura et Opera | Western Hemisphere - America | Seutter, Matthias | 1740 | B+ | 850.00 |
58 | Nieuwe Kaart van het Wesetlykste Deel der Weereld, Dienende tot Aanwyzing van de Scheepstogten der Nederlanderen naar Westindie… | Western Hemisphere - America | Tirion, Isaac | 1754 | B+ | unsold |
59 | Nuova ed Esatta Carta della America Ricavata dalle Mappe, e Carte Piu Approvate | Western Hemisphere - America | Pazzi, Giuseppe | 1763 | B+ | 100.00 |
60 | L'Amerique Divisee en ses Prinicipaux Etats Assujettie aux Observations Astronomiqes | Western Hemisphere - America | Janvier/Santini | 1776 | A | 300.00 |
61 | Charte von America nach den Neuesten u. Zwerlassigsten Astronomischen Ortsbestinungen Reisebeschreibungen und Charten Entworfen | Western Hemisphere - America | Walch, Johannes | 1818 | A | 280.00 |
62 | A New Map of America, from the Latest Authorities | Western Hemisphere - America | Cary, John | 1821 | B | 200.00 |
63 | Geographical, Historical, and Statistical Map of America | Western Hemisphere - America | Carey & Lea | 1821 | B+ | 90.00 |
64 | North & South America; for the Elucidation of the Abbe Gaultier's Geographical Games | Western Hemisphere - America, Franklin | Aspin, Jehoshaphat | 1823 | B+ | 300.00 |
65 | Carte d'Amerique, Dressee pour l'Instruction, part Guil. Delisle et Phil. Buache, Premiers Geographes du Roi... | Western Hemisphere - America | Delisle/Dezauche | 1826 | A | 350.00 |
66 | Il Nuovo Mondo Diviso Nelle sue Principali Contrade | Western Hemisphere - America | Marmocchi, Francesco | 1838 | B+ | unsold |
67 | [Map in Magazine] The Routes of the Flying Clipper Ships [in] New Horizons | Western Hemisphere - America | | 1936 | A | 100.00 |
68 | Pictorial Map of the American Continent Featuring the Pan American Highway and Showing Some of the Natural Resources, Scenic Wonders, and Points of Interest | Western Hemisphere - America | | 1945 | A | 120.00 |
69 | L'America Settentrionale Nuovamente Corretta, et Accresciuta Secondo le Relationi Piu Moderne, da Guglielmo Sansone... | Colonial North America | Sanson/Rossi | 1677 | B | 1400.00 |
70 | L'Amerique Septentrionale Dressee sur les Observations de Mrs. de l'Academie Royale des Sciences. & Quelques Autres, & sur les Memoires les Plus Recens | Colonial North America | Delisle/Covens & Mortier | 1730 | B+ | 550.00 |
71 | L'Amerique Septentrionale | Colonial North America | Le Rouge, George Louis | 1748 | B+ | 200.00 |
72 | North America | Colonial North America | Jefferys, Thomas | 1758 | B+ | 170.00 |
73 | Amerique Septentrionale | Colonial North America | Bonne, Rigobert | 1780 | B+ | 120.00 |
74 | A New & Accurate Map of North America; with the New Discovered Islands on the North East Coast of Asia | North America | Bowen, Thomas | 1787 | A | unsold |
75 | North America | North America | Barker, William | 1800 | B+ | 90.00 |
76 | North America from the Best Authorities | North America | Baker, Benjamin | 1812 | A | 75.00 |
77 | Carte de l'Amerique Septentrionale | North America | Lapie, Alexander Emile & Pierre | 1830 | B+ | 75.00 |
78 | North America | North America | Chambers, William & Robert | 1846 | B+ | 95.00 |
79 | Amerique Septentrionale | North America, Texas | Levasseur, Victor | 1851 | A+ | 200.00 |
80 | Colton's Map of the United States of America, the British Provinces, Mexico and the West Indies. Showing the Country from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean | North America | Colton, Joseph Hutchins | 1856 | B | 800.00 |
81 | [Map with Book] Linguistic Stocks of American Indians North of Mexico [with] Seventh Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution 1885-'86 | North America | Powell, John Wesley | 1891 | A | 650.00 |
82 | Carte du Mexique et de la Floride des Terres Angloises et des Isles Antilles du Cours et des Environs de la Riviere de Mississipi... | Colonial Eastern North America & West Indies | Delisle, Guillaume | 1703 | B+ | 1600.00 |
83 | Carte de la Californie et des Pays Nord-Ouest Separes de l'Asie par le Detroit d'Anian... | Western North America | Robert de Vaugondy/Diderot | 1772 | A | 90.00 |
84 | Map of the Western & Middle Portions of North America, to Illustrate the History of California, Oregon and the Other Countries on the North-West Coast of America | Western North America, Texas | Greenhow, Robert | 1844 | B | 180.00 |
85 | Canada - 100 Important New Resources... / 100 Nouvelles Ressources Importantes... | Canada | | 1950 | A | 34.00 |
86 | Nova Francia et Canada | Eastern Canada | Wytfliet, Cornelis | 1597 | A | 3500.00 |
87 | Carte de la Baye de Hudson | Eastern Canada, Hudson Bay | Bellin, Jacques Nicolas | 1744 | A | 70.00 |
88 | Le Detroit de Belle-Isle | Eastern Canada | Bellin, Jacques Nicolas | 1764 | A | 50.00 |
89 | Isle de Terre-Neuve | Newfoundland, Canada | Robert de Vaugondy | 1749 | A | 70.00 |
90 | Carte du Golphe de St. Laurent et Pays Voisins pour Servir a l'Histoire Generale des Voyages | St. Lawrence Bay, Canada | Bellin, Jacques Nicolas | 1780 | A | 70.00 |
91 | Chart of Part of the Coast of Nova Scotia. From Documents in the Hydographical Office of the Admiralty. April 1824. Sheet III | Nova Scotia, Canada | British Admiralty | 1831 | B+ | 150.00 |
92 | Mining Recording Divisions - Map of the West Division of Kootenay District and a Portion of Lillooet, Yale & East Kootenday, B.C. | British Columbia, Canada, Mining | | 1897 | B | 190.00 |
93 | North America - West Coast Strait of Georgia - Sheet I. Between Vancouver I. & British Columbia - Fraser R, to N.E. Pt. of Texada I. Including Howe Sound & Jervis Inlet... | Strait of Georgia | British Admiralty | 1865 | B | 140.00 |
94 | [Untitled - A Strange Creature at St. John's Harbour] | St. John's Harbor, Canada | Bry, Theodore de | 1631 | A | 375.00 |
95 | Partie de la Carte du Capitaine Cluny Auteur d'un Ouvrage Anglois Intitule American Traveller Publie a Londres en 1769 | Colonial United States & Canada, Arctic | Robert de Vaugondy, Didier | 1773 | A | unsold |
96 | Le Canada, ou Nouvelle France, &c. Tiree de Diverses Relations des Francois, Anglois, Hollandois, &c | Colonial Eastern United States & Canada, Great Lakes | Sanson, Nicolas | 1700 | A+ | 375.00 |
97 | A New Map of ye North Parts of America Claimed by France Under ye Names of Louisiana, Mississipi, Canada & New France. With the Adjoyning Territories of England & Spain | Colonial Eastern United States & Canada | Moll, Herman | 1736 | B | 400.00 |
98 | [Map in Book] A Map of Carolana and of the River Meschacebe &c. [in] A Description of the English Province of Carolana. By the Spaniards Call'd Florida, and by the French, la Louisiane | Colonial Eastern United States & Canada | Coxe, Daniel | 1741 | A | 7500.00 |
99 | A New & Accurate Map of North America; from the Best Authorities | Colonial Eastern United States & Canada | Cary, John | 1780 | A | 150.00 |
100 | Carte Generale des Etats-Unis de l'Amerique Septentrionale, Renfermant Aussi Quelques Provinces Angloises Adjacentes, pour les Lettres d'un Cultivateur Ameriquain | Eastern United States & Canada, Franklin | Crevecoeur, Michel Guillaume De | 1787 | B+ | 450.00 |
101 | Etats Unis et Canada | Eastern United States & Canada, Texas | Monin, Charles V. | 1830 | B | 60.00 |
102 | [Lot of 14 - United States & Canada] | Eastern United States & Canada | SDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge | 1835 | A | 600.00 |
103 | Dawson's Map of the Dominion of Canada | Eastern United States & Canada | | 1888 | B+ | 85.00 |
104 | Canada ou Nouvelle France | Colonial Northeastern United States & Canada | Mallet, Alain Manesson | 1683 | A | 200.00 |
105 | A New Map of the Province of Quebec in North America; Drawn from the Best Authorities | Colonial Northeastern United States & Canada | Kitchin, Thomas | 1764 | B+ | 160.00 |
106 | An Exact Chart of the River St. Laurence, from Fort Frontenac to the Island of Anticosti Shewing the Soundings, Rocks, Shoals &c with Views of the Lands and All Necessary Instructions for Navigating that River to Quebec... | Colonial Northeastern United States & Canada | Jefferys/Sayer | 1775 | B+ | 400.00 |
107 | [Lot of 2] Carte Particuliere de la Cote du Nord-Ouest de l'Amerique Reconnue par les Fregates Francaises la Boussole et l'Astrolabe en 1786. 1e Feuille [and] ... 2e Feuille | Northwestern United States & Canada, Alaska | La Perouse, Comte Jean F. Galoup, de | 1797 | B | unsold |
108 | The Pacific Coast Automobile Blue Book - 1915-1916 - California Washington Oregon British Columbia | Western United States & Canada | | 1915 | B | 100.00 |
109 | Amer. Sep. Partie de la Nouvelle Bretagne. No. 32 | Northwestern United States & Canada | Vandermaelen, Philippe Marie Guillaume | 1825-27 | A | 200.00 |
110 | The Triangle Tour of British Columbia - Jasper National Park Mount Robson Park Canadian Rockies and the Scenic Seas of the North Pacific Coast [on verso] Alaska and the Yukon | Northwestern United States & Canada | Railroad Companies, (Various) | 1930 | A | unsold |
111 | Strait of Juan de Fuca and the Channels Between the Continent & Vancouver Id. Showing the Boundary Line Between British & American Possessions | Washington & British Columbia | U.S. Hydrographic Office | 1872 | B | 300.00 |
112 | [Map in Book] Carte Generale des Etats-Unis pour Servir a l'Histoire de la Louisiane [in] Histoire de la Louisiane et de la Cession de Cette Colonie par la France aux Etats-Unis de l'Amerique Septentrionale... | United States, Louisiana Purchase | Barbe-Marbois, Francois | 1829 | A | 500.00 |
113 | [Lot of 3] Aboriginal America, East of the Mississippi [and] Map of the Indian Colonies West of Missouri and Arkansas [and] Outline Map of Indian Localities in 1833 | United States | | 1844-87 | | 120.00 |
114 | United States North America | United States | Swanston/Fullarton | 1852 | B+ | 160.00 |
115 | Colton's Map of the United States of America | United States | Johnson & Browning | 1855 | B+ | 300.00 |
116 | A New Map of the United States of America by J.H. Young | United States | Desilver, Charles | 1857 | B+ | 200.00 |
117 | Phelps' New National Map of the United States | United States | Phelps & Watson | 1859 | B | 1400.00 |
118 | Geological Map of the United States Compiled for the 9th Census by C.H. Hitchcock and W.P. Blake | United States | Hitchcock, Charles Henry | 1872 | B+ | 300.00 |
119 | Carte Ecclesiastique des Etats-Unis d'Amerique Dressee Specialement pour le Bulletin Hebdomadaire les Missions Catholiques | United States | | 1877 | A | 180.00 |
120 | [Map in Book] Map of the Indian Reservations Within the Limits of the United States [in] Annual Report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs to the Secretary of the Inferior for the Year 1883 | United States | U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs | 1883 | B+ | 170.00 |
121 | Map Exhibiting the Several Pacific Railroads Prepared for the Report on the Internal Commerce of the United States by the Chief of the Bureau of Statistics | United States | Rand McNally & Co. | 1884 | B | 150.00 |
122 | United States Compiled Under the Direction of Henry Gannett, Chief Topographer... | United States | U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) | 1898 | A | 220.00 |
123 | [On 4 Sheets] Geologic Map of the United States | United States | U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) | 1932 | B+ | 475.00 |
124 | Dixon's Mickey Mouse Map of the United States | United States | | 1932 | A | 240.00 |
125 | Sights to See in Every State - And There Are Ever So Many More That Could Never Be Shown on a Map of This Size | United States | | 1936 | A | 50.00 |
126 | A Good-Natured Map of the United States Setting Forth the Services of the Greyhound Lines and a Few Principal Connecting Bus Lines | United States | | 1939 | A | 80.00 |
127 | Portrait of America 1939 | United States, World War II | | 1939 | A | 65.00 |
128 | Colortext Story Map of the United States of America [on verso] The Colortext World in Black and White Mercator Projection | United States | | 1944 | A | 160.00 |
129 | Illustrierte Karte der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika mit Darstellung der Regionalen Bodenschatze, Produckte und Landschaftlichen Besonderheiten | United States | | 1952 | A | 25.00 |
130 | United States of America - A Map of History and Other Best Pleasures and Treasures | United States | | 1953 | B+ | 100.00 |
131 | Stati Uniti - Grande Atlante dei Paesi d'America Seconda Tavola | United States | | 1958 | B+ | unsold |
132 | Folklore and Legends of Our Country | United States | | 1960 | A | 90.00 |
133 | Carte de la Louisiane et du Cours du Mississipi Dressee sur un Grand Nombre de Memoires Entr' Autres sur ceux de Mr. le Maire | Colonial Eastern United States, Louisiana Territory | Delisle/Covens & Mortier | 1730 | A | 1600.00 |
134 | [Untitled - North America, Louisiana, Virginia & Carolina] [in] The Gentleman's Magazine ... For June 1763 | Colonial Eastern United States | Gibson, John | 1763 | B | 120.00 |
135 | Part of the United States of North America | Eastern United States | Stockdale, John | 1798 | A | 140.00 |
136 | [Atlas Volume] The Life of George Washington. Maps and Subscribers' Names | Eastern United States, Revolutionary War | Marshall, John | 1807 | B | 600.00 |
137 | [On 4 Sheets] United States of Nth America - Carte des Etats-Unis de l'Amerique Septentrionale Copiee et Gravee sur celle d'Arrowsmith... | Eastern United States | Tardieu, Pierre Francois | 1812 | B+ | 3500.00 |
138 | The United States of America | Eastern United States | Cary, John | 1819 | A | 275.00 |
139 | [Map in Book] The United States of America [in] The Rambler in North America (Volume 1) | Eastern United States | | 1836 | B | 76.00 |
140 | [12 Maps in Report] Report from the Commissioner of the General Land Office, Showing the Operations of that Office since the 17th December, 1838 | Eastern United States | General Land Office | 1839 | | 50.00 |
141 | United States | Eastern United States | Black, Adam & Charles | 1840 | B | 40.00 |
142 | United States | Eastern United States | Hall, Sidney | 1849 | A | 110.00 |
143 | Map Showing the Line of the Norfolk and Western and Shenandoah Valley Railroads and Their Connection with the Virginia, Tennessee & Georgia Air Line [with report] First Annual Report of the President and Directors of the Norfolk & Western Railroad Company | Eastern United States | Colton, G.W. & C.B. | 1881 | B+ | 60.00 |
144 | The Dixie Tour | Eastern United States | The Automobile Club of America | 1917 | A | 100.00 |
145 | A Map of the Most Inhabited Part of New England, Containing the Provinces of Massachusets Bay and New Hampshire, with the Colonies of Conecticut and Rhode Island... | Colonial New England United States | Jefferys, Thomas | 1755 | B+ | unsold |
146 | [Lot of 2] Massachusetts Rhode-Island and Connecticut [and] Maine New Hampshire and Vermont | New England United States | Morse, Sidney Edwards | 1823 | B+ | 100.00 |
147 | Map of Maine New Hampshire and Vermont | New England United States | Hinton, Simpkin & Marshall | 1832 | A | 110.00 |
148 | A Map of Virginia and Maryland | Colonial Mid-Atlantic United States | Speed/Lamb | 1676 | A | 2600.00 |
149 | Virginia Marylandia et Carolina in America Septentrionali Britannorum Industria Excultae | Colonial Mid-Atlantic United States | Homann, Johann Baptist | 1720 | B+ | 1000.00 |
150 | An Exact Map of New Jersey, Pensylvania, New York, Maryland & Virginia, from the Latest Surveys | Colonial Mid-Atlantic United States | Lodge, John | 1777 | B+ | unsold |
151 | [Lot of 2] Preliminary Chart of Delaware and Chesapeake Bays and the Sea Coast from Cape Henlopen to Cape Charles... [and] Preliminary Chart of Part of the Sea Coast of Virginia and Entrance to Chesapeake Bay... | Chesapeake & Delaware Bays | U.S. Coast Survey | 1855 | B+ | 150.00 |
152 | Gray's Atlas Map of Delaware and Maryland [on verso] Gray's Atlas Map of New Jersey | Delaware & Maryland | Gray, O. W. | 1875 | A | 14.00 |
153 | Colton's Delaware and Maryland | Delaware & Maryland | Colton, G.W. & C.B. | 1877 | B | unsold |
154 | Virginiae Partis Australis, et Floridae Partis Orientalis, Interjacentiumq Regionum Nova Descriptio | Colonial Southeastern United States | Blaeu, Willem | 1647 | B+ | 750.00 |
155 | Pas Kaart van de Kust van Carolina Tusschen C de Canaveral en C Henry | Colonial Southeastern United States | Keulen, Johannes van | 1702 | B+ | unsold |
156 | [Map in Book] A Map of Carolina, Florida and the Bahama Islands with the Adjacent Parts [in] The Natural History of Carolina, Florida, and the Bahama Islands... | Colonial Southeastern United States & Bahamas | Catesby, Mark | 1771 | B+ | 10500.00 |
157 | Travels Through North & South Carolina, Georgia, East & West Florida, the Cherokee Country, the Extensive Territories of the Muscogulges, or Creek Confederacy, and the Country of the Chactaws... | Southeastern United States | Bartram, William | 1791 | B | unsold |
158 | Carte de la Floride et de la Georgie | Southeastern United States | Tardieu, Pierre Francois | 1797 | A | 275.00 |
159 | Goodrich Road Map of Alabama and Georgia | Georgia & Alabama | | 1920 | B | unsold |
160 | Florida et Apalche | Southern United States | Wytfliet, Cornelis | 1597 | A | 3250.00 |
161 | Florida zoo als het van de Spaanschen en Franschen Wordt Bezeten | Colonial Southern United States | Sanson, Nicolas | 1705 | A | 425.00 |
162 | [Map in Book] [New Map of Georgia] [in] Reasons for Establishing the Colony of Georgia, with Regard to the Trade of Great Britain... | Colonial Southern United States | | 1733 | B+ | 4000.00 |
163 | A Map of the States of Virginia North Carolina South Carolina and Georgia Comprehending the Spanish Provinces of East and West Florida Exhibiting the Boundaries Between the United States and Spanish Dominions... | Southern United States, Franklin | Purcell, Joseph | 1793 | C+ | 425.00 |
164 | Map of the Southern Parts of the United States of America | Southern United States | Bradley, Abraham Jr. | 1797 | B | 300.00 |
165 | Map of the States of Mississippi, Louisiana, and the Arkansas Territory | Southern United States | Hinton, John Howard | 1832 | B | 75.00 |
166 | J.H. Colton's Map of the Southern States. Maryland, Delaware, Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, Missouri, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, Louisiana and Texas... | Southern United States, Civil War | Colton, Joseph Hutchins | 1864 | B | unsold |
167 | Southern Route Book - Alabama, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee | Southern United States | | 1913 | B | 140.00 |
168 | Sun Map of Florida and the Gulf Coast - Map Your Trip South by Greyhound | Southern United States, Florida | | 1938 | A | 65.00 |
169 | Mississippi Territory | Alabama & Mississippi | Carey, Mathew | 1813 | A | 300.00 |
170 | Map of New Orleans and Adjacent Country | Louisiana & Mississippi | Melish, John | 1815 | B+ | 1800.00 |
171 | Carte de la Floride, de la Louisiane, et Pays Voisins. Pour Servir a l'Histoire Generale des Voyages | Colonial Southern & Central United States | Bellin, Jacques Nicolas | 1757 | A | 180.00 |
172 | Map of United States Military Rail Roads, Showing the Rail Roads Operated During the War from 1862-1866, as Military Lines... | South Central United States | U.S. War Department | 1866 | B+ | 120.00 |
173 | A Valuable Chart of Sunken, Lost or Cached Treasure in Texas and Along the Gulf Coast... | South Central United States, Texas | | 1950 | B+ | 300.00 |
174 | Geographical, Statistical, and Historical Map of Arkansa Territory | Central United States, Arkansas Territory | Carey & Lea | 1827 | B+ | 750.00 |
175 | Map of Minnesota Territory by J.H. Young | Central United States | Desilver, Charles | 1856 | B+ | 180.00 |
176 | Kansas, Nebraska, Minnesota, Indian Territory, Dacotah | Central United States | Smith, Roswell C. | 1861 | B+ | 230.00 |
177 | Map of Kansas, Nebraska and Colorado. Showing Also the Southern Portion of Dacotah | Central United States | Mitchell, Samuel Augustus | 1861 | A | 100.00 |
178 | Demarest's Dollar Map of the Western States | Central United States | Demarest, B.S. | 1875 | B | 300.00 |
179 | The Old Northwest Territory - The First Step Westward by the United States in Its March from Sea to Sea... | Upper Midwestern United States | | 1937 | B+ | 80.00 |
180 | Dakota Territory Showing Progress of U.S. Land Survey During 1861 62, & 63 Under the Direction of Surveyor General G.D. Hill | Dakota Territory | General Land Office | 1864 | B | 250.00 |
181 | Map of a Reconnaissance of the Black Hills, July and August, 1874, with Troops Under Command of Lt. Col. G.A. Custer, 7th Cavalry | Dakota Territory | Ludlow, William (Capt.) | 1874 | B | 160.00 |
182 | Map No. 1. From Fort Smith to the Rio Grande from Explorations and Surveys Made Under the Direction of the Hon. Jefferson Davis, Secretary of War... | Western United States | Whipple, Amiel Weekes | 1853-54 | B | 100.00 |
183 | Map No. 2 Riviere des Lacs to the Rocky Mountains; from Explorations and Surveys Made Under the Direction of the Hon. Jefferson Davis Secretary of War | Western United States | Stevens, Isaac Ingalls | 1853-54 | B+ | 130.00 |
184 | Tonnage Chart of Coastwise Commerce, North of San Francisco – California, Including Arrivals and Departures | Western United States | U.S. Government | 1878 | A | 50.00 |
185 | Correct Map of the "Burlington Route" B. & M. R. R. R. in Neb. and Connecting Lines | Western United States | Railroad Companies, (Various) | 1888 | A | unsold |
186 | A Chart Shewing Part of the Coast of N.W. America, with the Tracks of His Majesty's Sloop Discovery and Armed Tender, Chatham ... from Latd. of 38°15' N. & Longd. 237°27' E. to Latd. 45°46' N. and Longd. 236°15' E. | Western California & Oregon | Vancouver, George (Capt) | 1798 | B | 300.00 |
187 | Johnson's Washington and Oregon | Washington & Oregon | Johnson and Ward | 1862 | A | 75.00 |
188 | Reconnaissance of the Western Coast of the United States (Northern Sheet) from Umpquah River to the Boundary by the Hydrographic Party | Western Washington & Oregon | U.S. Coast Survey | 1855 | B+ | 120.00 |
189 | That Part of Disturnell's Treaty Map in the Vicinity of the Rio Grande and Southern Boundary of New Mexico as Referred to by U.S. Surveyor... | Southwestern United States | U.S. Government | 1851 | B | 100.00 |
190 | Map No. 2. From the Rio Grande to the Pacific Ocean from Explorations and Surveys Made Under the Direction of the Hon. Jefferson Davis, Secretary of War... | Southwestern United States | Whipple, Amiel Weekes | 1853-54 | B | 125.00 |
191 | Territories of New Mexico and Utah | Southwestern United States | Colton, Joseph Hutchins | 1855 | A | 325.00 |
192 | Map Showing the Different Routes Travelled Over by the Detachments of the Overland Command in the Spring of 1855 from Salt Lake City, Utah to the Bay of San Francisco | Southwestern United States | U.S. Army | 1856 | B | unsold |
193 | [Lot of 2] Map No. 1. [and] Map No. 2. Rio Colorado of the West... | Southwestern United States | Ives, Joseph C. (Lt.) | 1858 | B | 220.00 |
194 | Sketch Map Showing the Distribution of the Strata and Eruptive Rocks in the Western Part of the Plateau Province | Southwestern United States | U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) | 1881 | B+ | 70.00 |
195 | Map No. 2 From the Pimas Villages to Fort Fillmore from Explorations and Surveys Made Under the Direction of the Hon. Jefferson Davis, Secretary of War... | Arizona & New Mexico | Parke, John G. (Lt.) | 1854-55 | B | 100.00 |
196 | Map of Land Granted to the South and North Alabama Rail Road Co. | Alabama | Railroad Companies, (Various) | 1874 | B+ | 120.00 |
197 | California Official Tourist Picture Map | California | | 1939 | A+ | 120.00 |
198 | A Hysterical Map of California Scenery That Defies Description and It's Right Pretty Too | California | | 1948 | A | unsold |
199 | Wine Country Tour Map | Northern California | | 1987 | A | 70.00 |
200 | San Francisco, California, from the Bay | San Francisco, California | Illustrated London News | 1868 | A | 75.00 |
201 | A Pictorial Map of Palo Alto and the San Francisco Peninsula | San Francisco Bay Area, Palo Alto | | 1946 | B+ | 100.00 |
202 | Internationally Famous Jack London District | Oakland, California | | 1952 | A | 60.00 |
203 | Map of the City of San Jose | San Jose, California | Britton & Rey | 1886 | B+ | 1500.00 |
204 | Ride the Roads to Romance Along the Golden Coast and Thru the Sunshine Empire of Southern California | Southern California | | 1961 | A+ | 60.00 |
205 | [Untitled Map of Curfew Area with] Violence in the City -- An End or a Beginning? - A Report by the Governor's Commission on the Los Angeles Riots | Los Angeles, California | State of California | 1965 | A | 100.00 |
206 | A New Map of Greater Long Beach, California - The Most Talked of and Fastest Growing Coast City in the U.S.A. | Long Beach, California | | 1923 | B+ | 100.00 |
207 | [12 Maps in Report] Post and Harbor Defenses, Near San Diego. Letter from the Acting Secretary of War ... Copies of the Report of an Examination for a Site for a Post and Harbor Defense Near San Diego, Cal. | San Diego, California | | 1892 | A | 120.00 |
208 | Ashore in San Diego | San Diego, California | | 1943 | A | unsold |
209 | Sketch of Capt. Gunnison's Route to Sept. 20, 1853 Central Pacific R. Road Exploration [together with original report and maps] | Colorado | U.S. War Department | 1854 | | 475.00 |
210 | Colorful Colorado Offers to All America Healthful Climate - Varied Resources - Superb Scenery and Recreation | Colorado | | 1942 | A | 210.00 |
211 | Connecticut from the Best Authorities | Connecticut | Reid, John | 1796 | B | 250.00 |
212 | [Atlas - Early Automobile Road Maps of Connecticut] | Connecticut | | 1907 | A+ | 100.00 |
213 | [On 4 Sheets] Potomac River (In Four Sheets)... | Washington, D.C. | U.S. Coast Survey | 1862-64 | B | 600.00 |
214 | [View of Washington D.C. and Surroundings with Map] Topographical Map of Virginia Between Washington and Manassas Junction | Washington, D.C. | Magnus, Charles | 1863 | A | 120.00 |
215 | USO Map Guide to Washington | Washington, D.C. | | 1943 | A | 130.00 |
216 | Washington D.C. - Map in Perspective of Enlarged Downtown | Washington, D.C. | | 1966 | A | 350.00 |
217 | National Capitol | Capitol Building | | 1856 | A | 160.00 |
218 | Delaware | Delaware | Arrowsmith & Lewis | 1804 | A | 140.00 |
219 | Florida | Florida | Lucas, Fielding | 1823 | B+ | 600.00 |
220 | North America XIV Florida | Florida | SDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge | 1844 | B+ | 150.00 |
221 | A Plat Exhibiting the State of the Surveys in the State of Florida with References | Florida | U.S. State Surveys | 1851 | B+ | 100.00 |
222 | Florida Resorts Atlantic Coast Line - The Standard Railroad of the South [in] Tropical Trips Golf Courses & Hotel Directory Season 1926-27 | Florida | Poole Bros. | 1926 | A | 100.00 |
223 | [Map in Brochure] Florida East Coast Railway Flagler System - The St. Augustine Route | Florida | Railroad Companies, (Various) | 1933 | A | 130.00 |
224 | Sectional Map of Florida Issued by Department of Agriculture | Florida | Matthews-Northrup Co | 1938 | B+ | 60.00 |
225 | Florida | Florida | Rand McNally & Co. | 1938 | B+ | 85.00 |
226 | Pas Kaart van de Boght van Florida met de Canaal Tusschen Florida en Cuba | Western Florida & Cuba | Keulen, Gerard van | 1734 | B+ | unsold |
227 | Plan de la Baye de Pensacola dans la Floride | Pensacola, Florida | Bellin, Jacques Nicolas | 1764 | A | 160.00 |
228 | A Chart of the Entrance into St. Mary's River Taken by Captn. W. Fuller in November 1769 [on sheet with] Plan of Amelia Island in East Florida [and] A Chart of the Mouth of Nassau River... | Amelia Island, Florida | Jefferys, Thomas | 1770 | B | unsold |
229 | Street Map of Miami Beach - America's Year 'Round Playground | Miami Beach, Florida | | 1951 | A | 100.00 |
230 | [How They Collected Gold from the Rivers Flowing from the Apalatci Mountains] Wie sie Goldt in den Bachen / so auss dem Gebirge Apalatcy Fliessen / Suchen | Florida, Natives | Bry, Theodore de | 1591 | B+ | 180.00 |
231 | A State of the Province of Georgia, Attested upon Oath in the Court of Savannah, November 10, 1740 | Colonial Georgia | | 1742 | A | 900.00 |
232 | A New Map of Georgia with Its Roads & Distances | Georgia | Tanner, Henry Schenck | 1839 | B+ | 95.00 |
233 | Preliminary Chart of Savannah River Georgia from a Trigonometrical Survey... | Savannah, Georgia | U.S. Coast Survey | 1855 | B+ | 75.00 |
234 | The Dole Map of the Hawaiian Islands U.S.A. Being a Descriptive Portrayal of the History, Transportation, Industries and Geography of the Territory of Hawaii, U.S.A. | Hawaii | | 1937 | B+ | 375.00 |
235 | The Hawaiian Islands - Keystone of Our West Coast Defense | Hawaii, World War II | | 1942 | B+ | 70.00 |
236 | [Lot of 2] Tammeamea Ite. Konig der Sandwichinseln / Naba-Leba Konig der Insel Solor [and] Bewohner der Sandwich-Inseln | Hawaii, Natives | Schinz, Heinrich R. | 1830 | | 85.00 |
237 | Rand, McNally & Co.'s Sectional Map of Illinois | Illinois | Rand McNally & Co. | 1892 | B+ | 95.00 |
238 | The Tourist's Pocket Map of the State of Indiana Exhibiting Its Internal Improvements Roads Distances &c. | Indiana | Mitchell/Young | 1837 | B | unsold |
239 | A New Map of Indiana with Its Roads & Distances | Indiana | Tanner, Henry Schenck | 1841 | B+ | unsold |
240 | Carte Geographique, Statistique et Historique du Kentucky | Kentucky | Buchon, Jean Alexandre | 1825 | B+ | 90.00 |
241 | Kentucky with the Latest Improvements | Kentucky | Atkinson, S. C. | 1837 | A | 80.00 |
242 | Fayette County Stock Farm Map | Lexington, Kentucky | | 1945-46 | A+ | 200.00 |
243 | Cours du Fleuve Saint Louis Depuis ses Embouchures Jusqu'a la Riviere d'Iberville et Costes Voisines | Colonial Louisiana, Mississippi River | Bellin, Jacques Nicolas | 1764 | A | 200.00 |
244 | Coast Chart No. 94 Mississippi River from the Passes to Grand Prairie Louisiana | Louisiana | U.S. Coast Survey | 1881 | A | 100.00 |
245 | New Orleans. Map of the Revolutionary City, Showing the Scenes of the Outbreaks on July 30, 1866, March 5, 1873, and September 14, 1874 | New Orleans, Louisiana, Reconstruction | Fisk & Russell | 1874 | B+ | 120.00 |
246 | [4 Maps in Report] Report on the Drainage of the City of New Orleans... | New Orleans, Louisiana | | 1895 | B | 90.00 |
247 | Map of the Patuxent & St. Mary's Rivers Maryland from Surveys by Major J.J. Abert Topl. Engrs. and Major J. Kearney Topl. Engrs. in 1824... | Maryland | U.S. Government | 1857 | B | 100.00 |
248 | Map of Massachusetts - The Old Bay State | Massachusetts | | 1930 | A | 400.00 |
249 | The Townships of Dedham, Westwood, Needham, Dover, Sherborn, Norwood, Medfield, Millis, Walpole, Norfolk, Massachusetts | Eastern Massachusetts | | 1934 | B+ | 140.00 |
250 | A Map of Cape Cod Wherin Is Shown ye Discovery and Settlement of the Same; with the Tracks of ye Pilgrims Carefully Prepared According to Mourts Relation | Cape Cod, Massachusetts | | 1926 | A | 375.00 |
251 | Preliminary Chart of Muskeget Channel Massachusetts from a Trigonometrical Survey... | Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts | U.S. Coast Survey | 1855 | B+ | 75.00 |
252 | Plan of Lagoon Heights, Martha's Vineyard, Mass. | Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts | Bufford, J. H. | 1873 | B | 375.00 |
253 | Carte de la Baye de Baston Situee dans la Nouvelle Angleterre | Boston, Massachusetts | Bellin, Jacques Nicolas | 1764 | A | 160.00 |
254 | Boston with Charlestown and Roxbury | Boston, Massachusetts | SDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge | 1842 | B+ | 130.00 |
255 | A Scott-Map of Boston Massachusetts | Boston, Massachusetts | | 1955 | B+ | 250.00 |
256 | Michigan | Michigan | | 1940 | A+ | 110.00 |
257 | Geographical, Statistical, and Historical Map of Mississippi | Mississippi | Carey & Lea | 1822 | B+ | 150.00 |
258 | Map of the State of Missouri | Missouri | Hinton, John Howard | 1832 | B | 100.00 |
259 | Map of Swope Park Kansas City Missouri | Kansas City, Missouri | | 1941 | B+ | 36.00 |
260 | Map No. 3 From the Humboldt Mountains to the Mud Lakes, from Explorations and Surveys Made Under the Direction of the Hon. Jefferson Davis Secretary of War | Nevada | Beckwith, E. G., Capt. | 1855 | B+ | unsold |
261 | Historical Map of the State of New Jersey | New Jersey | | 1939 | B+ | 120.00 |
262 | Map of the State of New York Compiled from the Latest Authorities | New York | Mitchell, Samuel Augustus | 1837 | B | 220.00 |
263 | View of New York and Vicinity Showing Good Automobile Roads | New York | Nostrand, George | 1928 | B+ | 140.00 |
264 | Map of the Adirondack Wilderness | Adirondacks, Northeastern New York | Stoddard, S. R. | 1888 | B | 150.00 |
265 | A Romance Map of the Niagara Frontier | Northern New York | | 1931 | A | 350.00 |
266 | Romance Map of the Hudson River Valley | Eastern New York | Rand McNally & Co. | 1937 | A | 160.00 |
267 | Geological Map of Long & Staten Islands with the Environs of New York | Long Island, Staten Island, Southern New York, Geology | Mather, W. W. | 1842 | B | 450.00 |
268 | [Lot of 2] Middle Part of Long Island Sound from a Trigonometrical Survey... [and] Eastern Part of Long Island Sound… | Long Island Sound, New York | U.S. Coast Survey | 1855 | B | unsold |
269 | City of New York | New York City, New York | Kemble, W. | 1851 | B | 250.00 |
270 | Historical Map of New York City | New York City, New York | | 1932 | A | 200.00 |
271 | A Chart of Manhattan | New York City, New York | | 1937 | A | 350.00 |
272 | [Map in Magazine] Midnight Map of Manhattan [in] Night Life [December 1938] | New York City, New York | | 1938 | A | 100.00 |
273 | Map of the Greenwich Village Section of New York City | Greenwich Village, New York City | | 1961 | B+ | 100.00 |
274 | North Battery. Foot of Hubert St. Looking South, 1820 | New York City, New York | Hayward, George | 1859 | B+ | 15.00 |
275 | The Great Cataract or Waterfall, of Niagara in North America | Niagara Falls, New York | Middleton, Charles T. | 1778 | A | 46.00 |
276 | Preliminary Chart of Lower Part of Cape Fear River North Carolina from a Trigonometrical Survey... | Cape Fear, North Carolina | U.S. Coast Survey | 1855 | B+ | 85.00 |
277 | Indian Territory | Oklahoma | General Land Office | 1885 | B+ | 375.00 |
278 | Pennsylvania | Pennsylvania | Finley, Anthony | 1829 | B+ | 75.00 |
279 | Levittown Pennsylvania - Now in Progress. This Map Shows All Completed Neighborhoods as of March 1, 1953 | Levittown, Pennsylvania | | 1952 | A | 100.00 |
280 | A New Map of South Carolina with Its Canals, Roads & Distances from Place to Place Along the Stage & Steam Boat Routes | South Carolina | Tanner, Henry Schenck | 1841 | B+ | 110.00 |
281 | New Edition Pocket Map of Memphis with 283,225 Population, Properly Scaled, Giving New Street Names, New City Limits, Etc. | Memphis, Tennessee | | 1936 | B+ | 100.00 |
282 | Map of Part of the State of Texas | Texas | Colton, Joseph Hutchins | 1857 | B+ | 180.00 |
283 | Colton's Texas | Texas | Colton, G.W. & C.B. | 1873 | B+ | 200.00 |
284 | Centennial Edition - Official Map of the Highway System of Texas | Texas | | 1936 | A | 130.00 |
285 | Gulf Oil Corporation Postal - Pipe Line - Railway - and Index Map of the State of Texas and Eastern New Mexico | Texas, Oil | | 1960 | A | 180.00 |
286 | Map and Profile No. 1. From the Red River to the Rio Grande; from Explorations and Surveys Made Under the Direction of the Hon. Jefferson Davis, Secretary of War | Texas & New Mexico | Pope, John | 1854-56 | B+ | 90.00 |
287 | Geological Map of a Portion of West Texas Showing Parts of Brewster, Presidio, Jeff. Davis, and El Paso Counties, and South of the Southern Pacific R.R. | Western Texas | | 1904 | B | 140.00 |
288 | [Two Maps in Report] Geological Map of a Portion of the Gulf Coastal Plain [and] Spindletop Oil Pool Beaumont District, Texas... [in] Oil Fields of the Texas-Louisiana Gulf Coastal Plain | Texas & Louisana | U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) | 1903 | B+ | 120.00 |
289 | Preliminary Chart of Galveston Bay Texas | Galveston Bay, Texas | U.S. Coast Survey | 1855 | B+ | 70.00 |
290 | [Lot of 4] Ashburn's Houston City Map [and] Ashburn's Ft. Worth City Map [and] Ashburn's San Antonio City Map [and] Ashburn's Dallas City Map | Texas Cities | | 1954-57 | | 250.00 |
291 | Amer. Sep. Partie du Mexique. No. 47 | Utah | Vandermaelen, Philippe Marie Guillaume | 1825-27 | B | unsold |
292 | A Map of Vermont | Vermont | Morse, Jedidiah (Rev.) | 1794 | B | 50.00 |
293 | Vermont from the Latest Authorities | Vermont | Reid, John | 1796 | B+ | 230.00 |
294 | Virginia | Virginia | Morse, Jedidiah (Rev.) | 1796 | B | 90.00 |
295 | Cooke's Map of the Routes to the Virginia Spring's Giving All the Routes & Distances on the VA Central R.R. from Richmond on the Orange & Alexandria R.R... | Virginia | | 1858 | B | 2400.00 |
296 | Colton's Virginia & West Virginia | Virginia & West Virginia | Colton, G.W. & C.B. | 1869 | A | 80.00 |
297 | Robert E. Lee 1809 - 1870 | Virginia, Civil War | | 1949 | B+ | 170.00 |
298 | [Grands Voyages, Part I] Admiranda Narratio Fida Tamen, de Commodis et Incolarum Ritibus Virginiae, Nuper Admodum ab Anglis... | Virginia, Natives | White/De Bry | 1608 | B | 7000.00 |
299 | Map of Public Surveys in the Territory of Washington to Accompany Report of Surveyor General | Washington | General Land Office | 1866 | B | 180.00 |
300 | Historical Map of Spokane County | Eastern Washington | | 1948 | B+ | 100.00 |
301 | [Map in Report] Mack's Addition to the Town of West Columbia in Mason County, Virginia [in] Second Semi-Annual Report of the Board of Directors of the West Columbia Mining and Manufacturing Company, of Mason County, VA... | Western West Virginia | | 1854 | A | 120.00 |
302 | Sketch of the Public Surveys in the State of Wisconsin | Wisconsin | General Land Office | 1866 | B | 50.00 |
303 | Geological Map of Western Wyoming Illustrating the Report of Mr. Theo. B. Comstock, Geologist of the Military Reconnoissance in that Region | Yellowstone, Wyoming | U.S. Army | 1874 | B | 125.00 |
304 | Yellowstone National Park. Northern Pacific Railroad | Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming | Poole Bros. | 1895 | B+ | 375.00 |
305 | Mexique | United States & Mexico, Texas | Tardieu, Jean Baptiste Pierre | 1808 | A | 80.00 |
306 | Mexico, or New Spain. Divided into the Audiance of Guadalayara, Mexico, and Guatimala. Florida | Southern United States, Mexico & Central America | Moll, Herman | 1701 | A | 190.00 |
307 | Mexico, or New Spain; in Which the Motions of Cortes May Be Traced. For the Rev. Dr. Robertson's History of America | Southern United States & Mexico | Kitchin, Thomas | 1777 | B+ | 120.00 |
308 | Carte Geographique, Statistique et Historique du Mexique | Southern United States & Mexico | Buchon, Jean Alexandre | 1825 | A | 180.00 |
309 | Mexico & Texas | Southern United States & Mexico, Texas | Archer, Joshua | 1841 | A | 275.00 |
310 | Mexico | Southern United States & Mexico, Texas | Collins, Henry George | 1843 | B+ | 95.00 |
311 | Mexico and Guatemala | Southern United States, Mexico, & Central America | Chapman & Hall | 1848 | B+ | 26.00 |
312 | Republic of Mexico. And Texas | Southern United States & Mexico | Wyld, James | 1848 | A | 100.00 |
313 | Cette Carte de Californie et du Nouveau Mexique, est Tiree de Celle qui a ete Envoyee par un Grand d'Espagne pour Etre Communiquee a Mrs. de l'Academie Royale des Sciences | Southwestern United States & Mexico, California | Fer, Nicolas de | 1705 | A | 900.00 |
314 | Mexican Boundary B. Extract from the Treaty Map of Disturnell of 1847... | Southwestern United States & Mexico | U.S. Government | 1851 | A | 55.00 |
315 | Yucatan Conventus Iuridici Hispaniae Novae Pars Occidentalis, et Guatimala Conventus Iuridicus | Mexico & Central America | Montanus/Ogilby | 1671 | A | 125.00 |
316 | Hispaniae Novae Sivae Magnae, Recens et Vera Descriptio | Western Mexico | Ortelius, Abraham | 1579 | A | 350.00 |
317 | Descripcion del Destricto del Audiencia de la Nueva Galicia | Western Mexico | Herrera y Tordesillas, Antonio de | 1622 | B+ | 150.00 |
318 | Nova Hispania, et Nova Galicia | Western Mexico | Blaeu, Willem | 1643 | B+ | 375.00 |
319 | Mexico | Mexico City, Mexico | Halma, Francois | 1705 | B+ | 150.00 |
320 | Acapulco | Acapulco, Mexico | Van der Schley, Jacob | 1762 | A | unsold |
321 | Gulf of Mexico, West Indies and Caribbean Sea. From the Most Recent Spanish and British Admiralty Charts. Sheet V | Central America | U.S. Hydrographic Office | 1870 | B | 125.00 |
322 | The Bay of Honduras | Honduras, Belize & Guatemala | Jefferys/Sayer | 1775 | B+ | 300.00 |
323 | Part of the Provinces of Costa-Rica and Nicaragua with the Lagunas | Nicaragua & Costa Rica | Jefferys/Laurie & Whittle | 1794 | B+ | unsold |
324 | A Map of the Isthmus of Darien, & Bay of Panama [on sheet with] The North Sea Coast of the Isthmus of America to the West of Portobel [and] The South Sea Coast of the Isthmus of America to the West of Panama | Panama | Wafer, Lionel | 1697 | B+ | 75.00 |
325 | Kaart van de Landengte van Panama, Volgens de Spaansche Aftekeninge Opgemaakt | Panama | Tirion, Isaac | 1766 | A | 100.00 |
326 | Peruviae Auriferae Regionis Typus. Didaco Mendezio Auctore [on sheet with] La Florida. Auctore Hieron. Chiaves [and] Guastecan Reg. | Gulf of Mexico, Southern United States & Peru | Ortelius, Abraham | 1595 | A | 700.00 |
327 | De Cust van Westindien, van la Desconoscida, tot C. Escondido | Western Gulf of Mexico, Texas | Roggeveen, Arent | 1680 | A | 8000.00 |
328 | Insulae Americanae in Oceano Septentrionali ac Regiones Adiacentes, a C. de May usque ad Lineam Aequinoctialem | Gulf of Mexico & Caribbean | Visscher, Nicolas | 1682 | B+ | 550.00 |
329 | A New & Correct Map of the West Indies Drawn from the Best Authorities | Gulf of Mexico & Caribbean | Anon. | 1762 | B+ | 160.00 |
330 | Les Isles Antilles, et le Golfe du Mexique | Gulf of Mexico & Caribbean | Bonne, Rigobert | 1780 | B+ | 130.00 |
331 | West Indies According to the Best Authorities | Gulf of Mexico & Caribbean | Morse, Jedidiah (Rev.) | 1793 | A | 50.00 |
332 | A New Map of the West India Isles, from the Latest Authorities | Gulf of Mexico & Caribbean | Cary, John | 1803 | B+ | 145.00 |
333 | West Indies and Central America | Gulf of Mexico & Caribbean | Gray, O. W. | 1884 | B+ | 48.00 |
334 | Isles Caribes | Caribbean | Mallet, Alain Manesson | 1683 | A | 75.00 |
335 | Carte Geographique, Statistique et Historique des Indes Occidentales | Caribbean | Buchon, Jean Alexandre | 1825 | A | 60.00 |
336 | Cuba Insula et Iamaica | Cuba & Jamaica | Wytfliet, Cornelis | 1597 | A | unsold |
337 | Cuba en Iamaica, soo als die door Kolumbus Ontdekt, en by de Kastilianen Bevolkt Syn. | Cuba & Jamaica | Aa, Pieter van der | 1707 | A | unsold |
338 | Isles Lucayes | Bahamas | Mallet, Alain Manesson | 1684 | A | 120.00 |
339 | West Indies New Providence Salt Cay Anchorage and Hanover Sound | Bahamas | British Admiralty | 1842 | B+ | 180.00 |
340 | Geographical, Statistical, and Historical Map of Cuba and the Bahama Islands | Cuba & Bahamas | Carey & Lea | 1822 | B+ | 120.00 |
341 | Plan du Port et de la Ville de la Havanne | Havana, Cuba | Depot de la Marine | 1800 | A | 300.00 |
342 | A New Map of the Island of Jamaica | Jamaica | Moll, Herman | 1717 | A | 120.00 |
343 | La Jamaique aux Anglois dans le Golfe du Mexique [on sheet with] La Bermude aux Anglois | Jamaica & Bermuda | Le Rouge, George Louis | 1746 | A | 50.00 |
344 | Carte de l'Isle d'Hayti, Aujour d'hui l'Espagnole, ou l'Isle de St. Domingue, avec les Isles Voisines... | Hispaniola | Bellin/Van Schley | 1773 | A | 100.00 |
345 | Civitas S. Dominici in Hispaniola | Santo Domingo, Hispaniola | Merian, Matthaus | 1646 | A | 190.00 |
346 | Pascaert Vande Caribes Eylanden | Lesser Antilles | Goos, Pieter | 1668 | B+ | unsold |
347 | Carte des Isles des Vierges | Virgin Islands | Bellin, Jacques Nicolas | 1764 | A | 295.00 |
348 | Carte de l Isle St. Thomas l'une des Vierges | St. Thomas, Virgin Islands | Bellin, Jacques Nicolas | 1764 | A | 295.00 |
349 | Veduta di S. Eustachio | Statia | Masi, Gio. Tommaso | 1777 | A | 400.00 |
350 | Carte de de l'Isle St. Christophe, pour Servir a l'Histoire Genle. des Voyages | St. Kitts | Bellin, Jacques Nicolas | 1757 | A | 70.00 |
351 | Carta de la Isla de la Antigua, Reducida y Gravada | Antigua | Lopez de Vargas Machuca, Thomas (don) | 1780 | A | 325.00 |
352 | Les Isles de la Guadeloupe, de Marie Galante, de la Desirade, et Celles des Saintes: Colonie Francoise dans les Antilles | Guadeloupe | Bonne, Rigobert | 1779 | A | 11.00 |
353 | Dominica from an Actual Survey Compleated in the Year 1773 | Dominica | Jefferys/Sayer | 1775 | A | 150.00 |
354 | Carte de l'Isle de la Martinique, Colonie Francoise dans les Isles Antilles | Martinique | Bonne, Rigobert | 1779 | B+ | 26.00 |
355 | La Grenade Divisee par Quartiers, avec Ses Ports et Mouillages d'Apres Celle Levee par Ordre du Gouverneur Scott | Grenada | Lattre, Jean | 1779 | B+ | unsold |
356 | West India Islands - Grenada [on sheet with] Tobago [and] Curacao [and] Trinidad | Grenada, Tobago, Curacao & Trinidad | Thomson, John | 1821 | A | unsold |
357 | Brasilia et Peruvia ad Strenuu et Magnificu Dnm. D. Theodoricu Echter... | South America | Jode, Cornelis de | 1593 | A | unsold |
358 | Americae Pars Meridionalis | South America | Hondius, Henricus | 1646 | B | 450.00 |
359 | L'America Meridionale Nuovamente Corretta, et Accresciuta Secondo le Relationi Piu Moderne... | South America | Sanson/Rossi | 1677 | B | 250.00 |
360 | [Lot of 2] Amerique Meridionale [and] Pais qui sont aux Environs de la Riviere de la Plata et du Pais des Patagons | South America | Mallet, Alain Manesson | 1683 | A | 85.00 |
361 | L'Amerique Meridionale Dressee sur les Observations de Mrs. de l'Academie Royale des Sciences ... Par G. de l'Isle… | South America | Delisle/Schenk | 1708 | B | 180.00 |
362 | South America, Drawn from the Latest and Best Authorities | South America | Kitchin, Thomas | 1780 | B+ | unsold |
363 | Amerique Meridionale | South America | Bonne, Rigobert | 1780 | A | 26.00 |
364 | Amerique Meridionale | South America | Levasseur, Victor | 1861 | A | 75.00 |
365 | Castille Neuve ou Castille d'Or | Northern South America | Mallet, Alain Manesson | 1684 | A | 50.00 |
366 | Royaume des Amazones | Northern South America, Amazon River | Mallet, Alain Manesson | 1684 | A | unsold |
367 | Carte de la Terre Ferme du Perou, du Bresil et du Pays des Amazones Dressee sur les Descriptions de Herrera de Laet, et des PP. d'Acuna, et M. Rodriguez... | Northern South America | Delisle, Guillaume | 1703 | A | 200.00 |
368 | Carte du Nouv. Rme. de Grenade, de la Noule. Andalousie, et de la Guyane, avec les Pays Limitrophes qui en sont au Sud | Northern South America | Bonne, Rigobert | 1780 | A | 9.00 |
369 | Castilia Aurifera cum Vicinis Provinciis | Colombia, Panama & Venezuela | Wytfliet, Cornelis | 1597 | B+ | 250.00 |
370 | Isola e Citta di Cartagena nell' America | Cartagena, Colombia | Coronelli, Vincenzo Maria | 1692 | A | 180.00 |
371 | Venezuela, cum Parte Australi Novae Andalusiae | Venezuela | Hondius/Blaeu | 1640 | B+ | 170.00 |
372 | De Vaste Kust van Cheribichi door Alonzo d'Ojeda van't Eyland Cubagua Besogt | Venezuela | Aa, Pieter van der | 1728 | A | 100.00 |
373 | Guiana sive Amazonum Regio | Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana | Jansson, Jan | 1652 | A | 120.00 |
374 | Bresil | Brazil | Mallet, Alain Manesson | 1684 | A | 75.00 |
375 | Carta Geografica del Bresil | Brazil | Albrizzi, Girolamo | 1750 | A | 170.00 |
376 | Capitaniae de Cirii, et Parnambuco | Northeastern Brazil | Jansson, Jan | 1659 | B | 220.00 |
377 | Afbeeldinghe van Pariba ende Forten | Paraiba, Brazil | Leti, Gregorio | 1690 | B+ | unsold |
378 | Serinhaim | Serinhaim, Brazil | Montanus/Ogilby | 1671 | A | 100.00 |
379 | St. Salvador | Salvador, Brazil | Mallet, Alain Manesson | 1684 | A | unsold |
380 | Peru, en de Loop van den Amazoonstroom | Central South America, Peru | Sanson, Nicolas | 1705 | A | 95.00 |
381 | Mapa y Planta del Rio de la Plata Leventada y Emendada Novamente por los Pilotos del Rey... / Carte Hydrographique de la Riviere de la Plata (Riviere d'Argent)... | Rio de la Plata | Bellin, Jacques Nicolas | 1770 | B+ | 125.00 |
382 | Peru | Peru | Jansson, Jan | 1652 | B+ | 230.00 |
383 | Cusco | Cusco, Peru | Montanus/Ogilby | 1671 | A | 120.00 |
384 | A Plan of Lima [on sheet with] Potosi | Lima, Peru & Potosi, Bolivia | Harris, John | 1744 | A | 75.00 |
385 | Chili | Chile | Hondius/Jansson | 1645 | B+ | unsold |
386 | The Gulf of Ankaos or the Great Inlets of Chili | Chiloe Archipelago, Chile | Moll, Herman | 1704 | A | 130.00 |
387 | Ples. du Chili | Chile, Native Americans | Mallet, Alain Manesson | 1684 | A | unsold |
388 | Descripcion del Audiencia de los Charcas | Western South America | Herrera y Tordesillas, Antonio de | 1623 | B+ | 80.00 |
389 | Carte du Chili Depuis le Sud du Perou Jusqu'au Cap Horn avec Partie des Regions qui en sont a l'Est | Southern South America | Bonne, Rigobert | 1779 | A | unsold |
390 | Caarte vande Nieuwe Passagie Bezuyden de Strate Magellani... / Description de Nouveau Passage Vers le Zud du Destroict de Magellan... [on verso] Porto Desire | Tierra del Fuego | Bry, Theodore de | 1631 | B+ | 220.00 |
391 | Tabula Magellanica, qua Tierrae del Fuego, cum Celeberrimis Fretis a F. Magellano et I. Le Maire Detectis Novissima et Accuratissima Descriptio Exhibetur | Tierra del Fuego | Blaeu, Willem | 1635 | B | unsold |
392 | Carte de la Partie de l'Ocean Vers l'Equateur Entre les Cotes d'Afrique et d'Amerique... [on sheet with] Plan de l'Isle de Fernand de Noronha… | Atlantic Ocean | Buache/Dezauche | 1780 | B | 300.00 |
393 | Islands in the Atlantic | Atlantic Islands | Tallis, John | 1851 | A | 55.00 |
394 | Mappa Aestivarum Insularum Alias Bermudas Dictarum... / A Mapp of the Sommer Islands Once Called the Bermudas... | Bermuda | Speed, John | 1626 | B | unsold |
395 | Mappa Aestivarum Insularum, Alias Barmudas Dictarum, ad Ostia Mexicani Aestuary... | Bermuda | Blaeu, Willem | 1642 | A+ | 900.00 |
396 | [Map in Disbound Book] De Bermudes of Summer Eylanden tot de Reystogten... [in] Kort Berigt van Mr. Ellis, een der Kapiteynen van d'Heer Richard Hawkins ... Reys door de Straat van Magellanes in 't Jaar 1593... | Bermuda | Aa, Pieter van der | 1706 | A | 700.00 |
397 | Tabula Nautica, qua Repraesentatur Orae Maritimae Meatus, ac Freta, Noviter a H Hudsono Anglo ad Caurum Supra Novam Franciam Indagata Anno 1612 | North Atlantic | Bry, Johann Theodore de | 1613 | B | 1900.00 |
398 | Carte Generale des Royaumes, Etats et Domaines, que les Rois et la Couronne de la Grande-Bretagne ont Possedez ou Possedent en Europe eb Afrique et en Amerique | North Atlantic | | 1740 | B+ | unsold |
399 | Chart of Georges Shoal & Bank, Surveyed by Charles Wilkes, Lieut. Commandant... | North Atlantic | Wilkes, Charles | 1837 | B | 400.00 |
400 | Carte Generale l'Ocean Atlantique Septentrional Dressee d'Apres les Documents les Plus Recents | North Atlantic | Robiquet, Aime | 1855 | B | 170.00 |
401 | Carta General del Oceano Atlantico Septentrional | North Atlantic | Direccion de Hidrografia | 1872 | B+ | unsold |
402 | [Untitled - John Smith Is Caught by the French] | Bay of Biscay | Bry, Theodore de | 1631 | A | 70.00 |
403 | Septenirionalium Partium Nova Tabula | Arctic & Scandinavia | Ruscelli, Girolamo | 1599 | A+ | 325.00 |
404 | Carte du Nord Est & du Nord West du Pole | Arctic | Bernard, Jean Frederic | 1717 | A | 400.00 |
405 | Europa / das ein Drittheil des Erden / nach Gelegenheit Unsern Zeiten | Europe | Munster, Sebastian | 1574 | B+ | 800.00 |
406 | Europa Recens Descripta | Europe | Blaeu, Willem | 1635 | B+ | unsold |
407 | L'Europe Dressee sur les Observations de Mrs. de l'Academie Royale des Sciences et Quelques Autres; & sur les Memoires les Plus Recens | Europe | Delisle, Guillaume | 1700 | A | unsold |
408 | Summa Europae Antiquae Descriptio | Europe | Cluver, Philipp | 1729 | A | 100.00 |
409 | Europe | Europe | Sanson, Nicolas Fils | 1732 | A | 55.00 |
410 | Europa Volgens de Nieuwste Verdeeling | Europe | Bohn, Francois | 1794 | A | unsold |
411 | [Lot of 2] Nieuwe Kaart van Europa 1870 [and] Humoristische Kaart van Europa 1870 | Europe, War | Emrik & Binger | 1870 | | 850.00 |
412 | Carte de la Fraternite Europeenne | Europe | Yves & Barrey | 1880 | B+ | 150.00 |
413 | [Lot of 2 - Map and Illustrated Cover] Nouvelle Carte d'Europe [and] L'Europe Illustree | Europe | | 1882 | A | 500.00 |
414 | Deze Landkaart Wordt u Aangeboden door de Goede Chocolade Cote d'Or | Europe | | 1951 | A | unsold |
415 | [Lot of 2 - Satirical Map of Europe with Article] "Maps with a Moral" | Europe, War | | 1952 | B+ | 300.00 |
416 | [War of Spanish Succession in 1716] | Europe, Cities | Schenk, Pieter | 1720 | B+ | 150.00 |
417 | Geographical Fun: Being Humorous Outlines of Various Countries. With an Introduction and Descriptive Lines | European Countries | Aleph | 1869 | B+ | 1200.00 |
418 | Anglie Triquetra Descriptio | Britain | Solinus, Caius Julius | 1538 | A | 170.00 |
419 | Engellandt / mit dem Anstossenden Reich Schottlandt / so Vorzeiten Albion und Britannia Haben Geheissen | Britain | Munster/Petri | 1592 | B+ | unsold |
420 | Veteris et Novae Britanniae Descriptio | Britain | Cluver, Philipp | 1729 | B+ | 100.00 |
421 | Les Isles Britanniques, Assujetties aux Observations Astronomiques, Combinees avec les Itineraires tant Anciena que Modernea | Britain | Brion de la Tour/Desnos | 1786 | A | unsold |
422 | England and Scotland - Coast Northward of Flamborough Head | Northeastern England & Scotland | Imray, James | 1878 | B | unsold |
423 | Ducatus Eboracensis Pars Borealis / The Northriding of York Shire | Northern England | Blaeu, Johannes | 1645 | A+ | 400.00 |
424 | Herefordia Comitatus. Hereford-Shire | Western England | Blaeu, Johannes | 1648 | A | unsold |
425 | Carte de l'Entree de la Tamise avec les Bancs, Passes, Isles et Costes Comprises Entre Sandwich et Clay | Eastern England | Jaillot, Alexis-Hubert | 1693 | B+ | 130.00 |
426 | Barkshire Described | Southern England | Speed, John | 1616 | B+ | 300.00 |
427 | [Untitled - Southern England] | Southern England | | 1935 | B | 180.00 |
428 | An Accurate Map of the County of Kent Divided Into Its Lathes, and Subdivided Into Hundreds, Drawn from the Best Authorities and Adorned with Views of the Cathedral Churches of Canterbury & Rochester... | Southeast England | Bowen, Emanuel | 1777 | B+ | unsold |
429 | Sarnia Insula, Vulgo Garnsey: et Insula Caesarea, Vernacule Iarsey | Channel Islands | Blaeu, Johannes | 1648 | A | 350.00 |
430 | Regionis, quae est Circa Londinum, Specialis Repraesentatio... / Ausfuhrliche Geographische Vorstellung der Gegend um London... | London, England | Homann Heirs | 1741 | B+ | 450.00 |
431 | Philips' Picture Map of London | London, England | Philip, George | 1911 | B+ | 275.00 |
432 | London - The Bastion of Liberty | London, England | | 1951 | A | 325.00 |
433 | Skelton's Reduced Engraving of the Original Plan of Oxford Taken by Ralph Agas in the Year 1578 | Oxford, England | | 1823 | B+ | 275.00 |
434 | Oxford | Oxford, England | Illustrated London News | 1870 | A | 200.00 |
435 | Magnae Britanniae Pars Meridionalis, in qua Regnum Angliae tam in Septem Antiqua Anglo-Saxonum Regna quam in Omnes Hodiernas Regiones Accurate Divisum hic Ostenditur... | England & Wales | Homann, Johann Baptist | 1715 | A | 275.00 |
436 | Le Royaume d'Angleterre Divise en Comtez et Baronies. Dresse sur les Dernieres Observations... | England & Wales | Le Rouge, George Louis | 1745 | A | 110.00 |
437 | Nieuwe Kaart van 't Zuider Gedeelte van Groot Britannie behelzende Het Koningryk Engeland… | England & Wales | Tirion, Isaac | 1780 | A | unsold |
438 | A New Map of England & France / The French Invasion; - or - John Bull, Bombarding the Bum-Boats | England, Wales & France | | 1849 | A | 550.00 |
439 | The Story Map of England | England & Wales | | 1936 | A | 150.00 |
440 | Merionith Comitatus olim Pars Ordovicum | Northern Wales | Saxton/Kip | 1610 | A | 80.00 |
441 | Penbrokshyre Described and the Sittuations Both of Penbroke and St. Davids Shewed in Due Form... | Southwestern Wales | Speed, John | 1610 | B+ | unsold |
442 | Magnae Britanniae Pars Septentrionalis qua Regnum Scotiae in suas Partes et Subjacentes Insulas Divisum… | Scotland | Homann, Johann Baptist | 1720 | B+ | 220.00 |
443 | Scotiae Regnum | Northern Scotland | Mercator/Hondius | 1613 | A | 200.00 |
444 | Fifae Pars Orientalis, the East Part of Fife | Eastern Scotland | Blaeu, Johannes | 1654 | B+ | 110.00 |
445 | Queen of the North - Edinburgh - The Auld Reekie of History & Romance | Edinburgh, Scotland | | 1947 | A | 230.00 |
446 | Irlandiae Regnum | Ireland | Mercator, Gerard | 1628 | A | 550.00 |
447 | Ireland Corrected from the Latest Observations Divided into Its Provinces, Counties & Baronies Shewing the Principal Roads, and the Distances of Places... | Ireland | Senex, John | 1712 | B+ | unsold |
448 | [On 2 Sheets] Ireland | Ireland | Lizars, Daniel | 1845 | A | 160.00 |
449 | Ultoniae Orientalis Pars | Northern Ireland | Mercator/Hondius | 1619 | B+ | unsold |
450 | Schonladia Nuova | Northern Europe & Scandinavia | Ruscelli, Girolamo | 1574 | B | unsold |
451 | Verschiedene Reisen des Auctoris | Northern Europe | Seligmann, Johann Michael | 1768 | A | unsold |
452 | Tabula Europae IIII | Germany & Denmark | Ptolemy/Magini | 1596 | B+ | 80.00 |
453 | Baltia, quae et Scandia, Finningia, Cimbrica Chersonesus &c. | Scandinavia | Sanson, Nicolas Fils | 1654 | A | unsold |
454 | Regni Sueciae in Omnes Suas Subjacentes Provincias Accurate Divisi Tabula Generalis | Scandinavia | Homann, Johann Baptist | 1730 | A | 120.00 |
455 | Baltic - The Coast of Sweden Sheet I from Falsterbo Point to Kalmar Sound... | Southern Sweden | British Admiralty | 1897 | B+ | 40.00 |
456 | Norway - West Coast - Urter to Hisken Including the Entrance to the Hardanger Fiord and Approaches to Haugesund and Lervig... | Southwestern Norway | British Admiralty | 1895 | B+ | unsold |
457 | Prussia Accurate Descripta a Gasparo Henneberg Erlichensi | Baltic | Blaeu, Willem | 1644 | B+ | 190.00 |
458 | Prussiae Nova Tabula | Baltic | Cluver, Philipp | 1729 | A | 120.00 |
459 | Li Palatinati di Wilna, Troki, Inflant, coi Ducati di Kurlandiae Smudz. Tratta dall' Atlante Polacco del Sigr. Rizzi Zanoni | Baltic | Zatta, Antonio | 1781 | B+ | unsold |
460 | Regni Daniae, in quo sunt Ducatus Holsatia et Slesvicum, Insulae Danicae, Provinciae Iutia Scania Blekingia &c Nova Tabula | Denmark | Homann, Johann Baptist | 1730 | B+ | 70.00 |
461 | Delineatio Geometrica Urbis Haffniae Daniae Regum... | Copenhagen, Denmark | Pufendorf, Samuel, Baron von | 1697 | A | 100.00 |
462 | Accurate Vorstellung der Beruhmten Meer-Enge, Zwischen der Nord und Ost See ... Haupt und Residentz Stadt Copenhagen... | Copenhagen, Denmark | Homann, Johann Baptist | 1720 | B+ | 350.00 |
463 | Hollandia | Netherlands | Ortelius/Coignet | 1602 | B+ | 75.00 |
464 | Provinces Unies des Pays Bas | Netherlands | Sanson, Nicolas | 1648 | B | 140.00 |
465 | Dordracum Vulgo Dortt... | Dordrecht, Netherlands | Braun & Hogenberg | 1593 | A | 250.00 |
466 | Topographia Enchusae Delineata a Cornelio Biens Senatore Enchusano | Enkhuizen, Netherlands | Blaeu, Johannes | 1652 | A | 110.00 |
467 | Von dem Hertzogthumb Braband / und Seinen Furnemsten Stetten | Eastern Belgium & Western Germany | Munster, Sebastian | 1556 | A | 70.00 |
468 | Carte Particuliere des Environs de Liege, Limbourg, et Partie de Luxembourg | Eastern Belgium | Covens & Mortier | 1730 | A | 120.00 |
469 | Novissima et Accuratissima Namurci Comitatus Tabula in Lucem Edita | Southern Belgium | Danckerts, Theodore | 1680 | A | 100.00 |
470 | Lympurch | Limbourg, Belgium | Braun & Hogenberg | 1597 | A | 220.00 |
471 | Lutzenburg Ducatus | Luxembourg | Mercator/Jansson | 1638 | A | 140.00 |
472 | Ducatus Lutzenburgi Nova et Accurata Tabula cum Adjacentibus Provinciis et Omnibus suis Regionibus Delineatio | Luxembourg & Southeastern Belgium | Danckerts, Justus | 1700 | A | 180.00 |
473 | La Hollande ou les Provinces Unies des Pays Bas ou sont le Duche de Gueldres les Ctez. de Hollande Zelande et Zutphen... | Low Countries | Fer, Nicolas de | 1702 | B+ | 150.00 |
474 | Germaniae Cisrhenanae ut Inter I. Caesaris et Traiani fuit Imperia Scaldis Item Mosae ac Rheni Ostiorum Antiquae Descriptio | Low Countries | Cluver, Philipp | 1729 | A | unsold |
475 | Belgii Universi seu Inferioris Germaniae quam XVII Provinciae, Austriaco, Gallico et Batavo Sceptro Parentes Constituunt, Nova Tabula Geographica... | Low Countries | Mayer/Homann Heirs | 1748 | B+ | 80.00 |
476 | Partie Septentrionale des Pays Bas, Comprenant les Etats Generaux des Provinces Unies... | Low Countries | Janvier/Lattre | 1762 | B+ | unsold |
477 | Carte des Pays Bas Catholiques Dressee sur un Grand Nombre de Cartes Particulieres Faites sur les Lieux ou les Limites sont Exactement Marquees Suivant les Derniers Traitez | Belgium & Luxembourg | Delisle, Guillaume | 1702 | A | unsold |
478 | The Spanish Netherlands Commonly Called Flanders | Belgium & Luxembourg | Senex, John | 1719 | B+ | unsold |
479 | Flandriae Comitatus Pars Australis, in Castellaniam Insulanam, Balliviatum Duacensem, Territorium Tornacensem, et in Suasquaque Ditiones Subjacentes, Accuratissima Divisa | Northern France & Southern Belgium | Visscher, Nicolas | 1700 | A | unsold |
480 | [On 5 Sheets] Le Cours du Rhin de Bale a Hert Pres Philisboueg Contenant l'Alsace et Partie du Brisgau Suivant les Dernieres Observations de Mrs. de l'Accademie des Sciences... | Western Europe, Rhine River | Le Rouge, George Louis | 1745 | B+ | 450.00 |
481 | Imperium Caroli Magni Occidentis Imperatoris Complectens Galliam, Marcam Hispanicam, Baleares Insulas Corsicam, Italiam... | Western Europe | Robert de Vaugondy, Didier | 1752 | A | 80.00 |
482 | Der Rhein die Maass und Mosel, mit den Anliegenden Landern des Ober-Chur und Nieder-Rhein... | Western Europe, Rhine River | Gussefeld/Homann Heirs | 1783 | B | 130.00 |
483 | Von dem Elsass unnd Seiner Grossen Fruchtbarkeit dem kein Land am Rheinstrom... | Northeastern France & Southwestern Germany, Rhine River | Munster, Sebastian | 1556 | A | 60.00 |
484 | Carte Generale des Postes de France | France, Postal Routes | Fer, Nicolas de | 1732 | A | 150.00 |
485 | Regni Galliae seu Franciae et Navarrae Tabula Geographica in Usum Elementorum Geographicae Schazianorum Accommodata | France | Homann Heirs | 1741 | B+ | 50.00 |
486 | Story Map of France | France | | 1936 | A | 150.00 |
487 | [Untitled - Credit Lyonnais Pictorial Map of France] | France | | 1945 | A | 250.00 |
488 | Lorraine. Lotharingiae Nova Descriptio | Northeastern France | Ortelius, Abraham | 1587 | A | 150.00 |
489 | Regionis; Biturigum Exactiss: Descriptio per D. Ioannem Calamaeum [on sheet with] Limaniae Topographia Gabriele Symeoneo Auct. | Central France | Ortelius, Abraham | 1575 | A | 80.00 |
490 | Bituricum Ducatus. Duche de Berri | Central France | Blaeu, Willem | 1644 | A | unsold |
491 | Ducatus Burgundiae Nova Descriptio Divisa, Correcta, et Edita | Eastern France | Wit, Frederick de | 1691 | A | 90.00 |
492 | Praefectura Generalis & Comitatus Provinciae una cum Terris Adjacentibus in suas Dioeceses & Praeturas Subdivisus... | Southern France | Homann Heirs | 1750 | B+ | 110.00 |
493 | Carte de Provence et des Terres Adjacentes | Southeastern France | Delisle, Guillaume | 1715 | A | unsold |
494 | Plan de la Ville et Port de Dunquerque en Flandre, Assiege par les Armees du Roy Tres Chrestien Louis XIIII... | Dunkirk, France | Beaulieu, Sebastian de Pontault | 1694 | B+ | unsold |
495 | Typus Choro-Topographicus Regiae et Totius Orbis Celeberrimae Urbis Lutetiae Parisiorum cum Circumjacentis Territorii Oppidis, Coenobiis, Pagis, Villes... | Paris, France | Seutter, Matthias | 1740 | B+ | 275.00 |
496 | Tablettes Parisiennes qui Contiennent le Plan de la Ville & des Faubourgs de Paris Divise en Vingt Quartiers... | Paris, France | Robert de Vaugondy, Didier | 1760 | B+ | 450.00 |
497 | Plan de Toulon, la Veue de sa Rade et Situation de ses Tours... | Toulon, France | Mortier, Pierre | 1730 | B+ | 130.00 |
498 | [Title on Verso] Relief Map of Cannes and Surrounding Country / Carte en Relief de Cannes et Environs | Cannes, France | | 1953 | A | 190.00 |
499 | L'Espagne Dressee sur la Description qui en a ete Faite par Rodrigo Mendez Sylva et sur Plusieurs Relations et Cartes Manuscrites ou Imprimees de ce Royaume Rectifiees par les Observations de Mrs. de l'Academie des Sciences... | Spain & Portugal | Delisle, Guillaume | 1701 | B+ | unsold |
500 | Nouvelle Carte du Royaume d'Espagne, Dressee sur les Observations de Messieurs de l'Academie Royale des Sciences | Spain & Portugal | Gravius, N. T. | 1787 | B+ | 60.00 |
501 | Spain & Portugal, Reduced from Jasr. Nantiat's Map in Four Sheets | Spain & Portugal | Faden, William | 1812 | B | unsold |
502 | Mapa del Reyno de Navarra Comprehende las Merindades de Pamplona, Estella, Tudela, Sanguessa, Olite, Cuidades, Villas, Valles, y Cendeas &c... | Northern Spain | Lopez, D. Tomas | 1772 | B+ | 130.00 |
503 | Episcopatus Balbastrensis et Comitatus Ribagorcae | Northeastern Spain | Valck and Schenk | 1700 | A+ | unsold |
504 | Regni Valentiae Typus | Eastern Spain | Mercator/Hondius | 1628 | B+ | unsold |
505 | Plan of the City of Barcelona. For Mr. Tindal's Continuation of Mr. Rapin's History of England | Barcelona, Spain | Tindal, Nicholas | 1745 | A | 160.00 |
506 | Madrid | Madrid, Spain | SDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge | 1831 | A | 85.00 |
507 | Portugalliae et Algarbiae Regna cu Confin: Hispan: Prov: Simul Vero Pecul: Mappa Brasiliae Regn:... | Portugal & Brazil | Seutter/Lotter | 1740 | B+ | 220.00 |
508 | T Koninkryk van Portugal en Algerve... | Portugal | Keizer/De Lat | 1747 | A | 75.00 |
509 | Nova Totius Germaniae Descriptio Geographica | Central Europe, Germany | Scherer, Heinrich | 1703 | A+ | unsold |
510 | Suevia, quae cis Codanum fuit Sinum Antiqua Descriptio | Central Europe | Cluver, Philipp | 1729 | A | unsold |
511 | Vindeliciae et Norici, Conterminarumq Terrarum Antiqua Descriptio | Central Europe | Cluver, Philipp | 1729 | A | unsold |
512 | Mappa Geographica Indicans, Quibus in Locis per Totam Germaniam Bello Tricennali Rex Sueciae Gustavus Adolphus... | Central Europe | Seutter, Matthias | 1730 | A | 180.00 |
513 | Nova et Accurata Geographica Delineatio Ducatus Teschenensis in Silesia Superiore cum Finitimorum Hungariae et Poloniae Regnorum... | Southern Poland, Czech Republic & Slovakia | Seutter/Lotter | 1740 | A | 120.00 |
514 | Populorum Germaniae Inter Rhenum et Albim Descript ut Intor Caesaris... [on sheet with] Populorum Germaniae Inter Rhenum et Albim Descriptio ut Circa I. Caesaris... | Germany | Cluver, Philipp | 1729 | A | unsold |
515 | Thietmarsiae, Holsaticae Regionis Partis Typus. Auctore Petro Boeckel [on sheet with] Oldenburg Comit. | Northern Germany | Ortelius, Abraham | 1595 | A | 130.00 |
516 | [Lot of 2] Dithmarsiae Pars Septentrionalis. Nobili, Amplissimo, Doctissimo ac Prudentissimo... [and] Dithmarsiae Pars Australis | Northern Germany | Blaeu, Johannes | 1659 | B+ | unsold |
517 | Fossa Sanctae Mariae, quae et Eugeniana Dicitur Vulgo de Nieuwe Grift | Northwestern Germany, Rhine & Meuse Rivers | Blaeu, Willem | 1641 | B+ | 160.00 |
518 | [Lot of 2] Le Cours du Rhein Depuis Cologne, Jusques a Rheinberg, ou se Trouvent le Bas Electorat de Cologne... [and] ...Depuis Coblens Jusques a Cologne, ou se Trouvent Partie des Archhevechez et Electorats de Treves... | Western Germany, Rhine River | Fer, Nicolas de | 1702-05 | B+ | unsold |
519 | Francken Land in Germania... | Central Germany | Munster, Sebastian | 1556 | A | 60.00 |
520 | Territorium Abbatiae Heresfeldensis. 't Stift Hirszfeldt | Central Germany | Blaeu, Willem | 1634 | A | 90.00 |
521 | [Title on Verso] Meiszen Land | Eastern Germany | Munster, Sebastian | 1556 | A | 70.00 |
522 | Marchionatus Misniae Primaria Elector: Saxoniae Provincia, in Circulos suos Subdivisus Accedit Ditionum Regionumq Circumjacentium Magna Pars... | Eastern Germany | Seutter/Lotter | 1730 | A | 180.00 |
523 | Schwaben und Baierland / Darbey auch Begriffen Werden Schwartzwald / Otenwald und Nordgow | Southern Germany | Munster, Sebastian | 1558 | B+ | 110.00 |
524 | S.R.I. Circulus Sueviae Continens Ducatum Wirtenbergensem Aliosq Status et Provincias Eidem Circulo Insertas Novissime Propositus & Exhibitus | Southwestern Germany | Homann, Johann Baptist | 1716 | A | 200.00 |
525 | Nova Comitatus Pappenheimensis Tabula, cum Finitimis Diversorum Imperii Statuum Locis et Tractibus... | Southeastern Germany | Homann Heirs | 1740 | B+ | 90.00 |
526 | Franckfurt an der Oder Anno Dni 1548 | Frankfurt an der Oder, Germany | Munster, Sebastian | 1548 | A | 90.00 |
527 | Die Statt Lindaw im Boden See Auff Einer Freien Inseln Gelegen Gerings umb mit Wasser Umbgeben | Lindau, Germany | Munster, Sebastian | 1556 | B+ | 140.00 |
528 | Die Stat Nordlingen | Nordlingen, Germany | Munster, Sebastian | 1556 | A | 130.00 |
529 | Constantia, Vulgo Costnitz Memorabile Suevie Opp. [on sheet with] S. Galli Opp. et Monasterium Helvetiorum... | Konstanz, Germany & St. Gallen, Switzerland | Braun & Hogenberg | 1575 | A+ | 300.00 |
530 | Ober Wesell [on sheet with] Boppart | Oberwesel & Boppard, Germany | Braun & Hogenberg | 1588 | A | 90.00 |
531 | Aquisgranum vulgo Aich per Antiqua Imperij Urbs... | Aachen, Germany | Guicciardini, Lodovico | 1609 | A | 80.00 |
532 | Prospect und Grundris der des Heil: Rom Reichs-Stadt Nurnberg samt Ihren Linien und Gegend auf eine Meil-Wegs Herumb | Nurnberg, Germany | Homann, Johann Baptist | 1720 | A | 425.00 |
533 | Prospect Grundris und Gegent der Konigl. Schwed. Vestung Stralsund, wie Solche den 15 Julij Ao. 1715... | Stralsund, Germany | Homann, Johann Baptist | 1737 | B+ | 180.00 |
534 | Flying Visit of Truth to Berlin in the Form of an R.A.F. Leaflet Raid Here Fancifully Depicted - But Not Forgetting a Great Many Hard Facts | Berlin, Germany, World War II | | 1939 | B+ | 450.00 |
535 | Polonia et Silesia | Poland | Mercator/Hondius | 1633 | A | 130.00 |
536 | Ducatus Silesiae Glogani Vera Delineatio Secunda Cura ac Labore Confecta a Iona Sculteto Sprotta Silesio | Western Poland | Blaeu, (Family) | 1659 | A | 130.00 |
537 | Ducatus Silesiae Ligniciensis. Auctore Iona Sculteto Sprotta Silesio | Southwestern Poland | Blaeu, Johannes | 1659 | A | 130.00 |
538 | Bohemia | Czech Republic | Mercator/Hondius | 1630 | B+ | 130.00 |
539 | Nieuwe Kaart van 't Koninkryk Bohemen Thertogdom Silesien Markgraafschap Moravien en Lusatien | Czech Republic | Tirion, Isaac | 1770 | A+ | 120.00 |
540 | Znaymum Vulgo Znaym, Moraviae Civitas Primaria | Znojmo, Czech Republic | Braun & Hogenberg | 1618 | B+ | 230.00 |
541 | Helvetia Conterminarumq Terrarum Antiqua Descriptio | Switzerland | Cluver, Philipp | 1729 | A | 80.00 |
542 | Potentissimae Helvetiorum Reipublicae Cantones Tredecim cum Foederatis et Subjectis Provinciis | Switzerland | Homann Heirs | 1732 | B+ | 150.00 |
543 | Argow | Central Switzerland | Hondius/Bertius | 1616 | A | 30.00 |
544 | Das Wiflispurgergou | Southwestern Switzerland | Mercator/Hondius | 1607 | B+ | 24.00 |
545 | Lacus Lemanus | Lake Geneva, Switzerland | Munster, Sebastian | 1556 | A | 75.00 |
546 | Beyde Stett Genff / Grosz und Klein / mit Einer Brucken zu Sammen Gehenckt | Geneva, Switzerland | Munster, Sebastian | 1558 | A | 130.00 |
547 | Die Statt Chur im Schweitzer Gebirg in der Grawen Pundter Land Onsern vom Rhein Gelegen | Chur, Switzerland | Munster, Sebastian | 1556 | A | 110.00 |
548 | Saltzburg et Carinthiae | Western Austria | Mercator/Jansson | 1628 | A | 50.00 |
549 | Archiducatus Austriae Inferioris Accuratissima Tabula Cujus Ditiones in suos Quadrant | Eastern Austria | Seutter, Matthias | 1740 | B+ | unsold |
550 | Stiria Steyrmarck | Southeastern Austria | Blaeu, Willem | 1643 | A | 130.00 |
551 | Vienna (Wien) | Vienna, Austria | SDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge | 1833 | A | 90.00 |
552 | A Map of Hungary and Countries Adjacent - Most Humbly Inscrib'd to the Rt. Honble. the Early of Dundonald &c. | Hungary | Senex, John | 1719 | B | 120.00 |
553 | [Title on Verso] Von Sarmatia / Sonderlich von dem Konigreich Polandt... | Eastern Europe | Munster, Sebastian | 1628 | A | 100.00 |
554 | Moscovie dite Autrement Grande et Blanche Russie | Russia in Europe | Duval, Pierre | 1670 | B+ | unsold |
555 | Russia or Moscovy with Its Acquisitions &c. in Sweden Agreeable to Modern History | Russia in Europe | Moll, Herman | 1709 | A | 90.00 |
556 | Imperii Moscovitici Pars Australis in Lucem Edita per Guilielmum de l'Isle... | Russia & Ukraine | Seutter, Matthias | 1730 | A | 120.00 |
557 | Moscauw | Moscow, Russia | Braun & Hogenberg | 1597 | A | unsold |
558 | [Palus Maeotica] | Ukraine & Sea of Azov | Solinus, Caius Julius | 1538 | A | 150.00 |
559 | Taurica Chersonesus | Ukraine | Hondius/Purchas | 1625 | B+ | 80.00 |
560 | Taurica Chersonesus Nostra Aetate Przecopsca et Gazara Dicitur | Ukraine | Mercator/Hondius | 1628 | B | 100.00 |
561 | Stanford's Bird's-Eye View of the Seat of War in the Crimea | Crimea, Ukraine | Stanford, Edward | 1855 | B | 170.00 |
562 | Carinthiae Ducatus, et Goritiae Palatinatus, Wolf. Lazio Auctore [on sheet with] Histriae Tabula a Petro Coppo Descr. [and] Zarae, et Sebenici Descriptio | Southeastern Europe | Ortelius, Abraham | 1573 | B+ | 150.00 |
563 | Hungariae Ampliori Signific atu et Veteris vel Methodicae Complexae Regna: Hungariae Propriae, Croatiae Dalmatiae, Bosniae, Serviae, Bulgariae, Cumaniae Principatum: Transsylvaniae... | Hungary & Balkans | Haas/Homann Heirs | 1744 | B+ | 90.00 |
564 | CCLXXV - De Macedonia | Balkans | Schedel, Hartmann | 1493 | A | 110.00 |
565 | Turky in Europe | Balkans | Moll, Herman | 1701 | B+ | unsold |
566 | Croatiae, & Circumiacentiu Regionu Versus Turcam Nova Delineatio | Croatia | Jode, Cornelis de | 1593 | B | unsold |
567 | Regnum Bosniae, una cum Finitimis Croatiae, Dalmatiae, Slavoniae, Hung. et Serviae ... Regni Serviae Pars, una cum Finitimis Valachiae & Bulgariae... | Serbia & Bosnia and Herzegovina | Homann Heirs | 1750 | B+ | unsold |
568 | New Griechen Landt mit Andern Anstossenden Landern wie es zu Unsern Zeiten Bescriben Ist | Greece | Munster, Sebastian | 1558 | A | 375.00 |
569 | Graecia Vetus ex Schaedis Sansonianis Desumpta, in qua Macedonia, Thessalia, Epirus, Achaia et Peloponesus… | Greece | Robert de Vaugondy, Didier | 1752 | B+ | 100.00 |
570 | Graeciae Pars Septentrionalis Auctore Gullielmo Del'isle | Northern Greece | Cluver, Philipp | 1729 | A | unsold |
571 | Thraciae Veteris Typus. Ex Conatibus Geographicis Abrah. Ortelij | Northeastern Greece & Northwestern Turkey | Jansson, Jan | 1652 | B+ | unsold |
572 | Graeciae Antiquae Tabula Nova in qua Locorum Situs tum ad Distantias Itinerarias, tum ad Observationes Astronomicas Exactus Litorum Flexurae et Alia id Genus... | Southern Greece | Cluver, Philipp | 1729 | A | 100.00 |
573 | Nicsia | Naxos, Greece | Porcacchi, Tomaso | 1576 | A | 75.00 |
574 | Rodi Rhodes Rhodos | Rhodes, Greece | | 1935 | A | 80.00 |
575 | Tabula Italiae Antiquae in Regiones XI ab Augusto Divisae et tum ad Mensuras Itinerarias tum ad Observatioes Astronomicas Exacta Accurante Guillelmo de l'Isle... | Italy | Cluver, Philipp | 1729 | A | unsold |
576 | Statuum Totius Italiae Novissima Repraesentatio Geographica, Simul Exhibens Insulas Siciliae Sardiniae Corsicae et Maltae | Italy | Homann, Johann Baptist | 1730 | B | unsold |
577 | Sketch Map of Italy with the Lines of Communication by Road, Rail, Sea and Air | Italy | | 1953 | A | 70.00 |
578 | Stato di Milano | Northwestern Italy | Magini, Giovanni Antonio | 1620 | B+ | unsold |
579 | Patavini Territorii Corographia, Iac. Castaldo Auct. [on sheet with] Tarvisini Agri Typus Auctore Io. Pinadello Phul, et I.C. Taruisino | Northeastern Italy | Ortelius, Abraham | 1595 | A | 75.00 |
580 | Gebieth von Vicenza. Nro: 509 | Northeastern Italy | Reilly, Franz Johann Joseph von | 1795 | A | 6.00 |
581 | Larii Lacus Vulgo Comensis Descriptio, Auct. Pavio Jovio [on sheet with] Territorii Romani Descrip. [and] Fori Iulii, Vulgo Friuli Typus | Northern & Central Italy, Lake Como | Ortelius, Abraham | 1573 | B+ | 220.00 |
582 | Senensis Ditionis, Accurata Descrip. [on sheet with] Corsica [and] Marcha Anconae, olim Picenum. 1572 | Central Italy & Corsica | Ortelius, Abraham | 1572 | B+ | unsold |
583 | Etruriae Latii Umbriae Piceni Sabinorum et Marsorum Vetus et Nova Descriptio | Central Italy | Cluver, Philipp | 1729 | A | unsold |
584 | Status Ecclesiastici nec non Magni Ducatus Toscanae Nova Tabula Geographica... | Central Italy | Mayer/Homann Heirs | 1748 | B+ | unsold |
585 | Thusciae Descriptio Auctore Hieronymo Bellarmato | Western Italy | Ortelius, Abraham | 1573 | B+ | unsold |
586 | Plan of Rome | Rome, Italy | Murray, John | 1858 | B+ | 100.00 |
587 | Tabula VII Euro | Sicily & Sardinia | Ptolemy/Fries | 1525 | A | unsold |
588 | [Lot of 3] [Duke of Genoa] [and] [Aquileia] [and] [Coats of Arms] | Italy | Munster, Sebastian | 1550 | B | 80.00 |
589 | In Notitiam Ecclesiasticam Africae Tabula Geographica | Western Mediterranean & Northern Africa | Delisle, Guillaume | 1700 | A | 150.00 |
590 | A Plan of the Batteries Erected Before Gibraltar, with the Attacks Made by Sea and Land on That Garrison by the Duke de Crillon and Admiral Moreno, on the 13th of September, 1782... | Gibraltar | Ashby, H. | 1785 | B+ | 150.00 |
591 | Valletta Citta Nova di Malta | Valletta, Malta | Merian, Matthaus | 1650 | A | unsold |
592 | Candia | Crete | Mercator/Cloppenburgh | 1636 | B+ | 120.00 |
593 | I. de Corse | Corsica | Mallet, Alain Manesson | 1683 | A | 75.00 |
594 | Insulae Corsicae Accurata Chorographia Tradita per I. Vogt Capit. SCM… | Corsica | Homann Heirs | 1735 | B | 170.00 |
595 | A New Map of the Island of Corsica, Divided Into Cantons, Called Pieves | Corsica | Kitchin, Thomas | 1762 | A | 90.00 |
596 | Carte de la Turquie de l'Arabie et de la Perse Dressee sur les Memoires les Plus Recens Rectifiez par les Observations de Mrs. de l'Academie Rle. des Sciences | Mediterranean, Middle East & Northern Africa | Delisle, Guillaume | 1701 | A | 230.00 |
597 | Turcicum Imperium | Eastern Mediterranean & Middle East | Allard, Hugo | 1665 | B+ | 450.00 |
598 | Estats de l'Empire du Grand Seigneur des Turcs, en Europe, en Asie, et en Afrique, Divise en Touts ses Beglerbeglicz, ou Gouvernments... | Eastern Mediterranean & Middle East | Sanson/Jaillot | 1708 | B+ | 250.00 |
599 | Geographische Beschryvinghe van de Wandeling der Apostelen ende de Reysen Pauli... | Eastern Mediterranean & Middle East | Visscher, Nicolas | 1657 | B+ | 170.00 |
600 | De Beschryvingh van de Reysen Pauli, en van de Andere Apostelen met des Selfs Landen en Koningryke daer sy het Evangelium Gepredikt Hebben | Eastern Mediterranean & Middle East | Stoopendaal, Daniel | 1729 | A | 200.00 |
601 | Syria / Cypern / Palestina / Mesopotamia / Babylonia / zwey Arabia / mit Bergen / Wasseren und Stetten | Middle East & Cyprus | Munster/Petri | 1598 | B+ | unsold |
602 | Persia sive Sophorum Regnum cum Armenia Assyria Mesopotamia et Babilonia | Middle East | Cluver, Philipp | 1694 | A | 65.00 |
603 | La Perse, la Georgie et la Turquie d'Asie. Avec la Partie Septentrionale de l'Arabie | Middle East | Fer, Nicolas de | 1703 | A | 150.00 |
604 | De Gelegentheyt van 't Paradys en 't Landt Canaan, Mitsgaders d'Eerst Bewoonde Landen der Patriarchen uyt de H. Schrifture en Verscheyden Auctoren by een Gestelt | Middle East & Cyprus | Stoopendaal, Daniel | 1729 | A | 80.00 |
605 | Carte Touristique du Liban | Lebanon | | 1954 | A | 160.00 |
606 | Folium XCXIIII - Nicea Urbs [on verso] Ordo Cartusiensium | Iznik, Turkey | Schedel, Hartmann | 1493 | B+ | 60.00 |
607 | Folium CXXX - Constantinopolis | Istanbul, Turkey | Schedel, Hartmann | 1493 | B+ | 850.00 |
608 | Constantinople. Stambool | Istanbul, Turkey | SDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge | 1840 | A | 160.00 |
609 | Tabula Geographica, in qua Omnes Regiones, Urbes, Oppida, Loca et Fluvij Israeliae Describuntur; Quorum Mentio Fit in Josua... / Geographische Beschryvinge, waer in alle Landschappe, Steden Plaetsen en Rivieren des Lands Israels... | Holy Land | Plancius/Cloppenburg | 1625 | B+ | unsold |
610 | Patriarchatus Hierosolymitani Geographica Descriptio | Holy Land | Tavernier, Melchior | 1640 | A | 120.00 |
611 | Het Beloofde Landt Canaan, door Wandelt van Onsen Salichmaaker Iesu Christo, Neffens syne Apostelen | Holy Land | Avelen, Jan van den | 1700 | A+ | 200.00 |
612 | Perigrinatie ofte Veertich-Iarige Reyse der Kinderen Israels, uyt Egypten door Roode Zee, ende de Woestyne, tot in't Beloofde Landt Canaan... | Holy Land | Stoopendaal, Daniel | 1710 | B+ | 130.00 |
613 | Totius Terrae Sanctae Delineatio | Holy Land | Cluver, Philipp | 1729 | B+ | 100.00 |
614 | Palaestina in XII. Tribus Divisa, cum Terris Adiacentibus Denuo Revisa & Copiosior Reddita | Holy Land | Homann Heirs | 1750 | B+ | 180.00 |
615 | XVII - Hierosolima | Jerusalem, Holy Land | Schedel, Hartmann | 1493 | B+ | 300.00 |
616 | Jerusalem en syn Tempel | Jerusalem, Holy Land | Hooghe, Romain de | 1700 | A | 375.00 |
617 | Vera Hierosolymae Veteris Imago | Jerusalem, Holy Land | Halma, Francois | 1709 | A | 100.00 |
618 | Ierusalem | Jerusalem, Holy Land | Jagen, Jan van | 1748 | B+ | 210.00 |
619 | Arabia | Arabia | Tallis, John | 1850 | A | 160.00 |
620 | Carte de l'Entree du Golfe de la Mer Rouge | Red Sea | Apres de Mannevillette, Jean B. N. D. | 1775 | B+ | unsold |
621 | Persici vel Sophorum Regni Typus | Persia - Iran | Mercator/Jansson | 1634 | A | 100.00 |
622 | Nova Imperii Persici Delineatio Juxta Recentiss. et Accuratiss. Observat. Adriani Relandi Proposita Studio Manuq. | Persia - Iran | Seutter, Matthias | 1730 | A | 190.00 |
623 | Tabula Asiae III | Caucasus | Munster, Sebastian | 1542 | A | 400.00 |
624 | USSR Caucasus Crimea Pictorial Map | Southern Ukraine & Caucasus | | 1939 | A | 600.00 |
625 | Carte de la Mer Caspienne et ses Environs | Caspian Sea | Bellin, Jacques Nicolas | 1764 | A | unsold |
626 | Tabula Asiae VII | Central Asia | Ptolemy/Ruscelli | 1561 | A | 150.00 |
627 | A Map of Independent Tartary Containing the Territories of Usbeck, Gasgar, Tibet, Lassa &c. | Central Asia | Moll, Herman | 1712 | A | 125.00 |
628 | Asia | Asia | Hondius, Jodocus | 1635 | A+ | 120.00 |
629 | Exactissima Asiae Delineatio. In Praecipuas Regiones Caeterasq Partes Divisa, et Denuo in Lucem Edita | Asia | Danckerts, Cornelius | 1697 | B | 400.00 |
630 | L'Asie Dressee sur les Observations de l'Academie Royale des Sciences et Quelques Autres, et sur les Memoires les Plus Recens | Asia | Delisle, Guillaume | 1700 | A | unsold |
631 | Asia Antiqua et Nova | Asia | Cluver, Philipp | 1729 | A | 120.00 |
632 | Nieuwe Kaart van Asia na de Alderlaatste Ondekking int Licht Gebracht | Asia | Tirion, Isaac | 1733 | A | 150.00 |
633 | Asia Secundum Legitimas Projectionis Stereographicae Regulas et Juxta Recentissimas Observationes... | Asia | Haas/Homann Heirs | 1744 | B+ | unsold |
634 | Asie Divisee en ses Principaux Etats, Empires & Royaumes | Asia | Robert de Vaugondy/Delamarche | 1791 | B+ | unsold |
635 | Asie | Asia | Levasseur, Victor | 1861 | A | unsold |
636 | Tartaria | Northern Asia | Mercator/Jansson | 1628 | A | 75.00 |
637 | Tartaria Maior | Northern Asia | Sanson, Nicolas | 1679 | A | 80.00 |
638 | Carte de Tartarie Dressee sur les Relations de Plusieurs Voyageurs de Differentes Nations et sur Quelques Observations qui ont ete Faites dans ce Pais... | Northern Asia | Delisle, Guillaume | 1706 | A | unsold |
639 | Imperii Russici et Tatariae Universae tam Majores et Asiaticae quam Minores et Europaeae Tabula... | Northern Asia, Russian Empire | Haas/Homann Heirs | 1739 | B+ | 140.00 |
640 | Carte de la Tartarie Chinoise Projettee et Assujettie aux Observations Astronomiques | Eastern Asia | Bonne/Lattre | 1771 | B+ | 90.00 |
641 | Chinae, olim Sinarum Regionis, Nova Descriptio. Auctore Ludovico Georgio | China | Ortelius, Abraham | 1584 | B+ | 3000.00 |
642 | [On 2 Sheets] New Productions Map of China | China | | 1917 | B+ | unsold |
643 | Queicheu, Imperii Sinarum Provincia Decima Quarta | Southern China | Blaeu, Johannes | 1655 | B | unsold |
644 | Fokien Imperii Sinarum Provincia Undecima | Southeastern China | Blaeu, Johannes | 1655 | A | 650.00 |
645 | Carte de l'Isle de Cheu-Chan ou Isle de Chusan de la Province de Che-Kiang avec les Costes et Isles Voisines... | Eastern China | Bellin, Jacques Nicolas | 1750 | A+ | 60.00 |
646 | [Lot of 2] Habillement de l'Empereur de la Chine & des Dames de son Palais avec Quelques Usages & Coutumes Observees en ce Pais [and] Habillemens d'Hommes & de Femmes de Diverses Provinces de la Chine avec un des Plus Beaux Monumens de ce Pais-La | China, Natives | Chatelain, Henry Abraham | 1720 | A | unsold |
647 | China Veteribus Sinarum Regio nunc Incolis Tame Dicta | China, Korea & Japan | Jansson, Jan | 1636 | A | 900.00 |
648 | L'Empire de la Chine d'Apres l'Atlas Chinois, avec les Isles du Japon | China, Korea & Japan | Bonne/Lattre | 1787 | A | unsold |
649 | Nova et Accurata Iaponiae, Terrae Esonis, ac Insularum Adjacentium... | Japan & Korea | Jansson, Jan | 1658 | A | 750.00 |
650 | L'Empire du Japon, Divise en Sept Principales Parties, et Subdivise en Soixante et Six Royaumes | Japan & Korea | Robert de Vaugondy, Gilles | 1750 | B+ | 150.00 |
651 | Indochine | Southeast Asia | | 1945 | A | 41.00 |
652 | Plan of Salangor, and of the Coast of Malaya, from Point Caran to Parcelar Hill, Including the Straits of Colong | Malaysia | Laurie & Whittle | 1796 | B+ | unsold |
653 | A Chart of the Channel in the Phillippine Islands Through Which the Manila Galeon Passes Together with the Adjacent Islands | Philippines | Anson, George | 1748 | B | 220.00 |
654 | Carte des Nouvelles Philippines | Philippines | Bellin, Jacques Nicolas | 1761 | B+ | unsold |
655 | Map Showing Operations of Second Division, 8th Army Corps from March 1st to May 31st 1899 Major-General Arthur MacArthur Commanding… | Philippines | U.S. War Department | 1899 | A+ | 110.00 |
656 | Nuova, et Accurata Carta dell' Isole Filippine, Ladrones, e Moluccos, o Isole delle Speziarie Come Anco Celebes &c. | Eastern Indonesia & Philippines | Tirion/Albrizzi | 1738 | A | 120.00 |
657 | Partie de l'Isle Sumatra, ou se Trouve l'Etablissement Anglais de la Baye de Sellabar, Pres Bencoule... | Western Sumatra | Tardieu, Ambroise | 1811 | B+ | unsold |
658 | [Petits Voyages, Part VIII] Indiae Orientalis Pars Octava: Navigationes Quinque, Primam a Iacobo Neccio, ab Anno 1600... | East Indies - Indonesia, Singapore, & Macao | Bry, Johann Theodore de | 1607 | B+ | 5500.00 |
659 | Tourist Map of India | India & Sri Lanka | Philip, George | 1930 | B+ | 130.00 |
660 | Nouvelle Carte du Royaume de Bengale | Northeastern India & Bangladesh | Bellin, Jacques Nicolas | 1761 | A | 80.00 |
661 | Chart of the Northern Part of the Bay of Bengal Laid down Chiefly from the Surveys Made by Bartholomew Plaisted and John Ritchie | Northeastern India & Bangladesh | Delahaye, Guillaume Nicolas | 1772 | B+ | unsold |
662 | A Map of India, on the West Side of the Ganges, Comprehending the Coasts of Malabar, Cormandel, and the Island Ceylon | Southern India | Bowen, Emanuel | 1744 | A | unsold |
663 | The Seat of War on the Coast of Choramandel. Accommodated with a Memoir July 1754 | Southeastern India | Jefferys, Thomas | 1754 | A | unsold |
664 | Tabula Indiae Orientalis | Southern & Southeast Asia | Wit, Frederick de | 1662 | A | unsold |
665 | Tabula Geographica Hydrophylacium Asiae Majoris Exhibens, quo Omnia Flumina sive Proxime sive Remote per Occultos Meandros Originem Suam Sortiuntur | Southern & Southeast Asia | Kircher, Athanasius | 1665 | A | 500.00 |
666 | Indiae Orientalis et Insularum Adiacentium Antiqua et Nova Descriptio | Southern & Southeast Asia | Cluver, Philipp | 1729 | A | 180.00 |
667 | Plan de l'Isle de Bourbon, Situee sur l'Ocean Oriental... | Reunion, Indian Ocean | Apres de Mannevillette, Jean B. N. D. | 1775 | A | 120.00 |
668 | 'T Eilandt van Madagascar of van St. Laurens... | Madagascar | Sanson, Nicolas | 1705 | A | 110.00 |
669 | Aphrica mit Seinen Befundern Landern Thieren und Wunderbarlichen Dingen | Africa | Munster, Sebastian | 1615 | B+ | 110.00 |
670 | Africae Dei Mater Alicubi Nota & haec Ibidem Benefica | Africa | Scherer, Heinrich | 1699 | B | 250.00 |
671 | L'Afrique Dressee Selon les Dernieres Relat. et Suivant les Nouvelles Decouvertes dont les Points Principaux sont Placez sur les Observations de Mrs. de l'Academie Royales des Sciences | Africa | Fer, Nicolas de | 1717 | A | 150.00 |
672 | L'Afrique Dressee sur les Observations de Mrs. de l'Academie Royale des Sciences et Quelques Autres; & sur les Memoires les Plus Recens | Africa | Delisle/Covens & Mortier | 1730 | A+ | 300.00 |
673 | Nieuwe Kaart van Africa na de Alderlaatste Ondekking int Licht Gebracht | Africa | Tirion, Isaac | 1769 | B+ | unsold |
674 | [Lot of 3] Northern Africa [and] Western Africa [and] Natal and Kaffraria | Africa | Tallis, John | 1850 | B+ | 170.00 |
675 | [Lot of 2 - Map and Illustrated Cover] Nouvelle Carte d'Afrique Mise au Courant des Dernieres Decouvertes [and] L'Afrique | Africa | | 1887 | B+ | 450.00 |
676 | [Petits Voyages, Part I] Vera Descriptio Regni Africani, quod tam Abincolis quam Lusitanis Congus Appellatur. Per Philippum Pigafettam... | Africa, Congo | Bry, Johann Theodore de | 1598 | | 2750.00 |
677 | Marmarica Nuova Tavola | Northern Africa | Ruscelli, Girolamo | 1561 | A | 90.00 |
678 | [Lot of 2] Tabula Aphricae I [and] Tabula Aphricae II | Northern Africa | Ptolemy/Magini | 1597-98 | A | 140.00 |
679 | 'T Gedeelte van Barbaryen waar in Leggen de Ryken van Tunis en Tripoli... | Northern Africa | Sanson, Nicolas | 1705 | A | 80.00 |
680 | T Koningryk en de Woestyne van Barca en Aegypten... | Northern Africa | Sanson, Nicolas | 1705 | A | 80.00 |
681 | Topographica Repraesentatio Barbarici Portus et Urbis Munitae Oran... / Wahrhaffte Abbildung der Barbariscen Vestung Oran... | Oran, Algeria | Homann Heirs | 1732 | B+ | unsold |
682 | Fezzae et Marocchi Regna Africae Celeberrima, Describebat Abrah: Ortelius | Northwestern Africa | Jansson, Jan | 1639 | B+ | 90.00 |
683 | 'T Gedeelte van Biledulgerid, waar in Leggen Tesset, Darha, en Segelomessa Enz. | Northwestern Africa | Sanson, Nicolas | 1705 | A | 80.00 |
684 | Credit Lyonnais Fonde en 1863 - Afrique du Nord & Union Francaise | Northwestern Africa | | 1945 | B+ | unsold |
685 | A Chart of the Coast of Barbary from C. Spartell to C. Cantin | Morocco | Mount & Page | 1766 | B+ | unsold |
686 | Carte du Maroc | Morocco | | 1955 | A | 90.00 |
687 | Tanger, een Oude Stadt in het Koningryk van Fez... / Tingin, Mauritaniae Tingitanae Quondam Metropolis... | Tangier, Morocco | Schenk, Pieter | 1702 | A | 70.00 |
688 | Aegyptus Antiqua Divisa in Nomos Auth. P. duVal | Egypt | Cluver/Jansson | 1676 | A | 80.00 |
689 | Aegypti Recentior Descriptio: Aegyptis & Turcis Elchibith; Arabibus Mesre & Misri, Hebraeis Mitsraim | Egypt & Arabia | Jansson/Valck & Schenk | 1700 | B | 75.00 |
690 | Folio LXXVII - Alexandria | Alexandria, Egypt | Schedel, Hartmann | 1493 | B+ | 60.00 |
691 | Statues of Memnon in the Plain of Goorna at Thebes | Al Qarnah, Egypt | Roberts, David | 1846 | A | 120.00 |
692 | Temple of Isis on the Roof of the Great Temple of Dendera | Qism Qena, Egypt | Roberts, David | 1848 | A | 120.00 |
693 | Nubie et Abissinie. Projettee et Assujettie aux Observations Astronomiques | Eastern Africa | Bonne/Lattre | 1771 | B+ | 80.00 |
694 | Partie de la Cote Orientale d'Afrique avec l'Isle de Madagascar et les Cartes Particulieres des Isles de France et de Bourbon. Projette et Assujetie aux Observations Astronomiques | Eastern Africa & Madagascar | Bonne, Rigobert | 1780 | A | 80.00 |
695 | Guinea | Western Africa | Blaeu, Willem | 1643 | B+ | 150.00 |
696 | Isole della Guinea [on verso] Isola Goree | Western Africa | Coronelli, Vincenzo Maria | 1696 | A | unsold |
697 | Guinee, en de Omleggende Landen, Getrokken uit Marcator, Blommert, Enz. | Western Africa | Sanson, Nicolas | 1705 | A | unsold |
698 | [Lot of 2] Het Fort Oranje en Nassou opt Eiland Goeree [and] Fort Nassou van Binnen met Oranje op 't Eilant Goeree | Goree Island, Senegal | Dapper, Olivier | 1670 | B+ | 60.00 |
699 | Abissinorum Regnu | Central Africa | Hondius/Purchas | 1625 | A | 100.00 |
700 | Congo Belge | Central Africa | | 1956 | A+ | 275.00 |
701 | Aethiopia Inferior, vel Exterior. Partes Magis Septentrionales, quae hic Desiderantur, Vide in Tabula Aethiopiae Superioris | Southern Africa & Madagascar | Blaeu, Willem | 1643 | A | 300.00 |
702 | Empire du Monomotapa et Etats Voisins Tire de M Delisle et Autres Auteurs | Southeastern Africa | Bellin, Jacques Nicolas | 1757 | B+ | unsold |
703 | Nieuwe Kaart van Caap der Goede Hoop in Hare Rechte Jegenwoordige Staat... | Cape of Good Hope, Southern Africa | Valentyn, Francois | 1726 | B+ | 500.00 |
704 | [Eastern Sheet] A Chart of the Pacific Ocean from the Equinoctial to the Latitude of 39 1/2d. No. | Pacific Ocean | Anson, George | 1748 | B | 100.00 |
705 | Tartariae sive Magni Chami Regni Typus | North Pacific, Northern Asia & Northwestern North America | Ortelius, Abraham | 1573 | B | 650.00 |
706 | Carte Generale des Decouvertes de l'Amiral de Fonte Representant la Grande Probabilite d'un Passage au Nord Ouest | North Pacific Ocean | Robert de Vaugondy, Didier | 1772 | B+ | 70.00 |
707 | Nuove Scoperte de' Russi al Nord del Mare del Sud si nell' Asia, che nell' America | North Pacific Ocean | Zatta, Antonio | 1776 | B+ | 300.00 |
708 | [Lot of 2] Ein Tatuirter aus Nukahiwa [and] Ein Tatuirter Mann aus Nukahiwa | Marquesas Islands, Natives | Schinz, Heinrich R. | 1830 | B+ | 60.00 |
709 | New South Wales | New South Wales, Australia | SDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge | 1833 | A | 90.00 |
710 | Gregory's Map of the City of Sydney | Sydney, Australia | | 1956 | A | 100.00 |
711 | [Lot of 2] Bewohner von Van Diemens Land [and] Bewohner von Van Diemens Land | Tasmania, Natives | Schinz, Heinrich R. | 1830 | A | 60.00 |
712 | New Zealand | New Zealand | | 1952 | A | 25.00 |
713 | Gerardus Mercator... Iudocus Hondius... | Portrait | Hondius | 1619 | B+ | unsold |
714 | Der Ander Theil / der Newslich Erfundenen Landtschafft Americae, von Dreyen Schiffahrten / so die Frankosen in Floridam... | Title Pages | Bry, Theodore de | 1603 | B+ | 200.00 |
715 | Belgii Inferioris Geographicae Tabule | Title Pages | Mercator, Gerard | 1606 | B+ | 90.00 |
716 | Theatri Praecipuarum Totius Mundi Urbium Liber Sextus | Title Pages | Braun & Hogenberg | 1617 | B+ | 150.00 |
717 | Le Theatre du Monde, ou Nouvel Atlas, Mis en Lumiere par Guillaume & Jean Blaeu. Troisieme Partie | Title Pages | Blaeu, (Family) | 1650 | A | 170.00 |
718 | The Illustrated Atlas, and Modern History of the World Geographical, Political, Commercial & Statistical | Title Pages | Tallis, John | 1850 | B+ | 115.00 |
719 | Recueil de Planches sur les Sciences, les Arts Liberaux, et les Arts Mechaniques... | Prints - Astronomy | Diderot, Denis | 1767 | A | unsold |
720 | Rallus Aquatius, Foemina | Prints - Birds | Sepp, Jan Christian | 1797 | A | unsold |
721 | Velvet Scoter. Oidemia Fusca; (Flem.) | Prints - Birds | Gould, John | 1837 | B+ | unsold |
722 | Mareca Penelope | Prints - Birds | Gould, John | 1862 | B | unsold |
723 | Belladona Majoribus Foliis & Floribus Inst. R.H. 77. | Prints - Botanical | Miller, Philip | 1756 | A | unsold |
724 | [Lot of 4] Rosa Pomponiana Muscosa / Le Pompon Mousseux [and] Rosa Indica Pumila / Rosier Nain du Bengale [and] Rosa Alpina Loevis / Rosier des Alpes a Pedoncules et Calice Glabres [and] Rosa Humifusa / Le Rosier a Tiges Couchees | Prints - Botanical | Redoute, Pierre | 1828 | B+ | 200.00 |
725 | [Collection of 24 Plates from America: Being the Latest, and Most Accurate Description of the New World...] | Prints - Natives, America | Montanus/Ogilby | 1671 | B+ | 350.00 |
726 | Zee-Slagh Tusschen de Hr. Michiel de Ruiter en den Hr. Georg Ascue by Plymuyden op den 26 Augusti 1652 | Prints - Ships | Stoopendaal, Daniel | 1687 | B+ | 120.00 |
727 | The Raising ye Siege of Gibraltar, & Destroying Mons'r Ponti's Squadron, by Sir John Leake, March 20 1704/5 | Prints - Ships | Anon. | 1750 | A | 800.00 |
728 | [Lot of 5 - German Bibles Leaves] | Prints - Religion | | 1580 | B+ | 150.00 |
729 | [Untitled - Garden of Eden] | Prints - Religion | Visscher, Claes Janszoon | 1611 | B | 100.00 |
730 | Proiicerent Fratres Iosephum in Cisternam, Sustulerunt, Vendideruntque eum Iischmahelitis. Geneseos 37.24 | Prints - Religion | Visscher, Claes Janszoon | 1650 | B+ | unsold |
731 | De Vervallen Actionisten, Hersteld, door den Triompheerden Arlequin | Satire - Stock Trading | Anon. | 1720 | B+ | 60.00 |
732 | De Laggende Law, de Treurende Actionist met de Smekende Mercurius | Satire - Stock Trading | Anon. | 1720 | B+ | 60.00 |
733 | [Illuminated Leaf] | Medieval Manuscripts | Anon. | 1250 | B+ | 170.00 |
734 | [Illuminated Leaf] | Medieval Manuscripts | Anon. | 1300 | B | 65.00 |
735 | [Illuminated Leaf] | Medieval Manuscripts | Anon. | 1430 | B+ | 130.00 |
736 | [Illuminated Leaf] | Medieval Manuscripts | Anon. | 1440 | B+ | 60.00 |
737 | [Illuminated Manuscript] | Medieval Manuscripts | Anon. | 1450 | B+ | 475.00 |
738 | [Lot of 2 - Illuminated Leaves] | Medieval Manuscripts | Anon. | 1450 | B+ | 200.00 |
739 | [Illuminated Leaf] | Medieval Manuscripts | Anon. | 1500 | B+ | 50.00 |
740 | [Lot of 2 - Islamic Prayer Leaves] | Illuminated Manuscripts | Jami, Abu Bakr | 1780 | B+ | unsold |
741 | [Complete Set of Creation Plates] | Incunabula | Schedel, Hartmann | 1493 | B+ | 1200.00 |
742 | [Book of Hours Leaf] | Early Printing | Anon. | 1500 | A | 60.00 |
743 | [Book of Hours Leaves] | Early Printing | Poitevin, Jean, de | 1501 | A | 275.00 |
744 | [Book of Hours Leaf] | Early Printing | Poitevin, Jean, de | 1501 | B+ | 70.00 |
745 | [Book of Hours Leaf] | Early Printing | Anon. | 1510 | A | unsold |
746 | [Book of Hours Leaf] De Sanctissima Trinitate | Early Printing | Anon. | 1520 | B+ | 750.00 |
747 | [Missal Leaf] | Early Printing | Luc Antonio Giunta | 1520 | A | 100.00 |
748 | [Book of Hours Leaf] | Early Printing | Hardouin, Gilles | 1520 | B+ | unsold |
749 | [Dutch Bible Leaf] | Early Printing | | 1618 | A | 36.00 |
750 | [Antiphonal Leaf] | Music | Anon. | 1457 | B+ | 140.00 |
751 | [Lot of 3 - Music] | Music | Luc Antonio Giunta | 1520 | A | 120.00 |
752 | [Music] | Music | Anon. | 1590 | B | 55.00 |
753 | [Antiphonal Leaf] | Music | Anon. | 1600 | B | 41.00 |
754 | [Texas Independence] Niles' Weekly Register ... from September, 1819 to March, 1820 - Vol. XVII. or, Volume V. - New Series | Documents - Texas | | 1820 | B | 160.00 |
755 | [Lot of 3 - Texas Independence] Niles' Weekly Register ... from September, 1820, to March, 1821 - Vol. XIX. Or, Volume VII [and] ... from March to September, 1821... [and] ... from March to September, 1822... | Documents - Texas | | 1820-22 | B | 120.00 |
756 | [Cosmographey oder Beschreibung aller Länder] | Atlases | Munster, Sebastian | 1567 | B | 7500.00 |
757 | Epitome Theatri Orteliani, Praecipuarum Orbis Regionum Delineationes... | Atlases | Ortelius/Vrients | 1601 | A | 5000.00 |
758 | Cary's New Universal Atlas, Containing Distinct Maps of All the Principal States and Kingdoms Throughout the World. From the Latest and Best Authorities Extant | Atlases | Cary, John | 1808 | B+ | 5500.00 |
759 | Atlas Minima, Comprehended in 30 Maps | Atlases | Murphy, William | 1824 | B+ | 500.00 |
760 | A New Universal Atlas Containing Maps of the Various Empires, Kingdoms, States and Republics of the World... | Atlases | Mitchell, Samuel Augustus | 1848 | B+ | 2500.00 |
761 | Colton's General Atlas, Containing One Hundred and Seventy Steel Plate Maps and Plans, on One Hundred Imperial Folio Sheets... | Atlases | Colton, Joseph Hutchins | 1860 | B+ | 2100.00 |
762 | Historical Atlas of the World Illustrated Giving Histories and Maps of All the Countries in Their Geographical Statistical and Commercial Aspects... | Atlases | Hardesty, Hiram H. | 1875 | | 350.00 |
763 | Arbuckles' Illustrated Atlas of Fifty Principal Nations of the World | Atlases | Arbuckle Bros. Coffee Co. | 1889 | B+ | 250.00 |
764 | Walker's International Atlas Containing Over One Hundred and Twenty New Maps... | Atlases | Walker, Henry B. | 1891 | | 350.00 |
765 | Splitdorf Route Book - Maps and Routes in All States | Road Atlas | | 1910 | A | 170.00 |
766 | [2 Volumes] The American Gazetteer, Exhibiting a Full Account of the Civil Divisions, Rivers, Harbours, Indian Tribes, &c. of the American Continent... [and] A New Gazetteer of the Eastern Continent... | Geography Books | Morse, Jedidiah (Rev.) | 1802-04 | B | unsold |
767 | The Principall Navigations, Voiages and Discoveries of the English Nation, Made by Sea or Ouer Land... | Exploration & Surveys | Hakluyt, Richard | 1589 | B+ | 9000.00 |
768 | Histoire Generale des Voyages, ou Nouvelle Collection de Toutes les Relations de Voyages par Mer et par Terre ... Tome Second | Exploration & Surveys, East Indies, Japan & Africa | Prevost, Anton Francois | 1746 | A | 500.00 |
769 | Histoire Generale des Voyages, ou Nouvelle Collection de Toutes les Relations de Voyages par Mer et par Terre ... Tome Premier | Exploration & Surveys, Africa & Arabia | Prevost, Anton Francois | 1746 | A | 350.00 |
770 | [Pacific Railroad Surveys - Volume XII Book I] Reports of Explorations and Surveys, to Ascertain the Most Practicable and Economical Route for a Railroad from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean ... Volume XII. Book I | Exploration & Surveys, Railroads | U.S. Railroad Surveys | 1860 | B | 120.00 |
771 | [Japanese Book - Hakubutsu Senkai] | History Books | | 1869 | A | 100.00 |
772 | Antiquities of the Southern Indians, Particularly of the Georgia Tribes | History Books, Native Americans | Appleton & Company | 1873 | B+ | unsold |
773 | The American Lawyer, and Business-Man's Form-Book; Containing Forms and Instructions... | Miscellaneous Books | Beadle, D. W. | 1851 | B | 33.00 |
774 | [Lot of 12 - Facsimile Atlas] The Third Centenary Edition of Johan Blaeu Le Grand Atlas ou Cosmographie Blaviane | References, Facsimile Atlas | Blaeu, Johannes | 1967-70 | B+ | 2200.00 |
775 | [Facsimile Atlas] The Theatre of the Whole World | References, Facsimile Atlas | Ortelius, Abraham | 1968 | A | 275.00 |
776 | [Lot of 2] How They Saw the New World [and] Antique Maps for the Collector | References | | 1966-73 | A | 25.00 |
777 | [Lot of 2] Collecting Old Maps [and] Antique Maps of Europe, the Americas, West Indies, Australasia, Africa, the Orient | References | | 1972-2002 | | 31.00 |
778 | [Lot of 2] Maps - A Historical Survey of Their Study and Collecting [and] Old Maps and Globes... | References | | 1975-79 | B+ | 35.00 |
779 | Early Maps | References | Campbell, Tony | 1981 | A | 7.00 |
780 | The Earliest Printed Maps 1472-1500 | References | Campbell, Tony | 1987 | A | 41.00 |
781 | [Lot of 2] Maps in British Periodicals Part I Major Monthlies Before 1800 [and] Maps of America in Periodicals Before 1800 | References | Jolly, David C. | 1989-90 | A | unsold |
782 | [Lot of 42] Mercator's World - The Magazine of Maps, Geography, and Discovery | References, Magazines | | 1996-2003 | A | 150.00 |
783 | Atlas Maior - "The Greatest and Finest Atlas Ever Published" | References, Blaeu | Krogt, Peter van der | 2006 | A+ | 100.00 |
784 | The Making of the Nuremberg Chronicle | References, Incunabula | Wilson, Adrian | 1978 | A+ | 100.00 |
785 | An Atlas of Fantasy | References, Cartographic Miscellany | | 1974 | A | 42.00 |
786 | The Mapping of the World - Early Printed World Maps 1472-1700 | References, World | Shirley, Rodney W. | 1987 | A | 250.00 |
787 | A List of Maps of America in the Library of Congress Preceded by a List of Works Relating to Cartography | References, America | Phillips, P. Lee | 1967 | A | 27.00 |
788 | U.S. Iana (1650-1950) - A Selective Bibliography in Which Are Described 11,620 Uncommon and Significant Books Relating to the Continental Portion of the United States | References, Americana | | 1963 | B+ | 1.00 |
789 | Maps and Charts Published in America Before 1800: A Bibliography - Second Revised Edition | References, United States | Wheat and Brun | 1985 | A | unsold |
790 | The United States in Old Maps and Prints | References, United States | Ermen, Eduard, van | 1990 | A | 26.00 |
791 | United States Coastal Charts 1783-1861 | References, Coastal Charts | | 1984 | A | 50.00 |
792 | New England in Early Printed Maps 1513 to 1800 - An Illustrated Carto-Bibliography | References, New England | McCorkle, Barbara B. | 2001 | A | unsold |
793 | Washington College Presents On the Map - An Exhibit and Catalogue of Maps Relating to Maryland and the Chesapeake Bay Honoring George Washington at the Beginning of the Third Century... | References, Maryland & Chesapeake Bay | | 1983 | B+ | 23.00 |
794 | Charting Louisiana - Five Hundred Years of Maps | References, Louisiana Territory | | 2003 | A | 80.00 |
795 | [Lot of 2] The Mapping of California as an Island - An Illustrated Checklist [and] The Island of California - A History of the Myth | References, Island of California | | 1995 | | 140.00 |
796 | [Lot of 2] The Early Cartography of the Pacific [and] The Charting of the Oceans - Ten Centuries of Maritime Maps | References, Pacific Ocean & Sea Charts | | 1996-99 | | 80.00 |
797 | The Early Maps of Panama Up to 1865 | References, Panama | Kapp, Kit S. | 1971 | A | 7.00 |
798 | The Printed Maps of Jamaica Up to 1825 | References, Jamaica | Kapp, Kit S. | 1968 | B+ | 6.00 |
799 | [Lot of 2] Scotland: Mapping the Nation [and] Scotland: Mapping the Islands | References, Scotland | | 2011-16 | A | 120.00 |
800 | [Lot of 2] Miniature Maps of Malta [and] German Malta Maps | References, Malta | | 2009-11 | A | 1.00 |